
Linen in the closet smells musty what to do. How to get rid of the smell in the closet with clothes and linens? Eliminate bad odors in wardrobes


Unpleasant odor from bed linen can occur due to several reasons:

  • long-term treatment in a basket with dirty things;
  • low quality material;
  • improper storage;
  • the presence of dust mites.

Humidity in a room or closet

Mustiness in bed linen can occur due to increased levels of humidity in the room. Most often, the presence of mold in the wardrobe also causes an unpleasant odor from the linen. Another negative factor is poor ventilation.

Not dried clothes

The smell of dampness is often the result of poorly dried laundry after washing or storing in a poorly ventilated area.

Foreign odors

The smell on the bed linen may be due to used items with amber sweat, perfume, cigarette smoke. It begins to smell even with a nearby kitchen and food smells penetrating from cooking food. In addition, the smell of mustiness can occur as a result of the smell of animals, household chemicals.

Steps to deal with bad breath

Musty smell problems are easiest to deal with in a complex way, especially if the cause of its occurrence is unknown.

Carefully clean the linen closet

The storage closet should be as clean as possible. To do this, they ventilate it, occasionally taking out all the things and additionally drying it on a sunny day on the balcony or on the street.

Carry out a wet cleaning, removing dust from the shelves and crossbars. It should also be treated with wax products that will disinfect the surface.

If the family smokes, then the wardrobe is wiped with water, acidified with vinegar, a wet towel is hung in it for half an hour, and then wipe all surfaces dry.

We remove mold

If cleaning did not help, then most likely the reason in mold fungi:

  • remove all things from the closet;
  • eliminate the affected areas with a solution of vinegar. To do this, take a solution of 1 part vinegar and 3 parts water. If desired, vinegar can be replaced with peroxide or boric acid;
  • if this does not help, then it is worth using "heavy artillery". These places are cleaned with "whiteness";
  • we wash all the things that were in the closet and dry them on the street;
  • We do not put things in furniture during the week. It takes time to make sure that the solution has worked.

Perfumes for a pleasant smell

To add a pleasant fragrance to laundry, you can use conditioners, pleasantly scented toilet soaps, solutions with essential oils and aromatic sachet.

Before you start a fight or try to remove the smell, you should find out the root cause of its appearance. And laundry can smell for several reasons:

Well, and, of course, an unpleasant amber from linen can be due to the fact that there is a sick person in the family who needs specific care, as you know, the bed, and especially the duvet, quickly and for a long time absorbs the smell of urine, which then delivers a lot of unpleasant minutes in a difficult struggle with him.

Video "How to give a pleasant aroma"

From the video you will learn how to give the linen a pleasant smell.

Kitchen utensils in the fight against odor

In order to effectively get rid of the “aroma” that sometimes occurs, it is not at all necessary to spend a lot of money on the purchase of special deodorizing compounds or expensive washing powder. Often, everything you need to help remove the musty smell can be found in every household.

The first place in the ranking is occupied by ordinary vinegar. To remove the smell of mold from linen, just pour 1 cup of essence into washing machine along with the powder. Such a simple way will save you not only from mustiness, but even help to defeat other, no less disgusting "aromas", for example, the smell of urine. Another of our trouble-free assistants works on the same principle - baking soda. It will also require one glass: mixed with powder in the washing machine, sodium bicarbonate will delight you with fresh laundry, absolutely devoid of any extraneous odors.
Or you can use natural coffee beans as an absorbent: a small container with grains placed on the shelf of a linen closet can not only remove odors by absorbing them, but also effectively flavor your clothes.

Grandma's recipes

Sometimes you don’t need to reinvent the wheel and just turn to the many years of experience of our mothers and grandmothers, because they also wondered how to remove extraneous amber from washed things. And I must say, they succeeded pretty well in this unequal struggle.

Many of us remember from childhood that our parents kept bars of toilet soap in the same chest of drawers as blankets, bedspreads and other bedding. Wrapped in a clean cloth, the soap bars killed any hint of mustiness for a long time, the main thing is not to forget to renew such a “flavor” every month. Another sure and very aesthetic remedy is bags with fragrant herbs. They can be purchased at specialized stores, or you can make your own by choosing an herbal mixture to your own taste. Sun-dried mint, lemon balm and lavender leaves, placed in a linen bag, will give your closet a sophisticated fragrance. Dried citrus zest works in a similar way, most importantly, do not forget to cover it with a protective layer of textile so that characteristic fruit stains do not remain on the linen.


