
Celebration of the new year contests games. The funniest contests for the new year. Melt the heart of the Snow Queen


Any celebration is, first of all, fun. What sets the mood for the holidays? Of course, entertainment! Including in the form of various games and competitions.

We are offering to you new year games for children, which can be spent both at home and in kindergarten or at school near the Christmas tree. Among the variety of games and competitions, you will certainly find exactly what suits you and will make the New Year unforgettable.

Game "Name the gift"

Place a lot of toys, figurines in a spacious bag. The child must pull out the object with his eyes closed and guess what it really is. If the kid correctly recognized the figurine, then the gift goes to him.

Game "Owl on the hunt"

From the team of players, an “owl” is chosen, which will be the leader. The rest of the guys should portray wild or domestic animals: a cow, a bear, a hedgehog, a frog, a rhinoceros, a dog, a hippopotamus. After the host's command "Day!" all the animals are jumping and having fun. After the word "Night!" no one moves, because the owl begins the night hunt for animals. The one who changes his posture, speaks out or laughs loses. This beast becomes the prey of a bird of prey.

Game for distillation "Fish"

The leader forms two equal teams. Each group is given a fishing rod with a small hook on the line. A hoop is placed in front of each team, playing the role of a pond. There are paper fish in the pond. Their number is equal to the number of participants in the game. From each team, accompanied by musical accompaniment, one person goes to the pond to pull out his goldfish. The first move is given to the captains, then the rest of the participants in turn. The team that first caught fish in their own pond is considered the winner.

The game "New Year's round dance"

One of the most common and favorite children's New Year's games. Children stand around the Christmas tree, holding hands together. A cheerful children's song is included, for example, "A Christmas tree was born in the forest", "It's cold in winter for a little Christmas tree." The guys, singing along, move around the Christmas tree in one direction, then the direction changes.

"Bring the snow"

At the same time, two participants must run to the Christmas tree. The difficulty lies in the fact that everyone has a spoon with an artificial snowball in their hand. On a signal, they scatter in different directions in the direction of the Christmas tree. Whoever turned out to be the most dexterous and did not lose his snowball along the way, won.

Bouncing bag game

Two kids are running at the same time. They get into an empty bag and start jumping for distillation. From above the bag is supported by hands. The first one who comes running receives a legitimate prize from the leader.

The game "We are funny kittens"

The guys dance in pairs to an incendiary composition. The host suddenly utters the phrase: "We are funny kittens." Immediately, all the couples break up, and each individually depicts a dancing kitten. New Year's riddles are well suited for this game. Winners are sure to be awarded with sweet prizes.

Game "Build a castle"

Several players participate at the same time. The children study the drawn scheme of the castle. Each is given a certain number of plastic cups. With a blindfold, children reproduce the castle from memory. The fastest one wins the competition.

Game "Football with tangerines"

Babies are divided into two groups. Tangerines are placed on a large table. Children must use two fingers to score a goal into the opponent's goal.

Accurate shooter

Choose a suitable target. It can be a bucket or a basket. With paper balls (snowballs), the guys must hit the target and earn their team a certain number of points, defeat rivals.

winter wind

For the game, prepare a ball rolled out of paper or a lump of medical cotton. Put it in the middle of the table. The object of the game is for the players to try to blow it to the floor as quickly as possible.

dress up the Christmas tree

Divide the children into two teams. Place a box of Christmas decorations next to each team. It is desirable that they are not made of breaking glass. Otherwise, in the confusion, they will quickly break. Two Christmas trees are provided to each team of players. The players of each team must run from the start to the Christmas tree and hang up a toy taken from the box. The game continues until the decorations run out. The one who will dress up his tree faster from the teams, he won.


The guys stand in a circle and pass each other a New Year's cap. The music is playing all the time. As soon as the sounds subside, we look who had a headdress in their hands. Whoever is caught tells Santa Claus a poem about winter or sings a song.

Make a snowman

First of all, you need plasticine. The bottom line is that two people sit side by side and work together to make a snowman. The task is difficult because everyone uses one hand. One person works with the right hand, the other with the left. Together they should get New Year's snowman. Especially fun if there are adults in the couples. The game really connects and develops fine motor skills.

Cinderella's shoe

The children take off their shoes and put them in a pile. Everyone is blindfolded with a thick cloth so that no one peeps. Shoes are shuffled, then the host gives a signal to look for their things. A child with eyes closed to the touch should be the first to find his shoes. In the end, everyone will end up with someone else's shoes. The game is quite fun and moving.


Slides with cereals, legumes and nuts are prepared for the participants and mixed. Players must remember the fairy tale "Cinderella" and share the ingredients with their eyes closed.

The game "Engine" with elements of dance

Both adults and children can take part in the game. Everyone stands one behind the other, putting their hands on the waist in front of the one standing. Having lined up, the locomotive moves off to the perky music.

Contest "Help Grandpa"

Children are divided into two teams. Their task is to help Santa Claus pack the presents. One person runs the baton with a bag and puts toys, sweets out of it, runs back. The second participant runs along the same route and collects everything back into the bag.

Game with Santa Claus "Pass the boots"

Children become in a circle. They are given a felt boot in their hands, which they pass to the music of a friend. Santa Claus must catch up with his boots. It is necessary to transfer the boots quickly, otherwise you can lose. Of course, Santa Claus will give in at first, but it's better not to yawn.

collect snowflakes

Tinsel stretches the entire length of the room. Paper snowflakes are attached to it. To make it easier for children, do not try to glue the paper to the tinsel too tightly. Choose two people and blindfold them with a handkerchief. As long as the music is playing, the guys must have time to collect all the snowflakes.


White snowballs roll down from the paper. For convenience, children are divided into two equal teams. This game can be played in several ways. For example, pour lumps on the floor and ask the children to collect them in baskets to the music. Or another option. Set up a basket on the wall and hold a snow basketball competition. Whose team will throw more snowballs, that one is considered the winner of the competition.

Competition "Smeshinka"

Very fun game for little kids. The children sit in a circle, and the leader gives everyone a new name. For example, a snowman, an icicle, a Christmas tree, a gift, Santa Claus. Then he asks everyone in turn simple questions: “Where do you live?”, “What did you get for your birthday?”, “What is the name of your best friend?", "Which your favorite dish?". But the trick is that you need to answer the questions with your new names. Each question has the same answer. It turns out a pun, but no one can laugh. Who disobeyed, leaves the circle. The most serious one wins the competition.

Box with a secret

You will need several empty boxes different size. Put a prize in the smallest one. Then put it in another box, and so on several times. Children sit in a circle and pass the box to each other, opening one of them. The winner is the one in whose hands the last will be - with the coveted prize.

New Year's auction

Children take turns listing everything related to the New Year: balls, gifts, a Christmas tree, garlands, a snowman, snow, sweets, icicles, tangerines. Who couldn't think of the right word, is out of the game.

snowman portrait

For the game you will need a large piece of paper. This is a team game. Children with their eyes closed should draw a snowman. Everyone draws a separate part: head, nose, buttons, hands, etc. Then the children's eyes are untied, and they look at what the young artists did anyway. Instead of a snowman, you can draw a Christmas tree or a Snow Maiden.

wrap a gift

2-3 children are invited to participate. On assignment, they need to wrap a gift. But instead of festive packaging, they are given toilet paper. So the guys compete, who will wrap the surprise more beautifully. The task is not easy, but quite interesting.

Guess the item

The guys put on warm gloves and put their hands in Santa's bag. With your eyes closed, you need to guess by touch which toy they got in the bag. If they guessed correctly, they take the prize for themselves, if not, they put it back into the bag, and the game continues on.

Game "Alphabetic congratulations"

Children should congratulate their friends on the New Year, but not just like that. The host calls any letter of the alphabet he likes. And the child must come up with a text for this letter. For example, the letter Z: "Health to you and your loved ones in the new year, happiness, success and a lot of smiles." For cunning, the host pronounces the letters not in alphabetical order, but out of order. It will be much more fun and spontaneous. Interesting situations occur when the presenter calls letters such as Y, b, b, Y.

We train memory

Children carefully study what is hanging on the tree, then turn away. Now they need to remember every detail and voice what they saw. The one who names the most toys wins.

Chef competition

Children are divided into three teams. In a minute, the first team must come up with festive dishes for the New Year with the letter “H”, the second treats for the Snow Maiden with the letter “C”, and the third participants must pamper Santa Claus and come up with treats with the letter “D”. Whoever names the most dishes wins the culinary competition.

