
Transitional age. Conversations with high school students - Evgeny Avdeenko. Conversations on moral education Conversation with girls about moral education


Svetlana Romankova

Target: moral education of teenagers.


introduce pupils with the concept« moral» and four basic rules of moral education;

Form needs and motives moral behavior of adolescents;

To develop the ability of children to discuss and express their point of view;

- bring up respectful attitude to the people around.

1. Definition of the concept « moral» and its role in the life of modern man.

Usually in the family and at school, the study is put in the first place. fundamentals of science, but the science of how to become a man, that is, how to be noble and virtuous, pious and respectable, prudent and conscientious, well-mannered and kind-hearted, - all this is considered to come as if by itself, without special training and education. Therefore, there is still no special science, no curriculum for the study and assimilation of moral categories and norms of behavior. Study and assimilation moral categories and norms of behavior, we will deal with you.

Thinkers of different centuries interpreted the concept morality in different ways. Also in ancient greece in the writings of Aristotle a moral man said: « Morally a person is called beautiful fair, courageous, prudent and generally possessing all the virtues.

Over the years understanding morality has changed. At Ozhegov S. I. we see: « Morality is internal, spiritual qualities that guide a person, ethical standards, behavior rules defined by these qualities.

V. I. Dal interpreted the word morality as “ moral doctrine, rules for will, the conscience of man.

In a short dictionary of philosophy, the concept morality equated with the concept of morality. "Morality" (Latin mores- manners) are norms, principles, rules of conduct for people, as well as human behavior itself (motives for actions, results of activities, feelings, judgments.

In an ethical dictionary under morality, or morality refers to a specific form of social consciousness, which is a set of principles, requirements, norms and rules regulating human behavior in all spheres of his public and private life without exception; his attitude to society, to the social group of which he is a representative, to himself as a member of this society, as well as to the fulfillment of social duties assigned to him.

In the Soviet Children's Encyclopedia under morality is implied set of historically changing principles, rules and regulations that regulate people's behavior.

In the relationship between people have always been highly valued moral feelings , such moral qualities as kindness, mercy, tolerance, decency, politeness, ability right behave in society, family, everyday life, in a team. This and much more is included moral culture. It is not inherited, does not arise by itself, but requires special moral education.

moral education contributes to the transformation of the socially necessary requirements of society into internal incentives for the personality of each person, such as duty, honor, conscience, dignity. Morality plays a role"compass" behavior that allows you to navigate in life. Through a system of orientations, norms, assessments, ideals, it regulates people's behavior.

Aristotle wrote that a person without moral foundations turns out to be the most wicked and wild being. Why do you think?

Do you guys think the use of laws and moral rules behavior need a person less than knowledge of physics or history?

2. Highlighting and discussion basic concepts related to the topic classes:

Honesty, benevolence;

Good, sympathy;

Honor, dignity, patriotism;


3. Discussion with children four basic rules of moral education.

Rule One. Don't do to others what you don't want for yourself. This rule creates conditions for the creation of noble, prudent, pious, well-bred or virtuous, respectable, conscientious, benevolent, good-hearted deeds.

Rule Two. Do good for others if you have the opportunity to do so. This rule teaches to be humane, not to leave another in trouble, but to sympathize and help everyone who needs your help. According to this rule a person learns to empathize, to put himself on the revenge of another, to experience someone else's grief as his own. Such a generous act guarantees the same attitude when you yourself need sympathy and charity.

Rule Three. Be patriots of your nation and your country, defend the Fatherland. Given moral rule will help you to love your Motherland, your people; it sent to instill in the consciousness a sense of pride for belonging to this particular country, regardless of its economic or other situation. We must have a sense of honor and dignity. The attention of children should be drawn to the fact that through the observance of this regulations, they will grow up as patriots, ready to defend their Fatherland under any conditions.

Rule Four. Be law-abiding, do not violate law and order. Not complying with this regulations, a person will inevitably one day stand before the law and destroy his destiny.

4. Playing out situations similar to those that happened to children at school, at home.

1) A. teases D., knowing that he is very uncomfortable Like. D. breaks down and starts yelling back. S. passes by. Seeing D. screaming, he pushes him, demanding to be quiet. Guys, do you recognize yourself in this situation? Try to get out of it with dignity. Who entered here and when not properly? Which rule can be used to resolve this situation?

2) At school, you and a classmate found money. Nobody saw it. Your actions. Why would you do it this way?

3) All the guys will serve in the army. Tell me, do you all want to serve and defend your Fatherland? Who doesn't want to join the army? Try to defend your point vision: to serve or not to serve.

(The number of situations may vary). Further teenagers Divide into pairs and offer situations for each other.

