
Why bodybuilders don't grow hair. Why male athletes should remove body hair: Which method to choose? What do bodybuilders suffer from?


So, you started to go bald. With what it can be connected? Doctors believe that with genetics. Like, if it is written in the family, then you will start to go bald immediately after 20. It is clear that talk about genetics is an excuse designed to mask a scientific failure.

Overview of the market of pharmacological agents for the fight against baldness

So, you started to go bald. With what it can be connected? Doctors believe that with genetics. Like, if it is written in the family, then you will start to go bald immediately after 20. It is clear that talk about genetics is an excuse designed to mask a scientific failure. Yes, despite the general progress of medicine, it has not yet been possible to find specific causes of baldness. However, there are hair loss remedies in the world that are quite effective. They will just be discussed. But first I want to make a small digression. Bodybuilders are at the forefront of the risk group for a banal reason - many of them take steroids. Why do steroids lead to baldness? Yes, because far from all the "injected" testosterone the body is able to use. Somewhere in the wilds of our body, excess testosterone turns into dihydrotestosterone, and it is death for hair!

"steroid" baldness begins with an increase in natural hair loss. (Usually a person loses up to a hundred hairs a day, and here their number is much larger - the hair "falls" directly from the head.) As a result, the hair becomes extremely rare - the scalp shines through it. The biggest trouble is that the center of "steroidal" alopecia is "based" in the most prominent place - on the frontal region of the skull, right above the forehead. For the sake of truth, it must be clarified that the rest of the hairline also suffers - the hair becomes thin, dull, brittle and slowly thins out on the entire surface of the head.

In short, you have to choose. And if you have chosen hefty "chemical" muscles, then you should know: in addition, you will first get bald spots in your hair, and then a bald spot ... Will baldness drugs help here? Of course not, if the jock continues to inject. If you stop taking steroids, then baldness may well stop (but there are no guarantees).

The second reason for baldness in some bodybuilders is an excess of training stress. Let's remember how a professional trains. Outside of training, he deliberately avoids any energy expenditure. A lot of pros don't even have families because they feel like they don't have the strength to have a wife and kids.

Now imagine an amateur who comes to the gym after work, and then goes home from the gym to his family. And this amateur undertakes to train with professional intensity! It is clear that no most gifted geneticist can cope with such loads. Indeed, where is the obligatory daytime sleep, where is the night sleep for 10-12 hours? Where is the multi-course meal? Where is the anti-stress pharmacology? In short, an excess of stress will necessarily result in a typical stress reaction - hair loss. The only difference is that, unlike "steroidal" alopecia, this kind of baldness has a "reverse motion": the hair is likely to recover.

Third possible reason hair loss by bodybuilders - a lack of B vitamins in the diet. Training stress requires such vitamins especially a lot. And if the deficiency of B vitamins becomes chronic, then this will lead to injury to the liver tissues and further to hepatitis. Well, hepatitis is almost always thinning of the hair.

From all of the above, you need to draw the right conclusions. Taking expensive anti-baldness drugs only makes sense if you have eliminated the cause of hair loss associated with your training.

Well, now let's get down to the pharmaceutical arsenal. Here in the first place is the drug Rogain. In 1988, it came into use and was sold to men only by prescription. In 1991, a female "version" appeared - and also by prescription. Since 1996, Rogaine has been widely sold without a doctor's permission. The effectiveness of the product is 5-10%. This means that only 5-10 people out of a hundred Rogaine stimulates the growth of new hair in the place of baldness. And another 15-20 people out of the same hundred will find that Rogain has confidently stopped their hair loss. True, there is one caveat: Rogain is only able to fight baldness at the top of his head. Bald patches are beyond his powers.

The active ingredient of the drug is minoxidil. "Old" Rogaine contained it at a concentration of 2%. In the new version of the drug, purely male, it is more - 5%. The increase in concentration resulted in a 4% increase in potency. Moreover, if before the first I had to wait 4 months for the results (the course is designed for this period), now "only" - two. It is worth saying that the attempts of women to "try on" a new male version of the drug led to disastrous consequences - baldness intensified.

The cost of Rogaine is $28. It would seem expensive. However, hundreds of thousands of users idolize the drug for its truly unique property stop hair loss. Compare, almost a quarter of balding men and women who used Rogaine get this effect.

