
The magical and healing properties of lapis lazuli


Hello dear readers! The stone lapis lazuli in Persian means "blue", it got its name because of its shade. The gem acquires special beauty in sunlight. Not a single photo taken indoors can convey the full depth and saturation of the color of this mineral. Today, jewelry and some interior items are made from it.

History reference

For the first time, the precious gem was discovered in Persia, and it was there that they began to mine it. People were not allowed to enter the mines, since the stone was mined only for the person ruling the country.

In addition to Persia, in ancient times, the stone was also mined in Egypt, where it was turned into a powder that was used to dye the clothes of the high priests in sky blue and blue colors. Also, many pharaohs owned household items from this mineral.

In China, nobles close to the imperial person liked to decorate their headdresses with stone balls. In Medieval Europe, as in Egypt, rich people also liked to dye their clothes with lapis lazuli powder.

Also, artists burned with special love for the powder from the mineral, who made paint from it, which had a stunning color, later called “ultramarine”.

In Russia, blue stone began to be actively mined only in the 18th century, although it was found near Baikal much earlier. The fact is that lapis lazuli, mined in Russia, has too much calcite in its composition, therefore it is not of high quality and value. In this regard, the great Russian Empress Catherine II ordered to decorate St. Isaac's Cathedral with lapis lazuli brought from the East.

Where is lapis lazuli mined today?

Many people know what lapis lazuli looks like, but not everyone knows in which countries it is mined. One of the oldest places where stone is mined is the Badakhshan deposit, located in Afghanistan. It is the lapis lazuli, which is mined in the Afghan lands, previously considered the possessions of the Great Emir, is considered one of the most beautiful in the world. The thing is that in this mineral there are often inclusions of golden-colored pyrite, in connection with which the stone becomes like a sky strewn with stars.

Also, the gem is mined today in the USA (California), in the south of Transbaikalia in Russia. In the Pamir Mountains, lapis lazuli has been mined for seven thousand years. You can draw a conclusion about this by seeing a photo of jewelry and rich palaces decorated with it, belonging to the ancient eastern rulers.

The properties of Afghan lapis lazuli cannot be compared with others because of its perfection and unprecedented beauty, this can explain the high price of products with it.

How to distinguish lapis lazuli from a fake

The question of what color natural lapis lazuli should be is relevant for many people. Everyone knows that the gemstone is predominantly blue, but in nature there are other colors from blue, to green-blue and even purple.

Although the cost of some specimens of a gem is not high, and they are even classified as semi-precious minerals, nevertheless today you need to know about the methods that will tell you how to distinguish a fake. For the first time, they learned to create an imitation of lapis lazuli back in Ancient egypt. The artificial gem was made from glaze and glass. Also today, masters who know everything about the stone create its imitation in the following ways:

  1. Paint jasper or chalcedony with glaze, called "Swiss lapis", characterized by low grade and quality.
  2. Grown in laboratories artificial minerals, which are then stained with cobalt oxide, and the smallest particles of gold are interspersed in a synthetic mineral to imitate natural inclusions of lapis lazuli.
  3. Also instead of a real stone for it you can give out azurite or sodalite, which outwardly are very similar to him. From here arises frequently asked question how to tell sodalite from lapis lazuli.

Imitations of lapis lazuli have the right to exist, but the price for them must be appropriate, that is, several times lower than the cost of the real one. As a rule, people who buy jewelry in trusted jewelry stores rarely have the question of how to distinguish natural from fake lapis lazuli. After all, all products in such stores are checked by specialists and have all quality certificates that any buyer can see.

Caution must be those people who buy products via the Internet or by hand. There are several ways to check the authenticity of a mineral:

  1. Give the gem to a specialized laboratory for an analysis that determines its chemical composition and density.
  2. You can also wet it with water at home. The natural mineral will become completely wet, and on its fake, water will collect in the form of drops.
  3. A real gem is not afraid of fire, it can be heated and nothing will happen to it, but a fake will not stand this test.
  4. Natural stone acquires brilliance in the light of the sun, it is not so good in artificial lighting. False lapis lazuli shine, as a rule, in any kind of lighting.

