
Modern education as a problem of human development. The problem of education. Peculiarities of education of boys and girls. Choice of teaching methods


He receives education before he begins to realize himself as an independent person. Parents have to invest a lot of physical and mental strength. Raising children in modern family different from the methods used by our parents. After all, for them important point it was that the child was dressed, fed and studied well. All because they didn’t demand much from people, the main thing is humility and diligence in everything. Therefore, the children studied calmly, and after the lessons they rested as they please.

If we talk about today, then the modern upbringing of children is a set of certain methods. This helps to direct the child in the right direction so that he becomes successful, in demand, strong and competitive. Moreover, it is important to do this already from school, otherwise it is impossible to become a person with a capital letter. For this reason, a child, coming to the first grade, should already be able to read, know the numbers, as well as information about his country and parents.

The modern child is diverse, so it's hard to choose best option. According to experts, the main thing is the unity of the policy of parents and teachers. In extreme cases, complement each other, not contradict. If teachers have a modern view of raising children, then the child is very lucky. After all, it is such a specialist who will be able to correctly present knowledge in a format that suits him.

Modern methods of education

The upbringing of children in a modern family must necessarily begin with parents, as well as with teachers and educators. All because they take on the responsibility of instilling any qualities in the baby. Moreover, it is impossible to teach him to be kind, fair, generous, polite, without possessing such qualities. After all, children are good at feeling lies, so the lessons will be meaningless.

Today, children are taught from birth. Surrounded by pictures and inscriptions, stimulating the intellect. Then the child is sent to the center early development, where professionals, using a certain technique, continue to form a small personality. Moreover, modern approaches to the upbringing of children can be divided into four types.

Despotic parenting style

Here, strict parents put themselves as an authority. And often put forward excessive demands. the main problem here - this is the lack of initiative of the baby, the suppression of his will, as well as the exclusion of the opportunity to make decisions on his own. Such care is fraught with the inability to overcome life's obstacles.

liberal parenting style

The modern education of children according to the liberal method is the opposite of despotism. Here, the principle of indulging the desires of offspring is taken as a basis. It turns out that children get a lot of freedom if they do not quarrel and do not conflict with adults. This option can lead to the most serious consequences. This is because liberal parenting helps raise selfish, angry, and irresponsible children. Such people in life achieve, probably, a lot, but there are few truly human qualities in them.

Parenting style - indifference

It is very dangerous to raise a child in modern world according to the method, probably the worst thing is when parents do not pay any attention to their baby. The consequences of indifference can be unpredictable. Therefore, parents who are worried about the future of their child should forget about this technique.

Democratic parenting style

Raising children in modern society according to this method allows you to simultaneously provide children with freedom and at the same time educate. Here, parents have control over the child, but they use their power with extreme caution. It is important to be flexible and consider each situation individually. As a result, the kid can get life knowledge, understanding more objectively, and evil. At the same time, he always has the right to choose. It turns out that the modern upbringing of children is a whole science. With the right knowledge, you can provide a child with a good future. He will be happy, independent and self-confident person. The main thing is to be able not to abuse the rights of parents, and even more so not to ignore it. In addition, it is important to be able to find compromises so that there is no enmity in the family.

Problems of education

Modern children are closely connected with the environment in which they are located. After all, the child's psyche perceives good and bad information equally quickly. In fact, for a child, the family is the environment in which he is brought up. Here he learns a lot and gains knowledge about life values ​​that are formed on the experience of many generations. Today, life is arranged in such a way that parents have to work hard, otherwise you can forget about a decent existence. Therefore, relatives, or they are completely left to themselves. It turns out that the modern problems that arise in the upbringing of a child are society as a whole.

Modern problems of fathers and children

Families today will experience many challenges while raising their child. They occur over a certain period of time.


Children under six years of age do not yet have a formed character. However, they act according to their instincts. The main desire of a person, even a small one. - this is freedom. Therefore, the baby argues with his parents, doing everything that is forbidden to him. Moreover, many of the child's pranks arise against the background of simple curiosity.

At this stage, the main problem of parents is the desire to take patronage. The kid, on the contrary, fights for his freedom. This contradiction causes conflict. Therefore, the modern upbringing of children implies the presence of tactics, flexibility and calmness in relation to the actions of the child. It is necessary to try to keep him within the framework, but at the same time allow him to independently resolve some issues, make choices in certain situations, and also ask his opinion when it comes to family matters.

Junior classes

This period is the most difficult. All because the child receives a certain freedom of action. He is trying to take his place in society. Therefore, new acquaintances appear, he plays his own role. He has to deal with problems on his own. Of course, this frightens him - hence all the whims and discontent that appear. The methods of raising a modern child in such a period are usually selected more carefully. Moreover, they should be based on trust, kindness, care and understanding. You should be more loyal to your child, take into account the stress that he experiences.

Teenage years

When a child becomes a teenager, he begins to desperately yearn for freedom. The period can be compared with infancy, but there is a difference. After all, now he already has his own character, outlook on life, and he has friends who have a certain influence on him. Therefore, raising children in modern society at this stage is the most difficult. A person who is not yet fully formed defends his position, not realizing that his opinion may be erroneous.

Here it is important for parents not to destroy the beliefs that have arisen in the child. It would be more correct to give freedom, but at the same time keep it under imperceptible control. All advice and opinions must be expressed in a mild manner. Moreover, it is also necessary to criticize carefully, trying not to hurt children's pride. The main thing is to maintain a trusting and warm relationship with your child.


A teenager who has crossed the line of adulthood no longer needs moralizing coming from his parents. Now he wants to make his own decisions and experience for himself everything that was previously forbidden to him. These are all kinds of parties, alcohol and smoking. Yes, parents are scared to hear this, but many go through this. Often there are conflicts between parents and children, after which they completely stop communicating. It is important not to bring the situation to such a point, to try to solve problems by making compromises.

