
Do-it-yourself businessboard what you need to buy. How to make a business board for children - a master class in step-by-step tips and videos. With the help of a "smart" board, development occurs ...


Busyboard (eng. busy-busy and board- board), invented by the founder of one of them, is a useful and practical educational toy. It is a board on which the details of household items are placed. big size.

It does not matter at what age to use the product, it is intended for children 2-3 years old, but it may be of interest to one-year-old toddlers and preschoolers.

The cost of such products is high, sometimes reaching tens of thousands, but making a business board with your own hands is not difficult. A simple gaming option will cost quite inexpensively, because any of its components can be found at home.

From this article you will learn

What is needed to make

It is easy to imagine what a bodyboard is. The basis of the educational toy is a board or a small square or rectangular stand. Interesting models made in the form of houses or cubes. Any dense material with a thickness exceeding 0.5 cm is suitable for manufacturing: wood, fiberboard or chipboard, plastic, plywood. There should be no protruding parts on the surface so that the child does not get hurt.

The list of elements for creating a business board is huge. Requirements for subjects: they should arouse interest in the child, help him master the world in a safe format, develop logic, train hand motor skills. Another function of the development board is to teach how to use household items correctly. Most often, the standard set of parts includes:

  • Industrial fittings for doors: latches, hooks, hinges, push, fixed and rotary handles, different kinds locks, latches and hecks. Any small valve will do.
  • Electrical products: sockets, plugs, switches, small bulbs, toggle switches, terminals, LED elements, sockets, electric doorbell.
  • Furniture fittings: wheels, handles and decor.
  • Plumbing products: pipes, parts of valves.
  • Materials for sewing: spools, zippers with large teeth, fabric scraps, felt, laces, buttons.
  • Elements of leather goods: a magnetic clasp from an unnecessary bag, a button from a dad's briefcase, parts of a belt with a buckle or a bracelet from an old watch.
  • Spare parts from various mechanisms and electronic devices: calculator panels, clock faces, computer keyboard, telephone disk, remote controls, gear from a mechanical alarm clock, reflectors from a bicycle and other reflective elements, abacus, compasses.
  • Various rollers with a textured surface.

In the design of the business board, such improvised material is also used: a children's xylophone, parts of old shoes or bags with clasps or laces, hourglass, compass, large chains. The sound effect will be created by battery doorbells, bells, parts of electronic toys. The backlight will delight the baby; for this purpose, you can use battery-operated flashlights.

A business board can be made according to an individual project and include items found at home that will be of interest to the child. A place where you can get parts for a toy can be a department of accessories, electrical goods, a furniture store.

The main criterion for the selection of all elements is complete safety. It is advisable to choose sufficiently large and durable parts. All items are carefully fixed on the surface, the protruding parts are removed.

Thematic drawings will give individuality to the project, and letters, numbers and inscriptions will complement the content and serve as another educational function.

See what a masterpiece you can make if you really try:

Safety regulations

The main requirement is complete security. Children are very inventive, a baby of one year old may be interested in a shiny little thing, and he will make every effort to try it on his tooth. Therefore, carefully check whether the elements of the board are firmly fixed, especially those on which it rests. It is better to refuse unreliable details completely. Observe the following precautions:

  • Removable elements must be attached with a cord or a strong chain. Choose a short lace so that the baby does not get confused.
  • An important condition: if the set contains luminous parts, they must not work from the mains. The safest light bulbs are LEDs.
  • Details of a soft product are best sewn together and glued for reliability.
  • Hide batteries from sound and light parts in compartments located at the back of the board, closed with small screws.
  • No matter how safe a toy may seem, do not leave a child of any age to play unsupervised.

Step-by-step instruction

It is better to make a product according to a sketch or drawing. The main criteria for developing your own toy design are size and shape. The larger the playing surface, the more details can be placed on it, so it is more interesting for the child. Before filling the surface of the product with elements, think about a strong mount. If the base of the development board is heavy, it will be unsafe for the child.

Strong clamps or additional fastening on the reverse side will help to avoid injuries. If a wall board is supposed to be, it is better to make it non-removable. Decide on the place where you are going to hang the game board. A good option- double-sided plastic product: it is quite stable and light. You can use corrugated cardboard.

Making a development board at home consists of the following steps in stages:

Now it's time to invite the baby to the test. The child will quickly understand why an interesting gift is needed.