Propecia is another "magic" pill. Its active ingredient is finasterin. In fact, doctors used finasterin to reduce prostate tumors, but suddenly noticed that in addition, patients begin to grow hair in places of complete baldness. If you use Propecia for a year, you can get a pretty stable result. According to statistics, about 30% of users find the growth of new hair in place of a bald head, and another 18% of hair becomes noticeably thicker. Moreover, Propecia is able to deal with bald patches, but, however, not so effectively. Like Rogaine, Propecia stops hair loss. However, Propecia is nowhere near as popular as Rogaine. The fact is that the drug prevents the conversion of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone known to you. back side such an action - a drop in libido and even impotence. In addition, with prolonged use of the drug in the blood, side substances are found that are known to provoke prostate cancer. Propecia is generally contraindicated for women - an unfavorable course of pregnancy is possible.

Propecia in the US can only be bought with a prescription. In Europe - without it. The monthly course will cost 45-49 dollars.

Only a 100% guarantee can be given plastic surgery. The operation consists in transplanting hair follicles from the back of the head and is a truly filigree action. Plastic surgeons who know how to give the front line of transplanted hair a natural look are known by name. The loudest is Lee Bosley. This plastic surgeon opened his own clinic in Los Angeles, where he brought hair transplantation to the level of high art. The clinic is located in the fashionable area of ​​Beverly Hills not by chance - the prices for operations with guaranteed success are breathtaking (up to $ 10,000). There are advertisements in newspapers promising hair transplants. However, before deciding on such an operation (usually very expensive), you need to think hard - too much depends on the talent of the surgeon. The second disadvantage is that the operation is carried out in stages - usually in three or four visits. It is not possible to complete the task in one go. Break between "sessions" - 3-4 months. It happens that even four operations are not enough (it is clear that the cost of the procedure increases in proportion to the need).

But plastic surgeons are not omnipotent. If there is not enough "donor" hair, then the operation is impossible. In addition, in severe cases, the transplanted hair falls out over time. There are examples when operations lasted for years until the "donor" area of ​​the hairline was depleted, but it was not possible to achieve a cosmetic effect - the patient lost hair faster.

By the way, hair transplant surgery is not for smokers. Smoking inhibits the healing of implanted hairs and interferes with their "rooting".

Hair stylists advise those whose hair is noticeably thinning two "tricks". First, you need to cut your hair short. And second, color your hair. Strengthening the natural tone of the hair creates a visual effect of thicker hair. You can also use a means for bleaching the ends of the hair for men in the form of foam. And then the hair will seem thicker.

The latest novelty is already widely sold in the West. These are products that make hair thicker. As you know, hair has a porous structure. If you "stuff" it with a special composition, then the hair will become thicker and heavier. The sensation of the method is that the filler, although it “impregnates” the hair, nevertheless does not stick it together. As a result, you get the look of a completely natural crumbling hair that seems thicker.

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Nowadays, not only women, but also men want to look beautiful and well-groomed. It is not always possible to control the growth of body hair. In this case, men resort to hair removal. Regardless of age, the stronger sex wants to be sexy.

Without fail, dancers, swimmers, bodybuilders resort to hair removal. More and more men want to remove their hair permanently. Statistics show that men take care of their skin almost like women.

Most often, thinning of hair on the back and chest is used, and not their complete removal. Many reveal the desire to epilate the eyebrows, we are not talking about giving female forms. It is very popular in areas adjacent to the ears and neck. Some want to tidy up intimate areas. So what types of hair removal are available for men today?

Laser hair removal

Used to remove dark hair on light skin. The laser penetrates the follicle and destroys the hair. It is one of the most common in men forever. One treatment session lasts 30 minutes, it may take up to eight sessions to completely remove hair in the selected area. Back, chest, shoulders, abdomen, intimate area - all these areas can be cleared of excess vegetation with the help of. Also laser hair removal shown to those who wish, will not completely get rid of the vegetation, but only make thinning. In this case, the number of procedures will need less.


Yes, men do too waxing- waxing (bioepilation)! This procedure carried out in several ways:

  • Wax plates, which are enough to warm up in your hands before use. Then the plate is applied to the right place, rubbed and quickly torn off in the direction of hair growth. Used for epilation of legs, arms, back, chest, buttocks. Wax residues after the procedure are removed with a special oil cloth.
  • warm wax - salon procedure, although you can spend at home by buying everything you need in a specialized store. The wax is heated up to 37 degrees, applied to the skin with a special spatula, covered with a strip of cloth and torn off.
  • Hot wax is used for areas with delicate skin, intimate areas. The wax is heated up to 46 degrees, then the procedure is done as with warm wax. Fabric strips are not used. The pores on the skin open under the influence of temperature and pain decreases.

