
Why is the lower abdomen at 33 weeks pregnant? Pain in early and late pregnancy - what to do

Pathology of the uterus

I have 34 weeks - for 5 days it has been sharply grabbing the lower back and lower abdomen, as with menstruation, my chest hurts (nipples), my head is spinning. And the lower back aches, because the stomach is already big, pulls forward, and the muscles must somehow cope with this. And the last common problem, when pregnancy reaches 33 weeks, pulls the lower abdomen. Also, often, expectant mothers complain that when the 33rd week of pregnancy comes, the lower back is pulled. Follow some guidelines and lower back pain will be reduced. At the thirty-third week of pregnancy, there will be pain in the hypochondrium: the baby rests with all his might with his legs, and they are already quite strong and can hurt mommy.

The lower back does not ache, but the contractions are stronger than when they just started. On the same day, the PAP was with her husband. After 3 days, I began to pull the lower abdomen again, pulled the ovaries periodically, my chest was full, it hurts. Very often, when the 33rd week of pregnancy comes, the stomach pulls. This is due to the same contractions of the uterus. To understand how severe the pain is, you need to lie down and relax as much as possible.

Considering all the reasons described, aching lower back pain at the end of the pregnancy period is not threatening. A normal occurrence during a thirty-three week pregnancy is ear popping, a protruding navel, and numbness in the limbs. There are a lot of reasons that cause aching pains and it can be extremely problematic to figure out the reasons that caused them on your own. An agonizing pain symptom in the lower back is sometimes a manifestation urolithiasis... Aching pains can also signal an inflammatory process or infection, which is also dangerous for both the child and the woman's life.

Observing blood on your underwear, and experiencing pain in the rectal area, we are talking about inflammation of hemorrhoids or anal fissures. Mainly, we are talking about bloody traces - red, brown, scarlet (unless their source is the anus, which can be observed with hemorrhoids). A yellowish watery discharge indicates a discharge of amniotic fluid. Even the slightest leakage should alert you.

If the mucous plug (and even more so the water) has moved away, then there can be no talk of sex: the path to the baby is open, including for various microbes and infections.

For example, severe pain in the pubic joint is pathological in nature, and indicates symphysitis (excessive divergence of the articular surfaces of the pubic bones with the development of an inflammatory process).

Thanks to this, the uterus is increasingly toned, and the cervix becomes soft, well stretchable, it softens throughout.

At 33 weeks pregnancy is coming active preparation of the female body for childbirth, therefore, breaking pains in the pubic and pelvic area may appear: the bones diverge, opening the way for the child. In addition, pulling pains can be a sign premature birth, and if they do not go away, then it is better to go to the hospital yourself in order to be under the supervision of doctors if childbirth suddenly begins. Childbirth at 33 weeks of gestation is called premature, since the baby is not yet fully ready for an independent existence outside the mother's body.

The only thing that babies born at the age of 33 weeks cannot cope with is the independent maintenance of a constant body temperature, because the development of subcutaneous tissue is still insufficient. All pain that occurs during this period will most likely disappear immediately after delivery, and do not pose any danger to the health of the woman and the child.

However, in some cases, childbirth at 33 weeks of gestation will be unavoidable for medical reasons. You need to control weight during the entire pregnancy, and on later dates especially, because there is a likelihood of developing gestosis.

But what is most important now: already at 33 weeks, he will be able to breathe on his own, and this greatly facilitates the nursing of a premature baby and preserves his health. She can be upset by pain, which is a normal manifestation of pregnancy, she worries about her child, and even his appearance is not far off.

The development of the pulmonary system continues, and full maturation will be only before childbirth, but if suddenly there is a need, the work of the lungs will begin now.

Moreover, doctors advise not to lie on your back at this time, so the pain will not go away, but on the left side. It is not necessary to walk very much and for a long time, there is no benefit in this. When the 33rd week of pregnancy has come, the stomach pulls, then you should not self-medicate, because not only the woman's health is at stake, but also the life of her child. But there is very little room in the stomach and your baby is no longer spinning that much, so if he decides to close, it will be problematic to examine the floor. Very often the stomach pulled a little. Then it turned out that these were training contractions and I gave birth very quickly. Previously, pregnancy was much better, it was easier to walk, but at 33 weeks, unpleasant pains appear when walking, everything starts to hurt and upset the woman greatly. But do not be discouraged if the premature birth occurs precisely at this time, since your baby will already be able to breathe on its own.

In order to somehow reduce the pain, it is necessary to change the position of the body in order to make both you and your baby more comfortable. Tomorrow morning I'll call an ambulance and go to bed - I can't do this anymore. And today is Sunday and it is useless to go there now. And yet - the belly became lower, as before childbirth. Sex at 33 weeks should certainly only bring pleasure to the expectant mother. If this is not the case, then dad will have to endure.

The kid has grown another 1 cm and is now the size of a pineapple. He is getting more and more cramped in his mother’s tummy and even his mother is having a hard time because of the constant increase in his size.

Sensations at 33 weeks of gestation

The belly is getting bigger. Pains in the pelvis and chest area continue to bother. The uterus grows upward, while pressing on the stomach and all nearby organs. The woman still experiences heartburn, often belching. Breathing is not very easy and shortness of breath occurs after exercise. A little more and the stomach will drop down - the woman will feel much easier.

Due to a violation of intestinal motility, a woman is worried about constipation. Increased urination, so the duration of sleep changes. The expectant mother has to find a comfortable sleeping position. The most optimal sleeping positions are considered to be lying on your side with soft pillows under your stomach and between your legs. You cannot sleep on your back, as your head may spin. In addition, lying on its back, the uterus squeezes the vena cava, due to which the child does not receive a sufficient amount of blood and, as a result, oxygen.

Increasingly, a woman at 33 weeks can feel contractions of the uterus - Brexotn-Higgs contractions. This is how the uterus prepares for the upcoming birth of the baby.

The baby is already pushing less, as the space in the uterus becomes less and less. It is easy to determine with which parts of the body the child is pushing and kicking the mother.

Changes in mom's body at 33 weeks of gestation

Remained in the past thin waist due to the constant increase in the abdomen. It props up internal organs, causing heartburn, shortness of breath, and constipation. Weight gain every week is 200-400 grams.

The fundus of the uterus is defined 13 cm above the navel and 33 cm above the pubic articulation. The uterus is preparing for the upcoming birth - more and more, the expectant mother feels false training contractions. Kegel exercises are helpful - they can help prevent tears during childbirth and make the process of childbirth less painful.

The center of gravity shifts and the ligaments soften under the influence of hormones. Sometimes the legs may hurt and swell, especially in the evenings. The gait of a pregnant woman resembles that of a duck. The breast increases in size, swells and, due to hormones, is filled with colostrum.

