
Musical comic forecast and after 15 glasses. Dear friends, I invite you to take part in a quiz with questions about Tatyana's Day. How to run a win-win lottery on an anniversary

Breast cancer

Most often, anniversaries and birthdays are held in a pleasant company of well-known or close people who congratulate the birthday person or birthday girl a lot and with pleasure and communicate with each other. And, nevertheless, even the closest friendly feast, and, moreover, the big anniversary celebrations, will be decorated with an entertaining program, thought out in advance by the host or initiative guests, or even a couple of funny and pleasant game moments.

We offer a selection the best drinking games and musical congratulations to anniversary of the woman, which will allow you to make an emotional emphasis on the hero of the occasion, bring revitalization and add piquancy and zest to the holiday. All these game moments can be easily arranged impromptu, the main thing is that they suit the tastes of the birthday girl and the gathered company, they can be arranged together or separately - detailed explanations and the necessary background music are attached. Ideas of such entertainment are unique in that they have been tested in practice more than once, but are always relevant, go with a bang in any company, especially if they are presented in a new way and with humor or dedicated to a specific topic (as is done in this collection).

(Scenario of a woman's anniversary with toasts and eyeliners, which contains all the entertainment from this program to watch)

1. Musical congratulations on the anniversary of the woman "Masks-show"

Note: It is easy to make such a congratulation impromptu and, despite the fact that it is musical, congratulations will not have to sing, but only artistically, as if on behalf of their character, congratulate the birthday girl with a pre-prepared phonogram. The character image is created using special masks or appropriate props.


Option number 1. Voluntary.

The organizer's decoy may be like this: “Our program is called“ Everything for you ”for a reason, because today, in fact, all flowers, compliments and congratulations are only for our birthday girl (name). As a child, for his birthday, we waited for a magician in a blue helicopter, but as we matured, we realized that often miracles happen where they are made, where they themselves freak out. And now I invite everyone who loves our birthday girl and who wants to be involved in the little a miracle - a surprise in her honor, come out to me. There should be exactly seven such participants - the most magical number in the world. (As a rule, close relatives or friends who want to take part in this congratulation are sure to be present at the anniversary)

Option number 2. Drawing.

Also, the participants in the congratulation can be identified using the game moment "A bag in a circle". To do this, all the props are folded into an opaque bag or bag and, with perky music, they start up in a circle (guests pass the bag to the nearest neighbor at a feast), the one who has the bag in his hands during the stop of the music (the DJ makes these stops on purpose) takes it out without looking, the mask goes out into the center of the hall. This happens several times until all the masks are disassembled.

The host then quickly explains to the participants sufun and solemnly announces the exit of each of them, and the participants, in turn, come out and congratulate the culprit, as brightly and emotionally as possible.

(Note: if latex masks are to be used, then have the competitor put them on just before going out, because it is uncomfortable to be in them for a long time).

Leading: Honorable public and respected (Name of the birthday girl) just for you and only now a unique performance called "Masks Show" begins! And to participate in it, stars came from all parts of the world and even from exotic places, which are not even on the map at all.

First to congratulate (name) the famous and beloved English comedian Mr. Bean is in a hurry (comes out in a mask or a funny wig, approaches the hero of the day and pretends to be congratulated)

Congratulations 1 sounds

The second is congratulated by a sultry handsome man, a real horseman and a heartthrob, who came down specially from the Caucasian mountains (from the props: mask or hat, mustache, nose, also emotionally congratulates)

Congratulations 2 sounds ……… ............................................ ......................

Ready-made musical excerpts for all congratulations are attached, among the congratulatory ones: Mr. Bean, Sultry Caucasian, Pierre Narcissus, Eurovision Star, Shrek, Clown Oleg Popov, Devil - the tempter.

(If you can't arrange congratulations with masks, you can beat it with the help of some hats, as in the scenario "Rainbow of Life" -)

2. New table-top role-playing tale - impromptu "Only the best wishes!"

Note: this is a new author's impromptu sazka, which can be played right at the table, written for a woman's anniversary, but, if desired, can be easily altered for any occasion: a wedding, New Year etc. Such a fairy tale is a win-win entertainment, from the category of those that are very easy to organize and which activate the mood at the table and allow once again to congratulate the heroes of the occasion.

The essence of entertainment: the presenter reads the entire text expressively, deliberately making small pauses so that the "artists" have time to say their remark. The remarks themselves must be printed in large size on cards in advance and distributed to the participants, warning that they should speak their phrase as artistically as possible every time they hear the name of their character in the text.

Impromptu characters and their lines:

Baba Nyura- “Fathers are holy!”;

Market- "All heaps are!";

Loader- "Where to drink ?!";

Caucasian- "Go in - you won't regret it!";

Gypsy- "Gold the handle!";

Bouquet of flowers- "Only the best wishes!"

The text of an impromptu fairy tale(PASSAGE FOR ILLUSTRATION)

Baba Nyura... came to Market.... A tall, broad-shouldered Loader... Exhausted by his care Loader… pushed Babu Nyuru... sideways and didn't even apologize. Buzzed lively Market… Sight Baba Nyura... involuntarily attracted hot Caucasian... .. Noticing interest Baba Nyura,...temperamental Caucasian…... raised his eyebrows and winked at her. A Baba Nyura... all blushing with embarrassment, I forgot why ... ... ...................................... .................................................. .................................................. .....................

And finally, Baba Nyura ... came to the holiday and wholeheartedly gives the hero of the occasion (name of the birthday girl) this stunning Bouquet of flowers

And the guests, seeing this, loudly and joyfully shout: "Happy birthday!"

3. Birthday party game women "For the sake of your wonderful eyes ..."

Note: It happens so, especially in the first two hours of the holiday, that men are more shy, squeezed, than women. It is more difficult to stir them up, to involve them in action. This option will allow you to highlight the stronger sex in a pleasant way, without diluting it with the weaker one. If there are not so many men, you can line them up and let this male platoon read the cards - confessions

.Guide to the game

Leading: They say the eyes are the mirror of the soul. Our birthday girl has Madonna's eyes, they attract, bewitch, enchant. They are like an open book in which you can read sympathy, empathy, childish joy. The poet said about such eyes:

Your eyes are happy comets

They are bottomless lakes for the soul.

They are a dream and a dream for a poet,

They are beautiful, amazingly good !!!

Today, the entire strong half of this hall confesses its love to our charming (name), but it will do it in a very non-trivial way. Dear men, do not worry, you do not have to painfully select words for this, you just need to draw out a recognition card and read it expressively, with soul, with great respect and admiration.

Options for comic cards - confessions (PASSAGE FOR ILLUSTRATION):

1. For the sake of your wonderful eyes ... (reads the card)

Ready for a thousand pranks! .....

18. For the sake of your wonderful eyes ... ... (reads the card)

I'm ready to dance to the double bass! ...

(20 ready-made cards included)

4. Game for a close company "Jubilee Lotto with Kisses"

This entertainment can be a continuation of the previous one or be arranged instead of it, designed for a relaxed company and hero of the occasion

For the game You will need two sets of bingo kegs, a lottery drum or bag where they will be shuffled, cards with a prize kiss and questions and answers for the quiz.

An introduction to the game. Dear guests and dear birthday girl, now according to the program we have an anniversary lotto, but not a simple one, but with kisses, and therefore ... only those closest to the birthday girl can take part in it, the fact of family ties and long-term friendship in itself does not mean, that you are a participant in a prize draw. The main condition: knowledge of the biography, tastes and secret desires of the birthday girl, which means that the chance will fall only to those who will answer the questions of our anniversary quiz faster and better than anyone else.

(optional, if the husband is not jealous, you can declare an additional condition that only men participate)

(A quiz is held) ……

Options for comic cards with kissing lots for illustration:

1. This lot fell to kiss me in French, with a kiss full of passion and fire!

2. And with this guest we will have a Russian kiss, three times and three times pleasant ...........................

11. I ask the guests not to laugh, but with this lucky one we will kiss under the table.

15. I had kisses today ... I didn't even count how many, but only with you there will be a real love affair, accompanied by shouts: "Bitter!" (this lot can not be played out, but given to the spouse or partner of the hero of the day, as a sign of special attention) ............................... ..............................................

(15 ready-made options are included)

5. Musical comic forecast "And after 15 glasses ..."

Note: this is good famous game according to the rules of guessing the secret thoughts of guests with the help of a musical hat or a magic microphone, this version contains cool musical excerpts on a very relevant topic for any feast: "What does each of the guests think and do after they have a good drink !?". (Thanks to the author of the idea)

The presented selection of song cuts is quite large, you can use all of them or choose from them the most suitable for a specific occasion and company.

Intro to the game:

Leading: As far as I know, people who have known each other for a long time have gathered here, but where, no matter how on holidays, get to know each other better, see a friend's new talents or find out his secrets and dreams. I propose, for example, to find out who and how behaves at the holiday, when he takes a glass like this from the tenth to the twentieth.

(Bypasses guests and beats music forecast, the DJ, respectively, includes excerpts from songs: female or male).

Examples of musical excerpts to illustrate the answer to the question "How will you behave and what to think about after 15 glasses? - conditions and details on the AUTHOR'S SCENARIOS page

P.S. Dear users, the document presented below presents detailed information how to get full version this script.

(download by clicking on the document)


Bonus discount for a fairy tale:

Such an entertaining and congratulatory program can be supplemented, which is also dedicated to the theme of the women's holiday, it is offered separately (300 rubles), but for those who purchased this scenario - a bonus discount of 150 rubles. Therefore, those who wish to have in their arsenal both a fairy tale and this collection of games can send 500 rubles to the fund of the site, without a fairy tale, accordingly, 350 rubles will be enough.

