
How to keep the kids busy for their birthday. Fun birthday contests for children. Who will eat faster


Interesting birthday contests for children are a must modern holiday... Long gone are boring gatherings with eating cakes and not understanding what to do with their free time.

Many parents invite friends to the birthday boy, strive to bring a touch of creativity to the children's holiday. To help moms and dads - advice on organizing a celebration, a description of birthday contests for boys and girls, for toddlers and older children.

What kind of contests can be arranged? How to get kids interested?

Professional animators give advice:

  • take into account the age of the guests, select tasks that the birthday boy and friends can easily cope with;
  • prepare more props: children love to dress up, change clothes, paint, turn into fairy-tale heroes;
  • alternate calm activities with fun relay races;
  • find out more about the friends of your son or daughter, ask about their preferences;
  • a win-win - theme party with original costumes;
  • Refuse contests in which the participants will feel uncomfortable (humiliated). Do not allow the competition results to create a division into stupid and smart, quiet and activists, inept and jack of all trades. Entertainment should evoke joy, laughter, not ridicule;
  • prepare prizes. The main thing: attention, not the price of the gift. The reward must be age appropriate;
  • think over two or three contests in which there are no winners: all children receive gifts for participation. Required condition for babies aged 3-4 years;
  • invite all young guests to participate;
  • prepare a script, write the names of the competitions on the sheet, a short description so that you can easily navigate which task to offer;
  • design entertainment based on the size of the room. If there is not too much space, if possible, remove excess furniture, unnecessary things, fragile decor on the day of the holiday. In a large room, it is easier to hold sports competitions: take advantage of this.

Advice! Be sure to consult with your child. Of course, the holiday should be a surprise, but many children are happy to participate in organizing the celebration, offering interesting solutions. Make props together, think over contests. Don't scoff if your child's sentences seem naive or too simple. If your son or daughter is sure that friends will be delighted, include the task in the list.

Calm contests

Immediately after a delicious meal, don't run and jump. Offer guests quizzes, imagination assignments, funny poems, and original fairy tales. When choosing assignments, consider how old the birthday person and guests are. The host is mom or dad, it is better if both parents are involved.


The competition is suitable for children of all ages. The task will allow guests to get comfortable, less shy, especially if the company is assembled from children who do not know each other very well. Often, the child invites friends from the yard, preschoolers / classmates. A simple task will help you get to know each other.

The presenter asks the children who have blue color in clothes, tell a little about yourself. The guys get up the loan with yellow, red, green etc. Everyone should introduce themselves, say a couple of phrases.

Don't miss anyone especially if there are more than ten guests.

Get to know the subject

For children from 4 years old. Put small gifts in a large bag: sweets, apples, cars, dolls, oranges, balls. Anything that is easy to recognize by touch is suitable. The children take turns approaching the bag, throwing their hands down, trying to figure out what item they got. The guessed thing remains with the participant as a prize.

Cheerful artist # 1

Competition for children 3 - 4 years old. Each guest receives a piece of paper, felt-tip pens, pencils. The task is to draw an animal familiar to everyone, for example, a teddy bear or a hare. Everybody gets prizes. Prize categories: Funniest, Neat, Most Original, Drawn Fastest, and so on.

The artist's game # 2

For children from 3 years old, the game is more suitable for toddlers. Fasten whatman paper on the board or wall. Give the kids Finger paint... Each guest draws a gift for the birthday boy - beautiful flower... Usually kids willingly agree to participate in the competition, draw with enthusiasm.

Are there many kids at the birthday party? Give each a piece of paper, allocate a table for creativity. Sign the finished drawing, put the date, hand the birthday boy to the applause of the guests.

Unseen beast

For children from 6 to 7 years old. The competition develops imagination, originality of thinking. The task of the presenter is to prepare in advance several questions about outlandish animals that do not exist in nature.

Children should describe the beast, if they want, draw, show what sounds it makes. Usually the guys have fun, willingly fantasize. The main thing is to come up with original animals.

The options are:

  • What does a frying pan fish look like?
  • How much does a hippopotamus fish weigh?
  • Where does the musician bird live?
  • What are the wings of a crocodile bird?
  • Who is Murmuryonok?

Word game

A popular game for children from 6 years old must be with a festive bias:

  • first task. Name the dishes on the table with the letter K, then P, then B;
  • second task. Which of the guests has a name beginning with the letter A, C, L;
  • third task. What gift can you think of for the letter I, M, K and so on.

Broken phone

The competition is suitable for children over 5 years old. The game has been known for more than a dozen years, but lowly raises the spirits of young guests. The more participants, the more unexpected the result, the more fun. Remember the essence: the leader quietly calls the word to the first of the children, he speaks the word to the second in the ear, then to the third, until he reaches the last participant. It is important to speak quickly, not to delay the line, not to pronounce every syllable perfectly.

Most often, the word is mutated beyond recognition. The funniest results are if a word of 2–4 syllables is not very “simple”, for example, Murzilka, Crocodile, Businka.

Fun contests

Fun contests for birthday parties are suitable for babies and older children. Animators advise holding such games in the middle of the holiday, when the children got to know each other, got used to it, and stopped being shy.

Fashion show

Suitable for children from 8 years old. Prepare a box of clothes and shoes in advance. Everything is suitable: from light dresses, thin scarves to a fur hat, gloves. Put a lot of different things. Required attributes for a cheerful mood - wigs from different materials, horns, ears on a hoop, a fox or hare's tail, belts, braces, fins. If wearing heels, choose a small size with a stable base to prevent falls.

Each of the participants, blindfolded, approaches the box, takes out 5–6 items, dresses, comes up with the name of his model or a motto. When all the items are taken apart, the fashion show begins. Girls are more willing to participate in the competition, but boys often keep up with them. The more active, relaxed the children, the more vivid emotions.

Miracle chamomile

Game for children from 7 years old. Make a large flower, write a funny task on each petal: to portray your favorite singer (one of the animals), to crow, to sing a song with musical accompaniment (spoons, drums, rattles). Each participant receives a prize.

Funny answers

Children's competition from 7 years old. Prepare sheets with the inscriptions Desert Island, School, Shop, Stadium, Disco, Cinema, Bowling Club. Fits Spaceship, Pool, Cinema, Luna Park, Sea, Zoo, Tall Tree and so on. The more cards the better.