Of course, there are rare exceptions when grown-up children are very attached to their parents. Therefore, in them the feeling of rebellion is expressed to a lesser extent. However, parents need to reconcile themselves and let their child go into adulthood. The main thing is to try to maintain a warm relationship. Let him have his own life, but he will share his joys and problems with his parents. After all, when they try to understand their child, he answers them the same. Especially during adulthood when you need the help and support of people close to him.


Classroom report:

"Problems modern education in modern Russia"

Prepared by:

Student Sh-21 group

Tour Anastasia

2015, Yeysk


For the last 10 years, the issues of education and upbringing have not left the pages of newspapers and magazines. One discussion follows another. The assertions that the existing system of education cannot meet the increased demands of production, science and the entire ever more complex social life have become banal. Almost everyone agrees with this. Differences arise later, when discussion begins on the question, what is the essence of these non-conformities, or "breaks", what are their most characteristic manifestations and what needs to be done to fix them. The problem of the development of education undoubtedly deserves the closest attention, since, in fact, we are talking about the future of Russia, the value orientations of our society, and by and large - about the national security of the country, the roots of which lie in the upbringing, civil development of the younger generation, the formation he is ready for worthy service to the Fatherland. It would be logical to consider two problems separately. The first is the problem of educating society, the second is the problem of educating the same society in modern Russia. In these problems, society itself will be the object of study, and the system of education and upbringing will be the subject of study.

Upbringing - purposeful formation of the personality in order to prepare it for participation in public and cultural life in accordance with socio-cultural normative models. By definitionAcademician I.P. Pavlov education is a mechanism for ensuring the preservation of the historical memory of the population.

Modern methods of education

Perhaps it is difficult to find parents who would not want to raise good child. Most people in the process of raising children rely on their life experience, on how they were brought up in their time. Meanwhile, there is a lot of evidence that the old methods of education fail and do not bring the expected results. Sometimes the effect of their application is just the opposite. What are the reasons for this phenomenon? The changes taking place in the modern world require new, extraordinary approaches to the problem of education, the search for alternative modern methods of raising children.

Authoritarian parenting methods The methods of raising children, which are still used by the vast majority of parents, were formed in the family over the centuries in the conditions of feudal society, and then in the conditions of bourgeois or socialist democracies, which were based on authoritarian power. These are authoritarian methods of raising children. The main principle of such methods is the requirement of unquestioning submission of children to the will of their parents. In the arsenal of educational measures, there are such ways of influencing the child as an order, reprimand, shouting, threat, ridicule, punishment, including physical punishment. At the same time, the child is viewed as a kind of negative, hostile subject who strives all the time to do something wrong, who constantly needs to be pulled up and directed. At the heart of the motivational mechanisms of children's actions with such methods is fear.

Democratic parenting methods are new, modern methods that were born under the influence of democratic changes taking place in the world around us. At the heart of such modern methods of raising children is the rejection of coercion, the subordination of children's actions to the wishes of their parents and their conflict-free reorientation from bad behavior to good. The use of these methods involves studying the child's perception of certain facts or events in life and providing him with unobtrusive assistance in their correct assessment. The child is not seen as good or bad, but as a human being who is fallible. Actions are judged, not himself. A positive assessment is given to actions that take into account the interests of all parties involved in the conflict. Relationships in the family are built not on the children's fear of imminent punishment, but on the principles of mutual understanding, trust, mutual respect, unconditional love. The motivation for the actions of children in this case is an internal motivation for action and the choice of the right course of action based on their own ideas about what is good and what is bad.

Goals of education

A positive result of educational influence is considered not the unconditional fulfillment of the parental order, but right choice necessary action in specific life circumstances and its conscious implementation. These methods contribute to the development of a child's sense of self-confidence, courage in making decisions, initiative, responsibility, honesty, democracy, friendliness. Growing up in a family where relationships are based on respect and love, such children enter the adult world open, sincere, able to give love to other people.

Problems of education in modern society

In modern conditions of the development of society, the direction of education is determined by the unity of goals and content. Consequently, highlighting such areas in education as: mental, labor, moral, aesthetic and ideological-political, we will get a holistic educational system. In children, memory, attention, imagination are of an involuntary nature and are, as it were, woven into their cognitive activity, therefore, the activity must have a certain logic, but instead of intensive cognitive activity we offer the child passive - at the computer or TV, thereby developing "clip thinking" that is harmful to the child.

An important direction educational process is - ideological and political education, which involves the formation in the child of the foundations of citizenship, a responsible attitude towards the family, his people and the Fatherland. Now you can quite often hear the following phrase from children: I’ll learn and leave this “terrible” country! Why have we so clogged the brains of our own children that at that age they are ready to give up everything and start living in another country. The history of one's own people, locality, families are nothing compared to material well-being, it is material well-being created by someone, and not by himself, that comes to the fore when formulating such a desire for a child. We weaned him to work, but taught and continue to do it successfully - to consume.

The essence of moral education lies in the formation in the child of a system of relations to society, other people, and himself. Probably, to the above educational areas that have traditionally been used in solving educational problems, it is necessary to add others. Now in modern society, new areas of educational work are being formed, such as economic and legal, they require their attention and detailed development. It is time to get rid of right-wing and economic nihilism and from an early age to form in children the qualities that determine social behavior in conditions of legal and economic protection of the individual.

In the modern world, about 90% of the population are believers, therefore, the role of confessional education is great, and we should not turn a blind eye to this phenomenon. Like any innovation, the process of modernization of society has positive and negative sides, as well as negative side effects: the destruction of traditional institutions and ways of life has led society to social disorganization, chaos and anomie; the scale of deviant behavior in children, adolescents and young people has grown, crime among the youth has become the norm.

