
What is the psychological and pedagogical competence of parents. Program to improve the psychological and pedagogical competence of parents of special children. Recommended list of dissertations

breast cancer


Raisepsychological pedagogical competence parents of special children

Compiled by teacher Abdulova N.Sh.

year 2013

Program structure

    Explanatory note

    The content of the work

    Lliterature for teachers

    Lliterature and websites for parents

    Mmethodological recommendations for specialists in organizing classes with parents

    Wtasks for parent-child interaction

    Ppsycho-pedagogical situations for parents

    Ppractice-oriented or training exercises for parents

    Mmaterial for control and self-control

Explanatory note

The increase in the number of early marriages reduces the level of responsibility of parents for their children.

An increase in the number of late marriages problematizes the implementation of the reproductive (reproducing, child-bearing function of parents), shifts the values ​​of education into the sphere of overprotection, which leads to infantilism in the social manifestations of children.

But the most serious obstacle in the implementation of family upbringing is the problems associated with the low level of psychological and pedagogical competence of parents, which manifests itself in distrust in relation to educational institutions in terms of solving educational problems, in the absence of interest and need in the implementation of the educational function. The problem of the low level of psychological and pedagogical competence of parents is exacerbated by the widespread practice of "education at home", in which the question of the readiness of parents to implement the educational function, as a rule, is not touched upon.

The competence of a parent is a complex individual psychological formation that arises on the basis of the integration of experience, theoretical knowledge, practical skills and significant personal qualities, which determines his readiness to implement the educational function (Kostyleva N.E.).

For parents raising children with disabilities, cooperation with a teacher expands their understanding of their own competence, gives confidence in their own abilities, promotes understanding of their own capabilities of the compensatory capabilities of the child, active participation in the process of education and upbringing, helps the parent and child to adequately interact with each other.

Based on the identified needs of parents of children with disabilities, the program "I am a competent parent" was compiled

Program construction principles:

    scientific character, which implies the reflection in the presented material of the main patterns of personal development of children and organization family education;

    accessibility, ensuring the adaptation of scientific knowledge to the level of understanding and reproduction by their parents;

    consistency and concentricity, ensuring the gradual enrichment of parents' knowledge in various areas of the child's personal development and the organization of his upbringing in the family;

    integrativity, which provides for the possibility of using program material in different sections of education (labor, aesthetic, physical, economic, etc.), and its implementation in various types of activities (cognitive, speech, gaming, communicative, motor, theatrical, experimental, constructive, visual, labor, educational);

    dialogue, orienting to the establishment of trusting mutually enriching relationships between teachers and parents.

O organizational basis for implementation (function blocks):

    Administrative and informational. Information about the organization of education and upbringing, life and life of children in the institution;

information about the responsibilities of parents and guardians;

information about the benefits and rights of disabled children and their families provided by the state and other organizations;

reports on the activities of public organizations in Russia and abroad.

    Medical.Responsible: medical worker (full-time, invited);

The content of the work: reports on the causes and prevention of the occurrence of psychoneurological diseases ("City (regional) system of psychoneurological service. Medical diagnostic and consultative institutions", "Children's infectious diseases and their prevention", "Features of the diet of children with certain diseases", "On the inadmissibility of the use of drugs drugs without a doctor's prescription, etc.).

    Pedagogical.Members: specialists (defectologist, speech therapist, exercise therapy instructor), teachers, educators;

Content: teaching individual methodological techniques (formation of reading, writing, counting skills, speech development, etc.), principles of assimilation of program material, stages of work

Forms: group and individual consultations (“First time in first grade”, “How to teach a child to count and do homework in mathematics”); Speech therapist teacher: rules for organizing the speech regime at home, establishing contact with the child, features of speech disorders, consequences of speech disorders, requirements for the speech of parents.

Exercise therapy instructor: rules for organizing a treatment regimen, a list of gymnastic exercises;

Teacher: rules for organizing homework, recommendations for organizing a daily routine, methods of activating, attracting attention, ways to fill out workbooks, etc.

    Psychological. General problems of psychophysical development of children

Features of the mental activity of children

Behavioral Features

Learning how to deal with behavioral problems at home and in connection with schooling

Characteristics of inadequate forms of family education

Intrafamilial cycles and crises

Prospects for the development of the child (age-related changes, etc.)

    Social and legal support. Familiarization with the legal obligations of parents to the child

Communicating information about the legal rights of parents and the child

Legal support of a child in employment, solving housing and inheritance cases

Responsible: lawyer, social pedagogue (partially, in the absence of a lawyer).Social teacher:

Socio-psychological support of the family

Implementation of contacts with guardianship authorities, law enforcement, municipal, legal authorities

Interaction with a psychologist, joint implementation of psycho-corrective measures. Collecting information and compiling a "social passport" of the family.

Forms of organization of work with parents:

Group: seminars, consultations, lectures, meetings, round tables, group trainings.

Individual: conversations, consultations.

Target: contribute to the formation of the competence of parents of special children in matters of education, training, development and correction of developmental disabilities.

In accordance with the purpose of the program, it is necessary to ensure the solution of the followingtasks in the field of core competencies:

information competence:

    to form parents' knowledge about the features and patterns of development of children with various developmental disabilities;

    to promote the expansion by parents of their own information field on the upbringing, education and development of children with developmental disabilities at home;

    to form knowledge about the structure and content of child-parent relationships.

Motivational competence:

    to promote the formation of the need and interest of parents in studying the characteristics of their child, predicting the prospects for his development;

    to promote the emergence of interest in the implementation of the educational function of parents;

    to help overcome the excessive emotional distance of parents with the child;

    to help overcome overprotection and disability of the child, the formation of a mindset to encourage the activity of the child.

Technological competence

    to form in parents the skills of establishing eye, tactile and speech contacts;

    to form ways of behavior in various situations of child-parent interaction.

    contribute to the formation of parents' focus on establishing dialogic forms of interaction and communication with the child as an equal partner.

Reflective competence:

    to promote the formation of a conscious attitude to the assessment of the conditions of family education in terms of their compliance with the characteristics of the child.

The content of family work

Theme of the event

The form


Organization of psychological, medical and pedagogical support in an educational institution.


Raise the level of parental competence in matters of education and upbringing by developing a common view of teachers and families on the essence of the process of psychological, medical and pedagogical support in order to create optimal conditions for the development of the child's personality.

Special child. Who is he?


To acquaint parents with the general and specific patterns of development of children with developmental disorders,methods for identifying developmental disabilities available to parents.

Techniques for identifying developmental disabilities available to parents



Build analysis skills.

Meaning various kinds sensitivity in human life.


To expand the understanding of the significance of various types of sensitivity in human life, the features of the emotional and personal development of children with developmental disabilities.

The role of speech in human life


Formation of ideas about the role of parents in the development of speech in children with developmental disabilities, the development of communication in children with developmental disabilities.

Ordinary parents special children



Acquaintance with the concept, structure, general characteristics of child-parent relationships; the concept of "normal" and "violated" parent-child relationships; the influence of disturbed parent-child relationships on the development of the child.

Rules for communicating with a child


Help in understanding the parental position: unconditional acceptance, rules of intervention and non-intervention.

Tactile contact. visual contact.



To acquaint with the concept, characteristics, function, methods of establishment.

Let's play and learn together...

The role and opportunities of parents in correctional and developmental work.

Practical session

Convince parents of the need to conduct correctional and developmental work with a child with developmental disabilities at home.

To improve the practical skills of the pedagogical competence of parents.

Literature and websites for parents

    Gippenreiter, Yu.B. Communicate with the child. How? / Yu.B. Gippenreiter. - M., 2005.

    Samoshchenko, I.V. Deaf child. Education and training: the experience of a mother and a teacher of the deaf / I.V. Samoshchenko. – Donetsk, 2003.

    Smirnova, A.N. Raising a mentally retarded child in a family: a guide for parents / A.N. Smirnova. - M., 1967.

    Solntseva, L.I. Raising blind children early age. Tips for parents / L.I. Solntseva, S.M. Good. - M., 2004.

    Shmatko, N.D. If the baby does not hear ... / N.D. Shmatko, T.V. Pelymskaya. - M., 1995.

    The program is designed to work within 6 months. The implementation of the program involves the organization of classes with parents and a parent-child group.

    In classes with parents, a psychologist is working on the formation of ideas about the developmental features of children with developmental disabilities, the characteristics of child-parent relationships, the formation and development of skills to establish various types of contact. As a rule, work with parents is carried out in the form of a seminar using lectures, psycho-gymnastic techniques, group discussions, library and fairy tale therapy, solving pedagogical problems, acting out situations, etc.

    The development and application of the knowledge and skills acquired by children and parents takes place in the classroom with the parent-child group. Classes with a parent-child group are conducted by a psychologist, involving, if necessary, an educator.

Tasks for parent-child interaction

    "Follow Tata's footsteps." A “path” of varying complexity is laid out of soft modules: the beginning of the path is simple and the child can walk along it himself, at the end of the path the child is forced to turn to an adult for help.

    Dinosaur hunting game. A group of participants stand in a circle - parents behind their children. The psychologist goes outside the circle, stands with his back to the group and begins to count loudly to 10. At this time, the participants pass a small toy dinosaur to each other. At the end of the count, the one who has the animal, stretching his arms forward, covers it with his palms (the mother covers the child's palms with her own). The rest of the participants repeat this gesture. The task of the driver is to find who has the dinosaur in their hands. Then the parent-child pair that had a dinosaur in their hands becomes the leader.

    Game "Siamese twins". Adult and child stand next to each other. With one hand they hug each other around the waist, the touching legs can be tied with a rope. Now they have three legs, two heads, two arms and one body. The game consists in following the psychologist's commands: stand up, sit down, jump, turn around. Then the "twins" are invited to split into 2 teams and cope with the relay task: bring as many sweets for tea drinking as possible (each pair can bring only one candy at a time).

Psychological and pedagogical situations for parents

    Discuss the situation, analyze it, determine the reasons for the child's behavior and offer options for solving the situation:

    A child with hearing impairment (HNST IV stage), 2.5 years. In free activities, he uses onomatopoeia and babble words, selects objects by ear from 2-3. When organizing activities within the framework of the lesson, he acts inadequately, refuses to complete the task, refuses to pronounce even onomatopoeia, which is often used in free activity.