Having studied the basic properties, description and characteristics of the stone, you can try to determine its authenticity on your own, but to get a more accurate result, it is still better to contact the laboratory to specialists. In addition, when experimenting with a mineral at home, you can accidentally damage it, only masters of their craft know how to work with a stone correctly.

The magical properties of sky blue stone

At all times mankind believes in magical properties natural stones. The blue stone has always been valued by white magicians, as it is considered the personification of purity of thoughts, desires, sincerity and complacency. Back in the Middle Ages, decorative ornaments with it were given to those people who wanted to express their good attitude.

Today it is believed that the mineral has such properties as the ability to cleanse the human aura, filling his soul with kindness, bright thoughts. Also in ancient times, many believed that the stone is a kind of messenger from heaven, and is necessary for people on Earth in order to rid them of bad thoughts, feelings and resentments.

One of the strong magical properties of the stone is its ability to protect its owner from negative impact from the outside. Talismans made of silver, in the frame of which lapis lazuli is inserted, are especially suitable for this. A person who has a ring with this blue mineral will be accompanied by wisdom, faith in the truth, and making the right decisions.

Beads, bracelets and other jewelry with a heavenly gem are well suited for people who decide to change their lives. A mineral in a gold frame is able to attract happiness, luck and love to its owner.

The magic of the stone is especially strong for the female. For instance, silver earrings with a blue mineral, they will save their owner from enemies, envious glances, gossip and misfortunes. If a man chose jewelry with a blue gem for himself, judging by the photo of the properties and the value of the stone, then he is able to help him move up the career ladder.

Lapis lazuli and the signs of the zodiac

At all times, people were interested in the magical properties for the signs of the zodiac of a particular stone. This was due to the fact that if a mineral suits a certain sign of the zodiac, then it can serve as a kind of amulet for it, protecting it from troubles, diseases, giving happiness, success and good luck.

In the event that a person acquires an ornament without having studied the question of which zodiac sign the gem fits, then you can buy an inappropriate talisman that will only bring disappointment, illness and failure to its owner.

  • If we talk about who suits lapis lazuli according to the horoscope, then astrologers agreed that this heavenly-colored mineral should be purchased for Pisces, Aries, Aquarius and Libra. It is the magical properties for Libra and the aforementioned other signs of the zodiac that are most fully manifested in the gem.
  • It is not recommended to wear jewelry with lapis lazuli Cancers and Capricorns. Also, astrologers believe that the magical properties for the zodiac sign Virgo, for Gemini and for Sagittarius are not revealed to the same extent as for the above representatives of the horoscope, so you do not need to wear products from it without special need.
  • A sky-colored gem is considered a fairly strong talisman for people in such professions as doctors, librarians, psychologists and diplomats. It helps people in these professions achieve success in their activities.

The healing properties of the mineral lapis lazuli

The healers of Medieval Europe assumed that the mineral is very effective in exhaustion, since wearing any jewelry from it helps to return to normal weight.

To whom the stone is suitable for medicinal purposes is still a significant issue. For example, in Eastern countries in ancient times and still it is believed that the mineral of the heavenly color helps a woman to successfully endure and give birth to a healthy baby.

Today, many experts believe that lapis lazuli helps to restore vision, and also allows the eyes to rest and relax. For these purposes, you just need to look at the mineral several times a day for five minutes.

Also, wearing lapis lazuli jewelry helps hair grow and prevents baldness.

Blue gem necklaces and beads help their owner to cure hypertension, get rid of insomnia, nervous disorders, nightmares. A pendant or brooch made of lapis lazuli saves its owner from attacks of sciatica, relieves bronchial asthma and ulcers. The strongest in their healing properties are lapis lazuli mined in Afghanistan.

A gem of a heavenly hue must be worn by people suffering from ailments of the respiratory system, including those who are more allergic. In addition, it is believed that the natural mineral is able to purify the blood, so before it was often applied to wounds, this ensured their speedy healing.

In what areas is lapis lazuli used?

