
Synopsis of the “Socialization” nodes. Middle group. Educational field "Socialization". Summary of nodes on social and personal development in the preparatory group


Lyubovich Snezhana Alexandrovna
MADO Development Center child-kindergarten No. 44 "Forget-me-not" Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Sakhalin region
Abstract of GCD
“Socialization of preschool children by means play activity»
Role-playing game "Hospital"

“Socialization of preschool children through play activities”
Role-playing game "Hospital"
Educational area"Socialization"
1. To develop in children the ability to take charge playing role(doctor (doctor), nurse, pharmacist (pharmacist), patient).
2. Encourage children to play out the plot of the familiar game “Hospital”
using familiar medical instruments (toys).
Educational field "Communication"
Promote the emergence of role-playing dialogue.
Educational field "Health"
Develop a caring attitude towards your health, the ability to show sensitivity and care towards a sick person.
Equipment: doctor suit, 3 medical suits. sisters, hospital play set, dolls.
Preliminary work: Excursion to the medical office, reading the fairy tale “Aibolit” by K.I. Chukovsky, examination of medical instruments. Making attributes for the game (patient cards, recipes.) Playing out the situations “Calling a doctor at home”, “Procedure room”.

expand children’s understanding of the work of hospital workers; developing the ability to apply previously acquired knowledge about the surrounding life in the game.

1. To develop in children the ability to independently develop the plot of the game “Hospital”; promote the independent creation and implementation of game plans;

2. Develop creative imagination, the ability to jointly develop the game, to continue to develop the ability to negotiate.

3. Continue to teach how to perform various roles in accordance with the plot of the game, using attributes, encourage children to independently create items and parts (tools, equipment) that are missing for the game. Cultivate goodwill and willingness to help out a friend.

4. Foster a sense of responsibility, friendliness, and respect for the medical profession.

Preliminary work:

Excursion to the kindergarten’s medical office;

Stories and conversations about the professions of medical workers;

Examination of illustrations on the topic "Hospital";

Reading fiction: "Aibolit", "Telephone" by K. I. Chukovsky, "A rooster got sick with a sore throat" by A. I. Krylov, "My bear" by Z. Alexandrov;

Introduction to medical instruments.

Material: white coat and cap for a doctor; arm bandage for the nurse; doctor's vouchers; "medical records" of patients; pencils; a set of medical instruments: a thermometer (an ice cream stick with divisions drawn with felt-tip pens or cut out of cardboard, a toy syringe without a needle, a phonendoscope, a spatula for checking the throat (ice cream stick); bandages, cotton wool, gauze napkins, cotton buds, plaster (children love to stick it on, empty medicine jars, measuring spoon, empty pill boxes (you can put plasticine inside, empty medicine boxes; you can also additionally use: a table for checking vision, x-rays; dolls , animal toys, a robe for a nurse;

Roles: Doctor, nurse, patients, registrar, mom, dad (accompanying the "patient")

Related game: Family.

GCD move

And there is a miracle at our gates -

tree grows

Miracle, miracle, wonderful miracle

Not the leaves on it

And the bags on it

And the bags on it are like apples.

Educator:“Look, guys, what a miracle it is - a tree! Let's see what grew on it." Let's get it and find out. The teacher removes the bag from the branch and gives it to each child. Each child unties the bag and tells what the item is in the bag and what it is for.

Let's pack a suitcase for the doctor (interboard game)

A grandmother with an injured hand enters the group and attracts the children's attention. The teacher, together with the children, discusses the situation with the sick grandmother, and conclusions are drawn that the grandmother needs to be treated, sit down, grandmother.

Educator: Who can cure grandma? Guess the riddle:

Who in days of illness,

More useful than anyone else

And cures us of everything

Diseases? (doctor) slide 1

Educator: Yes, that's right, it's a doctor or doctor. Here's another riddle:

There are doctors in this house.

They are waiting for people to treat them.

