
Holding a corporate party at work. How to hold a corporate party unforgettable: preparation and organization of the holiday. Approximate plan for preparing a corporate party


The most common corporate entertainment events include:

  • calendar holidays(New Year, Defender of the Fatherland Day, International Women's Day, Children's Day, etc.);
  • professional holidays(Day of personnel officer, lawyer, oilman, etc.);
  • organization's birthday.

These corporate parties can carry not only an entertaining mission, but also include a solemn part with the awarding of outstanding employees of the organization with diplomas and personalized gifts. You can also include an informative goal in the corporate event - to announce to employees information about innovations in the organization.

They organize such events according to a certain algorithm of actions, either by the organization, or with the involvement of third-party organizations. In the event that the event is held in the countryside, take into account the peculiarities of the organization of countryside recreation.

Corporate events are held with the aim of:

Support the corporate spirit and traditions of the organization, promote corporate culture;

Create the necessary psychological climate in the team and build effective intra-corporate communications;

Motivate staff to do their job the best way and the formation of professional and psychological skills;

Strengthen the staff (identify talented employees, prevent personnel leakage and neutralize conflict situations in the team);

Develop a sense of corporate pride in the organization among employees.

Choosing an event organizer

Corporate events can be hosted by external organizations specializing in corporate events, or by the organization's own resources.

Most often, third-party specialized agencies are invited to hold large-scale entertainment, team-building, informal, educational corporate events. The rest of the events are mainly organized and carried out by the organizations themselves.

The amount of work during the event;

The complexity of the task;

Capabilities of the organization (budget, experience and knowledge of employees);

Terms of preparation and holding of the event;

Availability of free time for employees appointed responsible for organizing the event, etc.

Make the decision on choosing the organizer of the event based on an analysis of these factors, the financial capabilities of the organization and the arguments of the main initiator of the event (often the head of the personnel service).

If the head of the organization decided to hold a corporate party by the organization, it is recommended:

Formulate the goal and define the objectives of the event;

Form a working group of initiative employees of the organization to organize and conduct the event;

Divide responsibilities among members working group according to their specializations, desires and capabilities;

Compose calendar plan work on the event with the distribution of functions and deadlines;

Make a list of possible force majeure situations and complexities think about ways to solve them. Check the absence of major errors in the organization and conduct of the event;

If the organization's management participates in the event, take into account their wishes for their own role at the event, determine the time that the management needs for an official speech, clarify the content of the speech and wishes for the place, menu and other comfort conditions;

Determine the way to notify employees about the upcoming event and arrange (if necessary) the transportation of employees to the venue of the event;

During the event on fresh air take into account the specifics of its implementation;

During the direct conduct of the event (especially if alcohol is present), appoint attendants who will be responsible for the safety of employees and unobtrusively control the process.

The organization decided to hold a corporate celebratory event by the forces of the organization. Responsibilities among the employees of the organization were distributed as follows:

The head of the personnel service develops the concept and goals of the event, coordinates them with the management of the organization;

Personnel service specialists solve the main organizational issues and perform the role of hosts (animators);

Employees of the marketing department develop the program and scenario of the event, coordinate them with the head of the personnel service and the head of the organization;

Employees of the logistics department draw up documents for renting premises for a corporate party, work out the menu together with employees of the personnel service;

Employees of the administrative and economic department are engaged in technical equipment and the purchase of props for the cultural program;

Accountants calculate the budget of the event and prepare financial statements.

In the case of a corporate party in the fresh air, except for general organizational issues, additionally you need:

  • determine the venue of the event (sometimes you need to obtain permission from the administration locality where the mass event will be held);
  • determine what should be appearance venues for a corporate party (the type must correspond to the level and theme of the event);
  • provide employees with convenience - appropriate furniture (tables, chairs, awnings, etc.), availability of toilets, storage space, etc.
  • divide the territory of the event into zones: a zone of calm rest, an active sports zone, a zone for eating, etc.
  • organize meals for employees, determine the process of preparing or heating food, serving it, serving it, etc.
  • organize comfortable transportation of employees to the event and back;
  • organize the presence of a representative of medicine at the event (sports events, out-of-town holidays, alcohol - carry an increased risk to health);
  • organize the subsequent cleaning of the territory and the removal of furniture, equipment, etc.