The presenter asks one participant to come out, sit on the back chair to the rest. An adult or one of the older children takes turns taking out a new sheet, shows the inscription to the guests, asks the participant: "What do you usually do in this place?" The discrepancy in the answers amuses all the guests. Have a few people participate. The leader always feels when it is time to finish the “survey”, usually three or four participants are enough.

Young talent

For children from 6 years old. You need a sheet of drawing paper, a bright felt-tip pen or marker. The presenters offer to draw someone. Children themselves choose a suitable character: a bear, a man, a hare, a cat, a cartoon character. Do not impose your opinion.

Children close their eyes, you can't peep. The leader takes the children to the Whatman paper in turn. The task is to draw one detail at a time with closed eyes. The first participant draws the head, the second draws the torso, the third draws the legs, and so on.

The competition is not boring, it cheers up well. It often turns out that the head "lives" separately from the body, and the tail grows from the ear. It turns out an unprecedented beast or alien. The competition always amuses children of any age (and adults too). Usually two or three animals are enough.

Fun flight

Game for children from 6 years old. You will need a thick scarf and a balloon. The presenter puts a ball on an empty table, brings the participant, makes it possible to remember the location of the object, blindfolds, takes 2-3 steps back. The child turns a couple of times (not very much, so as not to get dizzy).

The participant's task is to blow the ball off the table. Very often, after turning, the child turns his face in the wrong direction, blowing into the void. The task is funny, but not offensive to the participant.

Guess the animal

The game is suitable for children 6 - 7 years old. Children are divided into two teams, write the name of the animal on the sheet, pass it to the presenter so that the rivals do not see it. The first command shows what this animal (bird) does with gestures, gait, facial expressions, but does not utter a sound. The second team must guess the animal. Prizes for all participants. Those who could not recognize the beast are rewarded, for example, with a piece of candy, and the winning team - with a self-made medal “Member of the Club of Experts”.

Porcupine or deer are not very suitable there should be animals / birds that are easy to recognize.

Outdoor and active games

The area of ​​the room allows you to run? Let the kids warm up. Even in a medium-sized room with a small number of guests, fun competitions can be arranged.

At the address, read about how hematogen is useful for the child's body.

The biggest soap bubble

For children 5 - 6 years old. The essence is clear from the name. Buy bubbles based on the number of guests. Whoever has the greatest miracle ball gets a prize.

Accurate shooter

Suitable for children from 5 years old. You will need a plastic bucket, small balls, nuts, large Lego parts, balls of thread. Place the bucket at a distance of 3-6 steps from the children (note the age). The task is to hit the target. Each successful throw - 1 point. The winner is the one with the most points. Mandatory prize, medal "The Most Aim".

Catch the tail

Competition from 6 years old. Play to music with enough space. Each participant ties a rope with a bow at the end, a scarf with a “tail” to the belt. The task is to catch the opponent by the tail before the other. The winner will get a sweet prize.

Extra high chair

For kids from 5 years old. A familiar game always evokes a storm of emotions. A prerequisite is a large room so that there is where to run.

Essence: guests - 7, chairs - 6. Place the chairs with their backs inward, form a circle. To the music, children walk (run) around the chairs, the music stopped - it's time to take a seat, the late child leaves. By the end of the competition, 1 chair remains, 2 participants. The winner will receive the "Most Dexterous" medal + a prize.

Unusual volleyball

Game from 7 to 8 years old. Place 4–5 chairs in a row, after 1 meter put a rope (scarf) on the floor, after another meter - the second row of chairs. It turned out to be a field for playing volleyball.

The essence: children are divided into 2 teams, take places. Instead of a ball - a balloon. You need to throw the "ball" onto the opponent's field without getting up from your chair. The winner was the team whose ball flew off the field less often.

Children's bowling

Happy children's competition from 7 years old. Place 6-8 objects on the floor. Plastic skittles, balls, cubes will do. Instead of a bowling ball - plastic bottle(empty). The task is to bring down objects. The distance depends on the size of the room. Remove all unnecessary things from the floor so that nothing is broken or broken.

Parents often ask which contests to hold for girls / boys. Most of the proposed tasks are suitable for all children, regardless of gender. Even at the "fashion show" many boys show off original outfits no worse than young fashion models. It is more important to "stir up" the children, create a pleasant atmosphere, then all the guests will be happy to participate in the competitions.

Have you decided to organize a children's party? Arm yourself with tips, pick up two or three contests on various topics from each section. Consider the age of the young guests, hobbies, character (if there are only 4–5 children), and the level of knowledge.

A few more fun children's contests in the following video:

The main component of any scenario for a child's birthday is games.

Baby birthday games


Children pair up and hold hands. Hands are tied with tape or rope. Participants must then hands free untie the ribbon and tie a bundle with it. The couple that does it faster wins. For fun, you can time it. This will give the game more excitement.

Paint the balls

Participants are given Balloons(not inflated) and colored markers. Time is recorded (2-3 minutes). Participants must inflate balloons and paint them with markers. Drawings should be in the form of figures of people or animals. Whoever meets the set time won.

Sing a song

Each of the participants must make a song and sing it silently until the driver claps his hands twice. As soon as the coveted signal sounds, the participants simultaneously need to sing the intended song, and as loudly as possible, without confusing the words and the melody. Then the driver claps again, and everyone starts singing to themselves again, then loudly again at the signal. This can be repeated 3 or 4 times. The participant who has never strayed wins. The winner sings his favorite song with or without karaoke.

Put it back in place

The leader is selected. The rest of the participants freeze in various poses. The presenter remembers them and goes into the next room. Members are quickly rebuilding. The host returns to the room. Its task is to put the participants as they were. If the leader makes a mistake, then the game starts over, if he did everything correctly, the participants in the game must complete the winner's task.

Who will eat faster

The participants are divided into two teams. Each team is given a small chocolate bar. On command, a member of each team takes a bite from the chocolate and passes it on to the next. The team that eats the chocolate faster than everyone else wins. Condition: the chocolate must go to all participants.

After the quiz, it is best to conduct an outdoor game or arrange a relay race, breaking into teams. Assignments for teams can be something like this:

Who will jump higher.

