
Experimental activity in speech therapy class. Lesson on experimental activities in the senior speech therapy group "In the laboratory at Carlson's Open lesson in the middle group on experimentation


Experimental games in speech therapy classes are used to improve efficiency corrective work.

“Tell me and I will forget.
Show me and I will remember
Give me a try and I'll understand"
/Chinese proverb/

To improve the efficiency of corrective work on speech therapy session in kindergarten, along with other types of work, experiment games are used.

The child most fully and clearly perceives and remembers what was interesting to him. Psychologists have proven that classes learned without interest, not colored by their own positive attitude, emotions, do not become useful.

The child answers questions in the lesson, but this work does not affect his thoughts, does not arouse interest, he is passive. Of course, he learns something, but passive perception and assimilation cannot be the basis of solid knowledge. Children remember poorly, because learning does not capture them.

In speech therapy classes, children can not only learn something, but try, experiment on their own, gaining knowledge.

Learn by playing, experimenting! What is a game, an experiment?

The game- this is a didactic and socially important type of activity, educating the ability to collectively respond, act collectively.

It is the game that allows each child to feel like a subject, to show and develop his personality.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky wrote:

“There are no people in the world more serious than children. While playing, they not only laugh, but also deeply worry, sometimes suffer.”

And an experiment is “a trial, experience, an attempt to implement something”

Through games-experiments in speech therapy classes, the following tasks:

  1. expansion and deepening of information about the surrounding world, the formation of a system of ideas on this basis;
  2. the development of mental operations in children - analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization;
  3. development of children's speech, teaching them the interrogative form of speech interaction;
  4. formation of the need for organizing cognitive communication with adults;
  5. development of the abstract and logical thinking children.

Examples of experimental games

I will give examples of experimental games used in speech therapy classes in a compensatory group for children with disabilities (speech disorder-OHP).

First of all, we try to connect the children's experimental activity with the lexical topic being studied.

What does it give?

  • There is a consolidation of the lexical and grammatical means of the language,
  • Connected speech develops
  • Logical thinking.
  • And most importantly, children learn to ask questions, analyze, find the right answer and draw a conclusion.

I. Theme "Fruit".

Two plates covered with napkins are brought in (two apples: one green, the other red)

A riddle that helps to understand what is on the plates:

round, ruddy,
I grow on a branch.
adults love me
And little kids. (Apple)

Generalization (what is a vegetable or a fruit?)

Color, shape.

What can be cooked? How to call it?

Question: without tasting, determine which of these apples is sweet and which is sour?

Children's answers. We taste, we find the correct answer, we draw conclusions.

2 options:

Green apple is sweet, red is sour,

Both green and red apples are sweet.

II. Theme "Toys"

"What's harder?"

Two toy cockerels, identical in size, but one made of clay, the other made of plastic.

Q: Which toy is heavier?

Children's answers. We try, we draw conclusions: a clay toy is heavier.

Ball experiments.

Ball riddle:

Round, smooth and pot-bellied -
The guys hit him hard.
Why are they beating the poor guy?
Because he's puffed up.

What material can the ball be made of, what will it be called?
What can a ball do? (jump, roll, throw, etc.)

What ball? (sign words).

Experiment options:

a) take two balls of the same size, only one is made of rubber, the second is made of plastic.

Question: which of the balls will bounce when it hits the floor?

Children's answers.

Children alternately hit the ball on the floor and draw conclusions.

b) Two balls, the same size and both rubber. We do not touch one ball, we will make a hole in the other, what will happen?

Children's answers.

Can such a ball jump, jump? Children's answers.

Now let's check. Children are invited to knock on the floor first with a deflated ball, then with a regular one.

Is there a difference, what is the reason?

Conclusion: the more air in the ball, the better it jumps.

c) Drown a deflated ball in water, ordinary.

The question is posed

children's answers,

Demonstrate the correct answer.

We draw conclusions.

“What floats, what sinks? »

Two spoons: one made of metal, the other made of wood.

