
Pregnancy 17 weeks development. How does the baby develop


This is one of best weeks pregnancy. With its normal course, there is almost no discomfort. The baby grows, and the load on the woman's body also increases. But this happens gradually, so it does not cause severe discomfort. And others, on the contrary, note how the future mother has become prettier and fresher. You need to enjoy life and enjoy your position, because soon the growing tummy will begin to cause noticeable discomfort.


The expectant mother has already fully realized her situation and got used to it, and now she often listens to herself and the baby. If this is not the first pregnancy, then it is quite possible that she already notices the movements of the baby.

Mothers describe the sensation of baby moving in different ways. For some, these were light jolts, they compare it with the flutter of butterfly wings or the touch of a cat's paw. Even more often it resembles the stirring of a worm.

And in the list of the most frequent sensations of mothers at the seventeenth week were:

  • Appetite improvement. It is very pleasant after the toxicosis of the beginning of pregnancy, but it threatens with a set excess weight, so you should try to eat small portions, but often.
  • . Someone switches to maternity clothes earlier, someone later, but wearing tight jeans will already be very difficult for everyone.
  • Changes in the perception of the world. Many mothers note that around this time they stop worrying about trifles, become calmer and even serene. True, absent-mindedness appears, it can be very difficult to concentrate on work.
  • Decreased sensation in the breast. It doesn't happen to everyone. But the characteristic light "pimples" called Montgomery tubercles appear in most expectant mothers, as well as a pronounced venous pattern on the chest.
  • Bright. Scientists cannot yet explain this, but it is during pregnancy that many women see real fairy tales at night.

Physiological changes

The fetus grows and in parallel increases the load on all organs of the mother. This happens gradually, so healthy women may not notice it. But in the life of the baby every day there are changes, it grows and develops.

What happens in a woman's body?

Until this week, the blood volume of the expectant mother can increase by 40%, this increases the load on the heart and blood vessels. Even healthy women sometimes experience nosebleeds. This is due to the fact that thin capillaries do not withstand such loads.

The uterus grows and gradually stretches. She starts to squeeze and lift internal organs. This leads to problems with digestion, heartburn. Usually, such symptoms appear later - at 22-23 weeks, and in order to prevent them, it is necessary to switch to fractional nutrition now.

Changes in the child's body. How does the baby develop?

Finally, the formation of the placenta is completely completed. And although it has been functioning for a long time, only now its work is becoming full-fledged. And the following changes occur with the fetus:

  • Fat appears. Before that, the baby had small layers of brown fat only in the cheeks, they are called Bish's lumps, and now it begins to be deposited under the skin. It is concentrated between the shoulder blades, near the kidneys and liver. When the body cools, this fat instantly breaks down with the release of a large number heat. It disappears, as a rule, in the first days after birth. Since there is little fat and it is localized in limited areas, the baby still looks very thin, and his skin is wrinkled.
  • The entire body of the fetus is covered with a special fluff - lanugo. As a rule, by the time of birth, it disappears, but sometimes children are born a little “shaggy”. Shortly after birth, the hairs disappear.
  • you can already listen with . Now the doctor will do this at every visit.
  • The child's hearing improves. He not only distinguishes between hum and silence, but can recognize people by their voice. Too strong sounds destroy the baby's auditory analyzer, therefore, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe lower tubercles of the quadrigemina of the thalamus, there is a so-called fuse that blocks the access of sound waves during dangerous noises. But if the sound is too harsh, it does not have time to work, and the baby's hearing may be damaged.
  • The movements of the limbs of the fetus become much more coordinated. He can touch his face, suck his thumb and play with his umbilical cord.
  • He drinks a lot amniotic fluid(up to 400 g per day) and because of this, hiccups periodically appear.

Fruit size

This week, the weight of the fetus overtakes the placenta and is 115-160 grams. Its growth reaches 18-20 cm.

Changes in the mother's body

There are no radical changes in the body of the expectant mother. It gradually adapts to the growing needs of the baby and increases in volume. Sweating and vaginal secretions may increase. Some women notice a change in thermoregulation, they feel less cold. This is due to an increase in blood volume.