Tatiana's performances # 1 and # 2

(choose a song from the repertoire of the choir of the folk song "Harmony",

T.V. Penina - "In our song district", Sivkova T.F. - "Drinking", Titov O.V. accompanies)

1 - Z the competition is over "Songs That Everyone Know"... I think, I will express the opinion of the jury that for this competition all the participants will receive five points. Well, well, the jury is summing up the results of the competition as a whole, they are preparing for the awarding ceremony.

2 - Dear friends, we bring to your attention that our Tatians will not only celebrate Tatiana's day in January, but our Tanya was born in the same month.

1 - The name Tatiana means - organizer, founder, mistress, appointed. Native people affectionately call Tanya, Tanyukha, Tatyanka, Tanyusha, Tanyusya, Tatusya, Tusya.

2 - Women with this name are practical and active, at the same time - emotional and impulsive.

1 - The sun rose early in the morning
Only for you, Tatiana.

2 - Somewhere rain over the ocean
Only for you, Tatiana.

1 - The winds are mischievous drunk
Only you, Tatyana.

2 - You are beautiful without a flaw!
Happy birthday, Tatiana!

1 - All attention is on the screen, for you, Tatyana Vladimirovna, a musical congratulation sounds from all those gathered in this hall!

Video congratulations for T.V. Penina

2 - By the bright name - Tatiana
Everyone calls you!

1 - Happy birthday congratulations
All friends and relatives!

2 - We wish you complete happiness,
Love is like in a fairy tale - unearthly,

1 - Let it protect you
Angel in the sky above you!

2 - We wish you to live in abundance,
By - more money, fewer tears!

1 - Let your dreams come true,
Only from your own dreams!

2 - All attention to the screen, for you, Tatyana Fedorovna, musical congratulations also sound!

Video congratulations for T.F. Sivkova

1 - And now we are starting the awards ceremony. The jury consulted and decided that both Tatyana were irresistible and deserve the highest score!

2 - Dear Tatyana, we are sincerely glad for you, a friendly draw means that both of you are at your best! Please accept your gifts.

1 - Dear Tatyana! Once again, we congratulate you on your birthday!

We wish you inspiration at work,

Good friends, mood,

Hope and love and happiness and success,

Smiles, joy, health, laughter!

All the best to you!

Elena Agarkova sings for you "Three desires"

2 - Well, friends, with her incendiary performance Elena Agarkova opened the second part of our evening - the feast!

1 - Dear friends, now, I think, is the right time to raise glasses and congratulate our Tatyans on their birthday!

(Table part)

Dear friends, I invite you to take part in a quiz with questions about Tatyana's Day.

Russian student can celebrate their professional holiday three times in academic year... Namely:
  • in September, November and January
  • in October, November and January
  • in November, December and January
According to the old style, Tatyana's Day should have been celebrated
  • January 12
  • 13th of January
  • 14 january
What event is associated with the celebration of Tatiana's day in Russia?
  • Saint Tatiana was canonized on this day
  • on this day, Empress Elizaveta Petrovna signed a decree "On the establishment of Moscow University"
  • - on this day, the people traditionally glorified the student brethren
Which of the Russian emperors made Tatiana's Day an official student holiday?
  • Elizaveta Petrovna
  • Alexander II
  • Nikolay the First
What does the name Tatiana mean?
  • "Resurrecting"
  • "Dedicated"
  • "Organizer"
Martyr Tatiana is born
  • in Greece
  • in Rome
  • in babylon
Traditionally, on Tatiana's day, students often arranged
  • cat concerts
  • cock-fights
  • bear hunt
Tatyana's Day is a special holiday for MSU students. On this day, the rector treats all the student fraternity with a special intoxicating drink
  • punch
  • grog
  • mead
And what was the attitude of the guardians of order to the student drunken festivities?
  • reprimanded and reprimanded
  • joined in the fun
  • tried to be loyal and jokingly offered their help
The tradition of celebrating Student's Day in Russia was interrupted in October 1917. And when was she reborn again?
  • in 1985
  • in 1990
  • in 1995
Which of the Russian theaters has revived the tradition of festive skits in honor of Tatiana's Day?
  • Theater "School of Modern Play"
  • Small Academic Theater
What is the reason for the return of the holiday to Russia?
  • this was caused by the massive unrest of students
  • the holiday was brought with them by the intelligentsia who returned from emigration
  • the church of St. Tatiana was transferred to the Russian Orthodox Church
In the name of Tatiana for a long time called peasant women. And who was the first to raise the rank of this name, making it noble?
  • Lomonosov
  • Karamzin
  • Pushkin
An old student song that became a student anthem reads
  • "So, rejoice, friends ..."
  • "So, friends, our day has come ..."
  • "So, friends, let's have fun ..."
In which city on St. Tatiana's Day is the Big Book of Student Records filled?
  • in Khabarovsk
  • in Vladivostok
  • in Belgorod
And in another city, the Honorary Badge of Tatiana was established in due time. Where did it happen?
  • in St. Petersburg
  • in Moscow
  • In Tomsk

The song "And I am white-fluffy" is performed by the birthday girl - Tatyana Penina, welcome!

1 - Again we offer you a drinking game - quiz

"Fabulous dandies"

The topic of fashion is more popular today than ever. How many fashionistas and fashionistas look at us from TV screens, from glossy covers. But I dare to assure you that there are not only many fashionistas in life and in gloss, but also in fairy tales. I propose to talk about fairy tale characters and the fantastic fashion world. Your task: to name the hidden dandy or fashionista.

Riddles for the quiz:

1. A feature of this mod's wardrobe is the usual white robe, he carries with him chocolate and eggnog (Dr. Aibolit)

2. This fashionista can boast of the presence in her wardrobe of exclusive valuable crystal shoes (Cinderella)

3. This young fashionista wears a paper jacket and a cap with a tassel on his head. (Pinocchio)

4. A feature of this young fashionista's wardrobe is a bright-colored headdress, as well as fashion accessory- a basket of pies (Little Red Riding Hood)

5. The mod whose wardrobe is famous for the motor and the button (Carlson)

6. A fashionista of the most respectable age is always dressed in rare things. The image of a fashionista is completed by a vehicle - a broom or a stupa (Baba Yaga)

7. A fashionista whose wardrobe has not yet been studied, but became famous thanks to big ears and friendship with a crocodile (Cheburashka)

8. A fashionista whose distinctive feature is a beard of a very exotic color (Blue Beard)

9. The shorty fashionista adoring bright colours... A blue hat, yellow trousers, an orange shirt with a green tie made him famous on Earth and on the Moon. (Dunno)

10. Speaking about this mod, I would like to draw your attention to the shocking vehicle - the oven (Emelya)

11. Everyone knows this little charming fashionista by blue hair (Malvina)

12. A fashionista whose distinctive feature is boots and a chic fluffy tail (Puss in Boots)

13. Dry, skinny, skinny long-lived mod. He stepped far in terms of PR of accessories. Hid the needle on the principle of designer nesting dolls (Koschei the Deathless)

14. Fashionista is a queen, dazzling white, her clothes are woven from millions of snow stars (The Snow Queen)

15. Fashionista - a soldier, deprived of a leg, but not without a fiery heart (Tin soldier)

16. A mod whose body is stuffed with straw (Scarecrow)

17. A highly educated fashionista, Doctor of Puppet Science, a long beard is the main attribute of his image (Karabas Barabas)

(The winner is the participant who gave the largest number correct answers and any fashion accessory is awarded as a prize: a cosmetic bag, a mirror, etc.)

Musical comic forecast "And after 15 glasses ....."

2 - As far as I know, people who have known each other for a long time have gathered here, but where, no matter how on holidays, get to know each other better, see a friend's new talents or find out his secrets and dreams. I propose, for example, to find out who and how behaves at the holiday, when he takes a glass like this from the tenth to the twentieth. So, dear guests, before the start of the competition, please fill your glasses! (fill)

The music "Drink to the Bottom" is playing

I have a magic hat "Pour" in my hands! Well, have you gathered your thoughts? We begin our acquaintance with you!

(He bypasses the guests and plays with the musical forecast, during the transition of the fabulous, excerpts from songs sound: female or male).

"Game hat"

It's good that there are holidays in the world, we can get together, in the circle of friends and relatives. Let's never forget our friends!

Leading: Did you know that optimists differ from pessimists in blood alcohol content? Have you ever thought about the fact that we are all Buddhists - to the question: "Will you drink?", We always answer: "I will!" It's hard for a sober person to live. A sober drunk is not a friend, but a means of transportation. A teetotaler is a person with a pathologically poor fantasy - he cannot even think of a reason to drink. Today we will charge each other with positive things. Sad? Dreary? Cold? Hungry? Restless?

Then right now sing to the tune of "Dog Waltz": "O-lo-lo noodles, o-lo-lo noodles!"
And now to the theme of the Anthem of Russia: "Mattresses, mattresses, mattresses, mattresses!"
And to the tune "Eh, let's hoot!": "Dirizhaabliii!"
How is your mood? It is better? Then let's go! Give us bread, and we'll show you the spectacles ourselves!

Competition "Musical Drink"

Guests are invited to remember and perform songs in which there is a mention of an alcoholic drink. A team of men and a team of women compete.

The losers promise to arrange a trip to nature.

Relay "Alkoborie"

Men participate in the relay. They are invited to:

1. Measure your partner's height with glasses.
2. Without getting off the chair, you must drink a cocktail from a straw on the floor.
3. A beer cap is put on a man's nose; it is necessary to crawl on all fours without dropping the cork.
(The winner will receive a prize, a set of glasses or beer glasses.)

Leading: With whom they just do not compare drunks: with pigs, with dogs. I propose to compare us all with birds! Each of them has a note with the name of the bird under the glass. Your task: to portray her without sounds.

- hen;
- goose;
- forty;
- turkey;
- peacock;
- Crow;
- heron;
- crane;
- Eagle;
- seagull.

