
Preparing for school: practical advice to parents. Tips for parents: how to prepare a child for kindergarten What parents should prepare for


Parents of future first graders will find answers to the following questions:

What does the concept of “child readiness for school” mean?

What should a child know and be able to enter the school.

How to prepare your child for school.

Do I need to teach my child to read before starting school?

With the help of the proposed test “Is the child ready to go to school”, parents will be able to determine the level of school readiness of their child. The content of the questions that you answered in the negative will tell you the topics for further studies with the future student.



How to prepare your child for school?

Previously, a child with a certain amount of knowledge was considered ready for school. Now psychologists and educators say that knowledge is not a goal, but a means of a child's development.

The main thing is not knowledge itself, but the ability to use it, independently obtain it, analyze it.

So The most important element in preparing a child for school is the formation of the ability to learn.Teach your child to consciously subordinate his actions to a general rule (for example, read a book while sitting, keeping a distance of 25-30 cm from the eyes to the book), listen carefully to the speaker and accurately complete this task, show independence, initiative, creativity in any kind of activity.

Expand and deepen your child's understanding of the world.If you do not brush aside the questions that arise in the child, you will not fence him off from the environment. adulthood- preparation for school will go naturally and without tension.

Develop the oral speech of the future student.Read children's literature to your child as often as possible; talk with him about the works you read; more often ask your child to retell a fairy tale he just heard or tell about what he saw interesting during a walk.

Turn everyday requests into developmental tasks more often. For example, for a better orientation of a child in space, the following tasks are effective:

Give me, please, a cup, which is to the right of the plate.

Find the third book on the top shelf, counting from right to left.

Say what is in the room behind the chest of drawers, between the chair and the sofa, behind the TV.

Develop fine motor skills using modeling, drawing, shading, designing from various parts

lei. The better the hand is developed, the easier it is for the child to learn to write, the faster his intellect develops.

Teach the future first grader to the school regime- Go to bed early and wake up early. Instill in him the habit of observing elementary sanitary and hygienic skills: use a public toilet; wash hands before eating, etc. Teach him to dress himself, fold his things neatly, and keep order.

Encourage your child to have a positive attitude towards school. Try to create a "romantic environment" around school life, where there will be new friends, a wise teacher and a whole range of new experiences and emotions.

Never bully your child with school:“Here you go to school, they will quickly bring you up!”

To make the child feel that he is entering a new phase of life, radically change his life: rearrange the child’s room, come up with new household chores for him, etc.


Should children be taught to read before starting school?

NECESSARY! The earlier a child begins to read, the more he likes to do it and the better he copes with reading.

Scientists give a number of reasons why you should teach your child to read, starting not even with preschool age, and from early childhood:

1. Children are hyperactive, inquisitive. If a child of 3-7 years old is given the opportunity to quench his thirst for knowledge, hyperactivity will decrease, which will protect him from injury and allow him to study the world more successful.

2. Almost all children aged “two to five” have unique abilities, including the ability to absorb knowledge. Everyone knows the ease with which young children memorize new and sometimes even incomprehensible information.

3. Learning to read in early age, the child will be able to master much more information,than those of his peers who were deprived of such an opportunity. If he learned to read early, then in the 1st grade he will be able to do the material that is usually given to children aged 8-12.

4. Children who learn to read early have a much better ability to understand.By the time they enter school, they no longer read by syllables, not understanding the meaning of what they read, but expressively, in whole words.

5. The child who learned to read early loves to read.Many parents think that children who can already read will be bored in 1st grade. To say that the more children know, the more bored they will be, is the same as to say that children who know nothing will be interested in everything and forget about boredom. If the class is not interesting, then everyone will be bored. If it is interesting, then only those who are not able to understand anything will get bored.

And one more curious fact: when a child is taught to read at home, success is one hundred percent, regardless of the method used.


Test "Is the child ready to go to school?"

School psychologists have developed special methods to determine the level of readiness of the child for school.

