
Calendar thematic planning for familiarization with the outside world in the senior group. Work program “Introduction to the outside world Thematic planning for getting to know the outside world


Approved for

pedagogical council

Protocol No. 1

from 28.09.2010

Municipal preschool educational institution

Bolshe-Arbai kindergarten

Working programm

by academic discipline

Group: Senior of different ages

(secondary, preparatory)

Reviewer: Alekseytseva G.D., head of preschool educational institution;

With. Big Arbay, 2009

Work program for academic discipline

"Getting to Know the World"


This program is designed on the basis of a mandatory minimum content for cognitive development for preschool educational institutions. Program

describes the training course on "Familiarization with the outside world" for children preschool age 4-5, 6-7 years old (middle, preparatory group)

The program is compiled taking into account the implementation of interdisciplinary links in sections.

    "Izodyatelnost", where the works of painting about nature are used according to the seasons, various products are made in accordance with the theme.

    "Mathematical", where mathematical signs are studied, orientation in space, on a sheet of paper, time.

    “Fiction, where works of a cognitive orientation are used.

    "Musical", where musical works are learned in accordance with the subject.

The program involves holding one lesson per week in the middle and preparatory groups in the first half of the day. The duration of the lesson is 15-20 minutes (medium), 25-30 minutes (preparatory). The total number of training sessions per year is 36. Pedagogical analysis of knowledge, skills and abilities of children (diagnostics) is carried out once a year, in May.

Purpose: Familiarization of preschoolers with the phenomena of nature and the peculiarities of the relationship of man with environment, the formation of the principles of ecological culture


    Form elementary ideas about the world around

    Expand and generalize children's knowledge about the world around them.

    Develop common cognitive abilities(to form the ability to observe, compare, generalize, classify, establish patterns). Develop speech as a means and form of mental activity.

    To develop interest in objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality (the world of people, animal plants), human habitats, animal plants (earth, water, air);

    To acquaint with household items necessary for a person, their functional purpose (clothes, shoes, dishes, furniture, etc.);

    Cultivate curiosity; love and interest in the native land, Motherland, kindergarten; respect for working people; respect for nature.

    To form an initial idea about oneself, about the immediate social environment, about the simplest family relationships

    Form an initial idea of ​​the macrosocial environment (shop, school, clinic, transport, etc.);

    Continue acquaintance with the professions of loved ones, emphasizing the importance of their work;

    To form an idea of ​​natural phenomena, daily, seasonal and spatial changes in nature;

    Formation of ecological ideas, integral foundations of attitude to the world around.



Expand children's understanding of nature.Introduce pets and birds.To acquaint with representatives of the class of reptiles (lizard, turtle) their appearance and methods of movementExpand children's understanding of some insects (ant, butterfly, beetle, ladybug).Continue introducing fruits (apple, pear, plum, peach), vegetables (tomato, cucumber, carrots, beets, onions), berries (raspberries, currants, gooseberries), mushrooms (butter, mushrooms, russula, etc.).To consolidate knowledge about herbaceous and indoor plants (balsam, ficus, chlorophytum, geranium, begonia, primrose, etc.); learn how to take care of them.Learn to recognize and name 3-4 types of trees (tree, pine, birch, etc.).Describe the properties of sand, clay and stone. Learn to watch birds, feed them with zama.To expand children's understanding of the conditions necessary for the life of people, animals, plants (water, air, food, etc.). Expand children's ideas about trees, shrubs, herbaceous plants; Plants of meadows, gardens, forests.Concretize ideas about the living conditions of indoor plants. Learn how to propagate them vegetatively. Get to know medicinal plants.Expand and systematize knowledge about domestic, wintering and migratory birds; pets.Continue to meet wild animals. Expand knowledge about mammals, amphibians and reptiles.Expand your understanding of insects. Get to know their lives. Learn to distinguish in appearance and correctly name butterflies and beetles. Be able to compare insects according to the method of movement.Develop interest in the native land. Cultivate respect for work villagers. Raise the desire to help adults.Learn to generalize and systematize the idea of ​​the seasons. Learn to establish causal relationships between natural phenomena. Strengthen the ability to behave correctly in nature.To acquaint with folk signs. Birds; household waste.x, herbaceous plants; labor for society., monuments.x nationalities and

Thematic plan

(middle group)


Thematic plan

(preparatory group)



Requirements for the level of preparation of children in the academic discipline "Familiarization with the outside world"

The pupil must

middle group . Objects of the immediate environment (in the apartment, on the site, on the street), and their purpose. The benefits of pets for humans;Elementary rules of behavior in nature.preparatory group Coat of arms, flag, anthem of Russia.Have an idea of ​​​​the native land; its attractions.Have an idea about the school and the library.Know some representatives of the animal world: animals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, insects.Characteristic signs of the seasons and correlate with each season the features of the life of people, animals, plants.Rules of conduct in nature.
middle group. Name the objects of the immediate environment (in the apartment, on the site, on the street), and their purpose. Name the signs and the number of objects.Talk about your native village.Name pets, seasons,Distinguish and name some plants of the immediate environment;preparatory group Select and group objects according to the cognitive task.Name the main city of the country.Establish elementary causal relationships between natural phenomena.


    The program of education and training in kindergarten/ Ed. M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbovoy, T.S. Komarova. - 2nd ed., Rev. and additional - M .: Mosaic - Synthesis, 2005. - 208 p.

    Dybina O.V. child and the world. Program and guidelines. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2008. - 80 p.

    Solomennikova O.A. environmental education in kindergarten. Program and methodical recommendations. - 3rd ed., Rev. And extra. - M.: MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS, 2009. - 112 p.

Tatyana Sych
A long-term plan of work to get acquainted with the surrounding world in senior group

(O. V. Dybina “Introduction to the subject and social environment”, O. A. Solomennikova

“Introduction to nature in kindergarten”, N. N. Avdeeva, O. L. Knyazeva, R. B. Sterkina.



Subject environment

Topic: "Objects that facilitate the work of a person in everyday life."

To form children's ideas about objects that facilitate the work of a person in everyday life; their appointment. Pay attention to the fact that they serve a person and he should treat them with care; reinforce the idea that objects have different purposes. O. V. Dybina Acquaintance with the subject and social environment p. 20.

Social environment

Theme: "My family".

To continue to form in children an interest in the family, family members. Encourage to call the names, patronymics of family members; talk about their professions, what they are, what they like to do at home, what they do at work. Cultivate a sensitive attitude towards the closest people - family members. O. V. Dybina. Acquaintance with the subject and social environment p. 22.


with nature

Theme: "Whether in the garden, in the garden." Expand children's ideas about the diversity of the plant world; about vegetables, fruits and berries; learn to recognize them and call them correctly. To form general ideas about the benefits of vegetables and fruits, about the variety of dishes from them. Expand your understanding of how to care for plants. Create a desire to share experiences. O. A. Solomennikova

Acquaintance with nature in kindergarten. page 36.


Theme: "Healthy food". To help children understand that health depends on proper nutrition - food should not only be tasty, but also healthy. N. N. Avdeeva, O. L. Knyazeva, R. B. Sterkina.

Safety. page 104.


Subject Environment

Topic: "What the subject tells about itself." Encourage children to highlight the features of objects: size, shape, color, material, parts, functions, purpose; continue to improve the ability to describe objects according to their characteristics. O. V. Dybina Acquaintance with the subject and social environment p. 24.

social environment.

Theme: "About friendship and friends."

Expand knowledge about peers, consolidate the rules of a friendly attitude towards them: share a toy, talk politely, if one of the guys in the group is sad, talk to him, play, always help, help out friends. O. V. Dybina Acquaintance with the subject and social environment p. 25.

Acquaintance with nature

Theme: Protect Animals.

Expand understanding of the diversity of the animal world. To consolidate knowledge about the animals of the native land. Expand understanding of the relationship of animals with the environment. Cultivate a conscious respect for the natural world. To give elementary ideas about how to protect animals. O. A. Solomennikova

Acquaintance with nature in kindergarten. page 41.


Topic: "Edible and inedible mushrooms and berries."

To teach children to distinguish between mushrooms (edible and inedible) in appearance. Introduce children to edible berries and poisonous plants, as well as teach them to distinguish and name them correctly. N. N. Avdeeva, O. L. Knyazeva, R. B. Sterkina.

Safety. Page 77.


Subject environment

Theme: "Paper Collector".

Expand children's ideas about different types of paper and its qualities; improve the ability to identify objects according to the characteristics of the material. O. V. Dybina Acquaintance with the subject and social environment p. 27.

social environment.

Theme: "Kindergarten". Talk to the children about why the kindergarten is called that way. Show the social significance of the kindergarten. Kindergarten employees should be thanked for their care, their work should be respected, and treated with care. O. V. Dybina Acquaintance with the subject and social environment p. 28.

Acquaintance with nature

Theme: "Feathered friends".

To form ideas about wintering and migratory birds. Learn to solve riddles. To develop interest in the world of birds, curiosity. Describe the importance of birds to the environment. To develop attention, creative activity, the desire to take care of birds. O. A. Solomennikova

Acquaintance with nature in children

garden. page 49.


Topic: "Dangerous situations with strangers". Consider and discuss with children such dangerous situations as contacts with strangers, teach them how to behave in such cases. N. N. Avdeeva, O. L. Knyazeva, R. B. Sterkina.

Safety. Page 46.


Subject environment

Theme: "Tanya's doll outfit." Introduce children to different types fabrics, pay attention to individual properties; to encourage establishing causal relationships between the use of fabrics and the time of year. OV Dybina Acquaintance with the subject and social environment. page 31.

social environment.

Theme: "Games in the yard." To acquaint children with the elementary basics of life safety; to discuss possible situations that may arise when playing in the yard of the house, to acquaint with the necessary precautions, with the telephone number 03. OV Dybina Familiarization with the subject and social environment. page 32.

