
Mathematical examples for preschoolers to print. Collection of mathematical games (for preschoolers). Types of tasks in mathematics




Brought to the elephant by a monkey

Two bananas.

Here is a happy gift


He had one banana


Now how much has become



How many times have they told the cat: It is ugly to eat without a spoon.

I just run into the house

Licks porridge with tongue.

With a pig it's even worse:

He swam in the puddle again.

And the naughty goat:

Ate four dirty pears.

(How many were naughty?




A guest came to a rich cat -

Famous goat in the city

With a gray-haired and strict wife

Longhorn goat.

The rooster appeared fighting.

Behind the rooster is a hen,

And in a soft downy hat

A pig came - a neighbor.

count quickly

All cat guests! ( 5)


Three chickens are standing -

They look at the shells.

Two eggs in a nest

Have a hen lie.

Count quickly:

How many chickens will

At my hen? (5)



The hero stands rich,

Treats all children:

Vanya strawberries,

Tanya with a bone

Masha with nuts,

Petya russula,

Katenka raspberries,

Vasya with a twig

What hero are we talking about in this riddle? List what the forest can treat?; How many children did he treat - whom with what? (6)


The hostess once came from the market.

The hostess brought home from the market:

potatoes, cabbage,

carrots, peas,

Parsley and beets… OH!

How can you call in one word everything that the hostess brought from the market? (vegetables). How many vegetables did the hostess bring?(6)


Tra-ta-ta, Tra-ta-ta!

We bring a cat with us

Chizhik, dog,


monkey, parrot,

What a company!

Count all the cheerful company!(6 )


Six funny bear cubs

They rush to the forest for raspberries.

But one kid is tired:

He lagged behind his comrades.

Now find the answer:

How many bears are ahead?(5)

The old woman decided to bake cheesecakes.

She put the dough behind the oven and fired it up.

The old woman decided to bake cheesecakes,

And how many they need completely forgot.

Two things - for the granddaughter,

Two things for grandfather

Two things for Tanya

Neighbor's daughters...

I thought, I thought, I lost it.

And the oven was completely fired up.

Help the old lady

Count the cheesecakes!(6)


Brought goose - mother

Six children walk on the meadow.

All goslings are like balls.

three sons,

how many daughters? (3)

(6= 3+X; X=3)

How many ears do three mice have?

How many ends do two and a half sticks have?

How many minutes are 6 sausages cooked if 2 are cooked for 6 minutes?



Our Masha got up early -

She counted all the dolls:

Two nesting dolls on the window,

Two Arinka on a featherbed,

Two Tanyas on a pillow,

A parsley in a cap

On an oak chest

How many all? (7)


Alenka is visiting

Two chickens in bast shoes

Cockerel in boots

Hen in earrings

Drake in a caftan,

Duck in a sundress,

A cow in a skirt

Warm coat.

How many guests?

Count quickly!(7)






Egorka was lucky again,

Sitting by the river is not in vain.

Two crucians in a bucket

And four minnows.

oh look - by the bucket

There was a sly cat...

How many fish home Yegorka

Will it bring to our ears?

(Not at all)

Badger Grandmother

She baked pancakes.

Treated two grandchildren -

Two pugnacious badgers.

And the grandchildren did not eat,

With a roar, saucers knock.

Well, how many badgers

Waiting for supplements and silent?

(No one waits in silence, two wait with a roar)


10 monkeys were sitting by the window.

One of them fell

And there were 9 of them.

9 monkeys climbed onto the bridge

A boat was passing by

And there were 8 of them.

8 monkeys were completely exhausted.

One went to bed

And they became 7.

7 monkeys began to eat bananas.

A passer-by was walking by

And now there are 6 of them.

6 monkeys went for a walk in the park.

One flew away

And they became 5.

5 monkeys found a head of cheese.

Towards them a mouse

And here are 4 of them.

4 monkeys played until dawn,

But then mom came

And they became 3.

3 monkeys were playing on the grass

One fell into a hole

And they became 2.

2 monkeys look growing pine

And climbed on it

And only one got off.

1 monkey began to sing songs

But she got sad

And there are 10 again.


Logic tasks. 1 class A

Grandmother knitted two pairs of socks for Nina. How many socks did Nina's grandmother knit?

Chickens are walking around the yard. Petya counted 6 legs for all chickens. How many chickens?

Tolya has 2 pairs of mittens. How many mittens on the left hand?

What is the smallest number?

There are four children in the family: there are as many sisters as there are brothers and sisters. How many sisters?

From the barrel they took 2 times 2 full buckets of water. How many buckets of water did you take?

The kittens are in the basket. All kittens have 3 pairs of ears. How many kittens are in the basket?

There were 6 kids on the hill. The two left for lunch, but after dinner they returned to the hill. How many guys were on the hill?

The spider has 4 pairs of legs. How many legs does a spider have?

Yura has 3 dice, and Serezha has 2 dice. There is a box on the table that contains 4 cubes. Will the boys be able to fit all their blocks into this box?

The beetle has 3 pairs of legs. How many legs does a beetle have?

There were 8 buds on the bush in the morning. By the middle of the day, all the buds have blossomed and become beautiful roses. How many buds are left unopened on this bush?

The package contains red and yellow apples. 4 red and 5 yellow apples were taken from the bag, and the bag was empty. How many apples were in the bag?

Dima won 2 games of chess against Alyosha, and Alyosha won 3 games. How many games did the boys play?

Each of the three adults leads two children by the hand. How many children go with all the adults?

How many whole loaves of bread can be made from six halves?

5 children walk one by one along the road. Every boy, except the last, is followed by a girl. How many girls are walking down the road?

I came up with two numbers. When I added them up, I got 6. When I subtracted the other from one, I got 6 again. What are these numbers?

There are 8 cakes in a box. How many cakes must be taken from the box so that there are 5 cakes left in it?

Katya thought of a number, added 5 to it and got 15. What number did Katya think of?

There are two children in the family. Sasha is Zhenya's brother, but Zhenya is not Sasha's brother. Could it be? Who is Zhenya?

There were 10 apples on the apple tree, the gardener allowed the children to pick 1 apple from the apple tree. There are 6 apples left on the apple tree. How many children were there?

The train consists of 10 cars. Petya got into the fifth car from the beginning of the train, and Fedya got into the fifth car from the end. Do they travel in the same carriage?

A chocolate bar consists of 6 square slices. How many breaks do you need to make to break this tile into separate slices?

Peter is the son of Sergei, and Sergei is the son of Fedor. Who is Pyotr Fedor related to?

There are 3 more apple trees in the garden than pears. Apple trees 7. How many pears?

Several pages fell out of the book. The first page that falls out is number 5, and the last page is number 10. How many sheets fell out of the book?

Zina has 4 postcards less than Galya. Zina has 6 postcards. How many postcards does Gali have?

My name is Ivan Sergeevich, and my grandfather (my father's father) is Petr Nikolaevich. Write down the name and patronymic of my father.

The red cord is 1m longer than the green one and 2m longer than the blue one. The length of the green cord is 5m. Find the length of the green cord.

Hats hang on a hanger; 1 more hats than berets. Hats 8. How many hats and how many berets?

The minuend is greater than the subtrahend by 2. What is the difference?