At 33 weeks pregnant future mother 1 liter more blood than it was before pregnancy. Its total volume is about 5-5.5 liters.

Baby at 33 weeks

The child continues to develop actively. The formation of the endocrine, immune and nervous systems is about to be completed. All parts of the body become proportional. The baby has cheeks and folds on the body, the accumulation of subcutaneous fat continues. But there is still little adipose tissue and babies are not yet able to retain heat.

The child's movements are no longer so active, it is more and more difficult for him to tumble and turn. He quickly gains weight, taking everything he needs from his mother.

The walls of blood vessels thicken, their tone increases. The lungs and kidneys are already functioning, the brain is fully formed. The fingers on the arms and legs have acquired their own individual pattern.

Every week the child adds 200-400 grams. Now its weight is about 2000 grams, and its height from crown to coccyx is 44 cm. Most of the children have already settled down in their mother's tummy exactly in the position in which they are to be born.

What's new?

The kid most likely took the final position - head down. And also this week the following events take place:

  • the immune, nervous and endocrine systems are almost completely formed;
  • internal organs finish their development;
  • the baby has a semblance of a daily routine - he is active at certain hours;
  • the baby is already dreaming, his pupils move during REM sleep;
  • Mom got another 300-400 grams.

External development of the fetus

TO outward signs development of the child at a period of 33 weeks, the following phenomena can be attributed:

  • all parts of the body are proportional to each other;
  • darkened hair;
  • nails have grown to the fingertips;
  • the baby accumulates subcutaneous fat, cheeks and skin folds are formed.

Internal fetal development

Internal signs of fetal development at 33 weeks include the following events:

  • the brain is fully formed;
  • the immune, nervous and endocrine systems are formed;
  • in boys, the testicles descended into the scrotum;

All children develop in different ways, so all of the above signs are relative.

Weight gain at 33 weeks gestation

Weight gain for each pregnant mother occurs individually. It all depends on the tendency to be overweight, heredity, the complexion of the mother, as well as the size of the child and other physiological characteristics.

For a period of 33 weeks, a woman can gain up to 450 grams weekly. By the end of 33 weeks, the mother has gained about 10 kg in her weight. At the end of her pregnancy, she may weigh 15-16 kg more than her usual weight.

In order to understand, it is important to know the reasons for its appearance at such an inopportune moment as pregnancy.

Almost from the very beginning of pregnancy, all expectant mothers literally have their heads spinning. can occur for a variety of reasons. Let's tackle this issue together!

Signs and symptoms of pregnancy at 33 weeks

The belly grows with the growth of the child. Many women at this time may experience the following symptoms:

  • indigestion;
  • constipation;
  • back pain, chest and pelvic pain;
  • ear congestion;
  • bleeding gums;
  • headache;
  • dyspnea;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • limb spasms;
  • frequent urination;
  • sleep disorder;
  • leakage of colostrum.

Mom's breasts are poured and swollen, increasing by 1.5-2 times. Most already have colostrum, which after the birth of the child will be transformed into breast milk.

What Happens to the Belly at 33 Weeks of Pregnancy

The belly is already big enough and it is getting harder and harder for the expectant mother to wear it. A dark line on the belly clearly divides the belly into two halves. The navel protrudes outward.

The skin may itch a little - it is very stretched. To reduce itching, the skin can be lubricated with an anti-stretch mark moisturizer or olive oil.

Many mothers clearly feel how and what the baby is pushing. Now he is located upside down and hits mom hard in the ribs. But the activity is not the same as 2-3 weeks ago. You can feel the hiccup of the baby. Usually, by 31-33 weeks, the baby is finally laid down in the position in which he is to be born.


At 33 weeks, the uterus rises 33 cm from the pubic symphysis and 13 cm above the navel.


You should be especially vigilant about pain. Drawing pains in the lower abdomen, not intense and not frequent, which quickly pass, should not bother. But if they are cramping and frequent, you should hurry to the doctor. Perhaps this is the onset of premature birth.

As the uterus grows and the center of gravity shifts, the load on the legs and back increases. By 33 weeks, it may hurt in the perineum and sacrum. The body prepares a woman for childbirth, the pelvic bones slowly diverge and soften.

The growing uterus presses on the intestines, so pregnant women often have constipation and pain in the pubic area. Hemorrhoids may develop, the main symptom of which is pain in the anus.

If the child is positioned with his head down, he rests his legs on the ribs and pushes them strongly, causing the mother a slight pain.

Discharge at 33 weeks of gestation

Fine vaginal discharge at 33 weeks - a light, gray or milky odorless shade. The amount of discharge during this period may increase, which is due to the maximum blood filling of the genitals.

A woman should see a doctor if a discharge that is yellow, green, purulent, or a discharge with flakes or resembling cottage cheese appears. Moreover, if they have an unpleasant odor. A thorough diagnosis is required. Often in pregnant women, thrush worsens, which urgently needs to be treated so as not to harm the child. The baby can get an infection inside the fetal bladder or during birth, passing through the birth canal.

Discharge with blood, brown or scarlet indicates the onset of labor, placental abruption or placental presentation. Even if the bleeding is insignificant, help is needed, as the bleeding can get worse at any time.

The onset of labor is also indicated by liquid discharge with a yellowish tinge. It drifts away amniotic fluid... Should call ambulance, since premature birth may begin. In case of feeling of high humidity, in any case it is better to see a doctor. At the slightest violation of the integrity of the fetal membrane, the child has a high probability of picking up a serious infection.

Necessary medical observations, analyzes and examinations

For a period of 33 weeks, an ultrasound scan is usually prescribed, if the woman has not done it before. An ultrasound scan provides complete information about the ongoing pregnancy and the development of the child. The examination determines the presence or absence of defects and developmental pathologies.

The doctor makes the necessary measurements of the fetus, determines its location in the uterus, listens to the heartbeat, sets the expected date of delivery. All organs of the baby, the blood supply system will also be examined. Based on the examination, it will be established whether the pregnancy is proceeding normally. The doctor will measure the parameters of the uterus, determine the amount and composition of amniotic fluid.

The doctor can also prescribe Doppler and cardiotocography, which will provide complete information about the development of pregnancy.

Before arriving at the antenatal clinic, a pregnant woman needs to undergo clinical blood and urine tests. And also urine for protein and sugar. At a doctor's appointment, a woman will be measured the height of the uterus, weight, blood pressure, and abdominal circumference.


Sexual relations with a husband at 33 weeks of gestation are quite possible. Only if the pregnant woman regularly visits the gynecologist and the doctors say that there is no threat of premature birth. But we must not forget about some points. The fact is that male sperm tends to relax the cervix, being a labor stimulant. Therefore, during intercourse, you need to use a condom to prevent ejaculate from entering the vagina.