Acquaintance with nature

Topic: "How animals help people." Expand children's ideas about animals different countries and continents. Contribute to the formation of ideas about how animals can help people. Develop curiosity, cognitive activity. Expand words knowledge. O. A. Solomennikova

Acquaintance with nature in kindergarten. page 55.


Topic: “Health and illness” Teach children to take care of their health, avoid situations that are harmful to health. N. N. Avdeeva, O. L. Knyazeva, R. B. Sterkina.

Safety. Page 97.


Subject environment

Theme: "In the world of metal." Introduce children to the properties and qualities of metal. Learn to find metal objects in the immediate vicinity. OV Dybina Acquaintance with the subject and social environment. page 34.

social environment.

Topic: "Visiting the housekeeper." To acquaint children with the business and personal qualities of a housekeeper. Lead to an understanding of the holistic image of the housekeeper. Develop an emotional, benevolent attitude towards her. OV Dybina Acquaintance with the subject and social environment. page 35.

Acquaintance with nature

Topic: "Winter phenomena in nature." Expand your understanding of winter changes in nature. Consolidate knowledge about winter months. Activate vocabulary. Learn to gain knowledge about the properties of snow in the process of experimental activities. Develop cognitive activity, creativity. O. A. Solomennikova

Acquaintance with nature in kindergarten. page 57.


Topic: Appearances can be deceiving. Explain to the child that the pleasant appearance of a stranger does not always mean his good intentions. N. N. Avdeeva, O. L. Knyazeva, R. B. Sterkina.

Safety. Page 40.


Subject environment

Theme: "Song of the bell." To consolidate knowledge about glass, metal, wood; their properties. To acquaint with the history of bells and bells in Russia and in other countries. OV Dybina Acquaintance with the subject and social environment. page 37.

social environment.

Theme: "Russian army". Continue to expand children's ideas about the Russian army. Tell about the difficult but honorable duty to defend the Motherland, to protect its peace and security. OV Dybina Acquaintance with the subject and social environment. page 38.

Acquaintance with nature

Theme: "Flowers for Mom." Expand knowledge about the diversity of indoor plants. To develop a cognitive interest in nature by the example of acquaintance with indoor plants. To give elementary ideas about the reproduction of plants in a vegetative way. Learn to plant seedlings of indoor plants. To form a caring and attentive attitude towards close people, a positive attitude to work. O. A. Solomennikova

Acquaintance with nature in kindergarten. page 62.


Theme: "Fire". Introduce children to the telephone number "01" to call in case of fire. N. N. Avdeeva, O. L. Knyazeva, R. B. Sterkina.

Safety. Page 61.


Subject environment

Theme: "Journey into the past of the light bulb." Introduce children to the history of the light bulb, arouse interest in the past of this subject. OV Dybina Acquaintance with the subject and social environment. page 41.

social environment.

Theme: "Visiting the artist." To form ideas about the social significance of the artist's work, its necessity, to show that the products of his work reflect feelings, personal qualities, interests. OV Dybina Acquaintance with the subject and social environment. page 43.

Acquaintance with nature

Topic: "Water resources of the earth." Expand children's ideas about the diversity of water resources: springs, lakes, rivers, seas, etc., about how a person can use water in his life; how to manage water resources economically. Expand your understanding of the properties of water. To consolidate knowledge about the water resources of the native land; about the benefits of water in the life of humans, animals and plants. O. A. Solomennikova

Acquaintance with nature in kindergarten. page 69.


Topic: "Safe behavior on the street." Teach children the rules of behavior on the street, where you can and cannot play. N. N. Avdeeva, O. L. Knyazeva, R. B. Sterkina.

Safety. Page 127.


Subject environment

Topic: "Journey into the past of the vacuum cleaner." Arouse interest in the past of subjects; lead to an understanding that a person invents and creates various devices to facilitate labor. OV Dybina Acquaintance with the subject and social environment. page 45.

social environment.

Topic: "Russia is a huge country." To form ideas about what our huge, multinational country is called the Russian Federation(Russia, there are many cities, villages in it. To introduce Moscow - the main city, the capital of our Motherland, its sights. O.V. Dybina Acquaintance with the subject and social environment. p. 46.

Acquaintance with nature

Topic: "Forests and meadows of our homeland." To consolidate knowledge about the diversity of the flora of Russia. To form ideas about plants and animals of the forest and meadows. Expand understanding of the relationship between flora and fauna. Develop cognitive activity. Cultivate respect for nature. O. A. Solomennikova

Acquaintance with nature in kindergarten. page 71.


Theme: "Road signs". To teach children to distinguish and understand what some road signs mean. N. N. Avdeeva, O. L. Knyazeva, R. B. Sterkina.

Safety. Page 117.

May 1 week

Subject environment

Topic: "Journey into the past of the phone." To acquaint children with the history of the invention and improvement of the telephone. Learn to write algorithms. Develop logical thinking, ingenuity. OV Dybina Acquaintance with the subject and social environment. page 49.

social environment.

Topic: "Profession - actor." To acquaint children with the creative profession of a theater actor. To give an idea that talented people become actors who can play any role in the theater, cinema, on the stage. Tell about the business and personal qualities of representatives of this creative profession, its necessity for people. OV Dybina Acquaintance with the subject and social environment. page 50.

Acquaintance with nature

Topic: "Natural material - sand, clay, stones." To consolidate children's ideas about the properties of sand, clay and stone. Develop an interest in natural materials. Show how a person can use them for their needs. To form the ability to explore properties natural materials. Develop curiosity. O. A. Solomennikova

Acquaintance with nature in kindergarten. page 74.


Topic: “Do you know your address, phone number and can you explain where you live?”. Children should remember and firmly know their address, or at least be able to identify landmarks that will help find their place of residence. N. N. Avdeeva, O. L. Knyazeva, R. B. Sterkina.

Safety. Page 130.


The theme of the introductory cycle

No. p / p

Topic of the lesson



The first and second weeks of September are diagnostic


"Mother and father"

"Grandmother and grandfather"



"Cubes Cubes"


"Apple Flavor"

"Onion Smell"

Autumn forest

"When the Trees Were Big"

"The rustle of autumn leaves"


"The birds have flown"

"Sparrows on a branch"


"A gray bunny is sitting"

"Kisa plays with balls"




"Colorful socks"

"Kids hats"



"Slippery Ice"


"Shoes - top top"

"Boots - boots"

Man and his body

"Eyes - a moment-a moment"

"Pens - clap-clap"

Planet Earth

"I'm sitting in the sun"



"Lalya got sick"

"We are the drivers"




"Puddles - traces of rain"


"Where's my big spoon?"


"Cook, cook, porridge"

"Sweet Berries"


"Doll Katya sleeps"

"Doll Olya eats"


"Boats are floating"

Traditions of the peoples

"Katya's doll has a birthday"

Object world

"The clock is ticking"


natural world

"Wind is a breeze"

"Nuts for squirrels"


Abstract number 1

Theme of the week: "My family"

Theme of the lesson: "Mom and Dad".

Lesson objectives:

To expand the knowledge of children about their family - the immediate environment of the child (mother, father).

Didactic material:

Photos of parents of children.

preliminary work:

Lesson progress (for 8 minutes)

The teacher individually asks each child to find his mother, his father (choice of 3-4 photos).

3. Fizminutka (1 minute).

Handles-handles - pulls

And clapping hands.

Legs-legs - topotushki,

Runaways, jumpers.

We'll stretch, we'll stretch

Let's not be small.

Abstract number 2

Theme of the week: "My family"

Lesson topic: "Grandmother and grandfather".

Lesson objectives:

- expand children's knowledge about their family (grandparents).

Didactic material:

Photos of grandparents of children.

preliminary work:

1) Work with photos (homework).

Lesson progress (for 8 minutes)

1. Organization of children, greeting (1 minute).

2. Joint educational activity (5 minutes with a break for a physical minute).

First, the teacher shows an album with photographs.

Together with the children they look at the photos.

The teacher individually asks each child to find his grandmother, his grandfather (choice of 3-4 photos).

3. Fizminutka (1 minute).

Handles-handles - pulls

And clapping hands.

Legs-legs - topotushki,

Runaways, jumpers.

We'll stretch, we'll stretch

Let's not be small.

4. Words of mutual gratitude (1 minute).

Abstract number 3

Theme of the week: "Toys"

Theme of the lesson: "Balls - balls."

Lesson objectives:

- to expand children's knowledge about the objects of the surrounding reality - toys (balls);

Learn to play with balls.

Didactic material:

Basket with balls different sizes, colors, sizes.

Lesson progress (for 8 minutes)

1. Organization of children, greeting (1 minute).

2. Joint educational activity (5 minutes with a break for a physical minute).

The teacher shows a basket with balls, specifies the size, color.

He takes out one ball and names the object, specifies the size, color.

He takes out another ball, calls again.

He calls the child, gives him the ball: “On, Sasha, the ball”, etc. with every child.

He asks each child to individually throw the ball into the basket: "Sasha, throw the ball."

When the ball rolls past the basket, the teacher asks "Sasha, where is the ball?".

The teacher asks the child to bring the ball: "Sasha, give me the ball, bring it"

The teacher takes the ball from the child, puts it in the basket.

When all the balls are collected, the teacher takes one ball, asks the children to sit on the floor, rolls the ball to one child: "Sasha, catch the ball." “Sasha, give the ball to Masha, roll!”

The teacher each time sets the instruction about who needs to roll the ball.

3. Fizminutka (1 minute).

Handles-handles - pulls

And clapping hands.

Legs-legs - topotushki,

Runaways, jumpers.

We'll stretch, we'll stretch

Let's not be small.

4. Words of mutual gratitude (1 minute).

Abstract number 4

Theme of the week: "Toys"

The topic of the lesson: "Cubes - cubes."

