
Do-it-yourself do-it-yourself do-it-yourself houseboard house chiki bricks. Busyboard: smart board. Among them may be


"You can't touch! Remove your fingers! Get away!" - these phrases are often heard in the address of little inquisitive peanuts.

And the parents are absolutely right, because the dangers in the apartment lie in wait for children. early age literally everywhere: an electrical outlet, and wires, and a door lock, and jars of medicines - you can’t count everything.

But a child needs to know the world. The best way out for all households can be a business board - a development board with locks that will teach the baby how to handle household appliances without putting him in danger. By the way, such toys can not only be bought, but also made by yourself.

Perhaps every mother who has read a pile of smart books about the early development of children during pregnancy or in the first months after childbirth knows about the truly great Italian doctor and teacher Maria Montessori.

At the turn of the 20th century, this Italian took up targeted education of mentally retarded kids, then shifting the foundations of the program to healthy children.

Few people know that it was Montessori who made the prototype of modern bodyboards.

The teacher placed on the developing stand a variety of household appliances that surround the child everywhere and with which he will soon have to interact willy-nilly.

Such a stand was placed in all the classrooms where the children were engaged in the Montessori system. Indeed, according to this method, a specially organized environment is necessary for the normal development of the child.

Therefore, each room was divided into several zones, which were filled with educational material.

Montessori believed that ordinary household items are the best tools for studying the world around us. It is these buttons, sockets, hooks and heck that make up the main elements of the development board.

Maria Montessori was sure that the child is an ideal "tutorial".

Parents and educators should not teach him purposefully, but help him gain knowledge and skills on his own through the improvement of fine motor skills, sensory skills, and mental processes. This is exactly what the Montessori system is focused on.

The skills that the child has acquired on his own are able to penetrate deeper and deeper into the mind and make the baby free. If children are protected from elementary actions, then the harm from this will be much more than good.

According to Montessori, overprotection and indulgence are obstacles to the normal development of babies.

The term itself came to us from in English and it means "busy board".

V modern pedagogy a business board is a special board (stand, shield, abacus), which contains a variety of elements and details that were previously prohibited for a child.

For example, the stand can be equipped with switches, hooks, buttons, as well as attach toys of various textures and abacus with wooden knuckles.

A similar board for a child is sold in children's stores, on sites dedicated to the development of children. You can do it yourself, since there are many schemes and various master classes on the Internet where parents make a business board with their own hands.

So, children's developing stands are becoming more and more in demand. After all, making such a toy is not very difficult, but it allows you to implement several functions at once:

  • develop the child
  • teach new skills;
  • bring up right attitude to household items.

In working with young children, special attention is paid to improving the fine motor skills of the fingers. Tactile sensations allow you to accelerate the maturation of the speech zone, and also give a huge impetus to the development of intelligence.

A properly designed and implemented stand has a large number of small parts (besides, with different textures), as a result of which the child can not only feel them, but perform certain actions: flipping a switch, sticking plugs into sockets, pushing buttons, etc.

Such manipulations contribute to the development of fine motor skills and teach the child to handle real analogues of such structures.

Another question that worries many mothers is as follows: at what age can a child be given such a miracle of engineering?

The age of three or four years, of course, is also suitable, but for the first acquaintance it is better to choose a baby who has begun to crawl and is actively interested in the functioning of various hecks and sockets.

The principle of early age is that the younger the toddler, when they begin to introduce him to "forbidden" objects, the lower the likelihood that he will want to manipulate real household appliances. It is best to transfer developmental abacus to a child older than six months.

You can buy such a stand for about 3-4 rubles, but if you disassemble the attic, storage room or garage, clean them from seemingly useless things, then you can make a business board with your own hands.

It will take 2-3 hours to create this toy (with all the parts), but the child will be able to play with it for at least a couple of years with regular replacement of elements.

In addition, a children's development board made by parental skillful hands will warm the baby's soul much more than a factory craft.

We offer a master class for making boards for development for young children.

Product size

When determining the size of the board, it is necessary to proceed from how wide the children's room is, in which the toy will be placed. In addition, parents should take into account the age of the child - if the little one is just starting to crawl, we make scores with two or three toys or a stand with several devices.

The baby will still be able to play with only one or two objects at a time. An older child can make a portable board or attach it to the wall.

Interesting! Usually the size of a developmental board for a baby from six months to 12 months does not exceed 50 by 70 centimeters.

