
What problems can premature babies have in the future: the consequences of premature birth. Premature birth: timing, risks, prognosis Survival of children born at 28 weeks


Premature births are called those that occur between 22 and 37 weeks (259 days) of pregnancy, starting from the first day of the last normal menstruation with a regular menstrual cycle, while the fetal body weight is from 500 to 2500 g.

Premature birth before 28 weeks of gestation

If childbirth occurs before 28 weeks (27 weeks 6 days inclusive), then such babies are considered very premature with extremely low body weight (up to 1000 g) and severe immaturity of the lungs (although in some cases the prevention of respiratory distress syndrome (RDS is a respiratory syndrome). neonatal disorders) is effective). The birth rate is about 5%. The prognosis for such births is extremely unfavorable. Perinatal morbidity and mortality rates are extremely high.

Childbirth at 28 weeks of gestation and its consequences for mother and child

Every woman dreams of giving birth to a healthy child in due time, unfortunately, not everyone succeeds in this. Every year, the number of women who, for various reasons, cannot carry a pregnancy to the term prescribed by nature, is growing.

congenital pathology is rare, as a rule, the causes of the disease are unsuccessful abortions or injuries during previous births. What reasons can abruptly initiate preterm labor? the timing of childbirth can be affected by: - ​​severe stress - poor living conditions - insufficient nutrition - too much physical activity - if pregnancy occurs at too young or too old age - a sharp increase in body temperature

Pregnancy of some women is overshadowed by the threat of premature birth. 28 weeks is not enough time for the development of a healthy child - this does not add optimism to expectant mothers, but you should not exaggerate the problem either.

The risk of preterm birth can be prevented.

Just do not forget about this possibility of development of events and keep everything under control throughout the entire period of pregnancy until childbirth.

First you need to know the answers to some frequently asked questions.

At what gestational age is preterm birth considered?

Intensive resuscitation care can be provided with a weight of at least 500 g, and a birth date of not earlier than 22 weeks.

What is the frequency with which preterm labor occurs?

Preterm births account for approximately 8%. The indicator differs for different countries and peoples. The reasons lie in the lifestyle and predilection of young people for smoking, alcohol and other healthy lifestyle life. This indicator is also influenced by the level of comfort in everyday life.

What are the causes of preterm labor?

One of the reasons is the complications that occur during pregnancy.

Preterm labor at 28 weeks may be caused by cervical incompetence. The cervix cannot withstand the load necessary for successful gestation and fails at the most inopportune moment.

The next reason is genital infections. Infections lead to inflammation, as a result, the wall of the uterus becomes not sufficiently elastic and loses the ability to gradually stretch as the fetus grows. In this case, the pregnancy lasts only as long as the walls of the uterus are able to stretch, and then the mother's body does its best to get rid of the pregnancy.

Having a healthy baby The importance of folic acid in preparing for pregnancy and bearing a baby

The causes of miscarriage can be rubella during pregnancy, hormonal disorders, pathologies of the structure of the uterus. Insufficiency of the cervix, immune incompatibility of the father and mother of the child. Regular nervous stress.

Preterm labor at 28 weeks of gestation can be caused and multiple pregnancy, too large fruit, polyhydramnios. All these reasons lead to excessive stretching of the uterus, and the body decides to expel the fetus from the uterine cavity by any means available to it.

There are also congenital pathologies of the development of the uterus, which lead to premature birth due to the functional unpreparedness of the body for gestation and childbirth.

A prerequisite for preterm birth may be detachment, placenta acclima, antiphospholipid syndrome

Disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine glands, diseases of the internal organs and cardiovascular diseases can also lead to premature births.

Another cause of preterm birth is isthmic-cervical insufficiency (ICI). This disease is accompanied by the inability of the cervix to keep the embryo inside the uterus.

The strength of the muscle ring is simply not sufficient. The disease can be congenital or acquired. Congenital pathology is rare, as a rule, the causes of the disease are unsuccessful abortions or injuries during previous births.

Which women are more likely to be at risk of preterm birth at 22-27 weeks of pregnancy?

Early labor at 28 weeks is usually associated with isthmic-cervical insufficiency and infections of the lower part of the amniotic sac, which leads to its rupture. This is more common with repeated pregnancies.

Who is at risk for preterm labor at 28 weeks?

This risk group includes about 30% of women giving birth for the first time. The causes of preterm birth can be varied.

Can preterm birth always be prevented?

With the threat of premature birth and timely measures, childbirth in most cases can be suspended, but it is impossible to stop labor that has already begun. You can only detain them to organize assistance to mother and child.

Is preterm birth dangerous for a woman?

Such childbirth is dangerous due to its suddenness and serious complications. The hormonal balance in such women in labor is usually disturbed and their births, as a rule, take place with more trauma than births at term.

Is preterm birth dangerous for a baby?

Premature birth is certainly very dangerous for the baby. A child born at 28 weeks is still absolutely not ready for life outside the mother's womb. Such children need to create conditions artificially. Enormous funds are spent on this. But help is not always possible. Children sometimes die

What should a woman do when threatened with a miscarriage?

It is urgent to call an ambulance. Drink a sedative lie down and calm down.

Which medical institution will provide the best care for preterm birth?

Almost all obstetric facilities in large cities are already ready to care for premature babies with varying degrees of prematurity. Children born at 28 weeks weighing 1000 g have a chance to survive.

But it doesn't hurt to find out where it's best done in your area. If there is a danger of premature birth, it is here to go. The ambulance teams can also help you with this, they know which clinic is better to go to for this or that pathology.

Can preterm birth be prevented?

In the arsenal of modern medicine, there are many methods to prevent pregnancy termination at dangerous times. It is important to seek help on time. The sooner treatment is started, the better the result will be and it is quite possible to avoid premature birth.

Treatment of women predisposed to premature birth, what is it?

As a rule, the cause of preterm labor is the rupture of the fruit membranes of the fetus. This leads to infection of the mother and fetus. In this case, the threat to the fetus is much higher. Therefore, in such cases, they prefer to wait and, if possible, fight the infection with medication without terminating the pregnancy.

Trying to stop preterm labor anyway?

If the life of a woman is in danger, it is necessary to specifically initiate a premature birth to save the mother and child.

Is pain relief possible if a woman had to give birth at 28 weeks?

Pain management can be used, but in the case of spontaneous preterm labor, there are many factors to consider when managing pain management. And to think not only about pain relief for the mother, but to anticipate the possible harm from the use of medications for a not quite full-term baby.