Lesson objectives:

- to expand children's knowledge about the objects of the surrounding reality - toys (cubes);

Enrich the passive subject (nominative) dictionary;

Learn to play with blocks.

Didactic material:

Basket with cubes of different sizes, colors, sizes;

Balls according to the number of children.

Lesson progress (for 8 minutes)

1. Organization of children, greeting (1 minute).

2. Joint educational activity (5 minutes with a break for a physical minute).

The teacher shows a basket with cubes, specifies the size, color.

He takes out one cube and names the object, specifies the size, color.

He takes out another cube, calls again.

He calls the child, gives him a cube: “Na, Sasha, a cube”, etc. with every child.

He asks each child to individually put a cube in the basket: "Sasha, put the cube." And the teacher puts the ball after the child and says, “You put the cube, but did I put the ball?”

When all the balls and cubes are collected, the teacher pours everything out of the basket and begins to build a tower in front of the children.

Connects the children: “Sasha give me a cube (takes, puts). Look at the tower." Asks other children to take turns to submit a cube, builds a tower. Emotionally admires what a big tower (shows with his hands - pulls up). He asks the child: “Sasha, which tower?”. Waiting for an answer or answering himself.

3. Fizminutka (1 minute).

Handles-handles - pulls

And clapping hands.

Legs-legs - topotushki,

Runaways, jumpers.

We'll stretch, we'll stretch

Let's not be small.

4. Words of mutual gratitude (1 minute).

Abstract number 5

Theme of the week: "Autumn"

Lesson topic: "Apple flavor" (the apple should be sour).

Lesson objectives:

- to introduce children to the world of plants - fruits (apple);

Enrich the passive subject (nominative) dictionary;

Enrich taste and olfactory perception.

Didactic material:

An apple on a plate;

Apple juice package;

Juice cups.

Lesson progress (for 8 minutes)

1. Organization of children, greeting (1 minute).

2. Joint educational activity (5 minutes with a break for a physical minute).

The teacher shows a plate, asks: “What is this?” and he answers “This is a plate. She is round. I'll put an apple on the plate. This is an apple (shows an apple, cuts, sniffs).

Addresses the child: “Sasha, where is your nose? (waiting for the child’s actions, if he doesn’t show, the teacher touches the child’s nose “Here is your nose”). "Smell the apple." (waiting for the child's actions, if the child does not show interest, then the teacher turns to another child with the same task, if the child performs, then the teacher, turning to each child, gives him a sniff of an apple).

The teacher every time admires the fact that the apple smells good.

The teacher cuts the second half of the apple into slices.

Addresses the child: “Sasha, where are your hands?” (waiting for the child’s actions, if he doesn’t show, the teacher touches the child’s hands “Here are your hands”). “Here, take an apple” (gives a piece of an apple). “Where is the mouth, show me? (waiting for the child’s actions, if he doesn’t show, the teacher touches the child’s mouth with the child’s hand “Here is your mouth”). "Bite the apple, eat!" (waits for the child to act and bites his piece of apple, shows with facial expressions that the apple is sour, squints).

The teacher distributes apple slices to all the children.

After the children have eaten the apple, the teacher summarizes: “It's an apple! It smells (smells), it is sour (bites, squints).

3. Fizminutka (1 minute).

Handles-handles - pulls

And clapping hands.

Legs-legs - topotushki,

Runaways, jumpers.

We'll stretch, we'll stretch

Let's not be small.

4. Development of taste sensations.

The teacher shows a package of juice: "What is it?" (waiting for children's answers, most likely some of the children can already name this subject). The teacher explains: “This is apple juice. Apple juice. Shall we drink juice? (waiting for children's answers, most likely some of the children can already answer such a question). The teacher pours the juice into glasses and distributes it to the children, tries it herself: “What delicious juice!”

5. Words of mutual gratitude (1 minute).

Abstract number 6

Theme of the week: "Autumn"

Lesson topic: "Onion Smell"

Lesson objectives:

- to introduce children to the world of plants - vegetables (onions);

Enrich the passive subject (nominative) dictionary;

Enrich olfactory perception.

Didactic material:

Bulb basket.

Lesson progress (for 8 minutes)

1. Organization of children, greeting (1 minute).

2. Joint educational activity (5 minutes with a break for a physical minute).

The course of the lesson is similar to the previous one. The teacher is familiar with onions (its shape, gives a try to remove the scales, introduces the smell of onions.)

3. Fizminutka (1 minute).

Handles-handles - pulls

And clapping hands.

Legs-legs - topotushki,

Runaways, jumpers.

We'll stretch, we'll stretch

Let's not be small.

4. Words of mutual gratitude (1 minute).

Abstract number 7

Theme of the week: "Autumn Forest"

Lesson topic: "When the trees were big" (on the street).

Lesson objectives:

trees in autumn;

Didactic material:

The toy is a squirrel.

Lesson progress (for 8 minutes)

1. Organization of children, greeting (1 minute).

2. Joint educational activity (5 minutes with a break for a physical minute).

(The squirrel jumps from the tree) and jumps on the child’s head, the teacher asks the question: “Where is the squirrel?” (children should all touch their heads, the teacher helps, shows).

The squirrel jumps to another child, to the hand, etc., at the end of the game, the squirrel jumps to the tree again (the teacher stimulates the children’s pointing gesture: “There is a squirrel!”).

3. Fizminutka (1 minute).

Handles-handles - pulls

And clapping hands.

Legs-legs - topotushki,

Runaways, jumpers.

We'll stretch, we'll stretch

Let's not be small.

4. Words of mutual gratitude (1 minute).

Abstract number 8

Theme of the week: "Autumn Forest"

Lesson topic: "Autumn leaves rustle" (on the street).

Lesson objectives:

Introduce children to the world of plants– trees in autumn;

Arouse the desire to take care of nature.

Didactic material:

The toy is a squirrel.

Lesson progress (for 8 minutes)

1. Organization of children, greeting (1 minute).

2. Joint educational activity (5 minutes with a break for a physical minute).

First, the teacher conducts an incomplete repetition of the previous lesson.

Then he notices that the leaves from the trees are falling and flying (tears off a leaf, blows it in the wind).

The leaves fall to the ground and rustle underfoot (pulls the leaves with their feet, creates a rustle).

Invites children to close their eyes and listen to the leaves rustle.

Invite children to rustle leaves.

3. Fizminutka (1 minute).

Handles-handles - pulls

And clapping hands.

Legs-legs - topotushki,

Runaways, jumpers.

We'll stretch, we'll stretch

Let's not be small.

4. Words of mutual gratitude (1 minute).

Abstract number 9

Theme of the week: "Birds"

Lesson topic: "The birds have flown."

Lesson objectives:

- to expand children's knowledge about objects of nature - birds;

Arouse the desire to take care of nature.

Didactic material:

Video material (Appendix 9.1).

Preliminary work:

Lesson progress (for 8 minutes)

1. Organization of children, greeting (1 minute).

2. Joint educational activity (5 minutes with a break for a physical minute).

Viewing video.

The teacher suggests:

Fly like birds

Squat like birds

flap your wings like a bird

Stand like birds, etc.

Abstract number 10

Theme of the week: "Birds"

Lesson topic: "Sparrows on a Branch".

Lesson objectives:

- expand children's knowledge about objects of nature - birds (sparrow);

Develop general motor skills - imitate the movements of birds;

Enrich the passive subject (nominative) dictionary;

Arouse the desire to take care of nature.

Didactic material:

Video material (Appendix 10.1).

Preliminary work:conduct observations of birds arriving at the kindergarten site; add food to the feeder; pay attention to the behavior of birds.

Lesson progress (for 8 minutes)

1. Organization of children, greeting (1 minute).

2. Joint educational activity (5 minutes with a break for a physical minute).

View video material with explanations of the teacher.

The teacher suggests:

Fly like a sparrow

Crouch like a sparrow

flap your wings like a sparrow

Stand like a sparrow

Peck grains like a sparrow

Jump like a sparrow

3. Words of mutual gratitude (1 minute).

Abstract number 11

Theme of the week: "Animals"

Lesson topic: "A gray bunny is sitting."

Lesson objectives:

- to expand children's knowledge about objects of nature - animals (hare);

Didactic material:

A. Barto's book, the poem "The hostess threw the bunny";

Toys - bunnies (soft, rubber, plastic).

Lesson progress (for 8 minutes)

1. Organization of children, greeting (1 minute).

2. Joint educational activity (5 minutes with a break for a physical minute).

The teacher shows the book, reads the poem.

(the bunny jumps from the table) The teacher shows one bunny, for example soft: “This is a bunny. It is small. Soft." (Let the children explore).

Similarly, other bunnies appear. The teacher gives explanations about the bunny: “The bunny jumps, it has paws. Where is the bunny's paws, Masha, show me! The bunny has ears, Sasha, do you have ears? Where are the bunny's ears? etc."

3. Fizminutka (1 minute).

The wind blew, they flew.

We flew, we flew

And they sat quietly on the ground.

4. Words of mutual gratitude (1 minute).

Abstract number 12

Theme of the week: "Animals"

Lesson topic: "Kisa plays with balls."

Lesson objectives:

- expand children's knowledge about objects of nature - animals (cat);

Enrich the passive subject (nominative) dictionary.

Didactic material:

Basket with multi-colored balls;

Glove toy - cat.

Lesson progress (for 8 minutes)

1. Organization of children, greeting (1 minute).

2. Joint educational activity (5 minutes with a break for a physical minute).

The teacher shows the cat, she brought balls. Plays for a cat.

The cat takes one ball and rolls it to the child: “Sasha, catch it!”. He takes another ball and rolls it to another child.

Rolls all balls.

He asks the child to return the ball: “Sasha, give me a ball, give it to me!” etc. (the cat puts the balls in the basket.

