
Mini-museum “Time. Lesson summary. Clock. How to find out the time. plan-summary of the lesson on the topic On the topic: "Who and how counts the time"


Purpose of creation. Formation of the idea of ​​the museum in children, the development of speech of preschoolers. The development of interest in the concept of "time" through separate Interesting Facts and information about different ways and measuring instruments, time recording. Introducing children to the history of the watch, different kinds hours. Acquaintance with the history of the calendar, different types of calendars.
How to arrange. The museum is located on the central wall group room... The exhibits are located on the wall and on a small shelf.

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Perspective work plan of the mini-museum "Vremya"

Sections and exhibits.

Section "Nature's Clock". This section contains the following:

- the sun (picture, toy, applique). Initially, while man had not yet invented watches, nature itself helped him to navigate in time. The sun can be called the first clock. Many people wake up and start their day with the first rays of the sun. In ancient times, they even agreed on some business, focusing on the position of the sun. For example, in the old days, a mother could punish children: “Take a walk, but as soon as the sun is at its zenith (at the highest point), come to dinner. And when the sun touches the top of the forest, bring the cow from the pasture. "
- cockerel (toy). When ancient man began to tame animals, he got another assistant in time orientation - a rooster. The man noticed that the cockerel sings in the mornings and evenings at about the same time. Yes, not just once, but three. The first time the rooster began to scream, when the sun had not yet appeared, but only released the first ray. It was with the first crow of the rooster that the hostesses got up to milk the cows and drive them out to the pasture. Helped the cockerel and arrange a meeting. For example, they said: “Tomorrow we will go to the forest to pick mushrooms and berries. And we will meet outside the outskirts after the third roosters. "
Section "Clock of Ancient Times". This section contains
hourglass... The first hourglass appeared when people learned to make transparent glass (Western Europe, XII century). at such hours, a certain amount of sand was poured, for example, for 1 minute, for 5 minutes, for 1 hour. When the sand poured from the top to the bottom, the watch turned over.
- model of a sundial. The man noticed: the sun goes across the sky, and the shadow of some peg moves with the sun. So the sun prompted a man that a sundial could be made. The ancients divided the space around the peg into equal intervals and named the time it takes for a shadow to travel from one mark to another as an hour. The sundial had a dial with numbers from 1 to 12, just like modern watches. Why did the ancient people divide the solar circle into 12 parts, and not 10? The fact is that in those times, the count was not based on tens, but on the basis of the number 12. And why on the basis of the number 12? Until now, no one can answer this question. The sun goes across the sky, the shadow follows the sun, time shows. The sundial did not work at night and on cloudy days. People made modern clocks similar to sundials, with the same divisions.
Water clock model. Such watches were used in Ancient Greece in courts, this clock measured the time it took for a party to a dispute to make a speech. If a simple question was being decided, for example, who owned the goat, the judge poured water into the bowl (“winding the clock”) and invited one of the disputants to make a speech in his own defense. The phrase "your time is up" means the end of the speech. It still exists in our speech.
Making a water clock.
A water clock model can be made from plastic bottle(1.5 l). cut off upper part bottles and make a hole in the cork - pierce with an awl. Water is poured into the upper vessel with a small hole at the bottom. Marks are made on the vessel: how much water has poured out. So much time has passed.
- a model of a fire clock. A special candle was invented in Spain. Along its entire length there are 24 divisions (the number of hours in a day). Burning out, the candle decreased in 1 hour by one division. A servant who watched the clock - a candle, reporting to the king: "Your Majesty, one hour has passed!"

Section "Modern watches". This section contains the following: wall clock with weights, with a pendulum, wall clock on batteries, alarm clock, electronic clock, pocket watch, Wrist Watch(women, men and children).

Section "Calendars of the current year". In this section there are tear-off, loose-leaf calendars and a poster calendar. With the help of calendars, longer time periods are measured and recorded - week, month, year. A calendar is a list of days of the year. And there are a lot of days in a year. This is clearly seen in the example of a tear-off calendar, look how thick it is.
People divided all the days of the year into months, there are 12 of them. The birthplace of the calendar is Ancient Egypt... The Egyptians needed to know in advance when the Nile River would flood. By the day the Nile flooded, they were cleaning canals, repairing dams that trapped water in their fields. If the waters of the Nile are not retained, they will drain into the seas and the entire harvest will perish in the sultry African summer.
The Egyptians noticed that after the shortest night, before dawn, a bright star called Sirius always appears in the sky. It was on this day that the flooding of the Nile began. The Egyptians calculated: 365 days from one appearance of the star Sirius to another. (exactly how many days a year). All days were divided into 12 parts, 30 days each, and the remaining 5 days were placed as at the end of the year. This is how the first calendar was born.