The question of interaction and relationships different ages sharply stood at all times. The worldview, principles, views on the world and the place of a person in it have always differed among representatives of different generations.

So, for example, young people are a group that is still in a state of formation of values, ideals, mastering the traditions and customs existing in society. In a situation where society itself does not have norms, the orientation of young people in the existing system becomes doubly problematic.

Now Russia has a minimum of workers, it is not fashionable to be a worker, the factories are mostly worthless, there are no peasants - farmers have appeared, and it is not clear who they work for. Basically, the whole country sells, mediates, steals, stands at churches and begs, you can still cite a number of “new” so-called professions. We now have all, if not lawyers, then economists, if not bankers, then insurance agents, and the rest are in between those and those. We have ceased to notice that the consumer attitude to the world around us and to each other distorts our sense of time. All this leads to the destruction of interpersonal ties among people of different generations, and the worst thing is that such destructive processes occur among the youth. Such destruction of the youth environment threatens to destroy the entire society. Since we are talking about fundamentally new approaches to managing life, without relying on science and education, which we understand as a triad consisting of upbringing, training and personal development, this is impossible.

Therefore, removing the indifference of a person in relation to himself, his present and future, we will be able to launch creative processes in society even in the condition of modernizing the social system, relying on the combined efforts of the state and the family. To do this, children should be encouraged from childhood to talk freely, to fantasize about scientific achievements, about possible options for the development of mankind, to use the latest technological achievements in education only after teachers have been carefully trained. Everything new must be introduced, carefully relying on the principle - do no harm. In a word, love for one's Fatherland, for one's people, is unthinkable without concern for its future.

Class hour on moral education on the topic "What is politeness"

Targets and goals:

To instill in children a culture of behavior;

The desire to use polite words in your speech.

preliminary work

Preparation of dramatizations of the poem on the topic of the class hour.

Class hour progress

Discussion of the poem by A. Barto

Listen to A. Barto's poem about one schoolboy and think about whether this boy can be called polite.

Friends, just in case
Poems about a schoolboy one:
His name is .. but better
We will not name it here.

He is often lazy
Say at the meeting: "Good afternoon!"
And he is shy, silent.
And at best "great"
He says hello instead.

"Thank you", "hello", "sorry"
He was not used to speaking.
A simple "sorry"
Did not overcome his tongue.

And instead of the word "goodbye"
He doesn't say anything.
Or say goodbye:
“well, I went, bye, just…”

Issues for discussion:

What words does the hero use when meeting and parting?

What words should be spoken?

What is "politeness?" ( it respectful attitude to other people)

Why is it necessary to be a polite person?

Name the opposite of politeness. (rudeness)

Is it pleasant to communicate with a boor?

Playing situations

The teacher organizes work in teams. The task of the team is to stage one of the poems. After the dramatization, the children discuss the situations played out. The first team dramatizes S. Mikhalkov's poem "Lapusya".

I do not know what to do -

I started to be rude to the elders.

Dad will say:

The door is open!

Make it up, hero! -

I answered him angrily

I answer:

Close yourself!

At dinner, mom will say:

Bread, lapusya, pass! -

I whisper in response stubbornly:

I can not. Give it yourself! -

Very I love my grandmother,

Anyway, I'm rude to her.

I love my grandfather so much

But I also object to my grandfather ...

I do not know what to do -

I started to be rude to the elders.

And they to me:


Eat soon! The soup is getting cold! .. -

And they to me:


Put in another piece? -

And they to me:


Lie down, lapusya, on the barrel! ..

Why do you think the boy is rude to adults? ( children's answers)

We can learn about this from the following verse.

The second team dramatizes A. Barto's poem "Confession".

Go find out

Go understand

What happened to the guy

Years eight!

He is all, one unfortunate day,

Almost brought me to tears.

His name is - stands like a stump,

As if rooted to the ground.

- Look, don't drink raw water! -

Neighbor recommends.

One glass, then another

Andryusha drinks in response.

Go find out

Go understand

What happened to the guy

Years eight!

- You come to dinner at three o'clock, -

His mother told him.

He muttered, "I know myself..."

And he showed up at five.

- Well, what about you, Andryushenka? -

And the son confessed to her:

- When I don't listen to you

I look older!

Why didn't Andryusha obey?

Did he really look older? Why? ( children's answers)

The third team dramatizes B. Zakhoder's poem "Very Polite Turkey"

In the House
All of a sudden
Very Polite Turkey.

Thirty times a day
At least,
He shouted:
- Hey you, ignorant!
Come in, or something, visit -
to learn
I myself, - shouted Turkey, -
Doctor of Polite Sciences,

And my wife is an example
Remarkable manners:
Even when she sleeps
You can see that she is educated!

Don't be shy, Donkey!
Come, sit down at the table!
Why are you silent like a fish?
Say: "I'll come, thank you!"
Don't be a pig, Pig. -
Waiting for you
My family!
Only before
You are your pig snout!

No matter how he fought
Nobody went to Turkey -
Nor cow,
Neither dog,
Neither Khavronya,
Nor Donkey!

The turkey turned blue from anger:
- Do not go, impudent, to visit!
All the hard work is wasted!
All of them are bullshit!

What can you say about Turkey?

Why didn't anyone go to him? ( children's answers)

Reading the story of Y. Ermolaev "Spilled"

Sometimes it happens that a girl or a boy at school behaves politely, cultured, and at home they turn into completely different children.

Listen to this story and tell how everyone found out the true face of Irochka.

Mom and dad bought Irochka a parrot. Irochka immediately took up training. She taught the parrot to meow, bark, say "hello guys!" and wanted to show it to her classmates. Let them know what a capable trainer she is. I went to school with a parrot, and my grandmother asked her:

- Go, Irochka, to the store for tea.