Also, the weight of a woman is constantly changing. If the increase is too fast, you need to analyze your diet and examine the body for. Sometimes it is fluid retention that causes a sharp increase in body weight. This may be a symptom of preeclampsia, a terrible complication of pregnancy.

Analyzes and examinations

With a normal pregnancy, no clinical tests are needed at the 17th week of pregnancy. They are prescribed only according to indications or in the treatment of pyelonephritis or anemia for the purpose of control.

According to the pregnancy management plan, a triple test of the second trimester () is performed at 16-17 weeks. It involves conducting a biochemical blood test and determining hCG levels and ACE (alpha-fetoprotein). Analysis of the data obtained allows us to make assumptions about the presence of chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus, as well as to make a prediction of pregnancy and assess the state of health of the mother.

With an unfavorable prognosis, doctors offer to undergo another ultrasound, in more detail. If it confirms the risks, amniocentesis is usually recommended. This is a procedure for taking a sample of amniotic fluid and then studying it. The genetic structure of the fluid and the fetus is the same, so this analysis is as informative as possible. But he has a lot side effects, up to termination of pregnancy (0.1%).

objective data

The height of the bottom of the uterus this week is 15-18 cm. The abdomen is already acquiring a slightly elongated egg-shaped shape.

Ultrasound examination

This week, an ultrasound is usually not required. Sometimes it is recommended to determine the correspondence of the biological profile of the baby to the gestational age. It is still too early to determine the sex of the child, as the accuracy will be very low.

Also, this week future mom can observe the movements of the child. If you are lucky, and he will be awake, you will notice how he grimace, moves his arms and legs, plays with the umbilical cord.

HCG at 17 weeks pregnant

The amount of hCG in the blood remains at the level of the previous week - 6140-103000 mIU / ml.

HCG table by week of pregnancy

Factors affecting the fetus

Although the placenta is already functioning, it cannot completely protect the fetus from any negative influences. For example, some substances easily cross the placental barrier and can harm the baby. Therefore, the mother is strictly forbidden:

  • Drinking alcohol in any amount. Ethanol can destroy the cells of the fetus, disrupt its development and cause addiction. Even a single case of drinking alcohol can cause negative consequences, and everyday drinking leads to the formation of fetal alcohol syndrome in the fetus and causes neonatal withdrawal syndrome or a hangover in a newborn.
  • Smoking. It causes vasospasm, disrupts the flow useful substances to the fetus and leads to its lag in growth and development. In addition, the baby is addicted to nicotine.
  • Taking narcotic drugs. They also disrupt the formation of the organs of the fetus and are addictive.
  • Treatment with tetracycline antibiotics, which are deposited in the enamel, destroy teeth, and aminoglycosides, which destroy the villi of the hearing aid.
  • Use of harmful chemicals, such as paint products.
  • Taking anabolic steroids.
  • Exposure to ionizing radiation.

In addition, during this period, it is worth abandoning swings and carousels, since the vestibular apparatus is being formed in the fetus.

Possible complications of pregnancy

With an increase in the abdomen, a woman becomes more and more clumsy. This leads to falls and injuries, so you need to become more careful. Sometimes, due to an increase in blood volume, nosebleeds are observed, appears.

The lack of calcium in the diet leads to its leaching from the walls of blood vessels, which causes hemorrhoids and varicose veins. A lack of vitamin D at this time can lead to the development.

What can be the selection?

Normal for this period are abundant leucorrhoea, odorless or with a slight sour aroma. If they become more liquid or transparent, this is also not a reason to worry. Worse if the discharge becomes gray or green color, an unpleasant odor and impurities of pus appear.

Also a dangerous sign is a change in their consistency to a thick curdled or bubbling. Such changes may indicate a bacterial or fungal infection. If you consult a doctor in time, he will select quite effective and safe medicines, for example, in the form of vaginal suppositories.

One of the most dangerous signs is the appearance of blood in the discharge. If it is combined with cramping pains in the abdomen, this may be a sign of what has begun. But it is worth noting that much more often blood appears when the mucous membrane of the vagina or cervix is ​​injured during a careless examination or during sex.