5. Reflection. I propose pupils to write down four basic rules of moral education and express their point of view question: what Liked and disliked about this lesson what new and useful things they learned for themselves.

6. Summing up the lesson.

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Summary of the conversation with students "Moral and immoral behavior."

The issue of moral behavior among adolescents is a problematic field in modern society, therefore, special attention should be paid to the moral education of children not only in the family, but also at school. One of the forms of formation of morality can initially serve as ethical conversations teacher and psychologist with students. They should be held in a comfortable, friendly atmosphere, without being coercive. One of the options for such a conversation can be the following introductory lecture - a conversation.
Target: contribute to the formation of the moral culture of students.
1. Introduce and summarize the concepts of morality, immorality, offense;
2. To create conditions for comprehension by fifth graders of the qualities of a moral and immoral personality;
3. To promote self-knowledge of students in the matter of moral culture.

The course of the conversation.

Psychologist. I want to start our conversation today with the words of Robert Rozhdestvensky: “We choose our own path.” Rozhdestvensky writes: “Every person has freedom of choice. And this choice should be reasonable. The choice exists daily, momentarily. Equal in its severity, unequal in its consequences. To step or not to step? Shut up or answer? To endure or not to endure? Overcome or retreat? Yes or no? Where to go to study? How to live? What to do?" That is how it is. Every day and every minute we make a choice what to be: honest or deceitful, brave or cowardly, lazy or hardworking? And what we choose is what we reap.
Guys, as you understand: “act morally”, “act immorally”. What behavior do you consider moral and what immoral? Student responses. Immoral - violating the principles of morality, morality; contrary to the rules of morality.
Psychologist. A special place in morality is occupied by the so-called universal principles, such as: “Honor your father and mother”, “Do not kill”, “Do not steal”, “Do not bear false witness”. Among the universal principles, the "golden rule of morality" stands out for its significance, which says: "Treat another person as if you would like him to treat you."
Morality is a harmonious combination in people of such qualities as honesty, love, frankness, sincerity, kindness and benevolence, disinterestedness, mercy, diligence, love for nature and children, respect for women and old age.
Based on this, what can we name the general moral norms? Students' answers: honesty, truthfulness, commitment, sincerity, fidelity, devotion, reliability, benevolence, benevolence, not causing harm to other people, not causing damage to private or public property, beneficence, conscientiousness, decency, gratitude, responsibility, justice, tolerance, cooperation.
And what can be the opposite of morality? Students' answers: deceit, hatred, isolation, hypocrisy, greed, spitefulness, greed, hardness of heart, pragmatic attitude to nature and its resources, indifference to children, neglect of women and old age, egocentrism, as exalting the interests of one's "I" over public, etc. .
Psychologist. Okay, we have dealt with the concepts of morality and immorality. Next, I would like to say a few words about the violation of moral or ethical standards. Often we do not think that some of our actions can harm another person - whether it's a joke, a prank, or just a desire to look better or protect ourselves - nevertheless, this can lead to irreparable consequences. Unfortunately, some members of society violate moral standards and commit immoral acts. Children examples. Having once committed an immoral act (offence), without realizing it, without correcting, a person can commit a more serious act - an offense. What's this? An offense is an antisocial act that causes harm to society, is prohibited by law and entails punishment. A person sometimes does not know, does not think that he is committing an offense, but everyone knows that ignorance of the law does not exempt from responsibility for its violation. For example, to avoid the test, the boy decided to joke - he called the school and said that a bomb had been planted at the school. Of course, the police immediately responded to the report of the terrorist attack, and an investigative team arrived at the school with a cynologist and a search dog. The firemen came running ambulance and a group of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. And, probably, seeing all this, the boy himself already regrets his stupid act. Ah, if only I could take it all back. But, no, a crime has been committed and you will have to answer for it.
What's this? Joke or offense? This is an offense under the Criminal Code. This boy will have to answer according to the law.
Psychologist. Do you consider yourself moral people? Now we will determine what level of moral culture each of you has.
1. Do you experience as your pain, grief, tears of any person, regardless of whether you know him or not?
2. Do you rejoice in the success, luck of another person as if it were your own?
3. You are not asked for help, but seeing that it is needed, you provide it without expecting either praise or gratitude?
4. Do you experience failures, troubles of others as your own?
5. When asked to help, are you willing to help?
6. Do you willingly, with great pleasure, provide a service, help, support to those in need?
7. Do you notice the grief, pain of another person and offer help in order to pass for a kind person?
8. Usually you do not notice the difficult condition of others, and if they ask for help, do you refuse?
9. Do you notice that another person is feeling unwell or in a bad mood, but it does not bother you?
10. You are asked for help, but you refuse, citing lack of time, overload, lack of funds to help?
11. Have you ever said: “That's right for him. Did he deserve it?"
Results. Answers-statements from 1 to 5 indicate a high level of moral culture; from 6 to 8 - about the adaptive level; from 8 to 11 - about a low level of moral culture.
The discussion of the results.
Psychologist. What should we do to avoid committing serious misconduct or even wrongdoing?
I would suggest following the code of moral law, which consists of only 4 points
1. Love - (kindness, benevolence, mercy, compassion, etc.).
2. Tolerance - (forgiveness, generosity, restraint, compliance, indulgence, etc.)
3. Modesty
4. Conscience - (self-criticism, honesty, conscientiousness, ability to repent, etc.).
And most importantly, before you do something in relation to another person, put yourself in his place and think about how he will feel, what he will be like. And once again I would like to repeat the golden rule of morality "Treat the other person as if you would like him to treat you."

