
Haircut on the 27th lunar day meaning. Fashion haircuts: cascade


The twenty-seventh lunar day is a time of purification, wisdom and transformation. Let's be honest with ourselves and try to find inner harmony - then the day will pass peacefully, and the moon will illuminate the path with its gentle light.

  • Element 27 of the day Fire. It all started with Fire, and everything will end with it, as Azazello used to say from The Master and Margarita, but we have no reason to fear the flame - today the elements burn evenly and gently, the main thing is that the light shines in our hearts.
  • 27 lunar day multiple characters. This is the Ship on which the Babylonian god of the Moon sailed through the expanses of space, and even in ancient times the ship personified hope and security; and the Trident of Neptune, symbolizing lightning, thunder and flames; and the Scepter is an attribute of power and domination.
  • Blue color and its shades will bring good luck on the 27th lunar day. The blue color is associated with the sky and eternity, and symbolizes fidelity and constancy, the color Indigo bestows wisdom, and the gentle Cornflower blue color will endow us with kindness and sensitivity.
  • The figure, which is under the influence of Neptune, will be successful for today. We are talking about the Nine, it is rightfully considered the number of Truth. But there is no need to remember the Nine Circles of Hell - we are not expected there on the 27th lunar day, moreover, we will not sin, and dream of Paradise pleasures.
  • Let's hang a pendant with an Emerald around our neck and instantly cleanse ourselves of bad thoughts - this talisman stone helps both in family affairs and in financial matters. Selenite will help to get around life's troubles, and transparent Amethyst will protect from the evil eye and protect against black magicians. A moonstone called Adular can be worn by people who dream of great love - on the 27th day this talisman will certainly help to meet a soul mate, but if we choose earrings or a ring with Quartz, we will immediately turn into clairvoyants.
  • Let's urgently move everything to the South, and success will be our true friend - miracles and fun adventures live in the South today. But if the boss sends to the north, and business partners live in the east, we don’t worry, but we go to the store for a wooden box (even an ordinary plank will do, if you believe in the power of this amulet).
  • The triumphant and dream angel Gasar will bring victory in any situation. In addition, this kind guardian angel will fulfill all the wishes that we make on the 27th lunar day, and Gasar will help some of us to give up bad habits.

Characteristics of the 27th lunar day

Intuition and reason usually go their separate ways, but on the twenty-seventh lunar day they will become friends. Inspiration is in the air today, and those of us who are busy with creativity will certainly be lucky - the Moon will throw so many interesting ideas that we do not have enough time to implement them.

That is why today it is important to seek support from spiritual teachers and mentors more often, and the advice of relatives and friends will be very useful and valuable. But one should not discount one's own point of view either - even a fantastic thought can become real if one approaches the problem in the right way.

We remember that the symbol of the day is the Boat - we have the opportunity to independently come up with a name for our Yacht. The main thing is that the letters do not fly off, so we stock up super glue and patience.

On the 27th lunar day, it is important not to limit your communication, and look for meetings everywhere - on the street, in transport, and even in traffic jams. If we now and then come across elderly interlocutors, we don’t grumble, but listen carefully - this is what the Moon tried, because old people are wise, and their experience will certainly come in handy for us.

Let's try to rise above the vanity - in order to soar in the clouds, you don't need wings or a magic carpet. On the twenty-seventh lunar day, it’s enough just to dream about the beautiful, and material wealth will not go anywhere anyway.

For those of us who do not float well, today will be difficult - the day is conducive to swimming. Of course, you can just stand next to a column or a waterfall and douse yourself in icy water, but ideally you need to splash and swim - the water is literally saturated with moonlight.

But after all, the element of the day is Fire - let's kindle a fire on the river bank, and the two eternally arguing elements Water and Flame will become one, and will bestow upon us wisdom and understanding of life.

On the 27th lunar day, it is important to find time for trips to nature. A garden, a kitchen garden, a dacha, a field, a forest - whatever, as long as we feel comfortable and cozy. And if we try and gather a company of nice people, then the lunar grace will surely descend on us, and we will spend this day for the benefit of ourselves and others.

By the way, about the benefits - the twenty-seventh lunar day is ideal for charity. But we don’t show off, and we don’t try to seem better than we really are. Here you have to overcome yourself and look for the golden mean. For example, it is a pity for us to give a thousand rubles to a beggar - we will exchange money and give a five-hundred bill: we will not offend the poor, and our conscience will be calm.

With good deeds on the 27th lunar day, the same story - it's one thing to take granny across the road, and quite another to help a neighbor finish repairs. We listen to the voice of the heart, and improve - the Moon and the Cosmos, if anything, will support.

Vampires, scammers, and in general evil people today they walk around like restless people - one can only feel sorry for them. The poor fellows have nowhere to get energy - let's buy them a steak with blood, maybe it will feel better.

Someone on the twenty-seventh lunar day can sit in the library - new knowledge will not be superfluous. And for some it is enough to get out of the city, sit under a tree, and chat with the leaves - the main thing is that there is no anthill in the neighborhood, or a company of cheerful youths with alcohol.

The issue of alcoholic beverages on the 27th day is decided unequivocally - there should not be any alcoholic joys, otherwise the Moon will begin to double, or the planets will fall on your head, in general, it is better not to risk it.

But you can take a chance in the love sphere - new acquaintances will certainly be continued.

