
Frozen strawberry face mask. Strawberry face masks at home. For dry skin


Absolutely everyone loves it: kids and adults, vegetarians and meat-eaters, thin people and donuts. This bright fragrant spring berry is tasty and very healthy. Strawberries can be eaten or used to make medicinal and cosmetics. The mask of strawberries has tonic, antiseptic, rejuvenating properties.

The composition and properties of strawberries

This appetizing berry contains a huge amount of vitamins, microelements, useful fruit acids, nutrients, in particular:

  • vitamin A;
  • vitamin C;
  • B vitamins;
  • magnesium;
  • copper;
  • calcium;
  • iron;
  • proteins;
  • carbohydrates.

Both berries and strawberry leaves are used, which are harvested during the flowering period. A strawberry face mask can be used for all skin types. It has the following properties:

  • rejuvenates;
  • tones;
  • returns elasticity;
  • softens;
  • cleanses;
  • whitens;
  • narrows pores;
  • relieves acne;
  • eliminates small wrinkles.

What's the use of it?

Scientists claim that this wonderful berry has anti-cancer properties - they are due to the high content of antioxidants.

These same substances significantly slow down the processes of neuronal and behavioral aging, slow down the progression of Alzheimer's disease.

Strawberries are also good for the heart. Its regular consumption reduces the risk of coronary disease by 30%.

Berries eliminate inflammation, improve digestion.

Their only drawback is the likelihood of developing an allergic reaction. In the absence of a tendency to allergies, the fruits can be eaten or used to prepare cosmetics (creams, tonics, etc.). In cosmetology, they are often used to make masks.

What are the benefits of strawberry masks?

Their popularity among the fair sex is quite justified:

  • The alpha hydroxy acids contained in the berries stimulate the exfoliation of dead cells, thereby preventing skin aging.
  • Masks produce a whitening effect, relieve problems such as increased pigmentation or depigmentation and freckles.
  • The fruits contain natural antiseptics, resulting in a strawberry face mask for problematic skin is an ideal remedy: helps eliminate acne, inflammation, irritation.
  • Salicylic acid eliminates acne, oily sheen, tightens pores.
  • Strawberry masks visibly refresh the complexion. This effect is achieved thanks to ascorbic acid: in terms of its content, these berries with a divine aroma “beat” even the record of citrus fruits.
  • Vitamins and mineral compounds nourish the skin, saturating it with valuable substances, prevent the appearance of signs of aging, and keep it in good shape.
  • The most useful is the mask of fresh strawberries. For the face, the most juicy and ripe fruits should be selected.
  • Strawberry bones act like: gently cleanse and massage the skin, remove the stratum corneum.

When should strawberry masks be used?

They are almost universal: you can find suitable recipes for any skin problems.

Strawberry wrinkle mask Eliminates fine “crow's feet” and visibly smoothes deeper creases. Several berries should be mashed, add a little honey (1 tsp), wrap the mixture in a piece of gauze and put on the eye area. Remove with a moistened swab.

Rejuvenating Strawberry Mask tones the skin, restores its freshness, firmness, elasticity. Several large berries should be kneaded, add cottage cheese (for dry skin - oily, for normal - medium fat content), a little linseed or olive oil. For greater efficiency, you can also use vitamins in capsules (E, A).

Strawberry mask for acne with regular use, it will help to eliminate or significantly reduce the severity of this unpleasant phenomenon. The grated fruits are bred a small amount milk, add a little starch and lubricate the inflamed areas with the resulting mixture. For best results, after the procedure, you can lubricate your face with a cleansing tonic.

Effective Recipes

White Clay and Strawberry Mask Helps Treat Acne

Cosmetic procedures using strawberries are best done all year round. How to make a strawberry mask in winter? Elementary - you need to use frozen berries. The effect is almost the same as from a fresh product. When freezing (as opposed to heat treatment), it is possible to preserve all useful material. You should choose ripe large berries. Before preparing the composition, they must be washed, then dried by laying on paper napkin or a towel.

Recipe 1

For dry skin, a composition based on strawberries, egg yolk and a teaspoon of olive oil is suitable. To give the mixture additional density, it is recommended to add not a large number of flour. The prepared product is applied to clean skin.

Recipe 2

The following face mask perfectly nourishes dry skin: a homogeneous mass is prepared from strawberries and sour cream (preferably oily), an oil solution of vitamin A is added (a few drops) and the entire face is covered with the mixture (except for the eyelid area).

Recipe 3

A strawberry and honey face mask is optimal for skin with the first signs of aging. In addition to these components, it includes olive oil and vitamin E. The mixture is applied to the skin in a thick layer and removed after a quarter of an hour with a cotton swab dipped in milk.

Recipe 4

To tighten the pores, the following remedy is suitable: add a few drops of lemon juice and a little strong green tea to the strawberry puree.

Recipe 5

To get rid of acne, a therapeutic clay-strawberry face mask is very effective. At home, it can be used in the evenings about 1 time in 5 days. To prepare the composition, it is better to use white or blue clay. It is diluted with a mixture of strawberry and lemon juices.

Recipe 6

This remedy is suitable for skin with pronounced pores. Strawberry pulp and a little wheat or corn flour are added to the beaten egg white.

Recipe 7

Banana-strawberry mask perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the skin. Its effectiveness can be increased by adding a vitamin E capsule to the mixture.

Recipe 8

Excellent refreshing and toning cucumber-strawberry mixture. Fresh cucumber is passed through a meat grinder, mixed with strawberry mass and applied to the face.

Recipe 9

From small wrinkles can be eliminated by applying a mixture of boiled rice, mint and strawberries to the skin.

Be sure to take advantage of the fact that summer is in the yard and you can use natural products grown in your own beds as cosmetics.

No store mask can be compared in terms of the effect and content of vitamins that a home-made strawberry face mask has. The whole cooking process will take you no more than 10 minutes, and the instant effect will delight you with its amazing result for a long time to come.

The strawberry face mask contains a huge amount of vitamins that, without any chemical impurities, will nourish your skin with all the necessary substances. Strawberries are especially rich in:

  • vitamin A(retinol), which is famous for its anti-inflammatory and moisturizing properties;
  • vitamin B9(folic acid), which forms an invisible protective film, protecting the skin from harmful ultraviolet exposure;
  • vitamin C(ascorbic acid), which prevents radicals from destroying healthy cells, protects them from premature aging;
  • vitamin H(biotin), which helps repair damaged cells;
  • potassium, which helps to normalize the level of hydration in the cells;
  • calcium which makes the skin smooth, soft and silky.

Thanks to this vitamin composition, strawberry face masks have such a wide spectrum of action on the skin and solve most problems quickly and effectively.

Who will take care of our health and beauty better than nature? Its sources, rich in vitamins and natural ingredients, give the skin elasticity, smoothness, give freshness and protect it from rapid aging.

