
How can you remove resin from clothes. How to get rid of resin. Emergency actions

Pathology of the uterus

Keeping clothes clean requires regular work: washing, removing stains, ironing, drying. At the same time, many stains are easily reduced in the first wash, and some have to be tinkered with. We have already talked about what difficulties may arise, and today we want to talk about tree resin.

In this article, we will try to tell you in as much detail as possible how to remove a tar stain from clothes, which methods are most effective and simple.

Classic wood resin look

Preparatory activities

A walk in the forest can result in unpleasant traces of resin on clothes, in those places where you came into contact with the bark of a tree, pine or spruce. Of course, such stains and stains look terrible, but in fact they can be easily removed from most materials, the main thing is to know how.

However, before proceeding with the direct removal of tar stains from clothing, preparatory measures should be taken:

  1. At the first stage, you should try to clean the top layer of resin using blunt, durable objects, such as a knife. Usually the top layer is easily scraped off.
  2. To remove even more tar from clothing, freeze it. This method should be used for ordinary things, it is not suitable for delicate, thin fabrics. It is enough to load things into the freezer of the refrigerator for several hours for the resin stain to freeze. After extraction, by shaking the cloth in the place of contamination, it will be possible to remove particles of hardened resin.

Carrying out these simple manipulations will remove most of the contamination, and therefore facilitate further procedures.

Solvent stain removal

Using folk methods, you can easily remove various kinds of dirt from clothes, and traces of pine, spruce or other tree resin are no exception. However, having chosen a cleaning composition for yourself, you need to test it on an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe clothing. This will avoid accidental damage to things, especially if we want to use solvents.

When wondering how to remove resin from your clothes, the first thing that comes to mind is the possibility of using solvents. Indeed, resin stains can be removed using acetone or liquids based on it, pure gasoline, turpentine.

Turpentine can be bought at any hardware store

Note that silk things made of acetate material will not tolerate such processing, so choose a different composition for them.

For ordinary things, processing will not be difficult. But if you choose gasoline, you should buy it at a hardware store, and not drain it from the car tank, along with additives of a different nature.

To remove stains, it will be necessary to moisten a cotton pad or cloth in the solvent and gently wipe them. At the same time, it is necessary to move from the edges of the stain to the middle, so as not to leave behind unnecessary stains. After you have managed to remove the contamination, wash the clothes in the usual way for her.

An excellent method involves the alternate use of turpentine and alcohol. You can clean resin stains with these products as follows:

  • First, soak the place stained with resin in turpentine. It is not necessary to wipe the stain, just apply a solvent to it.
  • After half an hour, when the turpentine has already evaporated, the stain is soaked in alcohol, and again, until the alcohol evaporates, it is not recommended to immediately use mechanical effects.
  • After another application of alcohol, you will see how the resin begins to come off. Now you can lightly treat the stained area, and then wash the garment as usual.

In principle, you can use one alcohol, medical or technical, it doesn’t matter. But in order for it to dissolve the resin stain, it is necessary to soak things in the composition for at least half an hour. A rag or cotton pad will help to do this, which should be soaked in alcohol and applied to the soiled area.

For durable synthetic fabrics, classic solvents 646 and white spirit may be suitable for some types of jeans. Processing with these compounds will remove stains with a regular cotton pad. These substances have a characteristic unpleasant odor that can be removed by washing clothes with powder.

other methods

There are other methods on how to remove the resin without the participation of solvents. For example, to work with delicate fabrics like silk or chiffon, a regular iron will help us. The technique is quite simple and hackneyed, often used, for example, from the same jeans:

Iron helps remove greasy spots

  1. We cover the fabric on both sides with white paper towels or napkins.
  2. We set the minimum temperature on the iron.
  3. We process the place of contamination by regularly changing paper napkins. This melts the resin and soaks into the paper substrates.
  4. After ironing, be sure to wash in accordance with the requirements of this fabric.

An interesting way to get rid of tree resin from clothes was invented by modern housewives. To clean this kind of pollution, you need to soak clothes in a bowl of Coca-Cola for several hours. After soaking things in this lemonade for a long time, the resin will become soft and pliable, which means it can be easily cleaned with a soft brush. Further washing of clothes will allow her to return to her everyday cleanliness.