They are ready to help everyone -

Only healthy people are released. (hospital) slide 2

Educator: what house is the riddle about?

Children's answers.

Educator: That's right, a hospital or clinic.

Educator: Let's put all these items in the first aid kit and take them to our hospital.

Educator: What game do you think we will play now?

Children: in hospital.

Educator: Guys, who treats children, what is this doctor called (children’s answers)

Educator: That's right, a pediatrician is the most important pediatrician, but first you need to contact the reception and take a card. What should you tell the registrar? (what is the child’s name and where does he live).

Educator: Come on, you will be the registrar (selection of children, issuance of attributes for him and determine the place for the registry, pharmacy, office).

Educator: When entering the office, do not forget to say hello and explain what hurts your daughter or son.

Educator: And now I’ll put on a white robe. I am a doctor and I will treat my grandmother. Anya will be my assistant: a nurse? I will have a hospital here, my assistant, prepare a bandage and medicine. Let me take a look at your wound, grandma. Now the nurse and I will anoint the wound with brilliant green and then bandage it. It won't hurt at all. Well, now, grandma, you can go home and be careful with sharp objects. And we will accept other patients. Who wants?

Educator: Guys, let's be moms and dads today, look, something our baby dolls have been waiting for us, they are sad in the house, maybe they got sick too? (we go to the play corner; children choose their own “children”).

Patient: Hello.

Educator (Doctor): Hello. Tell me what happened?

Patient: My daughter has a sore throat.

Doctor: Go to nurse, she will give you a thermometer to find out whether you have a temperature or not. The temperature is normal. Let's look at the neck (look at the neck with a spatula).

Ooh! The throat is red.

Educator: in order not to get sick, you must do exercises in the morning. Do you all do exercises in the morning? Let's do it together.

Physical education minute.

Every morning

Doing exercises

We like it very much

Do everything in order:

Fun to walk

raise your hands,

Put your hands down

Sit down and get up

Jump and gallop.

Educator: And now I will have lunch. Another doctor will take my place. Anna, come on, now you will be a doctor. Put on a white cap and robe, you are now a doctor, you will examine patients and prescribe medications. Polina will be a nurse, she will treat patients: give injections, give pills.

Children disperse to their play areas (pharmacy, hospital, reception).

Dialogue at the reception:

Children say hello, say their first and last name and ask for a patient’s card.

The registrar issues the card to the patient.

Dialogue in the hospital between a patient and a doctor:

Patient: Hello.

Doctor: Hello, what's bothering you?

P: I have a high temperature and a severe headache.

D: don’t worry, now I will examine you and prescribe treatment.

The child acts as a doctor medical care, examines the patient and offers the nurse to give an antipyretic injection, then writes out a prescription and offers to buy medicine at the pharmacy.

The teacher makes sure that the children do not forget to say "thank you and goodbye." At the end of the game, the teacher asks the children how to save their health, and what needs to be done for this.

Children answer: do exercises, eat vegetables and fruits, play sports, walk in the fresh air.

View: Come to our hospital

We will tell you how to treat.

Well, it’s better not to get sick,

Temper yourself, play sports,

Eat right.

Be healthy everyone!

At the end of the game we conduct an analysis. Game result:

Well, our game is over.

Did you like this game?

What was her name?
- Who took part in the game? (called by children)

How did the guys cope with their roles?

Did you like the game, why?
- If you liked it, then we will continue to play it tomorrow, and now we are going for a walk! Well done! Thank you!

The teacher gives vitamins to all children.

MADOU Kindergarten No. 9 MR Uchalinsky district of the Republic of Belarus (building 3)

Synopsis of direct educational activities

with kids senior group

on "Socialization"

"Journey to the Land of Understanding"

Prepared by: educational psychologist

Tsarenok S.I.


Subject : “Journey to the Land of Understanding.”

Target: Formation of positive relationships among peers.