Training exercises for parents

    Exercise "Speak, neighbor on the left!". All participants sit (or stand) in a circle. The psychologist approaches each player in turn and, looking at him, asks him one question. This question is answered not by the one at whom the leader is looking, but by the one who sits (stands) to his left. Questions must be prepared in advance so that the game runs at a fast pace. List of sample questions:

    What day of the week is today?

    Do you have a pet?

    Where do you work?

    What street do you live on?

    How many children do you have? etc.

    Discussion. Participants answer the question of what they felt during the game, how important eye contact with partners is for them, which is often absent when they communicate with children.

    Exercise "Looking into the eyes." Adults are divided into pairs. At the command of the psychologist, they begin to look into each other's eyes with different emotional states.

    Discussion. Participants share their feelings that arose during the exercise. The task of the psychologist is to bring to the realization that not only the very fact of visual contact is important, but also the time of this contact, as well as the emotional state against which this contact occurs.

    Exercise "Effective interaction".

    Stage 1 Verbal option. The group works in pairs. One of the participants in each pair holds in his hands an object that is significant to him (a book, a watch, a notebook with notes, etc.). The task of the second participant is to persuade the partner to give him this item. The first participant can give the item only when he wants to. Then the participants switch roles.

    Stage 2 Non-verbal option. The exercise is performed similarly to the verbal version, but using only non-verbal means of communication.

    It is advisable to discuss the exercise after both stages have been completed. During the discussion, participants in a circle share their impressions and answer the questions: “When was it easier to ask for an item?”, “What words or actions of a partner prompted you to give it away?”.

Material for control and self-control

    What is common between the development of a child with developmental disabilities and without them?

    Explain the concept of "unconditional acceptance".

    What are the main tasks of family education of children with developmental disabilities?

Express survey materials

    Express survey of parents upon completion of the process of mastering the program.

    Dear friends! You have been trained in the Competent Parent Program. We hope that our interaction was interesting and informative. In order to further improve further work in this direction, we ask you to answer a series of surveys that reveal your attitude to the implementation of the program.

    a) learn as much as possible about the features of the development and upbringing of your child;

    b) discuss the difficulties and problems that arise in communicating with children;

    c) get to know like-minded people, parents of my child's peers;

    d) get acquainted with the experience of other parents in organizing family education;

    e) make sure that I am raising my children properly.

2. As a result of attending classes, I learned:

    a) the need for competent implementation of the educational function;

    b) about features diversified development and upbringing of children in the family;

    c) on normative and legal documents regulating the educational function of the family;

    d) how to organize children's leisure;

    e) how to organize a developing environment at home.

3. As a result of attending classes, I learned:

    a) partnership with the child;

    b) organizing various types of children's activities;

    c) creation of the necessary developing environment;

    d) analysis of their own achievements in the implementation of the educational function;

    e) tracking the results of family education.

4. Classes helped me:

    a) not be afraid to express their opinions and judgments on the issues under discussion;

    b) correctly build interaction with the child;

    c) share the experience of raising a child and gain new experience;

    d) to organize the activities of the child at home in a new way;

    e) feel more confident in playing together with the child.

6. I believe that the proposed program is:

    a) effective, as many parents as possible should be involved in it;

    b) generally effective, but it is necessary to pay more attention to the practical training of parents;

    c) generally effective, but the range of issues and topics discussed should be expanded;

    d) inefficient, since it does not meet the current needs of parents who are raising children at home;

    e) ineffective, as it is overloaded with theoretical material and does not sufficiently ensure the activity of the parents themselves.

9. I evaluate personal achievements and results of participation in the program and its development as

    a) excellent;

    b) good;

    c) satisfactory;

    d) unsatisfactory;

    e) dissenting opinion _______________________________________________

    10. I propose to involve specialists in the implementation of the program (medical workers, lawyers, defectologists, speech therapists, etc.): ______________________________________

    11. General wishes:

    Thank you for your participation. We wish happiness, health and success in raising your children.

Expected results

    Awareness of the role and influence of the family on the formation of the personality of a child with disabilities.

    Formation of parental position: unconditional acceptance and change in the level of parental claims.

    Mastering the practical skills of the pedagogical competence of parents.


Parent Survey Results


I need information about my child's disabilities

I need to know about the diagnosis, the consequences of the disorder, and the treatment my child needs

I need information about the child's developmental prospects

I need information about my child's behavioral problems

It is important for me to participate in programs (classes) that will help me better understand and manage my child's behavior

There are 4 children in the Special Child class. The survey included 4 parents.


I really need help in this area

I would like help, but there is no urgent need for it

I don't need help in this area

I need to know about the programs my child is taking and how involved I am in my child's education

I need information about additional services or professionals to help my child

I need help to cope with difficulties in the family (jealousy of other children, problems with my husband, with relatives)

I want to participate in different activities that will help me become my child's teacher


I really need help in this area

I would like help, but there is no urgent need for it

I don't need help in this area


I want to attend lectures for parents on child education


It seems important to me to take part in active forms of education, where I myself (a) can learn to manage the behavior of my child and teach him


I find it important to attend groups of parents who have problems similar to mine.


I feel a great need only for individual advice from specialists


I need information about the existence of an association of parents of special children in the city

Elizabeth Spasova
Psychological and pedagogical competence of parents: essence and content

Psychological and pedagogical competence of parents: essence and content

According to "Federal Law on Education in the Russian Federation" No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012 (art. 44) parents(legal representatives) minor students have a preferential right to the education and upbringing of children over all other persons. They are obliged to lay the foundations of the physical, moral and intellectual development child's personality. Therefore, there is a need to study and form a competent, competent parent able to develop your child's competencies.

However, currently parents of a preschooler,there are different kinds of problems: insufficient development of educational skills, experience; lack of time for quality interaction with the child; lack of understanding parents educational technologies, entities functional responsibilities for the upbringing and education of children; lack of information about the characteristics of the child (psychological, pedagogical, etc.); independent search for answers to daily questions on the upbringing and development of children.

Lack of parents parenting skills, experience and sufficient time needed for quality interaction with the child, often compensated by parental overprotection, non-alternative forms of relations between an adult and a child. This leads to the accumulation of negative emotions in the relationship between adults and children, a change in the general climate in the family. over-busy parents, delegating education to the closest environment (grandparents) or third parties (nannies, governesses) changes content and the pace of the educational process, takes the form of intermittent, even negative or unplanned impact. The results of such upbringing are quite clearly traced in the behavior of the child and are manifested in children in the form of serious accentuations, the absence of the necessary motives, skills, knowledge and skills. Therefore, there is a need to use new, innovative technologies in working with parents in a preschool educational organization aimed at improving their general culture, educational potential and, consequently, psychological and pedagogical competence of parents of a preschooler.

Formation problem parental competence is very relevant today both scientifically and practical point vision. However, before proceeding to its direct consideration, let us turn to the theoretical understanding of the concepts « competence» , "pedagogical competence» , «» .

semantic meaning competence as"full rights" in the explanatory dictionary of V. Dahl includes "full proportion to the law" or "fullness of law". At the same time, knowledge is the basis for the execution of actions, the assertion of competence in relation to something. Dictionaries of the Russian language S. I. Ozhegov, D. N. Ushakov provide a definition competence as the possession of deep knowledge in some area; knowledge, awareness, authority, which, quite possibly, was the reason for understanding competence as the basis and consequence of the appropriation of a certain amount of knowledge, skills, abilities. It is no coincidence that an extensive subject of research is mainly considered the conditions for the acquisition by a person of a certain species competence, the distinctive features of its manifestation in education, in professional activities and human life in general.

I. A. Zimnyaya positions competence as an intellectually and personally conditioned experience of social and professional life of a person based on knowledge.

V. A. Bolotov and V. V. Serikov characterize competence as a form of existence of knowledge, skills, education, contributing to personal self-realization, finding an individual's own place in the world. According to V.P. Simonov, competence- this is an extensive integrative concept that characterizes the generalized ability of a person to solve life and professional problems, thanks to her knowledge, skills and experience.

Competence must be considered in the context of the level of skills of the individual, reflecting the degree of correlation of a certain competencies and allowing to work fruitfully in the changing conditions of social reality. Competence- this is the readiness and ability of an individual to mobilize a set of knowledge, methods of influence, relationships and external resources for successful work in specific life situations within the framework of optimal analysis, risk assessment, forecasting phenomena, solving difficulties, showing initiative and creativity.

A. V. Khutorskoy offers an interpretation of the definition competence as possession, the possession by the individual of a suitable competence, including his personal attitude to it and the subject of the work. Inside the concept « competence» , almost all scientists also distinguish its components. According to researchers, the key structural components competencies are: knowledge about a specific subject of activity, value attitudes and beliefs towards this knowledge and subject, willingness to apply knowledge, the ability to determine one’s own resources without errors, set tasks and perform a specific practical action on the implementation of this knowledge and the accumulation of work experience.

The analysis of the above made it possible to summarize that scientists in the context of studying the phenomenon « competence» distinguish high-quality ( meaningful, quantitative and multifunctional aspects. Classes of phenomena that determine the basis of the phenomenon « competence» considered within: specific ability", « mental state» , "combinations mental properties» , "Abilities and Skills", "characteristics of a particular individual or his actions", "highly specialized knowledge, skills", "collections competencies» , "social and individual forms of activity" etc. .

Aspects of high quality (meaningful) order reflect categories: "knowledge and experience", "circle of objects" or "circle of questions", "understanding responsibility for one's own knowledge", "special education", "experience of social and professional activity", "personal relationship", "humane value attitude" etc. Aspects of the quantity plan are dealt with under: "broad general and special erudition", "the level of learning social and individual ways of activity", "range and breadth of knowledge and skills", "good knowledge", "the degree of conformity of the main characteristic properties of the individual with the requirements of professional activity", "intellectual compliance with certain tasks, the solution of which is necessary for the subject working in this position", "quantitative and qualitative tasks that are formulated and solved by the individual in his main work functionality", “level and quality of mastering knowledge and skills”, "reliability of knowledge" etc.

Aspects of the functional plan emphasize the need to study competence"for making judgments about something", “for effective work in this subject area”, "to make successful decisions". This aspect highlights the need competence“in environments where you need to work independently and responsibly”, optimally necessary "perform specific job functions". Competence enables the individual "within their own capabilities and status to work successfully in society"; as an ability it enables "perform certain tasks"; "rationally organize and calculate their own work", "use knowledge in typical situations", and also “quickly adapt them when changing goals, technology, organization and working conditions”, “use the acquired knowledge in the practice of professional activity”, “creatively apply them, creating the latest information, innovative objects of reality, changing the surrounding conditions in accordance with self-improvement plans, self-realization of the individual, etc. .

