
What do children do in kindergarten? What do they do in kindergarten? What are kindergarten children doing?


What do children do in kindergarten: a mandatory lesson program

Children of younger and middle age groups attend one or more types of classes:

  • drawing circle;
  • a circle of crafts from various materials;
  • logorhythmics - classes in the music room, where children learn not only to feel the music, but also to sing, dance and pronounce letters and words correctly;
  • sports Club.
Each parent for his child can choose one or more directions for development. But for children under three years old, it is preferable to choose only one in order to avoid overwork.
For older groups, there are also preparatory classes where they take a full course in reading and writing before school.
It's great if your garden has a pool, they teach lessons foreign language or organized a theater school. Take the opportunity to improve the health of the baby or develop creative talent in him, because there are not so many such institutions due to restrictions in state funding.

Games for general development

And one more link between all the pupils, except for the daily routine: this is what all the children in the kindergarten do with great pleasure - of course, they play. And any educator should not only be able to communicate with children, help them in stressful situations and teach them to contact their peers, but be able to organize them for useful and educational games, both indoors and outdoors.

For example, what do children of 3 years old do in kindergarten?
In addition to cars, dolls and constructors, they are interested in games where everyone has their own role and a certain plot: a buyer and a seller, a doctor and a patient, a passenger and a driver, a hairdresser and his client.
All these uncomplicated plot- role-playing games prepare them for real life situations.

Older children enjoy playing theater if there are puppets. Or they themselves can become the heroes of some fairy tale. For example, the teacher gives the task: to play the fairy tale "Teremok". Children learn to independently distribute roles among themselves and create a plot.

For active games during a walk in the kindergarten, special playgrounds are equipped for each group of pupils. There is always a sandbox, various ladders, a carousel, a slide and a gazebo so that you can hide in the shade in hot summer weather.

Children of older groups, together with the teacher, can play such favorite games as “deaf phone” or “edible and inedible”.

Preparing for the holidays: what else can children do in kindergarten

For children from youngest age group, there is an opportunity to show off talents: read a poem in front of all parents on New Year or sing a song about mother on March 8th. This is another important preparatory and educational stage: the child learns not to be afraid of the public, develops speech and memory, and during the staging of the festive program masters the role given to him.
remember, that The best way find out what the kids are doing kindergarten- ask them yourself.
Any child will be happy to share his emotions from the day he lived, because he has a very busy day, and most importantly - with alternating alternation of physical activity, learning activities, games and rest.

Do you want to lift the veil of secrecy over the life of your child when you are not around? Want to know what kids do during the day? Let's take a look at this world.

Kindergarten - preschool caring for children from 2 to 6 years old. There are wellness, compensatory, speech therapy, round-the-clock gardens, with a different number of groups. But all such institutions have standards of work.

So you took the baby to Kindergarten. What is he doing there until you arrive in the evening?

First, he has breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack. All products meet quality standards, and the cooking process meets the requirements of sanitation. The diet of young visitors necessarily contains a variety of fruits and vegetables, cereals, meat, and fish. You can be calm, the baby will not remain hungry (unless, of course, he is used to eating gourmet food at home).

Secondly, in good weather, he walks twice a day - in the morning before lunch and in the evening after afternoon tea. That is, walking fresh air the heir of the family is also provided.

Thirdly, he rests, according to the regime, during a quiet hour - he sees dreams or just lies quietly so that his arms, legs, head, spine rest.

And, fourthly, it is actively developing. To do this, classes are held with children in kindergarten ( manual labor, individual and collective games, creativity), according to age. In addition, kindergarten specialists regularly conduct their thematic developmental lessons - a speech therapist (if any), a psychologist, a physical education teacher, and a music director. That is, your baby learns to sing, learn poetry, pronounce letters correctly, dance, control his body, work with sports equipment, move in space, make something with his hands.

