
Summary of the lesson “Vegetables and fruits. Thematic classes for children. Learning Fruits Learning Fruits and Vegetables for Kids



"Fruits" is an educational activity for children from 2 to 3 years old. Abstract.

How are fruits different from vegetables? Why is an apple a fruit and a carrot a vegetable? To understand this issue with your child, I propose to conduct a cycle of classes on a fruit and vegetable theme. In the first lesson we will pay attention to fruits, then we will go over vegetables, and in the third generalizing lesson we will play with both vegetables and fruits.

So, before you is a developmental lesson (2-3 years) on the topic "Fruits" (compendium).

We get acquainted with the concept of "Fruit" - watch the presentation.

It is done very quickly. (I did our first textbook on this topic in 10 minutes. It's really not the most beautiful - but fast and simple, and Dasha played with it with pleasure).

The essence of the game: we “fix” that fruits grow “high” above the ground - on trees or tall bushes, We sound each fruit (this is an apple, an apple is a fruit) and we “hang” it where it usually grows - on a tree (we put in the pocket).

During the game, children's fingers develop, the concept of "fruit" is fixed.

And of course, together with a fruit tree, you just need to make the same "vegetable garden" with pockets (which we did later in the "vegetable" lesson). Then, having played separately with fruits and vegetables, you can move on to a more complex sorting - mix cards of fruits and vegetables and arrange them in the necessary pockets (fruits - on a tree, vegetables - on a vegetable garden). But this is in subsequent lessons. For now, we are fixing only the "fruit" theme.

Physical development.

Before the last stage of the lesson, you must definitely rest and move.

1. Sitting on the couch, throw balls in a basin or bathtub, which is in front of the sofa. (The balls can be "apples" for us, which we collect to take to the store).

2. We carry the fruit to the animals that live at the other end of the forest - we climb through the tunnel(real or made from chairs placed side by side), carrying an apple in hand or pushing a fruit truck:

3. We play the game "Bunnies and the fox".

We put apples in the corner of the room. Let the baby be a bunny, he climbed into the garden to pick apples. When a child takes an apple, a fox (mother) appears and runs after the bunny to catch it. A child with an apple in his hands runs away from his mother and hides in the "house".

We develop memory. Game "What's missing?"

We tell the child a fairy tale about a bunny who collected fruit for lunch. Found an apple (red, ruddy) - put an apple in front of the child - found a banana (long, sweet) - put a banana in front of the baby. (Be sure to describe both the apple and the banana, touch it, examine it - this is how we help the child remember the object well).

All of a sudden! While the bunny turned away, a crow flew in and stole something from him! (We cover the fruit with a towel and hide some fruit behind our back, imperceptibly from the kid).

The child must guess what kind of fruit the crow carried away.

Of course, you need to start with two fruits, at first you will probably have to prompt a lot, but over time, the child will easily and quickly learn to identify the missing object.


Several crafts for the thematic lesson "fruits":

Coloring fruits different techniques: with fingers, felt-tip pens or crayons, paints:

It will be great if, for coloring, we put real fruits in front of the child - apples, bananas, pears and ask the kid to color the pictures of fruits so that they look like real ones.

Fruit coloring can be drawn or.

We hang apples on a tree (plasticine application):

Torn applique:

Additional 8 games!

While this lesson was being prepared, I found a lot more interesting ideas for games on a fruit theme. You can get to know them by following this link!

Until then! Awaiting a summary of the lesson on the topic "Vegetables".

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Card file for didactic games

“We study fruits and vegetables

with the cat Philip "

Compiled by: S. I. Mashneva

1. .Didactic game"Collect all vegetables (Fruit)"

Purpose: to transmit correctly appearance vegetables and fruits, develop visual perception.

The course of the game: The teacher, on behalf of the cat Philip, invites the child to show and name only vegetables (fruits 0, shown in the picture.

2.. Didactic game "Whether in the garden or in the garden"

Objectives: To form in children the idea of ​​a garden and a vegetable garden; teaches to distinguish between fruits and vegetables, to determine the place of their growth.