Summary of the lesson "What do we know about watches"
(senior preschool age)
Purpose: to acquaint children with the history of watches, their varieties; learn to navigate in time by the clock (accurate to the hour).
Material: museum exhibits, pictures "Regime moments", watch models for each child.

Course of the lesson
1. Introductory remarks.
Children, I will guess a riddle, and you try to guess it.
I have no legs, but I walk
There is no mouth, but I will say
When to sleep, when to get up
When to start work.
2. The teacher's story about the watch.
- People did not always have watches. For a very, very long time, people did not have watches. Today I will tell you how the clock came about.
- The man noticed: the sun goes across the sky, and the shadow of a peg moves with the sun. So the sun prompted a person to create a sundial. People divided the space around the peg into equal intervals and called the time it takes for the shadow to travel from one mark to another - an hour. The sundial had a dial with numbers from 1 to 12, like a modern watch. People made modern clocks similar to sundials, with the same divisions. There are many types of watches now. I think that you yourself can tell about them.
In our house, the clock hangs on the wall.
At our dacha there is a clock that looks like a house. Every hour a cuckoo looks out of the window and shouts: "Ku - ku!"
And we have a watch without hands. There the numbers are blinking. They are called "electronic".
Grandma has a clock with weights. They hang on chains. They have such a thing that swings like a swing, called "Pendulum".
My dad has a watch that he puts on his wrist.
We have an alarm clock at home.
Well done. Guys, you told so many interesting things! Now we will play with you.
3. The game "Arrows go in a circle".
Cards with numbers from 1 to 12 are laid out in a circle on the floor. Children stand near the cards. The teacher stands in the center. All together recite a poem.
We are the clock, our course is precise,
The arrows lead a round dance.
Arrows go in a circle
And they want to catch up with each other.
(Children walk in circles.)
Arrows, arrows, take your time
Tell us the time!
(Children squat in front of the nearest card).
Five hours! (Children should stand, sitting next to cards with numbers 5 and 12.)
The game is repeated several times.
4. Game "Show on the clock"
Children sit down.
We will now play another game. Listen to V. Berestov's poem "The Clock":
- Quarter to six!
Quarter to six!
Do you want to know the good news?
So what happened
Quarter to six?
What is such good news?
And the fact that I am myself
You see, ITSELF
I know how to recognize the clock by the clock.
- You, too, know how to tell the time by the clock. Now you will demonstrate this. You have clocks on your tables. I have pictures depicting different moments of the daily routine: exercises, classes, a walk, lunch, games. I will tell you at what time it happens. And you show this time on the clock.
We charge at 8 o'clock in the morning.
We start at 9 o'clock in the morning.
We go for a walk at 11 o'clock.
We will have lunch at 12 o'clock.
We get up after sleep at 3 o'clock in the afternoon.
Play on your own from 4 pm.
5. Outcome of the lesson.
- Today we learned how the clock appeared, shared our knowledge with others, showed that you can tell the time by the clock and played.

(L. I. Korelina)


integrated lesson on familiarization with others in the preparatory group for school. "Time travel" Target:- to consolidate and expand the knowledge of children about various types of watches, about the principle of their work and their role in human life. - to form temporary representations "past", "present", "future"; - to learn to determine the time by the clock. - to develop an interest in technology. - to consolidate the knowledge of children about the seasons, months and days of the week.
Tasks:- to teach clearly and consistently to express their thoughts; develop communication skills. -to develop observation, the ability to notice the features of objects, to consolidate the ability to draw different clocks; to educate independence, the ability to actively and creatively apply previously mastered methods of image in drawing; develop imagination, creativity. - develop play activities children; develop the ability to negotiate in joint activities with peers. - develop research interest and curiosity; -to teach children to identify causal relationships, develop creative imagination and logical thinking children;
Preliminary work: examining illustrations how people used to live, examining clocks, consolidating knowledge what kind of clocks there are, finger gymnastics reading fairy tales and poems about time.
Material: flashlight, template round shape, stick, hourglass, cut pictures, mechanical clock, crafts "clock", paints, plasticine, cards with numbers from 1 to 12.