How can a woman who has had a preterm birth prepare for her next birth? It is important to properly prepare and receive treatment before planning the next pregnancy. It is desirable to pass the critical time repeated pregnancies in a hospital under medical supervision.

Does the postpartum period of a woman who has had a preterm birth differ from the postpartum period of a woman with a normal delivery date? There are no big differences, but if there are complications, the woman will be left in the hospital for a longer period. If there are no delay complications, the maternity hospital may be more related to the child's condition.

preterm birth

preterm birth- the birth of a child for a period of 22 to 37 weeks of pregnancy. This problem is quite serious. Despite modern equipment that allows nursing even the most “difficult” premature baby, everyone understands that there is nothing better than its natural development in the mother’s womb than in an incubator. Therefore, the threat of premature birth excites and frightens many expectant mothers.

Signs of preterm labor

Preterm labor begins in exactly the same way as labor at full term. A woman may feel pulling pains in the lower back and lower abdomen. Sometimes there are cramping pains, indicating the onset of contractions. There may be a watery brown or reddish-pink discharge from the vagina, a mucous plug or amniotic fluid may come loose. Also, a pregnant woman may feel a slight pressure in the lower abdomen.

If at least one of the above symptoms appears, it is urgent to call an ambulance, since in some cases doctors can stop preterm labor.

Causes of preterm birth

Preterm birth can occur under the influence of many factors. Consider the most common:

  • Isthmic-cervical insufficiency (ICI)- inferiority of the muscles of the cervix, which are unable to hold the fetus in the uterine cavity. ICI can be congenital (in rare cases) and acquired (trauma of the cervical canal during artificial births, past births, forced expansion of the cervix - hysteroscopy, curettage of the endometrium).
  • Infectious diseases(chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, toxoplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, genital herpes and others) is the second most common cause of preterm labor. Any inflammatory process has a negative effect on the walls of the uterus, making them inferior, so pregnancy continues until the uterus is able to stretch, after which the body begins to get rid of the fetus.
  • Congenital anomalies in the structure of the uterus.
  • Overdistension of the uterus caused by polyhydramnios, multiple pregnancy, large fetus.
  • Pathology of the placentapremature aging, placental abruption or placenta previa can cause premature birth.
  • Preeclampsia- complication of pregnancy. In severe cases, in order to save a woman's life, doctors decide on premature delivery.
  • endocrinopathy- dysfunction of the endocrine glands (pituitary gland, thyroid gland, ovaries, adrenal glands).
  • Constant stress, poor material and living conditions, low social standard of living, hard physical work, either too young elderly age , alcohol, drug use, smoking can also induce early labor.

Consequences of premature birth

For a woman, the consequences are minimal, since preterm birth is no different from normal. Moreover, they pass almost without perineal tears due to the small size of the child.

For a child, the consequences of premature labor activity depend on the period of pregnancy at which he was born.

  • 22-28 weeks. In this case, babies with extremely low body weight (up to 1 kg) are born. The survival rate of these children is very low. They cannot breathe on their own. Some babies die within 3-4 days after birth, while others remain disabled.
  • 28-33 weeks. In this case, a child is born weighing up to 1.5 kg. He is also unable to breathe on his own, so he is placed in an incubator where he receives oxygen and therapy aimed at accelerating the maturation of the lungs. The prognosis is usually favorable.
  • 33-37 week. Children are born weighing more than 1.5 kg. Their lungs are still underdeveloped, however, the introduction of drugs for their maturation is no longer required. The survival rates of these children are very high. Premature birth at this time is the most favorable.

What to do if you are at risk of preterm birth

With the threat of premature birth, prolongation of pregnancy is possible, but on condition that the cervix is ​​​​closed and the amniotic fluid has not departed. Treatment takes place in a hospital, the duration of which can range from several days to months, and in some cases until the birth itself.

First of all, during contractions, a woman is prescribed drugs that help reduce the tone of the uterus. First, the drug is administered intravenously, and when the contractions stop, the woman will take it in the form of tablets up to the 37th week of pregnancy.

At the second stage of treatment, the doctor identifies and tries to eliminate the cause of premature birth. If an infection is detected, the pregnant woman is prescribed antibacterial drugs. With the development of isthmic-cervical insufficiency for up to 28 weeks, sutures are applied to the cervix, which will prevent the fetus from “falling out” of it ahead of time. The sutures will be applied under short-term intravenous anesthesia, which has minimal impact on the fetus. After 28 weeks, with inferiority of the cervix, a special Golgi ring is inserted into the vagina, which will support the fetus for a certain time.

Always with the threat of premature birth, a pregnant woman is prescribed a special hormonal drug that accelerates the maturation of the lungs in the fetus. The drug is prescribed for reinsurance, if the baby is still born ahead of time, then thanks to the drug he will be able to breathe on his own.

In addition, the treatment includes bed rest, refusal to eat indigestible, spicy, fatty foods.

most difficult situation is a leak amniotic fluid. If it was possible to stop labor activity for up to 34 weeks, while the condition of the fetus and mother is normal, there is no increase in body temperature and inflammatory changes in the blood, then it is possible to prolong the pregnancy with the obligatory prescription of an antibacterial drug to prevent infection. The fact is that when amniotic fluid leaks, the integrity of the fetal bladder is violated, and now any infection can penetrate inside. That is why taking an antibacterial agent is a vital measure.

What you should know about preterm birth

One of the most common and serious fears among pregnant women is premature birth. Even if the pregnancy proceeds calmly, the woman is healthy and does not belong to any risk group, the fear of facing such dangerous situation remains very strong. That is why it makes sense to familiarize yourself with the disturbing topic in advance, and not to think about it again. Unless, of course, God forbid, you do not happen to face her personally.

What is preterm birth?

Premature birth is called before the 38th week of pregnancy. For a long time they talked about premature birth only starting from the 28th week, before this period, the onset of labor was called a miscarriage. However, modern medical technologies allow nursing children born after 22 weeks and weighing more than 500 g. Therefore, already at this time, birth is called premature if the child was born alive and lived for at least 7 days.

Due to the fact that children born before 28 weeks are too difficult to leave, many doctors still say that preterm birth is delivery after 28 weeks, and before that it can only be a miscarriage. After all, not every hospital has expensive life-saving equipment for children weighing less than 1 kg.

However, no matter how you call the situation, but to keep the pregnancy or save the life of the baby, if the pregnancy could not be saved, the doctors will be in any case. Another thing is that without the appropriate equipment and drugs, as well as without the fervent desire of the mother, it is very difficult to do this. That is why it is very important to get to a specialized hospital, to a specialized maternity hospital.