Grabbed - won

All kinds of toys are laid out on the floor: balls, dolls, trains, teddy bears. Participants dance around a pile of objects. Then, when the music ends and the leader says: “Stop!”, Each child should have time to grab two toys. Whoever gets one is out of the game.

Glue the nose

Santa Claus is drawn in full length on whatman paper, but the nose is not completed. Children are invited to fashion it from plasticine on their own. With their eyes closed, they have to glue the nose in the right place. It turns out funny and fun.


Each child is given a ball of cotton. He must make a snowflake out of it by stretching the material over the edges. The snowflake needs to be made very thin so that it can fly up. After preparations, they launch her into the air and try to keep her on weight with her breath. The smartest one wins.

musical hat

Pieces of paper with New Year's words are placed in a deep hat: Christmas tree, snowflake, Santa Claus. The guys take turns pulling them out and sing songs with the indicated words. Also, children can recite poems on a specified topic.

Elusive boots

There are felt boots near the Christmas tree big size. Two children run around the tree from different directions. Whoever puts on boots first, wins.


Form two equal teams. Players wear bunny ears. Cabbage is placed near the Christmas tree. It can be made from ordinary green paper. The player of each team runs to the Christmas tree and removes one leaf from the cabbage, passes the baton to the next.


The children pass the hat in a circle and put it on the neighbor's head. The game is played with cheerful music. When the music stops, look who is left in the hat at that moment. This child recites a poem or sings a song about winter.


Chairs are placed around the tree. But be sure to one less than the number of players. Children walk around the Christmas tree, and when the music ends, they try to take the nearest chair. Of course, someone does not have time to find a place and leaves the game. The most dexterous receives a prize from Grandfather Frost.

Winter riddles

Children sit in a circle, and Santa Claus takes turns showing cards with pictures New Year's motives: candle, Christmas wreath, sledge, Christmas tree. The guys should name what is shown and how it can be used.

Another variant of such a competition - Santa Claus makes riddles for each child in turn on winter and New Year themes. For each correct guess, the player is awarded a chip (coin, card). The one who collected the most trophies - the main prize from the grandfather.

Picture Santa Claus

It would seem a simple task, but there are also difficulties. Two teams take paper and try to draw a New Year's character without hands. According to the rules, felt-tip pens can only be held in the mouth.

Blind the winter

A newspaper is spread out in front of the players. It needs to be crumpled at the command of the host. One condition - you do not need to sculpt a large lump, it must fit in the palm of your hand.

Running in boots

Two teams are given large boots of Santa Claus. It is necessary to safely run to the tree, run around it and return back. Boots are given to a friend and he repeats the run of the previous player.

applaud winter

The facilitator pronounces a set of words, and the children must recognize the definitions related to winter and the New Year. When they hear the right word, they clap their hands in unison. A number of words can be: vase, snowflake, shop, stick, icicle, snowdrift, armchair, monkey, Santa Claus, whale, Snow Maiden, car, tree, leaves.

We are approaching the New Year

New Year will not come if the guys do not help him. They need to name as many as possible. new year words. In turn, they name everything that comes to mind: a snowflake, a bell, a garland, tinsel, a star, chimes, a snowball, a gift, a ball. Whoever has the final say wins.

Free the tree from the needles

Two players are playing. Ten clothespins are attached to their clothes, each. When the music starts, they have to help each other take them off. The fastest one receives a sweet prize from Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.

Puzzle in mittens

Divide the children into two teams. Each participant puts on mittens and tries with his comrades to assemble a puzzle with winter landscapes. It is desirable that there are not too many details.

Dexterous Throw

The Snow Maiden holds a hoop decorated with bright tinsel in her hands. The team stands a few meters away from him and throws small paper snowballs at him. At the end of the snowballs are counted. Where there are more snowballs, that team is considered the winner.

Santa's helper

Form two equal teams. Place a basket near the tree. It will need to be filled New Year's gifts. Prepare in advance ordinary boxes pasted over with a colored wrapper. The first player is given mittens and a beard. The child puts them on and runs with a gift to the basket, throws it into it and returns to the start. Passes the false beard and mittens to the next participant. And so does the whole team to the last player.

Make a snowman

In advance, the presenter must cut out the components of the snowman. Body, nose, eyes, buttons, bucket, broom. All this is laid out in a chaotic manner on the floor. Two teams compete against each other for a while. The children must figure out how to correctly place the details in the composition, as well as have time to accurately do their work in the allotted time.

Ice cream

Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden are dancing and they feel warm. The host advises them to cool off with ice cream. Everyone is divided into two teams. Opposite each stand Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden and hold paper horns in their hands. The guys should run up to them and put ice cream in the cones - snowballs. Only in this way will they save fairy-tale characters from the heat.

What are the Christmas trees

The host pronounces the phrase: “We dressed up our beauty, we did our best. And what kind of trees are there in the forest? The children should remember the adjectives that describe Christmas tree: fluffy, high, New Year's.

Prizes and gifts

What are the games and contests without prizes? Let's figure out what is best to present to the kids for winning the competition.

There is a universal and familiar option for rewarding - sweets. However, you should not dwell on it, especially since on New Year's holidays children already get a lot of sweets, which is not very useful. Here are a few more gift options that Grandfather Frost can please the winners of contests and games:

  • small toys. Depending on the age of the children, these can be small puzzles, cars, dolls, books, soft toys (including in the form of a symbol of the next year), mosaics, designers in small boxes;
  • souvenirs - calendars, pens, cups. Such souvenirs can be ordered in an individual design with a general photo of the group or class;
  • New Year's attributes - Christmas tree toys, snowflakes, figures of Santa Claus, a snowman;
  • lottery tickets. Only not those that are sold in special stores, but made precisely on the occasion of the celebration. It can be just pieces of paper with numbers, according to which prizes will be drawn at the end of the holiday;
  • wish. Comic wishes that can be fulfilled right on the holiday. For example: the child who won the competition makes a wish for the second child to sing a New Year's song or recite a verse. Or the desire of Grandfather Frost to light the lights on the Christmas tree or dance;
  • purpose. For example, to rescue the Snow Maiden from the hands of the Snow Queen or call the Snowman or somehow help out some hero of the holiday.

We hope this article will help you prepare happy holiday! Happy New Year!

New Year is a magical holiday. Many adults and all children look forward to it. An entertainment program will help to celebrate the New Year in the company of relatives and friends. To do this, you need to prepare table and mobile competitions in advance.

Interesting and cool games for corporate parties will also help to entertain and rally the team at the New Year's party. It will not do without funny and funny competitions for children and a festive matinee in a kindergarten or school.

    The game "Upside down"

    The facilitator asks the players in turn questions in poetic form. The task of the participants is to answer funny in rhyme and name the correct answer. Long thoughts lead to elimination from the game. Tips from other participants are also prohibited (who prompted - leaves the game). The last remaining player wins.

    Examples of questions and answers:
    From the branch down
    On the branch again
    Fast jumping ... cow (monkey)

    Pairs "man-woman" participate in the competition. Each couple gets 2 apples. Partners stand in front of each other. Then all participants are blindfolded. The essence of the competition is to eat an apple from the partner's hand as quickly as possible. However, you can't feed yourself. The winner is the pair that gnaws each other's apples faster than the rest.

    At least 3 couples "man-woman" participate in the competition. One of the partners is tied around the neck with a handkerchief (loose knot). As soon as the music starts playing, the second participant must, without the help of his hands, using only his teeth, untie the scarf around his partner's neck. It is forbidden to help him. The pair that completes the task faster than the rest wins.

    For the competition, you will need empty bottles of wine or champagne, pencils and strong threads. As many players as there are empty bottles can participate.

    Bottles are placed in the middle of the room in a circle. With the help of a long thread, the contestants are tied to the belt with pencils so that they hang down almost to the knees. It is very important that the pencils are on the back side of each participant. With these hanging pencils, the players must hit the bottle neck. You can squat, kneel, bend. You can't help with your hands. The winner is the one who gets the pencil into the bottle the fastest.

    Snowman game

    Anyone can participate in the entertainment relay race. To play, you need to prepare an easel and attach a drawing paper to it. On the big sheet paper must be drawn in advance big snowman, but forget about such a detail as a nose. It should not be drawn, but separately cut out of colored paper and given a conical shape.

    Participants take turns approaching the easel. They are blindfolded and handed a snowman's nose, on which double-sided tape is fixed. The players are then given a good spin and told to attach the nose to the snowman. The winner is the one who sticks the part in the right place on the paper.

