
Speech therapy holiday at school of 8 types. Abstract on speech therapy "speech therapy matinee". task: "Street of vowels-consonants"


How to create and maintain children's interest in the rules of grammar of the Russian language, to develop phonemic processes and communication skills without sitting them at their desks? About this in the next publication: "Organization of speech therapy holidays in primary school, as a means of increasing educational motivation." You will also find useful scenarios for two holidays, with games, comic tasks, scenes and songs aimed at developing speech, consolidating the material learned in the classroom.



Organization and conduct of speech therapy holidays at school as a means of educational motivation

"The root of learning is bitter," said the ancient Romans. And it’s a pity that for many this is so. AND school childhood does not become a "golden time", but is remembered only as boring, tiresome sitting at a desk, without a spark, without inspiration ...

But a child comes to school with a great desire to learn. How long to keep in him this feeling of joyful surprise in front of the school, in front of the secrets that await him there? How to rivet his unstable attention to the lesson without forcing him to force it? By what means and methods to make learning fun?

I wish there was no place for coercion in school - the world of colors, sounds, light, fantasy, creativity and fairy tales. Not to force, but to interest, inviting the child to new system relations: educational cooperation, respect, mutual understanding. Of course, behind this is the enormous work of the teacher, constant search, burning. But the reward is great: the glowing eyes of the children. Good is promising, it will surely be rewarded a hundredfold in many years. His whole future life will depend on how the child will feel, climbing the first steps of the ladder of knowledge, and hence the life of our society in 15-20 years.

Very difficult first steps in school for all children without exception. “No matter how much you shout“ halva, halva, ”an eastern proverb says,“ your mouth will not become sweeter. ” Even if everyone around - teachers, parents, and the child himself - repeats: "We must learn!" ... After all, the will and consciousness are very poorly developed in children, therefore, to count on a long-term conscious attitude of students to their duties would, in my opinion, be simply rash. On the other hand, genuine knowledge and skills are acquired only in the process of actively mastering the educational material. The activity in its assimilation requires attention to the material, to the tasks of the teacher.

This is especially true for speech therapy classes, which are held with children who have already attended more than one school lesson. And of course, only interest is able to increase efficiency, it causes surprise, awakens the thought, makes you want to understand the phenomenon.

You have to understand that being entertaining is not synonymous with being entertaining. On the contrary, it is hard work and constant search. And here, one cannot do without a scientific system. It is not necessary for 7-year-olds to hammer in "post-shock, pre-shock, iotated linguistics." But what is quite accessible to our children, but is not included in the "school repertoire", may well become the basis for our classes.

For example, an appeal to mnemonics, as a system of various techniques that facilitate memorization, increasing the amount of memory due to artificial associations. These are poems, rhymes, rebuses, riddles, charades, crosswords, grouping of words that cause certain associations. (Only one thing - "to drive, breathe, hold, depend .." - which is worth it!) All this arsenal helps children in mastering spelling. And stories about language, the emergence of letters and the alphabet, about various sounds - they evoke a linguistic flair. Children are so emotional, receptive, sensitive to the word, the image. The use in the classroom of games with sounds, syllables, words that are not included in the school curriculum allows theoretical knowledge to be applied practically in the game; riddles, as a useful exercise for the mind, a reason to new topic, which can become the basis for memorizing all subsequent material tied to the riddle; tongue twisters, tongue twisters - developing the child's phonemic hearing, correct pronunciation of sounds, diction, vocal apparatus, speech rate. Each speech therapist has his own piggy bank of games for the development of all aspects of speech.

And, of course, we use them in the classroom as a means of solving an educational problem, as a bright "wrapper" teaching material... More often than not, we structure the lesson in this way, and select such games that will not lead the children out of control, will not seize them enough so that they psychologically switch from the lesson to play interaction. More often than not, we give preference to the well "tamed" game forms and create an activity, a lesson with game elements. There are many such lessons in the arsenal of a modern speech therapist teacher, and this is wonderful, this can only be welcomed. But there is another opportunity to use the game in the educational process.

Let's call it a game lesson or activity. In this case, the entire space of the lesson is occupied by a game plot, with its game rules and game logic of the development of events. And all the subject knowledge, abilities and skills that the teacher would like to pass on to students in this lesson (or check the degree of their assimilation) are game means... Without them, children cannot even take a step in the play space, they cannot solve their play problems, and yet Her Majesty the Game acts as a goal in such a lesson, and the notorious ZUNs (knowledge, abilities, skills) as a means. That, you see, is absolutely correct from the point of view of developmental education: not life (activity, self-knowledge) for the sake of education, but education for the sake of life and activity and self-knowledge. Such an activity can be structured in the form of a grammatical tale - travel. Such a fairy tale, created by the children themselves, will contribute not only to the development of skills logical construction statements, an increase in vocabulary, and will directly help the assimilation of the Russian language. By combining a fairy-tale plot, heroes with real categories, phenomena of the Russian language, a combination of the laws of a fairy tale and language, they will cause children to desire a creative attitude to dry theory, rules, and most importantly, they will combine theoretical knowledge and practical skills.


Scenario speech therapy holiday for elementary school students

"Fun grammar"




In the hall decorated in accordance with the theme of the holiday, the presenter welcomes the guests and invites them to guess the riddle:

Not a bush, but with leaves,

Not a shirt, but sewn,

Not a man, but a story.

Children: Book!

The presenter, together with the students of the second grade, perform logo-rhythmic movements with verses:

Open the book soon!

In the book there is a midge, a mouse, a bear,

In the book, the ball has a round side:

Up and down, jump.

There is an umbrella in the book. Open up and sing:

The rain is beating - and you're dry!

The pussy in the book is close, close.

In the color picture the pussy

I stroke my hand for a long time -

because the pussy has such fur


A boy runs into the center of the hall with a large book.

Leading: Hello Vanya!

Vanya: Hello,



what book was presented to me

for a birthday!

Leading: Beautiful. What is it about?

Vania: I don't know ... It contains only pictures ... but I'll show you now!

The boy opens the book, on two pages it contains A. Barto's poem "Our Tanya" in the form of signal, sequentially arranged, pictures.

Leading: We, of course, have guessed what this book is about. Really guys?

Children "read" the poem based on the diagram.

Leading: But you're right: what a book without letters! But don't be upset. You need to go to the magical land of Grammar, her mistress will help you!

Where are you going?

Vanya: By bike!

Leading: Can we help Vanya get to the magical land?

Second-grade children utter a pure phrase:

Ed-ed-ed - where is my bike?

Touching the fingertips of both hands to each other.

Yes, yes, yes - very fast driving.


Ali-ali-ali - step on the pedals

Sliding blows with palms.

Al-al-al - fast, fast I rush into the distance!

Knee claps.

There is a screen on the stage. It depicts palaces: red, blue, green.

The presenter in the costume of the Grammar Princess meets the boy.

Vania: Where am I? What is this colorful city?

Leading: You got to Zvukograd! This is one of the towns of my huge country of Grammar, and I am its mistress! Many sounds live here!

Boy: I know! I know sounds! For example, here! (stamps his foot) or here (claps his hands).

Leading: Indeed, thousands of sounds surround a person: the rustle of foliage, the howling of the wind, the murmur of a brook, the singing of birds ...

Leading: What do you guys hear when you wake up in the morning?

Children's answers: the clock is ticking, water is splashing in the bathroom, dishes are rattling ...

Children: Sounds of speech!

Leading: Right. Different people live in these palaces speech sounds... In the red palace of the songstress sisters. For their vociferousness they were called: vowels! Here. Get to know!

Two girls come out. Submitted by:

I am E.

And I s.

And some of our sisters sent their portraits. Can you guess where, whose portrait?

The girls show pictures depicting vowel articulation: A.O.U.I. Children guess.

Leading: And in the blue and green palaces live consonants, soft and hard.

The vowels recite poetry.

Vowels stretch in a ringing song,

They can cry and scream

They can lull a child in the crib,

But they don't want to whistle and grumble.

And the consonants ... agree

Whisper, whisper, creak,

Even snort and hiss,

But I don’t want to sing to them.

