
How to remove a candle on clothes. How to remove wax from clothes. How to remove wax stains from fabric. Denim


There are many situations where you can stain your clothes with wax. Scented candles, popular now, only increase the risks. To remove wax from clothes, you need to use one of the proven methods, taking into account the type of material.

On a note

  1. It is possible to start removing paraffin only after complete hardening. The substance is quickly absorbed and friction on a fresh stain will increase it. It is best to blot the wax while it is still hot with a tissue.
  2. For the production of candles, a material with a dense and oily texture is used. It does not dissolve in water, so you cannot remove the wax with a regular wash.
  3. The longer the paraffin remains on the fabric, the deeper it penetrates the fibers and oil stain there will be more. Therefore, you need to act quickly.
  4. The effect of the solvent and stain remover must first be checked on the wrong side or on the belt so as not to break the color and not get streaks.
  5. Often, after removing the wax, an oil residue is visible on clothing. You can remove it using known means against greasy spots. If the thing is dry, then the print is sprinkled with talcum powder and left for half an hour. The powder is shaken off and the contaminated area is washed. Dish gel, vodka or alcohol will successfully remove the stain. It remains only to wash the thing in the usual way.
  6. White clothes made from natural fibers can be soaked in "Whiteness" to eliminate candle marks. The area with an imprint on a colored fabric is soaked in vinegar for half an hour. In case of severe pollution, add to it a small amount of citric acid.
  7. It is better to remove wax remnants from the fabric with a toothbrush, because its villi are the smoothest and do not violate the structure of the material.

Removing wax from natural fabrics

From natural materials such as cotton, linen or calico, wax is easily removed. This requires an iron, a piece of cotton cloth, and regular napkins. Spread the product with drops on the surface with the wrong side up. Put several napkins under the contaminated place, also close it on top with napkins and then with a cloth. Run over the stain with a hot iron heated to the maximum allowable temperature for the type of fabric. Turn off the steam. The wax will melt and be absorbed into the underlying material. If traces are still visible, then the paper should be replaced with a clean one and repeat the steps.

When the wax is colored

The hot iron method is not suitable for colored candles. At high temperatures, the dye is absorbed into the fabric and is almost impossible to remove. Use a commercial stain remover or one of the following methods to remove colored wax from clothes and tablecloths.

  • Leave the item in the cold and scrape off the hardened mass. Treat the trail with brown, and then with a mixture of salt and citric acid to remove streaks. Wash off residues with water and wash clothes.
  • Treat a stain on a light-colored fabric with hydrogen peroxide or a mixture of soda and citric acid.
  • Thick material can be washed with plenty of hot water.
  • In such cases, ammonia helps well and does not spoil the fabric.

Methods for cleaning synthetic materials

For synthetic fabric, the method with a heated iron is suitable, but you need to act very carefully by setting the heating control to the “synthetic” position.

Hot water can help remove candle stains on materials that are not suitable for ironing. The soiled thing must be immersed in water heated to 50-70⁰С for 2 minutes. Then remove the remaining paraffin with a clean cloth. Avoid rubbing the stain so that it does not become stubborn. If the first attempt did not bring the desired result, then the procedure should be repeated.

Solvents can get rid of wax prints on synthetics and raincoat fabric. For example, refined gasoline, acetone or turpentine. Moisten a cotton swab or cloth with the substance and blot the stain. In case of severe contamination, leave the tampon on the fabric for half an hour. Finish by washing your clothes in a warm, soapy solution.

In some cases, alcohol can help remove wax from polyester. Soaked in cotton paper napkin blot the stain several times.

Delicates and wool

Gentle fabrics such as wool, chiffon, silk, satin or organza remove wax droplets with a stain remover for this type of fabric. If the stain remover is not at hand, then you should use a dishwashing detergent. On a woolen dress, apply a few drops of liquid to the stain and leave to dry completely. Wash off the gel and wash the item.

On knitwear and delicate fabrics, you can try to gently remove the hardened wax with a spatula, knife or nail file.