Try to answer ("yes" or "no") to the questions of this test. It will help you understand if your child is ready for school.

1. Is your child able to do something on his own that requires 25-30 minutes of concentration (like jigsaw puzzles)?

2. Does your child say that he wants to go to school because there he will learn a lot of new and interesting things, will find new friends?

3. Can your child independently compose a story from the picture, including at least 5 sentences?

4. Does your child know a few poems by heart?

5. Is it true that your child is present strangers behaves at ease, not shy?

6. Does your child know how to change a noun by numbers (for example: frame - frames, ear - ears, man - people, child - children)!

9. Can your child solve addition and subtraction problems within ten?

10. Can your child solve problems for finding the sum or difference (for example: “There are 3 apples and 2 pears in a vase. How many fruits are in the vase?”; “There were 10 sweets in the vase. 3 sweets were eaten. How many are left?”)?

11. Can your child repeat the sentence exactly (for example:"Bunny, jump on a stump!")?

12. Does your child like to color pictures, draw, sculpt from plasticine?

13. Does your child know how to use scissors and glue (for example, to make an application)?

14. Can your child generalize concepts (for example, name in one word (namely: furniture) table, sofa, chair, armchair)?

15. Can your child compare two objects, that is, name the similarities and differences between them (for example, a pen and a pencil, a tree and a bush)?

16. Does your child know the names of the seasons, months, days of the week, their sequence?

17. Can your child understand and follow verbal instructions accurately?

Evaluation of the result.

15 - 17 questions, you can assume thatyour child is quite ready for school.You did not study with him in vain, and school difficulties, if they arise, will be easily overcome.

If you answered yes to 10 - 14 questions, so your child has learned a lot.The content of the questions to which you answered in the negative will tell you the topics for further studies.

If you answered yes to9 (or less) questions,so you should, firstly,read special literature Secondly, try to devote more time to activities with the child, third, seek help from specialists.


What should a child know and be able to enter school?

We offer an approximate list of knowledge and skills of the future first grader.

The child must know:

Your name, patronymic, surname;

Your age and date of birth;

Your home address and phone number;

The name of your city, its main attractions;

The name of the country in which he lives;

Surnames, names, patronymics of parents, their professions;

Names of the seasons and months (their sequence, the main signs of each season, riddles and poems about the seasons);

Names of domestic animals and their cubs;

Names of some wild animals and their cubs;

Names of wintering and migratory birds;

Names of vegetables, fruits and berries;

Names of means of transport: land, water, air.

The child must be able to:

Distinguish between clothing, shoes and hats;

Retell Russian folk tales;

Distinguish and correctly name planar geometric shapes: circle, square, rectangle, triangle, oval;

Freely navigate in space and on a sheet of paper (right-left side, top-bottom, etc.);

Completely and consistently retell the listened or read story, compose (invent) a story from the picture;

Remember and name 6-10 objects, words;

Distinguish between vowels and consonants;

Divide words into syllables with the help of claps, steps, by the number of vowels;

Determine the number and sequence of sounds in words like poppy, house, whale;

It is good to use scissors (cut out strips, squares, circles, rectangles from paper, cut along the contour of the figure);

Own a pencil: draw vertical and horizontal lines without a ruler; - draw geometric shapes; carefully paint over, hatch, without going beyond the contours of objects;

listen carefully, without being distracted (30-35 minutes);

Maintain a straight, good posture, especially when sitting.


What does the concept of “child readiness for school” mean?

Child psychologists identify several criteria for a child's readiness for school.

Physical readiness.Studying at school is associated with great physical and psychological stress. Filling out a child's medical record before entering school, you can easily navigate this issue and get advice from specialist doctors. If your child has serious health problems and you are recommended special forms of education or a special school, do not neglect the advice of doctors.