Vania: How interesting! But how do you live like this, all together, do not quarrel?

"Vowels": It was, but only once!

Leading: Sit down and listen to the story about it!

Once vowels and consonants did not get along and went in different directions. The consonants got lost in a bunch, they wanted to talk - and in no way ...

Have coughed:




They chuckled:


For some reason they called the cat:

Puss, puss, puss!

And they got bored ...

All of a sudden:


It seemed to them that someone was crying somewhere ... They listened.

A-ah-ah! Ltd! The vowels shouted.

They cried like little children:

Whoa! Whoa!


Hey! Hey!

And the consonants shouted to them (or rather, they wanted to shout, but they only managed to mutter indistinctly:


And they heard joyful, but also indistinct:


They made peace, stood by their side again, distinctly said:

We will always be together!

And since then they have never parted again. They can't live without each other.

Leading: And now everyone lives together and loves to build words. Can you guys build words from sounds?

The game is being played: "Collect the word"

CAT, TABLE, CRAB, etc. Among the students of the 2nd grade.

Leading: We are good at putting words out of sounds, although they are all so different, vowels and consonants, voiced consonants and ... (voiceless), hard and ... (soft), hissing and ... (whistling).

Boy: But we only pronounce and hear sounds, but we do not see! What about my book?

Grammar: I have a friend, Alphabet, his name is, so he will help us!

Much time has passed as sounds settled in the magic land. One day, King Alphabet and his Queen ABC decided to have a party. But how to arrange dances and parades, if the sounds are not visible, only audible! Then the Alphabet presented magic dresses to every sound. They were all different from each other. As soon as the sounds put on their dresses, they became visible and turned into letters. Together with the ABC, they built the letters in a specific order. It turned out to be a very good system. Since then, this system of letters is called by the name of the king the Alphabet or the ABC, by the name of the queen.

The screen turns over. There are different letters on it.

Boy: Here they are! Letters! Now all that remains is to put them in a book for me.

Leading: Do not rush! Letters also need to be folded into syllables, and then into words.

Children of grade 4 with cards in their hands recite verses:

Vowels are friends with a consonant,

Putting together a syllable.

MA and SHA (remember Masha!)

They came to our lesson.

If the syllables are next to each other

Words are obtained.

YOU and KVA, and together PUMPKIN,

SB and VA, read OWL.

How many vowels are there in a word -

So many syllables.

Each of the students knows this!

Children of the second grade come out in costumes of gnomes.

Vania: Oh, what did the gnomes bring us?

The Dwarves have syllables in their hands. We must put them in order, according to the growth of the Dwarfs and read the sentence: We can read.

Grammar: Attention attention! Radiogram!

Exercise for the development of emotional, expressive speech.

Grade 3 students.

For - zo - zu. (Pronounced interrogatively).

Zya - ze - zyu. (Affirmatively).

Sound - sound - call. (Pronounced in surprise).

Zvyu - zvyu - zvyu. (Joyfully).

Leading: I managed to decipher the message!

It was Sunday

At the elephant's birthday.

The guests sang, had fun,

They were so spinning in a round dance,

So they spun, so spun, that they flew to pieces.

One, two, three, four, five,

Help to collect quickly.



Children add the names of animals from the syllables (HEMOTO, BEAR, GIRAFFE, FOX, DOG, CAT).

Leading: Birthday parties are always fun! And I want to dance!


Grammar: Not only animals were invited, but also birds.

Second grade children show communication game: "Blackbirds"

I am a blackbird and you are a blackbird.

Pointing to yourself, then to a friend.

I have a nose and you have a nose.

Touching your finger to the tip of your nose

his own, then a friend.

Mine are smooth and yours are smooth.

Circular movements along the cheeks.

Mine are sweet and yours are sweet.

To the corners of your mouth,

pointing to the lips of a comrade.

I am a friend and you are a friend.

Both hands to his chest, then a comrade.

And we feel good - they shake hands.

A knock on the door. Stress comes in.

Leading: What happened? Why such a sad look?

Stress: Because they forgot about me! But I am very important and necessary! And I must be put right!

Vania: Well, stand somewhere, think about it!

Presenter: No, Vanya, you can't go somewhere, otherwise this is what you get!

Miniature. Performed by children of grade 4:

There is a boy in bed.

So I want to go to school as soon as possible. You need to take the medicine.

Takes a bottle of medicine. Reads: “Three times a week, one tablespoon. After eating '".

Begins to squeak.

Mom comes in.

What's up son?

Why are you beeping?

And I took the medicine.

And here it is written ... (reads).

Oh, you silly thing.

You read it wrong.

Three times after eating,

not food.

Oh, mommy. We are at school

the teacher said

that from the permutation of the stress, the meaning of the word can change.

The screen is closed.

Stress: Do you remember me? I'm not just a dash!

Leading: Let's check it out now.

Here is a huge old house:

Walls, towers, ditch dug.

Rearrange the stress -

And it hangs on the door. (lock - lock)

If the first syllable is stressed,

We are drinking utensils.

Rearrange the stress -

And draw us, friends. (Mugs - mugs)

Boy: Yes. How many people live in this country. I didn't know !!!

Grammar: You haven't met everyone yet!

Boy: It's a pity. But I have to go home.

Mom is probably already worried.

Yes, and in my book everything is now

there are letters and words,

not just pictures!

But I'll come back to you!

Grammar: So that you do not forget the way

and you guys have not forgotten -

here is my gift - a guide.

If you complete all tasks correctly,

you will always find a way to my country! Goodbye!

Entertainment script for elementary school students

"A Journey to the Dwarfs, Bell-Rings and Whistlers"

Speech therapy entertainment:

A Journey to the Dwarfs Bell-Rings and Whistlers

There are two makeshift houses in the hall, in which "gnomes live". Each one has pictures, in the name of which there are sounds "S" and "Z" - images of objects that may be in the dwelling. Nearby there is a table and chairs, according to the number of participants. The necessary attributes have been prepared: a basket, paper, pencils, cards with letters and numbers.

Leading: Guys, today we will hold a fun quiz that will show how you learned to distinguish between voiced and voiceless consonants. And funny gnomes living in a magical land will help us with this.

The gnomes lived in the clearing.

The dwarfs lived, they did not grieve.

One dwarf "rang the bell"

And the second "sniffed with a marmot".

Z-z-z - one rang,

S-s-s the second kept repeating.

So they lived, deaf-bell-

You need to subtly distinguish them!

Ringing "Z" sounds, "S" - dull -

Everyone's ear will hear!

Those that are sonorous are ringing

The bell ringers are the guys' names.

"Whistlers" are other gnomes.

We will be familiar with them!

Two teams of students wearing gnome hats come out to the music.

Leading: In the morning, the gnomes met in the clearing and did exercises together.

Come on, gnomes, don't yawn, and repeat after Katya!

Katia: Every day in the morning

Doing exercises (walking on the spot).

We like it very much

To do in order:

Have fun walking (walking with knees raised high),

Raise your hands (hands up)

Squat and stand up (squats 4-5 times),

Jump and jump (10 times).

Leading: After charging and water procedures, you need to refresh yourself.

Student 1: Tomorrow, I thought yesterday,

I'll sit down to breakfast in the morning. "

Breakfast is here, but where is tomorrow?

I sat down to breakfast today.

Leading: Select cards with the names of breakfast items. Bell ringers with a ringing sound "Z", Whistlers with a deaf "S".

The cards contain the names of the products with the missing letters C, Z. Two baskets. Cards on separate tables.

Leading: On this hillock, the fair jury (presentation of the jury members) strictly observes the course of the quiz. So we will give them the right to rate the competition, each correct answer is a point to the team.

While the jury is calculating the points, we will not let you get bored. After all, our gnomes are funny! And they love funny poetry. And the audience will surely come to the aid of the dwarfs.

There is one game for you:

I will read poetry now.

I'll start and you finish

Add in chorus!

I wake up early in the morning

Together with the ruddy sun,

I fill the crib myself

Quickly doing ... (exercise).

There are stomping feet in the hallway

That calls everyone to the class ... (bell).

I sit, almost crying.

Very difficult ... (task).

