
The sapphire shines. Blue sapphire: a symbol of purity and fortitude. Similarity to natural sapphires


Once you see a sapphire, you will never be able to forget it. The royal stone beckons with deep blue, luxurious brilliance, beautiful history. From time immemorial, the most beautiful of corundum has personified the power of the rulers of this world, without losing the ability to win hearts over time. Solid, radiant, unique.

History and origins

Sapphire, from the moment of its discovery, conquered people with its extraordinary strength and beauty. The Asians of the eastern and southern regions of the continent are considered to be the discoverers of the gem. Sapphire was once called corundum. Later, other minerals fell under this name, forming a group of stones of certain varieties.

In India, there is a legend that sapphire is nothing more than an elixir that gives eternal life- amrita. According to ancient legends, the creator of this miraculous liquid made it so that it turned to stone and did not get to mere mortals.

Blue corundum is rightfully called the stone of monarchs, since the first rulers of the countries of the world respected this mineral, making the gem an attribute of strength and power. It is known that the seal of King Solomon was made of sapphire.

The history of the name of the gem is interesting. It is believed that this name came to us from different languages. Among the ancient Greeks, Jews, and later the Romans, the name "sapphire" did not refer to blue corundum, but to. The Babylonians used the name "sipru" meaning "scratching". Sanskrit had the most beautiful name, in translation from which the mineral meant "a favorite piece of the sky." To modern mineralogists, the name of the nugget in its present form came from Latin. In Russia, all blue minerals of any origin were called "baus", while sapphire was given a separate name - azure yahont.

It is interesting! The concept of "sapphire" is ambiguous for a jeweler and a mineralogist. Science calls sapphires only blue corundum. But for jewelers, this name covers a whole range of multi-colored corundum, not counting red. Red corundums, even among jewelers, have a separate name -.

The well-known Princess Diana was very fond of sapphire jewelry. Once upon a time, Prince Charles presented Lady Dee with a beautiful ring with a pink stone in honor of her engagement. Later, this decoration was inherited by the daughter-in-law of the princess - Kate Middleton.

Place of Birth

Known mining sites of industrial importance are located in the following territories:

  • Burma.
  • The island states of Madagascar and Sri Lanka.
  • China.
  • Vietnam.
  • Thailand.
  • India.
  • Australia.

Sapphire crystals are often found in placers or pegmatites.

Interesting fact! The largest blue sapphire in the history of stone mining, weighing 3500 carats, was discovered by accident and was initially taken for. For a long time the discoverer of this miracle, radiologist Steve Meyer, used the found fragment as a paperweight, until one of the patients advised to contact a specialist with the find, who confirmed that the specimen was a sapphire. This legendary event happened in the US state of North Carolina, in the 1960s of the last century.

Within the territory of Russian Federation there are no industrial deposits of blue corundum. The mineral is found here in separate manifestations on the Kola Peninsula, as well as in the mines of the Urals. The stones from the peninsula are endowed with a beautiful cornflower blue color with a greenish sheen, while the Ural gems have a grayish tint.

Physical properties

Sapphire is the second hardest mineral after. The gem belongs to the class of corundum and is one of the top five expensive gems. The blue color of the mineral is given by impurities of iron and titanium. The higher the percentage of these elements, the more saturated the crystal.

admixtureFe2+, Fe3+, Ti
Hardness9 on the Mohs scale
Density3.95-4.00 g/cm³
Refractive index1,766-1,774
kinkIrregular to conchoidal.
TransparencyFrom transparent to opaque.
ColorBlue and cyan of various shades, colorless, pink, orange, yellow, green, purple, black.

Under the influence of high temperatures, the crystals of blue corundum discolor, but X-rays act quite the opposite, increasing the saturation and density of the color. Such sapphires are called refined.

Color varieties

Jewelry sapphires have a wide range of multi-colored subspecies. Blue sapphire is considered a classic. And the motley varieties of the mineral were called "fantasy". So, sapphires are:

  • Blue. Despite the fact that this color, in general, characterizes sapphire, it is a rather rare variety. Under the blue crystal is meant a stone with a velvety cornflower blue color, without an excess of blue or any other shade. If there is more than 15% of bluish, grayish, yellowish or other shades in a nugget, such a mineral is already considered fantasy. Then the stone is called gray-blue, yellow-blue, or another double name that reflects its shade. Interestingly, too thick blue color of the crystal makes the stone cheaper.

    Blue sapphire

  • Black. These stones are either translucent or opaque at all. An interesting fact is that in reality these crystals are blue, but a large amount of impurities give the mineral a thick tint that creates a visual illusion of black.

    Black sapphire

  • Green. These stones are the same illusion as the black ones. Only under a microscope is it noticeable that the inner spectrum of colors is blue and yellow, the interlacing of which gives a green tint. The impurities of these specimens are magnesium and cobalt.


  • Yellow. These sapphires are considered rare along with blue ones. The hues created by nickel impurity vary from light yellow to orange.


  • White. Such natural crystals without impurities are extremely rare. Most often, heated colored corundums, which are discolored due to temperature, act as leucosapphires. This method makes it possible to replace diamonds with sapphires, making jewelry cheaper.


  • Pink. A delicate shade of crystals gives an admixture of manganese. Jewelry with pink sapphires is more loved than with pink diamonds, as they are much inferior in price to the latter.


  • Blue. One of the most valuable varieties comes from India. Samples mined on the island of Sri Lanka give out a milky tint, making them look like.


  • Purple. Quite a rare Australian gem with impurities of vanadium.


  • Grey. This variety is rare, but not always valuable. Only the asterism effect can make the stone more meaningful to jewelers.

    Gray sapphire

  • Pink-orange. A rare gem of this shade is called. It is difficult to find it in jewelry on the shelves of jewelry houses. The mineral is especially valuable in the East.