We accept ourselves as we are, but we try to become better and kinder - the Moon will definitely turn its bright side to us.

Haircut on 27 lunar day

Take scissors in your hands, bring good luck to life - a poster with these words hangs at all hairdressers. Indeed, the twenty-seventh lunar day is successful for any haircuts, and all bold decisions are welcome.

Today, all haircuts are relevant - from Gavroche to Cascade, the main thing is the inner mood and the desire to change the appearance in a radical way. Proud bald ladies and happy punk hippie ladies come out of the salons - and no one in the crowd faints or rolls into hysterical laughter.

Asymmetric haircuts on the 27th day will turn even the most boring woman into a relaxed coquette, and a universal ladder will suit both a young girl and an elderly matron - the moon is favorable to everyone today.

Hedgehog, Rhapsody, Bob and Kare also do not stand aside and are comfortably located on our lovely heads - these haircuts on the twenty-seventh day will attract good luck in the love sphere.

Torn and slanting bangs will add romance to the image, and a shaved temple or nape will bring chaos to life and make the saddest person in the world smile.

By the way, when choosing a bang, we don’t need any rules, but the Moon will still give one piece of advice: it’s undesirable to cut a bang under the root, it grows for too long (or in general it takes offense, is capricious, and is not going to lengthen).

The situation with hair coloring on the 27th lunar day is simply gorgeous - even the rainbow went down lower so that we could choose suitable color. We experiment, and are not afraid of the opinions of others, the main thing is that we like it, and the Moon is not shocked - that is, it is better to leave Khaki hair for soldiers.

Green bangs, red temples, and purple tips - yes, this is the squeak of fashion, the main thing is to explain the details to the hairdresser so that you don’t confuse anything. Blondes are repainted into burning brunettes, redheads become beauties with blue hair, and black-haired ladies turn into gentle and timid gold-haired women in an hour.

By the way, all doors are open for gray-haired women, or rather, all tubes of paint - you can arrange a yellow-red, or raspberry-lilac fantasy, or leave everything as it is, because noble gray hair only decorates.

Now let's think about styling. Squeeze foam on the palm, and forward - to a beautiful and well-groomed head. Ring styling is suitable for beauties of all ages, in addition, the rings will attract lunar energy and add charisma to us.

Shell too perfect option for the twenty-seventh lunar day - and not boring, and creative, and with such a hairstyle you can go to a ball, and to work, and even to potatoes - let the neighbors envy.

Space will also appreciate the effect of waves on the hair - so curly ladies can safely go into battle and conquer the world, and at the same time, new fans.

It’s not even necessary to talk about pigtails and ponytails on day 27 - such beauty is beyond competition, and even an ordinary ponytail will turn us into sophisticated and stylish ladies.

Irons, hair dryers, curling irons and straighteners - today we can use any tools without harming the hair, the Moon will make sure that the hairs do not suffer. If the electricity is turned off, we don’t worry, but we urgently wet our hair, cut pieces of paper and rags, and in an hour we go to the competition: The most beautiful curl.

The moon is at work today, and I almost forgot about magical conspiracy for our hair. With each combing, it is necessary to whisper to the comb: “I will comb my hair, I will meet my dream. Grow a long braid, silky shine hair. It is advisable to take a wooden comb on the twenty-seventh lunar day.

Well, in the evening, rinse your hair with a wonderful decoction. We don’t need nine ingredients, a handful of nettles is enough for half a liter of boiling water: “Nettle does not sting, nettle gives strength. Hair flowing wave of lunar energy is full.

Also read: Haircut lunar calendar

Beauty on the 27th lunar day

There is a flaw in any beauty, but on the twenty-seventh day we are perfection itself - even the Moon bashfully hides her face, and does not try to compete with us. Let's get even better, and start, perhaps, with the face.

Even those who endlessly pamper their face with masks have to deal with pimples and wrinkles. On day 27, we will begin the battle with imperfections in appearance, so that pimples and wrinkles can fly white flags.

And we will take a saucepan and cook oatmeal in milk (if we have leftovers, then we will have a bite of porridge). When the yummy has cooled down, apply it on the face (you can also on the neck, and on the chest, and even on the tummy). It is important here not to run around the apartment and not to seduce pets - let's lie on our backs and wait twenty minutes.

When we wash off the sticky mixture, we will not recognize ourselves in the mirror - a young princess will loom there without a single wrinkle. The skin will shine and become like delicate Chinese porcelain.

And a decoction of chamomile and linden flowers with butter will turn into a magical cream for the skin around the eyes - when we prepare a miracle remedy, do not forget to whisper: “The eyes shine, youth is returned.”

Well, the lips had enough Hercules from the mask - the lips became soft, and at the same time, elastic (at least now on the cover).

Before applying makeup, we take care of the hands - let the manicurist gasp when we come to his appointment. Calendula and dandelion, plantain and nettle are poured with boiling water and mixed with pork fat. They are joined by honey and Castor oil. This hand cream will be worse than store-bought products.

Well, let's stomp on a manicure - today everything is allowed: we can cut, and file, and build up nails, and with the choice of varnish in general, beauty, however, complete freedom of action is sometimes harmful. After all, when the eyes run wide, it is difficult to stop at one color and the nails dream of trying all the shades and patterns.

The ideal color of the varnish will be sky blue, and if we depict pale pink flowers, or bright scarlet patterns, we will certainly become the most charming ladies among the salon's visitors.