He doesn't mind sleeping all day

But as soon as night falls

His bow will sing.

Call the musician ... (cricket).

To rest your legs

Sit on ... (chair).

Once upon a time there was a little puppy.

He grew up, however,

And now he is not a puppy -

Adult ... (dog).

And here are the poems addressed to our gnomes. Count how many S / S sounds you hear and pick up the corresponding card with a number.

"Whistlers": When I ate the icicle,

It was delicious.

And then I got sick -

It became very sad. (5)

To "bell-ringers": Tili-tili, tili-bom,

A hare knocked down a pine tree with his forehead.

I feel sorry for the bunny:

The bunny is wearing a bump.

Hurry to run to the forest

Make a compress for a bunny. (4)

Leading: Our gnomes, by the way, are little wizards. And now they will prove it to you. Each team will now transform one item into another by changing one letter. The jury will count the correct answer. Don't yawn - raise your hand!

To bell-ringers: Turn your grass mowing tool into a pet. The scythe is a goat.

Whistlers: Turn the morning mist droplets on the grass into beautiful flower... Dew is a rose.

Leading: Look at the houses of the gnomes, what is there in the Whistler's house with the sound "C" in the Bell-ringers' house? (viewers call pictures). Now our gnomes will go to the store and buy themselves different things, the names of which have the corresponding sounds, bring them home and put them in their places. Words that have a given sound at the beginning - on the top shelf, in the middle - on the middle, and at the end - on the bottom. We will go to the store one at a time.

A relay race is held. Having reached the "Store" - select the desired picture, go back and arrange the pictures in three rows on your table, determining the place of the sound in the word.

Leading: our gnomes got tired, went into their houses, sat down on chairs, and got bored ... And they decided to write letters to each other. They sat down and wrote. And they sent them with a carrier pigeon. But the trouble is, while the letters were flying, the letters were lost in them, and now, to read, you need to find the letters and add them.

Assignment: insert letters into sentences, read in order to get a coherent text.

Children are given deformed sentences. you need to insert letters from / z, arrange them in order and read the text.

Crying ki ... ka in the corridor.

She has great grief:

... poor people of poor ki ... ke

Do not give to steal ... oh ... and ... ki.

Ayka ... ainka to ... oh,

What are you running bo ... oh?

Wait for me in le ... y -

I bring shoes ...

While the gnomes carry out the task, there is a competition for the audience.

Guess riddles. And we will write down the answers in empty cells, the word that turns out in the vertical cells and will be your reward.

This little baby

I'm glad even for a bread crumb

Because it's dark

She hides in a mink ... (mouse)

The sun is not to blame

What is cotton wool hanging in the sky? (cloud)

The red-haired hen-woman came to the chicken coop.

I read all the chickens and took them with me ... (fox)

Without a path and without a road

The longest walks.

Hiding in the clouds, in the darkness,

Only feet on the ground ... (rain)

Someone in the morning, slowly

Inflates a red balloon

And how he lets in from his hands -

It will become light for everyone around ... (sun)

Stands on one leg

He gazes into the water.

Pokes his beak at random -

Looking for frogs in the river ... (heron)

It turns out the word: YOUNG MAN!

Leading: And so, let's hear what the gnomes wrote to each other.

Children read the text.

Leading: one two three four,

Who doesn't sleep in our apartment?

Children: everyone needs sleep.

He who does not sleep will get out!

Leading: But it's too early for us to sleep, but it's time to listen to the results of our quiz!

The jury will give the floor.

Teams are awarded with certificates of honor.

Host: Thank you gnomes for making us laugh and helping us to play with sounds: dull and loud, we distinguish subtly!

Today we talked about the sounds C and Z, and we will meet with other voiced and deaf ones in the classroom.

Speech therapy matinee "Holiday of Correct Speech" for students in grades 1 - 4 in a school of 8 types.

OBJECTIVES: To educate the speech and cognitive activity of students

Tasks: To strengthen the skills of the assigned sounds;

    activate the skills of self-control over speech;

develop memory, thinking, attention;

    activation of mental activity, development of the ability to solve logical problems;

    visual and auditory perception, reading techniques;

    enrichment of vocabulary;

    foster interest in speech therapy classes.

The course of the event.

The hall is decorated.

Host: Hello, dear children, teachers, educators, parents. The school year is coming to an end, and very soon the children will begin their holidays. Today we will show you what we have learned this year. Let's go to an interesting country. As it is called, we will find out when we make up the word.

DEFORMED WORD (is 1 student) - SCHOOL

We read in chorus.

Host: Queens - teachers and children - disciples live in this country. Teachers teach you to write, read, speak clearly, correctly, and speak beautifully.

The song "They teach at school."

2 students come out.

1st student 2nd student

Who wants to talk We will talk

He must pronounce And we will pronounce

Everything is correct and intelligible, so correct and intelligible,

So that everyone understands

So that everyone understands

Host: We pronounce the sounds clearly, listen carefully. The game "Remember, repeat"





game "The third extra".

Speech therapist says three words and throws a ball to one of the children; the child must catch the ball, say the extra word and throw the ball.

Shorts - tank top - ball - skirtJacket - apple - fur coat - blousecabbage - fork - spoon - cupmagpie - galka - fox - rook

Staging: "Geese"

2 students of the 1st grade come out.

1st student: We lived with a grandmother 2 cheerful geese,

2nd student: One gray, the other white

Together: Two funny geese

A girl dressed in a granny costume comes out.

Granny: We washed the geese's paws in a puddle by the groove (2 boys wearing geese masks)

geese, geese

Geese (answer) ha-ha-ha

Granny: Do you want to eat?

Geese: yes-yes-yes

Granny: Well, fly

Geese: The gray wolf under the mountain won't let us go home.

Granny: Oh, Granny is screaming! Oh, the geese are gone. One gray, the other white - 2 cheerful geese.

Host: Guys, everyone has their own house, where they live. And in man, and in animals, and in

birds. Only the house is called differently.

What is the name of the house of animals? - mink.

What is the name of the bird house? - nest.

Let's help the geese get home.

And in order for them to return, you must complete the task correctly:

    Images : magpie swallow sparrow

Cards: magpie swallow sparrow tit

Sign the names of the birds, choose the name you want.

To name it in one word. - Birds.

What question does the word "birds" answer?

Match the actions of objects to the word birds. (Fly, sing, chirp)

2nd task.

How to call it in one word? - answer

What kind of animals are they? - wild

    A child comes out, dressed in a watchman's clothes: a hat, a gun, a drum

To prevent the wolf from returning and eating our geese, we have a watchman who guards the house.

The watchman comes out to the drum roll

P - p - p

I serve the owner, I watch the gate!

A thief will not pass through the gate - let him climb over the fence!


Goes away to the drum roll.

3 Our pictures are messed up. Expand, explain.

What is the name of the clothes that we will wear in the summer? –Year

Name clothes with the sound R.

Game "Who will pick up more words" - Let's take another look at who is wearing what. Answer my questions. Pictures will help you with this.

What can be linked?

What can you tie?

What can you wear?

What can you wear?

What can be zipped?

Well done.

Sounds surround us everywhere: the bell rings for the lesson, a crow shouts, a car is driving, etc.

1st student: There are many sounds in the world:

Rustle of leaves, splash of waves,

And there are sounds of speech

We must know them exactly.

2- student: Sounds in the word disappear,

Appear again.

Themselves change the word

Themselves are changing.

3- student: In the word daughter d disappeared

T stood in this place.

It was a dock, it was a point

This is how the words change.

4 - student: Sounds are different: CONSISTENT AND VOICE

5- student: vowel and consonant are friends

Make up a syllable together.

Host: If the syllables are next to each other, words are obtained.

"Living syllables"

Children have syllables, Others read words.



1st student: The word is divided into parts,

Oh, what happiness it is!

Can everyone be literate

Make a word out of parts.

2nd student: What kind of LI? What kind of MON?

There is no sense in words.

And as they say, the lemon will immediately become sour.

Slap Words Game

We will share them with the help of claps. How many parts.

How many times we clap our hands - so many words and syllables.

shirt boots coat

socks dress boots

hat skirt shoes


The snow is melting, the stream is flowing. The sun is warming. When does this happen?