The main recommendation for all pregnant women at any time is healthy lifestyle a life that includes proper nutrition, sufficient activity, the rejection of bad habits and an overall positive attitude. It's time to give up watching horror movies and attending concerts - the child hears the sounds outside and feels your emotions. Therefore, you need to maintain a good mood, communicate more with pleasant people, listen to classical music and enjoy your condition.

Nutrition and bad habits

The baby grows in the womb, which means that its nutritional needs also grow. A woman can slightly increase the calorie content of food, but it is advisable to do this at the expense of proteins. The amount of fats and carbohydrates can remain the same. The best sources of protein are lean meats, fish, and dairy products. Suitable and plant foods - legumes, spinach. But the use of mushrooms and nuts can be slightly reduced, as they are poorly digested and are strong allergens.

Very often on the network there are questions about the possibility of drinking carbonated drinks during pregnancy. Most of them contain too much sugar, colorants and other additives such as caffeine. If you drink a little natural kvass (only without alcohol) or mineral water, then there will be no harm. All stories about miscarriages caused by bubbles raging in the stomach do not have any scientific confirmation.

If you still can’t give up fried and spicy, now you have to do it because of heartburn. The growing uterus lifts all the organs in the abdominal cavity, causing this unpleasant sensation. Kissel, light soup or oatmeal helps to get rid of heartburn.

Many moms start eating for two this week. This is wrong and will lead to the appearance of excess weight not only in the woman, but also in the unborn baby.

If you can’t cope with your appetite, you can switch to fractional meals, eat every 2-3 hours, but little by little. Be sure to exclude sweets and starchy foods.

Do I need to take vitamins?

Those who are still taking folic acid should stop taking it immediately. Differentiation nervous system already finally completed and now it does not make sense.

If you doubt whether your diet allows you to provide the baby with everything you need - do not worry, the fetus will take everything it needs from your body. True, your well-being will be noticeably disturbed in this case, so if you experience constant fatigue, lethargy and other unpleasant symptoms, consult your doctor, you may be prescribed complex multivitamins for pregnant women.

If so far everything is fine, then you need to continue taking calcium with vitamin D. This is the best prevention of problems with both mother and rickets in the baby.

intimate life

If a woman feels normal and there are no medical contraindications, then sexual relations are not limited. True, one must be somewhat careful, try to avoid pressure on the stomach and too deep penetration.

There is an opinion on the Internet that can lead to vascular embolism due to air entering the vagina and the death of a woman. This is complete anti-scientific nonsense, which has no confirmation from the point of view of modern medicine.

This week, sex can be very useful, it improves blood circulation in the pelvic organs, improves mood and brings the couple together.

Physical activity

At week 17, many women already begin to feel clumsy and clumsy, but this is just the beginning. To keep your body in shape, you need to move more, you can just walk on fresh air. Swimming or a special breathing exercises. Fashionable today dances or fitness for pregnant women are also suitable. The main thing is not to sit still and not lie down all day.

Medicines and medical procedures

The baby's placenta is already fully formed, like many organs, so the list of allowed medicines has already expanded a little, but this does not mean that you can thoughtlessly swallow the medicines for their ailments. Most drugs are still contraindicated, so you should consult a doctor before taking them.

Paracetamol can be considered a relatively safe drug - the risk of its use is lower than the potential danger of fever.

Special care is needed when using folk methods. Many pregnant women prefer them, considering them safer. In fact, most of them are little-studied means with low efficiency. The potential risks associated with their use are much higher.

Possible problems

Many women this week are faced with such a problem as back pain. It appears due to a change in the center of gravity and pressure of the growing uterus on the nerve endings. You can't get rid of it completely, but correct shoes and frequent rest will reduce discomfort.

Pregnant women often complain of distraction and forgetfulness. This is normal, if taking vitamins does not help, then you have to accept and be patient. Sometimes severe sweating is annoying. This is one of the unpleasant companions of pregnancy. You can use antiperspirants and wear clothes made from natural fabrics. After giving birth, everything should return to normal.