Guess how old my grandfather is if we celebrate his 70th birthday in 15 years.

The difference of two numbers is equal to the subtrahend. Think of these numbers and write an example.

The difference between two numbers is 0. Think of and write down an example.

Grandma put 12 pears on a plate. After the grandchildren took 1 pear from the plate, 8 pears remained. How many grandchildren does the grandmother have?

At a mathematics lesson, Olga Petrovna asked Gosha to name all the numbers less than 7, and Vitya - all the numbers that are greater than 3 and less than 9. What identical numbers did the boys name?


4 socks

3 chickens

2 mittens

The number 0, because< любого натурального числа

2 sisters

2+2=4 buckets

3 kittens

6 guys

8 legs


6 legs


4+5=9 apples

1+1+1=3 or 1+2=3

2+2+2=6 children



6 and 0

3 cakes

Number 10


four children




4 pears

3 sheets

10 postcards

Sergei Petrovich

5+1=6, 6-2=4m


70-15=55(years old)

6-3=3, 14-7=7 etc.

12-8=4 grandchildren

4, 5, 6.


4 socks

3 chickens

2 mittens

The number 0, because< любого натурального числа

2 sisters

2+2=4 buckets

3 kittens

6 guys

8 legs


6 legs


4+5=9 apples

1+1+1=3 or 1+2=3

2+2+2=6 children



6 and 0

3 cakes

Number 10


four children




4 pears

3 sheets

10 postcards

Sergei Petrovich

5+1=6, 6-2=4m

31. 8-1=7, 7-1=6 Answer: 7 hats and 6 berets


70-15=55(years old)

6-3=3, 14-7=7 etc.

12-8=4 grandchildren

4, 5, 6.


4 socks

3 chickens

2 mittens

The number 0, because< любого натурального числа

2 sisters

2+2=4 buckets

3 kittens

6 guys

8 legs


6 legs


4+5=9 apples

1+1+1=3 or 1+2=3

2+2+2=6 children



6 and 0

3 cakes

Number 10


four children




4 pears

3 sheets

10 postcards

Sergei Petrovich

5+1=6, 6-2=4m

8-1=7, 7-1=6 Answer: 7 hats and 6 berets


70-15=55(years old)

6-3=3, 14-7=7 etc.

12-8=4 grandchildren

4, 5, 6.


1. Mom bought 3 pairs of mittens for the children. How many left mittens and how many right mittens?

2. There were 7 benches in the park. 3 benches were replaced with new ones. How many benches are there in the park?

3. The apartment has 2 rooms. They made two out of one room. How many rooms are in the apartment?

4. Yura asked the library for Nafanya magazines from the second to the sixth issue. How many magazines did the librarian give him?

5. The apartment has 4 rooms. Two rooms were connected together and made one large room out of them. How many rooms are in the apartment?

6. Julia counted 10 legs for all the chickens that were sitting in the basket. How many chickens were in the basket?

7. Tanya said that she has more than 4 dolls and less than 7. How many dolls could Tanya have?

8. Kolya is older than Seryozha, and Seryozha is older than Misha. Write down the name of the boy who is the youngest.

9. There were 8 green tomatoes on the windowsill. After 3 days they turned red. How many green tomatoes are left?

10. Rabbits sit in a cage so that their ears are visible. Vova counted 5 pairs of ears. How many rabbits are in a cage?

11. The blacksmith shoed two horses. How many horseshoes did he need?

12. Alyosha was treated to sweets. He decided to give his sister 4 sweets and take 3 for himself. How many sweets did they give Alyosha?

13. Masha and Vanya each have 9 lollipops. Masha ate 4 lollipops and Vanya did the same. How many lollipops does Vanya have left?

14. Nina thought of a number. She first added this number to 7, and then subtracted it from 7. The answer turned out to be the same - 7. What number did Nina think of?

15. Roma was given as many badges as he already had. Roma counted all the badges, there were 8 of them. How many badges did Roma have at first?

16. To seat 7 children in a room, 2 chairs are missing. How many chairs are in the room?

17. A spider has 4 pairs of legs, and a beetle has 3 pairs of legs. How many more legs does a spider have than a beetle?

18. There are 6 cells in a box. Each cell contains only one Christmas tree decoration. Is it possible to put 4 balls and 3 cones in this box?

19. Sister is 1 year older than brother. How many years older will the sister be than the brother in 5 years?

20. Can the sum of two numbers be equal to the summand?

21. Can the difference of two numbers be equal to the one being reduced?

22. Write down a number less than 20, in which the number of tens is 4 less than the number of ones.

23. I pasted 4 decals on each page of the album. How many pages did 8 pictures take up?

24. The sum of two numbers is 8 and their difference is 4. Guess what these numbers are?

25. My name is Nina Alexandrovna, and my grandfather (my father's father) is Ivan Nikolaevich. What is my father's name?

26. On the left pan of the scales are a bag of flour and a weight of 1 kg. On the right pan of the scales is a 3 kg weight. Scales in balance. Find a mass of bags of flour.

27. in the shoe department of the department store there is a sign: "Shoes 37 - 42 sizes." Is it possible to buy shoes in size 39 in this department?

28. What two-digit numbers can be written using the numbers 5 and 6?

29. Sugar is sold packaged in bags of 1 kg, 2 kg, 3 kg. Mom knocked out a check at the cash desk for the purchase of 7 kg of sugar. The saleswoman gave her 3 bags of sugar. How much sugar was in each of the packets? Consider possible cases.

30. Compare the numbers *2 and 95 Record using one of the signs< или >.

31. Julia and Marina found an equal number of mushrooms in the forest. Yulia had 4 mushrooms that turned out to be wormy, and on the way home she threw them away. And Marina found 5 more mushrooms. How many more mushrooms did Marina have than Yulia?

32. There is money in the desk drawer. With this money you can buy 2 chairs of the same price or one chair. What is more expensive chair or chair?

33. There are as many books on the top shelf as there are on the bottom. 3 books were placed on the top shelf and 3 books were removed from the bottom shelf. Which shelf has more books and by how much?

34. There are 12 red and green balls in a box. Take 3 red and 4 green balls from the box. After that, there are no green balls left in the box. How many red balls are left in the box? 35. There are 5 more apples in the basket than in the bag. 7 apples were taken from the basket. Where are more apples left: in a basket or in a bag, and by how much?

36. The wizard made 3 keys for three locks: copper, silver and gold. Only one key fits each lock. The copper key does not fit either the first or the second lock. The silver key does not fit the second lock. Which lock fits each key?

37. Petya has 4 less candies than Seryozha. Mom gave Petya 5 more sweets. Who has more sweets and by how much?

38. The green ribbon is 3 m longer than the red one. 5 m were cut off from the green tape, and 2 m from the red one. Compare the lengths of the remaining pieces of tape.

39. Yura has just enough money to buy 4 waffles or 2 sweets. Will he be able to buy 1 candy and 4 waffles with his own money?

40. Write down 6 numbers according to this rule: the first is 1, the second is 2, and each next is equal to the sum of the two previous ones.

