
Recommendations for parents from a physical education instructor. Consultation for parents "Family physical education Physical training consultations in dhow

Pathology of the uterus

What are our children learning?

Children 3-4 years old continue to develop various types of movements. They learn to walk and run freely, without shuffling their feet, without lowering their heads, while maintaining cross-coordination of movements of their legs and arms. Learn to act together. Learn to vigorously push off with two legs and land correctly in jumping from a height, in place and with advancement, take the correct starting position in long and high jump from a place; in throwing objects. Strengthen the ability to vigorously repulse objects when rolling and throwing. Continue to learn to catch the ball with both hands at the same time. Learn to grip the bar while climbing. Strengthens the ability to crawl. They learn to line up in a column one at a time, in a line, in a circle, to find their place in the formations. Learn to maintain correct posture while sitting, standing, in motion, while doing exercises in balance. Learn to follow the rules in outdoor games. Psychophysical qualities, independence and creativity develop when performing physical exercises in outdoor games.

By the end of the year, children 3-4 years old can:

Walk straight without shuffling your feet, keeping the given direction; perform tasks: stop, squat, turn.

Run in balance, change direction, pace as instructed.

Maintain balance when walking and running on a limited plane, stepping over objects.

Crawl on all fours, climb a ladder, a ladder, a gymnastic wall in an arbitrary way.

Vigorously push off in jumping on two legs, jump in length from a spot of at least 40 cm. in length.

Roll the ball in a given direction from a distance of 1.5 m. Throw the ball with both hands from the chest; from behind the head, hit the ball on the floor, throw the ball up 2-3 times in a row and catch; throw objects with the right and left hand at a distance of at least 5m.

Be able to perform movements with creativity and imagination.

Advice to parents: Parents all the time need to encourage their child with praise, be surprised at how strong, dexterous, strong, courageous he is, how much he already knows how.

In children 4-5 years old, motor skills and abilities continue to develop and improve, children learn to use them creatively in independent motor activity. Strengthens the ability to walk and run with coordinated movements of the arms and legs. Learn to run lightly and rhythmically, pushing off energetically with the toes. Children learn to crawl, climb, crawl, climb over objects. They learn to vigorously push off and land correctly in jumping on two legs in place and moving forward, to navigate in space. Learn to jump rope. Children develop the ability to take the correct starting position when throwing, hit the ball on the ground with their right and left hands, throw and catch it with their hands. At this age, children learn to ride a two-wheeled bicycle in a straight line and in a circle. Children develop psychophysical qualities: speed, flexibility, endurance, agility. They learn to play a leading role in an outdoor game, to be aware of the implementation of the rules of the game. In all forms of organization of motor activity, children develop organization, independence, initiative, creativity.

By the end of the year, children 4-5 years old can:

Walk and run with correct movement technique.

Climb on the gymnastic wall, without skipping the rails, climbing from one span to another; crawl in different ways: leaning on the hands, knees and toes, on the feet and palms; on the stomach, pulling up with your hands.

Take the correct position in standing jumping, land softly, long jump from a spot at a distance of at least 70 cm.

Catch the ball with the hands from a distance of 1.5 m; take the correct position when throwing, throw objects in different ways with the right and left hand; hit the ball on the ground at least five times in a row.

Form in a column one by one, in pairs, in a circle, in a line.

Find your way in space, find the left and right sides.

Come up with options for outdoor games, independently and creatively perform movements.

Perform imitation exercises, demonstrating beauty, expressiveness, grace. Plasticity of movements.

Advice to parents: At this age, children develop the correct posture. It is important to ensure that the child does not slouch.

Children 5-6 years old are improving their motor skills and abilities. The culture of movements and body reflection are developing. Psychophysical qualities develop: speed, strength, endurance, flexibility. The ability to consciously and creatively perform movements is formed. Children develop the ability to easily walk and run, and vigorously push off from the support. They learn to run a race, overcoming obstacles. Learn to climb the gymnastic wall, changing the pace. They learn to jump long, high with a running start, run up correctly, correctly push off and land, depending on the type of jump, jump onto a soft surface through a long rope, maintain balance when landing. They learn to combine swing with throw when throwing, toss and catch the ball with one hand, hit it with the right and left hand in place and lead while walking. The personality of the child develops comprehensively, physical, mental, moral, aesthetic, spiritual qualities are formed.

By the end of the year, children 5-6 years old can:

Walk and run with ease and rhythm, maintaining correct posture, direction and pace.

Climb on a gymnastic wall, with a change in pace.

Jump in length from a place, with a running start, at least 100 cm, jump rope.

Throw objects with the right and left hand at a distance of 5-9 m., At a vertical and horizontal target from a distance of 3-4 m., Throw the ball up, on the ground and catch it with one hand, hit the ball on the ground at least 10 times, own a ball school ...

Perform static and dynamic balance exercises.

Rebuild in a column of three, four; equalize, open in a column, in a line; make turns to the right, left, around.