But summer does not last all year round, and in winter it is difficult to find natural products. You have to resort to cosmetics. With a choice cosmetic products you have to be extremely careful and vigilant. Most facial gels and foams contain harmful substances such as Sodium lauryl/Laureth Sulfate, Coco Sulfate, different types silicones and parabens, which not only do not care about your skin, but also harm your health, penetrating through the pores into the blood and settling in soft tissues and organs.

Try to choose only natural cosmetics, without the addition of dyes and other harmful ingredients. Choosing from a variety of natural brands, most experts in the field of cosmetology recommend Mulsan Cosmetic ( There are no preservatives in cosmetic products from Mulsan Cosmetic, which is confirmed by a very short shelf life. A feature of the cosmetic brand is complete naturalness and richness in vitamins, extracts and healthy oils.

Strawberry face mask: indications and contraindications

  • first of all - for fading, tired of spring beriberi skin;
  • for dry skin as an excellent natural moisturizer;
  • for oily skin, as the strawberry face mask perfectly tightens pores;
  • for contaminated skin, the peeling properties of strawberries will be very useful;
  • for normal (normal or mixed) skin, strawberries will be an excellent nourishing cosmetic product;
  • to remove age spots;
  • to improve complexion;
  • The anti-inflammatory effect of the strawberry face mask will prevent the spread of acne and acne.

Thus, for almost any skin, such a miraculous mask will be a real help in solving many skin problems of the face. As a cosmetic product, strawberries for the face have practically no contraindications, with the exception of:

  • individual intolerance to berries (strawberries have a very high content of vitamin C, which is a fairly strong allergen);
  • proximity of capillaries to the skin;
  • open wounds on the face.

After testing the prepared mixture on the skin of your wrist, you can safely use the strawberry face mask 1 or even 2 times a week.

The best strawberry face mask recipes

When choosing a strawberry face mask recipe, be sure to consider the skin problem you want to address. Choose masks according to your skin type and the availability of ingredients in their composition.

  • 1. Strawberry whitening mask

Mash a few medium-sized berries into a puree and apply on the face.

  • 2. Rejuvenating strawberry mask

Mash 2 medium-sized berries, mix with a moisturizing face cream (a teaspoon), add honey (a teaspoon).

  • 3. Strawberry mask for dry skin

Mash 2 medium-sized berries, mix with fatty cottage cheese (a tablespoon).

  • 4. Strawberry mask for normal skin

Mix 2 tablespoons of freshly squeezed strawberry juice with egg yolk.

  • 5. Strawberry anti-peeling mask

Mix strawberry juice squeezed from berries (two tablespoons), mix with egg yolk, add olive oil (one teaspoon). For density, you can add oatmeal (by eye).

  • 6. Strawberry mask for oily skin

Mash two medium-sized berries, pour infusion of kombucha (a quarter cup) and leave for three hours. Strain before use.

  • 7. Purifying Strawberry Mask

Squeeze juice from several ripe berries, pour white clay (half a tablespoon) over them.

  • 8. Strawberry anti-inflammatory mask

Squeeze the juice from several ripe berries, mix (two tablespoons) with aloe juice (one tablespoon). Apply to inflammation in the form of a compress, moistening a cotton pad or gauze in the mask.

  • 9. Strawberry Peeling Mask

Mash two or three medium-sized berries to a puree state, add kefir (a quarter cup) and a pinch of salt. Rub over the face in circular motions and leave for 10 minutes.

  • 10. Pore-tightening strawberry mask

Mash two medium-sized berries, mix with egg white (it must first be beaten to a foam state) and potato flour (a tablespoon will be enough) until a thick mass is formed that will not drain from the face.

With the onset of summer, remember how useful and nutritious strawberries are for the skin as a cosmetic product. Be sure to try the refreshing masks of ripe and juicy berries: the skin will get beautiful colour, smoothed, tightened, streamed with real light and silk. They will protect your skin from the scorching rays of the sun and make it look much younger.

An article on the topic: "rejuvenating strawberry face mask for wrinkles. recipe" from professionals.

Wide and unique properties strawberries are actively used today for healing. The spectrum of nutrients and essential vitamins contained in it rejuvenate the body both internally and externally.

Strawberries have gained popularity as an effective remedy in the field of cosmetology. The berry favorably affects the elasticity of the skin, its color (whitens), helps get rid of pimples due to its antiseptic properties, and has an exfoliating effect.

Strawberry face mask for wrinkles

Popular with women strawberry face mask for wrinkles with different set of components. To make such a mask is not difficult even in simple home conditions. It has a beneficial effect on the skin of the face, and the only drawback is that strawberries are a seasonal berry.

Exclusively during the summer, you can make the most of it beneficial features.

Strawberry honey mask

Honey in combination with strawberries will perfectly cope with the problems of stretch marks on the skin of the face, bring it into the desired tone and provide elasticity, and at the same time, tenderness.

All you need to do:

  • grind 4-5 berries and add 1 tbsp. l. honey (any will do);
  • mixture for 25-30 minutes. put on the face;
  • use a cotton swab to remove it;
  • wash your face with warm water.

The effect of use will be immediate.

Use the tool three times per week and feel a pleasant rejuvenation within a week from the start of the procedures.

Apple-strawberry remedy

A wonderful vitamin combination for the skin of the face, will saturate it in full necessary components and give long-lasting youth.

You will need a few simple ingredients:

  • Strawberry- 3 berries;
  • Apple- 1 PC.;
  • honey- 1 tsp;
  • olive oil- 1 tsp

Making a mask is very simple, you just need to follow a few steps:

  1. The apple must first be baked, cooled and chopped to a puree state.
  2. Rub the strawberries with a fork.
  3. Mix everything together.
  4. Rub the mixture on the face and do not touch for 20-25 minutes.
  5. When the time is up, wash your face with warm water.

Use the product twice a week and expect a stunning effect.

Strawberry and apple face mask for women against wrinkles a short time will smooth them out and give the face a “young color”.

Cheese and strawberries in the fight against wrinkles

Strawberry and cottage cheese mask

The perfect mask to tone your face. First of all, the mixture effective option for dry skin. Nutritious properties and vitaminization will give a pleasant shade and freshness.


  • cottage cheese- 2 tablespoons;
  • Strawberry- 3-4 berries;
  • vegetable oil- 1 tbsp. l.

Three simple steps and you're done:

  1. Combine the ingredients and simply mix them until smooth with a blender or fork.
  2. Rub the gained mass into the skin and be distracted for 30 minutes.
  3. Remove using a cotton swab and rinse with warm water.

It is enough to carry out such a procedure twice a week throughout the entire period of the presence of strawberries on the market.

The result will surprise you very quickly and linger for a long time.

