
Conversations with parents in the first junior group. Perspective plan of work with parents in the first junior group. Requirements for organizing a parent meeting



Forms of work:

Parent meeting: “Features of the adaptation period of the children of the group. The tasks of raising and educating children of the 3rd year of life "

Questionnaire for parents "My child, what is he like?"

Visual information: “Adaptation of the child in kindergarten. Tips for parents"; "Features of the development of a child 2-3 years old"

Individual consultation "How to help the baby get used to kindergarten" advice from a psychologist.

Folder-slider "Colors of autumn"

Responsible: educators, psychologist


Forms of work:

Exhibition "What Autumn Gave Us"

Test for parents "What kind of parent are you"

Visual information: "Features of the formation of cultural and hygienic skills of children early age»; "We temper the child at home and in the garden"

Conversation with parents "What should be the clothes of children in a group and on the street"

Responsible: educators, parents


Forms of work:

Round table "How to protect the health of children in winter period» (parents share experiences)

Visual information: “Do I need to be vaccinated”; "What toys does a child need 2-3 years old"; "Memo with tips for playing games"

Individual conversations: "What to do if the child does not obey"



Forms of work:

Visual information: "Games for sensory development children"; "Educating children in the habit of healthy lifestyle life";

Exhibition New Year's crafts» Soon, soon the New Year!«

Entertainment "Good Santa Claus, brought a Christmas tree to the children." Joint tea drinking of children and parents in a group.

Folder-slider "Winter fun"

Responsible: educators, music worker


Forms of work:

Involving parents in the construction of a winter town on the site.

Visual information: "How to spend a day off with children";

Group consultation: “Winter injuries. Measures for their prevention»

Individual consultation: “All about children's health. Individual methods of prevention and treatment»

Responsible: educators, medical worker


Forms of work:

Parent meeting: "Education of independence in children"

Visual information: "The development of speech in young children"; "Mobile game in the life of a child";

Individual consultations: "Games for the development of speech"; How to protect your child from colds

Exhibition of children's drawings "Winter's Tale"

Responsible: educators, children


Forms of work:

Entertainment “My mom, I love you very much!”. Joint tea drinking of children and parents in a group.

Questionnaire for parents "What and how do we read at home?"

Visual information: "Why do children sleep poorly at night"; "Childhood fears"; "Learning colors with a child is easy!"

Folder-slider "Spring is red"

Individual conversations "If the child is aggressive." Psychologist's advice

Responsible: educators, children, psychologist


Forms of work:

Information stand "Our winged friends"

Master class for parents "Books for babies"

Visual information: "Whims and stubbornness"; "The role of the book in the development of the child"

Group consultation "Crisis of 3 years and its manifestations"

Responsible: teachers, children, parents

Forms of work:

Parent meeting "What we learned in a year" computer presentation

Visual information: "Prevention of acute intestinal diseases"; "Hardening of the body by the natural forces of nature (sun, air, water)"; "10 Rules for Raising a Child"

Information stand "Children's injuries and first aid tips for children"

Conversation "Diseases of dirty hands"

Involving parents in the design of the site for the summer.

Responsible: educators, medical worker

Bratchenko Irina Sergeevna
Position: educator
Educational institution: MLOU "Kindergarten "Fairy Tale", Nadym"
Locality: YNAO, Nadym
Material name: methodical development
Subject: long term plan work with parents in 1 junior group"B" for the 2015-2016 academic year.
Publication date: 25.04.2016
Chapter: preschool education

Municipal preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten "Fairy Tale" in Nadym"

MDOU "Kindergarten "Fairy Tale"

Perspective plan of work with parents

in 1 junior group "B"

for the 2015-2016 academic year.