Abrupt movements are also excluded, and the posture must be safe - no pressure on the abdomen should be applied. It is considered safest when the partner is in the back. Any painful sensations and discomfort is excluded.


A pregnant woman for a long time should not overeat. You should distribute your diet in such a way as to avoid unpleasant consequences. It is better to eat little by little, in small portions 6-7 times a day.

The following foods should be minimized:

  • bakery products;
  • muffins, cakes and pastries;
  • sweet dishes.

A pregnant woman's menu should be the same as a children's menu. Dishes should not be fried, smoked or too salty. Foods that cause allergies should not be consumed. These include dark chocolate, nuts (peanuts), in a large number citrus. Seafood is also undesirable. Otherwise, the child may become allergic to them after birth. You can not eat spicy food, exotic fruits. Preference should be given to food products widely known in this area of ​​residence.

It is recommended to consume as much fresh vegetables and fruits, cereals, soups and borscht in vegetable broth as possible. It is better to drink compotes, weak tea, plain water, non-carbonated drinks. It is advisable to give preference to dairy and sour-milk food products, low-fat types of fish and meat and other healthy foods.

Mom needs to keep track of her weight. It is better to plan the whole day so that there is time to walk in the park, attend antenatal clinics and maternity courses, and go shopping.

What to do this week

  • an ultrasound scan should be done this week, if the woman has not done it before;
  • attend courses for pregnant women;
  • prepare all the documents that will be needed at the hospital;
  • despite the fact that there are still about 7 weeks before giving birth, you can start to collect things in the hospital little by little.

Dangers and complications

At 33 weeks of gestation, the following complications may occur:

  • toxicosis characterized by high pressure, headaches and dizziness;
  • bloody vaginal discharge (placental abruption or presentation);
  • polyhydramnios and low water;
  • premature birth.

The cause of all pathologies during pregnancy is anemia in the expectant mother, kidney and vascular diseases, as well as smoking during pregnancy, too much weight gain or, conversely, malnutrition.

Weight at 32 weeks must be carefully controlled, the maximum weight gain should not exceed 300 grams. Large weight gain can cause toxicosis or gestosis. You should also control the amount of liquid drunk and processed. The difference should not be less than 300 ml. If an imbalance is detected, the doctor should be told about it.

If the above complications of pregnancy occur, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. Most likely you will have to go to an inpatient department or a maternity hospital.

A pregnant woman should consider that it is necessary:

  • protect yourself from colds and various infections;
  • wear a belly-supporting belt - a bandage;
  • use moisturizing creams for the abdomen;
  • sit up straight, follow your posture;
  • it is recommended to sleep on the left side;
  • you cannot sleep on your back;
  • rest more, lifting your legs slightly;
  • to be outdoors a lot.

In the normal course of pregnancy, about 7 weeks remain until its end. There is very little time left. Therefore, you should carefully prepare for the upcoming birth, bring the house to the meeting of the long-awaited baby.

The 33rd week of pregnancy is the first week of the ninth obstetric month, that is, eight of them are already behind. After all, doctors calculate the gestational age according to their own rules. In the obstetric month, not 30-31 days, but exactly 28, that is, 4 weeks. Carrying a child is given 280 days, which is 10 obstetric months. This means that the pregnancy will last not one, but two months.

Week 33 marks the beginning of one of the most difficult periods of pregnancy for a woman. It will be difficult precisely in physiological terms, since every week the stomach increases in size. The expectant mother becomes clumsy, the former grace disappears. In addition, from above, the uterus presses on the lungs, and from below on the intestines and bladder. But there is very little to be patient, because childbirth is getting closer every day.

Fetal development

The physiological indicators of the growth and weight of the child are already quite impressive, especially compared to the first months of pregnancy. At this time, his height is about 44 cm, and his weight reaches 2 kg. The baby becomes cramped in the stomach, so he can no longer roll over from head to feet. The child, of course, continues to move, and the woman should feel these movements. From this time on, the fetus begins to accumulate subcutaneous fat more actively, muscle strength increases.

Lanugo gradually disappears, all organ systems are improved. The brain is finally formed, but the nerve connections will be honed for a long time, including after the birth of the child. At the same time, the baby is already able to express his emotions, to feel the mood of the mother. He perfectly hears loud sounds, can distinguish between smell and taste, he needs care, affection and love. Your toddler may express his dissatisfaction, for example, if he does not like harsh noise. Therefore, you need to be very selective in choosing the environment.

The child at this time can play, which is active and does when he is awake. So far, he uses the umbilical cord and his body as toys. The life of the baby is measured and calm, and he has nowhere to rush, because the process of preparing for childbirth has not yet been completed.

The pulmonary system also continues to actively improve so that after birth, the baby can breathe on its own. For this purpose, a surfactant is accumulated in the alveoli.

    The cardiovascular system continues to develop and grow stronger. A small heart performs 100-150 beats per minute.

    The kidneys of the child are already able to carry out the filtering function.

    The pattern on the skin becomes more and more expressive every week. It takes on a color that is closer to pink rather than red. The hair on the head continues to grow, becoming longer and thicker.

    Calcium builds up in bones, making them stronger and stronger. The cartilaginous tissue gradually thickens, but the sutures of the skull remain wide. This is necessary for easy passage of the child through the birth canal.

    The immune system is developing, but it is still very far from perfect.

At 33 weeks gestation, the baby is in the correct position in the uterus. Normally, he should lie with his head down. However, sometimes the fruit is located exactly the opposite - head up, or even stacked sideways. If, with a breech presentation, independent childbirth is still possible, then with a transverse one, a cesarean section will definitely be required.

At 33 weeks of gestation, an ultrasound examination is necessary in order to assess the development of the fetus. The doctor will record the exact size and weight, note all the available anatomical features of development. Ultrasound helps to exclude the presence of pathology and developmental anomalies, presentation of the fetus and its entanglement with the umbilical cord

As a rule, the sex of the unborn child has already been established. If this has not happened before, then now certain difficulties may arise. After all, the space in the stomach is becoming less and less, which means that the child can squeeze the legs and close the genitals.

During an ultrasound scan, the doctor also assesses the condition of the placenta, the quantity and quality of amniotic fluid, uteroplacental blood flow, and the degree of maturity of the cervix.

Sometimes the doctor adjusts the already set date of the expected birth. If a woman receives any therapy, then after the study she can be changed, because there is more and more information about the condition of the fetus.

Thus, an ultrasound scan at 33 weeks of gestation is an important and extremely informative study that must be done without fail. This diagnostic method often helps doctors make very important decisions, for example, about the need for an early delivery. In the overwhelming majority of cases, ultrasound simply allows you to make sure once again that the pregnancy is proceeding normally, and that everything is in perfect order with the baby.

