
Formation of the integrity of the picture of the world middle group. Summary of the GCD on the formation of a holistic picture of the world in the middle group on the topic: Spring. Our kindergarten is so good - you won't find a better garden


Abstract continuously educational activities on the implementation of the educational area " cognitive development» (formation of a holistic picture of the world) in middle group compensatory direction.

Topic"Family" "I love my family"
Author: Rogachkova Tatyana Nikolaevna, educator MBDOU " Kindergarten combined type No. 15”, the city of Snezhinsk, Chelyabinsk region.
Material Description: I offer you a summary of continuous educational activities for the implementation of the educational area "Cognitive Development" on the topic "Friendship". This material is suitable for the age category of children preschool age 4-5 years. During this educational activity, children consolidate knowledge about family ties, family relationships. Learn to be kind to each other.

Target: reinforcing children's knowledge about the family.
1. Educational:
To expand children's ideas about the composition of the family, about family ties.
2. Developing:
Develop children's memory logical thinking and creative imagination.
3. Educational:
Raise love and respect for your family members;
Adhere to generally accepted norms and rules of conduct.
4. Speech:
Connected speech: continue to develop dialogic speech.
Dictionary: subject - grandmother, grandfather, sister, brother, family member; quality - cheerful, caring, affectionate, gloomy; verbal - to cook, dress up, repair, educate.
Grammar: continue to teach children to form new words for nouns with a diminutive suffix.
Sound culture of speech: develop the pronunciation of words according to the norms of orthoepy of the Russian literary language.
Methods and techniques:
Practical: a surprise moment - listening to a song about a family, holding a physical minute “Who lives in our apartment”, conducting a facial exercise “Our actions”.
Visual: examination of didactic pictures "Family".
Verbal: conducting didactic games “Call it affectionately”, “Who is doing what?”
Individual work: learn to regulate their own behavior on the basis of learned norms and rules, to show strong-willed efforts in situations of choice.
Materials: Audio recording of "Children's song about a family" (performed by Larisa Grigoryeva. Words and music by Alexander Yermolov), pictures depicting families different countries peace; didactic pictures "Family".

Lesson progress

The teacher quietly turns on the audio recording of the song "Children's Song about the Family" performed by Larisa Grigorieva. Draws the attention of children to the song, offers to listen to it. The children listen, the teacher invites the children to sit in a circle on the chairs.
Educator: Boys and girls, did you like this song?
Children's answers (yes, I liked it).
Educator: Is she sad or happy?
Answers of children (she is cheerful).
Educator: right, it's a fun song. Who is she talking about?
Children's answers (about mom, dad, grandparents).
Educator: right guys. And how to call in one word all those whom you have listed?
Answers of children (family).
Educator: exactly! It is about the family that we listened to the song now. She is very cheerful, because it is so wonderful when a person has a family, when loved ones are always there. Look at some family pictures.
The teacher shows the pictures different families, different countries of the world.
Educator: guys look what happy families shown here! How do I know they are happy?
Children's answers (because they smile).
Educator: yes, that's right. When a person is happy, he smiles. When there is a family - mom, dad, brother or sister, grandparents, then this is real happiness. Guys, do you love your family?
Answers of children (yes, we love).
caregiver: this is very good! I'm sure your family loves you too. And let's play with you a game called "Call it affectionately." I show you pictures, and you say who it is and how affectionately you can call family members. Deal?
Children's answers (yes, we agree!).
The game "Name it affectionately" is being played with the display of didactic pictures "Family".
Daughter - daughter, daughter
Son, son, son
daddy, daddy, daddy
Grandfather - grandfather, grandfather
Grandmother - grandmother, grandmother
Sister - sister, sister
grandson - granddaughter
Granddaughter - granddaughter
Brother - brother

Educator: well done, boys and girls, all were affectionately named. It is immediately obvious that you love your family and at home address relatives affectionately. And now I propose to count the members of one friendly family. This family always lives very friendly, they help each other and it is very, very big. Do you want to know about this family?
Children's answers (yes, we want).
Educator: then I suggest you stand next to me and listen to the poem carefully, look at my movements, and then repeat after me all together.

Conducting a physical minute “Who lives in our apartment?”

One two three four. (We clap our hands.)
Who lives in our apartment? (We walk in place.)
One, two, three, four, five. (Jumping in place.)
I can count everyone: (We walk in place.)
Dad, mom, brother, sister, (Clap your hands.)
Murka cat, two kittens, (Torso tilts left and right.)
My cricket, goldfinch and I - (Turns of the body to the right and left.)
That's my whole family. (We clap our hands.)

