
Figures from the leaves of trees. Crafts from maple leaves and helicopter seeds on the theme of autumn for kindergarten and school. How to make a wreath, bouquet, crown of maple leaves with your own hands? option. Autumn sheet of paper accordion


Svetlana Zhigimont

A riot of autumn colors like a flash, followed by the extinction of nature. So I want to preserve and extend the opportunity to admire the bright leaves inhale their bitter smell. The use of natural material for manufacturing crafts- this is a great opportunity to enjoy the colors of autumn.

October brought us with gifts:

Painted gardens and parks,

Become leaves like in a fairy tale.

Where did he get so much paint?

Y. Kasparova

On a walk you can rustle foliage, participate in cleaning the garden, collect bright autumn bouquets, take memorable photos. It gives a boost of vivacity, Have a good mood, develops observation and curiosity of children of any age.

Observing certain rules, the teacher with the children on a walk collects leaves from different trees, maple seeds, acorns, chestnuts, cones. As a group, these treasures are sorted and prepared for further use.

When studying natural material, various mental cognitive processes and sense organs of children are included, they consider, name and compare tree species, color and shape. leaves and seeds, smell, compare tactile sensations, observe changes, etc.

Traditionally leaves laid to dry and a herbarium is made; from seeds, chestnuts and cones are made crafts.

1. Composition "Bouquet of roses".

Prepared leaves maples are folded in half, rolled up and tied with a thread.

Second and subsequent leaves wrapped around the first roll. For the brightness of roses, you can use leaves of different colors.

Roses are collected in a bouquet. Every flower is smeared vegetable oil for shine and durability.

2. Painting" Winter Garden"using skeletonized leaves.

For skeletonizing the Internet, a digestion method is given leaves. It's long and difficult. I used chlorine solution. Leaves are laid in a container and filled with chlorine solution, I have domestos, you can use whiteness. Carefully! This operation is NOT performed in a preschool!

If the solution is good, then leaves discolor quickly (per night). It turns out a translucent mesh of leaves.

Leaves washed in water, they can be tinted by placing them in a solution of watercolors of different saturations. I used bleached ones. The blanks are dried between several layers of paper.

To create the composition "Winter Garden", blanks are laid out on a suitable picture and fixed with PVA glue.

These works were presented at the exhibition "Colors of Autumn".

Related publications:

Application from autumn leaves The process is always exciting and creative. BUT collective application- especially. In senior preschool.

During the walk, we collected with the children the brightest autumn leaves for the herbarium and works with natural material. material to perform.

Purpose: to form practical skills in working with natural material. On one of the walks, my little trackers noticed among the withered.

Description: work can be done with older children preschool age. The material may be useful for preschool teachers.

Materials and equipment: autumn leaves, PVA glue, water, scissors, balloon. When you have collected together with the children autumn wonderful.

Tasks: To teach children to create plot compositions from natural material - dried leaves; develop a sense of color and composition. Bring up.

Autumn is rich in gifts, not only in terms of harvest, but also materials for creativity. This article contains the most bright ideas decor from fruits and flowers, easy master classes of handicrafts from leaves, thanks to which everyone can feel like an artist.

Preparation of materials

To get the most out of autumn creativity, you need to carefully approach the preparation of the material. Collect leaves in dry weather. When collecting, pay attention to chestnuts, cones, nuts, beautiful twigs and flowers. Perhaps they will be needed for creativity in the future. Choose leaves of green, red or yellow color, without damage and black dots. After the walk, proceed to the next step: drying.

Drying methods

After the material is collected, it is necessary to determine the method of drying. Based on your idea, you can use air drying, books and a press, salt, sand, iron, glycerin. Let's consider each method.

Cold drying

The simplest, but at the same time, the longest way is cold drying:

  1. Wrap the blank in paper and then put it in a book. If you use one book for several leaves, you must leave a distance of at least a millimeter between them.
  2. Next, the blank should be placed under a press (actually, under a stack of books) and dried for a week. It is advisable to change the absorbent paper as often as possible (once a day).
  3. If you notice that the leaves have become brittle, you can use the following remedy. Make a solution of water and PVA glue in a ratio of 1 to 4, dip the leaves, and continue to dry.

To reduce drying time, you can buy or make a flower press. To do this, you will need two square boards, watercolor paper, a drill and bolts with nuts. It is necessary to drill holes in the corners of the boards in the same places. Next, place paper and plants wrapped in paper towels between the boards and bolt them together.

If for crafts you need naturally curled voluminous leaves, then you can simply dry on paper in a well-ventilated room. It is important not to leave in direct sunlight, so as not to change color. To speed up the process, use a hair dryer, the leaves will also curl up into a beautiful tube, but the color will definitely not change.

hot drying

If you need dried leaves very urgently, then use an iron to dry:

  1. Place the leaves on paper folded in half.
  2. Use wax paper to reinforce the material.
  3. Iron until the moisture has completely evaporated.

