
The volume of eyelash extensions. Natural effect of eyelash extension: features of the procedure and useful tips. By the length of the eyelashes


There are different types of eyelash extensions for each eye shape. The effects are selected individually for the style and image of the girl.

Eyelash extension effects are artificial eyelash application techniques that can visually change the proportions of the eyes.

Building masters (or lashmakers) create effects using different curves of the eyelashes or their alternation:

  • "J"- rarely used as the “J” eyelashes are almost straight. They are usually combined with another curve and attached to the inside of the lash line for the most natural effect.
  • "B"- a slight bend used to create a natural effect.
  • "C"- the most popular curl bend medium... Eyelashes with this curl make the look open without creating an unnatural effect. There are also varieties: CC and C +, which have a steeper curve, but not as strong as the “D” and “L”.
  • "D"- also a frequently used bend, which is more suitable for giving luster to the eyelashes. This curl is strong, but the eyelash curls gradually.
  • "L"- the strongest bend, having a straight base and a noticeably curled tip. Curl “L” is not suitable for weak and sparse lashes.

Also, volumes are used in building: classic (1D), 2D, 3D, 4D and more.

The numbers indicate the number of eyelashes that are glued onto one of your own. That is, if a girl wants to increase the volume of 2D, then a bunch of 2 artificial ones is glued onto one of her own eyelashes. Accordingly, the larger the volume, the more magnificent the ciliary row will be. Most often, girls choose volumes from classic to 3D, as they look the most natural.

The most popular material for the manufacture of artificial fibers is polybutylene terephthalate (PBT), a polymer that is resistant to temperature, water, sunlight and has a high dimensional stability.

There are several types of PBT eyelashes that differ in color saturation and elasticity - for this they were given the following names:

  • "Mink"- Moderately shiny, of medium thickness. They have a deep black color.
  • "Sable"- the thickest and toughest villi, most often used to create volumetric effects.
  • "Silk"- very light, thin and soft fibers, designed for everyday wear.

Mink, sable and silk have nothing to do with natural materials (although some manufacturers make eyelashes from natural animal furs, these fibers are of inferior quality). Also, eyelashes can be made of polyester or natural material rubber - they almost do not absorb moisture, have a deep and uniform color and are very soft.

How to choose an eyelash extension effect? Basic criteria, tips

Extensions can either beautify the eyes or make them look unnatural. The result depends on the chosen effect: whether it will be natural and beautiful. It is selected based on the proportions of the eyes, the length and density of your own eyelashes. If you choose everything correctly, then the extended eyelashes will look natural.

By the shape of the eyes

For about round shape natural or “painted eyelash” effects are suitable for the eyes. The fox effect also looks good, visually lengthening the outer corner of the eye. When the eyes are deeply seated, the main task is to open the gaze. A puppet effect or an extension with an extension of the outer edge will do.

The second option is also suitable for narrow eyes as it will help make them a little rounded. Owners of slanted eyes (when the outer edges are slightly raised) can emphasize them with the help of a fox or cat effect.

If you want to make the raised corners less noticeable, you can use a mix of bends - for example, glue the “C” or “C +” bend eyelashes to the inside and middle of the eyelid, and add “B” bend to the outside.

Thus, due to the difference in curvature, the raised eye shape will become less noticeable.

For those who have dropped eye corners and want to make them raised, it is worth using the "squirrel" effect. In this case, you can also combine different types of bends, but add more curled eyelashes to the lowered corners, and not to the middle.

The bulging shape of the eyes can be corrected using the techniques of traction of the outer corners. With this shape, it is better not to resort to doll extensions, as it will make the eyes even more prominent and unnatural.

By the length of the eyelashes

Your own eyelashes also play a role when choosing the type of extension. For example, weak and thin lashes will not be able to withstand thick fake hairs. In this case, it is worth choosing "light" effects, otherwise the eyelashes will begin to fall out due to the heavy load.

Also, do not build up with very short own eyelashes large volumes... By the way, many masters generally do not advise resorting to extensions with very short own eyelashes, since artificial ones will not stick to them.

For those who by nature have thick and long eyelashes, you need to glue hairs of equal length. Too short will look strange and may not stick, while longer ones will make your eyes look unnatural.

Basic Effects

The basic effects are the basic ones that are used most often and have a greater naturalness. There are 3 basic styles in total.

Natural effect

The natural effect is achieved by applying the same length of eyelashes as your own, and in such a way that they follow the natural growth line. To do this, short eyelashes are glued along the edges, and longer ones in the middle.

The natural effect does not correct the shape of the eyes, it only helps to emphasize their natural beauty. For even greater naturalness, it is worth using eyelashes not black, but Brown. Silk or mink eyelashes are used to create a natural look.

Puppet effect

The puppet effect is splendid. To create a puppet look, artificial eyelashes of the same length are glued onto their own eyelashes (the difference from natural is that in the middle of the century the eyelashes do not differ in length).

When building up, the master visually divides the eye into 4 parts. 2 adjacent areas in the middle of the eye are filled with eyelashes of the same length, and then the eyelashes are glued along the edges. The volumes of classic and 2D look best with a puppet effect. More voluminous eyelashes with this effect may seem too bulky.

The effect of painted eyelashes

The effects of an eyelash extension can be similar, but have minor differences - as is the case with the effect of colored eyelashes and natural. Both have maximum naturalness, but differ in the thickness of the glued artificial eyelashes - with the "painted" effect, they are thicker than their own.

The photo shows the various effects that can be achieved with eyelash extensions.

The technique for performing this style is the same as for natural. If silk eyelashes are used, a characteristic light shine will appear, which visually gives even more volume.

Effects with the extension of the outer edge of the eyelashes

These effects are great for rounded, slightly protruding and close-set eyes. They help to visually correct the proportions of the eyes, lengthen them and create an eye-catching look.

Fox effect

Eyelashes in this style begin to gradually, but slightly lengthen towards the outer edge of the eye. If we conditionally divide the ciliary row into 4 parts, then from about the middle of the 3rd part, the length of the eyelashes begins to increase more sharply - a kind of transition is created. The longest and curved hairs (12-15 mm and CC or D bend) are glued to the outer corner.

Squirrel effect

Squirrel build-up is similar to fox, but the transition between the length of the hairs is smoother. They gradually lengthen, and at the outer edge, the master glues several short and small eyelashes. This effect allows you to stretch the lowered corner of the eye slightly to the side and up.

Feline effect

This effect is the most playful, but it is quite difficult to obtain it - it requires stretching the outer corner of the eye and giving the middle of the eyelid a roundness. As with the other 2 styles, with the feline eyelash, the fake eyelashes are glued with a gradual increase in their length towards the outer corner of the eye.