Milk strawberry compress

The properties of Cleopatra's bath are known to every woman. Milk evens out the skin tone of the face, nourishes it. The presence of vitamin B in the composition of milk gives tone, due to which the skin is tightened and smoothed. Vitamin E is the key to rejuvenation.

The complex of milk and strawberries is a miraculous mixture.

Would need:

  • milk - 3 tablespoons;
  • strawberries - 3-4 berries.

To rejuvenate your face, do the following:

  1. Squeeze juice from strawberries.
  2. Mix the two ingredients well.
  3. Soak gauze in the mixture and apply to the face for 20 minutes.
  4. Rinse off the mask and moisturize with cream.

Strawberry face mask for wrinkles in such a compress, suitable for different types skin, subject to changes in the fat content of milk in the composition (if dry - more fat milk and vice versa, if the skin is fatter, then milk with a lower percentage).

To feel the effect - use the tool regularly.

This will help delay the aging process, restore youthful elasticity to the skin.

Anti-wrinkle complex strawberry face mask

The addition of egg and lemon will enhance the anti-aging properties of the strawberry face mask.

The set of this tool really has a huge nutritional benefit for the skin. Each of the components has properties that help in fight against annoying wrinkles, but strawberries remain the basis, without which the effect cannot be achieved.

For cooking you will need:

  • strawberries - 5 berries;
  • cream - 100 g;
  • honey - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • cognac - 2 dess. l.;
  • lemon juice - 1 tsp;
  • yolk.

Preparing the mask is simple, following the small instructions:

  1. Beat the yolk, gradually adding cream, honey, cognac and lemon juice.
  2. Puree the strawberries with a fork and stir in the rest of the ingredients.
  3. Rub the mixture gently on the face with a cotton swab and leave for 60 minutes. (may be overnight).
  4. Wash off with warm water.

The effect will be noticeable pretty soon.

Using a strawberry anti-wrinkle mask, in combination with other components, twice a week, for the skin female face will bring rejuvenation and a pleasant shade.

Seize the opportunity while strawberry skin helper fills the markets. And try to avoid buying berries that are out of season, as they can do more harm than good.

Find out now about the benefits of eyebrow microblading (+photo before and after the procedure).

The diet of a person, in the summer, is saturated with fresh fruits and vegetables, which are each useful in their own way and contain in excess the necessary substances for his active life. Enhanced nutrition is also required for the skin. For this, fruit or berry mixtures are used that can directly interact with tissue cells. Among the huge range of fruits used for cosmetics, their rich vitamin complex different strawberries.

What is the benefit of a strawberry face mask?

The juicy, fragrant berry that grows in our beds brings enormous benefits to skin cells and has a positive effect on any type of skin. Among the fruits growing in our region, strawberries take a leading place in the presence of antioxidants that slow down the aging process. The concentration of vitamin in such a small berry is great. It contains:

  • vitamin A;
  • vitamin B9;
  • vitamin C;
  • vitamin H;
  • potassium;
  • calcium.

A “shock dose” of microelements contained in a strawberry face mask can, almost from the first session, work wonders. These are skin hydration, anti-inflammatory functions, suspension or slowdown of the aging process, etc., which you will feel when applying some recipes for cooking.

Strawberry mask is used:

  • during avitaminosis of aging skin;
  • to moisturize dry skin;
  • to narrow pores and eliminate unpleasant shine with oily skin type;
  • during the peeling procedure;
  • for nutrition of combination and normal skin;
  • to solve the problem of pigmentation;
  • to restore healthy color and texture;
  • to combat acne;
  • with subcutaneous inflammatory processes.

Strawberry face mask has a number of contraindications for people with:

  • an allergic reaction to a berry;
  • closely located vessels;
  • open wounds on the skin;
  • neoplasms.

Strawberry face mask at home - recipes

A face mask made from fresh strawberries is often prepared at home. The fruit, available to many, is widely used to improve the condition of the skin of the face, especially during age-related changes in its structure and color.

Frequently used recipes for the most popular strawberry-based cosmetics:


A variant of the honey-strawberry combination mask is effective and often used. The beneficial properties of its constituent components give a rejuvenating effect. To do this, strawberry puree (200 g) squeezed from juice is mixed with 2 tsp. honey and applied to the face for 15 minutes, then washed off with water.

Strawberry wrinkle mask

The strawberry mask effectively works to eliminate the first signs of age - shallow wrinkles and is prepared using 100 g of berries, 2 tsp. honey, 1 ampoule sold in a pharmacy, vitamin E, 1 tsp. olive oil. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and apply a thick layer on the skin of the face. The effect of use comes after 15 minutes, then remove the mask using cosmetic pads.

Strawberries with sour cream

Effectively combines strawberries and dairy products in cosmetology. To acquire freshness and elasticity of the skin, relieve skin inflammation, a mask is used, consisting of equal parts of sour cream, almond oil, starch and strawberries. All ingredients are mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained and evenly applied to the face for 20 minutes, then the product is washed off.

Strawberries with milk

The recipe is well suited for people with oily skin type. It is designed to eliminate unpleasant shine. To do this, half a glass of strawberry juice and the same amount of milk are mixed and applied to gauze, which is applied to the face for 15 minutes.

Mask for the lazy

If there are no ingredients for a multicomponent product at hand, take a berry and cut it lengthwise into several parts, the resulting pieces are applied for 15-20 minutes on the face, then removed and washed off.

strawberry ice

You can refresh and tone the skin of the face with frozen berry juice diluted with water in a ratio of 1/5.

The condition of the skin will improve significantly if you use proven recipes for masks made from natural herbal ingredients (berries, leaves or flowers of plants) all year round, especially since such an opportunity exists, you just have to reach out and prepare an annual vitamin supply.

Speciality: Dermatocosmetologist. Experience: 16 years. Specializes in dermatology and cosmetology, hardware cosmetology, aesthetic therapy, mesotherapy in cosmetology, trichology. Engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of age spots, acne and hemangiomas. Performs mesotherapy, lifting, contouring, bioreinforcement, photorejuvenation, peeling, facial cleansing, biorevitalization. Prescribes Botox injections (botulinum therapy). Actively takes part in seminars, conferences in the specialty.

Every girl and woman wants to look beautiful. But everyone has their own problems with their skin of the face. Spending money on expensive beauty products the best way. The most effective remedy is a rejuvenating strawberry face mask.

The benefits of the mask

Let's see what are the benefits of a strawberry face mask. This berry contains many vitamins that help improve the skin. For example, there are such as:

  • A - moisturizes and has an anti-inflammatory effect. It also rejuvenates, and at the same time has a good effect on human vision.
  • B9 - protects the skin from the bad effects of ultraviolet radiation.
  • C - maintains healthy cells and rejuvenates the skin.
  • H - participates in the regenerative functions of the cell.
  • In addition to vitamins, strawberries contain many useful minerals.
  • Calcium, iron, magnesium and many others.
  • Copper - produces collagen, which in turn keeps the skin supple.