The disadvantage of this method is that the leaves become brittle and are not stored for a long time, but the child is quite suitable for crafts in the kindergarten.

For quick drying, the oven will fit:

  1. Lay out the plants with towels.
  2. Set the oven to the lowest setting and place the workpiece in it.
  3. Leave to dry with the door open for a day.

For more information about drying plants, see the video.

Powder drying

The method consists in placing the leaves in a loose substance that absorbs water. For this, river sand, semolina, crushed chalk or salt will do.

Step by step:

  1. Prepare the bulk material to be used. If it is sand, then it must be calcined in a pan.
  2. Take a box and sprinkle blanks in it.
  3. After a few days, make holes in the bottom of the box in order to pour out the contents, and get the leaves without damage.


Leaves and flowers treated with glycerin will look especially good in bouquets and topiaries:

  1. Make a solution of water and glycerin in a ratio of one to two, and completely fill the workpiece.
  2. Put something heavy on the plants to keep them from floating.
  3. Wait for the glycerin to replace the moisture. When this happens, you will notice water droplets on the surface of the plants.


  1. Prepare the leaves and lay them out on parchment at a small distance from each other.
  2. Melt the wax in a water bath, stirring with a wooden spatula.
  3. Add some essential oil.
  4. Alternately lower the leaves into the wax for a minute, holding the spine.
  5. Then take it out, let the excess wax drain.
  6. Lay the leaves on paper without letting them touch.
  7. Leave until the wax is completely dry.

Master classes

After processing the material, you can begin to be creative. Follow our instructions and let the created decor items keep the charm of autumn in your home for a long time.


crafts from skeletonized leaves look very gentle and spectacular. You need to choose hard leaves with very clearly visible veins: maple, oak, ash, magnolia and ivy.

You will need:

  • pot;
  • gloves;
  • soda ash or baking soda.

Step by step:

  1. Dissolve 2 tablespoons of soda in a liter of water and put in the plant solution. It is important that the water covers them completely, if necessary, make another solution in the same proportion.
  2. Next, boil and reduce the heat. It is desirable to reduce the temperature to eighty degrees. The mixture should bubble up a little. Continue to simmer until the leaves begin to fall apart. This should take about three hours. As it boils, add water, or completely renew the solution.
  3. Remove the leaves and place in a bowl of cold water.
  4. Next, rub the leaves with a soft brush to remove the pulp. As a result, veins and a translucent layer will remain. Can be rinsed under a fine stream of running water.
  5. Leave to dry in the air, or under pressure. In a day or two, the blanks will be ready for further creativity.

Autumn bouquets

Creating compositions from dried flowers and leaves with your own hands is quite simple and pleasant. The main thing is not to limit your imagination. When composing a bouquet, the following tips and ideas in the picture will come in handy.

A few tips for arranging autumn bouquets:

  1. Use rowan berries, viburnum, wild rose, branches.
  2. Wrap a vase or jar with a cloth suitable for color scheme.
  3. Pick plants of different heights, textures, colors, volumes.
  4. Melted wax will help fix the bouquet.
  5. Add lavender, mint, cinnamon or cloves to the composition. This will give it a subtle pleasant aroma.
  6. To prevent shedding of small flowers, use hairspray.
  7. Choose the shades of the material of the composition, suitable for the color scheme of the interior of the house.

maple leaf rose

Your autumn bouquet can be supplemented with roses from maple leaves, they are made simply.

For crafts from maple leaves with your own hands you will need:

  • 10 fresh leaves (for one rose);
  • branches;
  • scissors;
  • adhesive tape.


  1. Fold one leaf in half and roll into a tube, forming a bud.
  2. Next, attach the first leaf to the center of the second, hide the ends and wrap around the bud.
  3. Continue wrapping with the rest of the leaves, picking up bigger size.
  4. When will the rose right size, fasten the base with duct tape while attaching the twig. The flower is ready!

Assorted flowers in a jar

The following composition will also perfectly complement the interior of a room, such as a bedroom.

You will need:

  • flowers, small twigs, dried herbs and berries;
  • bank, or other container;
  • essential oil.


  1. Gather the buds of your favorite flowers and dry gently.
  2. Pour into a pretty container. A jar will do, just decorate the neck with a ribbon.
  3. Close the jar and let it brew in the dark for a few days.
  4. Add the right essential oil.
  5. Your flower assortment is ready.


A vase for small things made of maple leaves will perfectly fit into the interior and emphasize the creativity of the owners.

You will need:

  • leaves;
  • PVA glue;
  • ball;
  • wide brush;
  • scissors.

Let's get to work:

  1. Mix glue and water in a ratio of one to one.
  2. Inflate the balloon and coat one half of it with glue with a brush.
  3. Glue the leaves one by one to the ball. Remove excess leaves and roots with scissors .
  4. Next, to fix, spread the leaves with a layer of a mixture of water and glue. Continue until one side of the balloon is covered. Place most of the material on lower part ball to strengthen the bottom.
  5. Leave to dry.
  6. After a day, pierce the ball. The vase is ready.