To continue to develop creativity in motor activity, to form the ability to vary exercises and games, to invent and perform imitation and non-imitation exercises, demonstrating beauty and grace, expressiveness and plasticity of movements.

Children 6-7 years old have a need for daily physical activity. The technique of the main types of movements is being improved, naturalness, lightness, accuracy, expressiveness of their implementation appear. The ability to maintain a given pace when walking and running is strengthened. Children learn to combine takeoff with jumps on a soft surface, in length and height with a takeoff. Learn to climb from span to span of the gymnastic wall diagonally. Learn to rebuild on the spot and during movement, align in a column, line, circle; perform exercises rhythmically, at a specified pace. Also, children develop psychophysical qualities: strength, speed, endurance, flexibility. Children continue to exercise in statistical and dynamic balance, develop coordination of movements and orientation in space. Strengthens athletic exercise skills. Learn to independently monitor the state of physical culture equipment, sports uniform are actively involved in caring for them. They continue to learn how to independently organize outdoor games, invent their own games, versions of games, and combine movements.

By the end of the year, children 6-7 years old can:

Perform all basic movements correctly.

Jump in length from a spot of at least 100 cm., With a takeoff run of 10 cm., In a height of 50 cm., Jump over a short and long rope.

Throw medicine balls, throw objects at the target from different starting positions, hit a vertical and horizontal target from 4-5 m, throw objects with the right and left hand at 5-12 m, own the ball school.

Perform physical exercises from different starting positions clearly, rhythmically, at a given pace.

Maintain correct posture.

Actively participate in games with sports elements.

Show discipline, endurance, independence and creativity in motor activity, demonstrate beauty, grace, expressiveness of movements.

Advice to parents: Parents should keep their children interested in different types sports, to provide them with some information about the events of the country's sports life.

How to motivate your child to study at home?

A healthy child does not need to be forced to engage in physical education - he himself needs movement and willingly performs more and more new tasks. In no case should you force the child to perform this or that movement or turn the lesson into a boring lesson. Lessons at home should be in the form of a game. Gradually involve the child in all new games and fun. You can also arouse interest in the child by demonstrating his skills in front of his family members or his peers. So the child develops self-confidence, and the desire to learn further, mastering new, more complex movements and games.

Games, physical exercises, sports are perhaps the most interesting things in this life. Sport strengthens the health of the child, promotes the development of creative, spiritual abilities.

Let's play baby!

The games develop the activity and creativity of children in the process of physical activity. Games with rules are organized. At home, encourage more games with wheelchairs, cars, carts, bicycles, balls, balls. Develop the skills of climbing, crawling; agility, creativity and expressiveness of movements. Introduce different games with more complex rules and changing types of movements. Educate children at home the ability to follow elementary rules, coordinate movements, navigate in space.

Sometimes parents mistakenly believe that childhood is just preparation for real life. No, childhood, including the earliest periods, is life. Not easy, full of mysterious incidents and exciting events.

We play at home, in the garden, in nature!

Home and most correct shape physical education of children - a game. Play activity- this is a very important and simply necessary element of the development of every child. Is it possible to engage in outdoor games with health benefits without leaving the apartment? And at the same time, not only for children, but also for adults? If you have a family holiday or a child's birthday, include some outdoor games on the holiday. Children will be happy and you will have fun!

Remember: Parents should master the alphabet of upbringing and not be afraid on their own, and actively engage with their children. Without the help of parents, any efforts in this direction can go down the drain. Children grow and develop, how harmonious it will be, depends not only on teachers, but also on their parents!

Consultation for parents: Physical education in the family

Varentsova Marina Vladislavovna, instructor physical culture MADOU Kindergarten No. 39 building 2 of the combined view of the city of Tyumen
Work description: This material is intended for parents of preschoolers, educators.
Target: Convince parents to exercise at home.

Physical education in the family. Consultation for parents of preschool educational institutions

All parents want their children to grow up healthy, strong and strong. However, they often forget that good physical data is primarily due to the child's physical activity, that in addition to achieving a certain height and weight, he must be agile, agile and enduring.
The more good health and with good physical data we will equip our children in infancy and preschool period, the better they will then adapt to new social conditions. Taking care of the formation of the child's motor skills, of achieving the required level of dexterity, speed of strength and other qualities is the primary task of the mother and father long before the child enters school.
Physical education is an integral part of the intellectual, moral and aesthetic education child.

When to start exercising?
The main period of classes for parents with children is the age from 2 to 6 years. But even after 6 years, one should not stop classes in the family, although at this age there are other opportunities for the physical development of the child - in cultural and educational institutions, in sports societies, where the child is engaged under the guidance of a specialist.