    Strengthen children’s ability to work with a map-scheme; develop the ability to write a short story; activate children's vocabulary; to improve the ability to express one's own attitude to something, to someone; introduce children to musical culture; support and create conditions for the development of creative potential; continue to introduce children to the non-traditional direction of fine art - sand painting; continue to teach children the skills of interaction and cooperation; strengthen interaction skills in pairs; create a sense of team cohesion and a positive emotional mood.

    Develop auditory and visual perception, logical thinking, intelligence, memory, attention; promote a better understanding of yourself; develop coordination of movements, the ability to navigate in space; develop sensory-motor coordination; develop self-regulation of emotional reactions;

    Cultivate love for fiction; cultivate a friendly attitude towards others verbally and non-verbally.

Preliminary work:

Preparation of demonstration and handout material, conversation, introduction to sand drawing techniques and names of emotions.

Methodical techniques:

Calming exercises before class; gaming (use of surprise moments); visual (use of subject pictures, maps - diagrams); verbal (reminder, explanation, questions, individual answers of children; compilation of a comparative story, encouragement, analysis); practical (logorhythmics, drawing in the sand).

Materials and equipment:

Map - a diagram of tasks, Whatman paper, envelopes with tasks, pieces of tape 50 cm long (one for a pair of children), a sports mat, cards depicting emotions (joy, sadness, anger, surprise, fear, disgust), light table, sand, baby crown, wet wipes, ecological container, screen, music center, CD with moving music and music for relaxation, paired rugs, coffee table, electric candle, medals - emoticons.

Individual work:

Cultivate endurance from R. Danil; activate Aigiz B. and Alina M.; control the coordination of the movement of Rodion A., F. Elvina, Aida A.

Vocabulary work:

Magic sand, country of Understanding, test, map - diagram, emotions - joy, sadness, anger, surprise, fear, disgust, compliment, music, candle, line, side step, lake, mountain, crown.

PROGRESS of direct educational activities .

1. Introductory part.

Exercise “Smile”.

Guys, do you like to travel? (Children's answers). I invite you today to go on a journey to the land of Understanding. – What kind of country do you think this is, why is it called that? (Children's answers). – The path there is not short, you need to go along the Road of Tests. – Do you think we can handle it? What kind of person do we need to be in order to pass all the tests? (Children's answers). But before we go on the road, we need to greet each other. Let's remember how you can say hello without using words (Children's answers). Moving music sounds. Children move to the music. As soon as the music ends, you need to find a couple and say hello different ways(Children complete tasks).

2. Main part.

Now we are ready to hit the road. Look, the map shows the path to each test. The road to the first test is winding, reminiscent of a snake. We need to hold hands and walk along this road at a fast pace (children perform tasks to the music). Well done! They didn’t lose their way, they held each other tightly. And here is the first test (The psychologist takes out the task from envelope No. 1). It's called "Magic Sand". We need to go to the light table and say hello to the sand: fingers, palm, fist, rib thumb, little fingers; slide on the surface of the sand; draw your mood on the sand (joint creative activity of children). Well done! How did you feel when you drew your mood? This means we can move on.

But on our way there is a lake, through which you can only cross on a raft (children and a psychologist stand on a sports mat and do exercises). So we got across the lake. A difficult test awaits us here (The psychologist takes out the task from envelope No. 2). It’s called “Theater of Moods” (The psychologist hands out cards depicting emotions. Children, without showing them to each other, depict what is drawn on the card, the rest must guess and name the emotion). – Guys, in what cases does a person experience this or that emotion? (Children's answers). Well done! We completed the task. It's time to move on.

The path to the next test is open (The psychologist takes out the task from envelope No. 3). It's called the "Paired Mats" test. But first you need to break into pairs (The psychologist invites each child to choose one ribbon out of three, and he holds the middle of them. The children form pairs).

There are rugs on the table. They're all mixed up. It is necessary for each pair of children to find one pair of rugs and highlight the differences (the children complete the task). Well done! We did it all! There is only a short distance left to go and we will see the country of Understanding.