While experts are arguing about whether a blue gem is precious or not, it is successfully used to make jewelry, making necklaces, beads, and bracelets out of it. The favorite shades of masters are cornflower blue, bright blue, purple, minerals of such colors are actively used as insert stones in rings and earrings. The setting for the mineral is often silver, sometimes gold.

In addition to jewelry made from a unique gem, in various museums you can find whole works of art, for example, vases, caskets and entire tabletops.

In modern art, a series of comics (manhwa) "Blue Lapis Lazuli" is known, which is distinguished by its wonderful drawing, which many readers have fallen in love with.

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Team LubiStones

Lapis lazuli or lapis lazuli got its name only in the 18th century. Its roots are in the Arabic word azul, which translates as "sky" or "blue".

Before, in each country you can hear different names for the stone. So in France, lapis lazuli was called Pierre d'Azur, and in Italy - Lapis Lazzuli, which is close to the modern version on English language- lapis lazuli. In Persia, the stone was called "lāzhvard".

Today you can still hear other names of the mineral, for example, lapis lazuli or lapis lazuli.

History of lapis lazuli

The history of this mineral began more than 7000 years ago. Lapis lazuli was also used to decorate the luxurious palaces of the rulers of the East, and to extract valuable rich paint. of blue color. In ancient Egypt, they came up with the idea of ​​making a gold frame for this stone and wearing it as jewelry.

Russian emperors also appreciated the beauty of lapis lazuli. They decorate the halls of the palace in Peterhof and the famous Winter Palace.

Chemical and physical properties of lapis lazuli

This mineral belongs to the group of silicates and its composition is described by the following chemical formula: Na 6 Ca 2 (AlSiO4) 6 (SO 4 ,S,Cl) 2 .

The color of lapis lazuli varies from sky blue to deep purple and depends on the amount of sulfur anions present in the composition of the mineral. Lapis lazuli can be dissolved in hydrochloric acid and the process is accompanied by the release of hydrogen sulfide.

Sometimes mined minerals contain inclusions of golden or silvery pyrite. Lapis lazuli belongs to ornamental stones. Most often, the stone is processed in the form of a cabochon or plate. In addition, elegant figurines and caskets are not rare, which are transformed due to the amazing texture and pattern of the stone.

Lazurite deposits

The richest deposits of this mineral are located in Afghanistan. The most valuable specimens of lapis lazuli are mined in Badakhshan. Along with them, stones from the Baikal region are valued. Lapis lazuli mines are also located in other countries: China, Chile, Tajikistan, India and Africa.

In Afghanistan, mined lapis lazuli is divided into three types.

  • Sufsi- the least valuable stone of a greenish tint.
  • Asmani- the usual sky-colored lapis lazuli.
  • Niili- the most expensive purple lapis lazuli.

If the rock consists of more than 40% of this mineral, then it is called lapis lazuli.

How to distinguish fake lapis lazuli from natural

As a fake, dumortierite, sodalite and colored lapis lazuli are used in jewelry.

A natural mineral can be distinguished from dumortierite by silvery sparks on the surface and a glassy sheen: dumortierite has neither one nor the other, and its color is rather dull. In addition, natural lapis lazuli is significantly more expensive than such a fake.

Sodalite differs from natural lapis lazuli in transparency. If you look through a stone at a light source, and it will shine through, then you have sodalite in front of you, but if not, it may be natural lapis lazuli.

It is even easier to distinguish real lapis lazuli from a colored mineral: just run it over a wet surface. If a colored trace remains, then the stone is fake.

Well, the easiest and cheapest way to imitate lapis lazuli, which is most often found in jewelry - beads with beautiful blue-violet and white patterns, made from polymer clay. The texture pattern on the surface is usually quite large, rough and does not have that slight shimmer that is inherent in natural stone. In addition, clay lapis lazuli most often does not differ in the glossy sheen of a real polished stone.

natural lapis lazuli

Healing and magical properties of lapis lazuli

Mentions about healing properties of this mineral are found in the writings of Avicenna. He believed that lapis lazuli softens the course of the disease. Also, the heavenly stone is able to get rid of kidney diseases and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, cleanses the blood, has an antimicrobial effect, successfully treats skin diseases, facilitates childbirth. Lapis lazuli will help normalize blood pressure, besides, it is used in the treatment of mental illness.