In the event that it was decided to hold the event by a third-party organization, it is recommended:

Determine the purpose of the event, the size of the budget for its implementation, wishes and requirements for the quality and timing of the event;

Choose an organization specializing in holding corporate events (preferably with experience in holding similar events, with good advice and at an affordable price)

Get acquainted with the representatives of the agency who will directly organize and conduct the event (discuss with them your vision of the corporate party and the amount of expenses for certain items, clearly set the goal and outline the objectives of the event);

Together with representatives of the agency, take into account the features of the development of the event program, possible difficulties and errors in organizing the event;

Determine the frequency of meetings to discuss the progress of preparations;

Conclude a contract with the agency for the provision of services;

Coordinate with the head of the organization the proposed program of the event;

Supervise the organizers at all stages of the preparation and holding of the event.

Program development features

- meeting the expectations of the entire team. The team can be heterogeneous, both in age and in interests. Therefore, first conduct a questionnaire or oral survey of employees. To develop and implement an event program that will suit the team, you can invite employees who will come up with a script, decorate the stage, hall, etc.);

- the desire of employees to participate in the event. Conduct a survey among employees (using questionnaires, on the website, through managers, etc.), find out how interested the employees are in the upcoming event. Specify the reason for not wanting to participate in the event failure. Make an analysis of the reasons for the refusal, perhaps the reason itself is a reason to apply specific motivational tools, for example, perhaps there are hidden conflicts with colleagues or dislike for management in the team. This issue must be resolved before holding a corporate event;

The ability to leave the event at any convenient time. Prepare the agenda of the meeting in advance and announce it to the employees. If the event takes place on a ship or in another place, from which it will not be possible for employees to leave on their own (until a certain time - the end of the event), be sure to inform the employees.

Some of the most common corporate challenges include:

  • non-compliance of the program of the event with the preferences of employees (age, wishes, etc. are not taken into account), as a result - dissatisfaction of employees. Keep in mind that there are always dissatisfied employees, it is important to assess the number of dissatisfied and the reason for this, to draw conclusions for the future;
  • poor technical equipment (light and sound accompaniment, organization of a fire, cooking, etc.). Such a plan of complexity is solved depending on the situation;
  • injuries during sports, outdoor events. At in large numbers participants of the event, invite a representative of medicine in advance, you can insure the health and life of the participants sports competitions, do not allow excessive alcohol consumption by the participants of the event, etc.;
  • bad weather conditions. When holding an event outdoors, check the weather forecast in advance and prepare closed tents, awnings, umbrellas or the option of holding an event in a closed area (veranda, country club hall), etc. to be safe.

In addition to the above difficulties, any organization may experience any situations, issues that require urgent solutions, search for alternative options, additional financial investments, etc. In this regard, it is necessary to first assess the degree of risk, work out options for difficulties, put a certain amount into the budget of the event to solve force majeure situations, and also be psychologically prepared for the fact that it may be necessary to change the plan of the event.

Possible mistakes

When preparing and holding a corporate party, strive to eliminate the following errors:

Incorrect setting of goals and objectives of the event;

Late start of training;

Responsible person incorrectly identified;

Requiring all employees to actively participate in the event;

Wrong place and style of the event;

Wrong behavior of the head of the organization, etc.

For fun starts. By the way, it is not necessary to arrange a banal run in bags or picking up skittles. Come up with your own special attributes and names for the competitions, reflecting the specifics of your company. For example, cooks can run around with a plate on their heads, and stationery sellers already with a folder, or try to transfer water from one vessel to another using paper envelopes. Oh, and don't forget the campfire songs. If you want to spend the day with benefit, go to explore the local attractions.

