
In a year how to celebrate the new year. How to celebrate the New Year: ideas for a stunning holiday. Organize a competition for the funniest photo


With the onset winter cold the anticipation of the New Year holidays comes to our homes, and everyone is waiting for them with their own hidden dreams and desires. Some hope to find personal happiness in the coming year, others plan to make peace with ill-wishers and restore lost family ties, and still others intend to start completely new life. There are those who are looking forward to the New Year just to relax and have fun.

However, without exception, since childhood, they certainly dream these days about magical miracle, which will color in bright colors boring routine, and sometimes it can completely turn existence. And 2019 is the year of the Yellow Earth Pig. After all, he completes the 12-year cycle of the eastern calendar, summing up, reconciling people and softening the bitterness of past failures.

Astrological forecast for 2019

The stars predict unusually fruitful activity in any field for 2019. The cheerful Yellow Pig will allow you to completely abstract from past problems and failures, instilling vigor and optimism, awakening the desire to develop and succeed in completely new directions. The upcoming year allows you not to adapt to the surprises of fate, but to direct it yourself in the right direction, easily overcoming uncertainty and depression, achieving financial success and other outstanding achievements.

A good-natured and non-conflicting Pig is good for those who intend to win the favor of others, expand their circle of acquaintances and connections. It is enough just to open up a little to the world, to give up your own views and interests a little, and your former enemies will turn into sincere well-wishers, and the list of friends will noticeably lengthen.

Favorable 2019 is also for those who dream of the warmth and comfort of the hearth. After all, the Yellow Pig favors family well-being, and therefore will certainly help lovers who decide to bind their fate under her protection. It will help restore peace and tranquility in marriages where relationships are not going too smoothly. If you dream of repairing an apartment, building a summer house or other improvement of living conditions, then best moment to work for the benefit of the family than 2019 simply does not exist.

The pig is defenseless against flattery and deceit, but it has an exceptional mind. This quality will allow in 2019 to achieve remarkable success for those who strive to improve the level of education and achievements in scientific activity. Business activity in the Year of the Pig will also get an extra boost, allowing businesses to move to the next level.

The rich inner world and generous imagination of the Pig contribute to the success of people in creative professions. In 2019 they will be visited in abundance creative ideas and bursts of inspiration, which will bring amazing results as a result. Any undertakings in music and literature, sculpture and architecture, dance and painting will only be welcomed and will certainly find wide support.

The year of the Yellow Pig is great for those who decide to seriously take on improving their physical form. Any sports will be a pleasure and lead to impressive results, and diets will only benefit. In 2019, there are all the prerequisites for healthy lifestyle life has become a useful habit for many years.

Video recipe for the occasion:

At any professional activity attentive and purposeful Pig promises not only financial success, but also a lot of positive from your favorite work. Interesting projects, promising undertakings and exciting business trips will turn your business activity from a tedious duty into an exciting process that also brings good money.

What to do on the eve of the holiday

From early childhood, we learned that the anticipation of a holiday is perhaps a more significant pleasure than the celebration itself. That is why over the years, the New Year period has received more and more attention. Preparing for the New Year is a lot of fun for both children and adults. However, in the pre-holiday bustle, it is so easy to forget about something important. To prevent this from happening, a list of proposed cases should be outlined in advance.

  • Every good housewife before the holiday will certainly bring cleanliness in the house. And the year of the Pig should not be an exception just because this animal loves to bask in muddy puddles. Also, while cleaning, remember the good habit of getting rid of old and unnecessary things. This will allow you to cleanse the aura of the home from negative energy and free up a lot of space for new acquisitions.
  • If you would like to meet New Year with a light heart and a new surge of energy, then by all means return all material and moral debts. Reconcile with enemies, pay off loans and return borrowed things.
  • The holiday should be met in high spirits, and it can be guaranteed to be improved by visiting a beauty salon and purchasing a new outfit. Indulge yourself with a spectacular hairstyle, an unusual manicure and a coveted little thing from the latest collection of your favorite brand.
  • With a pencil in hand, analyze all the mistakes made in the past year. After all, the awareness of your mistakes will allow you not to make similar mistakes in the future, which means it will make you wiser and stronger.
  • Do not forget to praise yourself for all the successes and victories, even if they consist only in a dress sewn with your own hands or a rich harvest grown in the country. After all, any achievements from appointment to a higher position and the birth of a child to beautiful embroidery increase self-esteem, give rise to a sense of pride in oneself. And these are precisely the feelings that encourage new achievements in the coming year.
  • On the holiday it is necessary to give gifts to relatives, friends and colleagues. To please everyone, their list should be thought out in advance. Make a list of people whom you would like to congratulate not only in words, but also in material terms, and then carefully select a surprise for each, taking into account his inclinations and preferences. After all, only in this case you will be able to truly please your loved ones on a holiday.
  • Remember in advance that under the chiming clock it is customary to make the most secret desires. Think about what you expect from the coming year, what you dream about, what you hope for, and then at the appropriate moment you will be able to present your dream in all its details.

How to welcome the new year 2019

The Yellow Pig is a friendly and cheerful creature, and therefore it is best to meet her in a noisy company. You can gather relatives and friends far outside the city, on an exotic island or in a nightclub. The meeting place of 2019 does not really matter if there are close and beloved people nearby.