"Conversation about morality"

Target : broaden your understanding of moral education in family.


    To form a respectful perception of your home, family.

    Contribute to the formation of moralpersonality traits.

    Cultivate the desire to care about others.

Conduct form: Feedback;

Direction: "Spiritual education in the family";

Equipment: visual material, stencils;

Educator: the first qualification category Sayenko Elena Igorevna;

Used Books :

Lesson progress:

Organizing time.

Hello guys, in our lesson today we will talk about spirituality, its importance for the well-being of the family, raising children. And I want to start our lesson with a story.

1. Conversation: "The origins of morality":

A man was walking along the shore and suddenly saw a boy who was picking up something from the sand and throwing it into the sea. The man came closer and saw that the boy was picking up starfish from the sand. They surrounded him from all sides. It seemed that there were millions of starfish on the sand, the shore was literally dotted with them for many kilometers.

- Why are you throwing those starfish into the water? the man asked, coming closer.

- There was a storm and the stars washed ashore. If they remain on the shore until tomorrow morning, when the tide begins, they will die, - the boy answered, without stopping his occupation.

- But that's just stupid! the man shouted. - Look around! There are millions of starfish here, the coast is just dotted with them. Your attempts won't change anything!

The boy picked up the next starfish, thought for a moment, threw her into the sea and said:

- No, my attempts will change a lot... For this star.

Can this boy be called a highly moral, spiritual person?

What is morality? (children's answers);

What is spirituality? (children's answers).

In Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary: Morality is the personality traits that determine a person's behavior.

What qualities of a person do you know?(kindness, diligence, courage, truthfulness, responsibility, responsiveness, caring, fidelity, friendliness, courtesy, gratitude, thrift, disinterestedness, hospitality, curiosity, wisdom, modesty, compassion, sensitivity, generosity).

We have listed some very good personality traits that determine a person's behavior. There are qualities of character opposite to these qualities. Name them (anger, laziness, hostility, rudeness, irresponsibility, stupidity, greed).

2. Analysis of the story: “Shards of kindness:

Listen to the story "Shards of Kindness" by an unknown author.

The family spent the day off at the beach. Children swam in the sea and built castles in the sand. Suddenly, a little old woman appeared in the distance. Her gray hair was blowing in the wind, her clothes were dirty and tattered. She mumbled something to herself as she picked up some items from the sand and put them into her bag. The parents called the children and told them to stay away from the old woman. As she passed by, every now and then, bending down to pick up something, she smiled at the family, but no one returned her greeting. Many weeks later they learned that the little old lady had devoted her whole life to picking up pieces of glass from the beach with which children could cut their legs.

How do you feel after reading the story? (children's answers);

Why do you think the old woman devoted her whole life to this occupation? (children's answers);

What do you think, if people knew what the old woman was really doing, what would they do? (children's answers).

Have there been times in your life when you didn't like a person at first because he was different from others, and later you learned something good about this person? (children's answers).

3. Exercise: "Magic hands":

Now let's do the exercise. Circle your palm or take a stencil. Above each finger of the palm, inscribe the moral qualities that you possess.

Summing up the lesson:

Guys, what is morality? (children's answers);

What qualities of a person can be called moral, and what immoral? (children's answers);

How should a person cultivate spiritual and moral qualities in himself? (children's answers);

What would happen to the world if there was no kindness in it? (children's answers);

List everyone whose kindness helps you grow (children's answers).

This concludes our lesson. Goodbye.

kindness diligenceangerCourage Truthfulness Wisdom Responsibility Sympathy Caring Loyaltylaziness hostility

friendliness courtesy gratitude frugality disinterestedness hospitality



generositystupidity greed

Morality is a personality trait that determines human behavior.