Drops, dots, waves or geometric shapes can be depicted using silver varnish, but it is advisable to choose rhinestones and pebbles in golden hues - the Moon will be delighted.

It remains to run away for a pedicure and come up with something that no lady has on her nails. If the hands do not tremble, and the varnish does not spread, we can work at home. Those who gravitate toward compositions should remember that thumbs are usually decorated, and the rest of the nails enjoy a monophonic coating. On the twenty-seventh day, turquoise, red and pale green varnishes will look perfect on the nails - legs with such a pedicure will themselves lead us to happiness and good luck.

Luna does not like to talk about Piercing, and on the 27th day she only allows her to pierce her earlobes. But there are no restrictions in the choice of earrings, but the most “useful” jewelry will be earrings in the form of animals, insects and flowers.

Well, we remember that the symbol of the day is the Ship - we will pick up decorations of a marine theme, then for sure we will be in chocolate all day (or in condensed milk with marzipans, as you like). Pendants in the shape of an anchor or a dolphin, pendants in the form of a goldfish, shark earrings, a piranha brooch - we buy, dress up, and rush to the ball, because the poor prince has already looked through all his eyes.

The day was busy, and everyone was tired - and the bath is already ready, and the water in it is not simple, but silver. While the water was being collected, silver spoons were thrown into it, and sea-buckthorn and raspberry berries. It is not necessary to catch the berries, if they are crushed, then it does not matter (only benefit for the skin). We plunge into the magical water and sing: “Voditsa is like in a mountain stream, fresh and clean. My body is getting younger and fresher and whiter. The moonlight will touch the skin, youth will return to me.

After the bath, wrap yourself in a blue towel and drink a cup of herbal tea - all beauties do this, and we are no exception.

Wedding on the 27th lunar day

The groom in a dashing vest and flared trousers, like a wolf from a cartoon: “Well, wait a minute”, and the bride in a blue airy dress with white stripes, and on her head instead of a veil she has a lace peakless cap - these are the smart newlyweds on the twenty-seventh lunar day. A maritime-themed wedding - what could be better?! Both beautiful and stylish, and the symbols of the day are satisfied. The guests also do not lag behind and dress up some as a pirate, some as a seagull, and some as Neptune (with a bottle instead of a trident).

For a wedding on the 27th day, there is only one restriction - the ceremony must be modest. Well, what, they sat on a small yacht, put on life jackets for the most drunken guests, and set off towards family happiness, because the couples who got married today will live a long life filled with love and mutual understanding. And the captain-toastmaster will never stray from the course and will guide the happy boat with a confident hand, not forgetting to pour jokes about sailors, cooks and boatswains.

In general, no frills, and this, first of all, concerns food - a couple of wedding cakes, a box of champagne, and two or three kilograms of oysters - and there is less work for waiters, and the stomach of guests and young people is in order, because seasickness after such a modest No one is in danger of food.

On the twenty-seventh lunar day, the stars advise those in love who did not manage to get to the registry office to wander around the wedding salons and choose outfits for the future celebration - dresses, ribbons, suits and shoes can be found in a couple of hours, also with a good discount.

The day is also quite suitable for meeting parents, the main thing is not to gather in a noisy restaurant, but to arrange gatherings in the country, in a quiet and cozy atmosphere - everyone will like each other, and they will start hugging and kissing.

Day 27 is also good for a honeymoon trip - the young people get to know each other better, and gain impressions, and meet storks.

It is possible, and even necessary, to move to a new apartment - the housewarming party on the twenty-seventh day will go off with a bang, and even the neighbors will fall in love with the young tenants, and will begin to patronize the couple in love.

The twenty-seventh day is ideal for a wedding ceremony - a solemn atmosphere reigns in the church, and even unbelieving witnesses have tears in their eyes. The family born on this day will certainly become happy, and the union of loving hearts will be guarded by good angels, cheerful storks, and the imperturbable Moon.

Birthday on the 27th lunar day

When the “twenty-sevenths” come to our world, something extraordinary happens - the maternity hospital is flooded with moonlight, and outside the window you can watch star rain, or an eclipse. Often the birth of "twenty-seventh children" is accompanied by the failure of equipment - electric tiles break, light bulbs explode, and computers begin to speak human language.

But there is nothing strange in this, because the "twenty-seventh babies" are endowed with many talents, clairvoyance and hypnosis are in the first place among their abilities.

Doctors are trying to quickly fuse these creatures from the maternity hospital, and who is pleased to feel like a guinea pig - "twenty-sevenths" penetrate the X-ray of any person, and read thoughts without even knowing the letters.

But next to the "twenty-seventh" is never boring, they are like little suns. These guys are positive and cheerful, sweet and charming - they are already in one year old know thousands of interesting and instructive life stories.

"Twenty-sevenths" do not have to go to school - little geniuses will not learn anything new there. Yes, and teachers feel stupid and ignorant - even the ministers of education cannot answer the questions of the "twenty-seventh".

The “twenty-sevenths” have many friends, but they do not get along with their peers - doctors of sciences and professors, at worst, some graduate students, are recorded as friends.

"Twenty-sevenths" will never do a boring job, they usually choose a rare profession for themselves. Among them there are Sniffers, Oceanologists, Fumeliers, often these guys go to monks, or go into the wilderness to learn the truth away from the noise and worldly fuss.