Skip in the sack.

Crawl under the rope (pull the rope at a height of 45 cm).

Place toys and run a "snake" between them, etc.

You will need

  • Magician's set
  • Dolls for puppet theater or masks for dramatization
  • Various little things for prizes and gifts
  • Attributes for outdoor games
  • Some pyrotechnics or a balloon


Holidays entertainer,

Cope with every case

Sweet beauty "

"My son son -

Big kid.

You will not find bolder

You won't find a stronger one.

Clever little head

Mom's nightingale

Daddy's faithful friend

Our ruddy pie "


Right foot, left foot

Stomp Safka along the path

Right handle, left handle

Disperse the clouds in the sky.

Breakfast (pointing to the eyes, nose, mouth, etc.)

Open your eyes wider

Meet the new day soon!

The nose smells delicious

What's this for breakfast?

And smacks his mouth

And an empty tummy grumbles.

He says: go to eat.

First syllables (for speech development)

Mama-mama-ma-ma-m (a)

I say now (I) myself (a)

Daddy daddy

Tell me, I'm a honey.

Ba-ba-ba, granny

Also lapotulechka

De-da, de-da, de-da-de

Where is your mustache?

Hide and seek

Hide and seek games can be varied by covering the child with a scarf or blanket, as well as peeking around the corner. This is a useful workout for temporarily breaking up with your mom. The kid learns a lesson, as it were: mom disappears, but she comes back. Also, a toy can be used as a search object.

Old magazines

Children are very fond of crap magazines and newspapers, the main thing is that they do not have a new issue in their hands, and tasty notes do not end up in their mouths. Glossy magazines are harder to tear, and the pictures are brighter! While you yourself are leafing through one of them, your little one will be especially interested.


The smallest can be offered finger paints. They can smear the whole family and make memorable prints and even whole masterpieces based on them. You should be more careful with pencils, but under vigilant supervision, you can introduce the child to them.

Fine motor skills

Many mothers let the kids play with cereals, pasta, boiled rice. Picking up small objects with his fingers, the child develops handles, learns to make more precise movements. And most importantly, it's very exciting.


You can use cards with images of animals and objects from the very first months of life. Black and white is recommended first, as contrasting colors are the most eye-catching colors. But you can use color cards right away. And if you draw them yourself, the child will be even more interesting. When showing animals, make their own sounds: woof-woof, meow-meow.

Balls and balls

Another great item to play with is a ball or balloon. Kids are delighted with balloons, but there is a danger that they will burst and get very scared. Therefore, it is better to give an inflated ball, then this probability is reduced, or to do with a cloth or rubber ball. They can be rolled to each other or a child can be put on them.

Pyramids and Co.

Pyramids and nesting dolls are excellent simulators for the development of nerve centers, motor skills and hand coordination. Disposable cups, mothers' pots, and other kitchen utensils can also play their role. The main thing is to examine the objects and make sure that they do not pose any danger to the baby.


You can read children's books with thick pages and pictures, or you can read adult books with adequate content. The child will be interested in both, and parents can be saved from rereading the same fairy tales a hundred times.

Secret box

Now homemade fabric books and panels have become popular, to which various zippers, fabrics, Velcro, pockets, and clasps are attached. It's just a kid's paradise. There are so many interesting things in one "bottle". How they love to open the latches and peel off the Velcro! You can order such a thing or make it yourself.

Of course, that's not all. There are so many more great things to do with your little ones, but even this list will help you not get bored. The main thing is not to impose your games if the child is not interested, and alternate intellectual games with outdoor ones. However, movement is one of the ways to develop intelligence, and raising children is a great way to develop parents.

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"Ha ha ha"
This is a very simple game and, most importantly, no one loses. The players' job is not to laugh. Children sit or stand in a circle, and one of the players says, as seriously as possible, "Ha!" The next one says: "Ha-ha!", The third: - "Ha-ha-ha!", And so on. Anyone who utters the wrong amount of "Ha" or laughs is out of the game. The game continues, and those who have been eliminated try to do everything to make the remaining players laugh (just without touching them). Whoever has the last laugh wins.

Whose ball is bigger?

Participants receive balloons and, on command, begin to inflate them with their mouths. The one who bursts the ball is eliminated from the game. The winner is the one who inflated the largest balloon in terms of volume.

"Fish", "beast", "bird"

The players are seated at the sides of the room. They choose the driver. He walks past them, repeating three words: "Fish", "beast", "bird ...". Suddenly stopping in front of someone, he says loudly one of these words, for example, "bird." The player must immediately name a bird. You cannot hesitate and name those fish, animals, birds that someone has already named. Anyone who gape or answered incorrectly pays a fant, and then "redeems" him (reads poetry, sings a song, dances, shows tricks, etc.).

"Magic box"

Take a small box and place a toy or other prize in it. Put this box in a larger box, and a larger box in one that is even larger. The larger the number of boxes, the more interesting it is to play. Children sit in a circle and pass the box to each other, while music is playing. When the music stops, the one holding the magic box opens one of them, the first. The one of the players who is lucky and he opens the last box with the prize - takes the prize for himself.

Make a movie

Organize a children's party with video filming. Divide them into groups of four to six depending on the number of children; assign each group to write a script and assign roles for the next shooting.

We advise you to have on hand a lot of all kinds of rags suitable for dressing: old hats, long scarves or scraps of fabric, leftovers carnival costumes and a whole state of "animals". Brooms can come in handy, as well as shaving brushes.

Give the children fifteen to twenty minutes to cook. Then have each group take turns putting on a show for the others while you film. You can show a movie over dessert (and if you don't have a camera, forget about these video tips and call the show a theater).

Commercial approach

A more concise and shorter version of this game can be proposed. For each group to make a homemade script, and then let the children "shoot" the ad.

Concert hour

If your group has large children, consider organizing a concert. Let them decide for themselves where the stage will be and how to make the curtain, help each one come up with a number. Some children love a solo performance - to sing a song, dance, read a riddle or some funny story... Other group performances, say juggling balls as a team, presenting something funny, or singing together. You can take part in this concert as an entertainer, announcing each number and urging the audience to applaud the performers more amicably.