The joint work of the school and the family in the upbringing of children.

On the responsibility of parents for the upbringing of children.

Labor education of children in the family.

Teaching children to be thrifty.

Developing children's interest in science and technology.

How to help kids with homework.

Teaching students a responsible attitude to learning.

Education in children of independence and perseverance in educational work.

Education of diligence in children in the family.

Methods of education of conscious discipline in children in the family.

About measures of encouragement and punishment of children in the family.

Teaching respect and courtesy in children.

Teaching children to be humble.

Raising respect for elders.

The importance of daily routine in the upbringing of children in the family.

The role of the family in the moral education of children.

Teaching children honesty and truthfulness.

The development of a sense of community in children.

Education of friendship and camaraderie in children.

Character education in children.

Education skills and habits of cultural behavior.

On the sexual education of children in the family.

A healthy life is a necessary condition for the successful upbringing of children in a family.

How to lead extracurricular reading children in the family.

Hardening of the child's body.

The role of the family in the development of children's sports.

Aesthetic education of children in the family.

How to develop creativity in children.
How to develop in children an interest and love for work.

Organization of a schoolchildren's working corner in the family.

How to help students choose a profession.

The state of the modern labor market and educational services.

Rules and mistakes of choosing a profession.

Features of professional self-determination of adolescents with difficulties in social adaptation.

Social and professional orientations of youth.

The position of youth on modern market labor.

Demand for professions in the labor market.

Employer requirements for young professionals.

Educational institutions in the city of Kemerovo and the region.

Features of choosing a profession for children with diseases of internal organs.

Objective conditions for choosing a profession.

Interests, inclinations, abilities and their role in professional self-determination.

Prevention and resolution of conflicts in the family.

Difficult teenager. Who is he?

Prevention of drug and alcohol addiction.

Formation of achievement motivation.

Formation of learning motivation.

Psychophysiological features of adolescence and youth.

Psychosexual development of adolescents.

Psychological characteristics of adolescents.

Psychological characteristics of children of different ages.

The list of conversations and events held by a social teacher

P/ P



- "Rules of conduct for minors in in public places»;
– “Administrative and criminal liability of minors for committing offenses and crimes”

- "Drugs: Myths and Reality" with the invitation of a children's narcologist

Show-quiz "Smoking is harmful to health";
The game "Court on smoking: for and against"

Decade of AIDS prevention according to a separate plan

Lecture for parents:
- “The role of the family in the prevention of crimes and delinquency among minors. Responsibility of parents for the upbringing of children”;
Classroom hour:
- Secrets Have a good mood”, dedicated to the prevention of suicidal behavior among adolescents

Group conversations:
- "Drunkenness - the path to crimes";
— “Conscious Parenthood” with the invitation of a doctor, lawyer, psychologist

open extracurricular activity:
- "Drunkenness - ours is not!"

Conversations in groups: "Healthy me - a healthy country"

Classroom hour:
- "Responsible attitude to the choice of a life partner"

Educational hour on the topic: "One step from irresponsibility to crime"

May 23, 2012 within the framework of legal education among 1st year students, social educator Malinovskaya V.V. an educational hour was held on the topic: "From irresponsibility to crime is one step." The purpose of which was to find out what responsibility people have to each other.

During the discussion, under the guidance of a teacher, students discussed responsibility and irresponsibility, as well as the consequences of responsibility.

At the end of the event, students were asked to answer a questionnaire.

Conversations with minors

To help the class teacher: an approximate topic for writing a plan for VR in sections

To help the class teacher: an approximate topic for writing a plan for VR in sections

Educational goals and objectives:
1. the formation and rallying of the class team;
2. fostering a benevolent attitude towards comrades and respect for elders;
3. fostering love for school and school traditions;
4. instill a sense of responsibility in learning; skills of culture of behavior, responsiveness and mutual assistance;
5. to teach to bring the work begun to the end, to study and work conscientiously;
6. not allow any case of violation of discipline either on the premises of the school or on its territory;
7. control the rules of behavior of students at school, in the classroom;
8. cultivate love for the native land, respect for nature;

Topics of conversations (class hours):

