
What is interesting for children in the world. The most interesting facts about children and for children. This strange platypus


Here's another batch of interesting facts. By the way, nobody knows our interesting facts for children and adults. For example, do you know how long the shortest war in the history of mankind lasted, or who invented the scissors? That's the same.

Interesting Facts

1. The shortest war in history took place between Zanzibar and England in 1896. Zanzibar surrendered after 38 minutes.

2. Leonardo da Vinci invented the scissors.

3. It is impossible to sneeze with open eyes.
4. If the population of China starts marching past you in formation, this formation will never end, because while one Chinese walks past you, two new ones will be born.
5. There are more English speaking people in China than in the United States.

6. Marilyn Monroe had six toes on one foot.

7. Peanuts are one of the ingredients of dynamite.
8. The giant squid has the most big eye in the world.

9. The eye of an ostrich is larger than its brain.

10. Have starfish no brain.

11. Our eyes are always the same size from birth, but our nose and ears never stop growing.
12. The average person eats 8 spiders in a dream during his life.
13. The horn of a rhinoceros is composed of thickened hair.
14. The youngest parents in the world were 8 and 9 years old, they lived in China in 1910.

15. A snail can sleep for 3 years.

16. The skin of the polar bear is black. Its fur is not white, but transparent.

17. The strongest muscle in the body is the tongue.
18. The cruise liner "Queen Elizabeth II" burns a liter of fuel for 3 centimeters of the way.
19. In the last 4000 years, no new animals have been domesticated.
20. Babies are born without knee caps. They do not appear until the child reaches 2-6 years old.
21. Nike pays basketball player Michael Jordan more every year than all of Malaysia's factory workers combined.
22. Only one person out of two billion lives to be 116 years old and longer.
23. If you screamed for 8 years, 7 months and 6 days, you would generate enough sonic energy to heat one cup of coffee.
24. February 1865 was the only month in human history that did not have a full moon.
25. A butterfly has taste buds in its paws.
26. The cockroach will live nine days without a head until it dies of hunger.
27. Elephants are the only animals that cannot jump.
28. The national anthem of Greece has 158 verses. No Greek remembers the whole hymn.
29. Tigers have striped skin, not just striped fur.
30. The microwave oven was invented after the researcher walked past the emitter and the chocolate melted in his pocket.

Children know how to make our life more unpredictable and funny, and sometimes even crazy, but insanely happy. They easily manage to bribe adults with their own spontaneity, trust in the world and sincerity. There is no one in the world more fragile and helpless than our newborn child, whom we have to take in our arms. As it turns out, babies are actually incredibly capable and tough creatures. Scientists have been able to prove a lot that adults might not even know about babies.

1. In European countries average age parents is 29 years old.

2. The youngest parents were only 8 and 9 years old.

3. In Lately it has become quite popular for children to give unusual names.

4. Parents of the USA and Europe often name their children after famous idols or world brands.

5. For each inhabitant of the planet, there are on average 30 elements of the construction set.

6. Sultan Ismail of Morocco is the most father of many children in the world.

7. A newborn baby does not see blue.

8. Four-year-olds ask, on average, over 900 questions per day.

10. Nigeria has the highest number of twins.

11. The 23-year-old Romanian woman is the youngest grandmother in the world.

12. There is a catalog of the most unusual baby names.

13. Increasingly, parents name their children after book or cartoon characters.

14. The largest number Test tube babies are born in Australia.

15. One of the smartest children in the world was recognized as an eleven-year-old resident of Egypt.

16. The arms of a newborn baby are much stronger than those of a one-month-old baby.

17. Home births are quite popular in Denmark.

18. In learning, it is easier for those kids who crawl a lot.

19. Very similar words in many countries of the world are "mom" and "dad".

21. In Seychelles, there is a full month of child protection.

22. Many parents are obsessed with the safety of their children.

23. In Romania, kindergartens are especially concerned with the safety of children.

24. German children are the most technologically advanced children in the world.

25. At least two mobile phone manages to change a German nine-year-old child in his life.

26. Tuesday is the most popular birthday for children.

27. A Russian peasant woman who lived in the 18th century is considered a real record holder for the birth of children, who had a total of 69 children.