A train

The more children participate in this game, the better. Form your team in single file, and have each child hold on to the elbows in front. The first child will be a train driver. He is driving the train. When the train starts to move, the driver hums "Oooo". When he rings twice, the train must stop. The driver also decides in which direction the train will go and how it will go - jumping on two or one legs, running or something else. Children can take turns as train drivers. If the group of children is big enough, it is better to make two trains.


Let the children run around the yard or room. Tell them to all move in some way: jumping, bending over, jumping on one leg, pushing each other, etc. They need to continue their movements until you shout: "Freeze!" Children should freeze and stand motionless until you give the command: "Otomri!" To maintain interest in the game, shout your "Freeze!" at different intervals. If one of the children cannot stand the state of immobility, do not exclude him from the game, just observe how many children can withstand all the signals of "freeze"; maybe all but one or two can withstand.

Fun competitions

If you have a group of children, arrange an unusual competition. For example, you can organize an "elephant race" (children will stomp like elephants and waving their arms like a trunk) or a competition, jumping like a kangaroo, moving like a turtle (on all fours, as if they have a shell on their backs), or you can run backwards or in a "bundle" two by two. Let the children try to come up with options for such competitions themselves.

Siamese twins

Being Siamese twins is very difficult, because there are only two hands for two people. Try to see this for yourself: hug your friend so that the right hand of one and the left hand of the other are free, and in this position, follow the steps:

Thread the needle;
- light a candle with matches;
- cut a circle out of paper with scissors;
- tie a lace on the boot;
- lock the rod in a ballpoint pen.

Rope fences

Here easy way organize a fun skill game. On an area covered with soft grass, place two chairs or two other sufficiently stable objects and tie a rope to them so that it hangs freely between them a few centimeters from the ground. Let the children, imagining themselves as racehorses, jump over the obstacle. They must jump over the rope without touching it.

You can increase the height by placing the chairs further apart. When the rope hangs too high and it is difficult for the child to jump over it, let him try to crawl under the rope without touching it. Move the chairs closer together and the rope will be lower. Let the children decide for themselves whether they want to jump over or crawl under the rope.

Who is stronger?

Take a strong rope, tie the ends with a strong knot. This will create a large rope ring. Two participants in the competition, being inside the rope ring, stretch it in different directions, winding the rope under the shoulder blades and grabbing it with both hands. A line is drawn in the middle between them. At the signal, both, backing up, try to pull each other over the line.

Defeat three

Two ropes of the same size and thickness, 2.5-3 meters each, are tied in the middle so as to get four identical ends. Four guys are competing, each takes his own end of the rope, pulls it, it turns out a "cross". About two meters away from each player, a prize is placed on the floor. On command, participants pull on their end of the rope, trying to be the first to grab the prize.

Children's holiday with "Olympic competitions"
On the birthday of older children, you can play in the "station". To do this, organize yourself to help several adults, each of whom, sitting at some distance from each other, should be a "station" where the child needs to show some of his abilities. Give each child a scoring card, and let them, as they go from station to station, receive points for completing various tasks. Most of the assignments are likely to require physical dexterity, but it is good to include challenges that require focused attention. Points must be awarded for both participation and victories; naturally, the level of rewards should be different.

"Hunt" for a coin

Take a few small coins and scatter them around the yard or, if it is more convenient for some reason, in the house. Depending on the age of the children, you can hide coins in more or less difficult places to find. Give the children some time to “hunt” for coins. Let them keep the found coins.

For older children, you can tell how many coins are hidden. Let them count how many coins they have already found, and continue the "hunt" until they find everything.

Search - you will find

Children choose a driver. They show him an object that he will have to look for. When the driver leaves the room, the guys hide the object. After that, the name of the driver is called. Children are singing a song. When the presenter approaches the hidden object, the children sing louder, and when he moves away, the singing becomes quieter. When the item is found, the driver himself chooses the next driver. The item that is hidden and the song is better to change each time.

Jump like a ball

Here good way arrange so that children behave relaxed and at ease, while remaining under the control of adults. Invite the children to fantasize by imagining themselves as some inanimate object that they see in front of them. Start with, say, a hair tie: first pull the elastic, then let it return to its original shape, stretch it hard, throw it in the air and let it fall. Have the children try to repeat the movements of the rubber band.

Then you can move on to a ball, clockwork toy, a skein of rope, etc. If, after playing for a while, their energy has not diminished, invite them to come up with who else they would like to become: rockets, robots, snowballs, sparklers, etc.

Funny face

To prepare for this game, first cut a large oval out of the flannel. Stick it onto a Whatman paper or a large piece of heavy, dark paper. Draw hair around the oval and attach a bow tie at the bottom. Then cut out the eyes, nose, ears and mouth from the multi-colored flannel. If you wish, you can cut out more eyebrows, pipe and hat.

Tape a piece of flannel oval paper to the wall at the level of your child's eyes. In turn, blindfold the children, and have them attach some part of the face to the oval. The flannel should adhere to the flannel by itself, but you can use Velcro loops on the flannel if needed. back side"Parts of the face". Funny face, which will be obtained as a result of this procedure, will certainly cause a lot of laughter.

When the game is over, leave this face hanging on the wall. Perhaps some of the children would like to continue the experiment.

Catching a fish

Ask your child to help you prepare for this game. Your kid can cut the simplest fish shapes out of multi-colored thick paper. On each fish, write a letter so that one or more letters could be composed of different letters on the fish simple words... Attach a paper clip to each fish, and then put all the fish in the bucket.

Now take a small twig or stick and attach a string to one end with a small magnet at the end. Let each child take turns catching a fish, and you will see if they can form words from the letters on the caught fish.


Usually, children's fun can be organized from what is at hand. But if you know in advance that you have to entertain a group of children, go to a store that sells all sorts of things and buy a special jar for blowing bubbles. One such jar contains real magic - children's laughter and happiness.

How to save soap
An agitated child with a full can of suds in their hands may accidentally splash it out. Open all jars and pour half of the liquid from each into a jug (or some other container). If the jar is tipped over, then all is not lost, and, besides, when the children have finished their soapy entertainment, you can fill the jars for future use, for the next time.

Bubbles are especially good if you need to keep kids of all ages busy. Even teenagers enjoy them.