Course of the game: The teacher, on behalf of the cat Philip, invites the child to look at the pictures. name what is depicted on them. Asks the child to tell where vegetables grow, where fruits are. Gives the task to distribute those that depict vegetables to put on a field with a vegetable garden, with fruits - on a field with a garden.

3. Didactic game "Cut pictures"

Purpose: To form in children the idea of ​​a holistic image of an object, to teach to correlate the image of a representation with a holistic image of a real object, to add a picture cut into 4 parts. Act by applying. To educate children in attention, perseverance, perseverance in the implementation of the task.

The course of the game: The teacher puts a picture cut into 3-4 parts in front of the child. He gives the child time to look at the parts, then asks "what do you think is shown in the picture?" Then he shows the child a whole picture of this object. Asks the child to assemble a whole picture from the parts.

4. Didactic game "Put vegetables (fruits) in baskets"

Purpose: to teach to distinguish and relate objects in size, to consolidate the concepts: big-small, one-many.

Course of the game: The teacher on behalf of the cat Philip asks the child to help him harvest. Shows two baskets, specifies the size of the baskets. Gives the task: B large basket big fruits must be collected. small - small.

5 Didactic game. "Let's cook vegetable soup (fruit compote)"

Purpose: To teach children to distinguish between vegetables and fruits, to name them correctly. To develop the children's vocabulary, the correct grammatical structure of speech.

The course of the game: The teacher, on behalf of Philip the cat, let him cook vegetable soup and fruit compote. A picture of a saucepan and a jug is laid out in front of the child. and small pictures of vegetables and fruits. The child is given the task to put all vegetables in a saucepan, and fruits in a jug.

6. Didactic game "Riddles from the garden"

Target. In the game, clarify the knowledge of children about plants in the garden and vegetable garden, find them by description.Game progress : The teacher invites the child to listen to the riddle and find a picture with a solution.



Help the cat Philip to cook borscht (compote)

"Riddles from the garden"

    Round, ruddy.

I grow on a branch

Adults love me

And little kids.


With orange skin
Like a ball
But the center is not empty
But juicy and tasty. (Orange)

It's almost like an orange
Thick skin, juicy
There is only one drawback -
Sour very, very. (Lemon)

This dinner is the best
I'm glad and Misha is glad
After all, today is our mother
I bought us ... (grapes)

As in a garden bed under a leaf
A block of wood rolled up -
Zelenets is remote,
Delicious small vegetable.

    Round side, yellow side

A bun is sitting in a garden bed.

Grown into the ground firmly.

What is this?


    For curly tuft

They dragged the fox out of the mink.

Very smooth to the touch,

It tastes like sweet sugar.


    Was green little
    Then I became scarlet
    I turned black in the sun
    And now I'm ripe.

Fruit: materials for games, conversations and activities with preschool children. Finger gymnastics... Entertaining speech exercises and games for children. Physical education. Cartoons.

Fruit: Materials for games, conversations and activities with preschool children

In this article you will find:

  1. Talking about fruit.
  2. 10 speech games on the topic "Fruit".
  3. Finger gymnastics.
  4. Three ideas for physical education.

Additional material to the article - riddles about fruit can be found in the article

Kindergarten 100 years ago. “Conversations with small children” by L.K. Schläger.

Conversation about fruits L.K. Schläger. 1913 year.

Preparing for the interview.

There are different fruits in front of the children. They name them, determine the shape, colors. Determine by touch and taste with closed eyes.

There should be fruit catalogs at hand; drawings in paints (that is, color pictures); artificial fruit


What does the fruit grow on? What is the name of the tree on which the apples grow? Can plums grow on an apple tree? What is the appearance of a ripe apple? What taste is it? (Sweet, juicy). Who blushed the apple like that? What protects the apple pulp? (Skin). And when does the apple ripen? The beauty of an apple tree hung with ruddy apples. Has anyone seen an apple tree with apples? What are the apples sitting on?

Who can tell how it grows Apple? Is it always so big and ruddy? What color is an unripe apple? What does it taste like? Before the apple appears, the apple tree blooms. When does it bloom? In the spring. Has anyone seen an apple tree in bloom? In the spring we will watch it, but for now let's see the picture.

Let's see, what's inside the apple, cut - one along, the other across. What are the seeds in and how many are there? Why does an apple tree need seeds? Why do we need pulp? She guards the seeds. What color are the ripe seeds? And unripe?