Other tests and examinations

At this time, a woman must also visit her gynecologist, donate blood and urine for a general analysis. At the appointment, the doctor will measure the height of the fundus of the uterus, the volume of the abdomen, the level blood pressure listens to the fetal heartbeat. The height of the fundus of the uterus is normally 33 cm (deviations of 1-2 cm are allowed).

In addition, this week the woman is gaining weight about 300-550 g. The volume of circulating blood in the body increases. It becomes already a liter more than before the moment of conception.

If during pregnancy there are any deviations, then it is possible to determine the level of hCG (the norm is 2700-78100 mMu / ml), dopplerography, CTG of other studies.

If the doctor does not find any abnormalities, then there should be no reason for refusing an intimate relationship. During this time, sex, as before, will bring pleasure to both partners.

Many couples give up intimacy because they are afraid to harm the baby. Expectant parents may be intimidated by a too big belly or the active movements of the child inside it. Don't be so suspicious.

Perhaps the following tips will help the couple gain courage:

    Penetration during intercourse should not be too deep, and the movements not too sharp.

    During intimacy, pressure on the abdomen should not be allowed. Therefore, it is necessary to choose the appropriate posture.

    If discomfort or pain occurs, intercourse should be stopped immediately.

    It is best to have sex with a condom at 33 weeks of gestation. The fact is that male sperm contains substances that soften the cervix and prepare it for childbirth. But now it is too early to go to the hospital, which is why it is best not to allow seminal fluid to enter the vagina.

Sex should be abandoned if the mucous plug has come off the woman, as the risk of infection entering the fetus increases.

What can be the discharge at 33 weeks of gestation?

A deviation from the norm is the appearance of bloody discharge when it turns brown, red or scarlet. Blood in the discharge may indicate placental abruption, vaginal trauma, or the onset of premature labor. All these situations are extremely dangerous for the woman and the fetus.

You also need to immediately go to the appointment if flakes, foam appear in the discharge, or they acquire an unpleasant odor. Green or yellow discharge is considered abnormal.

Watery and clear discharge may indicate water leakage. It is dangerous and requires hospitalization. With a complete discharge of water, you also need to immediately go to the hospital, since labor will begin soon.

If a woman has not taken a smear before this time for the determination of infectious diseases, then it is imperative to do this now. After all, the risk of infection is almost always present. Moreover, during pregnancy, thrush often develops, which also requires specific treatment. There is no need to be afraid of therapy. Thrush is treated with antifungal suppositories, which are not contraindicated for a woman at this time. But you cannot prescribe drugs yourself.

Sometimes at this stage of pregnancy, a mucous plug leaves. It is represented by a lump, the volume of which can fit in 2 tablespoons. Sometimes the cork comes off in parts, and sometimes all at once. Its color can be cream or blood streaked. The passage of the cork is considered a harbinger of the approaching birth, so it is imperative to inform the doctor about this.

A woman should carefully examine her discharge, those that have a uniform consistency, transparent, light or whitish shade are considered normal. There should be no unpleasant odor from the discharge. In addition, the genitals are supplied with blood better than usual at this time. Therefore, the volume of secretions may also increase, but not much. There is no need to worry about this. =

Pain can occur at any stage of pregnancy, and it is important to correctly identify its source:

    Pain during urination may indicate a genitourinary infection. Also, unusual discharge from the genital tract may sometimes appear.

    Hemorrhoids are indicated by rectal pain and blood stains on underwear.

    Headaches indicate a lack of rest, excessive fatigue, overheating, or oxygen starvation. Often, to get rid of it, you just need to lie down to rest or take a walk in the fresh air.

    Due to the increased weight, pain in the back, legs, and in the lumbar region may appear. To reduce them, you need to carefully monitor your posture, wear a prenatal bandage, pick up comfortable shoes... It is necessary to avoid prolonged physical activity, do not lie on your back, do not sit on chairs without a back.

    Lumbar pain bothers almost all pregnant women. They are associated with the pressure of the enlarged uterus on the sciatic nerve. The pain is worse if the woman lies on her back.

    Pain in the knee joints appears due to increased stress on them. Reduce pain in lower limbs cool baths help. After such a procedure, it is good to raise your legs to some kind of hill.

    Pain in the pelvic region and in the pubic region appears due to the fact that the woman's body is gradually preparing for the process of delivery. The pelvic bones slowly separate, which causes discomfort. Swimming, wearing a bandage, and taking a bath helps to reduce their severity.

    Pain in the hypochondrium occurs due to the fact that the child has grown up and began to kick the mother with more force from the inside. Perceptible fetal movements are often associated with an uncomfortable posture that the woman takes, or with external pressure on the uterus. When the belly is lowered before childbirth, the pain in this area will become less intense.

In any case, the doctor should be informed about the pain that occurs. Sometimes training contractions occur at 33 weeks of gestation, so a woman may feel a slight painful tension in the lower abdomen. This is normal, provided that the intensity of the contractions does not increase. Otherwise, you need to call an ambulance.

What happens to the belly at 33 weeks of gestation?

In addition to the fact that a woman will experience painful sensations, heartburn may follow her. By this time, it has increased significantly. There are two reasons: the pressure of the uterus on the stomach and physiological changes in the body, provoking an increase in the acidity of gastric juice.

Another unpleasant sensation that occurs at 33 weeks of gestation is shortness of breath. It should decrease when the child lowers a little. Until this happens, you need to reduce your physical activity and look for comfortable postures.

Itchy skin of the abdomen is another common complaint of expectant mothers. It can be reduced by applying a moisturizer to your belly. It is good to rub olive or almond oil into your skin immediately after a shower.

By this time, the stomach rises very high, which will be associated with some discomfort. But you should not worry about this, because in the coming weeks it will go down and it will become easier to breathe.

Sometimes a woman is surprised to notice rhythmic twitching of the abdomen. This happens when the baby starts to hiccup. And this happens quite often.

You also need to be very careful, because the stomach has become heavier and pulls the woman forward. Falls during this period are very dangerous.

What's going on in the tummy? Hand pain, baby wiggling, and omega-3 benefits:


You need to track your weight carefully. This is important, since a sharp increase in body weight, especially in the third trimester, may indicate preeclampsia.

It is important to follow the diet, do not overeat, and limit the consumption of sweets. It is necessary to reduce calorie content at the expense of bakery and confectionery products, fried and fatty foods.

Sometimes a woman gains weight due to edema. To avoid the retention of excess fluid in the body, it is necessary to limit salt intake. Sometimes the doctor advises to abandon it altogether.

From the moment of pregnancy, the woman's weight increases by 9-13.5 kg. These are average indicators that may vary slightly in one direction or another, but should remain within the normal range.

