
39 weeks pregnant severe weakness


39th week of pregnancy: harbingers of childbirth in multiparous and primiparous

By week 39 future mother must constantly be under the supervision of one of the relatives: the harbingers of childbirth can appear at any moment. And if primiparas can take a lot of time from the appearance of signs of childbirth to the start of the process, then multiparous ones may not have a margin of time: literally 1 day or several hours - and the baby will appear.

  1. Discharge at 39 weeks pregnant

Delivery at 39 weeks pregnant

A baby at 39 weeks pregnant is ready to be born. At the 39th week of pregnancy, the harbingers of childbirth in primiparous and multiparous women may appear unexpectedly.

These include the following phenomena:

  • abdominal pain;
  • feeling that the stomach is stony;
  • leakage of water or their discharge;
  • reduction in the number of fetal movements;
  • loosening of the stool, which women perceive as mild diarrhea;

Along with these symptoms are often observed:

  • weakness, apathy in a woman;
  • drowsiness - constantly wanting to sleep;

Rare movements of the fetus and a deterioration in the well-being of the pregnant woman indicate that the period of bearing the baby is ending. It's time for him to see new world. Did the doctor say it's time to go to the hospital? So, there is not much time left to wait.

Diarrhea at 39 weeks pregnant

On the thirty ninth obstetric week often there is a change in the nature of the discharge from the intestines that surprises the woman: instead of what has already become habitual, which, together with hemorrhoids, often bothered the pregnant woman, suddenly there is a loosening of the stool. Such sensations, and even when there is pain in the abdomen, the child has calmed down, and a hard stomach is almost constant - is this normal? What is happening speaks of the beginning of labor activity. Abundant discharge is about to begin, that is, the water will break, and the baby will “ask” for the light. The body is preparing for the process, completely freeing itself from everything that can interfere with childbirth, hormonal changes are taking place - this causes frequent stools. When the birth begins, the mother will feel better.

39 weeks pregnant: how to speed up labor

If the period is already 39 weeks of pregnancy - how to give birth faster and what needs to be done for this? First of all, you need to get a consultation from a doctor whether it is really necessary to accelerate the process provided for by nature. It is clear that you are already tired, but isn't your desire selfish? Everything will happen on time. It’s just that childbirth and gestation periods are different for each pregnant woman. And your time will surely come.

It happens that a woman is very tired of pulling her lower abdomen at 39 weeks of pregnancy, she is sick at 39 weeks of pregnancy, she is tormented, there is leakage amniotic fluid- and the birth does not begin in any way.

If medical indications are attached to this:

  • the fetal heart rate has been changed (normally 120-160 beats per minute are determined on KGT);
  • the child is very active, something bothers him;
  • umbilical cord entanglement was diagnosed.

In such cases, doctors may decide to induce labor or have an operative delivery ( C-section). It is impossible to make a decision on your own to bring the term of childbirth closer against the background of relative well-being.

Doctors attempt to induce labor with various means, such as buscopan or mifepristone.

The first drug is used at thirty-nine weeks, if the mother's health is not too good, the placenta has grown old, the child does not have enough oxygen. , suspicious daub, constant leakage of amniotic fluid - all this can serve as a reason for prescribing a drug. Under the action of the drug, the cervix relaxes, shortens - childbirth begins.

The second drug is also used to stimulate labor, and on early dates- to stimulate uterine contractions after spontaneous or medical abortion so that the uterus is quickly cleared of the remnants of the fetal egg.

You can not take these drugs on your own, you can harm yourself and the child!

Sex at 39 weeks pregnant

An interesting way to speed up labor is to have sex. Physiological and safe way. This stimulates the production of hormones responsible for uterine contractions. The method is convenient: painless and used at home. But you need to find a suitable position and get permission from the gynecologist. Orgasm can cause activation of the muscles of the cervix and uterus.

The stomach turns to stone at 39 weeks of gestation

Signs of approaching childbirth at -39 weeks of gestation include a peculiar condition: “stone belly”. That's what characterizes his women. The stomach hardens due to the tone of the uterus: it tenses, preparing to reject the fetus. This may cause nausea, pain. But if such a condition goes away on its own or after taking no-shpa, papaverine, then these are just training bouts. It's too early to go to the hospital.

Nausea at 39 weeks pregnant

Nausea and vomiting can be harbingers of upcoming labor. The cause of nausea in this case: hormonal changes. Thus, the body reacts to the opening of the cervix. If you have ever had surgery, remember that when the doctor performed a slight dilation of the cervix to gain access to the uterus, or immediately after, you could also feel nauseous.

Allocations white color may be a sign of thrush. Its appearance before childbirth is highly undesirable, urgent treatment is required. How to treat thrush, the gynecologist will tell you.