The magical properties of lapis lazuli include the ability of the stone to help its owner in gaining wisdom.

Lapis-azure helps those who spend a lot of time in meditation.

According to modern lithotherapy experts, he is able to cleanse the owner's aura and further protect him from damage and the evil eye, and can also change fate for the better.

Who is lapis lazuli suitable for?

It is believed that lapis lazuli should be worn by single women. The stone will help them find family happiness. If you wear a ring with lapis lazuli, then your loved one will always be faithful.

As for the zodiac preferences of the stone, astrologers are sure that lapis lazuli will suit any sign of the zodiac, with the exception of Capricorns. This mineral is simply contraindicated for them.

What zodiac sign suits jewelry with lapis lazuli

Lapis lazuli is a blue stone that attracts the eyes of many lovers and admirers of jewelry made from it. And the unique golden streaks of pyrite give it a certain uniqueness and grandeur. Lapis lazuli, or as it is also called lapis lazuli, has anti-reflective properties. It is believed that this mineral gives its owner clarity of mind and peace of mind. Since ancient times, lapis lazuli has been considered a "heavenly stone", perhaps because of its unusually beautiful blue color. And as a "stone of heaven" it is perfect for the signs of the zodiac of the element of Air: Libra, Aquarius and Gemini.

This magnificent mineral is ideal for people who want to become more self-confident, as lapis lazuli gives its owner inner strength and helps to overcome shyness. In addition, the stone helps to reduce emotional irritability, which is caused by disappointments and resentments.

Lapis lazuli is perfect for people born under the sign of Virgo. He helps them in establishing contact with a large number of people. And since this sign of the zodiac does not really like large crowds of people, this help will be a good support both in business relationships and in everyday life.

Lapis lazuli suits almost everyone, bestowing its positive energy, but such zodiac signs as Sagittarius and Libra simply need to have lapis lazuli jewelry. For people born under these signs, the mineral helps to normalize relationships in the family and with loved ones. A ring with lapis lazuli is an excellent helper for pregnant women, as the energy of the material can improve well-being, in addition, it protects the fetus and helps facilitate childbirth.

A Taurus woman should definitely take a closer look at this interesting stone. It is lapis lazuli that can help him in financial matters and the opening of a new business. In addition, lapis lazuli helps to know the truth and spiritually enlighten.

Cancer woman will make the right choice if she wears lapis lazuli beads. Such jewelry from this gem will help to attract sincerity and love into their lives, helps to eliminate depression and bad thoughts, and also awakens mercy.

For the Capricorn zodiac sign, lapis lazuli does not carry any specific magical properties. Such people can use this mineral as an auxiliary talisman to attract good luck and joy, as well as to improve friendships.

Lapis lazuli is a mineral that is opaque and can change its color depending on the lighting: from blue to blue with a hint of gray, and in rare cases - green color with a shade of grey. The rarest and most popular stone of lapis lazuli is the crystal that has a purple hue, and is called lapis lazuli stone.

Lapis lazuli is a mineral that is opaque and can change color depending on the light.

However, it should be noted that lapis lazuli is a stone that does not belong to expensive crystals. But at the same time, it is very precious and significant. It would seem that 2 things are incompatible, but they are not. Since ancient times, our ancestors passed on knowledge about the stone, and they told the following truth: there are powerful hidden magical properties of lapis lazuli that not everyone can discover. The magic of the stone is revealed only for the elite: for those who are not afraid to go a long way to it through the mountain peaks and can touch the heavens with their hands. In response to these exploits, the mineral will reward its hero with an unthinkable gift: the stone will reveal the truth to the owner, and his life will turn into a flight over the vanity.

Many thousands of years have passed since the moment when scientists and scientific research struggled in an attempt to refute superstitions. But at the same time, thanks to science, humanity, on the contrary, has discovered even more interesting and fascinating facts about lapis lazuli. Mankind has long known all Chemical properties stone. The physical composition of the mineral is no longer something unknown thanks to the latest technology. Deposits of stone are already known to archaeologists, specialists, scientists and almost all people. It would seem that everything is already known about lapis lazuli. But despite this, the stone still remains something mysterious. Even being on the shelves of shops with precious and jewelry, the mineral lapis lazuli continues to fascinate everyone who looks at it.

