
Conspiracy to mother-in-law. Mother-in-law conspiracy: how to pacify his mother. Ritual for peace in your home



Leafing through the notebook found good plot so that the mother-in-law loves her husband's wife very much. The bride should read the plot in the house of a fierce and annoying mother-in-law. The consequences of such a conspiracy come immediately and the mother of the groom for the bride becomes affectionate and accommodating. If you read this conspiracy husband's mother will love her daughter-in-law very much and will not be able to say words across her daughter-in-law, the mother-in-law will completely stop interfering and climbing with advice. A very necessary plot, just right for my girlfriend who has a wedding in 2 weeks. There is one important condition to magical rite for the love of the mother-in-law worked, you need to read it in the house where the evil and annoying mother-in-law lives. The bride should go to any icon in the house and read the plot:

Sheep, I am your wolf, be afraid of me.

Mother-in-law, I am your sun and moon, my words are strong.

Mother-in-law - devil, take off your tongue,

Stand up like a pillar, I'm above you head.


Be sure that the result will come instantly and the mother-in-law will love you more than her son and will always take your side.

Another ritual rite so that the mother-in-law loves her daughter-in-law and does not interfere with life should be read at the common table. Invite your husband's mother to visit you and seat you at the table when your mother-in-law begins to eat, read conspiracy so that the mother-in-law loves the daughter-in-law:

How dear is your son
Sweet from your blood, your flesh,
So I will be your blood, flesh,
For the soul, for the heart.
Love me like your child
And more than your heart.

Amen .

© Copyright: Maginya


  • A dream is a fragile creation that people constantly betray, some do it out of their own laziness, because in order to get something, you need to do something. Others give up their desire for fear of the result of what they will succeed, others are afraid of condemning others. All these people are afraid to make a little effort for the sake of their dreams and finally fulfill their desire - a dream. It so happened among people that it is the young who succeed in dreaming and getting what they have planned faster. At this age, for the sake of his dream, a person with courage and recklessness is ready to give up all his strength, if only the dream comes true. With age, a person gains life experience, he loses courage and the next idea - he looks at a dream with caution, calculating every step towards his goal, a person is afraid to stumble and most often decides that this dream is childish and not so necessary, after all, I lived without her before and everything was fine ... This is how many "kill" their dreams themselves.

  • Christmas divination for love and marriage allows you to see your future husband in order to recognize the groom sent by fate at the meeting. Fortune-telling at Christmas time for your soul mate will not only show you the groom, but also forever bewitch him to you, protecting the family from cheating and her husband's partying. In order to independently tell fortunes and conduct a fortune-telling ceremony for a narrowed Christmas tree, you will need an ordinary candle and 2 mirrors. Fortune telling is carried out in the following way: put a candle between the mirrors on the windowsill, so that the sky can be seen in the mirror you are looking at. Light a candle standing between the mirror and the window (the sky and the fire of the candle should be reflected in the mirror). When everything is ready, start the Christmas ceremony for love. Without blinking, look in the mirror and read the love plot 3 times - a call for a betrothed (future husband):

  • Rituals for Christmas time for love and marriage have long been performed by girls and women of all ages. At Christmas time, you need to guess at the betrothed, while conducting a special ceremony, those who have already been able to get married for Christmas week read conspiracies and prayers for the love of their husband. Christmas magic holds a strong love spell and a simple marriage ceremony that anyone can perform. Rituals and conspiracies on Christmas week from January 7 to January 19 is just the time when you can independently conduct the oldest and 100% working Christmas ritual for love and read a real love plot that strengthens the love of a husband for his wife, who has cooled down with feelings or even worse began walk to the left - if you read a conspiracy to love at Christmas time on him, this situation will improve very quickly and the bewitched man will love only his wife. A love spell for unmarried people is done at home during the celebration of the Christmas week (Christmas week) and soon as the prayer for love for Christmas time is read, fate will send a husband who will very soon propose to you and take you as his wife.

  • Under Christmas white magic especially strong. Conspiracies and rituals for love on Christmas evening or Christmas night help to quickly and very much fall in love with any person and even make him propose to you, awakening in him an obsessive desire to marry you and create a strong and strong relationship with you. happy family. Traditions and customs for Christmas contain a lot strong prayers conspiracies and love spells. Christmas conspiracies help you meet your betrothed or fall in love with your existing lover and marry your beloved man. It is customary to read almost all Christmas conspiracies and prayers for love before the Icon or the crucifixion of Christ, this love spell - a prayer for love on the Christmas holiday is also read before the face of Jesus Christ:

Complete collection and description: a prayer for the mother-in-law to leave her husband behind for the spiritual life of a believer.

To appease the evil mother-in-law, I advise you to pray to Nicholas the Wonderworker. In the near future, relations with the mother-in-law will improve.

Living under the same roof with someone else's mother is very difficult.

Loving your dear spouse, you are offended that the mother-in-law "puts spokes in the wheel."

She still wants to be the most important, often forgetting that she herself screamed “bitterly” at her son's wedding procession.

Without getting angry and without cursing anyone, go to the Orthodox Church.

Submit a registered note on the health of the mother-in-law.