As an effective prophylactic, you can use the usual iodine - a few drops of the solution, placed in a jar with a narrow neck, have incredible effect, completely destroying odors in your closet.

In addition, do not forget to dry things, best of all in the open air. Before you make your bed, be sure to shake out all the accessories. Don't forget to air your closets and chests of drawers regularly, sort through the things stored in them, and ruthlessly remove any signs of mustiness that have appeared.

And of course, be sure to use winter frosts, a duvet cover or even a blanket dried in the bitter cold will give you an indescribable freshness that will last for a long time and will delight you for long days.

That's all you need to know to keep odors out of your linen closet. We wish you freshness and Have a good mood, with our tips you will definitely succeed in the fight against mustiness!

Video "A pleasant smell in the closet"

From the video you will learn how to make the closet always smell good.

Hello! Many housewives are perplexed why the bedding smells after washing or after lying in the closet? Consider the causes of this phenomenon, as well as the method of eliminating it with simple techniques.

Causes of Bad Smell

An unpleasant smell after can be tolerated even by the most clean housewives. To get rid of this problem, it is necessary to find out the cause of the unpleasant phenomenon.

  1. washing machine have not been cleaned from residues for a long time: villi, powder, bacteria.
  2. leave closed.
  3. They put the laundry in the drum, keep it until a new wash, then it acquires a musty smell, which is difficult to get rid of.
  4. Soaked laundry lies in the powder for a long time.
  5. Laundry dries in the bathroom, not on fresh air.
  6. A thing with a nasty smell got into the wash, which spoiled the aroma of all products.
  7. They put a powder or conditioner with an unpleasant odor.
  8. Incorrectly connected drain, the water smells like sewage.
  9. Lots of detergents.

Watch a video on what to do if your clothes smell stale:

Ways to get rid of the problem

How to get rid of the problem? The first thing to do is thoroughly clean the washing machine. Many housewives use soda or citric acid, and better all together:

After washing don't close the door leave it half open to allow the remaining water to evaporate.

Do not soak dirty clothes for several hours, so as not to get a sour stench that is difficult to get rid of. If the electricity was turned off, and things remained for a long time in the drum, then soak them in vinegar water for 15 minutes. Vinegar will help remove any nasty stench. Acetic solution is prepared as follows: pour 1 tbsp. spoon per liter of water.

If there is a sewer smell

When installing a new "machine", the drain hose was incorrectly connected to the sewer pipe, so the process of draining the liquid was disrupted. The result was an accumulation of stench. If there is a smell of sewage in an old machine, then the cause may be a failed valve that protects against sewage from entering the device. Leave valve replacement to a professional.

If the new “machine” has a smell of rubber, then nothing needs to be done. After a few washes, the problem will disappear.

When washing, the rubber rim may come into contact with the drum, emitting a squeak and smell of burnt rubber. You will have to stop washing, and trim the protruding part of the rim a little stationery knife.

Often, laundry detergent containing soap smells like rubber. It's better not to use it.

Often, even new underwear emits a chemical scent. This problem arose in production, because the technological process was disrupted. Try rinsing in vinegar solution.

Important! Dry clothes in the open air or on an open balcony, then your things will always smell like morning freshness. If there are no such conditions, then arrange a draft in the apartment so that things dry out faster.

Things that do not dry out will definitely emit an unpleasant odor. After ironing, do not put things immediately in the closet, let them lie down for a while, dry well.

How to make a fresh fragrance in the closet

After washing, each housewife puts clean linen in a closet. But the trouble is, often even neatly folded linen emits some kind of unpleasant odor. What to do?

There are several ways to create a pleasant aroma in a closet and any other enclosed space.

You can also watch a video on how to make your closet smell nice:

How to beat mold

Often the stench in the closet appears due to. You may not notice it, but it exists and spoils your linen. What to do? Treat all corners, shelves, cabinet doors with hydrogen peroxide.

Do this procedure at every general cleaning. Then wipe with soda, then with a clean damp cloth, only after that dry the cabinet well, leaving it open for 2-3 hours.

Dear hostesses, I am sure that you have received an answer to the question: why bed linen smells, learned how to give it a unique freshness.