28. Fairly strict requirements in Europe apply to soft toys.

29. In one of the schools, a teacher was fired because she told the children that Santa Claus does not exist.

30. The most smart child the planet is considered Ganesha.

31. Private clubs for indigo children exist in many major cities.

32. Children who spent a lot of time at the computer learned better such a subject as mathematics.

33. Standards for children's toys exist in Europe.

34. About 12,000 words can be pronounced by children at the age of four.

36. In Denmark, 80% of women give birth at home.

37.15% of men, when verifying paternity, are not actually true parents.

38. Autumn is the best time to conceive boys.

39. Blond children are more sensitive to weather changes.

40. Those parents who smoke are more likely to give birth to a girl.

41. One tooth at birth has one in two thousand babies born.

42. Julius Caesar was born with one tooth.

43. Children on breastfeeding accept a variety of foods better in the future.

44. A private club for indigo children exists in Moscow.

45. Camel racing with children is extremely popular in Arab countries.

46. ​​In Sweden, it is prohibited to use children under 12 years of age for advertising.

48. In 1955, the largest baby was born in Italy.

49. The smallest newborn baby in the world weighed about 270 grams.

50. Germany has the lowest birth rate in the world.

51. Five-year-old Linda became the youngest mother.

52. In Japan, bad words are not used with children.

53. Children actually stop feeling pain when they watch TV.

54. A three-year-old child can make a noise stronger than the voice of 200 adults at the same time.

55. All children wore dresses until the age of seven in the 17th century.

56. Knee caps are absent in children under three years of age.

57. About 270 bones in the skeleton of a newborn baby.

58. In the 18th century, little monarchs had child servants.

59. Mothers are better at determining the weight of the child compared to the father.

61. In Japan, they are very careful about raising children.

62. A child in Korea is brought up to age when it is nine months in the womb.

63. In the 17th century, Louis prepared a special library of books for his son.

64. Seven million children officially disappeared in America in 1987.

65. In honor famous brands names have become very popular to give in last years.

66. It is forbidden to have more than one child in China.

67. Red and green colors can distinguish between a newborn baby.

68. About 900 questions a day are asked by children at the age of three.

70. The largest baby was born in Canada.

71. From the moment of conception in Korea, the age of children is counted.

72. The number of Chinese women is 20 million less than that of men.

73. There is only one guarded garden in Romania.

74. The only child in a family can more easily reach career heights.

76. Until the age of 15, the end of eye development in children occurs.

77. Newborn babies breathe with the help of the mouth.

78. Children are born with swimming reflexes.

79. Charm is highly developed in newborn children.

80. The heart of a newborn child beats much more often.

81. Newborn babies practically do not blink.

82. Newborn children have poor eyesight.

83. Newborn children do not know how to cry.

84. Most often, children are born with blue or gray eyes.

85. A newborn baby has an extremely small stomach. Its volume is only 30 ml.

86. The Children's Book of Records is planned to be released in Sochi.

87. Children can do five things at the same time.

88. In Japan, there are special signs near schools for children.

89.With a low temperature, you can visit Kindergarten in Germany.

90. A kindergarten in China can be attended from two months.

91. "Time-out" is the most popular method of punishment in the United States.

92. Every German student has his own telephone number.

93. Remarks to other people's children are prohibited in the UK.

94. There are no parent-teacher meetings in Japan.

95. Depriving a child of playing football is the most popular method of punishment in Brazil.

96. A school for Belgian children begins at the age of three.

97. Canada has the most democratic parenting system.

98. Children in Canada have more rights and freedoms.

99. Children love sweets and cartoons more than anything else.

100. Three-year-old children participate in camel races in Arab countries.

Children make life funny, unpredictable and sometimes even crazy, but incredibly happy. They win over with their spontaneity, sincerity and trust in the world. But do adults know everything about the life of toddlers and older children? This article contains the most unusual and interesting facts about children.

Amazing facts about the little ones

When a newborn appears in the house, he seems so fragile and defenseless ... Incredibly, this impression is in many ways deceiving. Toddlers have unusual abilities that make them more resilient than they seem. These interesting facts about children of the very early age have been proven by scientists, but new parents should not check their "performance" at home.

However, do not experiment with this feature: despite the strength of the tiny palms, the baby can disengage his fingers at any time.

Adorable features of toddlers

It is impossible to get enough of:

  • cute toddler features;
  • their funny habits;
  • their first "agu" and laughter.

The appearance of a child in a family is associated not only with hassle and lack of sleep, there are at least 3 charming reasons why people decide to become parents.