How much to do?
The opportunity to include in the daily routine of joint activities of one of the parents with the child exists almost always. I recommend dads to take on this responsible occupation. It is necessary to give the child at least a few minutes every day. Try to figure out the best times of the day for your family routine, and then stick to it. First of all, the principle of systematicity should be observed, so that the child gradually gets used to activities, so that they become a daily need for him.
The duration of the lessons for parents with a child is different, it depends on the age of the child, on the availability of free time.
Morning exercises have the advantage that immediately after sleep the muscles of the body "stretch", and blood circulation in the tissues improves. While charging, light and familiar exercises are performed. Duration of morning classes is no more than 10 minutes.
Exercise before dinner is the most common form of joint activities, since the parents are usually at home and at least one of them can work with the child. During this period, there is time for exercises that form the correct posture.
Duration of classes with children 2 - 3 years old - 10-15 minutes; 4 years 20 minutes; 5-6 years 25-30 minutes. From 7 years old to 45 minutes.
After dinner, it is not recommended to engage in physical education with children: intense physical activity after eating is harmful (This applies to any time of the day), in addition, after exercise, children find it difficult to fall asleep.
It is imperative to use every opportunity to move around with your child in the fresh air.

How to motivate a child to engage in physical education?
A healthy child does not need to be forced to engage in physical education - he himself needs movement and willingly performs more and more new tasks. In no case should you force the child to perform a particular movement or turn the lesson into a boring lesson. It is great if you encourage your child with praise, be surprised at how strong, dexterous, strong he is, how much he already knows how. Demonstration of his skills in front of the rest of the family or his peers will also help arouse the child's interest in classes. So gradually the child develops confidence in his abilities and the desire to exercise further, to master new, more complex movements. In addition to praise, older preschoolers can also be encouraged by a convincing explanation of why it is so necessary to engage in physical education: so that he does not look like a bear cub, so that he is not overtaken by other children, so that he soon learns to swim, so that he has the correct beautiful posture and soft gait and so on.

Making friends with physical education,
we look forward proudly!
We do not heal with medicine -
We are healthy all year long!

Kozlova Evgeniya Stanislavovna
Consultation hours:
Wednesday 13.00-14.00 (on-line)
Tuesday 18.00 - 19.00

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Parents consider it important to take care of the health of their children, but only a few really use the possibilities of physical education for this. And the parents themselves are mostly self-critical of their participation [...]

Physical education is an integral part of the intellectual, moral and aesthetic education of a child. Censuring in the child absent-mindedness, disorder and disobedience, we demand that during classes repeat the exercises until [...]

In my consultation, I want to talk about the importance of physical education of children in the family, to prove that this is a very serious problem in the modern upbringing of children. We are surrounded by machines, computers, virtual games [...]

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In this section, you can get acquainted with the consultations for parents of joint-stock company physical culture in a preschool educational institution:

1. Keep children from climbing and crawling.

2. The role of parents in strengthening and health of children and introducing them to a healthy lifestyle.

3. What not to do in preschool age.



Do not prevent children from climbing and crawling!

Not all adults find the strength and desire in themselves, as well as the time to exercise themselves, go to the gym or just run in the morning to eat right.

N o if you have children, you will have to show willpower and make sure that the child is engaged in physical activity enough time. In childhood really important take children to sections and walk with them.

D The point is that physical activity and a healthy lifestyle, in principle, in childhood are especially important, since they affect human health in the future.Physical activity during childhood promotes better mental development, study, and also hinders obesity.

WITH According to research by scientists, today's children are less and less active and experience the negative impact of physical inactivity. Parents carry their children a lot in the car, carry them in their arms, and children also spend a lot of time in front of the TV.

R Parents are overly concerned about children and restrict their mobility by not climbing trees, encouraging them to behave well (that is, calmly), and in the UK it is even forbidden to bring balls to playgrounds.

V at the same time, low mobility is unnatural for an age when nature itself provides for children to be active and mobile.

Have physically active children are mentally more balanced, they do better in school and are less likely to be in a bad mood.

N modern children have no shortage of entertainment - computers, all kinds of games,toys robots , TV set.

N but progress is not always goes to the developing the body benefits, and, as you know, past generations with fewer opportunities were generally healthier.

E If you are just thinking about what to give your son or daughter for your birthday, give a ball orinflatable swimming ring , enroll the child in the sports section.

B It will be even better if you set an example yourself and go rollerblading, cycling and hiking with your child.V childhood the foundation of human health is being laid.Physical activity stimulates all physiological functions of the body, contributes to the correct development of the central nervous system, and good immunity.

However, one should not forget that only moderate loads are beneficial, and intensive training in weightlifting or other sports can be harmful.



The role of parents in strengthening the health of children and introducing them to a healthy lifestyle.

What is a healthy lifestyle?

This is the observance of the regime, work, rest, sleep based on the requirements of the daily biorhythm; physical activity, including systematic walking, jogging, aerobics, available sports, reasonable use of hardening methods, rational nutrition, the ability to relieve nervous tension.

All parents want to see their children

healthy, energetic, beautiful, athletic.

There are many paths to physical improvement.

One of them is family education.

In preschool age, in the immediate environment, in particular in the family, basic personalities are formed, a family model is formed in the child's mind, adult life, which the child subconsciously begins to realize, barely reaching independence.

In order for a child to grow up healthy, a conscious attitude towards their own health should be formed first of all in their parents.

