
What to read in 3 4 years. What to read to a child in three years? Russian folk tales. Tales of small nations. Tales of the peoples of the world


Ekaterina Morozova

Reading time: 11 minutes


It is difficult to unequivocally answer the question of which books are better to read with a three-year-old child, because children even at this age not only have different interests, but also differ from each other intellectual development. Someone is already able to assimilate fairly long stories and novels, someone is not even interested in short fairy tales and poems.

How do children perceive books at 3 years old?

As a rule, different perception of books by three-year-old children depends on several factors:

  • How much the child is used to spending time with parents and what are the benefits of joint classes with mom and dad for the baby
  • To what extent is the child mentally prepared to read books?
  • How much parents tried to instill in their child a love of reading.

Situations are different, as well as the degree of readiness of the child to read together. Important for parents do not compare your child with others(“Zhenya is already listening to Pinocchio, and mine is not even interested in Turnip”), but remember that each child has his own pace of development. But this does not mean that parents should give up and just wait until the child wants to. In any case, you need to deal with the baby, starting with short rhymes, funny stories. At the same time, the main goal should not be to “master” a certain amount of literature, but do everything to instill in your child an interest in reading.

Why should a child read?

With the development modern technology You can often hear the question: “Why should a child read?” Of course, both a TV and a computer with developing programs are not a bad thing. But they still cannot be compared with a book read by parents, primarily for the following reasons:

  • educational moment: mom or dad, while reading a book, focuses the child's attention on the episodes that are important in the educational plan for their baby;
  • Communication with parents, in which not only the child's attitude to the world around is formed, but also the ability to communicate with other people;
  • Formation emotional sphere : the reaction to the intonations of the reading parent's voice helps to form the child's ability to empathize, nobility, the ability to perceive the world on a sensory level;
  • Development of fantasy and literate speech, expanding horizons.

What do psychologists say?

Of course, each kid is individual, and his perception of reading books will be individual. However, psychologists distinguish several general recommendations, which will help parents make joint reading not only enjoyable, but also productive:

  • Reading books to a child pay special attention to intonation, facial expressions, gestures: at the age of three, the child is not so much interested in the plot as in the actions and experiences of the acting characters, the baby learns to respond correctly to life situations.
  • Clearly define good and bad deeds in a fairy tale, highlight good and bad characters. At the age of three, the child clearly divides the world into black and white, and with the help of a fairy tale, the kid now understands life, learns to behave correctly.
  • Poetry is an important element in joint reading. They develop speech, expand the vocabulary of the child.
  • Among the huge variety of books in stores, not all are suitable for the baby. When choosing a book, pay attention to does the book carry a moral load, is there an instructive subtext in the book. It is best to buy already tested, well-proven books.

10 best books for kids aged 3

1. Collection of Russian folk tales “Once upon a time…”
This is a wonderful colorful book that will appeal not only to children, but also to their parents. The book includes not only the fifteen most beloved Russian fairy tales by kids, but also folk riddles, nursery rhymes, songs, tongue twisters.
The world that a child learns through the relationship of fairy-tale heroes of Russian folklore becomes for him not only clearer and more colorful, but also kinder and fairer.
The book includes the following stories:“Ryaba Hen”, “Kolobok”, “Turnip”, “Teremok”, “Bubble, Straw and Bast Shoes”, “Geese-Swans”, “Snow Maiden”, “Verlioka”, “Morozko”, “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka” , “Sister Chanterelle and Gray Wolf”, “Cockerel and Bean Seed”, “Fear has Big Eyes”, “Three Bears” (L. Tolstoy), “Cat, Rooster and Fox”.
Reviews of parents about the collection of Russian folk tales "Once upon a time"


This book is the best edition of famous Russian fairy tales that I have come across. The eldest daughter (she is three years old) immediately fell in love with the book for wonderful colorful illustrations.
Fairy tales are presented in the most folklore version, which also attracts. In addition to the text of fairy tales, nursery rhymes, tongue twisters, riddles and sayings are given. I highly recommend to all parents.


Highly good tales in wonderful presentation. Before this book, I could not get my son to listen to Russians. folk tales until you buy this book.

2. V. Bianchi "Tales for kids"

Children at the age of three really like the stories and fairy tales of V. Bianchi. It is unlikely that there will be a baby who would not love animals, and Bianchi's books will therefore not only be interesting, but also very informative: the child will learn a lot interesting facts about nature and animals.

Bianchi's tales about animals are not just interesting: they teach kindness, teach to make friends and help friends in difficult situations.

Reviews of parents about the book by V. Bianchi "Tales for Kids"


My son loves all sorts of spider bugs. We decided to try to read him a fairy tale about an ant who was in a hurry to go home. She was afraid that he would not listen - he was generally a fidget, but oddly enough, he listened to the whole tale in its entirety. Now this book is our favorite. We read one or two fairy tales a day, he especially likes the fairy tale “The Titmouse Calendar”.