SPRING. We read, divide into syllables.

What are the words of spring? Children are called.

Pictures are exhibited: spring, sun, grass, leaves, flowers, birds, butterflies.

Music sounds. Against the background of music

Let's make up phrases from pictures and cards. (Warms, blooms, turns green, green, sing, flutter)

They substitute cards for pictures and read together.

Who will find more words for the word SUN?

They call it.

I also want you to have more good grades and smile more often, especially to your mothers. You are a little sun for them.

You are smiling - mom is smiling.

Music "From a smile brighter to everyone."

Let's smile at each other and end our holiday.

Did you like it?

The holiday is over.

Exhibitions were arranged during the week creative works students, the exhibition "The best notebook in the Russian language." At the end of the speech therapy week, a school-wide line was held, where students were awarded in the nominations: "The most active class", "The most creative student", "The most talkative student", "The best notebook", etc.

Conducting a speech therapy holiday at the end school year has become a good tradition in our school.

Scenario of the all-school holiday "Kingdom of Grammar"

Target :

  • consolidation of students' knowledge.


  • To consolidate in students the knowledge and skills acquired during the year of study.
  • Promote the development of learning motivation.
  • Develop and correct attention, memory, thinking.
  • Enhance creativity.
  • To educate students' interest and love for the Russian language.


  • decorations "Kingdom of Grammar", houses with pockets (red, blue), cards with letters, words, cubes with syllables, strips of paper with proverbs, animal costumes (bear, hare, squirrel, fox), crossword puzzle, musical design.


  • Losers Petya Ivanov
  • First Two
  • Second Deuce
  • Queen of Grammar
  • Stress
  • Period and Comma

Speech therapy holiday script

The bell rings. A happy student runs in, waving his briefcase and tossing it aside.

Petya's student: URAAA, pe-re-me-na.

(deuces run after him)

Twos: Petya, Petenka, wait for us, we are with you!

Petya: Who are you?

Twos: And we are your dearest, dear ones…. (in chorus) - your deuces !!

Petya: (waves them off) Tired! That you are attached to me, walk behind me. And in the magazine you, and in the diary, and in every notebook ...

Twos: Yes, we love you, Petya! You are our most best friend! Where are you without us ?!

Petya: Yes, there is only trouble from you: your parents are scolding at home, the teacher is always calling to the blackboard ... Now I will go to the kingdom of grammar, find the Queen herself and ask her to relieve me of you.

(The light blinks, music sounds, Petya finds himself in the kingdom of Grammar. Everything is quiet. The curtain-KG opens. Grammar enters, followed by it! -Two children - 1- point, 2- comma.)

Gram: Why is there a soft sign at the entrance? Kommersant lives there.

Period and comma (follow on both sides, write down after the Grammar): We obey Your Majesty!

Gram: Yes, and remind everyone, please, that JI-SHI is written with the vowel I.

Period and comma in chorus: We obey Your Majesty!

Gram: And in general, put things in order in the kingdom !!!

Period and comma in chorus: We obey Your Majesty! (leave).

Gram: (sees Petya): Who else is this?

Petya: I am Petya Ivanov, a student of 2 "b" grade. And these are my marks in Russian.

I have come to ask you for help. You, mighty, you can do everything, spare me from these harmful girlfriends. I can't do it alone.

Gram: Well, well, if you yourself wanted it, and you found the way to my kingdom, I will help you. Only you will have to work a little and complete all my tasks, otherwise you will live with your deuces for a century .... I agree?

Petya: I agree, I agree, I agree to everything, just to get rid of these ... (points in the direction of twos).

Gram: But first you must answer my riddle: You cannot buy at the bazaar, you cannot weigh it on the scales. What's this?

Petya: (crumples) - I don't know.

Gram: Well, well, you will know the answer when you pass my tests. For each correctly completed task, you will receive a clue to the solution. Come on, my faithful helpers, sounds, give Petya the first test!

1 task: "The street of vowels-consonants."

Gram: Vowel and consonant sounds live in my kingdom. At night, a storm passed and all the letters were mixed, help them to return home.

(It is necessary to distribute the letters in two houses, made with pockets. Vowels - in a red house, consonants - in a blue one).

Petya: That's a problem, that's a problem, nothing works. Can anyone help me? (Appeals to children of the 1st grade, they help).

Ugh! Barely coped ...

Gram: Well, what, did my assistants give you an ordeal?

Petya: Yes, nonsense, I would have done it myself if I had thought.

Gram: Well done, here's to you, as promised, the key to solving my riddle - a letter as a gift (Z).

Gram. Different words can be formed from letters. And here's your second test.

Task 2. "Confusion".

Gram: The letters in the words are messed up. Correct mistakes. (Picture cancer, word-poppy, picture juice, word-bitch, picture stick, word-shelf, picture moon, word-Lusha ..)

(Petya tries, nothing works. The twos laugh, rejoice, rub their hands ... Petya calls the children for help. The students go out one by one and correct their mistakes).

Task 3. "The animals are mixed."

Grade 1-2 pupils come out in animal costumes: a bear, a hare, a squirrel, a fox, each sit on 2 cubes with syllables (for, bel; after all, ka; egg, sa ...).

Under the alder in the shade of the branches
The gray hedgehog summoned the guests.
I sat them all on a bump
He gave them a sip of dew.
But suddenly over the hill
Loud, loud thunder burst out.
The guests all fell off the bump,
Scattered to pieces.
One, two, three, four, five,
Help collect them!

It is necessary to swap the cubes in order to get the name of the animal. Petya tries, nothing happens. Twos laugh, rejoice, rub their hands….

Petya: Yes, this is a tricky science - grammar, guys I can't cope without you, help ... (He addresses the children, they help).

Gram: Well done! Here's another letter (A) for you.

Deuce 1: Look, what kind of helpers Petya has, they know everything, they can do everything. And let's check them out, maybe there are our people among them, we'll find a new poor student? A?

Deuce 2: Come on! Maybe not just one, but as many as 5, or maybe 10, or maybe we'll recruit a whole army! It will be great !!!

The game. Guess the letter.

(Conducted with all spectators. Twos make up the letters M, H, F, Y, L, T, O ... the students guess).

Gram: No, harmful deuces, don't confuse my assistants for you, right, guys? But Petya needs help. You are ready?

There is a knock outside the door.

Gram: What happened? Why is it so noisy?

Stress enters: Because they forgot about me! But I am very important and necessary! And I must be put right!

Petya: Well, get up somewhere, think about it!

Gram: No, Petya, you can't go somewhere, otherwise this is what you get!

Miniature. Performed by children of grades 4-5:

There is a boy in bed.

So I want to go to school as soon as possible. You need to take the medicine.

Takes a bottle of medicine.

Reads: “Three times a week, one tablespoon. After eating '".

Begins to squeak.

Mom comes in.

What's up son?
Why are you beeping?
- And I took the medicine.
And here it is written ... (reads).

Oh, you silly thing.
You read it wrong.
Three times after eating,
not food.

Oh, mommy. We are at school
the teacher said
that from the permutation of the stress, the meaning of the word can change.
The screen is closed.

Stress: Do you remember me? I'm not just a dash! (Yes).

Stress: Let's check it now.

Task 4. "Put stress" (grade 3).

The grammar gives Petya the task to solve the riddle and put emphasis. Petya is not doing well, the 3rd grade helps.

Here is a huge old house:
Walls, towers, ditch dug.
Rearrange the stress -
And it hangs on the door. (for ‘mok - lock)
If the first syllable is stressed,
We are drinking utensils.
Rearrange the stress -
And draw us, friends. (Mugs - mugs)

Stress. Fu, I felt better, otherwise "stand where you want"! Now I am calm for Petya, I will go and teach others. (Exits).

Gram. Well done, my assistants! And you, Petya, get another letter. (H)

Petya: Yes. How many people live in this country. I didn't know !!!

Gram: And these are not all my assistants! Do you know what words can make?

Petya: It seems like a pre-pre-proposal.

Gram. Right. Here's your next assignment.

Task 5. Divide the text into sentences. Make a point where you need it.