Educator: did you like the game?
Children's answers (yes, I liked it!).
caregiver: this is cool. I also really enjoyed playing with you! Take your seats. Do you also want to play?
Educator: it's very good boys and girls that you love to play. What else do you like to do?
Children's answers (run, jump, frolic).
Educator: wow, how great! What do your family members like to do? It is very interesting to me. Let me call you family members, and you will tell me in turn what your moms or dads, grandparents, brothers or sisters like to do. Or tell me about what your family does the most.
The teacher calls mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, brother, sister, and the children in a chain say an action that a family member likes to do or often does (mom - dresses up, reads books, works, cooks food; dad - drives a car, fixes a household technique, etc.).
Educator: great guys! How much your relatives know how and love to do! Do you want to know another interesting game?
Children's answers (of course we want to!).
Educator: Well then, let's warm up first. Can you frown? Show how you can!
Children frown.
Educator: Now let's smile!
Children smile.
Educator: Great! Well, now let's start the game. Listen carefully, I will tell you the situation in the family, and if this is a bad deed, then you will frown, and if this deed is very good and it will please your family, then you will smile. Deal?
Answers of children (yes, agreed).
There is a game of facial expressions.
You broke a cup;
You helped your mom vacuum;
You didn't put the toys away;
You hugged your grandmother;
You helped grandpa fix the TV
You took a toy from your little brother
You treated your sister to candy.
Educator: well done, boys and girls, you understand - where is a good deed, and where is not very good! I hope that at home you do only good deeds - help the elders, give in to the younger ones?
Children's answers (yes, we only do good deeds).
Educator: what good children we have in our group! Guys, now tell me please - what is a Family?
Answers of children (these are mom and dad, grandparents, sister and brother).
Teacher: right! Now I suggest you draw some drawing for your loved ones.
Free drawing of children.

© Dybina O. V., 2010

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This guide will help educators preschool institutions successfully organize and carry out work to familiarize children 4-5 years old with the outside world - the objective environment and the phenomena of the surrounding life. The manual includes work planning, classes, games, classes, didactic games.
In order to make it easier for teachers to plan work on this section of the program for the education and upbringing of preschoolers, the content of the work is presented by topics. For the disclosure of each topic, an approximate course of the lesson, game-lesson or game is proposed. This gives the teacher the opportunity to show creativity when planning classes, to include variable game, problem situations, making educational work even more successful, meaningful for him and the children.
The study of each topic can be completed with a final task, which can be used as rebuses, riddles, guessing drawings, etc. Similar game tasks are presented in the workbook of Dybina O.V. I know the world Workbook for children 4-5 years old. - M .: TC "Sphere", 2009.
Teachers should pay special attention to the fact that when getting acquainted with the outside world it is impossible:
- be limited only to a monologue-story about objects, phenomena of reality: it is necessary to include as many actions as possible in classes (sit on a chair, sofa; put on clothes and walk around in it; invite your mother, treat your grandmother, etc.);
- overload children with a large number of questions;
- use only the form in the work cognitive activities.
Work to familiarize children 4–5 years old with the outside world must be built in accordance with their psychological features, choosing adequate forms, means, methods and techniques of interaction with preschoolers and striving to make this process more accessible and effective.
In the middle group of the kindergarten, acquaintance with the outside world is carried out both in the form of game-lessons and in the form of a didactic game, in which the game rule regulates the actions and relationships of children, and the correct solution of problems ensures the achievement of the goal of the game. When organizing and conducting games, activities, didactic games, it is important to create an atmosphere that allows each child to realize their activity in relation to the world around them.
The guide presents additional material: options for classes, games, activities, games that can be used in working with children outside of class, on a walk.
To familiarize children of secondary age group with the outside world (objective environment and phenomena of the surrounding world) two classes per month are allotted.
The teaching staff of kindergarten No. 179 "Snowdrop" ANO DO "Planet of Childhood" Lada ", Togliatti, the head - Palenova Nadezhda Petrovna, the methodologist - Kuznetsova Natalia Grigoryevna, participated in the development and testing of classes on familiarization with the work of adults.

Distribution of material on academic year

Sample class notes


1. Tell me about your favorite subjects

Software content. To consolidate the ability of children to find objects of the man-made world in the environment; learn to describe an object, naming its name, details, functions, material.
Material. Algorithm: symbols of the natural or man-made world, shape, size, parts, function, etc.