06/08/2017 4 17 099 views

Sometimes housewives discover that washed clothes have an unpleasant odor after lying in the closet for some time. And the question arises, how to get rid of the musty Unpleasant odor, even perfumes cannot disguise, exacerbating the impression of others.


To find out why the laundry smells musty, you need to identify the source of the unpleasant odor. In most cases, fungi that actively multiply in a humid environment become a provocateur. By creating comfortable conditions for bacteria, the owners provoke the spread of fragrance to all things in the closet.

Damp and sweaty clothes, rare ventilation, mess on the shelves, smoking indoors, close proximity of furniture to the kitchen and bathroom, only exacerbate the situation.

Factors that create unpleasant odors:

  • indoor humidity;
  • lack of cabinet ventilation;
  • dirty clothes on the shelves;
  • long-term storage of linen;
  • furniture made of low-quality material;
  • dust mites.

Removing an unpleasant smell is a mandatory process for any apartment. Reproducing fungus and mites can provoke allergic reactions and cause coughing. This is especially true for infants, whose protective functions the body has not yet matured.

How to remove musty smell from clothes?

If things are saturated with an unpleasant odor, you need to empty the closet and sort through each of them. Depending on the material, all clothing can be either machine washed or dry cleaned. If there is a slight smell, all cotton, linen and clothes made of thin fabrics must be rewashed according to the required modes with the addition of fabric softener.

The strong smell of clothes made from natural fabrics can be removed with folk methods:

  1. Table salt and ammonia. It is necessary to prepare a saline solution by adding 2 tablespoons of salt and a teaspoon of ammonia to 1 liter of water. The liquid is put on fire and brought to a boil. With cooled water, up to 50 degrees, the fabric is treated and left for an hour. After that, things are washed in the usual way.
  2. Onion juice. You can remove moldy areas from cotton fabric with onion juice. Juice is squeezed out of the mashed bulb and the affected areas are treated. The procedure is carried out several times, then the clothes are washed.
  3. Milk serum. It is poured into a basin and the affected linen is soaked for several hours. Then carry out washing in the usual manner.
  4. Hydrogen peroxide. Light bedding and towels can be treated with 3% hydrogen peroxide. After an hour, it is necessary to rub the affected areas with laundry soap and send it to the washing machine for further cleaning.
  5. Bleach. This option can only be done with white and natural fabrics. Chlorine is diluted in warm water according to the instructions and the laundry is lowered. After a few hours, wash with laundry soap and rinse well.
  6. Vitamin C. Dilute the tablet in 50 ml of alcohol. The resulting solution is treated with moldy places. After complete drying, things are washed.

Dry cleaning needs things from hard fabrics, down jackets, leather, coats. You can use turpentine applied to a cotton pad. After processing, the fabric is ironed through the paper with a hot iron. Ammonia diluted in water - 10 ml per liter of liquid will help to cope with rot. After treatment, the surface is gently washed with soapy water.

What to do about the musty smell in the closet?

So that your favorite things do not suffer from the putrid smell again, it is necessary to process the cabinets.

To do this, you need to take a number of complex measures:

  1. Inspect furniture for mold.
  2. Move the cabinet aside and check the wall surface. If a fungus is found on it, treat it with a solution of copper sulfate. For additional protection you can prime the wall special means.
  3. To get rid of the smell will help table vinegar in a ratio of 1: 3. It is necessary to wipe the inner walls and shelves of the cabinet and leave to weather and dry for a couple of days.
  4. You can remove an unpleasant smell by treating the furniture with 3% hydrogen peroxide.

After fixing the problem, you can fill the cabinet with aromas using special fragrances. Experienced housewives Soap is laid out on the shelves in clothes bags. Lovers of coffee aroma can use coffee beans by decomposing the product into open jars. Dried citrus peels wrapped in gauze will add a pleasant fragrance and help prevent moths.

Meadow grasses have unique aromas. It is especially nice if they are collected independently. Herbal collection of lavender, hops, thyme and oregano will be a worthy flavor for clean things. You can use an empty perfume bottle. Putting it on a shelf with woolen things. Get the unobtrusive scent of your favorite perfume.

Not all people tolerate special fragrances. In these cases, the use of odor absorbers is recommended. These include coal, soda and silica gel. After all the manipulations, you can fold the pre-treated, dried and ironed clothes.

