
GCD abstract for drawing in the second junior group: “Yellow dandelion. Synopsis of drawing nodes in the second junior group Nod drawing 2 junior group


GCD abstract for drawing "Dandelion"

for children of the second younger group

Main educational area: « Artistic creativity».




Reading fiction

Goals: to expand children's understanding of spring and the appearance of primroses, teach children to draw a dandelion in a mixed way, using traditional and non-traditional techniques.


Tutorials: teach children to draw a dandelion flower.

Strengthen knowledge of primary colors (green yellow).

Exercise children in the technique of drawing with gouache paints.

Strengthen the ability to properly hold the brush, pick up paint, draw dandelion leaves using the priming method, and the flower with cotton swabs (in an unconventional way).

Consolidate children's knowledge about dandelion, its parts (stem, leaves, flower).

Developing: develop auditory and color perception.

Develop children's speech, enrich vocabulary: (primrose).

Educational: to cultivate interest and love for nature, respect for it: you can not pick flowers.

Cultivate friendly relationships, the desire to work together.

Equipment: illustrations of dandelions, didactic game "collect a flower", a basket with dandelions, butterfly models, gouache paints of yellow and green flowers, brushes number 10, tinted paper, cotton swabs.

Preliminary work:

1. Watching a dandelion for a walk.

2. Consideration of the illustration "Dandelions".

3. Reading fiction about primroses.

4. Guessing riddles about primroses.

GCD progress:

- caregiver: Good morning smiling faces, good morning animals and birds!

Let's smile and give a smile to each other!

Well done! You gave each other a smile, look, and the sun smiles at you! It warms us with its warmth! We have a good spring and joyful mood!

Guys! See what kind of basket it is, who brought it?

Oh, I think I know! This spring brought a basket, and now guess my riddle:

A drop of sun early in the morning

Appeared in the meadow

It's in a yellow sarafan

dressed up (Dandelion).

Well done! You guessed it! Dandelion is one of the first to appear in the clearings, when the sun shines, warming everything around with its warmth, and nature begins to wake up, everything blooms.

And now, I suggest you listen to a poem about a dandelion:

The sun dropped a golden ray,

Dandelion grew - the first, young,

It has a wonderful, golden color,

He is a big sun little portrait!

Let's take a closer look at the dandelion, what does it look like?

- Children: to the sun, to the chicken, to the circle.

What color is a dandelion?

- Children: yellow!

What do dandelions have? What does it grow on?

- Children: on a stalk (on a leg)

What color is the stem?

- Children: green!

What else does a flower have?

- Children: leaves!

Look, children, the leaves are long and wavy along the edge and also Green colour. That's how beautiful he is!

And now, let's play and make a whole flower from parts (didactic game "collect a flower").

Children picking a flower

Tired? Now, let's get some rest!

Physical education:

One, two, three, four, five,

We'll go for a walk in the meadow!

Look among the flowers

Butterflies are fluttering

multi-colored wings flicker around,

One-two, one-two, the game is over!

Guys, look, butterflies have arrived, and we have so few flowers! The field is almost empty! How can we help butterflies? We have paints and brushes.

- Children: we can draw a flower!

Well done! But before we start drawing, let's get our fingers ready for work.

Finger gymnastics:

Our hands are like flowers

fingers like petals

the sun wakes up, the flowers open,

in the dark they will sleep very soundly again!

And now, let's remember how to draw a flower correctly: first, we draw green paint and draw a stem, draw a solid line from top to bottom, then also draw leaves, and to make them fluffy, we stick the brush along the entire length of the sheet, now we wash the brush well from green paint. We drain it on a napkin, take it in hand cotton swab and pick up paint yellow color, put over the stalk in a circle yellow dots, the more dots - the more fluffy our flower (children start work, who needs help - I help).

Guys, take your dandelions and let's make a fun meadow out of them. (children post their work).

You like? Look - and our butterflies liked it, they cheerfully flap their wings!

How beautiful are the yellow dandelions on the green grass! Although there are a lot of them, you should not pick them. Dandelions will not stand in a vase, they will die immediately. Let's take care of the flowers, let's not pick them and preserve the beauty of nature, and bees, butterflies and ants will thank us for saving flowers for them!

The melody of a song by Yuri Antonov sounds "Don't pick flowers", children lead a round dance around a cheerful dandelion clearing.


  • Formation of children's ability to draw with a hard brush using the poke method, mastering the color palette (orange, brown).