Course of the lesson:- Guys, today the gnome Tik was supposed to come to our group - So and teach how to determine the time by the clock, but something he is late. Or maybe he's already here, but we don't see him. Let's search. (Children find a video letter) “Hello, dear guys! In my magical land of time, a disaster struck. A strong hurricane came and broke all watches. And now we cannot determine the time. " - What happened in the land of time? - Guys, what happens if all the clocks break? (slide) - Is there anything we can do for the gnome? - I suggest that you go on a journey along the river of time, but first, the first thing we need to do with you is to define: What is time? - Let's split into three subgroups. Now each subgroup has to answer a different question, but first you need to collect your clues. Work in subgroups. Children select pictures, clues to their questions I subgroup. Why does a person need to know the time? II subgroup. How do we know the time? III subgroup. How do we measure time? I subgr .: daily routine, sleep, play, food intake, etc .; II subgr .: clocks - wrist, wall, sand; calendars, etc .; III subgr. - watch hands, a whole tear-off calendar-To be able to hit the road, you need to go through several tests. Can you handle it? Remain in subgroups.
1 task. - Guys, name the seasons and pick up the picture on the table. - What time of year is it now? (Spring). - What words can describe spring? (warm, cheerful, good, sunny, ringing, brilliant ...) - What month is it now? (March). - How many months in a year? (12). - Name in order. - Name the spring months. - How many days in a week? (seven). - What day today? - Name the days of the week in order. - What parts of the day do you know? Show in the picture. - Name the parts of the day in order. Well done!

2 task Game "Name the neighbors". - You have pieces of paper on your table, a number is written on them, think and say the numbers next to it.
3 task - Now we will solve problems. Listen carefully. 1) “Seven tiny kittens that are given to them - they all eat, and one asks for sour cream. How many kittens? " (eight). - How did the number 8 come about? (add one to seven will be eight). (1 child works at the blackboard - writes the solution to problems). 2) “Four sheep lay on the grass, then two sheep ran home. Come on, tell me quickly: How many sheep are now? " (two). (four minus two equals two). (write the solution to the problems on the board and read it). 3) "Put the required sign"; 3 5; 6 4; 7 7.
Well done, guys, you have coped with all the difficult tasks, now let's go on a journey into the past hours, to visit different stages of their development. Do you agree? Psychological relief. I suggest the children will be comfortable, close their eyes. It is good and pleasant for us. We breathe fresh air and inhale its aroma, imagine how we admire the beauty winter forest, we go up under the fluffy clouds. The clouds are fluffy, soft like cotton wool. A light breeze is blowing and we are sinking lower and lower. And we are transported to the past. Well done, have a little rest?
- When did our ancestors live? - And where are we? - Where will we be tomorrow? - How do we get into the past? “But that's not all we need to know about time. What time consists of, the poem will help us to understand: The past is all that was,
No power in the world
Will not return everything back,
Time only goes forward.
What we see now is
Real for us
The future is what will be
And people do not know him.
- We fly by ship and find ourselves in the past. But you need to cast a spell: Closing the friendly circle In the past, we suddenly find ourselves! We will help the gnome: We can deliver the watch. - Look, it seems to me that we are in the past, in the old days. How can you guess? (slide) - Do you hear the rooster sing? What is he doing here? We are in the past hours. (slide) -A long time ago, people knew the time by a live clock. This clock walked importantly around the yard, flapping its wings and, flying up the fence, shouted: "Ku-ka-re-ku!" In the morning the rooster crowed and woke everyone up to work, and in the evening it crowed and people went to bed.

This is not a cellar, not a closet

The tulip does not grow behind him

There is a bright room there

There is a Russian girl there

There is both a stove and a chimney

This is Russian …….

Children: - Hut. (slide)

That's right guys! This is a riddle about a hut. And what is a hut? (This is a wooden house …… ..)

Who lived in the huts? (People, family …….)

Would you like to visit our ancestors? (Yes) Here we are now and find ourselves. (slide)

So people used to live, they built houses of wood, they were called huts, in the hut there was a canopy and an upper room. The canopy is the first small room in the hut (slide), the upper room is a large room in the hut, where people ate, children played. (Slide) And this is a Russian stove - "mother" - a symbol of completeness and well-being. The stove heats the hut, cooks food and bakes bread in it. (slide)

There is a cast iron on the stove. Cabbage soup and porridge are cooked in it. Since that time, the proverb has come to us - cabbage soup and porridge - our food.