Intellectual readiness.It includes the baggage of knowledge of the child, the presence of special skills and abilities (the ability to compare, generalize, reproduce this sample; development of fine motor skills; concentration, etc.). Intellectual readiness is not only the ability to read and write, but also the development of speech (the ability to answer a question, ask a question, retell the text), the ability to reason and think logically.

social readiness.This is the child's need to communicate with peers and the ability to subordinate their behavior to the laws of children's groups, as well as the ability to play the role of a student in a situation of schooling.

Psychological readiness.From this point of view, a child is ready for schooling, whom the school attracts not only with its external side (a wonderful satchel, beautiful student uniform), but also with the opportunity to acquire new knowledge and skills. A school-ready child wants to learn, both because he wants to take a certain position in society that opens access to the world of adults, and because he has a cognitive need that he cannot satisfy at home.

The basis of successful schooling is good and timely preschool preparation. It is better to start this process at 3.5-4 years old, because today's requirements for first-graders are quite high. And if the child is already 6 years old and no one has worked with him before, then it will be more difficult to prepare him. There is a list of skills that are mandatory for a future student, which are not easy to master in a short time. And here the question becomes relevant how to prepare a child for school at home at 6, 7 years old?

To answer this question, we first consider what specific requirements exist for today's first grader. The child who is going to the first class must:

  • be able to introduce himself, tell something about himself, what he is fond of, name the members of his family;
  • be able to write printed letters, distinguish between vowels and consonants well, be able to read light text;
  • learn the days of the week, the names of the months, seasons, say what time of the year it is;
  • distinguish between morning, lunch and evening;
  • learn simple mathematical operations: addition and subtraction;
  • understand simple geometric shapes, such as a square, circle, triangle, be able to draw them;
  • be able to retell short texts;
  • be able to exclude unnecessary from a number of items and explain your choice;
  • be able to take care of themselves: dress, undress, tie shoelaces, maintain order in the workplace;
  • be able to behave in society, respect elders:
  • learn colors and preferably their shades;
  • describe the picture
  • be able to count to twenty and from twenty to one;
  • learn the parts of the human body and be able to draw it correctly;
  • be able to answer questions, “When?”, “Why?”, “Where?”;
  • distinguish between animate and inanimate objects;
  • be able to defend your point of view without getting into a fight with those who do not agree;
  • be able to speak politely with peers and adults;
  • be able to sit quietly in class, without whims and games with other students;

As you can see, the list is quite extensive and to acquire these skills in short term quite difficult. After all, when preparing for school, you need to follow some rules:

How to prepare a child for school at home at 5, 6, 7 years old

It is clear that in order to prepare for school, it is not enough just to learn numbers and letters. It is important to comprehensively develop a child so that he can communicate with peers at the right level, but how to properly prepare a child for school at home at 5, 6, 7 years old and not discourage learning?

Knowing something interesting will make it much easier to establish yourself well among your classmates. And vice versa: being poorly prepared in this regard, the child can become an outsider in the team. Of course, children preschool institutions it is easier to get used to school than those who have this preparation at home. But if you still decide to prepare your child for school at home, we bring to your attention our recommendations for these classes.

Reading lessons

  • these classes are paramount relative to all the others, because having mastered reading, it will be easier for a child to deal with other subjects (you can read more about how to easily and quickly teach a child to read in);
  • letters should be taught in alphabetical order. For clarity, you can fashion them from plasticine and guess what the letter looks like. For example, “g” - for a beetle, “o” - for glasses, and so on. You can also interest the child by showing the letters with your hands or with your whole body. For ideas on how to easily and playfully learn all the letters with your child, see
  • read a simple text to the future student and ask him to find the letter he has just studied in it;
  • invite the child to answer questions on the text, tell what it says, retell it;