Lesson progress

Dunno comes to visit the children. He brings with him and shows the guys his favorite toy.
The teacher asks Dunno what kind of toy it is, what it is, what it has, what it is for, what it is made of and who made it. Dunno talks about his toy.
Dunno then asks the children what their favorite subjects are. The teacher invites the children to find their favorite items in the group, bring them to Dunno and talk about them.
The teacher shows the children a hint (algorithm) for describing the object and describes his object, for example: “This is a toy car, it has a cab, a body, four wheels; it can carry cargo; the machine is made of wood, belongs to the man-made world.
Children take turns describing their favorite items.
game task is considered completed if all items are described correctly.
Options for complicating the lesson
1. Invite children to choose objects of a certain group for description: toys, dishes, furniture, clothes.
2. The child talks about his favorite subject without naming it, and the rest of the children guess.

2. My family

Software content. Introduce the term "family". To give children initial ideas about family relationships in the family: each child is simultaneously a son (daughter), grandson (granddaughter), brother (sister); mom and dad - daughter and son of grandparents. Cultivate a sensitive attitude towards the closest people - family members.
Material. Matryoshka with six nesting dolls, ball, basket, 3 sets of pictures (grandmother, grandfather, mother, father, sister, brother, cat, dog, birds, fish), 3 sheets of A3 white paper, text of S. Marshak's poem "Matryoshkas ”, photos of family members of children and a teacher, one common family photo of children and a teacher, a tablet (typesetting canvas) for posting photos.
Preliminary work. learning finger games“Who lives in the family”, “Like grandfather Yermolai”. Telling and reading fairy tales "Three Bears", "Goat with goats", "Three little pigs"; poems by A. Barto "Two sisters look at their brother." Album How I Spent My Summer. Games: role-playing game"Family"; didactic games "Let's set the table for tea drinking", "Daddy's, mom's household", "Let's help mom". A conversation about how to call parents, grandparents.

Lesson progress

The teacher invites the children to guess the riddle, and find the answer in the group, on the shelf with toys.

In this doll girl
The sisters are hiding.
Each sister is
For a smaller dungeon.
He praises the guys for the correct guess, picks up a nesting doll. He asks if the children want to meet the guest Matryoshka.
The teacher, on behalf of Matryoshka, gets to know the guys: “My name is Grandma Matryona. I am a wooden doll, chubby, ruddy. In a multi-colored sundress, with a lace handkerchief in his pocket. I didn't visit alone. With me is my husband - grandfather Anton, my two daughters Masha and Dasha and my grandchildren: Marishka, Irishka and Timoshka - a little more than a nut.
The teacher is interested in where the listed relatives of grandmother Matryona are. Invites the children to look for them.
Children look for and find insert nesting dolls in a large nesting doll. All dolls are placed on the table.
Teacher. Guys, is it possible to say that all nesting dolls are one big, Friendly family? Why? (Children's reasoning.) Grandmother Matryona loves to play different games with her grandchildren, and used to play with her daughters when they were little. She wants to play with them and with you.
Held didactic game-reasoning "Who left? Who's come?"
The teacher calls the actions and manipulates the toys, the children name the nesting dolls.
Teacher. Grandma left... (Matryona.) Her eldest daughter came... (Masha.) The eldest daughter left, her two daughters came running ... (Marishka and Irishka.) The girls ran away, grandfather came ... (Anton.) Another daughter came to grandfather Anton ... (Dasha.) Dasha's little son also came ... (Timoshka.) Grandfather… (Anton), daughter… (Dasha) and little granddaughter... (Timoshka) left, and grandmother Matryona came again.
Grandma Matryona. What kind of families do you guys have? Who is in Olya's family (Vova, Olesya, Ksyusha, Masha)? I suggest you try to make a portrait of your family from pictures.
The game "Make a portrait of your family" is held.
Three children take part in the game. On the carpet are sheets of A3 white paper and three sets of pictures (grandmother, grandfather, mother, father, sister, brother, cat, dog, birds, fish). The teacher invites each child to make a portrait of his family from the pictures. The game is repeated 2-3 times.
Grandmother Matrena praises the children and says that the family is the most precious thing a person has. All family members love each other, take care of each other.
Teacher (referring to Matryona). You know, Matryonushka, our guys like to look at photos of their family. Let's tell stories about our families. I will tell the first family story. (Puts the photograph on the easel.) In this photograph, my family is depicted in the summer at the dacha. As a family, we love to grow vegetables, swim in the river, sunbathe, relax, and fish. In this photo, my closest relatives: my husband and our children - a son and a daughter.
Further, the children who wish to tell about their family from the photo. Grandmother Matrena puts all the photos on an easel, praises the guys for interesting stories about the family and draws attention to the fact that in all the photos the family members are smiling, they are close to each other - they feel good together.
Then the teacher shows the children individual photographs of their family members and asks questions:
- Who is Vanya for his mother? (Vanya for mom's son.)
- Whose children are Vanya and Tanya? (Children of mom and dad.)
Whose grandchildren are they? (Grandchildren of grandparents.)
- Whose mother is this? (Mother Tanya, daughters, girls.)
Whose grandmother is this? (Grandmother of Tanya and Vanya.)
- Who is Vanya's sister? (Tanya, girl.)
Grandmother Matryona says that she loves her affectionate grandchildren very much and asks if the guys know how to be affectionate.
A game with the ball "Call it affectionately" is held.
Children stand in a circle. In the center of the circle is a teacher with a ball. He throws the ball to the child and calls any family member, for example: "Mom" (dad, sister, brother, grandmother, grandfather). The child who caught the ball should call his mother affectionately (mommy, mommy, mommy, mother).
Then the teacher draws the attention of the children to the basket that Grandma Matryona brought with her: “Whoever Grandma Matryona puts a basket in her palm, he must put in it the good deeds that the whole family does at home.”
Children stand in a circle. The teacher walks in a circle, puts a basket in the palm of the child, and he calls the good deeds of the whole family (cook delicious food, go to the store, take care of a sick grandfather, wash dishes, wash clothes, vacuum, walk the dog, work in the country, etc.). d.).
Matrena thanks the guys for the basketful of good deeds they named. The teacher thanks Grandma Matryona and the children and concludes: “You all have mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers, someone has a brother, sister. This is family. Family members live together, love each other and take care of each other. Family is very important for every person. The family can be big or small. The main thing is that family members love each other, be attentive and caring towards each other.”
In conclusion, grandmother Matryona invites her large family and all the children to drink tea with a pie.