Petya calls 3-4 class for help. (2 teams of 4 people - cut the tape with words into sentences.)


Gram: And you managed to complete this task with the help of the guys. Well done! Here is the letter (I) for you. But even more difficult tests await you ahead. Are you ready?

Petya: Always ready!

Task 6. "Gender of nouns".

2 teams of 5 people participate. (4-5 grade). In the bag there are balloons with words. Each participant must run to the bag, and pull out the existing g.r. from there. or m.r. Whose team comes to the finish line first wins.

(Words: shirt, bag, work, earth, map, spring, coat, subway, apple, cinema, gold, ax, woodpecker, master, carpet, man).

Gram: And you managed to complete this task. Well done! Here's the letter (I).

Task 6. "Proverbs".

On the strips of paper, the beginning of the proverb, you need to pick up the end of the proverb and glue it. 2 teams are involved in the 7th, 8th grade.

  • A person gets sick from laziness, but from work he gets healthy.
  • Learning literacy is always useful.
  • Do not rush with your tongue, hurry with deeds.
  • Make new friends, but don't lose old ones
  • Anyone who wants to know a lot needs little sleep.
  • The scientist leads, and the unlearned follows.
  • Without tasting the bitter, you will not recognize the sweet
  • The root of the teaching is bitter, but the fruit is sweet.
  • Lead business, but drive off idleness.
  • A mind without a book is like a bird without wings.

While the students are completing the assignment, the twos play the "Repeat the tongue twister" game with the audience.

  • A beetle hums over the lampshade.
  • Already and snake in a puddle.
  • The water carrier was carrying water from the water supply system.
  • The quail hid the quail from the guys.
  • The crow missed the funnel.
  • Nina didn’t finish the melon.
  • The crested giggles laughed, laughed.
  • Bought Marusya beads for babuse.
  • Kondrat's jacket is a bit short.
  • The cat rolled a ball of thread into a corner.

Twos: Hey, friend, I think we are losing him (points to Petya), in my opinion, we need to look for a new Petya.

Task 7. Crossword "Hidden Words" (grades 3-8).

(You are given 9 letters M, located horizontally, you need to write the words vertically into the cells,
from left to right):

Underground railroad
- measure of time
- wardrobe, table, chair - this is ...
- premises for the sale of goods
- strong wind with snow
- drink white useful for children
- crossing the river
- subtraction sign
- wild animal
- dolls one into another
- severe cold
- a drink made from berries.

(Answers: metro, minute, furniture, shop, carrot, blizzard, milk, bridge, minus, bear, matryoshka, frost, fruit drink.)

Gram: And then you did it without mistakes! Well done! I give the letter (H).

Gram: You see, Petya, how good it is to know Russian, it helps us in everything, even crosswords cannot be solved without him. So you understood that “you can't buy at the bazaar, you can't weigh on the scales”? (Petya scratches his head). Arrange the letters in correct order, and you will find out the answer.

Petya: (arranges letters and the word - KNOWLEDGE is obtained). I got it, I got it. Need to study.

Gram: I'm glad you understood everything. Now, I hope you will fall in love with the Russian language and will no longer skip school. Now listen to instructions from my assistants.

Children read poetry.

Grammar, grammar -
Science is very strict.
Grammar textbook
I always take with concern.
It is difficult, but without it
My life will be bad.

Won't make up a telegram
And you can't send a postcard
Even my own mother
Happy birthday you can't congratulate!

Sending congratulations,
Remember the rules of declension
Gender, number and cases
Keep it tight in your memory!

You should know the cases
Punctuation marks.
Keep your head higher
In the hour of memorization.

How many rules! How many rules!
Unaccustomed to shiver!
Be attentive, and nothing more!
You will remember everything, you will understand everything!

Love you grammar!
You are smart and strict.
You are my grammar

Speech therapy holiday

"Travel to the city of Beautiful Speech" (grades 1-4)


Equipment: multimedia presentation of the city of Beautiful speech, cubes with letters, pictures, pairs of words with different accents, costumes for performances (noses of clowns, masks).

Course of the lesson

1. Org. moment

2. A slide appears on the screenCity plan of Beautiful speech.

This city beautiful speech(shows a map of the city, naming the streets for the children. Many children can read the names themselves). The main square of the city is the square of Vowel sounds, because vowel sounds are the most important in speech. We always rely on them in words. And here are the streets: Loud, Clear, Calm, Beautiful, Solid. These are all qualities of correct speech. And this is Pause Street. We know that there must be pauses (rest) in speech, non-stop speech is incomprehensible.

We are going on a trip. What are we going to take there? (By bus)

Hop on these comfortable sightseeing buses. (Each group gets on their bus. Children sing “We are going, we are going, we are going to distant lands ....”.)

Guys, in order to get to the City of Beautiful and Correct Speech, you need to complete the task. Go to the letter table and take 10 letters each. Your task is to make up as many words as possible from them. Well done! And here is the city in front of us.

3. A slide with a picture appears on the screen.Vowel Squares . At the command of the speech therapist, the children get off the buses.

Hello, you've arrived at Vowel Square.

Select cubes with letters for vowel sounds. Name the letters, articulating correctly and clearly, and think of words that begin with these vowels.

4. SlideAccent Lock

The children are met by a boy.

Oh, it's good that you came ... I've been sitting here all day. Completely confused. It is necessary to pick up pictures for these words. The pictures are all different, but the words are for some reason the same:

kru "zhki - mugs", for "mok-zamo" to, and "rice-iri" with, be "lki-squirrels". Some kind of sticks are drawn ... I don't understand anything?

5. SlidePause Street

The children are met by a girl.

Mikhail played football
And scored into the goal .... (goal)

I sit, almost crying
Very difficult .... (task)

There are stomping feet in the hallway
That calls everyone to class ... (call)

Kolya, Lena are having fun -
It means ... (change)

SLIDE the hut of Baba Yaga

Look, guys, we came to Babka-Yozhka's hut (slide show).

Children perform movements.

Here is Babka-Yozhka's hut.

A hut in a fabulous wilderness (children raise their hands up and connect them over their heads in the form of a roof)

She stands on chicken legs. (Stand on one leg, hands on the belt).

Kids know from fairy tales (they connect their palms at chest level and open them in the form of a book),

Babka-Yozhka lives in it (clap their hands).

Probably, she is very bored (they clasp their cheeks with their hands and shake their head)

Alone in her hut ... (Children raise their hands and join them over their heads in the form of a roof). Sits on the stove, waits for guests (they squat, get up and look into the distance from under the arm)

And dryers are dipped into tea (the tips of the thumbs of both hands alternately touch the tips of the index, middle, ring and little fingers).

How you want to get into a fairy tale (stand on their toes, raise their hands up)

And on a visit to Babka-Yozhka ... (Stand on one leg, hands on the belt).

Fly on a mortar to your heart's content (they flap their arms like wings),

See chicken legs. (Hands on the belt, alternately pulling forward and putting on the heel either the right or the left leg).

(Zvukomor and Evil Error run out to loud music)

Zvukomor:- Here we are now these clever, but reasonable and confused. It is not true that they know everything, they can do everything.

I am the great Sound Sea!
Clear sounds - a rare thief.
If I just want to
And I'll swallow all the words!
I am the boss of all mistakes
Come on, everybody say: "Tyaynik", "Suba", "Yba", "Koska", "Gut"
I'm not afraid of you anyway!

(Words with missing letters are written on a portable board. Children sign letters in words: cover, no - ka, ro -, but -, st -, sem-i).

Evil Error:

Well, I am an Evil Error
And it was not in vain that I came here.
And she took her girlfriends
So that there is enough for you, for everyone!
I took care of myself -
Words here - a whole bag (takes out the printed words on the poster)
Try it, read it
Yes, how is it right, tell me
Well, I'll help you
And how it should be, I will tell you!

Conducts a competition “Tell it right ”.

Put the emphasis in the highlighted words correctly ”.

Love Winter. I'm waiting spring.
I am strict board. I cut bark.
I see mountain. Meet dawn.
Breaks back... I want to saw.
Pasha land... Crumble grass.
Build the wall... Ruble pine.