  • To form the ability of children to draw with a hard brush using the poke method.
  • Improve the ability to properly hold the brush during work.
  • Master the color palette (orange, brown)
  • Strengthen the ability to draw with crumpled paper and select colors, complement small missing details with plasticine.
  • Enrich children's vocabulary



  • Cultivate a positive attitude towards pets.
  • To cultivate activity, the desire to complete the work to the end.
  • Continue to encourage independence, creativity.


Integrations educational areas:

  • knowledge
  • communication
  • artistic creativity
  • socialization
  • music
  • health.


Half of the landscape sheet with a drawn outline of a puppy (per child).

Gouache brown, orange, hard brush.

Small sheet of paper (palette) for each child to check the poke and the correctness of the chosen color, jars for brushes, plasticine lumps different colors for eyes (2 pcs.) and black for the nose (1 PC.), cloth napkins.

Two paper kennels (orange and Brown color) for didactic game "Each dog has its own home" .

Puppy hats for dynamic pause.

Demo material:

The outline of a puppy on a piece of paper, a film on a laptop with a picture of a puppy and a dog.

Preliminary work:

Examining illustrations, postcards, paintings depicting dogs, playing with a dog toy, reading E. Charushin's stories about Tomka, watching a dog for a walk.

Lesson progress

The children enter the room. Educator: - I am very glad to see you, Hello! Draws the attention of children to guests.

Children say hello

Hello pens - clap, clap!
Hello legs - top, top!
Hello, we need to say to each other!
Hello dear guests!

We will draw!

The children turn to the teacher.

Vos-l: Guys, I will tell you one story about grandmother Arina (the teacher puts on an apron and a scarf) who lived in a very beautiful, noisy courtyard and had many friendly, kind and funny pets.

Vos-l asks a question to children: - Do you like pets?

Children: - Yes.

Then I invite you to take a walk around this wonderful yard and get to know my pets.

Oh, guys, look, whose house is this? I wonder who lives in it?

Now I will ring the bell. Vos is calling (monitor turns on), a dog appears with a puppy. Created problem situation: How to Help Your Puppy Find Friends because he has no one to play with.

Children, we need to help the puppy, draw friends. Can we help? (Yes).

I will teach you how to draw beautiful puppies using the poke method. Come to me. And the puppy will watch us, how children can draw beautifully.

(Children approach the easel, become a semicircle).

Educator: - You know how to draw with a soft brush, and today you will learn to draw with a hard brush. Try with your finger, which brush is hard ... The brush bites ...

caregiver (shows): - I draw paint on the brush and draw with a poke: first I will paint the muzzle along the contour, it is round, and now in the middle. Then - the body, paws, tail. I wash the brush in water, dry it on a napkin and put it in a glass. And we will draw the grass under the paws in the way you already know - with crumpled paper, what color? (green).

-Correctly. I collect paint on a crumpled leaf and draw grass.

And I will make a nose and eyes from plasticine, look. I take small ball and I press my finger to the muzzle, and now another. Here are the eyes. And now the nose. Look what a doggy! Fluffy, soft, funny.

Tell me, what brush will you use to paint the puppy's fur? (hard).

And where should you first draw the fur on the head or torso?

Now sit down at the tables. Now we will do a little warm-up. Take a hard brush in your hands. Begin:

Hold the brush like this: (Hand on the elbow. Hold the brush above its metal part).
It's difficult? No, rubbish!
The brush went with a poke,
She banged her heels. (Wrist movements over text).

One poke, two poke.
And then, then, then (Circular movements with the hand).
The brush runs around.
Twisted like a top.

After the poke comes the poke. (Children poke on the table with a dry brush).

Well done, we collect paint on a dry brush and get to work.

Independent work of children.

The teacher controls the drawing process, if necessary, helps the children.


And happily wag their tails to each other.
Ran away……
played out (twirl behind tail).
And everyone quickly gathered to me (the teacher hugs the children)-2 times.

(Children perform movements in accordance with the text).

Vos-l: - Guys, we need to finish our work, and for this, go to your tables. What haven't you done to the dogs yet?

Children answer: - Eyes and nose.

Vos-l: - That's right. Let's make eyes and a nose from plasticine. Take small blue balls, these are eyes and attach them to the puppy's muzzle and press with your finger.

Well done! Ready!

What else do we have left? Spout.

Take a big black lump and make a nose for the dog.

Here are our puppies.

And now we will draw grass with crumpled paper.

Didactic game "Let's put the puppy in the house" .