Which of these spoons will sink and which won't? Why?

Children draw conclusions: wooden objects do not sink, iron ones sink.

Games-experiments with sand.

We spend on the street in the sandbox, aimed at developing tactile sensitivity and fine motor skills hands

1) "Kulichiki"

One part of the sandbox is filled with dry sand, the other part is watered.

What kind of sand can be used to make "kulki" from dry or wet?

2) "Walk" with your palms on the surface of the sand, performing different movements.

Question: on which half of the sandbox are the tracks more visible, where is the sand dry or wet?

Children's answers.

How many ways can a person move? »

Purpose: development of general motor skills, to activate the verbal dictionary in children's speech.

  • is the person alive or inanimate?
  • How can you tell if he is alive?

Task: Come up with different ways of transportation and get to the skittles.

We identify who came up with more ways to move, conclusions are drawn that a person can use a huge amount of different ways movement.

Approximate options: jump on one (two) legs, walk, crawl on the stomach, back, on all fours, dance, roll, etc.

"How many ways can you get drunk?"

Purpose: to develop the mental abilities of children.

Approximate options are to drink from a mug, drink from a saucer, drink through a straw.

How many ways can you eat bread?

Purpose: to develop the mental abilities of children, to activate adjectives and a verb dictionary in children's speech. Materials and equipment for each child, all of which must be clean and hygienic.

Question: what kind of bread is there (white, black, sweet, sour, fresh, tasty, etc.)

Think of different ways to eat bread.

Approximate options: cut off, break off, bite off, pinch off, take with your lips, feed someone.

The results are summed up, it is revealed who came up with more ways to eat bread.

Conclusions are drawn: a person can use a large number of different ways to eat bread.

Thus, in the process of correctional and developmental work, which includes new techniques and methods, in particular games - experiments, favorable conditions are created for correcting shortcomings in speech development, in personal, cognitive, emotional-volitional spheres.

Pimkina I.N.,
teacher speech therapist

Maryam Miroshnichenko (Khanapieva)
Open class-experimenting in middle group"Sorceress-Water"

Open class-experimenting in middle group« Sorceress-Water»


1. Create a holistic view of water as a natural phenomenon;

2. Introduce the properties of water;

3. Make it clear about the importance of water in human life, in nature;

4. Cultivate respect for water;

5. Enrich and activate the dictionary;

6. Develop mental activity and independently draw conclusions;

7. Cultivate the ability to work together.

move classes: (Formation of positive motivation)


Good morning! I tell you.

Good morning! I love you all!

I wish you good practice!

Listen carefully, get smart!

- Today the guys are our guests, say hello.

Children: Good morning!

Today to us Occupation Came Droplet look how sad and sad she is.

Hear her story: A droplet was recently born and does not know anything about herself at all. This makes her very sad, because not knowing anything about yourself is not fun at all. And so she decided to turn to you for help, because you are smart guys and you probably know something about her.

Guys, do you think we can tell Droplet something about her?

Of course, ah! So, let's start right now.

What is the droplet made of? (Out of the water). And where does she live? In water.

Well done And where can we meet water? (in the river, sea, crane, etc.)

V: Guys, and Droplet is interested, do you know who needs water?

(Showing and looking at pictures)

Yes! Trees, birds, people, animals, plants. Do we, in kindergarten, need water?

And for what?

To wash, wash the floor, cook dinners, do laundry, wash toys, water flowers.

Yes, guys, without water, all life in the world will die. Water is life!

V: Well done boys! you said everything right: plants need water

and they need to be watered - otherwise they will die.

Animals also drink water, and some live in it. (fishes). water for people

just needed: drink, cook food, wash, harden, relax near the water.

No living being can live without water.

Do you hear about water?

They say it's everywhere!

In a puddle, in the sea, in the ocean

And at the faucet.

Like an icicle, it freezes

Creeps into the forest with mist.

It's boiling on our stove.

