
Job description of a speech therapist teacher. Classes with a speech therapist in the garden: why is it important to practice? Features of the work of a speech therapist in kindergarten


Of course, speech therapy assistance is provided both in children's city clinics and in various speech centers, but not all parents have the opportunity to regularly attend these classes, even simply because of lack of time (considering the busyness of modern parents). As a result, children are known to suffer. In the operating mode of a kindergarten, a speech therapist teacher, as a rule, conducts correctional work in the morning, when the child has a high level of working capacity. Classes with a specialist, depending on the severity of the speech defect, are held individually 2-3 times a week. A thick notebook is kept for each child, which reflects the work done during the week, and on weekends, parents receive homework with instructions for execution. This is to consolidate the skills acquired in the classroom. For example, a child is given the correct sound, but to introduce it into speech, constant training with pronunciation of speech material is necessary, parents are provided with options for tasks that contribute to the automation of sound in the child's speech. Thus, the joint work of a speech therapist teacher with parents gives a positive result in corrective speech therapy work, reduces the time period for eliminating a speech defect.
It is known that childhood is the most favorable for the formation of speech in general and its phonetic side in particular. It should be remembered that for its successful assimilation of the school curriculum, a good, full-fledged, competent speech is necessary. Therefore, the timely detection of defects in sound pronunciation and their correction is an obligatory section of the entire complex of work on the development of speech.
The formation of pronunciation is closely connected with the development of phonemic hearing, on the one hand, and the formation of lexical and grammatical categories, on the other. Therefore, on how successfully and in a timely manner the sound pronunciation will be corrected in childhood, largely depends on the assimilation of writing and reading skills during the school period.
If the preschool educational institution has a speech therapy center that is needed to help pupils who have impaired pronunciation of speech and impaired development of oral speech, then its main tasks are the formation and development of phonemic hearing in children with speech disorders; correction of violations of sound perception and sound pronunciation; timely warning and overcoming of difficulties speech development; instilling in children the skills of communicative communication; solving problems of social and speech development; organization of the work of teachers of a state educational institution implementing programs preschool education on the formation of speech development of children.
Children from 4.5 years old with simple and complex dyslalia, phonetic and phonemic disorders are enrolled in the speech therapy center. Enrollment is based on a speech survey of preschoolers, which is conducted from 1 to 15 September and from 15 to 30 May. The maximum occupancy of the speech therapy center of the preschool educational institution is no more than 20-25 people (for 1 position of a speech therapist teacher). For each pupil enrolled in a speech therapy center, a speech therapist fills out a speech card. The release of preschoolers from the speech therapy center is carried out throughout the school year as they eliminate violations in the development of oral speech. Speech therapists work 5 days a week. The frequency of classes is determined by the severity of the violation of speech development. Individual lessons are held 2-3 times a week for 15-20 minutes.
At the same time, a speech therapist provides advisory assistance to preschool teachers, parents (legal representatives) of children in determining the causes of speech disorders and gives recommendations on how to overcome them; is responsible for the organization and timely identification of children with primary speech pathology and for completing groups; conducts classes with preschoolers to correct various disorders of oral speech; in the course of classes, carries out work to prevent and overcome difficulties in mastering the program content in the native language, due to the primary speech disorder; interacts with teachers on the issues of mastering general educational programs;
maintains contact with speech therapists and doctors of children's polyclinics;
participates in the work of methodological associations of speech therapists;
submits to the head of the preschool educational institution an annual report on the number of pupils with impairments in the development of oral speech, and the results corrective work at the speech therapy center.
Thus, the work of a speech therapist in kindergarten, which does not have specialized groups in its structure, is an important component of the entire educational and educational process which provides indispensable assistance to both parents of children with speech pathology and teachers working with such children.

Olga USLUGINA, speech therapist, Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 1607


1.1. The main task of a speech therapist teacher is to compensate for a speech defect.
1.2. A speech therapist is appointed and dismissed by order of the kindergarten in the prescribed manner.
1.3. The speech therapist teacher is guided in his work by program and methodological recommendations, government decrees on correctional and educational work, and the “Educational Program of the Preschool Educational Establishment”.
1.4. The teacher-speech therapist reports directly to the head of the kindergarten and the senior teacher-speech therapist.