- Here's another! Ira refused. - I am busy! Leave me alone! She always said this to her grandmother when she asked her to do something: “Leave me alone!”, “I have no time!” or "Here's more!". Irochka took the cage with the parrot and took it to school. Classmates surrounded Irochka:

- Well, ask your parrot something! Let him answer.

- I'll ask now. Just don't make noise, - Irochka ordered and said to the parrot: - Say hello to the guys, Chico!

And the parrot, instead of saying “hello, guys!”, ruffled all over and shouted to Irochka:

- Leave me alone!

The guys were surprised, and Irochka was embarrassed, but immediately asked the parrot again:

- How does a cat meow? Meow to us, Chico. The parrot squinted at Irochka and squeaked:

- Here's another!

- How does a dog bark? - almost crying, asked Irochka. - Howl like a dog, Chico!

- Very necessary! I am busy! - the parrot shouted and, jumping from one perch to another, turned away from Ira.

The guys laughed, and Irochka got angry:

- How nasty you are, Chico! You don't want to say anything.

- How does he not want to? - the counselor Vitya objected to Irochka. - He told us a lot. Well done Chico!

Discussion of the story

Making a courtesy plan

We all live in a society, next to each other, so it is necessary to live in peace and harmony and lend a helping hand to each other. - I suggest you work in teams and draw up rules of courtesy.

The teacher and the children write the rules on the board.

Rule #1: Always use polite words.

The teacher reads the poem "Good afternoon"

The day was gray, bad weather,
A shadow thickened over the earth.
- Good day!
Passerby said.
I answered:
- Good day!

After this moment
Until the end of the big day
For some reason the mood
was kind
I have.

Rule two: if you offended someone, then apologize.

The teacher reads the poem "Politeness"

A mouse stepped on an elephant's foot.

For more than two minutes the elephant could not take a step.

The mouse was upset: “Oh, what a pity! »

The mouse apologized: “Excuse me, please! »

The elephant said: “Well, okay, it happens.

Politeness also helps with pain.

Rule three? If you make a mistake, then ask for forgiveness.

The teacher reads the poem "Sorry"

papa smashed
Precious vase.
grandmother with mom
They frowned immediately.

But dad was found:
Looked into their eyes
And timidly and quietly
"I'm sorry," he said.

And mom is silent
Smiling even...
-We'll buy another one
There are better ones for sale...

"Sorry!" Seemingly,
What's in it?
But what is
Great word!

Discussion of the story

Magic words should not be forgotten, but the main thing is actions. After all, this could happen...

There were two fish swimming in the river, one big and the other smaller. Together they searched for food for a long time, and suddenly, out of nowhere, a delicious worm appeared right in front of them.

This is mine, this is my worm, I noticed it first, - the little fish screamed, and began roughly to push the big fish away from the worm with its tail.

Please, I don’t feel sorry for you, eat it to your health,” said the fish and politely yielded to the worm.

That's right, - said the fish, - the little ones must give way. And at the same time she thought: how stupid this fish is, how much strength it has, and it yields tasty food. If I were as big and strong as she is, I wouldn't give the delicious worm to anyone, even if I needed it, I would take it away by force.

Satisfied, the fish tasted the worm, and then took it, and swallowed it whole. Suddenly, unexpectedly, in an instant, the fish was gone, and someone's angry voice was heard from above the water:

Again, a trifle caught on the hook, and why is the big fish not caught today?

Only now did the fish realize that her polite act had saved her life. If she didn’t give up the worm to a small fish, she would have to cook in her ear today ...

What saved the big fish?

Are you inferior to the little ones in life?


The teacher summarizes all the situations of the class hour and reminds the children about the norms of behavior in society.

I want to end the lesson with the words of M. Cervantes: “Nothing costs us so cheaply and is not valued so dearly as politeness.”

Any, even the most callous heart is responsive to kindness, a child's heart is doubly

In the current situation of socio-cultural and economic life, the problems of educating the younger generation have acquired particular relevance. Attention to the problems of education has increased on the part of the state, educational authorities, and pedagogical science. But despite this, the whole society expresses dissatisfaction with the state of education of modern youth.

It is known that the social experience of past generations plays a significant role in education. Russia for more than 70 years was a closed country, only a few of its inhabitants were fluent in foreign language, had the opportunity to go abroad, read various foreign literature, communicate with foreigners. Now the situation has changed radically. For Russians, especially young people, since “youth is a child of our troubled times”, the world is becoming more and more open. They not only visit other countries, but study and work there. They, like a sponge, absorb new values ​​for themselves, assimilate the customs and traditions of different peoples. The accessibility of other cultures creates conditions not only for identifying a person with other cultures, which allows him to better understand, assimilate and accept the values, traditions, customs of another culture, but also contributes to the isolation of a person from other cultures, puts him in a situation of correlation with them, the latter contributes to and a better understanding of their own national culture. But not only high-level culture becomes available, but also mass culture, which also includes low-level samples. They are sometimes more desirable for modern children and youth and are easily mastered. In this regard, questions arise. What kind of youth will determine the development of society in the 21st century? Who and how should solve the problems of raising children today? What ideals and principles determine or should determine the educational goals and organization of educational work with children, adolescents and youth?

These and other questions are for the family, for the education system, for public organizations, for other social institutions, for science and practice. They are discussed and resolved at the federal and regional levels, at the level of municipalities, specific educational institutions and teaching staff. As a priority, the issue of organizing educational work is faced by those who are destined to manage the social sphere, in particular, the education system.