A very good book in my opinion. good selection fairy tales, wonderful illustrations.

3. The book of fairy tales by V. Suteev

Probably, there is no such person who would not know the fairy tales of V. Suteev. This book is one of the most comprehensive collections ever published.

The book is divided into three sections:

1. V. Suteev - author and artist (included are his fairy tales-pictures and fairy tales written and illustrated by him)
2. Based on scenarios by V. Suteev
3. Fairy tales with illustrations by Suteev. (K. Chukovsky, M. Plyatskovsky, I. Kipnisa).
Reviews of parents about the book of fairy tales by Suteev


For a long time I chose which edition of Suteev's fairy tales to choose. Still, I settled on this book, primarily because the collection includes a lot of different fairy tales, not only by Suteev himself, but also by other authors with his illustrations. I was very pleased that the tales of Kipnis were included in the book. Great book, great design, highly recommended!

4. Korney Chukovsky "Seven best fairy tales kids"

The name of Korney Chukovsky speaks for itself. This edition includes the most famous fairy tales of the author, on which more than one generation of children grew up. The book is large in format, well-designed and colorful, the illustrations are very bright and entertaining. It is sure to please the little reader.

Reviews of parents about the Seven best fairy tales for kids by Korney Chukovsky


I have always liked Chukovsky's works - they are easy to remember, very bright and imaginative. After two readings already, my daughter began to quote whole pieces from fairy tales by heart (before that, they didn’t want to learn by heart).

5. G. Oster, M. Plyatskovsky "A kitten named Woof and other tales"

A cartoon about a kitten named Woof is loved by many children. Tem more interesting for kids will read this book.
The book combines under its cover the fairy tales of two authors - G. Oster ("Kitten named Woof") and M. Plyatskovsky with drawings by V. Suteev.
Despite the fact that the illustrations differ from the images of the cartoon, a selection of fairy tales will appeal to children.
Reviews of parents about the book "A Kitten Named Woof and Other Tales"


We love this cartoon very much, so the book went with a bang. Both daughter and son love the heroes of fairy tales. They love to quote short stories by heart (daughter loves The Secret Language, son prefers Jump and Jump). The illustrations, although different from the cartoon, also appealed to the children.


Plyatskovsky's tales about the Kryachik duck and other animals have become a discovery for children, we read all the tales with pleasure. I note the convenient format of the book - we always take it on the road.

6. D. Mamin-Sibiryak "Alyonushka's Tales"

Bright and colorful book will introduce your child to children's classics. The artistic language of the fairy tales of Mamin-Sibiryak is colorful, rich and imaginative.

The collection includes four tales of the cycle "The Tale of the Kozyavochka", "The Tale of the Brave Hare", "The Tale of Komar-Komarovich" and "The Tale of the Voronushka-Black Head".

It is never too early to start reading with children, and by the age of three, you can build a small children's library at home from suitable art and educational books. Use our tips to choose the right books for 3-4 year olds.

Why read with children under 4?

At the age of 3-4 years, children activate the desire to learn about the world around them, therefore the task of parents is to provide a developing environment through walks, travel, games and reading. Even the best modern technology (TVs, smartphones and tablets) cannot replace reading for a child.

First, reading together brings you closer to your child. You can turn daily reading into a real game or adventure. When reading, it is important to focus on good characters and deeds in order to form the correct behavior patterns in the child using examples from fairy tales.

At the age of four, children may not understand all the words from a fairy tale, but they respond well to emotions and intonation.

Listening to their favorite stories, kids learn to empathize with the characters, to respond correctly to various situations on an emotional level.

Literature has a positive effect on the intellectual development of children. Regular reading expands vocabulary, develops imagination, strengthens memory and stimulates logical thinking. At the same time, the child enjoys the process of joint reading, he develops a love for books and gaining new knowledge.

How to read to three year olds?

Three-year-olds cannot sit in one place for a long time, so plan literary sessions lasting no more than 30 minutes. Accordingly, the works should be chosen fairly short, because in half an hour you need to have time to read the fairy tale, look at the pictures and discuss what you read with the baby.

Be prepared for the fact that the baby who fell asleep in the middle of the chapter will ask you to start all over again the next day. Toddlers often become attached to individual stories and can read them to holes. Use this feature to learn short rhymes and whole stories with your child.

Focus not only on the correct pronunciation of words, but also on facial expressions and intonation of speech. Use different voices and vary the volume so that the baby is interested, in this case, listening to fairy tales will be a real pleasure for him.

How to choose books for kids 3-4 years old?

After the third birthday, you can refuse books with cardboard pages and move on to publications on thick printing paper. It is desirable that the pages are neither gray nor dazzling white. Although three-year-olds can't read yet, choose books with large, legible print that will make it easier for them to learn when the time comes.