Put 3 candles to the icon of Jesus Christ, the Blessed Matrona and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Being at the image of the Saint, say these prayer lines to yourself:

Miracle Worker Nikolai, let the mother-in-law not be angry, our marriage will be preserved. Amen.

Cross yourself diligently and leave the Temple.

For home prayer, buy 12 candles and the icons listed above. Collect holy water in a capacious container.

When no one is at home, retire to a locked room.

You light candles. Place icons and a cup of holy water nearby.

Mentally imagine peaceful relations in the family, as well as a kind and complaisant mother-in-law.

You begin to repeatedly whisper special prayers addressed to Nikolai Ugodnik.

Wonderworker Nikolai, I trust in your protection, and forgive me if I do evil. If my mother-in-law is very angry with me, let her calm down quickly. So that discord does not destroy the family, I beg you very much. May it be so. Amen.

Another prayer to the Pleasant.

Wonderworker Nicholas, Defender and Savior. I beg you, do not measles, but give my family a way. Let the mother-in-law not gloat more, everything goes according to the Divine will. All scandals in the family will stop, evil spells will return back. I believe that grace will come, and the mother-in-law will not make you suffer. May it be so. Amen.

Cross yourself heartily and drink holy water.

Extinguish the candles, throw away the cinders. Remove icons.

Imperceptibly pour holy water from a cup you have sipped into any mother-in-law's drinks.

In a few weeks, you can pray again, asking Nikolai Ugodnik so that your mother-in-law does not get angry.

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Number of reviews: 4

I found a prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for my mother-in-law, but there is a condition: pour holy water into her drink from a cup I sipped.

We do not live together, and there is no way to get to them, I already wrote to you in a letter.

We haven't seen each other for a year and a half, even more.

Sincerely, Natalia.

Hello again, Natalia.

You have found a truly suitable material.

You don’t need to add anything to the mother-in-law at all.

You don't even have to worry about this.

Take a sip of holy water yourself and continue to pray.

The Lord God himself will decide when to respond to your request.

You will surely overcome all troubles.

Live in joy!

I don't want to live with my husband, he and his mother-in-law want to take my child away from me.

These are terrible people, they only have their own truth, I live in fear.

Lord, do such unworthy people live in the world.

How can a child be taken away from its mother. This is worse than the worst crime!

It is difficult for me to advise anything, being at a distance of my soul from you.

On our site with you there is any material: love spells, lapels, conspiracies for the mother-in-law and spouse; prayers addressed to God's Pleasures.

Please use the site search to find the most suitable material for yourself.

Take care of yourself and your child!

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  • Site Administrator - Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for help in business, 3 prayers

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Mother-in-law conspiracy: so as not to climb and interfere

A conspiracy for the mother-in-law (father-in-law), carried out at home, is a magical prayer that is said in order to improve the relationship between husband and wife if the mother-in-law intervenes in them. These conspiracies are especially popular, since the mothers of sons cannot let the child go from under their warm wing and interfere in every possible way in their already independent life, this becomes a bad habit.

Mother-in-law conspiracy

Naturally, not every daughter-in-law is able to show remarkable patience and be silent every time the mother-in-law does something that destroys your marriage again and again. It is much better if the relationship with the mother of the husbands develops amicably, and no one interferes with each other. If you want to come to such a relationship scheme, then be sure to check out the magical conspiracies, they can really be useful and effective.

Depending on what kind of problem exists in your relationship, you should choose the type of ritual. Let's find out how they are classified and on what grounds:

  • We remove its influence. These protective rites are especially popular. The fact is that the mothers of spouses are often too curious and influential, and climb where they don’t need to climb, thereby violating the peace and harmony of a young family. These conspiracies are aimed at driving the husband’s mother away from your family nest to hell, that is, get rid of it as soon as possible.
  • We restore the world. These conspiracies will help build normal peaceful relations with your mother-in-law, but will not make you friends.
  • Rituals directed against the mother-in-law. These are the most powerful rituals, the purpose of which is to completely eliminate the influence of the mother-in-law on her husband. In this way, emotional attachment husband to his mother's skirt is cut in the bud, he no longer listens to her unquestioningly.

Before proceeding with the ritual, decide on the goal and only, then read the magical text against the mother-in-law so that she lags behind your family.

If the wife’s abuse with her husband’s evil mother constantly sounds in the house, the mother-in-law constantly intrigues you, no matter what you do, and the situation does not change, you should turn to magic so that the mother-in-law does not interfere with the young. For the ceremony you will need:

  • 7 church candles
  • A cake or pie that you have baked yourself

It is advisable to choose the right time, the ideal is the full moon, that is, the full moon.

When the clock strikes midnight, light the wicks of all seven candles and use them to lay out a circle. Sit in the middle of an imaginary circle, put a fresh pie next to you. After that, start reading the magic prayer:

“You are my dear mother, although not blood, but still, the one that bestowed her husband, the good news came to me. I want to live, we have learned so that the walls do not tremble and we do not prevaricate. Let you taste this cake, and the walls will collapse forever, and the future will be bright, not bad. Know that I don't hate you."