The beginning of the formation healthy way family life is to nurture the need for health.

Formation of a healthy organism, the ability to manage it, develop, improve - these are the tasks of a healthy lifestyle.

It largely depends on the parents whether their children grow up healthy and cheerful or destroy their health prematurely.

If adults show character and start the morning with gymnastics, which they will do together with the child, this will be the first step in a big and important matter - health promotion.

And this step must be taken as soon as possible.

It is possible to solve the issues of the comprehensive physical development of children, to raise them healthy only through the joint efforts of parents and employees of the preschool educational institution.

Physical education in a preschool educational institution is an effective means of promoting diversified development child.

Optimization process motor activity children is aimed at strengthening health, improving the physiological and mental functions of the body, achieving a good level of physical fitness. It is known that systematic physical exercise during the day helps to improve the functional state of the central nervous system, reduce the tension of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, prevent postural disorders and skeletal deformation, and have a beneficial effect on normal growth and child development.

In our preschool institution, physical education is considered in the context personal development child as an important integral part of it.

Our work will be effective with your support, parents!

Parents should encourage their children to participate in sports activities,

be sure to cheer them up, thereby instilling confidence

in the usefulness of physical education.

Only in this way can you instill from childhood

child love for physical education and a healthy lifestyle!


Dear Parents!

What is most important to you? Of course, the health of your children. One of the main conditions for health is physical education. However, the body of a preschooler child is in the process of formation, formation. And, in order not to harm him and not to discourage the child once and for all the desire to engage in physical education, the following rules should be observed.

What shouldn't be done at preschool age?

  • You cannot impose exercises that the baby clearly does not like.
  • Classes should find an emotional response in the soul of the child, then the results will be obvious.
  • When picking up a child, never hold it only by the hands - be sure to completely by the forearm, since the bones and muscles of the wrist are not yet sufficiently strong. It is safest to support the child by the hips.
  • Hanging only on the arms is not recommended for preschoolers, since they put excessive stress on the joints and the shoulder girdle.
  • Try replacing a simple hang with a mixed hang, when the child rests on his knees or easily reaches the support with his toes, but do not let the child swing in the hang if he cannot get to his feet at any time!
  • When climbing, do not allow your child to climb above the level at which you can reach him. Only when the kid has mastered climbing perfectly can you let him climb higher.
  • Avoid one-sidedness in the impact, include in the work of muscles - antagonists.
  • It is not recommended to perform exercises on simulators and sports equipment manufactured specifically for adults.
  • So, the displacement of the vertebral discs can lead to the implementation of rotational exercises to the right - to the left on the popular disc

" Health".

  • Don't let your toddler jump more than 20 cm at three years old and 40 cm at seven years old.
  • Landing should be springy on bent legs and performed on a soft base or in sports shoes.

Failure to comply with these rules leads to an overload of the spine.

and powerful concussion internal organs!

« Once in the gym, a young father introduced little son to sports, forcing to pull up on a crossbar located at a height of 2 m from the floor.

The poor "little man", swallowing tears and biting his lips with the last of his strength, lifted himself up again and again.

And then, exhausted, he fell on the mats and looked with envy at the neighbor's boy - one-year-old, who cheerfully ran after dad across the hall between the shells, dexterously jumping over the pancakes lying on the floor from the barbell ”.

Everything has its time. You shouldn't force your child's development. Go towards those neoplasms that appear in the baby and create the conditions for this!



Physical education of the child in the family.

It is the duty of the parents to strengthen the child's health at the moment and to ensure a favorable development. child's body in future. Normal development and health is ensured by the creation of optimal conditions, that is, by organizing the correct regimen.

In the physical education of children preschool age physical exercises are used (walking, running, exercises in balance, throwing, climbing, outdoor games), sports exercises, hygienic factors (daily routine, nutrition, sleep, etc.), natural forces of nature (sun, air, water).

Physical exercise.

Assignments and explanations should be clear and precise, they should be given in a cheerful voice and all movements should be shown immediately.

Exercises should be interesting, they should use well-remembered figurative comparisons, for example, "Bird", "cat", "steam locomotive". The main principle that parents should adhere to when doing physical exercises with babies is to portray everything in the form of a game. A cheerful tone, joke, laughter, active participation of an adult always captivate a child.

The number of repetitions for preschoolers usually ranges from 2 - 3 to 10. After the most difficult exercises, it is necessary to give short breaks of rest (3 - 60 s).

Average values ​​of indicators of physical activity of children for a full day - 17,000 movements; intensity 55 - 65 movements per minute.

Exercise is only beneficial when done systematically. Parents are required to find time to exercise with their children every day and to monitor their health carefully, paying attention to appearance, the mood and well-being of the child.

Preschooler's daily routine.

By accustoming children to a certain regimen, to the fulfillment of hygienic requirements, we create skills that are useful for the body and thereby preserve their health. Solid day regimen, set in accordance with age characteristics children - one of the essential conditions for the normal physical development of a child.