For the kids older than a year a larger stand is offered, but its size should allow the baby to easily reach the necessary toy - approximately a meter by a meter.

Experts recommend making a board or abacus for the development of fine motor skills from natural wood, plastic, chipboard or thick plywood.

A wooden base is always preferable to any non-natural substitute!

You can find a shield for attaching elements in your own pantry. For example, a laminated door from a cabinet or any unnecessary wooden piece from furniture is suitable, of course, not very heavy.

In addition, it is important to understand that non-laminated boards are a "hotbed" of possible splinters for children's fingers.

For finishing business boards, small plywood dies or are often used.

In some cases, you can make a board from the most common packaging material - corrugated cardboard. It is preferable if you want to introduce your child to fabrics or sewing accessories.

The master class for making a business board also includes the selection of a variety of household items, which will become a kind of filling our playing surface.

If you make the board thoughtfully, then you should choose parts that differ in texture, material - textiles, metal, plastic and rubber.

Such a variety will enrich the range of sensations, so that you can use the toy longer.

As additional elements and filling of the toy, you can use the following household items:

Priority of actions

The master class continues. Having chosen the basis and additional elements, it is necessary to proceed to the direct assembly of the educational toy. It is necessary to make a toy for children carefully and thoughtfully, without violating safety precautions.

An approximate algorithm for creating a business board is as follows:

  1. First of all, you need to carefully process the board so that the baby does not put a splinter. Do this with sandpaper.
  2. Then it should be noted on the shield the location of the elements.
  3. Depending on who you want to "make happy" - a girl or a boy - you can decorate the stand or attach touching stickers or pictures.
  4. Firmly attach (screw, glue, sew) all the details.
  5. Wise parents, before giving the toy directly to the baby, do the following - they themselves check the reliability of fastening, pulling, unscrewing each item, using abacus and Velcro.
  6. Make the baby happy - show him the toy.

So, the board board is extremely necessary thing in every home, regardless of who you are raising: a little princess or a future protector.

Make a play stand for distraction children's attention, improving the work of fingers, developing thinking and logic, perseverance and concentration.

The design of the business board is perfect for early development child. In addition, such a toy is able to captivate the baby for some time, so that parents can relax or do household chores. The price of such a board in the store is quite high, so we suggest making a do-it-yourself board at home.

Selection of material and necessary details

For manufacturing you will need the following tools:

  • Roulette.
  • Hammer.
  • Glue.
  • Saw-hacksaw.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Screws.

With the help of a saw, it is necessary to cut out the base for the bodyboard (50 by 40 cm) from sanded plywood. You can buy building material in Leroy Merlin. Plywood will cost about 150 rubles.

As items for the business board, take the following details:

  • Gears.
  • Lace.
  • Fasteners for wires.
  • Espagnolette.
  • Loops.
  • Door hook or latch for the window.
  • Zippers for clothes.
  • The switch is two-key.
  • Socket with wire and plug.
  • Stickers or drawings.

The number, type of parts, as well as the size of the base for the board can be chosen as you wish. In search of interesting little things, go to the balcony or garage. The main thing is that all items must be safe.

Using a saw and a tape measure, cut out details for future doors from plywood (15.5 by 11 cm, 15.5 by 3 cm). If desired, you can leave one door or, conversely, add several.

Attach the hinges, latch and latch with screws, the length of which is selected in accordance with the thickness of the plywood. You can buy parts at any hardware store for 50-60 rubles.

This is what the finished door looks like.

Then take fasteners and lace, which, for sure, is in any home.

In the upper left corner, make a markup for future lacing. Beat the fasteners with a hammer and insert a cord or any thick thread into them.

It should look like this lacing.

Then disassemble the switch and screw it to the board with screws. The most common switch (as in the photo) in the Dom store costs 63 rubles.

Then attach the zippers with screws.

Take the gears and attach them to the plywood using self-tapping screws and a screwdriver.

These parts are taken from the "Moving Gears" set, which was purchased at Fix Price for 99 rubles.

The number of gears can be changed. Arrange them as you wish.

Attach the finished doors to the base with screws.

Between them, place a furniture roller or other item that may be of interest to the baby. Glue your favorite pictures behind the doors. If desired, you can decorate the surface with any stickers or toys.

Thus, the cost of this business board was 500 rubles, taking into account the fact that some materials were available. For comparison: a similar development board in an online store will cost 1400-1500 rubles. In addition, it is always nice when a child looks at a toy made parental hands like it's a real treasure.