At the same time, it is worth considering that Piggy prefers a cozy homely atmosphere to all non-standard ideas. Feel free to invite as many guests as possible to your home, do not forget to invite colleagues and neighbors. Set a rich table for them, do not be stingy with gifts, think over funny surprises and jokes. After all, the generous and creative nature of Pig will certainly appreciate the holiday, arranged on a grand scale and imagination.

Do not be upset if New Year's Eve finds you away from loved ones and friends. You should not worry too much about the lack of an elegant Christmas tree and the inability to personally present gifts. The generous Yellow Pig will not reproach the abandoned family if you can congratulate everyone by phone or the Internet. However, you should still try to arrange things in such a way that on a holiday you find yourself in the circle of your beloved and loving people.

New Year's interior decor

When choosing decorations for a house or apartment, first of all, you need to remember that the Pig loves everything natural and natural. Therefore, garlands and bouquets of pine or spruce paws, compositions of cones will come in handy. Decorate dry twigs with scarlet tassels of viburnum or mountain ash, showering them with foam "snow". It is better to put all this beauty in clay or wooden vessels.

The yellow color of Khavronya in 2019 hints at her love for everything luxurious and shiny. Therefore, do not forget to add gold and purple ribbons, balls or candles to the interior. However, keep in mind that the Pig does not like frills, and do not overload the space with sparkling holiday attributes.

Remember that the favorite delicacy of the Earth Pig is considered to be juicy grass, acorns and ripe fruits. Be sure to add bright greens, browns and oranges to your 2019 palette.

The table decor should look really chic. After all, fastidious Khavronya wants to be met like a king. Do not spare the best sets and sparkling crystal for Piggy, and as a "pig" treat, place a large dish with ripe, fragrant fruits: tangerines, apples and pears in the center of the table.

To attract good luck in 2019, cover the tabletop with a blue, purple or yellow tablecloth. In the most visible place, set up a piggy bank so that guests can throw a coin or bill there for financial luck.

How to decorate a Christmas tree

Without a prickly New Year's beauty, it is difficult to imagine your favorite winter holiday. However, her outfit should not contradict the general decor trends of 2019. Despite the fact that Mumps gravitates toward a home celebration, it must certainly be bright, stormy and unforgettable. And the New Year's tree should be decorated in full accordance with the wishes of the capricious Mistress of the Year: effectively, magnificently and unexpectedly.

  • Piggy's commitment to everything natural and natural dictates choosing the same style for the Christmas tree. Do not be stingy with the purchase of a real fragrant tree in order to fully enjoy the smell of pine needles. Attach real gilded cones, candied fruits and berries, knitted or wooden toys, any crafts made from natural materials to its branches.
  • Natural harmony and at the same time brightness can be achieved by turning the Christmas tree into a New Year's rainbow by arranging the toys in rows from top to bottom in the appropriate color sequence. Each of the seven sectors should be decorated with balls, ribbons and tinsel of a single shade, gradually moving from red to purple.
  • Do not want colorful colors in the interior? Choose for your New Year's beauty one of the favorite colors of the Mistress of the Year: yellow or orange, purple or blue, green or brown, blue or white. Monochrome jewelry can be diluted with gold and red additions in the form of garlands, ribbons or bows.
  • The pig is committed to moderation in everything, even in jewelry. Therefore, try to observe the measure and proportion in the "dress" of the New Year's tree. An excess of toys, dissonance in color combinations or too large decor on a small Christmas tree will look ridiculous and clumsy, without adding beauty to the house, and you - a festive mood.

What to celebrate 2019

Not only the house, but also its owners should dress up for the holiday. What clothes and accessories should be chosen to match the spirit and mood of the upcoming year of the Yellow Pig?

  • Despite the fact that Khavronya-2019 “wears” yellow, it’s not at all necessary for everyone to dress in lemon-gold outfits for the holiday. It is enough just to purchase one or two accessories of these shades, while the main color of a dress or suit can combine brown and green, blue and orange, white and red. The main condition is that the palette should be juicy, but not flashy, otherwise the jealous Pig will not bestow its favor on you.
  • The best material for a festive toilet will be natural silk. Its matte iridescence and exquisite coolness will effectively emphasize all the curves of a slender figure, and the flying silhouette will hide any imperfections of curvaceous ladies.
  • Piggy loves comfort in everything, which means you should leave too strict and elegant suits in the closet. Choose loose and cozy clothes that will allow them to have fun all night long without feeling uncomfortable.
  • Choose jewelry according to the sign of your element. If you are patronized by Air or Water, then silver or white gold framing sapphire, lapis lazuli, aquamarine, turquoise, diamond or onyx will do. Fire signs should choose any red stones in gold decoration, and earth signs should choose jasper, topaz or amber, enclosed in a frame made of warm-colored metal. But don't displease the Mistress of the Year with an excess of sparkling decor in your closet.
  • But the mumps does not make any special claims to the choice of hairstyles. She will like the undignified ponytail, romantic curls, and ultra-short haircut, especially if they are covered with sparkling varnish or decorated with tinsel sequins.

Festive New Year's table

Any good housewife thinks over the festive menu in advance, trying not only to demonstrate her culinary skills, but also to observe the traditions of meeting the coming year. In 2019, this will be very easy to do. After all, the pig is an omnivorous and unpretentious animal in food, which means that it will like any dishes except those made from pork. Avoid submitting to new year's eve chops and schnitzels, meatballs and barbecue.

