
Application on the theme of spring to the preparatory group. Synopsis of directly educational activities on the application "Sorceress of Spring" in the senior group. Spring applications in kindergarten


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Vildanova Diana Chingizkhanovna, Republic of Belarus, Ufa



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MAOU "Education Center No. 35" GO Ufa

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Job title

Actual problems of education of preschoolers

[email protected]

Actual problems of education of preschoolers.

The actual problem of preschool education, I consider the problem of ecology. We remember from our distant childhood our associations connected with contact with nature. We ran barefoot on the dewy grass, swam in the clear waters of rivers, lakes, seas, frolicked in warm rains, splashing enthusiastically through puddles, picked wild flowers, ate everything that was edible from every bush and every tree, rejoiced in the sun and snow . Perhaps this is what helped us to dream, to believe in a brighter future. But our poor children! What irreplaceable riches they are deprived of. Now, even in the most remote villages, people cannot enjoy the pristine beauty of nature. Everywhere man put his "master's hand."

Radiation rains, fruits covered with pesticides, shallow rivers, ponds that have turned into swamps, seas that are about to explode, animals destroyed as unnecessary, cut down forests, deserted villages and villages - this is our legacy.

In any newspaper, in any magazine we shout about ecology, we call to look around and see what we have done, we demand to return nature to us in its purest form! Isn't it too late? Nature, man, morality are identical concepts. And to the great grief, in our society these concepts are destroyed.

We demand decency, kindness, love, spiritual understanding from children, but you must admit that we are very little engaged in educating ecological culture in children. In this struggle for the future of mankind, for ecology and for a highly moral person, we, teachers, occupy a huge, or rather, practically the most important place.

The most important aspect in addressing the issue of conservation of the Earth's natural resources is education, environmental education of the entire population. environmental education officially recognized today as one of the priority areas for improving the activities of educational systems. Ecology is currently the basis for the formation of a new way of life. The beginning of the formation of the ecological orientation of the personality can be considered preschool childhood, since during this period the foundation of a conscious attitude to the surrounding reality is laid, vivid, emotional impressions are accumulated that remain in the memory of a person for a long time. Psychologists say that the first seven years in a child's life is a period of rapid growth and intensive development, about 70% of the relationship to everything around at the psychological level is formed in preschool childhood, and only 30% remains during life. At the stage of preschool childhood, the child receives emotional impressions of nature, accumulates ideas about different forms life, i.e. he formed the fundamental principles of ecological thinking, consciousness, laid the initial elements of ecological culture. But this happens only under one condition: if the adults raising the child themselves have an ecological culture: they understand the problems common to all people and worry about them, show the beautiful world of nature to the little person, help to establish relationships with him.

How to teach children to protect and protect nature, all living things that surround us?

V. A. Sukhomlinsky considered it necessary to introduce the baby into the world nature so that every day he discovers something new for himself in him, so that he grows up as a researcher, so that his every step is a journey to the origins of miracles in nature, ennobles the heart and tempers the will.

It is very effective when all these areas are integrated in one lesson. Without bringing children closer to nature and its widespread use in the educational work of the kindergarten, it is impossible to solve problems comprehensive development preschoolers - mental, aesthetic, moral, labor and physical.

In this regard, special discussion in terms of the implementation of the activity approach deserves project activity. Currently, project activities in preschool institutions, including environmental ones, have become widespread. At the same time, project activities are not mentioned in the Standard of Preschool Education. It may not be about environmental activities children, and environmental projects.

I bring to your attention a project on environmental education for children of the younger group. The project was developed in accordance with the GEF DOW.
Target my project
- development of speech during a walk, systematization of existing knowledge about trees.
1. Arouse interest in the nature of the native land.
2. Attach to the process of cognition.
3. Form ideas about the life of trees.
4. Develop speech, fantasy, observation.
5. Help maintain family traditions

Project participants: all children of the younger group, parents, educator.

Annotation to the project.
This project tells about the work carried out in the Municipal Autonomous Educational Institution "Education Center No. 35", Ufa, on the education of environmental culture in children preschool age through awareness of the importance of nature in human life, familiarizing them with the mysteries of nature, the desire to care for and protect it. The ability to use materials of natural and waste origin in practical activities, creating unique crafts.
The project "Hello tree" displays work with children, their parents, social partners, which gives the most complete recommendations different types activities. To systematize the implementation of this project, a work plan was drawn up. This plan includes activities carried out with all project participants in kindergarten.
This project will help to form in children a sense of responsibility for the fate of the nature around them, will help to leave vivid impressions in their souls that will pass with them through life, as a memory of a joyful and wonderful communication with nature.