  • caring for her baby;
  • touches his skin;
  • kisses the top of the head;
  • carries and shakes in his arms;
  • feeds him.

Children - owners of superpowers

Some of the features are incredibly surprising. At first glance, it may even seem that only Hollywood superheroes have such capabilities. It is amazing that in fact these interesting facts about children touch every person up to a certain age.

  1. The young organism has the ability to regenerate. If, through negligence, the child has lost part of the finger (within nail plate), it is highly likely that the damaged area will be restored without medical intervention.
  2. At the very beginning of life, the brain of a newborn shows staggering rapid growth: 1% daily.
  3. Babies can sleep without closing their eyelids, with their eyes open.
  4. While in the womb, future baby can heal its damaged organs by sending stem cells that are unique in their properties.

Children - "transformers"

Newborns have almost 100 more bones than adults. Gradually, they connect, transform, and their number becomes smaller. Up to this point, the bones of babies are more flexible and springy, better adapted to impacts. This explains why children often fall, but rarely suffer serious fractures and injuries.

Another difference in the structure of the skeleton is the absence of knee caps in newborns. Their formation can take up to 6 years of age.

Interesting facts about children from other countries

Cultural differences different countries do not only concern eating habits, philosophical views or accepted social norms. Approaches to the upbringing of the younger generation outside the borders of their native state have their own significant differences. Interesting facts about children from other countries make it possible to better understand the mentality of its inhabitants.

  1. In some eastern countries age is usually considered not from the moment of birth, but from the moment of conception, that is, newborns are born already 9 months old.
  2. In Japan, there is a ban on words that give a clear negative assessment - bad, bad. For example, near the school parking lot there is a sign with a picture on which the bicycles are straight. And one more, where they are carelessly thrown. On the first, the inscription reads: "This is how good children put bicycles", and on the second - "This is how good children do not put bicycles."
  3. Women from Nigeria are recognized as the real record holders for the birth of twins or twins in the world: as a result of every 11 births, more than 1 baby is born. But in Japan this happens much less often - 4 cases per 1000 pregnancies.

However, there is something in common that unites all countries. In almost all languages ​​of the world, "mom" and "dad" sound very similar, because these are the first sounds that a baby is able to pronounce.

It is a joy for every parent to collect interesting facts from the life of a child as a keepsake. It is popular among mothers to maintain a special album where you can record the achievements of your baby:

  • the day when the crumbs had a tooth;
  • the date of the first steps and words;
  • weight and height by month, palm and foot size.

Children are the most curious creatures on the planet. The average kid at the age of 3-4 asks 900 questions every day, and very soon he begins to be interested in himself. It will be useful for parents to keep in mind the most interesting facts from their lives for children. And when the child becomes an adult, such an album will forever preserve pleasant memories.

Some parents tell their baby: "You are the light of my life." But did you know that if you were light, you would orbit the entire globe 7.5 times per second! If you became sound, you could fly around the Earth in 4 hours! If we lived on Jupiter, our day would consist of only 9 hours. It's good that on Earth a day lasts 24 hours, because we need to do so much throughout the day! These are just a few fun scientific facts that may interest both the curious child and the adult.

What is Science?

Science is an organized and sequential study involving observation, collection of scientific facts, experimentation, verification of results, and explanation of natural and man-made phenomena. This is an area that enables us to better understand the world and create good things for the benefit of man and all living beings.

Common scientific facts

Now that you know what this is about, here are some fun science facts:

  • If you stretch a human DNA strand, its length will be the distance from Pluto to the Sun and back.
  • When a person sneezes, the speed of their exhaled air is about 160 km / h.
  • A flea can jump to a height that exceeds its own height by 130 times. If the flea were 1.80 m tall, it could jump 230 m.
  • An electric eel produces an electric current of 650 volts. Touching it is the strongest shock a person can experience.
  • Light particles and photons take 40,000 years to travel from the core of the Sun to its surface, and only 8 minutes to reach the Earth.

Science Facts About Earth

Earth is our home. To take care of her, we need to know important information about her:

  • The Earth is between 5 and 6 billion years old. The Moon and the Sun are about the same age.
  • Our planet is composed mainly of iron, silicon and relatively small amount magnesium.
  • Earth is the only planet in the solar system with water on its surface and 21% oxygen in the atmosphere.
  • The surface of the Earth is made up of tectonic plates located on the mantle, a layer located between the Earth's core and the surface. This structure of the earth's surface explains earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.
  • About 8.7 million species of living organisms live on Earth. Of these, 2.2 million species live in the ocean and the rest on land.
  • ¾ The Earth's surface is covered with water. When astronauts first saw Earth from space, they saw mostly water. This is where the name "blue planet" comes from.