But meat dishes from beef or lamb, rabbit meat or poultry will surely please Khavronye. Cook goose with apples or regular dumplings with minced turkey. An excellent choice will be fish dishes from the usual herring “under a fur coat” and aspic to the delicious stellate sturgeon and black caviar. Guests will certainly appreciate the culinary delights, but Pig will not be offended by you for banal options.

We must not forget that Piggy's favorite delicacies are a variety of greens, vegetables and fruits. Therefore, be sure to prepare a fresh salad and traditional Olivier, and serve any of the legumes as a side dish for meat: lentils, beans, chickpeas, soybeans, peas. Place a large platter of apples, oranges, pears and grapes in the center of the table.

Do not forget that the Pig is a big sweet tooth who loves fruit desserts, all kinds of cakes and any sweets from caramels to Swiss chocolate. The right addition to the sweet table will be homemade muffins and nuts.

Khavronya disapproves of alcohol, therefore, among alcoholic beverages, only sparkling and dry wines are welcomed. Fans of strong "drinks" will have to limit themselves to cocktails with their content. But fruit drinks, juices and compotes from fruits and berries should be present on the table in abundance.

main feature New Year's table- its abundance. There should be many favorite dishes of Khavronya, and their variety should surprise the most sophisticated guest. After all, the Pig is incredibly hospitable and generous, and therefore will more than thank the one who does not stint and prepare for her meeting on a grand scale.

What to give for the New Year

Since childhood, none of us can imagine the New Year without gifts. And therefore, in order to really please friends and loved ones with a thoughtful surprise, you should take care of its choice and purchase in advance. So what will be relevant as a presentation for 2019?

  • A pig is an economic and practical animal, and therefore it welcomes appropriate gifts. Choose a useful and durable little thing in accordance with the inclinations and hobbies of a loved one so that it serves as a reminder of you and the Year of the Pig for a long time to come.
  • Do not try to limit the budget for gifts. If only Piggy feels that you want to save on the positive emotions of your friends and family, she will certainly refuse you her favor in the coming year. Choose something from home appliances, a spectacular service or antiques.
  • It is quite natural that for the year of the Yellow Pig one should choose gifts with the image of this animal. It is desirable if the little thing is made in gold or yellow flowers. A golden piggy bank is ideal, symbolizing a rich and successful life in the New Year. A plush toy for a child or a bedding set for a couple would be a good idea.
  • Piggy loves laughter and fun, and therefore will appreciate a gift with humor. Yellow slippers with a snout on the nose or pajamas decorated with numerous orange piglets look funny. But a jewelry trinket (pendant, earrings, pendant) in the shape of a pig, made of precious metal, will receive a greater favor of the Pig.
  • Sometimes it's hard to choose a gift that is sure to please a loved one. However, the pragmatic Khavronya will quite graciously treat a bundle of banknotes if it is not handed defiantly in front of everyone, but presented in the appropriate packaging (wrapped in beautiful paper, hidden in an elegant envelope or box).
  • Simplicity and unpretentiousness will prevail in the character of the coming year, and therefore gifts made by one's own hands are again in fashion. If you yourself knit socks or a sweater for your husband or child, then you will surely please the undemanding Khavronya. Simple handmade New Year's souvenirs for friends, made using the scrapbooking, quilling or decoupage technique, will not require special costs, but will clearly demonstrate your love and warm attitude.
  • Keep in mind that postcard fashion is back in 2019. A small piece of New Year-themed cardboard should certainly accompany any more valuable gift. If you take the time and come up with your own congratulations, then such an addition will become especially valuable. You can even make a postcard yourself, guided by your own ideas about beauty and a flight of imagination, which will make the surprise personal, and therefore exceptionally expensive.
  • We must not forget about ourselves on the eve of the holidays. After all, the Pig is inherent in some selfishness, which means that it would be quite logical to pamper your person with a gift that you have long dreamed of. Do not be stingy and finally get a thing that you have been eyeing for a long time and still did not dare to buy because of its high cost.

Folk wisdom says how you celebrate the New Year, so you will spend it. You can argue or agree with this. But the main question, where, how and with whom to celebrate the main night of the year, remains open.

We are here to help you choose. And in this article we have collected 30 ways to celebrate the New Year.

So, let's begin?

Bus.On New Year's Eve, you can rent a bus, decorate it, prepare snacks, choose music and drive around the city all night, visiting friends and visiting places where folk festivals take place.

Anna.The heroes of the famous film go to the bathhouse every year, why don't you repeat their path? Celebrating the New Year in the steam room is good not only for the body, but also for the soul. Bath helps to relax, relieve fatigue and leave all the bad things in the past year. In addition, this is a great way to warm up, remember Russian traditions and arrange an unusual New Year's photo session :)

Peak.This place is ideal for romantic natures who are at one with nature. Just imagine: exactly at midnight you stand on top, look around and feel all the greatness and beauty of nature. Elbrus, Caucasus Mountains or Kilimanjaro... It's up to you to choose.

City Park.Celebrating the New Year in the park is also very romantic and at the same time budget friendly. You can take a folding table, chairs, mulled wine in a thermos, champagne, tangerines, candles and lanterns with you and go to the park half an hour before the New Year. There, among the trees and the light of lanterns, you will feel like in a snowy fairy tale.