For happiness, “twenty-sevenths” need little, but they will not refuse money and wealth - after all, in an abandoned house there can also be a fireplace, a pool and a couple of servants for a comfortable life.

"Twenty-seventh lunar people" are unusually amorous - they can decide in a second to get married, or get married. True, in a day there will be disappointment in a partner, and “twenty-sevenths will file for divorce with the same ease. But no one is offended by them - "twenty-seventh creatures" know how to part beautifully.

Spouses from the "twenty-seventh men and women" are excellent - they have golden hands, a kind heart, and a bright head. In addition, these lunar creatures are unusually prolific, and their families always have a large offspring - “twenty-sevenths” become excellent parents, and enthusiastically change diapers, play chess with their offspring, and build snow castles in which to live.

"Twenty-sevenths" love to travel, and can go out for bread, and return a month later - they accidentally jumped on the train and went to Vladivostok to a classmate. Relatives get used to such quirks, and do not get angry - and how to be offended by creatures that sincerely do not understand what they have done wrong, and only smile and wink slyly.

"Twenty-sevenths" is different good health, but they also have an Achilles' heel - they are prone to respiratory diseases, and can suffer from asthma. But with the right lifestyle, “twenty-sevenths” live to be a hundred years old, and feel more cheerful than many thirty-year-old people.

The “twenty-seventh guys” do not tolerate the monotony of life, and often choose a path full of temptations and temptations - with the right company they will not wander into the wilds of drunkenness and deceit, but next to scammers and cheaters, these people will have a cheerful existence (it’s a pity that with a sad end).

But the intuition of the "twenty-sevenths" works before they have time to make any mistake - they can predict their own future with an accuracy of up to a minute, and turn off the wrong and crooked path in time.

Dreams on the 27th lunar day

Let's pay our many taxes, and lie down in bed to fall asleep with the sleep of a baby - oh, if everything were so simple, the Moon would not worry on her twenty-seventh day. It seems that the day is not bad, and there is no aggression, but something incomprehensible, mysterious and even frightening is going on in the night labyrinth.

But you can save yourself from insomnia, but it’s more difficult to hide from nightmares - we remember the Dream Catcher and try to improve its properties with the help of magic.

In the center we will place a magical emerald, but if with precious stones the situation is not very good, any green stone will suit us. Evil spirits and bad dreams stumble upon this barrier, and immediately disappear into oblivion.

For cheerful dreams, we need wooden beads, or seashells, but in order for the dream to become prophetic, we will use river pearls - these modest pebbles have amazing power.

The catcher is ready, but the anxiety remains - we will put miracle water next to the bed from any sorrows. You don’t need to add witchcraft fees to the water, just whisper: “Water, you are bright. Luna, you are smart. My dream will be clean and bright, sorrows and troubles will go away.

A pen under the head and rather into a lunar fairy-tale labyrinth.

The dream in which we swim is beautiful - the symbols of the day the Ship and the Trident stand guard over our tranquility. If we dive under water, we should consider the sea or river bottom. Small pebbles in a dream say: all problems are solvable, and in the morning we will find a way out of the most confusing situation. But the mysterious coral reefs, strange caves and sea monsters come to us with a warning - it's time to stop worrying about all sorts of nonsense, because there are so many beautiful and interesting things around, and if we do not change soon, only disappointment awaits us.

Seahorses, shrimps and sharks dream of new love adventures, but dolphins will come to tell about a happy and peaceful future.

Waterfalls are on a separate list - on the 27th night this is the most successful dream, after watching we will feel happy, and on the same day something amazing and magical will happen to us.

Music often plays in the lunar sleepy kingdom, and on the twenty-seventh night one should listen to strange sounds. The violin predicts a harmonious and stable family life, the piano sounds for those who find good luck in a new job, and the cello is heard by creative people - influential patrons are about to appear in your life. A button accordion or an accordion promise fun, and the gentle overflows of the pipe are heard by those who will soon turn into rich people. Well, the moonlight sonata sounds fortunately in all spheres of life, and it can be performed even on the guitar, even on the piano, even on the drum.

By the way, let's pay attention to the musicians. If some Mephistopheles or Dracula conducts in our dream, it's okay - these guys simply have nothing to do, so they came to amuse our boring subconscious. Drummer angels or fairy harpists promise news in the business world, and if we see a firebird chirping on a flute, we can be sure that we are about to turn into wise men who are satisfied with their lives.

If in the twenty-seventh lunar dream we want to cry, let's not hold back - this dream will cleanse the soul and attract the kindest and most wonderful moments to life. All the bad things in life will go away, and a white stripe will come - very long and wide.

You should carefully look at the plant world in our dreams. bright flowers and exotic plants will bring financial luck to life, and young birches and aspens will dream of good news from afar.

The moon today shows the films that we deserve - there is truth in every dream, the main thing is to see it in time.

Business sphere 27 lunar day: business, work, finance

Sponsors at the helm - this is the motto of the twenty-seventh day. Indeed, today it is useful to do charity work, and to help those who need it - the money will return, we can not even doubt it, besides, they will bring with them good lunar interest.

If we are overcome by greed, we learn to deal with this unpleasant phenomenon. Of course, you don’t have to take all the money out of your wallet with trembling hands and throw it into the old woman’s mug - with such an action we will destroy ourselves and harm our grandmother. You just need to say: “I will earn more, and I will give everything that is not mine. Money, enrich me, and help all the poor.