Since wood resin stains on clothes appear regularly, especially in the summer, when we go to the forest for mushrooms or berries, there are a lot of ways to remove them. The following techniques may help you:

  • For woolen clothes, such a stain is very unpleasant, but there is a way out. First, the contamination is soaked in vegetable oil for 10-15 minutes, and then gently washed with dishwashing liquid. It will be most convenient to use a small white cloth. After you have managed to remove traces of resin, do not forget to wash the item.
  • In principle, vegetable oil is also suitable for many other fabrics. Soak the stained area in it for 10-15 minutes, and then, using a regular soap solution, wash the dirty area on clothes or on the surface of jeans.
  • You can prepare a special cleaning composition that will effectively remove the resin. This will require one tablespoon of starch, a couple of drops of ammonia and a couple of drops of turpentine. The composition must be applied to the resin stain and left to dry completely, and then brush off all contaminants with a brush. If it was not possible to completely remove the stain, but it is clear that the product has worked, you can repeat the treatment a couple of times.
  • Household chemicals may also be appropriate, it is enough to choose the right bleach or stain remover. This composition must be applied to the fabric for a while, and then washed clothes. The technology is described in detail on the product packaging, where you will also find recommendations on the types of fabrics.

A drop of tree resin

Which method and which product you choose is up to you, but before using a cleaning compound, do not forget to check it. Suddenly it spoils your fabric.

To ensure that the removal of such contaminants is as safe as possible for you and your clothes, we have prepared a number of recommendations that allow you to do everything right.

The following tips will help you deal with tar stains:

  • It is not acceptable to use vinegar or acetone to clean dirt from acetate silk, as they will easily burn a hole in it.
  • Be careful when using solvents, alcohols, as they can remove paint from many things, such as shirts, jackets, jeans.
  • Bleach is used exclusively for white things.
  • So that the stain does not blur during cleaning, you can moisten the cloth around it with water or sprinkle the material with starch, baby powder, or talcum powder.
  • For small spots, it is convenient to apply the cleaning composition pointwise with a pipette or cotton swab.
  • Removing the stain is always done from the edges to the middle. It is best to do this on the wrong side of the garment as well.
  • During the cleaning procedures, you can put a white paper towel under the wrong side of the fabric.

As you can see, there are a variety of ways to help clean your clothes efficiently and painlessly. stick simple rules, and removing a drop of resin from your clothes will not turn into a big problem.

Many housewives believe that it is unrealistic or very difficult to remove tar stains from clothes, and the spoiled item immediately falls into the “for home” category. So, if you sat down on a sticky bench during a walk or your child loves to cuddle with pine trees, don't be upset! I will tell you how to remove resin from clothes quickly, simply and without damaging the fabric. In the article you will find "secret" methods and valuable tips.

Found a tar stain - your first steps

Do not rush to immediately wash sticky contamination with water, alcohol, acetone and other liquids known to you! Do what is written below, without violating the order of the points and following the recommendations:

  1. mechanical cleaning. Any sharp object (knife, blade, etc.) will do. Try to scrape upper part resins. But be careful not to rub it even deeper into the fabric structure.

  1. Freeze. Put the soiled item in the freezer for 2-3 hours. Under the action of low temperature, the resin residue will harden and it will be easier to pick it out with your own hands. For greater effectiveness, after freezing, crush the product to break the whole stain into pieces.

All this must be done very carefully so as not to damage the fabric. And if the soiled thing is made of delicate thin material, then mechanical cleaning and freezing are undesirable.

So, half the work is already done! We continue the operation. Now you need to remove the residual resin stains. To do this, we have a whole arsenal of tools and methods. Choose the one that suits your situation.

What will remove the resin from clothes

These "helpers" are probably in your home. In any case, they are inexpensive. But before you wipe the resin from your clothes with them, do one more thing:

  • Sprinkle the outline of the stain with starch or talcum powder to prevent the sticky substance from spreading further along the fabric.
  • Turn the item inside out. It is safer to work from the wrong side. Less chance of damaging the structure of the material.
  • When withdrawing, use cotton swabs or with a pipette to apply the product locally, in a moderate amount.
  • Removal of resin stains is carried out from their edges to the middle.

Method 1: Liquid cleaners

The names of the products may seem dangerous for the fabric, but if everything is done correctly, the clothes will remain clean and beautiful!

  • Medical or formic alcohol. The first one perfectly removes pine resin from any clothes. If the contamination is small, drop it from a pipette or treat it with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol.