Competition "Are we arguing !?"

Leading: The most favorite phrase of drunken men is "And we argue !?" Who dares to argue with me?

I bet I can reach my ear with my tongue (You can lick the wrong ear.)
- I bet you can't step over 10 rubles. (Two coins are placed a few meters apart.)
- I bet no one can bend over without bending their knees, pick up boxes from the floor, and then straighten up again. (The person must be placed with his back against the wall.)
- We bet that no one can step over a penny. (They put a penny in the corner.)
“I bet no one can break a match with their thumb and forefinger. (This can only be done by placing a match on the crook of your index finger and pushing down on it with your thumb.)

Leading: And now we will sing ditties. The performer ties a handkerchief: women are red, men are blue.

We have fun in the village:
We plow, sow, drink vodka.
And neither Cyprus nor abroad
It cannot be compared with our paradise!

Have you seen my fisherman?
I got through!
There was no bite on the river, So he himself got drunk!
The dummy of the Immovable Vovk himself ...

It can be seen that the alcohol
My darling when drunk
As multifaceted as a glass:
And she will dance and sing,
And he kicks in the face!
A piece of bread breaks the throat
Resting in the throat!
And when you miss a shot -
Everything is perceived!

I gave the stockings to my milka
And two bottles of pepper,
Used to wash until the morning -
Yes, it's time to go home to my wife!

At the tram stop
The citizen lies in the dust -
I bought peppercorns for three,
Well, two didn't come!

Everything! Do not drink a glass of vodka,
Do not break into fornication again:
Wife got a shepherd dog -
They will find it everywhere on the trail.

On the couch every night
I relieve stress during the day
Helps to become careless
Wine and vodka compress.

Sweetheart kissed me
Eight times in the back of the head
Can't do anything more
After three bottles!

My little dear stitched up
And now he doesn't drink at all!
How can I kiss him,
If your mouth is darned with thread?

I realized when I got to the point
Enough for me to eat alcohol -
Bumps whispered to me in the morning:
"Time to collect stones!"

Leading: To see things soberly, sometimes you need to get drunk. Rainbow vistas open up with a corkscrew. Here's about the bright prospects further ... Alcoholic fantasies (Guests take turns pulling out the cards and performing the tasks written on them.)

1. I hug my neighbor on the right,
I drink the glass in one gulp.

2. I'll slap my neighbor lightly,
And overturn the stopar.

3. I'll borrow a hundred square meters from a neighbor,
For joy I will drink vodka.

4.With a neighbor we grunt a couple of times,
Well, let's drink in reserve!

5. Kiss the neighbor on the left
And I'll sip a glass of vodka!

6. I'll show my neighbors
And knock a glass in an instant.

7. I will create a choir with a neighbor
And for a song - one hundred grams.

8. I'll bite my neighbor's ear
And I'll have a glass of vodka.

9. I'll give my neighbor a compliment
And I'll drink a glass of vodka on the fly.

10. With a neighbor, we will show you the "swallow" pose
And boldly put a glass of vodka.

11. We will dance a gypsy girl with a neighbor on the left,
And one hundred grams for such a thing.

12. I will not wait for anyone -
I'll drink it myself, so as not to get out of the habit.

Leading: Our festive alcoholic marathon is coming to an end, working days are ahead. It's easy to be happy, the main thing is not to think about the hangover. Beware of the mirror tomorrow. Suddenly it will be written "Don't even hope, it's YOU!" I wish the most courageous to look into it and not recognize themselves ... This is for wealth! And anecdote on the topic:
In the morning after a hangover ...
- Light my mirror, tell me!
- Back off!
- So, say!
- Nothing to please, nothing!

The hut is not red at the corners, but the guests' noses are red. Remember that a drinker in Russian rarely leaves a party in English - without saying goodbye ... Let's hug, kiss and say: "Good luck." After all, home and the road is more sober.

Host: Attention, a star appears! Her name is ... (name of the hero of the day), gentlemen! Glows with a magical radiance, Captivates guests with charm. (Turns to the hero of the day.) You seem to be from a magazine cover, star track! And we will ask you to show off your intellect here. Jubilee riddles in a moment to guess you, we ask! Anniversary riddles 1. You are always the standard of beauty, What does your husband give you? (Flowers.) 2. What will decorate your biography? Of course, jubilee ... (Photo.) 3. It happens hot, airy It happens cold and indifferent, It happens in French, spoil it more often. .) 5. And it's high time in honor of these minutes, To hear the explosive anniversary ... (Fireworks.) (Guests burst balloons.) Host: First, we ask the birthday girl to pass, So that we are illuminated by her light! Ringing glasses sparkle -Like precious crystals! I urge you to fill them, To the table, friends, I invite everyone! (The guests sit at the table.) Host: The hero of the day has been in place for a long time, And his soul sings, Because together with you, he is waiting for the first Toast! So beautiful, so sweet, And bottomless eyes! Soul - like the sky wide open, Will give last shirt! ... (name of the hero of the day) ours, gentlemen! Hip! Hip! Hooray! The toast should not be put off, We drink standing for the hero of the day! (Musical five-minute.)
Host: First, we ask the birthday girl to pass, So that we are illuminated by her light! Ringing glasses sparkle -Like precious crystals! I urge you to fill them, To the table, friends, I invite everyone! (The guests sit at the table.) Host: The hero of the day has been in place for a long time, And his soul sings, Because together with you, he is waiting for the first Toast! So beautiful, so sweet, And bottomless eyes! Soul - like the sky wide open, Will give the last shirt! ... (name of the hero of the day) ours, gentlemen! Hip! Hip! Hooray! The toast should not be put off, We drink standing for the hero of the day! (Musical five minutes.) (The presenter distributes pipes, rattles, whistles, etc. to all guests)
Comic game "30-year frontier" Cards are prepared for friends in advance. The presenter reads out the phrases, and the hero of the day answers them in the affirmative or negative. If the answer is negative, the girlfriends are involved in the process, who pull out the cards and read them out. Host: What should have been done ... (name of the hero of the day) in thirty years? Host Phrases: Learn to accept compliments. Get a pay rise. Survive after parties that drag on until the morning. It's painless to get rid of bad lovers. Wear mini-skirts without hesitation. Learn to have an orgasm. Go to a male striptease. Make love in extreme conditions. Learn to fall asleep sweetly under male snoring. Feverishly study an early morning pregnancy test. Read the Kama Sutra from cover to cover. "Send" the chief, director, boss. To give a pretentious lecture to chaste girlfriends about the dangers of prolonged sexual abstinence. Dare to do Brazilian hair removal. Learn to swear dirty. Tame the most unapproachable macho. Wake up in the morning with a stranger in bed. Find the mystery point G. Cards for girlfriends: I'll organize this! Only at my expense! I'll teach her myself! I do not advise, girls, it is very fraught. Can I, too, for the company! There is a man in mind! Maybe we'll do it right now! It's very easy! You can't do without men.
Competition "Dance with your body parts" They put five chairs in a row close to each other. Five participants sit on them and dance to the cheerful, groovy music while sitting, following the leader's commands. Host commands: Oh, dare you dare, Dance on a chair with your elbows. Do not forget about the positive, Your chest enters the dance. Let Europe be jealous, but the priest decided to light it up. And now, honest people, Let your belly dance. Let the sadness, anxiety go away, Only your feet dance. Do not know sorrow, worries, Let only the mouth dance. Today we have fun, a mountain feast, Now we will dance together with our heads. And finally, gentlemen, your drunken eyes are dancing.

The birthday holiday is an annual gift given to a person in order to rejoice, love, and the disposition that his relatives, colleagues, and friends have for him. Today we are gathered to celebrate significant date in the life of the night.

Eastern wisdom says so:
Only that age will win
Who once a year, having gathered friends,
Pour glasses of replenishment
And he won't drink in years,
That flew away forever
And he will drink for every year,
What will come to him in the future,
And the fuller and more often you drink,
So you can more years live!
For a dear birthday girl!

(feast 10 min.)

Now let's say hello to each other.

Table fun
They raised their right hand - waved to the hero of the day!
Well, the left hand goes down slightly to the knee
Not yours! And your neighbor!
With our right hand, we warmly hug the neighbor's shoulder so decently…. Did you like it? Fine!
Swung left, right. Well done! Fine! Bravo!

They stroked their belly - Smiled into a mouthful!
Let's push the neighbor on the right, wink at the neighbor on the left!
We take a glass in our hand, pour it to the brim!
We continue the fun - clink glasses with the neighbor on the right ...
A glass so as not to fog up let's clink glasses with a neighbor on the left….

And with a neighbor on the contrary - for a cheerful team….
Together we get up from our seats - in our thoughts we will say a toast ...
Let's say together "Congratulations!" and we all drink to the bottom!
Do not forget to have a snack - and pour yourself again!
Dear friends, before we start our stormy celebration of the anniversary, I want our hero of the day to read a woman's prayer.

Women's prayer before the anniversary:

“Lord, help me not to get drunk! wake up in YOUR bed in the morning. WITH HUSBAND! Help not to lose the image of a business woman! Don't bother your guests! And don't get your booty in a salad! Don't lose things (including yourself)! Help not to write drunk SMS to anyone at 2 am! Don't call! And most importantly, do not confess your love to anyone! in any case, not more than 2 times! Help me come home in two, not four! And if I do something wrong, Lord, erase my memory forever and ever! Amen.


Today the closest ones are present at the anniversary
and the relatives of the birthday boy are mom and dad!

Dear guests! Let's greet Mom and Dad with loud applause. After all, they are also birthday today! 30 years ago, on November 7, 1980, angels descended from heaven and a great miracle happened, a charming baby was born, the firstborn in the family, a girl - on!

Dear Parents
Do you remember the day when you brought the night from the hospital?
What was she like?
How do you see her now?