Until the children have mastered reading in books, the main thing for them is pictures.

The illustrations should be bright and simple enough so that the child can easily understand what is shown in the picture and remember it. Editions with abstract illustrations are better to be postponed until a more conscious age.

In addition to the classics, try diversifying your library with "interactive" books that let your little one color pictures, stick stickers, and solve puzzles.

At the end of the article, we have prepared for you a checklist "Games for the development of vocabulary for children from 3 years old" Download it and play with pleasure!

Give preference to accessible literature, because kids cannot yet appreciate the quality of paper and binding. Children's books can be borrowed from the nearest library or bought from mothers whose children have already grown up. On the Internet, there are clubs and communities for the exchange and sale of used children's publications.

It is very important before reading a book with a baby, to study its contents. Many works can be too difficult to understand, while others contain quite harsh scenes that should not be voiced by children. Even the classic fairy tales of Charles Perot and the Brothers Grimm can only be read in an adapted version.

The best books for children in 3-4 years

Toddlers really like rhythmic speech, so they can listen to poetry endlessly. Quatrains will help the baby strengthen memory, and proud parents will be able to demonstrate the achievements of their baby to relatives and friends. Here are some great pieces that most kids love:

  • Agniya Barto: "Mashenka", "Ignorant Bear" and "Dirty Girl"
  • Samuil Marshak: "Cat's House", "Mustachioed and Striped" and "The Tale of the Stupid Mouse"
  • Sergei Mikhalkov: "Foma", "Uncle Styopa" and "About Mimosa"
  • Korney Chukovsky: "Moidodyr", "Aibolit", "Fly-Tsokotuha"
  • Alexander Pushkin: "Goldfish", "Golden Cockerel"

Reading fairy tales is a great way. For the smallest, short folk tales are suitable, and you don’t need to limit yourself to Russian folklore, you can diversify reading with collections of Tales of the Peoples of the World.

The best books for a child of 3 years old are also considered well-known and less popular works of children's authors:

  • "Crocodile Gena and his friends" and "Cheburashka" by Eduard Uspenky
  • "38 Parrots" and "Kitten named Woof" by Grigory Oster
  • "The Lion and the Turtle" by Sergei Kozlov
  • "Who said" Meow "and" Lifesaver "by Vladimir Suteev
  • "The Big Book of Stories" by Nikolai Nosov
  • works of the series "Once upon a time there were rabbits" by Genevieve Hurier
  • "Winnie the Pooh and All, All, All" by Alan Milne
  • Books about Angelina Katherine Holabird
  • Findus and Pettson series by Sven Nordqvist
  • "Mouse Glyceria. Colored and striped days" by Dina Sabitova
  • The Living Book by Herve Tulle

Even in early age you can introduce babies to educational publications that introduce colors, shapes, sizes and other concepts. Among parents are popular: “My first book. Favorite”, “Gramoteika. 2-3 years”, books of the series “School of the Seven Dwarfs”.

Of course, when choosing products for your kids, you need to focus on their tastes and preferences.

What books do you read with your 3 year olds? Recommend publications that are not included in our modest list.

And do not forget to replenish the children's library with works suitable for age. Here you will find articles with selections of the best books for children, and.

With the growth and maturation of the baby, he develops new skills and abilities, he already freely puts sentences in speech, distinguishes and names colors, understands letters and numbers a little. But how to teach a child to read at home? What would be the best approach to this issue?

If you start learning at 3 years old, then by 4 the child will be able to read freely

The right age to learn to read

Numerous teaching methods are now available to parents: the unique Doman method, the velvet letters of Maria Montessori, the original Zaitsev cubes. The list of such methods can be quite long. The whole methodology is designed for teaching a child at home, there are also special circles where a child can be taught to read with a group of children.

But how to determine the complete readiness of the baby for learning?

Previously, parents were not worried about this moment, children learned to read at the age of 6-7. Now the situation is radically different, many parents teach their kids to read at 3 years old.

By the beginning of training, the child should speak freely

To accurately determine a child's readiness for learning, you need to pay attention to the following important factors:

  • good command of speech, the baby’s ability to compose whole sentences, his understanding of the meaning of individual simple words;
  • the child should not have any deviations in hearing and pronunciation, otherwise an experienced speech therapist may be required, and reading can be forgotten;
  • the baby should know the basic directions: left / right, up / down.

Many guys begin to show interest in the book world as early as 3 years old, it is important to instruct them correctly at this age, to explain how this should be done.

Doman card method

The first stage: we learn individual words

To conduct the first developmental lesson according to the Doman method, you need to make several cardboard cards. It is necessary to teach the child to read with simple, familiar words and expressions.

For successful learning to read, a calm environment is important, no foreign objects should distract the child's attention. The baby should be healthy, in a good mood, be ready to accept the new.