New Years corporate party. Naturally, on this day everyone will be waiting for Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. And there are plenty of scenarios for their appearance on the Internet and books. However, the action will have to be adapted to the profile of your organization: if you have a construction company, it will probably be boring to look at characters talking about beauty. Make unusual characters: let Santa Claus be from Africa, and the Snow Maiden dance oriental dances. It all depends on the emancipation of the company and the team spirit. Well, don't forget about comic contests that will help Santa Claus get to you faster - quizzes, lotteries and songs.

If the corporate party takes place in a cafe, you will probably be bored sitting at the table and talking about ordinary things divided into small groups. Your goal is to unite the team. Run a fun contest. Everyone stands in a circle, the music turns on, and in a circle the leader starts up two bottles of wine - clockwise and against it. When the music stops abruptly, those who at that moment have bottles in their hands pour themselves a little, and, having introduced themselves, clink glasses and drink. The game not only unites, but also allows newcomers to introduce themselves to the whole team in a relaxed way.

If you have festive evening, anniversary organizations, invite those who stood at the origins of the company, give them the floor for congratulations, hand over memorable souvenirs with the symbols of your organization. You can specially for this day come up with the anthem of your company (if it is not there, of course), distribute the words on the pieces of paper to everyone and sing. If the team is small, you can give everyone commemorative diplomas for various comic nominations reflecting the character of a person and his contribution to the common cause. And only then - to play, dance and have fun.

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Large corporations may periodically host holiday parties for their employees, better known as corporate parties. This can often help you get closer to management and co-workers, although it can be a hassle.


Find out if your colleagues want to celebrate the holiday together. If your staff is small enough, gather everyone around the negotiating table and discuss this issue. Don't expect everyone to support this proposal unanimously. Listen to all the arguments for.

Specify how employees want to celebrate the holiday, what they think about holiday celebrations, what time of day suits them best. Keep in mind that, perhaps, many will want to celebrate with their families more than with colleagues, so do not force anyone to a corporate party by force.

Decide how the celebration will be funded. Consider the different levels of income in your company and consider whether the meeting will be organized at corporate expense, or if each employee will contribute a certain amount for this.

Pay attention to the time at which you want to hold the celebration. Many people find themselves, for example, so busy at the end of the year that they would rather get an extra day than spend some more time organizing a holiday. If such a picture is observed in your office, then choose a time of the year when employees will definitely have a desire to hold a corporate evening.


If all employees start to refuse a joint celebration, set up special bonuses for those who attend the event, for example, a bonus or an extra day off. You can also offer an exit corporate party in any place that is interesting to everyone. Organize the evening in such a way that everyone will definitely want to come.

Helpful advice

Watch your alcohol intake. Discuss whether liquor is required and purchase reasonable quantities. Also, buy foods that are high in protein and carbohydrates, which slow down the absorption of alcohol. You can limit yourself to only soft drinks, and this will be the right thing to do.

New Year in the circle of work colleagues is always an exciting holiday. Especially if you were appointed responsible for organizing the event. Whom to invite, which cafe to choose, how to hold it and what new things to add to corporate party this year - all these issues have to be addressed in as soon as possible.


If you have already come across a situation where part of the team cannot come to a corporate party, because there is no one to leave the children with for the evening, spend the holiday with the children. Head to the children's play center and have fun there from the heart. Surely your managers will be happy to play on children's slot machines, and the development director will easily complete all the tasks in the twister. The main thing is to do everything together with the children in order to recharge them with positive and joy.

Arrange New Year under the code name "Return to the fairy tale". Let Baba Yaga meet all employees at the entrance to the cafe (or office, if you mark it within the walls of your organization) and tell that she hid Santa Claus and the New Year will not come. As a rule, people go through all the comic test stages with pleasure, rejoice at the liberation from the evil forces of the Snow Maiden or the Snowman, and together with Santa Claus shout "Christmas tree, light up." And do not forget about sweets for each participant in your contests and games.