What can be observed at 39 weeks

By week 39, the second pregnancy, like the first or third, can be completed. This is considered the norm, therefore, at the 39th week of pregnancy, the harbingers of childbirth do not surprise anyone. Doctors no longer prescribe drugs whose action is aimed at maintaining pregnancy. On the contrary, the question often arises at the 39th week of pregnancy, how to speed up the birth of a child. If all the indicators are normal, the expectant mother does not complain, then doctors usually leave everything as it is and send the woman to "walk" the term to the end, waiting for the moment when the body itself starts the process.

The 39th week of pregnancy is the final one. As a rule, rare pregnant women nurse over the 39th week. The fetus at this point is ripe, has well-developed organs, and is ready to live outside the mother's abdomen. Every day of the week can be decisive, so it is important not to miss what are usually called the harbingers of childbirth - phenomena or processes that indicate the readiness of the body of a pregnant woman for delivery.
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39 weeks of pregnancy harbingers of childbirth are:

1. Pulling pains in the lower abdomen, alternating first with light, then more and more often repeated at regular intervals, contractions. It is the intensifying contractions that announce the onset of labor;

2. Isolation of the mucous plug. Mucus or mucous discharge, which is characteristic of a woman at the end of pregnancy, is a signal of readiness for childbirth. The mucous plug sometimes departs gradually, and yet the appearance of the largest clot is the so-called discharge of the cork. Clogging the entrance to the uterus, this cork prevents the penetration of pathogenic bacteria and microbes there, is in essence a kind of barrier, an obstacle to the pathological flora. And her exit from the uterus testifies to the expanding, preparing for childbirth, the cervix.

3. Lowered belly. In other women, the stomach drops before the 39th week, for someone it, as well as some other signs, are the harbingers of childbirth at the 39th week. The child sinks deeper into the pelvis, the stomach, accordingly, also slightly changes its shape, and does not stick up, as before, but looks heavier, more massive, heavier. At this point, breathing is released, breathing becomes easier, but the frequency of urination increases.

4. Outpouring of waters. The bladder with amniotic fluid bursts under the weight of the child, and all its liquid contents rush out of the woman's body. This is a painless process, and, as a rule, the water often breaks during sleep. It is almost impossible to confuse this phenomenon with, say, uncontrolled urination, either in terms of quantity or quality of the liquid - it is normally transparent and odorless. In the pathological variant, amniotic fluid has a greenish tint or smell - this is a signal for immediate medical attention.

5. Nausea, dizziness. Often at the end of pregnancy, these two signs are harbingers of labor at 39 weeks. Despite the increased appetite, it is often impossible to eat anything due to nausea. The ideal solution would be a fractional meal, as well as the exclusion from the diet of fatty and fried foods that can cause problems with the stomach and intestines.

39 weeks of pregnancy, the harbingers of childbirth - this is a series of signs that notify the expectant mother that very soon, from day to day, a long-awaited meeting with her child will occur.

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Closer to childbirth, the amount of amniotic fluid becomes less and less, although they are still updated every three hours and will continue to do so even when labor begins. You should no longer gain weight, but the baby continues to grow. At 39 weeks, it weighs an average of 3300 g and reaches more than 50 cm in length.

Fetus at 39 weeks pregnant: movements

And, since the baby is already quite large and already occupies almost the entire uterine cavity, there is nowhere for him to move. Accordingly, if before that you could observe the periodic "dancing" of the crumbs in the tummy, now it will only push you from the inside from time to time.

Although he already has nowhere to move, the baby, nevertheless, tries to move. Moreover, through movements, the child trains coordination and gradually builds up muscle strength. The intensity and nature of the movements should continue to be monitored: the masik should respond about 10-12 times a day. If the baby shows excessive activity, pushes hard and often, or, conversely, his movements are felt weakly and rarely, inform the doctor immediately: a change in the nature and frequency of movements in one direction or another indicates trouble.

Baby at 39 weeks pregnant Heart, lungs, intestines, kidneys - everything is ready to ensure the life of the baby outside the womb. However, the processes of development and improvement do not stop, and will continue after birth. In particular, the central nervous system develops unevenly.

The pancreas began to produce enzymes that will break down the food that enters the baby's stomach. But beneficial bacteria will begin to populate the intestines only after tasting - now it is sterile.

In most cases, immediately after birth, the intestines of the newborn are emptied with meconium. But it often happens that this happens even in the womb before the onset of the birth process (most often the cause is a lack of oxygen in the last stages of pregnancy). In such cases, doctors and obstetricians who take birth carry out a special procedure to cleanse the bronchi, called lavage. As before, all nutrients reach the child through. But in the last weeks, she begins to age: her life is coming to an end. The umbilical cord will be cut after childbirth only when it stops pulsing. And only then does the birth of a child's place take place - the last third.