If the pollution is large enough, it is better to arm yourself with a cloth. Just don't rub too hard on the stain! After applying alcohol, wait 20-30 minutes for a chemical reaction to occur and the resin residue to come out of the fibers of the material. Then wash the item.

As for formic alcohol, it has shown itself to be excellent in cleaning resin from cars (bodywork and glass). But how this liquid will behave on a particular tissue is impossible to predict.

Therefore, I advise you to first try it on clothes that you don’t feel sorry for, and only then on soiled with resin. Formic alcohol should be washed off with clean water almost immediately after application!

  • Refined gasoline or turpentine is no less effective at removing pine resin. The truth remains sharp after them. But after washing the product with powder and conditioner, get rid of this. In the case of gasoline, do not take the one that is poured into the tank of your car! You need a special peeled one, you can buy it at a hardware store.

  • Any solvent - turpentine, acetone or nail polish remover (more gentle). It is enough to blot the stain several times with a cotton swab dipped in one of these substances.

Starch + ammonia + turpentine - maybe this recipe will come in handy for you. Mix 1 teaspoon of starch with 4 drops of ammonia and the same amount of turpentine.
Dampen the tar stain with this mixture and leave to dry. Next, try to remove the resin with a hard-bristled toothbrush. If necessary, repeat the steps.

  • Olive or vegetable oil helps remove tar from clothing made from leather. After using an oily liquid, the stain must be treated with alcohol, and the thing itself is wiped with a clean, dry cloth.

The same method can be applied to clothes made of thin material. Apply the oil for 20 minutes and wash the product well with soap or powder.

  • Coca-Cola, Fanta, Sprite. Beloved by many drinks have excellent stain-removing properties! It is enough to soak clothes stained with resin in any of them for a couple of hours. You will soon see the effect.

Method 2. Household chemicals

Dishwashing detergent removes resin well from woolen clothes, furs, carpets, as well as from hair:

  • treat the contaminated area first vegetable oil and leave for 10 minutes;
  • then apply with cotton detergent, it has excellent degreasing properties, therefore it will wipe off both resin and traces of oil;
  • after cleaning the stain, be sure to wash the product.

In some, not particularly difficult cases, it will be possible to remove the tar stain with traditional household chemicals - factory bleach or stain remover. They can be:

  • apply in the form of a slurry;
  • moisten the contamination with a concentrated solution;
  • soak the thing in water with the addition of these funds.

But in most cases, this method is relevant only for white things..

Method 3. High temperatures

If you are concerned that caustic liquids may damage the structure, pattern, or color of the soiled item, then try this method. It is especially good for delicate fabrics (chiffon, silk, etc.). Here is the instruction:

  • Place paper towels or napkins under the dirt, from the inside of the clothes, and also from above directly onto the tar blot.
  • Iron the stained area thoroughly or heat it with a hair dryer. Gradually, the sticky substance will begin to melt and be absorbed into paper napkins.
  • Change the wipes periodically until the stain disappears completely.
  • Be sure to wash the product!

I like this method more than others. I would like to read your comments and personal experience its application in practice.

A few fabric caveats...

Before you remove the resin from any fabric, it is advisable to find out about the features of its texture and quality. Because the above methods are not suitable for every kind of material. There are restrictions, for example:

  • alkalis and bleaches are suitable only for white linen;
  • alcohols and acids can destroy some types of paints (bright drawings, jeans, etc.);
  • vinegar and acetone destroy acetate silk - instead of a site cleared of resin, a hole will turn out.

Therefore, do not rush, do not rush into battle immediately. Find out how a particular material will behave in contact with a cleaning agent.


As it turns out, tar stains are not such a big deal. You just need to choose the right tool from those that you learned in my article. What did you like the most? Medical alcohol, turpentine, iron or something else?

Maybe you have had cleaning experience with one of them? Then share your secrets in the comments! And for clarity, watch the video in this article.

When a happy child comes from the street smeared with something unknown and sticky, few mothers can take it easy. And if the kid managed to put a few stains from pine resin on his trousers, then his hands drop altogether. So how can you get rid of these stains? No panic! Do not rush to grab the belt or swallow valerian. It is actually not that difficult to wash or clean resin from clothes.

Preparatory stage

After you have dressed and washed the baby, you can begin to treat the stain. First, take a sharp knife and remove the remaining resin. The more you remove it, the easier it will be to eliminate the consequences of a child's walk. During operation, be careful not to accidentally hook the fabric.