  • it is good to start these classes by counting simple, familiar objects, such as toys, sweets, fruits. Later, you can gradually switch to counting sticks or special cards. Learn to count with whole numbers;
  • effectively learn numbers in pairs. For example, 1 and 2, 5 and 6. So it will be easier for the child to understand that if you add one to five apples, you get six apples. For one lesson, you need to study one number pair, and at the beginning of the next, repeat what you have learned and only then start with new numbers.
  • to interest a child in geometry, you can study geometric shapes using cookies as an example. Today in stores you will find square, and round, and triangular cookies.
  • when simple figures are studied, one can take up their drawing with a ruler;
  • It is useful to alternate all of these activities with each other.

writing lessons

  • the baby's hand should be prepared for writing, because it is not yet ready for this type of activity;
  • very well in this regard, classes on the development of fine motor skills affect. In two or three years, you can use cereals, pasta, beads for this; learn to tie shoelaces;
  • teach your child to use children's safety scissors with rounded ends - this also prepares the hand well for writing;
  • first you need to learn how to write in block letters, and only after receiving the first results in this direction, you should start with capital letters;
  • teach your child to write neatly without going beyond the line;
  • use a handle that will be comfortable for your baby;
  • great help in preparing for writing finger gymnastics. It will be effective if you do it with your child, saying “We wrote, we wrote, our fingers are tired. We'll take a break and start writing again."
  • The notebook in which you are going to write must meet modern school requirements. Stores offer a wide variety of writing aids;

Creative activities

  • teach your child to use a brush with, pencils, felt-tip pens, etc .;
  • it’s good if the kid learns to shade the shapes without going beyond their borders. Use for this with large details in the drawings;
  • effectively combine creative activities with the study of geometric shapes. For example, you made a watermelon application and immediately noticed that it resembles a circle;
  • and vice versa: you can draw, cut and sculpt letters and numbers. So the child will better learn what is being studied;

Psychological readiness for school

Psychologists say that the adaptation of the child at school will be more gentle if the first grader has developed certain skills. Here is their list:

  • desire to study, interest in knowledge;
  • the ability to analyze and draw conclusions, compare objects and concepts;
  • understanding the goals of learning at school, awareness of one's "I", sociability;
  • focus on what is being studied at the moment;
  • overcoming difficulties, the ability to finish what you started.

In order to prepare the child for school from the psychological side, parents should:

  • communicate with the future student, read together and discuss what they read;
  • when discussing a read fairy tale or story, incline the child to think about what is described in the text, teach him to draw conclusions and express his own opinion about what he read;
  • show your child what school is game form, in the course of the game, praise the child, give accurate advice. It is good if you change the roles of "student" and "teacher";
  • do not complete tasks instead of the child, teach him to do it on his own or with a little help from you;
  • do not limit the independence of your child. Overprotection can only harm him. If you do not allow your child to learn how to do simple things like tying shoelaces, buttoning buttons, dressing and undressing, neatly folding his clothes in place, etc., in due time, he may become the subject of ridicule in children's team. And vice versa: healthy independence will help the child to assert himself in the new society and gain the necessary authority.
  • teach your child to communicate with peers: arrange games with other children in the yard or at home, take part in these games yourself and, along the way, gently tell your child how to better communicate with peers and not quarrel.
  • try never to laugh at your baby in private, and especially in the presence of other children. This can give rise to low self-esteem in the child, from which self-doubt develops;
  • In order to stimulate the child to learn, use positive motivation. Tell him how much new, useful and interesting things he can learn in the lessons at school;
  • teach the kid to be disciplined, explain to him why silence is needed in the classroom during the lesson.
  • teach your child to ask the teacher questions if something is not clear. Let him be afraid of not knowing something, than to clarify it with the teacher. Explain to the kid that he should take care of his knowledge himself.
  • help your child learn self-respect, understand that excessive aggression or, on the contrary, timidity can harm him. After all, you need to be able to defend your point of view calmly, without screaming and fighting. Try to lose typical situations that develop between children at school. During the game, you will be able to see how your child is ready for such situations, you can give him advice, teach him how to behave correctly. You can also offer your child your own way out of this situation, but only after you listen to the child's opinion on this matter. Of course, you need to encourage the child to do well in any case.

