
Stories of newlyweds meeting. Love online - real stories of online dating. Andrey and Anya. Love online: “Hello, I’m your Anya”


Alina Demeeva

“Our dating story is banal to the point of indecentness: there were no accidents or mystical coincidences - we were introduced by mutual friends. First there was correspondence on the Internet, then the first meeting followed at a celebration Catholic Christmas in the club where we were relaxing with classmates, and then it started great time our relationships - dates, movies, walks around the city, cafes, flowers, gifts. Six months later, I realized that I had truly fallen in love, and how happy I was when I realized that my feelings were mutual! We remember this moment as the beginning of something serious and global. A year later, we already began to think about living together. My husband (at that time he was still just my boyfriend) insisted, but I was categorically against it - my upbringing did not allow it. That's how the idea of ​​a wedding arose. Our parents supported us, and we began to prepare our wedding together.

We have been married for almost 2 years, we have been together for more than 4 years, but we still remember that evening of our first meeting and our feelings and emotions. We often remember our acquaintance and each time our story acquires more and more new details that we were previously embarrassed to tell each other. It turned out that we liked each other at first sight, and although we are very different, we can no longer imagine life without each other. Only when my beloved is nearby, I am calm and incredibly happy. Love helps us to be together in harmony and understanding."

Katerina Lebedko-Pogrebnaya

“The first time I met my now husband was at an acoustic evening dedicated to fans of the work of the group “Spleen”. I sang there, and he came as a guest. Our eyes met and I immediately liked him. However, that evening we never met. After 4 months, an acoustic evening was again held in the same place, this time dedicated to Russian rock, and I was again invited there as a performer. Imagine my surprise when I saw Him there. We met our eyes again, and to At the end of the evening we met and talked a little, but things didn’t go further than that. I left the establishment earlier, but he stayed. Later, I tried to find him on social networks, but, unfortunately, nothing worked out for me. About a month later we completely met by chance in another place. That's when I realized that it was fate! It was like this: somewhere in mid-March, my friend and I agreed to meet at a bar. It was Friday, I came to the bar before my friend, ordered myself a cocktail and in stood waiting at the bar. And suddenly He passes by! I was a little confused and continued to stand near the bar. Suddenly, someone lightly tapped me on the shoulder from behind, I turned around and saw my future husband. He was no less surprised to see me and decided to come over and say hello. We got to talking, and it turned out that he had come to a “corporate party” with his colleagues. The most amazing thing is that he came to that bar for the first time, while I was a regular customer of this establishment. That evening we exchanged phone numbers. He called me 2 days later, and from that call our romance began. And a year and a half later we got married."

Zhazira Zharbulova

“My husband and I met in a cafe on August 30, 2008. I often went there with a friend, and he, as it turned out later, had lived nearby all his life. That same day he gave me a ride home, and I understood everything. I realized that he is the one. The next day he asked me out on a date, and a day later, on September 1, he left for Russia to continue his studies at the military academy. At that time I lived from call to call, from SMS to SMS. He came 2 times a year - for the summer holidays and for the New Year. So two years passed. After graduation, to my great joy, he was sent to serve in Almaty. But, as it turned out, I was too early to rejoice. He disappeared for days at work. We we even broke up because of this a couple of times. So another 2 years passed. And in the 5th year we finally decided that it was time to decide something. I told him that if we don’t get married by September 30, 2013, we will have to to leave. After all, I was already 25 years old and, as is customary in our society, it was time to think about a family. As a result, in January 2013, they put earrings on me according to Kazakh custom, in July of the same year they got me married, and in August they married me first “ Uzatu”, a traditional farewell to the bride, and on September 21, 2013 there was a wedding (it turns out that my husband managed to marry me before September 30). Now we are expecting our baby!"

Tatiana Kudrina

“I sincerely believe that there are no coincidences, and when we meet our person, a certain mysterious voice quietly whispers to us how important this meeting is, urging us not to pass by. You would have to have very serious hearing problems not to pay attention to this voice.:) Apparently, I had such problems, so I did not immediately recognize my happiness and could not even imagine that a banal story of meeting at work could develop into something big. However, let's talk about everything in order. I organized an office move, and my husband was a representative of a contractor company, and, accordingly, initially our conversations with him were based on topics such as the terms of the contract, payment terms and the quality of services provided. Although, I must admit, I’m being a little disingenuous, because I liked him very much from the first the same look. In general, when the move was successfully completed, he continued to come to my office under various pretexts, but even then we did not think about anything serious. However, gradually, step by step, we became closer to each other, until Finally, we didn’t notice how all the doubts disappeared, and we both realized that we wanted to be together always, all our lives.”

Perhaps these very personal stories will not form the basis of a romantic film, will not touch hearts and will not cause tears of tenderness. However, they will always retain that special magic and warmth, turning into a little fairy tale for each individual family.

Dear readers, how did you first meet your loved ones?

Alina Demeeva

“Our story of acquaintance is banal to the point of indecentness: there were no accidents or mystical coincidences - we were introduced by mutual friends. First there was correspondence on the Internet, then the first meeting followed at the celebration of Catholic Christmas in the club, where we were relaxing with classmates, and then the wonderful time of our relationships - dates, movies, walks around the city, cafes, flowers, gifts. Six months later, I realized that I had truly fallen in love, and how happy I was when I realized that my feelings were mutual! We remember this moment as the beginning of something serious and global. A year later, we already began to think about living together. My husband (at that time he was still just my boyfriend) insisted, but I was categorically against - my upbringing did not allow it. That’s how the idea of ​​getting married arose. Our parents supported us, and We began to prepare our wedding together.

We have been married for almost 2 years, we have been together for more than 4 years, but we still remember that evening of our first meeting and our feelings and emotions. We often remember our acquaintance and each time our story acquires more and more new details that we were previously embarrassed to tell each other. It turned out that we liked each other at first sight, and although we are very different, we can no longer imagine life without each other. Only when my beloved is nearby, I am calm and incredibly happy. Love helps us to be together in harmony and understanding."

Katerina Lebedko-Pogrebnaya

“The first time I met my now husband was at an acoustic evening dedicated to fans of the work of the group “Spleen”. I sang there, and he came as a guest. Our eyes met and I immediately liked him. However, that evening we never met. After 4 months, an acoustic evening was again held in the same place, this time dedicated to Russian rock, and I was again invited there as a performer. Imagine my surprise when I saw Him there. We met our eyes again, and to At the end of the evening we met and talked a little, but things didn’t go further than that. I left the establishment earlier, but he stayed. Later, I tried to find him on social networks, but, unfortunately, nothing worked out for me. About a month later we completely met by chance in another place. That's when I realized that it was fate! It was like this: somewhere in mid-March, my friend and I agreed to meet at a bar. It was Friday, I came to the bar before my friend, ordered myself a cocktail and in stood waiting at the bar. And suddenly He passes by! I was a little confused and continued to stand near the bar. Suddenly, someone lightly tapped me on the shoulder from behind, I turned around and saw my future husband. He was no less surprised to see me and decided to come over and say hello. We got to talking, and it turned out that he had come to a “corporate party” with his colleagues. The most amazing thing is that he came to that bar for the first time, while I was a regular customer of this establishment. That evening we exchanged phone numbers. He called me 2 days later, and from that call our romance began. And a year and a half later we got married."

Zhazira Zharbulova

“My husband and I met in a cafe on August 30, 2008. I often went there with a friend, and he, as it turned out later, had lived nearby all his life. That same day he gave me a ride home, and I understood everything. I realized that he is the one. The next day he asked me out on a date, and a day later, on September 1, he left for Russia to continue his studies at the military academy. At that time I lived from call to call, from SMS to SMS. He came 2 times a year - for the summer holidays and for the New Year. So two years passed. After graduation, to my great joy, he was sent to serve in Almaty. But, as it turned out, I was too early to rejoice. He disappeared for days at work. We we even broke up because of this a couple of times. So another 2 years passed. And in the 5th year we finally decided that it was time to decide something. I told him that if we don’t get married by September 30, 2013, we will have to to leave. After all, I was already 25 years old and, as is customary in our society, it was time to think about a family. As a result, in January 2013, they put earrings on me according to Kazakh custom, in July of the same year they got me married, and in August they married me first “ Uzatu”, a traditional farewell to the bride, and on September 21, 2013 there was a wedding (it turns out that my husband managed to marry me before September 30). Now we are expecting our baby!"

Tatiana Kudrina

“I sincerely believe that there are no coincidences, and when we meet our person, a certain mysterious voice quietly whispers to us how important this meeting is, urging us not to pass by. You would have to have very serious hearing problems not to pay attention to this voice.:) Apparently, I had such problems, so I did not immediately recognize my happiness and could not even imagine that a banal story of meeting at work could develop into something big. However, let's talk about everything in order. I organized an office move, and my husband was a representative of a contractor company, and, accordingly, initially our conversations with him were based on topics such as the terms of the contract, payment terms and the quality of services provided. Although, I must admit, I’m being a little disingenuous, because I liked him very much from the first the same look. In general, when the move was successfully completed, he continued to come to my office under various pretexts, but even then we did not think about anything serious. However, gradually, step by step, we became closer to each other, until Finally, we didn’t notice how all the doubts disappeared, and we both realized that we wanted to be together always, all our lives.”

Perhaps these very personal stories will not form the basis of a romantic film, will not touch hearts and will not cause tears of tenderness. However, they will always retain that special magic and warmth, turning into a little fairy tale for each individual family.

Dear readers, how did you first meet your loved ones?

This is, first of all, mood, live and genuine emotions and feelings! And each couple has their own, special, unique, yes, I didn’t make a reservation, they are unique, because even if we are talking about one thing, about love, then each of us means something completely specific for ourselves, some kind of meaning, understanding, inner feeling of this concept and feeling!