Then put the thing in the freezer for a couple of hours: the frozen resin is much easier to remove than the warm one. Take out your trousers, wrinkle them well and gently rub the affected area with your hands. Hard pieces should fall off.

We use an iron

Lay your trousers or shirt on a flat surface and place an unnecessary clean cloth under the stain. Top it with the same piece of cloth. You can use paper napkins. Heat the iron and iron the affected area several times. Resin should "move" from clothes to napkins. If necessary, change them and repeat the procedure.

Cleaning leather clothes

Resin can be removed from leather with vegetable oil. To do this, apply on the stain a small amount of any oil and gently wipe it with a cotton pad. Then remove the remaining fat with alcohol.

How to deal with the most stubborn stains

Usually the resin is surrendered after the preparatory stage. But sometimes you have to use stronger methods. Alcohol, turpentine or nail polish remover will help to remove resin from children's or adult things at home. Just be sure to test them on inconspicuous parts of your clothing first.

Apply a small amount of solvent to a clean rag or cotton pad and apply to the stain for 15-20 minutes. Then wash the item good powder conditioner and air dry.

Remember that the pattern on colored fabrics may be affected by too strong a solvent. For delicate clothes, use refined gasoline. Important: regular gasoline from a gas tank will not work - it contains too many unknown additives that can ruin the product.

Resin stains can also be removed with stain removers, bleach or cola. To do this, soak clothes in them for half an hour or an hour, and then send the affected item to the washing machine.

We clean fur, carpets or hair from resin

It is possible that the inquisitive kid smeared not only clothes, but also his own hair in coniferous resin. Or maybe he managed to trample on the carpet while the angry mother was looking for a belt. To remove resin from hair, fur or carpet, use vegetable oil and any liquid agent for dish washing.

First of all, try wiping the stain with a cotton pad soaked in oil. At the same time, move from the edge to the center so that the stain does not spread even more. Then remove excess grease with detergent.

How to remove black tar stains (tar)

Some little robbers manage to get smeared in the tar. It is a black resinous substance that is added to asphalt or used to protect rooftops from rain and snow. You can wash it with sunflower oil: just drop a few drops of liquid and gently rub the product. Now you need to remove the fat with alcohol or dishwashing liquid.

As you can see, everything is quite simple if you use these simple guidelines. Put aside the valerian and hide the belt away: let your baby enjoy childhood and boldly learn the world. And how do you deal with stains?

The resin of coniferous trees in the form of stains can get on clothes in different situations. It is hardly worth describing them in detail, it is much more important to deal with the question of how to remove the resin, physical properties which are such that make this procedure not the easiest.

"Clutching" tightly into the fabric, the resin penetrates into its deep layers, and try to get to it!

Having noticed pine or spruce resin on clothes, you should not immediately try to wash it off with something. Removal operation required start mechanically, and doing this with extreme caution, so as not to rub the "tears of the pine tree" deep into the tissue structure even more. The mechanical tool may be a knife or other sharp object.

The second step to rescue is to place the affected item in the freezer of the refrigerator, where it is necessary to withstand it for about an hour. The low temperature will cause the resin to harden, and its cracked residue can be cleaned off much easier - they will crumble on their own. To be sure, they still need to be rubbed with “washing” movements.

The freeze option is not suitable for delicate fabrics!

And what to do if the trace still remains?

How to further remove the remaining resin from clothes

In any case, do not rush to wash the soiled thing: it is hardly possible to remove resin from clothes even the most fancy washing machine. This procedure usually completes the cleaning process. In the meantime, it is necessary to radically remove the stain.

Stain removers or bleaches (the latter, by the way, are only suitable for white matter) from the series household chemicals are not always effective, and housewives most often make do with what they can find at home. These funds include:

Some of these products can deal with tar on their own, while others are best combined with something else.

Acetone and compositions containing it, as well as vinegar, are categorically not suitable for cleaning clothes made of acetate silk: they can burn through the fabric. And such a seemingly universal alcohol is not recommended for removing stains from brightly colored materials such as denim. They are best removed with purified gasoline.

With almost all of the above liquid solvents, manipulations are carried out according to a single algorithm: a cotton pad or stick is moistened with the product (depending on the area of ​​the stain) and the contamination is wiped off.

It will not be superfluous to leave a dissolving “lotion” on the resin stain for about 20 minutes. To remove the “aroma” of the solvent, it is recommended to hold the product for a long time under running cold water.

