
Make a traffic light with your own hands for the school. Do-it-yourself traffic light: a step-by-step MK for its manufacture with step-by-step photos and video tutorials for beginners


How to combine play, learning and creativity? Put a homemade track on a toy track cardboard traffic light. He takes part in the organization of the movement of children's cars, explains the rules of behavior on the road, and the process of its manufacture develops the skill of working with hands.

Traffic lights change each other in strict order: after yellow, green or red lights up, and the prohibiting and allowing signals are located on opposite sides.

How to make a traffic light out of cardboard with your own hands: step by step photos

Prepare for the master class simple materials to create a craft:

  • corrugated board sheet
  • colored paper (black, red, yellow and green)
  • scissors
  • stationery knife
  • PVA glue
  • scotch

You may also need Printer if you want to print ready template traffic lights (you will find it in the job description).

STEP 1. Make a blank for the future traffic light. To do this, mark a sheet of cardboard into 4 parts of equal width. Leave a square at the bottom of the extreme strip and cut off the excess.

STEP 2. Equal distance stationery knife cut round windows - 3 on each side.

STEP 3. Cut the cardboard along the lines and fold it into a three-dimensional figure. On the inside, glue the joints with adhesive tape.

STEP 4. On a black background, stick the squares of colored paper according to the above pattern or print the finished template on the printer. These are traffic signals: their size must correspond to the diameter of the holes in the housing.

STEP 5. Stick the paper on the cardboard, roll it into a tube and glue the edges.

STEP 6. Attach a loop from a strip of cardboard to the cylinder. For her, the child will rotate the tube and change the traffic signals.

STEP 7. Cut out a round cover from cardboard with grooves for the handle and close the traffic light from above.

STEP 8. Roll up a thin tube of cardboard - this will serve as a leg for the traffic light - and glue it to the square base.

Now the craft is ready, and the baby can use it in his role-playing games. For example, the Robocar Poli game set with cars and a whole city in the kit is perfect for these purposes.

Tell your child about the rules traffic along with a personal traffic light made of cardboard and colored paper!

All parents and kindergarten teachers know how important it is to teach kids the rules of the road. And not always children willingly assimilate the information presented to them, striving to cross the road outside the zone of a pedestrian crossing or at a red light of a traffic light. And since children love to play and create entertaining crafts with their own hands, it is easiest to convey the necessary information to them in a creative game form. An interesting application will help with this - a traffic light made of paper. Indeed, in the process of its manufacture, you can not only keep the kids entertained, but also teach them how to cross the road correctly, paying attention to the traffic lights.

In addition, the application activity helps to develop creative thinking children and fine motor skills hands There is an opinion that it even helps to increase intellectual abilities.

For any age of preschool children, you can develop your own models of traffic lights, increasing the level of complexity and intricacy in accordance with the age of the kids. You can make such crafts both at home and in kindergarten, or in lower grades schools for creative lessons.

For the little ones

The materials for such a traffic light are the simplest, depending on what it is planned to make a traffic light from. It could be plain paper, yellow, red and green leaves of trees from the park, pieces of colored fabrics. Threads with a needle, glue, cardboard, leather, etc. can also serve as tools.

We will make paper applications for children junior groups kindergartens, therefore, we will need the following items:

  • a piece of cardboard;
  • colored paper - green, yellow, red and black;
  • glue.

For kids, it is better to prepare in advance a template for the shape of the traffic light itself and mugs for its lights, so that it would not be difficult for children in the process of making crafts and the option we conceived turned out.

The technique for making such crafts is simple. You can simply stick the colored circles in the desired sequence on the prepared cardboard. You can slightly complicate the task and seal the cardboard rectangle with black paper and attach circles on top of it to make the craft the most realistic.

For middle preschool age

At the age of 4-5 years, children themselves can and want to cut out stencils from cardboard and colored paper. And here you can already show your imagination and do a broken application, which consists in using small pieces of paper of the same size. Occupation with this type of application develops spatial and creative thinking in children.

For crafts in this technique, we need pre-printed traffic light schemes, glue and green, yellow and red colored paper.

With everything you need, children will only have to stick colored paper scraps on the prepared stencil in correct sequence colors.

Small details can either be prepared in advance or entrusted to the kids. It depends on their preparation.

For older preschoolers

For children 6-7, it is better to complicate the task so that the kids themselves cut out shapes for the traffic light from the proposed stencils and paint facial expressions on them. In order to interest them more, you can offer to draw muzzles on craft mugs that are so popular in our time emoticons or emoji.

Traffic lights can be decorated with various elements. To highlight the burning signal, the rest can be shaded in the form of a lattice. Or, on the contrary, you can emphasize the desired color by gluing or drawing rays around it.