A child is a tiny person who is just beginning to learn the world. He wants to touch everything, taste everything, knock, rattle, make out, but you never know the fantasy in this little head. It is difficult for parents to watch how their baby learns a variety of dangerous objects: touches sockets, switches, climbs into a cabinet with medicines or perfumes. Mothers try their best to protect their child from this. But how then to satisfy curiosity young researcher and develop his talents? The famous Italian methodologist and teacher Maria Montessori came up with a business board for children. What is this board and how to make it yourself?

What is a business board and what is its use

A business board is a special board for the development of a baby, on which there are various switches, light bulbs, locks, latches, hooks and many other things that capture the attention of a young researcher. In addition, you can add objects of various colors, materials and shapes to it.

Literally, the word "business board" is translated as "a board to occupy the baby." And that's the way it is, a variety of small objects and colorful decoration will captivate your child for a long time.

Skills that a toy helps a child develop

A properly made and well-designed business board helps not only keep your child busy for 15-20 minutes, but also develops the following skills in the baby:

  • perseverance;
  • logic and thinking;
  • imagination;
  • independence;
  • fine motor skills;
  • color perception;
  • coordination of movements;
  • dexterity and concentration;
  • formation of causal relationships;
  • manifestation of one's own activity;
  • skills in the use of simple objects.

The business board is a full-fledged assistant in the development of the child. It is usually intended for toddlers between eight months and six years of age. You can attract the attention of a toddler up to a year old if you attach rattles and squeakers (more sound and color). Older children will like objects that include logic and require ingenuity (doors, labyrinths, locks). So they will be more passionate about this toy, and they will not get bored for a long time.

Materials for creating a development board with your own hands

To create a business board, you need to plan your actions in advance, come up with or choose a ready-made idea, make a list and buy the necessary materials. Moreover, materials mean not only objects that are attached to the board, but also the base of the stand, fabric, consumables, paints to paint the toy in bright colours, etc.

List of parts and items that can be mounted on the stand

As a developmental material for a child, you can attach on the board:

  • small locks, latches, hecks, handles - all those items that are classified as door fittings;
  • furniture wheels, construction or massage rollers - everything that can be twisted;
  • interesting materials can also be taken in the fabric store - bright and large zippers, fasteners, hooks with loops, strong bright shreds, Velcro, lacing;
  • sound-producing objects - a doorbell, a xylophone, a bell, a bicycle bell;
  • details that will teach the baby to count - beads, abacus, rings from the cornice, strung on a wire;
  • old unnecessary disks from the phone, keyboards with buttons from mobile phone, calculator;
  • a variety of flashlights and lights;
  • switches (if dad is an electrician, you can make a business board with a light bulb), a socket with a cord;
  • mirror;
  • labyrinth;
  • watch with arrows;
  • steering wheel from a toy car;
  • large letters and numbers.

In other words, you can use everything that takes your baby. That is why it is better to do a business board with your own hands, because mom and dad will start from the interests of their child. And what to fill the development board with will be prompted by the imagination and resourcefulness of the parents.

Buttons, buttons, locks, electrical elements for creating a business board - photo gallery

Locks, switches, latches and other household items Zippers, Velcro, buttons, hooks and other sewing accessories Phone disk, clock with arrows, abacus and similar game elements

The basis for the business board

When making a business board with your own hands, you first need to decide on the base, because it is on it that all other elements will be located. To do this, you can take different materials.

  1. Furniture shield (solid wood, often pine) is the most environmentally friendly, easy-to-process material that is sold in small pieces (1.5 by 1.5 meters). Its disadvantage is that with a thickness of 18 mm it can crack, so there is a possibility of breakage if such a board is not fixed to the wall.
  2. Plywood is an environmentally friendly and durable material. You can use a sheet with a thickness of 10 mm. Disadvantages: difficult to process and sold in large sizes.

The thinner the base, the more convenient it is to attach various parts to it.

Whatever material you use for the base, it must be treated with an environmentally friendly and child-friendly varnish or impregnation (to protect the surface from dampness, prevent cracks and damage, and preserve the texture of the wood). The board covered with a protective agent can be conveniently wiped with a damp cloth.

Tools needed for the job

For manufacturing you will need:

  • jigsaw;
  • drill;
  • screwdriver or screwdriver;
  • grinder or skins for grinding;
  • paints, brushes.