    Participants are divided equally into 2 teams. Trays are placed at both ends of the room. At the beginning of the room - two empty ones, and at the end - filled with tangerines (the same number on each tray). The first two players from each team are given a tablespoon. The task of the participants is to run to the full tray with a spoon, put one tangerine on it without the help of hands and slowly bring it to the empty tray of their team. If the tangerine falls, you need to pick it up with a spoon and continue the baton. Which team will quickly transfer all the tangerines from the full to the empty tray will win.

    Hibernating Bear game

    For the game you will need 3 gymnastic hoops. A company of children plays the role of bunnies, and one child plays the role of a hibernating bear. When the music starts playing, the bunnies go for a walk. They jump near the bear, trying to wake him up. They can sing, dance, laugh, clap and tap their feet on the floor as long as the music is playing. When the musical accompaniment subsides, the bear wakes up, and the bunnies hide in hoop houses lying on the floor. If the group of guys gathered is large, and there are only 3 hoops on the floor, you can hide in them in twos or threes. The hare that the bear caught (who did not have time to hide in the hoop) begins to play the role of a bear. The game continues until the interest is gone.

    10 people participate in the game. For the competition you will need 9 chairs. All chairs should be placed in a large circle. It is better if they stand at a certain distance from each other. Participants, having heard the music, begin to walk in a circle. You can't hold on to the back of a chair. At the end of the musical accompaniment, the children quickly sit on the chairs. The participant who did not have enough chairs is out. After 1 player is eliminated, 1 chair is also taken. At the end of the competition, there are 2 participants and 1 chair left. The one who sits on the last chair wins.

    The competition involves 2 teams of 2 people. Each group gets large balloons, double-sided tape, scissors, and different colored markers.

    The task of the participants is to use double-sided tape to connect the balls to make a snowman. Then you need to decorate the snowman, prepare it for the New Year. You can draw his eyes, nose, mouth, hair, buttons, any other element. You have 5 minutes to complete the task.

We offer for your pleasure the coolest and funny contests for the New Year 2020. There is a whole bunch of them here: they crowd in front of your eyes, catching your eye and offering themselves in the most immodest way. "Choose me!" each of them pleads. And there is a confident hope that many of them will be called to the field of organizing a wide variety of festive events.

Cool contests for the New Year of the Rat 2020

Rule of the New Year 2020: "White mice start and win! The grandmaster said - he waved his tail. Play and win, guess and guess, wish and receive!"

1. Civilization of rodents.

The competition is to portray professional activity just as a Rat (or Mouse) would do. The player draws lots and performs the role (without words). Spectators must guess what kind of activity this rodent performs and whether it is a Rat or a Mouse. For example: Mouse-storekeeper; Rat Cop; Mouse gardener; Rat-surgeon, etc.

2. Figurine "Symbol of the Year".

There is no need to hurry in this competition, because this is creativity. We sculpt a Rat (Mouse) from polymer clay. In different variations - as a keychain, just a figurine or Christmas tree decoration(prepare in advance the necessary accessories for this). You can do the work throughout the holiday, and at the end of the work are evaluated and exposed to dry (for example, on the windowsill). Prizes are awarded for the best works (first, second and third place) based on voting results.

3. Mouse congratulations.

4. Ten-minute symbol of the year.

For ten minutes, everyone should talk in a squeaky voice, like mice. And also move with mouse habits. Who suddenly forgot and said the word in his usual voice, he lost. Who has never left the role within ten minutes, receives a prize - soft toy"Mouse".

5. Mouse calendar.

Everyone who wants to play. You need to come up with and write on a piece of paper the “mouse” names of the months of the year. For example: January - Gryzen; February - Doedal; March - Nosovysun; April - Iznoryvylezay, etc.

6. Cheese tree.

Drawing up a Christmas tree from pieces of cheese for speed. The winner is the one who made the Christmas tree faster and better.

7. Where is the cheese?

Participants are blindfolded, brought to the table and timed. It is necessary to determine by smell where the cheese is on the table. The winner is the one who spent the least time searching.

8. Quick quiz.

The essence of the game is fast responses. You can play in pairs or teams. Whoever answered the host's question first, and answered correctly, gets a point. At the end, the points are summed up and the winner is determined.

Example questions for the quiz:

Who is smarter - a cat or a rat? (Rat)

Who can not drink longer - a camel or a rat?

How long can a rat swim without rest - a day, three days, seven days? (Three days)

In which city is the mouse museum located? (Myshkino)

How many rat pups can one pair of rats reproduce in a year? Up to two tens, up to two hundred, up to two thousand. (Up to two thousand)

9. Mouse hero.

They play in pairs. On the foreheads of the players are attached paper headbands with an image of a character - a rat or a mouse - cut out of paper and glued to the headband. You need to use leading questions to guess what kind of character it is. You can only answer the question "yes" and "no".

- Am I a rat?
- Not.
– Am I a Russian character?
- Not.
– American?
- Yes.
- Mickey Mouse?
- Not.
- Jerry?
- Not.
- Rocky Roquefort?
- Yes!


Mickey Mouse
Minnie Mouse
mouse Norushka
rat Lariska
mouse king

10. Mice-thieves.

New Year's Eve. Santa Claus needs to rest before the holiday. He sleeps sitting in a chair. At his feet lies an open bag. And in the bag - gifts for forest dwellers. After all, before going to people, Santa Claus gives gifts to all the animals. But little thieving mice don't want to wait, they want to steal gifts while Santa Claus is sleeping.

The essence of the game: each child sneaks up and pulls a prize out of the bag. If Santa Claus woke up, then he grabs a thief mouse and gives a task (for example, tell a poem or sing a song). If the task is completed, the gift remains with the mouse, and it is released.

11. Find the symbol of the year.

A variety of soft toys are put into a voluminous linen bag. Among them there are mice of different sizes. The player puts his hand into the bag and determines by touch where the mouse is. If the toy pulled out is indeed a mouse, then the player takes it as a prize.

12. Squeak of fashion.

For the competition, you will need a couple of fitting booths (for a larger number of participants, you can simply fence off one space with a large screen). This is a competition for girls (and lovely ladies). While Mouserik's song about fashion is playing, you need to dress up as a very fashionable mouse. You need to look for the props laid out everywhere (ponytails, headbands with ears, gray-white tutu skirts, glamorous pink t-shirts with a picture of a mouse, etc.) and rather try them all on. You also need to make yourself a mouse makeup. When everyone is dressed up, everyone should walk, as if on a catwalk, to some funny squeaky music. The most fashionable mouse is determined by audience voting. Second and third place are also awarded.

13. Mouse logic.

Picture contest. Two pictures are given, by addition or subtraction of which the answer is obtained. The winner is the one who guessed the fastest.

Mouse + numbers 101010 = computer mouse.
House - cat = mouse.
Spikelet + animal mink = mouse.
Snowflake + computer mouse = polar mouse (lemming).
Circle with horoscope symbols + computer mouse = Year of the Mouse.

14. The mouse ran.

A mouse is drawn on a balloon (white or gray). Or, for decoration, they buy balls with drawn mice, and one of them is taken.

For the competition, two participants come out and stand opposite each other from opposite ends of the table (the table, of course, must be empty, not covered). Placed on the table balloon with a picture of a mouse. On a signal, the players begin to blow on the ball. Whoever blows the ball to the opponent's side is the winner. Next comes the next pair of opponents.

15. Cats and mice.

For the game, assistants will be needed - these are actually all the guests (spectators become players). They form a circle and hold hands - at a distance from each other, sufficient for the "mouse" to run under closed hands. This round dance is the “mouse mink”.

A pair of players - a cat and a mouse. The mouse is in the center of the circle, the cat is outside the circle. The mouse runs out of the hole, and the cat runs around and tries to catch up with the mouse. At the same time, the mouse can run into the hole (those standing in a circle raise their closed hands and let the mouse pass, then they squeeze their hands tighter and do not allow the cat to run into the circle). The host with a stopwatch counts the halves. If the mouse is not caught in 20 seconds, then the player receives a prize and chooses who will be the mouse and the cat, and he himself becomes a round dance. If the mouse is caught, then this player changes into the role of a cat, and former cat chooses who will be the mouse, and becomes a round dance.

Competitions for the New Year 2020 for corporate parties

1. Way to the table.

The road will be mastered by the walking and knowledgeable - especially when it is the road to the festive table. The essence of the competition is that one step is one answer (the answer to the presenter's question). You can play both individually (whoever answered first, he made a step), and in teams (in this case, the whole team makes a step).

Sample questions:

A flock was flying, quite a small one. How many birds were there and what were their names? (Seven owls).

In which month does the chatterbox talk the least? (In February).