At 17 weeks, stretch marks often begin to appear in women. To prevent them, it is recommended to constantly wear a bra and bandage. Unfortunately, these methods are not very effective, and some doctors consider wearing them even harmful. You can use it, but you must remember that the effectiveness and safety of most products has not been proven in any way (experiments on pregnant women are not carried out). Most safe method is the lubrication of problem areas with olive oil, the effectiveness of this method is also doubtful.

Video about 17 weeks of pregnancy

Let's find out as soon as possible what awaits you and your baby this week.

It is worth noting that during this period the fetal immune system begins to fully function. From now on, the baby's body independently begins to produce immunoglobulin and interferon. Therefore, even if the mother gets sick, the baby will be protected. But it's better, of course, not to get sick.

Baby's weight, height and head

The size of the fetus at the seventeenth week of pregnancy can be compared to a pear. Its height is already about 13 cm, and it weighs 120-140 g. The diameter of the head is approximately 36 mm.

What's new in development

The development of the fetus at the 17th week of pregnancy does not slow down:

  • Due to the fact that the muscles of the back and neck began to contract, the baby already holds the head almost exactly vertically (previously, the chin was pressed to the chest);
  • The amount of hair on the head and body has increased;
  • The face gradually acquires unique genetic features;
  • The eyes distinguish between light and darkness. If you bring any source of light to your tummy, the baby will turn to it!;
  • Complete the formation of the auditory ossicles in the middle ear;
  • The fetus at the 17th week of pregnancy distinguishes different sounds. Of course, he is not yet able to analyze them, but loud noise or screams disturb him, and calm music and gentle voices of his parents calm him down;
  • Movements become more and more coordinated. The child gradually masters different swings with arms and legs. The fingers are clenched into fists most of the time and only occasionally straighten;
  • The skin acquires a four-layer structure, as in adults;
  • There is a laying of adipose tissue, which in the future will regulate heat transfer processes in the body. Your disturbed metabolism and malnutrition, which provokes a set of excess weight, can negatively affect the process of formation of fat cells in a baby;
  • The bones are strengthened, the rudiments of milk teeth are covered with hard bone tissue (dentin), the laying of permanent teeth begins under the milk teeth;
  • In girls, the formation of the uterus begins;
  • All organ systems are improving. By this stage of development, they are already fully formed, so only their development will continue.

Feelings of the future mother for a period of 17 weeks

The seventeenth week of pregnancy changes the figure of the expectant mother more and more noticeably, adding to her roundness in the waist area. The baby grows, the amount of amniotic fluid accumulates, the uterus increases, therefore, the tummy protrudes ahead of you, causing universal tenderness.

But apart from good points, at this time there are enough not very pleasant symptoms.

Symptoms and features of the course of pregnancy

Almost all pregnant women note the presence of such symptoms of pregnancy:

  • Stretch marks. The skin in the abdomen dries out and stretches, as a result of which the likelihood of stretch marks increases.
  • A vertical line is clearly drawn below the navel. A pigmented vertical line is clearly visible on the anterior abdominal wall.
  • The breast is rebuilt for milk production. The chest swells and in some places is covered with a thin venous mesh. The mammary glands are preparing for the imminent period of lactation.
  • Areolas darken. The areolas around the nipple turn brown.
  • Skin pigmentation. The number is increasing age spots on skin prone to them.

How does a pregnant woman feel?

Characteristic symptoms at the 17th week of pregnancy may not appear in all pregnant women. Therefore, it is quite possible that you may be lucky, and unpleasant heartburn or frequent urination will bypass you!