Depending on what you blow into, bubbles of various sizes are formed. Very small bubbles fly out of plastic straws dipped in soapy water. Plastic jar lids with a hole in the middle blow out more bubbles. If the “tool” you have chosen is too large for a jar of foam, pour the soap solution into a bowl and lower your “tool” there, then remove it with tongs, shake it, and you will see how huge and iridescent bubbles you get.

Homemade lotto

This game is good for any company. Playing it - whether it be two kids or ten - will be the same fun for everyone. Have some cards ready in advance. On each card, draw eight or nine squares, and in each one write a different letter (or number, from one to nine). All cards must be different. Then prepare many small cards with one of the letters or numbers inscribed in the squares of the large cards.

Give each player eight to nine buttons, bottle caps, pieces of foil, or other small items to use as tokens. You or one of the children will be the leader. Take one of the small cards with a letter or number (of course, they should all be shuffled and face down) and name it. If you want, you can pick it up and show it to the children. If they find the same letter or number on their card with squares, they will put on this square a button or something else chosen for this. The child who has covered all the squares shouts "Victory!" - He won.

How to save time
Inexpensive games such as lotto can be found in the toy departments of department stores and other stores.
You can also play lotto - "animals", loto - "birds", loto - "miscellaneous items", etc., using the corresponding pictures.

Living Letters

If it seems to you that it is time to warm up, try playing "living letters". Write some capital letters block letters(for example: A, G, E, I, L, M, etc.) one on each sheet of paper. All children should lie down on the floor. One of them pulls out a piece of paper with a letter, and then he must put the children in such a way as to compose this letter.

Ball rolling

Sit with the children on the floor in a circle with your legs wide apart. Give one of the kids a big ball. The child should roll it (with his hands) directly at the feet of the other child. He rolls the ball to the third kid, etc. Explain to the children that the purpose of this game is to keep the ball in constant motion.

Nursery rhyme charades

Sing or read a few nursery rhymes. Then help the children to portray the poems they like in their faces. Let each child whisper to you which rhyme he has chosen. Then you and your child try to act out in faces what the verse says. And other children should guess which rhyme you showed them.

Older children can be given different clothes, rags and all sorts of other things, so that they can dress of their own choice and depict their favorite fairy tale in costumes.

Dancing animals

Play music for the children - classical, pop, rock, whatever you like - so they can dance to it. Have the little ones move to the beat of the music.

Invite the children to portray an animal dancing to the music. They can waddle like a duck, stomp like an elephant, tread softly like a cat, move quickly like a mouse, step majestically like a tiger, frolic like a dog.

Apple dance

Several couples are dancing. Each pair presses a large apple with their foreheads. If the apple falls, the pair is eliminated from the competition. The most agile win. Do not forget to wash the apples again after the competition.

"Boogie Woogie"

It's not even a dance, but rather a game. In it, all movements correspond to the spoken words. The guys stand in a circle facing the center.

"Right hand forward,
And then her back,
And again her forward,
And shake it a little.

We're boogie-woogie
Turning in a circle.
And clap our hands like this:
clap clap!

Boogie-woogie - oh kay! (Move to the center
Boogie woogie - oh kay (go back).

In the future, only the words change in the dance-game:

"Left hand forward ..."
"Right foot forward ..."
"Left ear forward ..."
"Right shoulder forward ..." etc.

Exotic dances
For some reason, it is believed that dancing must be done standing on two legs. Can't you dance lying down or sitting down? Try to make sure it’s not less interesting, and in some ways more difficult. Perform a dance without getting up from your chair ...

- twist;
- hip-hop;
- break;
- macarena.

And if there is a fashion to perform pair dances standing back to back? Do back to head dances such as ...

- tango;
- square dance.

Musical chairs

This is such old game that grandparents and even great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers can remember how they played it. Place a row of chairs, changing their direction each time. There should be one fewer chairs than children. Beat the drum or put on a record (recording) with suitable music, and have the children run around the chairs. When the music stops, the children must have time to take a seat.

A child who does not have time to sit on a chair is eliminated from the game. One chair must also be removed, and the chairs must be removed until there is only one child left. Vary the time during which you play music. When most of the children are out of the game, you can speed it up, if you like.

Who quickly

2 chairs are placed with their backs to each other at a distance of about 2 meters. A rope is stretched under the chairs, its ends are between the feet of the children sitting on the chair. Tied in the middle of the rope is a bag of nuts (sweets, cookies). At the command of the leader, those sitting on the chair must jump up, run around the circle of chairs, sit on their own and, grabbing the rope, pull up the prize, which goes to the one who can do it first.

Tree man

Let the kids who fill your house turn into trees. Tell the children which parts of the tree correspond to body parts. Legs can be roots, body - trunk, arms - branches, fingers - leaves.

You can portray any natural phenomenon, and children must react to it. You can be wind, sun, or rain. And from time to time you depict a forester with an ax in his hands, who is about to cut down a tree. When you shout "Log!", Stopping in front of some "tree", this "tree" should fall.

We tell fairy tales

By telling a story, you can captivate not only one child, but the whole company. But you can do it in different ways: or just read to children interesting fairy tale, showing pictures, or reading, having agreed with the children that they will accompany your reading with different sounds corresponding to the events of the fairy tale. Or you can play a fairy tale, and then the kids will "go" with you to the jungle, or you will discover the Wild West. With young children, you can simply sing songs from a fairy tale. With a group of children, you can play such a scene as, for example, "The Big Turtle and the Hare":

Once upon a time there lived a hare - this is such an animal like a rabbit (put your index fingers above your head, depicting the ears of a hare), and a big-big turtle - like a small one, but very large (bend your arms and get down on all fours).

The hare ran very, very fast. (Bend your arms and quickly move your fists forward one at a time.)

And the turtle ran very, very slowly. (Slowly, take turns moving your bent arms with your fists forward.)

Once a hare said to a turtle: "Let's run a race!" (Place your hands as a mouthpiece, as if imitating a sports team.)

Reade set Go! (Put your index and thumbs in the "gun up" position, when the word "march" turn your hand with your index finger forward.)

Here is a hare running. (Use your fists quickly.)

And here is a turtle crawling. (Use your fists slowly.)

Suddenly the hare stopped. He looked around, but did not see the large turtle. (Place your hand over your forehead, as if trying to see where the turtle is.)