Tree, grass, flower and bird
They don't always know how to defend themselves.
If they are destroyed
We will be alone on the planet.
The world has changed fundamentally in recent decades. Today, everyone knows about the existence of environmental problems that threaten people's health, that most of the world's population is cut off from nature, as they live in cities among asphalt and reinforced concrete structures. Yes, and nature is being “oppressed” more and more: cities are growing, forests are being cut down, ponds and lakes are swamping. Isn't that why we bring a piece of nature into our apartments, feeling the danger of being left without communicating with it. The environmental focus of the project is due to the fact that at the beginning of the year in junior group an analysis of the cognitive development of preschoolers was carried out, which showed that children have limited knowledge in the field of communication with nature. But environmental education should begin with the objects of the immediate environment that the child encounters in Everyday life. A tree was chosen as the object of study, due to a number of reasons.
1. Trees surround us all the time, but children, as a rule, pay almost no attention to them.

2. A tree is an excellent object of ecological observation (for example, deciduous trees have pronounced seasonal changes).
3. It is easier for a child to communicate with a tree “on an equal footing” than with small (herbaceous) plants, it is easier to imagine him as his friend.
The low level of knowledge about trees (where the leaves go) in preschool children, the skills and abilities of working with natural and waste material.

As a result, the goal of the project was determined, tasks were set based on the program objectives for the development of speech, cognitive development and annual tasks of the preschool educational institution.

I have touched upon only some aspects of the environmental education of preschoolers. The actual practice is much more varied.


    Vakhrushev A.A. Ecological education - a guarantee of the future for a person // Primary school plus before and after. 2013. No. 11.

    Nikolaeva S.N. Theory and methods of ecological education of children. Moscow: Academia, 2002.

    Serebryakova T.A. Ecological education at preschool age. Moscow: Academia, 2008.

    The World of Discovery: An Approximate Basic General Education Program for Preschool Education. M.: Tsvetnoy mir, 2012.

    Success: Approximate basic general education program of preschool education. M.: Enlightenment, 2011

The system of modern preschool education is very important and relevant. Currently, there are also problems of modern education. I would like to note that it is at preschool age that a child develops all the main personality traits and determines the quality of his further physical and mental development. mental development. If you ignore the features of the development of a child at this age, then this may adversely affect his future life.



Actual problems of modern preschool education

Undoubtedly, the system of modern preschool education is very important and relevant. Currently, there are also problems of modern education. I would like to note that it is at the preschool age that all the main personality traits are laid in the child and the quality of his further physical and mental development is determined. If you ignore the features of the development of a child at this age, then this may adversely affect his future life.

Let's pay attention to the communication of the child. Communication is a big problem. Communication should include the ability to hear and listen, the ability to get in touch with peers and adults, the ability to express one's thoughts, understand speech. But full-fledged communication is impossible without communicative skills, which must be developed from childhood in the process of a role-playing game. But despite all the advantages of the role-playing game, not all educators devote due time to this type of activity. And it often happens that the teacher spends role-playing game only at the request of the children.

I would also like to consider the topic - family. To date a large number of incomplete families where the children are being raised. This is where situations come from. When a parent has no time to take care of his child, he is left to the mercy of fate. Most modern parents do not want to cooperate with the preschool educational institution, referring to employment.

And such problems in modern education one can list a lot, such as the problems of the development of arbitrary memory, the problems of learning GCD. And it all comes down to technique. It is necessary to introduce new technologies and methods.

I want to go directly to the most modern education. Enumerating the problems of education, I would like to find out what modern education should be like. I propose to consider several completely different lines of modern education.

The first is that the educator and adults build work with children on their own. Before school, a child absorbs information like a “sponge”, the child is often active in learning new things, and is interested in new things. Hence, adults have a desire to take advantage of this period and slightly shift the time when the child will go to school, for a year or a couple of years. And these cases are twofold. In the first case, the adult wants to leave the child in kindergarten for more time. In the second case, the parent insists that the child needs to go to school earlier, paying attention only to his physiological readiness for school and completely forgetting about his psychological readiness for school. This shows that the practice of early education of ZUN children can lead to the disappearance of learning motivation. And it can often be that the child studies the first grade program twice.