What kind the seeds by the cherry? By the plum?

Who eats ripe fruits? Are the people alone eating and loving them? Do people eat seeds? They spit them out. And what do the birds eat? The seeds fall on the ground, and what grows from them?

What sometimes comes across in apples, pears, plums? Worm. How did the worm get into the apple tree? Does the worm stay in the apple? He gnaws at it and goes out (find an apple with a worm move). A pupa is made from a worm, and a butterfly is made from a pupa.

What do we make from fruits? What do we make jam from? Has anyone seen dried fruit? Show and try. What else is fruit made? Kvass, liqueur.

Is it growing with us grape? What is made of it? What other fruits do you know that grow in warm countries? Oranges, tangerines, lemons. Are orange and lemon peels as thin as apples?

What are the fruits of the oak, the tree? Who collects and eats them? Is it fruit?

Children's work on the topic "Fruits".

  • Modeling of fruits, drawing them.
  • Cutting and pasting (applique).
  • Cutting pictures with fruits from catalogs, magazines.
  • Illustration "Picking apples".
  • Fruit shop (making a layout for children's games with the children)

A question for educators to think about:

Exactly 100 years have passed since the publication of this conversation for young children by the talented teacher Louise Karlovna Schleger! Have we and our children changed? What is the difference between L.K. Schläger from modern discourses on fruit in kindergarten? What are the requirements for a conversation with children taken into account when drawing up this conversation? What would you change about her?

You will learn more about conversations with children and about our history of the methodology for the development of children's speech from an article based on the materials of the book by E.A. Flerina "Living Word in a Preschool".

Practical materials for classes, conversations and games with children on the topic "Fruit"

Speech games with preschool children on the topic "Fruits"

Game 1. Ladder in the garden. Pick a word.

Together with your child, come up with as many words as possible about what fruits are. For example, today we will play with the word "apple" - "What kind of apple can it be?", And next time with the word "pear" - "What kind of pear is there?" You can find words on the road, on a walk, on the bus or in the car. But best of all - playing!

How to generate interest in a word-matching game?

Speech exercises are difficult for children, so it is best to do them in game form and so that the baby can clearly see the result of his efforts. For this I came up with my own technique - "a visual game assessment of the result of the speech." This is how I do it.

I usually draw a large tree on an easel with a felt-tip pen (you can draw a tree on a piece of paper or on a blackboard). I draw fruits on the tree, but they should be drawn very high off the ground. There is a staircase next to the tree. The staircase is drawn as two vertical parallel lines. But - this is important - there are no steps painted on it!

How we play: we choose words and go up the ladder for fruit. One word = one rung.

As soon as we have found one word - I draw one step. Found one more word - I draw another step. How many words were picked up - so many steps appeared on the ladder! With each word, steps are added, and we climb higher and higher (you can rearrange the figures of children according to the image of the ladder). The task is to get to the top of the tree, and for this you need to find a lot of words!

At the top of the tree, a pleasant surprise must await children! When the children take the apple (or plum) from the crown of the tree, on back side pictures they must find something - a plan with a designation of the place where a surprise, a riddle, a small gift, a beautiful piece of paper, congratulations from the Gardener, a drawn medal, magic words, etc. are hidden.

Adult tip

Words for the game: aromatic, large, tasty, tasteless, sour, sweet, ruddy, delicate, fragrant, juicy, liquid, red, yellow, golden, striped, mature immature, ripe, round, oval, elongated, soft, hard, rotten, wormy, dried , large, small, boiled, summer, early, early ripening, southern.

Useful advice:

  • It is better if you say in this game words that are rarely found in everyday communication ("fragrant apple", "fragrant apple", "ripe apple"), and children will pick up more simple words("Sweet apple", "round apple", "ruddy apple"). If children find it difficult, then you can tell the kids words with a gesture, suggest the first syllable, resemble a familiar line from a poem in which this word is found
  • This game is difficult for kids at first. But in the future, interest and attention to words, to expressive speech develops. Children begin to be very attentive to the words and literary texts that are read to them, to listen attentively to the speech of adults and to notice vivid figurative epithets in it. Therefore, the game is very useful for the development of attention to the language, and for the enrichment and activation of the children's vocabulary, and for preparation for schooling.
  • I really like to read to children a poem by Y. Akim, in which there are many expressive epithets. Listen to it as a child and find beautiful, special, expressive words in it.