We will make those in need happy, and a brilliant financial idea will immediately visit us, and someone will even find a chest with a treasure, or win the lottery. It is better not to make deposits on the 27th day, but if we feel like it, we will go to the bank in the late afternoon.

It is not recommended to take loans on the twenty-seventh lunar day - it will be difficult to repay, and we will get bogged down in endless loans and get confused in percentages. You can re-borrow, in extreme cases, from rich friends - they are kind today, and perhaps they will even forget about meeting with us.

A new job on the 27th lunar day is welcome, but if there are normal relations in the usual old team, the stars recommend staying in the same place - a solid position will endure another month, and will do without our talents. Public activity today will be successful, and any joint work will be a joy, the main thing is not to advertise brilliant ideas too much - after all, scammers do not care what lunar day is on the calendar, and they chemise, not being afraid of either Lunar or Cosmic or Universal wrath.

Students and teachers, loafers and losers on the twenty-seventh lunar day on the same wavelength - everyone becomes active and cheerful. Even notorious lazy people break down from the back desks and run to the board, happily answering any questions. True, there is some tension with exams and tests today - the wrong tickets are pulled out, but all knowledge disappears somewhere.

The moon advises to calm down and learn the plot on good memory and strong nerves. Let's take a box and put nine matches there: “The matches-sisters lie side by side, and are not at all sad. Each match has its own name: Knowledge, Strength, Intelligence, Perseverance, Experience, Ingenuity, Ingenuity, Creativity, Genius. So it would be for me, God's servant (name), to acquire all these qualities, and with luck to go side by side.

That's all, simplicity is in fashion today, and a freebie is in your pocket, and the record book does not get bored, but is filled necessary inscriptions and good grades.

The financial situation on the 27th day, in principle, is not bad, but the Moon advises to postpone large purchases - it is better to hide the money under the mattress, or in the closet under the bed linen. And here we need a magic conspiracy: “Scammers will not find a cache, thieves will also bypass. And luck will look into the house, it will lure more money. ”

Gambling is prohibited on the twenty-seventh day, but if the hands itch and reach for cards or roulette, we try not to make large bets - the Moon will not forgive such carelessness, and we will definitely lose.

Let's try our hand at creativity - on the 27th day, the Muse can visit anyone, and today cooks grab their brushes, builders thoughtfully compose poems, and conductors spend the proceeds on buying a guitar or balalaika.

In the evening, everyone is equal, and it is useful to finish the twenty-seventh day with gold and silver cleaning of the premises. Five silver jewelry, and four baubles of gold should be put in a jar of water. If the jewelry is stored in a safe deposit box, we do not panic, but put yellow and white coins into the water. We wait nine minutes, we filter water, we put the magic things back in place, and we say: “Gold and silver, fly in through the window. Charge with moonlight, and tidy up the apartment. On the floor and on the wall you settle in the moonlight. Come to the house of wealth, do not lag behind me.

That's it, tomorrow we will be served food on golden dishes, soup will be cooked in silver pots, and the material for forks and spoons is at our discretion. Someone will prefer platinum, someone will prefer stainless steel, and someone will prefer aluminum - we, the rich, have our own quirks.

Health on the 27th lunar day

Pro healthy lifestyle You can talk about life for hours, but it's easy to talk about health, sitting at a table on which rustic cheeses and oils, fresh vegetables and fruits from the garden are comfortably located. And if we ran into the store and got some Chinese noodles? The moon will definitely not appreciate such an attitude, and will punish us with heartburn and indigestion.

But in general, nothing is said about overeating on the twenty-seventh lunar day, so maybe we will indulge in gluttony, because what the Moon did not forbid, she allowed. However, today it is useful to think, but how can one think about life after eating steaks, barbecue and sausage pies?! It is better to limit yourself in foods and drinks. By the way, about the liquid - today everything is possible, except for beer, vodka, and wine with moonshine. But it would be better if we arrange a meeting with carrot and tomato juices, and a date with yogurt and whey.

Yes, and do not forget to draw up a weight loss map (but if the weight is normal, you can not read the continuation). So, on the 27th lunar day, we will get a blank sheet of paper, and in the center we will write a two-digit number - our favorite weight. We will place a photo with our ideal figure side by side - if there is none, we will cut out the model from the magazine and stick a photo with our pretty face on her neck.

Well, then it’s even easier - we are looking for motivation, and we divide the leaf into two columns. On the one hand, we write what we will get if we become perfect in appearance, and on the other hand, we write down everything that does not suit us in the figure today.

It remains to set realistic deadlines for losing weight - we can be sure that by the onset of the next twenty-seventh lunar day we will become slim and charming.

On the 27th day, smokers shout Hooray, mercilessly break cigarettes and throw lighters into the fire - this has happened, and tobacco addiction has evaporated along with the last puff. Yes, yes, dear smokers, you heard right - the Moon allows you to smoke before you say goodbye to a bad habit forever. Key word here: Forever! Indeed, after such a conspiracy, which the Moon provided on the twenty-seventh day, you will not want to smoke.