A few eyelashes at the end are made short. To give the eyelid a rounded shape, a mix of curves is most often used (for example, C + and B). The feline effect will brighten deep-set eyes. Those who have eyes that are far apart from each other should abandon the feline build-up, as it will distort the proportions of the face even more.

Effects with the extension of different lengths of eyelashes

Eyelash Extension Effects Using Hair different lengths add volume to the eyelashes and further accentuate the eyes. If you use short lashes, the result will be very natural. Eyelash extensions different lengths suits the almond shape of the eyes.

Otherwise, different sizes of artificial fibers can distort the proportions of the eyes and look unnatural.

Sparse effect

The second name for this effect is “Kim Kardashian”. It does not create a lot of volume, but emphasizes the thickness and length of your own eyelashes. Extension scheme: artificial eyelashes are glued to your own eyelashes at a certain interval. Usually, the master skips 2-3 eyelashes, which he leaves without extension.

Thus, due to the alternation of long and short elements, a sparse effect is created. It is suitable for those who have their own short and sparse lashes and want to make them more expressive.

Ray effect

The "rays" are very similar to the rarefied effect, but slightly different from it in the technology of building up. In this case, an artificial one of the same length is glued to one of its own eyelashes, and to the next one longer.

This alternation continues along the entire lash line for a neat and natural result. In some cases (for example, if natural eyelashes are long, but sparse), bunches are attached to them in order to achieve additional volume.

Eyeliner effect (cocktail)

Eyelash extensions in various effects save time on makeup, as there is no need to use mascara after the procedure. The cocktail effect also helps create an eyeliner line on the upper eyelid. The cocktail effect is achieved by building a double eyelash row - the first (lower) row is extended with very short fibers, and the second (upper) row is created using long eyelashes.

Thus, there is a compaction of the ciliary row on the upper eyelid, which creates the effect of an eyeliner. This effect can be combined with other types of build-up - in particular, with fox and natural.

Color effects

Various color effects used to be made for photo shoots and bright carnival and festive images. Today, some girls extend multi-colored eyelashes for everyday wear.


“Mermaid” is a very bright and bold style, in which colored hairs along the entire length of the eyelash line smoothly change their shade (thereby creating an ombre effect). That is, the eyelashes are the darkest at the inner corner of the eye, lighter in the middle, and the brightest hairs are glued on the outer corners.

The color can be anything from pink to blue, and they can also be mixed to get the most vivid and eye-catching effect. Any extension technology can be used- you can use basic effects or with extrusion of the outer corner. The final result is discussed in advance.


"Unicorn" is more suitable for everyday wear, as the extension involves gluing several colored eyelashes to the outer edge of the eye. That is, if we conditionally divide the eyelash row into 4 parts, then ¾ will be ordinary black eyelashes, and the rest will be a bunch of colored eyelashes.

The shade of the beam is discussed in advance, most often women prefer bright and eye-catching colors: various shades of pink, yellow, green, purple. The unicorn effect can be built up using any technology, most of all it is combined with the fox and squirrel effects, as it additionally attracts attention.

Colored tips

For such an extension, eyelashes are used, at the base colored in dark color, and at the ends - in any bright shade. This effect looks as bold as Mermaid and Unicorn, but it gives the impression that the makeup was using colored mascara. Most of all, colored tips are combined with basic effects and with an elongated outer corner of the eye.

Mix effect

The “Mix” or “Mixed” effect is not suitable for everyday wear, as it involves the extension of eyelashes of different colors in a mixed order. The result is a very bright lash line.

When building on the eyes, you can create a rainbow, or you can simply choose 2-4 different colors that will mix with each other. Such extensions are used for photo shoots, carnivals, theme parties.

Eyelash extension with rhinestones and sequins

Most often, extensions with rhinestones are done for celebrations and for weddings. Shiny stones add femininity and romance to the look. Any effects are suitable for building - only without strong bends. First, the lash line is completely formed, and then rhinestones are glued on top of the selected eyelashes or bundles.

An alternative to rhinestones is sequins - they are smaller and allow you to get beautiful play and shimmer.

If a very fine glitter is applied to the artificial eyelashes, then the effect of "stardust" can be achieved. For this build-up, special cosmetic glitters are used - they do not harm health if they crumble. If you only apply glitter to the lashes at the outer corner, you get a glamorous everyday look.

How is a shiny eyelash extension done:

  1. The artificial hair is grasped with tweezers and the base is dipped into the glue for no more than 2/3 of the length. The glue layer must be very thin.
  2. Dip an eyelash with glue in glitter and dry for 2-3 minutes. Additionally, you can apply a fixer so that the glitter does not crumble.
  3. Shake off excess glitter and then build up according to the usual scheme, which can be absolutely any.

Other effects

The rest of the building styles are used less often than the others. Most of them are impractical or resemble other effects.


To create "Kylie" eyelashes of different lengths are used (as with "Rays" or a rarefied effect), but with "Kylie" the eyelash row becomes more torn, that is, the master can make longer intervals between eyelashes or select different lengths of artificial fibers - this gives pomp and volume. "Kylie" suits girls with the correct almond-shaped eyes, as it does not change the proportions of the face and only makes the eyes more expressive.

Oval effect

As the name implies, when this effect is increased, an oval is created on the eyelid - for this, from about the middle, long eyelashes are glued and moved towards the outer corners. At the inner corners and at the very tips, the length of the eyelashes is reduced, thereby creating an oval effect.

It is suitable for those who have a “heavy” upper eyelid or a crease on it, as it helps to open up the gaze. Also, the oval effect is suitable for older women - with it you can easily hide fine wrinkles on the eyelid.


For extension in this style, bundles of 3 or more eyelashes are used. The bundles are glued onto one own eyelash, and the result is a doll-like effect.

Hollywood style eyelash extension effects come in 3 flavors:

"Hollywood" is not suitable for girls with narrow or large bulging eyes. Extension can be done for everyday wear, but you need to understand that the eyelash tufts will quickly fall out, due to the strong load on natural eyelashes.


"Butterfly" resembles the fox effect and is even considered a subspecies of it. The name of this extension style is due to the fact that the eyelashes after the procedure resemble open butterfly wings.

Starting from the outer corner, the lashes gradually increase in size. From about the middle, the length increases very sharply, and the longest fibers are glued to the outermost lashes. Thus, an open gaze is obtained. If the girl's eyebrows are made with a strong bend, then the “Butterfly” will help soften it and make it less noticeable.

There are a huge number of eyelash extension effects, and it is not easy to choose any of them. It is better to entrust the selection to a specialist who will be able to determine the required technology depending on the shape and size of the eyes, as well as on the length and density of natural eyelashes.

Video about the effects of eyelash extension and the rules for their creation

Schemes for modeling eyelashes:

Who is suitable for the Ray effect:

Eyelash extension allows you to achieve the desired shape, length and curl effect of the hairs for a long time, which saves time for daily makeup and its removal in the evening. Extended eyelashes look more aesthetically pleasing and more natural than false eyelashes.