“The apple is ripe, red, sweet, the apple is crunchy, with a smooth skin. I will split the apple in half, I will share the apple with my friend ”. (Ya. Akim).

Here are some more poems about apples, in which there are many beautiful figurative words for speech games.

Fragrant, ruddy, there are sweet, there are spicy, there are sour, there are tart, there are soft, there are strong. There are fresh, dried, and even pickled.

The most important sweet fruit grows in our garden. It is amber and fragrant, sweet and sour, golden. Large, round and crispy, the King's son is real! There is with a ruddy barrel, And with a cheerful worm. Our apple tree wonderfully gave a lot of apples: Very sweet, fragrant, And the taste is so pleasant.

Game 2. I know.

The first player starts: I know a lot of fruits: an apple. The second player continues: I know a lot of fruits: an apple and a pear. The third builds the chain further: "I know a lot of fruits: apple, pear and plum." The task is to continue the chain and not confuse anything. An adult in a game can make a deliberate mistake, for example, naming a vegetable instead of a fruit. Will children notice this mistake?

The game develops attention and memory.

Game tips:

The chain shouldn't be too big for kids! If a lot of children are playing, then it is better to make not one long chain of words that is difficult to remember, but several chains.

When making a chain, you can string large wooden parts onto the cord. So we can clearly see how many words we have memorized and picked up.

Game 3. Let's collect the fruits in the basket.

Each player names one fruit. If he called it correctly, then he puts a cube in the basket. One word is one cube. The task is to fill the basket with words - cubes, remembering and naming as many fruits as possible. You can play for a while - you need to have time to fill the basket in 2 minutes. This is a long enough period of time to complete the task.

What children can name: apple, pear, quince, cherry plum, irga, apricot, peach, plum, lemon, orange, grapefruit, tangerine, pomegranate, pineapple, persimmon, banana, mango, avocado, kiwi and other fruits.

You can "put" in the basket not only the names of fruits, but also phrases. For example: "fragrant apple" - put a cube. Now we need to come up with the following phrase - "golden pear". Further, a new phrase - "blue plum". And so we fill the basket.

Game 4. Classification. Fruits and vegetables.

Children are given pictures with mixed fruits and vegetables. You need to put fruits in one basket and vegetables in another.

Be sure to ask your child: "Why do you think it is a fruit?"

To generalize children's ideas about fruits and clarify the generalized concept of "fruit" with children 4 years of age and older, you can spend exercise with pictures for development logical thinking"What is fruit?"

Step 1. Place 3-4 pictures of fruits in front of the child. For example, apple, pineapple, banana, plum. You can also use real fruits or dummies. Ask what is the difference these items? Let them baby will compare will tell each other that they differ: a) in color - “purple plum, and scarlet apple”, b) in size “small plum, but large pineapple”, c) the nature of the surface (smooth, rough), d) shape ( round, oval, long - short).

Step 2. Then ask the main question: “ How are these pictures similar? What do these items have in common?" It's a difficult question. If necessary, help your baby with leading questions.

  • What are people doing with them? Are eating. So they are similar in what they are? Right! Edible.
  • Where do they grow? Yes, they all do not grow on the ground, but on trees, in the garden.
  • Can they grow on their own in a field or in a forest? No. Who planted them? Person! Can they grow without care, watering? So, how are they similar?

Step 3. After discussion, do with the baby conclusion that all these pictures depict plants - fruits. And once again discuss the main signs of fruit. Fruits are plants, they are always edible, they grow in the garden, they are planted and grown by people, people take care of them. People make jams, compotes, jellies, marmalade and other delicious treats from fruits.

Step 4. Ask to select fruits from pictures of different products. Ask why is it a fruit? Maybe it's a vegetable? Emphasize the difference - fruits grow on trees in the garden. And vegetables grow on the ground in the garden.

Game 5. What is made of fruits? Cheerful cooks.