Types of preterm birth

According to the gestational age, preterm births are divided into 3 types:

  1. Very early - premature birth at 22-27 weeks - the weight of the fetus during this period is usually from 500 to 1000 g;
  2. Early premature birth at 28-33 weeks - the weight of the newborn is from 1000 to 2000;
  3. Premature birth at 34-37 weeks - the weight of the child is about 2500 g.

Shared also threat premature birth, beginning and started premature birth. The types of treatment will depend on the type of premature birth, timing, as well as the general condition of the mother and child. In addition, the chance of a child's survival also largely depends on the period at which preterm birth occurs. However, in any case, the longer the baby is in the womb, the better for him. And every day for which the birth can be delayed will make him healthier and stronger.

premature birth statistics

As an encouraging moment for women who are overcome by the fear of preterm birth, we can cite general statistics on preterm birth. Note that only 6-8% of all births are preterm. Think about it, only 8 women out of 100 give birth prematurely, the rest carry their children safely.

37 weeks of pregnancy what happens to the baby and mother, harbingers of childbirth, the onset of labor pains

And of this number, only 5-7% falls on the terms from 22 to 27 weeks. Of course, these children are the most difficult to get out, but quite a few manage to save a life. A little more than 30% of premature babies are born between 27 and 33 weeks. It is already much easier to get out of such children, much more than half of them survive.

More than 50% of all preterm births occur at 34-37 weeks. Babies that appeared during this period differ from full-term ones only in size. All systems in their body are already sufficiently developed to exist independently in the outside world.

As you can see, the vast majority of women have absolutely nothing to worry about. For the rest, the main thing is to see a doctor in time. The sooner treatment is started, the greater the chance of a successful outcome.

Causes of preterm birth

What are the causes of premature birth? There are just a huge number of them. In the early stages, these are usually various inflammation and infectious diseases . Any inflammation in the uterine cavity affects the muscle tissue and prevents them from stretching. But as the baby grows and develops, the uterus must constantly stretch. If there are any obstacles to this, the uterus tries to throw off the fetus, and premature birth begins.

This is one of the reasons why doctors so strongly recommend testing for infectious diseases even before conception. V ideal, infections should be treated before pregnancy. However, if you have not done this in advance, then it's time to do it at the beginning of pregnancy.

In any case, throughout pregnancy, you need to be checked for infectious diseases. The sooner the disease is detected and treatment is started, the more likely it is to keep the pregnancy.

Preterm birth at 27-29 weeks and later most often begins due to pathology of the cervix, which is called isthmic-church insufficiency. With this pathology, the cervix is ​​too weak to hold a gradually increasing fetus. As a result, under his pressure, she begins to open up, which provokes the onset of premature birth.

Very rarely, CI is congenital. Most often, this pathology becomes a direct consequence of abortions and miscarriages, after which you have to scrape out the uterine cavity, or other artificial interventions in this area, when you have to expand the cervix with the help of special tools.

It follows from this that women after an abortion especially if it was done in the first pregnancy, after miscarriages and complex gynecological diseases the risk of preterm birth increases.

However, sometimes the cause of ICI lies in an excess of male sex hormones in a woman's body, which are produced in the mother's adrenal glands, and starting from a certain period in the child's body.

Infectious diseases and pathologies of the uterus are only the most common causes of premature birth. There are others. So, multiple or multiple pregnancy, during which there is an excessive stretching of the uterus, can also end in premature birth.

We must not forget about the pathologies of the development of the uterus. Infantilism, saddle or bicornuate uterus can also cause premature birth. Various endocrine diseases often lead to preterm birth, including diabetes or disorders in the thyroid gland.

In addition, it has been observed that the risk of preterm birth is higher in women from dysfunctional families, and hard work, permanent stress, smoking, alcohol, drugs.

If a woman has already had a preterm birth in the past, the likelihood of a recurrence of the situation increases in subsequent pregnancies.

As you can see, there are a lot of reasons. However, even if you have noticed one or more signs, this does not mean that you will certainly give birth prematurely. In most cases, as you already remember, women manage to carry the child to the end of pregnancy. Moreover, if you know about all your problems, then the doctors will monitor your condition and will certainly be able to prevent an undesirable situation.

Symptoms of preterm labor

As mentioned above, than longer baby is in the womb, the more viable and healthy he will be born. It follows from this that it is very important to provide timely assistance to a woman who has begun childbirth, and, if possible, stop them. So, it is very important to consult a doctor in time. And for this you need to know the symptoms of premature birth.

It is really possible to stop the process, but only if we are talking about threatening and beginning childbirth. In the event that labor has already begun, and the cervix has begun to open, then it is impossible to stop childbirth. It remains only to carefully hold them and try to save the baby.

Signs of preterm labor are very important to know. Threatened preterm birth make themselves felt by pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. The uterus is in good shape, which makes the stomach hard. However, the cervix does not open.

Incipient preterm labor accompanied by cramping contractions of the uterus, a rhythmic increase in the tone of the uterus. In fact, these are already full-fledged fights. In this case, the cervix begins to shorten and open. Quite often in this case there is an outpouring of amniotic fluid.

How does preterm labor begin? In terms of symptoms, they practically do not differ from the usual ones, although they are often accompanied by various complications: weak or, on the contrary, excessive labor activity, placental abruption and bleeding. Preterm births often take much less time than regular births.

Treatment for threatened preterm birth

Finding the symptoms of premature birth, the first step is to call an ambulance. Many women have a desire to get to the hospital on their own, but it is better to refrain from this. Extra movements and loads can speed up the process of childbirth, and in a car or taxi there simply will not be the necessary drugs and equipment.

In addition, if preterm labor begins early, it is very important to get into a maternity hospital that specializes specifically in such complications. In this case, the hospital will have not only equipment and drugs that help maintain pregnancy, but also everything that is necessary for nursing premature babies.

After calling the ambulance, it is best to take a sedative, such as valerian or motherwort. An antispasmodic will not hurt either, as a rule, in any house there is a nosh-pa. You need to take 2 tablets at once. After that, you need to lie down and wait for the arrival of the doctor. Talk to your baby, promise that everything will be fine. Such communication usually calms the woman.

After arriving at the hospital, the pregnant woman will first be examined, including on the gynecological chair, to clarify the situation. Is it really a preterm birth? What is the condition of the cervix and so on.