The Doman technique is suitable for children from 3 years old

The first word that you need to teach your baby to read at 3 years old is "MAMA". You need to show him the card and say: "This means mom." We stop on this card for 1 second, there is no need to say anything additional to the child. After that, we immediately proceed to the next card. When all 5 cards are shown, you can hug and kiss your child, what a fine fellow he is, that he carefully studied everything with his mother.

On the first day, you need to show the cards to the baby 3 more times, taking a break between training for 30 minutes.

On the second day, learning to read continues. On this day, the mother also shows the child 5 yesterday's cards 3 consecutive times, after which 5 new bright cards are added to the old ones, they will also need to be shown 3 times, resulting in 6 short lessons to teach the baby to read at 3 years old.

Cards with letters and pictures

On the third day, 5 more new cards are added to 10 cards, 15 pieces and 9 small lessons come out.

Fourth day: This is 20 flashcards and 12 short sessions.

Fifth day: 25 homemade flashcards and 15 activities.

First words on cards

Starting from the 6th day, you need to act a little differently, removing one word from each small set of cards, and a new one is added in its place. You need to do this every day, in order to avoid confusion, you need to fix the date of the first display of the word on reverse side cards. The main thing in the Doman method is actions according to the system, only in this way they can bring tangible results.

According to the Doman method, all sets of cards are subject to certain topics: basic household items, personal items, important parts of the body, pets, desired products nutrition.

At first, only nouns are worked on, and when the number of subjects studied reaches 50, the most important verbs are added to them.

The second stage - we study phrases

The child has already formed a specific vocabulary, at this moment he is ready to connect words. The second step of the Doman technique involves the introduction of new cards, where the names of colors appear. After the baby learns the names of colors, you can teach him to read phrases. To do this, you need to independently prepare cards using colors.

Rolls Doman with the names of groups of objects

After systemic exercises, you will see when the baby is ready for the next stage.

Using this technique is suitable for learning to read at 3 years old. Next, you need to make small cards with antonyms, for example, "BIG TABLE", "SMALL TABLE".

The third step is to make small sentences

After mastering the phrases, you can move on to simple sentences. For this stage, you need to independently make cards with simple sentences, for example, “ELEPHANT EATS”.

The size of the letters must be reduced at this stage to 5 centimeters. This stage is important because here parents need to make a special book. This book should contain 5 small sentences and a small illustration for each. Standard size homemade manual - 20 * 45 cm, it is desirable to use red font.

Homemade book according to the Doman method

If the house has a digital camera, then you can illustrate this book with his own pictures. Many children are simply delighted with such diaries.

Fourth stage - common offers

At this stage, the baby is shown cards where complicated sentences are written, consisting of 3 or more words. In this case, the height of the letters will be 4 cm. Gradually, the number of words in the sentence should be increased, and the font size should be reduced to 2.5 cm, and then to 1 cm. The font color should be gradually replaced with black.

Fifth stage - fascinating reading of books

Now we can say with confidence that the child is ripe for reading real books. You can achieve this level at 3 years old if you teach him to read a little earlier. You can get the book you need for the first reading in the store or make it yourself. Kinga must meet the following parameters:

  • she should have a common dictionary - from 50 to 100 words that are completely familiar to the baby;
  • no more than 1 sentence should be printed on a brightly designed page;
  • the allowable height of the letters should not be less than 1 cm;
  • interesting text should be printed before the pictures or placed separately from them.

The first books for independent reading

The baby should read the book slowly, with expression 2-3 times daily for several days. After the end of classes, the book should be put on the shelf, and the baby should be allowed to read on demand. One illustrated book will not be enough for a 3-year-old baby, because this is such an inquisitive age. There is a good way out of the situation - you can independently rewrite famous books in large print, inventing your own illustrations. Slowly, the baby will gather a whole personal library.

The advantages of this technique

As good points worth highlighting the following:

  • it is desirable to use the technique right from the birth of the baby;
  • parents are able to organize all classes without the involvement of additional specialists;
  • the whole didactic material you can easily do it yourself;
  • the child gets what he needs comprehensive development, because the cards are subject to various topics.

Teachers highlight the following shortcomings of this modern technique:

  • the child in the learning process is in a passive position;
  • the baby does not learn to read independently, but simply analyzes and remembers the material presented;
  • children over the age of 3 years do not perceive this technique well.