The main requirement for the regime is accuracy in time and correct alternation, replacement of some types of activity by others. The time should be set when the child goes to bed, gets up, walks, eats, performs simple, feasible duties for him. This time must be strictly observed.

Dream. Only during sleep does the child receive complete rest. Sleep should be long enough: children 3-4 years old sleep 14 hours a day, 5-6 years old - 13 hours, 7-8 years old - 12 hours. Of this time, it is necessary, especially for younger children, to allocate an hour and a half for daytime sleep. Children should go to bed no later than 8-9 hours.

Nutrition. Children are fed 4-5 times a day. The first meal is given half an hour later, at least not later than an hour after the child wakes up, and the last meal is given an hour and a half before bedtime. Between meals, intervals of 3-4 hours should be set, they must be strictly observed. The most hearty food is served at lunchtime, the less hearty one for dinner.

Walking. No matter how exactly the time for sleeping and eating is observed, the regime cannot be considered correct if it does not provide for time for a walk. The more time children spend outdoors, the healthier they are!

Computer: Pros and Cons.

Modern children communicate a lot with television, video and computers. If the previous generation was the generation of books, then the modern ones receive information through the video series.

Advantages of a computer: a computer can help children develop such important thinking operations as generalization and classification;

In the process of studying on the computer, the memory and attention of children improves;

When playing computer games in children, the sign function of consciousness develops earlier, which underlies abstract thinking (thinking without relying on external objects);

Computer games are of great importance not only for the development of the intellect of children, but also for the development of their motor skills, for the formation of coordination of visual and motor functions;

Children 3-4 years old should not sit at the computer for more than 20 minutes, and by 6-7 years old this time of daily play can be increased to half an hour.

Disadvantages of a computer:

Excessive use of the computer can lead to deterioration of the child's eyesight, as well as adversely affect his mental health... This is especially dangerous for shy children.

And most importantly, you cannot rely only on the computer. A child is a small person, he can form and develop only by communicating with people and living in the real world.

Walking is important.

Children need to spend as much time outdoors as possible to be healthy and strong.

In summer, children can be outdoors for more than 6 hours a day, and in autumn and winter, children must be outdoors for at least 4 hours. The best time for a walk with children is between breakfast and lunch (2-2.5 hours) and after a nap, before dinner (1-2 hours). V very coldy the duration of the walks is somewhat reduced.

The reason for canceling a walk for a healthy child may be exceptional circumstances: heavy rain, deep frost with a strong wind.

Based on the experience of kindergarten work, it has been established that preschool children accustomed to daily walks can also walk at temperatures of 20-25 frost, if there is no strong wind and if they are dressed appropriately for the weather. For a walk on cold winter days, children should go out in a warm coat, a hat with headphones, felt boots, and warm mittens.

From time to time, it is useful to take long walks with children, gradually increasing the distance - for the younger ones up to 15-20 minutes of walking, for the older ones - up to 30 minutes, with small stops for 1-2 minutes along the way. Upon arrival, children should rest or play calmly before returning.

Rule 1. try to make the baby move, run, jump more.

Rule 2. Include in the diet products that are good for the eyes: cottage cheese, kefir, boiled sea fish, seafood, beef, carrots, cabbage, blueberries, lingonberries, cranberries. Parsley, dill.

Rule 3. Watch his posture - with a "crooked" back, the blood supply to the brain is disturbed, which provokes vision problems. Remember: the distance between the book and the eyes should be at least 25-30 cm.

Rule 4. Do not allow the child to sit in front of the TV for a long time, and if he is already sitting, then only strictly opposite, no closer than three meters.

Rule 6. Do not forget that watching TV in a dark room is undesirable.

Rule 7. A preschooler can play on the computer for no more than half an hour a day, after 7 years - 1 hour or 2 sets of 40 minutes.

Rule 8. It's better to forget about games on your cell phone!

Rule 9: Do eye exercises daily together - turn this procedure into an exciting game.

A set of exercises for the eyes.

We offer a special set of eye exercises, which, if performed regularly, can be a good training and prevention for the preservation of vision. Exercise is best done in game form, with any toys of the child, moving them left and right, up and down.

The exercises are performed while sitting, the head is motionless, the posture is comfortable, with the maximum amplitude of the eyes.

Zhmurki. Close your eyes, strongly straining the eye muscles, at the expense of 1-4, then open your eyes, relaxing the muscles of the eyes, looking into the distance, at the expense of 1-6. Repeat 5 times.

Close - far away. Look at the bridge of your nose and hold your gaze at the score of 1-4. You cannot bring your eyes to fatigue! Then open your eyes, look into the distance at the expense of 1-6. Repeat 5 times.

Left right. Without turning your head, look to the right and fix your gaze at 1-4, then look into the distance directly at 1-6. Exercises are carried out in a similar way, but with fixation of the gaze to the left, up, down.

Diagonals. Move your gaze quickly diagonally: right up - left down, then straight into the distance at the expense of 1-6; then left up, right down and look into the distance at 1-6. repeat 4 times.

Watch your eyes. The world is so beautiful, especially if we see it ...