Treatment of the threat of preterm labor and incipient preterm labor, or rather their stop, begins with the appointment drugs that reduce the tone of the uterus, for example, patrusiten or genipral. While the situation remains unstable, drugs are administered intravenously. After the condition of the pregnant woman has stabilized, the injections are replaced with tablets, and they are kept up to 37 weeks, that is, until the term allows the birth to be considered full-term.

Raising customs duties on foreign cars prematurely

Can't do without sedatives. It is very important to normalize the psychological state of a woman. A stressful situation contributes to the development of premature birth, and fear for the health of the baby is a very strong stress. A sedative will help break this vicious cycle.

The next stage of treatment depends on what caused the situation. That is, if a woman has an infection, then she will be prescribed a course of antibiotics. By the way, they will also be prescribed if, for up to 33 weeks, the amniotic fluid leaves or begins to leak, and the child remains defenseless against all infections that the mother comes into contact with, a course of antibiotics is simply necessary. If the amniotic fluid leaves at 34 weeks, premature birth will no longer be stopped.

If we are talking about ICI, then the treatment will also depend on the term. Up to 28 weeks impose suture on the cervix to prevent it from dilating and keep the pregnancy going. The operation is performed under local, very short-term anesthesia.

For more later dates put on the cervix golgi ring, which tightens the neck, and performs the same function as the seams.

Another drug that is sure to be prescribed to a pregnant woman in case of premature birth is dexamethasone. This drug does not contribute to the preservation of pregnancy, its task is to make the child more viable. The fact is that the biggest problem that makes it difficult to save the life of premature babies is that their lungs are underdeveloped.

In the lungs of children up to 37 weeks, there is too little of a special substance - surfactant. It should cover the entire inner surface of the alveoli and prevent them from collapsing during breathing. The hormone contained in dexamethasone promotes the accumulation of surfactant. If necessary, the same drug is administered to newly born children.

However, not in all cases, doctors will by all means try to keep the pregnancy. In some cases, when the situation threatens the life of the mother or child, obstetricians will not only stop the course of childbirth, but, on the contrary, will stimulate them. This is done in severe forms of preeclampsia, exacerbation of chronic diseases of the internal organs of a woman. With the outpouring of amniotic fluid after 34 weeks, there is also no need to maintain pregnancy.

Management of preterm birth

The management of preterm labor requires a special approach: more careful and attentive. Particular attention is paid to anesthesia. It is equally important to constantly monitor the condition of the mother and fetus, as the situation predisposes to various complications.

Effects of preterm birth on mother and baby

What are the consequences of preterm birth? For mother the consequences will be minimal. By and large, different from normal childbirth Little. Moreover, due to the small size of the child, perineal tears are less likely to occur. In some cases, a woman is still detained in the hospital, but, as a rule, this is due to the condition of the baby.

However, she will still need to undergo an examination to more accurately establish the causes of the incident, as well as prescribe treatment to prevent a recurrence of the situation.

The next pregnancy after premature birth, the woman will be under constant medical supervision. Especially at critical times. Naturally, the period at which premature birth began last time will be equated to the critical one.

Moreover, timing is considered critical.:

  • 2-3 weeks, when the attachment of the fetal egg occurs;
  • 4-12 weeks, at this time the placenta is formed;
  • 18-22 weeks, at this time the most intensive growth of the uterus occurs.

You also need to be more careful on days when menstruation was supposed to be on the calendar.

For a child the consequences of premature birth will be more difficult, although much depends on how long the baby was born.

If a baby is born before 28 weeks of gestation, he will most likely be transferred immediately to a specialized hospital, where there will be all the necessary facilities to take good care of him.

This does not mean that a mother cannot see her child. Most likely, she will be allowed to see him, and if the baby’s condition allows, they will be allowed to feed and change diapers. In any case, the child really needs mother's love and care.

Babies born between 28 and 34 weeks of gestation are more viable and can get by with an intensive care unit in a conventional maternity hospital.

After 34 weeks, the baby's organs are already developed enough to exist in the outside world. He can already breathe, eat, digest food and remove waste products. The only problem of premature babies at this time is insufficient weight. In this case, the child can stay with the mother in a regular ward.

In all three cases, the mother and relatives will have to spend a lot of time and effort caring for a premature baby. However, the body of young children is very flexible, and most importantly, it is still developing, which means that over time the child will fully recover, and will not be any different from other children.

Prevention of preterm birth

How to avoid preterm birth? Prevention, as you know, is always better treatment. In order to minimize the risk of preterm birth, it is necessary to take care of some very important points even before the start of pregnancy:

  1. Undergo a full medical examination, during which all chronic diseases, individual characteristics of the body and uterus, as well as the presence of infections will be identified. As a result, all infections and inflammations will be treated in advance, and all chronic diseases and body characteristics will be known to doctors even before conception, which means they will be taken into account during pregnancy;
  2. Timely register with the antenatal clinic, as well as tell the doctor in detail about all your diseases and characteristics, show medical documents - in general, inform the doctor as fully as possible about your state of health;
  3. Avoid contact with contagious patients, in order to avoid infection already during pregnancy;
  4. Avoid exorbitant physical exertion, and also try to reduce the number of stressful situations as much as possible. If a woman has a difficult and nervous profession, or the situation at home is stressful, it makes sense to take sedatives throughout pregnancy. Naturally, after consulting with your doctor;
  5. Go through everything regularly necessary research, including tests for viruses and infections, ultrasound, KGT and so on;
  6. Carefully monitor your condition before and during pregnancy.

All these measures will minimize the risk of preterm birth. However, the main thing is to remember that no matter what week the premature birth begins, at 25, 30, 35 ... doctors will do everything possible to save the life and health of the child and mother. Well, your task is to follow the recommendations of doctors and be as nervous as possible.

Some women try to delay the moment of hospitalization as much as possible. They can be understood: who wants to hang around in the hospital when you can spend a little more at home? However, it is better to go to the hospital in a timely manner and start treatment.

Remember that you are risking not only your condition, but also the life of your child. If the situation stabilizes, the doctors themselves will let you go home, because they also understand that it will be easier and calmer for you at home.

Parents of babies who were born prematurely are forced to face various problems, including the difficulties of nursing crumbs in the hospital and creating the necessary conditions at home, establishing breastfeeding or choosing the right mixture, regular visits to the doctor and worries about the future health of the little one. However, they must always remember that with increased attention to the baby and proper care they will be able to help the baby “catch up” with their peers faster and grow up a healthy and cheerful baby, which is confirmed by the popular “Before and After” photos.