Do-it-yourself manufacturing time for a business board, taking into account the selection required material ranges from a week to a month and a half. It is the choice of ideas and objects that are both interesting and safe that takes a large number of time. And the assembly itself will take from 4 to 10 hours.

Interesting ideas and design options for parents

To make a business board that can captivate your baby for a long time, you need to show a little imagination. Interesting ideas easy to find on the Internet, having studied numerous photos, or look at the design of the board in a toy store.

You need to start experimenting already with the form. Instead of the usual rectangle, you can choose an oval, circle, polygon or more complex shapes: a boat, a car, a robot, a tree. Having shown imagination, it is easy to make a double-sided business board. The model with various doors, envelopes, windows looks interesting.

Homemade bodyboards for boys and girls

It will turn out unusually if you complete a development board in one topic. For boys, you can choose, for example, sea ​​style. A toy steering wheel, a small anchor, a rope, a small bell will serve as fillers. Another option is a business board car, for the creation of which a children's steering wheel, an old speedometer and much more are suitable.

For girls, a development board can be made in the form of a small store (set abacus, toy scales) or done in a hairdressing style (small mirrors, children's scissors, hair dryer, combs, brushes).

Usually, at the age at which the baby is interested in a business board, the hobbies of the boy and girl are almost the same. Probably, such boards are divided by style more mom and dads. Therefore, the type, shape and content of the toy depends on the preferences of the parents.

Light bulbs can be added to any business board, regardless of who it is intended for. It all depends on the ability of the father (grandfather). To do this, a lamp in a protective cap is installed on the board. The voltage in it should be no more than 6 volts. It can be operated by a switch, button or plug and socket. Light bulbs are diode, you can play with their colors and come up with traffic lights, various signal beacons and much more.

Pictures depicting ready-made businessborbs: round, in the form of a cube, tree and so on - photo gallery

The more elements, the more interesting and exciting the game The business board can be made in the form of a cube You can equip the business board with various household items The business board is made in the shape of a ship The business board is made in the form of a castle Marine theme when making an educational toy is ideal for boys The business board is made in the form of a car Large business board can be installed all over the room
The business board can be not only flat, but also voluminous, to which developing elements are attached from different sides. The business board is made in the form of a tree

Soft touch board for the development of a one-year-old child

Babies up to a year old should make a soft fabric model. It can be in the form of a book, pillow or rug. The game elements of such a business board will be:

  • bright ribbons, bows;
  • large buttons, beads;
  • soft hooks and loops;
  • Velcro;
  • various laces;
  • colored rattles;
  • small Stuffed Toys(you can pick up squeaker toys).

Making a developing soft model is very simple. First, choose the format and the appropriate fabric (satin, calico, silk, poplin). Then attach all the elements you have selected to the form. Details must be sewn very tightly so that the child cannot tear them off.

A soft business board can be fixed on a sheet of fiberboard and placed in a crib or against a wall so that it is more convenient for the baby to play.

Photo of bodyboards for kids - photo gallery

A business board can be placed in a crib Soft cubes can be equipped with elements inherent in a classic business board You can take a pillow as the basis for a soft business board Developing rug - another version of a soft business board Christmas tree-shaped business board

Step-by-step instructions for making a business board with lacing in the form of a sneaker

To make an original business board, as in the picture, you need to follow the sequence of actions described below. Such a board will give the child the skills to handle different locks, introduce the switch and socket, and help develop fine motor skills thanks to lacing. And behind the doors-houses, various cartoon characters or family photos can be hidden.

Don't screw all the items on your board at once. First, plan their location, lay them out and see how it looks from the outside. Then correct the shortcomings and only after that firmly fasten all the material.

Manufacturing sequence.

  1. Think over and draw a rough diagram of how and what you want to arrange. Prepare your chosen items.
  2. Prepare the base. To do this, cut out a stand of the desired shape and size from a sheet. So that the baby does not get splinters, the edges and the entire surface of the board must be sanded.
  3. Take a small bar (20 by 30 mm), drill holes in it and be sure to sand the edges. Screw it around the perimeter of the sheet at the back to give the bodyboard volume.
  4. Using a simple pencil, mark the windows and cut them out with an electric jigsaw. Use a drill to make holes for the jigsaw.
  5. Using bars 15 by 20 mm, give the windows a small thickness. To do this, glue or nail them with studs on the sides of each hole from the inside.
  6. From fiberboard, cut out rectangles that would close the windows at the back. Attach them to the business board.
  7. Draw and color the shoe, screw on small hooks or hammer them in.
  8. Lace up your boot.
  9. Screw the hangers so that you can hang the business board on the wall.