Village.On New Year's Eve, you can go to the village to your relatives or rent a house (room) from one of the local residents. Away from the hustle and bustle of the city, you can truly enjoy the charm of this family holiday. It is here, among snow-covered fields and small rickety houses, that you can go skiing, build snowmen, warm yourself by a warm stove and drink tea from a samovar. What could be nicer?

E annual Olivier, tangerines and herring under a fur coat.Traditional New Year with family- a good option. You can visit your parents, grandparents, or gather everyone at your home and arrange a big family holiday with the main New Year's character - dad, dressed as Santa Claus.

Christmas tree.We are talking about a large city Christmas tree, around which all festivities are usually concentrated. There is entertainment here not only for adults, but also for children who will be happy to participate in competitions and frolic in the ice town.

Wish.Have a wish night. Let each family member (guest) write on a piece of paper his little wish and will give it to you a week before the holiday. Agree in advance not to think of something impossible. On New Year's Eve, Santa Claus or another fairy-tale character can take out wishes from a magic box and immediately fulfill them. Children will especially enjoy this holiday.

A fun pajama party.Who said that on New Year's Eve everyone must be at the parade. This year, try to go against tradition and have a warm cozy pajama night with mulled wine, tangerines and sweets. Don't forget to stock up on soft blankets, pillows and fluffy bears for your guests :)

And an intriguing fireworks show in Australia.It is in Sydney that the world's largest fireworks show takes place every year. Sparkling, roaring and rainbow-colored skyWhat else do you need for the New Year? On a festive night, residents and guests of the city rent boats and go to the harbor. It is there that the most unforgettable light show is played over their heads.

Great place for all fireworks fans!

Yorick, poor Yorick, or New Year's Eve in theatrical style. The original way celebrate New Year- organize a theatrical performance at your home. Start preparing about two weeks in advance. Choose a good New Year's or Christmas play, prepare the scenery and costumes, ask all the participants in the play to learn their roles and rehearse everything well. Be sure to prepare and print invitation cards for the performance for your guests and distribute them in advance. And then the show begins!

Roof.Another incredibly romantic place. On the roof you can lay a festive table, decorate everything around and have a big party, or you can just go up to the roof with glasses 10 minutes before the New Year and spend the last moments of the outgoing year there. It's so magical- to simultaneously see hundreds of lights burning in the windows, and to understand that in each of them at that moment they are celebrating a holiday.

Forest.An option for those who are not afraid to freeze. New Year in a tent or in a house in the woods can't be bad. Fresh air, a huge starry sky and snowflakes fluttering overhead ...

Sea.For those who are frozen in anticipation of the annual miracle, the best place to celebrate- sea coast. There, among the palm trees, warm breeze and shells, you will feel truly happy.

Night in red colors.The main color of the coming year of the rooster- red. Make this color the leitmotif of your feast. Let the outfits, table setting, gifts and decor be decorated in different shades of red. Scarlet, carrot, madder, burgundy, titian, crimson, massaka ... The palette is very diverse. By the way, competitions that will help you plunge into the symphony of color will be a great addition to your holiday of color.

Oh carnival!Another way to have fun in the New Year- go to a costume party or organize one at your home. The holiday will become even more fun if you try to come up with and make your own costume.

Train.Have you ever met the New Year on a train? A great idea for a celebration for the brave. The chiming clock to the sound of wheels, the flickering of lights outside the windows and endless train romance. New acquaintances, at least with a conductor, are provided. And also- sincere conversations and fragrant tea with tangerines.

Rio de Janeiro.In Rio! It is there that every year the largest New Year's party in the world is held. Hand the 4-kilometer beach of Copacabana gathers more than 2 million people dressed in all white. Dances, fireworks and a huge living white sea with burning lighters and mobile phone screens.

From achar.Today, the New Year can be celebrated even in the desert, or ratherin a caravan crossing the Sahara Desert! In order to carry out such an unusual undertaking, you just need to book a budget desert tour in Morocco (10 days) and rent a camel. Among the endless sands, the New Year will seem especially incredible!

T yumen and hot springs.A real exotic in a cold winter: the temperature outside is -25 -30 degrees, there is snow around, and clouds of steam rise from the water. And you celebrate the New Year not in an evening dress, but in a bathing suit.

Cleaning.Arrange a real cleaning right on New Year's Eve. Yes, don't be surprised. This is exactly what the people of Edinburgh do. Throw away everything unnecessary from the house on New Year's Eve. You can turn this seemingly boring activity into a real quest for yourself and your guests. Set up a game« 12 unnecessary things "- Hide 12 items around the house to throw away and have guests follow the clues laid out here and there to find them all. It's fun!

Let everyone who is going to visit you bring a couple of unnecessary things with them.- build an unusual NG tree out of all this junk, and then arrange a photo session with it. At the end of this action, you can safely take all the trash to the trash can.

Flashlights.Host a Chinese Night paper lanterns. At midnight, go outside and launch glowing cylinders high, high into the sky. Don't forget to make a wish :)

X rushchevka. Who said home is bad? There is no better place to celebrate the New Year than your small cozy apartment. It is there that it is best to say goodbye to the sadness of the past year and open the doors for new joyful moments. There won't be many of them this year. We promise :)

C branch greenhouse.For those who yearn for summer. It is not easy to get to such a place on New Year's Eve, but if you really want to, you can organize a New Year's rehearsal in advance. Among the bright fragrant flowers, you begin to believe in beauty even more, and therefore go to the greenhouse, for example, on the afternoon of December 31- great idea. There you can get your portion of summer and a charge of vivacity, which will last for a long time.