1. Knowledge Day.
2. Organizational hour. School mode.
3. Conversation by the rules traffic. Safety Month. (conversations seasonally)
4. What is a team? Friendship and fellowship.
5. Ecology and man. Ecology of the planet.
6. In the world of interesting things. (on the pages of newspapers and magazines).
7. Behavior in public places. Place and time for games.
8. Professions. Types of labor.
9. What do the symbols of the Republic of Crimea, in which I live, mean.
10. Everything should be perfect in a person!
11. Rules of conduct during the holidays (seasonally).
12. Business time, fun hour!
13. About honesty and the ability to keep one's word.
14. My class is my family.
15. Indoor plants. Clean air in the classroom. Order and cleanliness.
16. Respect your elders! Be attentive to the younger ones!
17. The book is yours best friend!
18. Conversation on the rules of conduct for students in the school premises and on the school grounds.
19. Our Motherland is an independent Ukraine!
20. Coat of arms and flag of Ukraine. country attributes.
21. Who are the deputies? Members of our region.
22. Nature conservation is your duty.
23. Your rights and obligations.
24. How to behave in public places.
25. I and those who are nearby. Ethical discussion.
26. Friendship, help, mutual assistance.
27. Conversation "Home Alone", about the behavior of a child at home.
28. City streets.
29. Workshop of Santa Claus. The beauty of the environment. Ethical talk
30. Ethical grammar about kindness, responsiveness and modesty
31. Defenders of the Fatherland.
32. Lovely women. International Women's Day.
33. Be neat, neat!
34. Our hobbies (technology, music, design).
35. Day of laughter.
36. Cosmonautics Day.
37. Culture of behavior at a party, at home and on the street.
38. About honesty and the ability to keep one's word.
39. Culture of our language. Can you speak?
40. Victory Day. "Life is given to bold deeds."
41. Pictures of native nature.
42. "Dad, mom, I'm a readable family."
43. “A dull time, eyes charm” Competition of readers.
44. "This interesting world animals."
45. From the life of wonderful people.
46. ​​"Sport, health, beauty are our best friends."
47. Famous countrymen. Poets and writers about the Crimea.
48. About the dangers of nicotine and alcohol.
49. Where is Santa Claus from?
50. In the world there is not only necessary, but also beautiful.
51. Operation "Live, book!".
52. Entertaining mathematics.
53. Army of Ukraine. History and modernity.
54. Commonwealth of peoples.
55. Where do fairy tales take us? Actions of heroes (moral education).
56. Music in our life.
57. Theater. What is it like?
58. Art in our life.
59. There are thousands of roads in the world. Which way should we go?
60. "We keep our books and notebooks in order."
61. "What is good and what is bad?".
62. "About labor, about people of labor."
63. "It's not enough to want, you need to be able."
64. Page by page fairy tales. Quiz.
65. My city, my district, my street.
66. Save time!
67. "The miracle of the earth is bread."
68. "Let's play, think, answer"
69. Birth of a book. Talk about book publishing.
70. Conversation about thrift.
71. Learn to learn!
72. School of politeness.
73. "Green Pharmacy".

1. Knowledge Day. Peace lesson. "Know how to live in peace and harmony"
2. Day of the elderly. "Pass the good around."
3. Teacher's Day. Take part in the exhibition of bouquets - autumn flower arrangements.
4. Autumn Ball.
5. Month of traffic safety.
6. competition of readers "Multinational Crimea".
7. competition "Is it easy to become a star."
8. Week of health.
9. "Know, love, take care of nature."
10. Welcome Miss Math!
11. Local history quiz. The streets of the city are named after them.
12. Weeks of Pushkin, Shevchenko.
13. Tournament of knights.
14. “We can’t live without women.”
15. "Your own director."
16. "Lucky!"
17. "Hello, we are looking for talent!"
18. Feast of the Primer.
19. "Eaglet" Sports game.

Working with parents:

1. parent meetings.
2. Meetings of the genus. committee.
3. Involve parents in conducting conversations, excursions. Visiting the circus, theaters, museums.
4. Conduct conversations with parents:
- a healthy lifestyle at home and school;
- your child and his organization of classes, daily routine;
- the progress and behavior of your child;
- help parents in teaching children, their homework;

5. Involve parents in the design of the classroom, making visual
6. Individual conversations with parents about the behavior and progress of the child.
7. Joint action of family and school.
8. Visiting students at home for the purpose of surveying housing conditions, conducting conversations with the child and parents about academic performance at home.
9. Providing methodological assistance to parents.
10. Involving parents in conversations, organizing class hours(about professions).
11. Conversation "Education in the family."
12. Conversation "Teaching a child to be kind."
13. Conversation "Guide to home reading."
14. Conversation "Everything should be beautiful in a person."
15. Conversation about the culture of the child's behavior.
16. Hold open parent meetings.