The steam of the kettle hisses,

We can't wash without her

Don't eat, don't drink!

I dare to report to you:

We can't live without water!

V: Children, do you know that water magical. You can play with it

various tricks, experiences. Do you want to play with water?

Then I ask for the tables!

V: Guys, look, I have two glasses on the table. Determine which glass contains water (children show) .

V: How did you guess? How did we determine what helped us?

D: Water is clear, but milk is not.

V: And let's see if it's true or not?

Experience #1: "To determine the transparency of water"

V: Let's put pebbles in a glass of water. Can you see them?

D: Yes

V: And now we will put the same pebbles in a glass of milk. Can you see them?

D: Not

V: So you and I made sure that the water is actually transparent.

Tell me guys, what color is the water?

Experience #2 "To determine the color of water"

V A: Let's check it out. I have different colored lids. I will lower these lids into the water in turn, and you will see which color of the lid matches the color of the water. (Checks the color of the water with colored caps) Well, guys, did any cover come up in color?

D: Not.

V: Then what conclusion can we draw? Does the water have color? No. So the water is colorless.

Look, Droplet smiled a little. She already learned a little about herself, and was delighted, and we will rest a little.


We quickly went down to the river

Bent over and wash

1,2,3,4. That's how nicely refreshed

And now they swam together

Do it by hand

Together times is a brass

One another is a crawl.

Went to the steep shore

And we went home.

Well, let's continue.

Experience #3: "Determining the Taste of Water"

Now let's find out if water has a taste? Take the straws and try the juice. Is the juice delicious? What does it taste like?

D: Delicious, sweet.

V: That's right, the juice is sweet. Now try the water. What does water taste like? (let me taste the water). Does she have taste? Water sweet, sour, etc. No. A

what water?

D: The water is tasteless!

V: Now look what happens if I add lemon to clean water.

Try water now. What was the water like?

D: Sour.

V: That's right, the water has become acidic. Pure water is tasteless, and if some substance is added to it, then the water acquires the taste of what was put into it.

Guys, please tell me, does the water smell of anything? Let's smell the water and find out if the water smells or not.

Experience No. 4: "To determine the smell of water"

D: Not.

V: Correctly, the water does not smell of anything. Now smell the lemon water. Is there a smell?

D: There is.

V Q: Why does lemon water smell?

D: Because the lemon smells.

V: Yes, because the lemon has a smell. So what can we conclude?

Pure water is odorless, but if you add an odorous substance to it, then

Well done, I see you know a lot about water. Let's remind Droplet that we are

learned? And that the water is clear, colorless, tasteless and odorless. look,

What a drop of cheerful and joyful has become. She wants to remember herself

to give you their girlfriends - “droplets”.

Make friends with them and take care of them!

Related publications:

"The sorceress is water" Plan: 1. Conversation about water. 2. The teacher's story about the meaning of water. 3. The mobile game "Droplets and Clouds". 4. Experience.

A comprehensive lesson on cognitive development in the senior group "Sorceress-Water" The purpose of the lesson: To clarify and expand children's knowledge about water, the role in human life and living organisms, about the forms and types of water (springs, rivers, etc.).

Program content: 1. Fix the properties of water with the children in the process research activities. Clarify its meaning for all living things.

Abstract of the lesson on experimental - experimental activities in the middle group "Sorceress Water" Abstract of the lesson on experimental - experimental activities in the middle group "Water Sorceress" Trusova Lyudmila Anatolyevna Topic of the lesson:.

Municipal government preschool educational institution city ​​of Novosibirsk "Kindergarten No. 381 combined type"



(from work experience)

speech pathologists

MKDOU d / s No. 381





For the successful implementation of the new Federal State Standards, we must ensure diversified development child, taking into account his age and individual characteristics. And to achieve these goals, it is important to form the ability to speak beautifully and correctly.

To master the phonetic side of the language, it is necessary to be able to listen well, hear and distinguish between the correct and incorrect pronunciation of sounds in someone else's and one's own speech, as well as control one's own pronunciation.