At the beginning of the game, we recall all the dishes that are made from fruits. Remember the most favorite dishes of your children and your family.

Advice for adults: fruit is used to make juice, compote, jelly, fruit drink, jam, jelly, preserves, marmalade, candied fruits, raisins, dried apricots and other dried fruits, Turkish delight. Do you remember anything else? I would be glad for your additions in the comments after the article.

And then we begin to play with the children - “cook” our favorite dish. For example, we cook marmalade. We depict how we stir the mass in a saucepan, how we spread it with a spoon on a baking sheet, and then cut it into slices with a knife, treating toys. And at this time we are talking about marmalade, learning to form adjectives from nouns.

Let's make a marmalade from different fruits, and we will succeed (we begin the phrase, and the children suggest the answer). Apple marmalade - what do we call it? Apple.

  • Plum marmalade - which one? Plum. (A common mistake is “creamy”! Pay attention to the child that creamy is made from cream. And made from plums is plum)
  • And from pears -? Attention! There are frequent mistakes here, the correct option is a pitiful one.
  • And which peach? Peach!
  • From apricots -? Apricot.
  • Orange -? Orange.
  • From mandarin -? Mandarin.

And then we begin play in the cafe. Each time we do not just name a word, but draw a whole scene - we treat the visitors, taste them, lick our lips, offer them, ask questions. And at this time we say: “Oh, how fragrant we have got apple marmalade. And try the grocery one? Perhaps you will like the slate one more? " If the child admits a typical mistake, for example, says "apple" instead of "apple", then it is best to treat guests - toys - with apple marmalade, saying this word many times in different phrases in the game: “Would you like to treat yourself to apple marmalade? It is very tasty!". Or: "Our apple marmalade is very fragrant and not sugary, you will like it!"

One of the options for such a game- to persuade the character to try exactly apple marmalade, praising it in every possible way. And each time repeating its name and fixing the correct version of the word in speech. Naturally, at first the toy refuses, and then agrees. And she really, really likes apple marmalade. And your kid, while playing, learns a new word for him, and will no longer make mistakes in it! And he himself will not notice how he learns to speak grammatically correctly!

Further You will only need to remind him of the correct variant in everyday communication: “Remember, we played with fruit. What is the correct name for apple marmalade? Correct your mistake. Here is a clever girl! Yes, apple! " Never repeat the mistakes of your child. It is very important for a kid to hear grammatically correct speech of adults!

Game 6. Name it affectionately.

  • Apple - ? Apple.
  • Plum - ? - Cream
  • Apricot -? - Apricot.
  • Pear - ? - Pear.
  • Orange - ? - Orange.
  • Mandarin -? - Mandarin.
  • Lemon -? Lemon.

Game 7. Wizards.

Give your child a magic wand and let him turn into a wizard. An ordinary pencil wrapped in foil can act as a stick. For beauty, you can attach a brush, bell or other attribute of magic to the pencil.

The task of our little wizards is to grow a lot of fruits. An evil wizard enchanted the garden, and only one apple grew in it. But our little wizard waves magic wand, and a lot of things happened? Apples!

  • There was one plum, a wave of the stick, and it turned out a lot? Draining.
  • Did a lot grow instead of one orange? Oranges.
  • There was one pineapple, but there is a lot of what? Pineapples.
  • There was one pear. Has there become a lot? Pear.
  • One banana hung on a branch, but has there become a lot? Bananas.

In this grammatical game, the kid is introduced to the genitive plural of nouns. You will be able to see and correct common grammatical mistakes. For example, children may say that there are many "apples" instead of the correct version of "apples." Often kids say that there are a lot of “pears” or “pears” instead of the correct version of “pears”. If the kids are wrong, then play the following game with them to consolidate speech skills.

Game 8. What is gone.

Place 6 pictures in front of your child. Each picture shows fruits: bananas, apples, pears, plums, pineapples (you can take another list of pictures). Let the baby close his eyes, and at this time you remove one of the pictures. What's gone? Pear.

In this game, the child also learns to use words correctly in the genitive case.

Visual material (pictures) + for this game and other games articles already posted in the section of the site "Library of games, pictures and materials for classes with children" -

Game 9. The fourth is extra.