Future mom

At the 39th week of pregnancy, the baby is already completely ready for independent existence, but ideally, pregnancy should still last this and next weeks. But you should have been fully prepared for childbirth a few weeks ago. Although this does not mean at all that the expectant mother is obliged to lose her peace and be in constant expectation of the onset of contractions.

If the bags for the maternity hospital are packed, and you are psychologically ready for the events that await you, then you should not care. But it's easy to say, but not easy to do, right? Some anxiety and nervousness are still present. The main thing is to listen to the baby, talk to him, calm him down before giving birth, but ask him not to linger - the time is approaching.

You will certainly understand what “began”: cramps will appear in the lower abdomen, repeating 5 times an hour, and then more often; you will feel pulling pains in the lumbar region; Perhaps the water will break and spotting will appear. In the initial period of childbirth, the mother may wake up with an appetite - prepare yourself some kind of light, low-fat snack in advance.

Childbirth at 39 weeks of gestation: harbingers

In the meantime, it hasn’t “started”, listen to yourself and track down possible changes that will tell you about the imminent onset of childbirth. Shortly before the start of labor activity, a woman learns about her approach by changes in appetite - it decreases significantly. The weight of a pregnant woman can also decrease: many successful mothers say that if the weight does not stop at the end of pregnancy, then it decreases by 1-2 kg.

False contractions, which until this time were painless and infrequent, are now becoming more intense, tangible. In addition to the fact that contractions begin to appear more often, they occur against the background of a pulling abdomen and lower back: pulling pain ringing the lower abdomen and lumbar region is another of the harbingers of childbirth. You can distinguish false contractions from real ones - and many expectant mothers are very afraid to confuse them - by changing the position of the body. Do you feel like you are giving birth? Get up, walk around the apartment, sit down on the chair again. If the contractions have passed with a change in body position and type of activity, then it’s too early to go to the hospital.

The mucus that appears in the vaginal discharge will tell you about the approach of childbirth - it can be either transparent or pinkish, brown. An admixture of mucus is particles of a mucous plug that closes the entrance to the uterus. Now the cervix is ​​gradually softening and contracting, preparing for childbirth, so the cork particles come out. But you can see the mucus plug itself in the form of a lump of mucus, possibly streaked with blood, the volume of which is approximately 2 tablespoons. The passage of the mucous plug is another of the signals that childbirth is about to begin.

Many women have a nesting instinct before childbirth: it’s not known where the strength and irresistible desire to spruce up the house, making it as comfortable as possible, appear. Do not deny yourself such pleasure, but entrust hard physical work to assistants. Save your strength for yourself important event In my life.

V last days before childbirth, a woman may also note disorders in the digestive system. Diarrhea, nausea, indigestion, perhaps even vomiting - all of these symptoms may well precede the onset of labor. Well, in the meantime, it’s calm in the tummy, provide the baby with a sufficient supply of oxygen - go for a walk. But do not go far and be sure to take it with you.

Belly at 39 weeks pregnant: pulls, hurts, dropped

Lowering the abdomen is another sign by which you will know about the imminent onset of childbirth. The idea is that the stomach drops between 36 and 38 weeks of pregnancy, but this can happen now. Or not happen at all - some women do not observe a lowered belly until the onset of labor. If the stomach sank, you will definitely feel relief: breathing becomes easier, disgusted heartburn recedes. Instead, there is a need for more frequent urination: the uterus presses on bladder, which means that the need for its more frequent emptying increases.

Do not worry if you suddenly find pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the lower back. Drawing pains with localization "lower abdomen-lower back" at the 39th week of pregnancy is one of the variants of the norm, indicating the approach of childbirth.

Pain at 39 weeks pregnant

So, we already know about the nature of pain in the lower abdomen and lower back - these are the consequences of preparing the body for the upcoming birth and its attempt to tell the woman about their inevitable approach.

Again, due to the preparation of the body for an early birth, you now probably feel pain in the pelvic region, in the sacrum, in the pubis. The body actively produces the hormone relaxin, the main task of which is to soften and relax the ligaments and bones. Plus, the softened pelvic bones at this stage gradually diverge, preparing the baby for the most favorable conditions for traveling through the birth canal. So mommy has to endure the pain caused by such changes in the body, and expect childbirth, after which the pain will go away on its own.

Surely you are already familiar with pain in the sacrum, in the back, in the spine. This is the result of a mixture of center of gravity and increased loads. For the same reason, pain in the legs is common. In addition: due to compression of the femoral nerve, you may feel a shooting, aching pain in the back of the leg, sometimes reaching to the knee. Recommendations for minimizing pain in the back, legs, sacrum are the same: their regular unloading, sleeping in the correct position, good rest, wearing a prenatal bandage.