Extension types

Types of bends

Length and thickness of hairs

  • Building materials:

Eyelash Extension Effects

Fixing material

How does eyelash extension work?

  1. Make-up is removed from the skin around the eyes. The eyelashes are wiped with a degreasing compound.
  2. The material for building and the technology is selected to obtain the desired result.
  3. The upper eyelashes are separated from the lower ones using special stickers.
  4. With tweezers, the base of each artificial hair is dipped into special glue and fixed on the natural eyelash at the line of its growth.
  5. If necessary, the master removes excess glue from the eyelashes.

How long does eyelash extension last

The eyelash extension time depends on the technique used, the material, the experience of the master and the type of extension:

  • Bundle build-up - takes up to half an hour.
  • Eyelash extension - takes 1.5-2.5 hours. The duration depends on:
    • The glue used. Thick resin adhesives can cure up to 5 minutes, while synthetic polymers take 30-90 seconds;
    • Density of natural eyelashes. Eyelash extensions on thick eyelashes will take longer;
    • Full or incomplete extension - the extension of the corners will be 2 times faster than full;
    • Extension in one or two rows - the more volume you need to add to the eyelashes, the more hairs you need to attach, and the more time you need to spend.
    • Experience of the master - experienced masters fix the eyelashes faster and give them the correct shape and position.

How long does eyelash extension last

The extended eyelashes are attached to the natural ones, so when the latter fall out, the glued hairs are also lost.

The time to wear eyelash extensions depends on:

  • Eyelash renewal rates. The eyelashes are completely renewed in 3-6 months.
  • Strength of the glue and adherence to the extension technology - extension adhesives give fixation from 1 to 3 months.
  • Thickness and length of artificial eyelashes - the thicker, longer and heavier the eyelashes - the faster they will provoke the loss of the natural hair to which they are attached.
  • Compliance with tips for the care of eyelashes.

The effect of the extension can last up to 1.5-2 months, but after 2-3 weeks it is necessary to correct the eyelashes.

Eyelash extension care and correction.

The correction is needed to replenish the eyelashes that have fallen out with the client's natural hairs. For 2-3 weeks after extension, up to 40-50% of eyelashes are lost, so you need to correct them.

Correction (corrections) is carried out as follows:

  • The master specifies whether it is convenient for the client to wear eyelashes of the length and thickness that were originally extended. If not, other materials are selected (glues, lighter and thinner hairs);
  • upper eyelashes are separated from the lower ones and the eyelashes are neatly combed out, which should fall out in the next 2-3 days;
  • eyelashes are degreased with a special primer;
  • new eyelashes are attached to the regrown hairs with glue;
  • if necessary, the master removes the excess glue from the eyelashes, combs them and gives them the desired shape.

You can extend the service life of eyelash extensions if you take proper care of them:

  • On the day of building up, you cannot wash, swim, go to the pool. This is necessary for the final polymerization of the adhesive.
  • Better not to use mascara. If you need to make up your eyelashes, you can not use gutter mascara. You need to choose a water-based mascara.
  • For makeup remover, it is worth using water-based products.
  • You cannot sleep with your face in the pillow, rub your eyes and feel your eyelashes - contact with them must be minimized.

Is extension harmful for your eyelashes?

Eyelash extension is not harmful if:

  • We use high quality materials for professional building.
  • Choose an experienced craftsman.
  • The matched eyelashes will not overload your own.
  • Remove eyelashes in the salon using a remover - a special, healthy solvent for eyelash glue.
  • Take care of the skin of the eyelids: make vitamin masks, etc.

Possible side effects

  • Allergy to eyelash glue or wool hair.
  • Conjunctivitis (if glue gets on the mucous membrane of the upper eyelid, if the eyelash extension technique is not followed, if they are fastened in the wrong position).
  • Increased loss of eyelashes (when wearing heavy eyelashes for a long time, designed to be worn for 1-2 days).
  • Breaking off the tips of the eyelashes (with careless attachment of artificial hairs - in case of inexperience of the master).
  • Removing extended eyelashes with your own (when removing them at home without using a suitable remover).

Restoration of eyelashes after extension

If after wearing eyelashes you need to remove them, then your eyelashes may turn out to be thinner and shorter than before extension, because these are new hairs that grow back after the previous ones have fallen out.

You can enhance the growth of eyelashes when caring for the skin of the eyelids and the follicles themselves:

  • If, while wearing eyelashes, the client notes the loss of more than 5-7 hairs per day, a consultation with a trichologist is needed.
  • Vitamin supplement: after make-up removal in the evening, apply an oil solution of a mixture of vitamins A and E to clean eyelashes, blotting the excess with a cotton pad. An oil solution can be prepared from castor oil mixed with 1-2 capsules of Aevit vitamins - but then it is important to avoid getting the oil mixture in the eyes.
  • The oil solution can be used as a mask for the skin of the eyelids and eyelashes 1-2 times a week. To do this, warm the oil to body temperature (36-38 degrees) and apply a thin layer on a cotton swab on the eyelids for 40 minutes.
  • Mask with aloe juice. In equal proportions you need to mix aloe juice, Burr oil and castor oil, and add 3 drops of vitamin E. This mixture is applied to clean skin of the eyelids for 30 minutes. You can do this mask 1-2 times a week.
  • Self-massage of the skin of the eyelids. With light, gentle movements, you can massage the eyelids: the lower one from the outer corner to the inner corner, and the upper one in the opposite direction. It is best to combine the massage with an eyelid mask - this way the skin will receive more nutrients. When massaging, you need to ensure that there is no tension on the skin - this can lead to the appearance of wrinkles or their increase. Movement should be dabbing or patting.
  • Herbal infusion with eyelash loss. Mix chamomile, thyme, calendula and sage 1 teaspoon each and pour boiling water over them. Let it brew for 1 hour. Then a cotton swab is moistened in the infusion and applied to the skin of the eyelids for 15 minutes.
  • Enrich the diet with vitamins A and E... It is useful to eat fatty fish, liver, egg yolks, any nuts, seeds, flax seeds, sweet potatoes, red vegetables and fruits (carrots, tomatoes, beets, paprika, pumpkin), drink rosehip tea, add red pepper to food. Vegetables must be eaten in the form of a salad - raw and with vegetable oil or sour cream.