Depending on the selected epilation area, the procedure may take 10 minutes to an hour. Trust your body only to professionals - this will protect your skin from burns. The skin will remain smooth for more than a month. If you have decided to do wax hair removal for the first time, it is better to contact the salon. It is important to use an antibacterial lotion for a few more days after the procedure to avoid skin infection.

Electrolysis or electrolysis

Salon procedure consists in removing hair by applying current to the follicle using a special needle. No more hair will ever grow from this follicle. Each procedure takes 10-20 minutes. The treated area in one session is very small, and it will take a long time to completely remove the hair. used by men to remove hair in any area forever. The procedure is painful, but the result is worth it. After all, now hair will never grow at the place of epilation. Most often, men use electrolysis to remove hair in the area between the eyebrows, ears, and neck.

Cream depilation

After applying the cream, the hair dissolves and falls off with the root. Apply to all areas except the face and groin - irritation may occur on delicate skin. The whole procedure will take 20 minutes, but before use it is better to test for allergies.

Laser hair removal

This type of permanent hair removal is suitable for men of any age. Excess hair brings a lot of trouble not only to women, but also to men. They are visible under clothes, they contribute to sweating, there are difficulties with constant shaving and irritation after it. Laser hair removal can help men get rid of excess hair forever. In all civilized countries, men struggle with hairiness.

Bodybuilding in literal translation means "building, architecture of the body." There are few people left who would dispute the benefits of this sport. The medical profession has proven that weight training is a magical panacea for the destructive lifestyle we lead.

But the figures of many bodybuilders are embarrassing, and sometimes even scary. It seems to people that such achievements are possible only as a result of hard, many hours of work, incompatible with the lifestyle they lead, or with the intake of some drugs that ensure the growth and relief of the muscles.

In part they are right. Those who want to be like the heroes of Hollywood action movies, who can’t lift a truck or disperse clouds of enemies without straining, have to work long and hard in the gym. For a woman, to become such an Amazon, it is three times more difficult. For the fairer sex, a serious restructuring of the body is fraught with serious health problems.

Why Women Shouldn't Become Bodybuilders

The fact is that in women, adipose tissue serves as a source for the construction of their own sex hormones - estrogen. Women have two X chromosomes, but, figuratively speaking, fat makes a woman actually a woman. Form, female breast, so adored by men, is due precisely to adipose tissue. That is why completely fat-free bodybuilders cannot boast of beautiful, lush, soft breasts.

After several months of work in the gym, a woman, going to the mirror, can find wonderful results that others are already noticing: her stomach does not sag, does not gather in folds, her buttocks tightened up, became elastic, treacherous riding breeches have significantly decreased in size, and her breasts, until recently sadly hanging from the chest wall, suddenly begins to please the eye.

At this stage, bodybuilding can be called beautiful word fitness. Literally translated from English, this word means "fitness", and this term is understood as the development of optimal physical abilities, allowing you to "endure the hardships of modern life."

For some, fitness means thin waist, for others - to squeeze out their own weight lying down, for others - just good health. Fitness has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, normalizes the physical and mental state, which allows a person to live fully and successfully endure all the hardships of life presented in our turbulent times. Most are quite satisfied with the transformed body, which has not lost a bit of femininity. They stop and maintain the achieved state with short, but regular workouts.

A prerequisite for fitness is the absence of bodybuilding massiveness. For a bodybuilder, muscle mass is everything! But is it useful? So, let's figure it out.

What do bodybuilders suffer from?

In order to develop such muscles, a woman needs: genetic data, intensive long-term training, it is desirable to have an increased level of testosterone (male hormone). Most beefy women are elite professional bodybuilders, track and field athletes who have trained for years to achieve such a result.

Of course, there are those who additionally take androgens for an unnatural increase in muscle volume. What makes them increase the load and bring the body to a state of total masculinization, sacrificing their own health?

Scientists conducted studies and noted that among bodybuilders a mental illness called “muscle dysmorphia” is common.