The paraffin on the bolognese coat is also removed by the dish gel. Use a sponge with a detergent composition to wipe the stain and rinse with water until the foam disappears. Get wet soft cloth or a towel.

How to deal with suede and fur

Hardened wax is well removed from fur products. To do this, they need to be placed in a freezer or an ice pack should be attached to the dirt. Carefully clean the hardened wax on the villi, moving towards the ends, so as not to damage the fur.

The method of using an iron to remove the wax is also suitable for suede fabrics. Only suede covered with material is needed for a short time apply to the soleplate of the iron, but in no case iron to it, because fluffy fabrics cannot be ironed. The impact of a hot household appliance on a suede surface causes dents and gloss.

In case of unsuccessful first attempts, it is recommended to make the following mixture. Combine 35 ml of ammonia, 10 ml of wine alcohol and 50 ml of gasoline. Moisten a cotton swab and apply to the stain for 5 minutes. After the wax has softened, wipe the stain with a damp cloth. This composition is also used for coats and velvet fabrics.

Steam is a proven remedy for restructuring suede pile. In this way, you can also remove paraffin by holding the item over steam. The soft compound can be easily cleaned with a brush or dry sponge. But rubbing the stain is not recommended, so as not to smudge the wax.

There is another way. It is necessary to stir 1/2 teaspoon on a fleecy carpet. ammonia in 1 liter of water. Apply the solution to the stain with wet wipes from flannel. Gently rub the candle mark several times.

You can also work on wax; on a fleecy carpet, you can also use medical alcohol. It is enough to leave a moistened swab or sponge on the stain for 20-30 minutes.

What to do with wax on a leather jacket

The peculiarity of leather is that it does not absorb wax, so it is easier to remove.

Clear from paraffin leather clothing cold will help too. After freezing, the material must be bent right at the point of contamination. The wax will crack and can be easily removed with your fingers. Wipe the shiny mark with a napkin.

If greasy stain nevertheless remains, then it is wiped off with ammonia or acetone.

Candle marks on jeans

It will not be difficult to remove wax droplets from practical and tight jeans.

  • Place the jeans in a bag and put them in the freezer for 2 hours. Scrape off the hardened paraffin from the fabric and wash with powder.
  • Wash soaking is also effective. Pants are soaked in hot water at 50-60 ° C with powder and kept for half an hour. Then they wash the contamination with laundry soap and send the thing to the machine.
  • Steam trousers for 30 minutes and wash with powder in hot water.
  • Drops from denim are quickly removed after soaking with alcohol and sprinkling with table salt. The effect is achieved after 4-5 times.

Paraffin stains are persistent. The wax on the fabric should be treated with stain remover or dish gel so as not to wash it again. Old blots may not be removed at one time, then the treatment is repeated.

It is not recommended to use ammonia for denim, because it spoils the color.

Removing stubborn stains

Old prints of wax, when the thing has been in the closet, cannot always be removed without a trace, but it's worth a try. The frozen part removes well lemon acid... The crystals are distributed over the area of ​​the spot and are slightly moistened from above with warm water from a spray bottle. Soak for 15-20 minutes and collect with a sponge.

An unusual remedy is also used, such as a preparation for removing wax after depilation. The oily composition quickly dissolves the wax on the fabric, and the stain is easy to clean. Nail polish remover has also been used successfully, but it discolors the fabric.

On silk and woolen things old wax washed detergent for dishes. It is poured onto a stain, covered with cling film and left for a day. Then wash with laundry soap.

If wax ends up on clothes during depilation

Fresh wax imprint after cosmetic procedures removed quickly with warm vegetable oil... Treat the stain with a small amount and leave for 5 minutes to soak. Next, wash off the contamination with dish gel.

If there is no oil at hand, then use special oil wipes, which are included in the set with wax strips. Olive or cosmetic oil, which is applied to a cotton pad and treated areas of clothing with paraffin.

Has paraffin got on the fabric? Take your time to get discouraged, there are many ways to clean wax from clothes to keep them from staining. Depending on the composition of the soiled fabric, you will need a different set of tools at hand: an iron, paper napkins, rags, turpentine, refined gasoline, wine or ammonia.