    Pink-orange stone

In addition to color classification, there are rare and remarkable features of sapphires that combine minerals into separate groups:

  • Effect . A parallel strip along the mineral makes the stone look like a cat's pupil. Such specimens are also found among sapphires. Usually, these are opaque gems, processed in the form of a cabochon.
  • Alexandrite effect. This category includes gems that can change color depending on the lighting (natural or artificial).
  • Stardom. Nuggets with an asterism or with a double asterism are valuable and rare, which are opaque stones with a pattern of a six-pointed or twelve-pointed star. The star on the surface is visible when a beam of light is directed at the stone and is better visible when the stone is cut in the form of a cabochon. This effect is created by rutile impurities. The best stones are found in Thailand. The most valuable of them are green ones. When there is less rutile impurities, the pattern of the star becomes blurred. Such gems are priced cheaper.
  • Tunduru, Songea. The names of this variety are identified with the Tanzanian mining sites of the mineral. These sapphires are the most perfect, purest stones that can be found. The range of colors is replete with variety, and some specimens are endowed with asterism. One carat of such a gem can be valued at up to 2,000 US dollars. Nature, however, tried so hard that such extraordinary nuggets do not exceed the weight of 2 carats.

There are also so-called "declassed" stones that do not fall under any grade due to natural imperfections (inclusions, opacity, fading).

healing power

For centuries, healers have explored and discovered new properties of blue corundum, finding out that the stone acts as a remedy for a number of ailments. Healers recommend using this mineral for the treatment of:

  • heart disease;
  • asthma;
  • skin diseases;
  • kidney disease;
  • diabetes;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • headaches, migraines;
  • mental disorders of any kind.

The solution to such problems is within the power of any of the sapphires, however, there is also a color specialization, when each colored variety of the mineral is endowed with some special power.


An excellent assistant in the fight against depression or stress. This pebble helps to strengthen the immune system, debugs the work of all body systems. It is worth noting that the energy of the yellow gem is very strong, therefore, constant wearing is not recommended due to the risk of developing states of anxiety or anxiety.


Such a mineral is designed to protect a person from insomnia or bad dreams. Usually, for this purpose, a green nugget is placed under the pillow at night. In addition, this variety is endowed valuable feature all green gems - improve eyesight. Short sessions of contemplation of the stone will help restore the sharpness of vision.


Such a nugget acts as an assistant to dermatologists and cardiologists. Diseases of the skin, heart, as well as inflammatory processes and severe headaches - this mineral can handle everything.

Regardless of the color, blue corundum is reputed to be a feminine mineral, as it helps with any problems with the reproductive organs. A gem is able to cope even with a terrifying diagnosis - infertility.

Sapphire is considered a stone of longevity, because it helps a person to stay in his right mind and bright memory longer, driving away the sclerotic and senile manifestations of old age.

The healers know healing power sapphire water. To infuse the liquid, a stone of any shade is chosen. Begin the process with the first rays of the sun. Such water is used for compresses, washings, relieving inflammation, making the skin toned.

Magic abilities

Sapphire is an exceptional stone not only in terms of healing. The magical side of the gem is no less amazing. This mineral literally breathes kindness, symbolizing the purity of the soul, positive intentions. Blue corundum is designed to protect people from negativity, evil, bad magical influence. At the same time, the mineral makes a person better, improves the owner, revealing and strengthening only the good in him.

Sapphire serves as a conductor between the worlds. It is believed that this stone connects heaven and earth. Therefore, these corundums are the constant magical helpers of psychics. The stone develops the gift of clairvoyance, promotes the magician's communication with the other world.

The magic of the mineral is designed to protect the family hearth, strengthen love ties. Heavenly corundum "hones" men, making them calmer, more restrained, but at the same time more resolute, bolder. For women, the gem is a symbol of chastity.

Sapphire is a royal attribute. Not only by the fact of owning the gem of the first and subsequent rulers. The stone is able to endow a person, more often a man, with the necessary leadership qualities, making him a ruler not so much externally as internally. Thanks to the talisman, you can become a wise leader, a purposeful leader who knows how to listen to the opinions of others.

It is interesting! Ancient rulers used sapphire as an amulet against envious eyes. At the same time, the stone was placed in the crown or worn as a pendant around the neck. It was believed that the nugget would save not only from ill-wishers, but also from their own mistakes. For amplification leadership qualities the mineral is settling with gold. And the healing abilities of the mineral will be enhanced by a silver frame.

In addition to the general magical properties of sapphires, there are some features that are characteristic of a certain type of stone.


This mineral is credited with the ability to manifest superpower in a person, open the “third eye”, improve thinking. A timid personality turns into a decisive one, capable of "cutting the truth-womb". But people who do not have any abilities and talents will become even more useless. The blue gem is reputed to be a stone of power, aesthetics and philosophy.


This is a gem of magicians, psychics, multiplying the paranormal abilities of these people. Yellow sapphire will give inspiration to a creative person. The rest will be protected from causeless anxiety.


Leucosapphire is the owner's assistant in achieving the desired. The white gem is an attribute of individuals striving for spiritual perfection.


This nugget has an interesting feature - the amulet helps a person to remember dreams. Also green sapphire is a must conflict families, as an attribute of reconciliation, smoothing sharp corners in relationships. Such a talisman is able to expel selfishness and excessive selfishness from a person.


An attribute of travelers, as well as people who love to discover the unknown. The talisman will attract love, good luck to the owner, drive away confusion and doubt.


The black

Like all black gems, this variety of sapphire is the most powerful magically. The stone will help to arrange thoughts correctly, make the right decisions, attract finances, help to cope with accumulated emotions, preventing depression.


A delicate gem is a wonderful gift for a young bride. It is believed that such an amulet will protect the girl from the temptations of adultery. In addition, a pink stone helps to attract into a person’s life what he longs for and does not let go of his thoughts.

It is worth remembering that each of the sapphires will serve only for good. Any wicked deeds the talisman turns against the attacker.

Compatibility with other stones

Sapphire loves to solo in jewelry on her own, without needing neighbors. This precious mineral does not tolerate the proximity of Earth stones (opaque minerals) at all, since they are often too cheap.

Jewelry with a mineral

Products with sapphire, like with any other precious stone, are divided into two segments - premium and public jewelry. The most expensive samples of the mineral are set in platinum. Such jewelry is made individually to order. The cost can reach several thousand dollars.