The cat scatters balls from the basket, worries! and asks the children to collect them back.

The teacher asks: “Sasha, where is the kitty?”, “Masha, where is the kitty’s nose?” etc.

3. Fizminutka (1 minute).

We are autumn leaves hanging on branches.

The wind blew, they flew.

We flew, we flew

And they sat quietly on the ground.

The wind picked up again and picked up the leaves.

He turned them around, circled them and lowered them to the ground.

4. Words of mutual gratitude (1 minute).

Abstract number 13

Theme of the week: "Clothes"

Lesson topic: "Multicolored socks"

Lesson objectives:

- to expand children's knowledge about the objects of the surrounding reality - clothes (socks);

Enrich the passive subject (nominative) dictionary;

To form general hand skills - to learn how to take off and put on socks.

Didactic material:

Doll in socks;

Sock basket.

Lesson progress (for 8 minutes)

1. Organization of children, greeting (1 minute).

2. Joint educational activity (5 minutes with a break for a physical minute).

The teacher shows the doll and offers to play, take off the socks: “Sasha, take off the socks for our doll Lyalya. One is removed by herself, the second is removed by the child. Then the teacher turns to another child, for example, Serezha and asks him to take off one of Olya's socks, etc. (all socks are folded into a basket).

Then the teacher finds one toe of the doll and puts it on, clarifies that we put the socks on the legs. Having put on one sock, he looks for another sock in the basket: “Where is the sock of our doll, this one? (shows any baby sock, trying on a doll), no, not this one (looking for another, finds, checks) yes, this sock! (puts on)."

In turn, he invites each child to find his sock in the basket.

The teacher asks to put on socks on the legs so that the legs are not cold.

3. Fizminutka (1 minute).

Like snow on a Christmas tree, snow.

And under the tree snow, snow.

And on the hill snow, snow.

And under the hill snow, snow.

A bear sleeps under the snow.

Hush, hush, don't make noise.

4. Words of mutual gratitude (1 minute).

Abstract number 14

Theme of the week: "Clothes"

Theme of the lesson: "Hats".

Lesson objectives:

- to expand children's knowledge about the objects of the surrounding reality - clothing (hat);

Enrich the passive subject (nominative) dictionary;

To form general hand skills - to learn how to take off and put on a hat.

Didactic material:

Doll in a hat;

Hat basket.

Lesson progress (for 8 minutes)

1. Organization of children, greeting (1 minute).

2. Joint educational activity (5 minutes with a break for a physical minute).

Similar to lesson number 13.

3. Fizminutka (1 minute).

Like snow on a Christmas tree, snow.

And under the tree snow, snow.

And on the hill snow, snow.

And under the hill snow, snow.

A bear sleeps under the snow.

Hush, hush, don't make noise.

4. Words of mutual gratitude (1 minute).

Abstract number 15

Theme of the week: "Winter"

The theme of the lesson: "It's snowing."

Lesson objectives:

- to expand children's knowledge about the natural world - a natural phenomenon (snow);

Enrich the passive subject (nominative) dictionary;

To form general manual skills - to tear paper into pieces.

Didactic material:

Video material (Appendix 15.1);

Pieces of napkins in a basket;


Hat basket.

Lesson progress (for 8 minutes)

1. Organization of children, greeting (1 minute).

2. Joint educational activity (5 minutes with a break for a physical minute).

View video application.

The teacher scatters pieces of napkin, rejoices, it's snowing. Invites children to catch snowflakes.

He invites children to make more snowflakes, a lot of snow, shows how to tear off pieces of a napkin, tears off, tosses and continues to tear off pieces.

3. Fizminutka (1 minute).

Like snow on a Christmas tree, snow.

And under the tree snow, snow.

And on the hill snow, snow.

And under the hill snow, snow.

A bear sleeps under the snow.

Hush, hush, don't make noise.

4. Words of mutual gratitude (1 minute).

Abstract number 16

Theme of the week: "Winter"

Lesson topic: "Slippery Ice".

Lesson objectives:

- expand children's knowledge about the natural world - a natural phenomenon (ice);

Enrich the passive subject (nominative) dictionary;

Develop tactile sensations - the property of objects is "cold".

Didactic material:

pieces of ice;

Sheets of colored cardboard.

Lesson progress (for 8 minutes)

1. Organization of children, greeting (1 minute).

2. Joint educational activity (5 minutes with a break for a physical minute).

The teacher introduces the children to pieces of ice, puts them on the palm of each, wait, watch how the ice melts if they move it along the palm. The teacher explains that the ice is cold.

The teacher gives each child a sheet of colored cardboard, shows how the ice slides easily on the cardboard, the children move the ice on the cardboard on their own, the teacher concludes that the ice is slippery.

On the street, the teacher draws attention to the fact that the ice is slippery, you need to walk carefully so as not to fall.

3. Fizminutka (1 minute).

Like snow on a Christmas tree, snow.

And under the tree snow, snow.

And on the hill snow, snow.

And under the hill snow, snow.

A bear sleeps under the snow.

Hush, hush, don't make noise.

4. Words of mutual gratitude (1 minute).

Abstract number 17

Theme of the week: "Shoes"

Lesson topic: "Shoes - top-top."

Lesson objectives:

- to expand children's knowledge about the objects of the surrounding reality - shoes (shoes);

Enrich the passive subject (nominative) dictionary;

To form general manual skills - to learn how to take off and put on shoes.

Didactic material:

Doll in shoes;

Lesson progress (for 8 minutes)

1. Organization of children, greeting (1 minute).

2. Joint educational activity (5 minutes with a break for a physical minute).

Similar to lesson number 13.

4. Words of mutual gratitude (1 minute).

Abstract number 18

Theme of the week: "Shoes"

Lesson topic: "Boots - boots."

Lesson objectives:

- to expand children's knowledge about the objects of the surrounding reality - shoes (boots);

Enrich the passive subject (nominative) dictionary;

To form general manual skills - to learn to fasten and unfasten zippers.

Didactic material:

Children's boots with a zipper;

Video material for the physical minute (Appendix 17.1).

Lesson progress (for 8 minutes)

1. Organization of children, greeting (1 minute).

2. Joint educational activity (5 minutes with a break for a physical minute).

The teacher shows the children their boots, explains that these are boots, they walk on the street.

Asks children to find their boots, finds out what to wear boots on.

Draws attention to the fact that some boots have zippers, shows how to unfasten them, gives each child a try to unfasten the zippers; then shows how to fasten them, gives each child a try to fasten the zippers.

3. Physical-minute video (1 minute).

4. Words of mutual gratitude (1 minute).

Abstract number 19

Lesson topic: "Eyes - a moment-a moment."

Lesson objectives:

Consolidate knowledge about your name, parts of the face and body, about actions in the surrounding space;

Didactic material:

Mirrors by the number of children;

Video material for the physical minute (Appendix 17.1).

Lesson progress (for 8 minutes)

1. Organization of children, greeting (1 minute).

2. Joint educational activity (5 minutes with a break for a physical minute).

The teacher recites a poem-gymnastics:

Eyes see everything around (shows eyes),
I will circle them with a circle (draws a circle with my hand).
Eyes can see everything -
Where is the door and where is the window? (asks the children with the expectation of an answer - a gesture)
I will circle them with a circle (draws a circle with my hand),
I'll look at the world around (shakes his head).

Repeats this gymnastics with children.

Conducts a physical session.

The teacher distributes mirrors to the children. “This is a mirror. We see our face in the mirror. Look in the mirror. Sasha, show me where your eyes are. Let's blink our eyes (shows). Masha show me where your nose is. So we smell the flowers (shows), ... similarly to the mouth.

The teacher asks the children to put down mirrors and shows them new exercises.

These are eyeballs. Exactly.
These are ears. Exactly.
This is the nose. This is a mouth.
Back there, belly there.

3. Physical-minute video (1 minute).

4. Words of mutual gratitude (1 minute).

Abstract number 20

Theme of the week: "Man and his body"

Lesson topic: "Handles - clap-clap."

Lesson objectives:

Consolidate knowledge about your name, parts of the face and body, about actions in the environment;

To teach to fix the gaze on the subject, to trace the movement of objects in space with a glance;

Develop gross motor skills and hand-eye coordination.

Didactic material:

Doll Lyalya;

Video material for the physical minute (Appendix 17.1).

Lesson progress (for 8 minutes)

1. Organization of children, greeting (1 minute).

2. Joint educational activity (5 minutes with a break for a physical minute).

Teacher: “Knock, knock, knock. Who is knocking? Ah, it’s Lyalya doll who came to visit us and wants to play with you. Look at my hands clapping - clap, clap, clap. Sasha repeat how the hands clap. Watch my feet stomp - top, top, top. Masha, look and repeat after me. And now all together. These are the handles (both handles are raised to the top), these are the legs (they stomp with two legs alternately). Well done! Bye Bye!" (The teacher waves his hand, the children wave their hands, the teacher removes the doll).

The teacher offers to play for her to repeat the movements (spends 2 times).

These are eyeballs. Exactly.
These are ears. Exactly.
This is the nose. This is a mouth.
Back there, belly there.
These are pens. Clap clap.
These are legs. Top, top.
Oh, tired! I'll wipe my forehead.

3. Physical-minute video (1 minute).

4. Words of mutual gratitude (1 minute).

Abstract number 21

Theme of the week: "Planet Earth"

Lesson topic: "I'm sitting in the sun."

Lesson objectives:

- to expand children's knowledge about the natural world - the sun;

Enrich the passive subject (nominative) dictionary;

Develop gross motor skills and hand-eye coordination.

Didactic material:

The sun is large, cut out of cardboard, glued to the window;

The sun is small, cut out of cardboard (according to the number of children);

Lesson progress (for 8 minutes)

1. Organization of children, greeting (1 minute).

2. Joint educational activity (5 minutes with a break for a physical minute).

The teacher draws the children's attention to the sun on the window:

“The sun looks out the window.
Warms our room
We clapped our hands
We are very happy with the sun," the children clap their hands).