While many other crystals require pre-treatment to achieve a certain color, the mineral beckons with its hue already in its original form. This sky blue color, as if a real piece of the sky, changes to dark blue or bright blue. Such changes seem to indicate that lapis lazuli changes color depending on the weather.

Approximately 8 thousand years ago, serious excavations of lapis lazuli began for the first time in the mountain system in the south of Central Asia and the north of the Himalaya mountain range. The blue stone was used in the decoration of the palaces of the most important Eastern kings. Such a touch in the design of architecture meant that the crystal was rare, since not everyone could afford to decorate the house with lapis lazuli. Of course, ambassadors and merchants different countries considered this phenomenon with curiosity. Artists in Western Europe have found a very interesting use for the blue mineral. Due to the fact that the stone is quite fragile, they turned it into a powder mass with the help of special tools. Further, boiled down oil was added to such a powder, mixed and ultramarine paint was obtained.

Lapis lazuli was also very popular among the Egyptian pharaohs. The most luxurious works of art of the ancient Egyptian masters are adorned with an abundant accumulation of blue stones. As an adornment, the ancient Egyptians used the mineral in almost all areas: pendants, rings, architecture, paintings, sculptures, etc. It was Egypt that conveyed to other countries such a tradition as the creation of jewelry only with the help of gold and inserts from lapis lazuli stones.

The color of the stone is very rich and is famous for the fact that its charming shade is natural.

Due to the fact that the East has undergone a series of conquests, the nobles of Europe have gained access to an almost unlimited amount of blue stone. At their disposal, in addition to the huge reserves of the mineral in the eastern lands, there were huge sources of its extraction. The most significant people in Europe decorated their homes with all kinds of stone architecture: sculptures, statues, fireplaces, vases, etc.

However, lapis lazuli is a crystal of lapis lazuli that has a uniform color. Such stones were valued very highly and were not used in many areas as decorations. Lapis lazuli was used only to create elite jewelry for the highest ranks.

Due to the fact that at one time the Russian territories were explored, a huge accumulation of minerals was discovered there. Such a discovery made it possible to build unthinkable structures and buildings in the capital itself, which were finished only with a large number of stones. St. Isaac's Cathedral is famous for its columns, which completely glisten and shine with lapis lazuli finish. The list of the most magnificent buildings with blue stone includes the Peterhof Palace and the Winter Palace of the Emperor.

The most ancient stone among lapis lazuli is Badakhshan lapis lazuli, which was discovered in the lands of Afghanistan in Badakhshan.

Gallery: lapis lazuli (25 photos)

The color of the stone is very rich and is famous for the fact that its charming shade is natural.

Gemstone lapis lazuli (video)


It is not difficult to forge such a stone. But despite this, the best samples stones have high jewelry values. But even in this situation, lapis lazuli cannot boast of a high price: its cost is no more than $ 3 per 1 g.

The price of a beautiful mineral can vary greatly, and it directly depends on the volume of stone extraction. The Andes in Chile and mountain systems in the south of Central Asia occupy the 1st place in the export of the blue mineral around the world.

North America, the south of Argentina, the territories of India and Russia, in turn, cannot boast of high export rates, since they have very modest deposits of lapis lazuli.

artificial lapis lazuli

Today, the world market is simply overloaded with fakes of the blue mineral. There is nothing strange in this, because from time immemorial, many people are greedy for profit and strive to pass off a cheap fake as a lapis lazuli gemstone. Gem counterfeiters color jasper and sodalite stones purple. They sell such products at a high price, passing them off as the most natural lapis lazuli.

To check lapis lazuli for originality, there are several methods. A real crystal, if wetted, will be covered with water evenly over the entire surface. A fake, when moistened, will collect moisture in the form of drops on its surface.