And how was it born, this feeling, between these two, absolutely specific people? How did they find each other? How did you meet? What were your very first mutual impressions? How did you look after them afterwards? And how did you show and express yourself and your feelings? What did you think, feel, worry, do and say then? How did you look for and find that one and only true path to each other’s heart? How did they finally declare their love and how did they ask or offer their Hand and Heart? How can all this be uninteresting, banal, boring!? Especially when it comes to people close to you! Never!

Or will you prefer the always impersonal and often falsely sensual monologues of the registrars “about ships and harbors of Love”!? Can these lengthy speeches “about everything” and, as a result, “about nothing” really captivate you? Do they really immerse you in the amazing and unique emotional world of any newlywed couple? Maybe they open something new for you? Or do they give you an unforgettable experience and force you to sincerely participate in the ceremony and empathize for the people close to you? Not sure…

And if you agree with me on something, in conclusion I will say that there are no uninteresting stories, they don’t exist!!! Yes, although this is exactly how many couples begin our conversation about the upcoming ceremony, they say, our story is “nothing at all”, we met trivially, met without incident, etc., or they say, many details of our story should remain a secret, we we can’t talk about it publicly... Great! After all, it is not at all necessary to lay out the chronology of events and all sorts of details; one or several episodes, pictures, events are enough for them to grow into some kind of emotional narrative, a fascinating story, somewhat poetic and inspired by your living, real and absolutely sincere feeling of love for each other !

To me, as an interlocutor and author, it’s not even the specific nuances of your story that are important, but the excitement and emotions that you experience while living again, remembering certain moments of your novel, I seem to be saturated with them, become a witness and accomplice of these events, and therefore , and then I write yours Love Story, and I talk about this with your guests, as I probably already do about part of my own life, passing on to them all the wealth and joy and impressions that you shared with me...

That's all, in general, I invite you, read, get inspired, and come, together we will create and tell your guests your Love Story...

This year, August 22, 2018, our love will enter its fifth year. We have been through a lot together.
We always do everything together! Even now we sat down together to write our happy moments from our life together. For the two of us the best bright event and what will be memorable for the rest of my life is when my fiancé proposed to me right on New Year’s Day! He gathered all our relatives and close friends and took such a responsible step! I am very grateful to God for giving me such a man! We also remember our first kiss. I think we will never forget him. Instead of kissing me, I grabbed his lip so hard that when he remembers this moment it becomes painful and funny at the same time. They say that love lasts three years, we definitely don’t believe it, because our love grows stronger and stronger every minute!

At the very beginning of our relationship, I was like a real man I already knew that the girl I was very attracted to and liked very much would be with me in any case. The only question that remained was how to win the one who gives me a smile every time we meet. I am a romantic soul, so she was lucky to have me. All that remained was to prepare everything. In the morning we went on a roller coaster ride, after a fun ride and hot tea, I suggested going to the cinema to see her favorite film and she readily agreed, since it was a day off. After the film everything went according to my plan. The climax was waiting, prepared in advance at the request of my friend. When I went home, I closed her eyes. She, a little embarrassed, agreed. Walking into the room, I opened her eyes, she saw a path strewn with rose petals and candles, leading to a table with a bouquet of roses and a bottle of champagne. After everything she saw, she was pleasantly stunned and gave me her first and sweetest kiss.

One of the brightest moments of our lives happened at the very beginning of our relationship, when it looked more like a friendship than a relationship between lovers. In the summer of 2014, I went on vacation with my friend. We saved all year. We were supposed to fly from Moscow and missed the plane. We didn’t have money for a second ticket, our parents were embarrassed and ashamed to talk, and among our close friends at that time there was no one who could quickly help. Vanya called to find out how we got there and if everything was okay. In response, he was hit with hysterics and crying that “everything is ruined” and “everything is lost,” to which he reassured me and assured me that we would definitely leave on the next flight. Thanks to him, we really flew away! The whole vacation I thought about how calmly and like a man he did it, although the amount was serious for him. When I returned to Samara, Vanya invited me and his group of friends to go beyond the Volga to Zelenenky Island. It was a very emotional trip. When it got dark, Vanya suggested taking a walk. So at night, on the banks of our native Volga, a declaration of love and the birth of our couple took place. Since then, this island has been our favorite place in our native Samara region.

We are a beautiful, harmonious and athletic couple. Besides the fact that we were born on the same day (6 years apart), we have many common hobbies. In particular, running. We met through running, participating in the same sporting events, even a proposal was made in Kazan at the finish line of the marathon! We have been dating for 2 years, and during this time we have visited different places, combining races and a tourism program (the so-called sports tourism), made many friends, and started several new projects. But there are still many crazy goals in the plans, for example, to jump with a parachute, conquer Elbrus, visit Kamchatka, etc. We spend our time actively, love hiking, traveling, and in addition to the standard wedding, we are planning to have a “running” wedding in Sochi on May holidays(as part of the RosaRun running festival)/ We will be very happy to win the competition and make our wedding unforgettable!

The brightest moment of our couple's life? The choice is quite difficult. Perhaps the first bright moment is the acquaintance, because it gives rise to everything that happens after. Would you say that the first meeting was immediately something special? No, she wasn't. They say there are no coincidences. Not true. Our meeting was nothing short of an accident. I came to visit my sister, and her boyfriend came to her with a friend, who turned out to be my Anton. Do you see what an accident?! Neither I nor he even thought that this meeting would change anything for us. We communicated like new acquaintances, we didn’t even exchange numbers. But soon a call rang on my phone and, picking up the phone, I realized that it was Anton. He invited me for a walk and gave me flowers when we met. Communication with him turned out to be amazingly easy. We didn’t even think about a relationship then, because we both live in different cities, although not so far from each other, but still. It turned out that they were worrying in vain - the distance was not a hindrance. We became a couple. Every day was filled with joy and surprises. And the main surprise was his marriage proposal. This is our second shining moment. It all happened on my birthday. To say that it was unexpected is to say nothing. Everyone was taken by surprise. Anton started with how I changed his life, then he got down on one knee and offered to become his wife. Needless to say, I answered? I think everything is already clear, because now we are a happy bride and groom, slowly but surely preparing for another bright moment in our lives—the wedding.

This story happened in 2013. One fine summer evening in 2013, Gena invited Vika for a walk. They weren't a couple yet. Gene really liked Vika. And that evening he decided to talk to her about his feelings. Vika had no idea about anything, she got ready as usual and went out to meet Gena. When she reached the appointed place, a stunning picture opened before her. Gena stood with a bouquet of roses, near his feet there were candles in the shape of the name “Vika” and a heart, inside of which there were rose petals. Vika was confused by what she saw, but she guessed what was about to happen. Gena began to slowly approach Vika, saying how much he liked her and that he wanted her to become his girlfriend. Vika was so amazed and frightened by everything that was happening that she immediately said: “No.” And she started muttering about how he good guy, but she’s not in the mood for a relationship right now. Gena got very angry and left. Vika went home and thought about the event for a long time. And the next day she asked him to come and said that she agreed to try to build a relationship. This is how our love story began. About 5 years have passed since then. And now we are already preparing for the wedding!

The brightest moment in the entire history of our couple was probably our first meeting. It so happened that we met on social networks very accidentally. Nothing foreshadowed such a warm, long-term relationship, but it was at that moment that we both thought: “I would spend the rest of my life with this person.” After a month of communication, we finally met. The funny thing is that even to the first meeting we came dressed identically - a sign from above that we are “moving on the same wavelength.” After this meeting, we both realized that we were visited by such a wonderful feeling as falling in love, which eventually grew into an adult conscious feeling - love. After a month of communication, we confessed our love to each other, two years later we started living together, and five years later we decided to get married. We are sure that such a clean, hot and sincere love we will carry it through the rest of our lives, and our wedding will be only the beginning of our beautiful story.

Without exaggeration, our future family can be called a football family. I, Ekaterina, am an ardent fan of the Moscow Spartak, Nikita works as a children's football coach and has been a fan of the English Liverpool for almost 13 years. Our favorites football clubs have a rich football history of achievements and victories. In addition, our acquaintance also happened on the football field. How can you not believe that something special exists? The very thing that helps people find soul mates so that they can then live as a single whole, despite all the troubles and adversities that life can throw at us. And how can two have one bright event? loving people? Is it possible to forget the first meeting, which was fleeting, but which burned into the consciousness with a sparkling explosion of emotions for at least one of us? How can one not highlight how he, being my secret chosen one, trains little future football players. How can we not imagine him raising our common children with the same dedication and responsibility as others? How can we not remember the wedding of friends, at the end of which they traditionally throw a bouquet of flowers and wedding garter brides, and we catch these two signs of love, me and my beloved Nikita? For us, this was a sign from above that we were not mistaken and we were destined to be together. How can one not remember that at the most crucial moment at the football tournament, before the final, my future husband Nikita proposed marriage to me, all excited either from the proposal or from the games played that day? And now we, the bride and groom, complementing each other, try to make every moment bright, and one of these bright moments in our love story can be participation in the “Wedding of the Century” competition!

No matter how “bookish” it may sound, our meeting is not accidental. Why? We are both from the Orenburg region, born and always lived in neighboring populated areas. We rested in the same cafes and clubs (I note that their number there can be counted on the fingers of one hand). They had quite a lot of mutual friends (as it turned out later). And still, not knowing each other (which is, in principle, very strange for our small provincial places), we moved to Samara. Each with their own history, each with their own goals and plans for the future. For 5 years we lived on the same street, and not only the street, but literally in neighboring houses that stood across the street from each other! I’ll say more - we worked in neighboring buildings! We went to the same grocery store near work! We used the same single ATM near our workplaces!