There are various classifications competencies. In the framework of the ongoing study, we are interested in pedagogical and. In this perspective parent competence we consider as a set of general cultural (communicative, informational, self-education) and specific (legal, financial, emotional, public, vital, pedagogical) competencies sufficient for the successful implementation by him of the functions of teaching, educating and becoming children for their successful socialization in a changing world. A competent parent is a person who does not experience anxiety, fear and guilt for being "bad" parent. This is a subject who is ready to create a real environment in which his baby grows up and make efforts to change it in a positive direction for the optimal development of the child. This is an individual who understands that if one thing cannot help, you need to try another. The competent parent knows that in order to build a promising trajectory for the development of a baby in a more favorable direction, you need to change personally, try, search, in general - learn. Such parent is considered to be a well-formed person, able to take on responsibility in all kinds of situations, ready to expand the boundaries of his own knowledge and improve them.

Modern scientists interpret pedagogical competence of parents as: an extensive general cultural concept that is part of pedagogical culture (E. V. Bondarevskaya, Yu. A. Gladkova); unity of theoretical and practical readiness parents to the implementation of pedagogical work, the ability to understand the needs of the children and create conditions for their satisfaction (E. P. Arnautova, O. L. Zvereva); integrative, systemic, personal education, a set of personal and activity features that make it possible to effectively carry out the process of raising a child in a family (S. S. Piyukova, V. V. Selina); knowledge, skills, abilities and methods of performing pedagogical work (N. F. Talyzina, R. K. Shakurov); an integral characteristic that determines the ability to solve difficulties and ordinary tasks that arise in the real environment of pedagogical work, using knowledge, experience, values ​​and inclinations (A. P. Tryapitsyna); the possibility of creating conditions in which children feel relatively safe, receiving adult support in development and providing the necessary for this (N. G. Kormushina); presence at parent knowledge, skills and experience in the field of raising a child (M. M. Mizina); ability parents organize home socio-pedagogical work on the formation of social skills and social intelligence in the child by the method competent building life training (E. V. Rudensky); as a component of a person’s general culture, as an integrative characteristic of socially valuable and professionally significant personal and business qualities, which are the result of the internalization of the corresponding competencies and manifested in his readiness and ability to successfully perform the function of socializing children of a particular age; set of personality-activity traits parent,making it possible to effectively implement the process of raising a child in a family and including: willingness and ability to perceive the child as a value; possession of basic psychological and pedagogical knowledge; the ability to search, perceive and select information; the ability to cooperate with the baby in objective activities; the ability to design their pedagogical work and the activities of the baby; skills to implement the function of socialization of the child in the course of home education.

For the study, the views of E. V. Cherdyntsev on the structure of pedagogical competence of parents of preschoolers integrating the following Components: knowledge about the emotional distinctive features of preschoolers, about the methods of productive communication and emotional support for children at this age stage; knowledge about the key areas, methods, means of educating and developing children in preschool age; the ability to identify difficulties in raising your own child, to establish the root causes of the situation; the ability to perform the selection of methods and means of education in accordance with the age periodization of the preschooler and on the basis of an analysis of the problem that has arisen; the ability to communicate productively with your child; the ability to predict quite likely problems in interaction with a preschooler and ways to overcome them; the ability to correct one's own style of interaction with the child.

We believe that there is a need to distinguish between concepts "pedagogical parental competence» and « psychological competence of parents» . Psychological competence necessary for all those who apply to the sphere "man - man", which fully applies to parent-child communication. Based on observational practice, not everyone parent can explain misunderstood material to the child, while parent understands the problem of the child, owns the material himself, but does not own the methods of explanation, and here is the problem "pedagogical parent competence» .

Psychological competence of parents- represents a system of knowledge about the age stages of a child's development, psychology communication and interaction. It is an internal personal tool parents contributing to the effective implementation of the upbringing of children. The psychological competence of parents can be determined,how: readiness for goal setting; readiness for planning and foresight; readiness for action; readiness for assessment; readiness for reflection; readiness for self-development.

I. S. Yakimanskaya gives the following definition of personality as a set of knowledge, skills and abilities in psychology; clarity of position regarding the role psychology in family health care; ability to use psychological knowledge in the family; the ability to see behind the behavior of the child his condition, the level of development of cognitive processes, the emotional-volitional sphere, character traits, the ability to navigate, evaluate psychological situation in relations with the child and choose a rational way of communication.

According to L. S. Kolmogorova, psychological competence can be characterized through efficiency, constructiveness of activity (external and internal) based psychological literacy, that is, it means effective application knowledge and skills to solve problems rhodium-plated tasks, problems. Psychological competence is a complex skills and properties of a person that contribute to the effective implementation of his parent functions solving the difficulties and problems that arise in interaction with children. Psychological competence of parents is aimed at creating conditions for effective interaction with the child, taking into account his age and personality characteristics.

E. A. Ovsyannikova psychological competencehighlights the following common elements: development and adequate use psychological means of knowledge and self-knowledge, communication, games, etc.; analysis of past experience and its adequate use to solve urgent psychological problems; mastering the knowledge, skills, abilities necessary to solve psychological problems, tasks (self-regulation, communication, etc., and their adequate use, transfer to specific conditions; development of effective behavior programs, activities in various situations.

Thus, the analysis of existing definitions psychological and pedagogical competences and their derivatives, gives us reason to concretize the concept « psychological and pedagogical competence of the parent» (sharing the position of I. A. Merkul) as a formed personal education in the form of a person's readiness for constructive implementation parent role from an adequate understanding entities of parent tasks to run, their social significance, constructive possession of accumulated experience in the family sphere, subjective attitude towards their child, continuous improvement of the style of education based on psychological and pedagogical achievements in domestic and world culture in the field parent-child relationship.

Psychological and pedagogical competence of the parent how personal education integrates a set of special (associated with the birth, upbringing and education of the child) knowledge and skills (knowledge of the methodological foundations and categories of pedagogy and psychology, understanding the patterns of socialization and personality development; picture of entities, goals and technologies of upbringing and education of the individual; understanding not only the laws of its anatomical and physiological, but also mental development at different age stages, etc., methodological skills (the ability to independently find solutions complex parenting tasks, skills of self-education and self-development as parent, personal qualities that determine the internal readiness of the individual for conscious parenthood. Structure psychological and pedagogical competence of the parent includes the following Components: cognitive-reflexive, value-semantic, socio-cultural, personal, emotional-regulatory.

V. V. Korobkova somewhat differently defines the structure psychological and pedagogical competence of parents in the context of relying on the theory of the psychological readiness of the individual for activity (M. I. Dyachenko, L. A. Kandybovich, etc.). In the general structure of a person's readiness for activity, they single out a motivational block, which includes responsibility for solving a problem, a sense of duty; orientation block, consisting of knowledge and ideas about the conditions of activity, its requirements for the individual; the operational unit, which includes the possession of methods and techniques of activity, the necessary knowledge, skills, abilities, processes of analysis, comparison, generalization, etc.; emotional-volitional block, represented by self-control, self-mobilization, the ability to manage actions that make up the performance of duties; an evaluation block as a self-assessment of one's readiness and compliance with the process of solving problems with optimal images. Based on the structure of a person's readiness for activity, researchers determine components of psychological and pedagogical competence of parents and their meaningful characteristics:

Motivational component: awareness of the need for one's self-development and achievement of greater efficiency in the process of educational activities; awareness of priorities in one's own parenting experience, educational tasks and problems in the process of family education; awareness parents oneself as a subject of creative educational activity;

Orientational component: possession psychological and pedagogical knowledge in the field of pedagogical support and development of the child in the family; knowledge of modern methods and techniques for the implementation of pedagogical support; knowledge of original methods of raising a child;

Operational component: the ability to put into practice the methods and means of education, tactics and strategies of pedagogical support; the ability to create a subject-developing environment for the child, change their behavior depending on the behavior of the child, respond flexibly to various communicative situations;

Emotional-volitional component: stability psycho-emotional state of parents, adequate self-esteem; ability to create an environment of trust psychological security and equal cooperation; the ability to constructively overcome a stressful state in a positive direction of interaction with the child (positive attitude, effective communication);

Estimated component: ability for pedagogical self-regulation, self-reflection, self-control, self-assessment parental behavior; the ability to analyze your experience, predict the results of the application of educational strategies.

Consequently, psychological and pedagogical competence considered in the context of effective parental behavior manifested in readiness and ability parents on the basis of psychological and pedagogical knowledge, skills and experience in the field of raising a child to purposefully create an emotionally comfortable, developing community with the child, providing him with a subject position of his own life, solving problems and typical tasks that arise in real situations of educational practice.

Formation psychological and pedagogical competence as a general theoretical socio-pedagogical foundations provides for the awareness parents the limits of their competence and the need for its expansion and enrichment; differentiation and individualization of the development of motherhood, fatherhood and marriage as sociocultural phenomena; taking into account the general and specific social factors of the environment in the family and outside it and their influence on the development of children at different stages of ontogenesis.

As specific foundations for the formation parental competenceone can consider their focus on: the adequacy of the upbringing of children to the specifics, tasks and individual opportunities for their development at each age stage; orientation towards increasing the educational, socio-cultural and protective potential of the family as the main resource for the formation of positive family values ​​and traditions of the social development of children and the family-neighboring community; motivation parents on interaction with specialists for more successful social development of the child and the family-neighborhood community; mastery parents humane methods of social education of children at different stages of the family life cycle, capable of successful adaptation to changing social situations.

Kernitskaya Elena Sergeevna, student, direction "Pedagogical education", training profile " Elementary education”, Tyumen State University, Tyumen

Formation of pedagogical competence of parents in the work of a teacher primary school

Annotation. Entering school, the child becomes the center of the "pedagogical triangle" (teacher-student-parent). Successes and failures in the upbringing and development of the child largely depend on what the relationship will be like in this “pedagogical triangle.” pedagogical literacy and conscious parenthood. The combination of psychological and pedagogical methods and forms of work with parents into a support system (the program "Training Parents of Primary Schoolchildren in Adaptive Models of Family Education"), as well as the use of technology to increase the pedagogical competence of parents - all this contributes to the achievement of the goal of the study - the formation of the pedagogical competence of parents. Key words: family education, pedagogical culture, literacy, competence.