But the road goes along the very edge of the mountain. It's so narrow that we could fall down! In order to walk along it, we only need to move together. Let's stand in a line, put our arms around each other's shoulders and move at a side step (the children and the psychologist complete the task together). - We got there! Well done! (The psychologist takes out the task from envelope No. 4). This test is called "Compliments". Have you guys been in the same group for a long time? Do you know each other well? Can you tell us about each other? (children's answers). (Children take turns sitting on a chair, a crown is placed on their head. Participants in the game compliment the child sitting on the chair. Children share their sensations and feelings).

So we have reached the country of Understanding. How difficult our path was! Let's take a little rest. To do this, we need to lie down comfortably on the carpet, close our eyes and relax (Exercise “Magic Walk”. Calm music sounds).

Tell me what you saw when you were flying in the clouds? (children's answers)

Final part. Reflection.

Well, guys, we find ourselves in the country of Understanding. Tell me, what qualities helped us get to this country? Can we understand each other? (children's answers). It turns out that the country of Understanding is around us. You just need to be attentive to each other, help each other, and then it won’t be difficult to understand other people. And then we won’t be sad and lonely. The world will be warm and bright. Let's say goodbye to each other with a small piece of light and warmth (The psychologist holds an electric candle in his hand and invites the children, passing it around, to say what they liked today, what they wish for other children.)

Summary of direct educational activities
Topic: “The house where I live”
Goal: To form children’s primary ideas about home and family.
Introduce children to basic generally accepted norms and rules of relationships with peers and adults.
Form gender identity.
develop the ability to design from paper (origami)
Cultivate good feelings towards family and others.
Vocabulary work:
introduce concepts into the active dictionary:
home, family, grandmother, grandfather, brother, sister;
introduce the words: relatives, friends.
Cognition; mathematics, construction, speech development, Physical Culture, artistic creativity, music.
Ind. slave.
Seryozha, Yura, Sasha, Andrey.
Material and equipment:
audio recordings; a cardboard house, in the windows of which there are photographs with the families of the children of the group behind curtains; bunny, carrots.
Preliminary work:
Examination of family photographs, drawings of parents “My baby”. Reading poems about family, role-playing games“Mothers and Daughters”, “Family Troubles”. Conversations on the topics “Me and my home”, “Dad, Mom, I - Friendly family", "How I help at home."
-Music about the house sounds (musical finger gymnastics) - All the children gathered in a circle,
I am your friend and you are my friend.
Let's hold hands tightly
And let's smile at each other.
(Children hold hands and smile at each other.)
- I’ll look at your faces, who should I make friends with here?
- I am Lyubov Mikhailovna. And who are you? What is your name. (Agatha) What is your affectionate name? (Agatochka). Are you a boy or a girl? Ask a few kids.
- Hello, dear children!
You are the most beautiful in the world!
I invite such good and handsome people to play.
(Children pass, sit on chairs, the teacher draws the children’s attention to the house).
I want to tell you about my house,
Where mom and dad and I live together.
(examine the house: walls, roof, balconies, windows with curtains).
- I’ll knock on the house,
whose family lives here?
(Knocks, opens the curtains, there is a photograph of the family, calls the child, he talks about his family with the help of leading questions).
Questions about the family (the teacher interviews several children):
Who is this?
The name of?
Who do you live with?
Who is doing what?
What is the name of your grandmother, grandfather, sister, brother?
What do you affectionately call your grandmother, grandfather, father, mother, sister, brother?
- These are all our very Dear people in the world - family and friends. Let's all repeat these wonderful words together - family and friends.
- Now let's play.
P/n “Who lives in our apartment?” (circle).
Who lives in our apartment? (they walk in place).
One two three four five! Let's count now. (clap hands)
Mom, dad, brother, sister - I can hardly count them all! (spring)
The most important thing is me! (put hands to chest)
That's my whole family! (raise hands up)
- It’s so good that you have a beloved home, a friendly and strong family that lives in it, where they love each other and help in everything.
-Guys, do you think everyone has a favorite home?
(children's answers)
Educator: No, not everyone. Look at the pictures. They don't have a home. Solve the riddle and you will find out who else wants to have a favorite home.
"Gray in summer and white in winter"
- That's right, bunny!
-What happened to him, why doesn't he have a house?
“The hostess left the bunny, the bunny remained in the rain ... ..”
-Guys, do you feel sorry for the bunny?
-Do you want to help him?
-How can we help him? (let's build a house)
Demonstration with explanations of house construction (origami)
-Now the bunny will be able to move his family into this house.
The bunny thanks the children and treats them with carrots.
You won't find a better home
The house where you live!
(The song “Look how good the house you live in” sounds quietly).
Children eat carrots with great pleasure while listening to music.