2.1. The teacher-speech therapist is appointed from among persons with higher defectological education.


3.1. Organizes and carries out educational and correctional work with children with deviations in speech development.
3.2. Organizes and conducts work on speech development, prepares children for schooling.
3.3. Examines children, determines the structure and severity of their defect.
3.4. Completes subgroups for classes, taking into account psychophysical state children.
3.5. Conducts group and individual classes to correct developmental disabilities, restore impaired functions.
3.6. Monitors the state of speech development of children, draws up and maintains a speech card for each child of the group.
3.7. Carefully treats children, studies their individual characteristics.
3.8. Plans correctional and educational work, organizes it in accordance with the daily routine.
3.9. Works in close contact with specialists and kindergarten teachers, attends classes.
3.10. Advises teachers and parents on the application special methods and methods of helping children with developmental disabilities.
3.11. Maintains constant contact with medical workers educational institution.
3.12. Maintains relevant documentation, prepares materials and visual aids outside of working hours.
3.13. Replaces the teacher in the group during the period of acute production need.
3.14. Takes part in methodological activities kindergarten, county, city.
3.15. Participates in organizational and social events of the team.
3.16. He improves his skills in courses, seminars and through self-education.
3.17. Complies with the rules of internal labor regulations, personal hygiene, instructions for protecting the life and health of children, rules for TB and PB, undergoes a medical examination and laboratory examinations in a timely manner.


4.1. Do not perform work not covered by this job description.
4.2. Require teachers to adhere to class schedules.


5.1. Bears personal responsibility for the protection of life and health of children.
5.2. For the safety of equipment and supplies.
5.3. For failure to fulfill the obligations stipulated by this job description.


6.1. Works according to a schedule drawn up on the basis of a 20-hour working week and approved by the head.
6.2. Independently plans his work for each academic year and every week.
6.3. Submits to the head a written report on its activities with a volume of no more than 5 typewritten pages within 5 days after the end of the academic year.
6.4. Receives information of a regulatory, legal, organizational and methodological nature from the head and senior speech therapist, gets acquainted with the relevant documents against receipt.
6.5. Works in close contact with the parents (legal representatives) of pupils. Systematically exchanges information on issues within its competence with the administration and teaching staff of the educational organization.

I am familiar with the job description _____________________________________________

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Many parents are faced with the fact that the child does not pronounce individual letters or cannot correctly compose a sentence. Help him learn. And the speech therapist will help with this. Practically in all kindergartens there are speech therapy groups where children with similar problems are engaged.

Why do you need professional training?

It is the speech therapist who teaches the baby not only to pronounce sounds correctly, but also brings up coherent speech, teaches him to reason competently, retell the text, sum up. All this is very important for further education in school.
Speech therapy works in the following areas:
  • special massage - there is a strengthening or vice versa, relaxation of the articulatory muscles;
  • articulation gymnastics - carried out in a game form;
  • development fine motor skills hands - this is necessary, since the speech zones and the zones of the hands are interconnected;
  • development of phonemic perception - the ability to isolate certain sounds from the flow of speech;
  • development of an air jet - helps to pronounce some sounds (for example, "p");
  • development of phonemic analysis and synthesis - the ability to identify stressed vowel sounds, divide a word into syllables, determine the number of words in a sentence according to schemes;
  • staging certain sounds, differentiation with other similar sounds;
  • development of the grammatical and lexical side of speech, development of memory and attention.

That is, this specialist in kindergarten helps the child learn how to pronounce sounds correctly, build sentences correctly, develop fine motor skills, attention, memory and visual-spatial orientation.

How is the lesson going?

V preschool speech therapy classes carried out individually or in a group. Although individual lessons are more effective, children usually feel more comfortable during group lessons.
Group speech therapy classes are conducted with children who have different deviations in speech development. There are usually 6-8 children in a group, the age should be the same. The group recruited children with the same speech problems. In such classes, children are taught to speak coherently, to accumulate vocabulary.
Individual classes are held with children who have impaired pronunciation of certain sounds. With the help of games and exercises, the speech therapist will correct various defects. Moreover, the speech therapist uses exercises for the fingers, music, teaches how to properly distribute breathing (which is important for stuttering children).
Classes are held twice a week for 20-25 minutes. The speech therapist always gives homework to the child. And parents should fulfill them every day. This will require a mirror and a notebook.