This disease is inherent in both women and men. In this state, a person is constantly worried: have his muscles gone where? And did the torso look worse than 2-3 hours ago? Such thoughts make him/her not leave the gym at all or turn their entire home into a gym. The constant narcissism of the reflection in the mirror does not suit the worried bodybuilder at all.

Is bodybuilding dangerous?

Strength training more than five times a week poses a serious risk to women. Avid bodybuilders often suffer from eating disorders, a distorted perception of their own body, and complications caused by excessive use of steroid hormones.

Today, the truth of female bodybuilding is that female bodybuilders sit on the needle just like men. This is an easier way to build muscle. After all, without it, nothing shines in tournaments. But the hormones in women's bodies and souls cause more severe and irreversible symptoms of masculinity. Muscles by themselves do not take away a woman's femininity. Femininity is taken away by steroids!

As steroids penetrated female bodybuilding, public interest in it fell. Today, beings come out on the podium, the gender of which is difficult to determine, if at all possible. With the exception of Linda Murray and Sue Price, who somehow managed to survive this battle for masculinity, the lines of participants were terrifying. Participants do not discuss the topic of “chemistry”, and go into a deaf refusal when such questions are asked. Since this topic is quite painful for them, and no one will ever understand what happens to the brains of a woman when she gradually turns into a man.

Significant harm to a woman's health causes testosterone. Normally, this sex hormone is produced in small quantities. In minidoses, getting into the blood, the hormone stimulates muscle growth, improves regenerative processes in tissues, reduces the effects of osteoporosis, speeds up metabolism, and does not have a bad effect on the body.

But everything is good in moderation, however, abuse of steroid hormones is typical for female athletes. Equine doses of synthetic analogues cause suppression of the production of female sex hormones, moreover, they have effects that do not at all improve the appearance of a woman.

Side effects of bodybuilding in women

Among the many side effects:

1. skin defects, a huge amount of red pimples appear on the face, scientifically called acne, the skin becomes dry, pimply, with strings of veins on swollen muscles

2. hirsutism or increased hair growth on the body and face is an irreversible effect of steroids. Hair breaks out on the chin, on the upper lip, arms, legs, and even on the chest. And in the crotch, they grow just crazy! Depilation will have to be done, almost daily, for the rest of your life.

3. hair loss and deterioration of the hair structure on the head

4. stretching of the abdominal wall: steroids irritate the intestines, resulting in constipation, accumulation of gas, fluids. The stomach sticks out forward, and to hide it, you must constantly strain the press. Pathological weakening of the internal corset, stretching of the abdominal wall, training with a load lead to rectal prolapse and hemorrhoids

5. a sharp increase in the smell of sweat: testosterone affects the sweat glands, the composition changes and the secretion of sweat increases, the smell becomes unpleasant, striking, like a man after a long active workout

6. aggressiveness and psychological imbalance: testosterone makes a bodybuilder simply uncontrollable. She will yell, make trouble, wave her hands with or without

7. sexual aggression and increased sexual activity: the bodybuilder wants complete animal satisfaction immediately, right where the physical desire came over her, and this is several or more times a day. And it will be quite burdensome for a partner to perform male duties several times a day. And it is very unusual and many feel uncomfortable if the partner expresses her emotions with a male baritone (and if the neighbors are listening?!)

9. enlargement of the clitoris (an irreversible process) to an unnatural size, and in a state of excitement, the clitoris grows even more, almost like a small penis during an erection. Seeing a woman like this is not a sight for the faint of heart! Bodybuilders say that thanks to this acquisition, they experience a deeper orgasm, and sometimes the sensitivity increases so much that climbing stairs in tight jeans becomes a problem due to unbearable excitement. And it's forever!!!

10. increased vaginal secretion: vaginal discharge, which becomes abundant only at the moment of the highest sexual arousal, in "steroid" bodybuilders occurs continuously, creating a lot of problems. This is not a disease or infection, but simply a physiological disorder that stops with the cessation of steroids.

11. amenorrhea (lack of menstruation)

12. ovarian sclerocystosis, followed by infertility. The ovaries, as if hiding from male hormones, are covered with a dense capsule

13. liver damage, increased blood pressure and other disorders of cardio-vascular system.

Now it is not surprising that many professional bodybuilders are lonely. Where is the man who will put up with all this?

The effect of steroids on the male body

Alopecia (baldness) occurs, blood pressure rises, the functions of the cardiovascular system and liver are disturbed, growth in adolescents slows down, gynecomastia (“bitch boobs”) appears, progresses, if any, a tumor of the prostate gland - “a man’s heart”.

