
Methods of working with the manual “Golden Montessori Beads. Mary Montessori's "Gold Material" Montessori bank of gold material


Watching a child working with Golden material

At the heart of approaches to the formation of mathematical thinking in children is the concept of "materialized abstractions - this is how M. Montessori called her didactic material. She considered the subject of mathematics itself not as the sum of certain knowledge, but as a position of a person, as a special way of mastering the world with the help of his knowledge, activity and emotional participation. Numbers are taught in the same way as language, and therefore mathematics is a universal science, in fact, universal. Worthy of great admiration is the picture of the decimal system laid out on a small rug, compiled by a five-year-old child from hundreds of beads, rods, cubes and their digital image. With the help of a visible and tangible decimal system, the child learns to master the world of numbers. The golden material belongs to the second group of mathematical materials by M. Montessori and stands on a separate shelf along with the Bank of the Golden material and a box with a game of stamps, which is arranged in its likeness. Presentation trays are upstairs, everything else is downstairs. The presentation of the material is given only once, when the child takes it for the first time. In the future, an adult helps the baby only at his request. Usually, mentors agree with the children that this request will be expressed by a show of hands, and not by a loud call that may interfere with the work of others.

Observation of the work of the child is carried out, one might say, arbitrarily. The mentor writes down only a few important phrases in her notebook.

Nastya Sh. 5 years 10 months. The presentation of the Golden Material was given to her late - when the girl had already perfectly mastered the materials of the first group, as well as the Segen Board and could count verbally even with the transition through a dozen. Large numbers captured her. Already without an adult, she repeated all the stages of the presentation several times with great pleasure. She was surprised that 10 beads fastened together make 1 dozen. She counted the plate several times - a hundred made up of these tens. While counting out loud. Nastya was engaged in repeating the presentation for so long that it even seemed strange to me. She did not proceed to the construction of the decimal system. Only when she noticed that others were doing it with pleasure did she ask permission to work on the vest, and she no longer touched the beads, but took up numbers. Usually, children do not move from building a decimal system to typing a number for several days, or even weeks, and Nastya made this transition instantly. She sat down at the table, put a box with large numbers next to her, thought up the number herself and began to run to the Bank of Golden Material for beads. I practiced typing numbers for quite a long time and did not let anyone near me. But then she still asked me to ask her the number "harder" ...

Arseniy N., 5 years old, Radinets Center, 2006. boy from large family. Sisters and brothers attended a Montessori group. Arseniy comes to the Center for the second year. He has serious vision problems. Arseniy easily mastered the first group of mathematical material by the beginning of the sixth year of his life. He knows the composition of the number, the transition through a dozen, solves examples without using the material. In one lesson, I mastered the presentation of beads and immediately decided to add the decimal system. Apparently, he liked the very process of organizing such a large number of beads, rods and cubes, and he long time laid them out without touching the numbers. Only on the 4th lesson did he decide to take the numbers. The mentor showed him the new value of zero, which now indicates that the number belongs to one category or another, and Arseniy, with a considerable amount of tension, began to lay out the plates with numbers. In the future, he was more interested in arithmetic with the Golden Material than simply laying it out on a carpet or a set of numbers.

When preparing the texts of observations of the work of the child, we advise you to read similar diaries by Yulia Ivanovna Fausek. (Julia Fausek. Pedagogy of Maria Montessori. Genesis Publishing House 2007. P. 138 - 143 and on other pages of this book).

So, our training has come to an end. Summarize.

We learned the shortest and most reliable way to add the decimal system from the beads of the Golden material. made observations of children's work with this material and tried to describe them in the form of a diary.

Please send your reflection on the training you have completed to my email address by answering three questions:

  • What did you like?
  • What seemed weak and unimportant?
  • What should be changed to improve the content of the training sessions?

I wish you success in your work and good luck in life!

Your Montessori Trainer Elena Hiltunen

About the system early development Maria Montessori is heard today by many parents. The main principle of the methodology is the freedom of choice and independence of the child on the way of his adaptation to the world around him. These goals are achieved mainly by creating a specially prepared environment for the baby, filled with a wide variety of materials for games and other activities. Everything is subject to the principles of the Montessori system - from the situation in the room where the child lives, to toys and household items. Things created in accordance with the methodology cost a lot of money in the store. But to make most of them on their own with their own hands, significantly reducing waste, parents are quite capable of doing it.

