
Modern speech holiday in a correctional school. Speech therapy holiday "journey to the city of beautiful speech". Children read poetry


Speech therapy matinee"Holiday of correct speech" for students of grades 1 - 4 at school of the 8th type.

OBJECTIVES: To educate the speech and cognitive activity of students

Tasks: To consolidate the skills of the delivered sounds;

    to activate the skills of self-control over speech;

develop memory, thinking, attention;

    activation of mental activity, development of the ability to solve logical problems;

    visual and auditory perception, reading technique;

    vocabulary enrichment;

    develop interest in speech therapy.

Event progress.

The hall is decorated.

Leading: Hello, dear children, teachers, educators, parents. The school year is coming to an end, and the holidays will soon begin. Today we will show what we have learned this year. Let's go to an interesting country. As it is called, we will find out when we compose a word.

DEFORMED WORD (makes 1 student) - SCHOOL

We read in chorus.

Leading: Queens live in this country - teachers and children - students. Teachers teach you to write, read, speak clearly, correctly, and beautifully.

The song "Teach at school" sounds.

2 students leave.

1st student 2nd student

Who wants to talk, we will talk

He must pronounce and we will pronounce

Everything is right and clear, so right and clear,

For everyone to understand

For everyone to understand

Host: We pronounce the sounds clearly, listen carefully. Game "Remember, repeat"





game "Third extra".

Speech therapist says three words and throws a ball to one of the children; the child must catch the ball, say an extra word and throw the ball.

Shorts - T-shirt - Ball - SkirtJacket - apple - fur coat - blousecabbage - fork - spoon - cupmagpie-daw-fox-rook

Dramatization: "Geese"

There are 2 students from class 1.

1st student: 2 cheerful geese lived with granny,

2nd student: One is gray, the other is white

Together: Two merry geese

A girl dressed as a grandmother comes out.

Granny: Washing the geese paws in a puddle near the groove (2 boys in geese masks)

geese, geese

Geese (answer) ha-ha-ha

Grandma: Do you want to eat?

Geese: yes yes yes

Granny: Well, fly

Geese: The gray wolf under the mountain does not let us go home.

Grandma: Oh, screaming grandma! Oh, the geese are gone. One gray, the other white - 2 funny geese.

Host: Guys, everyone has their own house where they live. Both in humans, and in animals, and in

birds. Only the house is called by different names.

What is the name of the animal house? - mink.

What is the name of the bird house? - nest.

Let's help the geese get home.

And so that they can return, you must correctly complete the task:

    Images : magpie swallow sparrow

Cards: magpie swallow sparrow titmouse

Sign the names of the birds, choose the right name.

Call it in one word. - Birds.

What question does the word "birds" answer?

Match the actions of objects to the word birds. (fly, sing, chirp)

2nd task.

How to call in one word? - answer

What are these animals? – wild

    A child comes out dressed in the clothes of a watchman: a hat, a gun, a drum

To prevent the wolf from coming back and eating our geese, we have a watchman who guards the house.

Under the drum roll comes the watchman

R - r - r

I serve the owner, I guard the gate!

If a thief does not pass through the gate, let him climb through the fence!


Under the drum roll goes away.

3 Our pictures are mixed up. Expand, explain.

What is the name of the clothes that we will wear in the summer? -summer

Name clothes with R sound.

The game "Who will pick up more words" Let's take a look at who's wearing what. Answer my questions. Pictures will help you with this.

What can be connected?

What can be tied?

What can you wear?

What can be worn?

What can be fastened?

Well done.

Sounds surround us everywhere: a bell rings for a lesson, a crow cries, a car drives, etc.

1st student: There are many sounds in the world:

The rustle of leaves, the splash of waves,

And there are speech sounds,

We must know them for sure.

2- student: The sounds in the word disappear,

They reappear.

The word itself is changed

They themselves change.

3- student: Daughter d disappeared in the word

T stood in this place.

It was a dock, it became a point

So the words change.

4 - student: Sounds are different: CONSONANTS AND VOWS

5- student: Friendly vowel with consonant

Put together a syllable.

Host: If the syllables stand side by side, words are obtained.

"Living syllables"

Children have syllables, Others read words.



1st student: The word is divided into parts,

Ah, what happiness!

Can every literate

Make a word out of parts.

2nd student: What kind of LI? What is MON?

There is no meaning in the words.

And as they say, the lemon will immediately become sour.

Clap the words game

We will separate them with the help of claps. How many parts.

How many times we clap our hands - so many syllables in a word.

shirt boots coat

socks dress boots

hat skirt shoes


The snow is melting, the stream is flowing. The sun warms up. When does it happen?

SPRING. We read, we divide into syllables.

Name spring words. The children are called.

Pictures are exhibited: spring, sun, grass, leaves, flowers, birds, butterflies.

Music sounds. Against the background of music

Let's make phrases from pictures and cards. (Heats, blooms, turns green, green, sing, flutter)

Substitute cards for pictures and read together.

And who will pick up more words for the word SUN?

They call.

I also want you to have more good grades and smile more often, especially to your mothers. You are their little sunshine.

You smile - mom smiles.

Music "From a smile to everyone brighter."

Let's smile at each other and end our holiday.

Did you like it?

The holiday is over.

Sections: Elementary School , speech therapy

Goals: Development of the emotional-volitional sphere of students; activation and enrichment of vocabulary, grammatical structure of speech; development of the ability to enter a certain image, imagine it, perform imitative movements.

The course of the holiday

Speech therapist:

Guys, do you like fairy tales?

And what fairy-tale characters did we meet?

With what words did all these fairy tales begin?

In order not to offend fairy tales,
Need to see them more
Read and draw them
Love them and play them.
Fairy tales will wean everyone to be angry,
And learn to have fun!
Be humble and kind
Be patient and smarter!

All the heroes of our fairy tales live in a fairyland, and they really want to get there, let's help them?

To do this, we must go through a fairy forest, in which many tasks and adventures await us. Well, let's go!

hello forest,
Dense forest,
Full of fairy tales and wonders!
Open everything, do not hide,
You see, we are ours.