Spend a New Year's corporate party in an unusual place where most have not looked yet. Study in advance the list of new cafes and restaurants that have appeared in the city, especially if they are themed establishments (gangster or gypsy style). You can also use a quite ordinary inexpensive cafe, but diversify the course of a corporate party: spend it in the style of the era of A.S. Pushkin, when men came in tuxedos, and ladies - with lush hairstyles and crinolines. Such a New Year's ball will definitely be remembered by yours.

By the way, very often people invent different types and party themes, forgetting about their roots and traditions of Russian national holiday. It is unlikely that any of your colleagues will refuse to ride around the city in a sleigh with bells, and in a wooden house, in addition to Olivier, taste pancakes with caviar, mead or herring so beloved by everyone. Well, after that - play snowballs and fireworks!

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The importance of holding various corporate events is understood by a serious head of the company, since with their help it is possible to perform a number of tasks with the greatest effect. In particular, to make friends and form a team, train employees, create a positive image of the company, establish cooperation with partners, promote the company's services, etc. But this is achieved only if the corporate event has clearly defined goals and is well organized.


Determine the target audience and participants of your event. These can be company employees, guests - government officials, VIPs, partners - existing and potential, journalists, etc. If the event is closed, i.e. is held exclusively for your employees, it is important to take into account the age, interests, intellectual level of the participants.

Consider the main idea of ​​the corporate party. Based on this, you will understand how to notify the participants, choose a room, decorate the hall, which ones are needed, how to think over the entertainment part, etc. The form of the event depends on the idea. If you want to create a closer, informal relationship between the invitees, it would be appropriate to organize an entertainment event where a lot of time will be devoted to informal communication, team training sessions. If your goal is to show the company to guests, the format should be more formal.

Before directly scripting the event, it's a good idea to get acquainted with the videos of previous events, if they were held. You can also visit similar corporate parties with competitors or your colleagues. After that, you can probably avoid many mistakes and come up with original idea for your event.

Temperature , have good ventilation . It is important that it is convenient to get to it. Or you will have to take into account such a moment as the delivery (and sending home) of participants and guests.

Try to foresee every possible detail. These are materials for room decoration, lighting, microphones, videos, photos, preparation and printing of invitations, programs, business cards and handouts, booking rooms for guests, etc. By the way, in the invitations, do not forget to indicate the time not only of the beginning of the event, but also its end, as well as its style (the dress code depends on this). Check the lighting and soundtrack in advance.

critical role hosts play in the event. They must be chosen very carefully. They must be experienced, charismatic, witty, resourceful. And, of course, highly qualified specialists in their field.

Don't forget about catering for the participants. You can use the services of a catering company or organize everything yourself. But in this case, you also need a detailed plan: the number of people, the venue, grocery lists, table decorations, people's duties, subsequent cleaning, etc.

Think over all the details of the end of the event. And be sure to thank the staff for their active participation in it. You can create a simple questionnaire and post it on the corporate website asking colleagues to express their opinion,

Most often, all directors are interested in how to make a “delicious candy” out of a corporate party with their own hands, also for certain tasks of the company. Everything is in your power - we will tell you how to do it.

Moment one: type of corporate party

What type of corporate party best contributes to the formation of a cohesive team (sports, creative, quests, etc.)? In fact, you can get the result (a close-knit team) from a set of events, which also includes various formats of corporate parties (official restaurant, sports, children's events, etc.). It is important to imagine the whole year and determine what events we will celebrate and how.

All this can be done, for example, in this format


Pigeon mail of valentines (a box in which everyone throws wishes to each other, at the end of the day the “dove” spreads)


Men's Day

DIY Surprise


Women's Day

DIY Surprise



A great excuse to clean the “deposits” and eat pizza / barbecue


Victory Day

Everyone (who does not work) goes to a rally / procession with their families. With balloons and banners

On a banner


child's day

Guess Who's Who Photo Collage: Post baby photos of employees without names.