By the way, by this time you may feel that your chest hurts. Do not be surprised and do not be afraid: the breasts have now noticeably increased and become heavier, very soon they will be needed to feed the baby. In the meantime, you patiently remove colostrum from the nipples and endure the usual pain and heaviness in the chest.

Discharge at 39 weeks pregnant

Highlights of this week - vaginal discharge: normally, they should have a light milky color, a uniform consistency and a slight smell of kefir. Do not be surprised to notice a slight increase in discharge from the genital tract - this is a normal symptom of the 39th week of pregnancy. Also, you should not be afraid of the presence of mucus impurities in the secretions: transparent, possibly with a shade of pink, brown, beige, mucus is particles of a mucous plug that still covers the cervix.

But here - mucopurulent discharge, cheesy or flaky, green or yellow color should be a reason to see a doctor. Changes in discharge in this direction clearly indicate the development of any of the genital infections, and while there is still a little time left, it is necessary to undergo treatment. Indeed, if this is not done and the infection remains with the mother, the woman will most likely “share” this very infection when the baby travels through the birth canal.

Do not postpone a visit to the hospital, if you even notice small quantities amniotic fluid. You will recognize amniotic fluid by finding a thin, watery discharge, possibly a slightly yellowish tint. Outflow of amniotic fluid - sure sign that childbirth will begin in the very near future. At the same time, water cannot always be poured out immediately, in one stream: it is possible for the amniotic fluid to discharge in small portions. This happens when the integrity of the membranes is worn out or broken, and poses a certain danger to the child - if the integrity of the membranes is broken, he becomes vulnerable to infections. That is why the appearance of amniotic fluid cannot be ignored in any case.

Contact the ambulance operator without delay even if you find yourself bleeding. Blood from the genital tract is a sign of detachment of a normally located placenta, a serious pathology that threatens the life and health of the baby. True, vaginal spotting may also indicate placenta previa, only doctors have probably already ruled out this condition through preliminary multiple examinations.


Ultrasound at 39 weeks of gestation is usually not required, however, there may be individual indications for re-conduction ultrasound. As before, during an ultrasound scan, the doctor examines the baby, its size, and determines the degree of development.

Again, the condition of the uterus, its size, the degree of maturity of the cervix will be assessed. An important criterion is also the assessment of the quality and quantity of amniotic fluid. The degree of maturity of the placenta will definitely be established: at the 39th week of pregnancy, the placenta is more often in the third degree of maturity. The higher the degree of maturity of the placenta, the greater the degree of its deterioration. But for the time being, the placenta continues to serve a good service - through it, antibodies from the mother come to the baby from the mother, which take part in the formation of the immune system.

Ultrasound at 39 weeks of gestation will also give an idea of ​​​​the location of the umbilical cord, eliminate the risk of entanglement with the umbilical cord of the fetus. Keep in mind that cord entanglement is not an unambiguous contraindication for natural childbirth: the umbilical cord is 55-65 cm long, which makes it possible for a woman to give birth on her own, and the umbilical cord itself is removed from the baby's head immediately after birth. But, even if the umbilical cord is short, and the loop around the neck is tightened at the moment the baby passes through the birth canal, doctors, when monitoring and controlling the birth process, respond quickly and can decide to perform delivery by caesarean section.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

TO this deadline the expectant mother may already be very tired of her position, which affects her well-being and mood. Often it is already difficult to walk with a very large belly, put on shoes and dress, it is difficult to choose a comfortable position for sleeping, appetite decreases. The body is preparing for childbirth with might and main, which gives changes in sensations.

39 weeks pregnant stomach sensations

Gradually, the lowering of the abdomen occurs, due to which there is a feeling that it is pulling the lower abdomen at the 39th week of pregnancy. Sometimes this occurs against the background of false contractions or as the beginning of an already active labor activity. The same feeling can occur as a result of prolonged standing or physical activity, then it is worth lying down to rest. If, at the 39th week of pregnancy, the lower abdomen hurts, while contractions intensify, vaginal discharge occurs, especially bloody, or the water has departed or leaks, you should immediately call an ambulance and go to the hospital. Most likely, this is the beginning of childbirth, and the supervision of doctors is necessary.

Sometimes pulling sensations in the lower abdomen with discomfort in the lumbar region occur as a result of inserting the fetal head into the small pelvis, which means that childbirth is very soon.