Contraindications to eyelash extension

  • allergy with symptomatic conjunctivitis;
  • increased lacrimation;
  • dacryocystitis;
  • violation of the general somatic state: diseases of internal organs in the stage of sub- and decompensation, blood diseases during an exacerbation, exacerbation of chronic inflammatory diseases, pregnancy, diabetes mellitus and other metabolic disorders in the stage of sub- and decompensation.
  • Violation of the immune status: specific inflammatory diseases (tuberculosis, syphilis), immunosuppressive conditions (HIV infection, consequences of radiation and chemotherapy).
  • Pregnancy;
  • Violation of the mental status: epilepsy, TIR, other mental disorders (exacerbation period);
  • Acute respiratory infections;
  • Increased hair loss (preliminary - consultation with a trichologist).

Useful videos on eyelash extension (techniques and photos)

If you decide to do extensions, it is important to remember that it is advisable to carry out the procedure for the first time with an experienced beautician in order to avoid difficulties, unpleasant consequences and minimize possible harm to your own hairs.

You should not skimp when choosing a beauty salon and a master, because if you carry out the extension procedure on your own or with an inexperienced specialist, the probability of getting a result that is not expected is quite high. Take care of yourself, dear women!

In this article, you will learn:

  • What technology is used for it
  • What types of eyelash extensions are distinguished
  • What length and volume are the cilia themselves?
  • What glue is used during the procedure
  • How to choose the type of extension for the eye shape

Many women dream of long and lush eyelashes, but not all of them are given by nature. The beauty industry does not stand still, and today absolutely any girl can get a magical look from under thick eyelashes by resorting to an extension procedure that takes only a few hours. What are the types of eyelash extensions, how they differ, what are their advantages and disadvantages, you will learn from this article.

How is the eyelash extension procedure

In the process of eyelash extension, artificial hairs are glued onto natural hairs with the help of special glue. The procedure consists in performing four consecutive steps:

  1. The lower eyelashes are closed with special silicone pads.
  2. The eyelids and own eyelashes are disinfected and degreased with a cleanser.
  3. With a special glue, artificial eyelashes are glued to natural ones.
  4. Excess glue is removed from the cilia.

We will tell you about the techniques that are used by lashmakers (eyelash extension masters) just below.

An experienced master needs from one and a half to two hours in order to complete the procedure. Beginners will need a little more time.

Advantages and disadvantages of eyelash extension

Eyelash extensions, like almost all procedures that allow you to change your appearance, have their own advantages and disadvantages. The benefits of eyelash extensions include the following:

  • Eyelashes look attractive around the clock. There is no need for long time-consuming eye makeup. In principle, you can completely abandon it, the eyes will look bright and expressive in any case.
  • There is no need to use mascara, which saves not only time on makeup, but also money on buying a new mascara.
  • Due to the absence of the need to rinse off the mascara, the process of removing make-up will take much less time.
  • There are no medical contraindications for eyelash extensions. Problems are possible only in case of individual intolerance to the materials used. In most cases, they are solved by changing the brand of glue or the material of the artificial eyelashes.
  • Artificial eyelashes allow you to correct your own appearance, solving problems with expressionless gaze, close-set or small eyes.

So, there are many benefits to eyelash extensions. However, the procedure also has certain disadvantages, which it is better to familiarize yourself with in advance. And after that, having weighed all the pros and cons, make a decision about its necessity.

Among the disadvantages of any type of eyelash extension, the following points can be noted:

  • Continuous use of contact lenses can shorten the life of the cilia. This is due to daily manipulation of the eyes that touch the artificial hairs, and therefore they can fall off faster.
  • There may be some difficulties with washing (especially at first). Artificial eyelashes cannot be rubbed, so you will have to use thermal water or fat-free tonics.
  • Certain problems will be caused by extended eyelashes for girls who like to sleep with their faces buried in the pillow. This pose is detrimental to artificial hairs, and therefore will have to be forgotten.
  • Artificial eyelashes require periodic correction, since natural hairs are renewed (fall out), and therefore artificial ones do not look so attractive.
  • After removing your eyelash extensions, your own will seem far from ideal.

Before deciding on any adjustments to your own appearance, you should carefully evaluate all the advantages and disadvantages of a particular procedure. First, you need to decide if you can sacrifice some habits for the sake of lush and voluminous eyelashes that attract the attention of others. Only by answering this question in the affirmative, you can safely sign up to the master.

The main types of eyelash extension techniques

Today lashmakers can offer their clients various techniques and types of eyelash extensions. It can be bundled, piece by piece, eyelash, volumetric, with double (2d) or triple (3d) volume. Different schools have different names for extension techniques: Japanese, Hollywood, European. However, experts talk about only two main building techniques: it can be single-piece and volumetric. As for the rest of the names, they can be attributed to marketing moves.

Nevertheless, let's dwell on the various names of the techniques offered by the masters, and see what they are:

  • Japanese build-up.

This type of eyelash extension consists of gluing one artificial hair to one natural one. Another name for this technique is eyelash extensions.

How long the artificial eyelashes will be depends on the client's wishes. Basically, the longest hairs grow along the outer edge of the eye; their length decreases as they move to the inner corner.

  • American build-up.

The difference between this type of eyelash extension, presented in the photo, from the previous one lies in the materials. American extensions involve the use of silicone or rubber eyelashes. Their advantages include moisture resistance and good tolerance to temperature changes. They will behave perfectly when visiting a bathhouse, swimming pool, on trips to the sea.

  • Indonesian build-up.

The essence of this type of eyelash extension is to apply on each eyelash a special adhesive composition containing a nutritious vitamin complex... Due to it, the roots of the hairs are nourished, the preservation and strengthening of their own cilia is ensured.

  • Volumetric build-up.

With the help of volumetric extensions, you can add volume to eyelashes from 2D to 5D and even more. In this case, several artificial ones are glued to each natural eyelash. At the same time, the use of the thinnest artificial hairs (0.07 mm) allows you to preserve the natural effect after the procedure.

  • Beam extension.

This type of extension is different small amount spent time. However, the effect will also not be long-term. Extension is performed in bundles consisting of several eyelashes, which are welded to each other on one side. A small distance is maintained between the beams.

The most popular types of eyelash extensions

  • Building up the corners.

With this type of eyelash extension, artificial hairs are glued from the outer corner and brought to the middle of the eye. Light own cilia require preliminary coloring, since the use of mascara after the procedure is contraindicated.

  • Incomplete extension

If you have naturally long eyelashes, then you can turn to this type of extension that adds volume (the photo shows the eyelashes before and after the procedure). When choosing artificial hairs, the master strives to ensure that their length is as close as possible to the length of his own.

The distance between the glued cilia is small. As in the previous case, you may need to pre-dye the hairs to avoid too sharp contrast at the end of the procedure.

  • Full build-up.

This look is a full-fledged eyelash extension, giving the eyes the most graceful, practical and natural look. The high professionalism of the master will allow not to apply for correction for a long time after the procedure.

  • Extension in 2 rows.

This type of eyelash extension is suitable for bold and bright girls who want to focus on their eyes. In fact, this procedure is also a cilia, but 2 artificial cilia are glued to each natural cilium.