- So, guys, we are walking along the path, and there are someone's footprints on it, in order to walk along them, you need to solve riddles.

(We raise each track, and there is a riddle on them).

Well done, guys, guessed all the riddles. Well, let's move on?

- What do we see, we have an apple tree in front of us, and what grows on an apple tree?

Are apples fruits or vegetables?

Where do apples grow?

Well done, you all know, but our apples are not simple, but magical. A task is written on each, you will go to the board one by one and perform various tasks.

(Children pick apples and complete tasks).

Who knows what I have?

This is a magic chest, and there are magical objects from fairy tales in it, you will go out one by one, without looking to get the object and guess what kind of magic object it is, and the teachers will help if you are at a loss.

(Children go out one at a time and without looking, they take out items from the box: an invisible hat, a wand - a lifesaver, a golden egg, a self-assembled tablecloth, a picture of a turnip, walking boots, a magic ball).

What is this on our path?

And these are two magic balls.

I need two people who will compete to see who can rewind the ball the fastest.

And in the ball are leaflets on which tongue twisters are written.

Guys, who knows what a tongue twister is?

This is a text that needs to be spoken as quickly as possible. So we'll see which of the participants will say the tongue twister faster and more correctly.

Borya has a screw. Vitya has a bandage.

Grandma bought Marusya beads.

What she does? That's right, she's crying, she doesn't want to let us through until we make her laugh. Let's show her our stories. Children of the 1st grade prepared the fairy tale “Ryaba the Hen”, and children of the 2nd grade prepared the fairy tale “Turnip”. (Staging of fairy tales).

Look, children, were we able to make Princess Nesmeyan laugh? Not? What else can we show her?

Let's sing her a song. Children of the 1st and 2nd grades sing the song "Gingerbread Man".


Along the path, along the path
Between the pines jump and jump.
Very fun, playful
The bun rolled.
He left his grandmother and left his grandfather,

Jump - lope bun, tasty, ruddy.
It looks like a pie with a little twist. (2 times).

He met a bear
On the path in the forest
The bear was very angry
He stamped his big paw!
You left your grandmother and you left your grandfather,
The naughty bun rolled, fell.

Chorus. (2 times).


Well done, guys, a good song, and now let's see if Princess Nesmeyana is smiling? Yes, and we can go further. And here is Dreamland in which fairy tale characters from all fairy tales live. We helped them pass all the tests, and in return they prepared sweet treats for us.

speech therapy holiday

"Journey to the City of Beautiful Speech" (Grades 1-4)


Equipment: multimedia presentation of the city of Beautiful speech, cubes with letters, pictures, pairs of words with different accents, costumes for dramatizations (clown noses, masks).

Lesson progress

1. Org. moment

2. A slide appears on the screenPlan of the city Beautiful speech.

This city beautiful speech(shows a map of the city, calling the streets to the children. Many children can read the names themselves). The main square of the city is the Square of Vowels, because vowel sounds are the most important in speech. We always rely on them in words. And here are the streets: Loud, Clear, Calm, Beautiful, Consolidated. All these are qualities of correct speech. And this is Pause Street. We know that there must be pauses (rest) in speech, non-stop speech is incomprehensible.

We're going on a trip. How are we going there? (By bus)

Board these comfortable sightseeing buses. (Each group gets into their own bus. The children sing “We are going, we are going, we are going to distant lands ....”)

Guys, in order to get to the City of Beautiful and correct speech, you need to complete the task. Go to the table with letters and take 10 letters. Your task is to make as many words as possible from them. Well done! And here is the city in front of us.

3. A slide with an image appears on the screenSquares of Vowels . At the command of the speech therapist, the children get off the buses.

Hello, you have arrived at the Square of Vowels.

Select cubes with letters representing vowel sounds. Name the letters, articulating correctly and clearly, and think of words that begin with these vowels.

4. SlideAccent Lock

The boy meets the children.

Oh, it's good that you've come... I've been sitting here all day. Completely confused. You need to pick up pictures for these words. The pictures are all different, but for some reason the words are the same:

mugs "zhki - mugs", for "mok-zamo" k, and "rice-iri" s, be "ki-squirrels". What kind of sticks are drawn ... I don’t understand anything?

5. SlidePause Street

The children are greeted by a girl.

Michael played football
And scored in the gate .... (goal)

I'm sitting almost crying
Very difficult .... (task)

Footsteps in the hallway
That calls everyone to the class ... (call)

Having fun Kolya, Lena -
It means... (change)

SLIDE Baba Yaga's hut

Look, guys, we came to the hut of Babka-Yozhka (slide show).

The children are moving.

Here is the hut of Babka-Yozhka.

Hut in a fabulous wilderness (children raise their hands up and connect them over their heads in the form of a roof)

She stands on chicken legs. (Stand on one leg, hands on the belt).

Kids know from fairy tales (they connect their palms at chest level and open them in the form of a book),

Babka-Yozhka lives in it (clap their hands).

She must be very bored (hands cupping her cheeks and shaking her head)

Alone in their hut ... (Children raise their hands and connect them above their heads in the form of a roof). Sits on the stoves, waiting for guests (squat, get up and look into the distance from under the arm)

And dryers are dipped in tea (with the tips of the thumbs of both hands they touch in turn the tips of the index, middle, ring and little fingers).

How you want to get into a fairy tale (stand on tiptoes, raise your hands up)

And visit Babka-Yozhka ... (They stand on one leg, hands on their belts).

To fly in plenty on the mortar (waving their arms like wings),

See chicken legs. (Hands on the belt, alternately pulled forward and put on the heel either the right or the left leg).

(Sound and Wicked Mistake run out to loud music)

Zvukovomor:- Now we will confuse these smart, but reasonable ones. It is not true that they know everything, they can do everything.

I am the great Soundmore!
Clear sounds - a rare thief.
If I only want
And I will swallow all the words!
I am the boss of all mistakes
Come on, everyone say: “Stash”, “Suba”, “Yba”, “Koska”, “Gut”
I'm not afraid of you anyway!