Zvukomor:- We could not do anything with you.

Wow, what are you all, really, smart, but reasonable.

Evil Error:- If only we knew

They wouldn't have gotten here!

Let's go better pick up, say hello, look for other kids in other schools. (They leave.)

7. SlideToropyzhek Street.

The guys are greeted by the dwarf Toropyzhka.






8. SlideBreath street

Speech therapist:

Looks like we punctured the tire. Take a light breath, and exhaling, show how slowly air comes out through the puncture in the tire (with a sound w)

Let's take the pump and we will inflate the tire: [C-C-C]. We pronounce [C-C-C] as if we were inflating a tire.

You can give a signal to send. Bring the clenched fists to your face, placing them in front of each other. As you exhale, slowly blow into the “pipe” (PF)

SLIDE Street of beautiful speech

Now let's listen to our girls from grade 3 They will tell you about one very difficult letter, and then you will answer what letter it is.

Lost letter R. Where?
On a tram, for example.
Or we did it yesterday
Not taken from the yard?
Dropped at the grocery store
Didn't find it outside the door in the house?
Or hidden, check
In a sealed envelope?
Maybe a policeman
Will bring us the letter P?
But Masha said loudly:
- Our letter has been found!
How simple is this:
A fish! Crayfish! River! Rocket!

I didn't get it
In conversation, the letter R.
No matter how hard I tried -
Instead of P, L.
Finally I realized
How to correct your speech,
I composed a ditty
And I sing it all day.
“I woke up early in the morning,
Turned over three times
- Stop it! It's time to get up! -
The bed creaked for me. "
Whoever wants to will achieve:
He will correct his speech himself!
Why is the sister laughing?
I speak negatively!

9. SlideTeatralnaya Square

We arrived at the Theater Square. Let's show the prepared performances. (Children of 1-2 grades act out verse dialogues; 3-4 grades dialogues written in prose)

"A strange story"

Host: I met a beetle in a dense forest, a cute wasp.

1st child: Oh, what a fashionista, would you like to get acquainted?

2nd child: Dear prohozi,

Well, is it a hundred pussies?

You have no idea

How do you separate!

Host: And the beautiful wasp flew into the heavens.

1st child: A civilian citizen, probably a foreigner!


Where are you going bear?
- To the city, to keep an eye on the tree!
- What do you need it for?
- New Year it's time to meet.
- Where will you put it?
- I'll take it to the forest, to my dwelling!
- Why didn't you cut it down in the forest?
- It's a pity. I'd better bring it. (G. Vieru.)

Conversation of clowns.

Where did you buy, signor,
This red tomato?
- That's an impolite question!
This is my own nose! (S. Marshak.)

Did you dig a hole?
- Digging.
- Did you fall into the pit?
- Fell.
- Are you sitting in the pit?
- Sitting.
- Are you waiting for the stairs?
- I'm waiting.
- Cheese pit?
- Cheese.
- Like a head?
- The whole.
- So, alive?
- Alive.
- Well, I went home. (O. Grigoriev.)

It's a pity.

The little bear, Toptyzhka, sat down near a pine tree, took out a honeycomb and began to suck on it .. A shorty bear came up. He looked at Toptyzhka and asked:

Sweet Honey?

Wow, how sweet!

The Shorty looked at the honeycomb and sighed:

Now, if they gave me a honeycomb ...

And what would you do?

I'd give you half.

The tramp sucked the honeycomb, licked the honey off his paws and grumbled:

What is a pity?

It's a pity they didn't give you a honeycomb.

Why are you sorry?

And you would give me half a honeycomb. Otherwise I didn’t have enough. (V. Biryukov)

Long neck.

Piglet (to giraffe). Let's change necks! I’ll give you mine, and you’ll give me yours.

Giraffe. Why do you need my neck?

Piglet. It will come in handy ... With a long neck you can see it in the movies from any place.

Giraffe. Why else?

Piglet. And you can also get apples on tall trees.

Giraffe. Well, what else?

Piglet. It is easier to write off dictation in the classroom.

Giraffe. Uh, no! I myself need such a wonderful neck.

(According to M. Plyatskovsky.)

10. Lesson summary

A slide appears on the screen City plan of Beautiful speech.

We always speak beautifully.
Boldly and unhurriedly!
We speak clearly, clearly,
Because we are not in a hurry!




Sasha Went On The Highway And Sucked The Dry





Sasha Went On The Highway And Sucked The Dry














spruce: to sum up the results of speech therapy work, to demonstrate to parents the level of formation of language means in children.

Tasks for educational areas:

    Socialization- to cultivate love for the native language, the desire to speak correctly and beautifully; create an atmosphere of common interests and emotional mutual support; involve parents in participating in the holidays; to educate children and parents to be interested in speech therapy.

    Physical education- develop fine motor skills.

    Health- save mental health children; create an emotionally favorable environment in the classroom.

    Communication- automate the delivered sounds in all situations of speech, develop the skills of self-control over speech; improve the diction of speech: work on the clarity, clarity of pronunciation of words and phrases; improve correct speech; improve grammatical categories; consolidate the skills of sound-letter analysis; enhance creativity.

    Reading fiction - develop the ability to dramatize excerpts from works of art; pay attention to the expressive means of the language used by the author.

    Equipment: laptop, projector and other computer equipment; ball; two sets of signallers (red, blue, green); individual cards for sound schemes; cubes with letters; badges for parents; form for assigning points; captains' hats, easels, object pictures, prize tokens, costumes, certificates, medals.

    Preparatory work: coming up with mottos and team names; reading works for a theatrical competition; consultation for parents on distinguishing between vowels and consonants of hard - soft, voiced - voiceless, sound and syllabic analysis of words.

Event progress

Organizing time. (slide number 1).

Children under the song Shainsky "Game" enter the music hall and sit down at the tables.

Speech therapist:

Any of us came to this world to do good, hope, love. Laugh, cry, but with all this we must learn to speak.

Hello guys and dear adults! Today is our holiday. Children in speech therapy classes were taught beautiful and correct speech. The academic year is drawing to a close, it's time to take stock of our work. Today we will hold a tournament between children and parents, which is called: "Literacy is always useful!" (slide number 2)... In this tournament-competition, not only children will show what they have learned this year, but adults will also demonstrate their knowledge of the Russian language. We will check how children and parents know their native language.

The tournament will not be easy, we will hold it in the form of a sea voyage through the country of Correct Speech (slide №2 - a boat with the inscription of the tournament theme).

The jury will evaluate the work of the teams. ( Jury member introduction).

We also welcome our fans !!! There are a lot of you guys, so I ask you to be organized, do not shout or make noise! Be quiet. So here we go!

I will ask each team to choose their own captain, voice the name of their team and say the motto. (slide number 3)

Team "Sounds" - (captain)


Every day, always, everywhere: in the classroom, in the game, we speak correctly, we speak clearly, we are never in a hurry!

Team "Linguists" - (captain)


Who wants to talk, he must pronounce everything correctly and clearly, so that everyone understands!

Now let's give the floor to our fans to cheer up the team members.

Native language, be friends with me! Everyone should be literate!

Speech therapist: Well done! Speak the right words!

The tournament will consist of 5 rounds and for each task in the round, teams of children and parents can receive a prize token - “Wise Owl”. The winner of the tournament will be the team with the most "owls". So, let's go on a journey. Dear members of the jury are sent with us.

Speech therapist:

Over the high mountains, over the deep seas, there is a wonderful country called “Correct Speech”. (Slide number 4) Let's close our eyes and say together: “One, two, three - magic come to us”.

Now we already hear the sound of the sea, the cries of seagulls, we breathe fresh, clean, sea air.

Breathe in deeply through your nose and breathe in kindness and magic. Breathe out all the grief and resentment through your mouth.

Children breathe in and out 3 times.

Speech therapist: Together we open our eyes, we sail away on the ship on a journey.

Slide 5 is on the screen.

1st round

Speech therapist: Before us on the way Zvukograd (slide number 5 - inscription: Zvukograd - round 1), here you will have to compete. Three tasks await you in Zvukograd - tests.

1 task - the game "Give me back the vowel."