And during our 26 years of “neighborhood” both in our small homeland and here in Samara, our paths have never crossed! Here, I think, it is worth noting some kind of existence of vicissitudes of fate! And then one summer morning (which became fateful for us), our non-accidental, rather bright acquaintance took place (the details of which we will keep silent).

Again, a little lyricism. We came into each other's way during decidedly difficult personal periods in each of our lives. This is where you inadvertently think and begin to believe in fate. How else can we find the answer to the questions: “Why, being always close, did we not know about each other’s existence? Why did we meet at a difficult moment in life? Why with this person?”

Continuing to feel nostalgic about our acquaintance, I would like to note that we met, of course, not in Samara - where we both have been living for a long time, but in our native land - when we came to visit our parents!

And then everything started spinning... and it went by in a flash! Swift... bright... unforgettable... happy moment, which was filled with mutual feelings - tenderness, respect and love! And now we are together, as in the famous song: “Together and forever!”

We bring sunshine to people. True true! We arrived during a period of prolonged rains in Moscow - voila! - a sunny day for our walk around VDNKh. We went to St. Petersburg and got three wonderful days of good weather (no thanks, St. Petersburg residents).

But the main thing is that we bring light into each other’s lives. And a few more tests of strength: ski races, paragliding, travel. Together we survived severe frosts during a New Year's trip to Belarus in the first year we met and the burning sun during a short cruise on the Adriatic Sea.

Warm sea, white sand, a house surrounded by flowers and a small chapel away from prying eyes - Maxim was perfectly prepared to propose during our trip to Montenegro.

We want our wedding day to be as sunny and happy, but this time the joy comes from the most important event in our lives we want to share with our loved ones and friends.

We first saw each other on the eve of Easter almost three years ago on the mysterious homeland of the Minotaur, the Greek island of Crete. It was not love at first sight, but after flying off on different flights: one to Samara, the other to Kazan, they sometimes continued to communicate, each making their way to different cities in order to meet and get to know each other again. And to meet in a dream...

— I saw her in my dream. It was an elegant, slim silhouette in a white lace dress, holding a bouquet of tender roses. Her unruly lock of hair, out of her neat updo, fluttered in the warm summer wind. And the pure bright brilliance of the pre-dawn stars beamed from her green eyes. This is my future wife! And I know her.

I didn't believe it at first. None of us knew where this story could lead, but I decided to take a chance. We talked on the phone and laughed every evening. It felt so easy and good for me. A meeting soon followed, then a second, a third... And I realized that I was falling in love and simply could not go home to Kazan. We let into our hearts the love that we had been waiting and wanting for so long, and already more than a year We hold on to each other tightly.

Our relationship began with casual sympathy in social network. We saw each other quite rarely, since the girl was constantly busy and came up with eternal excuses. At this time I was graduating from university and I needed to fly to Germany. Before departure, while in the terminal before boarding the flight, I called her and said that I loved her, but in response I heard: “I don’t have time, I’m at work.” I continued to court, then the girl had to go to the international competition of young performers “New Stars of Sochi”, which was held in Sochi. The purpose of the competition was to showcase young musicians. I decided to go with her and her creative team. The days of the competition were scheduled minute by minute, and there was absolutely no time for each other, which infuriated me. When allocating places in the hotel, the group leader decided to put me in the same room with the contestant, and not with my girlfriend, which caused my indignation. Despite all my indignation, the group leader said: “Girls and guys cannot live in the same room.” After this situation, the girl and I quarreled, she went to rehearsal and did not answer phone calls until I took the initiative and went to look for her. Since the competition was international, there were over 500 participants. I continued to search for the girl, asked at the entrance of the concert hall, but I was informed that she had left, I went to the reception desk at the hotel where we lived. She wasn't there again. As a result, I went to my room, the girl found me herself, since the security of the concert hall and the hotel administrator reported that a young man was looking for her. Thus, thanks to the kindness of the souls of strangers, two loving hearts met.

Probably one of the brightest moments in the life of every girl (including couples) is a marriage proposal. And it is not only the brightest, but also reverent and exciting. I was worried because I felt that this New Year's Eve some touching event is about to happen in my life. We celebrated the New Year with our friends. The chimes had already struck a long time ago, we were talking and having fun, suddenly slow music started playing and everyone started dancing a slow dance. I'm not a fan of dancing, but this time something pushed me to agree to this dance. We were dancing, and suddenly the music stopped, Vyacheslav knelt like a real man. With the naked eye one could notice his excitement. He took out the ring, a bouquet of long white roses was already being carried from the second floor, and at that moment I heard those words that every girl dreams of hearing. And, of course, I said YES! After all, it is so important to find your loved one in this life.

Our love story began with an unexpected meeting that took place 5 years ago on a frosty January evening.

The weather was wonderful: light snowflakes were falling and sparkling in the light of the lanterns. I was returning home from a friend’s place, and a group of guys were walking towards me. Having caught up with them, I suddenly slipped and... did not fall, but unexpectedly found myself in the arms of an unfamiliar young man. For a moment we looked into each other's eyes and stood silently. Since then our friendly relations, which gradually turned into a real feeling.

There were many bright moments in our life, one of which was a trip to Kazan. We attended a Confederation Cup football match. It was an amazing sight and we enjoyed it immensely. Walking around the city for a long time, we admired the sights of the capital of Tatarstan.

The next unforgettable moment was our holiday in Turkey. And here on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea the most important event for both of us took place. After a romantic dinner in a restaurant, we went down to the sea, and suddenly my loved one stopped and, getting on his knee, said: “Darling, you are the only one I need, I love you very much!” Be my wife!” and then presented me with a ring. It was very touching, and I said with excitement: “I agree.” Yes, such a bright moment is simply impossible to forget!

We celebrated the New Year 2018 very well, and soon our independent life began in a rented apartment. Of course, living separately from your parents is not easy: you had to start everything from scratch. But this life is a test of the strength of our relationships. We know that only real feelings, mutual understanding and support for each other will help us overcome the most difficult life situations. We believe in love that works miracles!

The brightest moment in our life together was when we went to visit our grandmother in the village for the weekend. Before we could enter the house, we heard someone squeaking pitifully in the attic. We asked our beloved granny who lives there on our roof? And she answered: “Just recently my cat got dirty, left the kittens in the attic, but she disappeared and doesn’t come to them. I’m old and can’t get up to them.”

We decided to go up and see who was squeaking there. When we got up, we saw three abandoned little kittens, at most five days old. We didn’t touch them, we decided to wait for the careless mother. Unfortunately, we never got the cat. We came to the conclusion that it was time to save them!
We took them into the house and made them a house out of a box. Then they took them with them to the city. We fed them milk from a pipette day and night, and took them for walks so that they were always under supervision. Sometimes it was necessary to heat the milk on the car engine so that it would not be cold. A long, sleepless month for us has still become so unforgettable. They started eating different foods and playing with each other. There were two boys and one girl. When the kittens grew up, we were always with them, watching them, admiring them. But then, unfortunately, the time came to separate them, due to the fact that after they grew up, we could not keep them in one small apartment. Two were sent to good hands, and they kept one for themselves, he is still the same naughty “Twixik”. We still remember how small and poor he was. But now there is a beautiful and fluffy cat walking around. For some reason we really remember this moment. They did a good deed and acquired a good family member.

Our brightest moments in life were:

The first meeting where we were going to go to the cinema, but ended up going for a walk in the park. Despite a clear summer day, we were caught in heavy rain and were soaked to the skin on the way home.

Evenings together until early morning, spent under the windows of Tanya’s house, in the car waiting for taxi orders and driving around the city at night while working part-time.

The appearance of a joint pet. Here we began to show ourselves as future parents. These are trips to the doctor, constant care and attention, despite fatigue.

An offer of marriage. It was a surprise, we went to a restaurant to celebrate February 14, and at exactly midnight, when Tanya’s birthday arrived, a proposal was made with a huge bouquet of roses and a ring to match the dress. The emotions that we experienced at this moment are very valuable. There were tears and “YES” said repeatedly.

It was November 10th and it was snowing. In the morning me and mine younger sister had to travel from Samara to Orenburg on business. We overslept and instead of the scheduled time of 9:00, we were only able to leave at 11:00.

We arrived, we did our business, we had to go back. We found a car, drove off, in the middle of the way there was a stop in Sorochinsk and that’s where I met my favorite. We stopped near some cafe. I went out to smoke, the Buzuluk-Orenburg shuttle bus arrived and she got off. Slender, extremely beautiful, the sweetest. Well, just an angel descended from heaven. She looked around and walked with a “flying” gait to the cafe. I follow her. She looked at the pies, and I told her that they were yesterday’s. The saleswoman yelled at me, and my beloved smiled. Then we left. I didn’t even know her name then. Got upset. We arrived home, I got to Wi-Fi. At that time, I visited Badoo (a dating site) very often, looking for a companion. I go in and imagine who I see there. Here she is Christina Koroleva. I looked at the photo and it really is her. Location: Sorochinsk. That's it, it's definitely her. I write: “How is Sorochinsk?”, he answers: “It’s worth it.” I read the profile, it says “I have a friend.” I thought that everything was against me. And then she writes to me: “How do you know that the pies are expired?” This encouraged me, I plucked up courage (this is easier on the Internet) and asked for a phone number. Not immediately, but after a couple of days. I sent it, I'm calling. Sweet voice. I found out that there is no friend. And in fact from the Totsky district of the Orenburg region. And the funny thing is that I’m from there myself. It turned out that we were from the same school.

The fathers served together. In general, it remains a mystery how we didn’t meet her before. Now we live together, I proposed to her. She agreed! On 04/14/18 we will officially become a family!

We found out about the “Wedding of the Century” and decided to try our luck. I’m not a supporter of all these participations, but my sweetheart really wants to take part and naturally win, and you know, I’m ready to do ANYTHING for Kristinochka!