Compiled by:
Educators Bratchenko I.S., Brailova E.A. Nadym 2016
Month Form of work Theme of work Tasks September Design of information stands in the group "Mode of the day", "Our directly educational activities", "Adaptation", "Business card", "What should be in the locker", "Birthdays", "Announcements", "Road literacy”, etc. To increase the effectiveness of the positive educational influences of the institution on the family of young children. Draw the attention of parents to useful and necessary information. Group parent meeting. (situational workshop) "The age of stubbornness and obstinacy" Expand the parents' understanding of the features of the age of three years. Together with parents, develop forms of assistance and communication with the child during this difficult period; Involve parents in the discussion of various problem situations; Contribute to the development of the pedagogical and creative potential of parents; Outline ways to overcome emerging problems in the upbringing of children in a period of crisis age; General parent meeting Acquaintance of parents with the rules for attending kindergarten, the results of adaptation to kindergarten, educational tasks for the year. Acquaintance with the peculiarities of the work of groups of children with allergic diseases. Questioning "Let's get to know each other" Acquaintance of parents with the rules for visiting kindergarten, the results of adaptation to kindergarten, the tasks of education for the year. Acquaintance with the peculiarities of the work of groups of children with allergic diseases. Booklets "Formation of hygiene skills and habits"
Individual consultations "How to teach a child to make contact with adults and children?" "Algorithm for dressing and undressing" To provide parents with timely assistance in raising children 2-3 years old, to promote the achievement of a common point of view on these issues. Piggy bank of Good deeds Tailoring of attributes in a dressing corner. October Competition of creative works "Autumn, please visit!" Involve parents in joint creativity with children, encourage them to develop the creative abilities of their children; Involve parents in the environmental education of children, joint work; unity in a common cause. Folder-slider "We love nature!" (signs, signs of autumn). "Clothing for the Season" Information brochure for parents "Didactic game as an important means of mental development" Pedagogical conversations with parents About the need to vaccinate against influenza. Familiarization of parents with the main factors contributing to the strengthening and preservation of children's health at home and in kindergarten. "What self-care skills can be taught to young children." Individual consultations “What requirements can and should be presented to a child?” “Washing Algorithm” “The Art of Punishing and Forgiving” Case of recommendations. “The role of hardening in strengthening Introduce parents to the role of hardening and strengthening
Workshop for parents of children's health using ICT "children's health, features of overwhelming events. Piggy Bank of Good Deeds Assistance in the production of various types of theaters (“Theater on gloves”, “Finger theater”, “Theatre on skittles” November Folder-movement. conditions and conditions for children Advice to parents "Health recipe book" "Garlic pendants for influenza and acute respiratory infections" Information leaflet Recommendations for parents "The role of the father in raising a child" "Play with children" Changing the position of fathers in relation to education Introduction of positive experience of family upbringing Photo gallery for Mother's Day "Mommy is our sun!" Raise love, respect for mothers, convey to children that there is no one more precious than mother, that mother is the closest and best friend. Parents' participation in the exhibition of creative works "Golden hands of our mothers" To promote the formation of reflection in assessing the image of one's own mother Club for parents "Luchinushka" "Paraskeva Pyatnitsa" There are parents with the celebration by Christians of Paraskeva Friday, the female intercessor, participation in musical games and a master class of amulets. Visit at home to find out the conditions of life and upbringing of the child Piggy Bank of Good Deeds Workshop for the production of manuals for hardening. December Design "Winter fantasies of our group" To draw the attention of parents to the joint design of the parent's corner using a visual method, children's creative works,
decoration of windows on the theme "Cheerful snowmen". Mini-project "Merry Snowmen" Involve parents to actively participate in the organization of the institutional competition "Carrot Nose", all possible assistance in the design of the walking area. Festival of creative family works. "Carrot nose!" Involvement of parents in the work of kindergarten. Development of creative interaction between parents and children. Meeting of the family club "Health" "Introduction of parents to methods and techniques that contribute to the development of harmonious relationships in the family." Implementation of practical training for parents on raising children Folder-slider “What and how can be built for winter games” Consultation “Winter fun and entertainment” To acquaint parents with interesting games and activities that can be organized and held during the New Year holidays. How to teach a child to wash their hands? Consultation “Incomplete family. Peculiarities of upbringing» Formation of a conscious attitude to the issues of raising a child in an incomplete family. Dissemination of advanced pedagogical experience on this issue. Questionnaire "Emotional well-being of the child in the group". Obtaining information about the state of emotional comfort of the child. Assessment of parents' readiness to participate in creating a prosperous family. Seminar-workshop for parents "Decorate the Christmas tree with the whole family" Involve parents in joint preparations for the upcoming New Year's holiday. Case of recommendations. "Tips for Cooking and Familiarize Parents with Variety