"Say to your eyes:
"Good morning, eyes"!

Good morning, eyes, are you awake?
(Children stroke their eyelids).

Good morning ears, are you awake?
(Children stroke their ears).

Good morning, pens, are you awake?
(Children pat their hands).

Good morning feet, are you awake?
(Children stroke their legs).

Good morning, Sunshine! We woke up and smiled!”
(Hold their hands up and smile broadly.)

"Sit on the cushions. Let's bask in the rays of our sun. Close your eyes: The sun has descended to us from the sky to earth to be with us, to caress the little children.

While the children are sitting with their eyes closed, the teacher removes the sun from the window and lays it out on the floor together with the little suns. “Sit down, relax, let's play. Look, the sun hid from us. Where is the sun? (searches with his eyes and finds a big sun). Look, I found a big sun. Sasha, find another sun (the child is looking for, finds, the teacher praises him and invites all the children to look for the sun).

3. Physical-minute video (1 minute).

4. Words of mutual gratitude (1 minute).

Abstract number 22

Theme of the week: "Planet Earth"

Lesson topic: "Flowers-leaves".

Lesson objectives:

- expand children's knowledge about the natural world - flowers, leaves;

Enrich the passive subject (nominative) dictionary.

Didactic material:

Basket with flowers and leaves;

Artificial colorful flowers;

artificial leaves;

Two plastic vases for sorting;

Toys: doll, bunny, hedgehog, bear, mouse, squirrel, fox (options are possible);

Video material for the physical minute (Appendix 21.1).

Lesson progress (for 8 minutes)

1. Organization of children, greeting (1 minute).

2. Joint educational activity (5 minutes with a break for a physical minute).

The teacher shows the children a basket with flowers and leaves, explains where the leaf is, where the flower is, smells the flower, waves the leaf, spins, and, as if by accident, scatters everything from the basket.

The teacher gets upset and asks the children to help collect flowers in one vase and leaves in another.

The teacher is happy that everyone has collected, draws attention to the fact that the toys are also happy (exhibits toys). The teacher suggests crushing leaves and flowers for toys. He calls the child, asks to take a flower, or a leaf, and gives instructions on who to give it to: “Sasha, take a flower, give a flower to a bear,” etc.

3. Physical-minute video (1 minute).

4. Words of mutual gratitude (1 minute).

Abstract number 23

Theme of the week: "Professions"

Lesson topic: "Lalya got sick."

Lesson objectives:

- to expand children's knowledge about the profession of a doctor and his actions;

To educate adequate behavior of children at the sight of a doctor.

Didactic material:

Doll Lyalya;

Bed for Lyalya;

Doll doctor;

Doctor's set;

Baby cream.

Lesson progress (for 8 minutes)

1. Organization of children, greeting (1 minute).

2. Joint educational activity (5 minutes with a break for a physical minute).

Teacher: “Knock, knock, knock. Who is knocking? Ah, this is Lyalya doll visiting us. Look, Lyalya is crying. She's ill. Lyalya has a headache. Sasha, put Lyalya to bed. Masha, cover Lyalya with a blanket.

Knock-Knock. Who is knocking? Ah, this is a doll visiting us. Look, she is in a dressing gown, in a hat, this is a doctor. She came to treat our Lyalya. Misha, show the doctor where is Lyalya?

The teacher will renew the doll-doctor to Lyalya. The doctor takes out a listener from the set, listens to Lyalya - the teacher explains these actions.

The doctor invites all children to listen to Lyalya. The doctor rubs Lyalya's forehead with ointment (children's cream), the teacher explains and invites all children to anoint Lyalya's forehead.

Lyalya rejoices! Thanks! Bye Bye!" (The teacher waves his hand, the children wave their hands, the teacher removes the dolls).

3. Physical-minute video (1 minute).

4. Words of mutual gratitude (1 minute).

Abstract number 24

Theme of the week: "Professions"

The theme of the lesson: "We are drivers."

Lesson objectives:

- to expand children's knowledge about the profession of a driver and his actions;

To fix sensory standards of size: big-small;

Develop general motor skills.

Didactic material:

Video material for the physical minute (Appendix 21.1);

Truck (big car) with driver (doll);

Ruli by the number of children;

Cars large and small at least 5 pairs.

Lesson progress (for 8 minutes)

1. Organization of children, greeting (1 minute).

2. Joint educational activity (5 minutes with a break for a physical minute).

Hear the guys, something is buzzing? Someone is in a hurry to visit us today. What is our guest driving? Let's get a look. The teacher takes out a truck with a driver.

car, car

Goes, buzzes

In the car, car

The driver is sitting


The car is driven by the driver, he sits at the wheel. This is a steering wheel from a car (takes a steering wheel), choose a steering wheel for yourself, and let's go (walk around the room).

The car, the car goes, buzzes.

The children have arrived, stop the car.

See how many cars are here. There are big cars (shows), and there are small ones (shows). Sasha, find a big car. Masha, find a small car, etc.

Let's go back.

The car, the car goes, buzzes.

In the car, the driver sits in the car.

Here is a field, here is a river, here is a dense forest.

The children have arrived, stop the car.

3. Physical-minute video (1 minute).

4. Words of mutual gratitude (1 minute).

Abstract number 25

Theme of the week: "Spring"

Lesson topic:"Puddles - traces of rain."

Lesson objectives:

- expand children's knowledge about the natural world - rain, puddle;

- to enrich the passive subject (nominative) dictionary;

- develop gross motor skills, hand-eye coordination.

Didactic material:

- puddles (cut out of cardboard or sports equipment);

- manual "Dry rain" (you can tie 12-15 long blue ribbons on a stick);

- video material (Appendix 25.1).

Lesson progress (for 8 minutes)

1. Organization of children, greeting (1 minute).

2. Joint educational activity (5 minutes with a break for a physical minute).

View video material.

The teacher picks up the “Dry Rain” manual, shows that the tapes look like rain, walks several meters with rain and lays out puddles.

Then he invites the children to walk in the rain, and then through the puddles and back.

3. Fizminutka (1 minute).

4. Words of mutual gratitude (1 minute).

Abstract number 26

Theme of the week: "Dishes"

Lesson topic:"Where's my big spoon?"

Lesson objectives:

- expand children's knowledge about the objects of the surrounding reality - dishes (spoon);

- to enrich the passive subject (nominative) dictionary;

- to form general manual skills - pour bulk materials with a spoon.

Didactic material:

- spoons large and small according to the number of children;

- bowls according to the number of children;

- cereals (any) in a large bowl;

- toys that children will feed (according to the number of children);

- toy utensils: spoon, cup, plate.

Lesson progress (for 8 minutes)

1. Organization of children, greeting (1 minute).

2. Joint educational activity (5 minutes with a break for a physical minute).

The teacher puts a cup, spoon, plate on the table. He asks one of the children to show a plate, another a cup, a third a spoon.

Removes the plate and cup. Adds more spoons (large and small). He calls the children in turn and asks them to take a large spoon.

Give each child a bowl and a toy. Explains that the toy needs to be fed, but the bowls are empty.

Shows a large bowl of cereal. He calls a couple of children and shows that porridge from a large bowl should be transferred with a spoon into a small bowl.

3. Fizminutka (1 minute).

Rain clouds sailed: - pour, rain, pour!
The raindrops dance as if alive! - drink, land, drink!
And the tree, leaning, drinks, drinks, drinks!
And the restless rain pours, pours, pours.

4. Words of mutual gratitude (1 minute).

Abstract number 27

Lesson topic:"Cook, cook, porridge."

Lesson objectives:

- to expand children's knowledge about the objects of the surrounding reality - food (porridge);

- to enrich the passive subject (nominative) dictionary;

- to form general manual skills - the formation of a "pinched" grip; pouring bulk materials.

Didactic material:

- video material (Appendix 27.1);

- bowls with semolina and red beans (for one part of the children);

- bowls with buckwheat and acorns (on the other part of the children);

- 2 pans: in one a little semolina, in the other - buckwheat.

Lesson progress (for 8 minutes)

1. Organization of children, greeting (1 minute).

2. Joint educational activity (5 minutes with a break for a physical minute).

Viewing video.

The teacher distributes bowls to the children, explains that you need to cook porridge, you need to remove beans from semolina (shows), and acorns from buckwheat (shows).

He puts 2 pans on the table, asks to pour the cereal into the pans. He calls the children in turn and watches where the child will pour the cereal, helps, prompts.

He takes the pans and explains that he will take them to the kitchen, where they will cook porridge for them.

3. Fizminutka (1 minute).

Rain clouds sailed: - pour, rain, pour!
The raindrops dance as if alive! - drink, land, drink!
And the tree, leaning, drinks, drinks, drinks!
And the restless rain pours, pours, pours.

4. Words of mutual gratitude (1 minute).

Abstract number 28

Theme of the week: "Food"

Lesson topic:"Sweet Berries"

Lesson objectives:

- to expand children's knowledge about the objects of the surrounding reality in the natural world - food (berries);

- to enrich the passive subject (nominative) dictionary;

- develop visual perception - comparison of objects;

- to form general manual skills - the formation of a "pinched" grip.

Didactic material:

- a bowl of dried (frozen) rose hips and yellow raisins;

- 2 bowls;

- 2 toys - cockerel and hen.

Lesson progress (for 8 minutes)

1. Organization of children, greeting (1 minute).

2. Joint educational activity (5 minutes with a break for a physical minute).

Teacher: “Knock, knock, knock. Who is knocking? Ah, it's a hen and a cockerel who came to visit us. Sasha, show me where the chicken is? Masha, show me where the cockerel is?