39 weeks pregnant: Stomach hardening

One of the unpleasant sensations at the end of pregnancy can be the tone of the uterus. It is felt at 39 weeks of pregnancy, when the stomach hardens. This is a normal phenomenon, the training of muscle fibers for further regular contractions, this state usually lasts no more than a few minutes. However, it is worth knowing why the stomach turns to stone at the 39th week of pregnancy. This occurs as a result of reflex influences from the nervous system, increased excitability of the uterine fibers in response to stress, emotional or physical, irritation of the uterine wall from the outside, when stroking, pressure on the abdomen, as well as when the fetus moves, the mother takes an uncomfortable position. Often, many women note that at 39 weeks, when walking, they constantly have a hard stomach. If this condition does not cause discomfort and does not last long, you should not worry - this is normal. If the tone of the uterus lasts for several hours, this condition is painful, you should consult a doctor, with the tone of the uterus, less oxygen enters the fetus and this will burn and lead to the onset of hypoxia. In addition, with a constant tone of the uterus, the placenta may suffer, due to the reduction of the placental site, the likelihood of its detachment is high.

What is the discharge at 39 weeks pregnant

Normally, the discharge in this period is mucous, may be streaked with blood due to the discharge of the mucous plug from the cervix. If the discharge is abundant, curdled, smells of sour milk, this is thrush at 39 weeks of gestation. Its presence before childbirth is dangerous, as it leads to inflammation of the vagina, reducing the elasticity and extensibility of tissues. Infection of the membranes and the fetus is also dangerous, therefore, immediate sanitation is necessary with the help of special suppositories or preparations.

Bleeding at the 39th week of pregnancy is especially dangerous; it may be a sign of an incipient placental abruption. It can be accompanied by pulling pains in the lower abdomen, lower back, which requires an immediate call for an ambulance.

With abundant secretions of a transparent color with a sweet smell, you should immediately contact the maternity hospital. This is the leakage of amniotic fluid, in which it is necessary to start labor.

If the water leaks, the membranes can no longer reliably protect the fetus from germs, and childbirth must take place in the next day.

Can you feel sick at 39 weeks pregnant?

Sometimes, against the background of weight loss and intestinal upset, this preparation of the body for childbirth can be slightly nauseous. But does toxicosis happen at 39 weeks of gestation? manifestations such as severe headache and dizziness, increased pressure, nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain can be a sign of preeclampsia, this is a dangerous complication of pregnancy, it requires immediate hospitalization.

39 weeks pregnant: headache

Headache and dizziness during pregnancy at 39 weeks, if not very pronounced, may be signs of high blood pressure and preeclampsia. However, sometimes you may feel dizzy at 39 weeks of gestation as a result of fatigue, anemia, or a decrease in pressure when you change body position. It is important to inform the doctor about this in order to identify the causes of the pathology.

Lower back pain at 39 weeks pregnant

One of the unpleasant sensations at the end of pregnancy is pain in the back and lower back. Often this happens due to a change in the center of gravity and a shift in the load on the sacrum, osteochondrosis. Sometimes the back hurts at the 39th week of pregnancy as a result of the insertion of the fetal head into the small pelvis and its pressure on the nerves and tissues. Frequent rest and reduced physical activity helps to alleviate this condition.

The 39th week of pregnancy is the period when the baby is ready to be born. He has already taken the right position for birth. He presses his knees to his chin and rolls his head down.

The woman at this time is preparing with might and main for his appearance. The most difficult stages of pregnancy are already behind, only the finish line remains - the birth of a child. Expectant mother chooses a name for the babypreparing your body for childbirth. The entire 9th month of pregnancy is an important psychological stage. An event will soon happen that will turn the life of both the baby and the woman in labor upside down.

The child has almost no room for movement, he freezes in the position chosen for birth. The weight of the fetus is approximately 2800-3250 gr., height 48-51 centimeters. His body is fully developed.

Mom doesn't feel anymore major changes in your body. Weight gain is about 11-16 kilograms. This figure can vary significantly, depending on the characteristics of the woman's body. Weight during 38-39 weeks of pregnancy will not increase.

During this period, you may be tormented by some ailments. Most of them are natural and should not cause concern, while others are a reason to see a doctor. In this article, we will look at how to deal with poor health and what problems it is better to go to the doctor for.

Baby at 39 weeks pregnant

By the 39th week of pregnancy, the fetus is already fully mature and is considered full-term. All vital organs are already formed and ready to work.

The baby still receives all the nutrients from the umbilical cord. There is a danger, but in most cases it does not pose a serious danger to the child. Doctors will help during childbirth to avoid asphyxia (suffocation), which may be the result of entanglement.

The baby's lungs are ready to take their first breath. The pancreas produces the necessary enzymes for digestion. Villi appeared in the intestines, which promote food. The beneficial bacteria necessary for the intestines will be received by the baby from the mother's breast.

The baby already reacts to light and darkness, distinguishes sounds and feels touches on the stomach. His gaze focuses on 20-30 centimeters. Approximately at this distance from the mother's face will be his head during breastfeeding. The hair and nails of a child have been growing for a long time, usually babies are born with a little fluff on their heads. Subcutaneous fat is formed, small folds appear on the body, and the skin has acquired a pleasant pinkish tint.