decoration of New Year's dishes for children" "New Year's treat" Regional creative competition "Zimushka Khrustalnaya 2015" Attract parents to all possible assistance in the design of winter walking areas. Work with the parent committee. Mail "Santa Claus" with the wishes of children. Involving parents in organizing and holding a New Year's party. Preparing gifts for children. Preparing for the New Year's holiday. Piggy Bank of Good Deeds Subbotnik “Decorate Our Plot” Involve parents in the work of building a snowy town and decorating the site for the purpose of joint creativity. January Memo "Health-improving games with children at home" Attracting the attention of parents to the issues of improving children's health. Implementation of unified health improvement methods in kindergarten and at home. Consultation "What is a healthy lifestyle" Promotion of a healthy lifestyle. Raising the attention of the family to health issues at home. Exchange of experience between parents with a song, sentences). "How do I put my baby to sleep?" Active consultation "Fun in the family, Christmas holidays" Introduce parents to interesting games and activities that can be organized and carried out during the New Year holidays. The book of creative recipes "Lepim from the snow!", Proverbs and sayings about winter, winter poems. Information brochure "We develop fingers - we stimulate the child's speech development." Development of the educational potential of the family. Activating the interaction of parents with the child in order to develop speech. Photo exhibition "Winter Games" Activation of parental participation in the life of the kindergarten, raising a child. Parental "Let's talk about Sharing experiences of family
collection "Family living room" good manners" education. Attracting the attention of parents to the education of good manners. Consultation "The role of folklore in the upbringing of children of primary preschool age" February Consultation "Raising the future man." Clarify ideas about the functions of men in the family. Changes in the position of fathers in relation to issues of education. Actualize the desire of fathers to be close to their children. Introduction of positive experience of family education. Folder-slider "Your helpers in the kitchen." Master class for parents "Bayu-bayu-bainki ..." (getting acquainted with the Russian folk lulling nursery rhyme, Individual conversations with dads. "Who do you consider the main thing in raising a child?" Revealing and analyzing information about the role dads play in raising children and grandparents Activation of parenting skills of dads Booklets “Fundamentals of proper nutrition” “If a child has poor appetite” “How not to feed a child?” Meeting of the “Health” family club To acquaint parents with the methods and techniques of working with children that contribute to the development of harmonious relationships creating a favorable emotional climate in the family.
nature, in particular to birds, the desire to help them in the winter. Photo exhibition exhibition "Our fathers and grandfathers" Involve mothers in the design of the stand - congratulations from men. Information stand "Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day!" With the help of a folder - a shifter and a newspaper, show dads their respect for them, for the military profession. March Designing a parent's corner on a spring theme. "Spring" To draw the attention of parents to the information changed in the parent's corner, to interest in the events taking place in the group. Wall newspaper "Mommy, mommy, mommy!". Demonstration of the respectful attitude of the kindergarten to family values ​​Development of a positive attitude of parents towards the kindergarten Exhibition of joint works of parents and children “My mother and I are craftsmen!” Involving parents in the life of the kindergarten Active consultation "Inculcating cultural and hygienic skills - the basis of personal hygiene training" Club for parents "Luchinushka" "International Bird Day" to acquaint parents with the celebration of International Bird Day among different nations, to involve children, parents and teachers to the problems of environmental consciousness, to involve in different types gaming activity. Organization of the pictorial exhibition "Spring has come, the birds have called!". Design of an exhibition of drawings - games for joint logical and visual activities of children and parents, poems about birds. Competition of creative family works "Space World" Involving parents in joint activities at home with their children, instilling a desire to complete the task together and see their result at the exhibition, deepen children's knowledge of space.
Information stand "Books in our house" To involve parents in creating conditions for the development of children's interest in books at home and in kindergarten. Tips for designing a children's home library Consultation "I myself" "How to cultivate independence" "How to deal with whims" Individual work with parents (we teach children to dress outside in the right order at home). Exhibition of fiction "Books beloved from childhood" To improve the quality of work of parents with children on the use of children's books in their cognitive-speech and artistic-aesthetic development. Folder-slider "The importance of cultural and hygienic skills in the life of a child." Participation in the action "Let's make the site for the group beautiful." Building a team spirit among parents. Visit families to share experiences on the topic “What we do at home with children” Piggy bank of Good deeds Hanging birdhouses on the group’s site May Information stand “Crisis 3 years: strategy and tactics of interaction with a child” Improving the pedagogical culture of parents Consultation “How to organize summer holidays for children » «How to organize a successful summer?» “Is a vacation interesting and useful!?” "Our green friends" Active consultation "How to captivate a child with daily Inform parents about the importance of compliance
dental hygiene? Questioning "Satisfaction with the upbringing and education of preschool children" Pedagogical lounge "How I help my mother." Summing up the educational work for the academic year. Demonstration of the formed skills and knowledge of children received during the school year. General parent meeting Summing up the results of solving the tasks of education for the year Prospects for further work of the preschool educational institution parent meeting Summing up the results of the group's work over the past year Report of the parent committee Video presentation “This is how we lived in kindergarten!” To express gratitude to the parents who took an active part in the life of the group, the educational and educational process of children. Piggy Bank of Good Deeds Participation of parents in the manufacture of non-traditional attributes for physical education classes.
Educators: Bratchenko I.S., Brailova E.A.