Golden Rules for Teaching Reading

We offer parents the following simple rules, which will help teach your baby to read at 3 years old:

  • no coercion. You should not force the baby to read, so as not to lay in him a negative attitude towards books. It is advisable to interest him by laying out various bright books around the house, reading to the baby interesting stories. All kids strive to be like their parents in everything, they will be interested in how his mother reads;
  • study syllables and words, not letters. At 3 years old, the baby learns syllables more easily and simple words than just letters;
  • don't forget about repetition. Always reinforce the material covered so that the information is better fixed in the memory of the baby. Remember that it is not necessary to check and test his knowledge at the age of 3, children do not like this. Any repetition must take place in game form;
  • We work from simple to complex. It is advisable to teach the baby the correct pronunciation of sounds at the age of 3, then learn to read simple words consisting of 2 syllables;
  • teach according to simple rules. Learn elementary words with repeated letters, then learn the simplest phrases and sentences;
  • study everywhere. Even on a walk, you can invite your baby to read large store signs;

Reading signs on a walk - a way to learn
  • always play. You can come up with games where you need to read words, for example, composing words from cubes. Thus, children's memory and attentiveness develop;
  • be constantly interested. It is necessary to explain to the baby that it is impossible to live in society without reading, show personal records, bright postcards from relatives, etc.;
  • Reading aloud is a great way to teach your little one to read. You can do a little reading aloud lesson for a while. We calculate how many words the baby read in a minute. You can make a reader's home diary, where parents will record all the successes of their child, and for each achievement you can reward him with a small present;
  • fun bookmarked reading. You can develop a child's speed reading skill with a simple exercise - reading with a colorful bookmark. Only it is necessary to close with it not the bottom line, but the read word, so the child will definitely not get confused and concentrate on the new word;
  • systematic study. Remember that any result is a daily painstaking work. Take 5 minutes of precious time to practice with the baby, even if he has definitely learned everything, because a poorly developed skill is easily forgotten.

Teaching a child to read at an early age is, of course, wonderful, but what is it for? Don't they teach this in school? These questions are on the minds of many parents today.

Young children are very receptive to learning

The goals of teaching reading at an early age

Many experts advise starting reading training early for the following reasons:

  • intensive development of memory, logic and thinking of the child;
  • a significant expansion of the horizons of the baby;
  • no problems with school enrollment.

Parents need to understand that in the first grade he will read not only the simplest words, but also the conditions of the math problem, it will not be easy for an unprepared child to read and understand its conditions. Therefore, preparation is half the success in this case. Make it easier for your child by teaching him how to put syllables well in preschool age without shifting these responsibilities to the school and teachers. Do not turn reading into a routine process, make it a pleasant, exciting game.

Toy letters make learning fun

On average, the maximum time for which the baby learns to read is 6 months. During this time, there is an opportunity to learn well to read by syllables, at an early age it is absolutely real.

Zaitsev's technique - correct reading at an early age

In addition to the method described above, you can use the Zaitsev method, which has been successfully operating for 20 years. Here static cubes are used. There are 20 groups in this didactic set. Cubes can be made of wood, iron, painted in gold. In an easy game form, children learn to distinguish between vowels and consonants. The early learning kit contains not only Zaitsev's static cubes, but also special bright tables that need to be placed a little higher than the baby's height.

In this technique, “chants” are widely used, that is, parents do not pronounce the words, but sing.

Zaitsev cubes - effective method toddler learning

Special tables contribute to more active memorization. The speed of assimilation of the material depends on the current age of the child, his abilities and motivation. It is necessary to conduct classes according to this technique systematically, twice a week. The duration of one lesson is 15-30 minutes.

Teachers understand that this technique is far from perfect. Like any innovation, the Zaitsev technique has its own advantages and disadvantages. As positive sides they highlight the following qualities of such training:

  • the kid in a playful way masters common letter combinations, he does not need to think about how to read this or that warehouse;
  • Zaitsev's cubes contain the correct letter combinations, which allows the child to learn correct spelling in the future;
  • there are no age limits in Zaitsev's education system;
  • bright cubes have on the development of the senses and the desired fine motor skills child.

Zaitsev's technique is suitable for children from 2 years old

As negative points, the following qualities should be highlighted:

  • a baby who has learned to read on the basis of this technique can often swallow endings, it is very difficult for him to understand the composition of a word, since he studied only warehouses all the time;
  • in the first grade, such children may have difficulty with the phonemic analysis of the word, because in Zaitsev's method, sounds are marked with different colors;
  • inconsistency of the methodology;
  • expensive benefits and long preparation for the start of classes.

The classic way to learn to read - everyone's favorite primer

This guide contains bright pictures and pictures of your favorite characters. The essence of this technique lies in the fact that the child learns to combine individual sounds into whole syllables, and the resulting sounds into words. At the same time, the attention of the child is offered to master special sentences for combinations of a vowel with consonants and vice versa. At the same time, it is very important that the acquired primer does not contain all the letters of the alphabet, and then it is presented detailed information about their interconnection.

Primer for the little ones

It is worth noting that many young parents, having tested modern techniques, which ended in failure, are again returning to traditional teaching methods.

This is how our grandparents taught their children. It must be recognized that this technique is not as simple as other proposed methods. Primer training provides the child with the opportunity to independently analyze the information received, read the first words in life, and then phrases and sentences.