(Words with missing letters are written on the portable board. Children sign letters into words: kry - ka, but - ka, ro -, but -, sta -, sem-ya).

Evil Error:

Well, I'm an Evil Error
And I didn't come here for nothing.
And took my girlfriends
So that you have enough for everyone!
I took care of myself
There are a lot of words here (takes out the printed words on the poster)
Try it, read
Yes, tell me right
Well, I'll help you
And as it should, I'll tell you!

Holds a contest "Say it right ”.

Put the correct stress on the underlined words.

Love Winter. I'm waiting spring.
I plan board. I cut bark.
I see mountain. meet dawn.
aching back. Tochu saw.
Pasha earth. crumble grass.
building wall. ruble pine.

Zvukovomor: We couldn't do anything to you.

Wow, what all of you are, really, smart, but reasonable.

Evil Error:- If only we knew

They wouldn't get here!

Let's go better pick up, say hello, look for other children in other schools. (They leave).

7. SlideToropyzhek street.

The guys are met by the dwarf Toropyzhka.






8. SlideBreath Street

Speech therapist:

Looks like we blew a tire. Take a light breath, and exhaling, show how slowly the air comes out through a puncture in the tire (with the sound sh)

Let's take the pump and we will inflate the tire: [С-С-С]. We pronounce [С-С-С] as if we are inflating a tire.

You can give a signal to send. Bring clenched fists to your face, placing them in front of each other. As you exhale, slowly blow into the “pipe” (PF)

SLIDE Beautiful speech street

And now let's listen to our girls from grade 3 .They will tell you about one very difficult letter, and then you will answer what kind of letter it is.

The letter R is lost. Where?
On the tram, for example.
Or we did it yesterday
Didn't they take it from the yard?
Dropped in the deli
Didn't find it behind the door in the house?
Or hidden, check
In a sealed envelope?
Maybe a policeman
Bring us the letter R?
But Masha said loudly:
- Found our letter!
How simple is this:
A fish! Crayfish! River! Rocket!

I didn't get it
In conversation, the letter R.
No matter how hard I tried...
L instead of R.
Finally figured out
How to fix your speech
I composed a ditty
And I drink it all day.
“Early in the morning I woke up
Turned over three times
- Stop it! It's time to get up! -
My bed creaked."
Who wants, he will achieve:
He will correct his own speech!
Why is my sister laughing?
I speak negatively!

9. SlideTeatralnaya Square

We arrived at Theater Square. Let's show the prepared dramatizations. (Children in grades 1-2 act out poetic dialogues; 3-4 grades dialogues written in prose)

"Strange story"

Leading: I met a beetle in a dense forest, a pretty wasp.

1st child: Oh, what a fashionista, would you like to get to know each other?

2nd child: Dear Prochosius,

Well, it's a hundred pohoze?

You can't imagine

How do you sepel!

Leading: And the beautiful wasp flew into the sky.

1st child: Strange citizen, probably a foreigner!


Where are you going bear?
- To the city, to look at the Christmas tree!
- Yes, what do you need it for?
- New Year time to meet.
- Where will you put it?
- I'll take it to the forest, to my home!
Why didn't you cut it in the forest?
- It's a pity. I better bring it. (G. Vieru.)

Clown conversation.

Where did you buy, sir,
This red tomato?
- That's an impolite question!
This is my own nose! (S. Marshak.)

Did you dig a hole?
- Copal.
Did you fall into a hole?
- Fell.
Are you sitting in a hole?
- Sitting.
Are you waiting for the stairs?
- I'm waiting.
- A pit of cheese?
- Cheese.
- Like a head?
- Whole.
- So, alive?
- Alive.
- Well, I went home. (O. Grigoriev.)

It's a pity.

The bear cub Toptyzhka sat down near a pine tree, took out a honeycomb and began to suck it .. A little bear cub came up. He looked at Toptyzhka and asked:

Sweet Honey?

Wow, how sweet!

Shorty looked at the honeycomb and sighed:

Now, if they gave me a honeycomb ...

And what would you do?

I'd give you half.

Toptyzhka sucked on the honeycomb, licked the honey off his paws, and grumbled:

What is a pity?

It's a pity they didn't give you a cell.

Why are you sorry?

And you would give me half a hundred. And then I didn’t eat. (V. Biryukov)

Long neck.

Piglet (giraffe). Let's switch necks! I'll give you mine, and you give me yours.

Giraffe. Why do you want my neck?

Piglet. It will come in handy ... With a long neck in the cinema, you can see it from anywhere.

Giraffe. Why else?

Piglet. You can also get apples from tall trees.

Giraffe. Well, what else?

Piglet. Dictation in the classroom is easier to write off.

Giraffe. Uh, no! I need such a wonderful neck myself.

(According to M. Plyatskovsky.)

10. Summary of the lesson

A slide appears on the screen Plan of the city Beautiful speech.

We always speak beautifully.
Bold and slow!
Clearly, clearly speaking
Because we are not in a hurry!













THREE Magpies - Chatterers Chattered on the Hill










spruce: sum up the results of speech therapy work, demonstrate to parents the level of formation of language means in children.

Tasks for educational areas:

    Socialization- to cultivate love for the native language, the desire to speak correctly and beautifully; create an atmosphere of common interests and emotional mutual support; invite parents to participate in the holidays; educate children and parents interest in speech therapy classes.

    Physical education- develop fine motor skills.

    Health- save mental health children; create an emotionally favorable environment in the classroom.

    Communication- automate delivered sounds in all situations of speech, develop skills of self-control over speech; improve speech diction: work on clarity, clarity of pronunciation of words and phrases; improve correct speech; improve grammatical categories; to consolidate the skills of sound-letter analysis; activate creative abilities.

    Reading fiction - develop the ability to dramatize excerpts from works of art; pay attention to the expressive means of the language used by the author.

    Equipment: laptop, projector and other computer equipment; ball; two sets of signals (red, blue, green); individual cards for sound schemes; cubes with letters; badges for parents; a form for scoring; caps of captains, easels, subject pictures, prize tokens, costumes, diplomas, medals.