Olga Zheleznyak
Plan of work with parents in the first junior group for 2011-2012 academic year. year.

Working with parents in the first junior group for 2011 - 2012 academic year.


1. Conduct individual conversations with parents newly arrived children.

Target: aim parents to active, collaborative and pedagogically correct work for a good adaptation of children to a new group, educators.

2. Suggest Sofia B's parents., Valeria P., Victoria A., Matvey A., Danila D., memo "Temperament of your child".

3. Conduct a survey parents: Kindergarten your child goes to.

Target: identification of requests, interests and wishes in the organization of educational and educational services in a preschool educational institution.

4. Spend Parent meeting: « Psychological features children 2-3 years old ".

5. Organize a round table on the topic "How to keep your child safe".

6. Suggest parents organize the collection of information in a folder on topic: "Secrets of education!"

7. Arrange for parents photo exhibition: "Children in kindergarten!"

1. Have conversations with parents on topics: "Children's clothes group and on the street, "Clothing Marking", "We live according to the regime!".

Target: Customize parents for a fruitful joint work according to the plan and rules of the group.

2. Offer a survey What are your expectations for Kindergarten this year?

Target: obtaining and analyzing information about attitude parents to the nature and forms of readiness parents participate in the life of the kindergarten.

3. Spend "sincere conversation" with Matthew A's parents., "Child is left-handed".

Target: to give recommendations on the features of the development of such a child (non-standard). Parents offer various tasks for left-handed children in order to develop the motor skills of both hands. Discuss psychological problems associated with left-handedness.

4. Organize an oral journal for parents"Traffic lights".

5. Conduct a master class with parents"Meaning finger gymnastics for a child".

1. Arrange for parents Open Day.

Target: the formation of a positive image of the kindergarten in the mind parents, demonstration of all types of educational team work with children, establishing partnerships with the families of pupils.

2. Attract parents for joint preparation groups for winter(window insulation, selection medical advice, etc.).

3. Arrange with parents evening: "Let's play together".

4. Conduct a consultation for Lera P's parents., Vicki A., Matveya A., on topic: "Children's health is in our hands".

Target: strengthening the health of children and ways to improve work on physical development.

5. Arrange a meeting with a pediatrician.

6. Suggest parents of Yaroslav Z., Kirill M., consultation "Features of the formation of cultural and hygienic skills".

7. Hold together with parents entertainment on the theme: "My mommy!"

1. Conduct a consultation - a workshop on topic: "The role of play in the family and kindergarten!".

Target: to give knowledge about the importance of games, their meaning, selection for children of this age, holding the game, rules; form in children and parents interest and ability to play games.

2. Suggest parents photo essay with story "We play at home!"

Target: find out what games are played at home and how.

3. Hold: « preschool age- time to play".

4. Arrange for parents of Sergei I., Alina A., consultation at topic: "All About Baby Food".

Target: the formation of a unified approach to the rules of nutrition of the child in kindergarten and at home.

5. Attract parents to the manufacture of toys for the Christmas tree in the courtyard of the kindergarten "Let's Decorate the Christmas Tree".