The developed phonemic hearing of the child is an indispensable condition for successful learning to read and write. Distinguishing speech soundsphonemic awareness - is the basis for understanding the meaning of what was said.

The development of phonemic hearing begins from the very first stages of speech therapy work and is integral part corrective impact on the frontal, subgroup and individual form of directly educational activities.

In speech therapy and neuropsychology developed and successfully applied in practice special exercises for the formation of non-speech sound discrimination. Distinguishing non-speech sounds by ear is the foundation and basis for the development of phonemic hearing. It is important to take these exercises seriously, give them as much time and attention as you need, and at the same time do not forget that the classes should be attractive and interesting for the child.

Game experiments for the development of phonemic hearing

"Where does it ring?"

Determine the direction of the sound. For this game you need a bell or other sounding object (whistle, tambourine). The child closes his eyes, you stand away from him and call softly (rattle, rustle). The child should turn to the place where the sound is heard, and with his eyes closed, show the direction with his hand, then open his eyes and check himself. You can answer the question: where does it ring? - left, front, top, right, bottom. A more complex and fun option - "blind man's buff". Child as leader.

"Ears - hearings"

An adult shows wooden, metal spoons, crystal glasses. Children name these objects. It is proposed to listen to how these objects sound. Having installed the screen, the adult reproduces the sound of these objects in turn. Children recognize sounds and name objects that make them.

"Noisy Boxes"

You need to take two sets of small boxes - for yourself and the child, fill them various materials which make different sounds when shaken. You can fill the boxes with sand, cereals, peas, put buttons, paper clips, paper balls, buttons, etc. You take a box from your set, shake it, the child, closing his eyes, carefully listens to the sound. Then he takes his boxes and searches among them for the one that sounds the same. The game continues until all pairs have been found. This game has many options: an adult shakes several boxes one after another, a child memorizes and repeats a given sequence of different sounds. Remember to switch roles and be sure to make mistakes sometimes.

"Listen, try how it sounds"

Explore the sonic nature of any objects and materials at hand. Change the volume, the tempo of the sound. You can knock, stomp, throw, pour, tear, clap.

« Guess what it sounded like

Analyze everyday noises with your child - the creak of a door, the sound of steps, a telephone call, a whistle, a ticking clock, the noise of pouring and boiling water, the sound of a spoon against a glass, the rustling of pages, etc. The child must learn to recognize their sound with open and closed eyes, gradually it is necessary to teach him to keep in memory the "voices" of all objects, bringing their number from 1-2 to 7-10.

"What does it sound like"

Do it with a child magic wand, tap with a wand on any objects in the house. Let all the objects in your house sound. Listen to these sounds, let the child remember what it sounds like and find the sounding objects at your request: “tell, show, check what sounded”, “what sounded first and what then”. Give the wand to the child, let him "voice" everything that comes to his hand, now it's your turn to guess and make mistakes. Do not forget to take your magic wand with you for a walk.

More difficult option- recognition of sounds without relying on sight. The child answers the questions: “What object did I knock on? And now? What does it sound like? Where have we heard similar sounds?

"Choose a picture or a toy"

You knock (rustle, rattle, trumpet, ring, play the piano), and the child guesses what you did, what sounded and selects the appropriate picture, toy.

« Fork"

Invite the child to pronounce any poetic text in syllables and at the same time tap out its rhythm according to the rules: syllables are tapped out (each syllable is one beat), on each word, including prepositions, the arm or leg changes.


An important section of speech therapy work is the development of breathing and the correction of its disorders. Correction of respiratory disorders begins with general breathing exercises, the purpose of which is to increase the volume, strength and depth of the inhaled and exhaled air and normalize the rhythm of breathing.

The development of breathing is carried out in various positions of the child: lying on his back, sitting, standing. The speech therapist performs all exercises together with the child. When conducting breathing exercises, you should not overwork the child. It is necessary to ensure that he does not strain his neck, shoulders, does not take the wrong posture. It is necessary to monitor the smoothness and rhythm of respiratory movements. Breathing exercises should be carried out before meals, in a well-ventilated area.