    1. First movements. Perhaps the most important and expected of everything that happens at the 17th week of pregnancy is the first movement of the baby. He is already actively active in the tummy, bending and unbending his arms and legs, and therefore women who are pregnant for the second or third time are already able to distinguish this activity from the motility of their intestines. Moms who are carrying their first child, alas, cannot always do this at such a time.
    2. Drawing pains. Some women are concerned about a slight pulling pain in the lower abdomen. As a rule, it is only associated with tension in the ligaments of a rapidly growing uterus. In this case, everything is in order with your condition. However, it is advisable to still tell the gynecologist about your feelings during the next consultation.
    3. Heartburn and bloating. These are probably the most unpleasant companions of pregnancy. They are caused by compression of the intestines by the enlarging uterus. However, proper nutrition, excluding overeating and night snacks, eliminates intestinal problems.
    4. Insomnia. A rapidly growing belly can cause sleep disturbances, especially if you preferred to sleep on your stomach before pregnancy. The only way start getting enough sleep again - learn to sleep on your side. You can slightly pull your legs to your stomach, and between your knees squeeze a small pillow.
    5. muscle cramps. Hormonal changes in the body affect the functioning of the thyroid gland. The action of its hormones leads to an increase in heart rate, increased fatigue, and also to cramps in the calf muscles (they are especially disturbing at night).
    6. Frequent urination. Frequent urination during pregnancy is normal. However, if urination is accompanied by a burning sensation or any discomfort, this may indicate the presence of cystitis. It cannot be ignored and it is important to cure it as soon as possible. Consult a doctor who will prescribe the appropriate treatment for you.
    7. Bleeding gums and nosebleeds. A rapid heartbeat is due to the fact that the amount of blood in your body has increased, and nutrients are transported through the blood vessels to the baby. High heart activity can lead to bleeding gums. To solve this problem, contact your dentist. He will recommend you a safe and effective remedy mouthwash.
    8. sweating. Sweat production increases during pregnancy, and there is no need to be afraid of this. Just try to shower more often, and also use a good unscented antiperspirant.
    9. Allocations. If they have a uniform consistency, transparent or white color and a slight sour smell, then this is normal. A change in the nature of discharge from the genital tract is usually due to the presence of an infection, which in turn is a threat to the baby. Characteristic for various diseases different kind and varying amounts of vaginal discharge. With thrush, they are gray-yellow and curdled, with trichomoniasis - purulent, liquid, foamy, and with chlamydia - mucopurulent.

Bloody discharge along with acute abdominal pain may indicate a threatened miscarriage. Urgently call an ambulance!

What is the weight gain

Do you want something interesting?

The seventeenth obstetric week of pregnancy is ideally accompanied by a slight weight gain - up to 250-300 g.

On average, from the beginning of pregnancy to the present day, your weight gain is already 2.5-3.5 kg. But some women do not fit into this framework, gaining about 6-7 kg.

This figure depends on many criteria, including the initial weight, complexion, age, heredity, the course of pregnancy in the first trimester, and many others. others

Therefore, it is not very informative..

Abdominal dimensions and pulling pains

The growth of the fetus and the growth of the uterus are reflected in appearance your belly. At the 17th week of pregnancy, it noticeably rounds and increases. You can already feel the first movements of the crumbs, as well as pulling pains associated with a change in the size of the abdomen.

Remember that the stomach should not hurt a lot! It is important!

It's time to go shopping if your favorite familiar things suddenly turned out to be too cramped and uncomfortable. A few new wardrobe items can really cheer up a future mom!

And here is a photo of the tummies at the 17th week of pregnancy:

Ultrasound and important indicators

If the pregnancy proceeds normally, then, as a rule, the doctor does not prescribe an ultrasound scan at the seventeenth week of pregnancy.

However, if the ultrasound examination nevertheless took place, then on it you can already not only see the primary sexual characteristics of the baby, but also learn various important indicators:

  • the size of the uterus and fetus, as well as their compliance with the gestational age;
  • heart rate per minute;
  • motor activity of the fetus;
  • the state of the myometrium (muscle wall) of the uterus and amniotic fluid;
  • anomalies, etc.