Leaves and flowers treated with glycerin are very suitable for topiary. You will also need rowan berries, viburnum, cones, acorns, chestnuts, flowers and dry twigs.

You need:

  • small leaves, berries, ribbons, beads, fruits;
  • wooden stick;
  • pot or flowerpot;
  • 2 foam balls;
  • dye;
  • glue gun;
  • adhesive tape, masking tape is better.

Step by step manufacturing process:

  1. First of all, fix one ball in a pot with glue, and stick a stick into the hole prepared in it. If there is no foam, the balls can be rolled up from the newspaper and pasted over with tape. It is desirable that the stick rests on the bottom of the pot.
  2. Then you need to glue the surface of the ball with masking tape in order not to stain the paint.
  3. Cover the stick and pot with paint. It is most convenient to use spray paint.
  4. After the paint has dried, put the second ball on the remaining end of the stick.
  5. Next, decorate the ball with leaves. To do this, make holes in the ball and insert a leaflet, after smearing the spine with glue. Gradually form a rounded crown.
  6. Add berries and flowers.
  7. Cover dry leaves with hairspray for extra strength of the composition.
  8. The surface of the lower ball can be decorated with moss, finely chopped yarn, beads and ribbons, or any textured material.
  9. Glue leaves or lace to the trunk. Your topiary is ready.

Decorative autumn wreath

autumn wreath on the front door will delight you and your neighbors.

You will need:

  • thin long branches, a vine is well suited;
  • dried leaves;
  • bunches of mountain ash, physalis;
  • glue gun;
  • scissors;
  • thin wire;
  • beautiful threads.

Making guide:

  1. First you need to make the base. Craft stores sometimes sell wreath blanks, but they are easy to make yourself. To do this, you need to form branches into an oval or a circle, and twist with wire. Don't be scared if perfect figure it didn’t work out, or sticking out twigs remained - this will give a more natural look to the composition.
  2. Start decorating. Apply hot glue to the leaves, and gradually attach them to suitable twigs. If you want to make an asymmetrical wreath, glue fewer leaves on one side.
  3. For reliability, it is better to attach rowan and physalis berries with wire. Then cover the visible attachment points with leaflets.
  4. Done, the wreath can be attached to the door.


You will need:

  • bright leaves and flowers;
  • old frame, or made of cardboard;
  • glue, PVA or hot;

Manufacturing instructions:

  1. Prepare your workspace.
  2. Make a cardboard base if you are not using a pre-made frame.
  3. Lubricate the base with glue and carefully decorate with the prepared material.
  4. Coat with varnish for durability.
  5. If you are using an old textured frame, then you can decorate only one or two corners of the frame, and the rest of the frame can be further aged with a scraper and varnished.
  6. Done, place a photo or drawing.


You will need:

  • waxed leaves;
  • fishing line;
  • parchment and tape;
  • glue gun;
  • scissors.

Manufacturing process:

  1. First, choose a place for the future garland and measure the desired size.
  2. Lay the parchment out on a flat surface. Glue the fishing line with tape on both sides of the paper.
  3. Arrange the leaves in the desired order. Keep a small distance between them.
  4. Attach to the line with hot glue. Let dry.
  5. Based on what was planned, make the required number of such threads and fasten them together. Ready! The garland can be hung on a prepared place and enjoy the autumn leaf fall. It will look especially beautiful in combination with a New Year's ice garland.

stained glass

You will need:

  • dried or waxed leaves;
  • hoop ;
  • baking parchment;
  • pencil;
  • towel, or thick cloth;
  • iron;
  • beautiful wide ribbon;
  • scissors.


  1. First, circle the hoop on parchment, adding a few millimeters. Cut out the parchment along the traced outline.
  2. Also cut out a larger circle of waxed paper. Next, you need to lay out the selected leaves on the parchment and cover with waxed paper.
  3. Iron over paper on low setting without steam.
  4. After the wax has set, let it cool for about an hour. Next, you need to trim the paper to the size of the parchment and insert it into the hoop.
  5. Tie a ribbon to the hoop, hang them.


You will need:

  • thin rods of small size;
  • woolen or acrylic threads in three different colors;
  • white woolen thread for tying;
  • dry leaves and flowers;
  • pieces of tree bark, dry moss, acorns, cones, berries, lionfish.

Let's start the manufacturing process:

  1. Prepare the material and lay it comfortably on the work surface.
  2. Tie the sticks with white thread in the shape of a quadrangle.
  3. Stretch a bright thread over the resulting grid-like frame.
  4. Put the rest of the prepared materials into the net of threads.
  5. Your panel is ready.


In this video you will see how to make a topiary, a vase and a garland, as well as some more amazing ideas. autumn crafts.