Strawberry masks for problem skin will be effective, because whatever the problem with the skin on the face, with the help of a strawberry mask, everything can be corrected. What does a strawberry mask give to the face - remove imperfections, smooth out wrinkles, help remove dark spots, rejuvenate facial skin. Your skin will be saturated with trace elements that will make your skin moisturized. A strawberry face mask for oily skin is also very useful.

The waiting time is always different and how long to keep a strawberry face mask depends on the composition of the mask. For example, something that will take longer to soak and act, or something that will instantly act and give a result.

You will definitely make a strawberry mask with some useful ingredients that are good for the skin. And if you mix all the active substances, then you will get a super effective remedy for all the shortcomings on your pretty face.

Recipes at home

Having found out how it is useful, we will learn how to make a strawberry face mask. Strawberry face mask at home is easy to prepare.

But there are a large number of them, depending on what you want to do with and for what. After all, there are many problems with the face modern women, but there are also men, only they rarely try to remove it. But for a girl, her face is like a passport. It should always be perfect and God forbid some pimple pops up. And there are a lot of problems: oily skin, wrinkles, too dry, acne, bags under the eyes and bruises from lack of sleep. In general, there are many troubles. But the most effective remedy according to surveys of all women, a strawberry mask became.

Strawberries and sour cream

  • 1 tablespoon strawberry juice;
  • 1 tablespoon of sour cream;
  • 1 tablespoon of starch;
  • 2 spoons of raisins;
  • 2 hours. Spoons of tomato paste.

Let's start cooking, cooking and application:

  1. Take strawberry juice with sour cream, starch and raisins with tomato paste. Mix it all well so that it all turns into a puree.
  2. You should apply this mixture on your face. Wait about 16 minutes.
  3. It remains to rinse and dry with a soft towel, now do this every day and see what comes of it.

Strawberry face mask with sour cream will give your face richness, hardness and smoothness.

Strawberries and honey

  • 100 grams of the strawberry itself;
  • 1 tsp – Olive oil;
  • 2 tsp - Honey;
  • Ampoule with vitamin E 1 pc.


  1. Take a strawberry, olive oil, a spoonful of honey. And an ampoule with vitamin E, such an ingredient is sold in local pharmacies. Mix it all up.
  2. This preparation should be applied to the face (copiously).
  3. After 15 minutes, wash off the mask with a cotton pad.

This mask is used if your face shows signs of aging.

banana and strawberry

The banana and this berry face mask nourishes the face, so it is recommended to use it for those who have dry or old skin. skin covering.

  • Half banana;
  • 2 strawberries;
  • Blender.

Preparation and application:

  1. Take half a banana and a couple of strawberries, mix it in a blender until it is empty and apply it on your face.
  2. Leave it on for about 15 minutes and wash it off.

With this mask you can cleanse the skin, restore blood circulation, fill your skin with vitamins.

Anti-wrinkle masks

Recipe #1

A rejuvenating strawberry face mask for wrinkles is easy and fast to do. Here is the ingredients and recipe.

  • 1 sq. boiled potatoes;
  • 3-4 berries themselves;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of milk or kefir;
  • A small piece of melon.

Preparation and application:

  1. Peel the potatoes from the skin and mash with a crush or fork;
  2. The berry, too, now it remains to mix everything together and add a spoonful of milk;
  3. It would not be bad to wipe the melon, to gruel;
  4. Mix with the rest;
  5. Apply this on your face and neck and keep it on for about 20 minutes;
  6. then rinse thoroughly and anoint with anti-aging cream;

But to remove all wrinkles, it will take a very long time to make masks. Somewhere in one season 3-4 times a week.

Recipe #2

And another very good anti-wrinkle recipe is strawberries with special yogurt for the face.

  • 1 egg yolk;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of vegetable oil;
  • 4 strawberries;
  • 1 spoon of honey;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of yogurt of the fattest, real.

Preparation and application:

And this is how she prepares.

  1. Mix vegetable oil, egg yolk and honey.
  2. Add our mashed ripe berries and yogurt there.
  3. If it turns out too liquid, then add starch.

Ready! It remains to apply the mixture on the face in a thin layer. And wait 30 minutes. Then just wash off and again anoint with face cream.

Recipe #3

The third recipe will consist of the following:

  • Strawberry - 5 berries.
  • 2 spoons of mayonnaise.
  • Three drops of vinegar.

Preparation and application:

  1. Wipe the berry or knead it with a fork;
  2. Add mayonnaise and mix
  3. Wait half an hour and add vinegar and immediately apply on the face;
  4. Wait 15 minutes, and wash your face with soap, but then apply a nourishing cream.

The vinegar granules will tighten your skin and wrinkles will tighten. And mayonnaise softens and prevents vinegar from spoiling the composition of skin cells.

Recipe #4

Also, in addition to strawberries, an excellent anti-wrinkle mask is a strawberry face mask for wrinkles. Try it! The action of this mask is no less effective than the masks from our berries. So, let's see how to prepare such a mask.

  • Strawberries 14 cups;
  • 1 spoon of flour;
  • 1 spoon of sunflower oil.

Preparation and application:

  1. You need 14 cups of berries to wipe;
  2. Add a teaspoon of flour to them;
  3. Then pour in the oil, mix everything well;
  4. Let this all stand for about one hour;
  5. Now apply to your face, but first it must be clean. Apply and wait 15-20 minutes
  6. Next, remove your mask from your face with a cotton pad;
  7. Rinse your face with boiled warm water;
  8. The last remains to anoint with cream, but it should be greasy.

Oily skin

Many people face such a skin problem as too oily skin. From this, you get pimples, blackheads, and most unpleasantly, swiping your finger across your forehead, you are horrified by how fat it is. Trying to find a solution to this problem. She's here. We offer you one thing - a strawberry mask for oily skin.

  • 0.5 cup of kombucha, but this infusion should not be sweet.
  • 2 tablespoons mashed strawberries.

The recipe for a tuber face mask is as follows:

  1. We take half a cup with kombucha and pour the mashed berry, after that we leave it for three hours, let it brew;
  2. Then filter through gauze or chintz;
  3. Now you can apply it on your face. So, apply and leave your face alone for 15 minutes exactly.
  4. It remains to wash it all off with water and that's it. The procedure is over. Now let's discuss the benefits.

Anti-Aging Strawberry Mask for Oily Skin takes that nasty shine off your skin. And all this, because the molecules that act on the cells narrow them and thereby remove the greasiness of the skin.

Also, this mask is antibacterial, so it will also disinfect your skin.