The mother-in-law is that woman who can, without knowing it, destroy the happiness of her own son. Moreover, she can do this not from evil, but by doing a so-called good deed. In order to at least slightly cool her ardor, pacify and drive her away from your family, you need ordinary table salt. It is also important to choose the right time, namely the waning month, the time after dawn. Dial a full palm of salt and, trying to make sure that it does not spill out through your fingers, read the text of the conspiracy:

“White salt, bitter salt, it flows through your fingers, as you penetrate into my fate. Help me, God, save my nest. I want us to live on our own, and the mother-in-law does not interfere with us. Help to get rid of her influence. Amen".

After that, sharply unclench your fingers and let the salt spill onto the floor. After that, take a broom with a scoop and carefully sweep the rubbish out of the house. Throw it away on the street, away from home. If the effect is not felt, it is worth repeating the ritual again, then it will definitely work.

Even though parents are the ones who gave us the ticket to this life, they must give freedom to their children, especially when they have created new family. A man should not remain a "mother's son", should not, at a conscious age, hide behind his mother's skirt and turn to her for help for any trifles. To get rid of a husband’s dependence on his mother, use such a magical method that will help break the energy dependence with the mother, that is, to drive the mother-in-law away from her son.

To perform the rite, you will need one onion, three church candles and water in a transparent glass. Also try to find the right time for this ceremony. In this case, the waning moon is considered ideal. At night, when everyone at home has gone to bed, prepare everything necessary items and lock yourself in a separate room so that no one comes. Sit at the table, put an onion in front of you and cut it into two halves with a knife. Then alternately lower them into the water, saying these words:

“The bow will take root in the water, I will cut off all the ends. Me, the servant of God (my name) and my wife, the servant of God (the name of the husband), his blood will not separate. Her road is not here, let her live her life. Our life, we do what we want, do not interfere with us, (name of the mother-in-law). Be happy".

Repeat the plot from the evil mother-in-law three times, then pull one half of the onion out of the water. It must be thrown out into the street, but not in the trash can. The remaining water with onions should be put on the windowsill for 6 nights, then poured into a prepared hole.

If you want to improve relations with your mother-in-law, but she does not make contact in any way, you can use such a conspiracy that is read strictly on the waning moon.

“The moon is leaving, it is getting smaller, the month is leaving, and you are leaving. Let all the anger that was between us be behind us, now she is not with us. Let (name of the mother-in-law) be happy and find a way with me. Make sure that you respect me and love me.

These words must be pronounced strictly at night and always in a whisper. After the text is read, go to bed. An important detail, you can’t have sex this night, you need to go to bed so as not to wake anyone up. To consolidate the result of reconciliation, you need to repeat the ceremony again, then the likelihood that the relationship will warm up will increase, that is, you will get rid of the problem.

This conspiracy also suggests that the moon will be involved at a certain stage, namely the full moon. The purpose of this ritual is to win respect and honor in the eyes of the mother-in-law, to make sure that she does not come so often. Judging by the reviews, you will have a real opportunity to get a second mother.

Start the ceremony by preparing a delicious hearty dinner or lunch prepared for at least three people - yourself, your husband and his mother. After the food is cooked, read these words while looking at the dining table:

“A full table, like a full moon, I will feed you to your full, like myself. May your soul be pleased, may there be harmony and love with me. As long as the moon does not shine in the sky, it will help us.

So that the mother-in-law does not climb into the family, she should sit at the table first, be kind to her at the table. During the meal, quietly lower your hand under the table and show the muzzle by pointing your hand towards it.

Not only magic conspiracies and whispers can be helpful in establishing contact with the husband's mother. Church prayers can provide real help, since the word addressed to God cannot but have power. In such cases, they often turn to Nicholas the Wonderworker or the Blessed Matrona. You need to approach their holy images, light a candle, cross yourself three times and say the words of the prayer:

“God, the Wonderworker and Matronushka, help me improve my life, reconcile with my mother-in-law, save our marriage with my husband, I loved him and I will love her.”

If you do not have the opportunity to go to church, conduct a prayer ceremony at home. To do this, take the icon that is closest to you in spirit, light a few candles and say the words described above. To enhance the effect, you can put a glass of water next to you during prayer, which the mother-in-law should subsequently drink.

In addition to the prayer that was described earlier, you can read other words of the mother-in-law conspiracy:

“Protection, help and love I ask, I beg, help, saints. There is no life with her, neither me nor my husband. Make sure that everyone gets along so that there is peace in the family. Let all bad things become past. Amen".

After that, you need to divide the water into three parts, one of which you should drink, the second - the husband, the third - the mother-in-law.

This type of conspiracy will not make friends out of you and your husband's mother, but it will make it possible to coexist normally, not to quarrel and not to scandal. To carry out this ritual, you will need a photo of the mother-in-law, preferably fresh. Then wait for any Orthodox holiday (ideally - Easter) and go along with the photo to the church service. After its completion, buy a bible and head home.

At home, put a bible on the table and a photo of a woman nearby, cover with your left and right hands, respectively, say these words:

After that, put the photo between pages 8 and 9 and put it somewhere where no one but you can find it. Be sure that in the near future the situation in the house will become more favorable.