Hardening is the first step towards health.

Hardening of children is necessary in order to increase their resistance to the effects of low and high air temperatures and thereby prevent frequent illnesses.

When hardening children, you should adhere to the following basic principles:

carry out hardening procedures systematically;

increase the exposure time of the hardening factor gradually;

take into account the child's mood and carry out procedures in the form of a game;

start hardening at any age;

never perform procedures if the baby is cold;

avoid strong irritants: prolonged exposure to cold water or very low temperatures, as well as overheating in the sun;

choose the right clothes and shoes: they must correspond to the ambient temperature and be made of natural fabrics and materials;

tempered by the whole family;

combine hardening procedures with physical exercises and massage;

never smoke in the room where the child is!

Tempering methods.

The main hardening factors are natural and available “Sun. Air and Water ". You can start hardening children from the first month of life and after examining the baby by a pediatrician.

"Cold basin". Pour cold water no higher than + 12C into the basin and pour over the feet of the child standing in the bath. Ask your child to stomp their feet while the water flows. The water outlet must be open. Pat your feet dry with a towel. On the first day, the duration of walking is 1 minute, add 1 minute every day, bringing it to 5 minutes. It is better to harden for 1 minute in a good mood of the child than 5 minutes with whims.

"Cold towel". If the child does not like the cold dousing with water, put a towel in the bath, soaked in cold water (12C). Ask your child to stomp (not stand) on it for 2 minutes. (in the morning and at night).

"Contrast shower". The child bathes in the bath in the evening. Let it warm up in warm water. And then tell him: "Let us arrange a cold rain or run through the puddles." You open up cold water, and the child substitutes his heels and palms for the water.

If the child is afraid of exposure to a cold shower, then you can first put a bowl of cold water and say: "Well, let's run with you through the puddles!" And then from a warm bath into a cold basin (or in the rain), and then again into the bath. And so at least 3 times. After the procedure, wrap the child in a warm sheet, not wiping it, but getting it wet, then put it on for sleep and put it in bed.

Walking barefoot is an element of hardening the body.

Another way of hardening is walking barefoot. Walking barefoot not only hardens, but also stimulates the nerve endings located on the foot, has a positive effect on the work of internal organs. According to some experts, the soles of the feet are a kind of distribution board with 72 thousand nerve endings, through which one can connect to any organ - the brain, lungs and upper respiratory tract, liver, kidneys, endocrine glands, and other organs.

How and when is it better to go barefoot?

Of course, in winter, in cold weather, you should not teach a child to do this, but in spring and summer, a baby may well run barefoot on the floor of the house, and even better on green grass.

The child should regularly walk barefoot, the real hardening effect occurs only after long systematic training.

Use special rubber mats with spike grooves. Every morning, start exercising by walking barefoot on this rug.

It is useful to massage the feet with a rolling pin or round stick, rolling them with the soles for a few minutes a day.

Walking barefoot increases the intense activity of almost all muscles, stimulates blood circulation throughout the body, improves mental activity!

Let's take a walk, let's play!

Interacting with your child on a walk can be a very important and productive component of their development. But for many parents, walking is simply "walking" the child when he is given the opportunity to breathe fresh air, move around, meet peers.

Usually a flock of children is accompanied by a company of adults who, during a walk, have time to discuss a lot of topics and only out of the corner of their eye to look after their child. It is rare when moms and dads offer children certain games for a walk. They usually give them almost complete freedom.

Of course, a child himself can come up with elementary, but not always safe games: spank in puddles, climb trees, jumping up, pull leaves from trees. The vastness of parks and squares, their green lawns and flower meadows cause a special delight, and the child is ready to run and run wherever they look.

He longs for movement, and you need to give him the opportunity to realize this desire. The best thing that can be advised is outdoor games: they satisfy his passion for movement. During the game, children receive the necessary muscle load and positive impressions, while avoiding emotional and motor overloads and being in the field of vision of adults.

For a fun walk, a big ball is simply irreplaceable: it can be used in various outdoor games. The smallest ones can be given the task of rolling the ball to a tree, a bench or to their mother, jumping like a ball; learn to throw the ball to each other, throw the ball over an obstacle or throw it up. Teach your child to swing and throw the ball into the distance. Target throwing is used for older children, as it requires more complex coordination. The goal can be horizontal and vertical, use the means at hand (a circle drawn with chalk on the asphalt or building).

Feel free to set an example for your child.

Show different ways throwing the ball: from the chest, from behind the head, from below.

Arrange the game through stepping over and jumping over obstacles: a curb, a stream, a puddle, a branch, a line drawn on the sand or asphalt.

Organize for the child and his friends funny Games in the park, in the yard.

Trees are suitable as "inventory", you can hide behind them.

A bench on which you can roll a ball to each other, crawl, crawl under the bench, climb over it.

Stumps that you can climb on and jump off, run around them.

Get involved in the game yourself, play fun with pleasure. In the course of joint activities, the child develops interaction and communication skills. Usage play exercises and outdoor games is effective remedy generating interest in physical activity, which is one of the main in strengthening and maintaining the health of children, introducing them to a healthy lifestyle.