In addition, the very location of the child - a group with several peers - simply obliges the baby to learn daily to communicate with people, with his own kind, and with adults. Kindergarten helps children, learns to constructively resolve conflicts, learn the rules of behavior in society and communication with the opposite sex. And they also gradually learn to take care of their bodies on their own (personal hygiene, dress, undress, change clothes), behave at the table, master elementary labor skills (help the nanny clear the table, the teacher prepare for the lesson, put away toys).

Rest assured that your child goes to the same job every day as you do. Indeed, in a day in kindergarten, he needs to have so much time to do, learn, master and decide! It takes a lot of effort from a small person. Therefore, the child is also tired, sometimes, like us, he does not want to go “to work”.

Ask your daughter or son at dinner in the evening what new things you learned today, how the day went, whether the child is happy with this day. The habit of sharing experiences will serve you and your baby well later, and each family member will feel the support of their loved ones.

Kindergarten is not scary, it's great!

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Second day working on junior group(age 3 years old), I can’t get the kids to get out of the toilet on time, change clothes, everyone runs around the group. And the scream, I scream, it makes my head hurt. This is not an option, I getting aggressive.

Maybe use the clock method? While the sand is running, should the child have time? How to make the kids hear my words, react?

The second teacher screams a lot, the children respect her. But I think this is not my method, I like the profession of a teacher, and I want to start being able to organize my kids. Tell! Olya. Thanks in advance.

Lyubov Goloshchapova, child psychologist, answers:

First of all, more self-confidence. Here you write wonderfully that you do not want to achieve discipline by aggressive methods. Indeed, shouting is not a method. And respect is not earned by shouting. The cry of an adult, big and strong man, can cause fear in the baby. A frightened child will be obedient for a while - a very quick and simple way to achieve discipline. Unfortunately, its "simplicity" has a negative impact on the health of children, and on the atmosphere in the group, and on the self-esteem and psychological comfort of the educator himself.

For such a person as I see you, it may be much better suited method is positive and respectful. I'll start with a question for you: what do you do with soul and passion? What are you interested in, what do you like to do, or what are you forced to do for no one knows why? If children are interested, they will move mountains, and do not look that they are such little ones. Take at least your idea about hourglass– this is just a great move! Beat her well so that the kids become really interested ... Then they will not only hear you. Non-standard moves of the educator, creativity, fiction, fantasy - and the children themselves will literally look into your mouth, because it’s interesting what kind of new games and entertainment you have come up with for them!

I guess you will need some time. The children are accustomed to their old teacher, accustomed to screaming, perhaps they do not know that it can be different in the garden. Restructuring in children, thank God, is happening quickly. Your task is to be aware, sensitively monitor the ongoing changes in the group, make adjustments to your behavior on the go, adapt and be as open and sincere as possible. Children appreciate this extremely highly. If you do not like something in children's behavior, simply and calmly talk about it in words that the child understands. And if you like it, let me know! Do not miss a single opportunity to praise the children, if there is a reason for this.

About the relation to itself, as to the educator. Experience in your business means a lot, and you will quickly increase it every day. But still more important is your attitude to work, to children, your vision of the role of an educator as a friend, teacher, assistant - above all, respect for children and for yourself. You will succeed, celebrate your successes every day and praise yourself, do not be shy. What didn’t work out today will definitely work out tomorrow or in a couple of days. Don't rush things. And remember - everything will be the way you want it. And if for the first few days (or, say, a week) the children run around the group in some turmoil, you must admit that this is not at all scary, the main thing is that mutual understanding and mutual respect will soon be achieved.

Every mom strives to find out what happens to her beloved child when she is not around. This is especially of interest to those mothers who are forced to send their children to kindergarten in early age. Let's analyze in this article what our children do in kindergarten.

First of all, it must be clarified that a kindergarten is an institution that looks after children aged two to six years. Gardens are completely different. There are wellness, speech therapy, round-the-clock, compensatory gardens, and different groups. But the day regimen in kindergarten is the same for everyone.

Let's try to consider what will happen to your child after you bring him to kindergarten. And what will he do until you arrive.