From this we can conclude that the result of the above is to slow down the goal of early education. Bringing negative effects, such as, for example, the loss of children's interest in learning, there are problems with continuity in the education system between preschool and primary school. I would like to add. That the presence of a child's knowledge does not determine the success of learning, it is much more important that the child independently obtain and apply it.

The second is that education is built on the interests of the child himself and the interests of his family, that is, his legal representatives. The student-centered approach is aimed at developing the type of education. It takes into account age and individual characteristics, focuses on the interests of each child. But I would like to note that not every educator can see this line in developing education. And not for every child it is possible to realize the goals of developmental education due to some reasons. It can be seen that such education has both a developing effect and development or promotion. The educator should set a goal - to ensure development with the help of this knowledge and skills. If the child is active and inquisitive, it can be assumed that the development process is underway.

So, summing up the above, I would like to say that there are problems in education, and in particular in modern education, and they are obvious. Without communication, it is impossible to develop the communicative side of the child's personality, which can further lead to unfavorable sociogenesis. Without the cooperation of parents with a preschool educational institution, the full development of the child is impossible. It is necessary to influence parents in such a way that they try to be with the child throughout the preschool age, help him. As for several lines of education, I would like to add that they are completely opposite, but often encountered. Of course, more effective learning is the one that takes place in a student-centered style, but it all depends on the educator, on his goals, what the educator takes to the fore, what is second. And it depends on adults whether problems in modern education will be solved or not.

  • 1. Given the gradually improving demographic situation in the country, the demand for kindergarten services is constantly growing. In large cities of Russia, there is a shortage of preschool educational institutions. There are not enough places in preschool educational institutions. Parents enroll their child in Kindergarten immediately after birth, and this is not always a guarantee that he will get there. At present, 400,000 children in Russia are waiting for their turn to enter a kindergarten. The state, first of all, is faced with the task of accessibility of preschool education for all segments of the population.
  • 2. The need of preschool educational institutions for qualified teaching staff. The administration of the preschool educational institution is forced to reduce the requirements for staff in terms of their professional training and experience in working with children.
  • 3. Currently in Russian Federation an increase in the number of children with disabilities is recorded: twice as compared to 2002, “children with special educational needs” should not be isolated in society, hence the need for inclusive education.
  • 4. The features of the socio-cultural environment of modern society are changing - this is multiculturalism, multinationality, polyethnicity. Therefore, it is necessary to build a multicultural educational environment for preschool educational institutions, to create a multicultural educational space; it is necessary to look for new technologies for the upbringing and development of children, including children who do not speak Russian well enough.
  • 5. The need for a sufficient variety of types and types of institutions, educational services and approaches to their implementation in order to meet the diverse and versatile needs of participants in the educational process in preschool educational institutions.
  • 6. The transition of the majority of preschool educational institutions from the mode of operation in the search mode and into the development mode. The need for a raise methodological competence preschool teachers, students of pedagogical educational institutions.
  • 7. Currently, the social order of parents, their requirements for the services provided by preschool institutions are changing. If for many decades health care and childcare were considered for many parents as the main areas of work of kindergartens, today more and more requirements are placed on educational programs basic and additional education.
  • 8. Continuity between preschool and junior school age is often determined by the presence or absence of certain knowledge in academic subjects. This leads to early learning for children. It must be admitted that it is precisely this approach that can be conditionally designated as narrowly pragmatic, oriented towards the needs of the system, and not the child himself.
  • 9. Teachers are confused by the lack of rigid objectivity, the need for integration educational areas. But it is only in integrated content that preschool children are free to make a wide range of choices and to express their as yet unstructured interests and Creative skills.
  • 10. In domestic pedagogy, a strong emphasis was usually placed precisely on game forms and methods of teaching children, and not on free play. However, for development it is very important that it is the child who plays, and not the adult. So that it was just a game, and not its imitation.
  • 11. Informatization of preschool education is an objective and inevitable process. A new educational environment is being formed in kindergartens, high-tech information tools for teaching and developing preschoolers are appearing, the interest of teachers and preschool education specialists in these technologies and the possibilities of using them in their field is growing. professional activity. However, not all teachers are ICT-savvy. This complicates the use of ICT in working with children or makes it impossible for a modern channel of communication with parents and other members of the pedagogical community.