41. Olya can buy 4 pencils and 3 notebooks with her own money. Will she have enough money to buy 3 pencils or 3 notebooks?42. Grandfather allowed each of the three granddaughters to pick one rose from four bushes. How many roses did all the granddaughters pick?43. Write down 5 numbers according to this rule: the first is 18, the second is 10, and each next is equal to the difference of the previous two.

44. Half the number of apples on the plate was taken for compote. How many apples are left on the plate if the compote was cooked from 6 apples?

45. Bought a package of yogurt. Half of all the yogurt that was in the bag was drunk by Masha and Dasha. There are 2 cups of kefir left in the package. How many cups of kefir were in the bag?

46. ​​Melon is heavier than watermelon and lighter than pumpkin. What is the heaviest?

47. There are vegetables on the table: turnips are 1 less than cucumbers, and cucumbers are 1 less than tomatoes. How many fewer turnips are there than tomatoes?

48. The red ribbon is shorter than the blue ribbon and longer than the green one. Which tape is the shortest?

49. Dima is 1 year older than Serezha, and Serezha is 1 year older than Roma. How many years is Dima older than Roma?

50. For every minute, 10 liters of water are poured into the bath from the tap. During the same time, 2 liters of water is poured out through a hole in the bottom of the tub that is not tightly covered with a cork. Is the amount of water in the bath increasing or decreasing, and by how many liters every minute?

51. Petya took 3 cubes and put them one on one so that it turned out to be a “tower”. The red cube was lower than the blue one, and the blue one was lower than the green one. Which cube did Petya put the highest?

52. A tower was built from three cubes. The yellow die is placed above the blue and below the red. Which cube is the tallest?

53. The cake was cut into 4 identical parts, and then each part was cut into 2 identical parts. How many people will the cake last if everyone puts one piece on a saucer?

54. There are gingerbread and waffles in the box: there are 2 less gingerbread than waffles. How many waffles if there are 6 gingerbread cookies?

55. Mitya is 2 years older than Gena. Mitya is 10 years old. How old is Gene?

56. The sum of two numbers is 9. The sum is 5 more than the first term. What is the second term equal to?

57. 6 girls and 2 boys skated at the rink. Soon the three children were called to dinner and they went home. Was there even one girl left on the rink?

58. Bought a can of grape juice. Four children were given a full glass of juice from a jar. After that, exactly as much was left in the jar as the children drank. How many glasses of juice were in the jar?

60. Melon is 3 kg lighter than watermelon. A piece weighing 1 kg was cut off from a melon, and from a watermelon -

piece weighing 3 kg. What is left more: melon or watermelon, and by how many kilograms?


3, 3






5 or 6









7-2=5 chairs

4+3=7 6<7 нет, нельзя

for 1 year

Yes. When subtracted is 0.




6 and 2

Alexander Ivanovich



55, 56, 65, 66

*2 < 95



3+3=6(k) > top shelf

1 way: 12-4=8, 8-3=5.

2 way: 3+4=7. 12-7=5

In a package for 2 apples >.

Petya has 1

Lengths are equal


1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13.


4+4+4=12 roses

18, 10, 8, 2, 6.




On 2.

green ribbon

For 2 years

10-2=8(L) increases

green cube


For 8 people






4+4=8 glasses

Watermelon per 1 kg >.


3, 3






5 or 6









7-2=5 chairs

8-6=2 or 4-3=1 one pair is two legs

4+3=7 6<7 нет, нельзя

for 1 year

Yes. If one of the terms is zero. For example: 5+0=5

Yes. When subtracted is 0.




6 and 2

Alexander Ivanovich



55, 56, 65, 66

1) 3kg, 3kg, 1kg; 2) 2kg, 2kg, and 3kg

*2 < 95



3+3=6(k) > top shelf

1 way: 12-4=8, 8-3=5.

2 way: 3+4=7. 12-7=5

In a package for 2 apples >.

Copper key from 3 locks, silver - from 1, gold - from 2 locks.

Petya has 1

Lengths are equal


1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13.


4+4+4=12 roses

18, 10, 8, 2, 6.




On 2.

green ribbon

For 2 years

10-2=8(L) increases

green cube


For 8 people






4+4=8 glasses

Watermelon per 1 kg >.


3, 3






5 or 6









7-2=5 chairs

8-6=2 or 4-3=1 one pair is two legs

4+3=7 6<7 нет, нельзя

for 1 year

Yes. If one of the terms is zero. For example: 5+0=5

Yes. When subtracted is 0.




6 and 2

Alexander Ivanovich



55, 56, 65, 66

1) 3kg, 3kg, 1kg; 2) 2kg, 2kg, and 3kg

*2 < 95



3+3=6(k) > top shelf

1 way: 12-4=8, 8-3=5.

2 way: 3+4=7. 12-7=5

In a package for 2 apples >.

Copper key from 3 locks, silver - from 1, gold - from 2 locks.

Petya has 1

Lengths are equal


1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13.


4+4+4=12 roses

18, 10, 8, 2, 6.




On 2.

green ribbon

For 2 years

10-2=8(L) increases

green cube


For 8 people






4+4=8 glasses

Watermelon per 1 kg >.

Collection of mathematical games

(for kids preschool age)

Pavlodar 2016 w

Compiled by: Romanevich T.F.

educator I / s No. 86



    Explanatory note…………………………………………………..3

    Games with numbers and numbers…………………………………………………4

    Games with geometric shapes……………………………………….11

    Games in the size section………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

    Logic games………………………………………………………….. 20

Explanatory note

“Children are always willing to do something. This is very useful, and therefore not only should this not be interfered with, but measures must be taken to ensure that they always have something to do.
Comenius Ya.

Acquaintance with the wonderful world of mathematics begins at preschool age. Children with interest and desire get acquainted with numbers, learn to operate with them, compare objects in size, study geometric shapes and master the skill of orientation in space and time. Mathematics provides great opportunities for the development of thinking, logic and attention.

For the successful mastering of knowledge in sections, the formation of elementary mathematical representations (FEMP) plays an important role in didactic games. The game is the leading activity of children, only in the game the child unobtrusively learns and successfully consolidates knowledge.

Each of the FEMP games solves a specific problem of improving the mathematical (quantitative, spatial, temporal) representations of children.

Didactic games are included directly in the content of FEMP classes as one of the means of implementing program tasks, as well as for individual work to consolidate children's knowledge in the afternoon. Didactic games in the structure of the FEMP lesson are determined by the age of the children, the purpose, purpose, and content of the lesson.

I bring to your attention author's didactic games.

Games with numbers and numbers

1. Didactic game"Collect Flowers"

Age 5-6 years

Target: fix the composition of the numbers 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.

Equipment: petals with examples on the composition of numbers 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, middle with numbers 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.


The teacher asks the children to collect beautiful flowers. He lays out the centers of flowers on the tables, cards-petals are distributed to children. On a signal, the children must find the right middle and collect the flower. The team that correctly and quickly collects its chamomile wins.

2. Didactic game "Sanochki"

Age 5-6 years

Target: to consolidate the ability to distinguish between the neighbors of a number.

Equipment: cards- sledges with numbers, cards with numbers.