Materials for the little ones - Montessori mobiles

The Montessori system involves surrounding the baby with play material that is appropriate for its age capabilities. Thus, the specially designed design of the first toys of each baby - mobiles - allows you to use and develop visual observation and concentration on objects.

The classic set of Montessori mobiles includes 4 models.

  1. Mobile Munari - black and white - designed for the most early age(from 2-3 weeks from the moment of birth).
  2. A mobile made of colorful octahedrons - octahedrons - suitable for babies over 1.5 months old.
  3. The Gobbi mobile, consisting of suspended balls, occupies a child of 2-3 months of age.
  4. Mobile "Dancing little men" - a system of light, iridescent figures in the light - ideal for children from 3-4 months.

The peculiarity of Montessori mobiles is the uncomplicated form of the elements, the absence of their intensive movement, simple and clear colors. Each of the classic toy options is designed in accordance with the age capabilities of the baby and allows him to develop those skills that are necessary in a particular period of growing up.

Mobile Munari for the baby with their own hands

At the age of a few weeks, the child is not yet able to focus his vision, but he is quite able to distinguish contrasting shades, clear shapes, he is attracted to movement. Each detail of the Munari mobile is designed in accordance with the peculiarities of the perception of the world around the baby at this age, so it is very important to observe the correct proportions when creating it.

To create the first mobile (without taking into account the basic design for attaching the toy), you will need:

  • transparent ball (plastic);
  • strong thread;
  • black and white thick paper;
  • three wooden sticks (about half a centimeter in diameter);
  • paint black and white;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • tool for cutting wooden sticks.

When calculating the size of the figures and the distances between them, one should start from the diameter of the selected ball. The formula for calculating the values ​​​​used to create the mobile is as follows:

B \u003d A + 1/3 of radius A, where A is the diameter of the ball.

Having calculated the dimensions and distances between the elements, it is quite simple to make a Munari mobile.

  1. First of all, the sticks are cut to the desired length and the sticks are painted - one white, one black and one striped (from the longest to the shortest).
  2. Then figures are cut out of paper, and a contrasting pattern is pasted on them in accordance with the scheme.
  3. At the last stage, the length of the threads is measured, then the structure is assembled by hanging the elements in the order determined by the scheme.

Schemes for creating a Munari mobile - photo gallery

The length of the sticks is calculated in proportion to the diameter of the transparent ball The distances between the elements of the mobile must be clearly calibrated. The sizes of the figures are calculated using the formula Mobile includes three sticks different lengths and colors It should be remembered that the pattern on some figures differs on the front and back sides.

How to make a Munari mobile with your own hands - video

Mobile from octahedrons - instructions for creating your own hands

A mobile of three multi-colored volumetric octahedrons is offered to a baby from the age of one and a half months. It is very easy to make, and it is not at all difficult to diversify the toy, periodically changing octahedrons to the same figures of a different color and size, made of matte, glossy or holographic paper.

It should be remembered that young children perceive the most difficult blue color, and the lightest is yellow.

To make a mobile you will need:

  • thick paper of different colors and textures;
  • glue;
  • adhesive tape (adhesive tape);
  • strong thread;
  • a wooden plank for hanging figures about 25–30 cm long.


  1. Transfer the octahedron diagram to paper, cut it out, fold it.
  2. Measure the thread, fix it inside the octahedron with adhesive tape.
  3. Glue the octagon.
  4. Hang the figures at different heights by the bar.
  5. Fasten the bar to the base structure of the mobile.

Mobile of octahedrons in action - video

Mobile Gobbi - a world of shades and depth of space for a little explorer

Mobile Gobbi is offered to babies 2-3 months old - they are already able to distinguish shades and perceive the depth of space.

The Gobbi mobile consists of five balls of different shades of the same color, suspended in an ascending line in accordance with the smooth transition of one shade to another.

To make Gobbi you will need:

  • 5 identical light balls (for example, made of plastic);
  • floss thread (intended for embroidery) of five shades of the same color;
  • needle;
  • scissors;
  • adhesive tape (adhesive tape);
  • wooden plank for hanging balloons about 25–30 cm long.

How to make a Gobbi mobile.