    Preparatory work: inventing mottos and team names; reading works for a theater competition; consultation for parents on the distinction between vowels and consonants of hard - soft, voiced - deaf, sound and syllabic analysis of words.

Event progress

Organizing time. (slide number 1).

Children under Shainsky's song "Game" enter the music room and sit down at the tables.

Speech therapist:

Each of us came into this world to do good, to hope, to love. Laugh, cry, but with all this, we must learn to speak.

Hello guys and dear adults! Today we have a holiday. The children in speech therapy classes were taught beautiful and correct speech. The school year is coming to an end, it's time to take stock of our work. Today we will hold a tournament between children and parents, which is called: “Learning to read and write is always useful!” (slide number 2). In this tournament-competition, not only children will show what they have learned this year, but also adults will demonstrate their knowledge of the Russian language. We will check how children and parents know their native language.

The tournament will not be easy, we will hold it in the form of a sea voyage through the country of Correct Speech (slide number 2 - a boat with an inscription on the topic of the tournament).

The jury will evaluate the work of the teams. ( Presentation of the members of the jury).

We also welcome our fans!!! There are a lot of you guys, so I ask you to be organized, do not shout or make noise! Be quiet. So let's get started!

I will ask each team to choose a captain, announce the name of their team and say the motto. (slide number 3)

Team “Sounds” - (Captain)


Every day, always, everywhere: in the classroom, in the game, we speak correctly, clearly, we are never in a hurry!

Team “Linguists” - (Captain)


Who wants to talk, he must pronounce everything correctly and clearly, so that everyone can understand!

Now let's give the floor to our fans to cheer up the team members.

Native language, be friends with me! Everyone should be smart!

Speech therapist: Well done! Speak the right words!

The tournament will consist of 5 rounds, and for each task in the round, teams of children and parents can receive a prize token - “Wise Owl”. The winner of the tournament will be the team with the most number of “owls”. So, let's go on a trip. Dear members of the jury are going with us.

Speech therapist:

Behind the high mountains, beyond the deep seas, there is a wonderful country called “Correct Speech". (Slide number 4) Let's close our eyes and say together: "One, two, three - come to us magic."

Here we already hear the sound of the sea, the cries of seagulls, we breathe in fresh, clean, sea air.

Take a deep breath through your nose and inhale the goodness and magic into yourself. Exhale through your mouth all the grief and resentment.

Children inhale and exhale 3 times.

Speech therapist: Together we open our eyes, we sail away on a ship on a journey.

On the screen slide number 5.

1 round

Speech therapist: Before us on the way Zvukovograd (slide number 5 - inscription: Zvukovograd - 1 round), here you have to compete. Three tasks are waiting for you in Zvukovograd - tests.

1 task - the game "Give me back the vowel."

Speech therapist:

Catch the ball and throw the ball, which vowel - call it.

1. Children stand in a circle, the speech therapist takes turns throwing the ball to each child, calling the word, the child returns the ball to the hands of the speech therapist, calling the vowel sound from this word.

Words: mouth, onion, cheese, peace, varnish, bush, rice, house, soup, myth.

2. Parents stand in a circle, the speech therapist takes turns throwing the ball to each, naming the word, the adult returns the ball, naming two vowel sounds from this word.

Words: fox, pipe, cinema, legs, Misha, hand, stew, bun, fork, mouse.

Slide number 6. (clapping hands).

(Slide number 5 - inscription: Zvukovograd - 1 round).

Task 2 - the game "One, two, three - raise the signal".

The speech therapist pronounces sounds, and children and adults raise signals (red for a vowel, blue for a hard consonant, green for a soft consonant).

Task for children: A, R. S, U, H, W, W.

Slide number 6. (clapping hands).

(Slide number 5 - inscription: Zvukovograd - 1 round).

Task for adults: O, Pb, L, Y, F, Hb, K.

Slide number 6. (clapping hands).

(Slide number 5 - inscription: Zvukovograd - 1 round).

Task 3 “Sound-letter analysis of words”.

Children and parents receive cards with the image of an object. Each participant must type the given word and make the sound scheme of this word. The completed works are transferred to the jury for verification and summing up.

The jury announces the results of the 1st competition.

(Slide number 4). Finger gymnastics: "Ship".

Children. Our ship stood in the port with a bright flag on board, now it is sailing on the waves, taking us on a journey.

2 round

Slovograd (slide number 7).

Speech therapist: We are in Slovograd. You need to make words here from scattered syllables.

Work on slides (slides number 8 - 19): the formation of words from syllables.

Children are given words of two syllables, parents of three.

(Slide #20: Bravo!)

The jury announces the results of the 3rd round.

On the screen slide number 21.

3 round

The city of Gramoteev (Slide No. 22).

Speech therapist: In the city of Gramoteev, three tasks await you and me - tests.

Task 1 - the test is called: “From what what?”

The “Sounds” team works with the word CLOTHES. The “Linguists” team works with the word DOM (work on slides).

(Slide 24). What clothes will be according to the material if it is made of chintz? From silk? Leather? From kapron? From linen? From knitwear? From a drape? What will be the clothes if they were knitted from wool? (Slads: 25 - 37)

What will the house be like if it is built of bricks? From logs? From boards? From stones? From blocks? From straw? From shields? From clay? (Slides: 38 - 53)

(slide number 22) Speech therapist:Task 2 - test “Correct the sentence”.

First, the “Sounds” team will correct the sentences.

We want to go to the cinema. There are no seats on the bus. Get off the bus! I am very beautiful in this coat! The nettle is very hot! Nastya has a lot of pencils. Katya has a lot of buckets. There are many soldiers in the army.

And now the members of the “Linguists” team will work hard.

I put the book on the table. I have their book. I tell the driver: “Go ahead!” (go) My sister's phone rings. Mom brought home five kilograms of potatoes. Katya has a lot of socks, but few stockings. Mom bought a lot of tomatoes, apples, cakes. I don't have rubber boots.