And the hare decided to take a nap under the tree. (Close your eyes and pretend to sleep, you can even snore.)

And suddenly ... he woke up. He said: “I forgot about the competition! I better hurry up! " (Use your fists quickly.)

And the big turtle, meanwhile, never stopped, kept going forward. (Use your fists slowly.)

The big turtle won the competition and came in first. (Clasp your arms above your head like champions do.)

The hare was terribly angry. (Make an angry face and put your hands on your hips.)

And the big turtle was very happy. (Proud, smiling face.)

You can tell the tale again by asking the children questions, and they must answer and show with movements what is happening.

"Murder in the Dark"

This Agatha Christie-style detective game can be very entertaining for a group of five or more primary school children.

Write the words "detective", "victim" and "murderer" on the pieces of paper and fold these pieces of paper. Add to them the same size. Then everyone has to pull a piece of paper. The child, who got to be a "detective", leaves the room, turning off the light.

Everyone else walks around the room back and forth, a “murder” occurs, and the “victim” quickly falls to the floor, while the “killer” does not show any signs that it was he who committed the crime. The "detective" returns, turns on the light and asks questions, while observing the expressions and behavior of those present; he must guess who the killer is in five minutes.

Continue the game until all the children have been "detective" at least once.

Jumping in a bag

Traditionally, this game requires a bag, but if you don't have bags on hand, old pillowcases can replace them.

If your team has several children, then organize a competition. For a certain time, each child must jump or walk (with his feet in a bag) from one place to another. Then let him try the same thing with one leg in the bag.

Complicated version

If children can easily cope with such jumps and they like outdoor games, let them try to be on the "three" legs. To do this, two boys need to stand side by side, facing one side, and you tie their legs, which are next to each other. Then they must walk the distance on "three" legs.

Tickler fish

If you have enough children to form a circle, you can give them a large sheet and start playing. Children hold the sheet at waist level and gently shake it to form "waves."

One child has to crawl under the sheet on all fours and tickle the ankle of some other child. While the child-fish “swims” under the sheet, he holds one finger-“fin” raised, by the movement of which the children determine where the fish is heading.

Whom the fish tickles, he himself turns into a fish, raises his "fin" and goes under the "water" to look for his prey in order to tickle it.

And the unnecessary will become necessary

For the first time, we watched the bewitching of all kinds of junk at the Boston Children's Museum, where one rainy day our children played for many hours in a row with all kinds of discarded rubbish. If you can't go to Boston, don't be upset.

Collect your own junk: cardboard rolls of toilet paper, pieces of wood, something shiny, pieces of white foam used to pack fragile items, jar lids, lollipop sticks and popsicles, in short, all sorts of little things that could be in your house ... Put all this stuff in a box and one day, when your child and his friends are bored and they start pestering you with the question: "What are we going to do?" - take out this box and say: "Come on, children, make me something extraordinary and interesting out of this." If you have older children, save them some bigger junk: broken chairs, remnants of building materials, etc. If workers are doing something somewhere near your house, ask them not to throw out the things they don't need it will come in handy for your kids.

Well, who in childhood did not like their own birthday? This is the day when all the closest ones and relatives gather, friends come, give a bunch of gifts, cut a delicious cake. These are the funniest and most vivid childhood memories, and to make them even brighter, parents need to work out a script for a children's holiday, birthday contests. The main thing is not just to meet guests and sit at the table, but also to entertain them, giving the child and his friends the opportunity to unite even more, have fun to the fullest and remember this day as the best in life. But what contests are needed for a children's birthday? We will offer you many options, and when choosing, be sure to take into account the age of the children, and choose the most interesting games for everyone present.

Competitions for children 3-6 years old

Mind games

Intellectual contests at the table are good because they help to save the parents' house from the disorder and destruction that naughty preschoolers threaten it with. Of course, children will not be able to captivate with such fun for a long time, but for a while they will be "neutralized", at the same time, watching their games will help parents learn something new about their child.

The simplest birthday contests for children can be represented by riddles that can be selected for any age:

"Guess What I See"

An adult verbally describes the object, and the children must understand what is being discussed and find this object in the room.

An adult or a child portrays something or someone, and the rest of the children must understand what or who it is.

"What's gone?"

Several objects need to be laid out on the floor, sofa or chair, which children should look at for a while, after which they should turn away, and an adult removes one of the objects. After that, the children look at the "exposition" again and must remember what has disappeared from here.

Fairy quiz

Fairy Tale Quiz is also one of the interesting contests for children's birthday. Here you need to come up with a series of questions on well-known children's poems, cartoons and fairy tales, and provide prizes for correct answers - toys, chocolate medals, etc.

Board games

Mini contests for children can be presented by their favorite board games, for which the whole family loves to spend leisure time. Although in our time they are superseded by tablets and cartoons, but on children's party it is quite possible for them to find a place:


Particularly interesting are the "adventure games", where each player has a piece with which he walks around the playing field for the number of steps, which is thrown out by the dice. These games are good for companies, children can participate in them. of different ages... In addition, in modern games, the chips are made unusual, and the manufacturers accompany the games with exciting tasks.


Now on sale there are fun and colorfully designed games for children of all ages. With them, you can play Shuffle, Doble, Doubles, Memories and many other games - everything that can be found on the Internet.

"Guess What You Eat"

This delicious game is suitable for all ages. Children are asked to close their eyes and taste something edible for an adult to put in their open mouths. This is a very funny competition, because it turns out that it is not so easy to determine the taste of a dish without seeing it.

Outdoor games


The game is a kind of classic hide and seek. An adult hides some toy in the room, and the children’s task is to find it, following the clues from the words “cold” and “hot”.

"Magic Tunnel"

For this game, you will need a children's tunnel, but it may well be replaced by a small table or chair, under which a child can crawl. His task is not just to get into the tunnel, but to get out of there in a new guise, portraying someone: an animal or a fairy-tale character. Other children have to guess who it was who got out of the magic tunnel. The one who guesses correctly goes to the magic tunnel himself.