  • Lemon, tangerine, orange, cucumber.
  • Pineapple, boletus, apple, pear.
  • Pear, plum, fruit, kiwi.
  • Plum, pear, compote, apple.

Be sure to ask the children why they chose this particular word as redundant. Children have their own logic, and it also has the right to life! In addition, the ability to explain and prove your point of view, to build arguments is very important in life and begins to develop in a child precisely in preschool age! Use these developmental opportunities for toddlers!

Game 10. Guess who's got it?

In this entertaining and fun game it is very easy to learn how to use plural genitive nouns correctly. It happens so naturally! Children love to play, they play the game many times, and each time they develop and consolidate their speech skills without any edification, boring exercises or long explanations - naturally and playfully!

To play you will need pictures, each of which depicts several fruits. You need two identical sets.

One of the children is the presenter. He is given one set of pictures. All participants in the game take a picture from another set.

The task of the presenter is to guess what is who. The following dialogue is underway:

- Do you have lemons? I do not have no lemons! Do you have oranges? No, I do not have oranges! Do you have apples? No, I do not have apples! Do you have pears? No. I do not have pears! Do you have tangerines? Yes, I have tangerines.

It is discussed in advance how many questions the presenter can ask one player. Usually these are 4-5 questions. If he was able to guess, then the children change roles in the game. The presenter becomes a player, and the child, whose picture was guessed right, goes to guess further.

If the presenter has not guessed from 4 questions, then he continues to guess.

You can play this game together with your baby. Then the adult asks questions and the child answers. Then switch roles.

Finger gymnastics on the topic "Fruit".

1. Orange.

We bend the fingers one by one.

We were sharing an orange. There are many of us, but he is one! This slice is for hedgehogs, This slice is for shrink, This slice is for ducklings, This slice is for kittens. This slice is for the beaver, And for the wolf - the peel!

2. Compote.

We depict actions in accordance with the text:

Will we cook compote, We need a lot of fruit here: We will crumble apples, We will chop a pear. Squeeze out the lemon juice, Drain, put in the sand. We cook, we cook compote. Let's treat the honest people.


We unbend the fingers one by one.

This finger is an orange, He, of course, is not alone. This finger is a plum, Delicious, beautiful. This finger is an apricot, It grew high on a branch. This finger is a pear, Asks: "Come on, eat it!" This finger is a pineapple, Fruit for you and for us.

Funny physical exercises:

1. Harvest.

Show actions: we carry a ladder, put a ladder, pick pears, put them in boxes, load them into a car.

2. How a gardener grew an apple tree.

Show actions: the gardener digs a hole, plants an apple tree, whitens the apple tree trunk, watering, fertilizing, pruning, collecting fruits.

3. Apple.

That's an apple! It is full of sweet juice! (stand up, arms to the sides, reach out) Stretch out your hands, pick the apple! (hands up, reach up) The wind began to swing a twig, it's hard to pick an apple! (hands up, bending to the sides) I'll jump up, stretch out my hand and quickly pick an apple! (jumping up, clap overhead)

Cartoon "Orange" based on the tale of Stepan Pisakhov.

Find fairy tales in this cartoon with the children :). What could actually be, and what is here like in a fairy tale?

Until we meet again at the "Native Path"! I wish you success and joyful communication with children!

Useful materials for lessons with children on the development of speech (pictures, tasks, games, presentations) can be found in the headings:


"Development of speech from 0 to 7 years: what is important to know and what to do. Cheat sheet for parents"

Phew, finally we mastered this one a large set of games for children on the topic "Vegetables, fruits, berries". We decided to combine 3 of our themes into one thematic set, so it turned out whole 19 (!) Pages of educational assignments. They turned out to be very diverse. Using this manual, you can remember with your child all the familiar fruits, vegetables and berries, introduce him to strangers, learn to sort them, learn the peculiarities of their cultivation and use, as well as complete tasks for the development of logic, attention, memory, fine motor skills, coordination of movements.

Some sheets, as usual, are black and white, others are colored. Let me remind you that for multiple use of worksheets, you can hide in a file corner, and then draw on them with a dry-erase marker.