How do day and night end? (Soft sign).

Which city is flying? (Eagle).

In which city is one boy and one hundred girls) (Sevastopol - Seva and 100 Paul).

What fields are not sown? (On the brim of a hat or notebook).

What utensils can not be eaten from? (From empty).

What question cannot be answered with "yes"? (Do you sleep?).

When are hands pronouns? (When they are you-we-you).

What will happen to the crow in three years? (She will be four years old).

Seven brothers have one sister. How many sisters are there? (One).

2. Excuses contest.

While everything is just beginning, and still sober, it would be nice to prudently take care of what everyone will say at home, in which case ... That is, in case of something wrong ... Each by lot will get a piece of paper describing the situation. You need to come up with an excuse - to explain this situation.

Situations for men:

Lipstick marks on shirt

Crawled home on all fours

In the pocket - a napkin with Angelica's phone number

Instead of a belt, women's tights are worn in the belt loops of the trousers

It turned out that under the trousers there are no panties

Constantly receive SMS from Veronica

Situations for women:

Came home in men's shoes

Men's suspenders instead of a belt

From handbag weightlifter's championship cup fell out

Instead of a women's scarf, a man's tie dangles around the neck

Came home with eyebrows

Named her husband after her boss

3. New Year's greetings from the President.

It is necessary to manage to compose a coherent text from a set of the most inappropriate words, drawn by lot, and pronounce it on behalf of the president. The prize will go to the author of the most logical and happy congratulations.

4. Partial dances.

The leader puts on music, and everyone dances with the part of the body that is indicated in the note drawn by lot. Words can be any that only come into the heads of the organizers of the party.

5. Zodiac signs.

Participants take out zodiac symbols by lot (animals by years and signs by months) and then show them with gestures and facial expressions, and the audience must guess. Illustrators of unraveled pantomimes are awarded with prizes.

6. Chukotka planning.

Do not know what to do with damaged documents, written off cases, outdated databases, expired ads and other mountains of waste paper after the reporting period? Don't rush to feed the chopper! There are more fun ways to deal with paper junk.

The essence of the competition is this: imagine that you are in a hurry to a very important meeting, and the roads are covered with snow. Transport costs, and there is only one way to get to work - on skis! Take pieces of paper and lay them on the floor with the white side up and the written side down. Get up on the leaves and resting your ski poles on the floor, move from the door to the desktop. The presenter with a stopwatch notes who has gone for how long. The winner receives a prize. The last one is late. Performs a "penalty" funny task assigned by the boss.

7. Hit the bucket.

8. Office snowman.

Team game. The team is divided in half. It is necessary to make a snowman out of paper by winding sheets of paper on top of each other - just like layers of snow are stuck. You can use stationery and household items (scissors, glue, bucket, mop, etc.). Whoever has the best snowman gets a prize for the team.

9. Freeze frame.

Only four teams play - two teams of opponents and two teams of spectators. The opposing teams must pantomime a scene from a famous movie. The audience has to guess. If any team of spectators guesses the movie, a point is given in favor of this team and a point in favor of the team that showed the scene. The game continues until a significant advantage in points of one of the teams.

10. Film, film, film!

11. Year of the Rat.

Depict your work activity, but the way a Rat (or Mouse) would do it. Accordingly, the chief is called the mouse (rat) king, and reports are submitted to him. The employee who plays the part funniest of all wins.

12. New Year - tangerine in my mouth!

Employees are divided into teams, up to 9 people in each. On the table are bottles of champagne, glasses and tangerines. On a signal, you need to take and open champagne, pour it into glasses, distribute it in a team and drink. You need to choose a tangerine so that the number of participants corresponds to the number of slices. To determine the number of lobules, tear off the "asterisk" of the handle. The number of holes in the tail section will correspond to the number of participants. Peel this tangerine, divide into slices and eat. The winner is the team that took the whole process in less time and the number of slices converged with the number of players.

13. A poem for Santa Claus.

The competition is held after some time has passed after its announcement (preparation is needed - writing poetry). In this competition, the boss is Santa Claus, and the employees are kids. "Kids" should compose an impromptu in the style of New Year's nursery rhymes during the corporate party, but on the topic of work.

For instance:

Hello Dedushka Moroz -
Cotton beard!
How is the issue resolved?
Increase our salaries?

14. Parts of the case.

We draw a collective portrait of the boss in full growth. The lot decides who draws which part (eyes, nose, left leg, tie, etc.). Everything is drawn blindfolded with a marker on the screen or on a large sheet of paper. Everyone wins this competition - from artists to nature.

15. Elementary, Watson!

The competition for the boss is how well he knows his employees. For the competition, you will need a bag and the work items of employees folded into it. It is necessary to recognize these objects by touch and name to whom they belong.

16. Musical dialogue.

The dialogue in the form of "Question - Answer" between two teams (or team representatives) is conducted using phrases from songs. First one asks a question, and the other answers, then vice versa. The name of the company is always added to the answer.

“Where is this street, where is this house? Where is this young lady that I'm in love? “At the firm Horns and Hooves. There, beyond the horizon. There - there-param, pum-pum-pum "

“What can I give you, my dear man?” “A million, million, million scarlet roses from Horns and Hooves.”

17. Chinese partnership.

Imagine that you are sent to China for negotiations. You must prepare. Including the ceremony of a joint dinner. To do this, we will divide into teams and distribute plates and Chinese sticks to everyone. On a signal, each participant takes Chinese chopsticks and tries to carefully send the contents of the plate into his mouth. Whose team will cope faster and more accurately, they will go to the negotiations (win the competition).

18. Pyramid of our company.

They play in several teams (small groups). From tangerines ("bricks") you need to lay down a pyramid. In addition, each tangerine is placed with a comment (for example, solidarity, career growth, mutual assistance, etc.). The pyramid must not collapse. If this happened, the team lost. The team with the largest pyramid wins.

19. An offer from the company for Santa Claus.

Everyone has to come up with some kind of offer from the company. (For example, if this is a construction company, then offer to build a bathhouse and heat with snowballs.) The winner is the one whose advertising performance will be more convincing and fun.

20. Scene at random.

Everyone receives a number and a description of the character by lot (for example, No. 1 - the Wolf from "Well, wait a minute!", No. 2 - Santa Claus's deer, No. 3 - a tiny glass, No. 4 - a fire extinguisher, No. 5 - a drunken Snow Maiden, No. 6 - a lost guest, etc.). Then, in random order, numbers are shouted out from the hall in pairs. People whose character numbers are named get together in pairs and come up with a scene with these characters. Important: the plots of the scenes must somehow be tied to the business area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe given enterprise. The most original and funny sketches are awarded with prizes.

21. Culinary creativity.

Participants are given the same sets (plastics of sausage and cheese, sweets, etc.). Need to make Christmas decorations. Whoever gets the best toys wins prizes.

22. Give the gift to the boss.

Two teams line up opposite each other - with their backs to the opposite team. Everyone is blindfolded with scarves or handkerchiefs. Between the teams he chooses a place for himself and the boss stands. The facilitator gives each team a box (gift). On a signal, the box is passed over the head to the next participant. The last participant looks for the chef by touch and hands him the box. The team that completes the task first wins.

23. Factory of Santa Claus.

The players are the packers. While the music is playing, they must carefully and quickly wrap the prizes (for example, figurines of the symbol of the year) in paper and glue them crosswise with tape. As soon as the music stops, the host counts the number of packages, evaluates their quality together with the audience and determines the winner.

24. Tell me, Snow Maiden, where have you been?

Musical competition. The leader under the backing track sings the phrase “Tell me, Snow Maiden, where have you been? Tell me, honey, how are you? At this moment, the phonogram switches, and something else sounds already. The host passes the microphone to someone at random, and he must orient himself, come up with and sing an answer. The most cheerful, resourceful and musical wins.

25. Choral roll call.

Two teams play against each other. The host includes different backing tracks - first for one, then for another team. You need to understand what kind of song it is, orient yourself and sing. The team that remembers and most unanimously sings more songs wins.

26. What do I have there?

They play in pairs. An image of a working item (pen, paper clip, etc.) is attached to each back. One person in a pair must show the other what is shown in the picture, without naming words, until the object is guessed. The pair that guesses their cards first wins.

27. Everything New Year's - get in a bunch!

In two minutes, you need to name as many New Year's songs, films, cartoons, paintings, literary works, etc. as possible. The team with the most names in two minutes wins.

28. Battle of flatterers.

Two teams compete in listing all the advantages of the chief. The team with the most words of praise wins.