The highlight for our couple is definitely getting to know each other. Despite the fact that the cities of our residence are very close, we had a chance to meet far, far from Russia - in one of the hottest countries - in Egypt. I worked in Hurghada as a sports and children's animator. My duties included entertaining the guests.

My fiancé arrived at the hotel where I worked. Maxim vacationed with his friends and never participated in sports events organized by me, although I actively involved him in this. But nevertheless, he paid attention to me. Then he treated me to fruits that he picked for me at the restaurant. Thus melting my heart. Next were secret walks along the sea coast. Why secret? Because meetings with hotel guests are prohibited and for this I was threatened with dismissal and deportation to Russia. Maxim and his company were the most fun and noisy guests of the hotel, sometimes surpassing the animation work.

Maxim's rest was over and he flew home. He promised that he would wait for me. Of course, I didn't believe it. We occasionally communicated via Skype, then more and more often. The time had come for me to return home; my contract was ending. Maxim said that he would meet. I didn't really count on it. But, to my great surprise, Maxim stood in the airport waiting room with a luxurious bouquet of flowers. But his surprises did not end there... Coming out of the airport building, I was greeted by a huge three-meter teddy bear with a bunch of balloons, which were held by the same friends who were in Egypt.

Our love story is like good fairy tale or a film about love based on a beautiful novel. Of course, we have a lot of bright moments, but undoubtedly the most important stage is how we finally found and realized that we needed each other.

Kirill and I met on New Year's Day. It turned out that I worked during the day and, of course, it was not possible for me to go to my parents in the village. Naturally, no one wants to stay alone in an empty apartment on this holiday, and then I called a friend and asked where he was celebrating this holiday, then I could not even imagine that I would meet a man who would outshine all other men. And then the end of the work shift came, 3 hours remained until the cherished midnight, and at that moment I saw his eyes full of kindness and tenderness. My friend and I were classmates, and the two of them picked me up from work. That same evening I caught myself thinking that I was drawn to Kirill, but who would understand us girls, I tried to suppress these thoughts for reasons still unclear to me. We, of course, communicated with Kirill after that evening, he helped me with the computer and programs for it, kept me company when I went shopping and on roller skates, but we were only friends. And in one of them New Year holidays We apparently realized that we wanted to be close to each other always and our friendship blossomed into tender, pure love. Since then, I can confidently say that miracles are where they are needed. New Year indeed family celebration. It’s just that for some it’s a family that exists here and now, but for others it’s a family that can be born if you add a pinch of miracle.

Our dating story begins in hometown Kinel. We lived next to each other all our lives and met by chance. The meeting took place on the street on the extraordinary day of celebrating the 180th anniversary of our beloved city, August 5, 2017. Olesya did not plan to go to the holiday and at the last moment got ready with the idea that the evening would be unforgettable. Serenity and uncertainty carried her under the sky as the sunset covered her. The evening attracted a carnival of wonderful colors past the noisy life. Alexey, in anticipation of the contact of hearts in love, which is as wide as the world, went out and saw her, instead of all the other noises. At the roadside he suggested we go together. The date floats on the pale golden horizon like a foggy cloud attracts and glows with amethyst. We mutually experience a storm of warm feelings, like an exciting surf, like a soaring breeze that carried us away from the earth. After a few days spent together, Lyosha confessed his love to Lesya and wrote a letter of recognition: my life is a successful romantic marriage, my happiness is to be with you.

We met in the summer back in 2011. One day, I came to visit a friend, and we decided to take a walk in the evening. On the street a group of young people approached us to meet us. Among them was Roma. This is how our communication began. We walked together every day, laughed, talked about everything, and watched sunrises together.

After a month of such a relationship, it was time to leave, since I lived a hundred kilometers from him, and I needed to return home. But it was so easy and good for us together that on the last farewell evening we decided to have a long-distance relationship.

SMS correspondence all day long, hours of talking on the phone and rare meetings... And all this lasted almost a year, but we survived, we loved, and we were still drawn to each other.

In the summer of 2012, a new challenge came to us. Roma was drafted into the army. I saw him off with tears in my eyes and promised to wait. For a whole year we saw each other only on Skype, since Roma served in Chita. It was the most difficult period our love. Frequent quarrels, misunderstandings, many hours of conversations and dreams of a future together... Mentally holding hands at a great distance, we passed this test. We have been waiting for our meeting!

It was the summer of 2013, the happiest day: I was on the platform, an approaching train, wild excitement... And finally the train stops, he gets out... We threw ourselves into each other's arms, everything inside was bursting with an overabundance of feelings, goosebumps were running all over my body and there was fog in my head like being drunk on champagne...

On the same day Roma arranged romantic dinner and proposed to me! And of course I agreed, but I set the condition that we would get married after finishing the 4th year of my studies.

A couple of months later we started living together and we still do to this day! And finally, I am finishing my 4th year, and this summer our dream will come true, our wedding! We are looking forward to this day, because our love has overcome all obstacles!

Our couple is almost 3 years old. The university introduced us, work made us friends, and fate brought us together. It’s not for nothing that they say that in addition to love and passion, there should be friendship between a couple. It so happened that at first we were best friends, thanks to our part-time work as animators in a children's park during our student years, now we want to become a family.
One of the brightest moments of our relationship is the congratulations on my birthday, which Stanislav prepared. The first surprises were waiting for me early in the morning. When Stas called, I went outside to the car, which was decorated with balls and petals, and he stood smiling with a bouquet of his favorite gerberas. I thought this was my surprise. But that evening a fairy tale awaited me. I arrived at the appointed place and time to the Volga beach. A boat was waiting for us there and took us to the other side. Stepping off the boat, I felt like a movie star; we were filmed by a photographer and videographer. Stas invited me to a table around which there were fiery torches, which added a special romanticism to the late August evening. We had dinner on the river bank, to the tune of a violin, but at that moment there was no appetite at all due to overwhelming emotions. A little later, a fiery heart on the sand was waiting for me, which became a symbol of our love. I recently saw a second similar heart on the night of March 8 this year, when Stas proposed marriage to me.

Every couple has their own love story, a dating story that is so pleasant to remember, tell over and over again to friends, family and friends, and that they dream of one day telling their children and grandchildren.

How nice it will be after many years, in old age, to remember OUR love story and tell it to the generation.

From the outside, our first acquaintance, and subsequently our love story, may seem banal, but for us it will remain something magical and fateful.

I would like to start with the fact that we are once again convinced that everything in life is not accidental and for a reason. We must be able to accept what fate gives us. So we accepted it. Oddly enough, but our destinies were connected by a child! No, this is not what you immediately thought of!

Every summer I worked as a counselor in children’s camps, became friends with the children, became attached to them as if they were family... But the end of the shift always came, and all the guys left. But we never forgot each other: we called each other, wrote off each other, added them as friends in contact. And I didn’t even think that some child could somehow influence my future life! But. This happened! As always, in the evening I sat down at the computer to look at my news in contact. And he just flipped through the pages and photographs. And then I came across my photo while looking through the friends of THAT SAME CHILD! I’m used to the fact that someone is constantly being added as a friend, liking photos. But I couldn’t get past this “fatal” like. I also gave a “like” in response. young man, which at first glance didn’t even attract me. But after that our whole life turned upside down! We began correspondence and communication. We could talk on the phone all night! BUT! There were some disappointments. We couldn’t meet, there were always some things to do, I already began to talk myself out of communicating on social networks, because it led to nothing. But my fears have all dissipated! YES! We met! And you can’t imagine how we felt that day! We were shy, but we felt so good together, we forgot about time, about any distances. We talked and talked and talked about everything. And it felt as if we had known each other all our lives.

And it is impossible to highlight the brightest moments from our relationship, because our whole life is filled with pieces of happiness, kindness and love! A huge family life is made up of such particles!

As time passed, we became closer and closer. A year has passed, a second, a third, and now the fourth has begun. There were many events that we went through together hand in hand. There were quarrels, but we never separated, never “rested” from each other. We have one law: “No matter what happens, don’t give up on each other”! Whatever happens to us - good or bad, we go through it together, supporting each other. It so happened that I grew up without a dad, and my grandfather was his replacement - the only man in our family. But life turned in such a way that at the beginning of 2018 he passed away... And if it weren’t for my Dima (my other half), it would not be clear how I would survive it... He is my support and support! The only one! And now he has become the main man in our family! Everything that doesn’t happen only makes us stronger! Together - we are force!

It is very important to find your own in life. We found! Love is a bright feeling that you need to be able to preserve until the end of your life! Love appears from the birth of a child. And it was the CHILD that helped our destinies unite.

The most important thing is to live our love story brightly and colorfully! Fill it with the most “juicy” moments, which we will later remember and watch like stills from a film! And everything is just beginning for us! You need to love in such a way that this love continues from year to year, from generation to generation!