The upbringing of children, in the narrow sense of the word, is defined as a process of purposeful formation of a personality, worldview, moral character, and certain character traits. At the same time, as a rule, we are talking about either family education, or the purposeful activities of teachers, their educational work in institutions and organizations. different types, types and departments Education as social relations in which some people directly or indirectly, directly or indirectly influence others in order to form or change their certain personal qualities and behaviors (sp, Barinov).

Education, as one of the components that make up the process of socialization of children, adolescents and youth, takes place today in unusually contradictory conditions. Weakened upbringing in the family. The negative phenomena of life adversely affect the formation of a new generation.

The problem of educating patriotism in modern Russia is one of the most acute and complex. Today, not many people are true patriots. In the 90s of the last century, both important positive changes and negative phenomena occurred in Russia, which are inevitable in a period of major socio-political changes. The collapse of the USSR, economic failures, the fall of the country's prestige in the world, criticism and unfriendly policies from many Western countries, local armed conflicts also do not contribute to the formation patriotic feelings. These phenomena had a negative impact on public morality, civic consciousness, on the attitude of people to society, the state, law and labor, on the attitude of man to man.

In Russian society, a lack of principles and rules of life consciously accepted by the majority of citizens began to be felt, there is no agreement on issues of correct and constructive social behavior, the choice of life guidelines.

Therefore, the key task of modern Russian education is to ensure spiritual and moral development and education of the personality of a citizen of Russia.

The new Russian general education school is becoming the most important factor ensuring the socio-cultural modernization of Russian society, therefore the spiritual and moral development of the individual, the education of patriotism is one of the main guidelines for modern education.

Schooling is one of the most important stages in a person's life. As a rule, the school becomes a "second home" for the child. And it is here that he is instilled with such important human qualities as honesty, conscientiousness, collectivism, respect for the older generation, courage, love for his people and his Motherland, courage. No less importance is also given to respect for one's own family, parents and family traditions because a harmonious loving family is a cell of a highly moral, successful and prosperous society. It is at school that the foundation is laid for social activity, which is aimed at serving the interests of the Motherland. Here, children realize the importance of honest work, learn to perceive it as the main key to achieving success in life. Also, within the framework of spiritual and moral education, students should receive a positive attitude towards healthy way life, to acquire an active position in those matters that relate to their health. And, of course, get the full...

My work, as a class teacher, is based on the consideration of the issues of educating schoolchildren of patriotism through the involvement of students in the system of collective creative affairs.

Collective activity “contributes to the formation of the processes of decentralization of the child, i.e. the ability to be in the position of another person, to see the situation through his eyes”, develops the ability to empathize, sympathy. Patriotism is a feeling and a formed position of loyalty to one's country and solidarity with its people.

Patriotic feelings, love for the Motherland develop among high school students in close connection with those new formations that are inherent in this age stage: the desire for the heroic, the thirst for a feat in life, the need for self-affirmation, finding one's place in a peer group, recognition of comrades, orientation to the requirements of the team and increased attention and demands on oneself, greater social activity.

Civil work patriotic education is carried out through the organization of training sessions, extracurricular and extracurricular activities. The main form of educational work remains the lesson, which in the educational system becomes an educational complex, where educational influences are integrated into a holistic educational process. Therefore, to improve the educational nature of training, it is advisable:

Strengthen the humanitarian orientation of all academic disciplines: in traditional items include material that helps children understand themselves, the motives of their behavior, attitudes towards others, design their lives.

Use active forms and methods of educational activity, its openness, a variety of educational and methodological materials, forms and methods of educational and out-of-class work that develop knowledge and skills that increase the social and cultural competence of the individual.

The educational system covers the entire pedagogical process, integrating training sessions, extracurricular life of children, a variety of activities and communication, the influence of the social and subject-aesthetic environment.

The moral education of schoolchildren and young people against the background of the intensive development of the mass media has become a constant, acute problem. The media play a special role in the process of globalization. We can say that they provide it with information. It is through the media that a person not only receives information about the world, other countries, peoples, their culture, but also becomes a virtual participant in the main events taking place in a particular country. Unfortunately, the media does not always represent a person the best examples world culture. Much more often we are dealing with mass culture, with its worst examples, especially domestic television sins with this. Raising a moral person against such a background is quite difficult. Another essential component of moral education is the development of humanistic value relations of the individual to the world, to people, to himself. Thus, the ideology of modern education should be humanism. Moral education can be based on values: a person, family, Fatherland, Earth, peace, work, culture, knowledge (V.A. Karakovsky).

But since we are talking about humanistic values, it is necessary to pay more attention to the fundamental value of humanism - the value of a person. For a child, it manifests itself in two forms: as the value of another person and as the value of one's own.

I want to note, no matter how well cool watch in patriotic education, no matter how much the school does, the strongest foundation for worldview is laid precisely in the family. Parents can also do a lot to develop a sense of patriotism in children. Go with them on a tour of interesting historical places in the country, talk about the exploits of great-grandparents during the war, show photos from the family archive. Some of the parents may offer their child to watch an interesting documentary about historical events, someone will show how much joy you can get by sharing clothes or other things with orphans and disabled children. All these small steps on the way to the formation of a great personality have great value. The patriotic education of children should take place both at school and outside its walls, in the family circle. Only in this case, the child will be able to realize its significance and adopt the most important moral, cultural and civic values....


1. Selivanova N. " Contemporary Issues upbringing in educational institutions Educational work at school No. 5, 2012;

2. Grishchenko V.N. candidate of pedagogical sciences "Modern practice of education in an educational institution" J. Innovative projects and programs in education No. 3, 2010

The education system is one of the most important structures managed by the state, aimed at both the socialization of each member of society and the socialization of natural science knowledge. Education, presenting a person with moral and spiritual values ​​that are the property of public culture or claiming to be included in the treasuries of culture, makes it possible to form the spiritual image of a person. The content of education is formed on the basis of the achievements of human knowledge. Bringing the accumulated knowledge to the consciousness of members of society ensures not only the maintenance of the achieved level of civilization of society and the functioning of production, but also the progress of society.