Slide number 7. (clapping hands).

Speech therapist:5 task “Competition of captains” .

The team captains go to the easels, the speech therapist calls each word, from which it is necessary to make sentences, print them on the easels and make an analysis. You have 2 minutes to complete the task.

    For the “Zvukovichki” team: Vani This is a house

    For the “Linguists” team: Vot Katya’s bouquet

Slide number 6. (clapping hands).

The jury announces the results of the 4th competition.

4 round

Bay of tongue twisters (Slide number 12)

Speech therapist: They swam, swam and stopped in the Bay of Tongue Twisters.

Guys, here you and your parents will need to remember some well-known tongue twisters. Attention to the screen!

(Slides #55-69). All the tongue twisters are illustrated on the screen, the participants of both teams will have to guess them from the illustrations and speak clearly.

The first five pictures for the “Sounds” team.

From the clatter of hooves, fervor flies across the field. The raven raven crowed. All beavers are kind to their cubs. Sasha walked along the highway and sucked dry. Large grapes grow on Mount Ararat.

The next five pictures for the “Linguists” team: Grass in the yard, firewood on the grass. The water carrier was carrying water from the tap. Three magpies - chatterers chattered on a hill. A Greek was driving across the river, he sees a Greek: there is cancer in the river! He put a Greek hand into the river, cancer for the hand of a Greek tsap! The ships tacked, tacked, but did not catch. Tongue twisters jump like carp in a frying pan.

5 round

Speech therapist: On our course (looks through binoculars) there is a very beautiful Teatralnoye Lake. (Slide 70 - 79)

Let's have a rest with you on the shore of this beautiful lake and transform into artists. (The phonogram of the song “Vagabond Artists” by VIA “Merry Fellows” sounds). Recently, in our group, a whole project was organized based on the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin, so I would suggest that you dramatize some passages from his fairy tales. Ready? So, the final tournament begins.

Children stage an excerpt from the fairy tale “About Tsar Saltan”, adults - an excerpt from the fairy tale “About the dead princess and the seven heroes”.

The jury announces the results of the 5th round.

Speech therapist: Dear children and dear adults! Tournament “Learning to read and write is always useful!” completed. Let's go back to our kindergarten. (Slide 80)

And on the way, let's pay attention to the easels and, together with the jury members, count the number of “Wise Owls” for the teams ( it is desirable that both teams have an equal number of prize tokens).


The word of the jury is given.

Speech therapist: - So, friendship won today! You are all great! Our guys have worked hard throughout school year have learned a lot. Parents showed excellent results today! I wish you to continue to support your children in everything, accompany them during the entire school education, help them with your knowledge. And I wish the children new discoveries and good friends at school!

Here we are with you and returned to our favorite kindergarten!

The awards ceremony is underway. Certificates for children and parents

Kamanina Valentina Georgievna teacher-speech therapist of the highest category GKS (K) OU "Special (correctional) boarding school No. 2 of the VIII type"
Speech therapy matinee
"Journey through the City of Beautiful Speech"
Strengthening the skills of correct speech.
Clarification and expansion of the vocabulary on the basis of dramatizations, speech games.
Development of cognitive activity.
Equipment: multimedia presentation of the City of Beautiful Speech, colorfully decorated buses, cubes with letters, pictures, pairs of words with different accents, costumes for dramatizations (clown noses, masks), sweet prizes, diplomas.
Lesson progress
1. Org. moment
- Today we will go on a journey through the city of Beautiful speech. You deserved this journey because you learned how to pronounce sounds correctly, got rid of mistakes in reading and writing. Learned many new words. Your speech has become correct, expressive.
2. A slide City Plan of Beautiful Speech appears on the screen.
- This is a city of beautiful speech. Park of Vowels and Consonants, because vowel sounds are the most important in speech. We always rely on them in words. And here are the streets: Loud, Clear, Calm, Beautiful, Consolidated. All these are qualities of correct speech. And this is Pause Street. We know that there must be pauses (rest) in speech, non-stop speech is incomprehensible.
- We're going on a trip. How are we going there? (By bus.)
- Children sing “We are going, we are going, we are going to distant lands….”.
3. A slide with the image of the Park of Vowels and Consonants appears on the screen.
- Hello, you have arrived at the Square of Vowels and Consonants.
Name the letters, articulating correctly and clearly, and come up with words that begin with these vowels, consonants.
We set off, ahead of us is a visit to the castle of Accent.
4. Slide Lock Accent
Explain what these words mean:
mugs - mugs ', za'mok-zamok'k, i'rice-iri's, squirrels '. What kind of sticks are drawn ... I don’t understand anything?
(Children answer and move on)

5. Slide Pause Street
- You have arrived on the street of pauses. Favorite game of the inhabitants of our street say a word
Michael played football
And scored into the goal .... (goal)
I'm sitting almost crying
Very difficult .... (task)
Footsteps in the hallway
That calls everyone to the class ... (call)
Having fun Kolya, Lena -
This means ... (change)
Not a bird on the branch -
The animal is small.
The fur is warm, like a heating pad.
Who is this?…

Blacker than all migratory birds,
Cleans arable land from worms.
Jump across the arable land all day,
And the bird's name is...

I am in any bad weather
I have a lot of respect for water.
I stay away from dirt
Clean gray…

In the forest to twitter and whistle
The forest telegrapher knocks:
"Hey, thrush, buddy!"
And he signs: ... woodpecker

Good-natured, businesslike
All covered with needles.
Do you hear the clatter of nimble feet?
This is our friend...
Unwashed in mouth
Will not take anything.
And you be like that
Like a cleaner...

Rushing without looking back
Only heels sparkle.
It rushes that there is a spirit,
The tail is shorter than the ear.
Guess live
Who is this?…

This animal lives only at home.
Everyone is familiar with this beast!
He has a mustache like knitting needles
He, purring, sings a song.
Only the mouse is afraid of him,
Because it…

lives in the rivers of Africa
Evil green ship.
Whoever swam towards,
Everyone will be swallowed up...

cunning cheat,
red head,
Fluffy tail is beautiful.
Who is this?…

He slept in a fur coat all winter,
He sucked his brown paw.
And when he woke up, he began to cry.
This is a forest animal...