A wonderful trip to Veliky Ustyug. A good option for families with children. New Year's Eve visiting Santa Claus will definitely be remembered and will delight both kids and adults.

W smart karaoke bar.A great place for lovers of songs until dawn and noisy parties. Here, in a warm company, you can once again demonstrate your talent and really have fun.

Shch astier.This is the place where the New Year will definitely be the best. May each of us visit there many times in the coming year.

b, b, b. Celebration options for the most daring and desperate :)

Eiffel Tower.The most romantic place to celebrate the New Year is the Champs Elysees in Paris overlooking the New Year's Eiffel Tower. On a festive night, thousands of fireworks fly over it. Amazing spectacle!

Yu Moristic New Year.Good jokes cheer everyone up, especially during the holidays. May His Majesty Humor rule in your house this New Year's Eve. Prepare jokes and anecdotes, remember funny stories that happened to you and your loved ones this year, ask children and guests to show funny scenes, watch the most fervent KVN episodes. And then the night will turn into a real holiday of fun!

I'm pony.Have a New Year's Eve Japanese style. Japanese cuisine, kimono, sake... And a lot of bells that should ring at midnight. In Japan, it is customary to ring the bells 108 times at X hour. There, in an instant, all the bell towers of local temples begin their sacred chime. Fascinating action! Try again :)

Happy New Year!

Before dealing with all the intricacies of organizing the New Year, it is worth understanding who we are trying to please. The year of the White Metal Rat will replace the power of the yellow earthen Pig. Unlike the peaceful and harmless Pig, the Rat has a capricious and difficult character.

The Rat is by nature pragmatic and looks at things soberly. She is smart, quickly adapts to new conditions, although she prefers not to leave her comfort zone. Sometimes she is characterized by some aggression, but friendly enough.

Symbol of 2020 - White Metal Rat

By Eastern calendar the 12-year circular cycle begins. This means that the meeting of the New Year should be held on a grand scale, while all the requirements of the symbol of the year must be met.

To appease the wayward Rat, celebrate the New Year according to its rules:

The feeling of a holiday should be everywhere

    1. . The capricious Rat does not like mediocrity and dullness, but also does not like clutter. Mice, although they pull all the valuables into their minks, do not tolerate frank rubbish and unnecessary things.

Do It new Year decoration do it yourself

    1. . Practical Rat will appreciate your work. Let it be snowflakes made of paper or figurines of mice cut out of cardboard, but with an unusual author's approach.

Add light and fire to the interior

    1. . Garlands, candles, sparklers will create a festive atmosphere in just a matter of seconds. Opt for white and silver.

Make a cozy house for a rodent

    1. . Buy or make some mistress of the year figurines. Place them near the house and on the shelves of the interior. Using stencils, draw images of mice on the windows.

Decorate your home with a living forest beauty

    . If you have left faux Christmas tree, then you can use it. At the same time, she should not shine with all the colors of the rainbow; the practical Rat will not tolerate variegation. Everything should look elegant and in the same style.

What color to celebrate the New Year 2020

AT next year the element of metal will reign. The color of the year is white and silver. Therefore, in the design new year atmosphere bet on white and metallic shades. To some, this gamut will seem boring, but do not rush to draw conclusions. Milky, ivory, ivory, ash, antique white, gray and silver - all these shades will attract the attention of the Rat. It is in these colors that you need to meet the next 2020.

On the one hand, the Rat likes comfort and coziness, on the other hand, she loves everything luxurious and expensive. That's why festive outfit should be refined and made in the same style. This rule also applies to interior design.

What clothes to celebrate the New Year 2020

When all the preparations are left behind, the main question arises: what to wear for the New Year? The answer is simple: women must look chic and sophisticated, but by no means defiant or cheap.

Clothing should be comfortable, not hinder movement, emphasize the strengths of the figure and diplomatically hide the weaknesses. Open shoulders, small cutouts, decollete - be sure to use something from the arsenal of real seductresses. But remember - the practical Rat will not tolerate excessive frankness, everything should be in moderation.

Many people think that the Rat is an unattractive animal, but this can be argued. Despite the fact that the expression “rat tail” is negative, you can’t do without a beautiful hairstyle and makeup. So do not delay the organization of the holiday, so that you have time to put yourself in order and have a good rest.

Read more about creating a New Year's image

New Year's Manicure Ideas

If the fun about the main holiday of the year will be held with friends, you only need to think about the outfit and gifts in advance. But if the New Year's Eve is planned at your home, you will have to make a lot of efforts. After all, it depends on you - the hostess of the house - how you will celebrate the New Year.

Despite the fact that the Rat, although it pulls all the valuables into its mink, it also loves to take a walk. Therefore, the choice of a place to celebrate the New Year 2020 does not matter. You can celebrate both with a cheerful company and with your family. The main thing is not to spend the holiday alone. Indeed, by nature, the Rat is a sociable creature, and appreciates good fun very much.

Interior design rules

In interior design, give practical simple things. Decorating the house, you should bring peace and tranquility to it. But the holiday should be held in fun, sedate sitting at the table will quickly lead the perky Rat to despair. If you are going to celebrate the New Year at home, you will be interested to know about:

DIY crafts for the New Year

Do I need to think over the scenario of the New Year

The scenario of the New Year's meeting must be thought out in advance. The wayward character of the Rat will not tolerate mediocrity, she loves surprises. So it would be appropriate to organize theme party, warning guests in advance about what outfits and props will be required.