By this time, the woman begins to feel awkward and clumsy. Sometimes a feeling of tiredness and helplessness is added. After all, it is often not even possible to get a good night's sleep - the enlarged belly does not allow finding a comfortable position and makes breathing difficult. Urination also becomes more frequent, because the uterus presses on the bladder, so there is a desire to empty it even when it is partially filled. To reduce the number of night trips to the toilet, you need to drink less fluids in the evening.

If a woman's blood pressure rises, then this may be a sign of preeclampsia. Therefore, it is imperative to inform the doctor about such races. In general, it is dangerous for a pregnant woman.

Here are a few more common complaints from all pregnant women at 33 weeks:

    Ears congestion;

    Numbness of the limbs;

    Protrusion of the navel.

Of course, it is not easy to withstand such a load on the body, but one must remember that it is temporary. Coming soon new person who already needs care and love. Therefore, despite all these minor troubles, you need to try to relax as much as possible and rest as much as possible. First, the upcoming birth is not an easy process. Secondly, the baby will take a lot of energy from the mother, and not only physical, but emotional. Now the woman has very little time left that she can devote only to herself.

If childbirth occurs at 33 weeks of gestation, then it is premature, and the baby will be premature. Nevertheless, during this period, the baby can breathe on its own, which is very important. This greatly facilitates the process of nursing him and allows the child to grow up healthy.

Most often, premature birth can be avoided, but at the same time a woman should be extremely attentive to her health and to herself. It happens that childbirth begins, and nothing can be done about it. If this happens, then you need to remain calm and completely trust the doctors. In some cases, childbirth at this time is artificially caused, for medical reasons.

When there are no prerequisites for premature birth, you need to prepare for the upcoming trip to maternity hospital... The bag must be collected, as well as the package of documents.

The child is reliably protected in the womb by the placenta and membranes. However, there are many factors that can affect its growth and development.

Of no small importance is the nature of a woman's diet. When she eats little, as well as poor quality food, the child will not gain weight well. There may even be a developmental lag.

Another negative factor that can affect a child's health is radiation exposure. The higher the dose is received, the more severe the consequences. Even fetal death or severe malformations is not excluded. Small doses of radiation damage the placenta and impair its protective properties.

It is imperative to avoid any pressure on the abdomen, including falls. This can lead to the fact that the membranes are disrupted, premature labor begins, or placental abruption occurs.

It is important to completely exclude the ingestion of alcohol, nicotine, drugs. A woman should not come into contact with paints and varnishes, with aggressive chemicals, insecticides.

Separately, it should be noted the intake of medications. They should only be prescribed by a doctor. At such a late date, many drugs are already allowed, for example, NSAIDs, drugs for topical use, but self-medication is in any case unacceptable.

Complications at 33 weeks of gestation

At this stage, it is necessary to take care of the prevention of rickets in the child. For this, a woman must receive a sufficient amount of vitamin D.

If not enough calcium enters the mother's body, then it begins to wash out of the bones, and for this reason, the woman develops hemorrhoids, varicose veins and calf cramps.

A significant weight gain will lead to the fact that after childbirth, a woman will develop obesity with all the ensuing consequences: metabolic disorders, etc.

Eclampsia is a very formidable complication of pregnancy. Doctors do not know how to prevent its development and how to cure it. Eclampsia begins with preeclampsia or preeclampsia. Early signs such a condition: increased blood pressure, increased edema, a jump in the level of protein in the urine. Eclampsia itself is characterized by cerebral edema, seizures and the subsequent death of a woman and / or child.

    At this time, it would be nice to attend courses for pregnant women. They will allow you to better prepare for the upcoming birth, help get rid of obsessive fears and increased nervousness.

    If the spouse will be present at the birth, then he needs to prepare the relevant documents and undergo a medical examination.

    You need to monitor your diet. Both overeating and malnutrition are dangerous. The average energy value of food eaten per day should be in the range of 2500-3000 kcal.

    Drink common drinks such as herbal teas with caution. Indeed, many of them, for example, tea based on hibiscus or St. John's wort, are not recommended during pregnancy.

    If there is a need to take synthetic vitamins, you need to ask your doctor. Hypervitaminosis can be as dangerous as hypovitaminosis.

    While it’s getting harder to move, this doesn’t mean that physical activity should be given up. Muscles must be in good shape, for which a woman needs to do light exercises. Very helpful breathing exercises, Kegel exercises.

    Be sure to spend as much time as possible in the fresh air.

    If it's not difficult yet, then it will be good to visit the pool and do light water aerobics.

Education: Diploma "Obstetrics and Gynecology" received at the Russian State Medical University of the Federal Agency for Health and social development(2010). In 2013 completed postgraduate studies at N.N. N.I. Pirogova.

Already 33 weeks pregnant! The baby has taken a permanent position, his weight is increasing, the formation of all organs and systems continues, and their improvement. It is more and more difficult for the baby to move, there is less freedom of action, so the mother notices that the activity becomes somewhat lower. The kid sleeps longer, and at this time he starts having dreams! In the phase of REM sleep, active movements of the eyeballs occur. Expectant mothers also note that pregnancy 33, 34 weeks is the time of appearance and they have vivid dreams.

A specific skin pattern appears on the baby's fingers. The layer of adipose tissue increases, thermoregulation is improved. Organs and systems are already so well formed that giving birth at 33 weeks of gestation is not so dangerous - the chances of a baby from this period are much higher.

At 33 weeks of gestation, the baby's weight approaches two kilograms, and his height is 43 centimeters.

33 weeks pregnant: how many months? It's already eight months plus one week. By this gestational age, the baby's body is quite mature. Further, the final maturation of the nervous, respiratory and other systems takes place.

What's happening?

The most significant changes are now taking place in the baby's respiratory system. There is an active formation of a surfactant - a substance that provides the possibility of spontaneous breathing, expansion of the lungs with the first breath. The bronchoalveolar system is already fully formed. Due to such changes, a baby born at seven months usually already breathes on its own.

Pregnancy at 32, 33 weeks is accompanied by an increase in the subcutaneous fat layer, and the baby looks more plump, like a newborn.

The baby at this stage has already taken the final position in the uterus - the most physiological is the cephalic presentation, when the baby is placed upside down, and it is the head that will be the first to pass through the birth canal. At 33 weeks pregnant breech presentation still subject to change.

Fruit and its development

Actively developing and nervous system, sense organs. The kid sees well, very clearly distinguishes the voices of mom and dad, has a certain daily routine. The baby reacts very well to the music that he likes, and right now is the time to turn on pleasant melodies, or even better - sing songs that will lull him to sleep after birth. Psychologists recommend reading to the baby, and the more, the better. The sound of a mother's voice is the most pleasant thing a baby hears.