You can see more of these photos in the photo gallery at the end of the article.

Which baby is considered premature?

Official medicine classifies babies as premature if they were born at a gestational age of less than 37 weeks. Such children have lower growth and weight indicators, and the organs are immature.

A premature baby most of all needs the care and love of parents


Factors causing early labor due date, think:

  • Neglect of medical support of pregnancy.
  • Presence of bad habits in a pregnant woman.
  • Inadequate or unbalanced nutrition of a woman during gestation.
  • Age future mother or the future father is under 18 and over 35 years old.
  • Work of a pregnant woman in harmful conditions.
  • Low weight pregnant (less than 48 kg).
  • Living the expectant mother in poor living conditions.
  • Bearing in an unfavorable psychological environment.

Difficult working conditions and unfavorable environment can provoke premature birth

Modern medicine is able to nurse babies weighing less than 1 kilogram

Classification of prematurity

The division into degrees of prematurity is based on the gestational age at which the baby was born, as well as on such physical parameters of the little one as weight and body length. There are such degrees of prematurity:

  • the first- the baby is born at 36-37 weeks of gestation with body weight from 2 to 2.5 kg and body length from 41 to 45 cm.
  • second- the baby appears at a period of 32 to 35 weeks, his body weight is less than 2 kg, but more than 1.5 kg, and body length - from 36 to 40 cm.
  • Third- the baby is born at 28-31 weeks of gestation with weight from 1 to 1.5 kg and body length from 30 to 35 cm.
  • fourth- a baby is born before 28 weeks of gestation with a weight less than one kilogram and body length less than 30 cm.



Compared to term babies, preterm babies differ in:

  • Thinner skin.
  • Less or no subcutaneous fat.
  • big size head in relation to the body.
  • Large belly and low belly button.
  • Unclosed small fontanel.
  • Very soft ears.
  • Thin nails that may not completely cover the phalanges of the fingers.
  • Open genital slit in baby girls.
  • The testicles that did not have time to descend into the scrotum in boys.
  • Later falling off of the umbilical cord.

These signs are more pronounced the higher the degree of prematurity, and in infants with the first or second degree, many of them may be absent.

The plate of the nail in a premature baby after birth is almost invisible

Anatomical and physiological features

The functioning of the organ systems of a prematurely born baby is affected by the degree of prematurity, because the smaller the fetus was in the mother's womb, the more its organs did not have time to form to a state that allows them to quickly adapt to life after childbirth.

  • Breathing in premature babies is more frequent, than in term babies, which is associated with narrow upper airways, a more compliant chest, and a higher position of the diaphragm. In addition, the lungs of the little one are not mature enough, which leads to the frequent occurrence of pneumonia and apnea attacks.
  • Due to premature birth, the infant's circulatory system may not be fully developed. The result is various cardiac pathologies that worsen the condition of the crumbs. And since the vascular walls are more fragile and permeable, the baby often has hemorrhages.
  • The brain, even with deep prematurity, is fully formed, but the pathways in the last stages of pregnancy are still developing, therefore, in children born prematurely nerve impulses are poorly conducted to different tissues. If the baby is affected nervous system, his physical activity will be reduced, as will muscle tone. Reflexes in such a child may be depressed or absent altogether, tremor is often observed.

  • The mechanisms that regulate the production and expenditure of heat in the body are poorly developed in a premature baby. Prematurely born babies lose heat faster, and it is produced in their body with great difficulty.. In addition, due to underdeveloped and non-functioning sweat glands, babies can easily overheat.
  • The digestive tract of a premature baby also works worse than that of babies born at term. This is primarily due to insufficient production of enzymes and gastric juice, as well as dysbiosis of the intestinal microflora. In addition, the motor function of the gastrointestinal tract suffers due to impaired conduction of nerve impulses, which leads to a slowdown in the movement of food through the intestines.
  • Mineralization processes continue in the bones of premature babies after childbirth, which is the reason for the additional appointment of calcium to babies. In such babies increased susceptibility to the development of rickets and dysplasia of the pelvic joints.
  • Due to immature kidney function, a premature baby quickly shows signs of dehydration or swelling if care for the baby is inadequate.
  • Endocrine system with prematurity, it works defectively, which is why hormones are secreted in insufficient quantities, and the glands are quickly depleted.

It is important for babies born prematurely to maintain an optimal temperature. environment

Consequences of prematurity and viability

The survival rate of premature babies depends on the gestational age and the reasons that triggered the birth. If those born at 23 weeks survive only in 20-40% of cases, then babies with a gestation period of 24-26 weeks survive in 50-70% of cases, and the survival rate of children whose development period is more than 27 weeks exceeds 90%.

Babies whose birth occurred earlier than expected, gain weight and grow in length very intensively. Many of them catch up with full-term peers in these indicators by the age of 1-2, but there are babies, the difference between which with their peers is smoothed out only by the age of 5-6.

Anemia in prematurity develops more rapidly. The risk of sepsis and purulent infections of the bones, intestines, or meninges in premature babies is increased. At an older age, children born prematurely are more likely to have neurological pathologies, problems with vision or hearing, frequent SARS, and problems with the genitals.

Jaundice in premature babies, it is more pronounced and lasts longer. This physiological condition, resulting from the breakdown of fetal hemoglobin, usually resolves by 3 weeks of age, but in many preterm infants requires treatment, which is predominantly phototherapy.

Usually, yellowness of the skin disappears by the end of the first month of a child's life.

extreme prematurity

This is the name given to the condition of babies weighing less than 1 kilogram. They are born in less than 5% of cases of prematurity, often cannot breathe on their own and require artificial and medical support. Even if such babies are nursed, the percentage of disability and the appearance of various complications in these children is very high.

Deep prematurity

This condition is noted in infants, whose body weight during preterm birth is 1-1.5 kg. To get out of these babies, you need to use mechanical ventilation, give them oxygen, inject food into a vein and through a tube. In order for the baby to grow and develop faster, he is given amino acids, glucose, hormonal agents and other substances.

7 months

At this stage of pregnancy, babies weighing 1.5-2 kg are born, but most of them cannot function independently. The little ones are placed in incubators with the right temperature and humidity, they undergo the necessary examinations and provide medical support. After gaining weight up to 1.7 kg, the baby is transferred to a heated crib. When the child gains weight up to 2 kg, he no longer needs thermal support.