Health issues and school

A special place in preparing for school is occupied by the issue of the health of the future student.

It is very important in the course of this preparation and in the course of the training itself to be able and teach the future student something and not harm his health.

At the age of 6-7 years, the child undergoes such important changes as the change of teeth and the intensive growth of the whole organism. This is the age when the need for movement in children is very high. And if it becomes possible to sit down at a desk at the age of 7, then from the point of view of health, this is much better for the child. If you have to send your child to school at the age of 6, then special attention should be paid to the quality of physical training that your future educational institution offers you. It is very good if the school has an equipped gym and a swimming pool. Indeed, in addition to acquiring new knowledge, a child needs frequent physical education lessons so that blood vessels and the heart work actively, so that there is an appropriate load on the joints, etc. Also, for the health of students, arbitrary physical activity during breaks is useful and it is very good if the class is ventilated during the absence of students.

On the part of parents, one of the components of a healthy preparation for school is the correct summer vacation before studying. As you know, a child needs to rest:

  • from communicating with a large number of people and, accordingly, from contacts with sources of various infections;
  • from a huge number household chemicals and exhaust gases;
  • from catering.

Dr. Komarovsky describes the ideal vacation for a child in this way: “a dacha in the countryside, where there are a minimum of people, where mom or grandmother cooked something from the garden, and where there are definitely no household chemicals.” That is, the ideal rest for a child from the point of view of a doctor is “an inflatable pool with well water, a dump truck poured sand nearby, a dirty, hungry child climbs from the water into the sand and shouts “Mom, let me eat!” If a child spends the summer like this, then his heart, blood vessels, mucous membranes will work perfectly and he will be ready to meet new friends and, accordingly, new infections.

Developing the natural curiosity of your child, get to know the world around you, people and communication with them. Given the advice of psychologists, educators and doctors on how to prepare a child for school at home at 6 years old, do not forget to show personal interest in the process, which will further inspire the future student. If a first-grader is prepared for school, if he has the basic skills for learning, his horizons are broadened, and he knows how to communicate with his peers, then it will be much easier for him to study at school than otherwise, if he is not adequately prepared.

How to prepare a child for school: video

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A few decades ago, children went to schools with a minimum knowledge base, which was given in kindergarten. In the first grade, children gradually began to get acquainted with letters and numbers. The modern school curriculum is quite complex, today's children must come to school with a certain amount of knowledge. A first grader usually knows how to read, write a little block letters, add and subtract numbers up to 10. How so? Why is the teaching load increasing every year? Most likely, this is a trend of the times. Even 50 years ago, people studied at the institute and technical school, received education and worked in the profession all their lives. The current market puts modern professionals in more stringent conditions. Today, in order to stay afloat, you need to constantly learn, improve, develop. Therefore, at school, the program becomes more difficult, increased requirements arise even for first-graders.

Preparation for school is a multifaceted process that includes skills in various subjects- reading, counting, writing. The child must be able to various types Creativity is drawing with paints and pencils, modeling, appliqué. The child must know colors, shapes, seasons and many, many other interesting things. And also, the future first grader must be socially adapted - this means that the child must be able to communicate with peers and adults, not be afraid of them. In this article, we will talk about the multifaceted preparation of a preschooler for the first grade, which will allow you to fill in the gaps in learning and emotional state baby.

What should future first graders know?

Some parents make a big mistake when they think about preparing for school only in the summer, three months before the start of school. As a rule, this is accompanied by serious loads, in fact, the child does not rest before academic year. This is dangerous for the immunity and nervous system of the baby. For learning to be comfortable and effective, it should begin long before the start of the school process. Gradually, from the age of three, you can teach your baby to count fingers, tell him about the environment, learn colors, etc. And from the age of five, preparation should be more serious. Children who go to kindergarten and special development centers are much more prepared in this regard. After all, a mother, even if she devotes a lot of time to a child and regularly works with him, cannot cover such an extensive program. Here are some skills and knowledge that a future first grader should have.