There is also such a conspiracy in which spells are cast on the mother-in-law, which force them to radically reconsider their attitude towards the daughter-in-law. It was used many years ago, thanks to its effectiveness, the rite has remained unchanged to this day. To carry it out, you will need grass, which we are used to seeing everywhere - in any yard, as well as along every road. This is the most common plantain. The fact is that he is able to cleanse a person from negative energy, that is, it serves as a kind of cleaning filter.

It is worth saying that we will not need leaves that we used to apply to wounds and cuts from childhood, but flower petals and buds. The use of psyllium seeds is also allowed. All these parts of the flower must be carefully picked, then dried thoroughly. Then the already dried parts of the flower are crushed with a mortar into powder, while saying:

“I do not cook soup, but a decoction. For the mother of the beloved fat with love. Let evil person it will perish, otherwise my family will perish from the face of the earth. Let the negativity not step on the threshold. And the daughter-in-law, and the bride, and the mother - may there be peace to all. Amen".

From this herbal collection you can brew delicious fragrant teas. In order for the mother-in-law's love conspiracy to take effect, you need to make sure that the husband's mother tries the drink, then it will be easier for the daughter-in-law to live.

Even though magic is not an exact science, she also loves rules to follow. We learn about the basic principles of reading conspiracies for mother-in-law:

  • Magic is 70% dependent on whether you believe in yourself. That is, it is important to believe in what you are doing, otherwise no, washed away to start witchcraft.
  • The daughter-in-law needs only a positive attitude - it should be in thoughts and in actions. It will not be possible to punish with the help of such magic.
  • Absolutely all manipulations must take place without publicity.
  • It is important, after the ritual is over, to send gratitude to a higher power.

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The conspiracy against the evil mother-in-law is magical texts that create the conditions for attracting the energy of mutual understanding, peace to the house, contribute to a calm, measured life of people who may not tolerate each other, they can even hate.

There are a huge number of conspiracies for the mother-in-law, if she interferes with the normal life of the son's family, most of which were created, honed over tens, even hundreds of years. After all, unfortunately, there are cases when a mother, who does not agree with the choice of her son, literally goes to any lengths to separate the disobedient "blood" from his chosen one.

The quintessence of magical knowledge of many generations works great today, the main thing is to make sufficient efforts to resolve the issue, really want to achieve success.

Exists a large number of proven conspiracies to ward off the mother-in-law, allowing you to improve relations with the mother-in-law, corny to drive her out of the house with the help of magic, if nothing helps. Before resorting to magic, you need to try to reconcile with this person, or ask your husband to talk to her. If nothing helps, turn to the help of heavenly forces, most importantly, keep a firm intention.

When are these conspiracies pronounced?

There are many examples when the mother-in-law is able to create some problems in the family, interfere with life, create conditions that sometimes lead to a violation of the idyll and even divorce. The most difficult case is when the mother-in-law lives with her family and constantly incites her son to her daughter-in-law. They say that a lie repeated a thousand times becomes the truth, and this lie is especially effective against loved ones.

And if a young family does not have the opportunity to move to a separate apartment, or, for example, the mother-in-law, for health reasons, needs the constant care of loved ones, the likelihood of a marriage breaking up increases. Water and stone wear away, and the husband's mother is not a stranger to him, and he will listen to her opinion.

Therefore, if you do not want to lose your loved one, you need to take the initiative into your own hands and try to resolve the issue.

If the husband's mother refuses to compromise, you need to resort to the help of heavenly forces from her intrigues. One of the most effective means to solve this problem is a conspiracy to love the mother-in-law. If you just want to improve relations with your mother-in-law, then a white conspiracy will suit you. And in order to permanently ward off the mother-in-law, if you need to drive a woman out of your house, you will most likely need to use black magic. In this case, the lapel of the husband from the mother-in-law, made on their joint photo, or a ritual with wax dolls, is suitable.

How to be in a difficult situation

The life of a young family often depends on many factors, among which relationships with parents occupy a fairly significant place. Therefore, if you are tired of the constant presence of your mother-in-law in your home, it is you, the daughter-in-law, who needs to solve the problem.

To perform the following conspiracy from the evil mother-in-law, you need to prepare an onion, three candles and a glass of water. The ceremony is held on the waning month. At this time, the words of the conspiracy to get rid of the mother-in-law can act with maximum force on the woman who bothers you, and the goal will be achieved in as soon as possible life will become easier. Light candles late at night, put them on the table, cut the onion, dip it in a glass of water and read the words of the conspiracy to the mother-in-law.

Conspiracy "For the mother-in-law" for the waning month

“As an onion unites with water, so do we, the servants of God (your names with your spouse), And no one and nothing can quarrel us and not separate us! So that my beloved husband listens to me and listens, To always support me, to be a mountain for me! To be on my side in disputes with my mother, Yes, he was not a sissy, but he could get rid of everything mother-in-law! Amen!"

The words of the ritual are repeated seven times, after which the glass is left on the window for seven days.

After a week, give water and an onion to the ground in a deserted place.

In a few weeks, a conspiracy to get rid of the mother-in-law should work, because no protection will help from it.