Description of the technology for creating drawings on the board

To make your business board bright and memorable, color it. For this, acrylic paints are used, which are odorless and harmless to the health of the child. You can paint the entire base as well as apply various patterns. The use of masking tape is one of the options described below.

Dangerous business board, or what harm is fraught with a children's toy

A well-designed and properly made business board is safe for a child. Harm can be caused by:

  • poorly attached parts;
  • dangerous objects (for example, do not attach a tape measure with a metal tape - the child may get hurt);
  • a weakly reinforced board, which during the game can fall on the child;
  • material and paint that emit harmful substances.

It is better to attach small parts with lacing, otherwise the kids can swallow them.

How to make a bodyboard yourself - video

Young children love to play with exactly those items that parents forbid to touch. The bodyboard will help you say “you can” instead of the constant “no”. Such boards are very easy to make with your own hands, and older children will be happy to help you with this. Show a little imagination and patience, and you will give your child a good educational tool.

Busyboards - educational boards for children, which are a wooden panel with fixed on its surface various items: buttons, zippers, Velcro, bells, door knockers, etc. (more on possible pinned elements below). The essence of such a panel is that the child learns to develop finger motor skills, thinking and logic, and the more different elements are fixed on such a board, the more interesting it will be for the baby.

In addition, such a board is a great way to temporarily distract the child, thereby giving yourself the opportunity to do something around the house.

Who invented the bodyboard.

The first busyboard board (busyboard) appeared back in 1907, and it was invented by a woman, Maria Montessori. The Italian was a public figure - a philosopher, teacher and doctor. She organized a school of her own name for children with developmental disabilities, but soon she decided to devote her life to general pedagogy. At that time, such a board was equipped with the necessary items, according to Monterossi: light switches, a socket with a plug, painted shoes with a real lace, a door latch and a door chain. Today, the concept of the board has remained the same, except that the items have increased.

Busyboards are also called developing boards, a board with locks, developing modules, chests for development, a Monterossi board, an entertaining board.

What can be fixed on a business board.

A business board for children should be as interesting as possible, so we decided to bring to your attention a whole list of possible elements for fixing on a development board, so it can be:

  1. Door knocker;
  2. Circle from rotary telephone;
  3. Small computer keyboard;
  4. Light switch;
  5. Battery doorbell;
  6. Door chain;
  7. Working calculator;
  8. Plastic mirror;
  9. Yardstick;
  10. Compass;
  11. Clock with arrows;
  12. Door numbers;
  13. Keyhole with key;
  14. Bicycle horn;
  15. Reflectors (reflectors);
  16. Small lock with or without a key;
  17. Faucet with valve;
  18. Wheel from furniture;
  19. abacus;
  20. Homemade doors on canopies;
  21. Lightning from clothes;
  22. Velcro;
  23. Chains with large rings;
  24. Springy cord from a wired telephone;
  25. Pimply film;
  26. Doorknobs;
  27. Unnecessary children's shoes with a lace;
  28. Bell;
  29. Magnifier on a string;
  30. Large suckers.

The main thing to understand is that the development boards of the business board will be as interesting as possible for kids if there are as many fixed objects as possible, and each of them will be able to perform some action. So let's say, when you press the bell button, the child will hear a melodic sound, pulling the door chain will feel it sliding, etc.

Do-it-yourself businessboard for children.

To work, you need to prepare a smooth sanded board required size. You can make a small portable board, which the child himself will carry to the right place (30 * 30 cm) or a full-fledged business board, which is installed against an empty wall, it can reach sizes of 100 * 80 cm or more. By the way, the following sizes are often on sale: 40 * 40cm, 70 * 50cm, 100 * 80cm, and their prices range from 2500 rubles. up to 6000 rub. Well, if your house has a suitable board (maybe a door from old furniture) and a lot of items from the list above, then you can save a serious amount of money and arrange all the items the way you want.

If there are no suitable items in your home, we recommend that you ask relatives, friends, or simply buy everything you need in stores.

So, the board is selected, the elements are purchased, lay out all the items on the board as you see fit, then glue some of the items (light in weight) with Moment's glue, screw the others with a screwdriver. The finished board can simply be placed against the wall or hung on pre-drilled carnations. As you can see, there is nothing difficult in self-manufacturing there is no such board, even if you have not previously held a screwdriver in your hands, you will instantly understand what's what and quickly deal with the task.