These are the basics of mathematics and counting, which first of all consist in an excellent knowledge of numbers. The child must understand the principle of counting up to 100. He must be able to count not only from one, but from a given number, for example, he was told 4, and the baby continued - 5.6, 7, etc. Within 10, the child should be able to name neighboring numbers. That is, the number 7 is given, the child must determine that there is 6 before it, and 8 after the seven. The child must be familiar with such concepts as greater than, less than and equal to, he must be able to compare numbers within 10. The future first grader must not just memorize numbers, but also understand their meaning, he must be able to count apples, sweets, and other items. Some schools have requirements that the kid should be able to add and subtract within 10, the child should know what plus and minus are. Sometimes you need not only a simple, but also a reverse count. Without fail, a child of 6-7 years old must know the names of the main geometric shapes - a circle, a square, an oval, a triangle, etc. These are basic mathematical knowledge that a child must have before school.

Many children know how to write for school, but only in block letters, not in capital letters. The child must know all the letters, must be able to write simple words (it is allowed if he confuses E and Z, writes some letters in mirror image). The kid must distinguish vowel sounds from consonants, he must know the difference between a letter and a sound. A future first grader should be able to divide a word into syllables, he should determine the location of the indicated letter in the word - at the beginning, in the middle or at the end. If you think of letters, the child must name several words for this letter. The kid should be able to properly hold the pen, circle the pictures along the contour without lifting the pencil from the paper. Usually, by this age, children can draw straight and wavy lines, circle various dotted curls in copybooks. A preschooler, as a rule, paints pictures quite accurately with paints and pencils.


Nowadays, it is very rare for children to come to school who do not yet know how to read. As a rule, a first grader already knows all the letters and can read syllable by syllable. It can be said that reading is a basic skill than earlier child learn to read, the easier it will be given to other subjects. If you have not yet taught your child to read, you should start with vowels. Do not rush to learn all the letters, introduce the child to the basic ones - A, U, O, M, etc. Then it will be possible to make words out of them so that learning is not so boring. Some teachers recommend learning not letters, but sounds. In addition, now they are trying to teach children to read immediately in syllables. Otherwise, the child is often simply confused when the letter BE turns into the sound B. After such experiments, the child reads simple words like BE-A-BE-A, and not just Baba.

A child at this age paints pictures well, without going beyond its contours. The kid should be able to carefully use felt-tip pens, paints, pencils. He should be able to shade the designated areas on paper. A child of this age is quite good at sculpting various animals, fruits, vegetables, geometric shapes. The kid already has some abstract thinking - he can visually form an ikebana, an application from dry leaves, make crafts from improvised means, etc.

The world
By the age of 7, a child should know the days of the week, the seasons and months, the country of residence and the capital of their homeland. It is very important that the baby can give his full name, the name of the parents, his phone number and address. The child should know the names of the main animals, birds, fish. He must know how a tree differs from a shrub, must distinguish between fruits, berries and vegetables. The kid should know different natural phenomena - thunder, rain, hail, hurricane. It is important to introduce the child to such concepts as morning, afternoon and evening.

This is the basic knowledge with which the child must come to the first grade. Nobody says that the kid will not be taken to school if he does not know all this. But it will be much more difficult for a child to master the material if he cannot deal with the simplest initial concepts.

How to learn to be independent at school

Giving the child to school, parents should understand that from now on the baby will be left to himself in terms of hygiene. Teacher primary school, of course, helps the kids in many ways, but this, after all, is not a teacher or a nanny in a kindergarten. By the age of seven, a child should be able to dress and undress completely independently - tie shoelaces, use zippers and rivets, fasten buttons, open and close an umbrella, change clothes for physical education, fold things, clean up after themselves, keep their workspace in order. This is as important as being able to read and write.