As for the public segment, budget jewelry is made of silver or gold. the lowest standard. Inserts are either synthetic sapphires or declassified ennobled stones. average price such products allows you to purchase jewelry for every taste and budget:

  • Ring - 2000 rubles for silver, about 5.5 thousand for gold.
  • Earrings - 3-4 thousand silver, 10-12 thousand gold.
  • The pendant will cost about 1000 rubles, spruce is made of silver, and gold - from 3 thousand and more.

Dark blue or black stones adorn men's accessories.

How to distinguish a fake

Sapphire is considered a precious mineral of the first order, so the fake of such a stone is not uncommon. Variations are different - a synthetic mineral, glass or a cheap natural gem. However, some properties of natural sapphire will help to recognize its authenticity:

  • Structure. In bright light, a natural gem will give out the heterogeneity of the internal structure. The fake will be perfect.
  • Hardness. Only corundum or diamond can leave a scratch on sapphire. There are no sharp objects to speak of.
  • Thermal conductivity. A natural gem stays cool, while synthetics or glass quickly absorb the warmth of the hands.
  • Lighting. Ultraviolet rays give out a synthetic mineral - the stone turns green.

If you have to deal with a "glued" stone, such a fake is revealed under a magnifying glass. The junction of glass and a thin plate of a natural gem will be visible when enlarged. Only a specialist can distinguish a cheap one.

There are also ennobled declassed sapphires, which are brought into the "divine form" using various technologies - they fill voids, heat or irradiate to obtain a rich color. Such minerals are cheaper, but are not considered fake. However, information about the refining procedure must be entered in the quality certificate for the mineral.

How to wear

The best time to buy sapphire is the eighth lunar day. And it is better to use the decoration not earlier than the 22nd lunar day.

Products with sapphire are quite versatile due to the variety of colors and settings. Massive rings, cufflinks or tie clips with a dark mineral serve as an attribute of business men.

Jewelry with thick inserts of blue color- a permanent solution for brunettes, as well as older women. Light stones are suitable for blondes and young girls.

Earrings with Sapphire "Sunlight"

Restrained jewelry made of silver or white gold is an attribute of office style. But massive jewelry with a large cornflower blue sapphire, complemented by diamonds, is a symbol of wealth and luxury, appropriate for entering high society.

Did you know that 45 years from the date of marriage is called the Sapphire wedding. In honor of such an event, the spouses give each other sapphire items.

Interesting openwork items made of multi-colored metals with colorful inserts of different sapphires are suitable for dates, meetings with girlfriends or a romantic dinner.

Product Care Rules

Although blue corundum is reputed to be the second hardest stone, care must be taken with it. A few rules will help keep valuable jewelry in its original form:

  • The mineral does not tolerate chemical and ultraviolet exposure. This is worth remembering when doing household chores.
  • Store products separately, preferably in a box with soft walls.
  • If the stone is fixed in the product with glue, home cleaning is excluded - the jewelry must be taken to the jeweler.

If the stone is firmly set in a setting, such a product is cleaned with a soft brush or cloth in a soapy solution or a combination of salt and soda. You can pre-soak the product for 2-3 hours in sunlight. Then rinse thoroughly with water and refresh with ammonia (5 ml of ammonia per glass of water).

Name Compatibility

Benevolent sapphire patronizes people with names:

  • Antonina. Blue corundum is a symbol of love, hope, chastity.
  • Gregory. The gem will reconcile the internal differences of this person, protect from temptations, attract friends.
  • Lyudmila. The talisman will make her complaisant, wise, capable of compassion.
  • Egor. The stone will endow him with wisdom, help to achieve the mercy of fate.
  • Rose. A gem will make a woman with a gentle name modest, restrained, and give the favor of fate.
  • Kirill. For him, sapphire is a symbol of repentance, fidelity, modesty, justice.
  • Stepan. The amulet will protect Stepan from lies and laziness, helping to know oneself, to find a life goal.

Blue corundum will share the fate of the owner, regardless of gender or name. Character and thoughts are the main requirement of the mineral to the owner.

Zodiac affiliation

Astrologers know the compatibility of sapphire with the signs of the zodiac circle. The mineral is the best.

(“+++” - the stone fits perfectly, “+” - can be worn, “-” - is categorically contraindicated):

Zodiac signCompatibility
a lion+++
  • Sagittarius. The stone will endow the male half of the representatives of the sign with courage, determination. Women are waiting for increased charm, attraction for the opposite sex.
  • Aquarius. The gem will release the inner potential of Aquarius, also opening oratorical abilities.
  • Lions and. The common features of these signs are irascibility, intemperance. Sapphire will subdue their ardor, helping to find their place on the path of life.
  • Gemini. For women of this sign, a nugget will help to cope with depression. Other representatives will feel help in finding true friends and the right acquaintances.

The rest of the signs will not feel the true influence of sapphire. The exception is Capricorn, for whom wearing a gem is contraindicated.

Is this stone right for you?

Reflecting the power of the sun with the play of its faces. Always the same hard, but so different in color. Healing, magical and simply unusually beautiful! "Beloved piece of heaven" sounds its name in Sanskrit. The azure yakhont was called him in Russia. We will talk about a mineral worthy of decorating tiaras and crowns, about a magnificent and powerful sapphire.

These precious minerals, which nature generously colors in a wide variety of shades, really consist only of virtues. Science explains the amazing variety of colors by the chemical composition of the crystal. On the Mohs scale, the strength of sapphire is rated at nine, second only to diamond. The transparency of the crystal ranges from zero to full. But the glassy luster of this precious variety of corundum invariably remains noble. The cleavage of the mineral is imaginary, and the density is indicated by the value of 4.00 g / cm³.

Medicinal qualities

Healers-lithotherapists claim that natural sapphire crystals affect the human energy field, curing headaches, depression, diabetes, functional disorders of the joints and help with paralysis and asthma, women's diseases, have a good effect on the lungs.

  1. A pendant with this stone, located in the region of the heart, has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, relieving arrhythmia.
  2. Water, charged with a sapphire stone at sunrise, relieves the condition of patients with diseases of the kidneys and urinary system.
  3. To treat boils, ulcers, boils and similar problems, sapphires are worn as close to the skin as possible.
  4. Crystal in silver relieves problems with the spine and relieves attacks of rheumatic pains.
  5. Just holding a pebble in cold clean water for just a few seconds and applying it to the eye, you will get an amazing remedy for relieving the tension of the optic nerve.