Environmental facts

Why are the seasons changing? What happens to the garbage after we throw it away? What makes the weather hot or cool? Children learn this and much more in nature studies lessons at school. Consider some of the facts that convince us of what a wonderful planet we live on.

  • Plastic decomposes completely in the earth in 450 years, and glass in 4,000 years.
  • Every day in the world 27,000 trees are used only for the manufacture of toilet paper.
  • 97% of all water on Earth is salty and unusable. 2% of the water is in glaciers. Therefore, only 1% of water is suitable for consumption.
  • The meat processing industry contributes the most to global warming. Deforestation is in second place among global problems. About 68% of existing plant species are likely to die out in the near future.
  • The population of the Earth is more than 7 billion people. This figure is expected to reach 8 billion by 2025.
  • Unfortunately, according to scientists, 99% of existing species of living organisms will become extinct.

Fun facts about animals

The animal kingdom is beautiful and amazing. It contains tame otters, powerful eels, singing whales, giggling rats, sex-changing oysters, and many other equally amazing representatives. Here are some facts about animals that your child will surely like:

  • Octopuses have three hearts. Even more strange fact: in lobsters, the urinary tract is on the face, while turtles breathe through the anus.
  • In seahorses, the offspring are males, not females.
  • The kakapo parrot has a strong pungent odor that attracts predators. This is why the kakapo are endangered.
  • A squirrel plants more trees than the average person in a lifetime. How can this be? The fact is that squirrels hide acorns and nuts under the ground, and then they forget exactly where they were hidden.
  • Lions are mostly hunted by lionesses. Lions only intervene when necessary.

Interesting facts about plants

Plants green our planet, produce oxygen, make the Earth habitable. Trees and plants are probably the most useful among the living inhabitants of the Earth. Here are some interesting facts about plants:

  • Like humans, plants recognize other plants in their species.
  • In total, there are more than 80,000 edible plants on Earth. We eat about 30 of them.
  • Humanity is rapidly destroying forests. About 80% of all forests have already been destroyed.
  • The oldest tree in the world (sequoia) is located in the USA, in the state of California. His age is 4 843 years.
  • The height of the tallest tree in the world is 113 m. It is also located in California.
  • The largest tree in the world is aspen, growing in the United States, in the state of Utah. Its weight is 6,000 tons.

Space facts

The sun, stars, planets, the Milky Way, constellations and everything in the universe is located in vacuum space. We call it space. Here are some fun facts about him:

  • The Earth is tiny compared to the Sun, which is 300,000 times its size.
  • The whole space is absolutely soundless, because sound does not propagate in a vacuum.
  • Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system. The temperature on the surface of Venus is 450 ° C.
  • The force of gravity changes the weight of a person on different planets. For example, the force of gravity on Mars is lower than on Earth, so a person weighing 80 kg on Mars will weigh only 31 kg.
  • Since the moon has no atmosphere or water, nothing can erase the tracks of astronauts who set foot on its surface. Therefore, traces are likely to remain here for another hundred million years.
  • The core temperature of the Sun - the closest star to Earth - is 15 million degrees Celsius.

Facts about famous scientists

For a long time, people thought that the Earth was flat, that the change of seasons depends on the mood of the gods, and evil spirits cause disease. This continued until the great scientists proved the opposite. Without them, we would still be living in ignorance.

  • Albert Einstein was a genius, but his talents were revealed quite late. After the death of the scientist, his brain was the subject of numerous studies.
  • Nicolaus Copernicus refuted the theory that the Earth is the center of the universe. He developed a model Solar system, in the center of which is the sun.
  • Leonardo da Vinci was not only an artist. He was also an outstanding mathematician, scientist, writer and even musician.
  • Archimedes invented the law of fluid displacement while taking a bath. It's funny that, according to legend, he jumped out of the bath, shouting "Eureka!" He was so excited that he forgot that he was not wearing any clothes.
  • Marie Curie, the woman chemist who discovered radium, was the first person in the world to win the Nobel Prize twice.