Underground, in a closet
She lives in a mink.
gray baby,
Who is this?…

Under a heavy burden
But a friend comes to the rescue.
The people here are good
No job for the life of me
Can't live...

Who has one horn?
Guess! …

Are you not familiar with me?
I live at the bottom of the sea
Head and eight legs
That's all I am...

Strict, fast,
The horns are branched.
Grazing all day
Who is this? …

Waddle walked from the ice floes
Very important to us...

Chok-chok, piglet,
Pink hook on the back
In the middle of the barrel
The voice is thin, the call.
Who is this? Guess!

Dreaming of a spider at night
Miracle Yudo on a bitch:
Long beak and two wings...
Arrives - bad things!
Well, who is the spider afraid of?
Guessed? This…

Foresters her kittens
They don't want to take it with them.
You won’t tell her: “Cat, scat!”
Because it…

All day he does not mind sleeping,
But when the night comes,
His bow will sing,
The musician's name is ... cricket

Turned off the lights in the house
Still no rest.
Ru-choo-choo, yes roo-choo-chok.
Who is this? There…

And don't swim in the sea
And they don't have bristles
Yet they are called
They are guinea pigs
Apples on the branches in winter!
Collect them quickly!
And suddenly - apples fluttered.
After all, this is…

It will go out, then it will light up
Light in the grove at night.
Guess what it's called?

Guess what kind of bird:
Afraid of the bright light
Crocheted beak, patchy eyes,
Eared head... This is...

Who is without notes and without flute
Trills are the best
Louder and softer?
Who is this?…

Walks long, mouth with fangs,
Legs look like pillars
How big is the mountain.
Did you find out who it is?...

On the chamomile at the gate
Helicopter descended
Golden eyes.
Who is this?…

Long thin beak
Grab the frog.
A drop will drip from the beak ...
Who is this? …

6. Slide Lake of Tranquility
- We're on our way to Tranquility Lake again.
- We have a game like this -
Very easy simple:
"Magical dream".
Rest easy with your eyes closed. Listen carefully and repeat my words to yourself.
Eyelashes fall
Eyes are closing...
We are relaxing…
We fall asleep with a magical dream ...
Breathe easily, evenly, deeply.
Our hands are resting
Resting, sleeping
The neck is not tense
And relaxed.
Lips slightly open
Everything is wonderfully relaxing.
Breathe easily...evenly...deeply.
It's good for us to rest
But it's time to get up!
- We rested, we go further to Toropyzhek Street.
7. Slide Street tongue twisters.
- I will speak tongue twisters, your task is to repeat them correctly and clearly pronouncing the sounds.
- Bunny Buba has a toothache.
- The snake hisses, and the beetle buzzes.
- Sonya is a dunno, and Zina is a know-it-all.
- Ivashka has a shirt, the shirt has pockets.
8. Slide Street puzzles

9. Slide Confusion Street

10. Slide "Make a word"

11. Whistling Street
Name the words that have the S sound.

12. Hissing Street
Name the words that contain the sound Sh.

10. Summary of the lesson
A slide City Plan of Beautiful Speech appears on the screen.
- Our journey through the “City of Beautiful Speech” is coming to an end. It's time to return. Always remember the laws of the inhabitants of the “City of Beautiful Speech”. Repeat them with me:
We always speak beautifully.
Bold and slow!
Clearly, clearly speaking
Because we are not in a hurry!
Presentation of commemorative emblems, gifts to all participants of the trip
Rewarding children discharged from speech therapy classes certificates of honor

Collection of scripts for special holidays, entertainment and leisure activities aimed at solving the problems of speech development; to consolidate the acquired skills of correct pronunciation. Interesting ideas for effective solution tasks such as: improving the skills of sound analysis and synthesis; formation of skills to correctly pronounce sounds and words, make sentences; development of self-control over one's own speech. Speech therapy holidays and leisure activities, the scenarios of which are based on popular TV shows and quizzes. Events in the format of adventure games - "quests" and "walkers". Concrete experience of the successful use of theatrical performances and sports competitions at speech holidays.

Holidays useful for the development of speech.

Contained in sections:
By groups:

Showing publications 1-10 of 1427 .
All sections | Logopedic and speech holidays and entertainment. Scenarios

Scenario of the holiday "Speech therapist's Day" Scenario"Day speech therapist» Presenter “Congratulations to those who correct syllables, Correct deviations from harm! Joy, good luck in life a lot, a lot! Be healthy and happy, speech therapistDear friends, you all deserve the best, the most kind words because you are trying to live with dignity, with an open ...

Autumn holiday in the preparatory speech therapy group 2019Autumn holiday in the preparatory speech therapy group. 2019 1 Vedas: We have gathered all the guests together today for a reason. Dances, songs, games, jokes will be in this hall. The brightest and most provocative celebration We start and And we meet all the guys with applause! To the music "Autumn again ...

Logopedic and speech holidays and entertainment. Scenarios - Scenario of continuous educational activity on speech development "Spring is red, come to us" with children of the early group

Publication "Scenario of continuous educational activity in speech ..." TOPIC: “Spring is red, come to us” Continuous script educational activities with group children early age on speech development Compiled by: Gamolina A.A. educator, first qualification category Educational technologies: - communicative ...

MAAM Pictures Library

Purpose: Formation of interest in speech therapy activities, promotion of intellectual games and television programs, close parent-child relationships Tasks: Developing: Development of logical thinking, communicative speech, visual and auditory perception and memory ....

The script for the autumn holiday in the senior speech therapy group "Hello, autumn!" Children enter the hall to the music of the old waltz "Autumn Dream", and are located throughout the hall. Scattered on the floor autumn leaves. Vedas: If the leaves on the trees turned yellow, If the birds flew away to a distant land, If the sky frowns, if it rains, This is the season. what is it called? Children:...