The magic of sapphires

The vibrational energies of sapphire crystals have a powerful protective effect, not only protecting their owners from negativity, but sometimes even transforming negative influences into positive ones. In addition, this mineral gives peace and contemplation. An amazing stone is able to bring out the best positive qualities in a person, awaken curiosity, make him more decisive, kind, and even help restore muscles.

One of the unique magical properties of sapphire is its ability to neutralize poisons in food. For women, this stone is considered a talisman of chastity and female virtue.

What are sapphires?

With all the color variety, sapphires also differ in four main indicators - this is the so-called rule of four "C".
This includes:

  1. Color.
  2. Purity (Clariti).
  3. Cut.
  4. Weight (Carat).

Based on these values, the price of the stone is calculated. The classic color of corundum is blue. Other sapphires (and there are about 2000 of them) are commonly called fantasy. The color of the mineral also changes under the influence of x-rays or high temperatures.

  • Blue. The most valuable are Kashmiri crystals, medium blue in color, as if shrouded in a misty haze. The crystals of the state of Burma are rare and alluring-bewitching stones of two shades: from the color that is commonly called midnight blue to samples of bright cornflower blue. Stones from Sri Lanka are popular and of excellent quality. Among them are many valuable specimens of high carat weight. Brazil also surprises us with the diversity of the palette of this mineral, among which there is blue. Blue-black delight Australian deposits, and the Urals have a gray-blue color.
  • Green. Crystals of this color are quite rare. The most beautiful of them are given to us by the Sri Lanka deposit, the rest are found in Thailand, Australia, Madagascar and the Kola Peninsula in Russia. Shades of green sapphires can be with a yellow sheen, pale olive, green-blue and shimmer with aquamarine. Their price, in comparison with other sapphires, is quite low.
  • stellate. Dark sapphires fascinate with their charm, having the effect of asterism, which we see in the outlines of a six- or twelve-pointed star twinkling on a crystal. It is customary to process such stones exclusively using the cabochon technique, which emphasizes the mystical beauty of the mineral. A large number of Star sapphires are mined in Thailand, near the town of Tamai, as well as in Australia and Africa. The Black Star of Queensland is the most famous star sapphire.
  • Yellow. Relatively inexpensive, but surprisingly beautiful, sapphire yellow color belongs to the fantasy category. They can be soft pastel shades and, conversely, very intensely colored. The weight of such stones is usually no more than 20 carats, which does not at all detract from their energy impact. Yellow sapphires are mined in Brazil, Tanzania, Burma, America, Thailand, China and Madagascar. The vast majority of sapphires of this color are found in the deposits of Sri Lanka.
  • White. Sapphire, which is considered white, is actually colorless, visually resembles a diamond and even often coexists with it in jewelry. It is pure alumina. The mineral does not contain impurities that provide a variety of shades to other types of corundum. The main deposits of white sapphires are located in Australia, Thailand, China, Brazil and America.
  • Blue. This shade of stone is considered one of the rarest. Delicate, slightly cold. Similar crystals are mined in India, Sri Lanka and Australia. The stone itself is clear and transparent, not as dark as a classic color sapphire. It is customary to frame this view with gold and platinum.
  • Violet. The purple tone of a sapphire is violet. Variations of it can vary from purple-pink to blue-violet. More recently, this stone was mistakenly called oriental amethyst. Purple-colored minerals usually do not exceed 10 carats. Such sapphires are mined in Australia, a small part is supplied by the state of South Wales. In America, Montana, in the Yogo deposit, amazing samples of purple sapphire are also found, which do not change their color even under artificial lighting.
  • Pink. The second purple hue of the mineral is pink. These are now popular stones, the price of which is constantly increasing. Exactly decorations Pink colour It is customary to give to loved ones on Valentine's Day as a stone that magically awakens tenderness. These corundums are from the deposits of Sri Lanka and Indochina. Slightly cheaper in price pink sapphires from a new development site - Madagascar.
  • Padparadscha. There are sapphires of an unusual pink-orange color, which appears with a certain play of light. They are called "padparadscha", which translates as "lotus flower". This is a rare and expensive stone.
  • A red sapphire is called a ruby. This is the same mineral with the same formula. However, the magic of his energy is still a little different. This is by no means a pacifying stone; rather, it can be called kindling the flame of passions!
  • Alexandrite. There are also special, simply extraordinary sapphires. These crystals are able to change their color depending on the lighting. This kind of mineral is called alexandrite sapphire. They are mined in Tanzania and Australia.
  • Declassed sapphire. Modern jewelry industry has a number of technologies that enhance or change the color of inexpensive samples of natural corundum. One such method is diffusion. So, as a result of crystal refinement, iron oxide gives a blue color, iron and nickel - red and orange, and titanium - asterism. It is legal, besides the mineral remains natural. But sapphires that have undergone diffuse processing are lower in price. Therefore, the label of such a product should be marked "decl.", which means "declassed".

Talismans and amulets

Natural sapphire stone can be a wonderful talisman or amulet. It should be understood that a talisman is an object, an ornament that, with its energy flow, carries the owner in the direction of good luck. And amulets can serve as amulets, and create positive energy of advancement to solve a specific problem.

So, a talisman made of sapphire encourages the owner to do good and bright deeds, develops interest in the unknown, helps to achieve what was planned, endows with calmness and justice. A sapphire amulet protects from fear, evil people, is able to save a person from addictions or kindle passion in a loved one. Much depends on the color of the stone and the task that is set. Sapphires also tend to reveal the carrier of dark energy. Star-shaped sapphires, that is, having the effect of asterism, have special power.

It is believed that sapphire is not contraindicated for all signs of the zodiac, except for Capricorn.

How to distinguish a fake?