The central nervous system is still developing, this process will continue after childbirth. So far, only the spinal cord and glial tissue have been formed. It protects the nerves and part of the facial nerve responsible for sucking. Therefore, avoid stress, relax more and do not worry about trifles.

The main thing now is the calmness of your baby, talk to him more, read to him and listen. Walk more on fresh air so that the baby gets enough oxygen.

Feelings of a woman and the necessary tests

The last days of gestation are sometimes difficult for the expectant mother. At the 39th week of pregnancy, the lower back often hurts. There is a lot of pressure on the pelvic bones and bladder. A woman constantly wants to go to the toilet.

Often sharp stabbing and aching pains in the pelvis and perineum due to strong pressure. Legs often ache, and walking becomes more difficult. But pain compensated by pleasant chores, the expectation of a close meeting with the long-awaited baby, the care and guardianship of loved ones.

You will no longer gain weight. On the contrary, a woman can lose about 1-3 kilograms in recent weeks. But this is not a cause for concern. The weight of the child remains the same, and excess fluid is removed from the mother's body.

"Training" contractions may occur. The body is preparing for childbirth, and the uterus is training to contract. Such contractions are accompanied by stiffening of the abdomen (tonus), pulling pains in the lower back and lower abdomen.

At the 39th week of pregnancy, procedures and tests are required to make sure that the body is ready for childbirth and to prevent some problems:

  • general gynecological examination;
  • a blood test is performed to monitor the likely occurrence of anemia, which can lead to oxygen starvation of the fetus;
  • is carried out to detect protein, sugar and leukocytes in the urine. affects the condition of the woman, she appears. Sugar in the urine is a harbinger of a special form of diabetes, characteristic of pregnant women. This negatively affects the health of the child. together with an elevated temperature, they mean the presence of an infection in the body of a woman;
  • the doctor may also prescribe a gynecological smear - the procedure is safe for the mother and for the child.

Despite the fact that the pregnancy will end very soon, do not neglect the prescribed tests. After all, they will help prepare your body for a successful birth and identify possible problems.

Sex at 39 weeks pregnant

Previously, doctors were categorically against sex in the last stages. This opinion has now been refuted. Some doctors prescribe sex therapy to prepare the uterus for expansion. The endorphins that are released at this moment play the role of an anesthetic and relax the woman. It is also a soft and effective training of the uterus before childbirth. It can slightly weaken the tone of the uterus. The hormone prostaglandin in male secretion increases the elasticity of the uterus.

But do not forget that this is sex before childbirth. Therefore, first of all, pay attention to your well-being. Avoid difficult poses and keep your stomach in a free position. Remember that sexual intercourse during this period should be as accurate as possible. If you are feeling tired or feeling unwell, then you should not overpower yourself. If during sexual intercourse a woman feels pain or discomfort, the process should be stopped immediately. The comfort and tranquility of a pregnant woman in the third trimester is more important.

Diarrhea and constipation at 39 weeks pregnant

At the end of gestation, many suffer, and this is quite normal. Sometimes possible a few weeks before delivery. But most often, diarrhea begins before childbirth and is one of them. This is due to the fact that the child's head descends into the small pelvis and begins to put pressure on the sacrum. Loose stools may be accompanied. Usually, diarrhea does not last long and ends two to three days before the baby is born.

Diarrhea before childbirth is a positive phenomenon. With an empty intestine, it is easier for the baby to move, nothing prevents him. This process is inherent in nature and is designed to facilitate the appearance of the baby. In order to endure diarrhea with less discomfort, you need to move less and eat more fastening foods.

However, diarrhea for a long time can be dangerous for the health of the mother and baby.

When diarrhea at 39 weeks pregnant is dangerous:

  • if a woman has persistent diarrhea before childbirth, and her stool is green;
  • if diarrhea is accompanied by and;
  • general weakness of the body, thirst and sweating.

In the event of such symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor. This may indicate the presence of an intestinal infection that will cause serious harm to the baby.

Constipation in the last stages is also a frequent occurrence. It is caused by natural physiological causes:

  • in the body of a woman, the content of the hormone progesterone increases, which reduces intestinal tone;
  • the uterus enlarges and puts pressure on the intestines, which interferes with its normal functioning;
  • in the last stages, the expectant mother moves less, there is a lack of activity;
  • while carrying a baby, the taste preferences of a woman change - instead of wholesome food, you want something sweet, spicy and salty, that is, what is attributed to malnutrition contributing to disturbances in the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • the change emotional background, frequent mood swings.

- an unpleasant phenomenon that affects the well-being and comfort of matter and, accordingly, the baby. There are several ways to treat and prevent constipation.

Prevention of constipation in the last stages:

  • eat small meals 5-6 times a day and avoid overeating;
  • food should contain all the substances necessary for the body (proteins, fats and carbohydrates);
  • drink more liquid per day - 1.5-2 liters of water and you can also drink compote, milk, kefir or yogurt;
  • try to move more.