Educational activities:

1. Visiting students of the library.
2. Conducting conversations on self-government in the classroom.
3. Holding competitions, olympiads, exhibitions within the class.
4. Excursions to nature.
5. Libraries and friendship with them.
6. Visiting the circus, theater, museum.
7. Preparation for festive events.
8. Creation of wall newspapers.
9. Holding events dedicated to aesthetic and ethical education. Quizzes.
10. Good manners.
11. Holding contests: "Journey on the map", "Treasure! Treasure! Treasure!”, “In the world of stars”, “Ah, come on girls!”, “Ah, come on guys!”.
12. Mutual assistance among students.
13. Labor landing
14. Green landing.
15. "Humorina". Day of laughter.

Individual work with students:

1. Provide learning assistance to weak students.
2. To develop the activity of passive children, to bring up discipline, responsibility for the task assigned, for their actions.
3. Monitor the appearance of students.
4. Develop rules of cultural behavior.
5. Conduct individual conversations on moral and ethical topics.
6. Instill in children a sense of beauty.
7. Visiting students at home.
8. Individual conversations separately with boys (about the need for fights), separately with girls (about neatness and cleanliness).
9. Being late for lessons.

The work of children's self-government:

1. School duty.
2. Class duty.
3. Care for indoor plants.
4. Cleaning the classroom.
5. Work orderlies.
6. Fasting frugality tutorials.
7. Fasting frugality of school supplies.
8. Conducting search work.
9. Cleaning of school sites.

Individual work with students:

1. Neatness, neatness in clothes.
2. How to properly prepare your workplace.
3. How do you carry out your duties?
4. Be kind and considerate towards your comrades.
5. Your daily routine.
6. Diseases of dirty hands.
7. Yours appearance.
8. Culture of behavior during the break.
9. Respect your time and the time of others.
10. The book is your best friend.
11. Patience and work will grind everything.
12. Business time, fun - an hour.
13. Games at school during breaks and on the street.
14. Appreciate a minute in the lesson.
15. The class is a single family.
16. Measure seven times, cut once.
17. Respect your elders!
18. Take care of nature!
19. Fulfillment of one's duties.

1. Watch your posture.
2. Safety of pedestrian traffic during icy conditions.
3. Health protection (seasonally).
4. How to maintain good vision.
5. The danger of playing with fire.
6. Condition of the air. Cotton gauze bandages.
7. Personal hygiene.
8. Everyone's health is everyone's wealth!
9. Rules of conduct in extreme situations.
10. Clothes, shoes - a part that makes up the guarantee of health.
11. Diseases of dirty hands.
12. Cleanliness and order in the classroom is the key to the health of all.
14. Injury and its prevention.
15. Poisonous mushrooms and plants.
16. The correct daily routine is the key to your health.
17. Proper nutrition.
18. Colds. Prevention.
19. What is a healthy lifestyle?
20. Chemical preparations. Medication handling.
21. Microorganisms. Raw water, unwashed vegetables and fruits.
22. Caution: cutting and piercing objects!
23. Sports in our life.
24. Healthy teeth. Oral care.

Conversations on the prevention of delinquency among minors at school

One of the most complex and at the same time controversial problems of modern society is the problem of delinquency among adolescents. Unfortunately, at a young age, not every person is able to realize that the offenses he commits entail serious and sometimes difficult to correct consequences.

The concept of offenses

What does this term include? Under the offense understand the guilty behavior of a person that causes harm to others, is contrary to the existing laws in society and can entail certain legal liability.

There is a certain classification of such actions. They are divided into two groups. The first of these is misconduct. This type of offense can be labor and disciplinary, civil and administrative. The second group includes crimes. These are acts that result in a violation of criminal law. In turn, crimes are distinguished by severity.

Depending on one or another type of offense committed, there is also a certain responsibility. She may be:

- criminal - for violations of laws, which is provided for by the Criminal Code;
- administrative, in case of violation of the norms contained in the Code of Administrative Offenses;
- disciplinary, that is, entailing responsibility for violations of labor legislation;
— civil-law, regulated property relations.

Pedagogical task

Working with students at school is a multifaceted process, very complex and lengthy in its period. At the same time, the teaching staff educational institutions a rather specific task is set, namely, the prevention of offenses and crimes among minors. Conversation during such events is the most in an efficient way to prevent the occurrence of situations where a person commits guilty acts.
But besides this, the school must provide all the opportunities for the normal development of children. The task of the teacher is to identify students who are prone to violations of moral and legal norms. At the same time, it is important to study the individual characteristics of such children, as well as the reasons for the moral deviation of the personality.

If such events are carried out on time, this will allow, on the basis of properly organized educational assistance, to prevent situations leading to misconduct or offenses.

Problem children

Adolescents who are prone to commit illegal misconduct tend to:

1. They shy away from school for reasons of academic failure. a large number objects, focus on other activities, lag behind in intellectual development and also have no interest in the process of cognition.