Autumn is not only cloudy days, raindrops that constantly drum on windows and roofs, but also a time of bright colorful landscapes. During a normal walk. which takes place in a city park or square, it is easy to collect a whole collection of material different sizes, shapes and colors (yellow, brown, green, red, orange), with the help of which craftswomen, and even children, create crafts from tree leaves with their own hands for a gift or decoration at home, interior, for school exhibitions, presentations for teacher's day or a holiday autumn.

Step-by-step instructions for crafts for children from tree leaves

The variety of forms, and with them the stunning colors of autumn leaves, give you the chance to create many compositions, equibanas, herbariums, applications and crafts. If we talk about plots, then birds, zodiac signs, fairy-tale creatures, animals, decorative elements and decorations are considered popular. It is especially interesting to involve a child in such creativity, because the creation of masterpieces develops his imagination and creativity. Use the following step by step instructions to teach your child how to create interesting DIY crafts.

Volume application Owl from birch leaves

To create an owl, birch leaves are best suited, they are small in size, have a smooth contour, due to which they easily fit onto the drawing, making it voluminous.

Necessary materials and tools:

  • landscape sheet of white cardboard;
  • stationery scissors;
  • birch leaves;
  • simple pencil;
  • black buttons or toy eyes;
  • PVA glue;
  • 1 sheet of white, black, red paper.

Step by step:

  1. First, draw on cardboard or print on a printer the silhouette of the future owl.
  2. Next, carefully cut out the cardboard bird.
  3. Visually divide the owl into horizontal rows, apply glue to each in turn and lay the leaves. It is recommended to start gluing the sheets from the bottom row, gradually rising to the topmost one, until we completely paste over the entire owl. Lay the leaves overlapping each other.
  4. Take for the eyes white paper, cut out two circles, glue on the owl with glue. As the pupils, we use black buttons that need to be attached to the paper eyes with glue.
  5. We use red paper for the legs and beak, cut it out, glue them to the owl with glue.

Autumn craft hedgehog from cones and leaves

Not only leaves are used for crafts, other natural materials are added to them - chestnuts, cones, acorns. Try to make a funny hedgehog with your child. Necessary materials:

  • Pine cones;
  • plastic bottle(0.5 or 1 liter);
  • stationery knife;
  • a sheet of thick cardboard;
  • plasticine Brown color
  • glue "Moment";
  • two bottle caps;
  • black acrylic paints.


  1. It is advisable to take a dark-colored bottle (brown or black), if there is none, a transparent one will do, but then it must be completely painted with acrylic paints.
  2. We attach bumps to the painted bottle with glue, starting from the back of the future hedgehog. Make sure that the cones are firmly fixed on the bottle. We paste over the entire bottle with bumps, except for the “muzzle” and “tummy” of the future little animal.
  3. When the hedgehog's body is ready, we proceed to create a spout - for this we glue the bottle cap with brown plasticine.
  4. For the peephole, we take two white bottle caps, in the center of which we draw pupils with acrylic paint.
  5. Glue the finished eyes to the muzzle with glue.
  6. The craft is almost ready, it remains only to decorate it. To do this, spread the moss on a piece of cardboard and plant a hedgehog on it.
  7. Put leaves, rowan berries on the back of the animal.

Composition of leaves Firebird

With the help of autumn leaves, children's fairy tales can come to life in original compositions. For example, we suggest trying to create a Firebird. Required materials and tools:

  • a sheet of white cardboard;
  • yellow and black acrylic paints;
  • PVA glue;
  • red and green maple leaves;
  • scissors;
  • birch leaves;
  • stems with ash leaves;
  • stems with white acacia leaves;
  • birch leaves;
  • simple pencil;

Step by step:

  1. Draw on cardboard the silhouette of the Firebird with a magnificent tail, cut it out. Paint the body of the bird up to the tail with yellow acrylic, draw an eye in black. Wait until the paint dries.
  2. Then we proceed to decorate the Firebird, starting from the bottom of the tail. We apply glue to a strip of cardboard ponytail and tightly fasten the golden ash stems.
  3. The next layer, a little higher, we glue a row of red maple leaves, 3 row - green maple leaves, the fourth - birch leaves, the fifth - green maple, the sixth - white acacia stems, the seventh - birch leaves, the final row - red maple leaves.
  4. When the tail is ready, we proceed to create the wing. Again, we begin to fasten the leaves with glue from the bottom row in the following sequence - ash stem, red maple leaf, green maple, birch leaf, maple red.
  5. Fairy Firebird is ready!

tree leaf mask

For children's holiday Autumn in a kindergarten or school or a masquerade ball, make an original mask with your child. You will need:

  • maple leaves of different sizes;
  • cardboard;
  • strong rope, ribbon or elastic band;
  • stationery scissors;
  • glue;

Step by step:

  1. Draw a blank for the mask on a cardboard sheet, cut it out along the contour.
  2. Make small cuts along the edges of the mask and tie a thread so that in the future the product will keep well on the head.
  3. Glue the cardboard blank with glue and leaves. Start fastening first large sheets at the edges, in the middle - small ones.