Director's birthday (for example)

The impossible is possible. Something of a surprise

The participants themselves


Salon birthday (for example)

Field trip = sport's event

2,000 - 2,500 rubles per person



school gifts parents

500 rub. for 1 child


day of the elderly

Thanksgiving letters parents of employees

For diplomas 100 rubles. / Human


Beginner's Day (employees, clients, partners)

Maybe a quest, an intellectual quest.

Or BSC (strategic planning session) - brainstorming of all employees (almost all) how the salon will develop in next year

1,000 rubles/per person


New Years corporate party

Formal event in a restaurant

3,000 - 4,000 rubles per person

Director + whole team

Thus, we get an action plan and a budget in one bottle.

If you need to automatically calculate the salaries of your beauty salon employees and see the balance of mutual settlements, then in beauty "Arnika" it is implemented as simply and conveniently as possible.

Moment two: features of the organization of a corporate party

What should be taken into account in order to organize a do-it-yourself corporate event, and when is this option for organizing an event the most optimal way to improve corporate culture? I believe that any corporate party is more fun to organize with your own hands - except for very official ones (anniversary of the salon, an official banquet for the New Year). The most important thing is to unite a creative group, those who love to invent and have fun from the heart.

What to consider when self-organized corporate

1) event preparation plan (tasks / deadlines / responsible)

2) there must be one main /responsible for the entire corporate party

3) information letters (in the canteen or on the information board) for employees that they should prepare.

Moment three: what holidays do we celebrate

As I have already reflected in the table above, a very insignificant reason is needed for a holiday.

Many of these holidays are low budget or just super economical. After all, a holiday is an occasion to get together and say to each other pleasant words, and it is not necessary to eat and drink at all.

You can create traditions within the organization and try to keep them. For example,

1) opening winter season(going skiing or skating with families),

2) the opening of the autumn season - a joint lunch with colleagues from everything that has grown in the "bed")

3) Halloween (everyone comes to work in costumes)

4) the opening of the summer season (fishing with families or hiking in the mountains, even just a family trip to Deer Streams).

And every season you have a "discovery".

It would be great when you come up with and start a tradition - to hold one big large-scale holiday throughout the year. It could be the New Year itself. It can only be an offsite birthday of the salon. It can be a tourlet/maevka/street racing or any other event suitable for you and your salon.

Most importantly, if you want to organize a corporate event, - show that you are interested in these people, you feel great with them, and you are ready to spend time with your employees both at work and outside it.

Cases (examples) of corporate events

  1. Honoring the "best employees". Announce a competition for a year with several criteria.
  2. In December, sum up the results, and in January you can send the lucky ones (3-4 people) to rest in warm countries for 4-5 days. Before the current situation in the economy, such a vacation came out 20,000-25,000 rubles. per person. But the effect was more important than these costs! Everyone wanted to be the best, many were proud of their company, the candidates were jealous.
  3. Beginner's Dedication. The frequency of this event depends on the turnover in your company. Can be done once a year or twice a year. The format is the most sporty: it can be a quest, shooting a film about the company.
  4. The birthday of the company (salon) is a very fun event. The script can include pantomimes about the company, a performance on topical issues. Of course, the actors themselves are the employees. You can diversify your birthday and expand the composition of participants - invite regular customers.

Top 3 most uninteresting events

There are events that have either "set the teeth on edge" or are absolutely uninteresting within the company.

1) Congratulations to men on February 23 in the format of fun starts. When the men are on makeshift wooden horses should jump and represent joy. It's trite. Such fun starts ended up in school. Let them stay there.

2) Congratulations to women on March 8 in the format of the "red carpet" at the Oscars. This is when men unroll red cloth on the floor and women pass through the line of men. Boredom sets in when the men are unable to organize a stunning standing ovation. Or repeat. And when the tenth girl passes under the tortured whistle, it becomes very sad.

3) Birthday of the salon for the next "delivery" of cooked pies or rolls without a congratulatory program. In the hope that everyone will say something, here we sit. Nothing will work, because it is very difficult to “rock” an unprepared audience.