6. Have fun together “Good Santa Claus, he brought a Christmas tree to the children”.

1. Offer a workshop on topic: "Measures for the prevention and treatment of influenza!".

Target: familiarizing families with a healthy lifestyle, active recreation, sports. Inclusion parents in joint activities

2. Offer a presentation on disk « Game activity young children in the period of adaptation ".

3. Checkout with parents wellness booth work"Raising Children Healthy".

5. Hold a joint sports entertainment with parents"Kids-dared".

6. Suggest parents make family albums "Our Friendly family» and write stories "My child is the best".

7. Arrange with parents leisure"A healthy child is a happy parent» .

2. Offer a consultation Kira's parents., Ani B, Artyoma B., Vladika O., on topic: "Sweets and Baby".

3. Conduct joint entertainment games "Together with dad".

4. Suggest parents cheat sheet"Growing and Changing".

5. Organize a promotion for parents"Just".

6. Organize a photo exhibition « Better than dad can not found".

1. Hold together with parents fun for moms: "Mom, I love you so much".

2. Spend parent meeting on: "So we've grown up".

3. Conduct a briefing with parents about safe behavior children at home.

4. Conduct a master class for parents on the topic: "Games that develop brush movements".

5. Attract parents in art exhibition topic: "Mom's hands and my little hands".

6. Together with parents make a family newspaper "We are mother's helpers".

7. Hold a round table "Let's talk".

Target: discussion of pressing problems, exchange of experience.

8. Suggest parents comfortable training parenting.

1. Organize a photo exhibition "My child is in kindergarten".

2. Hold together with parents entertainment"Visiting a fairy tale with the whole family".

3. Suggest parents workshop"In the realm of stubbornness and whims".

4. Arrange for parents"brainstorm": "Organization of child care and education of habits for a healthy lifestyle."

5. Suggest parents gatherings in the Kuban hut: "Together with mom, together with dad".

1. Arrange with parents"Good Deeds Day" (Subbotnik on the territory of the kindergarten and in group) .

2. Have fun together "We are already big".

3. Offer to view the video archive "Moments from life groups» .

Target: discussion plans with parents for the next academic year.

4. Suggest parents tips and tricks for the summer.

5. Hold a round table for parents with the invitation of the GBBD inspector "Children and transport".

A long-term plan for working with parents in the first junior group according to the Federal State Educational Standard for 2014-2015

Working with parents

1 week 2 weeks 3 weeks 4 weeks 5 weeks

September Kindergarten

1. Oral journal “Adaptation of children in 1 ml. group»

2. Individual contacts, memos « First days at preschool»

3. Consultation Regime and its importance in the life of a child

4. Nurse advice "Hygiene for your child"

5. Folder mover "Little texts of lullabies"

1. Questionnaire "Let's Get Acquainted"

2. Cheat sheet How to protect the interests of your child

3. « parent diary» selection of mobile games.

4. Design of a photo exhibition "Our Group»

5. Individual conversations « Healthy sleep» Autumn

1. Parent meeting"Let's Get Acquainted"

2. Folder mover "The main indicators of the development of a child of the third year of life"

3. Memo "Games and entertainment with children at home"

4. Project "The effectiveness of the program of emotional distress for children in the period of adaptation"

5. Exhibition of family crafts "Golden Autumn" 1. Workshop "We adapt together"

2. Communication over tea, talking about the problem.

3. meeting with a teacher psychologist "External and internal sources of threat to the psychological safety of the child"

4. Consultation "Games for the sensory development of the child"

5. Questionnaire "Attracting parents to the implementation of the preschool educational program "

October I am a man in the world

1. Photo exhibition « First days at preschool»

2. Day of open doors. Presence parents for morning exercises.

3. Magazine "Health" consultation "Grow up healthy baby"

4. First ARI and FLU prevention tour

5. Information « Parents about the DOW standard» 1. Round table discussion How to rid a child of an unwanted habit

2. Mailbox "Anxious Child"

3. Organization "Kaleidoscope of Good Deeds" glue books, teach to let bubble etc.

4. Memo "labor education of children younger age»

5. Consultation "I myself" My house

1. Collecting material for a mini museum.

2. Viewing a photo album "Nature of the native land"

3. Tour of the kindergarten "Who greets me"

5. Competition "Amazing nearby" 1. Quiz "My favorite station"

2. Master class "Mind at your fingertips"

3. Folder mover "Games and toys for children 2 years old"

4. Folder design "Thanks"

5. Visual propaganda "If the child does not eat, what to do"

1 week 2 weeks 3 weeks 4 weeks

November Sinichkin holiday

1. Information "Nature surrounded by a child"

2. Club meeting "We are ecologists"

3. Promotion "Help those who are nearby making bird feeders"

4. Memo "Secrets of Good Appetite"

5. Consultation "Features of the physical development of children 2 years old" 1. Conversation How to help birds in winter