8 months

Babies born at this time, as a rule, weigh 2-2.5 kg, can suckle and breathe on their own. They have an increased risk of apnea attacks, so the babies are observed in the hospital for some time, but in the absence of complications and rapid weight gain to normal, the baby is sent home with new parents.

How premature babies live and develop after birth in modern perinatal centers is described in the video:

Clinical examination

Premature babies discharged home should be constantly monitored by a pediatrician.

Measurements and examinations during the first month after discharge are carried out once a week, then up to 6 months of age - once every two weeks, and from 6 months to a year - monthly. The baby is prescribed examinations by a surgeon, neurologist, cardiologist, orthopedist and ophthalmologist, and at the age older than a year- A psychiatrist and a speech pathologist.

With what weight are they discharged?

As a rule, a mother returns home with a newborn baby after the weight of the crumbs has increased to at least 2 kg. Also, for discharge, it is important that the baby has no complications, thermoregulation is established and the baby does not need support for the heart and breathing.

Children born prematurely are under special control of the majority of narrow specialists.

Features of care

Babies born prematurely require special care. They are gradually nursed with the help of neonatologists and pediatricians, first in the maternity hospital, then in the hospital, and then at home under the supervision of specialists. The most important components of caring for a baby:

  • Ensure optimal temperature and humidity in the room.
  • Conduct rational treatment.
  • Ensure adequate feeding needs.
  • Make contact with the mother using the kangaroo method.
  • After discharge, limit contact with strangers.
  • Bathe and walk with the baby after the permission of the doctor.
  • Perform gymnastics with the baby and conduct massage courses after the permission of the pediatrician.

A few tips on how to avoid problems in the development of babies born prematurely are described in the video:

What to do if there are warning signs?

If something worries the mother, she should definitely seek medical help. You will need a specialist for:

  • Unwillingness of the child to suckle the breast or eat from a bottle.
  • Attacks of vomiting.
  • Prolonged jaundice.
  • Constant loud crying.
  • Stop breathing.
  • Strong pallor.
  • Painful reaction of a child to sounds, sights or touches over the age of 1.5 months.
  • Lack of reciprocal gaze at the age of more than 2 months.

Any of the following symptoms is a reason to seek immediate medical attention

Vaccination: when should you get vaccinated?

It is permissible to vaccinate a premature baby only when the baby is strong enough and its body weight increases.

BCG vaccination in the maternity hospital for children weighing less than 2 kg is not done. It is indicated for weight gain up to 2500 g, and if there are contraindications, it can be postponed for 6-12 months. The timing of the start of the introduction of other vaccines should be determined by the pediatrician, taking into account the health and development of the little one.

The schedule of vaccinations for premature babies is compiled by a pediatrician individually

E. Komarovsky's opinion

As you know, a popular pediatrician recommends raising children in the first year of life so that the kids do not overheat. Komarovsky always focuses on frequent ventilation, air humidification up to 50-70% in the nursery and maintaining the temperature in the room no higher than + 22 ° C.

However, for premature babies, his recommendations change significantly. Komarovsky supports his colleagues in the opinion that thermoregulation in such babies is poorly developed, therefore, in his opinion, a higher air temperature in the room immediately after discharge (not lower than + 25 ° C), in his opinion, is a necessity.

Until the baby gains weight up to 3000 g, and his age is not 9 months after conception, all extreme experiments (in this case, lowering the air temperature to the recommended values ​​​​for full-term babies by Komarovsky) are prohibited.

  • You should not look for someone to blame for the fact that the baby was born prematurely, it is better to focus on current problems and help the baby adapt to a new life by supporting other family members.
  • Try to communicate more with the baby as soon as the doctor allows you to take the baby in your arms. Be aware of the high need of premature babies for close bodily contact with their parents. This will help the baby gain weight faster and accelerate mental development.
  • Take photos and keep a diary of your little one's life. In the future, it will be an interesting family value.
  • Remember that every baby develops individually, therefore, do not compare a prematurely born baby with either other premature babies or babies born at term.
  • Ask the doctors about all the points of interest, ask to clarify the terms and explain what diagnoses were made to the baby. This will help you manage your growing baby's schedule, care, and activities after discharge.

In most cases, premature babies become healthy and full-fledged children.

Photo "Before and after"

The larger the mother's belly becomes, and the closer the birth, the more often it is quite difficult for a woman to calculate: and the 28th week of pregnancy, how many months is it? Considering the obstetric months, in which the month is 28 days, we can calculate: the 28th week of pregnancy falls on the 7th month of pregnancy. This is the first month of the third trimester, a month that brings the woman even closer to the long-awaited meeting with the baby growing in her tummy.


Usually, an ultrasound at the 28th week of pregnancy is not required - except for some special indications. The second scheduled ultrasound is already over, and the time of the third scheduled ultrasound has not yet come - it expects a woman at 32 weeks of pregnancy. Although theoretically, ultrasound at 28 weeks of gestation is still able to show the baby, the location and degree of maturity of the placenta, the umbilical cord. Here are just the readings displayed on the monitor, it is very difficult for mommy to make out: it is impossible to see the baby in full. And how things are going with the development of the baby, whether everything in this case corresponds to the norm, can only be determined by the doctor.

Tests at 28 weeks pregnant

But tests at the 28th week of pregnancy may be needed - both "traditional" (urinalysis, clinical blood test), and a blood test for sugar, as well as an analysis for antibodies. The latter becomes a necessity if a negative Rh factor is found in the expectant mother: such an analysis will help to establish whether an Rh conflict is forming and whether certain complications of pregnancy and childbirth will be associated with this. If necessary, a woman will be given a special drug that will avoid the synthesis of antibodies to the blood of the fetus in the mother's body.

Starting from the 28th week of pregnancy and up to childbirth, a woman will have to see a gynecologist more often: 2 times a month, passing urine for analysis with each trip, and blood if indicated. Now it is extremely important to control the level of iron in the body of pregnancy in order to avoid the development of anemia, as well as constant measurements of blood sugar levels, an increase in which indicates the likelihood of developing diabetes in pregnant women.


The seventh month is already quite a “respectable period”, therefore it is not surprising that the stomach at the 28th week of pregnancy is already greatly enlarged, and the mother’s figure is becoming more and more rounded “shapes”. Due to the constant growth of the abdomen and the tension of the skin on it, the abdomen begins to itch and itch, and with excessive stretching, it becomes covered with purple stripes, stretch marks. Eliminating stretch marks that have already appeared is not an easy task, it is much easier to avoid their appearance. To do this, today there are many different cosmetics in the form of creams, gels for stretch marks for pregnant women. As a prophylactic for the appearance of stretch marks, they are excellent and vegetable oils- olive, almond, citrus.