(Congratulations from mom and dad)

Well, now, friends, the moment has come
Refill a glass for your parents!
Glory, praise and honor to parents!
I think the people will agree
What a toast should be raised to parents,

The Fortune Teller song

Well, dear guests, gild the handle, and I'll tell you the whole truth.
(Husband) Come on, beautiful gilded pen, I'll tell you what tomorrow will be! Oh, I see, I see everything! Get hung up, tomorrow you will!
- (Husband) Wai dear, you will feel bad tomorrow, you will have to go to work!
- (Female) And you - I know exactly what tomorrow will be! Monday!

- (Husband) Oh, my rich one, in five minutes you will have to dance a gypsy girl, and tomorrow you will wash your trousers.
- (Female) Oh, my dear, they will lay eyes on you today, I know for sure. Then there was the heart, liver, tongue and everything else.
- (Husband). You will sleep, curly, sweet, you will sleep softly until the salad is pulled out from under you!

- (Women) will give you two bags of happiness today, one with salad, the other with vinaigrette!
- (Husband) Friends around you will be tonight. Faithful friends. Tell me what their names are? Sharik, Bobik, and Polkan.
- (Female) They are waiting for you, endless, unprecedented, you will think for half a day until you understand where you woke up!

- (Women). Great happiness awaits you tomorrow, you will find a wallet with money, the one that you will lose today.
- (Female) Wai, what a heavy blow awaits you! ... In the morning when you get up on the scales.
- (Husband) A great loss awaits you. You will lose your tie (belt). You will search all night, you will find it in the morning. On the belt of a neighbor.
(Pulls out the divination cards)

Call boys
Dress code: trousers are rolled up, chintz family panties are put on over the knee, a shirt is unbuttoned, a loose tie and socks are dangling on a bare torso. You can put the printed "currency" under the elastic of the panties

1. - We came to you for a holiday
Give yourself
2. - Smile, laugh,
Make you laugh!

1. - I have such a tie, he has socks.
Muscles - steel, pants - iron, hard nipples!
2. - We are so cool, we are sex giants
And what beautiful ones - you can't take your eyes off!

1. - You are sitting in this outfit, just pluck out your eye !!!
Apparently you want to pester us sexually!
2. - Your skin is like a peach, your eyes are like an emerald.
The peasants, seeing this, will die of melancholy.

1. - Don't touch us with your hands! This will not work!
Well, let's move our husband aside, let him rest!
2. - Do not look with such a stern gaze,
Better pour a glass.

1. - We are glad to congratulate you
This Anniversary!
2. - Our wish will be:
So that the wine always flows

1. - To eat, to drink,
1 + 2 - Well, and most importantly - it could!
2. We will draw numbers with our beautiful place,
And your task will be to guess these numbers!

(they turn their backs to the birthday girl and guests and “draw” numbers to erotic music. Either the birthday girl's age, or 18, or the date of birth ... The birthday girl guesses)

Competition. The competition is called: "Question-Answer". Everyone is welcome to participate. The presenter asks the question, who is the first to answer correctly, receives a prize (answer).

Questions: No. 1 We cannot scatter it, Otherwise, there will be trouble? (Answer: salt) No. 2 Every day with it 2 times, Do your teeth feel ecstasy? (Answer: toothbrush) # 3 This is a writing trick, Is it a ballpoint …….? (Answer: pen) No. 4 On the keys he will create a "clink", This is necessary for everyone ....? (Answer: keychain) №5 We spend it every day, She's not too lazy to jump into the bathroom? (Answer: toilet paper) № 6 You can't eat without it, After all, you put food on it? (answer: spoon)
2Funny script for the 30th anniversary of the woman Marina

At the table with friends
Opening the anniversary,
Speaking to you,
I want to start with words
Not from pretentious speeches,
Not drinking, rather,
And such that friends speak heart to heart.

May our evening be
It will be warm and cheerful
Let it sound today
Congratulations one hundred in a row.

There will be dances, there will be songs
Jokes will be appropriate here.
We will celebrate the anniversary together
Everyone needs to pour into glasses!

The birthday holiday is an annual gift given to a person in order to rejoice, love, and the disposition that his relatives, colleagues, and friends have for him. Today we have gathered to celebrate a significant date in the life of Marinochka.

Eastern wisdom says so:
Only that age will win
Who once a year, having gathered friends,
Pour glasses of replenishment
And he won't drink in years,
That flew away forever
And he will drink for every year,
What will come to him in the future,
And the fuller and more often you drink,
So you can live more years!
For a dear birthday girl!

(feast 10 min.)

Now let's greet each other….

Table fun
They raised their right hand - waved to the hero of the day!
Well, the left hand drops slightly on the knee ...
Not yours! And your neighbor!
With our right hand, we warmly hug the neighbor's shoulder so decently…. Did you like it? Fine!
Swung left, right. Well done! Fine! Bravo!

They stroked their belly - Smiled into a mouthful!
Let's push the neighbor on the right, wink at the neighbor on the left!
We take a glass in our hand, pour it to the brim!
We continue the fun - clink glasses with the neighbor on the right ...
A glass so as not to fog up let's clink glasses with a neighbor on the left….

And with a neighbor on the contrary - for a cheerful team….
Together we get up from our seats - in our thoughts we will say a toast ...
Let's say together "Congratulations!" and we all drink to the bottom!
Do not forget to have a snack - and pour yourself again!
Dear friends, before we start our stormy celebration of the anniversary, I want our hero of the day to read a woman's prayer.

Women's prayer before the anniversary:

“Lord, help me not to get drunk! wake up in YOUR bed in the morning. WITH HUSBAND! Help not to lose the image of a business woman! Don't bother your guests! And don't get your booty in a salad! Don't lose things (including yourself)! Help not to write drunk SMS to anyone at 2 am! Don't call! And most importantly, do not confess your love to anyone! in any case, not more than 2 times! Help me come home in two, not four! And if I do something wrong, Lord, erase my memory forever and ever! Amen.

Today the closest ones are present at the anniversary
and the relatives of the birthday boy are mom and dad!

Dear guests! Let's greet Mom and Dad with loud applause. After all, they are also birthday today! 30 years ago, on November 7, 1980, angels descended from heaven and a great miracle happened, a charming baby was born, the firstborn in the family, a girl - Marina!

Dear Parents
Do you remember the day when you brought Marinochka from the hospital?
What was she like?
How do you see her now?

(Congratulations from mom and dad)

Well, now, friends, the moment has come
Refill a glass for your parents!
Glory, praise and honor to parents!
I think the people will agree
What a toast should be raised to parents,
Wish you health and happiness from us!

The hall is large and our guests
Little toast is made.
Is the situation familiar?
I suggest it differently!
The first table will learn the words: "There will be a bunch of sentences!"
The second table will tell us directly: "Birthday is a glorious holiday!"
The third table will say: "Our honor to the hero of the day!"
And the fourth, all rejoicing: "Kiss the hero of the day!"
Do you remember the words?

We gathered in this room
Yes, they drank a glass,
We ate delicious Olivier,
Have become a little tipsy.
Is the situation familiar?
I suggest it differently!
We will teach you how to have fun!…. First table!
1. There will be a bunch of offers!

To congratulate the hero of the day,
We need to drink a lot
For what? Let's face it! ... Second table!
2. Birthday is a glorious holiday!

We will knock with our feet
Like, we want something hot!
Someone will make a toast…. Third table!
3. Our honor to the hero of the day!

Vodka splashes in glasses
For some reason, everything is not enough for us ...
What to do? Such is the case ... First table!
1. There will be a bunch of offers!

The proposal is:
We should have a drink while standing.
Who will make the toast? … Third table!
3. Our honor to the hero of the day!

Well, is your heart warmer?
Now it’s another matter!
We passed the test dashingly! … Third table!
3. Our honor to the hero of the day!

Why are you so formal?
To make it perfect
We have no honor here as the main ... ..Second table!
2. Birthday is a glorious holiday!

This is worth drinking for
To have fun with us
Congratulations to the hero of the day
Glorify the hero of the day
We are celebrating what date!…. The fourth table!
4. The hero of the day with a kiss!

Let's repeat again, rejoicing ... .. The fourth table!
4. The hero of the day with a kiss!

So, now I will talk about life path hero of the day. And you, Marinochka, will help me. Your task is as simple as a synchrophasotron. It is necessary to say: "Shouldn't we have a drink?" This should be done after the words "And he says ..."

Once upon a time there was a birthday girl. It was inquisitive - passion! Sometimes, back in preschool age she comes up to her parents and says ...

Well no! She says, "Where do children come from?" or “Why doesn't the sun fall?”….
And the parents will bury themselves in books, but explain, explain. But time passed, and in the 7th grade on the line, the headmaster came out and said ...
(Hero of the day, shouldn't we have a drink?)

Yes you! He says that every student will participate in some Olympiad, and (Marina Dobrova) - in all at once! And she took part, even took first place. Therefore on last call takes (Marina Dobrova) a response from all graduates and says ...
(Anniversary. But shouldn't we have a drink?)

No, she says: "Thank you for participating, I received such a hardening in life's struggle." ... Then a technical school, sessions, coursework. I came to work to get a job and said ...
(Anniversary. But shouldn't we have a drink?)

Most often, anniversaries and birthdays are held in a pleasant company of well-known or close people who congratulate the birthday person or birthday girl a lot and with pleasure and communicate with each other. And, nevertheless, even the closest friendly feast, and, moreover, the big anniversary celebrations, will be decorated with an entertaining program, thought out in advance by the host or initiative guests, or even a couple of funny and pleasant game moments.