As a result, the look is very effective with good volume. The masters recommend resorting to this extension option for girls who have few of their own cilia.

Curl of eyelashes for extension: types and photos

Fake eyelashes come in a variety of shapes, degrees of wrap, and other effects that will help bring your new look to life. To form curls, use special round objects heated to high temperatures. As a result, artificial hairs are obtained, the length of which is about 7 cm. Then the cilia are filed, polished to give the tip a natural look, similar to that of natural hairs.

Let us dwell in a little more detail on the shapes of artificial cilia and the characteristics of their bends:

  • "J". This bend is characterized by a slight curl, that is, the shape of the cilia is almost straight. They are used on a specific area of ​​the eyelid in order to give the eyelash extensions a natural look.
  • "B" features light, natural looking curls. They are used when it is necessary to create a natural effect.
  • "WITH". This curl is characterized by a medium curl. This shape is most often used because it makes the look appear more open, and the eyelashes do not look too artificial.
  • "D" This curl is perfect for festive eyelash extensions.
  • "L"... Strongest bend.

Types of effect from eyelash extension

The irresistibility of the final result depends on the effect that you decide to use when extending your eyelashes. Below we list the main types of effects for eyelash extension, from which you can choose the option most suitable for your purposes:

  • Natural... This type of eyelash extension is otherwise called classic, because as a result of using this technique, the eyelashes are outwardly as similar to natural ones as possible. Natural way allows you to correct the shape of the eyes, giving them an oval cut, pulling or raising the outer corner.
  • Discharged... This type of eyelash extension involves the use of hairs of various lengths. When working with them, it is necessary to observe a certain order and intervals. This effect is also called "rays".
  • "Cat's Eye". This type of eyelash extension involves a special procedure for gluing hairs, in which from the inner corner to the middle of the century, the lashmaker uses medium-length eyelashes, and from the middle of the eyelid to the outer corner of the eye - long cilia;
  • Butterfly wings effect. With the help of this type of eyelash extension, the look becomes mysterious, and the eyelashes themselves become like the wings of butterflies.
  • Squirrel effect owes its name to arrows that resemble squirrel tassels.
  • Fox effect ranks second in frequency of use after natural. Otherwise, this type of eyelash extension is called the eyeliner effect. However, it should be borne in mind that this option is not suitable for every girl, so you should choose it carefully.

Types of eyelash extension volumes and their length

The volume is created not only by the building technology, but also by the material used. The density of the eyelashes depends on the thickness of the hairs. The softer and thinner they are, the less thick your eyelashes will look. Using thicker hairs will give the best effect. Masters use cilia of different diameters.

The client chooses not a specific diameter, but the conventional name of the category of artificial eyelashes: products made of silk, mink or sable. In reality, it is precisely the size of the hairs that is being spoken about, since micropolyester or silicone is used for the manufacture of artificial eyelashes, which is a completely safe hypoallergenic fiber.

Let's talk a little more about the different volumes and the use of cilia of a certain diameter to achieve them.

  • Silk are the finest and most delicate hairs, the diameter of which ranges from 0.05 to 0.1 mm. They are suitable for such types of eyelash extensions as 2D and 3D, as they allow you to get very thick and fluffy eyelashes of any required length. Among the disadvantages of silk cilia are their excessive vulnerability and fragility. They are easily damaged if, for example, sleeping with your face in a pillow. In addition, such hairs are not able to maintain a sharp bend.
  • Columnar are thicker and stronger hairs with a diameter ranging from 0.1 to 0.15 mm. They are more convenient to work with. In addition, the cilia are more difficult to damage, while they have a fairly natural appearance.
  • Mink... The diameter of this type of eyelashes ranges from 0.15 to 0.20 mm. These hairs are most often used for various types of extensions, as their thickness allows for a thicker impression. In addition, mink fibers hold any bend well.
  • Sable are the thickest and most durable, their diameter ranges from 0.20 to 0.25 mm. They hold on without correction for a long time, however, due to their rather large weight, they cannot be used for 3D build-up, and even more so for Hollywood.

First of all, the extension was intended specifically to increase the length of the eyelashes. Today, this task is automatically solved by any volumetric type of eyelash extension. Let's talk about what influences the choice in this case.

  • The minimum length of 5-8 mm is preferred by girls who choose a natural look.
  • Average length ranges from 9 to 11 mm. If speak about day makeup ordinary girls, then, perhaps, such cilia will attract too much attention to themselves. However, there is a number of professions (we are talking about TV presenters, models, fashion models, etc.), for whose representatives this length will be optimal.
  • The maximum length of artificial eyelashes ranges from 12 to 14 mm. Such eyelashes cannot be called natural. However, it is quite possible to use them on any special occasion.

What types of glue are used for eyelash extension

Artificial eyelashes are attached to natural eyelashes with different types glue. Some of them contain soot, due to which the glue has a dark color and excellent bonding properties. Also, masters use liquid types of glue, with the help of which the hairs are glued using a special technology. This adhesive does not leave lumps at the end of use and has good stretching properties.

A glue suitable for any type of eyelash extension requires a high degree of polymerization. For complete hardening, he needs from 2 to 5 seconds, during which the master must correctly attach the artificial eyelash to the natural one.

High-quality glue is distinguished by its elasticity, due to which the glue base does not collapse even when individual hairs are deformed. They continue to remain in place, which allows for correction without removing the cilia.

The types of eyelash extensions and the technologies used are influenced by the experience of the master. The whole procedure during the procedure depends on which technique he prefers. Knowing how the build-up takes place, it is easier to decide on the most suitable glue. However, in any approach, action must be methodical. Extreme care must be taken when applying the adhesive. It is important to avoid getting the glue in your eyes, as this increases the risk of allergies. You also need to have a tool with which excess glue is removed.

Before using the glue, the contents of the bottle must be shaken thoroughly, only after that start working. The bottle should be lowered with the neck down, wait until a drop of glue appears from it. The inlet must be thoroughly cleaned each time.

To understand what type of glue for eyelash extension is needed in a particular case, we will tell you about each of them in a little more detail.

  • Resin based.

With the help of this black substance, the places of attachment of artificial eyelashes to natural ones are masked. However, due to its high allergies, this type of eyelash extension glue is not suitable for girls with increased eye sensitivity.

  • Glue on powder.

This type of glue appeared later, in its composition the resin was replaced with rubber powder. It is harmless, moreover, it has more sticky properties. Among the disadvantages can be noted the rapid settling of the powder, and therefore the glue needs to be thoroughly shaken before use. This glue dries a little longer than analogues and has a short service life.

  • Adhesive with cosmetic soot.