To organize a developmental lesson at home, You need to print the kit, select several sheets with which you will work today, and offer one of the tasks to the baby. First, tell him what is drawn in the picture, and then what needs to be done. If the kid does not quite understand the task, complete it together the first time. Enjoy it. If the child does not succeed in some task or does not like it, postpone it until the next time. If for the second time the baby refuses to complete this task, it means that it does not suit him at all. Using educational games on a specific topic, try to weave other household toys and aids into the lesson. For example, a constructor, puzzles, finger theater, mosaics, etc. Do not forget about gross motor skills and the development of physical skills: encourage your toddler to jump, crawl, walk on a tightrope, dance, etc. Alternate mental activity with physical activity... Thus, you can build a high-quality and harmonious lesson in Your home school.

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Developing tasks on the topic "Vegetables, fruits, berries"

The kit includes the following educational tasks for toddlers:

  1. What grows where? For this task, cut out vegetables, fruits and mushrooms. They can be pre-painted with the baby. Then tell your child what grows in the ground, what is on top of the ground, and what grows on a tree. And then glue the cut fruits together where it should be.
  2. Lotto “Fruit and Berries”. Detailed rules for playing lotto.
  3. Collect the vegetable snake. This game is based on the domino principle. To prepare the guide, glue the snake sheet onto the cardboard, and then cut out all the parts according to dotted lines... Then invite the kid to find a half of the vegetable that is adjacent to the snake's head. Next, you need to find half of the next vegetable, and so on right up to the snake's tail.
  4. Pick a color. To do this educational material, glue black and white pictures on cardboard (or laminate), cut them along the dotted line and cut out the inside of the fruits / vegetables. You should have some kind of stencils. They need to be superimposed on cards with flowers, choosing the desired color for the drawn fruit. To save on printing costs, you can use cardboard or appliqué paper of the desired colors instead of printing the color sample sheets.
  5. Collect the chain. This sheet should also be glued to cardboard. Then you need to cut out the details along the dotted line and you can assemble them with your child according to the principle of puzzles.
  6. Find in the picture: long-short, big-small, one-many.
  7. Collect the Fruit Matryoshka. This task can be performed once as an applique, as well as many times if the fruit is laminated and cut out. It is necessary to superimpose the smaller fruit on top of the larger one.
  8. Trace the outline of the pumpkin.
  9. Gather vegetables in a saucepan and fruits in a basket by drawing the necessary lines with a pencil or felt-tip pen.
  10. Connect the fruit / berry from the left column and its shadow from the right.
  11. Guide the snail along the path with your finger, pencil or felt-tip pen.
  12. Place the required number of items on the apple(pom-pons, nuts, beans, small balls, matches, etc.) This task is performed by the mother, and the baby observes, memorizing the number visually.
  13. What's superfluous? You need to find one extra item among vegetables and fruits.

Today we continue to get acquainted with fruits. I suggest you thematic lessons for children from 1 to 3 years old "Learning fruits"... You can choose the appropriate games, taking into account the age and development of your little one. During class, try to also take into account the wishes of the child. If the baby does not focus on some games - do not insist, try another day.

So, we begin our classes:

1. We watch presentations, videos, photographs.

And the first thing I suggest you is watching presentations about fruits. you can download and watch two presentations - one mine, the other from the net. In addition to these presentations, on the Internet you can find many similar creations for every taste and color. You can also watch ordinary pictures.

2. Guess what you ate?

The second game is to study the characteristics of fruits. I propose such an interesting option. Cut the fruit into small pieces into a bowl. Now invite your baby to close his eyes and guess the taste of all the fruits. After each bite you eat, try characterizing each food with a small taster.

Let's imagine that there is a banana, an apple, an orange in a plate. For those who are bolder, you can offer a lemon.