With an increased intake of testosterone from the outside into the body, the production of your own male hormones slows down. Regulatory endocrine centers suppress the secretion of testosterone in the testicles. If the "excess" of steroids coming "from outside" continues, the effect endocrine system on the testicles increases, and they atrophy as "unnecessary", that is, they decrease in size and cease to function as an important male organ.

In addition, the body seeks to get rid of excess testosterone by converting it into female sex hormones. This leads to an increase and swelling of the mammary glands - gynecomastia, and to many other troubles.

Not all steroids cause such side effects, but in higher doses, of course, everything. Those who started taking “soft” anabolics first (such as deca and primo), then, as a rule, switch to more rigid and dangerous to health cycles of anadrol and testosterone. These drugs cause psychological dependence, just like drugs. And the desire to stay "on the needle" to grow further can be overwhelming. Many simply never get rid of it.

We found out why masculinization arises, why they grow beyond short term big muscles and saw the problem of taking steroids even deeper. If you do, then stop before it's too late!

Bodybuilding is wonderful and very useful view sport, the purpose of which is to make your body worthy of your spirit. This is one way to keep yourself in good physical shape. And you choose how strong, beautiful, fit you want to become. Come up with your own ideal and strive for it, and “healthy” bodybuilding is an excellent ally for you in this!!!

Maria Lushnikova, based on materials from the site

The fight against unwanted vegetation on the body and face is difficult, but not hopeless! Can you imagine how you would look after your appearance if you lived about two thousand years ago? Difficult task, isn't it? Industrial production...

The fight against unwanted vegetation on the body and face is difficult, but not hopeless! Can you imagine how you would look after your appearance if you lived about two thousand years ago? Difficult task, isn't it? There is no industrial production of cosmetics yet, there are no beauty salons with ultra-efficient equipment, and each component of modern multi-component creams then lived its own separate life.

How did our ancestors get out of the situation?

At home Olympic Games, in Greece, and in ancient Rome, the cult of health reigned. To keep good physical form the ancient Romans and Greeks sought by all available means. Men and women spent a lot of time in the so-called terms - analogues of modern sports clubs. They necessarily had a gym, locker rooms, swimming pools, cold and hot baths. And, of course, the hall where the massage, now called classical, was done. Cleopatra's famous milk baths in those days did not surprise anyone, since washing with donkey milk, but using it, was considered an expensive, but natural pleasure. Glass mirrors were not yet made, and their function was performed by polished copper and iron plates. Of course, it was impossible to see wrinkles and small skin defects in them. Thermal wraps were performed using hot sand and reed luboks. Aesculapius, otherwise - doctors, prescribed hot sea and sulfur baths. Women of the past used lead white, antimony, lead shine, malachite, antimony sulfide as blush and shadows. All this was laid out in various glass jars and bottles. Perfumes were liquid, oil-based, and were used for ointments.

However, no matter how imperfect the cosmetology of those times was, the ancient world already knew about epilation. And it was not only a female privilege. Men, including ancient Roman emperors, plucked their body hair with tweezers. For example, the emperor Augustus, to soften the hair on his legs, burned the caviar with a red-hot walnut shell. Men sometimes rubbed their faces with soaked bread to keep their beards from growing.

Well, how are things going with such an urgent problem for many as hair removal today?

From a medical point of view, the process of hair removal means two actions: epilation and depilation. The word epilation comes from the Latin language (from e (x) out, out + pilus hair) and means removal unwanted hair different ways for a long period. There is also the term depilation, which means short-term hair removal, mainly by mechanical means.

DEPILATION includes: 1. Hair removal by shaving.2. Plucking.3. Chemical depilators (depilatory creams) .4. Bioepilators (various waxes and resins).

EPILATION is divided into: 1. Electrolysis (electrolysis).2. Laser hair removal.3. Photoepilation. Despite the fact that these two terms (epilation and depilation) imply processes that are different in nature and effectiveness, this division is rather theoretical, and the term “depilation” is almost never used today, it has practically been replaced by the term “epilation”.


Shaving is the easiest and cheapest way that does not require any special conditions. For best results, it is recommended to use special means for shaving, which soften the hair, make it more razor-friendly and at the same time protect the skin from damage. It is good to know that shaving hair in no way affects its growth rate, color and quality. In this case, only the visible part of the hair is removed, while the root remains intact and functions normally.