  1. Using a needle, we make a through hole in the ball.
  2. We introduce the floss thread tucked into the needle into the hole, fix the tip of the thread with adhesive tape.
  3. We wrap the thread around the entire outer surface of the ball by inserting a needle with a thread in one direction into the hole many times.
  4. When the ball is ready, leave a long free end of the thread for hanging.
  5. We wrap all 5 balls in the same way.
  6. We hang the balls by the free end of the thread to the bar in accordance with the diagram.
  7. We fix the finished mobile on the base structure.

Balls for mobile Gobbi can be made any other convenient way, for example, tie the base with a crochet or make it using the felting technique.

The process of creating a Gobbi mobile - photo gallery

As a basis, you can take a ping-pong ball The thread should completely cover the outer surface of the ball without "bald spots" It is necessary to make five balls of different colors

Do-it-yourself mobile Gobbi - video

Mobile "Dancing little men" - a fascinating movement

The mobile "Dancing little men" is intended for children from 4 months. Active movement and play of light will attract the attention of the child at this age. In addition, he will swing the toy himself, waving his arms.

To create a mobile you will need:

  • holographic paper;
  • plain paper for templates;
  • foil;
  • large and rather heavy beads;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • strong thread;
  • straps (three pieces) for hanging elements.

Mobile manufacturing process.

  1. We draw on plain paper little man template (for each individual element, you can make a separate unique template) from three parts: a circle (head) and two crescents (arms and legs).
  2. Cut out the template and transfer to holographic paper. It is necessary to make two parts from each element of the template in order for the little man to turn out to be two-sided.
  3. We cut and glue the parts, passing the thread between the two halves. Leave the free end of the thread below.
  4. We tie a bead to the lower end of the thread and cover it with foil.
  5. We hang the little people at both ends of each of the two sticks, and we, in turn, attach them to the third stick by the central part.

How to make a Montessori mobile "Dancing little men" with your own hands - video

mobile mount

Before you start making a toy, you should carefully consider its basic design and method of attachment. Difficulties at this stage may arise due to the fact that the Montessori method implies the rejection of the classic baby crib with high sides and a “lattice”, for which standard mobiles usually cling.

The Montessori mobile is located above the child's activity zone - it can be a mattress laid out on the floor, a dense rug, etc. In the classic version of the arrangement of the Montessori environment, it is suspended from the ceiling on a hook mounted there. However, in this matter, the range of options for solving the problem is limited only by the imagination of the parents. You can fix the toy on the wall or place it on the floor using the support structure.

As a basic design for a Montessori mobile, it is convenient to use the base from ordinary mobiles, removing all unnecessary elements (toys, pendants, etc.).

The mobile can be fixed both to the wall and hung on the supporting structure. It all depends on the location and arrangement of a particular area of ​​​​activity of the baby.

When hanging a mobile, you should remember to follow two rules for its location:

  • the distance to the baby's eyes should fluctuate between 20-30 cm;
  • it is better to move the mobile itself a little towards the legs - you should not hang it directly above your head.

Montessori home environment for a child from one to three years old: principles, zoning

The whole method of raising a child according to Montessori is based on the formation by parents around a crumb of a special space where he could independently (with minimal outside help) develop harmoniously. Since the main place of residence of the baby before three years- this is the parental home, the emphasis at this age is on transforming the home environment according to the principles of the system.

Of course, the ideal field for arranging a Montessori environment is a separate children's room. However, knowing and being able to correctly apply the principles of the methodology under consideration, parents may well create the right environment for harmonious development a child even in a one-room apartment. And there are many practical examples of this.

Basic principles of organizing space according to Montessori

The basic principles of space organization for the harmonious development of the child's personality according to Montessori are as follows.

  1. The desire to use environmentally friendly materials, harmony in the interior, the predominance of pastel colors.
  2. A safe environment for the baby, who will use the space and objects primarily on his own and at his own discretion.
  3. Correspondence of the size of furniture and other interior items to the age of the child, and at the same time - their maximum proximity in functionality to similar adult things.
  4. The availability of all game material for the crumbs, ease of use.
  5. Maintaining a balance: there should not be too many or too few toys in terms of quantity.
  6. Clear zoning of space.
  7. Compliance of the created environment with the tasks set for the development of the child.

Space zoning

Not only the nursery space is subject to zoning. Separate corners should be allocated to the baby in other common rooms: hallway, bathroom, kitchen. They are equipped in such a way that the child can independently perform self-service functions (dressing in outerwear, washing, eating) or helping adults (for example, in cooking, cleaning).

The main areas for a baby from one to three years old in a children's room can be represented as follows.