3. Parsley goes to work

Option 1

Software content. Teach children to group objects according to their purpose; develop a desire to help adults.
Software content. Pictures depicting items needed for games and for work in the garden, in the kitchen, in the apartment; three layouts: garden, kitchen, room.

Lesson progress

The teacher shows the children a letter from Petrushka and reads it. In the letter, Petrushka says that she is visiting her grandmother. He plays, draws, walks, and also helps his grandmother. Today she gave him three tasks: to plant carrots in the garden and water the flowers; cook soup; clean up the room (remove toys, dust, vacuum). But Petrushka got confused in the tools needed to complete the tasks, and asks the guys to help him.
The teacher shows the children models of the garden, kitchen and room and explains the task: you need to take one picture, look at it carefully, name the object, tell how it is used and for what work it is needed, and then put the picture to the appropriate layout. For example, a vacuum cleaner is used to clean a carpet, it needs to be turned on and vacuumed, so a picture of a vacuum cleaner needs to be added to the room layout.
The teacher draws the attention of the children to the fact that among the pictures with tools there are pictures with toys. They need to be selected and put in a box. The task is considered completed if all the pictures are laid out correctly.
At the end of the game, the teacher invites the children to tell Petrushka in a letter what items he will need to complete the tasks of his grandmother.

Option 2

Software content. Develop the ability to group objects according to their purpose; improve coordination and accuracy of movements.
Material. Pictures depicting tools (rake, shovel, watering can) or toy rake, shovel, watering can; flower pot; Petrushka doll; screen.

Lesson progress

Petrushka comes to visit the children and brings pictures depicting tools (rake, shovel, watering can) or toy rakes, a shovel, a watering can and a flower pot.
Teacher. Guys, look and name what Petrushka brought? (Rake, shovel, watering can, flower pot.) Why do you think Petrushka needs all this? (Parsley will work.) Do rakes belong to the natural or man-made world? (To man-made.) And the shovel? (To man-made.) And the earth? (To the natural.) And the watering can? (To man-made.) Let's plant a plant and teach Parsley to do it. First you need to water the ground, then dig a hole, plant a plant, sprinkle with earth and water again. Now tell us what tools we used and what each item is intended for. (A watering can to water; a shovel to dig; a rake to loosen; earth so that everything grows in it; the sun so that everything warms.)
Now draw the items necessary for work, and Petrushka and I will see who can draw better.
The children start painting.

Option 3

Software content. To form the ability of children to classify objects according to their intended purpose; fix the names of professions; to cultivate interest in the work of a gardener, cook, doctor, carpenter, tailor.
Material. Pictures with the image of Petrushka in the form of a gardener, cook, doctor, carpenter, tailor. Object pictures (tools and a few extra items).