The teacher suggests going to winter walk on sleds. Children at will choose any cards for themselves: some with numbers, some with sledges. After that, the teacher lines up the children in two lines: with sleds in one, and with numbers in the other. He draws attention to the sleigh going: you need to find your rider. Children carefully examine their cards and look for their pair: a child with a card of a missed number. Those who have found each other form a sleigh and wait for all the children. As soon as everyone gets up in pairs, they go for a winter walk in a group, making a circle, lay out the cards again on the table and the game continues

The game can be played up to three times.

Age 5-6 years

Target: fixing forward and backward counting within 10.

Equipment: cards in the form of nuts and mushrooms with numbers from 1 to 10, two multi-colored strings, a picture or a squirrel toy.


The teacher makes a riddle about the squirrel:

From branch to branch

Can I fly.

red tail

No one to catch.

Once Upon a Summer

I have to play in the forest

Need mushrooms

Collect for winter.


Demonstrates a picture or a squirrel toy, asks to help the squirrel: collect nuts and mushrooms. Gives the task to collect nuts from one to ten, strung on a string, and mushrooms from 10 to one.Checks the performance, asks the child to name the numbers in the forward and reverse order.


You can collect even and odd numbers in forward and reverse order.

Age 5-6 years

Target: fix the composition of the numbers 6,7,8.

Equipment: three baskets with cells, cards carrot and cabbage with examples of the composition of the numbers 6,7 and 8.


The teacher makes a riddle about autumn:

I bring the harvest, I sow the fields again,

I send birds to the south, I undress the trees,

But I do not touch the pines and fir trees, I.


Conducts a conversation about the concerns of collective farmers in the fields in the fall.

Offers to help collect carrots and cabbage, properly decomposed into baskets.

Checks the completion of the task (you can offer counting sticks for verification).


You can offer children a competition: who will harvest the crop faster and correctly?


Age 5-6 years

Target: to consolidate the ability to compare numbers using greater than, less than and equal signs, to distinguish between numbers from 1 to 12.

Equipment: a picture of Baba Fedora, cards with the image of dishes, small white sheets of paper, paper clips, simple pencils.


The teacher reads out an excerpt from the fairy tale by K. and Chukovsky "Fedorino's grief":

"And the pan on the run

Shouted to the iron:

"I'm running, running, running,

I can't resist! "

So the kettle runs after the coffee pot,

Chattering, chattering, rattling. "

Guys, from what fairy tale dishes? What happened to her? Who offended her? How can we help Fedora?

To return the dishes, you need to correctly place the signs: greater than, less than or equal to!

Invites the children to carefully consider the card and complete the task.

6. Didactic game "Fishing"

Age 5-6 years

Target: introduce and consolidate the composition of the numbers 6, 7 and 8.

Equipment: fish cards with examples of the composition of numbers 6,7 and 8; 3 buckets with cells.


The teacher invites the children to put the fisherman's catch into buckets.

Guys, we need your help - it is urgently necessary to feed the inhabitants of the water park: the polar bear eats only 8 kg of fish, the seal - 6 kg, and the dolphin - 7 kg. You can't go wrong, be careful.

Children choose a fish card and put it in the right bucket.

The teacher checks the correctness of the performance. You can choose a captain who will check all the stacked fish in the bucket.

7. Didactic game "Big wash"

Age 5-6 years

Target: introduce and consolidate the composition of the numbers 8, 9 and 10.

Equipment: cards of things with examples of the composition of numbers 8,9 and 10; three washing machines with cells.


Invite the children to lay out the laundry in the washing machines.

Guys, the holiday of March 8 is approaching, to make a gift to mom, let's help her wash her clothes.

8. Didactic game "Help the bees get home"

Age 5-6 years

Target: introduce and consolidate the composition of the numbers 5,6,7 and 8.

Equipment: cards of bees with examples of the composition of numbers 5,6,7 and 8; three pieces of evidence with cells.


The teacher draws attention to the houses attached to the board, clarifies whose they are.

Creates problem situation:

The bees need to get home, but they can't do it because they don't know what their house is.

Children agree to help, choose a bee card and put it in the right evidence.

As soon as all the children cope with the task, the teacher checks the correctness of the task and thanks the children for their help.


You can offer children a competition: who will help the bees get home faster.

You can play individually and in groups.

The check can be performed by a child who has mastered the composition of numbers well.

9. Didactic game "Sea Voyage"

Age 5-6 years

Target: consolidate the ability to solve examples on + and - within 6 - 11.

Equipment: boat cards with examples for + and - ranging from 6-11; four berths with cells.


The teacher invites the children to go on a sea voyage, choosing a boat for themselves, and disperse into a group. Children choose a boat card, walk around the group, carefully examine it, consider their own example. At the signal of the educator “Moor!”: the children choose the desired berth and moor their boat.

The teacher checks the correctness of the assignment.

Games with geometric shapes

1. Didactic game "Portrait"

Age 4-5 years


* To teach children to see familiar images in a schematic representation of objects.

* Strengthen the ability to distinguish between the concepts of magnitude: large, slightly smaller and smallest.

* Exercise in the ability to distinguish geometric shapes.

* Develop the skill of orientation on the sheet.

Equipment: "magic box" with toys or pictures: a bunny, a cat, a bird, a snowman; frames, sets of geometric shapes circle, oval, triangle different sizes: large, slightly smaller and smallest.


The teacher draws attention to the "magic box".

Today guests have come to us, but in order to see them, you need to make their portrait from geometric shapes.

Put a frame in front of you, listen carefully:

Put a large circle in the middle of the lower edge of the frame, a slightly smaller circle on top of it, two small ovals on it, put the smallest circle to the right of the large circle.

Who got it?

Well done guys, you guessed it right - it's a bunny!

The teacher takes out of the box and shows the bunny.

Children remove the figures, the game continues.

The teacher gives instructions to the children, they lay out the figures.

"Bird" "Cat"

The game can be used for individual work, as part of a lesson for work in subgroups.

2. Didactic game "The Adventures of Kolobok"

Age 4-5 years


* Strengthen the ability to distinguish round shapes in vegetables, fruits and berries.

* Exercise in the ability to name to distinguish between primary colors.

* Develop logical thinking.

Equipment: pictures - a gingerbread man and a rainbow, pictures of vegetables, fruits and berries in the colors of the rainbow of a round shape.



Today a fairy tale hero came to visit us: he is round, he left his grandmother. Who is this?

That's right, bun!

Displays a picture of the kolobok on the board.

Kolobok invites you on a journey. A gingerbread man rolled through the forest and suddenly saw how a cloud descended on a clearing, and from it a magical multi-colored path appeared. What kind of track is this?

That's right, it's a rainbow!

Puts a picture on the board: a cloud with a rainbow.

Our kolobok wanted to walk along the rainbow. He jumped onto the red stripe of the rainbow and suddenly turned into ...

What do you think our bun could be on the red carpet? What vegetables, fruits or berries are round and red?

tomato apple radish raspberry

Well done boys. And our bun rolled further to the orange strip.

orange persimmon pumpkin tangerine

And our bun rolled further onto the yellow stripe.

What vegetables, fruits or berries could our bun turn into?

tomato apple apricot turnip

And the bun rolled further - on which path?

That's right, green.

The game continues in the same way.

green stripe rainbow

green apple pea watermelon cabbage grape gooseberry

blue stripe rainbow


blue stripe rainbows

blue grapes

purple stripe rainbow

Plum cabbage potatoes


So the adventures of our kolobok are over!