To work on mastering voluntary breathing (the ability to voluntarily change the rhythm, hold inhalation and lengthen exhalation), a long training session based on involuntary respiratory movements is required. These exercises are a necessary preparation for further work on the formulation and development of speech breathing. With the development of speech breathing, the speech therapist carries out work aimed at differentiating nasal and oral inhalation and exhalation. It is necessary to make a mouth exhalation as much as possiblearbitrary, long, rhythmic .

While performing breathing exercises, the child's attention should be focused on the sensations of movements of the diaphragm, intercostal muscles, the duration of voluntary inhalation and exhalation. To this end, it is effective to conduct some breathing exercises in the form of experiments. In this case, we offer the child to observe and compare the result when performing exercises with different exhalation forces. This is especially important when working on the eliminationlateral sigmatism . In order to form a directed air jet, it is necessary to show the child that the exhaled air can exit the mouth in different directions: forward, sideways, or even into the cheeks. To do this, we suggest experimenting, “catching” an air stream in various game breathing exercises with objects.


It is necessary to take two plastic transparent cups. In one we pour a lot of water, almost to the brim, and in the other - a little bit. The child is invited to play "bul-bulki" with the help of cocktail tubes. The task of the child is to play "Bul-Bulki" so as not to spill water. Trying to blow into the cups in different ways, the child concludes - into a cup, where there is a lot of water, you need to blow weakly through the tube, and into a cup, where there is little water, you need to blow strongly. At the same time, we observe what happens if we blow strongly into a glass, where there is a lot of water. Be sure to draw the attention of the child to the words:weak, strong, many, few .

Three candles

For the game you will need large multi-colored candles. It is necessary to put three candles on the table in front of the child different colors at different distances from him and ask him to blow them out in turn: near, middle and far. You need to blow slowly, the breath should not be noisy, you can not puff out your cheeks. During the game, we observe and draw a conclusion - in order to blow out the near candle, it is enough to blow weakly, in order to blow out the far one, it is necessary to blow as hard as possible.


The child is invited to drive a cotton ball into the gate. To do this, you need to stretch your lips with a “tube” and blow on a cotton ball, trying to drive it into the “gate” from a toy building material. In this case, the gates are placed at different distances from the child. Performing this exercise, the child draws a conclusion about the necessary strength and direction of exhalation.Variant of the game - drive the car into the garage.


The child is invited to show the trick: put a piece of cotton on the tip of the nose, smile, open the mouth, blow on the tongue with force, trying to blow the cotton from the nose. Performing this exercise in different ways, we conclude: in order to blow the cotton wool up, you need to bend your tongue up and blow harder. And in order to keep the fleece at the top longer - the exhalation must be not only strong, but also long.

Catch the air stream

The child is asked to blow on a small pinwheel, which will spin only if exhaled air enters it. In order to "catch" the air stream, the child blows and at the same time slowly moves the pinwheel left and right. Where the spinner spun, and air comes out. This exercise is useful for lateral sigmatism.

Two turntables

To play, you will need two turntables - one with small blades, the other with large ones. The child blows on the blades of a spinner toy and observes: in order for the blades to spin at a small spinner, you can blow weakly, and to spin at a large spinner, you need to blow harder. Similarly, it is proposed to blow on a pinwheel with one flower and on a pinwheel with several flowers: in order to make all the flowers spin, you need to blow much harder.

We warm our hands

In this exercise, we learn to compare the exhaled air stream. To do this, the child is invited to control the exhalation with the palms - we blow on the palms. We use the same exercise when staging whistling and hissing sounds. The child controls the correctness of his pronunciation with his palm. If the “breeze” is cold, “winter”, then the sound [s] is pronounced correctly. When pronouncing the sound [w], the “breeze” is warm, “summer”, the palms are heated.