Maira Kuzhabaeva
Actual problems of modern preschool education

Relevance of the problem:

Nowadays the system modern preschool education is very important and relevant. I would like to point out that in preschool At the age of the child, all the main features of the personality are laid and the quality of his further physical and mental development is determined. There are currently problems of modern education. If you do not pay due attention to the peculiarities of the development of the child at this age, then this may adversely affect his future life.

One of the main problems communication is the ability to hear and listen, the ability to get in touch with peers and adults, the ability to express one's thoughts, understand speech.

But full-fledged communication is impossible without communicative skills, which must be developed from childhood in the process of a role-playing game. But despite all the advantages of the role-playing game, not all educators devote due time to this type of activity. And it often happens that the teacher conducts a role-playing game only at the request of the children.

We also need to talk about family. Today there are a large number of incomplete families where children are brought up. This is where the various difficult situations when a parent has no time to take care of his child, he is left to the mercy of fate. Majority contemporary parents have a hard time making contact with the preschool educational institution referring to employment. The task of the teacher is to interest parents, to arrange for interaction.

collective - parental meetings(both group consultations and conferences are held 3-4 times a year, as well as common with all parents of pupils at the beginning and at the end of the year, group consultations, conferences;

individual – individual consultations, conversations;

visual - folders, sliders, stands, screens, exhibitions, photos, open days.

Classification non-traditional forms. These include four groups: information-analytical, leisure; cognitive; visual information forms.

If we take the place of our parents, we will see just as much problems that concern them. Preschool education has some specific features. For example, in this area, the lack of independence of the end user of services affects (child) in choosing an institution that will provide these services. Since in getting a child preschool interested, in the first place, parents, it is they who most often face problems in early childhood education face to face.

From the side of the parents topical issue is the lack of places in the preschool educational institution and the sequence that arises for this reason. Parents try to enroll their child in a kindergarten in advance, from the moment they receive a birth certificate, many enroll in 5-10 kindergartens, stand in long queues, offer bribes to the heads, arrange various conflict situations.

The problem of financing preschool educational institutions is also quite tangible for parents. Many complain about exorbitant fees, that for free education has to pay, to the fact that the financing of a kindergarten falls almost entirely on the shoulders of the parents, and for many families such a financial burden is unbearable.

It turns out that kindergarten is no longer a necessity, but a luxury that wealthy or well-connected people can afford. Of course, in a normally functioning system preschool education such a situation is absolutely unacceptable.

There are others problems in modern education, you can list them very lot: Problems development of arbitrary memory, speech development children, GCD learning problems. And it all depends on new methods. Implementation needed contemporary technologies and methods that meet the new time.

Listing educational problems, I want to find out what it should be modern education. Teachers and adults build their own work with children. The child before school absorbs information as "sponge", the child is often active in learning new things, and is interested in new things. From here, adults have a desire to take advantage of this period and slightly shift the time when the child goes to school, a year or a couple of years earlier or later. Two options may arise. In the first case, the adult wants to leave the child in kindergarten for more time. In the second case, the parent insists that the child needs to go to school earlier, reversing attention only to his physiological readiness for school and forgetting about the psychological readiness for school. This shows that the practice of early education of children can lead to the disappearance of learning motivation. And it can often be that the child studies the first grade program twice.

There are negative effects, such as, for example, children losing interest in learning, there are Problems with continuity in the system education between preschool and elementary school. I would like to add that the presence of a child's knowledge does not determine the success of learning, it is much more important that the child independently obtain and apply them.

This is confirmed by many studies teachers: "In system preschool education there was a strict orientation of kindergartens to prepare children for school, which usually means only teaching reading, counting and writing, although the most important thing is the child's motivation, interest in learning at school. The practice of forced education of children too early inevitably leads to the disappearance of educational motivation, and as a result, to the emergence of school maladjustment and school neuroses.

Let's pay attention to that, what education is based on the interests of the child himself and the interests of his family, i.e., his legal representatives. The student-centered approach is aimed at the developmental type education. Be sure to take into account age and individual characteristics, it is necessary to focus on the interests of each child. The teacher should set a goal - to ensure development with the help of this knowledge and skills. If the child is active and inquisitive, it can be assumed that the development process is underway.