3. Didactic game "Fix the dress"

Age 5-6 years


Equipment: silhouettes of dresses with "holes" and details for repairing dresses.


The teacher offers to help Cinderella fix her sisters' dresses. It is necessary to put every detail in the right place. The child must name what geometric shapes he repaired the dress.

Complication. You can divide the parts in half, offer to cut the patches yourself.

4. Didactic game "Fix your boots"

Age 4-5 years

Target: be able to correlate geometric shapes with “holes”.

Equipment: silhouettes of boots with "holes" and geometric shapes: circle, square, oval, triangle, rectangle.


The teacher draws the attention of the children to the boots: the shoemaker needs help, the boots are leaky, they should be repaired: find the right patch and put it on the appropriate hole.

The child takes a geometric figure, names it, picks it up: where it fits. The teacher checks the correctness of the performance.

5. Didactic game "Russell guests"

Age 4-5 years

Target: consolidate the ability to distinguish geometric shapes (circle, oval, triangle, rectangle, square)

Equipment: card diagram and a set of small toys.


The teacher offers to settle guests in new house. Children, at the direction of the teacher, put toys on the corresponding figures.

For example, a frog lives in a room with square windows, a child must place a toy frog on a circle, and so on.

6. Didactic game "Tell me what is shown in the picture"

Age 4-5 years

Target: to consolidate the ability to see geometric shapes (circle, oval, triangle, rectangle, square) in the image of objects of the surrounding reality and name them.

Equipment: picture with the image of objects from geometric shapes.


The teacher invites the child to look at the picture and tell what he sees in the picture and what geometric shapes the object consists of.

For example, the yellow sun is round, the clouds are oval shape etc.

7. Didactic game "Pick a pair of mittens"

Age 4-5 years

Target: to consolidate the ability to distinguish geometric shapes (circle, oval, triangle, rectangle, square) and name them.

Equipment: mitten cards, with the image of an ornament of geometric shapes on them.


The teacher offers the child to help pick up a pair of mittens and tell what patterns they are decorated with.

8. Didactic game "Hide and Seek"

Age 4-5 years



* Develop logical thinking, ability to analyze.

Equipment: picture card; set of geometric shapes: circle, square, rectangle, triangle.


The teacher invites the child to look at the card and name what figures are shown on the card. Note that the geometric figures are arranged in rows, some are hidden. The teacher suggests putting geometric shapes in their places.

9. Didactic game "Decorate a napkin"

Age 4-5 years


* To consolidate the ability to distinguish geometric shapes (circle, triangle, rectangle, square) and name them.

* Develop logical thinking, imagination.

Equipment: card 15x15; set of geometric shapes: circles, squares, rectangles, triangles and ovals.


The teacher invites the children to decorate napkins for their mothers with geometric shapes: whoever wants it. Having completed the task, the child should tell: with what figures he decorated the napkin and where he placed them.

Games by category size

1. Didactic game "Collect a pyramid"

Age 4-5 years


* Consolidate the ability to make an image of a pyramid of ovals of different sizes in descending order.

* Clarify color names.

Equipment: ovals different color and magnitude.


The teacher invites the child to name the size of the ovals laid out on the table and their color, to make a pyramid.

2. Didactic game "Collect apples"

Age 4-5 years


* Exercise in the ability to correlate objects with the desired value.

Equipment: a picture depicting an apple tree, apples of different sizes: large, smaller and smallest, 3 baskets of different sizes.


The teacher makes a riddle:

Look into the autumn garden
Miracle - the balls are hanging.
Reddish, ripe bock
To the kids on the teeth.


On the table in front of the child, he lays out a picture of an apple tree with apples of different sizes, clarifies whether the apples on the apple tree are the same size.

Demonstrates to the child the baskets, specifies what size they are, offers to collect apples in the necessary baskets.

3. Didactic game "Clean up the kitchen"

Age 4-5 years


* Strengthen the ability to distinguish the size of objects: large, smaller, smallest.

* Exercise in the ability to lay out objects from left to right in ascending and descending order.

Equipment: cards with the image of dishes of different sizes: large, smaller and smallest.


The teacher invites the children to consider the dishes that lie in front of them on the table, clarifies the names, color and size.

Offers to put things in order in the kitchen, arranging the dishes in descending, ascending order from left to right.

Children arrange the dishes, name them in descending, ascending order.

Logic games

1. Didactic game "Fairy tale in cells"

Age 5-6 years


* To consolidate the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper by cells.

Equipment: card with cells, chips - pictures depicting objects.


The teacher invites the child to examine the card, specifies the location of the numbers on it, and the chips with the image of objects, offers to name: who is depicted on them. The teacher explains the task, in order to get a fairy tale, you need to listen carefully and put chips on the right box.

The teacher begins to tell a fairy tale: “There was a girl Masha (4.3), she went for a walk in the forest (4.2). A bird soared high in the sky (1,2). The sun shone gently (1.4). Masha saw beautiful flowers in the clearing (3.5). Soon Masha saw beautiful butterfly(2.1). It's good in the summer in the forest.

If the child correctly completed the task, then you get such a fairy tale in the cells.

There can be a lot of options for fairy tales, it all depends on you!

2. Didactic game "Dreamers"

Age 5-6 years


* To consolidate the ability to build according to the scheme from the details of the game.


Equipment: schemes, the game "Columbus egg".


1 version of the game.

caregiverinvites children to go on a sea voyage, but for this you need to build ships according to the schemes from the details of the game. Children build ships according to the schemes.

2 version of the game.

caregiverinvites children to go to a magical forest and build animals and birds that can live in this forest from the details of the game.

Children come up with images of animals and birds.

3. Didactic game "Let's Grow Flowers" (Dyenysh's Blocks)

Age 5-6 years


* Consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes.

* Exercise in the ability to "read" diagrams-indications.

* Develop creative thinking, imagination.

Equipment: card diagram - "Glade with stems", sets of geometric shapes: circles, squares, triangles, 5 pcs. red, blue and yellow; schemes for the centers and petals of flowers, a ready-made sample.


The teacher shows the scheme of the clearing:
- Guys, look, a disaster happened in the flower meadow: an evil sorceress bewitched the flowers - made them invisible. Magical country urgently needs your help, you need to disenchant the flowers.

Carefully consider the schemes for the centers and put the correct geometric shapes. And now consider the schemes for the petals, be very careful, and lay out the petals with the necessary geometric shapes.

The teacher offers a ready-made sample for verification. Evaluates the activity of children in the game, praises those who have completed the task correctly. With those who find it difficult, they conduct the game individually again.

Schemes for the centers of flowers.

Schemes for petals.

Finished sample:

4. Didactic game "Riddles and riddles"

Age 5-6 years


* Develop imaginative thinking, imagination.

* Exercise in the ability to lay out objects from counting sticks according to the scheme.

Equipment: counting sticks for each child and diagram cards.


The teacher reads the riddle and invites the children to build a guess from the counting sticks according to the map-scheme or according to their personal plan.

The palace floats on the waves, I'll spin, I'll spin, I'll fly into the sky.
People are lucky. (helicopter)

Shines in the clean river

The back is silver.