Let's see some message has been conveyed to us (slide)

“Good health, dear guests! We are glad to see you in our hut. Our son Ivan goes to the forest for firewood. Mother collected a knapsack for him, in which she put a piece of black bread, poured spring water into the cupboard. Ivan got off the stove, took the knapsack and went. "

Guys, are all the words familiar to you? Have you guessed what a "tuyesok", "knapsack" is?

(Answers of children. The teacher complements: (slide) A knapsack is a bag that is carried over the shoulders, sometimes on a stick-staff, (slide) and a tuesok is a dish made of birch bark, in which honey or sour cream was kept in the old days).

Products were stored in cellars, in the bottom sections, and birch bark boxes. Subsek - a box for storing grain. (Slide)

Guys, what do we store our food in today? And what is good and what is bad about the refrigerator?

Some of the items that we use today have come to us from ancient times, although they have changed a lot. I suggest you play the game "Match a Pair". (slides)

Di. "Pick up a pair"


Bast shoes

Nib pen

Truck cart

Candle light bulb

Cast iron pan

Chest cabinet

Self-analysis of the lesson. The GCD for familiarization with the environment "Time Travel" was provided. Direction - cognitive and speech When planning, age characteristics were taken into account, preliminary work was carried out: - conversations on the history of clocks - didactic games - games - travel Purpose: to consolidate and expand children's knowledge about different types of clocks, about the principle of their work and the role in human life ... Objectives: - to develop research interest and curiosity; teach children to identify cause-and-effect relationships, develop creative imagination and logical thinking of children; to form temporary representations of "past", "present", "future"; learn to determine the time by the clock. - to teach clearly and consistently to express their thoughts; develop communication skills. - to develop observation, the ability to notice the features of objects, to consolidate the ability to draw different clocks; educate independence, develop imagination, creativity. - to develop the musicality of children. - to develop the play activities of children; to develop the ability to negotiate in joint activities with peers. - to develop an interest in technology. - to give children the opportunity to relax during the lesson, to avoid overwork and its consequences.
To solve the tasks I have used various methods and techniques. Methods: - visual (slideshow, demonstrative objects) - verbal (conversations, children's stories) - practical (experimentation, physical education) - games (didactic game "collect the picture", the game "arrows go in a circle") Techniques: - explanation, reminder , repetitions, generalizations, own answers, the perspective for the future was determined. The fulfillment of the tasks was also helped by leading questions, which pushed for independent statements, questions of a problem-search nature. During all educational activities, I consolidated the ability of children to listen to each other, activated the dictionary, supplemented, clarified. To motivate the children, a surprise moment was used - a letter from the gnome, which aroused interest and activated them for further work. Throughout the GCD, technical means were used. I have developed a multimedia presentation using Internet resources, as well as musical accompaniment. This structure GCD assumes mutual cooperation between children and the educator and is aimed at fulfilling the assigned tasks. Children got involved in different kinds activities that sustained interest throughout the GCD. During the GCD, I used physical education, a change of activities, which allowed the children not to be in a statistical position, to prevent children's fatigue. Reflection was carried out in the NOD, where it can be seen that the children liked to engage in this type of activity. I believe that I have succeeded in achieving my goals. Educational activities turned out bright, rich and interesting, since children like to provide help, therefore, a sense of responsibility develops, self-esteem rises.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

№ 145 "Kindergarten of general developmental type with priority implementation of activities in the artistic and aesthetic direction of development of pupils"

Lesson summary

"Clock. How to find out the time "



Natalia Semyonovna

Kemerovo 2014

The purpose of the lesson:

To acquaint with the concept of time, to teach the purpose of the minute, second, hour hands, to acquaint with different types of watches (electronic, mechanical).

Course of the lesson:

Tell a tale about the sentinels (E.V. Solovyova p. 110)

Our life goes by the clock. How to make an appointment? How not to miss your favorite TV show? Now it is quite simple to do this: look at the clock - and everything is in order, because every house has a clock.

When to go to bed and get up

When we start a game

When to sit down for a lesson

When there is a pie with raspberries,

The clock will show us exactly

You understand, learn them urgently,

So that when asked what time it is,

You could answer every time.