  1. Sleep area - bed.
  2. Game zone - a rug or mattress, next to which there are racks with game material.
  3. Area for classes - a table and a chair for the growth of the child, a rack with materials for creativity and learning.
  4. Dressing and personal care area - a closet with shelves accessible to the baby, on which there are several sets of clothes, a high chair, a mirror.
  5. Cleaning area - cleaning tools selected for height and age (rags, mop, broom, bucket - everything is like mom's).
  6. Bath and toilet area (in the respective rooms). In the bathroom for the crumbs, you should hang your towel at a comfortable level for him, there should be a shelf with daily toilet products, a chair or a step so that he can comfortably use the washstand. There should be a baby potty in the toilet, toilet paper and other necessary items.
  7. Hallway area (located in the common hallway) - a hook or hanger with outerwear, a shelf with shoes located in a place accessible to the baby, a high chair.
  8. The cooking and eating area (usually in the kitchen) is a separate place adapted so that the child can sit down and refresh himself, a hotel (lower) shelf with the baby’s dishes and other items for setting the table and helping mom in cooking.

Examples of space zoning according to the Montessori method - photo gallery

In the sleeping area there is only a bed The play area occupies, as a rule, the most significant part of the space of the room, however, it should be visually limited Dressing area - a small closet or several shelves available to the baby. You shouldn’t put a lot of clothes there, but the order should be perfect Study area - table and chair for classes In the cleaning area, the baby should have their own tools (albeit the simplest) The bathroom area is equipped, as a rule, in a shared bathroom, but there may also be a washing table located in the nursery Baby toilet includes a potty and other necessary items The hallway area may include a small hanger for outerwear a child, a comfortable place to put on shoes, etc. In the kitchen, the child should have his own table for eating and cooking The child is given real (including breaking) dishes

Do-it-yourself Montessori children's bed and other space elements

A bed in accordance with the method of Maria Montessori is just a mattress without sides, ladders and other elements. The height of the bed should be such that the child is not limited by its limits, can easily climb in and out of it, even if he still does not know how to walk. If we talk about specific sizes, then they can be represented as follows:

  • the height of the mattress ranges from 10 to 20 cm, or up to the middle of the baby's lower leg;
  • the width and length of the bed are selected depending on the area allocated for these purposes, but the bed should not be small so that the child can easily roll over in his sleep without the danger of falling.

Around the bed along its entire free perimeter, you should lay a soft carpet.

The Montessori technique does not put forward special requirements for the materials from which the baby's bed should be made. Nevertheless, natural materials are predominantly used - cotton upholstery, buckwheat husk filler, coconut fiber, etc.

As you can see, each zone of the Montessori space is an object created and completed by parents independently based on their ideas about those everyday moments that are available to a child at his age, and their own imagination. Adults are not at all obliged to strictly follow any specific list of zones and a list of objects, to arrange corners for the baby in accordance with a scheme invented by someone. Turning on the imagination, it is very easy to build from the available materials and children's furniture, for example, a table for washing clothes and washing dishes, other interesting play areas and even at that time areas of great practical importance.

A corner for washing clothes and washing dishes can be completed from an ordinary small coffee table covered with oilcloth and a set plastic tableware(basin, jug, etc.)

Most of the game material used in accordance with the Montessori system can be made with your own hands from improvised objects and things, because almost all these games imitate, to one degree or another, the actions of adults that are made in everyday life. To create toys, everything from old fabrics and buttons to locks, latches and a broken phone will come in handy.

Wall modules: is it possible to do it yourself?

Montessori wall modules are a storehouse of useful ideas for parents who want to make an educational toy with their own hands. Of course, only a professional can repeat the wooden models of industrial production exactly. However, by connecting a little imagination, every mother can recreate the principle inherent in them in an ordinary city apartment. And a child will undoubtedly appreciate such a thing.

Montessori wall modules are a group of elements of developing equipment. They are wooden panels fixed on the wall and containing various kinds of structures, performing the required actions with which the child game form develops a particular skill.

Do-it-yourself module for running balls

A module for running balls is a device made of guides fixed in a certain order, along which a ball rolls freely from top to bottom. At first, the baby will simply follow him, then he will try to catch him, and then he will learn how to launch them on his own.

Such a module will be of interest to a child from 11 months of age.