Large companies usually arrange corporate parties with the help of event managers. In smaller firms, the organization of the holiday falls on the shoulders of the employees themselves, the HR department or the manager. And in these cases, it is necessary to plan the event to the smallest detail so that the evening is a success.

Start preparing well in advance, at least a few weeks before the scheduled date. If the day of the corporate party does not coincide with the public festivities, you will definitely organize everything in a month. But when it comes to a large-scale holiday, like the New Year or March 8, you need to book entertainment services earlier. Determine the budget for the event. Often it is limited, so savings cannot be avoided. If there are creative and cheerful people among colleagues, you can entrust them with hosting the informal part of the evening, which will save some money. Come up with a theme for the party. It can be a disco of the 90s, a pirate or beach party, a masquerade ... There are many options, focus on the tastes and age of the employees. As practice shows, theme night much more interesting than usual, it involves even the most passive guests in the action and leaves vivid impressions. Reserve the right room. There should be enough space not only for tables, but also for incendiary dances and competitions. It is not necessary to decorate the room. When planning a corporate event in nature, make a backup plan in case of rain. Otherwise, the holiday is doomed to failure, which is unlikely to strengthen the morale of your team. Order a varied menu. So you will please gourmets, and vegetarians, and dieters. Alcohol also buy several types, but in moderation. If the next day is a work day, employees will come fresh and ready for active mental activity. Invite professional animators. Experienced presenters or artists will make the evening truly fun. And entertaining competitions will perfectly unite the team. Prepare gifts for workers. Souvenirs should match the occasion and theme of the party. Highlight the best staff with valuable gifts, thereby setting the motivation to improve the quality of work.

Always be ready for unpleasant moments. Surely in your team there are eternally dissatisfied individuals who will show a sour mine here as well. Or someone does not calculate their own strength in alcohol ... Some force majeure should be "not noticed" so as not to spoil the good mood of the majority of vacationers.

The more responsible and creative the people responsible for preparing the corporate party, the more successful it will be. If such organizers were not found, it is better to seek help from a specialized company that will arrange a turnkey holiday.

It was creative and left the best memories for all guests, you should take care of the format of its holding.

We bring to your attention stylish and unusual ideas for unforgettable corporate parties for every taste.

1 // office party

Corporate event that takes place in the format social networks. It features performances by animators in capes with logos of popular apps, installation fences for writing messages, wall newspapers with the ability to post photos with comments on them.

With the help of special guns, the foam show can be held both indoors and outdoors.

If the company employs young and energetic employees, they are guaranteed delight and pleasure!

3 // In the format of the Eurovision Song Contest

Best suited for a team that has "singing talents". Each of the participants performs, after which the "jury" evaluates the performance and determines the winner.

The main condition is not to be afraid from head to toe to be in paints of all colors, with which, according to Indian tradition, participants sprinkle each other, while pouring water.

5 // In body art style

To create fantasy images of guests, face painting is applied to their faces during the evening, and a professional photographer and cameraman capture the created beauty on camera.

6 // Mafia game

An entertainment for a corporate holiday that has already become traditional, which allows you to show intuition and psychological qualities of participants.

Employees are divided into several teams and take part in a test of intelligence and decision-making speed, answering interesting questions.

A musical game to recognize a famous hit by the first notes of its fragment. The team that guesses the song the fastest wins.

To immerse yourself in the world of economic strategies, you need a giant copy of the famous board game. In an enlarged format, some details will look very realistic.

10 // Trick Secrets

First, the magician demonstrates tricks to the audience for half an hour, inviting the audience as assistants.

During the next part of the program, he reveals the secrets to the audience and teaches some numbers.

11 // Interactive science show

In the company of "mad scientists" it will also be interesting for adults to look at chemical experiments and tricks, as well as to participate in scientific experiments themselves.

12 // Sixth Sense Game

Amusing props are used for entertainment, and players during the game need to use their 5 senses along with the sixth - intuition.

13 // Costume photo session

With the help of a dresser with props (costumes, wigs, accessories), colleagues are reincarnated into new images in which they are captured by a photographer against the backdrop of an appropriate interior. And the captured photos can be placed on office calendars.