Introduction. Among the problems that teachers face in working with parents of adolescent children is the unwillingness of parents to cooperate with the school, ignoring parent meetings, class activities, etc. The reason for this relationship is to be found in primary school when parents want to cooperate with the teacher, are ready to provide him with the necessary help and support, and the teacher sometimes ignores or underestimates this readiness of parents and pays them a minimum of their attention.

Formulation of the purpose and objectives of the article. Pedagogical management of family education involves helping the family for the versatile development of the individual; counseling on the choice of methods and techniques for raising a child. And, first of all, assistance should be aimed at improving the pedagogical culture of parents based on the development of professional competence. Presentation of the main material of the article. The works of many scientists have been devoted to the solution of this problem, but the organizational and content aspects of the formation of the pedagogical competence of parents of younger students in the work of a teacher have not yet been developed. In our study, we relied on theoretical approaches to understanding and developing pedagogical culture, the competence of parents , the idea of ​​effective parenthood (R.V. Ovcharova); research methods to identify the level of formation of the pedagogical competence of parents (I.A. Merkul), (E.G. Eidemilleri). The analysis of the studies gave us the opportunity to “highlight” a number of problems in the practice of interaction between the “teacher-comb-parent”. It should be noted the low level of psychological and pedagogical culture of the participants in the interaction; lack of understanding by parents of the inherent value of the period of primary school age and its significance for the formation of the personality as a whole; lack of "pedagogical reflection" among parents and teachers. Teachers find it difficult to determine the content, forms and methods of work of the school with the family. Nishkola, and parents, family - that's who are the social customers. Insufficient awareness of parents about the specifics of children's activities at school, and teachers about the upbringing of children in the family; conservatism of the parental position, guardianship of a child of primary school age; the widespread attitude of teachers to parents not as subjects of educational activity, but as objects; stereotyped, standard ideas of teachers that parents need not “life-oriented”, but strictly scientific psychological and pedagogical knowledge about their children - all this complicates the process of organizing the work of a teacher with a family. Speaking about the pedagogical culture of parents, we mean sufficient preparedness, personal qualities that reflect the level of perfection of the educator.

By "pedagogical competence" we mean: an integral characteristic, which includes a set of knowledge, skills, abilities and experience in raising a child; the ability to rely on existing knowledge, experience, values ​​to solve problems and tasks that arise in the process of life; the ability to create conditions for the safe life of children; the ability of parents to include the child in activities aimed at developing his social skills, abilities, intelligence through inclusion in real life situations. In the studies of R.V. Ovcharova defines the following components of the pedagogical competence of parents: cognitive, emotional, behavioral. Arnautova proposes to single out such components as motivational, personal, organizational and communicative, etc. in the structure of pedagogical competence.

Nevertheless, the multidimensional nature of the interpretation of the pedagogical competence of parents and its composition, in the content of the components, is established by the mandatory presence of a motivational element, personal qualities, knowledge, skills, including communicative ones. Therefore, on the basis of generalization, grouping, it is possible to single out such components as: (cognitive) and communicative-activity. Motivational-personal

the component assumes a certain position of adults in relation not only to the child, but also to themselves (empathy, pedagogical reflection), the interest of parents in the successful upbringing of children. about the upbringing and development of children. The communicative activity component, according to A.V. Minina [9] contains communicative, organizational, practical skills and abilities. Therefore, we consider pedagogical competence as an integrative quality. Analyzing the work of pedagogues and psychologists, it can be concluded that the methods of increasing the pedagogical competence of parents involve a variety of psychological practices in working with the child's family. And everyone should be involved in this process: parents, children, teachers.

The combination of modern forms of work with the family and the use of methods to enhance parental experience contributes to increasing the level of each of the components of parental competence in the upbringing and development of children. The use of a system of various forms and active methods for improving the pedagogical competence of parents, based on the goals and objectives of the formation of each of the structural components, will be an important condition for increasing the pedagogical competence of parents.

This is not an easy matter, since it involves the “birth” of completely new meanings of activity in parents, self-change of personality, the emergence of new mechanisms of self-regulation in activity. Consequently, the process of forming the pedagogical competence of parents is long and emotionally intense. competencies are: facilitative orientation of a person; home and social environment; recognition of the inherent value of the experience of parents in raising children; subject-subjective interaction of a teacher and parents based on psychological and pedagogical support. The work of a teacher with a schoolchild's family can be carried out in several directions: pedagogical education of parents, involvement of parents in the educational process, involvement of parents in school management. The mass, group and individual forms of work with parents that exist in pedagogical practice are aimed at implementing these areas. The study was conducted on the basis of the municipal autonomous educational institution Isetskaya secondary school No. 2 (Isetskoye village, Isetsky district, Tyumen region). An analysis of the experience in developing the pedagogical competence of primary school parents was carried out with parents of 1 "A" and 1 "B" classes in the amount of 65 people. Experimental group: parents of students of 1 "A" class in the amount of 32 people. Control group: parents of students in grade 1 "B" in the amount of 33 people. A characteristic of the levels of manifestation of the components of the pedagogical competence of parents was formulated: high, medium, low. In the framework of our study, the following methods were used to study the pedagogical competence of parents: Questionnaire for parents "Styles and methods of raising a child in a family” (aimed at studying the level of knowledge of the age and individual characteristics of the child and ways of interacting with him); Test "Me and my child" (to determine the social orientation of the motives and needs of parents in education; determines the motivational-personal component); Questionnaire "Analysis of family relationships" (designed to study the influence of parents on the process of raising a child and search for errors in parenting, which allows diagnosing violations of the process of raising a family). Low level of pedagogical competence among 13 parents (41%) in experimental group and 13 parents (41%) in the control class. Such parents underestimate the role of social culture in the personal development of the child. They do not have information about the characteristics of the mental maturation of children. They are not guided in the performance of the relevant educational functions, they do not want to recognize either parental responsibility or the right of the child to self-affirmation or creativity. Kindergartens, schools, the state - that's who is responsible for the upbringing of their children. The function of the family is reduced to material support. In most cases, such parents are not fully aware of the negative impact of poor family relations, they do not want to communicate with the teacher. These parents do not consider it necessary to introduce their children to cultural values. As a rule, they subordinate the prospects for the further development of their child to mercantile interests: getting an education, earning money. The average level of pedagogical competence in the experimental group was 8 parents (25%) and 8 parents (25%) in the control group. The range of interests in the upbringing and social development of their children is quite wide, but cannot be fully realized due to “lack of time”, “own infantilism”, as well as the situational nature of the educational function. These parents are aware of the need and importance of social education. However, they are limited to participation in those promotions offered by the educational institution. They do not trust the prevailing influence of family culture on the results of the social development of children, they do not always show interest in the process of raising the level of their own social culture. A high level of pedagogical competence in the experimental group was noted in 11 parents (34%), in the control group in 12 parents (36 %). These parents have a well-developed desire to know the individual characteristics of the development of their child. They show interest in organizing a pedagogically justified environment. They take an active part in the life of the school. These parents showed the stability of cognitive interests in the psychological and pedagogical aspects of the educational process. The overall results of the study showed a high percentage of parents with a low level of pedagogical competence, which once again confirms the relevance of the problem under study, and convinces us of the need for a more active involvement of the family in the pedagogical process of social development and education of younger students. Based on the results of the ascertaining stage of the experiment, we developed and implemented a program to improve the pedagogical competence of parents of younger students, developed a set of preventive, educational and developmental measures. In order to improve the pedagogical competence of parents, the program “Training Parents of Primary School Students in Adaptive Models of Family Education” was developed and implemented. The program consisted of an introductory (diagnostic) cycle of classes, a cycle of lectures, teaching (training) classes. competence of parents; training parents in communication skills, conflict resolution; training parents in the technology of presenting pedagogical requirements; correction of the style of parenting. Trainings were held simultaneously with parents and students. Throughout the experiment, the emphasis was on forming knowledge about the specifics of primary school age : health saving, planning of educational and free time, the ability to communicate with classmates and teachers. The pedagogical vocabulary of all participants in the experiment was replenished with such concepts as “pedagogical literacy”, “health-saving technologies”, “health culture”, etc. At the request of the parents, the topic “Discipline and discipline” was considered, in view of the numerous questions at individual consultations. The concept of "conscious discipline" as a meaningful assimilation by pupils of the rules of conduct, moral standards, the ability to analyze their actions and the behavior of other people, the daily routine, a responsible attitude to learning, the development of learning skills, activities and sustainable interpersonal relationships, the use of pedagogical measures of influence, focus on development Personality is all we have attributed to conscious discipline. Moreover, the focus on personal development involves the disclosure of cognitive interest, the inculcation of a culture of reading, sports and art, creative activity, classes in circles and clubs. Parents were offered several formulations, according to which it was necessary to determine how disciplined their children are: the child knows how to plan work; the child is able to perform responsible work well; a child never puts off until tomorrow what can be done today; the child performs the assigned task without delay; the child always goes to school without delay; child

positively suggestible; the child respects the opinions of others. The answers served as data for reflection and change in the situation with the help of educational influences that were previously offered. The work with parents was organized on the basis of updating the motivational-personal, gnostic, communicative-activity components of pedagogical competence through the inclusion of parents in the organization and conduct of:

parent meetings in traditional and interactive forms, lectures, conferences, presentations, open days (motivational-personal component);

discussion evenings, parental readings, trainings (gnostic component);

role-playing pedagogical situations, workshops (communicative activity component). Parents were included in the decision of self-educational (filling gaps in pedagogical knowledge, development of creative thinking in educational field), communicatively

advisory (joint psychological and pedagogical search for individual methods of influencing the child) and educational (to see and understand age-related changes occurring with children) tasks. The program ended with a control diagnostic study. Conclusions. Summarizing the results of the study, we can assert with all responsibility (data from quantitative and qualitative research methods) that the level of pedagogical competence of parents has increased significantly in all components, which indicates the effectiveness of the proposed program of work with parents. The effectiveness of the formation of pedagogical competence of parents was achieved. The work on the formation of the pedagogical competence of parents of younger students gave us reason to conclude that the level of formation of the pedagogical competence of parents depends on how the interaction of the teacher, educational institution with the family is organized. age features, general tendencies and directions of the process of formation and maturation of the child; "teaching" parents specific educational and developmental technologies, trainings to overcome crisis situations in the process of raising children, assistance in mastering new pedagogical knowledge and skills - all this contributes to the harmonization of existing tensions in the family.