Lesson progress

Teacher. You guys already know that our friend Petrushka went to his home in fairyland and sent a letter today. This is what he writes: “Hello guys! I am writing to you from afar. I really like it here. I learned a lot of interesting things about people of different professions and even wanted to work with them. Since I will not come to you soon, I am sending pictures in which the artist painted me at work. And you guys guess what I want to work.
What do you think, who does Petrushka work for? (Shows a picture.) That's right, here he is a doctor. And who is here? (Cook.) Who is Petrushka in this picture? (He is a gardener.) How did you guess? (He is planting flowers.) In this picture, Petrushka is a tailor, he sews clothes for children and adults. In his hands he has a centimeter, with which you can find out how much fabric is needed for trousers or a skirt. Who is in this picture? (Joiner.)
Parsley asks you to help him choose the items he needs for his work. I will show pictures, and you will guess whether Petrushka needs this item for work or not.
If the child correctly names the object, the teacher gives him a picture. The one with the most pictures wins. The game is designed for five players.
A variant of complicating the game is possible: children who are already familiar with the game can play independently for 1-2 people.

4. My friends

Software content. To form the concepts of "friend", "friendship". To cultivate friendly relationships between children, encourage them to do good deeds; learn to cooperate, empathize, show care and attention to each other.

Lesson progress

The teacher invites the children to listen to L. Kvitko's poem and say who it is about.

About these guys
No wonder they say:
"They are for each other
They stand up high."
There are two of them, but it seems -
Stomping platoon,
When preparation
Goes to battle.
Zhukov study,
Sitting by the river
And very willingly
They eat pies.
One sighs
The other one breathes.
One sneezes
The other one also sneezes.
They don't fight
Almost never,
After all, fighting is not a sport,
Wrestling is yes.
Where is the first
There, therefore, will be the second!
They stand for each other
Mountain guys!
Children. This is a poem about friends.
The teacher clarifies: “What is a friend? What does it mean to be friends? (Children's statements.)
The teacher leads the children to the conclusion: real friends are those who take care of their friend or friends, help them in everything.
Then the teacher invites the children to play a game that will help test the friendship. Invites two guys - friends.
An outdoor game "Cross the swamp" is being held.
A “swamp” is separated on the floor (a section 3–4 meters long). The teacher gives the children two boards.
Teacher. Who will cross the swamp faster without getting their feet wet? But do not forget that you are friends, and the swamp is very insidious.
Children "cross the swamp" on the boards, helping each other if necessary.
Teacher. Well done! Happy is he who has a friend. I wonder if everyone has friends? Let's check.
The didactic game "Name your friends" is being held.
The teacher takes out lotto cards with the image of fairy-tale heroes, invites the children to combine the cards into groups and name the fairy-tale heroes - friends:
- Cheburashka, Crocodile, Gena;
– Karabas-Barabas, Duremar;
- Pinocchio, Malvina, Pierrot, Arlekino;
- Koschey, Baba Yaga, Goblin, Serpent Gorynych;
- Nif-Nif, Naf-Naf, Nuf-Nuf.
Teacher. Good! Why does each character have their own friends? What unites them? (Children's statements.) That's right - common interests, goals, hobbies. Which of you wants to tell us about your friend (without calling him by name), about your hobbies, joint games? And we will guess who it is. For example: “I am friends with a boy from our group. He loves to build sand cities. And I always help him. Who is this?"
Children (4-5 children) optionally tell in turn about their friends.
Teacher. What are you good fellows! Everyone is fine, you are smiling, but do you know why? Because we were talking about friends. Talking about friends is pleasant and joyful. Who can be called friends? (Children's statements.) Which of you have friends, raise your hand. Who would like to make a pleasant surprise for others? I suggest you make a gift for your friend or girlfriend out of paper, plasticine, and then give your craft to your dear person. Our lesson is coming to an end. But friendship stays with us forever. Cherish friendship, cherish friendship - be true friends to each other.


5. Parsley goes to draw

Software content. Continue to teach children to group objects according to their purpose; develop curiosity.
Material. Large picture "Clown draws"; small pictures depicting tools and materials for drawing.