Speech therapist:

Catch the ball and throw the ball, which vowel - name it.

1. Children stand in a circle, the speech therapist in turn throws the ball to each child, calling a word, the child returns the ball to the hands of the speech therapist, calling the vowel sound from this word.

Words: mouth, onion, cheese, peace, varnish, bush, rice, house, soup, myth.

2. Parents stand in a circle, the speech therapist takes turns throwing a ball to each, calling a word, an adult returning the ball, calling two vowel sounds from this word.

Words: fox, trumpet, cinema, legs, Misha, hand, stew, roll, fork, mouse.

Slide number 6. (Clapping hands).

(Slide №5 - inscription: Zvukograd - 1st round).

Task 2 - the game "One, two, three - raise the signal".

The speech therapist pronounces sounds, and children and adults raise the signals (red - for a vowel sound, blue - for a hard consonant sound, green - for a soft consonant sound).

Assignment for children: A, R. СЬ, У, Ч, Ш, Щ.

Slide number 6. (Clapping hands).

(Slide №5 - inscription: Zvukograd - 1st round).

Assignment for adults: O, Pb, L, Y, F, Hb, K.

Slide number 6. (Clapping hands).

(Slide №5 - inscription: Zvukograd - 1st round).

3 task “Sound-letter analysis of words”.

Children and parents receive cards with a picture of an object. Each participant must type the given word and make a sound scheme for this word. The completed works are submitted to the jury for verification and summing up.

The jury announces the results of the 1st competition.

(Slide number 4). Finger gymnastics: "Ship".

Children. Our ship was in port with a bright flag on board, now it floats on the waves, we are taking us on the journey.

2nd round

Slovograd (slide number 7).

Speech therapist: We are located in Slovohrad. Here you need to make words from scattered syllables.

Work on slides (slides number 8 - 19): compose words from syllables.

Children are given words from two syllables, parents from three.

(Slide number 20: Bravo!)

The jury announces the results of the 3rd round.

Slide 21 is on the screen.

3rd round

City of Gramoteyev (Slide number 22).

Speech therapist: In the city of Gramoteev, three tasks await us - tests.

1 task - the test is called: "What is what?"

The “Sounds” command works with the word CLOTHES. The “Linguists” team works with the word DOM (work on slides).

(Slide 24). What kind of clothes will be in the material if they are made of chintz? Silk? Leather? From nylon? Linen? Knitwear? Out of the drape? What will be the clothes if they are knitted from wool? (Slads: 25 - 37)

What would a house be like if it was built with bricks? From logs? From the boards? Of stones? Blocks? Straw? From shields? From clay? (Slides: 38 - 53)

(slide number 22) Speech therapist:2 task - test "Correct the sentence".

First, the “Sounds” team will correct the suggestions.

We want to go to the movies. There are no seats on the bus. Get off the bus! I am very handsome in this coat! Nettles are very hot! Nastya has a lot of pencils. Katya has a lot of buckets. There are many soldiers in the army.

And now the members of the "Linguists" team will work.

I put the book on the table. I still have theirs' book. I say to the driver: "Drive ahead!" (go) Sister's phone rings. Mom brought home five kilos of potatoes. Katya has a lot of socks, but few stockings. Mom bought a lot of tomatoes, apples, cakes. I have no rubber boots.

Slide number 7. (Clapping hands).

Speech therapist:5 task "Competition of captains" .

The team captains go out to the easels, the speech therapist names each of the words from which it is necessary to make sentences, print them on the easels and make a parsing. You are given 2 minutes to complete the task.

    For the team "Sounds": Vanya This is the house

    For the “Linguists” team: a bouquet Here Kati

Slide number 6. (Clapping hands).

The jury announces the results of the 4th competition.

4 round

Bay of Tongue Twisters (Slide number 12)

Speech therapist: We sailed, sailed and stopped at the Cove of Tongue Twisters.

Guys, here you and your parents will need to remember some well-known tongue twisters. Attention to the screen!

(Slides number 55 - 69)... On the screen, all tongue twisters are illustrated, the participants of both teams will have to guess them from the illustrations and pronounce them clearly.

The first five pictures for the “Sounds” team.

From the trampling of hooves, ardor flies across the field. The crow missed the crow. All beavers are kind to their beavers. Sasha walked along the highway and sucked drying. Large grapes grow on Mount Ararat.

The next five pictures for the “Linguists” team: There is grass in the yard, firewood on the grass. The water carrier was carrying water from the water supply system. Three magpies were chattering on the hill. A Greek was driving across the river, he sees a Greek: there is cancer in the river! He put the Greek hand in the river, cancer by the hand of the Greek tsap! The ships maneuvered, maneuvered, but not fished out. Tongue twisters are jumping like crucians in a frying pan.

5th round

Speech therapist: We have a very beautiful Lake "Teatralnoe" along the course (looking through binoculars). (Slide 70 - 79)

Let's take a rest with you on the shores of this beautiful lake and transform into artists. (The phonogram of the song “Stray Artists” by VIA “Merry Guys” sounds). Recently, in our group, a whole project was organized based on the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin, so I would suggest that you stage some excerpts from his fairy tales. Ready? So the final tournament begins.

Children stage an excerpt from the tale "About Tsar Saltan", adults - an excerpt from the tale "About the dead princess and the seven heroes."

The jury announces the results of the 5th round.

Speech therapist: Dear guys and dear adults! Tournament "Literacy is always useful!" completed. Let's go back to our Kindergarten. (Slide 80)

And on the way, let's pay attention to the easels and, together with the jury, calculate the number of “Wise Owls” among the teams ( it is desirable that both teams have an equal number of prize tokens).


The word of the jury is given.

Speech therapist: - So, today friendship won! You are all great! Our guys worked hard throughout the school year, learned a lot. Parents have shown excellent results today! I wish you in the future to support your children in everything, accompany them during all schooling, help them with your knowledge. And I wish the children new discoveries and good friends at school!

Here we are with you and returned to our beloved kindergarten!

The awards ceremony is underway. Certificates are awarded to children and parents

Kamanina Valentina Georgievna teacher-speech therapist of the highest category GKS (C) OI "Special (correctional) boarding school No. 2 VIII type"
Speech therapy matinee
"A journey through the city of Beautiful Speech"
Strengthening the skills of correct speech.
Clarification and expansion of the vocabulary based on the material of performances, speech games.
The development of cognitive activity.
Equipment: multimedia presentation of the city of Beautiful speech, colorfully decorated buses, cubes with letters, pictures, pairs of words with different accents, costumes for performances (noses of clowns, masks), sweet prizes, certificates.
Course of the lesson
1. Org. moment
- Today we will go on a journey through the city of the Beautiful Speech. You deserve this journey because you learned how to pronounce sounds correctly, got rid of mistakes in reading and writing. We learned a lot of new words. Your speech has become correct and expressive.
2. The Slide City Plan of Nice Speech appears on the screen.
- This is a city of beautiful speech. Park of Vowels and Consonants, because vowel sounds are the most important in speech. We always rely on them in words. And here are the streets: Loud, Clear, Calm, Beautiful, Solid. These are all qualities of correct speech. And this is Pause Street. We know that there must be pauses (rest) in speech, non-stop speech is incomprehensible.
- We are going on a trip. What are we going to take there? (By bus.)
- Children sing “We are going, going, going to distant lands….”.
3. A slide with the image of the Park of Vowels and Consonants appears on the screen.
- Hello, you have arrived at the Square of Vowels and Consonants.
Name the letters, articulating correctly and clearly, and come up with words starting with these vowels, consonants.
We set off, in front of us is a visit to the Castle of Accent.
4. Slide Lock Accent
Explain what these words mean:
kruzhki - mugs, zamok-zamo'k, and ris-iris, be'lki-squirrels. Some kind of sticks are drawn ... I don’t understand anything?
(Children answer and move on)

5. Slide Street Pauses
- You have arrived at Pause Street. Favorite game of the inhabitants of our street, say a word
Mikhail played football
And scored into the goal .... (goal)
I sit, almost crying
Very difficult .... (Task)
There are stomping feet in the hallway
That calls everyone to class ... (call)
Kolya, Lena are having fun -
This means ... (change)
Not a bird on a branch -
Small animal.
The fur is warm, like a heating pad.
Who is this? ...