In addition, the child should be educated, explain to him the rules of behavior in society. He must understand that it is impossible to run, scream and indulge in the lesson. You can’t fight, offend the weak, bully, snap, swear, etc. You need to say hello, give way to adults, take care of school furniture, you need to help girls endure heavy loads. The child should know all these elementary rules even before entering school, these are the basic norms of etiquette. Upbringing baby is coming family, remember that.

In addition to hygiene standards and writing and reading skills, it is very important to engage in the psychological preparation of the child for school. Here are some tips and tricks that might be helpful for moms of future first graders.

Teach your child in any situation to bring the work begun to the end, whether it is building a sand castle or a book that has been started. This will allow him to achieve great success in school.

If the child does not go to kindergarten and development centers, arrange the game in the "School" at home, equipping the desk and all the necessary accessories. Change roles with your child so that he can be a teacher too. Give the child appropriate comments without offending or criticizing him. Toys can also go to school - dolls and bears.

Do not lose a trusting relationship with your child - talk to him more often in a calm atmosphere, talk about your affairs and plans. This is really important, if some extraordinary situation arises at school, the kid will definitely share it with you.

Tell him about something specific more often, keep the child's attention on a specific subject for 15-20 minutes.

If something doesn’t work out for a child, as a rule, he gets upset and throws it away. Your task is to teach the child to overcome difficulties. Help the kid to paint over the picture, find the right part of the puzzle or designer, correct the mistakes. It is important to help the baby, but not to do the task instead of him.

Instill in your child a sense of responsibility, for this the baby needs to be given more freedom of action. If workouts or hobby groups are close to your home, entrust your child to attend additional classes on their own. Of course, you need to call the coach and make sure that the child has reached, but this is a secondary issue. The main thing is that the child understands that the degree of his responsibility is increasing, and he simply cannot blunder.

If the child is rarely in the children's team, this needs to be corrected. Take your baby to kindergarten, development centers, visit your peers, learn to communicate in playground. If the child does not get along with children, try to find out the reason for this circumstance. Teach your child to be fair and honest. The kid should know the elementary "rules of the game" in the children's society. You can exchange toys with a friend only by mutual agreement. Whoever owns the toy or book gives permission to play with it. After a quarrel, you need to ask for forgiveness from those whom you offended. Beating girls and those who are younger than you is not allowed. At the same time, you need to teach the child so that he knows how to stand up for himself if he is offended. That is, you should not get into a fight first, but it is not forbidden to give change, especially if you have a son.

Tell your child about school more often, imagine the future period as something very important and necessary. Tell him that the baby has become very big, only kids remain in the kindergarten, and it's time for him to go to school. Talk about it brightly and positively, the child will tune in to the learning process with interest and curiosity.

It is necessary to explain to the child that there should be silence in the class in the lesson - only under this condition the teacher will be able to explain, tell and show something. Tell the child what he should do if he wants to ask the teacher something. It should also be clarified that it is advisable to raise your hand after an important part of the lesson, when the teacher has already explained the new material.

Choose in advance the school and the teacher you will study with. Many schools provide zero classes that you need to go to on Saturdays. This gives the child a great opportunity to get to know the teacher, future classmates, the kid gets used to the school environment, calls, etc.

These are the basic rules for the psychological preparation of the child, which every parent should know about.

Practical training

In addition to the psychological aspect, one should think about the practical side of the issue. Before school, it is imperative to make all vaccinations at least a month in advance to exclude the occurrence of unforeseen reactions. If the child gets up late, he needs to be gradually prepared for early rises, for this, a couple of weeks before the start of school, get up earlier and earlier. Gradually shifting the hours of lifting will save you from sudden stress, which can affect the condition of the baby.