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"Psychological and pedagogical competence of parents

as the most important factor in the upbringing of the child in the family"

(from the experience of working with parents of MDOU kindergarten No. 4 "Sun" in Pyatigorsk)

In the context of the formation of a system of national values, the family is of particular importance as the best natural environment for a person to educate, protect and develop children, as an important factor in their socialization.

Today it is no secret to anyone that the family as a social institution is going through an acute crisis, the causes of which are both external contradictions (between society and the family) and intra-family contradictions that lead to an increase in the number of dysfunctional children, divorces, which, of course, does not contribute to successful upbringing and development of children.

The federal law "On approval of the federal program for the development of education" obliges employees preschool education to develop various forms of interaction with the families of pupils, since the education system should be focused not only on tasks from the state, but also on public educational demand, on the real needs of consumers of educational services.

The Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" obliges teachers and parents to become not only equal, but equally responsible participants in the educational process.

In conditions when the majority of families are concerned about solving the problems of economic, and sometimes physical survival, the tendency of self-withdrawal of many parents from solving issues of upbringing and personal development of the child has intensified. Parents, not possessing sufficient knowledge of the age and individual characteristics of the child's development, sometimes carry out education blindly, intuitively. All this, as a rule, does not bring positive results.

The Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” states: “Parents are the first teachers. They are obliged to lay the first foundations for the physical, moral and intellectual development of the child's personality at an early age.

Family and kindergarten are two public institutions that stand at the origins of our future, but often they do not always have enough mutual understanding, tact, patience to hear and understand each other.

The main directions of scientific consideration of the problem of the pedagogical culture of parents were identified in the works of Ya.A. Kamensky, K.D. Ushinsky, A.S. Makarenko, V.A. Sukhomlinsky.

For the past three years, a psychological club for parents “We bring up together” has been functioning in the MDOU kindergarten No. 4 “Solnyshko”. The work in the club is structured in such a way as to show parents that pedagogical and psychological culture is an integral part of the general culture of a person. Psychological and pedagogical culture should be understood as their sufficient readiness for educational activities, the ability to show the qualities of an educator in the process of family life. In addition, the content of this concept implies a set of specific means, the mastery of which makes the family able to organize the educational process and manage it in accordance with certain social requirements.

These funds include:

    a clear understanding of educational goals;

    certain psychological and pedagogical knowledge;

    necessary pedagogical skills and abilities;

    formation of pedagogical skills based on knowledge and skills (pedagogical tact, observation, reasonable demands on children and respect for them), etc.

In our society, much attention is paid to the formation of a comprehensively developed personality. Therefore, it is very important to increase the efficiency of all parts of educational work. And, above all, the level of education in the family, where the child receives the first skills, the rudiments of a worldview, as well as in preschool institutions, where the tasks of physical and mental, moral and aesthetic education children according to age. Hence the need for a creative union of parents and teachers.

At club meetings, we try to convince parents that their activities largely determine the creation of that pedagogically expedient set of conditions that play a decisive role in the formation and development of personality, changing the child's microenvironment for educational purposes. It, no less important, activates the process of educating the educator himself. Any underestimation of the upbringing activities of the family leads to the self-flow and spontaneity of the formation of the child's personality.

Education as a purposeful activity depends on a number of circumstances:

    compliance of education with the requirements of society;

    nature of family relations;

    experience of social communication of parents;

    family traditions;

    psychological and pedagogical culture of parents.

Psychological and pedagogical culture makes it possible to carry out the educational process in a more purposeful and organized manner, to some extent reduces the elements of spontaneity in family education.

“Pedagogical culture for every family” - this motto is put in last years determining in the organization of propaganda of pedagogical knowledge among the population. The minimum pedagogical knowledge now available in almost every family does not meet the requirements of modern society. Therefore, it is so necessary to improve the pedagogical culture of each parent. The upbringing of children, the formation of the child's personality from the first years of his life is the main responsibility of parents. The family influences the child, introduces him to the life around him.

Realizing their responsibility for the successful upbringing of the child, respecting the opinion of adults, parents of preschool children take on the main concern for the upbringing of children.

Many young parents understand the need to shape the child's personality from an early age, to strengthen contacts with the kindergarten. However, many tasks of family education are not carried out for various reasons. One of the existing reasons is the insufficient pedagogical and psychological culture of parents. They often lack ethical, legal, psychological and pedagogical knowledge, the most important practical skills.

Children grow up, and parents must grow up with them: the style of communication changes, requirements are adjusted, individual characteristics of a certain period of childhood are taken into account. How to teach this to fathers and mothers? In our preschool institution, conditions have been created for the formation of curiosity and cognitive interests in children. However, to achieve effective results in educating preschoolers of these valuable personality traits is possible only in close cooperation with the family. The family has great opportunities for the consistent development of a child's interest in learning. Parents are well aware of the characteristics of the child, can influence his feelings, lay the foundation for a positive attitude towards certain aspects of reality.

The cognitive interest and curiosity of the child is especially clearly manifested in communication, so parents should be able to win over the child to themselves, to arouse in him the need to communicate.

Recently, in our country, various non-traditional forms work with parents: family clubs, trainings and others that we successfully use in the work of the psychological club for parents and in the preschool institution as a whole. With their help, many problems associated with the upbringing of children are successfully overcome.

In modern conditions, one of the main tasks of parent associations remains the organization and implementation of pedagogical general education. Lectures, parent universities, round tables, conferences and many other permanent and one-time forms of pedagogical education used in the work of the club help those parents who want to better understand their child, properly organize the process of communication with them, help in solving difficult issues, overcome conflict situations.

In our kindergarten, all conditions have been created for organizing a single space for the development and upbringing of a child. Joint work of specialists of the preschool educational institution (teacher-psychologist, educator, instructor in physical education, nurse, music worker, specialists in additional education, parents) for the implementation of the educational program provides psychological and pedagogical support for the family at all stages of preschool childhood, makes parents truly equally responsible participants in the educational process.

Involving parents in the joint upbringing of children, we were looking for new effective forms of work with the family, which would make it possible to arouse interest in the life of children in kindergarten, to intensify the participation of parents in the upbringing of children. So, in the process of communicating with parents, we came up with the idea to create a club for parents “Raising Together” with the aim of psychological and pedagogical education of parents on the issues of raising a child in a family. At club meetings, parents have the opportunity to discuss problem situations arising in the process of raising children. At the same time, they acquire valuable experience for their families, where the formation of new, positive attitudes of child-parent relations has a huge impact on the relationship between the child and the adult.

The main activities of the club are providing medical, psychological and pedagogical assistance to parents of pupils, promoting the positive experience of family education, increasing the competence of parents in the development and education of preschool children.

In psychology, there is a postulate: in every person there lives a child with his natural desires, a parent with knowledge of norms and rules, and an adult who can find the "golden mean" between these two poles. If you believe psychology, then the “parent” in each of us should know, among other things, how to properly and in accordance with what standards to raise their own child. Is it so? After all, the profession of a parent is perhaps the only one that no one teaches. The basics of the profession and the secrets of mastery are comprehended in practice. Does it look correct enough when the “material” for the professional development of parents is their own child? After conducting a small study among kindergarten parents, we received interesting data:

Most parents do not see the connection between their own knowledge of developmental psychology, the laws of communication and problems in raising a child,

Not all parents are ready to accept help in education only from the educator, they want to communicate with specialists involved in a deep study of a particular problem,

Parents are ready not only to listen to lectures, but also to participate in trainings, business games, exchange experience in education,

The forms of work with parents in the club are varied: training seminars, round tables, lectures, debates, trainings, thematic exhibitions of literature, slide folders, booklets, business games, etc. All work is carried out in two directions: individually and with a team of parents.

Individual forms of work with parents are conversations, consultations of a psychologist and a teacher, online consultations of a teacher-psychologist on the first psychological site of the city of Pyatigorsk.

General consultations, general and group parent meetings, conferences, exhibitions, lectures, debates, round tables, seminars, practical exercises with elements of training, trainings, etc. are organized for a team of parents. In addition, thematic stands, slide folders, video presentations, etc. are arranged for parents.

In more detail and fully acquaint parents with this or that issue of education, folders-movers, which are designed in each group of the kindergarten, allow. Usually they select thematic material with practical recommendations, which is systematically updated.

Communicating with parents individually, we get the opportunity to establish relations with them on mutual respect, outline ways of further assistance to the family, and give parents specific recommendations on raising a child.

Thus, the ongoing work with parents to improve the psychological and pedagogical culture is carried out in such a way that each parent has the opportunity to get acquainted, take part in educational work.

At the beginning of the functioning of the club, the most difficult thing was to involve the parents themselves in active interaction, there were problems with visiting, low activity of parents.

Careful preparation for each meeting of the club, a clear selection of material, non-traditional forms, practical activities, unobtrusiveness in teaching various methods of working with children - all this contributed to the interest of parents in attending club meetings.

The club performance criteria are:

    High attendance by parents of all planned classes.

    Use by parents of the proposed materials in working with children.

    Positive assessment of the family and feedback on further cooperation with the preschool.

In order to study the level of parental motivation in terms of cooperation with a preschool institution, a survey of parents of pupils of younger and older preschool age was conducted. During the study, the following questions were studied:

    the adequacy of the assessment of the condition of your child;

    readiness for full cooperation;

    the degree of initiative in terms of cooperation with the preschool educational institution;

    productivity of recommendations.

A different degree of readiness to cooperate with a preschool institution, respectively, determines the different levels of parental motivation.

The results of studying the level of parental motivation in terms of readiness to cooperate with preschool educational institutions for 2008 - 2011 are presented in the table below:



academic year


academic year

2010-2011 academic year










Adequate assessment of the condition of your child










Readiness for full cooperation









Degree of initiative in terms of cooperation with PEI









Productivity in using recommendations




















Monitoring the development of the level of parental motivation




high level




average level









The ongoing work allows to increase the psychological and pedagogical competence of parents in matters of child-parent relationships.

The upbringing and development of a child is impossible without the participation of parents. In order for them to become assistants to the teacher, to develop creatively together with the children, it is necessary to convince them that they are capable of this, that there is no more exciting and nobler thing than learning to understand your child, and having understood him, help in everything, be patient and delicate and then everything will work out.

The use of various forms of work with parents gave certain results: parents from "spectators" and "observers" became active participants in meetings and assistants in the upbringing of the child.