This glue for different types eyelash extension is a dark gray substance with high adhesive properties. Its essential difference from its predecessors is:

  • liquid consistency;
  • fast polymerization;
  • high elasticity;
  • long shelf life of 10-12 months;
  • the absence of lumps during work;
  • lack of smell and evaporation;
  • excellent fixation of materials.

Thus, it is this type of eyelash extension glue that is the last generation product preferred by leading masters.

For the manufacture of glue-resin, natural ingredients are used that do not contain toxins in their composition, which is the key to hypoallergenicity. Due to its greater density, it is able to reliably and safely fix not only bundles, but also individual hairs. This type of glue gives the eyelashes increased resistance to moisture, wind, mechanical damage. The composition can be easily removed using specially designed products, so you can remove artificial eyelashes yourself and at any time. Disadvantages include possible clumping and drying time.

More liquid glue is not so convenient to use, especially for beginners, so professionals work with it. Due to its rapid polymerization, handling it also requires certain skills. At the same time, the liquid glue does not leave lumps, and the eyelash extension itself takes less time.

Any master in the process of his work experiments with different compositions, choosing the one with which it is more convenient for him to work. It is better to choose odorless glue, which does not contain formaldehydes and other toxic substances. Departure from this advice is fraught with a burning sensation or allergies. It is necessary to buy glue for eyelash extension exclusively in specialized stores.

Today, you can use gray, black, transparent glue. Basically, craftsmen prefer to work with gray and black means. The transparent composition is more suitable for artistic extensions. For example, if you need to glue colored eyelashes.

Regardless of what type of eyelash extension you will use the glue for, it must be stored at a temperature of 8 to 23 ⁰С, avoiding direct contact with sun rays... It is important to monitor the tightness of the lid, which excludes the possibility of glue leakage. At the end of the building procedure, the bottle with glue is placed in an aluminum package with a desiccant. Under no circumstances should the packaging be breathable.

Types of eyelash extensions for eyes of various shapes

Having decided on the extension of cilia for the first time, it is not at all necessary to thoroughly study all the nuances of this procedure. Your task is to find good master, who can explain everything, advise and do great. But we will tell you which type of eyelash extension is suitable or categorically not suitable for different forms eye. The most common are the nine types listed below.

  • Close-set eyes.

  • Wide-set eyes.

  • Round eyes.

  • Asian type eyes.

  • Hooded eyes.

  • Deep-set eyes.

  • Raised eyes.

  • Downcast eyes.

  • Almond-shaped eyes.

  • Bulging eyes.

Let us dwell in more detail on the types of eyelash extensions suitable for a particular eye shape.

First of all, consider round eyes, the width and height of which are approximately the same. To accentuate the beauty of this eye shape, you can build longer cilia from the center of the eyelid to the outer corners. This type of eyelash extension will help create a cat's eye effect.

Close-seteyes easy to determine by the distance between them: it will be less than the size of the eye itself. With this form, it is worth using a type of eyelash extension, similar to the one described above. As you move away from the bridge of the nose to the outer corner of the eye, the cilia become longer. This technology will visually make the eyes set wider.

About wide-seteyes they say when the distance between them exceeds the size of the eye itself. To give them a more rounded shape, the longest cilia are extended in the center of the eyelid. You can also use a type of eyelash extension that achieves a simple, natural effect.

If you are the owner Asian eye then the type of eyelash extension will suit you, which will give your eyes a more rounded shape due to the long eyelashes in the middle of the eyelid. With this shape, you can also take advantage of the cat's eye effect, where the longest eyelashes are extended at the outer corners.

About hooded eyes they say in the case of overhanging a small layer of skin over the eyelid. Since this shape of the eyes is quite common, craftsmen, when working with it, create the effect of depth of the eye. For this, a type of eyelash extension is used, in which long hairs are glued from the central part of the eye to the corners.

Deep seteyes appear large in size due to their deep location. Women with this eye shape often have a more prominent browbone. In this case, it is worth using as long as possible cilia, they will help to visually slightly "stretch" the eyes forward.

If you are the owner raised eyes, you can emphasize them using the fox effect. If you wish, on the contrary, not to draw attention to the raised corners, you should resort to the type of eyelash extension, in which hairs with a smaller bend are used for the outer corners of the eye than for the rest of the part. For example, when extending eyelashes with a "C" bend over the entire eye, use the "B" bend for the outer corner.

If it comes about eyes with downcast corners, then it is necessary to visually raise the edge of the eye up. This can be helped by technology that creates a squirrel effect. At the same time, more curved cilia should be used for the outer corners of the eye. The lower eyelashes in this case do not stand out in any way.

The easiest way for masters to experiment with almond-shapedthrough the eyes... This shape allows you to use almost any type of eyelash extension. However, you can add volume to these eyes by gluing the longest hairs in the center of the eye.

With a convex eye shape it is worth taking advantage of the fox effect, which corrects and visually stretches the eye. This shape does not involve the use of long eyelashes in the center of the eye. Long hairs are extended to the outer corners; short cilia are more suitable for the central part.

Frequently asked questions about this or that type of eyelash extension

  • Does eyelash extensions hurt?

Regardless of the type of eyelash extension, the procedure is completely painless, it can even be called pleasant and inviting to sleep. The client's sensations should be limited to light touches of the hands of the master to the eyes. If any discomfort occurs, you should immediately tell the lashmaker about it.

  • When is correction necessary?

Extended eyelashes last for about a month, however, with careful observance of the rules of care, this period can be extended. About once a month, the cilia need to be corrected, when oily skin- once every three weeks. When using mascara or drawing arrows, correction will not be enough, you will need to remove and re-build hairs. This is due to the clogging of cosmetics into the roots of the eyelashes, from where it is very problematic to clean.

  • Is it possible to infect the eyes during the build-up?

The risk of infection during eyelash extension is minimized. Nevertheless, the occurrence of certain complications is quite possible. At the end of the procedure, nasal congestion is possible (thus the body reacts to the evaporation of glue), allergic skin reactions in the area, chemical burns of the cornea (occurs if you open your eyes while building), sour eyes (if you do not observe eyelash hygiene).

  • Do I need to take a break between extensions?

Compliance with the technique, the choice of the type of eyelash extension, their thickness and bending, and the correct load are the guarantee that your own eyelashes will not deteriorate. Their health, shine and density will remain unchanged. Accordingly, they do not need a break to recover. A pause can be made if such a desire arises, or if it was not possible to get to the correction in a timely manner (after about two months, the artificial hairs disappear almost completely).

  • Does eyelash extension have any consequences?

Eyelashes become thinner and deteriorate only if the load is not correctly selected for natural hairs, that is, if the master uses too large a diameter or volume with his own thin eyelashes. In this case, they will need a break and recovery. You can correct the unpleasant consequences by rubbing ordinary burdock oil, bought at a pharmacy, into your eyelashes for 2-4 weeks. After treatment, you can return to eyelash extensions, taking into account previous experience.