There are several ways to recreate the game at home, and the easiest of them is to make guides from paper towel tubes. To make a toy you will need:

  • cardboard tubes from paper towels;
  • paints and brush;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • base for attaching the module (the lid from a large cardboard box is also quite suitable);
  • large beads (you can take wooden ones);
  • a basket for collecting balls at the bottom (you can use half a capsule from Kinder Surprise if the balls are small).
  1. We cut and paint the tubes - guides (you can cut grooves in them at the ends, or you can even cut each tube in half lengthwise).
  2. We glue the guides to the base in such a way that the rolling ball gets from one to the other (each part must have a slope so that the ball rolls freely along it).
  3. Under the lower end of the very last guide we fix a basket for collecting balls.
  4. We fix the panel in a vertical position on the wall or in another convenient place.

For the manufacture of a larger module, a sheet of plywood is taken, and the guides are made from building corners. You can roll a ping-pong ball or roll-on deodorant on them.

Creating a wall module for running balls from cardboard tubes - photo gallery

To create a module, first of all, you need to prepare cardboard bases from rolls of paper towels. Grooves can be cut out at the ends of the guides in order to better see the movement of the ball when changing the trajectory. The guides can be painted in different colors. bright colours The guides are fixed in a “zigzag”, the angle of inclination should not be too small, but not too large, so that the ball does not descend very quickly

Gear module

The module with gears consists of two gears, by turning one of which the child learns to see the cause-and-effect relationship. In addition, such a toy develops a rotational movement of the hand in a vertical plane. It is suitable for children from 1 year old.

You can recreate a module with gears at home from cardboard. For manufacturing you will need:

  • paper, pencil and ruler for drawing;
  • thick cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • base for the module (you can take a cover from a cardboard box);
  • wooden or plastic cylinders for the manufacture of a fixed gear base and handles.

Manufacturing sequence.

  1. We draw a diagram of gears, the teeth are easiest to make triangular. Their size and shape must match for both parts - this is required condition in order for the system to work. The center of the figure is drawn in accordance with the selected base on which it will be attached.
  2. We cut out the gears translated according to the scheme from cardboard - it is better to make several layers and glue them together.
  3. We fix the base cylinders on the panel with glue, put the gears on them (before assembling, it is necessary to try on the parts and mark the gluing points).
  4. We fix the handle for rotation on one or both gears.

DIY gears - photo gallery

Gears must first be drawn on paper If the gears are glued from several layers of cardboard, they turn out to be quite dense and thick. An example of a do-it-yourself module with gears

Module with locks and latches

In the classic version, a board with locks and latches is a panel with six small doors, each of which is closed with a lock of a certain type (espagnolette, chain, key, etc.). Such a module is intended for development fine motor skills children from one and a half years of age.

Of course, only dad or grandfather can make something similar at home, which many of them successfully cope with. The performance of this toy among parents is very diverse. Sometimes several Montessori ideas are combined in a module at once (gears, locks, labyrinths, lacing, etc.). Combination options and their implementation can be found on the expanses of the worldwide network called "Bizibord".

Developing boards or bodyboards - photo gallery

An example of a business board with different Montessori elements The bodyboard combines several elements or ideas of the Montessori method at once The module with locks and latches develops fine motor skills of the child

An example of a DIY module - video

Montessori play panels

Montessori play panels are more mobile than design modules. A huge number of such developmental materials have been invented, some of which are described below.

Lacing and DIY embroidery panel

A classic example of Montessori panels is lacing. It is quite easy to make the simplest lacing with your own hands.

Example of lacing - photo gallery

Lacing games are wooden panels various shapes with holes for threading the lace Embroidery panels have more evenly spaced holes than lacing
Lacing in the form of cheese with holes - voluminous wooden toy

To make lacing or embroidery from plywood, you will need:

  • plywood;
  • wood saw;
  • screwdriver;
  • pencil and ruler;
  • sandpaper;
  • laces or ribbons.

Panel manufacturing sequence.

  1. We mark the panel blanks on the plywood. Cut them out with a hacksaw.
  2. We mark with a pencil and drill holes in the resulting figures with a screwdriver.
  3. We rub the edges of the panels and holes with sandpaper, smooth out the roughness.