It must also be remembered that lapis lazuli stone is very refractory. In ancient times, blue stones were calcined in fire for 1-2 weeks. Such a test by fire was done in order to be able to determine whether the crystal contains any defects or not. Artificial likenesses will not stand even a day of such a test by fire.

The original lapis lazuli stone shows its strengths and properties to the maximum only when exposed to direct sunlight. Fakes can also shine under artificial lighting, so it's not difficult to find out what the original stone looks like.

Lapis Lazuli has a wide range of uses in jewelry


To decorate interior items, excellent option are fragments of wild lapis lazuli. You need to understand that even a piece of blue stone made of valuable rocks sure to grab everyone's attention.

Lapis lazuli has a wide range of uses in jewelry. It is not difficult to say who this stone suits, because its individual color will suit almost every person. A blue crystal cut with a cabochon is used with gold and silver. Earrings, rings, pendants and amulets are also often decorated, according to the design, with rock mineral inlays.

If we talk about serial production, then blue lapis lazuli in this case is used only in lapis lazuli beads. Beads are not very expensive. but Jewelry, which are made with custom-made mineral inserts, are priced an order of magnitude higher.

Medicinal properties

The healing properties of lapis lazuli are considered very wide and can cover almost all problems in human health. Lapis lazuli stone, according to its history, even cancer can be cured. Such a crystal is suitable for treating a person from various eye diseases, and can favorably affect the improvement of vision. Also, lapis lazuli is able to reduce arterial pressure and normalize the tone of the heart muscle.

A number of medicinal properties include the improvement of sleep, which is characterized by the appearance of beautiful and happy dreams. The stone is able to eliminate nervousness and stressful state of the body, favorably affects the psychological state of a person.

Wearing lapis lazuli jewelry is recommended for women who are pregnant. Such wearing saves the girl from the risk of miscarriage and pathological changes in the fetus. Women's health is also exposed to the healing properties of lapis lazuli: the crystal relieves the body of a painful condition in case of poisoning with toxins, normalizes the menstrual cycle and prevents various inflammatory processes in the female genital organs.

If you grind a lapis lazuli stone and mix it with vinegar acid, then such a solution has a number of useful properties: improves the quality and speed of hair growth, promotes healing of the intestines and its normalization. If you grind lapis lazuli and add honey, then such a mixture can cure a person of skin diseases.

Lapis lazuli (video)

Magical properties

Even in the most ancient times, people believed that the main magical properties of lapis lazuli stone are the possibilities in the field of communication between people and gods. It is impossible to deceive the Almighty, therefore, for a long time, Europeans have attributed to the blue mineral the personification of the revelations and honesty of a person.

If you communicate with lapis lazuli every day, then there is a belief that such communication can cleanse a person’s soul from bad thoughts and direct him to the right path. Only relatives can give such a stone, as it implies the sincerity of intentions.

In lapis lazuli, magical properties are manifested to the maximum if you wear a blue crystal every day. In this case, a person is able to achieve high success in terms of material enrichment, career advancement, good luck in all endeavors and love. But lapis lazuli is able to provide a person with only 1 gift at a certain stage of life.

If we talk about who the blue stone suits according to the horoscope, then first of all it must be taken into account that Capricorns and Cancers live rather poorly with lapis lazuli. The rest of the signs of the zodiac get along especially well with the lapis lazuli stone, but it depends on the specific intentions of the owner and his evil or good intentions.

The healing properties of lapis lazuli are considered very wide and can cover almost all problems in human health.

Physical and chemical properties

If we consider the physico-chemical characteristics, then lapis lapis lazuli is a stone that has been studied quite well until today. The characteristic of the mineral makes it possible to distinguish it from other representatives of crystals. Lapis lazuli has the following properties:

  1. Color. Azure color with a hint of blue. The crystal glistens like glass. Transparency is moderate, can be translucent. The lines are light blue.
  2. Structure. On the Mohs scale, 5.5 means that the stone is not hard, brittle. In terms of density, it has a value from 2.38 to 2.42 g / cm³. The fracture resembles a shell. The crystal lattice is cubic. Structure of a crystal in the form of a cube. By symmetry class - hexatetrahedron. By cleavage imperfect.