Sources of information:

Goldinova Irina Yurievna

Summary of the lesson on experimentation "Our discoveries about air"

In the middle group

Target :

The development of cognitive activity of children in the process of experimentation.

Tasks :

Introduce children to the properties of air;

Give an idea of ​​the importance of air in human life and nature;

Enrich and activate children's vocabulary;

Develop skills for conducting experiments;

Develop mental activity and independently draw conclusions;

Develop the ability to work collaboratively;

Bring up friendly relations between children;

Cultivate accuracy when working with water.

Equipment :


Badges by the number of children;

Drawn schemes: eye, nose, hands, ear;

Plastic bags (according to the number of children);

Transparent glass with a napkin at the bottom;

Glasses with water, at the bottom - peas (according to the number of children);


Basin with water;

Fans by the number of children;


Covers from felt-tip pens (according to the number of children);




Album sheets.

Lesson progress:

Guys, today a balloon came to our lesson. Look how sad and sad he is. Listen to his story: The balloon was recently born and knows nothing about himself at all, does not even know why he is called balloon. This makes him very sad, because not knowing anything about himself is not fun at all. And so he decided to turn to us for help. Guys, we will help balloon?

Yes, of course, Sharik, don't worry, we will definitely try to help you.

We have all heard that we are constantly surrounded by air from all sides, it is always around us. Why do we need air? (Breathe)

Who else needs air? - Fish, animals, plants.

That's right, all living things.

But no one saw the air, did not touch it with their hands. So maybe there is no air?

Let's not guess, but check with the help of experiments and experiments: does air exist, and what properties does it have. I suggest you guys go to the laboratory with the Balloon, and, like real research scientists, conduct experiments to find out more interesting things about the air.

In the laboratory, certain regulations : do not break the silence, do not interrupt each other, handle the equipment with care, use only your own tools.

Come into the laboratory, do not forget to fasten your badges - now we are scientists.

Balloon, we found ourselves in a real scientific laboratory.

Sit down at the tables.

Scientists in the study often use schemes, models. We will also apply their methods.

Look at the research board.

The first diagram shows eye .

What question do you think we are going to answer now?

Yes, that's right - how can you see the air?

Experience 1. "Catch the air."

Take from the tables plastic bags. See how thin they are, they can be folded several times.

Now try to catch air in the bag and twist it. The bag is full of air, it is like a pillow. So air exists! The air has taken up all the space in the bag, even though we can't see it.

Conclusion : the air is transparent, it is everywhere, to see it, you have to catch it.

And we were able to do it! We caught air and locked it in a bag just like you have in your tummy, Balloon - you have air in you too, even though we can't see it.

Experience 2 Is there air in the glass

Colleague attention. We keep silence. Next experiment. At the bottom of the cup we glue a napkin on plasticine. We turn the glass upside down and lower it straight vertically into a container of water, to the bottom of the container.

Let's see if the napkin gets wet. What happened to the napkin.(She's dry)

Conclusion : the napkin did not get wet, because there is air in the glass (air is everywhere) - even if we do not see it (because it is invisible), but it was he who did not let water in there.

Experience 3 "Air in man»

Is there air inside people? Let's check.
Move cups of water towards you, there are peas at the bottom of the cups
. Do you want to revive the peas? What need to do? - You have to blow into the tubes. What do we see? Bubbles appeared - this is air. And what do our peas do? They are moving. What helped us to revive the peas? Yes, of course, air. We not only found him, but also saw how he made the peas move. Where did this air come from? We blew into the tubes.

Conclusion : so now we are convinced, Balloon, that there is air in a person! We breathe it!

So we continue to experiment. What is the next diagram on our research board? - Nose .

Do you think the air smells? How to check?

Experience 4. “Does the air smell?”

Invite children to smell the air - no smell is heard.

Let the children smell the perfume.

Conclusion: the air is odorless, but can transmit other people's odors.


I got up this morning

I took a balloon from the shelf.