Lesson progress

Petrushka comes to visit the children, takes out a large picture “The Clown is drawing” from the folder and asks the children to tell what is shown on it.
Then Petrushka shows small pictures and asks the children to help him pick up tools and materials for drawing. Children select pictures with tools and materials for drawing, name objects, tell how they are used and what they are for. Pictures depicting objects that do not correspond to the task are put aside by the children.
In order for Petrushka to use the tools and materials for drawing correctly, the teacher suggests that the children divide the pictures into three groups:
1) tools for drawing with paints;
2) tools for drawing with pencils;
3) tools for drawing with crayons.
Children explain why the objects were assigned to this group. The game task is considered completed if the guys correctly classified the items.
Then the teacher organizes the game "Find a Pair" in order to consolidate the ability to determine the purpose and functions of objects. The game uses pictures depicting objects that perform the same and different functions.
Teacher. Guys, last night they brought me a package and a letter. Do you want to know what is in it? The letter came from children from another kindergarten. They invite us to play the game "Find a Pair" and describe it. What's in the package? Here are envelopes with pictures. Each envelope contains four pictures depicting objects. All objects perform some function. What does it mean "an object performs a function"? (Children's answers.)
With the help of a teacher, children explain what they are doing with the help of this item, how it is used. Then the children name the objects shown in the pictures and talk about their functions.
The teacher distributes one picture to the children.
Teacher. Listen to the task: the guys who have pictures with objects for carrying weights will sit at the first table, the children who have pictures with objects for drawing will sit at the second table, the guys who have pictures with objects for lighting the room will sit at the third table. Now hold up the pictures of things that help you learn, and then the pictures of things that help you work. Well done! They did a good job.

6. Our kindergarten is so good - you won’t find a better garden

Software content. Clarify children's knowledge about kindergarten. (A large beautiful building with many cozy groups, there are two halls (music and sports), a spacious kitchen where cooks prepare food, a medical office where children are helped. Kindergarten is like a big family where everyone takes care of each other.) To expand knowledge about people of different professions working in kindergarten.
Material. Photographs: general view of the kindergarten, group rooms, music and sports halls, kitchen, medical office; pictures of kids doing different types activities; photographs of kindergarten workers. Whatman sheet, glue, felt-tip pens, colored paper.

Lesson progress

The teacher asks the children if they love their kindergarten; do they like to play, study, work; How many friends do they have in kindergarten?
Invites the children to make a photomontage about kindergarten at the common booth. He draws their attention to the photographs, asks them to find among them a photograph of the kindergarten building.
Together with the children, he places a photograph of the kindergarten building on a piece of drawing paper and sticks it.
The teacher invites the children to answer questions and clarifies that each answer is presented in the photo. Draws attention to the fact that after each answer they must find the right photo and paste it on a common stand.
In the course of the conversation with the children, the teacher sticks all the photos on a sheet of drawing paper.
Questions for children:
What is there in kindergarten? (groups, children, adults, toys, etc.)
- Many groups - is it good or bad?
What is our group? (Large, bright, beautiful, cozy, etc.)
What are the guys doing in the group? (They play with toys, read books, take care of flowers, study, etc.)
- What premises, other than group rooms do you know well? (Music and sports halls, kitchen, medical office, etc.)
- What professions work in kindergarten? (Educators, cooks, nurse, manager, music director, carpenter, watchman, etc.)
What kind of work does a teacher do? Assistant teacher? Cook? Laundry worker? Etc.
- What can you tell about the teachers, the cook, health worker, teacher assistant? What are they?
The teacher summarizes the answers of the children and leads them to the conclusion that the kindergarten is large, beautiful, many children attend it; people of different professions work in kindergarten, their work is significant and important.
During the conversation, a sheet of drawing paper with photographs is drawn up with colored paper.

Summary of the GCD on the formation of a holistic picture of the world "Spring, spring come here" in the middle group.

Vitskova Marina Viktorovna, teacher of MBDOU Kindergarten " gold fish"Astrakhan region, Chernoyarsk district, the village of Solenoye Zaimishche.
this material will be useful to educators when conducting conversations and classes about the seasons with children of the middle group.

Target: Formation of temporary ideas about spring.

The course of direct educational activities.

To the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky "The Seasons", the children enter the group, they are met by a teacher in a spring costume.

-Hello guys. Let's stand in a circle and greet each other.
Let's stand side by side, in a circle
Let's say "Hello!" each other
We are not too lazy to say hello:
"Hello" and "Good afternoon" to everyone,
If everyone smiles
Good morning will begin.
-Good morning!!

Educator. Let's greet each other with a sunny smile. That's how fun and friendly we are. Well done! Always stay like this! Guys look at me and tell me who I am? And to make it easier for you to guess, I will give you a riddle. Listen carefully.

caregiver.She comes with a caress

And with my own story.
magic wand
will wave,
Snowdrop in the forest
will bloom.