Video: how to remove unpleasant odors from the closet?

Prevention methods

Often the owners themselves become the culprits of the terrible aroma in the room. In time to get rid of the musty smell in the apartment will help simple precautions that any hostess can follow.

  • You can not install the cabinet close to the wall, it is better to leave a small gap for free passage of air.
  • It is necessary to arrange when changing seasonal things at least 2 times a year. Pack winter things in special covers for the summer period. Divide outerwear and underwear on different shelves. Allocate a separate place for woolen things.
  • Do not put clean and dirty linen in a common pile. Worn items are best placed on a special hanger outside the closet. If the clothes smell of sweat, it is better to send them to the launderer. If shoes are stored in the dressing room, they must be put washed and well dried in shoe boxes.
  • After washing, things should be qualitatively dried and ironed. Wet laundry is not allowed. In damp weather, you can dry clothes with heaters, directing a stream of warm air onto wet things.
  • When cooking, it is necessary to use the hood or close the doors to the kitchen. Some products emit unpleasant odors that are quickly absorbed into clothing.
  • If there are pets in the apartment, it is necessary to isolate access to wardrobes. You can not allow hiding and sleeping in furniture. In addition to wool, specific smells will remain on clothes, and some hooligans can mark things they like.

sticking to simple rules, you can avoid unpleasant situations without wasting time, nerves and electricity on reusable washing and ironing things.

Have you ever faced such a problem as the smell in the closet with clothes? How to get rid of such a phenomenon? This is what we'll talk about today. Probably, every housewife will remember the situation when, having put clean linen back in place, and then taking it out, she feels a strange and sometimes not the most pleasant aroma. What causes musty smell and what can be done about it?

Extra wash

This is the first desire that arises when you smell an unpleasant smell in the closet with clothes. How to get rid of it? It is logical to assume that the hostess will make an attempt to arrange a big laundry. In this case, all the contents are taken out of the closet and sent to the laundry. Unfortunately, after a while repeats again. Let's first look at why there is a smell in the closet with clothes. How to get rid of it - this is the second block, which will also be carefully disassembled.

Where does it come from

Before trying to get rid of an unpleasant smell, you need to think about what contributed to its appearance. Often this is our negligence. Both washed items and those that have already been worn are removed in the closet. Of course, jeans and a sweater cannot be washed after each wearing, otherwise they will simply become unusable very soon. But there is one way out - to allocate one compartment where you can put away everyday clothes. And after washing, it can move to the main, for clean things. This will prevent odors from building up in your closet. If this is not possible, then at least you need to ventilate things well after each wear. We will talk about how to get rid of mustiness quickly and without much hassle below, but for now let's look at the rest of the reasons.

Insufficient drying of clothes

This is especially true when the heating is turned off, but when it is still quite cool outside. Things hang to dry for quite a long time, but still the fibers of the fabric retain a small amount of moisture. And bed linen and washed clothes should be placed in the closet completely dry. If you think that one corner is a little damp, leave the item in the dryer for a few more hours. Otherwise, there will be a smell from dampness in the closet with clothes. How to get rid of it? Almost nothing, except for the same wash. In order not to rack your brains later, it is better not to give him a chance to appear.


Modern irons are equipped with a steam generation function. This is very convenient, as it allows you to quickly deal with any folds in the fabric. But there is another problem here. At modern women time is running out, and, having ironed the linen, they immediately put it away. As a result, they face the same problem. Taking things out, you can feel not the gentle aroma of the rinse aid, but a sour, sharp, moldy smell. And again I want to say that it is easier to prevent the appearance of smell in the closet with clothes. How to quickly get rid of such a nuisance, you don’t have to think if, after ironing, leave the laundry for several hours on the ironing board.

Closed space

It is good if the hostess has enough free time. Then the chances of an unpleasant smell among the clothes will be minimal. But in the turmoil of everyday work, some of the worn things fall into the bowels of the closet, into autumn period linen is saturated with moisture, and as a result, the delicate smell of cleanliness gradually disappears. Therefore, one more rule should be observed: laundry should not be "locked up" for too long. Clothing should be aired regularly. Therefore, leaving for work, open the cabinet doors, periodically sort out stacks of laundry and wipe the shelves under it. After that, be sure to let the cabinet dry.