Dry skin

In addition to oily, there is also dry skin, which is also a bad factor. Your skin is not well protected from external influences. So, a strawberry mask for dry skin. Let's talk about her. It is made from many ingredients, but this one is the most effective.

  • Strawberries - 3 pieces;
  • Milk - 0.5 cups;
  • Cotton pad.

Strawberry mask for dry skin is done as follows:

  1. Take berries and grind them.
  2. Pour milk into a cup, throw crushed berries into it.
  3. Put on fire and bring to a boil, as you see that the milk has become a saturated one-time color, turn it off.
  4. Let it cool down and strain through a strainer.
  5. Take a cotton swab and dip it in milk. Without squeezing hard, wipe your face with it. No need to rinse.

There will be a little tightness on the face, but if you want your skin to be beautiful, then be patient. Wipe your face 4 times a day, and before going to bed, rinse and anoint with a moisturizer.


Frequent torment is caused by acne, which is not so easy to get rid of. You can try a hundred recipes, but nothing will help you. But there is one way that without any doubt will remove all acne from the face. A strawberry face mask for acne is well-known in use, and if you don’t know yet, then rather read and try, the result is on your eyes, and making it easy and short.

  • 3 pcs. strawberries;
  • Egg, and preferably one protein;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of lemon juice.

Preparation and application:

  1. Wipe strawberries;
  2. You need to add an egg to this berry, but the yolk is practically not needed there, so separate the protein from the yolk and white the berry;
  3. Mix well, you can even use a blender;
  4. Now apply this on your face, wait fifteen minutes, and wipe everything with a cotton pad;
  5. Take another cotton pad and dip it in lemon juice, with this you wipe your face;
  6. Rinse your face with plain water and apply cream.

The vitamins that are in the berry act on the cells in such a way that it makes them cleanse. But the egg white draws all the dirt out of them. And when mixed with strawberry components, it acts as a strengthened formula. Lemon juice removes all residual dirt.

Skin whitening

While they said about lemon juice, I would like to clarify. Lemon is very good for skin whitening. Therefore, we give you another recipe, which includes lemon.

Whitening face mask with strawberry and lemon. Lemon has granules that even clean age spots, if you mix it with strawberries, you get an excellent bleaching agent.

  • Strawberry 3 berries;
  • Lemon 3 slices, cut across

Preparation and application:

  1. We take strawberries, finely chop;
  2. We also cut 1 piece of lemon along with the zest;
  3. Stir and leave it to stand for half an hour;
  4. Now spread this gruel on the places you want to bleach and leave for 25 minutes;
  5. After that, just wash it off;
  6. Take the rest of the lemon slices and put on age spots;
  7. Lie like this for 15 minutes;
  8. Rinse everything off your face with warm water;
  9. Spread your face, best of all with baby cream, it will soften it.

Whitening with a strawberry face mask is a beneficial thing. Saves money and you get instant results.

aging skin

Aging skin is very unpleasant. To solve the problem, you do not need to go to expensive cosmetologists or buy expensive products, they will be of no use, but your money will fly to the wind. Your surest step towards a solution will be a strawberry mask for aging skin. Let's see what it is.

  • Honey 4 spoons;
  • Sour cream 2 spoons;
  • Strawberries mashed 2 tablespoons.

Preparation and application:

  1. First, we wipe the dugout;
  2. We take sour cream, it should be at room temperature, if the sour cream is a little sour, this is even better, since fatty beneficial bacteria will restore skin elasticity, making it attractive and beautiful;
  3. Then we add honey, mix well so as not to suffer, you can walk with a mixer;
  4. We take the pureed strawberries and put them in a mixture of sour cream with honey, you can just mix with a fork;
  5. Apply a middle layer of our mixture on your face;
  6. Keep the mask on your face for half an hour;
  7. After that, carefully remove everything from the face and go to wash.

You need to do this all week, or even two. It all depends on the standing of your skin at the moment when you started to put it in order.

Around the eyes (bags under the eyes)

You often see bags under your eyes. Go to bed late, wake up early and get exhausted at work. From fatigue, they began to appear, but for this case we have a recipe. And you will look like a pickle if you do it as soon as these ominous bruises with bags begin to appear. Let's see how a strawberry mask around the eyes is made.

  • Strawberry 1;
  • Tea bags or tea leaves.

Preparation and application:

  1. Brew one tea bag. Place sliced ​​strawberries directly into boiling water. Hold for about 10 minutes. Spread the berry around the eyes. For about fifteen minutes.
  2. Then you can take wet wipe and rub it around the eyes;
  3. It would be nice if you have an eye cream at home. You can apply it to soften the skin and make it return to its original place.

To this I add another recipe that will also be effective. So, let's see its components.

  • Strawberries already pureed;
  • Dill pinch 2;
  • A little chopped onion, about 1 tablespoon.

Preparation and application:

  1. Take mashed strawberries and mix with chopped onions and throw a pinch of dill there.
  2. After mixing, spread it on your face and wait 15 minutes.
  3. Then just wash off with soap, because the smell of onions may remain.

Try our tips and say thank you later. Your skin will be flawless. As a result, they did not spend a lot of money, did not spend their precious time on going to the beautician. And they did everything themselves, at home ... Now you can be proud of yourself. Advise strawberry face recipes to your friends and acquaintances, and they will definitely thank you for such good advice. Good luck!

June is here and it's strawberry season. This ruddy beauty-berry is not only fragrant and tasty.

It can be said with certainty that this one of the most beneficial berries for the body.

Among her merits: improving digestion, treating hypertension, diabetes, strengthening the heart muscle, and ... beautiful, healthy skin faces.

Yes, strawberry masks are excellent rejuvenate, nourish, cleanse and restore dermis, turning a tired and haggard woman with a dull gray face into an attractive young beauty.

Unfortunately, strawberry age is short, you will not have time to look back, but she has already left. Therefore, dear ladies, do not waste precious time: use to the maximum all the unique properties of this natural cosmetic product.

Big secrets of a small berry

What are the benefits of strawberries for the face? Why is it so beneficial for the skin?

To understand all the "why", we will reveal main secret this generous gift of nature.

Of course, we are talking about a great variety of vitamins and minerals hiding under a red appetizing strawberry shell.