Entertainment with the children of the preparatory school speech therapy group "Old age must be respected" Purpose: To draw the attention of children to the problems and difficulties of the older generation. Tasks: - to form and expand children's understanding of the celebration of the "Day of the Elderly"; - develop curiosity and logical thinking; - cause a desire to congratulate their grandmothers and ...

Logopedic and speech holidays and entertainment. Scenarios - Scenario of a quest game on fire safety in the speech therapy group "Young Firefighters"

Purpose: to create conditions for consolidating knowledge of fire safety rules. Tasks: 1. To consolidate knowledge about fire safety rules. 2. Develop attention, logical thinking, imagination. 3. Develop dexterity, speed, endurance. 4. Trigger positive...

Open lesson for parents of children speech therapy group and teachers of the preschool educational institution: Speech therapy quiz "Question for backfilling" I work in kindergarten speech pathologist for 20 years. TO corrective work always try to involve parents to improve efficiency. Corrective...

Exhibitions held throughout the week creative works students, the exhibition "The Best Notebook in the Russian Language". At the end of the week of speech therapy, a school-wide line was held, at which students were awarded in the nominations: “The most active class”, “The most creative student”, “The most talkative student”, “The best notebook”, etc.

Holding a speech therapy holiday at the end of the school year has become a good tradition in our school.

Scenario of the school-wide holiday "Kingdom of Grammar"

Target :

  • consolidation of students' knowledge.


  • To consolidate the knowledge and skills acquired during the year of study in students.
  • Contribute to the development of learning motivation.
  • Develop and correct attention, memory, thinking.
  • Activate creativity.
  • To instill in students an interest and love for the Russian language.

Props :

  • scenery "Kingdom of Grammar", houses with pockets (red, blue), cards with letters, words, cubes with syllables, strips of paper with proverbs, animal costumes (bear, hare, squirrel, fox), crossword puzzle, musical arrangement.


  • Loser Petya Ivanov
  • First Deuce
  • Second Deuce
  • Grammar Queen
  • stress
  • Period and Comma

Scenario speech therapy holiday

The bell rings. A happy student runs in, waving his briefcase and throwing it aside.

Student Petya: URAAA, re-re-me-na.

(two run after him)

Twos: Petya, Petenka, wait for us, we are with you!

Petya: And who are you?

Twos: And we are your most dear, dear .... (in chorus) - your deuces !!

Petya: (Waves them off) Tired! That you are attached to me, follow me on my heels. And in the magazine you, and in the diary, and in every notebook ...

Twos: Yes, we love you, Petya! You are our very best friend! Where are you without us?!

Petya: Yes, only trouble from you: parents scold at home, the teacher calls to the blackboard all the time ... I’ll go to the kingdom of grammar, find the Queen herself and ask her to save me from you.

(The light blinks, music sounds, Petya finds himself in the kingdom of Grammar. Everything is quiet. The curtain-KG opens. Grammar enters, behind her! -two children - 1- dot, 2- comma.)

Gramm: Why did a soft sign settle in the entrance? Y lives there.

Period and comma (follow on both sides, write down after Grammar): We obey Your Majesty!

Gram: Yes, and please remind everyone that ZHI-SHI is written with the vowel I.

Point and comma in chorus: We obey Your Majesty!

Gramm: And in general, put things in order in the kingdom!!!

Point and comma in chorus: We obey Your Majesty! (they leave).

Gramm: (sees Petya): Who else is this?

Petya: I'm Petya Ivanov, a student of the 2nd "b" class. And these are my deuces in Russian.

I came to ask you for help. You, mighty, you can do everything, save me from these harmful girlfriends. I can't do it alone.

Gramm: Well, well, if you yourself wanted it, and if you found the way to my kingdom, I will help you. Only you will have to work a little and complete all my tasks, otherwise you will live forever with your deuces .... I agree?

Petya: I agree, I agree, I agree to everything, just to get rid of these ... (points to the deuces).

Gram: But first you must answer my riddle: You can't buy at the market, you can't weigh it on the scales. What's this?

Petya: (Crumples) - I don't know.

Gram: Well, you'll know the answer when you pass my tests. For each correctly completed task you will receive a clue to the puzzle. Come on, my faithful helpers sounds, give Petya the first test!

1 task: "Street of vowels - consonants."

Gramm: Vowels and consonants live in my kingdom. A storm passed at night and all the letters were mixed up, help them return home.

(It is necessary to distribute the letters into two houses made with pockets. Vowels - in a red house, consonants - in blue).

Petya: Here's a problem, so a problem, nothing works. Can someone help me? (Addresses children of grade 1, they help).

Ugh! Did it well…

Gram: Well, did my assistants give you a hard test?

Petya: Yes, nonsense, I could do it myself if I thought about it.

Gram: Well done, here you are, as promised, the key to solving my riddle - the letter as a gift (З).

Gram. Letters can form different words. Here's your second test.

Task 2. "Confusion".

Gram: The letters in the words are mixed up. Correct mistakes. (Picture cancer, word poppy, picture juice, word bitch, picture stick, word shelf, picture moon, word Lusha..)

(Petya tries, nothing works. The deuces laugh, rejoice, rub their hands ... Petya calls the children for help. The students go out one by one and correct the mistakes).

Task 3. "The animals mixed up."

Pupils of grades 1-2 come out in animal costumes: a bear, a hare, a squirrel, a fox, each sit down on 2 cubes with syllables (for, white; after all, ka; yats, sa ....).

Under the alder in the shade of the branches
The gray hedgehog called the guests.
He put them all on a hummock,
He gave them a sip of dew.
But suddenly over the hill
Loud, loud thunder rumbled.
The guests all fell off the bump,
They shattered into pieces.
One, two, three, four, five,
Help you collect them!

It is necessary to swap the cubes in places to get the name of the animal. Petya tries, nothing works. Twos laugh, rejoice, rub their hands ....

Petya: Yes, this tricky science is grammar, guys I can’t cope without you, help ... (He turns to the children, they help).

Gram: Well done! Here's another letter (A) for you.