So, we can say that problems in education, and in particular in modern education is, and they are obvious. Without communication, it is impossible to develop the communicative side of a child's personality. Without the cooperation of parents with a preschool educational institution, the full development of the child is impossible. Parents need to be influenced way so that they try to be with the child throughout preschool age helped him. Of course, more effective learning is the one that takes place in a student-centered style, but it all depends on the teacher, on his goals. And it depends on adults whether they decide problems in modern education or not

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LLC Laboratory of Forensic Examinations "Information and Control Bureau"
In some regions of the country, there is still an acute problem of lack of places in kindergartens. Moreover, according to federal law“On Education in the Russian Federation” No. 273, which entered into force on September 1, 2013, children from 3 to 7 years old can count on education in a preschool! As a result: most mothers cannot get out of maternity leave ahead of time to financially help the family during this economically difficult time.

It turned out that nursery groups were not canceled, they simply stopped recruiting children. This happened after the amendments to the law "On Education", according to which kindergartens received a single organizational and legal form - a preschool educational organization.

As amended, the term " preschool education for children from 2 months to 3 years”, in other words, “nursery”, replaced “ preschool development". Previously, kindergartens were divided into nurseries and kindergartens and were required to provide preschool education to a child from the age of two months. Since November 2, 2013, all kindergartens in Russia, regardless of their legal form, have been operating according to the same rules. According to the new order, the child three years kindergartens will not provide pre-school education, but will only carry out the development of the child.

It seems that nothing has changed, the child, as before, can be sent to kindergarten. But in accordance with paragraph 29 of the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of October 27, 2011 No. 2562 “On approval of the Model Regulations on a preschool educational institution”, “the number and ratio age groups children in a preschool educational institution is determined by the founder. This means that the founder, represented by the municipality (city authorities), has the right to decide who to take to kindergarten and nursery, and who not to take. Despite the fact that the document does not say anywhere that nursery places need to be reduced, it is precisely nursery groups. At first they simply stopped staffing, and then they gradually disappeared.

While on parental leave, parents receive a meager allowance, which can be a nice addition to something, but hardly independent income that allows them to provide themselves and the child with everything they need. So it turns out that enrolling a child in a kindergarten is sometimes the only real opportunity for mothers to continue their careers and contribute to the family budget. For most average parents, this income is a must. With the entry into force of the law, about 2 million families are doomed to make ends meet with difficulty.

However, representatives of various departments are advised to seriously think about a nanny if the child is not yet three years old. But again, the issue comes down to money. Where can I get them, because babysitting services cost an average of 200 rubles per hour. With an 8-hour working day, not even counting the travel time, it is already 1,600 rubles a day, and more than 30,000 rubles a month. Of course, depending on the region, on the age of the children, the rates may be different, but the essence of this does not change.

In the Russian Empire, nurseries appeared soon after the opening of the first kindergartens. The name itself - "Kindergarten" came from Germany and was coined in 1837 by the teacher Friedrich Wilhelm August Froebel. He came up with the name "Kindergarten" from the considerations that children are the flowers of life, requiring skillful and careful care and gardeners should grow them.

In 1837 day-time children's rooms were opened in Kolomna - the first kindergarten. Initially, 6 boys and 11 girls were taken care of here, a year later the number of children increased to 112. This was done at the request of working mothers in order to “deliver to the poor females of the free state ways to produce needlework, through which they could honestly and usefully earn a living for himself and his families.” In Russia, the education of minors for a long time carried out only in private and parochial primary schools and individual charities.

The popularity of the first kindergarten in the history of Russia was so great that already a year after its opening, in 1838, the government established a special committee for the main guardianship of orphanages. Empress Alexandra Feodorovna herself led the committee. The Committee prepared a special regulation on the operation of orphanages. December 27, 1839 it was approved by the highest. According to this Regulation, shelters in Russia were to be created mainly at the expense of public and private charity. The state observed only the educational process and the moral education of children in them. The committee appealed to the provincial authorities to help poor children and their parents.

The system of preschool educational institutions was actively developing, and after three decades, several dozen kindergartens appeared in Russia: paid and free, for the nobility and intelligentsia, workers, as well as orphanages.

At this time, educational courses for educators began to be organized, lectures and “trainings” were held, and relevant literature was published.

In the 1890s-1900s, kindergartens various types, as well as a nursery (sometimes these concepts were not separated), were widely used in St. Petersburg. They operated at gymnasiums with teaching classes, in the parishes of Orthodox and heterodox churches, and were often employed by factory owners at industrial enterprises.