So, strawberries contain:

  1. Vitamin C(vitamin C). In terms of the amount of this “vitamin of health”, strawberries can yield only to black currants, and even then not by much. Ascorbic acid is an excellent antioxidant that slows down the aging process;
  2. Folic acid(vitamin B9). Protects the dermis from exposure to ultraviolet radiation, this is very important on hot summer days.
  3. Salicylic acid. Known for its anti-inflammatory and exfoliating properties.
  4. Calcium. Restores the skin of the face, makes it smoother.
  5. Nitrogen substances. They have an antibacterial effect, fight inflammatory processes (acne, burns, microcracks).
  6. Tannins. So excellent in restoring the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, they have proven themselves well in solving skin problems.
  7. Potassium. Moisturizes.
  8. Vitamin H(biotin). Restores at the cellular level. Helps the skin if it has been affected by any adverse natural factors (sun, wind, salt water).
  9. Cellulose. Fiber fibers are able to restore skin elasticity, making it more elastic.
  10. Sugar. It also plays a big role. This carbohydrate will keep your face fresh for a long time.
  11. Water. Removes the feeling of "tightness", moisturizes, nourishes.
  12. Iron. This trace element is involved in the oxygen metabolism of cells. It is clear that its deficiency will primarily signal gray and sluggish skin on the face, so maintaining its normal level is extremely necessary.
  13. Zinc. The first assistant in the fight against acne and inflammation.

Who is “possible” and even “needed” to do them, and who is categorically “not allowed”?


  • pigmentation;
  • sluggish dull leather. Usually this phenomenon appears as a result of a lack of vitamins, with which spring does not spoil us very much. Use the summer for 100%, magic strawberry masks will return a radiant and healthy color to your face;
  • dry dermis with signs of incipient aging. Usually such a fate awaits ladies "slightly over 40." The skin loses elasticity, elasticity, quickly dehydrated. Strawberries will help restore the water balance, tighten the dermis and restore its former beauty;
  • oily skin complicated by acne. Zinc, salicylic acid, fiber, tannins contained in strawberries will help normalize skin balance, narrow pores and cope with acne inflammation;
  • cleaning faces. Small strawberry seeds will clean your pores, and fresh berry juice will nourish and heal the epidermis. Strawberry peeling is indicated for women with any skin type.


  • damage skin (wounds, ulcers, cracks, psoriasis, dermatitis). Strawberries contain a large amount of vitamin C, which, if it enters the wound, can cause additional irritation and lead to unwanted exacerbations of diseases;
  • rosacea (spider veins, capillaries too close to the skin);
  • allergic reaction.

It can be quite heavy. Therefore, if you are allergic, you should not take risks, because your own health is more important than a beautiful face.

Important advice from the editor

If you want to improve the condition of your skin, special attention should be paid to the creams you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of creams of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are referred to as methylparaben, propylparaben, ethylparaben, E214-E219. Parabens negatively affect the skin and can also cause hormonal imbalances. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, the experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of natural creams, where the first place was taken by funds from Mulsan Сosmetic, a leader in the production of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.


You can make masks from strawberries at home for different skin types. But first, the main ingredient must be bought.

In order for strawberry masks to only benefit you, and not harm you, you must fulfill one small condition: purchase berries from summer residents, or from private traders on the market, believe me, this will be a guarantee environmentally friendly product without even a hint of chemistry. Choose large, well-ripened strawberries.

Bought? Did you bring it home? Do not rush to immediately rush to make a mask.

Put a few berries in freezer.

In winter, they will serve as a good tonic that will help instantly improve the color of your skin.

Now let's move on to the masks.

Before applying any cosmetic mask on the face, the dermis must be cleaned. Any cleansing foam or tonic will help to do this.

You can slightly steam your face over a bowl of hot water, this will help to maximize the opening of the pores and thus provide a more deep penetration into the skin of strawberry nutrients.

The mask is applied with light circular movements without pressure, avoiding the area around the eyeballs.

Homemade mask recipes:

Strawberry mask "Easiest", suitable for all skin types. It will help to even out the complexion, make the skin rested, radiant. Wash a few berries with running water, mash into a puree mass, apply on face for 15 minutes. Wash away.

strawberry mask for dry skin. Homemade cottage cheese - 1 tablespoon, fresh strawberries - 5 pcs., Olive oil (high-quality cold-pressed) - 1 teaspoon. Mix the ingredients, spread on the face, avoiding the area around the eyes, leave for 10 minutes, rinse. After rinsing, apply a nourishing cream.

Strawberry mask regenerating for aging and withering skin before the eyes. Strawberries - 6 pieces, liquid honey - 1 teaspoon, moisturizing face cream (which you usually use daily) - 1 teaspoon. Mix the components into a single mass, apply on the face for 15 minutes. Wash off with cold water.

strawberry mask whitening.

Helps to significantly reduce pigmentation on the face, remove freckles.

Strawberries - 6 pieces, low-fat sour cream - 1 tablespoon, freshly squeezed lemon juice - 1 teaspoon. The ingredients are mixed until a porridge is obtained, then applied to the face and décolleté for 8-10 minutes, washed off with water.

Strawberry mask "anti-acne". Suitable for oily dermis complicated by acne and inflammation. Fresh strawberries - 6-7 pieces, honey - 1 teaspoon, fresh egg white, lemon juice - 1 tablespoon. Crush the strawberries well, mix with the rest of the ingredients, apply on your favorite face, leave for 15 minutes, rinse.

From wrinkles. Grind a few pieces of strawberries, mix with honey, chopped oatmeal and the yolk of one egg. Apply the resulting porridge to the dermis, leave for 20 minutes, rinse.

Efficiency and frequency of application

Strawberry mask carefully cleanse the skin, saturate the dermis a huge amount of useful vitamins.

After a single application, the result is visible: the skin becomes smooth, acquires a pinkish healthy hue, oily sheen, black spots, inflammation disappear, wrinkles are smoothed out.

How often can they be used? The frequency of application depends on how serious the problem being solved is. For example, for acne treatment, strawberry masks are made regularly 1-2 times a week within one and a half to two months.

If you just want support skin health and fortify it It is enough to apply masks once a week for a month.

The main thing to remember is that you can keep the strawberry mask on your skin. no more than 20 minutes, otherwise instead of the expected youth and stunning appearance you can get burns and irritations, which will be quite difficult to remove.

Strawberry season is flying by don't be late. Nature has made a generous gift - use it, be beautiful!

Recipe for a strawberry face mask for skin whitening in this video.

Strawberries are not only delicious berries. Cosmetologists advise using strawberries as a face and body care product. Decoctions and tinctures are made from leaves and stalks. They rub their face. Strawberries are used to prepare face masks for wrinkles. Berry products are suitable for all skin types.

Beneficial features

The berry is 90% water, so it is used to moisturize the skin. The sugar that strawberries contain tones the skin, improves blood circulation, gives the face a healthy glow and natural freshness.

Berry is ideal for moisturizing the skin

Strawberry face mask for wrinkles is one of the frequently used ones. The berry contains vitamin "C", which helps to rejuvenate and smooth the skin. Moreover, Strawberries are rich in the following beneficial substances:

Note! These useful properties are possessed by a berry that grows in open ground. Greenhouse strawberries are inferior to her in properties. It may contain a high amount of nitrates, which will accelerate the oxidation processes in the skin, which will lead to premature aging.