In the modern school, there are a number of unresolved or insufficiently resolved problems that are relevant for professional activity teachers. The modern school has more than enough problems and it is impossible to cover all of them. In the struggle for the quality of education, an important role is given to the content and structure of education. Most often, both the structure and the content “come down from above” by the school. Otherwise, it is impossible - the educational space will be violated. It is impossible not to agree with this.

What difficulties does it face modern school(in my opinion), what problems does it have to solve in order to improve the quality of the results of its services?

  1. Insufficient intensity and effectiveness of counter activities - teaching, i.e. low student activity in the learning process. The task of the teacher is not only to work in the lesson himself, but to achieve no less productive work from the student. And this should not be episodic activity in some lessons and in some subjects, but the creation whole system learning, a system of all methods in which the student cannot be inactive in principle.
  2. The nature of teaching is such that teachers exaggerate the role of observation and perception, using the illustrative and explanatory nature of teaching, thereby actually turning off the student's thinking, they "forget how to think." At school, of course, it is necessary to explain and illustrate, but all this should be subordinated to one goal: understanding and assimilation by students of the essence of the subjects studied and science, and not a simplified presentation and a colorful description.
  3. Overload of educational subjects. We are trying to embrace the immensity and push into children's heads the necessary and unnecessary in exorbitant quantities. What is the value of science teaching aids for students? Their authors seem to be poorly acquainted with the peculiarities of child psychology and completely forget that they themselves were once children. Hence we have the problem of lack of creativity, search in the work of students. Memory is loaded, not thinking. As a result, knowledge is fragile, short-lived, and not applicable in practice.
  4. Almost complete oblivion of the educational side educational process. With the collapse of the pioneer and Komsomol movements in the school, there is still no alternative that really works everywhere. The former ties with sponsoring enterprises and organizations have been completely destroyed. This means that all the “external instruments” that previously existed and performed the most important function of the educational process (mass media, censorship, cinema, literature, etc.) have been violated. It seems that a good school slogan for a student “Be successful” in the conditions of a modern school sounds like “The main thing is to be rich and famous” or “Take everything from life”.
  5. Refusing the educational function, refusing the role of "educator" in favor of the role of "teacher", the modern school is now more and more inclined towards turning itself into a kind of "teaching machine". More and more, it is now acquiring the functions of a kind of soulless unit, combining in itself the functions of a copier, and partly of a commercial production conveyor. The school is now approaching the appearance of a kind of "soulless knowledge factory" or "copier", such as the same photocopier, by transferring the amount of knowledge from some people - teachers, to other people - children. And that is why children for the school are now often like a "soulless product" or an equally "soulless product." Now they are not “the younger generation”, not “the growing change” and not the “maturing part of society”, they are now just “those” in whom it is necessary to invest (including for money) some specific knowledge. It is not surprising that in such “official” conditions, teachers are forced to put forward, most often, mercantile, material interests and values ​​as their motivation and the motivation of their students. And not including - or even, above all - moral and spiritual, as the school strove to do in Soviet or even in "tsarist" times. And it is not surprising that in such conditions the teacher is now increasingly moving away from the previous formula: “the teacher (read - school) is a sower of good, light, eternal.
  6. There is an acute question about the need to individualize the learning process, about the indispensable consideration of the age and individual characteristics of students, about the appropriate differentiation of knowledge, grades, and most importantly, programs. There is a general orientation of education for the middle peasant, for schoolchildren with some average performance, but at the same time it is equally bad for both high-achieving and lagging students. In the conditions of modern mass education, all these questions are still waiting for their solution.
  7. The unwillingness of a significant part of teachers to work in a new way, taking into account the latest achievements in pedagogy. Teachers simply can't keep up with the fast-paced innovative modern scientific achievements in the field of information technology. The older age category of teachers (and this is the backbone of any educational institution today) “finishes” its seniority and does not consider it necessary to master modern innovations. Our children are already a step ahead of us in some aspects of technical support. How can you not strive to at least catch up with them? Colleagues, outside the window of the XXI century!
  8. Lack of tools to contain aggression and disobedience of students. The democratization of public life has deprived teachers of these tools, but it has given them nothing but the mutual opportunity to defend infringed interests in court. But after all, in every case, as they say, you don’t run into court. Hence the lack of order in the school.
  9. The starting point should not be interests educational institution and the interests of the child and family. We must ask parents if they want their children to be educated selfish and ungrateful egotists? Or maybe they want to raise a practical rationalist, concerned about earthly success and career? They want to see their children worthy sons Fatherland or are they raising a citizen of some other state? The school is designed to help the family in the education of the child, in the upbringing of a good citizen for our Fatherland. On what principles should the education system be based, what should be the content of the educational process so that the child pleases his parents with kindness, obedience, diligence, humility? What conditions need to be created so that the child develops correctly, so that the spiritual life awakened in the family does not fade away in him, so that he masters the principles of science, learns his native and world culture so that he would be a patriot of his Motherland, ready to lay down his stomach for her in difficult times? There is a need for such an education system that would allow the full transfer of knowledge, experience of creative and creative activity, values ​​inherent in the people, experience of spiritual life from one generation to another. If we try to create such a school, we will inevitably end up with a school based on Orthodox traditions. The school, based on the Orthodox tradition, is the only natural and scientific one that allows children of all nationalities and confessions to enter world culture through Russian culture, while creating conditions for mastering their own national culture.
What should the modern school pay attention to?
  1. Information support and support of the learning process in modern conditions. Features of predicting the onset of learning outcomes. Everyday organizational activity of the teacher and the specifics of its manifestation. Implementation of the goals and functions of control, evaluation and incentive activities in practice.
  2. Humanization of education. Ensuring free and comprehensive development a person in the process of education; spreading the ideas of humanism in education.
  3. Establishment of an optimal and harmonious combination of humanitarian, natural science, technical and other cycles of disciplines in order to develop a humanitarian culture in each student.
  4. Individualization and differentiation of education. Taking into account the individual characteristics of each student, creating conditions for the education and training of groups studying according to certain characteristics.
  5. Developing and upbringing orientation of education. The orientation of education is not on the formal accumulation of knowledge, but on the development of students' abilities, their thinking by activating their cognitive needs and capabilities.
  6. Organization of education on a competence basis. As a result of mastering the content of education for each graduate, a set of competencies should become.
I wish teachers to become necessary and loved by students and colleagues. This is a guarantee of gaining creative freedom, and without it, how to become a school that both children and adults want to go to in the morning?