So, light up your last cigarette, and, exhaling the smoke, say: “My addiction, take it away, dissolve in the lunar kingdom. My lungs are clean and you are full of health. I don't want to smoke, I'll trample on a cigarette. With these words, you throw your tobacco girlfriend on the ground, not paying attention to the fact that before the filter you still smoke and smoke - that's it, you are in the ranks of happy non-smokers. Most importantly, do not scold those who accidentally smoke in your presence - it is better to take pity on the poor fellows, and share magical moon words with them.

They began to lose weight, quit smoking - without the usual activities and nowhere to put themselves. The moon advises not to lie on the couch, but to go to the gym, or to the stadium. You don’t need to run and jump to exhaustion on the twenty-seventh day, but breathing exercises are welcome today.

It is advisable not to sign up with doctors today - dentists are nervous, therapists are evil, and plastic surgeons are generally on their own wave, and that’s what Pinocchio’s nose and Old Shapoklyak’s lips will stick to us.

We'd better go to a bathhouse or a sauna, and after water procedures we will call a massage master - this procedure today is both useful and pleasant. And then, according to the plan, tea with aromatic herbs and pieces of fruit. It is not necessary to buy expensive teas, we ourselves can brew a wonderful remedy for all sores. And most importantly, a wonderful decoction will save us from sad thoughts, and set us in the right mood.

So, we brew Badan, Strawberry Leaves, Rosehip berries, and Orange slices. We also add the usual brewing of black or green tea here.

We drink a wonderful potion, and get healthier, because on the twenty-seventh lunar day, it's as easy as shelling pears, most importantly, mood, desire, well, and delicious cookies for magical tea.


We have acquired divine knowledge, achieved peace of mind, but if after that anxiety has not left us, we should think about it - maybe we did not correctly interpret the lunar puzzles, and should we delve into our past?

Of course, it is easy to rise above the vanity, but you also need to go down. For this purpose, spiritual teachers appear in our lives, and on the 27th lunar day it is necessary to find time to communicate with these great people.

We remember about good deeds, and we try to help everyone who needs it. However, there are some pitfalls here too. energy vampires and ghouls on the twenty-seventh day hover around good people and pretend to suffer and suffer from loneliness. It is not easy to recognize these children, but today there is one way - let's touch the supposed “bloodsucker” with our hand and say: “You are a good person, give me good advice. I feel so bad alone, can I cling to you? An ordinary person will smile, shrug his shoulders, or even twist his finger at his temple, but the vampire baby will get nervous - this is where we will catch him in garlic nets and silver traps.

Well, so that we are not considered eccentrics, we will not find out who the vampire is, who the werewolf is, but we will do good deeds quietly and imperceptibly - the Moon will see, and the rest is a matter of technology.

On the 27th day you can travel, work in the garden, watch smart films and read wise books. Any action will lead to the desired result, it is only important to trust the inner voice.

It is allowed to meditate on both water and fire - there are no restrictions here. Lunar energy can be obtained from anywhere, but remember the elements of this day. And let fire be the eternal rival of water, and all the symbols of today dislike flame, we will still try to make friends with water and a light.

Pour a glass of water, and put a lit candle next to it to complete the picture. Yes, in a minute calmness will descend on us, and we will fly away into the astral plane, into space, or into a black hole - in general, we will find ourselves where we are comfortable and cozy. The main thing is to whisper the words, looking at the moon: “I gain wisdom, I let go of anger. Thank you for this day, I love a beautiful life. In general, they flew - the lunar angels have already raised their glasses with divine nectar.

At the time of your birth was the 27th day of the lunar cycle

This Lunar day endows people with the following common features and characteristics:

Mission: manifest willpower in order to master the cosmic consciousness.

Potential given by nature:

– knows exactly what they want and where they are going, has wisdom since childhood;
- carriers of sacred knowledge - priests, shamans, spiritual leaders;
- healers or verbal magicians - their word has great power.

Personality Traits:

- can be lucky and happy, capable of ideal love;
- travelers with an eternal thirst for knowledge, vagabonds, mystics, dreamers.

Possible negative qualities:

- live in a state of constant change and fluctuation, too soft-bodied and weak-tempered;
- non-developing people can turn into alcoholics or drug addicts.

Health: slowly realize the potential of their strength, they are more silent.

General description of the lunar day:

Symbols of the day: wand, trident.
Stones: red coral, amethyst, charoite, lapis lazuli, malachite, rose quartz.
Day of revelations, there is an intuitive insight.

Action of the day- Search.
From this begins the time of mental rebirth, special attention should be paid to your inner world, to trace the path of your formation as a person. Today it is good to spend various psychological research and perform scientific experiments.

On the 27th lunar day, be tuned in to the comprehension of sacred knowledge, the laws of being. Today it is good to go to study in another city, or go somewhere to get new information. But, nevertheless, it is worth refraining from moving using water transport.

On the 27th lunar day, it's time to study something new on your own, your mental abilities are now just on top. During this period, intuition acts as an active assistant to rational thinking, listen to its prompts, it will not let you down. Therefore, it is worth thinking about solving various pressing issues and even serious ones. life situations, your subconscious mind and inner voice will tell you the most optimal ways to resolve them.

But at the same time, do not pay too much attention to trifles, you must now see to the root, and the true essence of the actions of others will be revealed to you. On the 27th lunar day, you need to be cleansed with water, it is especially good to swim in the river or even just walk in the rain without an umbrella.