Wild strawberries can be used instead of strawberries.

Who needs strawberry masks?

Beauticians use berry masks for young and mature skin of the face and décolleté. The type of fat content does not matter: strawberries are suitable for dry, oily and combination types of the epidermis.

Experts identify the following problems that are eliminated with the help of berry masks:

  • wrinkles of small and medium depth;
  • sagging areas of the skin: correction of the oval of the face;
  • peeling and dry skin: if intensive moisturizing is needed;
  • obvious greasy shine on the face, elimination of excess fat;
  • the appearance of acne;
  • disruption of the sebaceous subcutaneous glands;
  • black dots on the face;
  • excessive susceptibility to ultraviolet, high and low temperatures;
  • violation of pigmentation;
  • puffiness: distribution of moisture;
  • inflammation of the skin;
  • reduced immunity of certain areas of the skin.

The acid or fiber of the berry, getting into open wounds, can provoke severe irritation and inflammation of the skin.

Note! Despite the fact that strawberries are a valuable product, not everyone can use them. Allergists say that the pulp of the berry itself is not an allergen. The allergen is found in the pores of the strawberry skin.

Effective recipes for wrinkle masks from strawberries

For the preparation of masks, fresh red berries are used. T a dark shade indicates that anthocyanin is destroyed in strawberries: the berry is not suitable for food or for the preparation of cosmetics.

Frozen strawberries retain all their beneficial properties

In order not to use greenhouse strawberries in winter, the summer berry is frozen. With shock freezing, it will retain all the beneficial properties.

To eliminate the feeling of tightness of the skin of the face, especially after washing, it is not enough to use nourishing creams. The skin needs intensive hydration. For this prepare a strawberry mask with the addition of fermented milk products with a high fat content:

  • cottage cheese - not less than 23%;
  • fermented baked milk - not less than 4%;
  • sour cream - at least 34% (if possible, use homemade sour cream);
  • kefir - 3.2%.

For the mask, take 3-4 large ripe strawberries and 1 tsp. any dairy product. Mix the ingredients with a blender. If the mixture turned out to be too liquid, then starch is added to it.

Due to lack of moisture and under the influence of external factors, the upper epidermis of the skin can peel off. In order to make the skin smooth, prepare a mask using the following ingredients:

  • 1-2 large strawberries;
  • yolk;
  • 5 g honey.

All components are mixed. For thickening, use potato or corn starch.

This strawberry mask is used for skin from wrinkles that appeared due to water imbalance.

A mask of strawberries and other berries will help normalize the secretion of subcutaneous fat. To prepare the mixture, the following ingredients are needed:

  • raspberries;
  • sweet cherry or sweet cherry;
  • clay: white or blue;
  • green tea.

Clay is bred with steep green tea or chamomile decoction. Berries are taken in equal proportions. Mix the berry mixture with clay. If small pimples have formed on the skin in the folds near the nose or on the chin, then 7-10 drops of aloe or lemon juice are added to the mask.

For sensitive skin, masks are made that moisturize the skin well and relieve irritation. You need to prepare the following products:

  • 4 strawberries;
  • cucumber;
  • 1 st. l. cottage cheese.

Cucumber is used to make gruel in a blender. Separate 1 tbsp. l. received mass. Add cottage cheese and strawberries to it. If there is no cottage cheese, then it is replaced with sour cream, cream or milk.

Improve skin color, make it soft, carrot mask:

  • 2 strawberries;
  • 1 st. l. carrot gruel;
  • 1 tsp butter and cottage cheese.

Vitamin A is often used instead of carrots: 1 capsule is enough for a mask. Oil is taken from purified olive, sunflower, corn, linseed.

  • mashed potatoes, strawberries, vegetable oil;
  • strawberry, banana, lemon juice;
  • strawberries, whey, yolk.

If the mask turns out to be liquid, then corn or rye flour is added to it. In this case, the mixture is allowed to brew until thickened. The tool will improve complexion, relieve swelling, smooth wrinkles.

Against mimic wrinkles

To eliminate fine wrinkles, a mask is prepared from strawberries and cereals. Rice, oat or wheat flour is used.

Apply the mask along the massage lines

Flour is made from grains, not bought in a store. It is mixed with strawberries: 7 berries are enough.

If the texture of the mixture is too thick, then it is diluted with a small amount of strong green or black tea leaves. Instead of cereals, other products are added to strawberries:

  • new potatoes;
  • sea ​​buckthorn berries: they make gruel along with grains;
  • parsley: the grass is crushed and the juice is squeezed out.

If lemon juice or aloe is added to the mixture, then the mask must be washed off after 5-7 minutes.

Moisturizing masks

  • cucumber;
  • zucchini without skin;
  • tomato without skin;
  • cabbage - 1-2 leaves (pre-boil and grind; both decoction and cabbage gruel are added to the mask);
  • pumpkin (crushed in a mixer and brought to a boil in milk).

Nourishing mask

To ensure that the skin receives enough vitamins, mineral complex and water, 1 once a week it is necessary to make nourishing masks.

Nourishing masks with strawberries must be done once a week

For the mixture you will need strawberries. It is crushed and applied to the face. It is recommended to add the following ingredients to the berries:

  • vegetable or nut oil;
  • yogurt or other sour-milk fatty product;
  • oat flakes, boiled in water or steamed with boiling water;
  • vegetables: cucumber, pumpkin, carrots;
  • other berries or watermelon.

Drying masks

Masks with a drying effect are used to eliminate acne and the inflammatory process. They are designed to eliminate small cracks and oily sheen. Strawberries are combined with herbs and alcohol solutions. Strawberries are mixed with one of the ingredients:

  • 10 g of white clay: it is diluted with water or tea leaves;
  • 2 tsp bodyagi mixed with hydrogen peroxide (on sensitive skin mask is not applied)
  • 1 tsp baby powder or talc;
  • 10 ml of glycerin (the substance is diluted in 1/3 tbsp of water and 1 tbsp of medical alcohol);
    a decoction of chamomile, sage or calendula, if the mixture is liquid, then it is diluted with talc;
  • 3 g zinc ointment;
  • 1 g of boric acid - peroxide is added to strawberries and acid until a slurry is formed, the mixture will sizzle, let it brew for 3 minutes.

To get a lifting effect, oatmeal or honey is added to the mask.

For healthy skin tone

With age, age spots appear on the face, on the body, in the décolleté area.

Cosmetics manufacturers use strawberries to create anti-aging masks

Lighten them with strawberry and citrus fruit masks:

  • strawberries - 7 pcs.;
  • ½ orange;
  • as a thickener - oatmeal.

Orange is peeled and veined. Pulp is made from the pulp in a mixer. Combine it with berries and cereals. Let it brew for 10 min.

  • 5 strawberries;
  • 5 garden red raspberries;
  • corn flour or oatmeal - 1 tbsp. l.