29. Oh yes I am!

Two teams compete in listing their own business qualities and other advantages. The team with the most words of praise wins.

Contests for the New Year 2020 for the home

1. Whose snowflake, Santa Claus?

All family members cut out snowflakes from paper, secretly from Grandfather. Grandfather (Santa Claus) must guess who cut out this snowflake. All entries receive prizes. And the guessed snowflakes are honorably sent to Christmas tree(received frosty authorization). The rest place their snowflakes on the windows.

2. Which New Year?

Every year we celebrate this holiday together. But for each of us it is a special holiday. So how many were there in total, and what is the number of this one?

The essence of the game: the family must find out what kind of New Year the family manages in general (you need to add up all the years - who is how old). Everyone counts for himself, and the one who counts faster wins.

3. The painting "Kavardak-shed".

Every family has such a secret place where guests will never be taken. And not because it is a terrible secret, but because there, as a rule, chaos always reigns and dominates. Usually this is a pantry, attic or barn.

The essence of the game: each by lot receives a word denoting an object. Then, in turn, everyone draws an object on a large sheet, without naming it, and the rest guess. If the subject is guessed, the author of the drawing receives a prize. Then new drawings are added to the same sheet. And the result is an avant-garde painting "Kavardak-shed".

4. Oh, who is this?

The essence of the game: you need to feel the faces of family members in mittens and blindfolded and guess them. Who guessed more faces - receives a prize.

5. Tangerine in the cold.

Everyone knows that you can't eat ice cream in the cold. It is also difficult to eat chocolate - it hardens. But to eat a tangerine - why not? Only now it’s very cold - the hands are chilly! And we are wearing gloves!

The essence of the game: you need to clean the tangerine in mittens. It's not as easy as it might seem. Whoever gets it right first gets a prize.

6. Round dance with stops.

Everyone gets up in a round dance around the Christmas tree and starts a song - for example, “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” or any other. Then the leader interrupts the singing with the words "stop, round dance." Next, he names a stop. For example, stop Tale. Storyteller (says name). And then the words of the song must be continued in the style of a fairy tale. For example: once upon a time there was a gray hare in the forest, he was a coward, and one day he was galloping under the Christmas tree ...

Rock concert

GOOG night kids

In the animal world

7. Brilliant detective.

The essence of the competition: forest robbers stole from Santa Claus and hid a bag with gifts somewhere. All family members play detectives - they are looking for a bag. Whoever finds it gets a prize.

8. Where is the logic?

Competition with pairs of pictures. The facilitator shows pairs of pictures, and everyone must guess what happens if you add the values. Who guessed it, that's a prize.

Globe + Christmas tree \u003d Christmas ball

Old man + frost patterns = Santa Claus

Light bulb + wire = garland

Rain on the street + Christmas tree \u003d Christmas tree decoration "rain"

Cheering audience + confetti = cracker

Snowflake + kokoshnik = Snow Maiden

Circle with horoscope symbols + computer mouse = Year of the Mouse

9. Password from the gift.

Since attempts to hack Father Frost's mail became more frequent, a personal password was set for each gift. Each member of the family gets a puzzle according to their age. Having guessed his riddle, he informs Santa Claus of each answer and receives a gift. If the password does not match (the answer is incorrect), a new riddle is issued.

10. Magic light.

While the sparkler is burning, it is passed from hand to hand, expressing wishes to the family and the next in a circle. On whom the candle goes out, performs the funny task of the previous participant.

11. Find your star!

For this competition, stars have been prepared in advance, signed with the names of family members. These are talismans, on which you can then make a wish. But first you need to find your star. The stars are laid out in different places, and on command, everyone starts looking for theirs. If the player stumbles upon an asterisk with a different name, the asterisk is left in the same place and kept secret. The first three who find their star faster receive additional prizes.

12. Freeze frame.

There are two teams - a team of children and a team of adults. The opposing teams must pantomime a scene from a famous movie. Santa Claus (grandfather) and Snow Maiden (mother or eldest daughter) must guess. The game continues until a significant advantage in points of one of the teams.

13. Film, film, film!

There are two teams - a team of children and a team of adults. The competition consists in depicting scenes from New Year's films and cartoons. The winner is the team that showed the skit the most theatrically and closest to the original text.

14. Polar explorers, to the start!

In winter, geologists sleep at the polar station, however. In order not to freeze anything for themselves, they must be able to quickly climb into sleeping bag. It's a sleeping bag climbing contest. The winner is determined using a stopwatch.

15. Funny calendar.

They play individually or in a team. We need to come up with funny names for all the months of the year. The funniest calendar wins.

January - dubar

February - shorty

March - cat

April - snot

16. Snowball.

17. Puzzles for speed.

Teams receive identical boxes with mixed puzzles. The team that gets the picture right first wins.

18. Solving the New Year's crossword puzzle.

Teams receive the same crosswords with New Year's questions. The first team to solve the crossword puzzle correctly wins.

19. Hugs-congratulations.

By lot, each gets the name of someone from the family. In turn (and it will be funnier - if at the same time on command, since one person will be involved in two roles - as a congratulatory and as a congratulatory one), everyone approaches their “object”, hugs and says pleasant words congratulations.

20. Congratulations to Grandfather Frost and grandmother Metelitsa.

Congratulations to grandfather and grandmother are composed in verse by two teams - boys (grandmother) and girls (grandfather). It is understood that boys and girls are the entire male and female halves of the family, regardless of age. After a collective composition, poems are read to grandfather and grandmother. The winner is, of course, friendship.

21. Don't yawn - put on your hat!

Laid out on the table winter hats– by the number of participants, minus one. On command, everyone grabs their hats and puts them on their heads. Whoever lacks a hat is out of the game. And one hat is removed. The game continues until one person remains (the winner).

22. Choral roll call.

Two teams are playing. The host (mother-Snegurochka) includes different backing tracks - first for one, then for another team. You need to understand what kind of song it is, orient yourself and sing. The team that remembers and sings the most songs wins.

Competitions for the New Year 2020 for children

1. Fun starts.

Physical education competitions are one of the favorite activities for children who are tired of sitting still and listening to adults talk. Mobile contests, or fun starts, can be carried out not only in kindergarten and primary school, in the house of culture, the dance class of the art school. Some of them can be carried out even in a limited space - for example, in a home living room or in a cafe.

Examples of competitions for a sufficiently large room for the New Year 2020:

Running in bags (bunnies jump to the Christmas tree and back).

Running in bags with complication (you need to jump to the board, take the chalk and write the next letter of the phrase “Happy New Year!”)

Relay race to Santa Claus (say hello to Santa Claus - run up, say hello to the hand and run back).

Relay "Hare-Wolf" (jump up to the Christmas tree like a bunny, run back on all fours like a wolf).

Examples of sports competitions for limited space for the New Year 2020:

Persistent tree.

All children stand on one leg. The host says these words: “I stand in the taiga on one leg. Top bumps, bottom bears. In winter and summer - one color. A dress with needles, and I'm called ... "Everyone should answer in chorus" Christmas tree! And only after that you can lower the second leg. Whoever puts his foot down first is out. Then the game continues. Whoever lasts - he won (the winners - persistent - there may be several).

Lights run across the garland.

Two teams - two columns, stand in single file one after the other. They pass the object over the head (the latter runs and becomes at the beginning of the column).

Valenki for the whole village.

Modern people rarely wear felt boots. But snow piled up on New Year's Eve, and in the village everyone is fashionable - and there are only boots for the whole village. And the Christmas tree needs to be decorated. Therefore, we pass the baton - felt boots. We run in felt boots to the Christmas tree, take a toy from the box and hang it up. We run back and pass the boots to the next one.

2. New Year's KVN warm-up.

A club of cheerful and resourceful in the form of two teams (for example, boys and girls) confer and answer questions from the presenter or the audience (viewers are given questions in advance).

Sample questions with suggested answers:

How is Santa Claus related to mathematics and geography? (He walks around the world - he delivers gifts, he must navigate any terrain.)

How is the Snow Maiden related to the Russian language? (She signs greeting cards.)

Why does Santa Claus have a red nose? (It's cold, though.)

Why do they decorate a Christmas tree on New Year's Eve? (To receive gifts - they appear under a decorated Christmas tree.)

Who is the mother of the Snow Maiden and the wife of Santa Claus? (Options - Mrs. Metelitsa, Snow Queen, Blizzard, Blizzard, Snowstorm, Winter)

3. The last snowball.

Two teams receive the same number of waste paper sheets. It is necessary, having crumpled paper, to throw at rivals. Who got hit. He dropped out. The winner is the one who remains last (of the two teams, only one winner will remain).