Attached files

Abstract of NOD “Socialization”. middle group.

Educational field "Socialization"

"Professions of our mothers"

Goal: continue to introduce children to professions; cultivate respect and kindness towards the mother, a sense of pride in loved one; develop children's speech and logical thinking; activation of the verb dictionary on the topic “Professions”.

Material: illustrations from the album “We need different mothers, all kinds of mothers are important,” ball.

Guys, today we will talk about your mothers. Mom is the dearest, most beloved person on earth. She gave you life. Tell me, do you love your mothers? (children's answers) Let's read poems about mothers.

1. Who opened this world to me,

Sparing no effort?

And always protected?

The best MOTHER in the world.

2. Who is the cutest in the world?

And it will warm you with its warmth,

Loves more than himself?

This is my MOMMY.

3. Reads books in the evening

Even if I'm stubborn

I know MOM loves me.

4. Never loses heart

He knows exactly what I need.

If suddenly drama happens,

Who will help? My mom.

But my legs are tired.

Jump over the hole

Who will help? I know - mom.

Well done. You know good poems about mothers. Who knows their mother's profession? (children's answers). And now I will ask you riddles about professions, and you will have to guess them. Children solve riddles and look at illustrations for these riddles.

1. Mom has it on the counter.

Dolls, balls, pins,

I am the most well-fed one. (Cook)

4. At school I am the most learned -

I was very lucky with my mother

Children learn from her

Everything is in the classroom.

Get better and smarter

Fair and kind. (teacher)

5. Mom needs to work

Put notes on the piano.

Just ask mom

And he will play: "Mi, salt, si"

I will tell the guys proudly:

“Mom knows all the chords! " (musician)

Apply to abrasions and wounds.

Mom gives injections

To all the children of our school.

Mom with affection and kind words

Helps you become healthy! (nurse)

And now we will play a game. Ball game “What is he doing? »

Children are built in a circle. The teacher throws the ball to the children one by one and names their profession. The child catches the ball and says what a representative of this profession does and throws the ball to the teacher (teacher - teaches, doctor - treats, sells)

worker - sells, builder - builds, cook - cooks, hairdresser - cuts hair, etc.)

That's how many professions you named today. Now you know who they can

work moms. And not only. There are many other necessary and important professions. Whoever the mother is, know that all work is good. All kinds of mothers are needed, all kinds of mothers are important!

Catalog: dou
dou -> Preschool education program
dou -> Family in psychological consultation
dou -> Folk culture as a means of developing gender tolerance in children of senior preschool age

Abstract of the educational activity "Dense Forest" on social and personal development in preparatory group