The twenty-seventh lunar day is a good period for doing business. But it is possible that this period can also be fraught with danger. Take a good look at financial transactions, carefully study the documents to sign new contracts.
A good period to deal with social issues in the documentation. It is also good to do charity work on this day. It is believed that funds directed to charity on these lunar days create favorable karma, and subsequently turn into profit, and not only spiritual, but also material. Remember, luck is on your side today.

Haircut on 27 lunar day

If you want to get a haircut on the twenty-seventh lunar day, then remember that hair will grow very slowly. But there is also a positive in this, since you will be able to keep your hairstyle longer. Today's haircut will enhance personal charm, as well as contribute to personal success with others.
Beautiful hair styling will stimulate the flow of vitality.
Dyeing your hair in natural colors promises to attract the energy of health and wealth.

The twenty-seventh lunar day is best suited for self-improvement. This is the main meaning of these days. Often on these days there is a desire to read something, go to a museum, get new information, and so on.

Today you can find inner harmony, decide psychological problems and eradicate the negative aspects of character. This is the time of Neptune, when a person can be enlightened.

The day is suitable for the exchange of wisdom. Meetings of the older generation with the younger generation are going well. On these days, you need to listen at the same time to intuition and the voice of reason.

The patron angel of the 27th lunar day is Gasar. He can reveal to a person all the secrets of the world, if today he refuses pragmatism and listens to intuition and the sixth sense.

General characteristics of 27 lunar days:

  • Energy of the day: active.
  • Symbol of the day: scepter, wand, ship, trident of Neptune.
  • Element of the day: fire.
  • Day Stone: Selenite, Rose Quartz, Crimson Quartz, Emerald, Adularia, and Clear Purple Amethyst.
  • Color of the day: blue and its tones.

The twenty-seventh lunar day is the time when you can understand your true life purpose. You can also develop intuition. It is possible to meet with distant relatives and exchange wisdom between close people. Today, scientific experiments, research and so on will be crowned with success.

On the twenty-seventh lunar day, any contact with water is favorable. You can go to the pool, to the pond and visit the sauna. Even a simple shower will improve psycho-emotional state and health. If there is a phobia of water, then these days you can get rid of it.

Bathing in a mountain lake will be especially favorable. Any water today will charge a person with energy. Contact with this element is recommended primarily for women. Water will help them become more compliant and learn to adapt to situations. These qualities will help ladies to establish a personal life and become a good wife.

On the 27th lunar day, you can plan travel. Water cruises are the best.

These days you can realize your most ambitious ideas. If the mood is upbeat, then everything will work out. The day is suitable for visiting government structures. In each of them, you can get the satisfaction of any statement, petition, plan, and so on.

Today, good deeds will not be left without encouragement. The moon favors those people who commit them.

This is a description of the 27 days of the lunar cycle.


The 27th lunar day is suitable for meeting with your loved one. Romantic moods are in the air today. On these days, you can better understand your loved one and learn something new about him. There is no need to fight and understand the relationship. All disassembly must be postponed until later. Today, on the contrary, we need to put up and build relationships.

It is not recommended to appoint marriages on the 27th lunar day. Feelings between lovers will quickly cool down, and family life may end in divorce.

On this day, you can marry only by calculation. Then it will be strong and perhaps feelings will arise between the spouses. The day is suitable for conceiving a child.


On the 27th lunar day, it is best to give up doing household chores. These days should be spent to your advantage. You can arrange a meeting of the whole family, go to the theater or read a book.


The 27th lunar day allows for gardening work. On this day, intuition is sharpened, which allows you to see which plants grow poorly or get sick. For a good harvest, they will need to be transplanted to a more favorable place or fertilized.

The characteristic of this day allows processing upper part plants. They can be grafted, cut and so on. It is not recommended to work with plant roots. They can be damaged and then the plant will die, because the root damaged on this day will not recover.

Today, weeding and spraying plants can be carried out in order to protect them from pests. It is allowed to plant plants with the upper edible part. These are tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage and other vegetables.


If a person falls ill on this day, then recovery will come quickly and the disease will not cause much harm to the body. A person today has more energy and vitality, so he can resist diseases.

Big problems can arise only with blood. On these days, heavy bleeding should be avoided, because it will be difficult to stop.

Today the shins are vulnerable. They cannot be treated and operated on. On this day, you should try to refuse to take any medications. It is advisable to reschedule a visit to the doctor and x-ray room to another day. Today it is recommended to be treated with alternative medicine.

work, money, business

These days, special attention should be paid to people working in a team. Their activities today will bring good results.

These days are favorable for doing business. This morning will be a good one. In the afternoon, troubles, disagreements in the team or quarrels with partners may arise. Therefore, all important events should be carried out not in the afternoon, but in the morning.

This day is suitable for completing old cases, but it is better not to plan on starting new cases on this day.

If you get rid of debt today, then there is an opportunity to no longer borrow money later.

Characteristics of people born on the 27th lunar day

The 27th lunar birthday is the day when people are born who are constantly looking for answers and truth. They are trying to learn the secrets of the world.

People born on the 27th lunar day often become spiritual teachers and mentors of others. They are happy to share their knowledge with others.

People born on this day are not burdened with illusions and stereotypes. Their life is full of surprises and changes. A person born on this day is a romantic, travel lover and dreamer. Hermits are often found among such people.

They may have financial problems and large debts from which they can hide.