The disadvantages of the procedure are ingrown hairs, the occurrence of inflammation around the mouths of the hairs, cuts, hyperpigmentation at the site of the previous inflammation. In order for all these phenomena to occur less frequently, it is advisable to use special aftershave products manufactured by many companies.


This procedure also does not require any financial investment, you only need tweezers. It is produced only on small areas of the skin of the face or torso. The first procedure may seem very painful. As the main type of hair removal (armpits, bikini area) is used mainly in the countries of the East and Asia. positive moment- hair grows back more slowly, as it is removed along with the root, and after a few years of regular procedures, it stops growing due to the depletion of the growth zone of the roots.

WAX DEPILATION (epilation)

One of the most common ways to deal with excess hair. This method is quite effective, relatively inexpensive, and gives good cosmetic results. You can apply it both on limited areas (upper and lower lip, chin) and on large areas (arms, legs, etc.). For the preparation of waxes, natural and artificial substances are used, the depilation method depends on the properties of the final composition: hot - warm - cold ...

Hot method - made on the basis of pine resin or petroleum products. The wax is heated to a liquid state for 30 minutes and applied in a thin layer to the skin. After the wax has cooled on the skin, a solid mass is formed, which is removed by hand. During the procedure, the skin warms up, the pores open, and the hair is easily removed. Use this type of depilation for surfaces with thick and coarse hair. The disadvantages of this method are that there is a risk of burns. Warm wax is also made from pine resin, but with the addition of bee products to create a softer consistency. It also heats up, but to a semi-liquid state, so it does not form such a hard film and has less adhesion to the skin. It is removed with paper strips. Warm wax can be used on any area of ​​the face and body.

The cold method is mainly used to remove thin, delicate hairs or to eliminate hair that is just starting to grow back after a previous depilation. These are ready-made cotton strips of industrial production, with wax pre-applied to them. The wax has the consistency of thick honey.

For any type of depilation, you need to use the so-called skin care products: before the procedure - degreasing preparations, for better wax adhesion; after it - soothing and anti-inflammatory compounds.


The mechanism of action is to destroy the hair shaft as a result of a chemical reaction between the hair protein and the active ingredient of the cream. As a result of this procedure, hair can also grow in, causing inflammation, and the depilatory cream itself can become a source of allergies.


The essence of this method is as follows: a very thin electrode (comparable in thickness to a hair) is inserted into the mouth of the hair follicle (sac), so that it runs parallel to the hair, and a constant electric current is applied. As a result of the action of the current, a chemical reaction is caused by the splitting of water and the formation of alkali, which destroys the hair. Hair with a destroyed root is removed with tweezers. It takes about one minute to process each hair. The procedure is painful, it is processed in one session a small amount of hair. Therefore, to achieve a noticeable effect, a large number of sessions are required.

With all the seeming simplicity of execution, the operation of electrolysis has its negative sides. If too much current is passed through or for too long, destruction of the surrounding tissues can occur, which leads to the formation of scars in the future. Most of these events occur in the area upper lip. If the needle did not hit the area of ​​the hair papilla (follicle) or not enough current was passed, then the hair is removed with difficulty and quickly grows back.

There is another hair removal method called the blend method, based on a combination of electrolysis and thermolysis, thermal destruction (coagulation) of the hair under the influence of high-frequency alternating current. The time of such a procedure is reduced due to increased efficiency.

However, in addition to the side effects of electrolysis listed above, this procedure is accompanied by severe soreness, which reaches such strength that local anesthesia is required. At the same time, according to some reports, in patients who underwent procedures in the area of ​​the upper and lower extremities, accompanied by local anesthesia, there was an increase in hair growth in these areas.

Contraindications for electrolysis: some forms of hepatitis, intolerance to metal alloys that make up the needles (gold, nickel), dental pins, trauma endoprostheses, intrauterine devices, implantation of gold threads


Along with photoepilation today, these are the two most modern and effective methods hair removal. The initial attempts to remove hair using a ruby ​​laser were made back in the 60s of the last century. The first laser hair removal system was developed in 1981 in the USA, at Michigan State University. But the industrial production of systems for laser hair removal began only in the 90s, which means that at present systems for long-term hair removal are still in the development stage, and there are no results of long-term, long-term observations of their effectiveness and safety.