Black currant is added to the composition. The mixture is used not only as a mask, but also as a scrub. It is distinguished by a rich vitamin complex: it brightens the skin, relieves inflammation, but is not suitable for thin skin.

  • 1 medium apple;
  • 2 strawberries;
  • cinnamon;
  • 1 medium potato, boiled in their skins.

Potatoes and apples are peeled. All ingredients are crushed to gruel and heated in a water bath. Bring the mixture to room temperature.

Acid peeling

A rejuvenating effect has a strawberry face mask. From wrinkles, a mass of berry juice helps well. This is a facial peel without leaving home.

Strawberry anti-wrinkle mask: before and after

In order to make a mask, mix the juice of the following berries in equal proportions:

  • strawberries;
  • raspberries;
  • cranberries;
  • currants.

In order for the action of berry acids not to be aggressive for the skin, 1 g of oil is added to the mixture. Oatmeal or barley flour is used as a thickener.

Peeling effect has a mask of strawberry juice and kefir. The ingredients are taken in a ratio of 1 * 1. The mixture is liquid. To apply it on the face, use a clean gauze. The mask is applied to the fabric and placed on the face..

A strawberry face mask for wrinkles is done before bed. From the acid of the berry juice, the skin is red and swollen. After 5-6 hours, the unpleasant consequences disappear.

Rules for using the mask

When applying masks follow certain rules:

  1. Cleanse the face with mild cleansers.
  2. They wipe the skin with a tonic: cosmetologists advise mineral water or a decoction of herbs.
  3. Do an allergen test.
  4. Apply a mask on the face: withstand no more than 20 minutes.
  5. Wash your face without soap.
  6. Apply a nourishing cream.

Note! After a strawberry mask, the skin needs to recover and calm down. Beauticians strongly advise not to leave the house and not to use decorative cosmetics within 4 hours

During this period, the skin is sensitive to any outside influences: UV rays, wind, precipitation, low and high temperatures, chemicals in cosmetics.

Strawberry masks are easy to make. All components are available in every housewife in the kitchen. Strawberry masks nourish, moisturize the skin, smooth wrinkles, and have a healing effect.

This video will tell you what strawberry masks are:

The following video will tell you how to whiten your face at home using a strawberry mask:

The following video will show you how to make an effective strawberry face mask:

Strawberries are a storehouse of vitamins and nutrients. Delicious berry can be useful not only in food - it is used in all kinds of cosmetic products for the face, hair, hands and body in general. We will talk about strawberries for the face and the most simple and effective masks which can be easily made at home.

The benefits of strawberries for the face

Natural strawberries contain a lot of vitamins A, B9 and C, as well as potassium and calcium. Thus, by making face masks from homemade strawberries, you:

  • Nourish and moisturize the skin;
  • Prevent premature aging;
  • Protect your face from drying out in the hot season and from ultraviolet rays;
  • Help sensitive and delicate skin to avoid inflammatory processes;
  • Makes skin soft and silky.

Indications for the use of strawberries for facial skin:

  • It is recommended to pamper your face with homemade strawberry masks in spring and autumn - periods when the body especially needs vitamins;
  • Owners of dry skin for natural nutrition and hydration;
  • Girls with oily skin to cleanse and narrow pores;
  • Strawberries are good as a gentle exfoliation for quickly soiled skin;
  • It is used to lighten age spots to refresh the complexion;
  • Perfect for girls with often inflamed skin.


  1. Do not experiment with strawberry face oil for allergy sufferers.
  2. In the presence of open wounds.
  3. With a dangerously close location of the capillaries to the skin.

Please note that for homemade masks, you should use only strawberries from the garden. It is ideal if it is fresh, although frozen berries are often used in cosmetology. The main thing is that it was not treated with any chemicals - they are absorbed into the skin faster than useful substances and such a mask will only harm you.

DIY homemade strawberry face mask recipes

Strawberry whitening mask

Result: the face acquires a pleasant color, age spots are whitened, the skin is cleansed.

You will need:

  • 6-8 medium berries;
  • half a glass of cream;
  • 10 grams of coarse sea salt.

Preparation and method of application: dip whole berries in cream and roll in sea salt. Apply to the face and gently turn into a pulp, evenly spread over the skin with soft massage movements. Wash off after 15 minutes with cool water. Due to its cleansing properties, this product is perfect for skin prone to rapid pollution.

Important advice from the editor

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are indicated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, the experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Сosmetic. Sole Producer all natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

Strawberry wrinkle mask

Result: the mask prevents the formation of wrinkles, nourishes with a shock dose of vitamins - perfect for tired, aging skin.


  • 5-8 ripe strawberries;
  • half an avocado;
  • a few drops of olive oil.

In a deep bowl, thoroughly mash the pulp of the avocado and strawberries. Drip a little olive oil and mix until a homogeneous slurry is formed. Then apply on the face, be patient and wash off after 15 minutes. For the best effect after the procedure, use a moisturizing or nourishing cream.

Strawberry mask for acne

Result: soothes the skin, removes oily sheen, acne - an indispensable tool for problem skin.


  • half a cup of kombucha;
  • 5-6 large berries.

Preparation and method of application: wash the strawberries thoroughly, grind into a pulp and add half a glass of kombucha. Let the gruel brew at room temperature for at least three hours, drain off excess liquid and apply the mixture to previously cleansed skin. The mask is washed off with water at room temperature after half an hour.

Strawberry mask for oily skin

Result: removes oily sheen, dries, berry mask with clay nourishes and fortifies oily skin.

You will need:

  • White clay;
  • fresh juice, raspberries and strawberries.

Preparation and method of application: mix an equal amount of juice of all berries with white clay, until a homogeneous consistency. Apply in an even thick layer, wait about 15 minutes and remove with warm water. The procedure will bring the best result if after applying a moisturizer.

Strawberry mask for dry skin

Result: the product gently moisturizes and nourishes dry, tired skin. Good strawberry mask with banana.


  • 3 large berries;
  • half a banana;
  • a spoonful of yogurt (ideally homemade);
  • half a teaspoon of honey and sugar;
  • a pinch of oatmeal (whole or coarse).

Preparation and method of application: Using a fork, mash the strawberries with the banana. While gently mixing, add the rest of the ingredients until the mixture is smooth. Keep the resulting slurry on your face for 10-15 minutes and remove with warm water.

Strawberry and sour cream mask

Result: fresh look and velvety skin.


  • 5 medium berries;
  • 2 spoons of sour cream;
  • a spoonful of honey

Preparation and method of application: mash the strawberries, mix all the ingredients into a homogeneous mixture and gently apply to the skin. After 20 minutes, wash off the strawberry-sour cream mask with cool water.

Video recipe: Homemade mask with strawberries for skin whitening