What to do if the mother-in-law disliked

Even if the mother-in-law lives separately, she can create a number of problems simply because she does not like her daughter-in-law. She can occasionally mischief, casually noticing something unpleasant in your address when meeting. Fortunately, even in such a case, there are rituals, spells, conspiracies from an evil mother-in-law.

The following ritual will not only improve relations with the husband’s mother, but will make it so that the mother-in-law can see your positive aspects and love you. In order to carry it out, you will need seven candles and a very tasty cake.

It is recommended to perform the ritual on the full moon, and if it does not work out, then at least for the growing month. Candles are lit at midnight, they are made on the floor vicious circle, in the center of which a pie is placed. The following conspiracy is written on a piece of paper so that the mother-in-law falls in love with you, it is read seven times over the pie.

Conspiracy "For the mother-in-law" on the full moon

“Now I have my own mother, the one who gave birth to my beloved! So that there were no barriers between us, calm reigned and everything went smoothly! I attract the forces of goodness and love to the hearth, the envious enemy will not penetrate there! Let us get rid of anger and hatred, and get rid of hostility! I have prepared a delicious cake, when you taste a sweet piece, So you will love me and call me your beloved daughter-in-law! From now on and forever you will be like a lawful mother to me! Candles will help me in the semi-darkness, a conspiracy to love, sending you! Amen!"

Spend the next 15 minutes visualizing a positive relationship with your mother-in-law. The candles must burn out to the end, after which the wax is wrapped in a sheet with a plot and buried in a deserted place. Pie, of course, you need to treat your mother-in-law, for example, by inviting her for tea.

If you want to use "heavy artillery", turn your husband away from his mother. Choose any: with a photo of the waning moon, with volts and a knife - which one you like more. But remember that higher powers will require a high fee for the use of black magic. The husband may start drinking, he may have health problems. You break not a simple connection, but a blood one, and this is dangerous for all participants in the ritual, voluntary and involuntary.

What does it take to make the ritual work?

To achieve success in the goal, you need to follow some rules. The most important thing is to choose an attainable goal, to strive for it, not paying the slightest attention to fictitious obstacles. Visualize the situation you want to achieve, preferably in as much detail as possible.

Remember, the heavenly powers help only believers, those who are trying to create their own destiny. It is impossible to imagine a situation when, after a strong quarrel, the daughter-in-law and the mother-in-law reconcile, becoming best friends. A good relationship is the result of long-term, productive work of two individuals who work daily to bring about positive change in existence.

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A husband's lapel from his mother. How to get rid of an annoying mother-in-law.

Before turning to magic for help, the young wife needs to analyze how she could attract her mother-in-law into her life, who does not let go of her son. Perhaps the mother-in-law is the embodiment of a grandmother on the side of her father or her own mother. In some cases, it is enough to work out the reasons for the appearance of such a mother-in-law psychological methods and her influence on her son will begin to be reduced to a minimum or disappear altogether.

In this article:

When a girl gets married, she is sure that she and her husband will have a friendly and strong family. Unfortunately, this does not always happen.

Many wives are unable to endure another attempt by their mother-in-law to command their son, who for some reason cannot refuse his mother due to her age or other reasons, so they decide to turn to magic for help. It is possible to make a husband’s lapel from his own mother, but is it necessary or are there other methods of dealing with the situation that has arisen?

How to remove the husband from the mother and the mother-in-law from the family? Young wives often think about this problem when they encounter the imperious mother of her husband, who does not want to accept her son's chosen one and dictates her own laws. In turn, the husband and wife support, and cannot turn away from the mother. This situation often happens when a woman raised her boy alone and he is support, support and a wall for her, because who else can protect and help solve problems if not the only son?

It is not uncommon for a mother-in-law, wanting to bring her boy back home, starts doing various dirty tricks, for example, coming to his new home and insulting his wife, saying that she is not worthy of her son, that she does not feed him well, etc. And the son to complain about his chosen one and show how bad she feels after visiting them. There are men who are strongly attached to their mother and without the slightest doubt believe everything that they are told, and also try to do everything they are told.

What should a young wife do in the situation that has arisen, when the mother-in-law has such a strong influence on her son? Most often, the methods that help get rid of the mother-in-law and drive the husband away from her run into a break in family ties, the lapel of a son from his mother, and vice versa.

After performing a magical rite, the son ceases to be interested in the life of his own mother, and she, accordingly, his.

However, before turning to magic for help, the young wife needs to analyze how she could attract her mother-in-law into her life, who does not let go of her son. Perhaps the mother-in-law is the embodiment of a grandmother on the side of her father or her own mother. In some cases, it is enough to work out the reasons for the appearance of such a mother-in-law by psychological methods and her influence on her son will begin to be minimized or disappear altogether.

Another way to drive a spouse away from her mother-in-law is to try to establish contact with a woman, find common topics for conversation, help her in something, show that no one is taking her son away, and he still loves his mother. When the mother-in-law stops frequently interfering in the life of a young family, then the son will calm down and cease to be completely dependent on the mother. Perhaps he will still love his mother, but he will also begin to listen to his wife, and also devote more time to a new family.