  1. The color of corundum is blue or cornflower blue. Although the crystals can be purple, yellow, pink, green, orange, red. Or they can be completely colorless. But any sapphires of noble quality visually look as aesthetically pleasing as possible.
  2. Treatment. It is necessary to ask what kind of processing the stone was subjected to. In wide use - a method of heating a stone to a maximum temperature. This brings out the color of the crystal, giving it optimum brightness and color evenness. So, only sapphire of a decent level of four "C" can withstand heat treatment. If the crystal is artificial, processing will most likely show streaks on its surface.
  3. Ultraviolet. After heat treatment, a natural sapphire crystal, placed under ultraviolet rays, will give white highlights. Artificial - cast green.
  4. Sapphire "with a star". When buying a sapphire with an asterism effect, you should pay attention to the mobility of the rays of the star. In natural corundum, rotation will show the movement of the rays. In artificial - their central position will not change.
  5. Inclusions and inclusions. Under the magnifying glass of a microscope, a natural stone will definitely show natural inclusions. But in a high-quality natural mineral, they should be visible only under optical magnification. There is an option that the stone is natural, but inclusions are visible to the naked eye. The price of such a stone cannot be high. Artificial sapphire, in general, will not show inclusions.
  6. Inclusion bands on the mineral. If a stone is lowered into transparent water in a transparent container and placed on a sheet of white paper, and then light is directed at it from the side, then the inclusion bands of a natural crystal will be located directly. In artificial, they will be curved. In addition, a natural sample is much heavier and will quickly sink in a container. A fake is unlikely, in general, to sink to the bottom.
  7. Damage. Corundum is a very hard stone. Therefore, if you try to apply any scratches to the crystal, the natural origin of the mineral will not allow you to do this. And artificial, respectively, will allow.
  8. Doublet. Some craftsmen have adapted to glue stones, combining a plate of real sapphire in the upper part and an artificial one in the bottom. The connection line will also help to see the optics.
  9. Place of sale. Important advice: You need to carefully choose where to buy. Let it be a store with a good reputation.

How to care?

Sapphire is a stone grateful for proper care.

  • If it gets dirty, you should wash it with an ordinary toothbrush dipped in soapy water, to which a drop of ammonia is added. Then rinse with running water and polish with a soft cloth.
  • The mineral is well cleaned by ultrasound and steam treatment.
  • In addition, the products must be regularly shown to the jeweler, who will be able to carry out a routine inspection of the jewelry and clean the stone professionally.

Take care of your stone, and it will delight you with its radiance and beneficial effect for many years.

This is the stone of kings. Sapphire adorns the crown of the Russian Empire and the crown of the British monarch. On the finger of Kate Middleton flaunts a ring with a blue sapphire weighing 1.8 carats, surrounded by 14 diamonds. The jewel once belonged to Princess Diana. The ring was chosen in honor of the engagement. The world knows several famous stones, which have even been given their own names. All of them are deep in color, pleasant shade, as well as clean and large. Often they were stolen, but invariably the sapphire comes back. It is believed that even after the sale, he keeps in touch with his owners and helps them from a distance. This stone belongs to the first order, in terms of price, beauty and popularity it can only compete with.

They say that a large sapphire was even in the crown of Cleopatra. The precious stone was revered at all times and by all peoples. Some ideas about sapphire that have survived to this day:

  1. This is still a sign of goodness, friendship, selflessness and mutual assistance, since shades of blue in Indian beliefs are the color of a traveling soul. A blue gem will be a guide to eternity. They inlaid bowls and goblets, because this stone is able to purify any dirty water, make it extraordinarily tasty.
  2. It was believed that muddy stones that have internal defects are cursed, so they should not be used as amulets and it is better to get rid of them altogether.
  3. According to Buddhist legend, under the light of the polar star there is a pyramid of shining stones. The sapphire side is facing people, so we see the blue sky.
  4. For Jews, it symbolizes justice. The penultimate step of the ladder that leads to heaven is made of it.
  5. In Rome and Egypt it was a symbol of justice. A seeker of justice should wear a sapphire jewelry. This will protect from evil people who are trying to harm.

There is a legend in Ceylon about the origin of sapphires. In ancient times, the gods lived on Mount Kailash. People, coming to its foot, worshiped them. Once the believers prayed so sincerely, asking the gods to appear that they had mercy. Brahma took the bowl with the immortal drink and splashed it around the world. Where the drink touched the ground, blue jewels appeared. Since then, it has been called the stone of heaven, and the monks adorn themselves with it, as if bearing the seal of a god.

At all times sapphires were worn by priests and rulers as a symbol of hope, tranquility, divine power and supreme justice.

Physiochemical properties

It is also called corundum. The composition is alumina, aluminum oxide. It is customary for people to consider only bright blue minerals as sapphires, but in fact, almost all colors are found and they all belong to sapphires. It stands out separately. According to its properties, it is also corundum, but it is separated into a separate group.

Pure corundum is colorless, but impurities of chromium, manganese, iron, titanium give a variety of shades. When heated, it tends to change colors. Pale purples fade and dark purples turn pink. Under the influence of x-rays, sapphires also change color, becoming brighter.

The properties are described in the table:

Sapphire is used in many areas of activity:

  1. Jewelry industry. They are decorated not only with royal tiaras, but also rings, pendants, brooches, and earrings accessible to many.
  2. The medicine. Artificial eye lenses, braces, joint implants are made from sapphire.
  3. Aviation and rocket science. It is made from extremely durable glass.
  4. Instrumentation. Microchip substrates are made from sapphire.
  5. In construction, it is used as an insulating material.

And that is not all. Emery is sapphire chips, bearings in watches are also sapphires. But natural reserves of stone are exhaustible. In industry, artificial crystals are used, which are identical in properties to natural ones, but do not have defects. In jewelry, only natural is still valued.

Deposits and production

There are few sapphire deposits. And in which gems of gem quality are mined, you can count on the fingers.

One of the most famous locations is in India, in Kashmir. Sapphire from here is distinguished by an unusual cornflower blue color. Many epithets are chosen for him: sleepy, hazy, velvet. This effect was formed due to microscopic cavities filled with water. The deposits are located at high altitude and people still extract this mineral as in the XIX, crushing the ore with hand tools, working in a mine at a depth of 10 meters. it has been mined here for a long time and the deposit has almost exhausted itself, so the price of real Kashmiri stone is growing. And what was mined in the last century is re-cut and resold many times from collection to collection, only growing in price.