We offer a selection the best drinking games and musical congratulations to the woman's anniversary, which will allow you to make an emotional emphasis on the hero of the occasion, bring revitalization and add piquancy and zest to the holiday. All these game moments can be easily arranged impromptu, the main thing is that they suit the tastes of the birthday girl and the gathered company, they can be arranged together or separately - detailed explanations and the necessary background music are attached. Ideas of such entertainment are unique in that they have been tested in practice more than once, but are always relevant, go with a bang in any company, especially if they are presented in a new way and with humor or dedicated to a specific topic (as is done in this collection).

(Scenario of a woman's anniversary with toasts and eyeliners, which contains all the entertainment from this program to watch)

1. Musical congratulations on the anniversary of the woman "Masks-show"

Note: It is easy to make such a congratulation impromptu and, despite the fact that it is musical, congratulations will not have to sing, but only artistically, as if on behalf of their character, congratulate the birthday girl with a pre-prepared phonogram. The character image is created using special masks or appropriate props.


Option number 1. Voluntary.

The organizer's decoy may be like this: “Our program is called“ Everything for you ”for a reason, because today, in fact, all flowers, compliments and congratulations are only for our birthday girl (name). As a child, for his birthday, we waited for a magician in a blue helicopter, but as we matured, we realized that often miracles happen where they are made, where they themselves freak out. And now I invite everyone who loves our birthday girl and who wants to be involved in the little a miracle - a surprise in her honor, come out to me. There should be exactly seven such participants - the most magical number in the world. (As a rule, close relatives or friends who want to take part in this congratulation are sure to be present at the anniversary)

Option number 2. Drawing.

Also, the participants in the congratulation can be identified using the game moment "A bag in a circle". To do this, all the props are folded into an opaque bag or bag and, with perky music, they start up in a circle (guests pass the bag to the nearest neighbor at a feast), the one who has the bag in his hands during the stop of the music (the DJ makes these stops on purpose) takes it out without looking, the mask goes out into the center of the hall. This happens several times until all the masks are disassembled.

The host then quickly explains to the participants sufun and solemnly announces the exit of each of them, and the participants, in turn, come out and congratulate the culprit, as brightly and emotionally as possible.

(Note: if latex masks are to be used, then have the competitor put them on just before going out, because it is uncomfortable to be in them for a long time).

Leading: Honorable public and respected (Name of the birthday girl) just for you and only now a unique performance called "Masks Show" begins! And to participate in it, stars came from all parts of the world and even from exotic places, which are not even on the map at all.

First to congratulate (name) the famous and beloved English comedian Mr. Bean is in a hurry (comes out in a mask or a funny wig, approaches the hero of the day and pretends to be congratulated)

Congratulations 1 sounds

The second is congratulated by a sultry handsome man, a real horseman and a heartthrob, who came down specially from the Caucasian mountains (from the props: mask or hat, mustache, nose, also emotionally congratulates)

Congratulations 2 sounds ……… ............................................ ......................

Ready-made musical excerpts for all congratulations are attached, among the congratulatory ones: Mr. Bean, Sultry Caucasian, Pierre Narcissus, Eurovision Star, Shrek, Clown Oleg Popov, Devil - the tempter.

(If you can't arrange congratulations with masks, you can beat it with the help of some hats, as in the scenario "Rainbow of Life" -)

2. New table-top role-playing tale - impromptu "Only the best wishes!"

Note: this is a new author's impromptu sazka, which can be played right at the table, written for a woman's anniversary, but, if desired, can be easily altered for any occasion: wedding, new year, etc. Such a fairy tale is a win-win entertainment, from the category of those that are very easy to organize and which activate the mood at the table and allow once again to congratulate the heroes of the occasion.

The essence of entertainment: the presenter reads the entire text expressively, deliberately making small pauses so that the "artists" have time to say their remark. The remarks themselves must be printed in large size on cards in advance and distributed to the participants, warning that they should speak their phrase as artistically as possible every time they hear the name of their character in the text.

Impromptu characters and their lines:

Baba Nyura- “Fathers are holy!”;

Market- "All heaps are!";

Loader- "Where to drink ?!";

Caucasian- "Go in - you won't regret it!";

Gypsy- "Gold the handle!";

Bouquet of flowers- "Only the best wishes!"

The text of an impromptu fairy tale(PASSAGE FOR ILLUSTRATION)

Baba Nyura... came to Market.... A tall, broad-shouldered Loader... Exhausted by his care Loader… pushed Babu Nyuru... sideways and didn't even apologize. Buzzed lively Market… Sight Baba Nyura... involuntarily attracted hot Caucasian... .. Noticing interest Baba Nyura,...temperamental Caucasian…... raised his eyebrows and winked at her. A Baba Nyura... all blushing with embarrassment, I forgot why ... ... ...................................... .................................................. .................................................. .....................

And finally, Baba Nyura ... came to the holiday and wholeheartedly gives the hero of the occasion (name of the birthday girl) this stunning Bouquet of flowers

And the guests, seeing this, loudly and joyfully shout: "Happy birthday!"

3. Birthday party game women "For the sake of your wonderful eyes ..."

Note: It happens so, especially in the first two hours of the holiday, that men are more shy, squeezed, than women. It is more difficult to stir them up, to involve them in action. This option will allow you to highlight the stronger sex in a pleasant way, without diluting it with the weaker one. If there are not so many men, you can line them up and let this male platoon read the cards - confessions

.Guide to the game

Leading: They say the eyes are the mirror of the soul. Our birthday girl has Madonna's eyes, they attract, bewitch, enchant. They are like an open book in which you can read sympathy, empathy, childish joy. The poet said about such eyes:

Your eyes are happy comets

They are bottomless lakes for the soul.

They are a dream and a dream for a poet,

They are beautiful, amazingly good !!!

Today, the entire strong half of this hall confesses its love to our charming (name), but it will do it in a very non-trivial way. Dear men, do not worry, you do not have to painfully select words for this, you just need to draw out a recognition card and read it expressively, with soul, with great respect and admiration.

Options for comic cards - confessions (PASSAGE FOR ILLUSTRATION):

1. For the sake of your wonderful eyes ... (reads the card)

Ready for a thousand pranks! .....

18. For the sake of your wonderful eyes ... ... (reads the card)

I'm ready to dance to the double bass! ...

(20 ready-made cards included)

4. Game for a close company "Jubilee Lotto with Kisses"

This entertainment can be a continuation of the previous one or be arranged instead of it, designed for a relaxed company and hero of the occasion

For the game You will need two sets of bingo kegs, a lottery drum or bag where they will be shuffled, cards with a prize kiss and questions and answers for the quiz.

An introduction to the game. Dear guests and dear birthday girl, now according to the program we have an anniversary lotto, but not a simple one, but with kisses, and therefore ... only those closest to the birthday girl can take part in it, the fact of family ties and long-term friendship in itself does not mean, that you are a participant in a prize draw. The main condition: knowledge of the biography, tastes and secret desires of the birthday girl, which means that the chance will fall only to those who will answer the questions of our anniversary quiz faster and better than anyone else.

(optional, if the husband is not jealous, you can declare an additional condition that only men participate)

(A quiz is held) ……

Options for comic cards with kissing lots for illustration:

1. This lot fell to kiss me in French, with a kiss full of passion and fire!

2. And with this guest we will have a Russian kiss, three times and three times pleasant ...........................

11. I ask the guests not to laugh, but with this lucky one we will kiss under the table.

15. I had kisses today ... I didn't even count how many, but only with you there will be a real love affair, accompanied by shouts: "Bitter!" (this lot can not be played out, but given to the spouse or partner of the hero of the day, as a sign of special attention) ............................... ..............................................

(15 ready-made options are included)

5. Musical comic forecast "And after 15 glasses ..."

Note: This is a well-known game according to the rules of guessing the secret thoughts of guests with the help of a musical hat or a magic microphone, this version contains cool musical excerpts on a very relevant topic for any feast: "What does each of the guests think and do after they have a good drink! ? ". (Thanks to the author of the idea)

The presented selection of song cuts is quite large, you can use all of them or choose from them the most suitable for a specific occasion and company.

Intro to the game:

Leading: As far as I know, people who have known each other for a long time have gathered here, but where, no matter how on holidays, get to know each other better, see a friend's new talents or find out his secrets and dreams. I propose, for example, to find out who and how behaves at the holiday, when he takes a glass like this from the tenth to the twentieth.

(Bypasses the guests and plays with the musical forecast, the DJ, accordingly, includes excerpts from the songs: female or male).

Examples of musical excerpts to illustrate the answer to the question "How will you behave and what to think about after 15 glasses?"

for the female half of the hall

for the male half of the hall:


(40 ready-made music excerpts are included).

(A collection of fun drinking and music games for the predominantly female guests see).

To get the full version with musical background, it is enough to contribute a small amount to the site development fund (300 rubles) - conditions and details on the AUTHOR'S SCENARIOS page

P.S. Dear users, if you want, as soon as possible, to receive a link to the full version of the script you have chosen, download the document below from and read it carefully.

(download by clicking on the document)

Bonus discount for a fairy tale:

Such an entertaining and congratulatory program can be supplemented, which is also dedicated to the theme of the women's holiday, it is offered separately (300 rubles), but for those who purchased this scenario - a bonus discount of 150 rubles. Therefore, those who wish to have in their arsenal both a fairy tale and this collection of games can send 450 rubles to the site fund, without a fairy tale, respectively, 300 rubles will be enough.

Almost all contests held on the anniversary are dedicated to the hero of the day, the famous anniversary date, paying attention to his merits, good and special character traits, life achievements, hobbies, hobbies, recalling the turbulent past and good wishes for the future. When we come to the anniversary, we associate this holiday not only with congratulations, gifts, delicious food, dances, beautiful people.

But we also assume fun and joy. This can be achieved in many ways, including by participating in contests.

Super funny competition "Don't lose your face"

The best selection of contests for anniversaries is collected in this section, and will be replenished in the future. Surely you will find something new and interesting for yourself.