Dreams on the 27th lunar day tell a person how well he combines spiritual development and material values. If everyday scenes prevail in dreams today, this means that there is not enough spiritual development.

Is the dream unreal, does it have a lot of fantasy? This means that little attention is paid to material values, and without them the existence of a full-fledged harmonious personality is impossible.

Today, images from dreams need to be given special attention. Perhaps they contain an important message for a person. The dream must be remembered and the dream book used to interpret it.

27 lunar days should be spent to your advantage. It is impossible to omit such a favorable time for self-improvement, communication with loved ones and a loved one.

Considering fashionable women's haircuts 2019, we can confidently say that this fashion season will be very unusual. In addition to the usual hairstyles, unexpected design solutions come into fashion - a wide choice allows you to choose what you like. So let's get on with it right now!


Haircuts for long hair cannot be imagined without a cascade. A universal hairstyle is suitable for absolutely everyone - neither the thickness of the hair, nor the shape of your face matters to it. Thanks to this haircut, the hair acquires additional volume, and the image becomes harmonious and relevant.

The classic version is a haircut with strands different lengths, smoothly passing into each other. The cascade can be performed either over the entire head, or only on the strands framing the face. You can distinguish a cascade with an elongated oblique bangs, which is perfect for girls with a round face.

Graduated haircuts

If the first option uses a smooth transition of length, then with a graduated haircut, everything is completely different. It is distinguished by multi-level strands, the difference in length of which can be very large. For example, on one side, the strands are left straight, and on the other, they are cut at an angle of 45 degrees. In addition, such a haircut can immediately include 2 or even 3 lengths. This is precisely its main charm.

Graduated hairstyles look very impressive, but require special care. Do not be lazy to regularly cut split ends, and also use products for frizzy hair.


The popularity of this haircut for medium hair is only growing every year. In the current fashion season, among all types of caret, there are three at once:

  • with elongation at the face - then a compromise between long hair and neat hair. If you look at it in profile, you get an acute angle. A bob with elongation is also often complemented with straight or oblique bangs;
  • with graduated strands - the ends of the strands are cut in steps that create additional volume. If desired, the gradation is supplemented with a straight bang;
  • ultra-short straight - the length of the hair is cut at the level of the earlobes.

True, other options are also very popular.

By the way, do you know how to choose a shade of hair according to the color type of the face?


Another non-replaceable trend that will always be in fashion. Specialists distinguish several subspecies of the bean:

  • with a sharp elongation;
  • textural - the ends of the hair are cut using the ladder technique and milled a little;
  • asymmetric - if earlier either the occipital zone or the hair in front was distinguished by asymmetry, then in the coming year, designers offer a completely different approach. Now you can leave a few elongated strands in the middle;
  • with a shaved nape - the perfect solution for fans short haircuts. The length of the hair in front reaches the classic level, and the occipital area is cut as short as possible. With an almost shaved nape, the hair at the crown becomes very lush.


Fashion haircuts on the short hair can't do without pixies. Its main feature is a shortened occipital and temporal region. The hairstyle is made with voluminous strands of different lengths, as well as a sparse bangs cut in a semicircle.

How to make hair shiny and smooth? 3 super tips:


For extravagant ladies there is a wonderful fashion trend called Iroquois. This haircut involves completely shaved temples (sometimes they are cut under the "hedgehog") and a thick mop of strands at the back of the head. You can style the mohawk in different ways - comb and lift, tie in a smooth tail, wear with loose hair, comb it in the side parting.

Fashion asymmetry

An asymmetrical hairstyle goes with any face shape, and in some cases it even helps to visually stretch it. Among the brave youth, it is customary to completely shave off the strands on one side and leave the length on the other.

under the boy

Active modern ladies will surely like a boyish haircut. She has one unique property- she emphasizes the charm of young girls and makes ladies much younger in age. And in terms of convenience, this haircut beats all possible records.

Thinking about styling, consider the shape of the face and the structure of the hair. You can create a creative mess, comb your hair smoothly to the side or back, lay it in neat strands with wax.

It is better to postpone the idea of ​​​​a new haircut, so as not to harm the body and the health of the hair. It is favorable for people who desire positive changes to be painted in a new color. When choosing a hairstyle, focus on braids. Continue to strengthen and nourish your hair.

Influence of the Moon September 27, 2018

18 lunar day

When coloring hair, it is useful to experiment with colors. A new shade will bring new opportunities and positive energy to life.

Experimenting with hair is not worth it. It is recommended to braid your hair in a pigtail - this hairstyle will protect you from the negativity of the day.

Waning Moon (Phase 3)

The third phase of the moon is the right time to experiment with hair color, as the dye will not last long. A haircut these days will keep your hair healthy, but will slow down their growth.

Moon in Taurus

The Moon in Taurus is the right time to change your haircut or cut the ends. This will improve hair health, give self-confidence and improve relationships with others.

Hair coloring will help. Any chosen color will be successful. You can experiment and lighten your hair. Shading gray hair will go well.


Thursday is a good day for a visit to the hairdresser. A new haircut will bring good luck, improve relationships with people.

Moon calendar haircuts for September 27, 2018 contains recommendations for cutting, coloring and other hair manipulations during this period. He tells you how auspicious this day is for a visit to the hairdresser. The lunar hair horoscope takes into account the influence of the lunar day, the phases of the moon, the position of the moon in the zodiac sign and the day of the week.