Whichever of the proposed methods you choose, the main thing is not to overload the baby with information. Explain the material clearly and concisely so that he can understand. When teaching, parents should pay attention to the individual qualities of their baby, in no case should they rush to teach him to read if he is not yet ready for this. How parents properly teach a child to read directly depends on whether a literate reader will grow out of him.

The love of reading and books begins with parents, so they should set a personal example.

Read with children from the first year of life

In no case should you compare the success of your crumbs with the results of other children. Here everything is individual, depends on the personal qualities and systematic actions of the parents. You should not invent magical ways of learning to read, rush things, everything has its time, if the baby is not yet ready for learning, it is better to wait with it.

It must be remembered that learning to read is a time-consuming process, when a child develops a personal pace of mastering the science of reading.

The main thing here is to be patient and understand that your baby is an individual that cannot be compared with anyone. Teaching a child to read at an early age is real, it all depends on the desire of the parents and the child's readiness for learning.

If reading is one of your favorite joint activities with your baby and if your child is over 3 years old, then you have probably already seen my collections with, as well. Finally, I gathered my strength and wrote a logical continuation - a selection of our favorites and simply liked works by foreign authors. I will not languish, let's go directly to it

So, best books for children 3-4 years old(foreign authors):

1. Jacob Martin Strid "The Incredible Story of the Giant Pear" (labyrinth, Ozone, My shop)

I do not like loud phrases, but, nevertheless, I just want to say that this book will definitely become a hit with your child! I advised her to almost all my acquaintances mothers and 3-, and 4-, and 5-year-old children, they all say the same thing - the child cannot come off. We ourselves re-read the “pear” 10 times, no less And given the large volume of the book, you see, this is a serious confirmation

So why is this a hit:

  • The book has an unusual and incredibly exciting adventure story. For children 3-4 years old, I generally find it difficult to name any analogue of the adventure genre, and even more so such a high-quality one. Unexpected turns of events, non-standard situations that the characters find themselves in - all this is simply mesmerizing.
  • All the characters involved in this adventure are very funny, they evoke a lot of feelings and make you laugh.
  • The book has a LOT of illustrations. I understand that there will be those who will say that the pictures are not highly artistic, and the characters are caricatured, but how many interesting small details are in these pictures, how much emotion and humor!

I think you and your baby will re-read the book more than once, and then after another couple of years slip it to him for independent reading (the ratio of text and pictures is ideal for this), and the child will again read excitedly.

2. J. Delae, M. Marlier "The Adventures of Marusya" (labyrinth, Ozone, My shop)

This wonderful series of books deserves the close attention of mothers of girls (although I think boys will be curious too). The author knew exactly what interests and what touches the soul of little girls the most, because his stories about Marusya touch on the most “topical” topics. Well, what girl does not dream of being on the theater stage, at a real carnival or trying herself as a ballerina? And who will listen indifferently about how Marusya takes care of horses? Every novice hostess wants to go to the store herself, without her mother, to cook cookies or take care of her younger brother / sister on her own ... All this is in the kind, gentle stories of Delae Gilbert!

Interestingly, the books were written in France more than 50 years ago, but reading them, one is amazed that they have not lost their relevance at all, unlike some of our Soviet works.

There are a lot of beautiful, well-drawn illustrations in the books of the series, which will not leave indifferent either the growing "Marus" or their parents.

3. (labyrinth, Ozone, My shop)

I have already mentioned some of the books of this author in my article about. Here I want to draw your attention to a few more of her wonderful fairy tale poems: Zog», « Chelovetkin», « The most best wedding ". I didn’t include them in the previous selection, because I think that the child still needs to grow up a little in order to try to feel the meaning that the author put into his poems. And not all the wording in the text will be clear to a child of 2 years.

« The best wedding» ( labyrinth, Ozone, My shop) is a story about love, loyalty and how to distinguish a real relationship from empty words

In the book " ZOG» ( labyrinth, Ozone, My shop) the baby will get acquainted with the cutest dragons and learn that in life appearances are often deceiving. A young fragile girl can tame a whole company of dragons, and evil-looking dragons, if you find the right approach to them, can turn out to be the kindest creatures.

A touching story " Chelovetkin» ( labyrinth, Ozone, My shop), main character which an ordinary stick will teach the baby to treat all living things with attention, to think about the feelings of others. Using the example of a stick, it is clearly shown that everyone has the right to freedom, their own opinion and family, of course, I already wrote about this book.

« Snail and whale» ( labyrinth, Ozone, My shop), by the way, is also great for reading after 3 years. This is a tale of friendship, courage and the fact that even small creatures are capable of great deeds.

4. S. Nurdqvist. Series of books about Pettson and Findus (labyrinth, Ozone, My shop)

Another popular series that will be of interest to children from 3 years old is stories about old man Petson and his cat Findus. The work of Sven Nurdqvist has a lot of ardent admirers, I can’t say that I am one of them, but the books are definitely good. I will tell you about all the pros and cons from my subjective point of view.