Photo and laser hair removal are light methods of hair removal. They are based on the principle of selective photothermolysis. Light radiation is selectively absorbed by the part of the hair containing the natural pigment (melanin), the light energy is converted into thermal energy, and the hair follicle is destroyed due to the thermal effect created without significant damage to the surrounding tissues. When passing through biological tissues, light creates many other effects, but thermal is predominant.

Photoepilators are wide-pulse light sources, generators of high-energy pulsed light. Laser epilators are mainly ruby ​​lasers that generate red radiation. The advantage of light (laser and photo) hair removal over other types of hair removal and depilation is that it does not violate the integrity of the skin, and also processes a large group of hair in one flash. In addition, there is practically no pain effect.

Before starting light hair removal, it is necessary to consult with gynecologists-endocrinologists, since excessive hair growth can be caused by a hormonal imbalance. Endocrinological treatment alone can slow down or stop excessive hair growth and increase the effectiveness of photoepilation. The best results with ruby ​​laser procedures are achieved in patients with very fair skin and thin (vellus) hair. On coarse hair, a long-term cosmetic effect is not observed. For such patients, there is photoepilation. Its necessary conditions are the presence of thick hair and almost any combination of skin color. On average, 6 to 8 procedures are required per course.

The positive effects observed even after the first photoepilation procedures are hair thinning, replacement of hard hair with vellus, and a decrease in their density. After changing the quality of the hair, it is possible to switch from photoepilation to laser hair removal.

Like any medical method of exposure, light hair removal has its own contraindications: pregnancy, acute and chronic skin diseases, varicose veins (in the area of ​​the procedure), herpes in the acute stage, the presence of keloid scars, oncological diseases, increased sensitivity to sunlight.

SIDE EFFECTS OF PHOTO AND LASER EPILATION: discoloration (pigmentation) of the skin, in the form of dark spots or spots lighter than the surrounding skin; redness and swelling of the skin at the site of exposure, usually transient; peeling; burns, up to the formation of blisters, and then, in their place, scarring. However, all these side effects are extremely rare, and the effectiveness of these procedures surpasses all expectations. Light will really become your friend and help you achieve perfectly smooth and clear skin. best practices scientists have not yet come up with a fight against excess hair.

Removing body hair can be a time-consuming process that requires constant and regular maintenance to achieve the desired result. This process may not be completely painless, and it can also lead to rashes, cuts, or ingrown hairs. In addition, the cost of hair removal can be significant if you go to a professional on a regular basis. So why do athletes put up with these imperfections to get rid of unwanted body hair? The reasons can be quite interesting and depend on the sport of each athlete. Let's explore further!


Of course, professional athletes will always look for the smallest detail to gain any advantage over a competitor! It turns out that they wouldn't hesitate to remove their body hair if they felt they could improve their athletic performance - swimmers and cyclists come to mind here.

Other factors may be more psychological! Who would not want to confuse the opponent's head even before the start of the competition, stand out with pumped up muscles, clearly demonstrating the painful hours spent in the gym, in the water, on the track, etc. Athletes are known to be extremely fragile, so any seed of doubt planted in their minds can be crucial in improving their own performance.

In the beginning, "improvement" may only be in your own mind, but in the end it can bring real results!

Swimmers were among the first athletes to get waxed. In their case, there is actual evidence of improved athletic performance - a study conducted by the American College of Sports Medicine. The study analyzed the results of depilated swimmers with a control group in the pool. During the 400-yard breaststroke, hairless athletes experienced a decrease in blood lactate, a decrease in blood oxygen (VO2), and an increase in stroke length at 90% effort. V Lately special high-tech suits have been developed for this, but most are banned from professional competition due to their effectiveness. Therefore, swimmers choose suitable hair removal methods for themselves.


It has long been known that cyclists initially removed hair on their legs, and later on their arms and body. In this case, an increase in the level of athletic performance is not proven by any specific research in this area, so there are probably other good reasons. Why do athletes of this sport do it? The most likely cause is a decrease in the rash on the body, and since accidents are common here, smooth skin plays important role in the process of cleansing and healing wounds, cuts and abrasions. As with many other athletes, deep muscle massage is essential for top cyclists – smooth, hair-free skin certainly helps to minimize pain and get the most out of the massage.