Consideration of the types of clocks: tower clocks on the street, wall clocks, table clocks, sand clocks (from the upper vessel, sand is poured onto lower vessel), wrist. All watches have a dial.

What is a dial?

The circle where the numbers stand

And in a circle, but in a circle,

Arrows go one after another (arrowheads).

Sometimes the numbers are also highlighted - these are digital dials, they are powered by electricity.

The numbers on the dial indicate hours - there are 12 of them on the dial.

In addition to the numbers, the dial has arrows - large and small

They follow the little arrow

Hours without getting tired

And for minutes, but for minutes

There is a big arrow.

The small hand shows the hours, while it moves from one digit to another, the large hand shows the minutes, manages to run the whole circle - an hour goes by.

When the big one stops at 12, the small one shows what time it is.

Small markers on the dial indicate minutes. Between two adjacent digits there are five of them, and in just one hour there are sixty of them.

If the big hand has covered the whole circle, an hour has passed, and if only half of the circle, then half an hour or 30 minutes has passed.

What is half an hour?

Like half a cake!

I ate half myself

Half ate someone.

If the big hand is on the number 3, then 15 minutes have passed, but we can say that a quarter of an hour has passed.

If the large hand points to the number 9, it means that there are 15 minutes left until the end of the hour, they say at fifteen minutes or a quarter of an hour.

What a quarter how disappointing

We do not understand this,

Quarter if half

We'll split it in half.

Night, morning, day, evening - all this is called the word day, they have 24 hours

but there are only 12 on the dial, so in a day the small hand goes around the circle 2 times:

the first circle is night and morning

the second circle is day and evening

The small hand ends the first circle of the dial at noon or at 12 noon, and then it continues the second circle.

In the afternoon, the clock continues until 24, so:

1 o'clock in the afternoon is 13

2 o'clock in the afternoon is 14

Questions for children.

Lesson summary

On the topic: "Who counts the time and how"

For kids senior group 5-6 years old

Prepared by the teacher

MBDOU "D \ S Sun"

Dobrovoltseva N.V.

Purpose: Train children to identify cause and effect relationships.

Program content: To acquaint children with the history of watches and their purpose. Arouse interest in the concept of time through some interesting facts and information: seasons, months, days of the week, parts of the day, about different methods and means of measuring, fixing time, appointment and function of the clock.

Develop the creative imagination and logical thinking of children.

To foster the ability and ability to save time.

Speech task: identify the names of clocks by their location (solar, sand, water, floor, wall, table, alarm clocks, electronic, wrist)

Individual work: arouse interest in the lesson in inactive children.

Material: pictures depicting a clock on a monitor.

Artistic word: poetry, physical education, proverb.

Course of the lesson

The teacher brings the children to the wall clock and asks questions:

What it is?

Why do you think we have a clock hanging in our group?

Who needs them in our group?

Why do people need them?

Why were they created?

You said everything correctly, the clock measures time.

What is time? Time has always been, it both runs and goes forward. The word time comes from the Russian word "twirl" ie twirl the time.

And tell me, were there always clocks or was there a time when there were no clocks?

Educator: there was a time when there were no hours.

How did people determine when to get up, when to go to bed?

They focused on the seasons, parts of the day (day-night)

Educator: That's right, people determined the time by the sun. The sun was rising and people were waking up; the sun was setting - we went to bed.

Think and tell me, when did they sleep longer - in summer or winter? - People slept longer in winter because the sun rises later in winter than in summer.


Did you know that the time can be determined accurately by the sun?

When the sun is shining, a shadow leaves the trees. The shadow is longer when the sun is just rising or when it is about to set below the horizon. This means that the shadow from the sun is longer, in the morning and in the evening, and in the afternoon it is shorter. A man woke up and saw a shadow from the sun.

How did he determine the time of day? - In the morning a shadow is on one side, in the evening on the other.

Educator: When a person noticed this property of the shadow, he invented a sundial (Picture display).

Do you think it was good for a person with such a watch?

What's wrong with this watch?

Why aren't we using them now? - This clock only worked when the sun was out. At night and in cloudy weather, they did not work.

What do you think, what kind of clock did the man come up with then?


Many years have passed since then,

And people understood the answer

As only sand, there is one

And god, and king, and lord.

Man invented the hourglass ( hourglass display).

What was good and bad about them?