5. Didactic game "Solve the problem"

Age 5-6 years


* Develop imaginative thinking, imagination.

* Exercise in the ability to lay out numbers from beans.

Equipment: beans in a plate for each child.


The teacher offers to solve a poetic problem, and put the answer on a table of beans.

*** ***

One night, under a bush, Five crows sat on the roof,

Mushrooms have grown again. Yes, they flew to them.

Two mushrooms, three mushrooms. Answer quickly, boldly

How much will? Exactly ... (five) How many of them flew in? (seven)

Comic math problems for preschoolers

* The room has 4 corners. A cat sat in each corner, opposite each cat - 3 cats. How many cats were in the room? (4 cats)
* How to bring water in a sieve? (Water can be frozen, put a bag at the bottom ...)
* There were 7 brothers, each brother had one sister. How many people walked? (8 people)
* What dishes can not be eaten? (From empty)
* The animal has 2 right legs, 2 left legs, 2 legs in front, 2 in the back. How many legs does he have?
* How many nuts are in the empty glass? (Not at all)
* A bricklayer worked at the construction site. On the first day he built 2 twenty-story houses, on the second - 1 ten-story house. How many houses did he build in two days? (Not at all)
* 9 sharks were swimming in the sea. They saw a school of fish and dived into the depths. How many sharks swam? (9 sharks, only they dived)
* There were 3 tulips and 7 daffodils in the vase. How many tulips were in the vase? (There were 3 tulips in the vase)
* 7 boys cleared 1 path in the garden. How many lanes did the boys clear? (7 tracks)
* What bird hatches from an egg, but does not lay eggs itself? (Rooster)
* There were 4 apples on the table. One of them was cut in half and placed on the table. How many apples are on the table? (4 apples)
* How can one bag of wheat fill 2 empty bags, the same as the bag containing the wheat? (It is necessary to insert another into one bag)
* Grandma Dasha has a granddaughter Masha, a cat Fluff, a dog Druzhok. How many grandchildren does the grandmother have?
*Think of a number up to 5. Add 2 to it, and I will guess what number you have in mind. How much did you get?
* There is a tub near the wall, and there is a frog in the tub. If there were 7 tubs, how many frogs would there be? (Perhaps none.)
* How to cut a square so that 2 new squares can be added from the resulting parts? (For 4 triangles diagonally)
* There are 3 pencils on the table different lengths. How to remove the longest pencil from the middle without touching it? (Shift one of those that is shorter)
* The first Ivan went to the market, the second Ivan - from the market. Which Ivan bought the goods, which went without the goods?
* The miller came to the mill. In each corner he saw 3 bags, on each bag there were 3 cats, each cat had 3 kittens. How many legs were on the mill? (Two legs, cats have paws.)
* Birds flew over the river: a dove, a pike, 2 tits, 2 swifts and 5 eels. How many birds? Answer soon. (5 birds)
* Burned 7 candles. 2 candles extinguished. How many candles are left? (2.)
* A flock of geese flew by. One goose in front, two behind. One goose between two and three geese side by side. How many geese are in a flock? (3)
* Sister is 5 years older than brother. How many years older will she be than her brother in 7 years? (for 5)
* Two went - 3 nails were found. Four will follow - how many nails will they find? (Probably won't find anything.)
* A woman was walking in and met three men. Each of them carried a sack, in each sack a cat. How many creatures were sent to Moscow? (Only a woman.)
* Why would a barber in Geneva cut two Frenchmen rather than one German? (Because it will earn twice as much.)
* Why are street manhole covers made not square, but round?
* Imagine that you have a box of one match in your pocket. You entered a dark room at night, where there is a candle, a kerosene lamp and a gas stove. What will you light first? (match)
* How many ends does a stick have? Two sticks? Two and a half? (6)
* A chicken standing on one leg weighs 2 kg. How much does a chicken stand on two legs weigh? (2 kg)
* One egg is boiled for 4 minutes. How many minutes does it take to boil 6 eggs? (4 min)
* How many months in a year have 30 days? (All months except February)
* A pair of horses ran 40 km. How many kilometers did each horse run? (40)
* Can it rain 2 days in a row? (It can't. Days are separated by night.)
* Two sons and two fathers went hunting. They killed three birds with one stone. Returning, each carried a hare. Could this happen? (Grandfather, father and son were walking)
* One and a half fish cost one and a half rubles. How much are 5 fish worth? (5 rubles.)
* A brick weighs 1 kg and another half a brick. How much do 5 bricks weigh? (10 kg.)
* The chariot has 10 spokes. How many spaces between the spokes? (Draw)
* The bookworm has gnawed through from the first page of the first volume to the last page of the second volume, to the right of the first. Each volume has 600 pages. How many pages did he gnaw through? (Binding only.)
* The doctor prescribed the patient 3 injections, one every half an hour. How long will it take for all injections to be given? (In 2 hours)
* Stands in the oak field. There are three branches on an oak tree, each branch has three apples. How many apples are there? (Apples don't grow on oak)
* Where can hide small ball in an empty room to avoid being crushed by a big ball? (In the corner)
* Is there the first of May in Australia? (There is)
* You are the pilot of a plane flying from Paris to Moscow with a stopover in Kiev. Flight time is 2 hours. How old is the pilot?
* The lighthouse then goes out then goes out. How long has the lighthouse been burning? (He didn't burn)
* When the goat is 6 years old, what will happen? (She will be in her seventh year)
* What color is the stopcock on the train and on the plane? (There is no stop valve on the plane)
* At two o'clock in the afternoon it was raining in Novgorod. Could there be sunny weather in Novgorod in ten hours? (No, it will be night)
* Chickens and dogs walk in the yard, all have 10 legs. How many chickens and how many dogs are in the yard? (1 dog and 3 chickens, 2 dogs and 1 chicken)
* There were 10 chairs in the room, on which 10 boys were sitting. 10 girls came in and they all found a chair. How could this happen? (Boys stand up)
* Along the path, 10 trees grow one after another, between which there are benches. How many benches are there? (9)
* Four legs and four paws are visible from under the fence. How many living beings are behind the fence? (Maybe 2 people and 1 dog, 1 horse and 1 cat, come up with another answer)
* A father with two children rode bicycles. There were 3 bicycles and 7 wheels. How could this be? (One bike was with 3 wheels)
* Six legs, two heads, one tail. Who is this? (Rider on a horse)
* How many ears do three mice have?
* 5 ducks swam on the lake, the hunter shot and killed one. How many ducks are left? (0)
* If you eat one plum, what will be left? (Bone.)
Serious tasks

* Kolya sculpted 4 soldiers, and Slava - 1. How many soldiers did the guys sculpt in total?
* There were 6 porcini mushrooms and 3 boletus in the basket. How many mushrooms were there?
* There were 6 mushrooms in the basket, 1 mushroom turned out to be inedible and was thrown away. How many mushrooms are left?
* 5 roses bloomed on the bush. Mom cut 3 pieces, how many are left?
* There were 3 roses in the vase. Mom cut 2 more. How many roses are in the vase?
* There were 5 red cups and 1 blue cup on the shelf. How many cups were there?
* 8 tomatoes ripened on the bush. Picked four tomatoes. How much is left?