We offer a selection already with ready-made requisites, for example, question cards, you do not need to search the Internet for questions for the competition, you just need to print them. We also have comic congratulatory medals for winners in contests, which you can easily print on your printer and glue. Enjoy your minutes with friends and family!
Happy anniversary!

Cool contests

Cool contests presented on our site will be a godsend for any holiday. Indulge your guests not only with “bread”, but also with “spectacles” by arranging an interesting entertainment program for them!


Several players are invited to participate in the competition, they are given two sheets of paper. They have to imagine that there is a fire in their house and decide which thing they would save first. This is the thing they should draw on the first sheet. On the second sheet, they should depict the reason why they will save this particular thing.
All papers are put in two boxes, the first box is the "object", the second is the "reason." Then the presenter pulls out a sheet from both boxes. And an interesting story turns out: "I will save the TV, because it is pleasant to walk on it."

Draw the word

The host and the guests come up with a word and say it to one of the participants in the competition. His task is to depict this word on paper, without using letters and numbers. The participant tries and draws.

The task of the team of players is to guess which word is being discussed. Whoever guesses first will receive a prize.

Find the heart

Hearts are laid out around the room or hall. The host gives the guests a task: to find as many hearts as possible, which are hidden in the most unexpected places. Guests are embarked on a quest.

Whoever finds more hearts wins the competition and, accordingly, gets a prize.

Light my mirror, tell me ...

To participate in the competition, several players will be enough, who will perform in turn. Each is given a mirror. The player, looking in the mirror, should compliment himself. All three or four players do this.

At the end, guests rate which compliments were more original.


Everyone who wants to participate in the competition is given a match. When the first player goes to the center of the hall, his match is set on fire. Until the match burns out, he must tell as many details as possible about himself. All players do the same.

At the end, it is counted up who gave more details.


Guests take an apple and insert as many matches as possible to make a hedgehog. A couple consisting of a guy and a girl is invited to participate in the competition. They take turns pulling a match out of an apple and speaking to each other in a kind word.

At the end, the couple is awarded a prize.

I never...

This competition is quite interesting for people who have not yet gotten to know each other enough. All people sit in a circle, everyone is given a lot of chips. The first player says "I've never ..." and names something that he has never done in his life. Players who, on the contrary, did what the first player did not, give him one chip each.
The winner is the one with the maximum number of chips.

The girl behind the screen

One girl is led behind the screen. The host asks the guests questions about the girl's clothes, makeup, hair, and so on. Everyone has the right to express their opinion. Whoever turns out to be right gets points.

The guest with the maximum number of points receives a prize.


At the entrance to the celebration, the host gives the guest a sticker. Guests keep them throughout the entire celebration. The host has the right to take the sticker from the guest if his arms or legs are crossed. The winners are those guests who have never crossed their arms and legs.

They are awarded prizes.


All players are divided into two teams. All teams have an equal number of people. The leader gives the teams a thick rope. All participants grasp the rope with one hand. Someone on the right, someone on the left. Next, each one bends one leg and holds it with his free hand.
The task of the players is to jump in this state to the finish line and back. The first team to complete the task will receive a prize. Pages: 23 - total scripts:

Funny contests for the anniversary

Funny contests
For the competition, you will need several ribbons of the same color and length. The presenter folds all the ribbons so that the edges coincide, then squeezes the middle of the folded ribbons into a fist, and arbitrarily lowers their ends down.
Each player must take the end of the tape. Then the presenter unclenches his fist, and the couple who are holding on to different ends of the same ribbon must kiss.

Drawing from words

The last player to be told about the drawing takes a piece of paper, pen or pencil and tries to draw what was told. Then the drawing drawn by the last player is compared with the original.


At a certain distance from each other, there are baskets of apples or oranges. It is necessary to transfer all fruits from a full basket to an empty one as quickly as possible without using hands.


Invite guests to listen
SMS with the anniversary, which were sent on this day to the birthday boy. Guests need to guess who sent them.

The whole interest is that the sender
SMS stomach, hangover, gifts, toasts, etc. as an example, you can use the following
Congratulations on the anniversary. Is on the way.

I'll be there tomorrow morning. (Hangover) Today you will only listen to us. (Congratulations and wishes) Drink, walk, if only I had enough! (Health) It's indecent to squeeze and stroke me for so long. Finally, make a decision. (Glass of vodka) I'm as devastated as always on your anniversary. (Refrigerator) Participants are divided into two teams.

There are several oranges on the chair in front of each team, which must be transferred to another chair without using the hands. You can take the next orange only when another team member has already placed the orange on the required chair.

Pissing boys

3-4 men are enough to participate in this competition. It is appropriate to hold such a competition in the middle of a feast, when a certain amount of alcohol is already making itself felt. Tall glasses are installed on chairs (according to the number of participants), and participants are given a bottle of beer.

You need to squeeze the bottle between your knees and pour the beer into the glass. Anyone who can do it faster and more accurately receives the same glass of beer as a gift.

A funny and interesting birthday contest

Describe the hero of the day

After congratulating her on the anniversary, the hero of the occasion leaves behind the screen, where you can see only her silhouette. The facilitator asks questions about her appearance, such as eye color, size and color of jewelry, style of dress, shape of shoes, shape of earrings and rings, etc.

Guests receive a small card or an asterisk sticker for each correct answer. At the end of the competition, the most attentive guest is determined.


The host invites several couples
M-F. Each man is given a pair of thick mittens, and a spacious shirt with buttons is thrown over the woman. The task of men is to button up their partner's clothes as quickly as possible.
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About table contests

Fortunately, in
Feasts are popular in Russia. People gather at the table, drink, have a snack, and at one point the feast turns into a roll call. The voices get louder, the music kicks in, and the booth begins.

Drinks are drunk, snacks are eaten quickly, in a word, and there is no holiday. To fix it this situation it is necessary to distract guests from raising a glass and endlessly chewing snacks by holding table contests.

For such situations, there are fun contests for a feast that will not let you get bored. All contests presented on the site are intended for playing at the table.

You will not have to get up from the table, run and jump, it will be enough to turn on your wit, make a serious appearance and be in the role of the host, like the owner of the house, and entertain your guests. In some contests you will need Additional materials, but they are quite affordable and can be found in every home.

Your holiday will be diluted with laughter and positive emotions. The site administration is sure that your holiday will not be held according to the standard template: came-sat-drank-ate-left!

The glasses are filled with all kinds of liquids, a good part of which is added salt, vinegar and other not very pleasant ingredients. All of them are placed on a table or directly on the bedspread in random order, after which the participants take turns throwing a tennis ball at them.

The glass, into which the participant got, he must empty. You can supplement the competition by inviting the participant to try to guess what he will get, and in case of an incorrect answer, tell an anecdote about the drink he has drunk.

If the birthday boy is a woman

Of course, it is very desirable that not only guests, but also the hero of the occasion himself, take part in entertaining performances. If the holiday is dedicated to a lovely lady, then a wonderful competition can be held especially for her, which, moreover, will allow all those invited to express their best wishes.

This competition can be held for mom's birthday. So, the birthday girl stands in the center of the room, and the guests are invited to take turns naming the part of her body that they like best.

If there are a lot of guests, then after the standard options (lips, hair, hands, and so on), more and more non-trivial options begin to speak out. This can be, for example, heels, ankles, ears, and so on.

The apogee of the competition becomes the moment when each guest is invited to kiss the part of the body that he named. Of course, this requires a sophisticated compliment, which is also quite amusing. This contest is perfect for a friend's birthday.

Participants in turn name the positive qualities of the birthday girl. Each is given only ten seconds. As soon as the participant stumbles, he is eliminated.

The main prize - the kiss of the birthday girl - goes to the guest who will last longer than the others.

How to congratulate a man

If a man became the hero of the occasion, of course, you cannot leave him without a personal competition, which will not only allow you to show your own ingenuity, but also amuse everyone invited a lot. In a small container (basin, box, or something similar), several objects are placed that are perfectly familiar to every man.

The blindfolded birthday boy should take turns taking them out, telling how he could use them. The most interesting thing is that among the car keys, wallet, shaving razors and deodorants "accidentally" there are several curlers, a pad and other surprises.

Comments are superfluous - such a turn of events will cause a lot of positive emotions. The task for this competition is as follows: each participant comes up with a non-standard life situation, a way out of which the birthday person must come up with as soon as possible. Of course, the better the guests' imagination is, the more interesting and exciting the competition is.

Birthday dancing till you drop

No party is complete without fiery dances. So that this event is not limited to purely mechanical movements to the music, dance competitions can be organized for your birthday, which will make this part of the program much more fun.

The participants in the game line up like a locomotive. The presenter announces: we are going to the shoulder station!
The music turns on, and the guests, putting their hands on each other's shoulders, begin to move, performing dance steps. After the presenter calls the next station - Rebrovichi - and the movement continues, but now the participants' hands are on each other's sides. After a while, Bedrovichi, Kolenkovichi, and, of course, Pyatkovichi follow!
The winners are those who manage to "leave" the farthest. This funny "adult" birthday contest always goes well, no matter the size. During the dance, the presenter periodically commands: Lob!
In this case, the pairs of dancers must continue the dance, touching only the named parts of the body.
Of course, the insidious host knows other commands as well: Knees!
Etc. The winner is the couple who managed to fulfill all the presenter's whims as accurately as possible.

You can't do without prizes!

At anniversaries and birthdays during the contests, the winners are traditionally awarded prizes. It can be anything: pens, key rings, notebooks or other souvenirs.

The main rule that must be strictly observed is that the prizes should not be too expensive, so that the winner does not feel uncomfortable. You should also avoid things that might be considered an offensive hint (condoms, soap, shoe polish, etc.). Thus, in order for a birthday or anniversary to remain in memory for a long time, and the guests take with them photographs from the best moments, organizing competitions would be the ideal solution.