Ways to remove candle wax from fabric

The first step, common to all things, is the mechanical removal of the hardened wax. Wait until the paraffin is hard and comb off the drops with a non-sharp object. Proceed slowly and carefully to avoid damaging the fabric. When you remove the wax, you will notice that there are greasy or colored stains on the clothes. There is simple ways bring them out.


Clothes made from fabrics of artificial origin are capricious to high temperatures, so the methods of boiling and ironing are not suitable for them. To remove wax from synthetics, use one of the following methods:

  1. Place a clean, slightly damp towel on the ironing board, place the stained clothing on top and cover with a thick cloth. Heat the iron to the lowest temperature, iron the stained area. When the wax is completely absorbed into the towel, wash the item as usual.
  2. With artificial or natural fur on the coat, paraffin can be removed by freezing. Place the item in the freezer or hang it out on the balcony for 2 hours (if it's freezing outside the window). After that, the wax will be well removed from the villi. You can use an ice pack to freeze the paraffin wax.
  3. Place contaminated clothing in water heated to 50-70 ° C for 2 minutes. Next, use a clean cloth to remove the remaining wax. Do not try to scrub the stain - this will make the situation worse. If the problem is not solved the first time, repeat the procedure.
  4. If clothes cannot be washed, treat the area of ​​contamination with a cotton swab dipped in medical or denatured alcohol at a temperature of 45 ° C. The stain must be wiped every 10 minutes until it disappears completely.
  5. The wax mark on the velvet, plush is removed with warm alcohol or turpentine.

    In one of these liquids, you need to moisten a cotton swab and blot the dirt. Then wash the item in warm soapy water and rinse well.


The material is resistant to shrinkage and deformation, so stains can be removed from it both cold and hot. Action options:

  1. Soak the product in hot water (50-60 ° C) with powder for 30 minutes. Hand wash or machine wash vigorously.
  2. Preheat the iron and iron the clothes through a paper towel or cotton cloth.
  3. Freeze the item of clothing and clean the wax mechanically. Wash your garment in warm, soapy water.

Natural fabrics

Cotton and wool clothing can handle high temperatures, so the wax can be easily removed using a hot iron and paper towels.

Place blotting tissues underneath and on top of the dirt. Use the iron to iron the wax stains until the towels stop absorbing grease. You can clean the wax from linen clothes in the same way, but put a cotton cloth and damp gauze under it, and on top of it a paper towel or napkin in two layers. If the stain is stained, the hot method cannot be used.

To remove wax and greasy stains from clothes made from other natural fabrics / materials, use one of the following methods:

  1. To cleanse silk, apply cologne to the affected area. Leave clothes on for 15 minutes, then wash in warm water.
  2. Wax on leather jacket it is cleaned like this: take clothes out in frost for 30-40 minutes. Then fold the stained area in half. The paraffin will crack and can be easily cleaned with fingernails or other mild objects. Treat the remaining greasy stain with a solution of laundry soap and water, and then wipe the product dry.
  3. A plain natural fabric can be soaked in hot water (60 ° C) for 20 minutes. The paraffin wax will start to melt and come off without a trace.
  4. Use a homemade solvent to remove colored wax from cotton and linen. Mix refined lighter gasoline, wine alcohol and ammonia in a 1: 1: 6 ratio. Moisten a cotton pad with the solution and blot the stained area. Leave for 10 minutes, remove the rest with a wet warm cloth. The method is not suitable for clothes made of wool, silk, satin.
  5. Greasy stains on fine wool or colored natural fabrics can be removed with a detergent. Apply it to the dirt with a rubbing motion, leave it on for 2 hours. Wash normally.
  6. Method of cleaning bright materials: dissolve 1 tsp in 1 liter of water. ammonia. Soak the item in this liquid, let it sit for 30 minutes, and rinse well with a scented conditioner. For things with lace inserts, beads, sequins, use the same method, but dissolve the ammonia in 2 liters of water.

There are several answers to the question of how to remove wax from clothes, containing descriptions of simple methods, each of which is designed for different materials.