  • How to remove false eyelashes?

Only professional preparations are suitable for removing artificial eyelashes. The most the best remedy is a cream paste. It is rubbed into the eyelash root and left on for 15 minutes. Then the artificial eyelashes are carefully removed, the excess paste is removed, and the eyes are washed with warm water and soap.

  • What should not be done after eyelash extension?

During the first day after any type of eyelash extension, you should not expose them to high temperatures, as well as water ingress (do not visit the sauna, bathhouse, solarium, pool). Do not use oily cosmetics to care for the skin around the eyes. When applying the cream for the eyes and face, care must be taken to avoid getting it on the eyelashes. Use foam, gel or micellar water instead of oil-based makeup removers. Try not to act on the eyelashes mechanically: do not rub your face with a towel, do not sleep with your face buried in a pillow, do not rub your eyes with your hands. Be careful when wearing tight-necked clothing and support the collar with your hands. In no case pull out the hairs: the bulbs of the eyelashes are so damaged, which threatens the formation of bald spots.

  • Are there any contraindications for eyelash extension?

Contraindications to any type of eyelash extension include:

  • asthma (glue can provoke an attack);
  • eye diseases (you can not build eyelashes with an eyelash mite, barley, conjunctivitis, dry eye syndrome);
  • psoriasis and dermatitis;
  • weakened cilia that are prone to falling out (in this case, building-up, especially when using glue-resin, will aggravate the situation).

Contact lenses are not a contraindication to extensions, but it is worth considering that constant manipulation of the eyes can shorten the period of wearing artificial eyelashes.

Due to the hormonal changes that occur in the body of women during breastfeeding, the reaction to any cosmetic procedure can be unpredictable. By itself, it is not a contraindication to building, but it should be borne in mind that the cilia can fall off after a short time.

What is important is that eyelash extensions and the use of glue during breastfeeding absolutely does not pose any danger to the health of the child.

  • Can I apply makeup after eyelash extension?

If you need to make up your extended eyelashes, it is recommended to use a special silicone mascara. Artificial hairs need combing in the morning and, if necessary, during the day. In the evening, eyelashes are washed with a foam for washing, it is important not to allow accumulation of sweat and sebaceous glands in the root zone, as well as residues cosmetics... You can increase the wearing period of artificial eyelashes by using fixers, the range of which is very wide and is offered by many cosmetic brands.

Where do the best eyelash extensions

Anna Klyuchko's eyelash extension studio network is the largest in Russia.

Our masters have already won 301 cups, including 74 victories in international tournaments in eyelash extension. Such achievements cannot be called an accident or explained by simple luck, because:

  • We are the largest eyelash extension network in Russia. We have performed more than 50 thousand procedures.
  • The main asset of the company is our craftsmen. Specialists are allowed to work only after passing a complex multi-stage exam.
  • The growth is carried out taking into account the individual characteristics of each client.
  • We use only the best materials from South Korea proven by many years of experience.
  • We want as much as possible more women and girls could afford to create an attractive look with eyelash extensions. Therefore, it is important for us to provide a professional-level procedure at affordable prices.

The popularity of the extension procedure is rapidly gaining momentum. It is connected with the desire of girls to have an expressive look without the daily use of tons of decorative cosmetics. But after gluing artificial fibers, the eyes look too doll-like. For everyday wear, a natural effect of eyelash extensions has been created, which allows you to preserve the maximum naturalness of the image. Convenient, there is time for applying makeup.

Natural build-up effect (classic, classic) - lash fixing method artificial material along the growth line. Leshmaker repeats the length of natural villi - in the direction from the inner corner of the eyelid to the outer one, the elongation gradually increases. To achieve greater expressiveness, synthetic fibers 1 or 2 mm longer are sometimes used. The achieved result does not make the eyes look like a doll, it looks natural, voluminous.

The technology for gluing the laid-on fibers is simple, but there are a number of nuances when choosing a material for work. To create a natural effect, the look of your eyelash extensions matters. Professional lashmakers advise choosing mink or silk. Both synthetic materials are suitable for making natural eyelash extensions. Hair faux fur mink is very thick, which gives volume to short, sparse villi. Silk, as a fine fiber with a natural shine, blends well with its own thick hairs, making the eyes more expressive.

Much attention is paid to the choice of length, bend, thickness of artificial fibers.

Length. Depending on the native hairs, the length is from 5 to 12 mm. During the procedure, the master uses material of different sizes, which makes the work painstaking. In inner corners apply thin, short lengths, from 5 to 8 mm. They gradually increase at the outer edges, reaching from 10 to 12 mm. At the request of clients, the lashmaker thickens the outer corner of the eye, which visually creates a fox look.

Bend. There are three main types of curl, which are often used for natural volume eyelash extensions:

  • J - almost invisible in makeup, copies the natural bend of its own hairs;
  • B - more visible on the eyelids, it is recommended to use it to emphasize the natural shape of the almond-shaped eyes;
  • C - a popular look, noticeable when creating makeup, looks natural. With a professional approach from the side of the master, it allows you to correct the imperfections of any eye shape.

Thickness. The choice of thickness depends on the condition, the type of its own villi. There are options for weakened sparse villi, for long thick ones:

  • ultra-thin (from 0.03 to 0.07 mm) - suitable for girls with weakened eyelashes. They do not weigh down the eyelids, they look natural, despite the small diameter;
  • thin (from 0.1 to 0.15 mm) - it is advised to use it for building with sparse, thin hairs. The villi are flexible, soft, outwardly similar to their own, create the appearance of applying mascara;
  • thick (from 0.18 to 0.2 mm) - used for the classic gluing technique. Suitable for girls with thick, long eyelashes. The only drawback is heaviness, slight discomfort.

Natural effect building technology

Based on the initial parameters of density, the length of the natural framing of the eyes, one of two modeling methods is chosen - full or sparse adhesion.

  • with a full extension of the material with a natural effect, synthetic hairs are glued individually along the entire growth line of their own row - one artificial eyelash is attached to one native eyelash. The size, the angle of inclination of the artificial copies the bend, the length of its own villi. The technique provides an increase in volume, looks like a natural make-up;
  • the sparse gluing scheme is suitable for owners of short, thin hairs. Artificial fibers are glued at intervals on areas that require extra puffiness. Sometimes an alternative method is used - a hair of a different thickness and length is attached through several extended short hairs. The look is wide open.

Both technologies belong to the classic extension method. As a result, the visual appearance of the eyelashes is the same.