Vase of autumn leaves

Autumn leaves are used to make not only children's crafts, but also to decorate home interiors. We offer to make an original vase for sweets or fruits. Required tools and materials:

  • PVA glue;
  • balloon;
  • petrolatum;
  • brush for glue;
  • scissors;
  • Maple leaves.

Step by step:

  1. We inflate the balloon to the required size, the larger the vase is needed, the larger the balloon will be.
  2. So that the leaves are well behind the ball, lubricate it with petroleum jelly before work.
  3. For convenient work, we fix our ball in any container and begin to make a vase.
  4. Apply glue generously to each maple leaf with a brush, apply in turn to the inflated ball.
  5. Lay out several layers of leaves.
  6. Nearly ready product once again, completely grease with glue and wait until it is completely dry (48-72 hours).
  7. Then deflate the balloon.

photo frame

All children love to decorate the walls of their room with photographs or hand-drawn pictures. Help put your child's favorite photo into an original DIY frame. Necessary materials:

  • cardboard;
  • glue;
  • leaflets;
  • simple pencil;
  • scissors.

Step by step:

  1. Prepare a cardboard frame required size. In the middle of the frame (where the picture will be), we make the photo a little smaller.
  2. Before making a frame, dip the leaves in hot water, they will become soft.
  3. Next, using PVA glue, glue the frame with leaves.
  4. We put the finished craft under a stack of heavy magazines or books. We are waiting for the frame to dry.
  5. We insert our favorite photo into our composition, fixing it at the back with tape.

Application Lion and fish on paper from dry leaves of trees

Colorful and bright applications are obtained if whole leaves are used for their preparation. Children love to create different animals and birds - a bunny, a fox, a horse, a cockerel, a cat, a dog, etc. We offer to make a funny lion cub and a fish. Required materials for the lion:

  • yellow linden leaves;
  • black felt-tip pen or marker;
  • ash seeds;
  • fruits of horse chestnut;
  • PVA glue;
  • a branch of dry pine;
  • scissors;
  • yellow colored paper;
  • orange cardboard.

Step by step description:

  1. Print or draw a lion's head on yellow paper, cut it out.
  2. In a circle, glue the mane with glue in several rows with linden leaves.
  3. With a black felt-tip pen, paint over the nose of the lion and stick one chestnut to it with glue.
  4. We use needles from a sprig of dry pine as antennae for a lion.
  5. The tongue will replace the glued ash seed.
  6. When the product dries, the craft will be ready.

Required materials for the fish:

  • yellow linden leaves;
  • PVA glue;
  • brown quince leaves;
  • marker;
  • ash seeds;
  • acorns;
  • stationery scissors;
  • blue colored paper.

Step by step description:

  1. Print the fish template on blue paper or draw with a marker, cut it out with scissors.
  2. Cut off the stalk of each leaf of linden, using glue, attach them to the frame in the form of fish scales.
  3. Glue a few quince leaves on the tail of the appliqué and decorate with ash seeds.
  4. Attach the acorn caps to the fish with glue along the line of the head. Craft from tree leaves with your own hands is ready!

How to dry leaves for crafts

Dry leaves are an excellent free raw material for various herbariums, applications, crafts. To keep your crafts long time, you need to learn how to properly dry the leaves. To do this, study the following rules:

  • Collect natural material only in dry weather.
  • Choose yellow or green leaf color.
  • pay attention to appearance leaflets. The most suitable will be smooth, beautiful and clean, without damage and black dots.

There are several options for drying leaves. Let's consider each:

  • Long and high-quality way (takes 14-30 days). Carefully flatten each leaf and place between the pages of a notebook, which must be placed in a large thick book. Press something heavy on top of the book.
  • Accelerated. If you did not have time to make a blank, and you already need leaves for tomorrow, this method is the most suitable. Place the leaves between the newspapers and iron with a warm iron 3-4 times. Then let the plants cool and repeat the procedure a few more times. It is worth saying that when using this method, the plants become fragile and cannot be stored for a long time, the green leaves immediately darken, and the yellow ones remain bright.
  • Alternative. Some craftswomen got used to harvesting leaves with a hair dryer. They claim that with this method, the plants do not darken, but there is a chance that the leaves will curl up into a tube.

Video tutorials: how to create crafts from tree leaves for children

Nature in autumn fascinates with a riot of colors, so children often bring bouquets of colorful leaves from a walk. Invite your child to build a craft from tree leaves with their own hands, because this is not only an interesting, exciting idea, but easy way to acquaint the baby closer with nature, broaden his horizons, teach him to develop his imagination. Creating such compositions is not difficult, use the following step-by-step instructions as an auxiliary video.