A quick way to remove wax

You can use an iron to quickly remove wax from clothing at home. It's simple and effective reception to remove paraffin traces from fabric.

Instructions for removing contamination from a paraffin wax or wax candle:

  1. It is necessary to prepare paper towels without color, otherwise there is a high probability of spoiling the material on which the wax from the candle has gotten. These towels absorb moisture well.
  2. Place spoiled clothing on the ironing surface between two absorbent towels.
  3. Heat the iron to medium temperature (+ 50 ... + 70 ° С). The wax removal procedure will take place without the use of steam.
  4. As soon as the iron heats up, put it on a towel and, without stopping, drive it around the place of pollution.
  5. The towels will absorb all of the melted wax.
  6. It is important to monitor the heating temperature of the iron - it should not be high.
  7. It is recommended to repeat these manipulations several times.

You can use a waste cotton product instead of paper towels. The only rule that must be observed is that the fabric should not be colored.

How to get wax out of clothes made from different fabrics

Each type of material has its own way of removing wax marks. All procedures are aimed at preserving the tissue in its original form.

Cleaning delicate fabrics

Removing candle wax from delicate materials is not easy. This is due to the fact that such a material is not able to withstand high temperatures. But there are several safe methods for cleaning clothes from wax and residual stains:

  1. Wipe off the wax from the spoiled product using an organic solvent. To do this, apply the product to a cotton swab, remove the paraffin layer from the candle. After these manipulations, wash the product in warm water with added soap, and then rinse the clothes thoroughly. Before using the solvent, it is recommended to test the composition on an inconspicuous area of ​​the fabric to be treated. If it has damaged the structure or color, then you should use a specialized stain remover.
  2. To remove candle wax from wool or silk clothes, any dishwashing detergent will do. Apply a small amount of the product to the contaminated area, lather and leave for 5-6 hours. After that, the clothes should be washed as usual.

We remove wax from dense natural and denim fabrics

Many are interested in the question of how to remove wax from a candle from clothes made of natural fabrics. If these are clothes made of cotton, flax or coarse calico, then you can get rid of the marks with an iron using the above algorithm. If the stain does not disappear the first time, the procedure must be repeated.

You can try to remove a small stain from a drop of wax using a tablespoon heated in boiling water. It is applied to the pollution and the melted substance is removed.

If the dirt cannot be washed, then it is recommended to remove the traces from the candle stain by freezing. Before the procedure, the spoiled item must be put in the freezer for a while. When the wax becomes tough, it can be easily removed without the use of available tools. To remove the remaining stains, iron the treated area with an iron.

Synthetic fabrics

Instructions on how to get rid of the remnants of wax from a paraffin or church candle on clothes:

  1. Pour hot water into a bowl.
  2. Place the product in it for 2-3 minutes.
  3. Using a clean rag, gently clean the item.

To remove wax from a jacket, you can use the following method:

  1. Put the jacket in a bag and put it in the freezer overnight.
  2. In the morning, the hardened wax will easily separate from the product.
  3. If a greasy stain remains after removal, it can be removed with a soapy cotton pad.

Fur and suede

A step-by-step guide on how to effectively remove wax from fur and suede garments:

  1. We put the fur product in the freezer for half an hour.
  2. We clean the frozen wax with our hands.
  • from 35 ml of ammonia;
  • from 10 ml of wine alcohol;
  • from 50 ml of gasoline.

Soak a cotton swab in the mixture, keep on the contaminated area for one minute. After the procedure, wipe the suede with a clean, damp cloth. In order to restore the structure of matter, it is necessary to hold the product over steam. Video can’t be loaded: 2 WAYS TO REMOVE WAX SPOTS FROM CLOTHES - How to remove candle wax from fabric (

How to remove paraffin from clothes

Let us consider in detail how paraffin is removed from clothes at home. To do this, you can use refined gasoline or turpentine by performing the following steps:

  1. On the seamy side of the product, attach a paper napkin or cloth white.
  2. Then moisten the sponge with the agent of choice and place on the contaminated area.
  3. This method is not suitable for all fabrics, therefore it is recommended to test the product beforehand.