Advantages and disadvantages of the effect

Any type of eyelash modeling, like the classic one, has advantages:

  • the technology does not use beams. A natural effect is achieved, there is no risk of voids appearing in the space between the eyelashes as a result of a beam falling out;
  • the method is applicable for any eye shape, does not change the natural shape of the eyelid, emphasizes its uniqueness;
  • when using brown fibers, the naturalness of the image is achieved faster;
  • does not weigh down the eyelids, minimizes the possibility of causing harm to native villi;
  • the possibility of long-term wear without frequent correction.

There are disadvantages, they are no different from the disadvantages of any extension method:

  • possible an allergic reaction, irritation of the eyelids due to the components of the glue, the material of synthetic hairs or silicone patches, which cover the lower row of villi during the procedure;
  • the high quality of the natural volume procedure, the professionalism of the master does not mean that there is no need for correction.

When to choose natural volume

The method is considered universal, widespread among different ways modeling eyes. Often, a classic extension with a natural effect is chosen before vacation, which makes it possible to spend less free time on makeup and remain attractive.

The technique is not suitable for everyone. The classical method is not aimed at visually lengthening or expanding the parameters of the eyelids, raising the lowered corners.

The technology emphasizes the natural contour, making it expressive, creates a natural volume, fluffiness.

Care rules

If several points are observed, the effectiveness and quality of the result increase:

  • daily brushing using a special brush;
  • it is forbidden to use any cosmetics (for make-up remover) on an oil basis or containing alcohol. The overgrown fibers with a natural effect will last longer;
  • do not sleep with your face in the pillow - will damage the synthetic fiber;
  • it is required to minimize visits to the sauna, the sea, the pool - temperature drops, high humidity, the composition of salt and chlorinated water have a negative effect on the structure of the glue, destroying it.

The rules for caring for artificial eyelashes after extension are simple, do not require much effort.

The natural extension effect allows you to increase the volume, density and length of the cilia, while maintaining their natural attractiveness.

There is hardly a woman who does not dream of having chic, thick and long eyelashes that will drive men crazy and surprise her friends. Nowadays, such dreams are easy to turn into reality, because modern cosmetology has a variety of eyelash extension techniques and methods that allow you to achieve stunning visual effects and flaunt long and thick eyelashes around the clock, without making any effort.

In cases where there is no goal to completely change the image or attract excessive attention to yourself, but you just want to make your look brighter and more expressive, without losing natural naturalness, the natural effect of eyelash extension is ideal. This is the most common and classic option for building extensions in beauty salons, which is suitable for absolutely everyone. The effect looks natural and natural, which is appreciated by modern men.

The natural effect is not suitable for girls and women who want to visually correct the shape of the eyes, since the method only repeats the growth line of native eyelashes and cannot visually change the shape of the eye: round, extend or raise the outer corner, etc.

Features of the natural effect

Eyelashes with a natural effect look as if it was nature that gave them such an expressive and at the same time natural look. A well-done work will not reveal the secret of an expressive gaze even to very observant people.

This effect is also called classic, which implies the creation of natural volume of lashes. Artificial hairs are chosen in two lengths: shorter, which grow by a third of the inner corner of the eye, and longer, which continue to grow further towards the outer edge. The result of such an extension will be as natural as possible, and the resulting effect will fully coincide with the natural growth pattern of native eyelashes.

Unlike other similar procedures, the natural effect looks absolutely natural. The use of this technique allows you to increase the volume, density and length of the cilia very delicately and preserve their natural appeal.

Advantages and disadvantages of the effect

Natural extension compares favorably with alternative methods in the following advantages:

  • has a natural look;
  • visually does not change the shape of the eyes;
  • suitable for any type of face;
  • has a minimal effect on native eyelashes;
  • allows you to wear artificial bristles for a long time, since they are relatively light and do not cause discomfort;
  • appropriate at any age, for any occupation, since it makes the appearance spectacular, but not defiant.

The disadvantages of this method are non-specific and apply to all eyelash extension techniques and effects:

  • the risk of an allergic reaction;
  • redness of the eyes, itching;
  • loss of individual false eyelashes, which spoils the aesthetic effect.

Their manifestation is associated with the individual characteristics of a person, the level of professionalism of the master and the quality of the materials used.

Owners of an increased allergic reaction are advised to be wary of any type of build-up, as some adhesives can cause irritation.

Also, the duration of the procedure can take from one to three hours, which requires a little patience.

When to choose natural extensions

This eyelash extension effect is almost universal. It works well for any lifestyle, including active ones. A natural look will make the appearance bright and attractive, but rather restrained, which makes this method appropriate even in conditions of a strict dress code and a ban on bright makeup.
Such extensions are perfect for a beach holiday and travel, allowing you to set aside a minimum of time for makeup, but at the same time look spectacular and attractive.

Extension scheme

The classic scheme of the natural effect of eyelash extension assumes a lash technique. This means that an elongated artificial one is attached to each native cilium.

All eyelashes are extended along the natural growth line, from the outer corner of the eye to the inner corner. The length of artificial eyelashes is shortened in proportion to the length of natural ones.

For work, artificial hairs with a thickness of 0.07 mm to 0.15 mm are used. Their length ranges from 10-12 mm at the outer corner of the eye to 5-6 mm at the inner corner. Short cilia are sometimes additionally evenly distributed along the entire growth line to give the hairs additional volume and fluffiness. This painstaking work gives an impressive effect of thick and voluminous lashes, making the look deep and intriguing.

Natural effect building methods

Depending on the wishes and features of the client's appearance, complete or rarefied natural extension.

When fully extended, the artificial bristles are attached along the lash line and repeat the nature of the native hairs in terms of growth angle and length. The effect of increasing the length is noticeable, but indistinguishable from natural eyelashes.

With sparse natural extension, artificial eyelashes are applied on separate sections of the growth line, mainly to create additional volume, and not increase the length. This method is used if natural eyelashes do not grow densely, but their length does not require an increase.

The results of using both methods look completely natural and it is almost impossible to guess that eyelashes have been extended.

Due to the natural appearance and relative lightness of the entire structure, eyelashes with a natural extension effect do not require significant maintenance efforts.

  • Every morning, the cilia must be carefully combed, achieving their separation. Use decorative cosmetics possible without restrictions, but you should give preference to water-based mascara. It washes off easily and does not stick lashes.
  • The first 3 days after the extension procedure is not recommended to visit the bathhouse, sauna or pool. In the future, water treatments will not have any effect on the eyelashes with a natural effect.
  • It is important to avoid getting on the hairs creams, greasy formulations and other substances with an oily consistency.
  • In the evening, be sure to remove makeup using a special product.

But the curling iron from the cosmetic bag should be removed. Those who want to wear curled eyelashes should choose a different extension technique that will curl the tips effectively.

Compliance with these simple rules will allow for a long time wear eyelashes and amaze others with natural beauty.

A selection of natural eyelash extension effects can be found in the photo gallery below. Do not forget to comment if the material was helpful.