14 // With cartoonist

If employees are not devoid of a sense of humor, you can invite a cartoonist. A cheerful mood and a funny gift in the form of a self-portrait are provided for everyone.

15 // Dance Marathon

An experienced teacher of one of the types of dance is invited to the corporate party, who teaches those present his basic movements. And then all the guests, to the sound of music, demonstrate their skills to each other.

16 // Culinary duel

Two in one - both entertainment and treats for the holiday. Under the guidance of the chef, guests will prepare delicious dishes and have plenty of fun.

17 // Wine tasting

An invited sommelier will teach you how to properly use wine accessories and choose glasses for various kinds wines, as well as share stories from the life of winemakers.

18 // Creative workshop

A great opportunity to have a good time and gain new knowledge at the same time. For women's groups, carving, decoupage, scrapbooking are suitable, for men - drum training, a master class on making cocktails, etc.

19 // Movie quiz

Movie buffs will love this one. They will be asked to remember Interesting Facts about domestic and world cinema, quotes and soundtracks from famous films.

20 // Olympic style

Skiing and sledding, snowboarding, team biathlon, winter football are the components of the corporate party, which is held by especially "hot" and sports teams. Instead of standard outdoor banquet tables, "warming stations" are installed for them.

21 // Promenade Theater

This type of acting performance, in which the viewer both observes the ongoing action and is freely involved in the interactive process as one of the characters.

With the help of professional decorators, an office space or a room specially rented for a corporate party is styled as a communal apartment, a pioneer camp, etc. The dress code is set according to the theme of the past.

23 // Joke Auction

During it, serious “for sale” lots wrapped in wrapping paper alternate with comic ones. The participant who offers the highest price for the mysterious item buys it and shows it to the curious public.

24 // With animals

The trend of invitations to corporate parties of trainers with animals in last years gain popularity. Spectacular climax new year event will be the appearance of the symbol of the coming year.

25 // Eco-corporate

Natural food and drinks on the tables, natural materials in the decoration of the hall, the style of clothes of the guests a la "rustic chic" - all these are elements of one of the latest festive trends.

26 // Wellness-corporate

trend idea healthy lifestyle life can be embodied in a corporate celebration. For example, you can organize a trip to a Turkish hammam or a Finnish bath, where you can enjoy the taste of herbal teas and healthy food in between sessions.

27 // ATV

Those wishing to feel the excitement of speed and adrenaline rush can be recommended to turn the ignition key, squeeze the gas pedal and go on a trip through the meadows, fields or forests. Vehicle rental services are offered by various quad clubs.

28 // Hot air balloon

Air flights for companies of colleagues are usually arranged at dawn or at sunset, when the sky around strikes the eyes of ballooning participants with unusual colors. At the end of the flight, everyone is given a commemorative certificate of participation in such a euphoric event.

29 // Exotic corporate party

Such a corporate party is good to hold on the shore of a reservoir or near a pool, surrounded by real or artificial palm trees and invited people in bathing or beach suits.

If the venue is an indoor venue, an alternative to sunbathing can be the use of tanning lamps.

30 // Musical

You can order a musical with the participation of employees from holiday companies. With the help of professional production directors, a dynamic and spectacular dance and singing show will be presented to the attention of the audience.

31 // Shooting a movie

With the assistance of the coordinators of the film process, colleagues create their favorite film, the editing and premiere of which take place on the day of the corporate party. The result of the shooting becomes an unexpected surprise not only for the audience, but also for the participants in the story.

32 // Corporate Disco

The team is divided into 3 teams, each of which, for several rounds, together represents different musical eras: the 50s (dudes), 60-70s (hippies) and 80-90s (disco). Charge Have a good mood everyone will get from beautiful music!

33 // "Like Guinness"

5-6 active and passive zones are placed on the site to set professional records. Thematic records of the company are thought out in advance, which will be broken at the corporate party by its participants.

For these and many other corporate ideas, welcome to the agency " »!

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