What attracts you in the book? The undoubted advantage is bright, rich and very detailed illustrations. True, I (like my mother) sometimes got the impression that with this detail and brightness, even some sort of overkill. If the author, for example, wants to depict a cat in dynamics, then he will draw it many, many times in one picture. Taisiya, it seems to me, did not have such complaints about the book, she eagerly examined all, all the smallest details.

As for the text and plot, they can be called interesting, but, as is often the case with authors who combine the positions of an illustrator and writer, they are rather ordinary.

Once again, I repeat that all these nitpicks are visible only from my adult (and subjective) point of view. As for her daughter, she listened to stories with great pleasure and constantly laughed. After all, how many children's books can you find where the main character is an old man? After all, mostly children and animals. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to involve the child in the older generation with their economic problems.

5. R. Scarry “Thank you and please. Good Behavior Book (labyrinth, Ozone, My shop)

Dedicated to all fans of Richard Scarry A book with simple and useful stories about funny animals. Everyone who has read City of good deeds' will surely recognize them

There are illustrations for almost every offer. They are funny and funny, cause the child not only positive emotions, but also a desire to think about their behavior. Short stories in a completely non-edifying manner, they will tell the child how important it is in right moment say "thank you", throw garbage in the bin and cross the road correctly.

6. A. Beti " Hector the architect», « Ada Twist, experimenter», « Rosa Rivera, engineer» (labyrinth, Ozone, My shop)

A wonderful series of books that just captivated my husband and me. In general, it seems to me that it is even more interesting for an adult to read the works of Andrea Beti than for a child. This is because they touch on a topic that is very important for all of us - the theme of the dream and vocation of every person. Either we listen to the dictates of our heart and go ahead with our dreams, or we listen to those around us who always advise something, condemn and stop us. All this, of course, is presented in a form understandable to the child, written in verse, and even seasoned with a fair amount of humor.

The moral in all three stories is the same, so to save money, you can limit yourself to one book from the series (In this case, I would probably choose " Hector the architect”), but fans like me probably won’t get off with one purchase

7. B. Potter "Uhti-Tukhti" (labyrinth, Ozone, My shop)

I remember my feelings from childhood from this book. She seemed to me somehow dull and unnecessarily calm or something. Didn't want to buy at first, but good feedback still bribed. I re-read the book already with my daughter. Yes, the characters are really peaceful and the plot is not too dynamic, but in general I liked the book. Well, the main criterion for me is that my daughter liked the book, we re-read the book several times. Perhaps, just as a child, she came across to me at the wrong age, but when I want more action.

Tasya in the book, obviously, was attracted by an unusual magic situation. After all, the girl comes across a hidden door in the forest. A good-natured hedgehog lives behind this door. Her profession is also unusual - she washes and irons clothes. And among this linen, the girl finds her handkerchiefs, which she just lost.

8. G. Johanson "Mulle Mek" (labyrinth, Ozone, My shop)

"Mulle Mek - a skilled person" is the name of a series of fiction books that tell the child about how everything works in our life - how houses, planes, cars, etc. are built. Books are not overloaded with unnecessary terms, and allow the child to understand exactly the main essence. Written in a very accessible language, perfect for children 3-4 years old.

The heroes of the book, Mulle and Buff, immediately win you over. As with any person, Mulle does not immediately turn out smoothly, something has to be redone, something is remembered at the last moment. In general, everything is very natural, lively and, most importantly, useful for broadening one's horizons.

9. AnnieM.G.Schmidt"SashaandMasha» (labyrinth, Ozone, My shop)

I've been reading conflicting reviews about this book and, of course, doubted whether to buy. But now, after my daughter and I have read the book 3 times in a row, I want to express my (subjective, please note!) Opinion, which is worth it!

So, when you get a book, the first thing you think about it is: 1. black and white illustrations 2. very simple stories, sometimes seeming pointless. And when the child receives the book, he will simply experience the pleasure of reading! There are no morals here, how to do it and how not to do it. These are simple and funny stories about the ordinary life of ordinary children. And that's what kids love about them.

DESPITE the lack of bright color illustrations, the book captures the attention of children, and THANKS to the fact that there are few pictures, the book leaves room for imagination.

I would like to note that 3-4 years is the ideal age for reading this book. And I think most negative reviews caused precisely by untimely reading.

10. A. Abitan "How the mouse learned to read" (labyrinth, Ozone, My shop)

A good book with a simple plot. It can be a great helper for parents who have decided to introduce their child to letters, reading and the learning process in general. Using the example of a small but very stubborn mouse, a child is shown how the thirst for knowledge can overcome all obstacles and lead to good results.