2. Tips “On the health of children. ind. methods and prevention.

3. Questionnaire parents“Educating children to love the world around”

4. Memo "Children's clothes in autumn"

5. Subbotnik on the territory of the kindergarten "day of good deeds" hello day

1. Blitz survey “Do you know all the secrets of communication with your child”

2. We play a round table with the children»

3. Mailbox "Ways for the formation of cultural and hygienic skills"

4. Folder - mover "Proper nutrition is the basis of health"

5. Photo booth “Look how we try, we temper together” 1. Conversation "On the need for fine motor skills"

2. Round table "Children and transport"

4. Folder mover "Home play corner"

5. Photo quiz "Tempering events in the family"

December Winter

1. Workshop "I want to understand my child"

2. Memo "How to approach a protesting child"

3. Photo newspaper with poems « Winter walk in kindergarten"

4. Folder - slider “In winter we walk, observe, work, play”(about the importance of winter walks)

2. Photo booth "AT healthy body--healthy spirit

3. Information "How interesting everything is around"

4. Consultation "Young Artists"

5. Medical corner "We grow up healthy - height and weight indicators" New Year

1. Competition "Decorate the Christmas Tree" making toys for the kindergarten Christmas tree.

2. Inform. advisory stand “Happy New Year, Happy New Year!

3. Consultation "Children are our common concern"

4. Briefing "How to behave in ice"

5. Conversation "Rules of conduct at the holiday" 1. Information stand "Healthy family - healthy baby"

2. Tips "Formation of cultural and hygienic skills"

4Consultation-workshop "Pallets-palms"

5. New Year's carnival.


Christmas time

1. New Year's gatherings "Let's open grandma's chest"

2. Screen "Christmas holidays"

3. Help parents in clearing snow ha area.

4. Competition exhibition "Magic Snowflake"

5. Joint musical and physical education leisure "Christmas holidays" pet day

1. Information "Take care of animals"

2. Memo "About Frosty Weather"

3. Photo exhibition "I'm taking care of pets"

4. Discussion "healthy child"

5. Workshop of wizards. 1. Round table meeting "Development of motor skills and motor activity"

2Questioning ". The path to the health of the child lies through the family"

3. Folder-slider "Holidays at Home"

4. Information and advisory stand "Influenza Prevention"

5. Screen "Developing Children's Speech"

February Wild Animal Day

1. Photo exhibition "My favorite animal"

3. Visual propaganda "Child safety at home"

4. Consultation "How to Punish Children"

5. Mailbox "We asked, we answer"

1. Screen "Chickenpox what is it"

2. Questionnaire "Child and Toy"

3. Exhibition of toys made parents.

4Memo "Learning colors is easy and simple"

5. Conversation "Mode and its meaning" Maslenitsa

1. Joint holiday "Wide Shrovetide"

Stock "Give me a book"

3. Folder - slider "Articulation gymnastics"

4. Exhibition "Wonderful Transformations"- waste material.

5. Tips Walking with a child in winter Defender of the Fatherland Day

1. Workshop "A father in a child's life"

2. Conversation "Father and son" "Father's daughter"

3. Photo report with a story "We play at home"

4. Photo newspaper "My best dad"

5. Leisure “We’ll move mountains together with dad”

March Mother's Day

1. Matinee "For lovely mothers"

2. Folder mover "Spring"

3. Photo newspaper "We are mother's helpers"

4. Thematic exhibition of family crafts "golden hands of our mothers"

5. Consultation "Development artistic creativity children - Newest technologies in the education of preschoolers" 1. Parent meeting"The role of the family in the life of a child"