Educator: - Children, pick up your work and come to me. Before you houses for puppies. We need to put brown puppies in a brown house, and orange (redheads)- in the orange house. (Children put their puppies to the houses of the corresponding color).

The analysis of children's work is carried out.

Educator: - Guys, what funny, wonderful puppies you have turned out to be: fluffy, funny! You tried, you worked carefully. Now Shustrik will have many, many friends!

A puppy is heard barking.

Vos turns on the laptop and a puppy appears, who is very happy and says to the children "thank you very much!"

Educator: - guys, let's remember what we did today? (children's answers) What brush did you paint with? (hard). You are great! Today we tried, did a good deed for the puppy and I give you each a friend (teacher distributes puppies).

Vos-l: - And now we need to return to children. garden.

The eyes are closed.
The kids are smiling.
Eyes open
They return to kindergarten.

Abstract directly educational activities for artistic creativity Topic: "Puppy" 2 junior group MBDOU No. 144 D / S "Sun" Educator high. sq. category Kalacheva E.V.

"Help Bunny"

Abstract GCD for drawing in 2 junior group.

MBDOU No. 19 "Baby" of the city of Bryansk

Educator: Pashkova Irina Nikolaevna

Nowadays, little attention is paid to introducing children to various types decorative and applied arts, and folk traditions. The conditions for introducing children to folk art.

But it is precisely decorative drawing classes that can teach children to perceive the beautiful and kind, teach them to admire beauty.

The origins of man's creative forces go back to childhood - the time when creative manifestations are largely involuntary and vital. Of paramount importance is the very need for artistic creativity. It arises with a special emotional attitude to the environment, when behind the form of objects and phenomena, children discover the inner content that evokes a response in them. With a sufficient wealth of such impressions, it becomes possible for the child to express his personal experiences in the images he creates.

The task of the educator is to create conditions aimed at developing the artistic abilities of children, imagination and figurative thinking, which contribute to the familiarization of children with folk art, help to consolidate the technical skills acquired earlier, teach to analyze and compare, optimize the development process creative imagination in preschool children...

I would like to give one of the examples of GCD in the educational field "Artistic Creativity" (drawing) in the 2nd junior group.


  • To teach children to draw patterns from straight and wavy lines on a rectangle. Improve your brush painting technique. Show options for alternating lines by color and configuration (straight, wavy).
  • Develop a sense of color and rhythm.
  • Raise interest in arts and crafts.

preliminary work. Examination of objects of decorative and applied art (rugs, towels, napkins). Examining patterns on household items. Didactic game "Fold a pattern of stripes." Drawing waves, centipedes (based on wavy lines of different colors).

Materials, tools, equipment. Rectangular sheets of paper white color, gouache paints in three colors, brushes, cups of water, paper and cloth napkins. Variable images of patterns on a rectangle. Towels with beautiful patterns. Rope for the exhibition of children's works and decorative clothespins. Toys hare and crow. Poem by V. Shipupova "Laundries". Music theme Vladimir Cosmo for the film "Toy".


1. Attention activation

Children to each other

Good morning, smile soon! (hands on the belt, shook, head, smiled).

Good morning everyone, everyone, everyone! (clap their hands).

2. Motivation.

V. - Guys, today I was going to kindergarten and heard someone crying. I looked under the Christmas tree and saw the forest Bunny. Listen to what Bunny says to me. Yes, Bunny, I will be happy to retell your story to the children.

Started little animals

Once upon a time, laundry.

A fuss arose in the forest,

Pushing and running.

Put on stumps

Towels and handkerchiefs.

The forest dwellers washed the towels and hung them on a string. (V. shows the children hung and decorated towels.) Look how clean and beautiful the towels are after washing. The forest animals did their best. Well done! But our friends had a problem... A curious Crow flew in and took all the towels to a tall tree. (V. takes off all the towels with Crow on his arm and puts her on a tree.) The forest dwellers are upset, they want new colored towels. So what's now? (Buy towels, sew, draw...) Maybe we can draw new colored towels? (Yes.)

3. Conversation with children.

V. -Children, look and remember what the towels were like. This towel is embellished with straight stripes, see how they play with each other. What color is this straight strip, and this one? (Children's answers.)

And on this towel is a pattern of wavy lines. What color is this wavy line? (Children's answers.)

And here met straight and wavy lines. What color are these lines?

Show in the air with your finger how you draw straight lines? From left to right. (V. shows with the children.). Wavy? From left to right. Well done! Remembered how to draw lines.