A panel of acorns and autumn leaves for elementary school

Master class on creating a butterfly and a mouse for children in kindergarten

Craft - an autumn bouquet of roses from maple leaves for schoolchildren

Beautiful pictures on cardboard for the autumn holiday for kindergarten

Do-it-yourself hedgehog in the grass from leaves and flowers

Crafts from leaves, cones, chestnuts and acorns for activities with children

Photo of crafts made from tree leaves, made by hand

Decor elements made of natural materials will help create an atmosphere of celebration and comfort in your home. Such products will fill the house with a positive charge and favorable energy. To create a real masterpiece with autumn leaves, you will need patience, accuracy and imagination. For inspiration interesting ideas We recommend viewing a selection of photographs made by boys and girls under the guidance of adults.

Good afternoon - today we continue the theme of autumn crafts - I have already shown several ideas for autumn applications in our article. And also we dwelled in detail on what masterpieces within the framework can be created from dried flowers in the article. And also we made different heroes and animals from pumpkin

And today we will make applications from autumn leaves different ways. In this article I collected several interesting techniques . If you are a kindergarten teacher primary school at school or the head of a creative circle - then here you will find a whole piggy bank best ideas for autumn leaf applications.

Let me first show you the appliqué techniques... and then we'll look at individual topics


MOSAIC leaf applique.

The first technique (my favorite) that I want to show you is that autumn leaves are used as puzzles in one whole mosaic. By stacking them in a certain order, we can get an image, for example, of a crab (photo below).

Moreover, if you look closely at the photo below, you will notice that the leaves on this mosaic canvas cut with scissors to give them the desired shape.

The only difficulty in creating such a crab appliqué is that (as you noted) - it is SYMMETRIC - the same on the left and on the right. This requires that your hardwood material contains identical pairs of leaves- and for this you need to tinker with the selection of material. As in the case of the butterfly application in the photo below.

But what a miracle can be laid out from autumn leaves and dry fern stalks. Take a closer look - there is also zone of symmetrical layout of leaves - in the tummy area seahorse. The rest of the leaves are laid out according to the laws of harmony and proportion.

Not only autumn leaves can be used to create mosaic applications. Here in the photo below we see an example mosaic application of a skull from dried field and garden flowers.

And here is the autumn picture - which tells us the idea of ​​​​creating beautiful silhouette paintings lined with leafy mosaics.

I really hope you come up with own plots for creating autumn applications in mosaic technique. Be sure to send me a photo - I really want to see your results of creative thought.

Now let's move on to the next technique.



Autumn application can be made crushed autumn leaves most different color. From red autumn leaves we get red topping, from yellow leaves - yellow. Also you can add dry black tea, green tea, sage leaves, etc..

Here are examples of appliqué paintings made in this technique.


Application picture with GRAPHICS.

But the most kids favorite technology autumn application. When a sheet is placed on a sheet of white paper ... and then the child thinks out and finishes the artistic plot (entourage, props) with a pencil.

When a good artistic idea is thought up, then a pencil sketch can be fix with black ink or black felt-tip pen.

Children are very fond of drawing funny animals with bulging eyes to the leaves... You can pre-print from the Internet a lot such simple animal graphics... Let the children first put the leaves on the painted animals ... and then, by analogy (already with this experience of analysis and comparison), create their funny characters for the children's autumn application.

In addition to simple pencil graphics - in the same technique, you can use gouache or watercolor - and in any technique available to you. For example, children may from your handprint make a bird… draw twigs… and stick real autumn dry leaves on the branches.


DRAWING on leaves with gouache and oil.

And here's another amazing beautiful technique work with autumn leaves. On well-dried dense leaves, you can apply patterns - dotted, striped, stitched.

Then stick them on cardboard - placing in a circle from the center - radially, like rays in different directions. After the solar layout of the leaves is ready - you need outline with a pencil the contours of this leafy sun(external and internal) - and then cut them out with scissors.

With paint you can draw muzzles and eyes on autumn leaves- it will turn out such a pretty krakozyabra.

They can be glued to a sheet of paper. against the background of painted grass(and they will look like insects) ... you can stick on a blue background with algae(and they pass for wild fish).

Can autumn sheet turn into any character... with the help of paints - draw cat eyes and nose we cut the edge of the sheet with scissors so that we get ears - and here we have CATS.

By the same principle you can turn a dry leaf into a cartoon Minion, SpongeBob ... or another character. Can manifest your personal fantasy and a craving for an artistic EXPERIMENT… we have a lot of leaves… it won’t work – take a new leaf and move on. Train... look for images... draw faces and eyes.

But what pictures you can draw to autumn leaves if you have artistic skills. Neat brush strokes… mimicking feathers… small beak… and beady eyes.

Here in the photo below is the name of the artist who creates such masterpieces of paintings on autumn leaves.

Really cool! Truth?

All these ideas are really inspiring.

I just want to do something similar - but OWN, unique.


Application of leaves ON CARDBOARD.

In circles of children's creativity Applications from autumn natural material ON A CARDBOARD BASIS are one of the most popular topics. And it's really convenient Cardboard is a fairly thick material. to keep thick layers of leaves, twigs, large seeds glued on.

The most popular theme of such applications from leaves and cardboard is, of course, hedgehogs.