The organization of interaction with the family is a difficult job, which does not have ready-made technologies and recipes. Its success is determined by the intuition, initiative and patience of the teacher, his ability to become a professional assistant in the family.

Family and kindergarten are two educational phenomena, each of which gives the child a social experience in its own way, but only in combination with each other will they create optimal conditions for the entry of a small person into the big world.


educational psychologist

MDOU kindergarten No. 4 "Sun"


Komandin E.N.

  • Specialty HAC RF13.00.01
  • Number of pages 200



§ 1. Competence of parents in raising children as a pedagogical problem.

§ 2. Analysis of the content of the pedagogical competence of parents raising foster children.



§ 1. Theoretical approaches to building a program for the formation of pedagogical competence of parents.

Recommended list of dissertations

  • Education and personal development of orphans in the conditions of alternative forms of life arrangement 2008, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Palieva, Nadezhda Andreevna

  • Pedagogical conditions for the interaction of educational institutions and foster families in the upbringing of foster children 2008, candidate of pedagogical sciences Chugunova, Elvira Ivanovna

  • Technology of pedagogical support for adoptive parents in the scientific and methodological center for supporting the foster family 2010, candidate of pedagogical sciences Kurasova, Tatyana Ivanovna

  • Psychological and pedagogical support for the life of orphans and children left without parental care 2011, candidate of pedagogical sciences Kondratyeva, Natalya Ivanovna

  • Social adaptation in the foster family of orphans and children left without parental care 2009, candidate of pedagogical sciences Gorbunova, Elena Anatolyevna

Introduction to the thesis (part of the abstract) on the topic "Formation of pedagogical competence of parents of foster children"

The relevance of research. The family plays an indispensable role in the formation and development of the child's personality, his individual qualities and social characteristics. However, in the context of the transformation of socio-economic and political relations in the country, under the influence of numerous stress factors, the family often fails to cope with its socializing function, does not guarantee the protection of the child, and sometimes even harms his physical and mental health. mental health. Children live in conditions of socio-psychological deprivation, experience a lack of emotional support, and in critical cases are deprived of appropriate supervision and care from their parents, are socially and pedagogically neglected, and are subjected to various kinds of abuse.

Since the beginning of the 1990s, measures have been taken in the country to improve the situation of children. Adoption of a number of federal laws, introduction presidential program"Children of Russia", the development of legislative acts and programs aimed at protecting the rights of children in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, laid the foundation for the formation of a state policy focused on supporting childhood. However, despite the advisability of assisting the child in native family, it does not always achieve the desired results. The low moral, cultural and economic level of families leading an asocial lifestyle raises the question of their failure as an institution for raising a child. Children from such families need social and legal protection: removal from the family and transfer to state custody. At the same time, scientists and specialists give preference to placing a child for upbringing in foster family rather than to a specialized institution.

The foster family as a form of arrangement for the upbringing of children left without parental care is distinguished by a temporary nature and a contractual way of formalizing relations. The advantages due to which it is one of the priority areas of family policy in Russia are as follows: focus on maintaining and maintaining contacts between the child and the family of origin; providing professional assistance to the child foster parents having appropriate training and a certain level of qualification; a comfortable psychological environment, as close as possible to the family, allowing the child to get out of stress due to separation from relatives and experienced a difficult situation.

At the same time, according to research conducted in the Samara region, which occupies a leading position in the creation and patronage of foster families in the Russian Federation, in the first half of 2002 the number of children placed in foster care decreased by 30%. On the other hand, there has been an increase in the number of families terminating agreements on the placement of a child left without parental care in a foster family.

Analyzing the causes of this phenomenon, experts point to the low level of pedagogical competence of foster parents as a combination of certain personality characteristics and pedagogical activity, which make it possible to effectively carry out the process of raising a child in a family. In practice, this is expressed in the following: inadequacy of expectations in relation to the adopted child; insufficient awareness of adoptive parents about the peculiarities of the medical, psychological, pedagogical status of a foster child, and, as a result, the inability to provide him with the necessary assistance; insufficient preparation of candidates for foster parents for their functional duties (this applies mainly to such areas of the foster family as educational, educational, and the implementation of medical recommendations); own psychological problems adoptive parents that they are trying to resolve through a foster child; insufficient interaction and mutual understanding with family service specialists.

The situation is complicated by the fact that at present the traditional forms of work with parents, such as pedagogical general education, pedagogical education, have lost their positions and require creative rethinking. There is no clear understanding of the phenomenology of the pedagogical competence of parents and the means of its formation in modern conditions.

Building a concept for the formation of the pedagogical competence of parents raising foster children requires an analysis of the current socio-pedagogical situation, experience in psychological and pedagogical work with parents, and the accumulation of a research fund.

Summarizing the available research, we can conditionally identify several areas in this area:

The problem of formation of professional and pedagogical competence is considered in the works of V.P. Bezdukhov, E.V. Bondarevskaya, B.S. Gershunsky, N.V. Kuzmina, Yu.N. ,

A.K.Markova, L.N.Mitina, T.I.Rudneva, V.A.Slastenin, G.S.Sukhobskaya and others.

In the studies of P.P. Blonsky, I.V. Grebennikov, P.F. Kapterev, N.K. Krupskaya, A.S. Makarenko, P.F. Lesgaft, V.M.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky, S.T. Shatsky, S.N. Shcherbakova and others reflect issues related to the study of the pedagogical competence of parents.

Features of pedagogy and psychology of raising children in a foster family are considered in the works of G.V. Akopov, M.D. Goryachev, A.I. Dovgalevskaya, O.V. S. Krasnitskaya, Z. Mateychek, V. M. Nikitin, N. D. Pavlova, L. I. Smagina, A. Fromm and others.

The formation of the pedagogical competence of parents by various social institutions is presented in the publications of S.A. Belicheva, V.G. Bocharova, T. Gordon, I.V. Grebennikov, L.I. Malenkova, I.M. Markovskaya, R.V. Ovcharova, L.G. Petryaevskaya, A.S. Spivakovskaya, I.A. Khomenko, Yu.

Meanwhile, at present in pedagogical science there is no unity regarding the content and structure of the pedagogical competence of parents raising foster children, its criteria and levels have not been disclosed. Scientific studies on the formation of pedagogical competence of foster parents are few, fragmentary, do not reflect a systematic vision of the problem in modern conditions. The relevance of this study is due to contradictions:

Between the interest of society in ensuring that children left without parental care and unable to return to their families are brought up in foster families as the most favorable form of social care, and poor knowledge of the conditions that would contribute to the success and stability of the process of education in a foster family;

Between the need to form the pedagogical competence of parents raising foster children, as one of essential conditions the effectiveness of the upbringing process in the family and the lack of its scientifically based model;

Between the need of socio-pedagogical services to help families in the methodological support of the process of forming the pedagogical competence of parents raising foster children, and its absence in modern scientific and pedagogical literature.

The desire to find ways to resolve contradictions determined the research problem: the full development of the personality of a child in a foster family is due to the personality traits of foster parents, the characteristics of their pedagogical activity and actualizes the need to develop a program for the formation of their pedagogical competence.

The purpose of the study: to identify and theoretically substantiate the means of forming the pedagogical competence of parents raising foster children.

Object of research: the process of formation of pedagogical competence of parents raising foster children.

Subject of study: means of forming the pedagogical competence of parents raising foster children.

Research hypothesis. The pedagogical competence of parents raising foster children contributes to the establishment of positive relationships between parents and children in a foster family, leading to the full development of children and self-realization of parents. The process of forming pedagogical competence will be successful provided that a specialized educational program is developed that:

Focuses on the specific content of the pedagogical competence of foster parents;

It is based on the scientific and pedagogical principles of adult education (the priority of independent learning, relying on the experience of the student; individualization of learning; systemicity, contextuality, the principle joint activities, a combination of reproductive and creative principles, individualization, electivity, awareness of the learning process, updating its results, developing the educational needs of participants);

It is built on the basis of cooperation between parents and specialists in the field of pedagogy and psychology, which provides for the willingness of parents to receive help and support in solving problems associated with raising a foster child, the desire to make strong-willed efforts to overcome inadequate forms of behavior, high emotional involvement in the learning process, self-discipline and consciousness.

Research objectives:

1) reveal the essential and structural-level characteristics of the pedagogical competence of parents raising foster children;

2) identify and theoretically substantiate the pedagogical means of forming the pedagogical competence of parents raising foster children;

3) to develop and experimentally test a program for the formation of pedagogical competence of parents raising foster children.

Provisions for defense:

1) the pedagogical competence of parents raising foster children is a systemic education, a set of certain characteristics of the parent's personality and his pedagogical activity, which determine the ability to effectively carry out the process of raising a foster child in a family;

2) the structure of pedagogical competence of foster parents includes personal, gnostic, constructive, organizational, communicative and reflective components, which are closely interconnected and are characterized by specific content that reflects the characteristics of this type of activity;

3) the process of formation of the pedagogical competence of parents raising foster children is carried out effectively in the conditions of a specialized educational program developed on the basis of the scientific and pedagogical principles of adult education, the humanistic orientation of the upbringing process, activity and personality-oriented approaches;

4) the criterion for judging the effectiveness of the educational program is the improvement of the relationship between parents and children in the foster family, which is manifested in the full development of the child and the self-realization of parents.

Scientific novelty of the research:

The phenomenology of the pedagogical competence of parents raising foster children is described and analyzed in the unity of personal, gnostic, constructive, organizational, communicative and reflective components;

Theoretically, the pedagogical aspect of the problem of the formation of pedagogical competence of foster parents has been deepened, which resulted in the specification of the scientific understanding of the essence of this phenomenon as part of lifelong education for adults, based on its fundamental principles;

The means that contribute to the effectiveness of the process of formation of pedagogical competence of foster parents are identified and experimentally substantiated.

The theoretical significance of the study lies in the scientific substantiation of the essence of the pedagogical competence of parents as a complex personal education, in identifying its structure and the specifics of its content for parents raising foster children. The results of the study will also expand scientific understanding of the problem of the formation of pedagogical competence of foster parents, the conditions for the effectiveness of this process and the choice of optimal means for its implementation.