After all, how many times have they told the world about love and betrayal? Everyone has their own! It torments some, inspires others, and simply helps others in life. I was a girl, not an angel. She gave birth to a daughter early. I thought I loved my partner, but it turned out to be nonsense. Our family, of course, did not work out. And our paths diverged. I had to raise my daughter alone. I decided to study further and, of course, go to college. The dream came true and now I have a law degree. I hold it in my hands with pride. And at the institute, one guy was not a mistake, he tried to get closer to me. He helped me in emergency matters. But our paths diverged, he and I remained friends. I always thought about him. About what happened between us. But life flows and everything changes. I got married, grew up, but I didn’t have those feelings in me that made my heart skip a beat and my whole body sing. And then one day it rained heavily. My clothes are getting wet. I'm waiting for the bus and suddenly someone covers me with an umbrella. I look: “Who is my hero? Oh, God, my college friend.” He is still handsome, well-groomed and his eyes sparkle with happiness. "My Madona!" -It's me! We get into the car with him, and he blows my mind. We ride with him, chat, he says that he loves me. I laughed deliberately loudly. I tried to deceive him. She said that “such beauty is probably not for him.” Then, like in a fairy tale, my head was spinning, butterflies were flying in me, all sorts of bouquets, gifts, he came to me at work. Of course, I resisted, but my mind was turned off. When I was late from work, my roommate was alarmed. I had to admit that I fell in love and couldn’t live without Max. He said that he would fight, but would not give in to anyone. Yes, I forgot to tell everyone, Maxim at that time was free and stubborn, and he rose to trouble like that ram. Attention, care, care for me and my daughter. Everything came together and everything worked out, the roommate lost and simply ran away. Now we live together every day. There is no end to the surprises. Our love is stronger, all I need is a ring. I want to live with him all my life, I want to love him and I want to marry him. He worships me, he blows away specks of dust from me. His love protects me and he bestows happiness and peace on my life.

On the third day of dating, I picked up my beloved after training and we drove around all evening and all night in the car, talking about each other. After that we started living together and never parted again.

I'll tell you a little about our meeting,

It was a wonderful evening!

Gladeputyand nbrides:

It all started in April,

We haven’t met Kirill before.

Friends gathered together during the day,

Let's have a little fun outside.

Our evening was coming to an end

Everyone was slowly getting ready,

Suddenly, among the concrete monolith

The gold-colored car sped by!

Having first passed and circled, the car began to return,

Kirill was driving there,

Apparently he was rushing to meet me!

We didn't know about the upcoming meeting

Friends of friends played along with us and only trusted in fate.

This is the moment! An arrow flies, his eyes are like turquoise!

I have no escape route,

I realized that I was in love!

Through the eyes of the groom:

I was going as usual

Have a great time with friends;

But apparently fate cannot be fooled,

She chose a different path for me.

They didn't tell me about the plans,

They got into the car and rushed off.

We circled around the yards for a long time,

Apparently they were looking for someone.

Having arrived at the place, I boldly got out of the car,

Then SHE came up! “Hi, I’m Olya! How are you?"

I stood and held on as best I could,

So as not to show that I “swimmed”.

I look and I can’t look away,

And I don’t understand what’s wrong with me!
And Olga looks at me,

Suddenly I realized: “That’s it, she’s mine!”

Five years have passed since then,

We decided to give each other lunch!

We will appear before the altar,

And we will take an oath of love and fidelity!

Everyone loving hearts we wish

To be close as much as you can,

And we take part in the competition,

And we really want to win it!

The story that we remembered forever was our first meeting. We met on social networks on August 28th. Since I was on shift, we could not meet. The first time we met was on September 9, I was afraid to go to the meeting. The road was long, and the weather left much to be desired. My car was from Soviet times and could barely carry me. The path lay through Samara and having decided to buy flowers, I parked the car in the courtyards and went to look for flowers. I found flowers, left the store and it was raining outside. By the time I got to the car, all wet, the flowers remained alive. The road to Ksenia took another hour, but it was worth it. I was immediately confused and afraid of doing something wrong.

We spent our first date on the Embankment. We first went to the teahouse, where I hugged her for the first time. We sat hugging and getting to know each other better. Then we walked along the Embankment and after the rain it was slightly cool. We warmed ourselves by hugging each other and that’s how we kissed for the first time. I was glad that we finally met and didn’t want to let her go, but the road home was long and took a lot of time. We often remember our first meeting with a smile and are very glad that we have each other.

Artem Zuikov and Irina Erokhova. Our dating story began in 2016. We met by chance at one of the projects and discussed working issues. Since then, we called each other and communicated as friends for a little over a year. In 2017, my friend and I were going to BIG LOVE SHOW 2017, but on the eve of the trip she got sick. I didn’t despair and invited Artyom to join me, he agreed. We bought train tickets and went to Moscow the very next day. This trip changed everything in our lives! Every minute we learned something new about each other, laughed, told stories from life, I got to know a person from a completely different side. Right at the concert in Olimpiyskiy, Artyom unexpectedly asked me to become his girlfriend, my heart beat so wildly and I agreed. A lot has changed in our lives since then, and our friends still don’t believe that this happens. I am grateful to fate for that trip that everything turned out exactly like this, because for a whole year we couldn’t even think that someday we shall be together. And this year we are preparing for the very unforgettable day in our life-wedding! And we are looking forward to this event with trepidation and excitement, because this will be our Wedding of the Century!

The most striking event in our lives was the moment when I proposed to my fiancee. This event occurred on December 16, 2017. I wanted to do something unusual and memorable. Therefore, I decided to make an offer in the style of a “quest”. The subject matter related to the poetic history of the 19th century. The event was large-scale, so to implement it I needed the help of ten of my friends, 5 personal cars, 2 abandoned buildings. Completing the quest took 6 hours. The locations were arranged in such a way that when passing through, my bride experienced mixed feelings, turning from fear and anger to joy and a smile. The culmination of the event was dinner in a restaurant on the 10th floor with panoramic windows overlooking the city at night, and the very moment of the proposal. And of course, at the most crucial moment there was a curious incident, when I got down on one knee and was about to ask the most important question in my life: “Will you become my wife?”, because I got too nervous, I tore off the top cover from ring boxes, but my future wife and I pretended that nothing had happened. And of course, to her long-awaited question, she said: “Yes!”

Still, based on the theme of the competition, the most striking moment is the one at which the proposal was made.

This happened last summer when we went to a friends wedding. At that time, we had been dating for about six months. It was August, the second day of the holiday. We had fun all day on the river bank in a large group: music, dancing, sauna, cool water. In the evening, when it was already dark, my friend and I noticed that our companions had gone somewhere for a long time. We found them near the tent having a heart-to-heart conversation. A little later we joined them, as did several other friends. After some time, Max turned to me and it was clear that he wanted to say something important. When he whispered the question “Will you be my wife?”, I was shocked and did not immediately believe in the seriousness of his intentions, I asked him again several times. All thoughts were confused. I even decided to postpone this conversation to the next day) But in the morning nothing had changed, he was still confident in his intention.

Although enough time has passed, I still sometimes can’t believe that one of the most important days in the life of our couple and almost our family is approaching.

Our story began in 2016. We met by chance on public transport. Why by chance, because on that one day my boyfriend went to work not by car, but by minibus (remember how in the song: “This is no joke... we met in a minibus”)). The weather was sunny, the day was going just fine. And then at one of the stops he entered. He was lightly dressed and was talking to someone on the phone, smiling constantly. I fell in love with his smile. As they say in the most romantic stories, I forgot about everything and then passed my stop, if only he would sit next to me. And what do you think? He sat down, ended the call, and picked up the phone. I looked at his phone, he was on one of the social networks, I read and remembered his First and Last Name. After all, he has a rather rare name. His name was Ian. When I got home, I found him on the same social network, added him as a “friend” and we started corresponding. None of us had any idea what it would ultimately lead to. But this is not the most memorable moment. The most touching and romantic story is his declaration of love. I was at home preparing for our meeting with him. He picked me up in the evening. We were driving along the Moscow highway to a restaurant in Samara, and on the way he was silent the whole time. And then three cars drive out at full speed; on the rear window of each car there were the words - I LOVE YOU. At first I didn’t believe that they were addressed to me, but they took up three lanes right in front of us. I was so impressed. It was not only unexpected, but also beautiful. No one has ever done this to me before. The smile never left my face; at that moment I was the happiest. After all, our feelings turned out to be mutual.

How I would like to start our story of Dasha + Andrey with platitudes. Our history dates back to February 2012 in India, the state of Goa. Upon arrival in this country, a series of adventures began. After a long flight and waiting for a transfer to the hotel, we were loaded onto a bus. The transfer lasted for an hour, everyone was exhausted from the road. Thinking when the rest would begin or at least see a bed and a shower, we were put on an unknown transport (about 10 people) with our compatriots who had not been drinking much. It was already night in the strange and inhospitable country of India. Simply put, everyone was on edge. But one girl remained calm, and I decided to join her. This pretty girl, as it turned out, was Dasha. With her we quickly found mutual language and by coincidence we checked into the same hotel. The next day we met near the hotel reception desk. Next, in order to find a company to communicate with, we cooperated with her into one gang. Later, our gang visited numerous sunsets in the ocean and joined the local crowd of Russian Rastomans, poets, artists (in “Asha”). Each episode deserves its own nostalgic memory. After several days of being in our gang, we decided not to be separated. To be continuation….

Vika. The story of our acquaintance does not remember the beginning. I knew Sasha since childhood, our grandmothers live in the same village and every summer we walked in the same company. Sasha was for me good friend. I remember how we walked the streets at night, laughed loudly, talked about all sorts of nonsense, and we always had fun and good times together. When we got older, he taught me to drive. I couldn’t think then that I would want to spend my whole life with this person.
And so, in the winter of 2016 we went to the skating rink. The turning point in my life has come, and it turned out to be a turning point in every sense. Yes, I managed to break my leg.
It’s an amazing time, it’s not in vain that they say that nothing in life happens for nothing. I was amazed by the boundless care and attention that came from Sasha. He was always there, taking me for walks so that I wouldn’t get bored at home, buying groceries because I couldn’t get to the store on my own. I had to be carried everywhere in my arms. Then I realized, this is my man! Since then, I have had the same feeling that I am in good hands, as if behind a stone wall. This is my love!
Sasha. My love story begins shortly before that turning point.
One day my company and I went into a tea shop. I sat next to Vika and all evening my attention was concentrated on her, as if I did not notice the others. We drank tea, talked, laughed. It was that evening that I realized that this was my love, my destiny, my life. And I began to storm this non-criminal fortress. I wrote, called, picked me up from work, and constantly invited me to go for a walk. My persistence, like her beauty, had no end.
And so on March 8, 2017, I made up my mind and proposed marriage to Vika. She said YES!
It so happened that our parents did not help us organize the wedding, so we are saving on our own. It is our big dream and hope to win this competition.