We will treat the chicken and the cockerel. We need to feed them berries (shows berries in a bowl).

The hen loves yellow berries (puts a few raisins in one bowl).

The cockerel likes red berries (puts some berries in another bowl).

The teacher calls the children in turn and invites them to feed the chicken first, then the cockerel (the child must choose a few berries for the cockerel and chicken).

The teacher sums up: “Did we feed the cockerel with porridge? No. Sasha, show us what we fed the cockerel, etc.

3. Fizminutka (1 minute).

Rain clouds sailed: - pour, rain, pour!
The raindrops dance as if alive! - drink, land, drink!
And the tree, leaning, drinks, drinks, drinks!
And the restless rain pours, pours, pours.

4. Words of mutual gratitude (1 minute).

Abstract number 29

Theme of the week: "Furniture"

Lesson topic:Doll Katya is sleeping.

Lesson objectives:

- to expand children's knowledge about the objects of the surrounding reality - furniture (bed);

Didactic material:

- Katya doll;

- a bed for Katya;

- a set of bedding: sheet, pillow, blanket.

Lesson progress (for 8 minutes)

1. Organization of children, greeting (1 minute).

2. Joint educational activity (5 minutes with a break for a physical minute).

Teacher: “Knock, knock, knock. Who is knocking? Oh, this is Katya doll visiting us. Let's play with Kate.

Look at my hands clapping - clap, clap, clap. Sasha repeat how the hands clap. Watch my feet stomp - top, top, top. Masha, look and repeat after me. And now all together. These are the handles (both handles are raised to the top), these are the legs (they stomp with two legs alternately). Well done! Bye Bye!" (The teacher waves his hand, the children wave their hands, the teacher removes the doll).

The teacher offers to play for her to repeat the movements.

These are eyeballs. Exactly.
These are ears. Exactly.
This is the nose. This is a mouth.
Back there, belly there.
These are pens. Clap clap.
These are legs. Top, top.
Oh, tired! I'll wipe my forehead.

“Kate is tired. Katya needs to be put to sleep. Where will Katya sleep? Where is the bed? You need to sleep in the bed. But there is no sheet here, I will put it like this (lays the sheet). Sasha, where is the pillow? Put a pillow on the bed. Masha, where is the blanket? Put a blanket on the bed. Olya, to Katya, put Katya to sleep. Katya is sleeping. Quiet! Shhhh! (gesture)

3. Fizminutka (1 minute).

And they started charging.
Hands up! Hands down!
Turn left and right!

4. Words of mutual gratitude (1 minute).

Abstract number 30

Theme of the week: "Furniture"

Lesson topic:"Olya doll eats."

Lesson objectives:

- to expand children's knowledge about the objects of the surrounding reality - furniture (chair, table);

- to enrich the passive subject (nominative) and verbal (predicative) vocabulary.

Didactic material:

- Katya doll;

- table and chair for Katya;

- a set of dishes: a plate, a spoon, a cup.

Lesson progress (for 8 minutes)

1. Organization of children, greeting (1 minute).

2. Joint educational activity (5 minutes with a break for a physical minute).

Teacher: “Knock, knock, knock. Who is knocking? Ah, this is Olya doll visiting us. Let's play with Olya.

Look at my hands clapping - clap, clap, clap. Sasha repeat how the hands clap. Watch my feet stomp - top, top, top. Masha, look and repeat after me. And now all together. These are the handles (both handles are raised to the top), these are the legs (they stomp with two legs alternately).

(The teacher exposes furniture and utensils in front of the children)

“Olya wants to eat. Olga needs to be fed. Need a table for dolls. Here is a table for Olya's doll. Now I need a chair. Here is a chair for Olya's doll. Sasha, put Olya on a chair. Masha take the table. Let's put it next to Olya. Olya will eat soup. Sasha, where is the plate? Put the plate on the table.

Similarly: with a spoon, a cup.

Sasha, feed Olya soup. Masha give Olya tea.

"Thank you!" Olya says. "Till! Till!" (children wave to Olya, the teacher removes the doll).

3. Fizminutka (1 minute).

We got up early today (steps in place)
And they started charging.
Hands up! Hands down!
Turn left and right!

4. Words of mutual gratitude (1 minute).

Abstract number 31

Theme of the week: "Transport"

Lesson topic:"Boats are floating."

Lesson objectives:

- expand children's knowledge about the objects of the surrounding reality - transport (boat);

- form a smooth air jet.

Didactic material:

- pelvis;

- several toys - boats.

Lesson progress (for 8 minutes)

1. Organization of children, greeting (1 minute).

2. Joint educational activity (5 minutes with a break for a physical minute).

The teacher shows the children the basin, draws attention to the fact that it is empty. Shows boats. He explains that these are boats, they swim like ducks on the water. "Is there water in the basin?"

Offers to go and pour water into the basin. “Sasha, where can I get water?” (the teacher with the children goes to the toilet). "Masha, help me, open the tap!" (the teacher puts a basin in, draws water while the water is pouring, explains that there is very little water, still not enough, it has become more, even more, now there is a lot! Sasha, turn off the tap! ”(they leave for the group room)

The teacher puts one boat into the basin and draws attention to the fact that the boat does not float. “Sasha, put the boat in the water,” he notes that the boats do not float. So calling the children, all the boats end up in the water, but do not swim.

Then the teacher blows on one boat (the boat floats). “Look, the boat is sailing! Sasha, try blowing on the boat! etc. All boats are sailing! (play and clean)

3. Fizminutka (1 minute).

We got up early today (steps in place)
And they started charging.
Hands up! Hands down!
Turn left and right!

4. Words of mutual gratitude (1 minute).

Abstract number 32

Theme of the week: "Traditions of peoples"

Lesson topic:"Katya's doll has a birthday."

Lesson objectives:

- develop general motor skills - learn to hold hands, dance;

- to enrich the passive subject (nominative) dictionary.

Didactic material:

- audio material (Appendix 32.1);

- Katya doll;

- saucers (according to the number of children);

- pie (for children; cut, but assembled into a whole);

- children's high chair;

- juice in cups (for children).

Lesson progress (for 10 minutes)

1. Organization of children, greeting (1 minute).

2. Joint educational activity (4 minutes, including the organization of a tea party).

Teacher: “Knock, knock, knock. Who is knocking? Oh, this is Katya doll visiting us. What a beautiful Katya! Katya has a birthday today. Kate is one year old! Sasha how old are you? Masha, how old are you and so are all children.

Look how beautiful Katya's dress is, ...etc.

Now we will congratulate Katya. I will put Katya on a chair. And we will dance. Stand up, hold hands, make a circle. We will walk around Katya and sing a song to her (turns on the audio material, the teacher sings, controls the soundtrack (turns it on, off) and the movement of the children)

"Thank you!" Olya says. “I brought you a treat - loaf, the pie is so delicious! Wash your hands, bon appetit! Till! Till!" (children wave to Katya, the teacher removes the doll, the children go to wash their hands and sit down at the tables).

3. Tea drinking (children sit at the tables, the teacher distributes a pie, drink juice with a pie) (4 minutes).

4. Words of mutual gratitude (1 minute).

Abstract number 33

Lesson topic:"The clock is ticking."

Lesson objectives:

- to expand children's knowledge about the objects of the surrounding reality - hours;

- enrich the passive subject (nominative) and verbal (predicative) vocabulary;

Didactic material:

- audio material (Appendix 33.1);

- clock - alarm clock;

- hourglass.

Lesson progress (for 8 minutes)

1. Organization of children, greeting (1 minute).

The teacher shows the children an alarm clock, explains that it is a clock, they have arrows, the arrows go (moves the clock hands), they tick: tick-tock, turns on the alarm clock, the clock is ringing: tinkle! (turns on the alarm clock, gives the children to look).

Listening to audio material.

The teacher offers to show how the watch goes:

Tick ​​tock, tick tock

The clock goes like this

Step left, step right

We can do that too.

The teacher shows another clock - an hourglass, this is also a clock, there is sand, it is pouring (they are watching). The teacher allows the children to turn the hourglass.

3. Fizminutka (1 minute).

The wind blows in our face
And shakes the tree.
The wind is quieter, quieter.
The tree is getting higher and higher.

4. Words of mutual gratitude (1 minute).

Abstract number 34

Theme of the week: "Object World"

Lesson topic:"Orchestra".

Lesson objectives:

- expand children's knowledge about objects of the surrounding reality - musical instruments (tambourine, drum, bell, rattle, music box);

- to enrich the passive subject (nominative);

- to form general motor skills and general manual skills - wrist movements of the hands.

Didactic material:

- video material (Appendix 34.1);

- musical instruments (2 tambourines, 2 drums, 2 bells, several rattles - so that the instruments turn out according to the number of children);

- music Box.

Lesson progress (for 8 minutes)

1. Organization of children, greeting (1 minute).

2. Joint educational activity (4 minutes).

View video material.

The teacher shows the children musical instruments, introduces them to the game (gives children the opportunity to play).

Then he introduces the music box and its sound.

Then he explains that you need to play the instruments when the box is playing (shows, as soon as the box stops, the teacher also stops the game and makes the sign “Tshshsh!”. Then he turns on the box again. He tries to play with the children).

3. Fizminutka (1 minute).

The wind blows in our face
And shakes the tree.
The wind is quieter, quieter.
The tree is getting higher and higher.

4. Words of mutual gratitude (1 minute).

Abstract number 35

Theme of the week: "Natural World"

Lesson topic:"Wind is a breeze."

Lesson objectives:

- to expand children's knowledge about the objects of the surrounding reality in the natural world - wind;

- to enrich the passive subject (nominative) dictionary;

- form nasal breathing, smooth exhalation.

Didactic material:

- windmills in a vase (according to the number of children);

- bubble;

- light cloth napkin;

- desktop small fan.