Typically, the following exercises are used in the classroom:

  • strongly inflate and deflate the cheeks;
  • close your mouth tightly and open it wide;
  • clench your teeth and tighten your lips;
  • clench your teeth and open your lips, smiling broadly;
  • smile broadly, then move the tip of the tongue clockwise;
  • smiling, put your tongue between your lips and say “la-la-la”, biting the tip of your tongue;
  • smile and lick upper lip broad language;
  • move your tongue up and down while smiling;
  • pull out the lips and make a narrow tongue, uttering the sound of clattering hooves.
These are the most common exercises. But there are many more exercises that a speech therapist uses in his work.

It is very important that, in addition to the work of a speech therapist in kindergarten, parents work with their child at home. This must be done regularly. This will help to quickly cope with speech therapy problems in a child.

duties of a speech pathologist. What are his duties in the dow and what documentation should he keep when working? and got the best answer

Answer from Yatiana Tomac[guru]
Teacher-defectologist, teacher-speech therapist (speech therapist)
Job responsibilities. Carries out work aimed at the maximum correction of developmental deficiencies in students, pupils with developmental disabilities, including those in special (correctional) educational institutions created for students, pupils with disabilities (for deaf, hard of hearing and late deaf, blind, visually impaired and late blind children, children with severe speech disorders, with impaired musculoskeletal system, with a delay mental development, mentally retarded and other children with disabilities). Carries out a survey of students, pupils, determines the structure and severity of their developmental disorders. Completes groups for classes, taking into account the psychophysical state of students, pupils. Conducts group and individual classes to correct developmental deficiencies, restore impaired functions. Works in close contact with teachers, educators and other pedagogical workers, attends classes and lessons. Advises teachers and parents (persons replacing them) on the use of special methods and techniques for assisting children with disabilities. Maintains required documentation. It contributes to the formation of a general culture of the individual, socialization, conscious choice and development of professional programs. Implements educational programs. Completes groups for classes, taking into account the psychophysical state of students, pupils. It studies the individual characteristics, abilities, interests and inclinations of students, pupils in order to create conditions for ensuring their development in accordance with the age norm, the growth of their cognitive motivation and the formation of educational independence, the formation of competencies using a variety of forms, techniques, methods and means of teaching, modern educational technologies, including information, as well as digital educational resources, ensuring the level of training of students, pupils that meets the requirements of the federal state educational standard, federal state requirements. Conducts training sessions based on achievements in the field of methodological, pedagogical and psychological sciences, developmental psychology and school hygiene, as well as modern information technology. Respects the rights and freedoms of students, pupils, ensures the protection of life and health of students, pupils during the educational process. Participates in the work of pedagogical, methodological councils, other forms of methodological work, in the work of conducting parent meetings, recreational, educational and other activities provided for educational program, in organizing and conducting methodological and advisory assistance to parents (persons replacing them). Follows the rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Dear parents, grandparents, this page is for you!

The development of speech is very important, if a child speaks well, then he communicates better and more with others, develops mentally, and subsequently masters the school curriculum more easily and successfully.

I, as a practicing speech therapist, will try to answer some of the most common questions parents have.

What does a speech therapist do in kindergarten?

A speech therapist does more than just correct pronunciation. The work of a speech therapist in a speech therapy group begins with the development of children's attention, visual and auditory perception (recognition and discrimination), memory and thinking. Without this, it is impossible to establish a full-fledged educational process. The tasks of a speech therapist include expanding and enriching the vocabulary of children, developing coherent speech and teaching literacy, correcting grammatical errors.

At what age should a child be shown to a speech therapist?

The main thing in the work of a speech therapist is not only to overcome speech disorders, but also to prevent the occurrence of speech disorders. Therefore, in our kindergarten, children are examined every year, starting from nursery group. This is necessary to track the dynamics of speech formation. After all, what was the norm at the age of three, for four years becomes a lag. The earlier a violation is detected, the more effective its correction will be.

Can parents themselves determine whether a child needs a speech therapist?

The speech of the child is formed gradually, along with his growth and development, and goes through a number of qualitatively different stages of development. There are rules for every age.