Danila loves to please me and I also always want to do something nice for him.
On our first Valentine's Day, we couldn't afford much financially, but I really wanted to please him. Many people gave the now fashionable cakes in boxes to order, but my beloved is indifferent to sweets, but he loves meat in all its forms. So I made my own version of a delicious gift by preparing cutlets and putting them beautifully in a box. I didn’t expect anything in response, knowing our financial capabilities, but still received my favorite chocolate, on the packaging of which there was a code glued, scanning which opened a video with our photos accompanied by music. This touched me because... I understood that he had very little free time in last days and most likely he had to fuss with it at night.

Perhaps our story will seem naive, a little banal and completely simple to some. But this incident once again proved to us the sincerity of our feelings.

And, of course, with us is our tender memory of our recent vacation together on the Black Sea shore. Ever since I was a child, I dreamed of swimming in the sea with dolphins. One day, while basking in the sun on the beach, we saw these charming creatures; a school of dolphins was so close to the shore. And then, without hesitation, Artem put me on a jet ski and, taking a video camera, we rushed into the sea to pursue our dream. We filmed how the dolphins swam, their backs were very close. Playing and beckoning us along, we were as if cut off from the world. Upon returning to land, we were overwhelmed with emotions; we wanted to quickly watch the video, but we were horrified to find out that the camera was not turned on. There was incredible annoyance and tears of disappointment in Dasha’s eyes. And yet I wanted to fulfill my beloved’s dream. The next day we went to the dolphinarium, and after the program we could swim with the dolphins. Emotions overwhelmed us. How great it is that for the sake of your loved one you are ready for such feats and madness.

It is impossible to choose just one moment! There were a lot of them! To begin with, this is the very first date and the first meeting (since we met on the Internet) in the forest at -15. It was extreme, a little scary, but the conversations that we both love DC comics immediately made it clear that it was not in vain that we met on the Internet.
Another bright event was 02/23/2017, a trip to the camp site. There Egor taught me to shoot. Shoot from a real weapon, although I had never held one in my hands, I was even afraid. But under his skillful guidance, I hit the target 4 out of 5 times!
Our frequent trips to karaoke evoke a huge amount of emotions, because... We both really love to sing. Even at our wedding we plan to sing a song together for our guests.
Well, the last bright event is the proposal! Since March 8 coincided with our anniversary, Yegor decided that this was a very symbolic day. Being a very pragmatic person, far from romantic, he delighted with surprises in the morning. Breakfast in bed, flowers, then a festive dinner, which he prepared himself, and then, unexpectedly, he handed over his laptop, where the page of the State Services website was opened with the heading “State registration of marriage”, our song in the background, one knee and red box with a ring! Of course I agreed! This was the most so far wonderful holiday March 8!

Our story began with a dance dedicated to the Great Victory. In this number we played a couple in love who, on the first day of the war, may have separated forever. It was this dance and those feelings that brought us very close. Our relationship reached a completely different level, where we realized that we meant a lot to each other. Almost 7 years have passed since the day when we first met eyes, we are connected by joyful events, travels, we try to paint gray everyday life with bright colors and fill them with happiness. One of the most memorable events of this summer was our trip to Alanya. Something inside me told me that this would be an unusual trip, and we would return from it in a new status. But how could I have guessed that it would be so touching and romantic. It seems that everyone around knew about Kirill’s plans, but they kept everything secret until the very end, giving this moment even more trepidation and excitement. And now this day has come. A romantic dinner was arranged especially for us, after which we went to the beach to watch the sunset and listen to the whisper of the sea. It was at this moment, at sunset, standing on one knee on the pier, that Kirill proposed to me. Tears of joy flowed like hail, my heart was ready to jump out of my chest, I didn’t even notice that they were filming us and congratulating us - it was boundless happiness. And this is just one of thousands of memorable stories, and there will be many more in the future! After all, happiness is falling in love with the same person every day, making him happy and being one!

The time of your first holiday together is unforgettable! We are beautiful, in love and just getting started serious relationship after a long acquaintance, we decide to go to Crimea (then it was part of Ukraine) from Samara by car. Once we got there, we explored many beautiful places, but settled on one. We decided to go to a new beach, where there is clean white sand and clear blue water. We arrived at the place and were stunned by what we saw. The panoramic view was extremely beautiful. We walked down to the beach along rickety stairs about 100 meters. We chose a place, settled down and ran to swim. After some time, I hear Andrei’s scream, I don’t understand what’s wrong, we go ashore and see blood oozing from his toe, I come closer, I see that there’s a complete problem with his nail. I immediately panic from what I saw, the beach is wild, where can I look for a medical worker? I rushed to look for what they call it. I found a bandage and peroxide from someone. We’ve treated our finger and are wondering how to get up there, how to get behind the wheel?! As a result, through joint efforts they decided that Yuliana would get behind the wheel without any driving experience. The story ended happily, we got home, but the nail still came off. It turned out that there was a sunken barge at the bottom and it was completely sawed apart, but the bottom could not be raised. Andrei ran into its sharp edge. With the first test in extreme situation we did it! Please be careful on wild beaches!

Our meeting happened by chance
We couldn't meet for a long time
But fate decided everything desperately
The axes of the earth have turned towards us.

There were different stories in life...
Maybe write us a book?
And there will be bright moments in it,
To always remember them with you.

- Do you remember, darling, you gave me that evening?
Romance, the glow of candles and us,
That chair that caught fire from surprise
We stewed it on the last day of winter.
- Yes, I remember, it turned out enchanting,
We passed firefighter school with flying colors.

— Do you remember, dear, how we were in jeeps?
We rushed along the serpentine into the heights,
Cliffs, stones, mountains, fear enveloping you like the wind,
He didn't let you see beauty.
- Yes, I remember, you took my hand,
He conveyed his confidence to me.

- Darling, I can’t forget that very day
When you proposed
In the circle of my family, on New Year, did you worry
And I can’t convey that feeling
When the chimes struck you confessed your love to me.
Kneeling down and saying:
"I want to be with you forever!"
Handing me a ring in his palm
Said: “Marry me!”
- Darling, I remember those moments
Your look, smile, joy and answer
When you said “Yes” to a proposal
And my happiness knows no bounds.

And with this we congratulate each other
And we want to wish ourselves with all our hearts
The most sincere, pure and bright
Inspired mutual love!!!

Our first vacation together began with a visit to a “new” country for both of us. We wanted to spend somewhere calm and romantic. And our choice fell on warm, sunny, and colorful Tunisia. You might be thinking, what could be romantic in this country? Against! What struck us most was the city of Sidi Bou Said. The city, which is also called the “blue and white city”. Indeed, all the houses in this city are painted only in White color, and all doors and windows are blue. In this unusual place, everything is filled with love, from the architecture to every resident. This is a favorite place for artists, writers, musicians, and as a result has become our favorite. We walked around this cute town, looking at all the sights and various souvenir shops self made(of which there are a lot), we walked and more and more stunning views of the Gulf of Tunisia and the capital opened up to us. Having reached the end of the main street, from the observation deck we saw the azure sea, the port where moored yachts slowly sway, and the beach. The most wonderful feeling is to look into the distance of the sea with your most dear person, and feel the happiness that you are here. Palm trees were green under the hot sun, and the fresh smell of the sea was in the air in tandem with our senses. We sat on the parapet, enjoying the moment. And then I made up my mind, thinking that this was exactly the moment that I wanted to capture in our memory for the rest of our lives. Yes, it sounds banal, but I did it all traditionally, I got down on my knee and invited my girlfriend to make me happy, to become not just my beloved, but to become my beloved wife!

The story of our acquaintance is very romantic. We met at the wedding of our mutual friends. Ironically, my friend's name is Natalya, and my fiance's friend's name is Victor. And one of the first phrases when we met was “What’s your name?” - “As the groom, and you as the bride.” It was the most pleasant acquaintance of my life. We danced all the slow dances together, which was very pleasant and memorable. We also lost all the competitions together. Well, these are the cupid friends we have.
This is how our friends Victor and Natalya got married almost a year ago, and this year we are Victor and Natalya. Irony of fate, or a sign, decide for yourself.

Sometimes love doesn't come at first sight. Sometimes, she needs 4 glances and one chickenpox to accurately aim. But let's talk about everything in order.
A friend introduced us. I remembered his red beard, but he didn’t remember anything, because the first meeting took place at a party. We had fun and danced, and in the morning we didn’t even think about each other.

But fate realized that we are poor students and sometimes we do not immediately see the correct answer in the example given to her. And a couple of months later we met by chance. Maxim remembered mine blonde hair, but I didn’t remember anything. All because some person in a green sweater was hovering next to him, and I... can’t stand green.

In the morning Maxim called and invited me to the cinema. And a week later we went to hockey. And then go karting. And so date after date, day after day, meeting after meeting, I fell in love with his eyes. My favorite green eyes:)
And then I got chickenpox: like Fiona with green polka dots, I was embarrassed to open the door for him, but when I opened it I heard... No, not “I love you,” but “Get ready and let’s go, I’ve already had chickenpox.”

S: I'm Sashulya!

K: I'm Katyusha! Prepare your ears!
S: We will tell you now The whole story about us.