All migratory birds are blacker,
Cleans arable land from worms.
Jump on arable land all day
And the bird is called ...

I am in any bad weather
I respect water very much.
I protect myself from the mud -
Clean gray ...

In the woods with chirping and whistling
The forest telegraph operator knocks:
"Wow, blackbird, buddy!"
And he puts the signature: ... a woodpecker

Good-natured, business-like,
The whole is covered with needles.
Do you hear the patter of nimble legs?
This is our friend ...
Unwashed in the mouth
Won't take it for anything.
And you be like that
How clean ...

Rushing without looking back
Only the heels sparkle.
What is the spirit rushes,
The tail is shorter than the ear.
Guess quickly
Who is this? ...

This beast lives only at home.
Everyone is familiar with this beast!
He has a mustache like knitting needles,
He, purring, sings a song.
Only the mouse is afraid of him,
Because it…

Lives in the rivers of Africa
Evil green steamer.
Whoever floated to meet
All will be swallowed ...

Sly cheat
Red head,
Fluffy tail-beauty.
Who is this? ...

He slept all winter in a fur coat,
Sucked his brown paw.
And, waking up, he began to roar.
This is a forest beast ...

Underground, in a closet
She lives in a mink.
Gray baby
Who is this? ...

Under a heavy burden
But a friend is in a hurry to help.
There are good people here,
Without work, for the life of me
Can't live ...

Who has one horn?
Guess! ...

Don't you know me?
I live at the bottom of the sea
Head and eight legs
That's all I am - ...

Strict, fast,
The horns are branchy.
Grazes all day
Who is this? ...

Waddling along the ice
Very important to us ...

Chok-chok, piglet,
There is a pink hook on the back
In the middle of the keg
The voice is thin, the call.
Who is this? Guess!

Dreams of a spider at night
Miracle Yudo on a bitch:
Long beak and two wings ...
Arrives - it's bad!
Well, who is the spider afraid of?
Have you guessed? This…

The foresters of her kittens
They won't want to take it with them.
You can't tell her: "Cat, scatter!"
Because it…

He doesn't mind sleeping all day
But as soon as night falls
His bow will sing
Call the musician ... cricket

They put out the light in the house
All the same, there is no rest.
Ru-chu-chu, yes ru-chu-chu.
Who is this? There…

And they don't swim in the sea,
And they have no bristles,
And yet they are called
They are guinea ... pigs
In winter, there are apples on the branches!
Hurry to collect them!
And suddenly - apples fluttered.
After all, this ...

It will go out, then it will light up
At night there is a light in the grove.
Guess what it's called?

Guess what kind of bird:
Afraid of the bright light
Crochet beak, piglet eyes,
Eared head ... This is ...

Who is without notes and without a pipe
Trills are the best
More hollow and tender?
Who is this? ...

Walks long, mouth with fangs,
Feet seem to be pillars
It is huge like a mountain.
Did you find out who it is? ...

On a daisy at the gate
The helicopter went down -
Golden eyes.
Who is this? ...

Long thin beak
Grab the frog.
A drop will drip from the beak ...
Who is this? ...

6. Lake Tranquility slide
“We're heading back to Lake Tranquility.
- We have such a game -
Very lightweight simple:
"Magical dream".
Rest calmly with your eyes closed. Listen carefully and repeat my words to yourself.
Cilia droop
Eyes are closing ...
We are resting calmly ...
We fall asleep magically ...
Breathes easily, evenly, deeply.
Our pens are resting
Rest, fall asleep
Neck is not tense
And relaxed.
Lips open slightly
Everything relaxes wonderfully
Breathes easily ... evenly ... deeply.
It's good for us to rest
But it's time to get up!
- We rested, we go further to Toropyzhek Street.
7. Slide Street Tongue Twisters.
- I will speak tongue twisters, your task is to repeat them correctly and clearly pronouncing the sounds.
- Bunny Buba has a toothache.
- The snake hisses, and the beetle buzzes.
- Sonya is a dummy, and Zina is a know-it-all.
- Ivashka has a shirt, shirt pockets.
8. Slide Street of puzzles

9. Slide Street of Confusion

10. Slide "Make up a word"

11. Street of the Whistlers
What are the words that contain the sound C.

12. Street of Sizzling
Name the words that contain the sound Ш.

10. Lesson summary
The Slide City Plan of Beautiful Speech appears on the screen.
- Our journey through the “City of Beautiful Speech” is coming to an end. It's time to go back. Always remember the laws of the inhabitants of the “City of Beautiful Speech”. Repeat them with me:
We always speak beautifully.
Boldly and unhurriedly!
We speak clearly, clearly,
Because we are not in a hurry!
Presentation of commemorative emblems, gifts to all participants of the trip
Awarding of certificates of honor to children discharged from speech therapy classes

Sections: Elementary School , Speech therapy

Objectives: Development of the emotional-volitional sphere of students; activation and enrichment of vocabulary, grammatical structure of speech; development of the ability to enter a certain image, represent it, perform imitation movements.

Holiday progress

Speech therapist:

Guys, do you like fairy tales?

What fairy-tale characters did we meet?

With what words did all these fairy tales begin?

So as not to offend fairy tales,
You need to see them more often
Read and paint them,
Love them and play them.
Fairy tales will teach everyone to be angry
And they will teach you to have fun!
Be humble and kinder
Be patient and wiser!

All the heroes of our fairy tales live in a fairyland, and they really want to get there, can we help them?

To do this, we must go through a fairy forest, in which many tasks and adventures await us. Well, let's go!

Hello forest,
Dense forest,
Full of fairy tales and wonders!
Open everything, do not hide,
You see, we are ours.

- So, guys, we are walking along the path, and on it someone's footprints, in order to walk along them, you need to guess riddles.

(We raise each footprint, and there is a riddle on them).

Well done, guys, they have guessed all the riddles. Well, let's move on?

- What do we see, in front of us is an apple tree, and what grows on an apple tree?

Are apples fruits or vegetables?

Where do apples grow?

Well done, you all know, but our apples are not simple, but magical. Each has a written task, one by one you will go to the board and perform various tasks.

(Children pick apples and complete tasks).

- Who knows what I have?

This is a magic box, and there are magical objects from fairy tales in it, you will go out one by one, without looking to get the object and guess what kind of magical object it is, and the teachers will help if you find it difficult.

(Children go out one at a time and without looking, take objects out of the box: an invisible hat, a magic wand, a golden testicle, a self-assembled tablecloth, a picture of a turnip, fast walking boots, a magic ball).

- And what is it on our path?

And these are two magic balls.

I need two people who will compete, who will rewind the ball faster.

And in the little ball are leaflets on which tongue twisters are written.

Guys, who knows what a tongue twister is?

This is a text that needs to be spoken as quickly as possible. So we'll see which of the participants speaks the tongue twister faster and more correctly.

Bori has a screw. Viti has a bandage.

Granny bought beads for Marusya.

What she does? That's right, she's crying, she doesn't want to let us go any further until we make her laugh. Let's show her our fairy tales. The children of the 1st grade prepared the fairy tale "Ryaba Chicken", and the children of the 2nd grade - the fairy tale "The Turnip". (Staging of fairy tales).

Look, children, could we make the princess laugh? Not? What else will we show her?

Let's sing a song to her. Children of the 1st and 2nd grade sing the song "Kolobok".

Gingerbread man.

Along the path, along the path,
Jumping and jumping between the pines.
Very fun, playful
The bun rolled.
He left his grandmother and left his grandfather,

Jump - skok kolobok, delicious, ruddy.
It looks like a pie with a little twist. (2 times).

He met a bear
On a path in the forest
The bear got very angry,
He stamped his big paw!
You left your grandmother and you left your grandfather,
The naughty kolobok rolled, fell down.

Chorus. (2 times).


Well done, guys, a good song, and now let's see if Princess Nesmeyana is smiling? Yes, and we can move on. And here it is Dreamland, in which fairy-tale heroes from all fairy tales live. We helped them pass all the tests, and they prepared sweet treats for us.