Lacing making - photo gallery

From building tools for making toys you will need a screwdriver and a hacksaw for wood First you need to mark the shapes on the plywood Figures are cut with a hacksaw Lacing can be of any shape - it all depends on the imagination of the parents The location of the holes must be measured and marked with a pencil. Holes drilled with a screwdriver All roughness must be cleaned with sandpaper Laces are pulled into the laces Playing with lacing, the child trains fine motor skills

The game "Mouse in Cheese" do-it-yourself

Mouse in cheese - a panel with many holes of different sizes: 10 large, 15 medium and 40 small. The kit includes a mouse with a ball on a string, which must be lifted up so as not to drop it into the holes.

You can make some semblance of a toy at home. For this you will need:

  • cardboard box;
  • a cardboard tube (you can have several) from paper towels or toilet paper;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • paints;
  • the mice themselves are plastic or crocheted balls, etc. (it is better if the "mice" are with tails).

manufacturing algorithm.

  1. Cut a hole in the box, equal in diameter to a cardboard tube.
  2. Insert the tube into the hole (you can make two holes in opposite sides of the box and connect them with a tube tunnel).
  3. The box should be painted yellow, you can draw "holes" - you get cheese A cardboard tube is inserted into the hole made in the box - a kind of tunnel is obtained If there is only one hole in the box, you will have to get the mice by opening it

    Materials for training sessions

    Despite the fact that any game material created according to the principles of the Montessori methodology can be called educational, certain games in this area still have a special weight. It is worth considering some of them.

    golden bank of beads

    The game "Gold Bank of Beads" is designed to teach the child the basics of mathematics.

    Recreating such a bank at home is also quite realistic: you just need to stock up on a large number of golden beads (as a yellow option), wire and patience. As a container for playing material, you can use a cardboard box, divided into compartments.

    Montessori cards

    Montessori cards are a whole group of materials aimed at developing a child's logic, attention, memory and motor skills. There are countless sets - color, fact-finding in various categories and others. And it’s very simple to make them yourself: find the ones you like on the open spaces of the worldwide network and print them on a color printer.

    Construction Triangles

    The tutorial "Constructive Triangles" consists of 5 wooden boxes of various geometric shapes with multi-colored triangles located in them, from which these shapes are proposed to be laid out by the child.

    Implementing the idea of ​​this game at home is quite simple - triangles can be cut out of felt or even cardboard. And you can fold the figures without using boxes.

    It should be noted that in the original manual, those sides of the triangles that should be adjacent to others are highlighted. black line. So it is easier for the child to navigate during the game.

    How to make constructive triangles with your own hands - video


    The Montessori method of child development is replete with ideas of toys for any age, which are quite feasible for home implementation.

    sensory pouches

    Sensory bags are designed for children from six months to 4 years. They are containers made of fabric or other soft material, filled with cereals, beads and other items that the child will be interested in touching and shaking.

    Options self-manufacturing such educational toys are very diverse: you can simply sew linen bags, use balloons or sew polythene circles.

    Sensory pouches - photo gallery

    Sensory pouches can be made by simply filling with your chosen filler balloon and tie it tightly Another option for bags is polyethylene circles stitched on sewing machine Sensory pouches can be filled with anything - cereals, plastic lids, beads, buttons For the manufacture of sensory pouches you will need fabric, sewing accessories and filler The rectangle obtained during cutting is folded in half and stitched on three sides, leaving a small hole for filling Bags on the wrong side are stitched on a sewing machine The bags through the remaining hole are filled with cereals or other filler. After filling, the bags should be sewn up

    DIY sorter - video

    Montessori frame inserts

    The toy frame insert in the original is a wooden panel with an insert in the form of a geometric figure located in the middle, which the baby can get out and put back by the holder attached to it.

    You can make your own frame inserts from cardboard. This will require:

  • thick cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • ruler;
  • glue;
  • paints;
  • large beads for the manufacture of pens-holders.


  1. Draw squares on cardboard and cut them out.
  2. In the center of each square draw a geometric figure.
  3. Cut out shapes, color different colors and glue beads to them.

Liner frames from an old tourist rug - video

Create a Montessori environment for your child at home without spending big money on specialized industrially produced manuals, it is quite real. To do this, you only need to know the basic principles of the methodology and familiarize yourself with the classic variants of gaming and teaching materials. With a little imagination, you can bring almost any of the ideas to life with your own hands.

Methods of working with the manual "Golden Montessori Beads"

aria Montessori She was the first woman in Italian history to complete a medical course and one of the first holders of a doctorate. In 1896 she received her medical degree, becoming one of the first female doctors in Italy. As a practice during her studies, she dealt with issues of nervous diseases and mental retardation.