K: We were “walking the net”...
Looking for your love.
S: I liked everyone.
K: Is this true? You didn’t tell me that...
S: Darling, I was mistaken. Agree, this is nothing!
K: We chatted and communicated...
S: We were still afraid to meet...
K: I feel like I know him...
S: Finally, I made up my mind. I invited him on a date.
K: Park at night... The trees are rustling... I wish he wasn’t late...
S: I arrived a little earlier. I’m standing, waiting... She’s coming... And what a figure... His mouth opened like an idiot.
K: We walked and joked...
S: And they made each other laugh. I gave her a coin.
K: “For good luck,” he said!
S: I honestly showed Katya a couple of coin tricks.
K: I remember how my beloved and I wandered onto the banks of the Volga...
S: And we said to each other “those” three words about love.
K: Happiness knew no bounds!
S: Everything is mutual! That’s it!
K: How nice it was to hear “those” magic words.
I love you, Sashulya!
S: I love you back. I was sure that Katya would soon say “yes” in return.
K: We’re going to the procedure. I’m not in the mood at all.
S: I said: “I’m waiting in the car.” And I sat there, dumb as a fish.
K: Having returned from the procedure, I was already getting ready to go home...
Sasha gave the glass to me...Drink with me, he says
He poured me some Dr. Pepper. And he said: “Drink to the bottom!”
And on the bottom there is a ring
S: She said yes to me!
K: Red roses are brought out by “This is for you, Katyusha”!
Will I really tell you “my husband” very soon?!
S: I will say: “You are my wife.” I'm happy that you are with me.
K: Soon...
S: Very, very soon... You will become my family.

Probably a trip to the sea. And there were so many - trips, moments, and chic restaurants. But the most vivid memories are from the water park in Gelendzhik and from the embankment in Sochi, and also from a cute cafe near Rostov, we sat and looked at the pond with swans and ate kebabs. The brightest moment was the first kiss. And the kiss itself, meaning: “I feel so good with you that I want us to always be together.” Also meeting your parents, this exciting moment before meeting. By the way, the matchmaking was one of the brightest moments. Everything was very exciting and interesting. The Groom's family came to us with their own scenario, which no one expected. There were competitions and quizzes.

We don’t have a single highlight moment in our lives, because every day is somehow better than the next. But we really like to remember the story of our acquaintance. And no matter how ridiculous it may sound, we met on the Internet. I was not in the mood for new acquaintances. And then to my phrase: “I don’t meet people on the Internet,” he answered easily: “We won’t get acquainted, we’ll just communicate.” Three days later, as he likes to say, he picked me up from school for the first time! It was then that we learned that the moment of our acquaintance was predetermined a long time ago. Our parents lived in apartments across the street from childhood. When we realized that we had known each other literally all our lives. We realized that going against the will of fate simply does not make sense. We've been together ever since, and this is definitely the brightest moment in our history with him.

We met completely by accident, so to speak, fate itself brought us together. It happened on a ship. Our organization gathered participants for an education conference, which I absolutely did not want to go to, since I could refuse. But you know, there are very few men in education, so they practically persuaded me... And here I met an acquaintance (colleague), who was with a friend, who also went completely spontaneously (not related to education in any way). I realized that this is mine! I constantly walked and looked after her, gradually feeling that mutual sympathy for me was emerging. I started courting. Then she didn’t leave my side either. We got off the ship in Samara, I accompanied her home with her suitcase. On this or the next day, I took the courage and wrote an SMS, she answered willingly and the conversation dragged on. We went to the theaters, to the cinema, and just walked, we had and still have a very good time together! Now, for almost 3 years we cannot live without each other! It’s something like this, we live and enjoy each other... And of course we want to sign.

Love story of Ramis and Valeria.
Previously, we could not believe that love between different nations really existed, but one day fate brought us together once and for the rest of our lives...
He is a Tatar, I am Russian, he is a Muslim, and I am Orthodox. Life has prepared difficult trials for us, but in the struggle for our feelings we were able to overcome all obstacles and in the end won!
In the winter of 2018, Ramis proposed marriage to me. It was at the wedding of our close friends. Evening is coming, we are celebrating a birthday new family, and now it’s finally our turn to say our wishes to the young people. Since God has given me the “gift” to speak a lot, the right to say congratulations at events on behalf of our couple always honorably goes to me! We stand up, I make a solemn speech, Ramis is nearby and, naturally, supports every word I say. And now, it seems, that’s all. Guests clap and shout “Bitter!” newlyweds, when Ramis suddenly takes the microphone from the presenter and declares: “Now I want to say in front of everyone that I’m ready to get married right this minute, if only for the sake of having you always stand so beautifully next to me and say congratulations on the holidays from the two of us! Lerochka, of course I’m joking! But I really really want you to become my wife! Min sine yaratam (“I love you” in Tatar), will you marry me?” And at that moment he takes a ring out of his pocket. I still don’t understand how he managed to hide it so carefully, and I didn’t even notice. To say that I was shocked is to say nothing! Everyone present then began to applaud loudly, some came up and congratulated her on her new status - bride. And at that moment tears flowed from my eyes, but they were tears of incredible happiness!
Now Ramis and I are preparing to celebrate the holy Nikah (this is the Muslim rite of marriage) in our Samara Cathedral Mosque, but we are also, of course, planning and dreaming about how our official wedding will take place.
At the end of our story, I would like to say that if you find true love, then it is very important not to give up and know that if God gives tests, then he knows for sure that you will withstand them! And only a bright future and the birth of beautiful children await us ahead. I wish you all great happiness, love and thank you very much for your attention!

There were many bright moments, but the most significant and memorable was the marriage proposal! It all started when our couple caught the bride’s bouquet and garter at a friends wedding. Six months later, I decided to propose. I prepared very carefully and for a long time, keeping everything secret from Nastya. In his free time, when he was left alone, he drew posters with the text of a declaration of love, chose a suitable restaurant, and negotiated with video operators to capture this event for life. On the eve of the Valentine's Day, I asked my close friend Nastya to invite her to a restaurant. On the appointed day, I arrived early to ask the restaurant visitors to help me. Imagine Nastya’s surprise when people began to approach the window where she was sitting with posters on which were my declarations of love and marriage proposal. Entering to the applause of the audience, I presented a bouquet of flowers and got down on one knee with the words: “darling, will you be my wife?” Of course, the answer was “YES”. At this moment, both hands were shaking. Now, watching this video, we experience these unforgettable emotions again and again.

Late evening. Monday. I’m cooking dinner, something is sizzling on the stove, some TV series is muttering in the background... I’m not listening to anything, somewhere in my thoughts. As usual we chat about nothing. Actually, Monday is hard as usual, so gradually our dialogue turns into his monologue “about the meaning of life.” I’m lost in my thoughts, he’s in the background like quiet music. It seems like I’m going to fall asleep right on the spot... Suddenly he gets up and comes up to me. In his hands is a little green turtle! I open my sleepy eyes wide and don’t immediately understand what’s happening... the turtle box opens and there’s a ring inside. “I’ve been going to this for too long, just like this turtle,” he says, putting on the ring... This evening was the warmest. The most sincere. The quietest and truly happy.

The brightest moment of our life is our acquaintance. We knew each other in absentia for a long time. But we were afraid to approach each other to get to know each other, thinking that we would not accept each other with these intentions. After we met, there was great sympathy, but behind it lay fear, fear of admitting feelings. Because We were 15 years old, we came up with a game in front of our friends, supposedly we were a couple. Everyone had their own childhood (teenage) jokes in the company. At the same time, each of us was so happy from this game. After this game developed into a relationship. We are one of those couples who have been dating since school, then no one could have thought that everything would turn out this way and that “childhood” relationship would lead to something more, and now, we have been together for 8 years.

As Beigbeder wrote, it is believed that love lives for 3 years. But our most vivid memory happened a little later. When separation, intended as a break from each other, turns into “the need for every second presence”, into “acceptance of what seemed to be destroying the relationship”, into “hundreds of photographs waiting for your return day after day”, into “awareness of what it is - I love you". Therefore, the most vivid memory is the moment when we realized how much we love each other.

This event in our life has a lot of backstory, but due to the limited scope of our story, let’s move on to that very moment.
So, we drove 2100 km, passed 12 cities and finally got to a wonderful place - Rosa Khutor. Early on an August morning, we got ready, dressed warmly (personally, I didn’t suspect anything and didn’t dress up too much), bought a ticket and rushed up the ski lifts. And here we are at the top! 2320 m above sea level! Yes, it’s breathtaking, but being sophisticated people who are hungry for great adventures, we didn’t stop there. Denis, as an experienced hiker, quickly found a mountain path leading into the unknown, we both knew that there was something even more interesting there. An hour and a half climb along a little-trodden path brought us to a point inscribed in the history of our lives. Our place is “Stone Pillar”, height 2509 m. “The observation deck is too ordinary and simple,” Denis said and suggested relaxing in a more secluded place. We climbed over the fence (dangerous, don’t repeat it!) and got to the very edge of the cliff, a place where no one could stop us from enjoying the fabulous landscapes of the Caucasus Mountains. The sweet snack was just right and I wanted to drink, Denis turned to his backpack for a thermos (he makes delicious tea!). When Denis turned to me, I saw far from a thermos. Denis quickly got down on his knee and... in general, everyone understood. Joy, shock, happiness, jubilation, euphoria - I experienced all the most wonderful feelings at that moment! Of course I agreed! Surprisingly, at that moment the rays of the sun peeked out from behind the clouds, and a newly born cloud rose from the ravine. In general, we were both incredibly happy, and returned home in a new status.

We got acquainted with Lesha's travel life. He was sent to Volgograd for 3 months. This came as such a shock to me.
- How about 3 months? Why so long?
Tears, snot. I was planning to go to see him in Volgograd. I quit my job and my studies (it was my graduation year). He carried himself well. He calmed and supported as best he could. And then a miracle happened: after 1.5 months of business trip, he was sent to Samara for 2 days (in order to be sent for training in Ufa). I was happy. 1.5 months of separation and here it is that same train. Meeting, tears, words of love. At this moment you understand how important it is when a person is nearby. Appreciate and love each other, enjoy every minute together, as we do!