The first attempts at articulation of sounds are noted at 2-3 months - this is cooing.

Starting from 6 months, the child already quite clearly pronounces individual syllables (ma-ma-ma, ba-ba-ba, etc.) and gradually begins to adopt from adults not only all the elements of speech, but also intonation, rhythm, tempo of speech.

As a rule, by the year the child pronounces simple words: mom, dad, baba, give.

By the age of two, the active vocabulary increases significantly. During this period, the child's ability to imitate the speech of adults increases. Phrases become longer and more complex, and the pronunciation of words improves.

At the age of 3, the child begins to use verbs, adjectives more widely, and vocabulary also increases. The speech of children is characterized by the appearance of complex sentences. Children become available to guessing simple riddles, memorizing poems.

At the age of 4, the vocabulary of children is 1500-2000 words of various parts of speech. Children can express the simplest judgments about objects and phenomena of the reality around them, establish a relationship between them, and draw conclusions.

An increase in the active vocabulary (2500-3000 words by 5 years) enables the child to build statements more fully, to express his thoughts more accurately. But the increase in the vocabulary and the development of coherent speech often leads to the fact that children begin to make grammatical errors more often, for example, they change verbs incorrectly, do not agree on words in gender, in number. Children of this age have significantly improved sound pronunciation.

Dear parents! TO school age the child must correctly pronounce all sounds, master sound analysis and synthesis, and grammatically correctly build coherent statements.

If the speech of children differs significantly from these norms, you should contact a speech therapist.

I will give approximate terms for the final assimilation of vowels and consonants by children.

0-1 years 1 - 2 years 2 - 3 years
34 years
5 - 6 years
A, U, I, P, B M,

O, N, T", D", T,

D, K, G, X, V, F

Y, L", E, S" S, S, Z, C
W, W, W, H, L, R, R"

These are the stages in the development of a child's speech in the norm.

When should you contact a speech pathologist?

If a child speaks vaguely and does not eat solid food well: it is difficult for a child to chew meat, bread crusts, carrots, a hard apple. This may be one of the manifestations of an erased form of dysarthria.

It is difficult to develop cultural and hygienic skills that require precise movements. various groups muscles. The child cannot rinse his mouth on his own, as his cheek and tongue muscles are poorly developed. He either immediately swallows the water, or pours it back.

The child does not like and does not want to fasten buttons on his own, lace up his shoes, roll up his sleeves. He also has difficulty in class. visual activity: does not know how to hold a pencil correctly, regulate the force of pressure on a pencil, brush.

Difficulty performing various exercises in music and physical education classes.

They say about such children that they are clumsy, because they cannot clearly and accurately perform various motor exercises. It is difficult for them to maintain balance while standing on one leg, often they cannot jump on their left or right foot.

Can parents correct their child's speech?

Undoubtedly, it is difficult to overestimate the role of the mother or other close people in the development of the child's speech. Currently, there are many books that help parents develop their child's speech.

Sometimes it is enough to draw the attention of the baby to the correct pronunciation of the sound in order to get a positive effect. In other cases, it is first necessary to develop articulatory muscles with the help of articulatory gymnastics. However, if, despite your efforts, the child has not learned how to pronounce sounds correctly within a month of classes, it is best to contact a professional. Further attempts to correct the pronunciation can exacerbate the problem - for example, fixing the wrong pronunciation in the child or completely discouraging him from studying.

Pay special attention to your own speech, as for children aged 1 to 6 years, the speech of their parents is a role model and the basis for subsequent speech development. It is important to adhere to the following rules:

You can’t “lisp”, that is, speak in a “babble” language or distort sound pronunciation, imitating the speech of a child;

It is desirable that your speech is always clear, fairly smooth, emotionally expressive, moderate in pace;

When communicating with a child, do not overload your speech with difficult-to-pronounce words, incomprehensible expressions and turns. Phrases should be fairly simple. Before reading the book, new, unfamiliar words found in the text must not only be explained to the child in a form that is understandable to him, but also illustrated in practice;

Only specific questions should be asked, not rushed with an answer;

The child should not be punished for errors in speech, mimicked or corrected irritably. It is useful to read to children poetic texts appropriate for their age. It is very important to develop auditory attention, mobility of the articulatory apparatus, fine motor skills of the hand.