Software tasks:
- expand the emotional understanding of children, develop the ability to regulate negative emotions (educational area “Socialization”);
- continue to teach how to talk about your feelings, answering in full sentences (educational area “Communication”);
- teach children to express their emotions, managing them through drawing (educational area " Artistic creativity»);
- teach children to navigate the schematic representation of fear (educational area “Socialization”);
- teach children to establish a connection between an event and the emotion of fear (educational area “Communication”);
- create conditions for emotional release, manifestations of empathy (educational area “Socialization”);
- continue to teach children the techniques of playful self-massage (educational area “Health”).
- develop the ability to understand emotional condition another person and the ability to adequately express it in facial expressions and gestures (educational field “Communication”);
- develop memory and thinking (educational area “Socialization”);
- develop a sense of trust, encourage physical contact (educational area “Socialization”);
- learn to relieve psycho-emotional stress, train skills to manage your actions (educational area “Socialization”).
- create a relaxed, psychological atmosphere (educational area “Socialization”);
- induce a feeling of security, help children express their attitude towards the emotion of fear (educational area “Security”).
- regulate the change of activity and the alternation of active and static poses (educational area “Health”);
- relieve muscle tone in children with the help of relaxation gymnastics (educational area “Health”).
Vocabulary work:
activation: emotion of fear, joy, good mood, sadness;
enrichment: Terrible horror, Deep forest.
- record player;
- audio recording of the Wookie-Bookey dance;
- audio recording of “Fairytale Forest”;
- audio recording from the collection “Music for Relaxation”;
- easel;
- hoops covered with thick fabric;
- pillows (8 pcs.);
- bowl for napkins;
- wet wipes;
- watercolor paints;
- non-pouring glasses;
- brushes (8 pcs.);
- sheet of whatman paper;
- map “An Extraordinary Land of Feelings”.
Preliminary work:
- learning the “Wookie-Booki” dance;
- training in self-massage.

Lesson progress

Good morning! I'm so glad to see you all. I’m in this mood today (the teacher shows the children a fist with a thumb up). Who can tell me what this gesture means?
Children's answers: good, joyful mood.