Deuce 1: Look, what assistants Petya has, they know everything, they can do everything. And let's check them, maybe there are our people among them, find ourselves a new loser? A?

Deuce 2: Come on! Maybe not one, but as many as 5, or maybe 10, or maybe we’ll recruit a whole army! That will be great!!!

The game. Guess the letter.

(It is carried out with all spectators. Twos build letters M, N, F, S, L, T, O ... students guess).

Gram: No, bad deuces, don't confuse my assistants, right, guys? But Pete needs help. You are ready?

Knock at the door.

Gram: What happened? Why so noisy?

Emphasis enters: Because they forgot about me! But I am very important and necessary! And I need to put it right!

Petya: Well, get up somewhere, think about it!

Gram: No, Petya, you can't go anywhere, otherwise that's what happens!

Miniature. Performed by children in grades 4-5:

The boy is in bed.

So I want to go to school as soon as possible. You need to take medicine.

Takes a bottle of medicine.

Reads: “Three times a week, one tablespoon. After eating.'

Starts to squeak.

Mom enters.

What happened son?
Why are you squeaking?
- I took the medicine.
And here it is written ... (reads).

Oh you are stupid.
Because you read it wrong.
Three times after meals
not food.

Oh mommy. Us at school
the teacher said
that changing the stress can change the meaning of the word.
The screen closes.

Emphasis: Do you remember me? I'm not just a dash! (Yes).

Emphasis: Let's check now.

Task 4. "Put the stress" (Grade 3).

Grammar gives the task to Petya, solve the riddle and put the stress. Petya can't cope, 3rd grade helps.

Here is an old house huge:
Walls, towers, a moat dug.
Change the accent -
And it hangs on the door. (for ‘mok - castle´k)
If the first syllable is stressed,
We are drinking utensils.
Change the accent -
And draw us, friends. (Mugs - mugs´)

stress. Fu, feel better, otherwise “stand where you want”! Now I am calm for Petya, I will go and teach others. (Leaves).

Gram. Well done my helpers! And you, Petya, get another letter. (H)

Petya: Yes. How many people live in this country. I didn't know!!!

Gram: And that's not all my assistants! Do you know what words can be made up of?

Petya: It seems like a pre-pre-proposal.

Gram. Right. Here's your next task.

Task 5. Divide the text into sentences. Put a dot where necessary.

Petya calls for help grades 3-4. (2 teams of 4 people - cut the tape with words into sentences.)


Gram: And you managed to complete this task with the help of the guys. Well done! Here is the letter (I) for you. But there are more difficult tests ahead of you. Are you ready?

Petya: Always ready!

Task 6. "The gender of nouns".

2 teams of 5 people participate. (grade 4-5). Balloons with words in the bag. Each participant must run to the bag and pull out the noun f.r. or m.r. Whose team reaches the finish line first, that one wins.

(Words: shirt, bag, work, earth, map, spring, coat, subway, apple, cinema, gold, ax, woodpecker, master, carpet, man).

Gram: And you managed to complete this task. Well done! Here is the letter (I) for you.

Task 6. "Proverbs".

On strips of paper, the beginning of the proverb, you need to pick up the end of the proverb and stick it. 2 teams 7, 8 class participate.

  • A person gets sick from laziness, but gets healthy from work.
  • Learning to read and write is always useful.
  • Don't rush with your tongue, hurry up with your deeds.
  • Make new friends, don't lose old ones
  • Whoever wants to know a lot needs little sleep.
  • The scientist leads, and the unlearned follows.
  • If you don't taste the bitter, you won't know the sweet either.
  • The root of the doctrine is bitter, but the fruit is sweet.
  • Lead the business, and drive idleness.
  • A mind without a book is like a bird without wings.

During the execution of the task by the students, the deuces conduct the game "Repeat the tongue twister" with the audience.

  • A beetle buzzes over the lampshade.
  • Already already in a puddle.
  • The water carrier was carrying water from the tap.
  • The quail hid the quail from the guys.
  • The raven raven crowed.
  • Nina did not finish her melon.
  • Crested laughers laughed, laughed.
  • I bought Marusya beads for my grandmother.
  • Kondrat has a short jacket.
  • The cat rolled a ball of thread into a corner.

Twos: Hey, girlfriend, it seems to me that we are losing him (points to Petya), in my opinion, we need to look for a new Petya.

Task 7. Crossword "Hidden words" (grades 3-8).

(Given 9 letters M, arranged horizontally, you need to enter the words in the cells vertically,
from left to right):

underground railway
- measure of time
wardrobe, table, chair...
- room for the sale of goods
- strong wind with snow
- drink white color useful for children
- river crossing
- subtraction sign
- wild animal
- dolls inside each other
- extreme cold
- drink from berries.

(Answers: metro, minute, furniture, shop, carrot, blizzard, milk, bridge, minus, bear, matryoshka, frost, fruit drink.)

Gramm: And then you did it without mistakes! Well done! I give the letter (H).

Gram: You see, Petya, how good it is to know the Russian language, it helps us in everything, even crossword puzzles cannot be solved without it. So did you understand that “you can’t buy at the market, you can’t weigh it on the scales”? (Petya scratches his head). Arrange the letters in right order and you will know the answer.

Petya: (arranges the letters and the word is KNOWLEDGE). I got it, I got it. Need to study.

Gram: I'm glad you understood. Now, I hope you will love the Russian language and will no longer skip school. Now listen to instructions from my assistants.

Children read poetry.

Grammar, grammar -
Science is very strict.
Grammar textbook
I always take it with concern.
She is difficult, but without her
My life will be bad.

Don't write a telegram
And you won't send a postcard
Even my own mother
Happy birthday, do not congratulate!

Sending congratulations
Remember the rules of declension
Gender, number and cases
Keep it firmly in your memory!

You must know the cases
Punctuation marks.
Hold your head up
At the time of remembrance.

How many rules! How many rules!
Unaccustomed to shiver!
Be careful, and only!
You will remember everything, you will understand everything!

I love you grammar!
You are smart and strict.
You are my grammar