If this option is too difficult for you, you can organize a small quest, original surprise contests, humorous duels.

On the Internet you can find ready scripts holding a New Year's party, based on their number of guests and their age. The main thing is not to be bored all night in front of the TV, otherwise the whole of 2020 will be so boring.

Unusual traditions and customs for the New Year

The tradition of annually calculating the patron animal of the coming year came to us from China. According to the Chinese calendar, 2020 comes into legal right only on January 25, 2020., so on this day it is worth gathering for a festive dinner with the whole family, preparing delicious dishes.

AT different countries the arrival of the next year is associated with many unusual signs. For example, in Cyprus, in the last seconds of the outgoing year, they turn off the light to turn it on in the New Year as a symbol of happiness, good luck and peace.

In Japan, there is a sign that you need to meet fire signs on your doorstep with money in your pockets. If they see the shine of the coins, they will add more, and otherwise they may consider such a gesture as disrespectful to themselves and leave the house forever.

Mexicans believe that while the chimes are striking, you need to make 12 wishes and eat the same number of grapes. If you have time, then in the new year all wishes will come true!

Now for the best part - gifts.

Residents of every country in the world have their own unique preferences in choosing gifts. In the UK, the New Year is considered one of the most expensive, as it is considered bad manners to give all sorts of little things here. Men get expensive Leather Products, women - branded perfumes or jewelry. The French consider perfume an intimate gift: only the husband can buy them for his wife. In India it is not customary to spoil children expensive gifts: most often, under the supervision of their parents, they choose sweets, flowers and small gifts from a common pile lying on a tray by touch.

The tradition of giving small souvenirs and postcards depicting the symbol of the year came to us from Japan. There, such gizmos are considered more important than any other presents.

Have you already chosen gifts for your family and friends? We have prepared for you interesting article choice of Christmas gifts.

What to give for the New Year?

That's basically everything you need to know about preparing for the New Year 2020.

And on New Year's Eve, forget about any rules, barriers and restrictions - have fun, laugh, dance. Believe in luck to accompany you all next year.

The Year of the Yellow Earth Pig promises people only the best and most pleasant. Major shocks can not be expected - the sign is not aggressive, only kind and calm. Good and quiet time will become an excellent stronghold for building a family, because Mumps puts family values ​​very highly. Lonely people in this particular year have the most chances of gaining personal happiness, and the childless will finally be able to acquire long-awaited offspring - a prolific Pig will contribute to an increase in the family.

Pigs are very hardworking, despite stereotypes, and patronize businessmen and purposeful people. The year promises fertility and success in all endeavors, especially agriculture and small businesses, whose management is in the hands of one businessman. Good luck will not bypass representatives of creative professions - creations will be appreciated and in demand, and the financial situation will be stable and worthy.

But failures will haunt lazy people and drunkards - Earth Pig does not tolerate drunkenness or parasitism, and will not bring anything good to such people. Also, the pig will not bring good luck to either liars or hypocrites. The optimistic sign is distinguished by great faith in people, honesty and optimism, so you can expect only the best in the coming 2019!

How to celebrate the New Year

The sign of the Yellow Pig is very friendly and kind to others, so you need to take care of a large and friendly company with which you will spend New Year's Eve. You can invite a large group of friends, or go to a restaurant - the larger the cheerful company, the better! A good option would be to meet the year in a warm family company, and it is better if as many family members as possible are gathered at the table. The sign of the Pig will appreciate large and warm family feasts, and only the most pleasant moments in the coming year will await all participants. It is categorically impossible to wait for the coming year alone, the friendly Pig will not appreciate such a meeting of his year. It is also very undesirable to be sad and quarrel, so try to reconcile with your loved ones before the festive night so as not to carry over old grievances throughout the next year.

Fun and abundance - this is the motto of the evening in honor of the upcoming year of the Yellow Earth Pig! These two terms will become the key to a successful New Year's Eve, and blessed days of the whole next year. Funny contests, incendiary dances and perky laughter will bring good luck from the future mistress of the Chinese zodiac in the new year. For a symbol, the main thing is not the place where the holiday will be celebrated, but the very atmosphere of positiveness and friendliness, so you should first of all take care of choosing a good company at the festive table. The second term in this simple formula is not for nothing abundance - Piggy is a big lover of tasty and plentiful food. On the festive table there should be as many different dishes as possible, a great variety and quantity is important. Only pork dishes are forbidden, in everything else you can and should give free rein to your imagination and your stomachs!

How to meet the symbol of the New Year

Traditionally, on New Year's Eve it is customary to dress in the colors of the next year's symbol. Yellow Earth Pig, by its name alone, hints at the most successful color for your outfit. In addition to her favorite yellow, you can choose the following warm colors: orange, pink, coral, sand and brown. There are few requirements for the costume itself. It is only important that it does not belong to the business style - it is better to put aside strict shirts, jackets and dresses for another occasion. The pig loves wealth and abundance, and therefore the mistress of the year will be pleased with the sequins and sparkles on the dresses of the celebrants, the colors and shades of gold and bronze, as well as expensive and delicate fabrics, such as silk. Evening Dress, combining the desired shade, delicate fabric and rich decorations will be the best choice for the festive night.