The final stage is washing with a scented conditioner, machine or hand.

It should be remembered that solvents have the ability to bleach fabrics, therefore, it is recommended to test its effect first by wetting the inner seam with the product.

Features of different solvents

Most experts, without saying a word, call medical alcohol the most “fail-safe” remedy. With a cotton swab dipped in it or a clean rag, it is recommended to simply rub the stain; it is noted that the remains of the resin can disappear after 20 minutes.

Others believe that it is better to use white spirit. He able to remove not only wood resin, but also rosin, bitumen. After treatment with this substance, a double wash is recommended.

A good result is shown by the tandem turpentine + alcohol. They are used alternately: turpentine at the beginning, after half an hour - alcohol. Moreover, the movements should be wet, the contaminated place should not be rubbed!

Let it not upset you if you cannot immediately wipe off the resin - after a while the stain will succumb and disappear.

Turpentine and gasoline have similar efficiency. However, the latter is not the one that can be poured from a car tank or canister; only store-bought - cleaned is suitable.

Turpentine impregnates the entire stain. When the resin is completely softened, they try to absorb it with a paper towel, pressing it against the fabric with force. Such a “press” should be repeated several times, then rinse the unfortunate thing with cold water and wash it.

The difference between these products and alcohol is a specific and strong smell. Therefore, after treatment of the product with these substances, washing with washing powder and scented linen conditioner.

Almost every woman is armed with a vial of nail polish remover. One that contains acetone will do. Its use is no different from working with any other solvent.

Popular carbonated drinks can also act as stain removers. Soak the contaminated area in them for five hours - and observe the end result.

Resin stains treated with vegetable oil after 20 minutes must be washed off with a conventional laundry soap, and when the thing dries - send it to the washing machine.

The better it will be to wash the resin from various types of clothing

Many call alcohol the leader in “stain removal”: it is able to defeat even more aggressive pine resin stains. And what is especially important: this solvent does not harm colored fabrics.

To get rid of resin on clothes made of delicate materials and natural fabrics, use the following mixture:

  1. potato starch - one tablespoon;
  2. ammonia - a teaspoon;
  3. turpentine - the same amount.

After mixing all the ingredients, this mass is applied to the stain for a long time - it is possible for the night, for 12 hours. The gruel will dry out during this time, and it is cleaned from the clothes along with the tarry residue.

The same types of fabrics, including silk and chiffon, can save the iron, or rather the high temperature created by it. The product is laid out on the surface ironing board by placing napkins from soft tissue or soft paper. The spot with the stain is ironed, and it will be seen how the leaked resin mark remains on the napkins. Napkins should be changed several times, ironing the problem area. Finish the washing process.

Some also offer such a “thermal” treatment option: using all the same napkins or rags heated with a hair dryer, assuring a similar effect. But this method is rather controversial: after all, the stain with such exposure can spread even more by matter.

Leather things should be grateful to vegetable oil. You can clean the resin from a pine tree or a Christmas tree from a jacket or other leather clothing if you soak the stain with this product and, after standing for 20 minutes, wash this place in soapy water.

It is better not to experiment with terry, synthetic and even cotton fabrics - vegetable oil, in their case, would not exacerbate the situation!

White spirit "cooperates" well with synthetics. It is applied with a swab to the stain and just wait for the latter to dissolve. Wash with washing powder.

You can clean the resin from woolen and fur clothes (as well as from your own hair) with dish detergent. And in combination with vegetable oil, it gives the best result. First, the stain is treated with sunflower oil, kept for a quarter of an hour, and then a detergent is applied on top. Another 20 minutes of waiting - and the thing can be washed.

If you decide to remove tar stains from clothes with vegetable oil or soda, be prepared for the fact that the effect will be far from immediate, or maybe not at all. These products are more often used to scrub off residual resin residues. In order to remove the stain itself, there are many other, more effective means.

How can you quickly wash the resin from the floor

How much joy brings the appearance of a Christmas tree in the apartment! But, unfortunately, this joy can be overshadowed when the owners suddenly see spots of resin that have dripped from the Christmas tree onto the floor.

In this case, we must remember that any of the means already described will come to the rescue - regardless of the type of coverage.

Before attempting to remove resin stains from clothing, place paper towels or napkins under the affected product from the inside.

So that the stain being removed does not blur over the fabric, it is necessary to moisten the area around it with water.