And also owls. We draw the contours of an owl on cardboard ... glue it with leaves - starting from the bottom row of leaves, and moving upwards with an overlap. You can fill the whole owl with hardwood, or you can leave the paws and head without leaves, just cover these areas with gouache.

And you can make applications of owls - just like in the photo below. Here cut out a regular circle from cardboard ... glue wing-leaves... we make two eyes and a beak from cardboard ... ears and paws from pieces of sharp leaves. And then when the owl is ready glue a regular clothespin on the back of the cardboard(glue or tape) ... and seat-pin our owls on a tree branch.

And here is another way to make an application based on cardboard. First, we put the drawing on cardboard - then we translate this drawing from reverse side cardboard boxes. We cover the whole pattern with leaves of different colors. And cut out the squirrel along the contour - just like in the photo below.

THEMES and PLOT for autumn applications

(animals, birds, insects, people)

It can be funny people... Princesses in floral dresses... forest fairies dancing in a clearing in leaves-dresses and hats-flowers.

Or dry leaves can be laid in the most similar to the real proportions of the human body. To be as close as possible to a painting in the style of realism. Here in the photo below we see a beautiful application of a girl from dry leaves.

You can immediately cut out a blank for an autumn application from cardboard - a model of a girl or a princess - and invite the children to come up with the design of her clothes from dry and fresh leaves and flowers.

Can do beautiful application-PORTRAIT from dried flowers, dry grass stems, and leaves ...

Can be in cut from cardboard WOMAN PROFILE... put it on a piece of paper - and come up with a HAIR HAIR for this face from dry flowers and leaves.

But this is a craft that is interesting for girls.

But for the boys can be printed on a printer proud Indian profile- and the leaves will replace the feathers on the Indian headdress of the red-skinned leader.

If you are already an adult artist, then you can lay out picturesque leaves from leaves. heads of ethnic portraits. Here in the photo below we see similar works - where the picture was created from a mosaic of BUTTERFLY WINGS (it's creepy to imagine how many butterflies were ruined for the sake of such beauty). So I FOR that to make a work of art from more humane plant materials.

Here are more examples of paintings from dry leaves and flowers in ethnic themes. African ... and Chinese.

Applications from leaves in the form of ANIMALS

Application of animals from dry leaves is the most popular in children's art. Such autumn applications you will and receive as school homework... you will climb with your child through parks and yards in search of high-quality, clean and beautiful leaves.

Here are some options for how to put different leaves into an animal or bird applique image ...

And here is cute oak leaf hedgehog and one poplar leaf. The chestnut acts as an eye.

And here's another way to do it mouse application from the leaves of poplar or linden.

And next to the mouse, you can put such a hungry cat with eyes of violet petals ... from large chestnut leaves (for the body and paws) ... rowan or shrub leaves (for the tail).

And here is an example turtle and elephant from autumn leaves pasted in the form of an application. Elephant tusks can be cut out of white paper.

BIRD APPLICATIONS from autumn leaves.

But the options for a variety of birds - silhouettes of birds can be found on the Internet... print their images - and then try to pick up the leaves of the desired shapes to get the intended bird figurine on your autumn application.

Most often, of course, they are made from dry leaves. peacock appliques with a bushy tail.

Moreover, the tail of a peacock can consist of ONE SINGLE maple leaf ...

Or the tail may consist of a lush bouquet of autumn leaves laid out in the form of a fan ... You can make several TIERS of this fan laying of leaves at once - each row of its own color - a row of yellow feather leaves ... a row of red feather leaves, etc.

You can make small hummingbirds and sparrows...

... or large turkeys.

But chicken and rooster applique from dry autumn leaves. You see how each leaf is laid for a reason. Each leaf is a SCULPTURAL part of the plumage of a bird. By giving the feathers the right réliès, so that we can see not only the flat silhouette of the chicken ... but also its textured bulges.

Autumn applications in the form of FISH ...

The youngest children love to make the simplest shapes out of leaves. And of course it's fish. What could be simpler… the body of the fish already has the shape of a leaf… the tail and fins also have shapes common in the plant world.

But this fish silhouette has already been made more complicated ...

Autumn applications in the form of INSECTS ...

And here's another one funny theme- INSULTS and GOATS ... with the help of ordinary paints (as I said above), you can turn ordinary leaves into a bright family of beetles.

As a body for leaf beetles, you can use walnut shells ... berries and rose hips ... chestnut shells ...

Good luck with your creativity.

Olga Klishevskaya, specially for the site

It's time for stormy leaf fall - the most best time in order to make crafts from autumn leaves. For kindergarten and groups early development children, this topic of children's creativity is gradually becoming traditional - it gives the necessary scope to the imagination of the children, does not present difficulties in the process of work and allows you to get very bright, impressive results.

You can work with both dried and fresh.

Panel of autumn leaves

The first craft made from autumn leaves is a wall herbarium. To make it, we need leaves, adhesive film and colored paper. Cut out the "sun" from colored paper. Cut out a circle in its center. Glue the sun onto the adhesive film. Cut out the sun along the contour. The inner part of the sun consists of an adhesive film on which we fix the leaves.