Golden Montessori beads.

Material: set painted in golden color beads: individual beads(units, rods (tens, squares (hundreds, cubes (thousands). Several trays.

direct target: Find out the names of the decimal places. Associate the names of the categories with certain geometric shapes. Learn the structure of the decimal system.

indirect goal: development of fine motor skills. Preparation for geometry.

Age: about four years.

how work with material.

To introduce the decimal system, a tray with 10 separate beads, 10 rods of 10 beads 10 squares of 100 beads, 1 cube of 1000 beads. The introduction can be done when the child already knows sets of 10 items and can count to 10. The teacher brings the tray to the table with the child. He takes one bead, a rod of 10 beads, square of 100 beads and a cube of 1000 beads and puts them in front of the child. In the form of a three-step lesson, he introduces the names of the categories. Gives to the child bead and says: "That's ten!" He does the same with a hundred and a thousand. It is important that the child firmly associates the names of the categories with geometric shapes. Then he mixes all 4 items and says to kid: "Give me one!" etc. Then the teacher points to all 4 objects and says to kid: "Give me one!" etc. Then the teacher points to a separate bead, then a pivot of 10 beads on the table. He instructs the child to count beads in a rod: "There are 10 units in one ten!" He takes a square of 100 beads and instructs the child with a rod of 10 beads determine the number of tens in hundred: "There are 10 tens in a hundred!" Then he instructs to determine the number of squares out of 100 beads in a cube of 1000 beads: "There are 10 hundreds in a thousand!" The child learns that the number 10 plays a special role in the decimal system.

Further exercises:

Compilation of various sets. The child is invited to bring several units of one discharge: "Bring me 4 hundreds! Give me 7 tens!", etc. In this exercise, you need to bring no more than 9 units of one rank. The child needs to count the sets brought to him again. Each time the exercise becomes more difficult. The child is asked to make sets of several digits, for example, 2 thousand and 4 hundreds; 5 hundreds, 9 tens and 4 ones or 7 hundreds and 5 ones. The concept is acquired through frequent handling of objects and repetition of their names;

The teacher forms a set of beads one category or another. It is necessary that the child define and name this set;

To make a dozen, hundreds and thousands, the teacher takes a single a bead from a tray puts it on the table and He speaks: "One unit!" The child must understand that 10 units of one category correspond to one unit of the next, higher category. He joins her with another bead and says: "Two units!" So he continues until there are 10 in a row. beads. He He speaks: "Instead of 10 units, we put 1 ten!" Separate beads are replaced by ten. In the same way, out of 10 tens they make a hundred, and out of 10 hundreds, a thousand;

To lay out beads, you need a tray with 45 individual beads, rods of 10 beads, as well as a cube of 1000 beads. The exercise is carried out on the carpet. The teacher puts a separate bead top right. He He speaks: "One unit!" Under it, he puts through a gap of about 10 cm, 2 beads together and says: "Two units!" This continues up to 9 units. Then He speaks: "One unit more - and there will be 10 units. That's one ten!" He puts a rod of 10 beads near the first and separate beads 15 cm to the left. Under it, the teacher with the child lays out 2 tens, 3 tens, etc. and each time calls the set they represent. So lay out all the tens, hundreds and a thousand. You can also call sets, for example, 7 tens or 6 hundreds, by their real names. titles: seventy or six hundred. It is necessary to take into account the knowledge already available to the child.

Error control for this exercises:

All available beads should be enough;

The teacher offers the child from the presented set items made of beads(individual beads, rods, squares, cube) select certain sets;

The teacher points to the set, the child must name it;

Replacement for the next level. The teacher gives the child a large set beads of the same category, for example, 20 individual beads. child counting by 10 beads and each time replaces them with one ten. He must, as far as possible, find way to solve a problem. The exercise continues on other subjects. Sometimes the child has to take away units of different digits before he can give the teacher the required set.

Method is based on the disclosure of the child's own creative potential and activates it by creating a supportive environment.

An adult only helps the child to realize his potential, to distinguish the form items develop logical thinking, learn numbers, fantasize and develop imagination.

You remember very well how much time you spent on arranging the children's room. After all, you had to think through all the details: comfortable furniture, educational toys...