In addition, you need to prepare the child for school financially. The clothes of a first-grader should be not only beautiful, but also comfortable, they should not wrinkle much, you need to purchase wardrobe items from natural fabrics that allow air to pass through. Shoes should also be comfortable, the backpack should meet ergonomic, aesthetic and medical requirements. Teach your child to take only the necessary supplies to school, do not carry everything that is on the desk. A heavy backpack is much more difficult to carry, it can lead to excessive fatigue and problems with the spine.

Even before the start of the school period, pay attention to the desk where the baby will study. Make sure that the child sits straight in the chair, does not stoop, does not bend over the notebook too low. Under the feet of the future first grader you need to put a small stand. Pay attention to the position of the legs. The knees should be bent at a right angle, as well as the lower leg in relation to the foot. Pay attention to the lighting, the light should fall on the table from the left side, ideally it should be daylight. If you do not pay attention to all these little things, then over time it can lead to a deterioration in the child's vision. According to statistics, every tenth child needs glasses after starting school. Therefore, parents should make every effort to preserve the child's vision.

Some first graders get very nervous when they go to school for the first time. This can be manifested by such reactions of the body as diarrhea, vomiting, hiccups, nervous tics, cold extremities. It is necessary to explain to the kid that school is very interesting and great, there you can learn a lot of new things, make friends for life, get the necessary knowledge. The more you talk to your child, the calmer he will be. And then everything will go according to plan. Do not worry too much, you are not the first, you are not the last!

Video: preparing a child for school

The closer the time comes to entering school, the more parents worry about the preparation of their child. Do I need to learn English with him? When is the right time to start teaching him to read and write?

Parents often worry about how to prepare their child for school. There are many questions in my head. Should I go to clubs? Maybe sign up for some courses? Is it time to start learning English?

All this leads to the fact that parents begin to torment their children every evening with primers and books. Increasing load heavy burden falls on nervous system both the child and his parents.

So how do you prepare your child for school?

Start of preparation. Do not rush into teaching your children at an early age. The leading activity of preschoolers is the game. Therefore, if you want to teach your child to read or write, you need to present it in a game format. For example, you can sign up for a special circle. Or you can work with your baby at home. But just do not turn the learning process into stress for your child. You will have to learn a lot on your own to make preparing for school exciting and entertaining.
Usually such training begins at the age of five.

What should a first grader be able to do?

  • The main thing is teach his hand to write y.

To do this, you need to develop fine motor skills. The child should more often engage in drawing, coloring and sculpting from plasticine.

  • Also teach your child to listen and remember.

To do this, read fairy tales with him. Reading books develops analytical thinking. It is especially useful to discuss the stories read with the child. You can ask the child which character he liked the most, what seemed interesting to him, and what caused outrage. This will teach the child to express their own thoughts.

  • Also You need to teach your child to be patient.

After all, at school he will have to sit in one place a lot. You need to get used to it gradually. Play sedentary games with him. Start with fifteen minutes and gradually increase the duration of classes. At six years of age, a preschooler should already be able to easily sit for forty minutes. But do not forget to pay due attention and physical activity baby.

  • It is necessary to expand the horizons of the child.

Of course, it would be nice to teach him to read. But it is much more important to replenish his piggy bank of knowledge about the world around him by the first grade. He should be well versed in the days of the week, be able to count to twenty. He also needs to know the name of the country in which he lives, his city.

  • Is it necessary to study English?

This question is becoming more and more popular today. But you need to remember that you can not teach foreign language those children who did not really learn to speak their native language.

Of course, it is better to entrust this matter to specialists. Parents, not owning teaching techniques, can only harm their baby. It should also be taken into account that in pedagogical practice there are different systems for teaching children to write. And if parents teach their child according to one system, and at school he encounters another, problems will arise. Much safer will be the skill of composing words from toy letters.

You need to be very careful about when to send your child to school. Sometimes just a few months are not enough for a preschooler to be ready to adapt to new living conditions. Therefore, do not rush. After all, an unprepared child will experience stress during classes from the very beginning, which will lead to problems in academic performance.