Below are photos taken on ultrasound at 17 weeks:

At a period of 17 weeks of pregnancy, all our recommendations for the past weeks are still relevant, as well as a few new ones:

  1. Eat more fiber-rich foods. These include: oatmeal, various legumes, avocados, prunes, raisins, nuts, etc.
  2. In addition, include calcium-rich foods in your diet, and you can also start taking calcium supplements. Most of this trace element is not even found in dairy products, but in those that you can’t eat a lot at a time: sesame, almonds, celery, dried fish. Eliminating the risk of calcium deficiency in the body, you can prevent muscle cramps that occur during sleep.
  3. Regular moderate physical exercises during pregnancy have invaluable benefits. But during their implementation, keep in mind that now your ligaments have become softer, and therefore are more prone to stretching. Try to avoid excessive loads and sudden movements.
  4. Stop smoking for the entire period of pregnancy. Moreover, passive smoking is no less dangerous. It can lead to the fact that the baby at birth will have insufficient body weight.
  5. Take care of yourself and your nerves! Stressful situations, overwork, sudden changes in temperature and hypothermia are now highly undesirable.
  6. If you are concerned about frequent urination, try to drink most of the liquid in the morning. You will be less likely to wake up from nighttime urges if you limit the amount of fluid you drink before bed (especially tea, coffee, soda, citrus juices).
  7. Complaints about nosebleeds at this time are not uncommon. Don't be afraid! Just tilt your head forward and put something cold on the bridge of your nose for a couple of minutes (for example, ice from the freezer wrapped in a towel).
  8. With increased bleeding gums, we recommend purchasing a toothbrush with soft bristles. In addition, limit the consumption of food that irritates the oral mucosa (salty, peppery, pickled).
  9. If suddenly the calf muscle is cramped, gently pull the toes of the foot towards you, relax and pull again. When you manage to relax the muscle, massage the lower leg with gentle movements in the direction from the foot to the knee. After that, slowly walk around the room for a few minutes to restore circulation, then lie down in a comfortable position.
  10. Take a leisurely walk in the fresh air, do your favorite hobby and accumulate positive emotions, because the baby already subtly feels your emotional state and adapts to it!

How do you feel at 17 weeks pregnant?

This material is for informational purposes only, before using the information provided, you must be sure to consult with a specialist.

The period of 16-17 weeks of pregnancy is a pleasant period that is not overshadowed by the discomfort of mommy. Your baby is growing, gaining strength. You feel well and are quite active. Sometimes, already at this time, a woman may for the first time feel the movements of her baby, but if this has not happened yet, you should not worry. For primiparous mothers, the norm is the feeling of the first stirring at 20 weeks.

Your tummy may still be invisible to others, but you must remember that the baby needs freedom, and your clothes should not squeeze the tummy. It's time to think about purchasing special outfits for pregnant women.

How many months pregnant? The seventeenth week is the beginning of the fifth obstetric month of pregnancy, the second trimester. Now your baby weighs about 100 g, and his height is about 11-12 centimeters.

What's happening?

Your belly at 17 weeks pregnant is already rounding, and you notice it well. The uterus increases not only to the sides, but mainly upwards. Now the bottom of the uterus is located 3-4 centimeters below the navel. You may notice your heart rate increase. This is due to an increase in the volume of circulating blood and an increased need for oxygen and nutrients in the baby.

At this time, the process of formation of the placenta is completely completed. Its weight is about 500 g, its thickness is about 2.5 cm. Thanks to the dense network of blood vessels in the placenta, the baby receives all the substances, oxygen, necessary for growth and development.

The fetus and its development at the 17th week of pregnancy

A child at the 17th week of pregnancy begins to accumulate adipose tissue necessary for thermoregulation. Now the total percentage of fat in the baby's body is no more than half a percent, but by the time of birth, this figure will increase to 65-70.

The baby already has a well-developed swallowing reflex, and he swallows quite a lot of amniotic fluid. Because of this, sometimes the baby may experience hiccups - at a later date, the mother may feel this as rhythmic twitches. This is normal, hiccups do not cause concern to the baby. And he needs a swallowing reflex so that after birth the baby eats on his own. In addition, swallowing amniotic fluid contributes to the formation of the intestinal mucosa.

Gradually, the baby's immune system begins to work. Immunoglobulins are already produced in small quantities. Very soon, the baby will protect his body on his own, but for now, maternal antibodies play the main role of immune protection.

The baby's heart is almost completely formed. With the help of a stethoscope, the doctor easily listens to the heartbeat of the crumbs, and the contraction of the heart chambers is clearly visible on the ultrasound.