The last trimester of pregnancy is characterized by the improvement of the child's motor activity. His movements become more coordinated, less chaotic. The muscles are also strengthened, and the mother feels that the strength of the movements increases. The size of the heart and the thickness of the vascular wall gradually increase. Actively forming endocrine system... The baby is already developing its own immunity.

Baby photo, ultrasound

Belly at 33 weeks of pregnancy

The enlarged abdomen causes concern for the mother, can cause discomfort in the costal arch, pelvis. The uterus at 33 weeks gestation is 33 centimeters above the bosom and 13 centimeters above the navel. During this period, the normal weight of my mother increased by 12.5 kilograms. The uterus, which compresses the bladder, causes frequent urination. There is no way to cope with these phenomena, you just need to be patient a little more, because there is very little left before the birth.

The fundus of the uterus is very high, and in most cases this is accompanied by heartburn, shortness of breath. You can alleviate your condition somewhat by adjusting your diet. Try to eat often, in small portions. Be sure to include fiber-rich foods in your diet to improve digestion. This can help relieve the constipation that often accompanies pregnancy. It is nice to know that heartburn, shortness of breath will soon decrease - the uterus before childbirth will go down a little lower.

Fetal movements at 33 weeks

If you read the forum about the 33rd week of pregnancy, it is noticeable that all expectant mothers note a slight decrease in the activity of the baby. And this is not without reason: the crumb is getting closer and closer in the uterus, it is more and more difficult to perform active movements, and it is much more pleasant to just kick the mother with the heel. Time of constant changes of position, incredibly high activity in the past. It is also time for the baby to gain strength before giving birth.

Mom's feelings

The third trimester of pregnancy is perhaps the most difficult for expectant mothers. The load is very high, and, despite the incredible joy of waiting for a meeting with the baby, the physical sensations are not always pleasant. But by following some tips, you can significantly alleviate your condition.

  • Often at this time, aching back pain is worried. This is due not only to a shift in the center of gravity, large size abdomen, but also with the preparation of the body for childbirth. Under the influence of hormones, the bone joints soften to facilitate the passage of the baby through the birth canal. And now this is the cause of discomfort. Try to normalize your daily routine by resting more often in a comfortable position. Usually at 33 weeks, every mom knows in which position the pain decreases. Do back muscle strengthening exercises.
  • The baby's activity has already become somewhat lower, but the force of the blows with heels and elbows has increased significantly. You probably already understand the baby well and know when the activity is higher. This can often be due to the fact that the baby is hungry. If you have ruled out all the reasons, and the activity is still high, just rest, relax, stroke the tummy, talk to the baby, sing a song to him. This will surely calm him down.
  • Mothers often notice the appearance of leg cramps. Usually, such phenomena begin from the second trimester, they are associated with an imbalance in the content of calcium and magnesium. The best way to combat muscle spasms is to use drugs with trace elements. The doctor will help you choose the best one. On your own in case of leg cramps, you can do the following: pull the toes towards you so that the calf muscles stretch. Ask your spouse to help you - he can do the same exercise, combined with an intense massage of the muscles of the lower leg. This usually quickly relieves the spasm. Warm foot baths are also helpful.
  • In the last stages of pregnancy, the mother should pay special attention to nutrition. It is necessary to compose a diet taking into account the prevention of allergies in the baby, as well as the prevention of recruitment excess weight mom. The most powerful sources of calories are carbohydrates and fats. Despite a strong desire to pamper yourself in the end, sweets and other sweets should be excluded altogether, and baked goods and pasta should be significantly limited. Now the quality of the food is very important, because the baby takes everything useful material... You need vegetables, fruits (with restriction of allergens), meat, fish, dairy products.

Sex at 33 weeks pregnant

Intimate relationships are an integral part of married life, and during the normal course of pregnancy, the process of intercourse itself does not pose any threat to the baby. Of course, positions that compress the abdomen should be avoided. Optimal postures in which the spouse is in the back. It is worth excluding sudden movements. And you also need to know that sperm has the ability to soften the neck, stimulate labor. Therefore, in the last stages, it is advisable to use a condom.

A woman should carefully monitor what kind of discharge she has at 33 weeks of pregnancy. Watery, profuse discharge often indicates leakage of amniotic fluid, and this is a reason for immediate medical attention. The same applies to the appearance in blood secretions.

In the last stages, a woman should be especially attentive to painful sensations... It is quite acceptable at 33 weeks of gestation, when the stomach pulls. Such short-term periodic sensations are associated with training contractions. However, if this is too worrisome, if the pain intensifies, do not hesitate to visit your doctor.

The increasing load on the skeletal system leads to frequent pain in the back and legs. The load is associated not only with an increase in the baby's weight, the amount of amniotic fluid, but also directly with an increase in the mother's weight. Late pregnancy requires strict adherence to the activity regimen. It is categorically impossible to lie for days on end, even if the belly is already very large. Only physical activity will support and strengthen the muscle frame, which is very important for the normal course of childbirth.

Many mothers note that in most cases, pain in the lumbar region is reduced in the knee-elbow position. Why not take advantage of this? Just stand on all fours for a few minutes and you will immediately feel your back resting. This position allows you to reduce pain in the hypochondria, because at this time the bottom of the uterus is high, the baby often rests against the costal arch, falling on the nerve plexuses.

Be sure to wear a bandage. Its role is to support the abdomen, due to which painful sensations in the pelvis and lower back are significantly reduced, in addition, muscles are stretched less, and you will recover faster after childbirth.

Necessary research. Analyzes

In addition to standard examinations, an ultrasound scan is usually performed at 33 weeks of gestation. This screening test, which allows you to exclude the presence of pathology of the placenta, delay intrauterine development fetus, it is also necessary to diagnose polyhydramnios in a timely manner. At 33 weeks pregnant, the doctor functional diagnostics assesses all sizes of the fetus, its position, size (fetometry at 33 weeks of gestation), the state of the placenta and other parameters.

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Questions - answers

Yesterday I did an ultrasound and received the following conclusion: 33 weeks of pregnancy, cord entanglement. What to do about it?

The tactics of conducting labor when entwined with an umbilical cord is determined by the doctor individually for each situation. In some cases, a caesarean section is required.

I'm 33 weeks pregnant with twins. I often feel training contractions, but in recent days they seem to me to be stronger. What does it mean?

Pregnancy with twins is different in that it usually gives birth earlier than at the fortieth week. And pains at 33 weeks of gestation may already indicate the imminent onset of labor. You should consult with the doctor who will be giving birth.

Why does the stomach pull at 33 weeks of gestation?

Most often, the pulling sensations in the abdomen at this time are associated with training contractions (Braxton-Hicks contractions). The reason may be the tone. At the same time, the stomach does not hurt too much, rather there is a feeling of tension. If the pain is severe, you should definitely go to the doctor.