Of course, you can try to talk to your husband, talk about the visits of the mother-in-law, about her words, but most likely because of the blind attachment to the mother, he can become even more angry with his wife and not believe her single word.

Several ways to turn a spouse away from her mother-in-law

If, nevertheless, nothing comes out and no actions and efforts help, then there is only one way out - this is to make the lapel of the spouse from the mother-in-law and the mother from the son. You can do it yourself or turn to magic specialists.

The first way is with the help of the waning moon

For this magical rite, you will need a joint photograph of the husband and his mother. If there is none, then you can try to arrange two separate photos on the computer so that they stand side by side on one sheet.

The ritual is performed on the waning moon on Saturday or Tuesday evening. It is necessary to tear the photo so that the mother-in-law is on one half, and the husband is on the other. At the same time, visualize the rupture of family ties between them.

Severing channels won't make mother and son enemies

After that, hide the photo of the husband in the marriage bed, and take the photo of his mother out of the home as far as possible and bury it, saying the words:

“The connection between the son (husband’s name) and mother (mother-in-law’s name) is broken forever, from now on their paths diverge, go (spouse’s name) and (mother-in-law’s name) are now always separate.

If necessary, repeat the magic ritual 3 months after the first.

The second way is the use of fire

This ceremony is also performed using a joint photograph. The photo must be burned with fire in such a way that it is divided into 2 halves. At the same time, visualize how all family ties between the son and mother burn out. Then, separately, you need to burn both halves so that the ashes do not mix. One handful of ashes (from the photograph of the mother-in-law) are taken out into the street and scattered in the wind that blows from the performer's dwelling. Dispel the second handful of ashes in the wind blowing towards the house of a young family.

After performing the ceremony for several days, one must imagine that the connection between the husband and his mother is becoming weaker and breaks off completely.

The third way is with the help of wax dolls

Write the name of the mother-in-law, and on the other of the husband, and connect them with a wax flagellum in the solar plexus area. When the dolls are ready, take a knife and smoke it on a candle and say:

“I break forever the relationship between (name of spouse) and (name of mother-in-law).”

After the words, cut the wax flagellum connecting the dolls.

Working with wax dolls is one of the most productive

Then wrap the dolls in cotton cloth and wrap tightly with thread. Leave the spouse's doll at home and hide it in a secret place, and take the mother-in-law's doll far away, preferably to the other end of the city, and throw it into the river with words.

After a magnificent wedding and sincere wishes of happiness and love, family everyday life will certainly come. And in them, in addition to the dear and endless beloved husband, his mother, that is, the mother-in-law, usually appears at various intervals. Relationships with a new relative are different for everyone.

In this thread:

For some, she becomes an indispensable assistant, a good adviser and a truly second mother. In other situations, the mother-in-law turns into a hidden, or even an obvious enemy, who not only constantly interferes in family affairs, teaches how to live and instructs on any occasion, but also leads to tantrums, scandals and even divorce.

Psychologists have dozens of guides on this subject, how to behave, and what you should never do. However, there is not always time, and maybe even a desire to listen to this advice. And then a simple but very effective magic comes to the rescue: rituals and conspiracies for the mother-in-law, whose effectiveness has been tested by many generations of daughters-in-law. Moreover, the use of magical rituals usually gives a lasting effect and helps to neutralize the husband's mother very quickly and painlessly.

And the very first conspiracy, so that the mother-in-law does not offend and love the daughter-in-law, is worth reading already on the wedding day. This simple foresight will help to avoid conflicts in the future and will not allow even a shadow of trouble to touch family happiness. The plot should be read in the house of the future mother-in-law, always in the corner where there is no icon.

“Bone relative, grave bone, you leave me. I came from the dead, go to the dead. Do not torment the white body, violent head, zealous heart. Dead - dead, living - alive. Amen."

Basic rules for reading conspiracies

There are several basic requirements for reading conspiracies, including to ward off the mother-in-law. If special conditions are not prescribed in the rites, then magic words are read for women in the so-called women's days i.e. Wednesday, Saturday and Friday. For men, respectively, in men's, namely - on Tuesday, Thursday and Monday. On major Christian holidays and on Sundays, reading conspiracies, as well as performing any rituals, is strictly prohibited. It is believed that at this time one should purify oneself with sincere prayer.

Depending on what time it is in the yard (winter or summer), the reading time also differs. In the first case, objects and problems speak after sunset or at noon, in the second - before sunrise and between 12 and 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Magic words directed to love, luck and prosperity should be pronounced on the young moon in the phase of its growth, conspiracies from negative problems (spoilage, failures, poverty, illness) only on the waning star.

Usually conspiracies are read three times, unless otherwise indicated. After each word "Amen" they must be baptized. Even if the plot for a good relationship between the mother-in-law and the daughter-in-law has already begun to operate, it should be repeated in a month. This will solidify the effect. If the action did not manifest itself even after reading the plot twice, it is necessary to repeat it a third time. If after that no change in better side does not happen, then the rite does not work in a particular case and something else, more effective, should be chosen.