9 rules of hardening.

Consultation for parents.

One of the forms of physical education is hardening. It is an essential, most effective and affordable means of training and improving the body's defense mechanisms, affects the activity of all systems without exception.

Hardening involves the use of a complex of various procedures in order to improve health, increase the body's resistance to cold and prevent colds... There are often cases when they use one procedure, for example, rubbing the torso with cold water, and hope to be hardened in this way. Alas! In this case, there can be no effect at all. And that's why. Hardening is formed only with a sufficient duration and intensity of cold impacts.

An important condition for achieving a high degree of hardening is systematic physical exercise.

Speaking about the effect of hardening on the body, it is necessary to mention the specific and non-specific effects.

A specific effect is manifested in an increase in resistance to heat or cold, depending on which temperature factor was used for hardening.

A nonspecific effect is formed simultaneously with a specific one and is expressed in an increase in resistance to some other external influences.

For example: simultaneously with an increase in the body's resistance to cold, the tolerance of a lack of oxygen necessarily increases, the processes of inhibition and excitation are balanced.

Let's get acquainted with the basic rules of hardening.

The first rule is that understanding the need to temper has become a conviction. Only then can you cultivate the same habit of performing hardening procedures as the habit of washing your face, brushing your teeth, etc. Conscious attitude forms the necessary psychological attitude, which leads to success.

The second rule is strict adherence to a healthy lifestyle, part of which is hardening.

The third rule is systematic hardening, and not from case to case. Even a two-week break will significantly reduce the previously achieved hardened state. Hardening should not be stopped even in the case of a mild illness, you can only reduce its dose.

The fourth rule is that the duration and intensity of hardening procedures should be increased gradually. Each new procedure should first cause autonomic shifts: an increase in heart rate, an increase in the frequency and depth of breathing. The absence of these shifts indicates an insufficient increase in the effect of the hardening procedure. On the contrary, the manifestation of tremors, "goose bumps", pallor of the skin is an indicator of an excessive increase in the strength of the stimulus. In the first case, there will be no desired effect, in the second, a state of discomfort arises, which can lead to illness.

The fifth rule is taking into account the individual characteristics of the organism. Children have different sensitivity to temperatures. One and the same factor can cause a mild runny nose in one, and a serious illness in another. These differences depend on the characteristics of the body structure, health status, and the type of nervous system. So, in children with a balanced character, resistance to cold is developed faster than in impulsive ones.

The sixth rule is the need to create good mood during hardening procedures. With positive emotions, as a rule, negative effects do not occur. All procedures should be performed “on the verge of pleasure” and stop when signs of an unpleasant perception of the procedure appear. Depending on the child's mood, the hardening procedure can be increased or decreased in duration, and the water temperature can be decreased or increased. Accounting emotional state the child, his well-being will provide a constant interest in hardening procedures, make them desirable.

The seventh rule is the compulsory physical activity. The effectiveness of hardening will increase many times if you systematically engage in physical exercises that correspond to the capabilities of the body.

The eighth rule - for hardening purposes it is necessary to use the whole complex of natural factors - water, air and sun.

The ninth rule is taking into account the climatic conditions of a particular region where a person lives permanently. The climate of a particular region forms a specific type of thermoregulation in humans and determines their sensitivity to cold.

Hardening can be local and general. With local hardening, the cold affects a specific area of ​​the body (foot baths, body wiping). Such hardening is considered common when the cold stimulus acts on the entire surface of the body (bath, shower, bathing).

A good way to harden, form and strengthen the arch of the foot in the summer is walking barefoot on sand, grass, ground.

It is necessary to teach children to do this on hot sunny days, gradually increasing the time of walking barefoot from 2-4 to 10-15 minutes. Strengthened legs can walk barefoot at + 20 * C.

Permanent forms of hardening - pulsating microclimate and optimal clothing - should be complemented by sun and air baths, various water procedures, etc.

Memo "Ten Tips for Parents"

Maintain the child's interest in physical education, in no case show your disregard for physical development... Remember: the family largely determines the behavior and attitudes of the child, including his attitude to physical education. The example of adults is extremely important. As you relate to physical education, so will your child relate to it.

High self-esteem is one of the most powerful incentives for a child to do any job. Whether homework or morning exercises. Maintain high self-esteem in your child in every way - encourage any achievement, and in return you will receive even more efforts.

Observe the behavior and condition of the child during exercise. Sometimes parents do not understand why the child is capricious and does not fulfill their requirements. The reason may be fatigue, latent desire, etc. try to understand the cause of negative reactions. In this you will be helped by a deep knowledge of the characteristics of your child, his trust, a sense of his own importance and the significance of his own personality.

In no case do not insist on continuing classes if, for some reason, the child does not want to. Find out the reason for the refusal, eliminate it, and only then continue your studies. If this is not done, then there will be a persistent rejection of any physical exercise.

It is important to prioritize your child's exercise choices. Almost all children like outdoor games, but there are exceptions.