I was diagnosed with oligohydramnios during pregnancy at 33 weeks. This is dangerous?

Amniotic fluid is of great importance: it creates an optimal environment around the baby, protects against trauma, helps the baby move, protects the umbilical cord, and contributes to the opening of the cervix during childbirth. Low water is dangerous because the baby is in an uncomfortable position, deformity of the spine can develop, as well as the formation of adhesions that can wrap around the umbilical cord, the fetus, interfering with normal development. With oligohydramnios, weakness of labor is possible. The most important parameter is the amount of water, because a slight decrease may well be the norm.

Now the baby is becoming the main one in your couple, all your thoughts are occupied with the upcoming meeting with him, if premature birth begins now, usually they arise because it is the child who suffers. But in this period, the child is already quite strong and will be able to exist independently with a little help from doctors. But it is still worth reaching due date... Now you have dreams about childbirth and a baby, you have a desire to buy a dowry for a baby, prepare a nursery for him. At this time, it is important to start psychological preparation for childbirth and attend courses for pregnant women, if you have not started doing this earlier. There are only seven weeks left until delivery.

Changes in the body at 33 weeks

The 33rd week of pregnancy is the third trimester of pregnancy, according to the obstetric calendar it is the ninth month of pregnancy, and eight months of pregnancy according to the calendar. Only seven weeks are left before delivery. The main changes in the body of the expectant mother:

  • Weight gain. You can add up to 500 grams per week.
  • Movement slows down, it is difficult to find a comfortable sleeping position, irritability is increased.
  • Discomfort appears when the baby moves in the abdomen.
  • When supine, attacks of nausea and dizziness, severe discomfort may occur, this occurs due to compression of the inferior vena cava.
  • Edema appears, if they are pronounced, this may be a sign of preeclampsia.
  • Heartburn appears, as the stomach is compressed by the enlarged uterus, and because of this, constipation, bloating and nausea occur.

Fetal development at 33 weeks: weight, size and gender

At this time, fluctuations in baby's weight can range from 1800-2200g, with fluctuations in height of 42-44 cm, depending on gender and characteristics of the course of pregnancy. From this time on, the child will add about 200-300 grams per week, actively accumulating subcutaneous fat. Now the baby is becoming like an ordinary baby at birth, only slightly smaller in size. His skin became pink, the vessels do not show through, the cheeks became plump, and the body acquired proportions. The cartilages of the nose and ears thickened and took on the final shape for birth. Gradually, the bones of the skull are strengthened due to the deposition of calcium, but the seams between the bones are still very wide, the bones of the skeleton - legs and arms - are denser. Due to this movement, the crumbs become more and more strong and active, the mother very clearly feels them, although due to the tightness of the uterus, they become less frequent. If the fetus is located in the uterus in the wrong position, most likely it will remain for childbirth, although it is still possible with the help special exercises, laying on the left side, to persuade the baby to "turn around".

The child is already very developed, all organs and systems are now included in his work, the liver and kidneys are actively functioning, and only the endocrine part works in the pancreas - insulin is produced, enzymes will be produced only after birth. In the lungs, surfactant is actively synthesized, it is due to it that the lungs can fully open during the first inhalation and do not stick together afterwards during exhalation. This will help the baby breathe on its own in the event of a premature birth. Now the internal genitals and external genitals are fully formed, the vellus hairs (lanugo) gradually disappear from the body, but hair grows back on the head. Fat accumulates under the skin, which helps in maintaining body temperature. The development of the brain takes place at the most active pace, new neural connections are formed, gyrus and grooves are finally formed. Now the child spends most of the time in a dream, but at the same time it is actively developing, his sense organs are fully active - the fetus can react to light, he hears various sounds of the mother's body and those that come from outside, feel touches, distinguish the taste and smell of amniotic fluid. If the mother eats sweets, the child likes it, and if she consumes foods that are not tasty in the opinion of the fetus, he can actively kick. Now the fetal heart is contracting to 130 beats per minute, it is fully formed, with the exception of special holes, shunts, through which blood is released bypassing the lungs, which will close with the first breaths of the child at the beginning of his life. The immune system is almost fully developed, but not yet fully functional, which makes the child vulnerable to infections and allergies if the mother does not support the diet.

Feelings of a future mother

During this period, due to the active weight gain and growth of the fetus, a whole gamut of sensations can arise. The child grows very quickly and it is cramped in his mother's belly. The main sensations now will be the movement of the fetus, which has now become not so active and frequent, but at the same time each movement is felt very clearly. Some of the thrusts and kicks can be painful for the mother, especially if the fetus hits the ribs, liver, or bladder. Watch the number of fetal movements, they should occur at least five to six times per hour.

Now the mood of a woman is changeable due to the changing hormonal background, changing body and fear of the coming birth. You need to devote more time to yourself and rest, sleep during the day and walk a lot. You also need to carry out exercises to unload the back and abdomen, occupying the knee-elbow position several times a day for 10-15 minutes.

Childbirth at 33 weeks

Sometimes it happens that labor starts earlier than planned, and at 33 weeks they will be premature, and the baby will be premature. But by this week, the baby's body is already sufficiently formed to exist on its own, during childbirth he will be able to scream and his lungs will straighten, the surfactant may be enough for spontaneous breathing. Of course, the nervous system is not yet mature enough, and the ability to maintain body temperature is still limited, but other organs and systems are working quite actively. The baby will need special care and constant warmth and will be able to grow and develop quite actively. The sucking reflex in such a baby may be weakened. And he will most likely have to give expressed breast milk until he gets stronger.

Uterine condition at obstetric week 33

In this period, the fundus of the uterus rises from the pubic articulation by 33-34 cm, but this is not its maximum height, it will grow a little more. But by this time, the walls of the uterus should be relaxed, the cervix is ​​closed, in the area of ​​the uterine pharynx there is a lump of dense mucus (mucous plug). Due to the relaxed state of the uterine walls, adequate blood flow is carried out between the placenta and the walls of the uterus. In the presence of frequent uterine tone, you should consult a doctor in order to prevent the formation of fetal-placental insufficiency in time. Usually, the tone of the uterus is felt as a sharp compaction of the walls, the abdomen stiffens and pulls. Now training contractions can occur - they are irregular, painless and do not lead to the opening of the cervix. They pass after rest or sleep, do not disturb the blood circulation in the fetus.

If there is pain in the abdomen of a cramping intensifying nature, while the abdomen hardens strongly, bloody discharge appears, immediately call an ambulance and to the hospital. Perhaps premature labor begins.