How to keep your mother-in-law from constant nit-picking

The husband’s mother is almost sacred, but if she constantly climbs with her moralizing, overwashes things and is generally extremely negative, it’s worth holding the next ceremony.

On the evening of the day on the waning moon, you need to collect clean cold water in an ordinary bucket. Throwing three pinches into it is better than Thursday salt. Take a knife with a blade more than 15 cm and cut the water crosswise, saying:

“I pray to the Lord God, I am baptized with a life-giving cross, I am saved from my mother-in-law, I close myself with Your robe, Lord. My mother-in-law, Your servant (her name) is evil, tears, brings misfortune, like a dog a bone, gnaws me. I ask you, our God, to pacify your servant (name of mother-in-law), put on love for me, your servant (name). Let her mouth not open, her tongue not swear, she does not send curses, and her evil will go away. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

“As you, Mother Earth, absorb this water into yourself, so you take away the anger of my mother-in-law, from now on and forever and ever. Amen".

Conspiracy on sweets for the mother-in-law

Often, the son you were lucky enough to marry is with your mother, if not the only one, then the most beloved one. That is why the parent cares about making her child comfortable and convenient, without thinking at all that it is destroying the family. To make the husband's mother fall in love with her daughter-in-law, a ceremony should be performed on the growing moon. To do this, you will need some sweets that your mother-in-law loves (sweets, cookies, gingerbread, etc.). They say the following words:

“As the son of God’s servant (husband’s name) is dear and loved to you, so I will be dear to you, the servant of God (my name). And by heart, and by blood with maternal love, from this day and forever and ever. Do not be offended not by me and do not offend me, forgive me, pity me, honor me, give me, teach, not teach, praise, not scold. As she said, so be it! Key. Mouth. Lock. Forever and ever. Amen."

In conclusion, you should cross the sweet treat and leave it in the open so that the mother-in-law is treated first. Now you can go to sleep, and before going to bed, be sure to read "Our Father" nine times.

A complex ritual for peace in the family

When the mother-in-law does not seem to be evil, but does not give life, the next ceremony should be performed. A magical ritual is performed in three stages.

The first gives the daughter-in-law strength in front of her husband's mother and is read for the young month, the second helps to stop scandals and slanders for the waning month. The third and final should be read on the full moon so that the mother-in-law loves her daughter-in-law. Conspiracies are read by everyone at their own time, certainly on Fridays.

Conspiracy for a month (young)

First you should bake pancakes, speak them and treat your mother-in-law.

“As a young month is born and will go through the heavens of the Lord in its own way and its own path, its own master, so would the servant of God (name), the young mistress, have strength and power over her mother-in-law. And she would know the roads of all her household and would hold them in her right hand, in her right fist. Tsyts, mother-in-law, I'm your head. Amen. Amen. Amen."

Conspiracy for a month (descending)

“As the month is waning, it is coming to an end, so the quarrels in our house would come to an end, melt away. My mother-in-law would be silent, as the dead do not scream, as the fish in the ocean-sea are silent. Amen. Amen. Amen."

Conspiracy to the moon (full)

It is necessary to prepare a delicious and plentiful dinner, speak food and invite the mother-in-law to the table. It is important that she sits down first. As soon as she starts to eat, you should twist the fig and show it to her under the table.

“As the moon shines in the sky, it illuminates the entire Lord’s sky, so my mother-in-law’s heart would be full for me. So she would lavish affection on me, as the full moon illuminated the sky. I lock my whole tale with a moon lock, a moon key, a moon light. Amen. Amen. Amen."

When peace and tranquility come in the family, and those around you begin to be surprised at such changes in relations, in no case should you talk about the rituals and conspiracies performed, otherwise everything will come to naught.

A conspiracy to make the mother-in-law good

To ward off the mother-in-law from the family, you can use the old conspiracy on the Bible and photography. For this morning in any big Orthodox holiday have to go to church. Buy a Bible in a shop and immediately bless it. And then be sure to light a candle for the health of her husband's mother.

After this event, you should come home and, taking a photo of a relative in your left hand, read the words three times:

“In the name of the Lord and His mother! I take away all the malice of the servant of God (the name of the mother-in-law), I lock it in the Holy Book. Be kind and caring to her. Amen, Amen, Amen."

Attach a photo between the pages of a consecrated book and hide it well so that no one will find it. Such a ceremony is carried out once, but its effect is noticeable very quickly. Anger and sabotage from the outside new mom vanishes as if it never existed.

Rite using plantain

If you think that only you have big problems with your mother-in-law, then you are mistaken. Similar troubles happened in very old times. It is not surprising that the unfortunate daughters-in-law came up with a huge number of conspiracies, and here is one of them.

First you need to find the most common plantain, and in the season of its flowering. During this period, the plant produces arrows with tiny flower buds. Here they should be collected and then dried. Now it is important to read the plot over the collection:

“I cook a decoction - mother-in-law broth. Let the evil be afraid, the servant of God (the name of the mother-in-law) will not be useful. Drink this tea, but come to the threshold with goodness. Let the fire-bird peck anger, and fly away. And my mother-in-law no longer expresses dissatisfaction. Amen. Amen. Amen."