Another way to clean paraffin wax from clothes: cotton swab pre-moistened with medical alcohol, wipe the contaminated area. After that, rinse the product and send it to the wash with the addition of powder for stubborn stains.

Removing the stain

If the stain is fresh and the wax has not yet hardened, the stain can be blotted several times with a soft paper towel. You cannot do this with rubbing movements, otherwise the wax will be absorbed deeply into the structure of the material.

You can remove the candle wax stain with:

  • washing liquid for dishes;
  • laundry soap or washing powder;
  • ethyl alcohol;
  • wine or table vinegar;
  • gasoline;
  • acetone;
  • bleach;
  • stain remover.

All methods, except for bleach and stain remover, can be done manually. And it is recommended to add the bleaching agent to the machine when washing.

Steam can be used to remove wax from the fabric. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Place the product, cleaned from the top layer of wax, over hot steam from an iron or over boiling water.

Candles have long taken pride of place in the design of any holiday. They help create coziness and uplifting mood. However, after have a fun day birthday or romantic dinner, many housewives come across traces of wax on their favorite trousers or dress, tablecloth or tissue napkins, which can be very difficult to get rid of. How to remove wax from clothes without damaging the fabric, we will tell you in our article.

Unfortunately, more often than not, wax gets on holiday outfits which are made of delicate fabrics. Therefore, it is very important to know how to remove paraffin wax from certain types of clothing.

There are several ways to help remove the wax stain:

  • With the help of steam;
  • Using a heated iron;
  • In a cold way, based on the use of an ice pack or placing clothes in a freezer;
  • The use of household chemicals.

Easy peasy

There is one very simple and at the same time effective method how to remove a candle from your favorite clothes or from a tablecloth. This method is great for removing stains on cotton clothes and other types of fabric that are not afraid of high temperatures.


If you notice a candle drip on your clothes, wipe it off with a paper towel while the wax is still soft. Do not rub it over the fabric, but gently peel off the top layer of paraffin. After that, you can remove the remaining base.

In order to remove the stain, we need paper or napkins, as well as an iron.

  • Remove the top layer of wax with a knife or any other suitable object. Owners long nails can take advantage of them;
  • Remember the fabric where the stain is. Since the cooled paraffin is a fragile substance, most of it will crumble;
  • Place the stained item on the ironing board with the stain on top;
  • Place one napkin on and under it (you can also use paper kitchen towels, the main thing is that they are white);
  • Turn the iron on at its lowest setting. The steaming function must be turned off;
  • Press the iron on the napkin. The wax remaining in the fabric will begin to melt, flow out of the fabric, and gradually soak into the tissue.

Video: how to remove wax using paper and an iron:

To completely get rid of the stain, you need to carry out this procedure several times, constantly adjusting clean napkin... After a few minutes, there will be no traces of paraffin.


This cleaning is not suitable for delicate items.

"Cold" cleansing

The freezer makes it easy to clean wax stains from a jacket or any other leather item.

It is enough to place the item in the freezer for several hours. Our goal is to make the wax harden so that it resembles a stone.

After that, it is enough to rub the wax with your hands so that it crumbles completely, and, if necessary, wash the remaining grease stain with a regular detergent.

"Capricious" fabrics

Residual paraffin from the suede fabric will help remove steam. To do this, it is enough to bring water in any container to a boil and hold the thing over the generated steam. If you find this method risky, use the included hairdryer. Hot air can easily cope with the task.

How to remove greasy stains left after wax on your favorite velvet dress? In the case of this expensive and beautiful material, we need a solvent, preferably organic.

The best solution to this issue would be alcohol or turpentine. Soak a piece of cloth in alcohol and fix it on the spot for 20 minutes. After that, the remaining paraffin from the cloth can be removed during washing with ordinary washing powder or laundry soap.

Video: how to remove a stain with alcohol


You cannot use refined gasoline for this delicate fabric!

If your favorite chiffon blouse has found a "decoration" in the form of a wax spot, use ammonia. Dilute half a teaspoon of alcohol in 1 liter of water and wipe the desired area with this solution.