So Montessori, day after day, watching the children different ages, introduced didactic aids and materials, chose the optimal shape of tables and chairs. Since her little patients spoke poorly and understood the teacher's explanations poorly, Montessori developed special exercises, who developed speech by training fine motor skills of the fingers, and special aids and games were invented with which students of the Maria Montessori school could study the world based on their own sensory experience.

Not a single, even the smallest detail, seemed to escape her close attention. She, a doctor and philosopher, patiently followed the child, discovering the patterns of his physical and intellectual growth. There is evidence that Maria Montessori rejected more than 70% of the materials in the process of experiments, leaving only what gave really very good results, what better stimulated the natural development of babies. Therefore, it is not surprising that the materials and manuals that have stood the test of time are often called the "golden material of Montessori", since no one has yet been able to create a better didactic material than her.

golden material Montessori is something in between teaching aids and educational games: geometric bodies (cylinders, cones, etc.), tablets, frames, a movable alphabet, as well as ordinary objects such as a teaspoon, a jug for watering flowers, a scoop for collecting garbage. Some of them have a characteristic color (for example, a pink tower of cube-sections, a brown staircase, red bars) or texture (rough plates). There are also quite complex models, for example, globe-continents, on the pins of which the child must right order put on figured boards that repeat the outlines of the continents.

Montessori Didactic Materials contribute in the first place spiritual development child, which is carried out through the development of motor skills and sensory. This is a kind of key to the world, which helps him learn to put in order his still chaotic and unsystematized knowledge about the world around him. After all, sensory exercises are exercises in discrimination and classification. Size, shape, material, weight, temperature, taste, sound, color - you need to teach the child to distinguish all this. “The processes of distinguishing, grouping and designating external objects on the basis of a stable order established in the mind,” wrote Montessori, “comprise thinking and, at the same time, a certain degree of culture.”

To develop a tactile sense, a wooden board was used, divided into two squares. One of them - with a smooth polished surface, the other - with glued sandpaper (six strips of different roughness,

from rough emery to satin). “To develop a sense of touch in children means to teach them to “see with their hands,” Maria Montessori urged parents.

For the development of vision, Montessori proposed to compare and distinguish objects. different shapes- bars, cubes, cylinders, sticks. But not only this was the use of the visual receptor. He provided the development of chromatic feeling (visual perception of colors). Thoroughly developed Montessori and sound recognition exercises.

All the materials of Maria Montessori are so interesting and attractive that they simply cannot but interest the baby, who will strive to get to know them and understand them.

Montessori didactic aids must be made from natural materials. It is characteristic that their design has remained virtually unchanged since their creation, that is, for about a hundred years. Materials are placed in classes in a certain order, in certain "zones", into which it is divided in accordance with the periods of development of the child.

Insert frames. Today, the so-called Montessori liners are the most popular. Inserts are a special type of building kit for kids. They have many forms and variations, with their help they study everything - from geometry to natural science. Indeed, this is very convenient and understandable for a child: the development of objects of the world in this game occurs not only through visual (mom or dad shows a picture) and auditory (and names what is drawn) perception, but also with the help of touch.

For example, the "Animals" frame insert is a rectangular frame board with holes for 9 animals. Each insert can only be inserted into one hole. So the child gets acquainted with the forms, contours, learns a variety of animals - domestic and exotic.

Insert frames"Geometric Shapes" - Maria Montessori's popular, carefully calibrated and time-tested manuals for touch and intellectual development children. Depending on their age, with the help of these inserts, kids get acquainted with sensory standards of forms, prepare their hand for writing, and form logical operations. Using them, parents can easily explain to the baby what a square is, how it differs from a rectangle, triangle, etc.

The main developmental function of the inserts is to train optical-spatial thinking, hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills. Most earbuds have special pins to make it easier for your child to learn how to insert and remove them.

In-ear games especially useful for children of the third year of life. At this age, the baby learns to compare objects in shape and size. Therefore, frames with the same insert images were specially developed for them, but different sizes. The inserts are arranged “by height”, and the task of playing with them is to teach the child to compare objects in which the difference in size is hardly noticeable.

Children are very fond of frames “with a sublayer” - an additional image under the insert. The kid takes the picture out of the slot and is surprised to find another picture under it. With the reverse action - inserting the template into the frame - the underlayer drawing will serve as a hint to the baby.

By circling the inserts, you can create whole plot pictures on given topics or let the child fantasize for the development of his creativity. Tasks for recognizing shapes by touch, tracing them along the contour, shading will perfectly prepare the baby's hand for writing.