The practical significance of the study lies in the focus of its results on improving the process of forming the pedagogical competence of parents raising foster children, in developing in practice an appropriate specialized program, as well as in creating methodological support for it, which allows diagnosing and predicting the levels of development of pedagogical competence of parents. The results of the study will also contribute to solving such problems as improving the quality of education in a foster family and improving work to prevent the termination of agreements on the adoption of a child for upbringing in a family for reasons of a psychological and pedagogical nature.

The methodological basis of the study is philosophical provisions on the universal connection, mutual conditioning and integrity of the phenomena of the surrounding world, on the active and creative essence of a person, understanding the personality as a subject and object of social relations; the leading role of activity in the formation of personality, the conditionality of external influences by the internal conditions of a person.

The theoretical basis of the study is also based on the provisions of the activity approach (A.N. Leontiev, S.L. Rubinshtein and others), the systematic approach (V.I. Zagvyazinsky, V.V. Kraevsky and others), the personal-activity approach to construction and consideration of the pedagogical object of research (Yu.K. Babansky, L.S. Vygotsky, V.V. Davydov, A.V. Petrovsky, etc.).

Of conceptual importance in the study were:

Theories of communication and interaction (A.A. Bodalev, A.N. Leontiev, V.N. Myasishchev, A.V. Mudrik);

Concepts of humanization and personal orientation of education (V.P. Bezdukhov, E.V. Bondarevskaya, B.T. Likhachev, N.M. Magomedov and others);

Adult learning concepts (S.G. Vershlovsky, B.S. Gershunsky,

A.V. Darinsky, Yu.N. Kulyutkin and others);

Regulations on the psychological and pedagogical foundations of parent-child relationships (A.Ya. Varga, A.G. Leadere, I.M. Markovskaya, A.S. Spivakovskaya,

B.V. Stolin and others);

Methodological and methodological foundations of raising children in the family (I.V. Grebennikov, P.F. Kapterev, P.F. Lesgaft, A.S. Makarenko, V.A. Sukhomlinsky and others);

The main provisions of the methodology of pedagogy and pedagogical research (V.V. Kraevsky, M.N. Skatkin)

Pilot-experimental research base: social and rehabilitation center "Teenager" in Samara, Samara regional center for minors, Samara regional center social assistance family and children, Kinel, Pokhvistnevsky, Shentalinsky centers for social assistance to families and children. The sample totaled 193 people (64 parents, 72 children, 57 experts).

Research stages

Stage I (1997-1999). Analysis of philosophical, pedagogical, psychological literature on the problem of the formation of pedagogical competence of parents raising foster children. The study of theoretical approaches to the problem posed, regulatory documents, experience of working with a foster family in the system of institutions of a socio-pedagogical orientation. The analysis of the scientific literature made it possible to substantiate the problem, object, subject, goal, formulate a hypothesis and research objectives. The result of this stage was the definition of methodology, research methods, and the development of its program.

Stage II (1999-2001). Understanding the concepts and theoretical development of a model of pedagogical competence of parents. A stating experiment aimed at studying the peculiarities of the pedagogical competence of parents raising foster children. Specification of pedagogical conditions that ensure the effectiveness of the process of formation of pedagogical competence of foster parents. Selection of diagnostic methods, analysis and systematization of the obtained data. The result of this stage was a formative experiment, which consisted in the development and implementation of a program for the formation of the pedagogical competence of parents raising foster children in an institution of a socio-pedagogical orientation.

Stage III (2001-2002). Theoretical understanding of the results of experimental work in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the developed program. Registration of the results of the dissertation research.

Research methods. To achieve the goals and objectives of the study, a set of complementary theoretical and empirical methods was used: analysis of philosophical, psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature on the topic of the study; study and generalization of pedagogical experience; pedagogical experiment (stating and forming) and other empirical methods (observation, conversation, questioning, testing, studying the products of activity, the method of expert assessments); methods of mathematical statistics (Student's criterion).

The reliability of the results of the study is ensured by the methodological validity of the initial provisions, their correspondence to the problem posed; application of a complex of theoretical and empirical methods adequate to the goals, objectives and subject of research; a combination of qualitative and quantitative analysis of its results, the possibility of repeating the experiment.

Testing and implementation of research results. The main theoretical provisions and results of the study are reflected in articles and abstracts of reports published by the author. They were discussed and approved at international, all-Russian, regional scientific and practical conferences in Moscow, Penza, Samara in 1999-2002. The research materials were considered and approved at meetings of the Department of Pedagogy of Samara State University, at methodological associations of social rehabilitation centers, centers for psychological and pedagogical assistance to families and children in Samara, at city and regional seminars to improve the skills of social educators, psychologists and social workers, classes with students of Samara State University within the disciplines "Methodology and technology of work social educator"," Social custody of the child.

The structure of the dissertation corresponds to the logic of the research and includes an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of references and applications.

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Dissertation conclusion on the topic "General Pedagogy, History of Pedagogy and Education", Piyukova, Svetlana Stanislavovna

The results of the study give grounds to conclude that the process of forming the pedagogical competence of parents raising foster children leads to the establishment of positive relationships with foster children that contribute to the full development of children and self-realization of parents.

However, the work done does not exhaust all the problems of the process of forming the pedagogical competence of parents raising foster children. The approaches developed by us can serve as a basis for continuing scientific and pedagogical research on this issue. In particular, the issue of training personnel capable of carrying out the process of forming the pedagogical competence of foster parents, as well as the problem of interaction between guardianship authorities, social and pedagogical institutions, schools and foster parents in order to increase the effectiveness of family education, turned out to be outside the scope of our study.


Scientific observations and international practice show that, despite the fact that the family is the most important environment for raising a child, if parents evade their duties, do not provide the child with proper living conditions, do not provide him with the necessary care and attention, mistreat and abuse him , then it is expedient to raise the issue of removing him from the family and transferring him to the custody of the state. At the same time, experts give preference to placing a child in a foster family, rather than in a specialized institution.

The effectiveness of raising children in a foster family, where conditions have been created to ensure the full development and upbringing of children, can hardly be overestimated: children in foster families have faster social adaptation in the outside world, significantly improve academic success, they are taught housekeeping skills, personal hygiene; a child in a foster family becomes an active participant in the reproduction of social experience through interaction, mutual influence, communication with representatives of different generations, foster parents, their children and relatives.

A foster family is a professional family, since the upbringing of foster children is considered as employment in the field of state institutions, is considered pedagogical activity and is equated with the work of a teacher. Moreover, before taking a child to be raised in a family, foster parents undergo appropriate training and education, and some of them even specialize in working with a certain type of child (children with disabilities, difficult to educate). Thus, the foster family, being more of a family, unlike a specialized educational institution, maintains a high level of involvement of the state, unlike an ordinary family.

In a parent raising an adopted child, there is a mutual imposition of two systems for the development of an adult's personality: "I am like a family man (parent)" and "I am like an employee." Therefore, it is very difficult to separate the professional and personal aspects of his pedagogical activity, which have a similar structure, purpose, and functions. However, despite the deep interpenetration, these systems are not identical. Differences between the pedagogical activity of a parent and similar activities of a parent raising a foster child should be sought at the level of content and significance of their structural elements, which is reflected in the interrelated components of pedagogical competence.

Based on the analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature, we found that the pedagogical competence of parents is considered as a structural component of the pedagogical culture of parents, the pedagogical culture of the family; it can be defined through the internal pedagogical potential (“readiness”), the correspondence of the results of the parent’s pedagogical activity to the required level of problem solving (adequate task performance), i.e. as pedagogical preparedness, and also as a state corresponding both to the highest level of functioning and absolute achievement (compared to the achievements of others) - pedagogical skill. Nevertheless, despite the differences in the terminology used, the authors agree that there are three components, or levels, in the structure of competence - theoretical (knowledge), practical (skill) and personal.

The study of the theoretical foundations of parental competence allows us to reveal the content side of this phenomenon in our study: the pedagogical competence of parents is a systemic education, a set of certain characteristics of the parent's personality and his pedagogical activity, which make it possible to effectively carry out the process of raising a child in the family. We also identified its structural components: personal, gnostic, constructive, organizational, communicative, reflective.

Analysis of the results of experimental work made it possible to identify the specifics of the content of the pedagogical competence of foster parents, which, against the background of a high level of indicators of all structural components, suggests: awareness of the motives for accepting a child for upbringing in a family and their altruistic nature; availability of special psychological and pedagogical knowledge about the characteristics of children deprived of parental care, the possibilities of a foster family as a form of social care; the presence of developed constructive and reflective skills of adoptive parents.

The correlation of empirically obtained data on the specifics of the content of the pedagogical competence of foster parents with the criteria for its components, identified in the theoretical part of the study, made it possible to describe three levels of formation of the pedagogical competence of foster parents (high, medium, low), which make it possible to identify the current level of competence of each foster parent.

The study of psychological and pedagogical literature has shown that the process of forming the pedagogical competence of parents can be implemented through a specialized educational program that is part of the process of continuous adult education and based on its fundamental principles: the priority of independent learning; the principle of joint activity; the principle of relying on the experience of the student; individualization of education; consistency, contextuality, electivity, awareness of learning; updating its results, developing the educational needs of participants.

Common to all educational programs for the formation of pedagogical competence of parents, both domestic and foreign, is the desire to expand the independence of parents in solving various life and educational tasks, using a rich arsenal of psychological and pedagogical tools: informing, education, training, counseling, correction, etc. d.

The choice of specific forms and methods for the implementation of training programs is determined by the specifics of the educational needs of parents, the current level of their competence, personal characteristics, as well as the individual characteristics of the child, living conditions and family opportunities, the resources that educational organizers have, etc.

Based on the diagnosis of the current level of pedagogical competence of foster parents and their educational needs, as well as in accordance with the scientific and pedagogical principles of adult education, the humanistic orientation of the upbringing process, activity-based and student-oriented approaches, a specialized educational program was developed aimed at establishing positive contributing to the full development of the adopted child and the self-realization of parents, relationships with children adopted for upbringing in the family.

Based on the results of the educational program, a positive dynamics of indicators of pedagogical competence criteria in general and in its individual components was revealed, expressed in: systematization, expansion and deepening of their knowledge in the field of psychology and pedagogy of raising a child deprived of parental care, as well as some special sections related to the specifics foster family; in improving the pedagogical skills of foster parents, especially those related to the communicative and organizational components; in the personal development of adoptive parents in the process of mastering psychological and pedagogical knowledge and skills, expressed in greater personal maturity and positive dynamics of the type of attitude towards the adopted child.