The belly has become very large, although over the next weeks it will add a couple more centimeters. The skin on the abdomen is stretched, itching and dryness may occur, as well as stretch marks (stretch marks), the navel is turned inside out and stretched. Now can be the most unpleasant time due to the size of the abdomen, literally in a few weeks it will become easier to breathe due to the lowering of the abdomen and the child's position in the pelvic area. To relieve the condition, it is useful to wear a prenatal bandage - it supports the abdomen and relieves the load on the lower back, helps in the prevention of stretch marks.

Ultrasound examination (ultrasound)

At 32-34 weeks of pregnancy, a third screening ultrasound of the fetus is prescribed, which is necessary to identify late fetal malformations, problems with the walls of the uterus, placenta and determine further tactics of pregnancy management and birth planning. First of all, an ultrasound scan determines the presentation of the fetus - cephalic or pelvic, with a cephalic presentation, determine where the back of the fetus is turned. This is necessary in order to decide whether the birth will take place through the vaginal birth canal, or whether a cesarean section will be needed.

An ultrasound is deciphered by a doctor, and he assesses the main indicators of an ultrasound:

  • the estimated height and weight of the fetus, specifies the date of the expected birth,
  • looks at the indicators of the circumference of the head and chest, the length of the large bones,
  • evaluates the structure and work internal organs, especially the slice and heart, determines the heart rate and blood flow to the heart.
  • if necessary, fetal dopplerometry is also performed.
  • additionally, an assessment is made of the amount and nature of amniotic fluid, the condition of the walls of the uterus, the size, height of the fundus of the uterus, the condition of the cervix, the location of the placenta and its condition, as well as the length of the umbilical cord and the condition of its vessels. During this period, it is possible to carry out a 3D ultrasound, but the entire fetus will not be visible on the monitor, since the baby is already large enough, and only parts of the body can be seen.

How to determine the degree of maturity of the placenta

According to ultrasound, the degree of maturity of the placenta is assessed. This is a special state of the blood vessels of the placenta, its thickness and size. Determination of this degree is important for the prognosis of pregnancy and childbirth - with delayed or premature aging the placenta can disrupt the processes of blood circulation and nutrition, the baby can suffer. The maturity data of the placenta is indicated by the doctor on ultrasound, and the placenta can have maturity from zero to third degree. By 33 weeks, the placenta is at first stage of maturity, and if there is a placenta at second stage of maturity, the doctor will monitor the pregnant woman more closely.


At 33 weeks, the discharge should be scanty, transparent or slightly whitish, without a strong odor and pathological inclusions. Due to the mucous plug, the discharge may be slightly more common than usual. At this time, the nature of the discharge may change with the development of thrush. In this case, the discharge becomes milky white, cheesy or flaky, with the smell of sour milk, abundant, with the development of itching and burning in the vagina.

This condition requires treatment to avoid premature birth or intrauterine infection fetus, impaired well-being of the mother. The doctor will prescribe treatment with candles, it is necessary to observe the rules of hygiene and wear only breathable underwear, washing with decoctions of herbs or a solution of soda. No less dangerous can be a discharge of greenish, yellow, gray or white with an admixture of mucus, foam, bubbles, pus or a strong unpleasant odor. Such discharge is usually accompanied by redness of the perineum, itching and burning sensation in the vagina.

Usually, genital infections manifest themselves in this way, which must be treated immediately in order to avoid intrauterine infection of the fetus. Usually, the doctor takes a smear and, based on its results, prescribes local, and very rarely, general therapy by taking drugs by mouth. Dangerous bloody, smearing discharge or blood on the linen. This condition requires hospitalization and exclusion of pathologies of the placenta and cervix, premature birth.

If the discharge is abundant, watery, with a sweetish odor, colorless and constantly wet the linen, it is necessary to exclude the leakage of amniotic fluid. In the presence of defects of the fetal bladder, odes leak and open the way for fetal infection. In addition, this is a real threat of the onset of childbirth. An amniotic fluid test should be performed at home or at a doctor's appointment. If the water leaks, you need to immediately decide on the continuation of pregnancy - the infection can penetrate the fetus in just a few hours.

Stomach ache

With a normal pregnancy, there should be no abdominal pain. The uterus is relaxed, the ligaments are stretched and only light training contractions can occur, which will not bring any pain or discomfort. If you experience abdominal pain or severe discomfort, you need to talk to your doctor for an additional check-up.

If pain occurs in the lower abdomen with a sharp compaction of the uterine wall, in the presence of severe lower back pain, especially with bloody discharge, placental abruption can occur, a condition that is dangerous for the mother and fetus. Immediate hospitalization in the hospital and life-saving measures are required. With a small area of ​​detachment, it is possible to use conservative methods of therapy to prolong pregnancy.

Pain can also be in the back, lower back, sides of the abdomen or in the pelvic area due to the growth of the fetus and the pressure of its weight. This is due to a change in the center of gravity, stretching and softening of the ligaments. Wearing a bandage, special exercises and frequent rest can relieve these pains.

Colds and treatments

In this period, as in any other period, the development of a cold is possible. SARS and influenza at this stage of pregnancy can be dangerous, they lead to damage to the placenta and its premature aging, which will disrupt the uteroplacental blood flow. Although the immune system of the fetus is already actively working, it can pass viruses or microbes, which will lead to impaired development of the fetus and functional abnormalities in the functioning of the nervous system.

A runny nose with a cold is dangerous in that it disrupts full breathing and the delivery of oxygen to the tissues and the fetus, a cough can lead to an increase in the tone of the uterus due to an increase in intra-abdominal pressure during cough shocks. High temperature leads to the threat of premature birth, placental abruption and other complications. If you are sick, your doctor will tell you how to treat a cold. Self-medication for colds during pregnancy is prohibited.

Mom's diet and weight

At 33 weeks, overall weight gain can range from nine to 13 kg, depending on the initial pre-pregnancy weight. In thin girls, weight gain is 13-15 kg. In plump ones - about 8-9 kg. Small deviations of 1-2 kg are not considered a pathology, and are quite acceptable in both directions. In the third trimester, weight control is extremely important, since very large increases can indicate a pronounced fluid retention onset of gestosis, or improper nutrition and the formation of excess weight.

In this regard, it is important to control the proper nutrition of the expectant mother and correct her diet with high weight gain. A woman needs to monitor what and in what quantity she eats, give up fatty and high-calorie foods, carbohydrates and sweets. It is necessary to increase the amount of protein and vitamins, minerals, and plant fiber in the diet. It is worth giving up fast food, highly allergenic foods and eating in small portions, but often, at least five to six times a day. It should be heavily salt food, especially with swelling.


If there is a desire and there are no contraindications, sex during this period of pregnancy is not contraindicated. But it is worth consulting with your doctor about what postures you can. If there are contraindications or the threat of premature birth, intimacy should be abandoned for the rest of the time before childbirth.

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Thirty-third week of pregnancy