How to get to classes with a speech therapist?

If you decide to contact a speech therapist, you first need to come for a consultation. It is best to come on Wednesday from 14.00 to 18.00 in group No. 7, No. 9 or No. 10. Every year in our kindergarten, children of all groups are examined in order to detect speech disorders in a timely manner. If such violations are detected, the speech therapist sends the child to the territorial-psychological-medical-pedagogical commission (TPMPK) to clarify the diagnosis and (if necessary) determine the correctional group of the kindergarten. In the future, from the new academic year, classes with children are held either at the speech center or in specialized groups. Children from mass groups with mild speech disorders are taken to the logopoint.

For enrollment, it is necessary that the age of the child corresponds to the completed group (5 years at the beginning of training), there are necessary certificates from the polyclinic specialists (oculist, psychiatrist, speech therapist, surgeon or orthopedist, neuropathologist, otolaryngologist) and a referral from the PMPK. The recruitment of groups usually takes place from January to May, classes begin on September 1 of the next academic year. The training lasts 1 year.

Will my child's speech worsen in a speech therapy group?

It is impossible to completely exclude the possibility that at the initial stage the child will begin to imitate one of the children with whom he spends a significant part of his time and whose speech is much worse than his. But this rarely happens, and as you learn, both your own and acquired mistakes will disappear.

Can a child overcome speech problems if he remains in the mass group of the kindergarten?

Of course, a normal language environment has a beneficial effect on the formation of a child's speech. However, he is not always able to cope with problems on his own. Proof of this are adults who have speech problems. Therefore, if your baby has such pronounced speech development disorders that a speech therapy group is recommended for him, you should not risk his future.

Will studying in a speech therapy group prevent you from entering a prestigious school?

The fact that a child attends a speech therapy group is not recorded in any document presented upon admission to school, and is not a contraindication for studying in a public school. If the child overcomes his speech problems by the time he enters school and he has the appropriate abilities, he can enter any educational institution.

What are the pros and cons of visiting a speech therapy group?

The advantage is the low size of the group. Under these conditions, the risk is reduced infectious diseases, the child gets less tired during the day, and educators have the opportunity to pay attention to each child. Experienced educators exclusively with pedagogical education and who have completed special speech therapy courses, a speech therapist teacher with a higher defectological education work with children. Corrective and developmental classes are held daily with the child, aimed at developing attention, memory, thinking, general and fine motor skills, and breathing. According to the level of preparation for school, graduates speech therapy groups often overtake children who attended mass groups. The child learns to listen to the teacher, he develops the skills of educational activities.

The disadvantages include the fact that parents need to keep a notebook with their child, to complete the tasks of a speech therapist every day.

What is ZRR, ONR, FFNR?

The diagnosis of "delayed speech development" (SRR) means that the development of speech in a child is slower than expected. This may be due to hereditary reasons (father or mother also started talking late), frequent illnesses.

Speech development can also be delayed if the child is little spoken, read. Radio and television do not help the formation of speech. At the initial stages of speech development, children should not only hear speech, but also see the articulation of an adult. Speech should be simple, clear and accessible.

If the delay in the development of speech is due to these reasons, the intervention of a specialist is not required. It is enough to create favorable conditions for the development of the child.

However, it happens that a delay in the development of speech is caused by harmful effects on the mother during pregnancy, childbirth, or in the first years of a child's life - stress, infection, trauma, which parents sometimes do not even know about. Then the development of speech is not only delayed, but also disturbed. Here you can not do without medical and pedagogical assistance.

ZRR is usually stated in children up to 3-3.5 years. After this age, and sometimes even earlier, if the child's speech still does not match age norm, we can talk not about the delayed, but about the impaired development of speech. In this case, you need to contact a neurologist and a speech therapist.

General speech underdevelopment (OHP) is a variety of complex speech disorders in which the formation of all components of the speech system is disrupted, that is, the sound side (phonetics) and the semantic side (vocabulary, grammar) with normal hearing and intelligence.

Phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment of speech (FFNR) is a violation of the processes of formation of pronunciation in children with various speech disorders due to defects in the perception and pronunciation of phonemes.

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