We close the sun with leaves with a layer of adhesive film. Again, cut out the adhesive film along the contour. The wall herbarium is ready! You can stick inscriptions on it with the names of the trees, the leaves of which were used in the craft.

The leaves can be glued onto a transparent film and made from it the original autumn panel.

Fish from autumn leaves

The leaves can be glued onto colored cardboard by making an applique with fish.

The seabed can be decorated with stars and jellyfish.

Seabed made of leaves and petals

Using autumn leaves, you can create an entire underwater world. First, tint the white album sheet with blue paint. You can also take blue paper, but then it will not have the streaks characteristic of the water surface.

Expand the sheet as you like, and glue the bottom with dried autumn leaves. Use the leaves different shapes and colors to get a beautiful seascape.

The leaves of some plants and dry grass can be turned into algae.

The white birch bark will become a shell.

And from other leaves and dry flower petals you can make fish.

Dry twigs will turn into a variety of algae.

Here is such an unusual picture you can make from the usual autumn material!

Autumn painting "seabed"

Birds from autumn leaves

You can make a truly wise autumn owl by using one or more leaves to create its body.

From natural materials and paper, a very original composition is obtained - owls on a branch. From leaves we make wings for owls.

Animals from autumn leaves

From the leaves you can make many wonderful animals. From the red leaves, a wonderful chanterelle is obtained.

Oak leaves can become deer antlers.

A funny animal can be decorated with factory eyes.

Application from the leaves "Lion"

From the leaves, you can even lay out the king of beasts-lion.

Part of the "lion" appliqué can be made from colored paper.

Application of leaves and paper "lion"

The muzzle of a lion can be printed and colored, and a luxurious golden mane can be laid out from maple leaves. First we need to draw or print the face of a lion (the template is at the end of the article).

We take a blue sheet of paper and glue it with bright yellow maple leaves. The lowest leaves should be the largest and closest to the edge. On them layer by layer we glue smaller leaves. We place them a little closer to the center, but leave the very middle free.

On it we glue the muzzle of a paper lion.

You can make a lion's nose and cheeks from leaves, and paint the rest. Application "Lion from leaves" - ready!

Watch how to make a lion appliqué video:

Each lion will be bright, magical and unique.

From the bright autumn leaves, a fabulous tree is obtained.

autumn queen of leaves

If desired, you can make a beautiful autumn.

3 4 Application "autumn" from the leaves

Do-it-yourself leaf insects

From the leaves, a beautiful butterfly is obtained. Such an application can even be framed and hung on the wall.

From leaves, acorns and moss or juniper, you can glue a luxurious beetle.

Trees from autumn leaves

One has only to direct the fantasy in the right direction, as ideas begin to appear one by one, and all that is required is to arm yourself with glue, scissors, and capture the invented images. You can make a real small autumn forest from cardboard rolls and natural materials.

Leaves can be attached to cardboard rolls with paper strips.

From autumn leaves and branches you can make very interesting craft"forester".

Leaves Candlestick

Candlesticks can be glued from thin papyrus paper. autumn leaves give candlesticks a unique charm.

Craft to love young fashionistas- a dress for a doll made of leaves and gifts of nature.

Autumn topiary from leaves

From autumn leaves you can make a luxurious topiary or a tree of happiness. To begin with, take a thin food foil or plain paper, form a fairly large lump out of it and wrap it with threads to fix round shape.

Using a glue gun, attach this ball to a wooden stick or a flat, dry branch.

In a disposable cup, we thickly dilute the gypsum, immerse our blank for the topiary into it.

When the plaster hardens, cut off the free edges of the cup. Let's start pasting the ball with autumn leaves and fruits.

The brighter the materials used, the more spectacular the craft will turn out. It remains only to wrap the cup with thick paper or cloth, mask the plaster at the base of the tree with the same leaves or cones, and decorate with a bow. Ready! Fold the sheet in half Twist to form the middle

We cover this core with the rest of the leaves, forming a flower. We fix the "petals" with a thread. We will get a neat flower head.

But the most interesting thing happens after the leaves dry. They will twist in different directions, and the rose will look like a real one!

As if a fresh bud will bloom before your eyes. The more leaves you use, the more magnificent the flower will turn out. We twist the numerous legs of the leaves together, forming the stem of the rose.

From several flowers it will be possible to make a bouquet, supplementing it with large autumn leaves.

You can leave the bouquet in such a natural form. Or fill it with color with acrylic paint or gouache.

The leaves can be twisted tight enough, then the buds will be more elastic.

Such roses are made from maple leaves twisted into a tube.

Watch the video on how to make an autumn bouquet with roses from leaves:

Autumn wreath of leaves

Colored autumn leaves can make a wonderful decoration for a classroom or room - a wreath. This craft looks very bright and beautiful, but, alas, it is not very durable.