At the senior preschool age, it is already possible to safely create edged applications. Also, the application has a wonderful combination with origami. Traffic lights will look original in the form of figures created using folded sheets of multi-colored paper.

Thus, 2 types of craft manufacturing techniques are combined and the interest of children increases. An example of such a product is a traffic light made of cats.

Unique crafts

Children of primary school and senior preschool age are already able to show imagination and sleight of hand and create individual unique crafts. In this case, you can use the following traffic light design techniques:

  • quilling or twisting. This type of technique consists of twisting colorful strips of paper, in this case creating original look for traffic signals. For many, at first it will seem difficult, but with the care and experience of a teacher or educator, any child can handle this technique.

  • facing. Twisting also takes place here, but the work is more painstaking. thin stripes colored paper are wound onto the rod from the handle and then glued onto the template. You will need as many twisted paper tapes as possible so that there are no gaps between them when pasted.

Visual aids are needed to study the rules of the road with your child. Many educational stores or toy stores have wonderful mock-ups of traffic lights and road signs. But it is much more interesting and entertaining to make a traffic light with your own hands. And if you also team up with the baby in creating crafts, then you can have fun and great benefit spend free time. In addition, the common cause brings together. And in the work process, you can fascinatingly acquaint your child with the rules of the road.

Plasticine traffic light

The lightest and fastest in execution can be called a plasticine traffic light. It takes less than half an hour to make. And the material is more than available. In addition, children simply love to sculpt from plasticine. So why not combine business with pleasure: modeling and learning? In addition, by drawing a zebra on a piece of paper, setting the resulting traffic light and taking small toys, you can play with the baby different options for crossing the road.

For crafts, we need pieces of plasticine in red, yellow, green, brown and black. It is better to use soft plasticine so that it is more convenient for the child to cope with it. You will also need a thin stick (you can use a pen rod or a lollipop stick) and a bottle cap (you can use carbonated water).

  1. Sculpt a small parallelepiped out of black plasticine to get the correct ratio of the size of the body of the craft and the leg on which it will stand.

  1. Roll into balls of the same size, each color (green, yellow, red) 4 pieces.

  1. Make flat circles out of them.

  1. Connect the resulting circles and the body in accordance with the accepted arrangement of the colors of the traffic light.

In the process of gluing circles, you need to comment on your actions, talking about the meaning of each traffic light, so that the child learns new information better.

  1. Insert a stick into the lower end of the resulting body.

  1. Now you can start the stand. To do this, fill the bottle cap with brown plasticine and stick the lower end of the leg of our traffic light into it.

  1. To give a more interesting and realistic look, it is advisable to stick black plasticine visors over the colored circles.

A wonderful craft is ready, you can play and learn.

Cardboard option

Another easy way to make an original traffic light together with a child is from cardboard. It also does not require special materials or tools. Time for the creation of such crafts will fly by unnoticed and fun. The resulting traffic light will serve the baby and how funny toy, and as a useful guide for learning the rules of the road.

To create this product you will need:

  • cardboard;
  • colored paper;
  • empty box;
  • glue stick (PVA is also suitable);
  • knitting needle;
  • a small piece of packing tape;
  • napkins.

The traffic light from the box can be made absolutely any size. For this, boxes of porridge, juice, milk, telephone, medicine, etc. are also suitable.

In the selected box, make holes for the arms and legs and stretch the tape through them. You can take a ribbon from a cake box or from a bouquet of flowers.

Then you need to wrap and glue the box with colored or crepe paper, having previously made holes in it for the arms and legs of the craft.

On top of the craft, you can make a loop of tape so that you can later hang the traffic light on the wall. But this is optional.

Cut out 3 identical circles from colored paper: green, red and yellow. You can determine their approximate size by dividing the height of the box by 3. Cut out 2 small circles from white paper to decorate the eyes. For the pupils, you will need 2 small black circles. You can decorate the color of the traffic light peephole by also cutting out blue circles, green or any color. In general, in decorating the muzzle, you can show imagination and make them, for example, from buttons. If you want the craft to be female, cut out the cilia.

It is also possible to make a mouth out of paper, or you can simply draw it.

Now let's move on to the napkin pom-poms. They need to be folded in half and cut one edge into small grass as shown in the photo.

Screw the napkins onto the needle.

Glue the resulting pom-poms to the ends of the ribbons for the handles and legs of the traffic light.

If desired, to make a more original product, you can create a cap for it from paper and cardboard.

On cardboard, you need to draw a circle, taking as a basis a glass or something else that is suitable in size.

Cut out the resulting circle, also cut out a thin strip of cardboard to lift the cap. Make a visor of any size.

Make a ring out of the strip, glue all the details with colored paper.

Connect the circle and ring with glue and pieces of paper.

It turns out such a cap:

We dress up our traffic light in it. Merry and original craft ready.