What to put on the holiday table

The pig loves comfort and prosperity, so it’s better not to save on a festive feast. The bigger, the better! In honor of the gourmet, the festive table should be bursting with dishes. Pork is the only thing that falls out of the list of ingredients, in everything else you can safely give free rein to your culinary skills. Meat and fish dishes, all kinds of salads, canapes and cuts can be cooked until all the free space of the future runs out holiday table. You can make funny snacks in the form of pig figures, decorate salads with piglets' faces - both households and family guests will appreciate such culinary masterpieces.

From drinks it is better to refuse strong and cheap alcoholic drinks, because the symbol of the year does not encourage drunkenness. Fine wines and champagne, homemade liqueurs, compotes, juices - you can put it safely. And the Earth Pig will be happy, and the head will feel better after the festive night.

If you follow a diet according to medical recommendations, or for the sake of a figure, you can set the table with healthy dishes, and in this case, only their quantity and variety are important. And the serving and tablecloth should only repeat the general festive style in which the whole house is decorated.

How to decorate a house and a Christmas tree

Be sure to take into account that the atmosphere of happiness in the house is already in itself the best decoration. The comfort and warmth of the family hearth will most of all appeal to the symbol of the coming year. Figurines, plates and Christmas decorations with images of Pigs will be an excellent catcher of good luck in the coming year. New Year's decor it is better to choose according to the colors of the hostess of the next year: yellow, sand, brown and orange, shades of gold. Glitter and tinsel, golden rain, selected in one color scheme, will not only attract good luck on New Year's Eve, but also look stylish in the eyes of guests at home.

It is better to give preference to natural spruce, because initially the Boar is a forest animal, and he will like the tree. Christmas tree can be decorated with acorns, nuts, or Christmas decorations that imitate them. Christmas decorations made of glass or plastic with images of pigs are already in abundance on store shelves, so it will not be difficult to make a choice. It would not be superfluous to put a traditional piggy bank, always with a large bill inside, in order to attract money in the new 2019.

What to give in the year of the Yellow Earth Pig

Giving gifts to loved ones is no less pleasant than receiving them. By tradition, you can please people dear to you with objects with the symbols of the coming year, for example:

  • piggy banks;
  • towels and bed linen;
  • flower pots;
  • figurines;
  • pajamas;
  • crockery sets.

There are a lot of options, and the Pig has only one wish for them - they should look presentable and aesthetically pleasing, as well as bring practical benefits to the future owner.

Concerning colors, then here preference can be given to both the traditional pink color, and the colors of the symbol of the year - yellow and gold. The golden piggy bank will become a good gift for those who have temporary financial difficulties. It will help attract financial luck in the coming year.

What not to do on a festive night

It is not enough on a festive night to follow only those signs that bring good luck. It is better to avoid dangerous actions on the eve of the upcoming holiday, their list is small, but tested over the years and centuries:

  • you can’t borrow money - it is likely that debts will haunt you all year;
  • you can’t lend, even to relatives - the whole year there will be a lack of finances;
  • broken dishes with chips will carry family strife from the old year to the new one;
  • you can’t decorate the Christmas tree only with old decorations, you definitely need to buy at least a couple of new ones, the generous Pig will not like stinginess;
  • it is better to collect old and unnecessary things and take them out of the house, otherwise its owners will not see major new acquisitions in the coming year;
  • You need to decorate the Christmas tree from the top, and disassemble it from the bottom.

And most importantly - you can not be sad and fall into despondency. It is better to postpone all problems for later, and let the fun and good mood take over you completely. After all, it has long been known that in what mood you will meet New Year's celebration, and you will spend the remaining 365 days.

The New Year is a wonderful time when everyone can celebrate the holiday in an atmosphere of quiet family ... scandals. But seriously, each of us knows how important it is to choose this very atmosphere so that on January 1 a person has the impression that after the first wonderful day the whole year will be the same. And it doesn’t matter that for almost all people, subsequent events will refute this sign, the main thing is to experience the joy and expectation of a miracle that New Year’s Eve will fully give.

How to celebrate the New Year: a collection of ideas
How to celebrate the New Year, if the standard recipes are already boring and boring? Important Rule- think over the plan of events in advance, prepare the appropriate props, invite friends and tune in to the wave of pleasure. How to celebrate the New Year surrounded by loved ones? Check out our tried and tested ideas for New Year's Eve parties.

Idea 1
For a friendly company that gathers for New Year celebrations all the time, a “box of achievements” will be a wonderful idea. Each person writes what he plans to accomplish next year, how he sees himself, or what new heights he is going to conquer.
Opening this box in a year will be tempting for everyone, because wishes are quickly forgotten and refreshing them in your memory is very cool. And the wish of today's (cool and cool) self from last year's (unsuccessful and inconspicuous) is interesting to read for absolutely everyone.

Idea 2
How to celebrate the New Year so that positive moments are fixed? A sea of ​​laughter awaits the company in which there is a video camera. In principle, today this device may well be replaced Cell phones with similar function and good camera. The main thing is that the gadgets can be conveniently positioned for review.
All guests are blindfolded and proceed to the celebration. And the camera captures everything: who pours alcohol into glasses (or past), dances, asks a neighbor to put a salad, treats a loved one with a crispy cucumber, or accidentally drops a mushroom in the neckline of a lady nearby. With further viewing, you are guaranteed Homeric laughter and vivid memories.