So that the resin stain does not “crawl” beyond its borders, the material around its contour must be sprinkled with starch or talc. This will limit its spread.

It will become easier to remove a small stain if the solvent is applied to it with a pipette or a cotton swab.

The procedure for cleaning any contaminants - and resin is no exception - usually begins from their edges to the middle of the stain.

Resinous contamination is removed from the wrong side of the garment.

Having studied all the proposed methods and means of cleaning clothes and other items from resin, we can conclude that this is not such an insoluble problem. The main thing is to stop at the right solvent.

Most often, stains from the resin of trees appear imperceptibly on clothes and can ruin your mood for a long time when walking. But here you should not be upset and think that your thing is hopelessly damaged. You can remove almost any resin stain without ruining the fabric.

Resin stains on clothing can be easily removed without damaging the fabric.

How and how to remove pine resin from clothes

Prepare before washing. Take a sharp object (knife or small spatula) and use it to remove as much resin from the fabric as possible. Do not rub or scrape too hard, you may damage your item and then it will have to be restored. After removing the top layer, put the clothes in the freezer for a few hours. The resin will harden and it will be easier to remove the remaining scales. Rub the item as if you were washing it. Everything superfluous should disappear, now you can proceed to further processing.

If you do these steps before washing, removing the stain will be much easier. Additionally, you can iron the stain with an iron, this will help the solvent to better interact with the pollution.

Cleaning products

In order to dissolve the wood sap stain correctly, you need to choose the right solvent or cleaner. The cleaning efficiency and the safety of your item depend on its choice:

  • Solvent. When choosing a solvent for cleaning fabric, its characteristics should be taken into account. Gasoline is suitable for almost every fabric. They can remove dirt from jeans and even from silk. The only caveat is the gasoline itself, it must be purchased separately. Gasoline from your car's tank will not work. Specially refined gasoline is sold in stores, which is an excellent solvent.
  • Alcohol. The combination of a solvent followed by an alcohol treatment gives excellent results. Pine resin can be removed with turpentine. Place a cotton pad moistened with turpentine on the site of contamination for twenty minutes. Then start cleaning the product. Moisten a cotton pad with alcohol and rub the stained area until the stain disappears. After this procedure, wash the item in the usual way.
  • You can also remove pine resin stains with delicate fabric. You need to know how to remove the resin stain competently without damaging it. To do this, use a regular iron. Preheat the iron to the temperature indicated on the product label, take paper towels and iron your dirty item through them. The hardened tree sap will melt, and the napkins will absorb it. Change napkins as often as possible and you will see that soon there will be no stain. Wash in the car. This method will help remove resin stains on clothes made of delicate fabrics and not damage them.
  • Coca Cola. A Coca-Cola drink will help remove the stain. Soak the stain in the drink for a while and then wash it off.
  • An ordinary stain remover can also clean up such pollution. Follow the instructions on the packaging and product label.

You can remove the tar stain with ordinary Coca-Cola

Epoxy stains

Resins are not only wood, but also of chemical origin. All these compounds are united by several factors: the ability to quickly harden, glue surfaces, and have ductility.

Epoxy resin is used for bonding various items, is two-component. Not every hostess knows how to wash off a resin with such a composition, so industrial products for dissolving components that can remove epoxy without a trace can come to the rescue.

And in order to figure out how to remove tar from clothes at home, you need to understand what it consists of. Epoxy resin is an oligomer, a substance that lends itself well to dissolution and exposure to alcohol.

If the epoxy is not cured on clothing or hands, it will be easier to scrub off with denatured alcohol. If the stain on the clothes is frozen, then the resin can be cleaned mechanically and using solvents. Refined gasoline and turpentine applied to a pre-prepared fabric can dissolve the epoxy and effectively clean clothing.

Good for cleaning clothes and acetone.

Epoxy resin dissolves easily with acetone

How to clean clothes from tar?

Tar and wheel grease often leave stains on clothes when you least expect it. At the time of an unforeseen stop and repair of the vehicle, an expensive item was soiled? Don't rush to throw it away. Turpentine will help to remove tar and wheel ointment. Like any other solvent, turpentine is good at removing greasy stains from tar, tar and other fat-soluble substances.

Apply turpentine to the place of contamination and leave it to dry completely. Prepare starch. Sprinkle the place of contamination with starch, cover with a dry cloth and iron with an iron. Change wipes when they get dirty. Soon the stain will disappear and you will only have to wash the product.