Woolen and silk materials

There are two ways to remove paraffin wax on such very delicate fabrics.

Method 1

After pre-freezing and cleaning up any traces of wax, apply a few drops of dish soap. Rub the stain well until a thick foam forms on it and leave it on for a few hours. Then wash the product in washing machine by selecting the desired wash mode.

Method 2

Leave the item under very hot running water for a few minutes before washing it normally. Make sure that the water "passes" directly through the stain, and not just drips off the clothes.


When removing stains from such fabrics, it is necessary to carefully influence the material without stretching it. Since in the opposite case, you risk getting rid of the stain and acquiring other difficulties in the form of deformed tissue.

Favorite jeans

Considering that jeans are a versatile garment that both men and women prefer to wear, the question of how to remove wax on this fabric is very relevant.

Features of denim are its strength and ability to resist shrinkage and various types of deformation. Therefore, wax stains can be removed from jeans using both hot and cold methods.

Try soaking them in very hot water with the addition of washing powder for at least half an hour. Then you can wash them normally in the washing machine or by hand.

"Colored" spots

The most difficult stains, which are almost impossible to get rid of, are colored candles. In this case, you cannot use a hot iron, as the hot steam will only fix the stain on the fabric.

There is one way to get colored wax off your clothes.

  • Freeze the stain by placing an ice pack on it. Wait for it to completely solidify;
  • Thoroughly rub the thing in the area of ​​the spot so that not a single piece of paraffin remains on it;
  • The remaining multi-colored spot must be treated with a solvent, soaking the thing in it for several hours. After that, it is enough to wash the product with good powder in the washing machine.

After washing, there are 2 possible scenarios for the development of events:

  • The paint was washed off, but the oily stain remained. This is the best option, since in this case you can already use a hot iron;
  • The grease was washed off, but the paint remained. In this case, the only option to close the stain will be a beautiful applique or embroidery, since there is no other way to remove the ugly mark.

Let's summarize

We have given the most popular ways to remove a candle from different types fabrics. Whichever one you choose, it must be remembered that the complexity of such pollution is deep penetration paraffin into the fabric and solidification between the fibers. As such, a simple wash will not eliminate the unpleasant candle marks.

The main thing when removing such stains is to extract the wax from the depths of the fabric, and then choose how you can remove the greasy stain.

Video - wax cleaning:

The romantic evening by candlelight went well, but there are still traces of it. How to take off? What should I do? How to remove and store the product? There are tons of answers to all these questions, don't worry. It is quite easy to find a way out of this situation.

There are several ways to remove traces of wax from the fabric, each of which will be carried out in several stages. It is important to correctly follow all the instructions and recommendations, strictly follow the sequence, only then the products will not be damaged.

Is it possible to remove wax stains at home or not to do without dry cleaning? Yes, the specialists will do everything right, but what if there is no time for this? Do not panic and get upset, you can save a fabric product at home in a short period of time using improvised means. To do this, it is worth knowing the generally accepted principles of cleansing such contaminants:

  • It is advisable to carry out all work in hot pursuit, the fresher the stain, the faster it will be removed.
  • Wax stains are removed by heating or cooling; washing will be the final stage.
  • Before removing the greasy residue, the paraffin stain is cleaned with a blunt object.
  • Haste in this matter is not the best helper, everything must be done carefully, otherwise the pollution can become more extensive.
  • Any means for removing a greasy wax stain must first be tested on a small inconspicuous area of ​​the product, only after that process the problem area.

Advice! Do not use store-bought stain remover or bleach immediately after removing the top coat. The first step is to seek help from the people's councils.

How to remove wax stains: stage one

To remove stains of this type, you need to know certain rules, adhering to which everything will pass without a hitch. Removing a wax stain from the fabric is not difficult, only the work is divided into two stages. The first is to remove the top layer, but now we will find out how to do it correctly.

How to remove a wax stain from clothes so as not to damage the fibers? The top layer is removed either by cold or heating, the method is chosen according to the type of fabric and personal preference.