Idea 3
How to celebrate the New Year inexpensively? We return to the dashing 90s. For adults tired of the current generation an unforgettable holiday there will be a party in the style of the nineties. Every mature person at home will surely have some of the accessories that were previously in fashion: a “varenka” outfit, a “boss” sweater, a false tail, leggings. You can dress fashionably for the New Year's Eve easily and inexpensively.
The music of the group "Tender May", "Freestyle" or "Mirage" will go with a bang, and as a gift, you can present Tetris lying around at home. Maybe some of the guests have never had such a device, and now the top manager of a large company will shed tears, because this is what he lacked for happiness.

Idea 4
How to celebrate the New Year in an original way? We're having a gangster party. Party in the style of the 30s is always popular. All respectable men and well-groomed women will appreciate the chic and brilliance of this event. Silk dresses, long gloves, jazz music gems, bright makeup - any young lady would like to look like this every day, while not being considered a "lady of easy virtue." And fishnet stockings can become an indispensable accessory: first on the legs of girls, then on the head of men staging a robbery.
How to celebrate the New Year to respectable gentlemen? At such events, men will also find a lot of attractive moments for themselves: obligatory hats, expensive cigars, formal suits. At that time there was a dry law, so alcohol was hidden in every possible way: in teapots, cups, jars with the inscription "cough". You will have an unforgettable atmosphere, as well as photos after this event.

Idea 5
How to celebrate the New Year in a non-standard way? We celebrate the holiday on the roof of the house. An original and unforgettable meeting of the New Year is provided for people who choose this option. Of course, for those who live in the countryside or have a sloping roof, it will be difficult to enjoy the holiday. But romantic-minded people in cities with a flat roof will appreciate such a pastime. In extreme cases, a balcony with a beautiful panorama is suitable.
How to celebrate the New Year romantically? The continuation of this idea - we celebrate the holiday with our chosen one on the roof. We take the key to the roof, where you can light candles in closed shades, put champagne on a folding table, serve it. And at midnight we begin to enjoy the incredible panorama of our beloved city, illuminated by bright fireworks. Then you can move to the apartment and continue the celebration. This option has another plus: further viewing of gorgeous photos against the backdrop of New Year's fireworks.

Idea 6
How to celebrate the New Year inexpensively and entertainingly? We celebrate the holiday in the courtyard gazebo. This is a non-standard way when the celebration of the New Year can be combined with barbecue, a fire and congratulations from neighbors. If you have the latter as relatives, you will receive a thousand more congratulations and wishes, as many positive emotions and sweets from those people who decide to join you.
Taking a laptop or radio with you, you will not miss either the President's speech or the bright fireworks. And then you can play snowballs, make a snowman or feel like one of the 12 months (predicting the future or singing songs with a guitar).

Idea 7
How to celebrate the New Year inexpensively and cool? Let's go to city ​​tree. Here about entertainment program, first of all, the city administration will take care of. Moreover, the New Year's Sabbath will last until the morning. Funny company can participate in competitions, sing and dance. Often people take alcohol with them (here, the main thing is not to overdo it, so as not to fall asleep under the tree), sparklers, firecrackers. In general, this New Year, like no other, will be called "noisy and fun."

Idea 8
How to celebrate the New Year without leaving a cozy home? Even in your native land, you can celebrate the New Year in an original way, alone or with your loved one. Not everyone will guess that you can celebrate a holiday in an unusual place - in the bathroom. To do this, you need to decorate the bathroom in a New Year's way: rain, a garland, Christmas decorations and candles will immediately create a relaxed atmosphere. Don't forget the fir branches and the radio.
As the time approaches midnight, take a full bath of warm water, add aromatic salt, turn off the lights, and light the candles. Sip a glass of champagne to the chimes in a mysterious and magical atmosphere. It doesn't even require a company. One in the bathroom will be even more comfortable.
You can also spill alcohol as much as you like and carry a fork of salad past your mouth. The especially rich can fill the bath with champagne for a loved one.

Idea 9
How to celebrate the New Year if there is no life partner and friends nearby? We hide our sadness under the guise of Santa Claus. This is a great option for a single person who needs company. If for some reason you didn’t work out with the team, instead of headlong looking for those who agree to accept you into their ranks, you can buy a Santa Claus costume and become a welcome guest at any party and in any company.
Squares, lively parks - you will be welcome everywhere. Particularly brave can go to nightclubs or restaurants. Whether or not to buy gifts is up to you, but if you want a plus for karma or return gifts, then you can invest in small gifts.
Of course, a festive scenario for Santa Claus who wants to be treated is a must. But, in principle, our hospitable compatriots themselves will be able to entertain grandfather. And a million smiles and a sea of ​​compliments are 100% guaranteed to him.

Idea 10
How to celebrate the New Year and recharge your batteries? We go to the bath. This option is good because you don’t need to then wash the apartment from guests and scrub mountains of dishes. Besides, this celebration has its own charm. The pool with heated water, in which you sit down with a glass of champagne, will remind you of a vacation in an exotic country, where you would also stay in a warm pond. But only the "local" option will be even cheaper.
And for extreme people who know each other well or who want to fulfill their dream, you can organize a nudist party here along the way. Moreover, the “degree of openness” is easily negotiated in advance. Then all your actions will acquire additional novelty and romantic (or other) overtones.

In general, no matter which of the above ways of celebrating the New Year you choose, I would like to wish you to celebrate it under the motto: “There is something to remember, but nothing to tell the children!”.