I began to blow and look -

My ball suddenly began to get fat.

I keep blowing - the ball is getting thicker,

I blow - thicker, I blow - thicker.

Suddenly I heard a pop -

The balloon burst, my friend ...

Let's now turn to the research board again. What is shown in the following diagram? - Arms.

What do you think the hands might represent? - How to feel the air.

Experience 5. " Air movement»

Guys, can we feel the movement of air? What about seeing?

When we inhale and exhale, the air moves - we get a breeze.

When walking, we often observe the movement of air.(trees sway, clouds run, a spinner spins, steam from the mouth).

We cannot see the air, but we can feel it.

Take the fans and wave them in the face.

What do you feel? (Feel the air moving) .

Lower the boats into the water. Children blow on boats, they float. This is how real ships move due to the wind. What happens to a ship if there is no wind? What if the wind is very strong? A storm begins, and the boat can suffer a real wreck.

Conclusion : Wind is the movement of air.

Look at the following model, drawn - an ear.

What question do we need to answer? How to hear the air?

Experience 6. "We hear the air"

If we blow into a jar or a bottle, the lids from a felt-tip pen or blow off a balloon, then we can hear the air.

Take the cap and blow on the edge. What do you hear? Sound, air.

And we also have a balloon on the table, what do you think you can do with this balloon to hear the air? You need to inflate it, and then stretch the hole of the balloon and slowly deflate the air, what do we hear? Squeak, air.

Conclusion : Air can be heard in many ways.

So, colleagues, let's remind the Balloon what we learned about air in our laboratory?

Conclusion 1: Air exists!

Conclusion 2: Air is invisible, colorless, transparent.

Conclusion 3: The air is odorless.

Conclusion 4: Air lives around us and inside us

Conclusion 5: Air can be heard in many ways.

Conclusion 6: Wind is the movement of air.

Our experiment is coming to an end, you were all attentive and active. The balloon cheered up, he learned a lot about the air.

Our colleagues-scientists have left you tubes as a gift for conducting the game-experiment “Drawing with air” in kindergarten.

With the help of air, you can draw: with the help of tubes, you need to inflate gouache blots on the landscape sheet from the center in different directions.

And in the kindergarten, whoever wants, you can draw pictures for the Balloon as a gift, so that he will never be sad again.

And now, dear colleagues - researchers, we are now returning to Kindergarten, I hope you can repeat the experiments you saw, and you can come up with new ones.

Thank you for your work, bye!

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 166 "Flower-Semitsvetik", Cheboksary

Lesson - experimentation in the middle group:

"Traveling with a droplet"

Prepared by the teacher:

Ivanova Alina Valerievna

Cheboksary, 2016

Target: The development of cognitive interests, the need for independent search activity on the basis of an enriched and formed emotional and sensory experience.


  • Arouse children's interest in research activities.
  • To teach to see and highlight the problem of the experiment, to set the goal of the experiment, to select means and materials for independent activity.
  • Develop personal qualities - purposefulness, perseverance, determination.

Lesson progress:

caregiver: Good morning, guys! Today we have a lot of guests. Let's say hello to them and give them our good mood.
Educator: Sit comfortably

Don't turn around, don't turn around.

Children, oh, what happened in the morning,

I forgot to tell you -

I just went to kindergarten

A few came to visit us.

(showing a Droplet toy) Look how she is (sad)

But why is she so sad? Let's listen to her story: Droplet was recently born and knows absolutely nothing about herself. This makes her very sad. And that's why she decided to turn to you for help, because you are smart guys and you probably know something about her.

Educator: Guys, can we help a drop?

Children: Yes, we will tell Droplet about her.

Educator: Where does the droplet live?

Children: The droplet lives in the water.

Educator: What is a drop made of?

Children: It is made up of water.

Educator: Well done! Where can you find water?

Children: In the river, sea, ocean (different answers of children)

Educator: Guys, Droplet is wondering if you know who needs water?