That's right, I'm in a joyful, cheerful mood today. Now let’s all show the same gesture together and say that we, too, are in this mood!
Children sit on chairs.
- Let's remember what feeling we talked about last time, traveling through the “Extraordinary Land of Feelings”? Yes, about feeling angry.
Children look at the anger pictogram.
- How can we determine that a person is angry?
Children's answers: by facial expression.
- What is his facial expression?
Children's answers: eyebrows are frowned, the corners of the lips are downturned.
- And when can a person experience feelings of anger and anger?
Children's answers: when he quarreled, when he was angry or offended.
- Today we begin to get acquainted with the feeling that lives in the Deep Forest. (A map is laid out in front of the children, where a forest is attached to the Sea of ​​Joy). The Magic Tunnel will help us get into it. But first, I suggest you recharge your batteries.
Exercise “Charge of vivacity”. Invite the children to sit down freely, stretch their arms forward and prepare two fingers: the thumb and forefinger.
- Grab your earlobes with the fingers of your right and left hands. Massage your ears, saying: “Ears, ears - everyone can hear!”, in one direction and the other. Now lower your hands and shake your palms. Prepare your index finger, extend your hand and place it between your eyebrows above your nose. Massage this point with the words: “Wake up, third eye! " Shake your palms. Gather your fingers into a fist, find a hole at the bottom of your neck, place your hand there with the words: “I breathe, I see everything; I hear everything; I feel everything."
- If you're ready, then let's go. (Children climb through hoops covered with thick fabric.)
The phonogram of “Dense Forest” plays.
- Now we have reached the Dense Forest. I wonder who is the boss in this forest? Probably this person (the “fear” icon is shown) who is looking at us somehow strange! Look at his face, what feeling is he feeling?
Children's answers: feeling of fear.
- How did you guess?
Children's answers: by facial expression.
- Describe his facial expression.
Children's answers: his eyes and mouth are wide open, he is about to scream.
- And the name of this creature is Terrible Horror! It loves to scare travelers who come to its Deep Forest. Have any of you guessed why the forest is called dense?
Children's answers: because in the Deep Forest it is always dark, damp, cold; gnarled trees and thorny grasses grow, wolves howl and eagle owls hoot.
“Whoever finds himself in such a forest certainly begins to worry, and is seized by terrible fear. Are you scared? Do you want to continue your journey and go deeper into the forest or go home? To make sure of your resolve, the Terrible Terror must test you. Only those who are not afraid will be allowed into the Deep Forest by the Terrible Horror.
Children stand in a semicircle. And the Terrible Horror stands in the middle and will lead. Whoever the Scary Thing chooses to intimidate must not turn away or close his eyes.
-You coped well with the test, no one chickened out, we can move on.
- And now the Scary Horror wants to play with you. She wants to choose the bravest child. Who is our bravest? He will sit on a stump, be afraid, and the rest of the children will pretend to be gnarled trees.
The phonogram of the Dense Forest plays.
Here we see: through the branches
A terrible beast is walking towards us!
His fangs stick out and his mustache bristles,
His pupils are burning - you want to be scared!
The predatory eye squints, the fur on it is shiny.
Maybe it's a lioness, maybe a she-wolf?
The stupid boy shouted: “LYNX!”
The brave boy shouted: “FIGHT!”
Children sit on chairs.
- Sasha, were you scared?
-What scared you?
- Children, did you see that Sasha was afraid?
- How did you understand that he was afraid?
- Were you afraid for Sasha?
- Did you enjoy scaring Sasha?
- Our muscles were tense from fear, let's release the tension. Squeeze your fingers into a fist tightly (hands on your knees) until the bones turn white. That's how tense your hands are! A lot of tension! It's unpleasant for us to sit like this. My hands are tired. Straighten your fingers - your hands are relaxed. It became easy and pleasant. Now listen and do as I do.
Hands on knees, fists clenched,
Firmly, with tension, fingers pressed.
We squeeze our fingers harder, release them, unclench them.
Know, girls and boys: our fingers are resting.
(Invite children to easily lift and drop their relaxed hands).
- Children, does it ever happen in your life that in the dark ordinary things and objects seem like real monsters to you? And when the lights are turned on, this monster could turn out to be an ordinary chair?
-The Terrible Horror, children, invites you to visit. A shadow theater is shown.
What's in the corner
With a black shadow on the floor
Incomprehensible, dumb,
I don’t even understand what,
Person or thing?
- Children, are you scared? Do you know what they say about such cowards?
Children's answers: fear has big eyes!
- People are afraid of everything, even the smallest cockroaches and spiders. They seem huge and toothy to them, although in reality this is not the case.
- Guys, are you pleased that your muscles in your arms, legs and face are tense with fear? No? Then let's get rid of these fears.
The soundtrack of relaxation sounds.
- Lie down comfortably and close your eyes. Take three deep breaths... Imagine that sometimes the sky above the Deep Forest is bright blue and the rays of the sun warm the inhabitants of the forest and you. A light breeze gently touched your heads, faces, hands, and you feel light and happy, like a small light feather. Fly a little above the ground. Inhale and exhale deeply, stretch and open your eyes.
- How do you feel now?
- Did you manage to be a small light feather and fly freely above the ground? Amazing!
- Brave travelers, are you interested in our journey through the Deep Forest? I suggest you draw it, with all the gnarled trees, impenetrable swamps and thorny grasses. We will draw on large sheet paper with watercolor paints. What paints will you use?
Children's answers: black, gray, brown, purple, green.
- Your dense forest turned out to be scary and terrible.
- Children, where have you been today?
Children's answers: In the Dark Forest.
-Who did you meet there?
Children's answers: With a terrible horror.
- Did she scare you?
Let's completely banish the feeling of fear.
Children dance the Wookie-Bookey dance.
- It's time to return home. The Magic Tunnel will lead us out of the Dense Forest.
- Here we are again in our beloved kindergarten.
- What emotion did we meet today?
Children's answers: The emotion of fear.
- Where have you been?
Children's answers: In the Dark Forest.
-Who lived there?
Children's answers: Terrible Horror.
- Was she able to scare you?
- How did you overcome fear?
Children's answers: They danced the dance.
- Children, I wish you to always remain brave and strong and be in a good mood.