Sexual organs are formed. At this time, the formation of the uterus occurs in girls. The external genitalia are formed, and at the 17th week of pregnancy, the sex of the child can be determined accurately.

The baby needs a large number of trace elements, because now the molars are being laid. The health of the baby's tooth largely depends on the nutrition of the mother during this period.

The baby easily distinguishes mother's emotions, so you should avoid stress, unpleasant situations, and your relatives should support and help you as much as possible.

Baby photo, ultrasound

Fetal movements in the 17th week of pregnancy

Some moms feel their baby moving for the first time. Naturally, while these are not kicks, but light touches, because your baby is still very small. Already now you can notice that the baby reacts to your mood, well-being, so try to relax more, entrust your loved ones with homework.

Mom's Feelings

The sensations of the expectant mother at this stage of pregnancy are focused on the growing tummy, discomfort is rare. Sometimes at this time there may still be symptoms of toxicosis - nausea, increased fatigue, but they are already much smaller and will soon disappear completely.

You may already feel that your usual clothes are uncomfortable for you, so it's worth updating your wardrobe. This is especially true for lovers of trousers - in no case should the belt squeeze the tummy. Pay attention to trousers with a wide elastic band. which is easily stretched - most expectant mothers consider them the most comfortable clothing for this period.

Sometimes at this stage of pregnancy, the expectant mother may experience difficulty sleeping. Most often, they are not associated with an increase in the abdomen and the difficulty in choosing a comfortable position, but with psychological discomfort and feelings. Already now you should accustom yourself to walk in the evenings, to ventilate the room where you sleep well, not to have too much supper. Read a good book before going to bed, listen to pleasant relaxing music. Aromatherapy also helps a lot.

Pregnancy is often accompanied by problems with the digestive system. At a later date, the enlarged uterus lifts the internal organs, compresses the stomach, and heartburn may occur. In the second trimester, this phenomenon rarely occurs, but if you had stomach problems before pregnancy (increased acidity, gastroesophageal reflux), then this may well be. In addition, changing hormonal levels, compression of the intestines by the uterus cause constipation (constipation). From the very beginning of pregnancy, you should carefully consider your diet, which will provide the baby with everything you need and help you to endure pregnancy more easily with minimal discomfort.

If pregnant with twins

Pregnancy with twins is a little different. At multiple pregnancy the tummy at this time has already noticeably increased, and you may feel discomfort in the epigastric region, heartburn, especially after a heavy meal. Eat small meals and often - this way you will significantly reduce heartburn. Be sure to do gymnastics for pregnant women - after all, the load on the spine is increased, and even now you may experience pain in the lumbar region from time to time.

You need to rest more, but this does not mean complete passivity. Moderate physical activity for the expectant mother is necessary. In addition, to make you feel better, if your tummy has already noticeably increased, wear a support bandage: you will not need to go to the toilet so often, the load on your back will be significantly reduced, and you still have to carry two babies for a long time. It is also important that the bandage protects the skin from excessive stretching, and at a later date you will experience less itching and discomfort, and perhaps much less stretch marks will appear.

Proper nutrition

Now your weight has not yet increased too much, and from time to time you probably treat yourself to sweets and pastries. However, it's time to accustom yourself to proper nutrition without an excess of calories, because very soon a period of increased appetite will begin: the baby will actively gain weight, accumulate fatty tissue, and mommy will constantly want to eat.

Your menu should definitely include protein dishes. It is better to give preference to dietary meat (poultry, rabbit), there must be fish, eggs. In addition, do not forget about vegetable proteins.

The diet of a pregnant woman should be rich in vegetables and fruits. The more varied the menu, the better. Scientists have proven that fruits and vegetables different colors contain a variety of antioxidants, so brighten up your diet!

Add more fiber to your diet: it is found in vegetables, fruits, cereals. You need a sufficient amount of vitamins, minerals, but it is extremely difficult to get the daily allowance from products, even the most high-quality and diverse ones. Therefore, the expectant mother needs special preparations containing vitamins and microelements.