Educator. Guys, what season is the riddle talking about? (About spring).
That's right, well done. Guys, do you like spring? (Yes).
Educator. And why? Why do you love this time of year? (Children tell).

Educator. Yes, children, spring is a very beautiful time of the year, I show illustrations depicting spring. Spring gives us miracles. In spring, everything around wakes up from winter sleep, green grass and flowers appear. Guys, which flowers grow first? (Snowdrops) (Showing pictures). Birds also come in spring. And which birds fly to us first? (Rooks). And what other migratory birds do you know? (Starlings, swallows, geese, ducks).

Now listen to the recordings (I turn on audio recordings of the voices of birds). Did you recognize the children whose voices?

The game "Recognize the singer" is held.
Educator. Well done guys, you know birds.

Children, look what I have, do you know what it is? (Showing twigs) What tree is the twig from? (birches). That's right, well done. What do you see on the branch? (Green leaves)
That's right, in the spring and the trees come to life.

We planted a birch (straighten up)
We poured water over it (Bend your arms to your shoulders, palms forward)
And the birch has grown
Raise your hands to the sun (Pull your hands up)
And then she tilted them (Hands down, back straight)
And thanked the guys (Nods to the head, sit down).

Educator. Guys, what happens to animals in the spring. Animals also wake up from hibernation. What animals? (Answers of children).
Where did the bear sleep?
Where did the squirrel winter?
Where did the hedgehog sleep?

Educator. Guys, do you know how many months spring lasts? (Answers)
Let's call the spring months. (March, April, May).

Educator. And now guys, let's take our seats at the tables and try to portray what we talked about today. Now we will draw pictures about spring. (Children go to their places and draw).

caregiver. What kind beautiful pictures about spring you got it! You are real artists!
Guys, what did we talk about today? (About spring). Today I really liked you all. Everyone is smart and active. Thank you.

Target: To consolidate and systematize knowledge about soap (its properties and qualities, how to use it, how to take care of it).



Continue to learn to identify and resolve problem situations, contradictions.

Introduce children to the properties of soap; show the variety of states of soap in environment. Learn about some properties of soap. To give an idea of ​​the role of soap in human life


Develop figurative and associative thinking, attention, coherent monologue speech. Develop creativity, imagination in a variety of productive activities. To form the ability to draw with soap on fabric, on colored paper.


Cultivate respect for water. Raise interest in one's own discoveries through search and research activities. Cultivate an ecological culture.

Preliminary work: Conduct experiments: when is soap foam obtained? What happens to soapy water after a sponge is immersed in it? Introduce wood ash, prepare alkaline water from it (for washing clothes, washing hands). Enrich vocabulary with words denoting the properties and qualities of soap. Play the game "on the contrary", with soap bubbles. Read a poem by K. Chukovsky "Moydodyr". Learn tongue twisters about soap. Draw with soap.

Material and equipment: A mailbox with soap of various colors, smells and conditions. Envelope with a letter. Soap drawing computer, soap bubbles, foam. Three basins for water, cloth napkins (wipe your hands); sponges; a bucket of clay; straws for a cocktail. Pictograms of a cheerful and sad face. Colored cardboard; remnants.

Methods and techniques: The use of artistic words, visualization; surprise moment; games; problematic issues for children; practical (experiments); children's stories.

Lesson progress:

Children with a teacher enter the group. There is a box on the table.

Educator: “Guys, you don’t know where this strange box came from. Look, here is some mysterious envelope. Come on, let's open it. The teacher reads the letter.

Take me, wash yourself, bathe, And what am I - just guess. And know: it would be a big trouble, If not for me, but for water.

Dear my children!

I am writing you a letter:

I ask you to wash more often

your hands and face.

Need to wash

Morning, evening and afternoon -

Before every meal

After sleep and before bed!

Rub with a sponge and washcloth!

Be patient - no problem!

And ink and jam

Rinse off soap and water

My dear children!

Very, very much I ask you:

Wash more often, wash more often

I can't stand dirty.

I won't shake hands with dirty people

I won't visit them!

I wash myself very often.



Teacher: "Guys! Do you want to learn about the secrets of soap? Then let's go with you to the research laboratory. But first, like real scientists-researchers, we will put on special clothes - bathrobes.

— Arisha, please turn on our computer. Guys, what's on the screen? (Soap) - How did you guess that it was soap?

- Who will name more words about soap? What is it? (rectangular, floral,

hard, toilet, fragrant, slippery, etc.)

Why is the soap fragrant? (it contains floral cologne).

(Children determine what the soap from the parcel smells like).

What does your toilet soap smell like?