4. Twelve chairs and a damn dozen.

Twelve chairs are arranged in a circle, back to back. Thirteen participants are called to run around a group of chairs when the music starts. As soon as the music stops, everyone should sit on chairs. Whoever does not get a chair is out. And one chair is removed. The game continues until the winner is revealed - the one who took the last chair.

5. The snowman sends a letter to a friend.

Text writing task.

The snowman asked to write a letter to Santa Claus congratulations. He himself cannot write: his pens are balls and twigs. Therefore, we need two volunteers with good handwriting and high writing speed who want to compete. Whoever writes a letter faster and more beautifully, the letter will be sent by the Snowman to Santa Claus.

"I wish you a blizzard,
So that the blizzard all year chalk,
Ice, snowdrifts, snow slides,
And frost minus forty,
And warmth!”

6. Santa Claus. Top secret.

This is a New Year's "deaf phone". A certain phrase is reported first in the relay and, on a signal, is transmitted in teams from one participant to another in the ear. The latter must report the final result to Santa Claus. Which team will convey the message more correctly and faster, that team won.

7. New Year's - not New Year's.

This is the New Year's analogue of the game "edible - inedible." For the game you need a driver. He has a ball in his hands. The driver throws the ball to all participants in turn and at the same time says the word. If this word refers to the New Year, then the ball must be caught. If not, you can't catch. A mistakenly caught or rejected ball puts out the game of the one who made a mistake. The last remaining player is considered the winner. If desired, the game can be repeated, then the winner becomes the driver.

8. What is Santa Claus? One two Three!

The game consists in selecting epithets for Santa Claus (kind, good, generous, cold, cheerful, etc.). An object is passed around in a circle (Christmas tree toy, snowflake, candle, etc.). While the item is in your hands, you need to say a word and pass the item to the next. If the player hesitates, experiencing difficulty, everyone begins to count "one-two-three". If the player does not name the word after that, he is out of the game. The last remaining player is the winner.

9. Ten-minute symbol of the year.

They play during a break (for example, adults prepare the stage for a performance or lay tables). For ten minutes, everyone should talk in a squeaky voice, like mice. And also move with mouse habits. Who suddenly forgot and said the word in his usual voice, he lost. Who has never left the role within ten minutes, receives a prize - a soft toy "Mouse".

10. Christmas balls.

There are two teams - the boys team and the girls team. Need to inflate Balloons and draw something New Year's on them with a white marker or toothpaste. The ideas of drawings within the team should not be repeated (in the team it is necessary to indicate who will draw what). The winner is the team that did it faster and better (but the quality is still in the first place).

11. Blindfolds-Christmas trees.

The player is blindfolded, unwound and released. The player must randomly move towards the tree. If the tree is found, the player receives a prize.

12. All tangerines - in baskets!

There are two lines on the floor (the distance between the lines is about three meters). Two teams are playing. Teams line up so that one half is on one side of the line, the other is on the other. Each team has a basket of tangerines and an empty basket behind one line and behind the other (that is, the team has two full and two empty baskets). At a signal, the tangerines are thrown over, caught and put into a basket. Then from another basket they fly in the opposite direction. The team that completed the task faster wins, and the number of falls of tangerines is also taken into account.

13. Magic staff.

The players are now little wizards. They make staffs for Santa Claus (for a snowstorm, for a snowstorm and for a snowball - a special staff). On command, you need to wrap the pointer with tinsel so that the tinsel is wound tightly to the end and secured. Santa Claus is a judge. He waves his staff and says "one, two, three." If the tinsel is not unwound, then the wand is good. And the participant receives a prize.

14. Sweetie.

Modeling a snowman from cotton candy for speed. Participants - an arbitrary number, everyone starts at the same time. Whoever did it faster and better, he won.

15. Snowmen-mailers.

This contest can be held whenever you want to distribute letters or notes for other contests ( nominal congratulations or just forfeits at random). Game of speed - the same number of messages must be distributed as quickly as possible. Whoever does it first is the winner. Next time other players will be mailers.

16. Steps and circles.

Two teams are playing. The first player in the team takes as wide a step as possible in the direction of the tree. The second player runs around the first and puts his foot with the heel to the toe of the first. The first goes to the end of the column, and the second takes a wide step. Then the third runs around the second, and so on. Which team gets to the Christmas tree faster is considered the winner.

17. Make the Snow Maiden laugh.

The Snow Maiden sits on a chair. She was tired and sad. Let's cheer her up. Participants are called one by one and do anything - they can show pantomimes, tell jokes, dance funny. If the Snow Maiden laughed, the participant receives a prize. You can’t tickle the Snow Maiden - it’s unsportsmanlike!

18. On a visit to Grandfather Frost.

At the disposal of the players - all kinds of warm things. While the music is playing, you need to put on as much warm as possible. When the music is over, the counting begins (we shoot and count), who managed to put on how many things. The one with the most wear wins.

19. New Year's hairstyle.

Competition for girls: you need to make your friend a New Year's hairstyle using Christmas tree "accessories" (weave tinsel and rain, sprinkle confetti and fix with varnish, pin snowflakes with hairpins, etc.). The hardest one wins pretty haircut(assessed by the Snow Maiden based on the results of the audience voting).

20. Scene "my carnival costume."

They prepare for this competition in advance (competition - homework). You need to play a scene for your hero. For example, if it is a snowflake, then it can spin beautifully to the music and tell a poem about a snowflake or sing a song from the movie "Magicians". You can also invite other people (friends and parents) to participate in the skit as characters.

21. Who am I?

They play in pairs. A picture with a cartoon character is attached to each back. One person in a pair must show the other with gestures and facial expressions what is shown in the picture until the character is guessed. The pair that guesses their characters the fastest wins.

22. The builders of the ice castle.

The Snow Maiden grew up and decided to build an ice castle. Because Santa Claus always has a warehouse of gifts, and the Snow Maiden wanted it to be just beautiful. The teams are given identical blueprints for the Snow Maiden's ice castle plan. Then the drawings are removed and distributed plastic cups. Of these, you need to build a model of the castle, remembering the plan. The team that reproduces the drawing faster and more accurately wins.

23. Making snowballs.

At the edge of the forest
There lived an old winter.
She made snowballs
In a birch tub.

Let's help Old Winter collect more snowballs! It was just that a blizzard threw snowballs at us (because of the door to the classroom or hall they throw a large number of puffy little whites balloons). Each team is given a large garbage bag. The team that gets more balls in your package.

24. New Year's journalists.

Players interview costumed characters. Ask original questions and get original answers. It is not so much the resourcefulness of the costume owners that is assessed, but the ability to ask an interesting question and get an interesting and worthy answer from the respondent. Interviews are recorded on camera. The three best interviews are awarded prizes.

Question options:

Mishka, do you always celebrate the New Year with your children, or do you just have insomnia this year?

Bunny, what do you want to receive from Santa Claus as a gift - a bag of carrots, a new fur coat or something else?

Dear Leo, is it difficult for you to restrain yourself? After all, there are so many animals here - bunnies, squirrels and other animals. They probably seem delicious to you?”

Hello Snowflake. What winds brought you to us? How did you manage to stay so beautiful and white, because there is a lot of smoke from cars in the city?

And so on. The limit of fantasy is set only by age limits.

Contests for the New Year 2020 for a fun company

1. Christmas tree, burn!

For the competition, you need extension cords (so that the sockets are at a distance from each other) and the same garlands. On command, the participants are wrapped in garlands and “plugged in” to the sockets. Competition for speed.

2. New Year's greetings from the President.

It is necessary to manage to compose a coherent text from a set of the most inappropriate words, drawn by lot, and pronounce it on behalf of the president. The prize will be given to the author of the most logical and cheerful congratulations. A list of words (nouns, adjectives, verbs) can be made up of the guests named at random and written down on pieces of paper, which the players then draw by lot.

3. Rhymes.

This is a 19th century parlor shootout game. All participants sit in a circle (chairs are arranged in a circle). The hostess of the house throws a handkerchief to one of the guests and calls any word. The guest catches the handkerchief and pronounces a rhyme on this word, then says another word and throws the handkerchief to the next in the circle. In our case, these will, of course, be words on the New Year and winter themes. Who could not come up with a rhyme - leaves. The remaining winner can be jokingly honorably called "Pushkin-2020".

4. "And in my pants."

This old board game, despite its primitiveness, can actually be very funny. Initially, the phantom cards that the guests pulled out at random were headlines cut out from newspapers. The cards can now be printed on the computer.