Of course, this watch had to be turned over all the time. The hour that I showed you is designed for 1 minute. It is necessary to turn them over every 1 minute. Therefore, you cannot take them with you when you leave home.

Imagine what would happen if you take those hours to school?

Do you think 1 minute is a lot or a little? What can be done in 1 minute?

Now we will check if this is a lot - 1 minute.

Didactic game"Draw sticks in 1 minute"

Educator - how did each one get a different number of sticks?

Everyone has their own pace.

Physical minute:

Tick ​​tock, tick tock

All hours go like this.

Tick ​​tock, tick tock

Look quickly, what time is it?

Tick ​​tock, tick tock, tick tock

To the left - once, to the right - once,

We can also do this:

Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock.

Well, how? How long have we played?

The game "Silent woman"

Do you want another experiment?

You yourself agreed. I suggest that you be silent for exactly 1 minute.

Are we playing? - Yes!

Children are silent for exactly 1 minute while the sand is pouring.

And now 1 minute is a lot or a little? - lot.

Why do you think, when we played an outdoor game, time passes quickly, and when we just sat and were silent, time dragged on for a long time?

Educator: That's right, time drags on, when there is nothing to do, and when there are interesting things to do, time passes quickly. Therefore, there is such a proverb "Bored is the day until the evening, when there is nothing to do."

We continue to talk about watches. Oil was poured into the watch instead of sand (show oil clock), but such a clock did not show the time accurately.

Instead of a clock, they used a candle on which divisions were applied. The candle burned out, decreased in size and in divisions - it was possible to determine what time it was.

What do you think was wrong with this watch?

You said correctly. All these clocks - sundial, sand, oil - were not very comfortable, and the man came up with a simple mechanism. They made a large mechanism and hung it on a high tower. Every hour, this clock struck and people knew what time it was. But still, this watch was also uncomfortable. Why?

They were not visible from all houses. I had to go outside and see what time it was. And people came up with other watches, which ones? - which could be hung in every home.

Different clocks appeared.

What is the name of the clock that hangs on the wall? - Wall Clock.

Which are on the floor? - floor.

Which are on the table? - tabletop.

Which man wears on his arm? - wrist.

But they also have drawbacks. They need to be wound up often and the spring that is in them breaks. If you forget to wind this watch, it stops. Therefore, a person invented an electronic clock, it runs on batteries. This is a miracle watch. They can be set at the time that you need and they will give you a signal.

They say the clock is ticking

They say the clock is ticking

They are a little behind

We watched together

And the clock stands still


  • Clarification and expansion of the vocabulary on the topic (synonyms, verbs, adjectives).
  • Anchoring animate, inanimate objects (who? What?).
  • Formation of prefixed verbs.
  • Clarification and consolidation of generic concepts using pronouns and numerals.
  • Formation of the skill of drawing up simple sentences.
  • Consolidation of dialogical speech, taking into account intonational expressiveness.
  • Work on semantic meaning proverbs.


1. Organizing time

Good morning, smiling faces!
Good morning, animals and birds!
And everyone becomes kind, trusting -
May the good morning last until the evening!

2. - Good morning! The one who will say who woke him up today and how will sit down? (Answers of children).
- Who else can wake us up in the morning? (Sister, grandmother, dog, cat, parrot ...)
- A what can we wake up in the morning? (Alarm clock, radio, knocking on the door, noise of cars, rain ...)

3. Look out the window - morning is coming! How can we tell if it's morning? (The sky brightens, turns blue, the sun rises ...)
- Yes, since it is getting light (brightening), then it’s dawn.
- Do you agree if I designate the morning with this color? (I expose a blue screen)
- And what awaits you in the morning? (getting up, exercising, going to kindergarten, breakfast ...)

4. What comes after morning? (Day)
- How will it change on the street with the coming of the day?
- What color is better to define this time? (Yellow, orange).
- Yes, because bright sun floods everything around with its light!
- What are you doing during the day? (We play, study, have lunch, sleep, walk ...)
- Thank you sunshine. While it shines, we have time to do a lot of things.

5. Let's talk together now, what we know about the sun?

Rice. 2

The sun, like people - (walks)
Early in the morning it - (rises)
Important in the sky - (passes)
As a sentinel everything - (bypasses)
Then behind the cloud - (enters)
It will illuminate us - (finds)
Sleep at night - (leaves)
For us it is quite - (suitable)

- Which part of your answer changed, the first or the second? (First)
- Yes, we substituted only small particles at the beginning of the word, and they changed the meaning of the action. "Comes and goes" is not the same thing, guys?