All this does not require exorbitant financial costs at all, but it will provide all the guests with a sea of ​​positive emotions and great mood. And in conclusion, we invite you to watch the video on birthday contests.

Fun birthday contests at the table Movable competition for a company of adults Incendiary competition - a game
Regardless of why a cheerful adult company has gathered - an anniversary or just a birthday, it does not prevent the birthday person from preparing in advance. Of course, a good menu, suitable drinks, appropriate music are an important part of spending time together.

But funny contests for an adult company at the table or in nature will allow you to achieve a special effect. The company may include both old friends and unfamiliar people.

It is possible that informal communication is organized for people who generally see each other for the first time. It could be people different ages- men and women, boys and girls. Whatever communication is supposed to be, having at least a conditional plan of action, including contests for young people, quizzes for adults, funny jokes and theatrical performances, means ensuring the success of any event!
So, contests for young people: students, schoolchildren, adults, young at heart!
A musical selection is prepared in advance, where desires or funny statements are expressed in songs. For example, "I am a chocolate bunny, I am an affectionate bastard ...", "And I am unmarried, someone really needs it ..", "It's great that we all gathered here today ..", etc.

The presenter simply approaches each guest and puts on his head a magic hat that can read minds. On a stick, a chair ... (whichever is more convenient for you), 1 ordinary medical glove is fixed for each participant in the competition, we make tiny holes at the end of each finger and fill the glove with water. The task of the participants is to milk the glove.

Delight is indescribable for both the participants and the audience. (Especially if no one saw how to milk the cow and the company drank a little). The mood above the roof will be provided !!!
It is necessary to prepare several photographs of famous stars in advance. Only one person participates in the competition - the presenter.

The presenter chooses a player from the hall, the player turns away, the presenter says - I show the audience a photo of the animal, and you ask leading questions, and we will all say yes or no. Everyone except the player sees the photo (in the photo for example
Bilan), everyone starts laughing, and the player thinks that this is a funny animal and starts asking carbon monoxide questions: - does he have a lot of fat or not? - Does he have horns?

There are two large, but equal in size teams. Each of the participants ties an inflated one with a thread to their leg balloon the colors of their team. The thread can be of any length, although the longer the better.

The balls must be on the floor. On command, everyone begins to destroy the balls of their opponents, stepping on them, at the same time, preventing them from doing it with their own. The owner of the burst ball moves aside and ends the battle. The winner is the team whose ball will remain the last on the battlefield.

Funny and not traumatic. Checked. By the way, each team can develop some strategy and tactics of warfare. And the balls may not be the same color in a team, but for a successful battle you need to know your partners well.

Competition for those who are thirsty (can be held outdoors) -) You need to take about 10 plastic glasses, fill them in front of the participants of the competition with various drinks (both tasty and deliberately "spoiled" with the addition of salt pepper or something like that, but the main thing is compatible with life). Glasses are stacked. Participants take turns throwing a ping pong ball into glasses and in which glass the ball fell, the contents of this glass are drunk.

Original Gift List

Participants collect any one item, which is put into a bag. After that, one of the participants is blindfolded. The presenter pulls out things in turn, and the blindfolded player comes up with a task for the owner of the pulled out item.

Tasks can be very different: dance, sing a song, crawl under the table and hum, and so on. Competition "Fairy Tales in a Modern Way" Among the people invited to the birthday, of course, there are representatives of various professions.

Each of them is a professional in his field, and has, of course, a full set of terms and specific vocabulary inherent in the people of his profession. Why not make sure that instead of boring and uninteresting professional conversations, the guests would not make each other laugh?

This is done simply. The participants are given pieces of paper and tasks are given: to present the content of all known fairy tales in a professional language. Imagine a fairy tale "Ognivo", written in the style of a police protocol or a psychiatric case history.

And what about the "Scarlet Flower" as a description of a tourist route? The author of the funniest fairy tale wins. The presenter shows the players a picture, which is covered by a large sheet with a hole two to three centimeters in diameter in the middle. The presenter moves the sheet over the picture.

Participants must guess what is shown in the picture. The winner is the one who guesses faster. Writing competition (fun) The player sits in circles and everyone is given blank sheets of paper and pens. The host asks the question: "Who?"

Players write the names of their heroes at the top of the sheet. After that, fold the sheet so that the written is not visible. After that, they pass the sheet to the neighbor on the right. The host asks: "Where did you go?" Everyone writes, folds the paper and passes it to the neighbor on the right.

The main task of the presenter is to provide the competition with fast, incendiary melodies that can make the participants want to perform the most incendiary steps and pirouettes. All those taking part in the entertainment stand in a large circle. The first dancer is selected.

This may be the hero of the occasion, if there is none, you can determine by drawing lots or counting. The player stands in an impromptu circle, a scarf is tied to him, the music starts, and everyone dances.

Having made several or many movements, the dancer must transfer his attribute to another person standing in the circle. The scarf must be tied around the neck with a knot, and even kiss the "heir". The new dancer takes the place of the previous one and performs his steps.

The dance lasts as long as the musical accompaniment lasts. When the leader turns it off, the dancer who remains in the circle is taken by surprise and forced to shout something like "ku-ka-re-ku."

The more unexpectedly the music stops, the more fun it will be for those present. This is a team game. Participants are divided into pairs.

Each couple chooses a pre-prepared package, which contains a set of clothes (it is necessary that the number and complexity of the items be the same). All participants in the game are blindfolded. On command, one of the couple must touch the other with the clothes from the bag he received in one minute.

The winner is the couple that "gets dressed" faster and more correctly than the others. It's fun when there are two men in a pair and they get a bag of purely female clothes!

To play you will need several teams of "hunters", consisting of 3 people and one "wild boar". "Hunters" are given cartridges (it can be any piece of paper) after which they try to hit the "boar". The target can be a cardboard circle on which the target is drawn.

This circle with a target is attached to the "wild boar" on the waist in the lumbar region. The task of the "boar" is to run away and dodge, and the task of the "hunters" is to hit this very target. A certain time is recorded during which the game is running.

It is advisable to limit the space for the game so that the game does not turn into a real hunt. You need to play the game in a sober state. It is forbidden to hold the "boar" by the teams of the "hunters".

There are many balls scattered across the floor. Those who wish are called. And on command, to fast music, each of the participants must take and hold as many balls as possible.

The participant stuffs a huge piece of bun into his mouth so that it is impossible to speak. After that, he receives a text that needs to be read.

The participant tries to read it with expression (it is desirable that it was an unfamiliar verse). The other participant needs to write down everything that he understood, and then read aloud what happened. As a result, its text is compared with the original.

Instead of a bun, you can use another product that is difficult to pronounce words with. Competition "Overcome the Obstacle" Two couples are invited to the stage. Chairs are placed, a rope is pulled between them.

The task for the guys is to pick up the girl and step over the rope. After the first pair has done this, the second pair does this as well. Next, you need to pick up the rope and repeat the task again. The rope will go up until one of the pairs will cope with the task.

As it has already become clear, the pair that fell before the other pair loses. To participate in the competition, you need 2 players and two empty packs of cigarettes. Ropes are tied to the belt to the players, at the end of which a potato is tied.

The essence of the competition is to push the empty pack to the finish line faster with this very potato, which dangles at the end of the rope. Whoever gets to the finish line first wins. Come out into the spotlight of the couple.

All participants attach 10-15 clothespins to their clothes. Then everyone is blindfolded and played fast music. It is necessary for everyone to remove as many clothespins as possible from their rivals.

Two teams are recruited, five people each. A pot of water is placed in front of each team, the water in both pots is at the same level. Which team will quickly drink water from the pots with the help of spoons, that team won.

Competition "Those wishing to take part in this competition are invited to put on fins and look from back side through binoculars, cover the specified distance. The participants in the game stand in a row or (everyone sits in a line, the main thing is to make it clear where the beginning and where the end is). The first one utters two completely disconnected 2 words.

For example: tree and computer. The next player must connect the unconnected and describe the situation that could happen with these two items. For example, "My wife is tired of the fact that her husband is constantly sitting at the computer, and he settled with him in a tree."

Then the same player says the following word, for example “Bed”. The third participant must add this word to this situation, for example “Sleeping on a branch has become not so comfortable as on a bed”. And so on until fantasy is enough. You can complicate the game and add the following.

The presenter interrupts whoever of the participants and asks to repeat all the spoken words, the one who does not know how to do this is eliminated from the game. The competition requires 5 - 15 people. Any object is placed on the table in front of the players.

Participants should take turns talking about how the item is used. The use of the item should theoretically be correct. Anyone who could not come up with a use for the subject is eliminated from the game. The one who remains the last in the game is the winner.

You can complicate contests and make them more creative, creative. Be in joy not only on holidays. Give laughter and smiles to friends, family and friends.

Ladies sit on chairs in the room, 4-5 people. The man is shown that his wife (friend, acquaintance) is sitting among them, and he is taken to another room, where his eyes are tightly blindfolded. At this moment, all the women are transplanted, and a couple of men are joining them.

All bare one leg (just above the knees) and let the man in with the bandage in. He squatting, alternately touching his bare leg with his hands, must recognize his half. To disguise men, they wear a stocking on their legs.

A pair is selected by lot (heterosexual or any). The participants stand against each other. They are blindfolded and a regular clothespin is attached to each.

It is necessary to find a clothespin on the opponent's body as soon as possible and at the same time try not to give up your own, not to let you near it. All players are paired. The host invites everyone to the "wild beach" where dances are announced.

The dancers are given records (one for men, three for women) - “in order to intimate parts did not excite vacationers on the beach. " Music sounds, dances begin.

During the dance, the players need not to lose a single record, and for this they have to dance, huddled closely to each other ... Several couples participate in the game. Each pair receives two raw eggs or ping-pong balls.