The color of the Kashmiri sapphire is considered the standard, all others are described only in comparison with it. For example, sapphires from Burma have a darker and more saturated color, while those from Sri Lanka are paler, sometimes colorless.

Sri Lanka is valued not only for. Here they find pinkish-orange, which are called padparadscha, as well as stellate. The deposits are already 2000 years old. Mining is carried out manually: the ore is transferred to large baskets and wash the gems with water.

In Thailand, green or Siamese sapphires are mined. Thailand occupies one of the first places in terms of production. This is where the Jewel of the Jungle comes from - the record holder in weight (958 carats). This is the purest and brightest blue sapphire.

magical properties

Sapphire is the stone of autumn and the soul. Star-shaped corundums have special power. A star shimmers on their opaque surface. Mystics value the three-beam as a symbol of the trinity: faith, hope, love, the three faces of God, etc.

Magic properties:

  1. Symbol of power. He assigns roles. The one with the sapphire is at the top and controls the rest.
  2. Helps to distinguish truth from lies.
  3. Enhances masculinity.
  4. Cheers, pleases, strengthens the nervous system.
  5. With its reflective abilities, it redirects the evil eye and witchcraft to the one who sent it.
  6. Warns of danger.
  7. Protects against the negative effects of envy.
  8. This stone symbolizes wisdom. He endows the owner with calmness and fortitude, which contributes to development.
  9. Able to attract friends to the owner, as well as ward off enemies.
  10. Helps to accumulate internal energy and find harmony.

When choosing a talisman, one must take into account that the effect of a stone in different settings will be different. Jewelry in silver heals, bestows calmness, restraint, composure and common sense. Sapphire in gold exudes determination and courage. This is an amulet for victory.

Sapphire stone used to be taken with you on a trip. Put under the tongue, he helped to cope with thirst. Sapphire kept sailors from death in a shipwreck. For example, one of the passengers of the Titanic told that it did not let her drown.

Energy depends on the color of the stone:

  1. Yellow sapphire attracts inspiration, so it is suitable for creators. family life he will make harmonious and full of mutual understanding. This mineral accumulates positive energy inside itself, and then gives it to its owner at the very right moment. When stress, depression or Bad mood torment a person, sapphire radiates goodness. But this property makes it unsuitable for permanent wear. Sooner or later, the crystal will run out of goodness and begin to accumulate negativity.
  2. Cold shades treat: strengthen eyesight and heal cardiovascular diseases. Blue has the most power.
  3. Blue star sapphire means love. It helps to find and keep bright feelings. It should belong to scientists and everyone who is engaged in mental work, who wants to learn a lot of new things and explore the world. It clears the mind, making learning easy. Sapphire is able to indicate the correct life path confused person.
  4. Black sapphire will protect from enemies. All evil machinations will be broken against a stone without harming a person. He does not let men give up, he makes them believe in themselves.

Sapphire can become a love spell. A stone of any shade must be put in a glass of wine, covered with your palms with thoughts of a loved one, then go to sleep holding the image in your head. Then this wine is given to drink to the object of passion.

In astrology, the sapphire stone is the talisman of the zodiac sign Taurus, Aquarius. Taurus get from him a joyful mood and optimism. The zodiac sign Aquarius develops intuition with him.

Medicinal properties

Sapphire grown in a laboratory is used in medicine, replacing parts of the human body. Sapphire jewelry has the following healing properties:

  1. Promotes the restoration of human cardiac activity.
  2. Purifies the skin, treating acne, eczema.
  3. Relieves diseases of the urinary tract.
  4. Treats diabetes.
  5. Restores hearing.
  6. Helps recovery after heart attacks and strokes.
  7. Treats headaches.
  8. Improves eyesight.
  9. Soothes, eliminates depression and insomnia.

Most of these statements came from ancient times. Now people's faith in the power of stones has weakened. But in any case, the deep velvety color of the stone with tints of blue and the play of light in the edges can soothe and pacify. And with this, pain, depression, nervous disorders and other concomitant diseases will pass.

How to spot a fake

Most modern stones are of artificial origin. This is not fake. But the seller must be honest about the origin of the stone, so it's best to ask for a certificate if in doubt. It is difficult to distinguish such a stone. Indirect evidence may be the absence of defects inside the stone and an unnatural saturated shade. Natural minerals are rarely perfect.

On sale there are doublets and triplets. This is a thin plate pasted on a base made of cheaper material. The edge is most often closed with a massive frame. You can identify such a fake by carefully examining the stone under a strong magnifying glass. When magnified, the borders of the gluing are visible.

Cheaper outright fakes are glass, plastic or cheap semi-precious stones.

You can define fraud as follows:

  1. Sapphire is a stone that is second only in strength, therefore it is not afraid of scratches. You can scratch the surface of the stone with a needle.
  2. Sapphire has sharp clear edges. Leaves a scratch on the glass.
  3. In ultraviolet light casts greenish reflections, and natural white.

Sapphires of natural origin are an expensive stone. If a gemstone comparable to is sold cheap, then you should think about it. It's most likely an imitation.

Sapphire stone care

It is difficult to spoil a sapphire, but it is possible. First of all, strong blows must be avoided. For example, the stone on the British crown once fell very damaged. But everything ended well, and it was restored.

Care rules are typical for many stones:

  • stored separately from other jewelry in a soft bag or box;
  • do not allow temperature differences and high humidity;
  • do not keep in the sun for a long time;
  • clean by special means or plain water. Abrasive cleaning is best avoided as this will damage the frame;
  • avoid interaction with chemicals.

If the stone is properly cared for and carefully stored, it can become a family heirloom and be inherited for centuries.

Sapphire is a wonderful royal stone. It cannot be worn everyday, it is too beautiful for this and has great power. So that the mineral does not harm, it is necessary to choose a high-quality natural stone.

Natural sapphire is not just a beautiful gem, but also a strong amulet that attracts positive energy. This stone was a favorite of the representatives of the royal dynasty and adorned the rings, bracelets and crowns of kings.

This mineral, a variety of corundum, is considered one of the four most expensive stones in the world.

What does a sapphire look like? Sapphire is a hard mineral with unique transparency and many color shades.