4. Physical education. (to rhythmic music)

V. - Guys, let's show how the animals washed towels in the forest.

Beasts from the dawn (imitation of washing)

They wash in the puddles

And above them are bubbles (smooth movements of the hands above the head)

Soaps fly.

Tinder, try, fuss, (imitation of rinsing)

Washing clothes in the stream.

And on the grass at the edge (imitation of unfolding)

Spread out to dry.

Tinder seriously - not toys.

The animals have laundry.

5. The work of children at the tables.

V.-And now Bunny and I invite you to the tables. Guys, take a brush, show how you know how to hold it correctly. (V. checks.) That's right! You need to hold the brush just above the iron "shirt" with three fingers. With a dry brush, draw a straight line on a piece of paper, and now a wavy one. Okay guys! Start decorating your towels. Dip the brush in water, and then with the whole pile in the paint. (V., together with the toy Hare, provides individual assistance.) And the Hare is interested in seeing how the towels turn out. Bunny, look at how beautiful, colorful towels are obtained. Do you like bunny? Like it very much. You guys are doing great! Guys, let's Bunny and I hang towels on a string to dry. (V. hangs up) All towels are multi-colored, colorful, dissimilar.

6. Reflection.

Q.- Guys, did you like decorating towels? (Children's answers.) Bunny says “thank you” to all the children and prepared a surprise “soap bubbles” for all the children.

The music of Vladimir Cosmo from the movie "Toy" sounds. Children play with soap bubbles.

Prepared by the teacher Ismailova Gulnar Ayazovna

Abstract of the GCD for drawing in the second junior group "Shovel"

Program content: to motivate to draw an object consisting of a part of a quadrangular shape and a straight stick, to correctly convey its structure and proportions. Learn how to paint in one direction.
To fix the ability to rinse the brush and dry it.

I. Organizational moment.
The teacher stands with the children in a group (children stand in a bunch).
II. Motivation of cognitive and educational activities.
(Suddenly there is a knock and a crying Luntik enters. In one hand he holds a ball, and in the other a bucket with a broken spatula).
Vosp: Oh, guys, who came to us?
Children: Luntik.
Edit: Why are you crying?
Luntik: I was going to visit my friends, and on the way I accidentally broke a shoulder blade. Now I won't be able to help them build Easter cakes (crying).
Vosp: Luntik, the guys and I can give you a spatula. Guys, let's give Luntik a spatula?
Children: Yes.
Vosp: On, (holds out a spatula to Luntik). Luntik, take it.
Luntik: (naughty) No, I won’t take it, I don’t want one, I had a different shoulder blade. She was a completely different color (crying).
Vosp: Do not cry, Luntik, we will help you differently. Let's help Luntik, guys?
Children: Yes.
Luntik: And how will you help me, because it cannot be glued together?
Vosp: Luntik, the guys and I were just about to draw. Do you want the guys to draw a lot of shoulder blades for you?
Luntik: (joyfully) of course I want to. I can teach you how to draw just such a spatula as I had. Do you guys want me to teach you? It's not difficult at all.
Children: Yes.
Luntik: Then come closer to me, stand in a circle so that everyone can see.
- Look at the shoulder blade (shows the shoulder blade)
- What parts does it consist of? (from bucket and handle)
What shape is her pen? (straight stick)
What shape is her bowl? (square)
- Where is the bucket located at the shoulder blade? (at the bottom)
And now I will show you in what sequence you should draw a shoulder blade.
III. Demonstration and explanation of image techniques.
Luntik: I take a brush near the metal collar behind a wooden dress, dip the entire bristle of the brush into a jar of water, remove excess water with a napkin. Attach the brush to the napkin. Now let's dip the pile of the brush into the green paint, remove the excess paint on the edge of the jar of paint. And now the brush will go on a journey across a sheet of paper. With my left hand, I hold the edge of the sheet so that it does not move with the brush. I put the brush in the middle at the top of the sheet and draw the handle of the spatula. I draw a straight line from top to bottom to the center of the sheet, with the whole pile, the bristles of the brush crawl together behind the brush without breaking away from the sheet. Like this.
And now I will draw a ladle of a shovel.
- What shape is it? (square).
I will dip the brush into the paint, and again I will remove the excess paint on the edge of the jar.
I will step back from the bottom edge of the pen to the left and draw a wide straight line, leading the brush from left to right. it top part bucket bucket. On the left, near the beginning of the line, I draw another line, but now from top to bottom - this is the height of the bucket. Like this. Now I'll draw another line lower part ladle, leading the brush from left to right, and connect its end to the end of the top line. Like this. The shovel is ready. And now I will pick up paint on the pile of the brush and paint over the bucket of the spatula. I paint from left to right, all the time in the same direction. I draw lines next to each other, so that there are no gaps. I've run out of paint, I pick it up again and continue to paint in straight lines without going beyond the outline. Like this. This is such a beautiful blade.
- Now take your seats. Let's show with our hand in the air how we will draw the handle of the spatula (show in the air, and now the ladle (show in the air). Well done.
- Now try to draw a spatula with paint.
IV. Independent work of children
Children draw. Luntik monitors their posture, the performance of technical drawing skills, and conducts individual work.
Luntik: Oh, guys, what good fellows you are. What beautiful shoulder blades you got. Are you tired?
Children: Yes.
Luntik: Do you like to play? (Yes). Let's play a little. Everyone stand in a circle.
We kick - top-top,
We hands - clap-clap.
We eyes - a moment-a moment.
We shoulders - chik-chik.
One - here, two - there.
Turn around yourself.
One - sat down, two - got up,
Everyone raised their hands up.
Sit down, get up, sit down, get up
Vanka - standing up as if they had become.
All hands pressed to the body
And they began to make jumps,
And then they took off running
Like my bouncy ball.
One - two, one - two
Here the game is over.
Luntik: Oh, what good fellows you guys are. Did you like the game? But it's time for me to go to my friends.
Vosp: Well, Luntik, did you like the shovels that the guys drew?
Luntik: Yes, I really liked them, I don’t even know which one I liked more. I liked this one and this one (shows, and this one, and, in general, they are all very beautiful. Each is good in its own way. I really like all the shoulder blades.
Vosp: Guys, let's give Luntik shovels?
Children: Yes.
Vosp: Luntik, take all the shoulder blades. The guys give them to you.
Luntik: Thanks guys. You are so kind. I had one spatula, and now how many? (a lot of). That's right, there are many. And for your kindness and help, I will give you my magic ball. (Luntik gets balloon and invites the children to all blow on him together. Luntik pierces the ball and sweets fall out of it). Children treat themselves to sweets, Luntik says goodbye to
Luntik: Goodbye, guys!
Children: Goodbye.
V. Outcome of GCD
At the end, the teacher draws the attention of the children to how well they drew the shoulder blades, and says that Luntik was very pleased with your drawings. And parents will probably be delighted to see their drawings.