The essence of the game: the presenter is interested in what is in someone's pants, and the participants answer according to the extended forfeit. For example: "and I have a naughty bear in my pants."

Example phrases for cards:

teddy bear

Little Christmas tree is cold in winter

Coward Bunny gray

Parking space

the Christmas tree is on fire

Parking fine

Not distracted by loving

What you dare is what you reap

Your wishes come true

Beauty and only

Everything is calm, like in Baghdad

Have fun and have fun in the New Year

Red panties

Big secret for a small company

Gold and foreign exchange reserves of the country

midnight cowboy


If it's a long, long, long time, then maybe, maybe, maybe, you can come to Africa

gray top

New Year's gift

happy news

Everything blooms and smells

Vanity Fair

Complete collection of entertainment

5. Decorate the Christmas tree.

For the competition we need female extras. They will be Christmas trees. They will be dressed up. Opponents are men. In front of them are the same boxes with the same set of Christmas decorations. On command, everyone dresses up their Christmas tree without hands (hands are tied with a scarf behind their backs). It is necessary to take Christmas decorations with your mouth and hang them on the "Christmas tree". The girl can only substitute some parts of the body (for example, spread her fingers so that you can put on the balls), but you can’t help. The winner is the one who first hangs all the decorations from the box and does it as evenly as possible.

6. Dancing on the spot.

They play in pairs. Place a piece of paper under each pair's feet. The couple will have to dance without leaving the sheet (the legs of both partners must at least partially step on the sheet all the time). The winner is the couple that danced the best without leaving the sheet.

7. Fairy eccentrics.

For this contest, you need to prepare in advance the most unusual and funny little things from the joke store.

Everyone takes out any item from the bag without looking. This item must be worn for some time (and whoever likes it, even if it’s all evening). We need to come up with an explanation for this subject. The best explanation (what it is, where it comes from and why, who your character is) will be awarded a prize.

clown nose ball

goblin ears

Crooked witch's nose

Stargazer Hat

Striped leggings

Headband with cat ears

Colored bright wig

Cowboy hat

Glasses with painted eyes

T-shirt with funny inscription

Deer horns

8. Freeze frame.

Two opposing teams and spectators play. The opposing teams must pantomime a scene from a famous movie. The audience has to guess. If the audience guesses the movie - a point in favor of the team that showed the scene. The game continues until a significant advantage in points of one of the teams.

9. Film, film, film!

The competition consists in depicting scenes from New Year's films. The winner is the team that showed the skit the most theatrically and closest to the original text.

10. Psychological portrait.

Everyone knows that the origins of human character are in his childhood. The game consists in guessing a person by the symbols of his childhood. To do this, everyone writes a note in which he indicates his name and lists 6 any objects and phenomena that symbolize his childhood. These can be toys, sounds of the elements of nature, the names of games, etc. The notes are put in a bag, basket or “magic hat” of the host. Then the facilitator randomly pulls out notes and reads out a list of childhood symbols, and the participants (they can be all guests) guess whose it is psychological picture. Which of the participants has more than one hit, he receives a prize at the end of the game.

11. Music ring.

Dialogue in the form of "Question - Answer" between two participants or in a circle. First one asks a question, and the other answers, then vice versa (or musical question given to the next in the circle).

“Where is this street, where is this house? Where is this young lady that I'm in love? “There, beyond the horizon, there, beyond the horizon. There - there-param, pum-pum-pum "

“What can I give you, my dear man?” “A million, million, million scarlet roses.”

12. Culinary and Christmas tree competitions.

Both individual players and entire teams can take part in the competition for the construction of banal food of non-banal structures. The victory is awarded to the best work completed in the shortest time.

Sample assignment options:

a flat Christmas tree made of plastics of sausage, cheese, sprigs of greenery, etc.

Bulk Christmas tree of boiled carrots and olives strung on skewers stuck in carrots

herringbone from paper cone, rows of sweets pinned to the cone with tailor's needles and tinsel

Christmas tree from improvised means (products must be found on the table and show imagination)

13. Thank goodies.

The essence of the competition is to figure out how to praise a dish. The contestants draw by lot a note with the name of the dish that is on the festive table. It is necessary to solemnly and at the same time ridiculously present this dish, advertise it to the guests in such a way that the guests believe that this is the best thing that ever happens. The winner will be the most successful "advertiser of the yummy".

14. Clapper duel.

Opponents with crackers stand opposite each other, each converging to their own line (about 4 meters apart - depends on the power of the crackers), like duelists. At the signal of the "second" - the leader, they simultaneously pull the lace, shooting at each other. Then you need to collect all the opponent's confetti scattered around. The winner is the one who collects all the confetti the fastest.

15. Midgets.

For the competition you will need a tray and a cube with dots for board games. Participants must reach a certain point (for example, holiday table or Christmas trees) "Lilliputians" (the step is the length of the foot - heel to toe). The leader approaches with a tray to the first participant, he takes a cube and throws it on the tray. How many points fell out, so many steps can be taken. Then it's the next player's turn. In this way, travelers reach their destination.

16. Panic.

Several couples play at the same time. Each couple sits at a table opposite each other. Couples will make noise, which gives the game additional internal dynamics.

Preparatory stage.

Each player is given a pen and the same number of strips of paper (optimally - 20 pieces) of such a size as to write one word. Everyone writes on a strip large and legible any word, thus filling in all the pieces of paper. Then all the papers of the couple are put into a box (hat) and mixed.

Game progress.

On command, all couples begin to play. The “start” command is given, 20 seconds are detected. One player from each pair pulls out any piece of paper and gives the second player a definition of the word without naming it. For example: "a wooden doll with a long nose" (Pinocchio). The second player must answer as quickly as possible. Then the first player again takes out a piece of paper. After 20 seconds, “stop” sounds, the game stops. Next, the players in pairs change roles (now the one who answered will take out pieces of paper and formulate questions). The start command sounds. After 20 seconds the game ends. There is a count of the pulled out pieces of paper (who managed how much in two rounds). The total number in each pair is counted, and among the pairs the one that won is announced.

17. Robot probe.

For this contest, each player must have his own assistant so that the game takes place in a simultaneous mode. The players are blindfolded and given forks in their hands. Assistants bring in the same sets of items (what has a shape, texture, is pierced or not pierced with a fork - from household items to food). Next, the assistants on the “start” command place objects under the “probes” for the players. Players must determine what it is by examining objects with two forks. As soon as the object is guessed, the assistant puts a new object. The winner is the one who guesses all the items faster.

18. It's written on your forehead!

They play in pairs. An inscription is attached to each forehead with adhesive tape. One person in a pair should show the other with gestures and facial expressions what is written on the partner’s forehead. The couple who guessed their inscriptions the fastest wins.

Label options:

I am cool!

I'm a star!

I am the president!

I'm mad!

I am Santa Claus!

I am a Snow Maiden!

I am a mouse!

I am the queen!

I am a snowflake!

I am a clown!

I'm the boss!

I'm a scientist!

I am a hacker!

19. Dance gatherings.

Many players are playing at the same time. A number of chairs are placed for them and cheerful rhythmic music is turned on, and even better - a cut from successive short musical fragments of different styles. Participants must quickly navigate the change of music and move top bodies, sitting on chairs, depicting a dance. After the musical cut is completed, the winner and the winner are determined by audience voting.

20. Nesmeyany and Mixers.

Two teams are playing. The lot determines which team will laugh, and which team will stoically refrain from laughing. On a signal, the Mixers start trying to make Nesmeyan laugh. The Nesmeyans put on a serious look and try not to laugh. Whoever laughs is out. If at least one player remains in the Nesmeyan team who could not be made laugh, the Nesmeyans won. Then the teams switch roles.

21. New Year's greetings with a toast.

For the drawing of lots, the participants are offered a blue and pink bag: a man draws lots from blue, and girls draw lots from pink. The bags contain notes with the names of the characters, on behalf of which and in the style of which you need to congratulate everyone present on the New Year and make a toast.

Male characters:

President of the Russian Federation V. V. Putin

US President Donald Trump

Neighbor Izya Rabinovich

Builder Ravshan

Barbecue Gogi

Some ordinary man

maniac boy


Mickey Mouse

Female characters:

Marilyn Monroe

Queen of Great Britain

Glamorous blonde Christy

Baba Yaga

Rat Anfisa

Neighbor Rosa Moiseevna

Dudyuka Barbidokskaya

Individual game (the player is considered the winner - worthy of the prize if he coped with the task). The player is given a song to listen to on headphones. Then the player must tell the plot of the song using facial expressions and gestures. If the audience guesses the song, then the player receives a prize. Next, the next player is called.