As you know, the stone has a different purpose. Therefore, in order to possess it, one must take into account not only the characteristics of the mineral, but also rely on its history and properties that are suitable specifically for both the horoscope and the personality as a whole.

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At the same time, this mineral is not always of natural origin. Gems can also be grown artificially. Minerals are stained with cobalt oxide, gold inclusions are added to imitate naturalness.

Png" alt="" width="80" height="80"> A real gem, unlike a fake one, is fireproof. It does not have sufficient brilliance and brightness under artificial lighting. Lab-derived minerals can shine under any conditions. The easiest way to distinguish a natural stone from a fake it is possible using a water test. The real mineral will be uniformly wet. Artificially grown will collect water drops unevenly.

Healing properties

Natural minerals are used for medicinal purposes to this day, helping to bring people healing from many ailments.

In many areas of life, it is lapis lazuli that has a positive effect on women, the properties of which appear immediately. Pregnant women wear the mineral as a guarantee of a successful birth. For single ladies, the chances of meeting with the second half increase.

The calming blue color of the mineral also has a beneficial effect in the treatment of diseases of the eyes, skin, epilepsy and insomnia.

stone magic

Attention has been drawn to the magical properties of lapis lazuli stone for a long time. The very cold radiance of the noble blue color suggests the emission of sincerity, truth. The pharaohs preferred the talisman lapis lazuli even for successful confrontation with the gods.

The mineral has earned respect among fans of magic. At the same time, it is assumed that the magical properties of lapis lazuli manifest themselves in full force in honest, decent people. Not everyone was worthy of a gift in the form of jewelry with this mineral.

It is not in vain that it is believed that the owners of the sky-blue stone are reliably protected from unpleasant memories, bad thoughts. In combination with silver, this is an excellent amulet, suitable for protection from negativity from strangers. Therefore, the ring with lapis lazuli was previously presented as an attribute successful people who achieved a high position in life.

Lapis lazuli and the signs of the zodiac

as a talisman blue mineral recommended to people of public professions: doctors, diplomats, librarians. The gem is able to protect them from the destructive negative influence of strangers, prevents the occurrence of disturbing thoughts. The meaning of the lapis lazuli stone suggests that it will be easier for its owners to choose the right direction. life path. In addition, an amulet with this stone is a guarantee of real friendship and love relationships.

In astrology, it is believed that blue lapis lazuli is associated with planets such as Venus and Uranus, that is, it is the patron of friendship, helps self-improvement, and contributes to the acquisition of new knowledge.

The gem does not make much difference for the signs of the zodiac, lapis lazuli is suitable for almost everyone.

Jpg" alt="(!LANG:Capricorn" width="40" height="40"> Единственное исключение – Козероги, для них минерал не принесет больших позитивных изменений, впрочем, и вреда от него тоже не будет.!}

Jpg" alt="(!LANG:Aquarius" width="40" height="40">.jpg" alt="scales" width="40" height="40">.jpg" alt="Aries" width="40" height="40">.jpg" alt="Fishes" width="40" height="40"> Небесный камень станет отличным талисманом для Водолеев, Весов, Овнов и Рыб.!}

Jpg" alt="" width="40" height="40"> Those born under the sign of Virgo will help get rid of unnecessary emotional tension, bring relief from complexes.

Jpg" alt="" width="40" height="40"> With the help of this mineral, Taurus will gain the long-awaited peace of mind, achieve maximum harmony when communicating with others.

For its owners, the lapis lazuli stone directs healing properties to the maximum attraction of positive energy. The blue gem is able to protect the owner from strong life shocks and domestic troubles, and normalizes family relationships.

How to properly care for a stone

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Jewelry, including jewelry with lapis lazuli, require periodic maintenance. Careful handling of this stone is important. The mineral cannot be classified as particularly strong; excessive impacts are dangerous for it, provoking mechanical damage.

Temperature difference, long exposure sun rays- all this can not be the best way to affect the decoration. Modern ultrasonic cleaning for such products is also highly discouraged.

Cleaning with distilled water is best. Then it is enough to wipe the gem with a soft, lint-free cloth.