2. They show low social and labor activity in the form of refusal of assignments, neglect of class affairs, defiantly ignoring the performance of labor affairs. In addition, such students neglect public property, damaging it.

3. Differ in such negative manifestations as the use of toxic, psychotropic drugs and alcoholic beverages. Such teenagers, as a rule, have a craving for gambling.

4. Negatively assess the surrounding reality.

5. They have increased criticality towards adults and teachers in the form of rudeness, absenteeism, theft and various unmotivated actions.

6. Indifferent or skeptical about educational activities.

Early crime prevention is a set of measures aimed at the following:

— improving the living conditions of children;
- the establishment and suppression of the action of sources that have anti-social influence;
- Conducting a conversation on the prevention of delinquency among minors.

Organization of the educational process by the class teacher

To date, statistics in the field of offenses are not encouraging. Of all crimes, one in eleven is committed by teenagers. And this behavior is influenced by many negative both external and internal factors.

That is why conversations on the prevention of delinquency among minors are sometimes timely and qualified assistance to children, as well as their families, who find themselves in social and other crisis situations.

At the beginning of the training period, the class teacher is assigned the following tasks:

- creation of conditions conducive to the social adaptation of pupils;
- assistance in solving the problems facing a teenager;
- the formation of positive values ​​in children in relation to education, society, people, work, oneself, as well as to the laws and norms of society;
- providing qualified pedagogical assistance to the student's family in the upbringing of the child.

The implementation of all these tasks is possible with the help of observations and testing, behavior analysis and counseling, questionnaires, diagnostics and group work. One of the forms of such activity is the conversations conducted by the teacher on the prevention of delinquency among minors.

For the normal development of the personality of each child and the education of the student, it is important for the class teacher to adhere to:

- humane style of relationships between participants in the education process;
- democratic principles of communication with pupils;
— reasonable order and discipline;
- the principle of the possibility for the manifestation of the initiative of children, which must be necessarily supported by the teacher.

Conversations on the prevention of delinquency among minors should be conducted systematically. At the same time, their topics are coordinated with a pre-compiled plan of events.

Conversations on the prevention of delinquency among minors at school are held within the framework of:

- preventive work;
- organization of leisure activities;
- work with parents;
— legal general education;
- organization of vacations;
- Working with difficult children.

Class teachers at the beginning of the school year create passportization of families. The educator identifies difficult children and creates a database of students who find themselves in a difficult life situation, as well as families in which it is revealed in a socially dangerous state. This work is being done to help them.

Bridging knowledge gaps in children

The most important element of the system for preventing asocial behavior of schoolchildren is constant monitoring of academic performance. These are very effective steps in the course of which the prevention of delinquency among minors at school is carried out. A conversation with the parents of students who have gaps in knowledge allows you to eliminate this problem in a timely manner. In addition to such information, the class teacher conducts individual work with their pupils, while attracting successful students and other teachers. In addition, it is important for the teacher to attend the classes of their children on various subjects. It will also be the prevention of juvenile delinquency in the school. The conversation with pupils in the future should go as part of an analysis of their behavior and work in the classroom.

The fight against passes

A variety of topics of conversations on the prevention of delinquency among minors, concerning the disrespectful reasons for the absence of children in the classroom, is also an important part of the educational work carried out by the class teacher. The teacher must monitor the daily attendance of the children's lessons. At the same time, it is important to keep a monthly record of absenteeism by students, where valid and disrespectful reasons for absence are indicated. Children should be informed that the issue of their attending lessons is under the strict control of the class teacher. And hide from your mentor real reasons absence will not work. Such actions of the teacher will improve discipline in the classroom and will be effective preventive measure on the exclusion of delinquency among adolescents.

Leisure organization

Conversations conducted by the teacher within the framework of class hours should relate to the issues of attracting schoolchildren to classes in sports sections. The organization of leisure activities for children at risk is especially important.

Involving students in the work of various associations, as well as circles artistic creativity It is also the prevention of delinquency among minors at school. A conversation on these topics must be included in the plan for conducting class hours. After all, the development of the creative initiative of students, as well as the active and useful conduct of their leisure time, without any doubt, forms the law-abiding behavior of the child.

Promotion of healthy lifestyles

The topics of conversations on the prevention of delinquency among minors must necessarily relate to the need for constant training physical education. This will not only organize leisure, but also prevent the emergence of bad habits that adversely affect not only the health of the child, but also his social behavior.

What are the recommended topics of conversations on the prevention of delinquency among minors, which are held within the framework of this direction? There are enough of them. Moreover, in order to implement measures for the formation of schoolchildren healthy lifestyle life, the teacher should involve various specialists (physicians and psychologists).