Ball games

Contests for children's birthday 4 years old include good old fun, which combined tasks for erudition, quick wit, fun and moving elements. So, in the game "edible-inedible" the presenter seats the children in a row and in turn throws a ball to each child, pronouncing a word. If the word means an edible object, then you need to catch the ball, and if it is inedible, then push it back with your hands. In another version, the children stand in a circle, and the presenter throws a ball to one of them and asks him to name a color, fruit, vegetable or flower. Children need to catch the ball and remember the right object at the same time.

Role-playing games

Kids love most when 6 year old birthday contests contain role-playing games... In order for the company of children to have fun, you can offer her to temporarily become brave Indians, overcoming obstacles, fighting with hostile tribes and performing funny dances. You can transform into brave knights, beautiful princesses or fire-breathing dragons, characters from fairy tales or cartoons - the choice is unlimited. Of course, such contests are made with their own hands, so parents will have to try, creating costumes and attributes. In addition, they can themselves participate with the children in entertainment, letting go of themselves on a short time a child hiding in the depths of his soul.

Competitions for children 4-12 years old

It is most convenient to think over the holding of contests on a children's birthday if all children present at the holiday are of the same age. However, often, especially for the birthday of preschoolers, not only peers are invited, but also relatives with their children, sisters and brothers - then a variety of children's ages can be presented at the holiday. This happens because the child himself still lacks his peer friends, so instead of them come relatives of all ages who know the birthday boy from a young age and are happy to congratulate him. In this case, the ideas of birthday contests for children will simply require a little more effort from the parents, but in the end, the children themselves will find ways to start interacting better, and besides, such contact between them will bring invaluable experience of interaction in a team to the younger ones.


This game involves pairs of players, each of whom is tied around the waist with a rope so that a small "tail" hangs from the back. The players' task is to be the first to catch the opponent by the tail and prevent him from doing the same. It's good to have this fun competition with perky music. The game trains reaction and dexterity.

Want to see even more fun and exciting contests? Then go ahead and read our other article about children's contests.

"Collective art"

To carry out this game, children need to be divided into 2 teams. The first members of each team draw the head and neck on the top of their sheets, while the rest of the participants do not see what is drawn. Then the presenter wraps the top of the sheet, covering the image, and only the lower part of the neck remains visible. After that, the second player approaches the sheet and continues the drawing. Then the presenter wraps this part of the sheet, leaving only lower part lines drawing. So the drawing gradually grows down, and all team members take turns putting their hand to it. At the end, the presenter unfolds both sheets and everyone looks at the resulting image with surprise. Such contests for children at their birthday 6 years old perfectly develop their imagination.

"Artistic relay"

This game developing creative imagination and thinking, teamwork, interesting but calm. Children are divided into two teams, which are tasked with drawing an animal or other object in a certain time. In this case, in one approach, each participant can draw one line (straight, oval, circle, etc.). In the end, the winner is the team whose drawing will more resemble the intended object.

"Candy on a fishing rod"

Instead of a fishing hook, you need to tie a candy to the fishing line. With the help of a fishing rod, you need to bring the candy to your mouth, unfold it without using your hands and eat it. The child who copes with it faster wins. This game develops dexterity and coordination.

"Volleyball with a balloon"

Thanks to this exciting game, children develop dexterity, reaction, and coordination of movements. Children need to be divided into two teams, chairs should be placed at a distance of 1 meter from each other, all the players should be seated on them. A rope stretched between the chairs in the middle of the floor marks the net separating the teams. Then a kind of volleyball begins, in which you need to throw the ball over the rope, and the players are forbidden to take the ball in their hands (you can only push it with your palms) and get up from the chairs. If the ball hits the floor in the opponent's half, the team scores a point. The game can be continued up to 15 points.


Thinking about how to spend a children's birthday at home, it is useful to select contests that develop communication skills, ingenuity and imagination in children, like the next contest "Nesmeyana". One of the children is chosen as princess Nesmeyana and sits on a chair in front of the rest of the children. The rest of the children should try to make the "princess" laugh, while not touching her. The one who succeeds, himself becomes the next Nesmeyana.


Before the start of the game with the children, a certain theme is selected (holiday, animals, furniture, etc.), after which the driver thinks of an object corresponding to the chosen theme. Players must guess what was chosen using follow-up questions, to which the driver can only answer "yes" and "no". The first one who guesses the plan becomes the driver himself. With the help of this game, children train communication skills, develop thinking.

"Hold the ball"

Children's birthday contests at home often require a lot of space, but not this one. Two pairs of players take part here. Each pair should be placed in a circle formed by a hoop or a circle drawn on the floor. Each pair is given balloon... Their task is to try to keep the ball in the air for as long as possible, blowing on it, but not touching it with your hands, so that it does not fly out of their circle. The winner is the couple that can hold their ball longer. This game trains reaction, dexterity, coordination, breathing apparatus.

"Eskimo hide-and-seek"

Among the children, a driver is chosen, who is put on thick mittens on his hands and blindfolded. After that, in turn, children come up to him, whom he must recognize by touch. If he succeeds, then the identified child becomes the driver, and if he is mistaken, he makes attempts with the next players. With the help of this competition, children develop memory and spatial imagination.


Active and fun contests for children's birthday can train attentiveness, and the best game for this will be the "Blinkers" game. Children need to be divided into two equal teams and a leader should be chosen. Chairs are placed in a row, on which the first team sits down, and a chair is placed opposite, near which the presenter stands. The members of the second team stand behind the backs of the players sitting on the chairs. The presenter glances over the seated players and winks at one of them. The player who was winked must quickly move to a chair near the leader, and the task of the player standing behind him is to grab him in time to prevent his escape. If the escape is successful, then this player himself becomes the leader.

"Broken phone"

Via fun game"Broken phone" children imperceptibly hone their attentiveness and hearing. The presenter whispers a phrase or a word into the ear of the first player, after which he turns to the neighbor and in the same way conveys what he has heard. So, along the chain, the message reaches the last player, who says out loud what he heard, and the presenter loudly says what he himself has transmitted. After that, the leader goes to the end of the chain, and the first player becomes the leader.


Children love fun contests where you can practice thinking, logic and attentiveness. All children need to be built in a circle, holding hands. Then the driver turns to the side, and the children begin to climb over each other as they please, but without letting go. After that, the driver, also without opening his hands, must untangle this tangle.