You can make tea from this homemade brew and treat your mother-in-law to it when she decides to visit. And you can pack it in a nice box and give it to your husband's mother.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that ancient conspiracies and rituals are undoubtedly endowed with a special magical power and give a visible effect. But at the same time, it is worth changing your own attitude towards the mother-in-law. Forget about anger, discontent and scandals.

Without changing yourself, it is impossible to count on the positive impact of magic. And therefore, leaving behind all your troubles, from now on smile and sincerely rejoice at least that this woman did everything to give you the most beautiful person in the world - your husband.

Today, the mother-in-law conspiracy is popular. It is a magical text designed to attract positive energy and aimed at gaining mutual understanding between two people. After all, it often happens that relations with the spouse’s mother do not develop as well as we would like. Therefore, trying to fix them is the right solution to fix such a problem. The mother-in-law is the second mother, so the daughter-in-law should maintain a good relationship with her.

Relatives sometimes have a direct impact on the relationship between spouses. The happiness of the newlyweds can be destroyed bad attitude mother-in-law to daughter-in-law. As you know, some parents have a fairly domineering character. It is not always possible to adjust to it in order to maintain mutual understanding. So for some pairs the only option is to use various conspiracies mother-in-law, the purpose of which is to get rid of negative emotions and create good relations with mother-in-law.

There are several varieties of such rituals, the main ones are:

  • mother-in-law conspiracy;
  • conspiracy for peace;
  • against the husband's mother.

Conspiracies from the mother-in-law are necessary in order to rid the house of the newlyweds from the uninvited guest, to avoid her moralizing. The spell for peace allows you to improve relations between the daughter-in-law and the mother of the spouse, to ensure peaceful coexistence. He sometimes has such power that he can even lead to friendship between women.

Conspiracies from the mother-in-law are necessary when the mother has great influence on her son, setting him against her daughter-in-law. Thus, it is possible to release the husband emotionally. Before choosing conspiracies for the mother-in-law, it is recommended to determine the purpose of its commission, to analyze the need to perform such actions. It is possible that instead of using magical means, you just need to reconsider your attitude towards your mother-in-law in order to build relationships.

Ritual for peace

With constant quarrels with the mother-in-law, life becomes unbearable. Therefore, it is necessary to do everything possible to establish peace in your home. The future life and well-being of the spouses depends on this. Therefore, it is necessary to make a conspiracy on the mother-in-law in order to ward her off. After such a ceremony, the husband's mother begins to notice the positive character traits of her daughter-in-law. To complete it, you will need to purchase seven church candles and bake a cake. It is important that the husband's mother likes him. The procedure is performed on a full moon or on a growing month.

You will need to do the following:

  • Light candles by placing them around you in the form of a closed circle. The pie should also be located in its center.
  • From a sheet of white paper, you need to say seven times:

“I found a second mother who gave birth to my beloved! There will be no quarrels between us, everything will go smoothly! I will attract goodness and peace to the hearth, so that the enemy does not penetrate into it! I baked a pie. As you try a piece, I will become my beloved daughter-in-law, and you are like a mother to me. Amen!".

  • After reading the text, it is advisable to imagine for a few minutes happy life and mutual understanding with the mother-in-law.

When the candles burn out, it is necessary to wrap the wax in a sheet with a plot, then bury it in the ground. To do this, choose a deserted place. Pie should be treated to the mother-in-law. The main condition for the conspiracy is loneliness and the secret of its commission.

Ritual from the mother-in-law

A fairly common occurrence is when the husband's mother constantly interferes in the affairs of the spouses. As a rule, this leads to misunderstandings and quarrels in the family. To drive the mother-in-law away from her home and protect her husband from her influence, you can use magic ritual. To make it, you need a handful of salt.

The ceremony is performed during the waning of the month, preferably at sunrise. Squeezing the salt in the palm of your hand, you should pronounce the words:

“Salt is white, salty! Help me get rid of the frequent visits of the Servant of God (name). Let her live her own life and not interfere in other people's affairs! Save my family from her complaints and advice, let her stop going to our house! Amen!".

You need to say these words nine times. Results should be expected within a few weeks. To enhance the effect, you can repeat the ceremony again after a month.

Mother-in-law ritual

Relationships with parents play a big role in the life of spouses. It is often difficult for daughters-in-law to get along with the husband's mother. If the son simply consults with his parents, this is normal. Things are worse when the spouse completely subordinates the life of his family to maternal desires, obeys her in everything, supports her in all discussions, even if she is completely wrong. In this situation, magic will help get rid of the influence of the mother-in-law.

To perform the ritual you will need:

  • three church candles;
  • onion head;
  • a glass of water.

Mother-in-law conspiracies are performed on the waning month. To do this, you need to light candles at night, cut the onion in half, lowering it into a glass of water. Then you should start reading the words:

“Onions and water unite, so should my husband and I be one! Nothing can separate us! My beloved will listen and support only me, in all disputes he will be on my side! Let him stop being a sissy! May he succeed in getting rid of her influence! Amen!".

It is enough to repeat this seven times to achieve the desired effect. A week later, a glass of water and onions, which had previously stood on the window, is buried in a deserted place.