2. Master class "Therapy Chest"

3. Photo exhibition "Together with mom, together with dad"

4. Questionnaire "On Ways of Education"

5. Photo essay "Our Successes" Folk toy

1. Information "What is traditional culture"

2. Training "Introducing children to the work of folk masters"

3. Attract parents to participate in the puppet theatre.

4. Consultation "The development of ideas about color, shape, size"

5. Memo "Walking is Important" 1. Consultation-workshop "How to teach a child to didactic game and its role in child development

2. Memo "Children's Injury Prevention"

3. Photo exhibition "Birthday is a holiday of childhood"

4. Training "Whose are always traces of the past"

5. Individual conversations « word games for the development of children's speech "

April Spring

1. Consultation "Walks and their importance for improving the health of the child"

2. Memo "Active rest is like"

3. Musically sports holiday "Spring - fill the body with health."

4. Individual. conversations "Choose proper shoes for baby"

5. Note to parents"whims of children"

1. Subbotnik "Site Improvement"

3. Information material "how to learn to observe changes in nature"

4. Screen "My rights"

5. Creative workshop "Noise Instruments" Children's Book Day

1. Literary living room "Books for Toddlers"

2. Quiz "Books of our childhood"

4. Master class "1,2,3,4,5, fingers went out for a walk"

5. Promotion "Book as a gift" 1. Exhibition of creative works"Favorite Tales"

2. Workshop "A new take on an old story"

3. Information and advisory stand "Healthy Meals"

4. Conversation "How to organize the work of children at home"

5. Questionnaire "Raising a child's interest and love for the book"

May Family Day

1. Making family photo albums "Our friendly family"

2. Making up stories "My baby is the best"

3. Training “A person needs a family for….”

4. Participation in group competition"Our inventions (manufacturing of non-standard physical culture equipment)

5. Photo newspaper How do we keep healthy 1. Parent meeting"Family means so much"

2. Memo "Rules of communication in the family"

3. Consultation "Children's Questions"

4. Attraction parents to landscaping.

5. Exhibition "Our friendly family - child garden"

1. Photo booth "Summertime"

2. Notes for parents"O first baby successes»

3. Consultation "Organization of summer holidays"

4. Conversation "Be vigilant on the streets"

5. Health Corner "How to temper a child" 1. Tips and tricks for the summer.

2. Round table "Children and transport"

3. Consultation "I took a pencil in my hands"

4. Cheat sheet "Growing and Changing"

5. Promotion "Just"

June Children's Day

1. Holiday "International Children's Day"

2. Project "Together friendly family, Kindergarten, parents and me»

3. Briefing for parents"Rules of conduct on water and in the sun" 1. Accept our rules, meetings with parents.

2. Nurse's advice for new admissions parents.

3. Folder - move "Summer is red - summer is dangerous" 1. Round table "Welcome to kindergarten!

2. Photo quiz "Tumblers are us"

1. Joint holiday with parents"Swing"

2. Labor landing - repair of the reception room.

3. Visual propaganda "Talk to your child" 1. Having fun with parents“The cat of the purr is a merry fellow - he invited the guys to his place”

2. Screen "Corner of big Russia Karachay-Cherkessia is mine"

July 1. Move folder "Reading Together, Reading Together with Children"

2. Exhibition of children's books "Book - baby"

3. Visual propaganda "Sun, air, water and sand" flower day

1. Exhibition "Bouquet for Mom"

2. Photo exhibition "Family vacation in nature"

2. Reminder for parents"Useful toys"

3. Visual propaganda "Teach Your Child to Communicate" 1. Individual conversations on request parents.

2. Memo “Children are taught by those around them”

3. Photo booth "We need different mothers"

3. Memory "Caution Plants" 1. Summer parenting tips.

2. Screen "Safety on water bodies in the summer"

3. Folder - slider "Dangerous Items at Home" 1. Recommendations "Insect Bites"

2. parent diary"Children of the Screen"

3. Folder mover What kind of music sounds in your house?

Nina Cerenova
Working with parents in the first junior group for the 2015-2016 academic year

Working with parents

in first junior group

for 2015-2016 academic year.


1. Individual conversations with parents newly arrived children.

2. Clamshell folder "Security traffic»

3. Consultation "Teaching preschoolers the rules of traffic safety".

4. Conversation "Teach kids the rules of the road"

5. Parent meeting"Let's Get Acquainted".

Getting to know each other;

Adaptation of the child to the conditions of the kindergarten;

Psychological characteristics of children 2-3 years old;

Reminder for parents;

Elections group parent committee.