The uterus also increases significantly by this time - the uterus is located 8 cm above the navel and 28 cm above the pubic joint. And this is far from the end: the uterus will continue to grow as the baby grows in it - until the very birth. But already now, without “waiting” for the appointed term of childbirth, the uterus can periodically contract slightly and painlessly. If from time to time mommy feels that the uterus at the 28th week of pregnancy is easily tense, you should not be scared: if uterine contractions do not cause severe pain, are not long and irregular, are not accompanied by secretions, which means that there are so-called false or training contractions. Through such contractions, the uterus “learns” to contract at 28 weeks of gestation and prepares for the upcoming birth.

Delivery at 28 weeks pregnant

Starting from the 28th week of pregnancy, if suddenly, for some reason, the baby decides to leave the mother's womb ahead of time, the fetus is considered viable, and its actual birth is considered premature birth. Childbirth at the 28th week of pregnancy for a baby can end in a completely successful outcome: the probability of his survival is very, very high. True, the baby had a chance to survive, even if he had been born even more early term, but only at the 28th week of pregnancy, these chances increase even more. Of course, this will require special equipment, equipment, and careful care of the baby.

But for mommy, premature birth at the 28th week of pregnancy, which is accepted as urgent, can be overshadowed by very common complications. These include early and premature discharge of water, ruptures of the cervix, weak labor activity, unpreparedness of the birth canal, bleeding in the birth and postpartum period.


Normally, the fetus at the 28th week of pregnancy continues to improve, preparing every day to meet the new world. The baby already weighs a kilogram, and sometimes more, its height is about 38-38.5 cm. Bone tissue is strengthened at an active pace, pulmonary alveoli are formed, which will give the baby the ability to breathe on its own. The baby's brain is also developing - grooves and convolutions are gradually formed on it, the formation of which began a little earlier.

The weight of the baby is gaining due to the formation of subcutaneous tissue, which also contributes to the gradual smoothing of the skin of the baby. As the fetus grows at the 28th week of pregnancy, it fills the uterine cavity more and more, there is less room for the baby to move. But his activity is still high: the baby has developed his own sleep and wakefulness regimen, and during the hours of activity he noticeably makes his mother aware of himself.

Feelings at 28 weeks pregnant

This is expressed in the fact that a woman more and more feels the movements of the crumbs in herself. It is these sensations at the 28th week of pregnancy - the sensations of regular movements and periodic activity of the fetus - that are very important for controlling the normal state of the baby.

Doctors recommend carefully monitoring the activity of the baby, fixing his movements in the morning and evening. True, they warn: in the evening, the movements of the crumbs can be much more noticeable - during the day he often remains calm, pacified by motion sickness from the movements and movements of mommy. But as soon as a woman sits down or lies down in bed in the evening, preparing for a night's rest, how - rrraz! The baby begins to actively move, somersault and kick in the tummy, preventing the mother from falling asleep.

The movements of the baby can also increase in response to the consumption of food by the mother - along with an increase in the level of glucose in the body of the pregnant woman. Also, with active movements, the baby reacts to an increase in adrenaline in the mother's blood - due to stress or emotional arousal. In general, the baby makes about 10 movements for 10 minutes. However, this does not mean that all the babies in the mother’s tummy should move with just such activity: each baby is unique, some are more “temperamental”, some are less. So, there is no cause for concern, even if the baby moves up to 10 times in an hour. But if the movements are felt even less often, it is worth worrying. If the movements of the baby are not felt throughout the day, a visit to the doctor for advice should follow immediately.


The seventh month is a very "noticeable" month of pregnancy for a woman. So, due to the increasing changes that the body undergoes as the baby grows and the uterus enlarges, a woman may well experience certain pains at the 28th week of pregnancy. We are talking, first of all, about painful sensations in the lumbar region, back - as a result of softening of the supporting ligaments and joints, a shift in the center of gravity due to the growth of the abdomen.

Pain at the 28th week of pregnancy in the lower back, similar to the pain of radiculitis, which spreads along the thigh and even "gets" to the knee and ankle, due to the pressure of the growing uterus on the sciatic nerve. Usually such pains arise "spontaneously", are not particularly strong and quite tolerable, and they are more and more aching in nature. But when a sharp and severe, cramping pain in the lower back appears, you should immediately call a doctor - such symptoms may indicate a high probability of premature birth.

You should also listen to the pain that occurs in the abdomen. So, a sharp and quickly subsiding pain in the hypochondrium can periodically occur - this is the baby digging. If the pain in the hypochondrium is dull, occurs a few hours after eating and is accompanied by a feeling of pulling the stomach, nausea, bitter belching, you should definitely be examined by a doctor for possible cholelithiasis cholecystitis.

Of particular note is the issue of the development of edema, which become frequent companions of pregnancy. Many future mothers begin to "swell" to one degree or another, sometimes noticing that their favorite shoes have become small, and their face becomes puffy. However, with a significant intensity of swelling, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible: severe swelling becomes the first sign of dropsy and the further development of a dangerous complication of pregnancy - late preeclampsia. When edema occurs, special care should be taken to control weight, reduce fluid intake to avoid its accumulation in the body, and also adjust the diet. So, the amount of liquid consumed per day should be reduced to 1.5 liters (including soups, milk, fruits). To avoid thirst, it is necessary to completely abandon the foods that provoke it - smoked meats, fried and spicy foods, concentrated broths, and significantly limit the use of salt. It also becomes necessary to control the emptying Bladder: according to the norm, the amount of urine released during the day should exceed the amount of liquid consumed during the same time.


As for weight, it is believed that, starting from the seventh month, mommy should gain about 50 g per day and about 300 g (in extreme cases, 500 g) weekly. Normally, weight at 28 weeks of gestation can increase from 8 to 10.5 kg. And further weight gain must be monitored very carefully, weighing yourself every morning and strictly adhering to the indicated diet.


Nutrition at the 28th week of pregnancy must necessarily be built in such a way as to provide the small organism growing in the womb with all the necessary nutrients and beneficial substances. Doctors, speaking about nutrition during the bearing of a baby, unanimously agree on one thing: a special diet, built taking into account the needs of the pregnant woman and the baby inside her, can facilitate the course of pregnancy and ensure normal childbirth.