Characteristics of the stone: glass luster, density - 4 g / cm3, hardness - 9.

What does sapphire mean? Translated from Greek, sapphire means "blue stone".

What are the magical properties of this stone? This mineral is called the stone of the soul, it helps to restore peace of mind and achieve success in many areas of life. The magical properties of corundum depend on its color.

What is the significance of sapphire for a person? For women, corundum will not only become an expensive decoration, but will also help to feel their feminine power, a man will feel a surge of strength and energy and will achieve great success in life.

Who suits the zodiac sign: compatibility in astrology

This stone is patronized by the planet Jupiter, which is why it has a positive effect on a person. But corundum is categorically not recommended for those who were born under the Capricorn zodiac sign.

Who does he fit according to the horoscope? Sapphire has the most favorable effect on Sagittarius. A man born according to this sign, the stone will help to become influential and successful. In a Sagittarius woman, she emphasizes beauty and feminine strength.

How does sapphire affect other signs of the zodiac:

  • Emotional Aries sapphire will help to become less quick-tempered.
  • The gem is suitable for Taurus in cases where he is going to make some important decision.
  • Gemini under the influence of corundum will find true friends.
  • Representatives of the zodiac sign Cancer will feel the full power of the healing properties of sapphire.
  • Lions wearing this mineral will find spiritual harmony and balance.
  • Virgo stone will help to become more open and sociable.
  • For Libra, corundum will become a talisman against negative energy.
  • He will help Scorpions achieve success in love affairs.
  • Aquarius, the gem will give self-confidence.
  • Pisces mineral will help to avoid trouble and succeed in any endeavor.

What color and how it looks: varieties of stone

In nature, you can find the following varieties of sapphire:

Stone color Description
Blue Blue sapphire is an excellent talisman for good luck in all matters: both love and financial.

This stone is a symbol of sobriety of mind, craving for new discoveries.

Blue corundum is often used by clairvoyants in their practice, as it helps to see the future.

The mineral calms, balances, puts thoughts and feelings in order. It will become a good mascot for people looking for themselves.

Yellow Yellow sapphire is considered rare. This mineral is one of the most powerful amulets.

The yellow gem will bring well-being and prosperity to its owner. It will protect from the evil eye and damage, relieve anxiety and depression.

The stone is charged with positive energy, which affects the character of a person.

Under its influence, a person can become more kind, balanced and self-confident.

Yellow corundum helps creative individuals find inspiration, especially during times of crisis.

This mineral scares away evil and envious people from its owner. Yellow corundum also has a positive effect on the atmosphere in the house.

With his appearance in the family comes love and understanding.

Despite the positive energy of the stone, it is not recommended to carry it with you all the time, it can cause anxiety.

This is due to the fact that yellow corundum absorbs negative energy, and it must be periodically cleaned so that all the negativity does not pass to the owner of the stone.

It is believed that yellow corundum with defects carries negative energy.

Green Green corundum makes a person more responsive and understanding. Such a stone is ideal for a delicate female nature.

It creates a favorable atmosphere in the house. If there are frequent scandals in the family, carry green corundum with you and the situation in the house will return to normal.

star black Black sapphire is a strong amulet against dark forces.

It will help its owner get out of depression, restore self-confidence and a positive attitude.

White There are practically no metal impurities in the white mineral, it is transparent in its own way. appearance, and it can even be confused with a diamond.

White corundum will become a talisman for those who want to find peace of mind.

Jewelry with white sapphire is a wonderful amulet gift for a loved one.

Blue There are no pure blue sapphires in nature, usually blue is called corundum, which has a share of other shades of no more than 15%.

This stone is considered "fancy" and usually has a double name, such as blue-green.

There are many types of blue sapphire.

How much: price

How much does a sapphire item cost? The price of jewelry depends on many factors: the shade of the mineral, its size, transparency and purity, the presence of gem cut, origin and weight.

On average, the price of corundum weighing one carat varies from 20 to several thousand dollars.

Products and decorations made of stone and its application

What is the use of sapphire? Sapphire is one of the most fashionable stones in the collections of famous jewelry manufacturers. Jewelry with sapphire is combined with any outfit, but it will look especially impressive with an evening option.

Corundum is used in the manufacture of pendants, pendants, beads, earrings, brooches, belts and other jewelry.

Medicinal properties

It is impossible not to mention medicinal properties this mineral. Corundum will help to cure not only the soul, but also the body.

The stone has a positive effect on work of cardio-vascular system, has a good effect on visual acuity, treats female diseases, boosts immunity and helps eliminate muscle problems.

Not only the mineral itself has a healing effect, but also the water infused on it. It can treat wounds and diseased areas of the body.

How to distinguish a fake: authenticity check

The natural raw mineral has a heterogeneous structure, which is visible in strong light. It retains this property even after processing. It is quite difficult to distinguish corundum from a fake on your own.

If in doubt that you have a real sapphire in your hands, contact a specialist. With the help of a special composition, he will be able to determine the authenticity of the stone.

Mineral deposits

The deposits of this mineral are about. Sri Lanka and about. Madagascar, Australia, Thailand, Cambodia, Tanzania, USA, Kenya and others. One fourth of all sapphires are mined from Australia.

Care and storage

Sapphire jewelry should be cleaned regularly with a soft brush. You can refresh the stone by wiping it with a solution of ammonia (5 milliliters per glass of water). Sapphire also cleans well with a solution of soda, bleach and soda.

After cleaning, corundum must be wiped. Despite the fact that the mineral is very hard, it is worth storing the jewelry carefully, if possible in a cloth bag.

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Sapphire is a stone that has adorned the symbols of royal power since ancient times and was endowed with many mystical properties. It belongs to the group of precious stones mined from hard rocks, and for many centuries conquers people with its unique beauty. Many people ask if this stone is precious or semi-precious. Along with natural emerald and ruby, the generally accepted classification, of course, classifies it among the precious gems, the cost of which is often considerable.