Don't scold your child for temporary setbacks.

Don't change your exercise routine too often. If the child likes them, let him do them as long as possible - in this case he will not “grab the top”, but will firmly master this or that skill, movement.

It is important to maintain a culture of exercise. In no case should there be slackness, negligence, slipshod execution. Physical education is a serious matter!

Do not overload the child: what is available to an adult is not always useful for a child.

In the process of raising a child, you must be accompanied by three unshakable laws: understanding, love, patience.

Memo for parents

How can you make the sitting process easier? What does correct fit mean?

When properly seated, the thighs are at right angles to the spine and lower legs, the soles touch the floor with their entire surface. It is bad if the legs do not reach the floor or the seat is so low that the legs are above the level of the hip joints.

The back should be parallel to the back of the chair. If it is tilted forward, a stoop may develop; leaning excessively on the back of a chair will help form a round back.

The hands and forearms should lie freely on the table. With this landing, the shoulder blades are well fixed, and the child can breathe freely and deeply.

A very high table causes the elbows to rise and a compensatory curvature of the spine; with a low table, the child slouches and bends the torso forward.

So, improper seating at the table is a factor not only for improper posture, but also for increased morbidity (acute respiratory infections, intestinal atony, etc.)

What does it mean for a preschooler to stand?

Standing, especially in a certain position, is very tiring for a child, since the back muscles quickly relax, unable to withstand the static load. Therefore, the baby begins to shift from foot to foot, tries to lean against something.

Remember! By punishing a child by standing in a corner, you are punishing him physically.

How to avoid missed posture? It is always easier to prevent than to cure!

At first, violations are transient. If the child, despite the correct preventive measures, prefers the wrong postures, you need to consult a doctor - an orthopedist or exercise therapy doctor and strictly follow his recommendations. A constant reminder of how to walk correctly will not give a child anything: at this age, you need to repeat the exercises from 33 to 68 times so that he understands and accurately reproduces this movement. Here gymnastics will come to the rescue - special exercises that contribute to the development of correct walking and a sense of balance, coordination of movements, the formation of the foot and strengthening of the muscular corset of the back.

To develop proper gait and a sense of balance, teach your child to walk with their feet parallel. This can be done on paths, benches, steps, chipped logs, winding paths drawn with chalk. The sidewalk edge is a great tool for this.

For the prevention of flat feet, you can use any prickly surface - up to rubber mats, on which we wipe our feet, as well as any exercise equipment that is currently on sale.

To form the correct posture, teach your child to crawl under something (chair, table, bench)

Consultation for parents.

Child health is our common goal.

Prevention of posture disorders.

Preschool age is the period of posture formation. At this age, the formation of the bone structure is not yet complete, the skeleton is largely composed of cartilaginous tissue, the bones are not strong enough, they have little mineral salts, the extensor muscles are not sufficiently developed, therefore the posture in children is unstable, easily disturbed under the influence of improper body position.

What can lead to poor posture? There are many such reasons, let's name just a few.

Furniture does not match the age of the child. Especially when he for a long time holds in a forced position. Therefore, you need to remember about the need to match the chairs and tables for the child's height, both in kindergarten and at home, and also not to interfere with the child spending more time in a free position (for example, lying on the carpet), as is customary in many foreign countries. preschool institutions and schools.

Constantly holding the child when walking by the same hand.

The habit of standing with support on the same leg. With proper walking, body weight is evenly distributed on both legs. We can speak of an even distribution of body weight when the feet are parallel when walking. That is why, in order to form a correct walk, the child must be placed in such a situation so that his legs are parallel to each other, for example, to train when walking on a narrow path, a board, a log. If the child has completed the appropriate exercise and everything is in order with his coordination, then he is able to walk along a stick or rope.

Incorrect sitting posture (leaning forward, throwing your arms behind the back of the chair, putting your leg under you).

Incorrect posture during sleep (sleeping with legs tucked to stomach, curled up in a ball). You need to sleep on a hard bed, leaning on it with bony protrusions; at the same time, the muscles should not be in constant tension, so a soft mattress and pillow are needed. Better if the pillow is between the cheek and shoulder, it can be quite soft, but small. The best sleeping position is on your back, with your arms spread out to the side.

Posture disorders often develop in sedentary children, weakened with poorly developed muscles, therefore, gymnastic exercises are necessary for those muscles that provide good posture.

Poor posture is not only not aesthetically pleasing, but it adversely affects the position of the internal organs. A stooped back makes it difficult to maintain the normal position of the chest; weak abdominal muscles also do not contribute to deepening breathing. The consequence is a lower supply of oxygen to the tissues.

It is very important to monitor the posture of the preschooler and develop the ability to sit and stand correctly. Sitting is not a rest, but an act of static stress. When sitting, children, unlike adults, do significant muscle work.

The extensor muscles (especially if they have not been strengthened before) are still weak, so children quickly get tired of sitting and try to quickly change their posture or get up to move. We, adults, often do not understand this and scold children for restlessness.