Treatment of constipation in the last months before delivery:

  • in the morning drink a glass of cool water, which irritates the intestines and makes it work;
  • in the evening, drink a glass of kefir with one tablespoon of sunflower oil - they have a slight laxative effect;
  • chop prunes, dried apricots and raisins in a meat grinder so that in the morning on an empty stomach you can eat one tablespoon of the mixture, in which you can add a little honey for taste;
  • you can use suppositories for constipation and special preparations for pregnant women. Use medicines with extreme caution and resort to them only in extreme cases.

Brown and white discharge at 39 weeks pregnant

One of the main causes of discharge is trauma to the uterus during a gynecological examination. In the last stages, an examination is mandatory, but during the procedure, minor injuries to the uterine mucosa are not excluded. The discharge will stop 3-4 hours after the examination. It is possible to injure the uterus with careless sexual intercourse. Then will be observed for about 48 hours.

If you haven't had sex or been examined in recent days, then it's a mucus plug. Cork departs from everyone in different dates and is the main harbinger of childbirth. Contractions will start about 2-3 days after that. The color of the cork can be different: red, brown, pink or yellowish. The consistency is dense and not very. Cork weight is approximately 60 grams. It can come out entirely, or maybe in parts.

At the 39th week of pregnancy, it is also a harbinger of an early birth. Often a white cork has a yellowish tinge with streaks of blood.

Sometimes the cork leaves with the waters during delivery. There is nothing wrong with this, it means that the fetus was protected from infections before it was born.

The plug may take the form of bloody discharge at 39 weeks of gestation. It should be noted that the cork is usually no more than two tablespoons. If bleeding is profuse and does not stop for a long time, see a doctor.

You must remember that from the moment the cork is released, your birth canal is not protected from all kinds of infections. So don't swim in standing water, don't have sex, and don't plan long trips. It is best at this time to be as close as possible to the place where you are going to give birth.

Nausea and vomiting at 39 weeks pregnant

At the 39th week of pregnancy, it can serve as a harbinger of childbirth. During pregnancy, hormone-like substances prostaglandins accumulate in the body of a woman. The accumulation of this substance, together with changes in the uterus, affect internal organs including intestines and stomach. If a woman feels nauseous at 39 weeks, this may mean that the uterus has begun to open.

At the 39th week of pregnancy, it may also indicate prenatal changes in the body. However, with severe vomiting and general malaise, you should consult a doctor. It could be an infection.

A pregnant woman is often tormented at the 39th week of pregnancy. This is due to the fact that the fetus presses on the internal organs of a woman. Because of this, the contents of the stomach enter the esophagus and lead to heartburn. Heartburn is not dangerous for the body of the mother and child, it occurs in most pregnant women.

To prevent all these problems, eat small portions and do not overeat. Do not eat spicy and heavy foods, as well as foods that can cause allergies. Try to eat dinner 3 hours before bed and chew your food thoroughly.

Hemorrhoids at 39 weeks pregnant

This unpleasant disease occurs due to the fact that the uterus increases in size and begins to put pressure on the pelvic floor and venous plexus. It doesn't happen to everyone.

Hemorrhoids usually occur at the end of the third trimester, but may appear earlier, from about. They can also cause constipation, which often occurs in pregnant women.

The age of the expectant mother has a significant influence. Those who become pregnant at the age of 22-24 are several times less likely to get an unpleasant illness than those who are pregnant at the age of 29-30.

At the first appearance of symptoms of hemorrhoids, you should immediately contact your gynecologist. With timely and proper treatment, hemorrhoids will pass in less than a week, and pain will leave you on the second day.

Cold at 39 weeks pregnant

Any ailment, and even more illness, causes future mother concern about the health of the baby. If you have a cold, in no case do not self-medicate. Be sure to see a doctor. He will prescribe you medicines that do not harm the fetus. At the first symptoms of a cold, you should not go to the clinic. There you risk getting sick even more. Call the doctor at home and once again do not go out into the street.

can be cured in the early stages folk remedies. Rinse your nose regularly. You can use essential oils, but only after making sure that they are not harmful to your position. For a cough, drink tea or warm milk with the addition. Also do inhalations with natural herbs.

The body of a pregnant woman is weak and vulnerable, especially in the cold season. Proper and regular prevention will protect you from colds.

Prevention of a cold at 39 weeks of gestation:

  • do not allow hypothermia, keep your legs and neck warm, try to dress for the weather, do not go outside after a hot shower;
  • take immuno-boosting vitamins after receiving a doctor's permission for them;
  • try not to contact sick people;
  • poisoning for a walk, lubricate the nose with oxolin ointment;
  • after a walk, rinse your nose and mouth with a weak solution of soda

If the cold goes too far, a strong cough begins, bronchitis, this is already dangerous. The doctor may then prescribe antibiotics.