6. So, our sun has gone and with it the day. How else do they say about the sun when it leaves? (Sits down, disappeared, fell asleep, rolled ...)
- It has sunk ... and sometimes we just say: "The sunset is coming."
- What comes with sunset? (Evening, the sky darkens, turns gray ...)
- What are you doing at this time? (gray screen) (Leaving kindergarten, walk a little more, have dinner, watch " Goodnight, kids ", getting ready for bed, going to bed).
7. And now, everything is in the grip of the night! I guess which screen you tell me to put on now. Quite right - black, because darkness sets in, night haze. At night all people ... (sleep, rest from the day at work)... This is how the day ends. Morning, afternoon, evening, night - day. Let's repeat and remember the proverb together: "Day and night - day away." Now listen to how Day and Night talked to each other:

- Hey, Night, what's your name?
- My name is Night.
- And what will they call you tomorrow?
- Tomorrow will also be called Night.
- And what was you called yesterday?
- Yesterday I was also called Night.
- Today my name is Thursday, tomorrow will be called Friday, and yesterday ...

- Guys, what did they call him yesterday? (Wednesday)... What days of the week do you still know? (Monday, Tuesday, Saturday, Sunday).
- How many days are there in the week? Please name them in order.
- Yes, it's about the days they say: "Equal for years, but different names."

8. So I look at our color screens, and something makes me sad. Is this how we see the sky in different time days? (No, there are stars, sun, moon, month ...)

Fig. 3

How many suns are there in the sky? - (one)
During the day it will light up - (it)
How many moons are there in the sky? - (one)
Rises in the evening - (she)
How many months? - (one)
Yes, and the month is high
Shines too - (lonely)
Well, and the stars, how many there are - (many)
Starry in the sky - (road)

9. Now take our circles-schemes, I'll check if all the guys distinguish between parts of the day (I call a riddle sentence, the children indicate with an arrow when this happens):

Fig. 4

- For breakfast, my mother cooked semolina porridge.
- A yellow moon peeped in through the window.
- Started my favorite program "Good night, kids."
- After lunch, the children went out for a walk.

- And now you come up with proposals, and I will try to guess when it happens.

10. So time goes around in a circle: morning, afternoon, evening, night. And the clock helps us to accurately determine the time - our helpers.

Fizminutka(musical accompaniment, action in a circle)

Rice. 5

They say the clock stands
They say the clock is ticking
They say the clock is in a hurry
They say the clock is running
They say the clock is flying
That is a little behind.
We all looked together
And the clock is hanging on the spot!

11. Guys, it is also customary to divide the year into 4 parts, 4 seasons. Name them (turn the circles-schemes): winter (white winch), spring (everything turns green), summer (red), autumn (golden).

- Attention, task! If spring is called the morning of the year, what will summer be? (In the afternoon). Autumn is evening. Winter is night.

Rice. 6

12. Let's fantasize: how are spring and morning alike? (Everything wakes up: both nature and people)... Summer and day? (The sun is shining brightly, everything is in action, in motion)... Autumn and evening? (Both nature and people are getting ready for bed)... Winter and night? (Everything is resting, sleeping).

13. And now everything that we talked about today, I will remind you in riddles (crossword puzzle):

Rice. 7

In the morning, it’s the way
Open your eyelashes
And it comes to you it
A pink firebird. (The sun)

Suddenly it gets dark - he will come:
Slim, embarrassed.
He will tiptoe in
As much lemon. (Month)

The deadline has passed, is floating she
In a veil of fog.
Chubby and sad
As if Nesmeyana. (Moon)

The sky suddenly turned pink
Quiet, quiet and timid
The sun is a red ray
What opened like a key? (Morning)

The sun shone brightly
The whole earth was gilded.
He shines and shines,
He does not order us to be lazy. (Day)

When Has the earth suddenly merged with the darkness?
And the moon with a star lit up in the sky? (At night)

Suddenly the grain fell apart - golden dots.
You look in the morning - nothing. What happened at night? (Stars)

In the clues from the highlighted letters, children should read the word "GOOD"

Fig. 8

- Yes, guys, you were great in class today! Wish you a good day!