Indirect evidence of the effectiveness of the educational program is the high level of satisfaction of parents with participation in the learning process in all the stated parameters, as well as positive changes in the perception of the situation in the family by the adopted child.

In the process of experimental work, the psychological and pedagogical conditions for the effectiveness of the process of increasing the psychological and pedagogical competence of adoptive parents were determined, i.e. its level increases significantly only if the educational program: focuses on the specifics of the content of the pedagogical competence of foster parents; developed in accordance with the scientific and pedagogical principles of adult education; is built on the basis of cooperation between parents and specialists in the field of pedagogy and psychology, which provides for the willingness of parents to receive help and support in solving problems associated with raising a foster child, the desire to make strong-willed efforts to overcome inadequate forms of behavior, high emotional involvement in the learning process, self-discipline and consciousness .

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199. Title of the topic, form of the lesson, summary Task for parents Number of hours

200. Section 1. General issues psychology and pedagogy of the foster family.

201. Section 2. Adopted child and its development.

202. Section 3. Fundamentals of constructive interaction with a foster child.

203. Studying the content of the pedagogical competence of parents1. DEAR COLLEAGUES!

204. Which of the following motives for raising a child should ideally prevail in a (foster) parent? (please mark the 3 most important, from your point of view, positions)

205. MOTIVES Ordinary parents Adoptive parents

206. The desire to help a particular (or one's own) child become a worthy person is versatile. developed personality

207. Convenient view of home work

208. The need to fulfill a civic duty to society

209. Feeling of love and mercy for children in general

210. Realization that the upbringing of children (orphans) is a charitable deed

211. Material remuneration for work

212. Desire to put one's strength to good use, to realize oneself as a person

213. Desire to realize one's own natural need in parenthood, “to be like everyone else” (a family without a child is not a family)

214. The need to give one's love and care to an adopted child if, due to various circumstances, it is not possible to have one's own

215. Desire to help one’s own (or already existing) child (“it’s always good to have a brother or sister so as not to grow up selfish”)

216. The need to give your love and care to an adopted child if your own children have already grown up

217. Desire to improve relationships with members of one's own family (e.g. husband, parents)13 Escape from loneliness

218. Caring for old age (“so that there is someone to take care of”, “so that there is someone to leave an inheritance to”, etc.) 15 Something else

219. Indicate what personal qualities of (adoptive) parents are most important for the successful upbringing of children? Please mark the 3 most important, from your point of view, positions)

220. PERSONAL QUALITIES Ordinary parents Adoptive parents

221. Tact and delicacy

222. Child-centered worldview (as opposed to egocentric)

223. The presence of a firm framework in family life4 Comfortable communication 5 Stress tolerance

224. Sensitivity and gentleness7 Self-confidence

225. Personal maturity (responsibility for solving problems) 9 Emotionality 10 Flexibility 1. And Observation 12 Resourcefulness 13 Demanding

227. Which of the listed pedagogical abilities contribute more to the successful upbringing of children by (adoptive) parents? Please mark the 3 most important, from your point of view, positions)

228. PEDAGOGICAL ABILITIES Ordinary parents Adoptive parents

229. Sensitivity to the growing child as an emerging personality (maximum desire to help the child, following emotional development child, non-judgmental attitude towards the child, etc.)

230. Communicative (the need to be in the company of children, to establish optimal interaction with them, goodwill, a sense of pleasure from communication, etc.)

231. Perceptual (vigilance, observation, intuition, attention)

232. Diagnostic

233. Prognostic

234. The ability to actively influence another person (the ability to persuade, suggest, internal energy, flexibility and initiative in a variety of influences, artistic abilities, etc.)

235. Assess the importance of the personal component (motivation, personal qualities, pedagogical abilities) of (foster) parents for the effectiveness of family education: 1 not important; 2 rather unimportant; 3 sometimes important, and sometimes not; 4 rather important; 5 very important.

236. Please circle the number that corresponds to your assessment.

237. DIMENSIONAL DIMENSION Ordinary parents Adoptive parents

238. Motives for education 1 23 4 5 1 23 4 5

239. Personal qualities 1 23 45 1 2 3 4 5

240. Pedagogical abilities 1 2345 1 2 345

241. Personal component in general 1 23 4 5 1 2 3 45

242. What knowledge in the field of psychology and pedagogy should (adoptive) parents have in order to successfully carry out the process of raising a child? Please mark the 3 most important, from your point of view, positions)

243. PARENTS SHOULD KNOW Ordinary parents Foster parents1 The experience of folk pedagogy

244. About the general patterns of development and education of children

245. Oh psychological characteristics a certain age period, age crises

246. On the psychological characteristics of children deprived of parental care

247. About methods, forms, means of interaction with children with deviations in development and behavior


249. About specific directions, forms, methods, methods of family education (for example, about hardening children, assistance in learning, educational games, etc.)

250. About the individual psychological characteristics of your (adopted) child9 Something else

251. Assess the importance of the knowledge of (adoptive) parents in the field of psychology and pedagogy for the effectiveness of family education: 1 not important; 2 rather unimportant; 3 sometimes important, sometimes not; 4 rather important; 5 very important.

252. Please circle the number that corresponds to your assessment.

253. DIMENSIONAL DIMENSION Ordinary parents Adoptive parents

254. Experience of folk pedagogy 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

255. Knowledge about the general patterns of development and upbringing of children 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

256. Knowledge about the psychological characteristics of a certain age period, age crises 1 23 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

257. Knowledge about the psychological characteristics of children deprived of parental care 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

258. Knowledge about methods, forms, means of interaction with children with developmental and behavioral disabilities 1 23 45 1 23 4 5

259. Knowledge about the specifics of the foster family and its place in the system of child protection institutions, about the content of the pedagogical activities of foster parents 1 234 5 1 23 4 5

260. Knowledge about specific areas, forms, methods, techniques of family education (for example, about hardening children, learning assistance, educational games, etc.) 1 23 45 1 2 3 4 5

261. Knowledge about the individual typological characteristics of your child 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

262. Knowledge from the field of psychology and pedagogy in general 1 23 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

263. Indicate which of the listed pedagogical skills of (adoptive) parents are most important for the successful upbringing of children. Please mark the 3 most important, from your point of view, positions)

264. PEDAGOGICAL SKILLS Ordinary parents Adoptive parents

265. Analytical (diagnose pedagogical phenomena, find the main pedagogical problem and ways to optimally solve it)

266. Prognostic (determining the stages of the pedagogical process, predicting the result, possible deviations and adverse events)

267. Communicative (the ability to enter into a situation of communication and establish contact; get the necessary information, collect facts; create and develop relationships in a positive emotional mood; make it easier for the child to communicate)

268. Interactive

269. Perceptual (the ability to understand other people (child))

270. Introspection (research of the conditions for obtaining the results of pedagogical activity)

272. Please circle the number that corresponds to your assessment.

273. DIMENSIONAL DIMENSION Ordinary parents Adoptive parents

274. Analytical skills 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

275. Predictive skills 1 23 4 5 1 2 345

276. Projective skills 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 45

277. Mobilization skills 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 345

278. Developing skills 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 345

279. Orientation skills 1 2 345 1 2 34 5

280. Communication skills 1 23 4 5 1 2 3 45

281. Interactive skills 1 2 3 45 1 2 34 5

282. Perceptual skills 1 2 34 5 1 2 3 4 5

283. Introspection 1 2 3 45 1 2 345

284. I Self-control 1 23 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

285. Self-regulation 1 2 3 45 1 2 345

286. Teaching skills in general 1 2 345 1 2 345


288. Expert evaluation of the content of PC components of ordinary and adoptive parents

289. Component Components Ordinary parents Adoptive parents

290. Personal qualities: child-centered worldview (as opposed to egocentric) personal maturity (responsibility for solving problems) 87% 97% 89% 97%

291. Pedagogical abilities: sensitivity to the growing child as an emerging personality communicative predictive 93% 68% 66% 96% 87% 79%

292. Gnostic Knowledge about the general patterns of development and upbringing of children 95% Less than 50%

293. Knowledge about the psychological characteristics of children deprived of parental care 88%

294. Knowledge about the specifics of the foster family and its place in the system of child protection institutions, about the content of the pedagogical activities of foster parents 82%

295. Knowledge about specific directions, forms, methods, techniques of family education (for example, about hardening children, learning assistance, educational games, etc.) 82% Less than 50%

296. Knowledge about the individual psychological characteristics of their (adopted) child 94% 92%

297. Constructive Analytical skills Predictive skills Projective skills 75% 81%

298. Organizational skills Mobilization skills Developing skills Orientation skills 73% 68%

299. Communicative Communication skills Interactive skills Perceptual skills 87% 62%

300. Reflective Introspection Self-control 1 Self-regulation 63% 88%

301. Expert assessment of the importance of PC components for ordinary and foster parents

302. PARAMETER FOR ASSESSMENT Ordinary foster parents, M parents, M "1. Motives for education 4.5 4.8

303. Personal qualities 4.7 4.9

304. Pedagogical abilities 4.2 4.7

305. Personal component in general 4.5 5.0

306. Knowledge of the experience of folk pedagogy 4.8 4.8

307. Knowledge about the general patterns of development and upbringing 4.4 4.4 children

308. Knowledge about the psychological characteristics of a certain 4.5 4.7 age period, age crises

309. Knowledge about the psychological characteristics of children deprived of 2.1 4.9 parental care

310. Knowledge about methods, forms, means of interaction with 3.3 4.8 children with developmental and behavioral deviations

311. Knowledge about the specifics of the foster family and its place in the system of 1.0 5.0 child protection institutions, the content of the pedagogical activities of foster parents

312. Knowledge about specific areas, forms, methods, 4.8 4.8 methods of family education

313. Knowledge about the individual psychological characteristics of one's (adopted) child 4.8 4.9

314. Gnostic component as a whole 4.4 5.0

315. Analytical skills 4.7 4.8

316. Predictive skills 4.1 4.5

317. Projective skills 4.3 4.5

318. Mobilization skills 4.3 4.7

319. Developmental skills 4.7 4.8

320. Orientation skills 4.4 4.6

321. Communication skills 4.5 4.8

322. Interactive skills 4.5 4.5

323. Perceptual skills 4.6 4.81. Introspection 4.4 4.61. Self-control 4.6 4.71. Self-regulation 4.5 4.7

324. Teaching skills in general 4.5 4.9

325. M, M "average significance for each of the estimated parameters

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