Lesson progress (for 8 minutes)

1. Organization of children, greeting (1 minute).

2. Joint educational activity (5 minutes with a break for a physical minute).

The teacher invites the children to play with the breezes (the children take the breeze, the teacher shows how to blow smoothly).

Then the teacher shows the children a fan, and tells that the fan has wings. When the fan is turned on, the wings begin to spin and then the wind turns out (brings a napkin). Children first observe, then the teacher brings the breeze to each child.

Then the teacher offers to play with soap bubbles, explains that in order for the bubbles to turn out big, you need to blow quietly, slowly (shows children catching bubbles).

Then the teacher gives each child the opportunity to blow bubbles himself.

3. Fizminutka (1 minute).

The wind blows in our face
And shakes the tree.
The wind is quieter, quieter.
The tree is getting higher and higher.

4. Words of mutual gratitude (1 minute).

Abstract number 36

Theme of the week: "Natural World"

Lesson topic:“Nuts and mushrooms for squirrels” (on the street).

Lesson objectives:

- to expand children's knowledge about the objects of the surrounding reality in the natural world - nuts;

- to enrich the passive subject (nominative) dictionary;

- form a "tweezer grip".

Didactic material:

- a box with walnuts in the shell and counting material - mushrooms;

- 2 feeders (any simple option);

- a toy - a squirrel.

Lesson progress (for 8 minutes)

1. Organization of children, greeting (1 minute).

2. Joint educational activity (5 minutes with a break for a physical minute).

The teacher draws the attention of the children to the tree where he planted a toy - a squirrel. Draws the attention of children to the fact that the squirrel hid in a tree.

Explains that the tree is big (encourages the children to show how big the tree is).

Invites children to see where there are more trees on the site.

(A squirrel jumps on a tree), and the teacher explains to the children that trees need to be protected: you can’t break branches, otherwise the squirrel will have nowhere to jump.

The teacher draws attention to the fact that the squirrel wants to eat, she loves nuts and mushrooms (shows the box), asks the children to help the squirrel sort the mushrooms into one basket, and the nuts into another. “Sasha, give me a mushroom. Masha, give me a nut”, etc.

3. Fizminutka (1 minute).

The wind blows in our face
And shakes the tree.
The wind is quieter, quieter.
The tree is getting higher and higher.

4. Words of mutual gratitude (1 minute).

Galiya Koltunova
Calendar thematic planning for familiarization with the outside world in the senior group

Topic around the world (09.04-13.04)

Tuesday 04/10/18 Individual talks about the world around.

Conversation: "We are astronauts". Target: acquaint children with the holiday"Cosmonautics Day", professions "astronaut", "pilot". form respectful attitude to the work of adults; develop observation, visual and auditory memory, fine motor skills.

Morning gymnastics.

Complex No. (April) (folder)

consideration calendar nature We continue to refine children's ideas about seasonal changes in nature.

DI "Pick up the right clothes for astronaut"

DI "Guess What Changed"- develop attention, thinking, ingenuity

Labor activity.

Labor assignments in the corner nature: watering plants.

Board game "Checkers"- stimulate

Cutting images according to the template. Strengthen the ability to work with pattern: hold the workpiece with your left hand, trace with a simple pencil along the contour, carefully cut along the contour

DI "Assemble the Rocket Piece by Piece". Target: to consolidate children's knowledge about the structure of the rocket and its purpose

S/R. "chauffeurs" game plot development.

1. Learning to read and write.

N. S. Varentsova No. 19 p64

Etc. sod: mastering the sound analysis of words. Distinguish between vowels and consonants (hard and soft). Learn to choose words with a given sound. Teaching the ability to draw graphic lines.

2. Music. Held by plan musical director.

3. Drawing.

Plasticineography "Rocket"

Etc. sod.: After a preliminary conversation, get the children interested in drawing a rocket for Cosmonautics Day. Develop fine motor skills of the fingers when smearing plasticine on the surface of parts. Encourage you to supplement your work with stars, planets, comets, etc. at the choice of children. To educate in children the manifestation of individuality. Observation What do people do in spring?.

Goals: know how people work in the spring, talk about work.

P/I "Rockets" Practice dodging.

The game "We are one team". Target

P/I "Sparrows and the Car". Target: Exercise children in jumping from the bench to designated place.

DI. "What changed?". Target: continue to develop voluntary attention and short-term memory; cultivate honesty.

Work. At the discretion of the teacher

Individual work.

"Go Don't Fall". Develop balance, coordination of movements jumping over obstacles. "Trace to trace"- develop coordination, dexterity of attention.

Independent physical activity. Choice games.

Formation of the CGT and

self-care skills.

Learn to hang clothes beautifully on a chair

(snack) table: exactly, do not swing on a chair; cultivate accuracy.

Awakening gymnastics.


hardening procedures.

DI "Say the opposite".Target: learn to choose words-antonyms (description of spring signs: warm-cold, clear-cloudy, etc.).

Constructive games:- from a wooden constructor "Cosmodrome";

G. Yurlin "What's inside?". Baby Publishing. Story "Happy journey, astronauts"

Viewing an electronic presentation « Planet Earth» Promote development curiosity, cognitive activity, increasing the general erudition of children.

Cloud observation. Target: to develop observation, imagination, fantasy in children; develop narrative writing skills.

DI "Who will name more actions". Goals: learn to choose verbs, denoting actions, develop memory, attention. move games: The teacher asks questions, the children answer with verbs.

(folder : File cabinet D/I)

P/I "We are one team". Target: team building and building

effective team communication

Individual work.

Development of movements - exercise in running at speed, improve the technique of the long jump from a place.

Continue form

Topic: 1. Outer spaces. 2. We travel around the world(parts of the world, sights, globe, map) (09.04-13.04)

weeks Morning OOD Walk Evening Walk

Wednesday 04/11/18 Individual conversations

about the world around.

Conversation "Land - planet on which we live" To give children elementary ideas about the Earth; about the continents, seas and oceans, about the poles and the equator. Show the dependence of the change of parts of the day and seasons on the rotation of the Earth around its own axis and around the sun

Morning gymnastics. Complex No. (April) (folder)

Household - household work:

Manual labor in the book corner (Repair of the book of albums.).

N/A "Checkers"- stimulate

mental activity of children, to promote their logical thinking develop spatial imagination

DI "What number did I miss?"- fix forward and backward counting within 10

Individual work with Sasha V.

- design: "Rocket" (from counting sticks)

DI "Find the Extra" There are 5 pictures on the card. 4 pictures from one groups, the fifth is superfluous. You need to find an extra picture and explain your choice.

C/R "Library". Encourage children to act out different situations.

1. Cognition: Informative- research activity.

"Space Journey"

Etc. sod.: Clarify and consolidate children's knowledge of space and solar system. Contribute to the consolidation of the acquired knowledge, expand the horizons of children. Develop memory, attention. Continue to consolidate the ability to pay attention to the analysis of the effectiveness of information sources.

2. Physical culture.

Held by instructor's plan.

3. Application. T. S. Komarova


Target: Learn to convey the shape of a rocket, using the technique of cutting out paper folded in half so that the right and left sides of the image are the same; position the rocket on the sheet so that it is clear where it flies.

Learn the counting.

The sun is shining and around

there is planets, nine pieces.

To you planets in order

I will list now...

Once! Mercury,

Two! Venus,

Three! Land,

The fourth is Mars.

Five! Jupiter,

Six! Saturn,

Seven! Uranus,

The eighth is Neptune.

Number "nine" call Pluto,

The one who is superfluous - get out! Wind observation.

Bring turntables and sultans to the site. Use them to determine the strength and direction of the wind. Ask the children - how else can you determine its strength and direction. Show the flag on the courthouse, by whether it flutters or not, you can determine the presence of wind and its strength, direction.

DI "Finish the sentence", “Pick up words-actions.

P/I "Rockets"- coordination of speech with movement.

P/I "Higher feet off the ground". Target

Individual work

on the development of basic movements "Who is more accurate?".

Tasks: exercise in throwing at a vertical target with the right and left hands; develop joint mobility, eye.

Work. Invite the children to clear the path from the snow. Formation of the CGT and

self-care skills.

"I do everything myself"

Target: Build awareness in children attitude towards their appearance. Teach children to carefully examine themselves, evaluate the condition of clothing, hairstyles, comment on the results of the examination.

Education work


perform duties independently and conscientiously on duty: lay out on the tables materials and manuals prepared by the teacher for the lesson; wash, if necessary, put them away after occupation in place.

Awakening gymnastics.

Complex No. (folder).

hardening procedures.

Washing and washing hands

cool water.

Reading fiction.

Reading an excerpt from the book by V. Sevastyanov "Into the space"

Modeling the size of the sun and earth (pumpkin and pea)

Watching a cartoon "The Secret of the Third planets»

Observation of the evening weather - compare it with the morning.

DI "Who will come up with more words"

Target. Continue to activate the dictionary, expand your horizons.

P/I "Birds and Cat" Develop hand and foot coordination with movements.

P/I "Higher feet off the ground". Target: Exercise children in running. Increase the motor activity of children, develop the speed of reaction

Learn to throw an object into the distance subgroup.

free play activity. Interest games children:

Work. Invite children to put toys away. Target: continue to arouse the desire of children to work in a team.

Topic: 1. Outer spaces. 2. We travel around the world(parts of the world, sights, globe, map) (09.04-13.04)

weeks Morning OOD Walk Evening Walk

Thursday 04/12/18

Individual conversations

about the world around.

Conversation about the Day of Cosmonautics. Continue to introduce Russian holidays, with the flight into space of the first man - Y. Gagarin. Develop the ability to listen carefully and answer questions in full sentences.

Morning gymnastics.

Complex No. (April) (folder)

N/A "What is the day like?", "What is what?".

Individual work with Sasha V.