There are no ways to create a traffic light, there would be time and desire. Needlewomen who know how to knit will certainly be interested in crochet crafts.

Do-it-yourself traffic light from the box. Step-by-step instruction with photo

craft from waste material do-it-yourself “My friend is a traffic light”. Master class with step by step photo

Grinko Karina, student of MKOU Kalacheevskaya secondary school No. 6, Kalach, Voronezh region.
Supervisor: Fedorova Lyudmila Nikolaevna, Deputy Director for educational work of MKOU Kalacheevskaya secondary school No. 6, Kalach, Voronezh region.
Master Class: designed for children 9-11 years old, organizers, educators and leaders of clubs according to the rules of the road.

Purpose: craft serves didactic material when studying and repeating traffic signals in kindergarten, elementary grades. This master class can serve as a good help in preparing and participating in the school competition for the "Best or Original Traffic Light".
Target: manufacturing themed crafts from junk material with their own hands.
- repeat the rules of the road, traffic signals;
- develop fine motor skills of hands, attention;
- to educate diligent pedestrians and future drivers, diligence, accuracy.

Materials for work:
- an empty tube of glue stick (or white cardboard);
- glue stick (PVA glue);
- empty boxes from tea (can be used from toothpaste, cream, etc.);
- scissors, a simple pencil;
- ruler;
- colored sheets (format A 4) - 2 pcs.;
- Sponges for dishes (red, yellow and green).


1. Take colored sheets. Using a ruler and pencil, measure the sides of the box by drawing a template.

2. Glue the template onto the box to make a solid rectangle - a layout for a traffic light.

3. From the bottom side of the mock-up (bottom), cut a hole with a diameter slightly smaller than an empty tube of glue stick with scissors (later it will come in handy for attaching the traffic light legs).

4. Remove the cap from the empty tube of glue stick - it is not needed for work. Using the rest of the colored paper and scissors, cut out a small sheet according to the height of the glue tube (not included in the height). Bottom part a tube that serves to supply glue - red, and the part on which the lid was put on).

5. Paste over the “leg” with colored paper.

6. Place the leg into the hole cut at the bottom of the layout - it holds well even without glue.

7. On one side of the traffic light, draw 3 circles. Take sponges - red, yellow, green. Starting with red, lay out along the contour, and then fill in the middle of the circle with crushed pieces of sponge, using PVA glue.

8. It turned out a three-eyed traffic light made of waste material! Such an unusual layout of a traffic light is convenient to use to introduce kids to its signals!

To learn the rules of the road, children first need to know the meaning of traffic light colors. All teachers have long known that young children most easily learn information in a playful way. For such a game, in the rules of the road, you will need a traffic light layout. Of course, you can buy a model in a children's toy store, if, of course, there is one. But you can also make it yourself. In our article, we will consider the manufacture of a traffic light layout from paper, or rather from thick cardboard. This traffic light, despite the fact that it does not have luminous elements and batteries, is quite functional. This effect is achieved by properly placing the colors on a rotating cylinder inside the traffic light. Such an original traffic light can "regulate traffic" in several directions at once. So, less words, more action. Let's get started.

Making a traffic light out of paper

To make such a traffic light, we need an unnecessary paper box, scissors, adhesive tape, superglue, colored self-adhesive paper, a thick sheet of cardboard, acrylic paint black or dark gray, tubes from paper towels. From cardboard box enough big size cut out the blank according to the pattern indicated in the photo. When drawing up a drawing of a traffic light ceiling, determine in advance the dimensions of the walls and holes. Traffic signal windows will be cut out. Leave a margin on the side of the workpiece for gluing the walls. At the bottom of the workpiece, leave a piece of cardboard to form the base for attaching to the pole.

Having glued the paper blank, with the help of superglue we attach it to the "pillar", glued together from two or three paper tubes. Here is how it should look like.

Using self-adhesive colored paper, we create a signal template on a sheet of cardboard. First you need to roll a sheet of cardboard into a tube, into a cylinder, and try it on the frame. The inner cylinder should look full and organic. Having created a color scheme, we glue the edges of the paper sheet, forming a cylinder. We attach a kind of cap to the top of the cylinder. It will also look like the top of a traffic light. But at the same time, by turning it, you can change the value of the traffic light signal.

This is what the finished paper cylinder looks like.

And this is what the finished traffic light looks like. You can use it like this, or you can paint it in black or dark gray. If you are interested in other ways to make a paper traffic light, watch the video below.

Paper traffic light /video/

How to make a traffic light out of paper

Traffic light for kindergarten

Educational paper traffic light toy

Traffic light and road signs

Cardboard traffic light for children


You, as a parent or a teacher, can easily make such a useful educational toy with your own hands. And very soon, kids will be able to easily answer what the yellow, green and red signals mean. Knowing the rules of the road is the basis of road safety.