“Baby, let's guess with you what kind of fruit I’ll put in your mouth. Close your eyes and open your mouth. Om! What's this? Banana? Right, what is he like? Sweet, soft, delicious. What color is it? That's right, yellow. And when the banana is not ripe, it is green, harder and not sweet. Do you know what shape this fruit is? It is long, elongated. On top of the banana is the peel, and under the peel is the sweet pulp that you just ate? Did you like the banana? "

“What have you eaten now? This Apple. I wonder what it is? Hard, sweet (slightly sour, sour), crunchy. Apples are red, yellow and green, and they grow on a tree called an apple tree. What is the shape of the fruit? That's right, round. The top of the apple also has a peel. But, unlike a banana, this peel can be eaten. "


“Yum! Tell me, what have you eaten now? It's an orange! This fruit is slightly sour (sour, sweet). It is very juicy, soft, aromatic and tasty. What color is an orange? Of course it's orange! And what form does it have? That's right, the shape of a ball. Or in other words, the orange is also round like an apple. Its peel is tough and not tasty at all. So never eat it. "

Here are just a few examples, with other fruits the same. There is nothing complicated here, everything is as simple as two and two.

3. What's in the bag?

Put different fruits in an opaque bag. Now we choose from two options how we will play. You can try both.

♦ ask the child to take the desired fruit out of the bag, naming it. The child must find it by touch and pull it out.

♦ The child puts his hand into the bag and guesses what he has found by touch. And then he takes it out of the bag.

You can also ask your child to describe the item being taken.

4. Developing logic. Find the extra

We take out various products from the refrigerator. The simplest is fruits and vegetables. We spread food in front of the robust man and ask him to find unnecessary items. We start with one extra item and gradually increase their number.

Another option is when you need to find only fruits among the various products.

If it is not possible to take real products, we draw them or take toy ones.

Don't forget to play.

5. We sculpt from plasticine

We sculpt fruits from plasticine or dough. And then we feed the toys or mom with our crafts. You can take a special plasticine knife and learn to cut fruit.

By the way, the stores sell toy fruits that the kid himself can cut in half, see what's inside, and then put it back together. Very interesting. We have the following:

6. Making applications "Fruit"

We use the usual colored paper, scissors and glue. Seeds and pits from fruits such as watermelon, melon, grape, or apple seeds can also come in handy. Unfortunately, I don't have a photo, but for example, you can look for applications on the net.

7. Draw

We draw fruits with paints, felt-tip pens, pencils. You can simply buy or download a fruit coloring book online. Do not forget to spell out the characteristics of the fruit.

I really like the following way of drawing fruit. In the middle of the sheet, draw half of any fruit with watercolors or gouache.

Fold the sheet in half.

Then we unfold and get a whole fruit.

The resulting drawing is painted, of course, by the child. By the way, not only fruits can be drawn this way. My daughter and I, for example, liked to draw half-hearted people.

8. Cook compote

We cook “pretend” fruit compote, or maybe for real. We put the necessary fruits in a saucepan, fill it with water, add sugar.

At the same time, we read such a beautiful poem about compote:

We put pieces of real fruit on the plates for dolls or other toys. Also, fruits can be toy or molded from plasticine. The kid's task is to sort the fruits so that there is only one type of fruit in each plate. Now he needs to count how many pieces are in each plate: one, many, few, several, or the exact number (depending on the child's age). Well, then we just play.

10. We buy fruits

We go to a real store and buy fruits. The crumb must choose the fruit himself, naming their names. Or choose products that you name him.

You can also arrange a store game at home.

11. Learn the alphabet

Cut from magazines, print from a computer or just draw fruits. We do the same with the letters of the native alphabet. Now "Learning fruits" and "Learning letters". We guess which letter any fruit begins with, and look for this letter.

12. What kind of juice is there?

Make a natural juice from any fruit and ask your child what it is. It is very interesting whether the kid will realize that the juice from lemon is lemon, from apples - apple, from oranges - orange, etc.

If it is not possible to prepare natural juice, then we take ordinary paints and dilute them in water, pretending that we are preparing juice. We observe what color is obtained, and guess from which fruit such a beautiful drink turned out.

13. Finger games.

We unbend our fingers one at a time and at the same time sentence.

We hide our hands behind our backs and run away from mom.

Likewise, just don't run away. We bend the fingers, starting with the little finger, and then unbend in the opposite order.

14. We read poetry.

My daughter's favorite rhyme about fruit.

But be sure to read this, a very beautiful poem.

This concludes our thematic lessons for children on the topic "Learning fruits". Hope you enjoyed it. If yes, then, in gratitude for my efforts, please click on the buttons social networks and leave a comment.