Edemaat 39 weeks pregnant

Edema is a characteristic phenomenon for an interesting position. They do not harm the health of the baby and mother. For 9 months, a woman adds an average of 17 kilograms. Of these, 5-6 kilograms is water. Edema during pregnancy is accompanied by more than 80% of women.

They can be harmless (physiological) or dangerous (pathological). Physiological edema appears due to sodium accumulating in the body, which has the ability to attract and retain water. This leads to physiological edema. Symptoms are aggravated by several factors: salty food, heat, physical work. Such edema quickly passes after the elimination of adverse causes.

Pathological edema are symptoms of diseases. A doctor's examination is needed.

How to reduce swelling:

  • you can use natural diuretics, for example, rowan juice or a decoction of bearberry and cornflower flowers;
  • there are many diuretic herbal teas - consult a doctor, he will prescribe the best option for you;
  • soak your feet in a non-hot bath, add herbs or sea salt there;
  • do not eat foods containing a large number of salt and sodium (pickles, sauerkraut, smoked, spicy and fast food);
  • wear loose shoes and clothing;
  • do not sit or lie in one position for a long time.

Harbingers of childbirthat 39 weeks pregnant

Week 39 has 9 obstetric months plus one week. Childbirth at 39 weeks of gestation is absolutely normal, the baby is not considered under- or post-term. The normal term for pregnancy resolution is from 37 to.

The final date depends on the woman's menstrual cycle. If the cycle is short 21-22 days, the pregnancy will last 38-39 weeks. If the menstrual cycle is long 35-38 days, then the pregnancy can last 41 and 42 weeks. If the baby is in no hurry to be born for 39-, it is necessary to visit a doctor regularly to carefully monitor the child's condition.

The doctor always sets the expected date of birth (EDD). But this does not mean that the baby should appear on that day. Sometimes the date of birth can differ significantly from the planned one. It all depends on the characteristics of the mother and child. However, during the 38-39th week of pregnancy, a woman needs to be constantly ready for the onset of labor and closely monitor changes in the body in order to get to the delivery room on time.

Signs of an upcoming birth:

  • , the baby is already turned head down, and before childbirth it goes even lower and is fixed in the small pelvis;
  • easier breathing when the uterus descends with the baby and reduces pressure on the diaphragm;
  • the navel protrudes, and the skin of the abdomen is slightly stretched;
  • separation of the mucous plug, however, sometimes separation can occur a week before delivery;
  • weight loss of 1-2 kilograms, which occurs due to a decrease in fluid in the tissues, is most often observed at 39-40 weeks of pregnancy;
  • the frequency of urination increases;
  • loose stools and frequent urge to empty the bowels;
  • strengthening of "training" fights;
  • pain in the lower back, lower abdomen and perineum;
  • discharge of amniotic fluid.

Harbingers of childbirth in primiparous and multiparous women may differ slightly. In women who have given birth, the uterus has a large lumen. Therefore, the harbingers of childbirth in multiparous women are more pronounced.

Differences in primiparous and multiparous women:

  • in women who have given birth, the mucous plug is slightly larger due to the fact that after the first birth, the uterus remains slightly ajar;
  • in multiparous women, they begin somewhat earlier;
  • in nulliparous women, prolapse of the abdomen occurs a few days before childbirth; in second-born women, the abdomen can only descend on the day of delivery.

If you find harbingers in yourself, take a reclining or standing position. If you find it difficult to stand or sit, stand on all fours. It is better not to sit down, so you can pin down the baby's head. During contractions, do not panic or scream. Your negative emotions are transferred to the baby. Focus on your breathing, breathing in and out frequently will ease the pain a little.

How to give birth fasterat 39 weeks pregnant

Every mother in the last weeks of gestation thinks about how to give birth faster. But sometimes the baby is in no hurry to be born, then he needs a little help.

Several ways to speed up childbirth:

  • Sexual intercourse. During orgasm, the muscles of the uterus begin to contract, which can induce labor at 39 weeks of gestation. But you need to approach this carefully, following the recommendations of the doctor.
  • Choose a comfortable position. Take a position so that there is no pressure on the chest and stomach.
  • Massage your nipples. It can also trigger the onset of labor. You can do it yourself or ask your husband.
  • Little physical activity. You can climb the stairs or do some cleaning. Physical activity will tone the muscles.
  • Castor oil. In addition to the laxative effect, it causes uterine spasm. So the birth can start very soon.
  • helps at 39 weeks of pregnancy to relieve spasm and reduce the tone of the cervix, so that it is more elastic, more ready for childbirth.

The main thing to remember is that very soon in your life will come new stage which will give you many new discoveries, joy and hopes.