Math problems on “More/less"
* Tanya found 3 acorns, and Marina found 1 more than Tanya. How many acorns did Marina find?
* Kostya drew 4 planes, and his brother drew 2 more. How many did your brother draw?
* The boys decided to build a house. Dima brought 5 cubes, and Sasha brought 2 less. How much did Sasha bring?
* The gardener cut the bushes. On the first day, he cut 6 bushes, and on the second day - 1 bush less. How many haircuts on the second day?
* Brother is 9 years old and sister is 3 years younger. How old is she?
* There are 4 cups of cranberries in a jar, and 2 cups more in a plate. How much is in a bowl?
* Sasha's strip is 9 cm long, Petya's is 3 cm shorter. How long is Petya's stripe?
* The student made 7 flags, of which several are green and 4 are red. How many green flags did he make?

Topics: counting objects up to 10 and 20, subtracting with pictures, comparing objects by height and weight, comparing geometric shapes, adding numbers up to 5 and up to 10.

Additional materials on the topic
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What should a child know at 6 years old

1. Direct and backward counting from 1 to 10. It is desirable that he be able to count up to 20 and beyond, this will greatly facilitate the learning process.
2. Solve the simplest problems in one step using arithmetic signs.
3. Have an idea about such concepts as longer - shorter, higher - lower, wide - narrow, more - less.
4. Know the basic geometric shapes: square, rectangle, circle, triangle, oval, rhombus, as well as three-dimensional bodies: ball, cube, cylinder.
5. Divide a circle or square in half or into 4 parts.

It is desirable that the child knows:
1. Your last name, first name and patronymic.
2. Names of parents and their professions.
3. Your home address and preferably the phone numbers of your parents.
4. Days of the week and the name of the current month.

Test for counting up to 10

Continue the number line.
5, ___, ___, ___, ___.

Complete the number line.
___, ___, ___, ___, 7.

Four ______

What number is missing from the number line?

1, 2, ___, 4, 5, 6, 7.

9, 8, 7, 6, ___, 4, 3, 2, 1

Test for counting up to 20

What number is missing?

Write the number that is pronounced:
Fifteen ______

How many circles are in the picture?

How many squares are in the picture?

Subtraction Test

Solve examples.

Comparison test

Which is easier: Teddy bear Or a live dog?

What is heavier: a brick or a live cow?

Which watering can is larger, right or left?

Which tower is lower, right or left?

Test for geometric shapes

Which figure has more sides?

Which figure has fewer sides?

Which shape has the fewest angles?

Show the ball in the picture.

Is this figure symmetrical?

Page one.
0 + 1 = __ 0 - 0 = __ 2 + 0 = __

3 - 1 = __ 1 + 4 = __ 3 - 2 = __

4 + 0 = __ 2 - 1 = __ 2 + 3 = __

4 - 4 = __ 0 + 4 = __ 0 - 0 = __

4 + 0 = __ 3 - 1 = __ 3 + 1 = __

2 - 0 = __ 5 + 0 = __ 4 - 1 = __

4 + 0 = __ 4 - 0 = __ 5 + 0 = __

0 - 0 = __ 2 + 2 = __ 3 - 3 = __

1 + 3 = __ 3 - 3 = __ 3 + 2 = __

2 - 1 = __ 3 + 0 = __ 1 - 1 = __

0 + 4 = __ 5 - 0 = __ 1 + 0 = __


Page 2.

Date: __________________ Name: _______________________________ Grade: __________

Add or subtract two single digit numbers. Numbers up to 5
4 + 1 = __ 3 - 0 = __ 1 + 4 = __

0 - 0 = __ 0 + 2 = __ 3 - 3 = __

4 + 0 = __ 5 - 5 = __ 1 + 0 = __

3 - 3 = __ 4 + 0 = __ 2 - 1 = __

0 + 4 = __ 0 - 0 = __ 2 + 3 = __

3 - 3 = __ 1 + 3 = __ 1 - 0 = __

3 + 2 = __ 5 - 2 = __ 2 + 0 = __

3 - 0 = __ 2 + 1 = __ 0 - 0 = __

4 + 0 = __ 4 - 1 = __ 5 + 0 = __

2 - 2 = __ 5 + 0 = __ 3 - 3 = __

3 + 2 = __ 4 - 0 = __ 5 + 0 = __


Page one.

Date: __________________ Name: _______________________________ Grade: __________

7 + 3 = __ 10 - 6 = __ 6 + 4 = __

2 - 0 = __ 6 + 1 = __ 2 - 1 = __

5 + 5 = __ 8 - 8 = __ 8 + 2 = __

6 - 1 = __ 5 + 3 = __ 2 - 0 = __

6 + 3 = __ 8 - 6 = __ 1 + 3 = __

4 - 3 = __ 10 + 0 = __ 5 - 2 = __

4 + 2 = __ 0 - 0 = __ 10 + 0 = __

8 - 8 = __ 8 + 2 = __ 2 - 0 = __

6 + 4 = __ 5 - 3 = __ 7 + 3 = __

4 - 1 = __ 7 + 0 = __ 5 - 0 = __

2 + 0 = __ 5 - 4 = __ 0 + 4 = __


Page 2.

Date: __________________ Name: _______________________________ Grade: __________

Add or subtract two single digit numbers. Numbers up to 10
0 + 4 = __ 6 - 3 = __ 2 + 7 = __

10 - 6 = __ 9 + 0 = __ 7 - 2 = __

6 + 4 = __ 9 - 7 = __ 8 + 2 = __

4 - 1 = __ 5 + 0 = __ 4 - 3 = __

9 + 1 = __ 5 - 1 = __ 7 + 1 = __

1 - 1 = __ 9 + 0 = __ 1 - 0 = __

1 + 7 = __ 9 - 6 = __ 3 + 4 = __

2 - 0 = __ 9 + 0 = __ 10 - 4 = __

8 + 1 = __ 8 - 0 = __ 2 + 8 = __

7 - 2 = __ 1 + 8 = __ 2 - 0 = __

10 + 0 = __ 4 - 0 = __ 9 + 1 = __

Teaching mathematics in game form develops and shapes the cognitive interest of the child. It is best to form an interest in this science even before teaching it at school.

This will help interesting and exciting tasks and exercises in mathematics for preschoolers.

Developing tasks can bring up a number of useful qualities in a child: perseverance, the ability to set goals and plan, follow the rules, the ability to analyze, weigh the result, and argue.

The search for ways to solve non-standard problems helps to stimulate creative and research activity.

Working with developing mathematical tasks is not at all difficult, parents are quite capable of coping with this. But in order for the child to get the maximum benefit from classes, it is necessary to adhere to the rules of their organization:

Intelligence tasks help children understand that each potential challenge may contain trickery or double meaning. To find the correct answer, you need to focus and look at the puzzle from different perspectives.