"We compose a fairy tale for the birthday boy"

The presenter opens a book or magazine on the first page that comes across and blindly pokes a finger at a random word. The first storyteller needs to come up with a phrase in which this word will participate. Similarly, the words are given to all other participants in the game. You can even come up with not one, but several sentences. As a result, a funny story will be born in the game; all that remains is to write it down on a beautifully designed paper and give it to the birthday boy. Such games develop imagination and thinking, replenish vocabulary.

"Three, thirteen, thirty"

Before the game, the presenter explains to the children what number represents a particular action, for example, 3 - hands on the belt, 13 - hands up, 30 - hands forward. Then the children line up at a distance of arms outstretched to the sides. Further, the presenter calls the agreed numbers in random order, and the children must perform the appropriate movements. Gradually the pace of the leader accelerates. The one who got lost and performed another movement, stands next to the presenter and tries to knock down the rest of the players with incorrect movements. At the end of the game, the most attentive and not amenable to provocation player remains. Such contests for guests for a child's birthday train reaction and attentiveness.


Each player receives a serial number and stands in a circle. Then they all begin to clap rhythmically, alternating between two claps on their hands with two on the knees. One of the players, when clapping his hands, repeats his own number twice, and when clapping his knees - the number of the other player. The one whose number was sounded, with the next claps in his hands, he already calls his number, and with the claps on the knees, the number of the next player. Anyone who gets off this rhythm, forgets his number or calls a number that has already left the game, is eliminated from the game. The last two players remaining in the circle are recognized as winners. This fun trains reaction, memory and attentiveness.

"Liberation Action"

The dynamic game "Action of Liberation" promotes the development of coordination, attentiveness, hearing, reaction in the leading player, and in the rest of the players - reaction and dexterity. The participants in the game sit on chairs set in a circle. In the center of the circle the "prisoner" is seated with hands tied and kicked and a "guard" who is blindfolded. The task of the "liberators" is to untie the prisoner, and the guard's task is to prevent them. As soon as he touches one of the liberators, he is out of the game and removed from the circle. The one who manages to free the "prisoner" without being caught turns into a "guard" himself.


Active contests for celebrating a child's birthday are able to develop liberation, dexterity, and coordination of movements. In the game "Hunt", the names of the participants in the game are written on cards, which are then shuffled and distributed to the players. The player dances to the music and at the same time discreetly spies on the name written on the card he received. At the moment when the music stops, the hunter must catch the prey, the name of which is written on his card. But he also hunts for his prey. As a result, real chaos begins! After that, the cards are collected, shuffled again, dealt and the game continues.

"Waves in a circle"

Make a circle of chairs tightly standing one to the other, the number of which should correspond to the number of players. The driver is in the center of the circle, and the rest of the players sit on chairs. As a result, one chair remains free. The driver seeks to sit on an empty chair, but the players must prevent him from doing this by their movements. If the driver manages to sit on an empty chair, then the player who missed him becomes the driver himself. Players move according to the driver's commands "to the right" (clockwise by one chair), "to the left", or chaos (participants quickly change places, and the driver seeks to take any free seat). The driver is the player sitting on the chair, who was free in front of the "chaos" team. Children train reaction, dexterity, attentiveness in the game.

"Siamese twins"

All children must be divided into two teams, in which there will be several pairs. Couples stand sideways to each other and embrace shoulders with one hand. As a result, each Siamese twin has one right and one left hand. This creature needs to run to a plate of sweets, unfold the candy and eat it, feeding both heads. The couple that handles all the sweets is the winner. A variant of the task for the "Siamese twins" is to make an envelope out of paper, tie the laces on the shoes. This game strengthens teamwork skills.

"Fisherman and Goldfish"

Participants in this game line up in a circle, and the leader in the center twists the rope and rope with a knot at the end. The end of the rope should sweep under the feet of the players, and they should jump in time so as not to touch it. Anyone who is touched by the rope is temporarily out of the game. The game goes on until the only participant remains, who becomes the winner. It develops agility, coordination, stamina and alertness.

"Copy of the monument"

With the help of this mindfulness game, children gradually get rid of shyness. Among the children you need to choose two. One will be a "copier", he is taken out of the room and blindfolded. The second will be a "monument", at this moment he must take an interesting pose, in which he freezes. Then a "blind copier" is introduced, who must feel the pose of the "monument" by touch and take exactly the same one.

"Bad fax"

In this game, children are seated one after another, so that each next one looks at the back of the previous head. The first and last players each receive a pen and a piece of paper. The last player draws a simple figure on paper, and then reproduces it, sliding his finger along the back of the seated player. He, in turn, draws with his finger on the back of the predecessor what he felt on his back. The player sitting first transfers his feelings to the paper, after which the initial and final drawing are compared. With the help of this game memory, hand motor skills, attentiveness are trained.


The floor is divided by a ribbon or rope, on either side of which two players stand in the starting position - on one foot, facing each other, with their hands folded into a lock behind their backs. Everyone should strive to cross the border to the opponent's side without touching the floor with the other foot and without disengaging their hands. At the same time, it is still impossible to allow the enemy to enter your territory. You can only push with your chest or shoulder. Anyone who breaks these rules is considered a loser. The game develops strength and coordination.


The players need to be seated close to each other, placing their left hand on the right knee of the neighbor on the left, and the right hand on the left knee of the opposite neighbor. If the circle is not closed, then the extreme players put one hand on their knee. In the game, you should quickly slap on the knee with your hand, without breaking a certain sequence. If someone slapped out of time or even just raised his hand, then he hides this hand. There can be several or only one winners. To make the game more interesting, you need to maintain its high pace. It trains reaction, hand motor skills, coordination, and attentiveness.


The players stand one after another and put their hands on the belt in front of the player standing in front of the player, forming a "caterpillar". The first becomes the head of this caterpillar, and the last becomes the tail. Then music sounds, and the caterpillar begins to crawl forward, while the head makes different dance steps with any part of the body, and the rest should try to repeat these movements. Tired, the "head" turns to the next player, strokes his head, and then stands in the tail of the caterpillar. Relaxation, coordination, attentiveness are trained here.

Which contests did you like the most, and which ones did you take note of? Perhaps you have conducted other funny contests for children - be sure to write about them in the comments!