11. A. Kopish "Magic Helpers" (labyrinth, Ozone, My shop)

I noticed (and not only me) that all children really like different gnomes, midgets and other small creatures who secretly live somewhere under the rug and help people. So this book by August Kopis is about such assistants. Assistants, which each of us actually dreams of - so that he falls asleep, and gets up in the morning, and all things are redone

Don't worry, the moral of the book isn't that you have to wait for someone else to do all the work for you. The main moral here is that you should not stick your nose where it is not supposed to, and it is important to respect the feelings of every creature, even a very small one.

The kid will be very interested in looking at the pictures and watching the activities of magical assistants.

What read to a child 3-4 years Toddlers are ready to listen to their favorite book dozens of times, but even the most favorite book gets bored in the end. And most often it bothers parents much earlier than to kid. And when a tired mother dreams of replacing a book she has learned by heart with something new, she faces question: what read to a child? Of course, all children are different - someone likes to listen about animals more, someone already at the age of 3 reads children's encyclopedias with pleasure, other children generally only want to look at pictures. But there are some books that almost all children like without exception. We offer them (far from complete) list: Poems Children of 3 years old listen to verses with pleasure and easily memorize them. Therefore, reading poetry is not just a way to entertain child and introduce him to the world around him, it is also a tool for the development of children's speech, memory and rhythmic hearing. All kids like the poems of Agnia Barto, Samuil Marshak, Sergei Mikhalkov, Boris Zakhoder, Valentin Berestov, Yunna Moritz, Marina Druzhinina, Irina Tokmakova, Vladimir Stepanov, Korney Chukovsky. Favorites with my kids at this age were: "Dirty Girl", "Ignorant Bear", "Mashenka" Agnes Barto. "The Tale of the Stupid Mouse", "The Tale of the Smart Mouse", "Mustachioed - Striped", "Children in a Cage", "Where did the sparrow dine?", "Cat house", "Old woman, close the door" S. Marshak "Uncle Stepa", "About Mimosa", "What about you", "My puppy", "Thomas" S. Mikhalkova "Telephone", "Aibolit", "Cockroach, "Confusion", "Fly Tsokotukha", "Moydodyr" and others Korney Chukovsky. Personally, I don’t really like his speech, but for most children, his works become the most beloved. For children of 3 years old, fairy tales and poems by A. S. Pushkin go well, for example « gold fish» . Tales Probably, a fairy tale is the first literary work created by man. "Correct" fairy tales teach children kindness, diligence, justice. It is difficult to imagine childhood without such fairy tales as Teremok, 3 Little Pigs, Puss in Boots, Masha and the Bear, Wolf and Seven Kids, Fox and Hare, Golden Cockerel scallop, Masha and three bears. There are wonderful Ukrainian folk fairy tales: "Spikelet", "Fox Judge", you can't list them all. But, alas, Russian and foreign folk tales should be read with great care. Often in books with children's design there are not children's stories at all - with a lot of outdated words (child just doesn't understand the text and questionable morals. Therefore, it is highly advisable for parents to familiarize themselves with the contents of the book before showing it. to kid. Some works of famous storytellers (including the Brothers Grimm and Charles Perot) can be read to children only in an adapted version, while adaptations are also often unsuccessful. Books by contemporary writers Eduard Uspensky is one of the best children's writers. He has books for children himself different ages. Toddlers are more suitable Crocodile Gena and his friends and "Cheburashka". Can read and"cartoon songs", and "About Vera and Anfisa", and "Three from Prostokvashino", although in my opinion the last book is more likely for children 4-5 years old. Vladimir Suteev: "A bag of apples", "Under the Mushroom", "Wand-saver", "Who said "Meow", "Mouse and Pencil" and others. Stories by V. Suteev, accompanied by excellent illustrations by the author, are just a godsend for young children. Their stories are simple and understandable to kids, but at the same time they provide rich food for little minds - why you need to do this and not otherwise. You can resort to them when solving problems of education, for example, a story "Chicken and Duckling" can help explain to kid Why not repeat everything for other children. Gregory Oster: "Kitten named Woof", "38 parrots", "The Adventures of Pif". Nicholas Nosov: "Dunno and his friends", short stories "Mishkina porridge", "Living Hat", "Knock-Knock", "Gardeners" and others Andrey Usachov: "Smart dog Sonya" Kozlov Sergey Grigorievich: “Shake! Hello!" "Lion and Turtle" Milne Alan Alexander: "Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all" Galina Alexandrova: a series of stories about Brownie Kuzka. D. C. Harris "Tales of Uncle Remus" Alexander Volkov: "The Wizard of Oz" (perhaps only the first book, the rest are for older children) genevieve Yurie: series "Once upon a time there were rabbits" Vsevolod Nestaiko "Forest School" Vitaly Bianki "How the Ant hurried home", "Forest houses" and other stories for kids. .

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