54. Ksenia Fefelova and Alexey Murzin

01/13/18 is the anniversary of the start of the relationship. Alexey, did not forget about this date and arranged an unreal surprise. There was nothing predicting this bomb. In the morning he went to the store, and later called and said: “I won’t come” and time stood still. But then he continued: “There is a postcard in the medicine cabinet.” And then everything started to spin. The card contains congratulations and a task. With shaking hands and internal organs My daughter and I ran out of the house to the car, there was another note with instructions to look in the trunk for the next clue. And then the first gift - a trunk full of flowers! We find another riddle and hit the road! The destination is my aunt's house. Everyone smiles, but is silent. They handed over the envelope - again a mystery. On the road again! We go into a communication shop, I ask them to sell me a “RAINBOW”, in the presence of perplexed buyers, the seller hands out the next envelope. Already in the car we put all the found artifacts into a puzzle and it worked! Befoz. He was waiting for us there. Discussion, overwhelming emotions, because this was my first quest in my life! The emotional anniversary with the family seemed soon to end. And again a surprise! The waiter brings a vase with an armful of flowers, an envelope and the words “the quest continues”! In the envelope: “marry me.” Alexey got down on his knee and handed me the ring! "You will be my wife?". Shock, more shock. YES! Joyful applause fell from those present in the hall. It was happiness! In 4 years of relationship, not a day passed without him saying that he loved me. When they say “they are on the same wavelength,” they are talking about US!

There are thousands of bright moments in the lives of lovers and it is incredibly difficult to choose a specific one, but it is possible.
Of course, this is our meeting! We will always remember that wonderful October evening when we didn’t even think about each other, but met after several years of separation. Before that, we just knew each other - “Hello, how are you?” - that’s all the words, a smile, a wave of the hand, the usual set of city greetings. And so, we met again at the club, no matter how trivial, and we met absolutely by accident, a friend persuaded her to go, and I went to a friend’s birthday. We saw each other, talked, hugged and... parted ways. But as in novels, the world turned upside down at that moment, I walked for a week as if I wasn’t myself, didn’t eat, didn’t sleep, looked for her phone number. I set a date with my future bride, and we’ve been together ever since.
It was a bright holiday for the two of us on the sea coast, walking along the beach under the moon and getting up early to see the sun rise over the sea. Then grief almost happened - my beloved was knocked off a rock by a large wave and almost carried away into the sea... We even visited “pirates” on a “pirate” ship, walked around a city at night in another country, swam in waterfalls, went on excursions, and went to museums. In general, we gawked at someone else's life.
And in our native land we met the “Samara Yeti” in the Racheevsky forest. That's the truth, we saw it, I'm not lying. All the moments cannot be contained in short story, we hope to win this time and want to replenish our joint media library with bright shots from the “Wedding of the Century” competition.

Love at first sight – that’s how we call our love story. I am from Samara, he is from Chelyabinsk, one evening in Gelendzhik, one fate.
In the city of Gelendzhik, on a warm summer evening, when there was very little time left before the bus departed, I decided to take a short walk before the long journey, and finally admire the sea. But it’s just bad luck, the familiar road to the sea is far away, but here it is, just a stone’s throw away, and I decided to find a shortcut. But, as you know, the shortest road turns out to be the longest. There wasn't a soul around who could help. He appeared as if out of nowhere. Without missing a chance, I asked for help. It turned out that the stranger was going to the sea and kindly agreed to accompany me. “To spend the last minutes of your vacation in the company of an interesting, cheerful, charming person - you can only dream about this,” I thought at that moment. We talked, walked, swam. I injured my leg at sea, Andrey suggested that I go to the medical center of the sanatorium where he was vacationing. “Last name,” the nurse asked me sternly. “Olkhovskaya,” I answered confidently, presenting Andrei’s documents, and added that I left mine in the room. Apparently, fate already gave a sign then! Time passed, it was time to set off, but then the flight was delayed. Oh, miracle, a few more hours together!
Being in high spirits and heading towards the beach, I accidentally met a girl who asked for directions to the sea. Walking along the embankment and talking, I felt a growing interest in the girl, an attraction to her. I felt closeness, common interests, I wanted to get to know her better, spend more time together. We had a wonderful evening. I realized that I had feelings for the girl, and without delay, I decided to go to the city where she lives to continue our romantic story.
We had a feeling of closeness, the power of which could overcome any distance!

Life is full of bright and happy pictures, because they are given to us so that we can remember with tenderness all the moments we shared - not like a flashing picture! After all, every part of it will live forever in each of us, which we gave to each other...
We still remember our first meeting...) Alexander’s offer to visit the mysterious quarries. This alarmed me, but did not frighten me, after this trip I can rest assured that I am in good hands!
Our first kiss: we all had it, but was it like ours, when a wave of small goosebumps ran through your body, when you are scarlet in color, and your man cannot enjoy the kiss, and then tear his thoughts away from the fact that the kiss left its aftertaste on his lips...
We are our happiness, with a lively look of sparkling eyes and a light smile...

From the recent one: two days before this new year (2018), in the village where we celebrated it, one of our huskies ran away into the night. The whole world searched for her the next morning. Someone said that he came to them and ran away in different parts of the settlement. The problem was complicated by the fact that no one could catch him, because the dog does not trust strangers.
We spent the whole next day looking for him in the area, driving around, asking people, leaving phone numbers, posting advertisements, and were very worried. No one responded to posts on social networks.
While the dog was running somewhere in the fields, we were getting ready to celebrate the New Year.
On New Year's Day, one of us wished for the fugitive to return.
On the morning of January 1, Natasha’s friend was driving to the village at 7 am and saw a dirty dog ​​running along the highway, but when he stopped he couldn’t catch him, and the dog ran into the forest. He got through to Natasha, and they went together to catch him. I haven’t been able to wake Zhenya up yet).
After an hour of racing through the loose snow, Natasha reached her pet, but he was frightened and due to stress walked further and further from her.
In the meantime, they brought Evgeniy, and he, swearing and wandering in Natasha’s footsteps with sausages in his pocket, came across Natasha and Baton (that’s the dog’s name).
It is possible that the sausages decided everything, and the dog decided that the walk was over.
Tired and joyful, 15 kilometers from home, we made our way back to the highway through impassable snow for 3 km, hugging a shaggy traveler.

The most memorable moment was when we met. We were at a rehearsal for a student ball. I really wanted to learn one of the most difficult dances, and it was this one that Dima invited me to. We started talking, it turned out that Dima writes songs and plays the guitar, and I used to write poems. He suggested that I choose music for one of them. This is how our common song appeared and our relationship began to develop. Dima also fulfilled my school dream and gave me a guitar. It’s not without difficulty that I learn to play it, but I still make progress. We sometimes go to guitar evenings, went to the Grushinsky festival and can say with confidence: “music unites.”

When we first met, I put stilts on her and made her learn to fall from them. And just a few days later, from a “new” girl in the team, she became for me my “Sunny”.
“Sunny”, I always call her that when she smiles, even the brightest day can seem like twilight in the sparkle of her smile.
I remember a spring evening. we decided to take a walk, bought all sorts of nasty things at the nearest poppy store, and went down to the Volga. The water had only recently receded, and there were a bunch of swings and benches near the embankment wall, which we sat on. We chatted all evening, watched the sunset, kissed.
I was very cold then, but her smile warmed and illuminated me, and most importantly, at that moment I knew for sure that now this smile would warm me for the rest of my life.

Our story began in a provincial town and was not as interesting as the moments of life until today. I, like all girls, dreamed of great love and it came to me at the age of 17, when I was finishing school. This is the first tender, pure love, like spring Flower. Ilya always greeted me with dance school, went to my speeches, helped in preparing for exams. Then he studied in Samara. And of course I chose this city to get an education. I had to go against my parents and take my documents from the Moscow university. And here I am in Samara! I am studying, Ilya works far away from me in Tatarstan. Love at a distance is difficult and Ilya had to make a choice: either me or work. He left everything and moved to Samara, he had to start his career from scratch. It was not easy for us, but we are happy that now we are close! What was the most interesting thing? These are meetings across the stage, he looked at me as I, young and resigned, danced on stage. Among 100 faces, I saw only him and knew how excited and delighted he was with me! While dancing, I felt his presence in the hall. And he admired me like the Little Prince admires his Rose. Our love was born! 7 years have passed since then, there have been separations... Rose is capricious and touchy, and the Little Prince is exhausted with her. But he forgave the flower all the insults! 4 marriage proposals, my refusals to them. He endured all my whims and still won my heart. And now we have us, our cat Solomon, and we are basking in the dream that very soon we will be a family!

Yaroslav and I had a dream. Such a fluffy, affectionate dream. For a very long time we watched advertisements in search of our baby. And then a month later we saw an announcement on the popular social network Instagram. The small, fluffy miracle captivated us from the first second. We were persuaded to take a month-old kitten and, having no experience in breeding pets, we, joyful and happy, called a taxi and went to pick up our baby. We decided to call the Black Fold Muse. The baby, like many purebred animals, did not have a strong immune system, and every evening, after work, we were busy with trips to the vet. Clinic." By the way, Muse loved to travel around the city at night and study it carefully. We have gone through many difficulties and experiences, but now, looking at our plush happiness, it’s as if we are bursting with happiness. It's like looking at your child, who has already grown so much, and remembering his first sounds, steps, words and smiles. With the advent of Muse, more trust, patience, respect and love appeared in our relationship with my future husband. For us it was new stage in our life and two months later another miracle happened... Yaroslav proposed to me!