Hot removal methods are as follows:

  • The most common and simplest is the use of an iron. How can you use it? In addition to the heating device itself, you will need a towel, paper napkins, and an ironing board. A soiled thing is placed on a flat surface, a napkin is previously placed under the pollution. A towel or handkerchief is placed on top of the trail, the iron is heated to the required temperature. Hot household appliance pass the area of ​​contamination through the towel, melting wax will be absorbed by the top layer, so the stain will come off the product.
  • How to remove wax stain from clothes with boiling water? This method is used only for dense, well-colored fibers. Delicate and natural fabrics are not exposed to such stress; hot water will ruin a product of this type forever. You can remove a wax stain from a wardrobe item by lowering the place of contamination into a container of boiling water; this must be done carefully so as not to get burned. After the immersion, they wait only 20-30 seconds and remove the place of contamination. There will be enough time for the wax to melt and drain into a container of water.

For removal, choose white paper napkins, colored ones can stain the product to be cleaned.

Advice! Boil water to remove wax only in a clean container.

How to remove a trace with cold? There are no difficulties here, the main thing is to follow the instructions exactly. The process consists of the following steps:

  1. The contaminated product is folded to a minimum size, while the trace should remain on top.
  2. Place the item in the refrigerator or freezer for 20-30 minutes.
  3. Take out and carefully scrape off the hardened wax with a blunt object.

Cold can be affected in another way, if the stain was planted in public place, then neither ironing nor putting in the freezer a wardrobe item will work. How to clean up such contamination in a cafe or restaurant? A piece of ice wrapped in a napkin or towel will help. They rub the trail with it, and when the wax hardens, they simply remove it.

How to remove a wax stain: step two

After removing the top layer, fabrics of any quality will remain greasy footprint, which also needs to be destroyed. How to remove such contamination? What products should be used for quick and high-quality cleaning? It all depends on the fibers, the means and methods are chosen based on these indicators:

  • Cotton, wool and other natural fabrics will leave a greasy mark when exposed to high temperatures. To do this, place a soiled thing on the ironing board, place a towel at the contamination, and cover it with a paper napkin on top. The iron is heated to the maximum indicated on the product tag and followed by it. The napkins are changed as they become dirty, the end of the procedure will be indicated by a napkin without traces.
  • With flax, things are a little different, a slightly damp cloth is placed under the wax trail, and covered with blotting paper. The procedure is carried out according to the principle described above, the blotter paper is changed as needed.
  • How to remove wax stain from artificial clothing? Ironing will help, but they only carry it out at lower rates. Ironing board covered with a damp towel, then the damaged item is placed, the trail is covered with a dense cloth of natural origin. With a warm iron, pass the place with a trace until the dirt is completely transferred to the napkin.
  • It is easiest to remove wax from artificial and natural fur, normal freezing will help to achieve excellent results. The thing must be kept at sub-zero temperatures for at least two hours.
  • Old stains from suede will succumb only to a mixture of 5 g of refined gasoline, the same amount of wine alcohol and 30 g of ammonia. All ingredients are mixed, applied with a swab for 7-10 minutes, and removed with a damp cloth.
  • Velvet and plush will return a greasy stain only under the influence of heated alcohol or turpentine, other remedies are powerless.
  • How to remove wax stains on fabrics that cannot be washed? Medical alcohol will help to cope with the problem, it is applied with a cotton swab to the pollution every 10 minutes until the stain completely disappears.
  • How to remove wax stain on silk clothes? Delicate fabric will give a trace to the usual cologne, the product is applied with a cotton swab for 15 minutes, then you need to wash the item of clothing in warm water.

There are many ways to remove stains, these are time-tested and the most effective.

Interesting! How to clean wax from furniture? Depending on the upholstery, use a common dish detergent, polish, store stain remover.

How to remove wax stain from fabric different types found out. The achieved result must be fixed by washing in the usual mode with liquid detergents.

We learned how to remove wax traces, the procedure turned out to be simple. It is worth remembering that it is better to prevent the stain than to remove it later. Be careful.