Let's purposefully remove the smell "settled" in the closet with clothes. "How to get rid of it effectively and permanently?" , - you ask. First of all, completely empty your wardrobe. Open all doors and drawers so that air can freely enter all compartments. If after a day or two the smell does not completely disappear, then the furniture itself is to blame. If the cabinet is very old, then it is recommended to paint it from the inside. good composition it will dry in just one day, after which the mold fungus will disappear, and therefore the cause of concern. If this option is not considered, you can use one of the options listed below.

Simple and cheap

The removed things are saturated with the smell, which means that they still need to be washed. To do this, you do not need to purchase expensive products and conditioners. Regular vinegar helps a lot. To do this, a glass of table vinegar is poured along with the powder, and the output is fresh and clean linen. This method allows you to remove all unpleasant odors. Soda can also serve as a similar remedy. The ideal solution when washing white linen, especially curtains. In this case, a glass of soda is added to the powder. As already mentioned, the linen must be dried, ironed and left to cool completely.

Wet furniture cleaning

Now you need to thoroughly wash the cabinet itself. This will require warm water, a cloth and laundry soap. Go through the entire inside surface, including the top rungs. It is best to leave it open for several hours after this procedure so that the tree dries completely. Now let's think about whether it does not appear on its own in the closet with clothes, which means that it is necessary to eliminate the cause of its appearance.

The second step is disinfection

Wardrobes rarely stand in the middle of the room. Most often they are located near the walls. The empty cabinet needs to be moved away: it is possible that a hotbed of mold is located on the back wall. And even if it is not there, it would be nice to carry out preventive treatment. In order to defeat the fungus, ordinary hydrogen peroxide is used. She needs to process the cabinet both outside and inside, paying special attention to the corners.

Usually this is enough, and if you regularly carry out wet cleaning, combining it with preventive treatment, and properly dry and iron clothes, then you no longer have to ask yourself: "How to get rid of the smell in the closet with clothes?" Methods for successfully solving the problem, however, do not end there. Moreover, they can be combined with those listed above, from this the chances of success only increase. So, after peroxide treatment, it is recommended to wipe the cabinet with a solution of baking soda.

If you take your time

After a couple of hours, you can put things back. But if time permits, it's best to ensure that the bad smell never returns to the closet. To do this, after antiseptic treatment, place cotton or gauze swabs soaked in vinegar in the closet. Can be washed after a day it with a solution of ammonia and hang aromatic sachets.

If you have a steam generator, then it will be a great help. Not a single spore will survive after such treatment. Do not forget to dry the closet well, and wash and iron all things at the maximum temperature. Now you can put everything back together. Try not to overcrowd your closet. If things do not breathe, the likelihood that the bad smell will reappear will only increase.


  • Hang bags of pine needles, lavender and laurel.
  • Put down a handkerchief sprinkled with perfume.
  • Wrap soap bars in clean handkerchiefs and place them next to stacks of bedding.
  • Citrus fruits are an excellent refresher in the wardrobe. To do this, wrap the peel of an orange or lemon in a clean cloth and hang it in a closet.
  • Remember how you chose the last perfume? To neutralize the aroma of the previous ones, the seller recommended smelling the coffee beans. This method can be used now. Place the coffee in a glass and place it on the bottom shelf.
  • Don't throw away your favorite perfume bottle. Put it on the shelf with knitted products. A gentle aroma will settle in things.
  • Meadow fragrant herbs are another way to give things an unforgettable smell. Hops and lavender, thyme and oregano are suitable for this.
  • Essential oils are another great way to combat odor. But don't overdo it. Lavender or eucalyptus, ylang-ylang or rose, tangerine or cinnamon - any of these scents can be the highlight of your wardrobe.

Drying laundry

After you've spent time and effort restoring order in your closet, you need to prevent the unpleasant odor from reappearing. To do this, you need not only to wash the laundry well, but also to dry it properly. It's best if it hangs under hot sunbeams . It is drying and disinfecting at the same time. But make sure that no one smokes nearby, otherwise the damp cloth will absorb the smell of tobacco. If the laundry is drying at home, try not to cook anything too fragrant: pies, fried fish. At least use a hood. Otherwise, then the whole wardrobe will smell like a kitchen, and you will have to start all over again. And remember: first you need to get rid of the cause, and then deal with rewashing of things.