Scientific facts from the world of technology

Technology is the engine of progress. We are so addicted to technology in Everyday life that it is even scary. Here are some fun facts about technical devices that we encounter on a daily basis:

  • The first computer game appeared in 1967. It was called "brown box" (translated from English - "brown box"), because that is what it looked like.
  • The world's first computer, ENIAC, weighed over 27 tons and occupied an entire room.
  • The Internet and the World Wide Web are not the same thing.
  • Robotics is one of the most relevant scientific fields today. However, back in 1495, Leonardo da Vinci drew the world's first robot diagram.
  • "Camera Obscura" - a prototype of a camera that influenced the development of photography. It was used in ancient Greece and China for projecting images onto a screen.
  • There is an interesting technology that uses plant waste to generate methane, which, in turn, can be used to generate electricity.

Engineering Science Facts

Engineering helps create beautiful things - from homes and cars to electronic gadgets.

  • The highest bridge in the world is the Millau viaduct in France. It is located at a height of 245 m, supported by beams suspended by cables.
  • The Palm Islands in Dubai can be called a modern wonder of the world. These are man-made islands floating on water.
  • The world's largest particle accelerator is located in Geneva. It was built to aid the research of more than 10,000 scientists and is located in an underground tunnel.
  • The Chandra Space Observatory is the world's largest X-ray telescope. It is also the largest satellite ever launched into space.
  • Today the most ambitious project in the world is the New Valley in Egypt. Engineers are trying to convert millions of hectares of desert into agricultural land. Imagine what it would be like if we could green the Earth in the same way! Our planet would regain its original purity!

Science is a wonderful field that inspires many people. All you need is to get the child interested in her. And who knows, maybe your child will grow up to be the second Einstein.

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Interesting facts about school for children

Kondratyeva Alla Alekseevna, teacher primary grades MBOU "Zolotukhinskaya secondary school" Zolotukhino village, Kursk region
Description: the publication is intended for children different ages as well as for curious adults. The publication material can be used for conversations, organizing leisure, entertaining class hours, in extracurricular work.
Target: expanding the ideas of children and adults about the world around us, about the school, about the teacher.
1.To teach the interlocutor to see and hear, to look inquisitively at the world, to observe this world.
2. To generalize, consolidate and deepen knowledge about the school, about school education in different parts of the world.
3. To promote the development of thinking, attention, observation.

Schools in modern world is in all countries, and almost every person living on our planet has graduated, is studying now or will go to these educational institutions in the future. But schools were not always, and not in the form in which they are now. What is the history of the school and what features are there in schools in different countries?
1. The modern word "school" comes from the Greek "scole", originally it meant "leisure".

In ancient Greece, slaves were called teachers. (translated from Greek means "leading the child"). Their responsibility was to drive the master's children to school and back, watching how his ward did his homework. Slaves could even punish children.

2.Do all children go to school on September 1?
It turns out that, just like us, on September 1, children from 122 countries go to school - all of America and Europe.
In 43 countries, the academic year begins on January 1st. And in 16 countries it starts in March, in 10 countries - in August.

3. In the VIII-IV century BC, due to the tense atmosphere around and wars everywhere, absolutely unique technique education.
In one of his works, Aristotle says: "In Lacedaemon, practically all the education of young people and almost the entire system of laws is adjusted for military purposes."

Even at the age of an infant, he was not allowed to be swaddled or covered. He was left in the sun, rain and wind. Over time, when the child began to grow up, he was weaned from all fears. From infancy, Spartan children were taught military bearing.
The first stage in the education of boys was considered to be the age from 7 to 15 years. The main task in this period of time was the development of the ability to overcome life's difficulties by himself, in addition, the upbringing of the basic moral qualities of a real warrior: self-control, courage, composure. At the age of 15, young men who passed the tests entered the "test year" of military training. From that time, teenagers received the official right to bear arms, which were awarded at the festival of Artemis of Orthia.
In this way, in ancient Sparta, boys not only received education in schools, but also lived in special camps for several months. The conditions there were very strict and cruel, hence the phrase - "Spartan conditions".
4 the oldest school in the world is Al-Qaraouin Muslim University in Fez, Morocco

It mainly acted as a religious site for Muslims, but it also recruited students to study. Al-Karaouin was founded in 859 by Fatima al-Fihri. Over time, it has developed into one of the leading universities in the natural sciences. After some time, the university added other mathematical subjects and was known as the best educational institution in the world.
5.The city of Lucknow, the capital of the most populous state of Uttar Pradesh in India, is home to the largest school in the world, according to the new edition of the Guinness Book of Records.