6. Folder - clamshell "The main indicators of the development of a child of the third year of life".

attraction parents to active, collaborative and pedagogically correct work for a good adaptation of children to a new group, educators.

Implementation of a unified educational approach to teaching children the rules of the road in kindergarten and at home.

Tune parents for a fruitful joint work according to plan and rules groups.

Acquaintance parents

1. Memo "Dependence of layered clothing on room temperature".

2. Consultation "Education of habits and first behavior culture skills.

3. Consultation “The role of adults in the development of children's speech.

4. Folder-slider "The value of finger gymnastics for a child".

5. Individual conversations with parents about the need to vaccinate against influenza and SARS. parents.

Enrichment of pedagogical knowledge parents for questions speech development child.

Familiarization parents with the main factors contributing to the strengthening and preservation of the health of preschoolers

1. Day of open doors.

2. Making a family album "Our friendly family".

3. Joint training groups for winter(window insulation, a selection of medical advice, etc.).

4. Consultation "The value of the game in the development of the child's thinking".

5. Folder-slider "Early age: games that develop thinking».

6. Memo parents about the management of the child's play in the family.

7. Consultation "Formation of a sense of pride in children of the third year of life".

8. Consultation Regime and its importance in the life of a child.

Formation of a positive image of the kindergarten in the mind parents, demonstration of all types of educational team work with children, establishing partnerships with parents.

Inclusion parents in joint activities with children.

formation in children and parents interest and ability to play games.

1. Consultation “Psychological security as a condition for the full development of a preschooler.

2. Holiday “Good Santa Claus, he brought a Christmas tree to the children”.

3. Consultation "Features of the physical development of children 2-3 years old".

Familiarization of families to a healthy lifestyle, active recreation, sports.

Improve children's health and improve work on physical development in the families of pupils.

Acquaintance parents with the requirements of the program of education in kindergarten for children 2 - 3 years old.

1. Conversation "Emotional education of the child in everyday life".

3. Consultation "Child and visual activity"

4. Conversation "Whims and Stubbornness".

5. Consultation "Secrets of Education".

6. Questionnaire "On Ways of Education".

Dissemination of pedagogical knowledge among parents, practical help parents in raising children.

Increase knowledge parents about unconventional technique children drawing.

1. Consultation "What to do with a child at home".

2. Photo exhibition "My best dad".

3. Conversation "All About Baby Food".

4. Consultation "Education of independence in a child of two to three years".

5. Memo How to teach a child to be independent.

Dissemination of pedagogical knowledge among parents.

Formation of a unified approach to the rules of nutrition of the child in kindergarten and at home.

1. Memo parents about the safe behavior of children at home.

2. Consultation "Crisis of three years".

3. Photo exhibition "Mom is my sunshine!"Parent meeting"Let's Raise Healthy Children":

morning exercises parents;

Causes of illness in children;

nurse performance "How to temper a child"»

About different things.

4. Photo exhibition "Mom is my sunshine!"

Discussion of pressing problems, exchange of experience.

Dissemination of pedagogical knowledge among parents.

1. Photo exhibition "My child is in kindergarten".

2. Conversation "Child is left-handed".

4. Questionnaire "Raising a child's interest and love for the book".

Cultivate a desire to be involved, creative activity.

Dissemination of pedagogical knowledge among parents.

1. Arrange with parents"Good Deeds Day" (Subbotnik on site) .

2. Consultation "We are already big".

3. Conversation "How to spend a vacation with a child".

5. Parent meeting"Our children have grown up":

results of the outgoing year;

Viewing a presentation "Our children have grown up";

Report parental Committee on the progress work.

Discussing plans with parents for next school year.

Inform about the progress of children at the end school year, introduce the summer regime of the day.

Related publications:

Perspective plan of work with parents of the first group of early age. Areas of work with parents Perspective plan of work with parents 2015-2016 academic year of the 1st group of early age. (Lines of work with parents) September Methodical.

September 1. Joint preparation for the academic year. Visual information: “Mode of the day”, “GCD schedule”, “Rules for parents”,.

September 1. Individual consultations “Let's go to kindergarten”, “How to facilitate adaptation?”, “What should be in the locker; 3. Group.