Synopsis of direct educational activities in the second junior group (3 - 4 years) on artistic creativity on the topic "Matryoshka's Helpers". The lesson is aimed at instilling in children a love for Russian folk toys, instilling a sense of beauty, aesthetic taste, and accuracy. The scenario is fully consistent with the modern requirements of education, using ICT, many educational areas are covered in which children can show their individuality.

Age of pupils: 3-4 years


Educational: continue to introduce children to the folk toy, consolidate the techniques for drawing patterns (handkerchief), modeling techniques from salt dough.

Developing: to develop in children the desire to participate in educational situations and games of an aesthetic orientation, draw, sculpt together with an adult and independently. Distinguish objects by size, the ability to admire the beautiful. Develop active speech, fine motor skills, the ability to use tools. Emotionally respond, react, empathize with the characters; draw attention to some means of expression (color, color rhythm, shape). Continue to develop musical and rhythmic skills, motor activity, metrorhythm, through playing folk musical instruments.

Educational: to cultivate a sense of beauty, aesthetic taste, accuracy, love for Russian folk toys

Priority educational area:"Artistic Creation".

Integration of educational areas: music, speech development, cognitive development, social and communicative development, artistic, aesthetic and physical development.

Types of children's activities: communicative, cognitive, game, motor, musical, productive.

Methods: game, verbal, visual, game, practical.

Receptions: artistic word, independent activity of pupils, physical education. The use of co-creation techniques, application non-traditional techniques and materials.

Preliminary work: games with nesting dolls, folk toys, looking at patterns on them, memorizing poems, an excursion to the fine arts room in a preschool educational institution, looking at Russians folk costumes, viewing presentations.

Equipment: nesting dolls different sizes, folk toys, wooden horses, blank "handkerchiefs", gouache of primary colors, stamps, wet wipes, modeling boards, salty dough, aprons, scarves, sleeves - for each child. Musical instruments: whistles, bells, boxes, tambourines, rattles. Multimedia projector, laptop, video clip "Matryoshkas - figure skaters", "Matryoshkin house", recording of the phonogram of the Russian folk melody "lyrical mood", "Hostess", "Horses" of the song "We are funny nesting dolls".
Venue: Music Hall.