In recent years, about 40,000 students have been registered at the Montessori City School in Lucknow. Now this number has already reached 45,000. The school employs 2,500 teachers who teach students in 1,000 classrooms.

Students between the ages of 3 and 17 are divided into classes of 45, all wear the same school uniform... Younger students pay about $ 18, while older students pay about $ 47 per month.
6. In Finland, the lesson is attended not only by the teacher, but also by his assistant.

Moreover, they do not have the right to call a student to the board if he does not want to.
The apprentice assistant profession appeared in Finland in the early 1980s. Everyone has the right to free secondary education, regardless of their characteristics (disability, illness, psychological characteristics, immigrants ...). The purpose of the work of "student assistants" is to maximize the ability of the student, to support and guide the development of independence. Academic year in Finland starts in August, not September, from 8 to 16 at the discretion of each particular school. Education ends at the end of May. Children study five days a week, only in the daytime and on Friday a shortened school day. As for the holidays, there are 3-4 days of rest in the fall, two weeks of Christmas holidays, in the spring children have a week on "ski" holidays and a week on Easter.
7. Teacher is the most popular female profession.
In Russia, only 17% of teachers are men, the rest are female teachers.

In Japan and Switzerland, 90% of teachers are men. There are no canteens in Japan, so children eat while sitting at their desks.
In Chinese schools, children also eat at their desks - rice and broth, and the teacher also eats at his table. In the classroom usual Chinese school 40–45 people study each, in rural schools there are more - up to 60 students. In large cities, starting with primary school, the weekly workload for a child is 42 hours, and in rural areas - in senior grades - it is increased to 70. These are compulsory classes with a teacher according to the program. But there are also optional classes at the choice of parents for a certain fee, which are held outside the main classes. Lessons last, like ours, 45 minutes each.
8. Even in China, before lessons, it is compulsory to exercise, which the whole school goes to in any weather.

9.In Ancient Rus schools appeared in pre-Mongol times.
After the adoption of Christianity (988), Prince Vladimir ordered the children of the "best people" to be given "for book teaching". Yaroslav the Wise created a school in Novgorod for the children of elders and clergy. Education in it was conducted in the native language, taught reading, writing, the basics of Christian doctrine and counting.

The first school in Russia, the first personal teachers or tutors appeared in 1701 thanks to Peter I.

Only boys aged 12 to 17 studied in it.
10.The very first primer was published by Ivan Fedorov, the founder of book printing in Russia, in Lvov in 1574.

The "ABC" for teaching children to read and write was compiled by Deacon Vasily in 1634.
Until the 18th century in Russia, letters in writing meant not only sounds, but also numbers. To distinguish them, special signs were invented. From the 18th century. in Russia they switched to the numbers we are used to.
11. In Tsarist Russia, at the end of the school week, which, as a rule, was Saturday, “subbotniks” were held. This was not the name of the cleaning of the premises and the territory of the school, but a collective event - the spanking.

Children were beaten not for their misdeeds, but for the future, as a preventive measure.

12. When they hear the word "boarding school", they immediately understand by itself that we are talking about children left without parental care.

In the USSR, boarding schools for talented children were established in 1964.(for example, the Dubinin boarding school for gifted children). grades A, B, C, D, D studied for 2 years, and in grades E, F, I-1 year (the students were called "hedgehogs"). Children who studied for 2 years knew more "hedgehogs" who had just come to school. Hence the expression - "a no brainer."
13. In Russian schools it is an honor to be an excellent student, but in the Czech Republic, “five” is the worst mark, and the best is “one”.

At present, many knowledge assessment scales are used in the world.
France has a 20-point grading system, and scores of 20 and 19 points are used extremely rarely.
In China -100-point system(scores below 60 are considered unsatisfactory).
But in Norwegian schools until the 8th grade, no marks are given at all.
14. The most expensive school in the world is the English “International School for Ladies and Gentlemen”. A month of study in it costs about 5 million rubles.

In English schools, to improve the culture of speech, it is allowed to speak only in the correct, literary language. Even the word "hello" is not allowed.
15. In 2003, an Australian professor gave the longest lesson in history.
It lasted 54 hours from April 15-17, and the professor of biology lectured on his subject.

The jigsaw puzzle game originated in the 18th century.