23. New Year's nonsense.

Two teams are playing. One person from each team approaches the leader, and he says a word (for example, "garland") in the player's ear. The player goes to his team and shows the word with gestures. As soon as the team has guessed the word, the next player goes to the leader for a new word. And so - until the last player in the team. The first team to guess all the words wins.

24. Literal meaning.

This is a variant of the game of nonsense. Only instead of words you need to solve phraseological turns. Thus, it is necessary to show not a figurative meaning, but a literal one. For example, when showing the phrase "sleeveless", the player can pull their sleeves down. And you can show the phrase “break your head” by depicting the disassembly of your own head (make tearing and throwing movements).

25. Black box.

Contest for connoisseurs-spectators. A black box is brought in, and the host asks a very tricky question in a mysterious voice. The winner is the one from the audience who first guesses what is in the black box, explaining the logical path, how he got to this idea.

Question example:

To buy what exactly for a resident of Russia at the end of the 19th century was the same as buying a car for a modern Russian? What's in the black box?

Glass Christmas toy.

(“Buying a glass toy for a Russian citizen of the late 19th century was the same as buying a car for a modern Russian” - Sergey Romanov, toy historian and collector of Christmas decorations).

26. Mandarin backs.

Competition for dancing couples. The partners press their backs against each other, and the leader puts several tangerines (from 3 to 5) into the niche formed between the booty and the shoulder blades. In this position, you need to manage to dance. The couple that managed to mimic something more like a dance and didn't drop the tangerines is declared the winner.

Each participant receives a sheet of paper and a pen (pencil) and in 12 seconds must draw as many New Year items as possible on their sheet of paper (tree, ball, snowman, gift, olive, and so on). The participant who can draw more Christmas items in 12 seconds will win and receive a prize.

Oh, it's a Christmas movie

The presenter calls catchphrases from New Year's films, and the films are mixed up: both Soviet, and modern, and Russian, and foreign. Whoever guesses the movies more than the rest will win. Examples of phrases: “What is sick, what is in love - it’s all the same for medicine” - Sorcerers, “There are 15 people in this house, but for some reason all the problems are only because of you” - Home Alone, “Rely on Santa Claus, but don’t bad" - Yolki, "Is there life on Mars, is there life on Mars - this is unknown to science" - Carnival Night and so on.

Do you believe in New Year's signs?

The host prepares a description of various signs about the New Year, with a mixture of truthful and fictional. In turn, he reads a sign for each of the guests, and he answers whether he believes or not. Whoever guesses correctly the most wins. Approximate signs: to tear a dress on New Year's Eve - to a passionate romance, yes or no? (yes), in Cuba, on New Year's Eve, 12 grapes are prepared for each guest, they need to be eaten during the chiming clock and make a wish under each grape that will certainly come true, yes or no? (yes), in Cyprus see off old year in complete darkness and turn on the light only with the onset of the new year, yes or no? (yes), in China, a butterfly must fly in the house for the New Year, yes or no? (no) and so on.

Don't tell me the truth

For this competition, the host must prepare various questions on the theme of the New Year, for example, what do all people dress up for the holiday? Which salad is considered to be the symbol of the New Year? What do people launch into the sky to celebrate the New Year? etc. The host asks such questions quickly and deftly, demanding the same answer. Only every guest should remember that the answer must be wrong, that is, not the truth. The one who gives the correct answers at the end of the competition fulfills various wishes or recites poems.

Favorite number

Each of the guests on the leaf writes his favorite number or the number that came to mind. Then the host announces that now he will ask each question in turn, the answer to which will be the number written on the leaf, that is, the guest must answer the question posed by raising the leaf with the written number and loudly naming this number. Questions may be of the following nature: How old are you? How many times a day do you prefer to eat? How many toes do you have on your left foot? How much do you weigh? etc.

new year thief

Among the guests, they choose the kidnapper of the New Year. All guests honestly close their eyes, and the kidnapper enters the room and steals 3 or even more New Year's items, for example, a clock, a star from the tree, a tangerine basket from the table. After that, all the guests open their eyes, look around and begin to wonder what exactly the villain stole. The guest who is the first to guess what exactly the New Year kidnapper stole will win.

new year in rhyme

Each guest in turn takes out his fant from the bag, in which 4 words of the New Year theme are indicated. The task of each participant is to compose their own rhyme for each word, for example, Santa Claus - Partos, Snow Maiden - chicken, chimes - duelists, snowflake - tangerine and so on. But, here the host surprises everyone and announces that now you need to compose a New Year's quatrain using your own words and rhymes to them. The guest with the most cheerful and beautiful poem will receive a prize.

Tangerine rush

The first stage of the competition is that each participant receives a tangerine and, at the “start” command, begins to peel it, and then divide it into separate slices. Who is the first, and well done, get a prize. And then the second stage begins: each participant is blindfolded and given the same toothpick. All tangerine slices are laid out on a table or chair (in a circle). Participants stand in a circle or semicircle and, at the “start” command, begin to collect tangerines on their toothpick. Whoever pricks more tangerine slices in 1 minute is the winner.

Profession for the New Year

At the command of the host, each guest must make his own list of human professions for the New Year and the more creative the professions are, the better. Whoever can make the longest list of unusual professions in a minute, such as, for example, a tangerine peeler, a cracker, a champagne pourer, and so on, that participant will receive a prize.

Merry mitten

Guests stand in a large circle near the Christmas tree, cheerful New Year's music sounds and a mitten with phantoms goes in a circle. The host can turn off the music at any time, trying to make it so that each of the guests has a mitten. On whom the music stops, he takes out a phantom from a mitten and performs a certain action, for example, he dances a hopak or transforms into a president and congratulates his people, or maybe he sits on a twine or kisses a neighbor. In general, forfeits can be absolutely any (it all depends on the company).

We carry interest and love for the New Year holiday through our whole life, there is something bright and childishly joyful in it, we expect gifts, miracles and special fun from it. And what fun without New Year's games, contests, fairy tales with dressing up and fun entertainment?!

New Year's games, contests and skits - the same required attribute holiday, like a Christmas tree, champagne and gifts. After all, the New Year is a time of general fun; the time when you want to make noise and play. Do not deny yourself this - have fun! Moreover, everyone wants to move a little and fool around after New Year's table, traditionally generous with all sorts of goodies and drinks!

Ready scripts for the quest. Detailed information can be viewed by clicking on the image of interest.

Entertainment program for the new year 2020

We offer you a variety of new year entertainment which can be viewed via the links. They are also suitable for corporate holidays, and for home parties, and for a close company of friends. There are a lot of games and competitions, and you can easily make an interesting entertainment program out of them.

In order to save time, we suggest purchasing collection “Entertain people for the New Year? Easy!"

The collection is intended:

  • for leading celebrations
  • for employees of organizations that plan to hold a New Year's corporate party on their own, without involving a toastmaster
  • for those who are going to new year party at home
  • for active people who want to have fun and have fun new year holidays in the circle of relatives, relatives and friends

The proposed games, contests and skits are more than enough for you not only for entertainment program for this New Year, but also for future New Year holidays!

All buyers of this collection - New Year's gifts:

Contents of the collection“Entertain people for the New Year? Easy!"

Scenes and impromptu tales included in the collection

The collection includes funny scenes and impromptu fairy tales, the plot of which is associated with a wonderful New Year's holiday. All skits - with funny and original stories; in addition, the texts are well edited, and for the impromptu scenes there are signs with the names of the characters, which is very convenient for the organizer of the holiday program; it is also provided that when printing a specific scene or sheet with signs, nothing extra will be printed. Here is a brief description of the scenes that are included in the collection:

Guests from Italy new year holiday (very funny costume New Year's greetings With original text). A little preparation is required. Age: 16+
Happy New Year, or let's drink to happiness!(Impromptu fairy tale with chants, Host and 7 actors; all other participants also participate). Especially suitable for corporate celebration of the New Year.
Beauty and the Beast, or the Wrong Tale(fun tale-impromptu, host and 11 actors). For any conscious age :).
New Year's story in the forest, or Love at first sight(a short impromptu fairy tale, Host and 6 actors).
long-awaited gift(a miniature scene-pantomime, impromptu, from 1 to 3-4 people can take part in it). The scene is universal, suitable for both children and adults.
Magic Staff(New Year's theatrical scene, costume performance for adults, Storyteller (reader) and 10 actors). Long (at least 30 minutes), but at the same time interesting funny scene with an original New Year's story. Preliminary preparation is required. Age: 15+

Collection format: pdf file, 120 pages