Time spending- 15 minutes.

The course of directly educational activities

Russian folk melody sounds. Against the backdrop of music...

Educator: children go to the music room, look how many guests are here! Let's greet them. Look guys, someone is in a hurry to us! Who is this?

Matryoshka: hello, children! I am a matryoshka! Russian folk toy.
All so good:
Bright ornate!
It's good that I met you. A beauty contest is coming soon, and our nesting dolls decided to participate in it. But it is difficult for nesting dolls to prepare themselves for the competition, and they ask you for help.

VIDEO VIDEO "TV bridge Kindergarten - Matryoshkin House" (Matryoshkas ask children for help)

Matryoshka: children, are you ready to help us Matryoshkas?

Children: ready.

Matryoshka: then you need to hurry, but the path is not close. That's why we need transportation. What would you like to ride?

Children: by plane, by car, train...

Matryoshka: Great! Then everyone gets into their transport and go! I will show you the way to the matryoshka house.

Children imitate transport and follow the teacher.

Matryoshka: so we got to the house of nesting dolls. Look how beautiful it is here, how many folk toys! What toys do you see?

Children: Dymkovo ladies, a dog, a fox. whistles, bears, birds, nesting dolls, etc...

Matryoshka: That's right, children.
Ah, matryoshka-matryoshka.
Okay, don't tell!
Children love you very much
Play in our garden.
Bright cheeks, handkerchief,
Flowers along the bottom.
Have fun spinning in the dance
Bright bouquets!

The teacher examines the matryoshka with the children.

Matryoshka: Look and tell what they are, nesting dolls.

Children: they are beautiful, smart, bright, funny, there are a lot of them.

Matryoshka: Show me a big nesting doll, a small nesting doll.

Children show.

Matryoshka: well done, guys! Many toys you know. But now we need to get down to business. Our nesting dolls - beauties need to paint scarves so that they are the most beautiful and elegant!

Before drawing
You need to stretch your fingers.
Fists unclenched - squeezed,
The fists were unclenched - squeezed.
Now let's rub our hands
We are a little bit about each other.
And now the masters
It's time for everyone to work.
What do you want to draw?

Children: paints, stamps, pencils, felt-tip pens...

All this is on the table.

Matryoshka: Let's paint a handkerchief with different patterns!
Masters, get to work
Decorate the handkerchief boldly
Sheet, stripe, circle,
Your scarf will be bright!
(During the painting, the teacher reminds the children of proverbs about work.)
Hurry up and make people laugh.
Skillful hands do not know boredom.
The earth is painted by the sun, and man - by work.
What is the master, such is the work.
Every work of the master paints.
After completing the painting, he draws a summary)

Matryoshka: well done! Very beautifully painted. True master artists!

Children hang out their work on the stand.

Matryoshka: guys, I have prepared a surprise for you. What do you think it is?

Children: whistles, box, tambourine, rattles, ....

Matryoshka: right, these are musical toys, but in another way you can say musical instruments. Let's play them, and our nesting dolls will show how they can dance.

Children play musical instruments "Orchestra"

Matryoshka dance

Matryoshka: Children, my sister, a friend, tells me that the dough has already come up. It's time to prepare a treat for our nesting dolls. And so that you do not get dirty, we have aprons, sleeves for you and scarves for girls. We will make a lot of treats from the dough so that everyone has enough! What are we going to sculpt?

Children: bagels, pies, buns, donuts.

Matryoshka: How will we make bagels? (roll up the sausage and connect the ends) Donut? (same) How are we going to make a bun? (roll up a ball and flatten a little)

Children are sculpting.

Matryoshka: how many sweets we stuck with you. There's enough for everyone! Now we will put them in the oven to bake. And as Russ from long ago say: "Did the job - walk boldly!" Who wants to dance?

Children perform the dance "We are funny nesting dolls"

Matryoshka: how well you danced! And the buns were baked. Here's how delicious and fragrant they turned out! How quickly time has flown by, it's probably time for you to return to kindergarten! Where is your transport? Goodbye, children!

Educator: so you returned, but where were you, what did you do?

Children: we visited the matryoshka, painted scarves, sculpted treats, played musical instruments, danced.

Video "Gift from nesting dolls" (Matryoshkas thank the guys for their help and offer a treat)

The teacher takes out a wooden nesting doll, inside which there are sweets in the form of a Ksyusha nesting doll, distributes it to the children, the children say goodbye and leave the music hall to the music.