The origin of the name of these stones is still disputed. According to some historians, the word "sapphire" comes from the language of ancient Babylon from "spiru", which means "scratching". It is the hardness of sapphire, most likely, that became the reason for such a name. Another, more poetic version, traces the origin of the word to the ancient Indian language, to the word "caniprya" (beloved by Saturn). In Hellas, "sappheiros" was the name for all dark blue gemstones. There are other names of sapphires in history. So, until the 19th century in Russia they were called azure yachts, lapis lazuli.

The most famous sapphire jewels, adorned with large and pure stones, belong to the ruling dynasties of Europe and Asia. The brooch, which belonged to an Indian maharajah, was made from a 4,000 carat gem. The orb of the Russian emperors is adorned with a half-sized stone. From ancient times, the sapphire gemstone means the direct relationship of its owner to power and control of a large number of people.

A large blue stone of 167 carats, cut into the shape of a rose, adorns the crown of the British Empire. The cut of sapphires can be different. For example, another world-famous jewel belonging to the English royal family is the engagement ring of Princess Diana, which is now worn by the Duchess of Cambridge, nee Kate Middleton. The ring is set with an oval Ceylon corundum surrounded by diamonds. By the way, sapphires were generally one of the favorite stones of Lady Dee, who adored all shades of dark blue.

The collection of the Orange dynasty, ruling in the Netherlands, included parure, which included massive jewelry trimmed with sapphires and diamonds. Now many of the decorations from this set have been redesigned into more modern ones.

The tradition of decorating the jewels of rulers with corundum comes from ancient times. According to legend, these beautiful stones were inserted into the crown of Cleopatra herself.


Now all corundums are called sapphires, with the exception of those that have a red color (rubies). From the point of view of chemistry, the description of the stone is as follows: sapphire is a mineral almost entirely composed of aluminum oxide. It has a glassy luster and one of the highest strength ratings on the Mohs scale (the table indicates a number of 9 points). Only is considered a harder mineral. Clarity and clarity of sapphire may vary. There are both transparent stones, different in purity, and absolutely opaque gems.

Some corundums are characterized by such a phenomenon as asterism - the appearance of a star with six or twelve rays on the surface of the stone. This feature occurs in minerals that have rutile inclusions, using the cutting method, which is called "cabochon". costs more than others.


Sapphire is a stone whose deposits are found on all continents except Antarctica. The most valuable and beautiful of them are minerals from India and Tanzania. Ceylon is also a popular place where sapphire is mined. In India, the Kashmir deposit was discovered after an earthquake that exposed the richest deposits of sapphires of amazingly pure, cornflower blue color. This shade is considered the reference for blue corundum. Ceylon stone and gems from Burma are approaching him. Now the development of the Kashmir deposit has been stopped.

In Tanzania, two types of stones are mined, which have received a separate name. Songea and Tunduru are the names of the deposits, which have also become the names of the sapphires mined there. Songea - more often green or reddish stones, among which there are many minerals with the effect of asterism. It is believed that these corundums have the richest color palette. An interesting feature of the songea is its amazing purity, combined with its small size. A 2-carat songea is already a rarity. Tunduru is the only deposit in Tanzania where blue-colored minerals are mined.

Stones from the island of Ceylon (Sri Lanka) are known not only for their quality, but also for their rare properties. Minerals are often mined there that can show asterism after a suitable cut or change color under certain conditions. They often become collection items in their own right, without being included in the jewelry.


Sapphire is a stone to which magical properties have been attributed for centuries, largely related to its colors. So, minerals, whose main shade is blue, were associated in different civilizations with divine power and authority.

This precious gem has always served as a worthy decoration for the vestments of the clergy in India and Judea. In the Roman Empire, only priests of the supreme deity of the pantheon, Jupiter, could wear jewelry with them. In these religions, sapphire, whose properties were especially valued by the high priests of the Roman pantheons, personified calmness and a penchant for contemplation. In the countries of the Ancient East, this stone has always been spoken of as a carrier of wisdom, and in Europe - modesty and virtue.

Astrologers believe that sapphire is associated with Jupiter and Saturn, and recommend it to the signs of the air and fire elements. For Leos and Sagittarius, wearing these stones will bring stability, help curb irrepressible energy and negative character traits. Unstable Aquarius and Libra sapphires give peace, self-knowledge and confidence. Useful sapphire for Pisces.

Previously believed in. It was believed that a lady who wanted to attract the attention of her lover needed to drink him from dishes inlaid with corundum. And the properties of the stone associated with the manifestation of asterism were considered the embodiment of Faith, Hope and Love.


The cost of a stone is determined by four indicators, which in English-speaking countries are called the rule of four Cs (Colour, Clarity, Cut, Carat weight):

  • sapphire color;
  • the purity of the stone;
  • cut;
  • carat weight.

These characteristics of sapphire together determine its value. The most important of these is considered color as a decisive indicator of the quality and the possibility of using a stone in jewelry.

Now these stones, so beloved by the august persons, occupy a worthy place in the catalogs of the largest jewelry houses. Regardless of whether it will jewelry used in classic or innovative combination of metals and stones, sapphires will emphasize the refined taste and style of their owner.

How to choose?

When choosing a stone, it is important not to stumble upon a fake made of glass or other material that unscrupulous dealers can pass off as an expensive natural gem. How to choose the right sapphire? It can be difficult to do this, especially if the buyer is new to the jewelry business and understands little about the essence of the issue. However, some tips are still worth following.

The main physical characteristic of a mineral is its hardness. You can try to scratch it a little, without fear that the indignation of the sellers will have consequences because of this simple check, which can be decisive. This is often done, and if, when a stone is scratched with a pointed object, traces appear on it, then it is a fake. Of course, it is not a fact that the seller will be satisfied, but you can try.

What does a sapphire look like if it is real? Usually the structure natural mineral heterogeneous, which clearly shows the bright light. If the stone inside is suspiciously uniform in color and has no roughness, most likely it is a fake. It is also important to keep in mind that the colors of sapphire and even its structure can be imitated using some other, cheaper natural stone. This means that you need to increase your vigilance. Moreover, there are many cases when specially colored tourmalines are often given out for expensive types of sapphires.

In specialized gemological laboratories, there are special chemical solutions, thanks to which it is possible to determine a fake with much greater accuracy. It is best to consult with familiar jewelers before buying, if they exist, and you should buy jewelry in trusted places.