An important aspect is the diet: given that weight gain accelerates from the 28th week of pregnancy, you should eat 5-6 times a day in small portions, choosing healthy and high-quality foods. In general, the total number of calories received per day for a pregnant woman at week 28 should be about 3 thousand units. Moreover, nutrition at the 28th week of pregnancy should be varied, the main amount of calories consumed should be in the first half of the day. After 19 hours, it is advisable not to eat at all, except that fermented milk products in the form of kefir or milk, apples or light vegetable salads are allowed.

A significant restriction of salt becomes mandatory in the third trimester of pregnancy. As mentioned above, salt leads to fluid retention in the mother's body, which, in turn, contributes to the development of edema.

Since rapid weight gain also includes the consumption of simple carbohydrates, it is necessary to cut back on foods containing them. These include confectionery, sweets, potatoes, white rice, chocolate, refined white flour products.

In addition to the fact that fast-digesting carbohydrates lead to rapid weight gain, they also cause an increase in the blood glucose level of a pregnant woman. A serious consequence of this can be the development of gestational diabetes in the mother, which can complicate not only the course of pregnancy, but also the process of childbirth.

Instead of foods containing "fast" carbohydrates, it is better to enrich the diet at 28 weeks of gestation with food that contains complex carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates are digested for a long time, bring a long feeling of satiety, do not cause a jump in glucose and normalize digestion. Contain complex carbohydrates foods such as whole grains, a variety of cereals, brown rice, corn, wholemeal bread. Vegetables and fruits, in turn, are rich in fiber - it also contributes to better saturation, improves intestinal motility, and has a beneficial effect on digestion.

Discharge at 28 weeks pregnant

The discharge at the 28th week of pregnancy retains its former character: normally, the discharge should be light or milky, of a uniform consistency and with a slightly sour smell. If suddenly the discharge at the 28th week of pregnancy changes color towards gray, green or yellow, is distinguished by the appearance of cheesy formations, clots of mucus or pus in them, is accompanied by itching and a burning sensation in the genital area, you should consult a doctor for the presence of an infection and decide on its scheme treatment.

Immediately call an ambulance in the presence of bleeding. So, spotting at the 28th week of pregnancy most often indicates a presentation or detachment of a normally located placenta. Bloody discharge in this case can have a different character: be insignificant or plentiful, spotting, brown or with a scarlet tint. In addition, spotting at 28 weeks of gestation may indicate an increased risk of preterm labor. Almost every situation in which spotting occurs is also accompanied by pulling pains in the abdomen. In any case, the intervention of physicians should follow on an emergency basis: if bleeding occurs, it is necessary to call an ambulance as soon as possible.

Also, suspicions in a pregnant woman should cause the appearance of watery discharge, which indicates leakage of amniotic fluid. Water can flow both noticeably and leak slightly. Be that as it may, in such a situation we will talk about a violation of the integrity of the fetal bladder, in connection with which the amniotic fluid flows out.


If future parents are concerned about the safety of physical intimacy while carrying a baby, then the answer will most likely please them. Indeed, according to experts, sex at the 28th week of pregnancy is not only not prohibited, but even shown, being one of the ways to get positive emotions, joy and pleasure, relaxation. Sex at the 28th week of pregnancy will not hurt the baby in any way, the main thing is to choose a comfortable position that will eliminate pressure on the mother's stomach. The only contraindication for having sex at this time may be a diagnosed threat of premature termination of pregnancy. In all other cases, parents can quite easily enjoy each other's closeness.

The degree of prematurity is determined by taking into account the number of weeks of pregnancy and the weight of the newborn.


It is impossible to determine exactly what problems await a premature baby in the future. Some develop no worse than ordinary children, others partially or greatly lag behind their peers.

The prognosis is strongly influenced by how early the baby is born.. Due to premature birth, the baby cannot reach the necessary development in the womb.

In addition to possible troubles at birth, the child faces consequences in the future life. Often they are accompanied by soreness and weakness. Depending on the degree of prematurity, disorders may occur that limit the ability to live and develop without the help of doctors:

These disorders can cause a number of complications that require rapid diagnosis and timely assistance:

  • open ductus arteriosus (in normal children, it closes at the time of birth);
  • mental retardation, intracranial hemorrhage, necrotizing enterocolitis, etc.

Children born at 24-26 weeks are more prone to delayed motor and mental development . Cerebral palsy often occurs. Babies born at less than 28 weeks are often subject to retinopathy (a disease that affects the eyesight).

Most of the psychomotor skills premature babies appears with a delay, which is more often expressed in children born weighing less than 1500 grams.

Indicators of psychomotor development compare more quickly with full-term children than measures of weight and height. For more effective development, an individual set of classes is needed (gymnastics, speech, massages, etc.).

7 months (27-31 weeks)

On the this period(27-31 weeks) babies weigh 1500-2000 grams, most of them also need help.

A child of 7 months is in an incubator with a certain humidity and temperature, where necessary tests and medical support is provided.

When the baby reaches a weight of 1700 grams, he is transferred to a specially heated bed. With a weight of 2000 grams, the child does not need special conditions.

Seven-month-old babies who are born prematurely can expect problems such as:

  • nutritional deficiencies, stunted growth, sepsis;
  • distress syndrome, hemolytic diseases;
  • impaired cerebral status, nuclear jaundice, etc.

6 months (22-26 weeks)

Premature babies born at 6 months usually weigh between 1 and 1.5 kilograms.

To care for a 6-month-old child, a ventilator is used, oxygen is given artificially, nutrition is administered using a probe and into a vein.

For the speedy development, hormonal preparations, amino acids, glucose, etc. are introduced.

Six-month-old babies who are born prematurely can expect problems such as:

  • frequent somatic disorders;
  • deformations and congenital deviations in development;
  • diseases of the respiratory and hematopoietic organs;
  • diseases of the endocrine and digestive systems, impaired metabolism.

5 months (18-21 weeks)

Baby weighs less than 1000 grams, such premature babies are born in less than 5% of all cases. They often require medical attention and artificial respiration support.

Even with careful nursing, many of them become disabled and have a large number of complications.

Five-month-old babies born prematurely can expect problems such as:

  • endocrine diseases, eating disorders, rickets;
  • malnutrition, acute bronchitis, pneumonia;
  • diseases of the respiratory system, circulatory system.

We watch a video about what chances a premature baby has to mature, as well as the consequences of premature birth:

Problems in the future

If the newborn is underweight, it will normalize when it reaches 1-2 years. mental health will develop normally in 2-3 years, in some cases - in 5-6 years.