In 1898, a free folk kindergarten was opened on Golodai Island, and an “Agricultural Shelter” was attached to it. The orphanage was the most popular institution of those run by the city guardians among the poor classes. The purpose of creating such shelters was to help young children who were left for the whole day without proper supervision by their mothers - factory workers or day laborers, who were absent from home from morning to evening due to work. Such nursery shelters were open from 6-7 am to 7-8 pm daily, except for holidays. In addition to the shelter itself, the children also received food and clothing in them, the children were under the constant supervision of duty employees, and sometimes a special caretaker. In addition, the goal was to isolate children at least during the day from the harmful effects of their environment, their religious and moral education. In some city guardianships there were two departments: one for younger children up to six years old, and the other for children from six to nine years old. In other guardianships, these departments were independent institutions: a nursery and a day shelter (kindergarten).

Of course, it is impossible to compare the first kindergartens and today's ones. And it's not just that today we live in the age of fast technologies, informatization and computerization of society, "advanced" children. The fact is that today one of the main functions of kindergartens is to prepare children for school, whereas earlier the focus was on the creative abilities of the child, his interests and himself. Children were brought up in the spirit of patriotism, moral values ​​were instilled from childhood.

Over the past quarter century, the number preschool institutions almost halved - from 76 thousand to 45 thousand. The lack of kindergartens creates conditions under which parents are happy with any place, which affects the quality of services provided. Thus, the Institute for the Study of Childhood, Family and Education in its annual rating of kindergartens for several years in a row has not marked any region of Russia as “excellent”, the general conclusion of the rating is that preschool education is best in the rich oil regions of Siberia and the South of the country, and in many other regions do not even reach the minimum standards.

Another problem is teaching staff. In modern education, based on variability and diversity, the figure of the teacher becomes central. But in order to exercise his right to academic freedom, he must have the appropriate competencies, he must understand exactly how to build educational process in terms of variability. And in our kindergartens, the report notes, “they usually work with people trained according to an outdated model or who have no professional training at all. social status professions is still low. Yes, and wages preschool teachers, which are the lowest in education, does not in any way correspond to the highest responsibility for the fate of the child.

In 2017, in the villages of the country, the average salary of a teacher does not exceed 10,000 rubles. The salary of an assistant educator is lower. In particular, in the Moscow kindergarten, it ranges from 5,500 to 18,000 rubles. A nanny in the Kirov region receives 5,500 rubles.

According to statistics, in 2016 the salary of university teachers amounted to 55 thousand rubles, and teachers of general education now receive more than 33 thousand rubles. At least that's what the statistics say.

It turns out that people to whom we entrust our children at a helpless age, who should become an example for them and monitor their safety, the development of abilities, interests, receive the smallest wages. But after all, the future of the child largely depends on them, since it is at this age that the character of children, the future personality, is formed. It is probably no coincidence that they say that an educator is not a profession, but a state of mind, because otherwise it is very difficult to understand how people can give their best and enjoy work for a few pennies.

2018-2027 will become the Decade of Childhood in Russia. This project will be a natural continuation of the National Strategy for Action for Children, which ends this year.

Child protection is a priority for any state, not only from a humanitarian point of view, but also from the point of view of investment in the future: sooner or later, today's children will become the backbone of the economic growth that the Russian authorities are now looking for.

We very much hope that the data below will soon begin to change for the better:

In Russia, at least 4.5 million children live below the poverty line, and the economic crisis continues to increase this number.

54.2% of Russian aged children do not have the opportunity to leave home for holidays for a week in a year or more. The most common reason is difficulty financial position parents.

31% of children do not have equipment for outdoor activities (bicycles, roller skates, etc.).

According to the head of the Ministry of Labor Maxim Topilin, "60% or even 70% of the poor are families with children."

There are two thousand orphanages in Russia and 67,000 of their pupils. 90-95% of orphans have living parents, another 27 thousand children study in 150 boarding schools. Ten percent of orphanages and boarding schools do not have elementary conditions, 48% require overhaul, 5 are in disrepair. 40% of orphanage graduates become alcoholics, 40% end up in prison, 10% commit suicide, and only 10% can get a job.

Children in early childhood are defenseless, receptive and innocent. At this age, they need care, attention, love, guardianship more than ever. The environment of a child greatly influences his future. He remembers, and subsequently copies the behavior patterns of adults. Therefore, it is so important that at home the child has loving parents, in the kindergarten - professionals in their field, and the state, in turn, should provide an opportunity for a decent development of children. After all, the most important thing is that the children are happy!