Busyboard photo:

Busyboards - educational boards for children.

An example of a finished do-it-yourself business board:

Busyboards (developing boards for children) are really necessary items, with such a board the child will not only be busy for some time, but will also significantly replenish his knowledge base, learn to open and close latches, develop his tactile sensations, finger motor skills, logic and thinking. If kids have appeared in your house, then you simply need a business board for children, we highly recommend making it, you yourself will be surprised how diligent and focused a child can be.

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You don't have to spend money on expensive toys. Be inspired by photos of biziords for girls and create unique development boards with your own hands.

What is a business board, not every parent knows. However, anyone who gets acquainted with the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthis amazing toy will definitely think about how to make it. At the same time, homemade products turn out to be much more interesting than purchased models, because parents know better which elements of the development board their child will like. What is attached to the bodyboards for girls and how to make this development?

How to give a bodyboard a girly mood

In the article "- best ideas and instruction "it has already been said that for children in a year or two there are no gender differences in interests. Therefore, despite the fact that the toy is intended for a girl, its content should contain "traditional" elements. These are locks with keys, toggle switches, hecks, various wheels, etc.

Thematic material:

Decor will help to give the developing board a girly mood.

Firstly, you can focus on the appropriate palette - bright pink, light green or delicate pastel shades. Such colors can become the main background or decorate only the main elements.

Secondly, you can play on the general plot of the board - decorate it with fairies, flowers, butterflies and other cute creatures.

If the business board is intended for girls, in addition to household items, you can add "female little things":

  • mirror (preferably unbreakable, for example, plastic);
  • fake hair for weaving braids and hairpins;
  • dolls that can be dressed up (buy ready-made wooden sets or cut out paper clothes for the drawn “model”);
  • a notebook or a small drawing board;

  • daughter's beautiful shoes with Velcro and laces, which is already small;
  • centimeter in a tape measure (the tape should be soft so as not to injure the baby when winding);
  • envelopes with "secrets";
  • snakes, Velcro and other fasteners.

Advice! Useful for developing motor skills, clothespins can be played in a mini-dryer, where tiny felt clothes are hung on a rope.

Making a business board - a master class

To make a development board for a girl, it is not at all necessary to be a carpentry master and have a large number of tools. Any dad with a drill, liquid nails and a minimum of parts will do the job in a couple of hours. Moms can take on the role of a designer and think over the educational content of the bodyboard.

Hedgehog from a comb

An ordinary folding hairbrush with a mirror can turn into a real puzzle for a baby. After all, to push the bristles back and close the pocket mirror, you will have to work hard with your fingers.

Magnetic tablet

Bodyboards are made from unnecessary things that are in every home. So you don’t have to buy a tablet for magnets in a store. Any tin box for tea or cookies will act in its role.

Its advantage is that you do not need to think about how to process the edges. The lid of the box is already trimmed with piping. It remains only to glue the inner surface with self-adhesive paper and attach the lid to the business board with glue.

rattling bottle

Young children love to watch objects roll down a pipe or groove and fall. Such entertainment can be arranged with a regular yogurt bottle.

Thematic material:

Cut it across so that Bottom part was 1/3. Now you need to process the sharp edges with a self-adhesive film or electrical tape and attach with strong threads to the base.

In the game, the child unscrews the lid and sticks an object of a suitable size. At an angle, it rolls and hits the cut off bottom of the bottle. The same game can be arranged by attaching a piece of plastic corrugated pipe to the business board.

How to make a business board - inspirational ideas with photos

The creation of a developmental board always begins with the preparation of the base and the schematic planning of the details. Any wooden or plywood board will do for the base. Its edges must be carefully processed and polished.

You can look for the necessary items at home or buy at a regular hardware store. They are attached to the board with self-tapping screws, a furniture stapler or glue.

You should not completely paint your business board, because varnishes and paints do not best friend for a one-year-old baby who will definitely taste your homemade product.

Small details can be arranged acrylic paint. But don't overdo it here either. Color your business board using no more than 3-4 colors, otherwise it will turn out to be too colorful and will scatter the attention of the crumbs. The same goes for forms.

Snakes and fasteners can be played with painted clothes

A prickly wooden roller is an excellent massager for fingers

Educational board in a juicy girly palette

As you can see, in order for a child to grow up developed, it is not at all necessary to spend money on expensive toys. Be inspired by the photo of the biziords and create your own unique crafts!