(Showing and looking at pictures)

Children: Yes! Trees, birds, people, animals, plants.

caregiver: Yes, guys, everyone needs water. How else do we use water every day at home and in kindergarten?

Children: We shower, brush our teeth, wash our hands. Mom cleans floors, cooks dinner, does laundry, waters flowers;

caregiver: Well done boys! Yes, guys, without water, all life in the world will die. Water is life! It's time for you and me to relax a little, come out to me.


Educator: I suggest you play an interesting and magic game "The droplets go around".

I am Mama Tuchka. You will turn into my baby droplets if you say these words:

Rain, rain pour down

Don't feel sorry for the warm drops

For forests, for fields

And for little kids

For both moms and dads

Cap-cap, cap-cap.

(so you turned into droplets).

Droplets flew to the ground. Let's jump, let's jump. They got bored of jumping alone. They gathered together and flowed first in small streams, and then met and became a large river. The river flowed and flowed into the ocean (in a circle). They swam, the droplets swam in the ocean, and then they remembered that Mama Cloud had ordered them to return home. They asked the sun

Shine, shine, sun

For clean water.

The droplets became light, they evaporated under the rays of the sun, and returned to Mama Cloud.

Educator: I turn you back into children.

Children stand in a circle.

Educator: But Droplet did not quite understand what water looks like, and what it happens to be. Let's introduce her to some water, shall we?

Children: Let's.

Educator: You know, guys, water is like a magician from fairy tales. She can do different transformations. Would you like to visit wizards together with some water? (answers)
Listen, what is it? (An audio recording of the murmur of water sounds) (answers)
You guessed it right, this is our sorceress water invites us to the laboratory to do magic there.

Experience number 1 "Water is a liquid." The teacher takes a bottle of water and a glass (pre-prepared).

Educator: Pour water from a bottle into a glass. What happens to water?

Children: it flows from one vessel to another.

Educator: Do you hear? How does it sound? (boom-boo-boo) The water is pouring and we can hear it. What have we done with the water now? (poured out, poured out). And if she pours, then what is she like?

Children. Liquid.

Experience No. 2 "Colorless water."

Educator: Guys, what color do you think the water is? (Answers of children).

Educator: Now we will check it.

On the teacher's table is a glass of milk and a glass of water.

Educator: What color is milk? (white). Can you say that water is white?

(Answers of children).

Educator: Guys, close your eyes, I'll show you a trick! (Children close their eyes, at this time the teacher puts one cube in a glass of milk and a glass of water). Open your eyes! Now guess what I put in the glass of milk? What did I put in a glass of water?

(Answers of children).

Educator: Guys, why do you think the object is not visible in a glass of milk, but is visible in a glass of water?

(Answers of children).

Educator: Yes, this happened because milk has a color, it is not transparent, but water is transparent and we can see any object that is in clean water.

Educator: Guys, which one of you likes to drink the most?

Children:Juice, tea, milk, etc.

Experience #3 : "Determining the Taste of Water"

Now let's find out if water has a taste? Take the tubes and try

juice. Is the juice delicious? What does it taste like?

Children: Delicious, sweet.

caregiver: That's right, the juice is sweet. Now try the water. What does water taste like? (I give

taste the water). Does she have taste? Water sweet, sour, etc. No. A

what water?

Children: The water is tasteless!

Experience number 4: "To determine the smell"

Take a glass of clean water and smell it.

Teacher: Does the water smell? (No, water has no smell.) So what conclusion can we draw from this experiment?

Conclusion: Water has no smell.

Educator: Well done! I see you know a lot about water. Let's sit down on the chairs and remind Droplet that we learned about her.

Children: Liquid, transparent, colorless, tasteless and odorless.

Educator: Look how cheerful and joyful the Droplet has become! As a memory of herself, she wants to give you her girlfriends - “Droplets” (distributes medals to children with a droplet look)

Children: They accept gifts from "Kapelka" and thank her.

Educator: Be friends with them and take care of them, because without water there will be no life on earth!