Try to gradually reduce the amount of light carbohydrates in your diet. If you buy bread, choose whole grain, and it is better to replace pasta with cereals.

Discharge and pain in the 17th week of pregnancy

In the second trimester, the discharge may become somewhat more abundant. However, their consistency, color, smell should not change. If something worries you, it is better to consult a doctor, because the infection can harm the baby. During pregnancy, the immunity of the expectant mother is reduced, so thrush and bacterial vaginosis often occur. Their timely correct treatment will ensure the safety of mother and baby.

At this stage of pregnancy, you should not experience pain. If you feel that your stomach is pulling at the 17th week of pregnancy, consult a doctor - this may be an increased tone of the uterus. Your tummy is not too big yet, so the load on your back is not high, but if you periodically experience pain in the lumbar region, sacrum, try to cope with them with stretching exercises, strengthening the muscle frame. Of course, choose the type of activity that suits your position and well-being. And you can even do special gymnastic exercises for pregnant women at home on your own.

Sometimes in the second trimester, when the uterus begins to grow in size, expectant mothers feel discomfort, and sometimes even pain in the coccyx. This is due to the fact that your body gradually begins to prepare for childbirth, the pelvic bones expand somewhat, and the coccyx, as the most mobile part, shifts outward. If these sensations do not cause significant discomfort, nothing needs to be done. If you notice severe pain, consult a doctor, an inflammatory process may occur.

This period of pregnancy may be accompanied by increased uterine tone. If you feel like after a change in body position, after physical exertion, the stomach becomes stony, try to rest more. If the sensations do not go away, become painful, and even more so - cramping, accompanied by discharge - you need to go to the doctor.

Required studies and analyzes

During this period, you need to visit a doctor every month. At each visit, you will be weighed, your blood pressure will be measured, the doctor will listen to the baby's heartbeat, evaluate the test results, and answer your questions. In addition, it is possible that this week it will be necessary to undergo an important examination - triple screening. This study is performed at high risk of congenital pathology of the fetus. This determines the level of alpha-fetoprotein, unbound estriol, chorionic gonadotropin. This study makes it possible to timely identify many malformations of the fetus. It must be carried out before the twentieth week.

Ultrasound at the 17th week of pregnancy is carried out only according to indications - if a pathology is suspected in a baby or mother. The study can also be carried out to determine the condition of the placenta, violations of its attachment. At this time, during an ultrasound examination, you can determine the sex of the child, but the doctor will tell you more accurately after 20 weeks. Then the baby's genitals will be fully formed, and the probability of error is minimal.

Useful video

Questions - answers

I watched the video “17th week of pregnancy” - there the baby is already so active, mobile! And I still do not feel his movements. Does this mean a violation of his development?

If at this time you still do not feel the baby's movements, there is no reason for concern. It is absolutely normal to feel the first movements even at 20 weeks. Your baby is still very small, and despite the fact that he moves a lot and touches the wall of the uterus, his movements and touches are very light, so you may not feel them. However, this does not mean that the baby moves a little.

I have a stomach ache. What could be the reason?

This is my second pregnancy at 17 weeks. After the ultrasound, they made a conclusion - low placentation. This is dangerous? What do we have to do?

Normally, the egg should be implanted in the fundus of the uterus (its upper part). But sometimes, due to certain reasons (for example, inflammation), the egg is implanted below, and subsequently the placenta is formed not in the area of ​​​​the uterine fundus, but below. Then we are talking about low placentation, while the distance between the edge of the placenta and the pharynx should not be less than six centimeters. If the distance is less, we are talking about placenta previa. Low placentation dangerous because in the lower parts of the uterus, the blood supply is somewhat worse, and your baby may not receive the necessary amount of oxygen. You definitely need to see a doctor, as well as observe the correct daily routine, walk a lot in the fresh air, and eat well.

Can I have sex at 17 weeks pregnant?

If the pregnancy is proceeding normally, there is no reason to limit yourself and your spouse in intimate relationships. Sex, by definition, cannot harm the baby. Of course, it is necessary to avoid sudden movements, postures that squeeze the stomach, and a rough effect on the cervix.