  1. Vasilyeva N.V. Education today and tomorrow: ways to overcome the crisis. - M.: ZAO, Economics Publishing House, 2011.
  2. Social problems of education: methodology, theory, technology. Collection of scientific articles. Editor O.A. Panin. - Saratov. - 1999.
  3. Slobodchikov V. New education - the path to a new community // National Education 1998 No. 5.

We, adults, are trying to educate our children, teach them the mind, love them, take care of them. But they are completely different from us. Many study diligently, are obedient, well-mannered, responsive, take part in school activities. But there are also students who cause constant problems in communicating with teachers and peers, are indifferent to everything, and there are those who live in virtual reality - in fact - "kids in the net." There are also those who have joined the informal youth movements, look and behave like everyone else, and try to show their independence and individuality.

Why is this happening, what is the reason? Why do these contradictions arise? You will find the answer to these questions in this presentation.



Presentation materials

Nadekhina O.G.

at the regional seminar

deputy directors for educational work

"Actual problems of education of modern schoolchildren".

slide 1.

The art of education has the peculiarity that it seems familiar and understandable to almost everyone, and otherwise easy, and the more understandable and easier it seems, the less a person is familiar with it, theoretically or practically. Almost everyone admits that education requires patience and love ... but very few have come to the conclusion that in addition to patience, love, innate ability and skill, special knowledge is also needed.

Slide 2. Love for children is multifaceted.

Krupskaya loved children with care, Gaidar - cheerfully, Makarenko - demandingly, Sukhomlinsky - tenderly, Korchak - sadly.

Slide 3.

When the children grew up and left, Janusz Korczak said: ... “We do not give you God, because each of you must find him in your soul. We do not give a homeland, because you must gain it by the work of your heart and mind. We do not give love to a person, because there is no love without forgiveness, and forgiveness is hard work, and everyone must take it upon himself. We give you one thing, we give you the desire for a better life, which does not exist, but which will someday be, in a life of truth and justice. And maybe this desire will lead you to God, Motherland and Love.

slide 4. A mysterious new generation - teenagers.

They live next to us, communicate. We - adults - are trying to educate them, teach them the mind, love them, take care of them. But they are completely different from us. Many study diligently, are obedient, well-mannered, responsive, take part in school activities. But there are also students who cause constant problems in communicating with teachers and peers, are indifferent to everything, and there are those who live in virtual reality - in fact - "kids in the net." There are also those who have joined the informal youth movements, look and behave like everyone else, and try to show their independence and individuality.

Why is this happening, what is the reason? Why do these contradictions arise?

Slide 5. "Identify the current problems of modern adolescents"

Group work. Creative task.

Let's try to identify the actual problems of educating modern schoolchildren - those whom you and I have to educate and educate on a daily basis, what problems we face every day.

Each group received a sheet of drawing paper and a marker of a certain color. In 3 minutes, each group should discuss and write on a sheet of drawing paper the problems of educating modern schoolchildren. Then we hang the drawing paper on a magnetic board and discuss what each group did. Choose right away who will be the leader of your group.

Posting tasks on a magnetic board. Discussion.

Slide 6. The charms of modern life.

The mysterious generation of modern teenagers. What surrounds them in real and virtual reality. If we look around us, we will see that around us there is a fierce struggle of people for power, for possession, for gain, for a place in society, for superiority in something, for freedom, for territory, etc. At the same time, in this struggle, some use means that are permitted and, more often, illegal, do not stop at nothing, using their strength, cunning and deceit in the fight against their rivals, fraud, forgery and even murder.

Read the newspapers, watch the news on television, listen to the latest news on the radio. Every day we are told criminal stories among senior officials and deputies, various revelations, murders and robberies, and many terrible stories. Another time, I can’t even believe that people could do such a thing: a mother killed her children, a son killed his father…

Remember history. After all, there has not been a single year when bloody wars were not waged somewhere on Earth - small and large, massacres, hostage-taking, etc. did not take place. Modern schoolchildren are increasingly showing cruelty towards each other - during the break, a first-grader kicked his classmate, not realizing what he was doing. Cases of students inflicting bodily harm on each other during the educational process have become more frequent, there are phenomena of “hazing” (sixth-graders offend fifth-graders), asocial behavior, lack of culture, constant lateness to lessons, there are cases when children leave home, wander, parents more often began to say: "Take him or her wherever you want, I don't have the strength anymore."

Why is this happening, what is the reason? Why do these contradictions arise? All the best in a person comes from education. And, if bad qualities of character are manifested in a person or he does bad deeds, this is also due to education, or rather the lack of it. A child is a mirror of the moral life of society, parents and, of course, the school.