- And what else is soap? (liquid)

- What do they do liquid soap? (they wash their hair, body, use hairdressers, etc.) -When does soap become slippery? (When it's wet, with water)

Look, look: the soap is sinking in the river and in the trough! Why is it always only where there is water?

We are in the "Land of Comparisons".

- Tell me, the soap is slippery, like what? (like perch fish, like icicle, like ice, like silk, etc.)

- Who will read the tongue twister about Mila?

Soap Mila Mishka with soap, Mila dropped the soap. Mila dropped the soap. I didn't wash the bear with soap.

- Why didn't Mila wash Mishka? Why did the soap fall? (slippery)

What do the words “washed away, washed, washed” mean; “and wriggled, and bit like a wasp,“ lathered up.

- What does the phrase “soap your neck” mean (to scold, scold).

- Did they tell you that? For what?

- And what do you think, is it possible to lather berries!

- Did you wash the raspberries? (Washed, but not washed). What will happen to them if the berries are lathered?

- How would you react to the advice of G. Oster:

Never wash your hands, neck and face. Hands, neck, ears and face will be dirty again. This stupid activity leads to nothing. So why waste energy, time Waste to waste?

Is this good or bad advice? - Why harmful?

Who is afraid of soap? (Microbes, dirty, cowards).

“What advice would you give to a dirty girl?”

And the poet Y. Akim advised this:

Soap fragrant, white, soapy. Soap looks at the dirty girl with a smirk. If the dirty man remembered the soap, Soap would finally wash it off,

- And I would say this:

It slips away like a living thing, But I won't let it out. It foams with white foam, He is not too lazy to wash his hands.

- Guys, let's wash our hands and prove that we are not dirty and not lazy!

What do we need to wash our hands? (Water, soap). (Children come to the table with a basin for water and soap).

- We wash our hands well. Look, we have soap “gloves” on our hands.

- What are they like? (White, black). - When are they black? (When hands are dirty). - When are they white? (When hands are clean). -How often should you wash your hands? (When soiled, before eating.)

Who knows how to take care of soap? (Store in a soap dish on a shelf without water, on a wall with a magnet).

Let's move on to the next table.


If you throw soap into water, what happens to it? (It sinks, gurgles, sags.)

When a sponge is dipped in soapy water, what happens? (Soap bubbles rise from it.)

- Why? (It has air holes in it).

What are the particles of soap? (From soap particles, solid and airy.)

- Guess the riddle “A lot of bars of soap - what is this?” (Shop windows; shelves in

washbasin, soap dishes with soap in the bath.)

— Do you know what people used to wash their faces with?

Let's move on to the next table in our lab.


“People used to wash and wash with lye. Wood ash was poured with boiling water and steamed in the stove. They also washed with clay, which perfectly cleans hands and body from dirt.

Let's try washing our hands with clay.

D / n: “I want - I don’t want.”(pictogram of a cheerful and sad face.)

- Look carefully. What is the mood of the first man? He tells us that he wants to wash his hands with clay. Why? (Because it is useful, cleanly washes.) -And what is the mood of the second little man? You know, he told me that he didn't like washing his hands with clay. Why? (Because it is dirty, you need to use a lot of water to wash it off.)

- Guys, look, on the computer screen appeared new picture. What is this? (Bubbles) What are they? (Soapy.)

(Children go to the next table and use straws to inflate soap bubbles.

- What do they look like? What happens if you sit on them? Throw them? Hit them? Blow on them? Why do they say: “Dreams burst like soap bubbles?” (These are pipe dreams.)

- Let's remember our dreams come true and unfulfilled. What is a soap bubble made of? (From shell and air.)

(Children turn to the computer screen again. There are a lot of soap bubbles - foam).

- Listen: "Soap bubbled bubbles, foam climbed to the top, and it was gone, it all disappeared."

Why did it disappear?

Where else have you seen foam? (On the river, in the sea, near the shore, on the waves, in a jar, in a glass with juice, milk, etc.)

D / s: “What can not happen without what?” Chistyul - without ... soap. Soaps - without ... fat. Foam - without ... water Bubbles - without ... sponge. Jokes - without ... a smile.

Do you think soap can only be washed and washed? -What else can they do?

(Draw on fabric, draw on colored paper, fabric.)

(You can give the children remnants and offer to draw soap magic).


- Guys, what good fellows you are.

- Let's remember what new you learned about soap? What do you remember the most?

And now, I propose to watch a cartoon film about a girl who did not like to wash.

Watching the cartoon "Visiting the Queen of the Toothbrush"