Conversations on the prevention of delinquency among minors (5th grade and 6th grade) can be held on the topics “On good and bad”, as well as “On the dangers of smoking”.

The purpose of the first of them is to develop in students a holistic orientation and the ability to form moral judgments. Similar conversations regarding healthy behavior in life can be held with younger students.

Conversations on the prevention of delinquency among minors (grade 6) more often relate to the topic “On the dangers of smoking”. Although it is desirable to start considering this issue with younger students and continue to repeat such class hours with older children.

For example, the topic of a conversation on the prevention of delinquency among minors (Grade 8) may sound like this: “Committed offenses that are the result of bad habits.” Such class hours help to educate children in responsibility for their own health and form a negative attitude towards tobacco in them. Topics related to the dangers of smoking expand students' knowledge in this area.

This work can be carried out with the division of schoolchildren into microgroups and using multimedia material. The teacher should explain to the children that in people who are addicted to nicotine, certain areas of the brain are in a depressed state. They slow down the production of substances necessary for the body to build tissues normally. As a result, many organs suffer from nervous dystrophy, which predisposes a person to many diseases.

The topics of conversations on the prevention of delinquency among minors, concerning the maintenance of a proper lifestyle, also include conversations “On the dangers of alcohol”, “On the harmful effects of drugs”. The conversation should also touch on other addictions.

The topic of conversations on the prevention of juvenile delinquency, concerning the maintenance of a correct lifestyle, should inspire children with the idea that a person under the influence of alcohol or drugs is capable of committing the most cruel crimes. And this happens because of the need to get money for the next dose or bottle of alcohol. At the same time, people who are addicted to drugs or alcohol cannot control their own actions.

During the conversations on these topics, the teacher should tell his pupils that not only "unlucky" or "bad" people become alcoholics and drug addicts. Sometimes this happens to those who were brought up in prosperous families and could not find activities of interest for themselves. Sometimes a child tries alcohol, drugs or cigarettes in order to experience new sensations and feel mature and courageous. However, such unreasonable behavior harms health, which will be impossible to return, and contributes to the commission of crimes.

Conducted conversations on the prevention of delinquency among minors (Grade 11) should be devoted to issues of dangerous sex. After all, maintaining the health of young people is a strategic task of society. According to statistics, about 14 million Russian women aged 15 to 19 give birth to children. An even greater number of girls decide to have abortions. Representatives of the younger generation suffer from syphilis so often that doctors talk about a situation close to epidemic. It is at this age that most cases of HIV infection occur. Classroom hours on this topic should address issues of love, early intercourse, and chastity. At the same time, the teacher should conduct separate conversations with boys and girls. The purpose of such class hour consists in the formation of a negative moral assessment of sexual promiscuity, which is a threat of various kinds of diseases and sometimes directs a person to commit illegal acts.

legal education

The work plans of educational institutions also include topics of conversations on the prevention of various offenses. They take part not only class teachers. Representatives of the fire brigade, law enforcement agencies, family and youth specialists, psychologists, etc. are involved in such conversations. For example, the topic of a conversation on the prevention of delinquency among minors (grade 7) may relate to issues of crime and responsibility for it. Conversations with children in this direction aim at introducing schoolchildren to various types misconduct and the formation of their true citizenship. Conversations on this topic can be carried out already from the elementary grades.

They will also become an effective measure for the prevention of offenses for older students.
The teacher must constantly carry out explanatory work on the types of existing responsibility for violation of the law, on illegal actions characteristic of adolescents, on the concepts of administrative, criminal and civil penalties, etc. Such activities will certainly develop the activity of children in the formation of correct life positions.

Approximate topics of such class hours:
- "Our interests and the street."
— Duties and rights of the student.
- “Crimes and their consequences”, etc.

Periodically, such conversations should be held on the prevention of delinquency among minors. Grade 9 can listen to the topic "Crime and a teenager." A more in-depth study of this material should take place in the upper grades. For example, the topic of the conversation on the prevention of delinquency among minors (Grade 10) is “Crime and its types”.

Working with parents

In order to prevent delinquency, work should be carried out to identify students living in families whose situation is considered socially dangerous. If negative facts are found, the teacher must inform the school Prevention Council.

Periodically, class teachers get acquainted with the living conditions of their students, conduct conversations with parents on such topics:

“Overcoming learning difficulties. Help from parents.
“Reasons why a child does not want to study.”
- "Problems of educating teenagers", etc.

The purpose of such events is to increase the interaction between the family and the school in order to prevent illegal actions among schoolchildren.