Slide 7. The phenomenon of child abuse

The Commission on Juvenile Affairs and Protection of Their Rights regularly reviews cases of bodily injury to students. These are fights between students, where one inflicts bodily harm on the other. These bodily injuries were examined in the emergency room, protocols were drawn up by police officers and submitted for consideration and decision to those who inflicted bodily injuries in accordance with the law. We are often the last to know about these facts. The teachers did not see that one was beaten in the classroom, another at recess near the classroom, the third ran out into the street, because. The teacher dismissed the lesson ahead of time, and the students really wanted to leave with snowballs, and the other pushed the student, apologized, and the aggressive class incited them to “shoot” - a fight in front of witnesses.

Conflict. Aggressive behavior.

This number of recorded beatings is the effectiveness of the performing discipline of teachers - the implementation job descriptions, duties while on duty at school, during a break, this is the indifference of most parents in raising children, or vice versa, overprotection and creating motivation for their child, that he is the best, and there is no one better than him, this is self-affirmation in the class team, the desire to be leader. Our pedagogical hindsight, defect class teachers in educational work. If each case is considered individually, then we will give a number of arguments in our defense, but the fact is on the face. There is a need to carry out timely preventive work on this phenomenon.

What is the phenomenon of child aggression

Slide 8. Aggression.

Aggression is any form of behavior aimed at insulting or harming another living being who does not want such treatment.

Slides 9 aggressive behavior.

  1. Aggression as instinctive behavior
  2. Aggression as motivation (motivation)
  3. Aggression as social learning (acquired behavior)

Conflicts always arise in the children's environment.

Slide 10. Conflict.

Conflict - these are collisions, serious disagreements, during which you are overwhelmed by unpleasant feelings or experiences

Causes of conflicts

1. Contradictions between interests, views

2. Confrontation between leaders, between separate groups in a team

3.Features of temperament, perception, beliefs

4. Mistakes in communication (inability to listen, ask questions correctly, show empathy, respond to criticism

Slide 11.

Students need to be taught how to behave in the event of a conflict.

Rules for effective behavior in conflict.

1. Stop! Don't rush to react!

2. Give yourself some time to assess the situation!

3. Refuse the installation: "Victory at any cost!"

4. Think about the consequences of your choice!

slide 12.

When you are very annoyed, angry

1. Give yourself a minute to think and, no matter what happens, don’t immediately “fight”

2. Count to ten, focus on your breathing

3. Try to smile and keep smiling for a few minutes

4. If you can't handle your anger, go away and be alone for a while.

slide 13.

Ways to resolve the conflict.

  1. Showing affection for your partner
  2. Use of humor
  3. Compromise
  4. Arbitration court
  5. Mutual Analysis
  6. Ultimatum, temporary separation and coercion

slide 14.

Everything in a person should be beautiful: the face, and clothes, and the soul, and thoughts ... Often I see a beautiful face and such clothes that my head is spinning with delight, but the soul and thoughts - my God! In a beautiful shell sometimes hides a soul so black that you can’t rub it with any whitewash ”A.P. Chekhov

Another one of actual problems education of our children is the behavioral ethics of our children.

Slide 15. "Etiquette"

Etiquette is the ability to behave correctly in society, which facilitates communication processes, helps to achieve mutual understanding.

A person with good taste always strives for the truth of life, and not for falsehood. Shows taste in everything:

  1. In relation to life, to work;
  2. In behavior with others;
  3. In habits;
  4. In speech;
  5. In clothes;
  6. In relation to art;
  7. Which books, movies, music do you prefer?
  8. How does he furnish his apartment?
  9. How do you spend your free time?
  10. Who is he friends with.

The discipline of students is formed from different components - appearance at school - the implementation of the Charter of the school, the rules for students. Our modern children often forget about their responsibilities, we constantly hold events on children's rights, consider the articles of the Convention on the Protection of Children's Rights, and leave the fulfillment of the obligation behind the scenes, what to say about the parents of our children, in fact, teachers become completely powerless, they only have to , should and should.

According to the preferences of a person, you can get an idea of ​​​​his worldview, the degree of development and upbringing. An educated person cognizes truly beautiful both in art and in life, not only emotionally, with the help of feelings, but also meaningfully. One of the ways to avoid an aggressive mood among adolescents is sports and health work, increasing the coverage of students with leisure activities, and uniting students in a common cause.

slide 16.

Sports and recreational space is one of the factors in the prevention of offenses and aggressive behavior of minors.

slide 17.

Goals and objectives of the personality-oriented approach in physical culture and health-improving work

  1. Child's ability to work in a team
  1. Ability to perform various social roles and be responsible for yourself and the team as a whole
  2. The ability to be a socialized person who can adapt in life

slide 18.

Sukhomlinsky V.A.“Health care is the most important job of an educator. Their spiritual life, worldview, mental development, strength of knowledge, faith in one's own strength "

Our future is healthy children.

Only 15% of children are born completely healthy.

slide 19.

D.A. Medvedev “Every young person should realize that healthy lifestyle life is success, his personal success.

Slide 20. “Among the untrodden roads, one is yours.”

Tourist and local history work also makes it possible to remove the aggressive behavior of adolescents, only on hikes and trips a friendly team is formed, when children are one for all and all for one.

“Roads are hard! But it's hard without roads!

V healthy body healthy spirit.

W Tourism activities provide opportunities

  1. Mastering the skills of tourism and orientation
  2. Physical and moral education
  3. Development of cognitive interests
  4. Education of collectivist skills

Slide 21.

Socrates: "There is a sun in every person, just let it shine"

Education in every child of humanity, kindness, creative activity, respect for loved ones and everything around - these are the key values ​​on which educational work should be built.

slide 22.

2. Creative task - work in groups

Define the concept of "subculture" and name informal youth movements known to you.

Independent work. Group performance. (switch presentation)