What does kindergarten do

  • First of all, the baby will be fed. Of course, there will be lunch and an afternoon snack. Don't worry about food. All products will certainly be fresh and of high quality. And the entire cooking process meets standard sanitary standards. As for the diet of babies, it is quite diverse. There is meat, cereals, fish, vegetables and fruits. If the children were fed normal food at home, then there will be no problems and your baby will not be hungry.
  • If the weather is good, then the children will be taken for a walk before lunch and immediately after the afternoon snack.
  • And, of course, in any kindergarten there is a quiet hour. All the time allotted for this, the children watch dreams or just lie quietly in their beds. Rest is simply necessary after the little fidgets have been jumping and running all morning.
  • In order for the kids to develop, kindergarten teachers conduct collective games, music and singing lessons, and creative activities. Practically in every kindergarten there are psychologists, physical education teachers, speech therapists, music teachers. Children learn to sing, read poetry, dance, pronounce all letters correctly and clearly, make crafts with their own hands, and work with sports equipment. The very fact that the baby is long time with his peers, obliges him to learn something every day and, above all, to find mutual language with other children.
  • Kindergarten will help kids learn the various rules of behavior in society. Children learn to dress themselves, eat, clean up after themselves toys.
  • Mothers can be sure that their child in kindergarten not only has a rest, but learns a lot of new and useful things. And for this, the child will have to make tremendous efforts. Therefore, one should not be surprised that a son or daughter comes tired from kindergarten.
  • Let it become a habit for you to be interested in how your child's day went and what new and interesting things he learned today.

Now you know what kind of activities are in kindergarten, and how your beloved child's typical day goes. Do not worry, and are afraid to send children to the garden. This is quite normal and, moreover, develops the process of adaptation in the team, the child will be more sociable. He will be able to develop under the supervision of specialists who will teach him everything that is necessary in accordance with his age. We wish you good luck and health to your children!

As a rule, the arrival of children at the institution is possible as early as 7 am. This is especially convenient for those parents whose working day starts early enough. In warm weather, the teacher meets his pupils on the playground, and in cool weather - in the group.


All children wash their hands before breakfast. In the preparatory group for school, attendants are appointed. Their job is to help set the table. This is the first introduction to work.


After breakfast, classes begin. Depending on the day of the week, these may be:
- modeling;
- Painting;
- music;
- physical Culture;
- mathematics;
- development of speech;
- natural history.

All classes are held in accordance with the age strictly according to the plan and always in game form. Children always receive handouts and are involved in the discussion. This contributes to their integrated development.


To create a healthy atmosphere in the kindergarten, various events are regularly held. This gives the pupils a lot of positive emotions. For such holidays as the New Year and March 8, kids prepare in advance. Poems are studied together with teachers, skits are prepared, songs are learned. Adults are invited to the matinee and everyone has fun together.


In any weather, except for bad weather and severe frosts, the teacher walks with the children. Walking has not only a beneficial effect on the health of babies, but also contributes to their intellectual development. To do this, various outdoor games and competitions are held during the walk. The teacher draws attention to natural phenomena, explains their essence with examples. The friendly atmosphere is facilitated by the joint collection of yellow leaves, cones and other natural materials.

Lunch and Quiet Time

After the walk, the children have lunch. The teacher makes sure that all the children sit at the table with clean hands, recalls the rules of conduct at the table. And from about 13 to 15 hours, all the children sleep. The teacher is always nearby at this time, which contributes to a good rest.

Afternoon and game

Afternoon snack is a light snack after sleep. Then, as a rule, the children are divided into individual groups depending on the wishes and needs. At this time, some of the children play board or role-playing games, and with the other part, the teacher examines the pictures, consolidating the material covered during the day, reads books and tells fairy tales.

Dinner and walk

Before or after dinner, the kids go for a walk. Usually at this time parents come for the children, but the guys often ask to take a walk for some more time. This is because mutual understanding, trust and kindness reign in kindergarten.