Men roll these balls from the lady's right sleeve to the left sleeve. Ladies roll balls through the man's trousers from the right leg to the left
A girl is selected and her eyes are blindfolded. Lead her to a table where someone is lying.

Take her hands and put them on different parts of the body of the reclining person. At the same time, each time say: "Here is the leg of the Pharaoh, here is the stomach of the Pharaoh, here ...", and at the end of the hand they dip into some salad, and you say: "Here are the brains of the Pharaoh." The result is unpredictable.

All participants stand in pairs. For each pair, you need to prepare a large balloon. The task is this: the participants need to hold the ball, holding it between their foreheads.

The music kicks in and the couples start dancing, trying not to release the ball. It is not such a simple matter to move in concert. And the ball, as if out of harm, everything is trying to jump out.

The winner is the couple that can dance the longest without missing the ball. Hearts are hidden in the room. At the command of the leader, the participants must find as many hearts as possible. The winner will be the owner the largest number hearts.

Hearts can be hidden under tables by gluing them with tape on window sills. It is best to avoid bookshelves and flower pots to avoid clutter.

Today, it is quite popular to diversify any celebration with an entertainment program, which will allow not only to have fun from the heart and not fall asleep without waiting for the ending, but also to remember the holiday for a long time. This is especially important for those people on whose threshold a significant date in life is an anniversary. In this case, you should try to ensure that the hero of the occasion associates the past holiday only with positive emotions and pleasant memories. To do this, you need to take care of this in advance and prepare for the upcoming event, so do not forget to come up with cool toast, congratulations and funny contests for the anniversary, which for a second will not allow guests and the birthday person to think about anything other than the holiday.

"Guess ... animal"

This is a pretty funny game that will make everyone, without exception, have fun from the heart. The presenter invites the guest to the stage and announces that he has a wonderful opportunity to guess the animal. After that, it is necessary to turn the participant with his back to the audience and show the guests a picture of a famous movie star or politician. The player should ask the audience leading questions, for example, "Does he have hooves?" or "What does he eat, flies or meat?" Believe me, it will be quite funny when the presenter shows a photo with Nikolai Baskov, and the participant asks the audience such questions.

"Test for sobriety"

What else funny contests will be appropriate for the anniversary? Of course, the "Sobriety Test". When all the guests have a hearty meal and a fair amount of drink, you can have a little fun. To do this, first prepare a scale of 40 digits. Moreover, "40" should be at the very bottom. So, the presenter should call several people onto the stage. Ask them to stand with their backs to the scale and bend their heads upside down. Give everyone a felt-tip pen. In this position, let the participants take turns trying to reach the highest scale and put a mark. This will be an indicator of his sobriety. Funny contests for the anniversary "for sobriety" are best done with several pretty drunk young people.

"Many, many compliments"


Such funny contests for the anniversary of a man or a woman will certainly delight all guests, especially those who take an active part in it. So, for the game you need 2 cowboy hats, 2 pistols (toy), 2 mops (optionally, children's horses on a stick) and 2 pairs of tarpaulin or rubber boots. To participate, 2 people are invited to play cowboys. Participants must put on boots, put on a hat, take a pistol in their hand and get on the horse. Shouting "Yahu, bang-bang", the cowboy must "drive up" to the princess (prince) and take her on his "horse" to his home. The winner is the one who brings the most princesses or princes to their destination.


The main component of any celebration is not only a table strewn with various treats, but also prepared entertainment that will allow guests not only to eat from the heart, but also to have fun.

All guests are divided into several teams of 8 people. Each team is given a piece of paper (Whatman paper or a piece of wallpaper). The presenter begins to tell the tale "Teremok". There was a teremok in the field, it is not low, not high, but in the terem there lived a squeaky mosquito, and each first team member gets on his sheet, then - a fly-tsokotukha, and every second participant gets on the sheet to the first, a violating mouse , and the third participant stands on a leaf, and so on: a frog-frog, a bunny-runner, a fox-sister, a top-gray barrel and a bear. The task of each team is to fit all the heroes into their own little house (sheet of paper). Someone can pick up someone, press sideways, climb onto their backs, in general, all methods are allowed. Whoever manages to put everyone in the tower, they receive prizes, for example, delicious lollipops.

Two at the same time

An even number of players and a host are required for the competition. All players are paired. Each pair is tied by the hands so that the left hand of one participant is tied to the right hand of the other participant, and the second hand remains free.
Next, each pair is assigned a task. For example, tie a gift with a bow. The couple that does it first is the winner.

Updating the wardrobe

For the competition, you will need a large opaque bag, which will be folded into various subjects clothes. These items should be comic, for example, you can put a bonnet, romper, bras and other things with meaning.
The host invites guests to take out one item at a time from the bag to update their wardrobe. However, not all guests should be pulled out, but only those on which the music stops. This means that the guests must pass the bag to each other to the music, and the one on whom the music stops, pulls out one thing from the bag and puts it on.

Drawing from words

To conduct the competition, you will need several people, one of whom is the presenter. The presenter brings out a simple drawing and shows it to one of the players, all the others should not see it. The player who saw the drawing must whisper to the other player what was shown in the drawing. The second player tells the third from the words of the first, and so on.
The last player to be told about the drawing takes a piece of paper, pen or pencil and tries to draw what was told. Then the drawing drawn by the last player is compared with the original.


The competition is mainly focused on the birthday person. Put a few potatoes on a chair and cover them with something. The birthday boy is invited to sit on the covered potatoes and fidget, and he must do this, in order to ultimately determine how many potatoes lie under him.


All players are divided into two or three teams. Each player has a string tied to his belt, at the end of which a paper fish should be attached. Each team must have a different color of fish.
The task of the players of one or another team is to step on the fish of a member of the other team. The team that has all the fish ripped off will be considered the loser.

Tongue Twisters

All players sit on chairs in two parallel rows. The presenter speaks a tongue twister to one of the players. This player must pass the tongue twister to the one sitting next to him, and so on. The last player must get up and heed to pronounce the tongue twister, which he understood from the words of his neighbor.
The team whose players pronounce the tongue twister most correctly won.

Fort Boyar

2-3 teams are formed from guests. At a certain distance from the teams, there is a large basin with little things (buttons, candy canes, etc.). Each first team member on the command "start" runs to the pot and picks up as many coins as he can and carries it to his team (each team has its own bowl and it stands on the line of the spade near the first participant). After the first participants, the second start, after - tritiums, and so on. When the first participants again seem to be in the first place, the presenter stops the game and looks at who has the most coins. The team with the biggest loot is the winner.

Birthday is itself fun, celebration and laughter. But even without entertainment program indispensable on such a wonderful day. That is why we offer you funny birthday contests for women. You can hold all competitions at the table, and the guests will be comfortable and interesting. Play and have happy guests.

First competition - guess the photo.
For the competition, you need to print out photos with the birthday girl. But photographs should preferably be of at least A4 size so that all guests can see them. And you also need to take a sheet of an even larger format and cut a small hole in it. The sheet with the cut out hole is in the photo. The host moves it from side to side so that guests can see only a small fragment of the photo. And they (guests) have to guess who is in this photo and where the business is taking place. If someone guessed and did not guess, then he no longer speaks to this photo, since he used his own attempt. And who guessed it, he receives a memento from the birthday girl. For example, if the photo is related to a vacation in Egypt, then the gift is appropriate, for example, a calendar with the sights of Egypt.

At some point, you will get a little tired of playing, and you will have to figure out how else to entertain the guests. We bring to your attention the following video clip:

This video congratulation was made for a woman's birthday. If you want to show it on your holiday, then download it.

The next competition for quick wits.
For the competition, you need cubes with the letters of the Russian alphabet. If there are no cubes, then make cards with letters. Put all cards or cubes in one bag. And also you need to prepare questions about the birthday girl. Write each question on a piece of paper. And put all the leaves in another bag. The first guest takes out one piece of paper with a question and reads it out. And then he takes out one cube with a letter. And what letter did he get, this letter should be the beginning of his answer to the question! There is no time for reflection, they took out the letter and immediately the answer. It will be more fun that way.
For example, the question:
What is the character of the birthday girl?
We take out the letter and this is the letter - O!
And you can think of many answers to the letter o, and everyone will think to the best of their depravity or sense of humor.
Such interesting competition will help you have fun.

Competition - battle for food!
The essence of the competition is simple: we put 7 peas on a plate for each guest. And we give chopsticks for Chinese food. Their task is to take one pea with chopsticks and eat. Whoever copes faster is the winner. You can use jelly or raisins instead of peas.
Since it is difficult to pick up the listed ingredients with chopsticks, it will be fun to watch the guests trying to pick up peas on the sticks.

The birthday girl takes part in the next competition. She sits in her place. One guest rises behind her. The birthday girl shouldn't see him. And another guest sits opposite the birthday girl. The one who stands behind the birthday girl should, with gestures or movements, show to the one sitting opposite the birthday girl that he wants the birthday girl. That is. Who stands behind the back shows, and who sits in front of the birthday girl, he says in words what the one behind the back shows. And the birthday girl should understand what the one who stands behind her wants wishes for her.
Such a competition will be held with a bang. Especially if the wishes are very specific.

Contest surprise.
For the competition, you need to come up with interesting tasks for guests. Write each assignment on a piece of paper and put it in a package from a Kinder surprise toy. We put all these barrels in a bag. The guests take turns taking out one barrel at a time, opening it and reading the assignment. And the task must be completed. If someone could not complete the task, then say a toast to the birthday girl.
Examples of tasks:
- Happy birthday in at least five languages ​​of the world.
- sing the birthday girl's favorite children's song.
- to congratulate the birthday girl on behalf of the government of the Russian Federation.
- tell a funny incident from the life of a birthday girl.
- in the form of a horoscope to tell what awaits the birthday girl this year.