Before starting the task, it is necessary to give recommendations for its implementation:

  • Consider the level of development and age features child.
  • For example, the concentration of attention of preschoolers is lower than that of younger students. They can hold their attention by engaging in an activity of interest for 30-50 minutes. If suddenly the attention of the baby has faded, you do not need to force him to continue.
  • Proceed from the best interests of the child.
  • Don't overuse hints.
  • If the child cannot find a solution to the problem, you do not need to say the correct answers every time, you need to encourage him to search and show patience. To keep the child’s interest, an adult can offer a partial hint. As a rule, a preschooler cannot complete all the tasks the first time, but this has positive aspects - if the child is forced to do something several times, the volitional sphere develops.
  • Do not limit yourself to exercises of one type, but use a variety of material.
  • It will help diversified development. When organizing classes, it is necessary to pay attention to the training of spatial and temporal relations, counting skills, imagination, logical thinking, etc.
  • Apply different forms organization of classes: individual work, games in pairs or team competitions.
  • Proceed from the gradual complication of tasks.
  • Use visual aids that will attract the attention of the child: bright pictures or photographs, images of your favorite fairy tale characters.
  • Do not skimp on praise if the baby deserves it.
  • Encourage independence.

Take care of your child comprehensively. Along with the development of mathematical abilities, develop the skill of reading. Find out from our article.

If your child is a fidget, let him run around orthopedic mat. Read about its benefits in ours.

Types of tasks in mathematics

Entertaining mathematical tasks include games, riddles, comic tasks, puzzles, exercises with geometric shapes. All of them are aimed at developing speed of reaction, logical and non-standard thinking, resourcefulness, and imagination.

Since preschool age is divided into younger and older, tasks should be selected taking into account the degree of complexity. The younger preschool age covers the age period of 3-4 years, and the older one - 5-7 years. Of course, the breakdown of tasks by age is conditional, since everything depends on the pace of development of the offspring, and it is on them that one should be guided.

Math Games

Mathematical games include tasks that are based on the analysis of logical relationships and patterns.

To find the answer, you need to analyze the conditions of the problem, familiarize yourself with its content and understand what needs to be done.

The search for a solution lies in the application of mental operations: analysis, synthesis, generalization.

The game "Make a sequence of numbers". The child is given shuffled cards with numbers from 1 to 5 or 10, and he must arrange them in the correct sequence.

Exercise . The child receives a form with pictures next to which there are numbers. You need to count the objects in the picture and circle the corresponding number.

Exercise . It is necessary to draw the indicated number of points on the body of the insect.

Games for older preschoolers

The game "Compare the number". An adult invites the child to name a number, taking into account the conditions: it must be more than 5, less than 8. For each correct answer, you can give a sun or a flag.

Exercise . On a special form, a series of pictures are located on the left, and examples are on the right. It is necessary to choose a suitable example for the picture.

Math problems for ingenuity

Puzzles are recommended for older preschool children. The most common are geometric problems with counting sticks. They are called geometric, because the task is based on the compilation, transformation various figures. To complete the task, it is necessary to prepare counting sticks and diagram tables with images of figures.

It is necessary to try to choose tasks with different conditions and methods of solutions in order to stimulate the search activity of the baby.

Tasks for preschoolers

A picture with the image of some object is placed in front of the child. It can be a house, a bench,. The child must, focusing on the sample, fold a similar object from the sticks. Subsequently, you can complicate the task by asking the child to fold the picture shown without having an example in front of their eyes, that is, from memory.

"Shape Transformation". The task is carried out in 2 stages. First, the adult shows the child a figure and asks to make the same one out of sticks. Instruction of the second stage: it is necessary to determine which and how many sticks should be removed to get another figure.

The child needs to analyze the presented geometric shapes, imagining what the final result will look like and choose the answer.

The child is given an image of a complex geometric figure, consisting of many details, he must count how many triangles, rectangles, squares are in the figure.

Games for recreating figurative images from geometric shapes

Drawing games with geometric shapes various items, animals are very useful for the development of analytical thinking, sensory skills. To conduct classes, you need to stock up on a set of shapes: a circle, a triangle, a rectangle or a square.

Games for younger preschoolers

"Make a picture." The child is given a standard set of figures and simple pictures depicting various objects. Focusing on the sample, the child must add the pictures.

Games for older preschoolers:

“Make a silhouette of an animal or insect”. For the game, a circle is taken, which is divided by lines into smaller and heterogeneous parts, and cut. Then, from the received parts of the circle, the children try to make a picture, and they are not given specific instructions - they must act according to their own plan.

"Objects from cubes". Looking at the image of an object, a preschooler builds the same from cubes.

Riddles, comic tasks, entertaining questions

Riddles, comic tasks and entertaining questions are met by children with extraordinary enthusiasm. They are able to activate the mental activity of the child, develop the skills to notice the main and essential properties, separating them from the secondary ones.

Tasks belonging to this category are great for use at the beginning of a lesson to prepare a child for intellectual work, to do mental gymnastics.

Joking tasks can create a favorable emotional background, cheer up. As a rest and switch attention tasks can be used in the middle of the lesson.

Mathematical riddles are intricate questions or descriptions of some object, phenomenon that the child must guess. Since the riddles are mathematical, they will definitely contain numbers, it will be necessary to perform computational actions.

Comic tasks are game tasks with mathematical meaning, for the solution of which you need to use ingenuity and resourcefulness, and in some cases have a sense of humor. According to them, it is recommended to engage from senior preschool age. The content of the tasks is unusual, since, along with the main features, they include secondary ones. It turns out that the search for an answer is, as it were, masked by other conditions.

Examples of joke tasks

  • 2 cars traveled 5 km. How many miles did each car drive?
  • If a stork stands on one leg, then it weighs 4 kg. How much will a stork weigh when it stands on 2 legs?
  • What is heavier: 1 kg of concrete or 1 kg of cotton wool?

Interesting questions

They are short questions with an urge to count something.

  • How many ears do three mice have?
  • You, yes I, yes we are with you. How many of us?

Games, mathematical entertainment

Games and mathematical entertainment are a great way to diversify the forms of work. If you choose a game with two participants, then the child's interest will increase due to the spirit of competition.

Games for younger preschoolers

"Finish the drawing." The child is given a sheet of paper with geometric figures depicted on it. The task is to draw a small drawing based on the desired geometric figure. For example, from a circle you can draw a snowman or a clock, from a square - a TV, a briefcase.

An example of a game for older preschoolers

"Houses". For this game you will need 20 images of houses with 10 windows. By the presence of curtains on the windows, one can judge the apartments. The essence of the game is to compare the houses with each other: how many residents need to move in so that all the apartments are completely occupied, how many residents need to be removed from the house so that the same number of apartments are occupied in it as in the fifth house.

Universal Games

How older child, the more digits can be.

Books on mathematics for preschoolers

  1. A. Boloshistaya "Mathematics around you." Workbook includes tasks for the formation of mathematical thinking. Designed for children 4-5 years old.
  2. K.V. Shevelev "Mathematics for preschoolers". The workbook consists of developmental tasks addressed to children 6-7 years old. Classes are designed to prepare for school.
  3. L.G. Peterson "One is a step, two is a step". A series of manuals is designed to form a mathematical way of thinking, imagination, and the ability to analyze.
  4. M. Druzhinina "The Big Book of Leisure". The book includes puzzles, riddles, puzzles. Tasks are designed to develop analytical thinking, broaden horizons, and activate the imagination.
  5. O. Zhukova "Mathematics for preschoolers." Collected in a coloring book game exercises, which will teach the child to count up to 10, will help develop perception and logic.