"Words are relatives"

Target: development of thinking, development of speech, development

memory and attention.

DI "Build a Rocket"- develop fine motor skills of fingers

(from sticks, buttons, wire, plasticine

C/R "We are the drivers"

Target: To teach children to interact with each other, to coordinate their actions with certain rules, to consolidate the rules traffic for drivers and pedestrians.

Free communication "Why doesn't the moon fall to the earth" "Why do we need artificial Earth satellites today?", "What do communication satellites do to transmit information?", "Cosmonaut Training Center in Star City, tell us what you remember?", "Who is being taken as an astronaut?" 1. FEMP knowledge.

Lesson 2s. 60. Pomoraeva I. A

Etc. sod. improve counting skills within 10; to learn to understand the ratio of adjacent numbers 6 and 7; 7 and 8; 8 and 9; 9 and 10; Pin skill label them with numbers. Develop the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper.

2. Music.

3. Drawing.

"Starry sky. Universe". introduce with a new drawing technique using soap bubbles. Develop a sense of composition

creativity, imagination. Supervision of the work of the janitor. How does he clean up garbage in the kindergarten, what does he do? What tools does he need? Do we need the work of a janitor? For what? Would you like to help the janitor? What can we do about it? (do not litter yourself, collect garbage together, do not let others litter). Explain that if everyone follows the rules - throwing garbage only in the bin or putting it in your pocket and then throwing it away, then we will have a clean place in kindergarten, in the yard, on the street, in the city.

DI "What Happens in Spring". Tasks: to consolidate ideas about spring natural phenomena, to activate the vocabulary on the topic.

P/I "Traps in pairs"- exercise children in dexterity,

Individual work on the development of basic movements. Improving running technique (naturalness, lightness, energetic repulsion)- to develop coordination of movements.

Independent games for children.

Work. Invite children to put toys away. Formation of the CGT and

self-care skills.

continue to teach children to behave properly at the table during meals (sit upright, do not swing in a chair, do not rush and do not talk with your mouth full); cultivate cultural behavior at the table, accuracy.

Education work

culture at the table during lunch (snack).

Continue to teach children how to hold cutlery in their hand.

Awakening gymnastics. Complex No. (folder).

hardening procedures. Walking barefoot on massage mats.

DI "It happens - it doesn't happen" (with a ball). Target: Develop memory, thinking, speed of reaction.

Individual work with Sasha V.

exercise in making sentences with words for spring subject matter to learn to build detailed sentences

Reading fiction.

Reading the fairy tale by N. Nosov "Dunno on the Moon" Sky observation.

Tasks: offer to consider the sky, describe, listen to a poem about spring and spring phenomena, find consonant with the current state of the sky; develop curiosity, attention, coherent speech.

P/I "Empty place".

Tasks: improve the ability to correctly perform game actions, monitor posture; develop speed and agility.

Individual work on the development of basic movements to exercise children in the accuracy of jumps.

Work. "Sweep the Veranda". Target: to continue to encourage the desire of children to provide all possible assistance to adults.

Free play activity. Games for the interests of children. Target: continue to teach children to unite to play together, support friendly relations in games.

Topic: 1. Outer spaces. 2. We travel around the world(parts of the world, sights, globe, map) (09.04-13.04)

weeks Morning OOD Walk Evening Walk

Friday 04/13/18 Individual conversations

about the world around.

Conversation What is travel? Who are travelers? What are they doing? How is a tourist different from a traveller? introduce children with the inhabitants of the steppes and deserts, Far North and tundra, seas and oceans, tropics and subtropics, some features, adaptations of animals and plants to life in different climatic conditions; create conditions for understanding that the features of appearance, way of existence and habits of living beings depend on the conditions of their habitat; bring up moral feelings expressed in empathy with nature, and aesthetic feelings associated with the beauty of the natural world.

Morning gymnastics.

Complex No. (April) (folder)

DI "What happens in the spring?". Target: To consolidate children's ideas about spring phenomena, activate in speech and clarify the relevant concepts.

N/A "Who lives where?"

DI "What do we take with us on the road"

DI "Name the Animals of the North"

C/R "Journey around the Earth» Puzzles by topic "Guess from which fairy tale", "Fold the picture".

1. Development of speech.

V. V. Gerbova No. 8 p88

Picture storytelling training

"We are for sweet mommy."

Etc. sod .: help children make up stories from pictures with sequentially developing action. Contribute to the improvement of dialogic speech

2. Physical culture.

11.50-12.15. (training in sports games and exercises on a walk)


How has their behavior changed with the advent of spring?

DI "Find by description"

DI "Name the activities that take place in the spring".

Target: know the signs of spring, be able to end a sentence by naming the appropriate action.

P/I "Catch - throw". Target

P/I "Run to the flag" Target

Individual work on the development of basic movements.

"Tracks".-form the ability to maintain balance, not to interfere with each other and not to push ahead of the runner.

Work. Feed the birds - encourage self-execution of assignments

Independent motor activity. Target: To teach children to organize familiar games, assign roles, Formation of the CGT and

self-care skills.

game situation "Wonderful haircuts". Target: continue form desire to take care of yourself appearance, with the help of a mirror, find your hairstyle flaws.

Culture work at the table during lunch (snack).

Continue to teach children how to properly hold cutlery in their hands. Cultivate neatness, neatness.

Awakening gymnastics.

Complex No. (folder).

hardening procedures.

Washing with cool water.

Household work.

cleaning in play centers.

Tasks: develop a sense of order, the desire to support him in group.

Independent play activities of children.

Reading fiction

Reading the story of M. Zoshchenko "Change of Places".

Reading an excerpt from R. Kipling's book "Why does an elephant have a long nose".

Weather observation.

Tasks: fix the signs of spring, be able to establish cause-and-effect relationships, draw conclusions.

DI "Find by description"

P/I "Catch - throw". Target: learn to catch the ball without pressing it to your chest; throw accurately to the teacher with both hands in accordance with the rhythm of the spoken words.

P/I "Run to the flag" Target: to teach to perform actions strictly on the signal of the teacher.

Individual work on the development of basic movements.

"Hit the target": develop dexterity, eye.

Independent physical activity. Choice games. Note


children, to get out of conflict situations.

Work. Invite children to put toys away. Target: to continue to educate in children the desire for work.

Continue form the habit of saying goodbye to the teacher and children.

Final event: quiz "Amazing planet»

Joint activities of the educator and children. Educational activities during routine moments.

Topic: 1. Outer spaces. 2. We travel around the world(parts of the world, sights, globe, map) (09.04-13.04)

weeks Morning OOD Walk Evening Walk

Monday 09.04.18 Individual talks about the world around.

Conversation "Space"form ideas about space achievements, the first astronauts: develop curiosity the ability to analyze the information received; expand and refine the vocabulary of children; form gr. etc. speech.

Morning gymnastics.

Complex No. (April) (folder)

D/I Lotto "Professions"- correctly compare the picture with the card, learn to name professions.

Work. Labor assignments in the corner nature: watering plants.

Board game. "Checkers" "Find your soul mate".

Individual work with Sasha V

Logical games "Find a Pattern", "Draw the Pattern",

"Which piece is missing?"

Finger gymnastics "Bird".

Target: speech development, development of intelligence, spatial thinking, creativity children.

C/R "Space trip"

Target: create conditions for enriching children with impressions that can be used in the game; encourage the development of the plot of this game

Children's independent work suggest scissors to develop cutting skills

Coloring coloring pages on a theme "Space"

Exhibition of books about space. one. Cognition. Acquaintance with the outside world.

Presentation for children

"How Man Explored Space" Target:Familiarization children with a natural-scientific picture of the world; expanding children's understanding of the universe; formation of creativity, successful socialization, ; development cognitive interest; vocabulary enrichment and activation; comprehensive development personality.

2. Physical education. Sparrow watching. Goals: continue to consolidate, refine and systematize children's knowledge of a familiar bird - a sparrow; enrich vocabulary with an artistic word about a sparrow; activate attention and memory; learn to see changes in the behavior of birds with the advent of spring.

P/I "School of astronauts"

Target: improve jumping through the interval, develop dexterity and attention.

P/I "Flies - does not fly" (Target

DI. "Find by description"

Work. Clearing paths from debris.

Individual work.

"Jumping up from a place" Tasks: continue to develop jumping ability, the ability to concentrate muscle efforts, combining strength with speed with subgroup

Independent physical activity. Choice games Formation of the CGT and

self-care skills.

"Everything has its place" Target: To teach a careful attitude to things, to remind that all things should lie in their places.

Culture work at the table during lunch (snack). Continue to teach children to sit properly table: exactly, do not swing on a chair; cultivate accuracy

Awakening gymnastics.


hardening procedures.

Improving gymnastics after sleep, walking along the massage paths.

DI "Chain of words"- Exercise children in determining the first and last sound in words

I/U "Cap and Wand"- develop coordination, dexterity, attention.

Making the basis for the layout "Space spaces"- learn to tear paper with your hands, carefully stick it on cardboard

Reading fiction.

K. A. Portsevsky "My first book about space"

Develop an interest in literature. Strengthen the ability to listen carefully to works, answer questions on the text.

Hoarfrost observation - develop observation and curiosity in the process of familiarization with natural phenomena; arouse interest in the world around; form realistic ideas about nature; expand horizons; enrich vocabulary; activate memory and attention.

DI "Where is what?"- fix the correct pronunciation of certain sounds in words; learn to pick out word groups, from the speech stream of a word with a given sound.

P/I "Flies - does not fly" (Target: develop running skills, the ability to quickly respond to the driver's signal, memory development, knowledge of the words of the game).

Individual work. "Jumpers" Target. Continue to consolidate the ability of children to jump forward with subgroup.

Work. Invite children to put toys away.

Independent play activities of children.

Continue form the habit of saying goodbye to the teacher and children.