Anyone who has watched cycling hasn't overlooked the tight-fitting Lycra garments riders wear. Tight-fitting clothing that athletes wear for hours, even at very high temperatures, is not the ideal solution for preventing chafing in some of the most sensitive areas of the body, until friction is reduced by removing body hair!


Supporters of this sport have long preferred to completely remove all hair from their bodies! In this case, purely for aesthetic reasons: to show off the relief muscles, combined with the abundant use of artificial tan and the visual result of sports diets.


Football players, rugby players, tennis players, now triathletes, and many more athletes have succumbed to the need to remove body hair for the above reasons!

Let's look at the main hair removal methods that athletes use, including their pros and cons.

Perhaps this is the "easiest" and most common method of hair removal. This is a very short-term solution to this problem, which is not quite suitable for professional athletes.

  • you can do it yourself at home using a shaving machine or an electric razor;
  • it is cheap.
  • hair is cut off only on the surface of the skin, and after a day or two you will see and feel the bristles;
  • shaving is necessary every few days to achieve smooth skin;
  • ingrown hairs can become a problem, even leading to folliculitis (inflammation of hair follicles, red spots, etc.);
  • if folliculitis occurs in the groin area, this may cause the athlete to refuse to participate in training or competition until the problem is corrected;
  • red spots on the skin are disgusting.


This method of hair removal involves the use of chemical compounds that are applied and left on the skin for a period of time, typically three to 15 minutes. The chemical composition literally melts the hair.

  • affordable price;
  • you can try to make a cream at home, but not without help;
  • a small amount of ingrown hairs.
  • this method cannot be called pure;
  • chemicals can damage the skin, negative reactions, burns are possible;
  • The groin area is a very sensitive area, so if this method works on the legs, then it may not work for such a sensitive area.


This method is effective for removing a large number hair at a time. Warm and hot wax is used to remove hair, depending on the area to be depilated. Hot wax is more suitable for the most sensitive areas, while warm wax is more suitable for removing hair from voluminous areas of the body, such as legs, arms or back.

  • since the hair is removed at the root, the overall result will last much longer than after shaving. Hair growth may not appear until about 10 days after the procedure, but for some, a good result can last from four to eight weeks;
  • best results are achieved when the procedure is carried out by experienced professionals;
  • the likelihood of ingrown hairs is minimized;
  • most professional athletes do waxing of the intimate area;
  • it is possible to carry out the procedure yourself at home, but assistance may be needed;
  • some people find that hair grows thinner after epilation;
  • some believe that the procedure is quite painful;
  • wax may be too hot and damage the skin (this can happen if the procedure is performed independently or by an inexperienced specialist);
  • possible skin irritation from wax (allergic reaction);
  • the type of wax may be incorrectly selected to treat the most sensitive areas (in cases of contacting an unprofessional master or performing the procedure at home);
  • the appearance of a feeling of embarrassment during deep epilation of the intimate area;
  • not all professionals have enough experience to conduct deep hair removal in men;
  • epilation costs may rise over time due to the need for regular treatments, possibly over many years;
  • to achieve maximum results from the procedure, the hair must be of a certain length so that the wax picks it up and removes it from the body (if you used a razor, then at least four weeks must pass before the first depilation session).


This is a method of hair removal that destroys hair follicles using laser radiation (single wavelength light with high directivity and high energy density).

  • this procedure may result in a permanent reduction in hair growth, but only using certain FDA-approved lasers (eg, Ecolite IPL, LGBG);
  • if the procedure is carried out successfully, up to 80 percent hair reduction occurs;
  • lack of red spots on the skin;
  • spend less time than on hair removal by various methods at home;
  • absence of ingrown hairs and infections in the groin area;
  • this method of hair removal can be cost effective in the long run.
  • this is the most expensive hair removal method compared to the other methods already mentioned;
  • the procedure is painful;
  • the appearance of discomfort during the procedure, when the technician works with the laser;
  • if the laser is not properly adjusted, it may not be effective in removing hair or burn the skin;
  • laser hair removal may not show an effective result on blond, red and gray hair;
  • laser hair removal may also not show an effective result on very dark or tanned skin;
  • it may be necessary to carry out additional procedures, once or twice a year, to maintain the desired effect.

In conclusion, we can say that the above mentioned methods of hair removal are the most common - it is not surprising that women use these methods regularly, choosing the most convenient for themselves. Now, it's almost no wonder that men, especially athletes, use them regularly as well! Some for sporting reasons, and some to pamper their vanity!