Watch a video tutorial on how to make a development board yourself step by step:

Ideas for boys

An inquisitive toddler will like the models of development boards made in the form of transport: a truck, a motor ship, a bus. On the surface, you can place images on a sports theme, pictures with animals, dinosaurs.


Place on game board toy instruments, real bolts and nuts, wrenches, plumbing parts, large and small gears.

Young Traveler

You can collect the following elements on the board: a compass, an hourglass, a steering wheel from a toy, a toy boot with lacing.


Stylize a business board in the form of a spacecraft dashboard with light bulbs, toggle switches and gears of different diameters.


A model that also contains wheels on which you can roll the toy.

Advice. Details of themed toy sets are quickly lost. By fixing them on a small board, you will solve the problem, get an educational toy and will not spend a lot of time cleaning.

See more options for master classes of business boards for boys:

Ideas for girls

A business board is a universal thing for children of both sexes, but a specially designed design will emphasize the individuality of the child. A game board for a girl can be painted in pleasant pastel shades of warm colors, decorated with images of princesses, flowers, animals, fairies.

Game boards designed for babies can be made in the following topics:

toy kitchen

On the plane, place hooks with miniature dishes: pans, cutting boards, cutlery. Complete with product images.


The content of the business board will be abacuses, any panels with buttons, a wallet or a lock from it, small items.

Beauty saloon

Place a mirror on the game panel, fasten the comb, hang rubber bands and hairpins, laces for learning to braid, jars from under cosmetics with screw cap.


For other details, add clothespins on a string, lacing and Velcro on a model of clothes or shoes. A beautiful button, a neat hook will do.

beautiful castle

Here's what you need for the model: geometric shapes, opening doors, windows. They can be colored in different colours.

Advice. Pictures for a business board can be cut from a piece of wallpaper, unnecessary books and children's magazines, use a stencil, a drawing of the baby himself, or buy store stickers. Paste a photo of the child and put his name on the surface. Such a product can safely be called nominal.

See more interesting ideas bodyboards for girls:

Other board options

Making a board in the form of a board is a classic solution. But if a small stand does not contain all the collected elements or there is a desire to classify them into categories, you can choose the following options:

Folding double-sided business board

The model has two work surfaces, each of which is designed in a specific theme. For example, on the front surface - furniture and door fittings, on reverse side- filling with sewing materials.


This educational toy will distract the baby for a long time. It is a large game cube, each side of which is equipped with various developmental details.


This option is made in the form of a house. It is interesting to play with him not only outside, but also inside.

mini board

This model has sides no longer than 50 cm. It is convenient to take it with you on the road or the clinic. It is not as functional as bodyboards. large sizes, but it has a cognitive effect: it develops both fine motor skills and logical thinking.

Soft business boards

A separate type of business boards is soft, made of felt and fabric. This is how their device looks like: rustling parts, Velcro, laces, buttons and buckles are sewn onto a dense base - kids play with such little things with pleasure.

The design of a toy can include a whole list: beads, ribbons, hooks, loops, rattles, applications and any other similar material. Individual elements can be linked independently.

It's a good idea to install it as a bumper in a crib or sew elements to decorative pillow. More options: a developing book or a rug.

You can make a homemade business board together with both parents. The wooden blank and the technical issue, the electrical circuit is the responsibility of the pope. Decorating and painting the product is my mother's task. Pasting over a toy with pictures or painting the edges can be entrusted to older children.

When the baby grows up, you can transfer the toy to Kindergarten. The use of such products in preschool educational institutions is a common practice and a great joy for kids.

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"Do not touch! It is forbidden! Dangerously!" How often do our children hear this? Of course, it is dangerous to touch the socket, play around with the door lock, bite the electrical wires ... But what if the child has his own adult "toys"? Moreover, there is no need to “reinvent the wheel”, because everything has already been invented: a business board is a smart toy that will introduce the child to household items-little things and distract from real “dangers”.

Busyboard - what is it?

Business board (busy board) - a development board (stand, module) with all kinds of buttons, switches, hecks, hooks and other small "dangers" that a child is usually forbidden to touch. In addition, the board can be complemented by toys or objects. different shapes, colors and textures: what you can touch, press, switch. All this must be securely fixed on the canvas of the board so that the game for the kids becomes safe.

These boards can be bought at toy stores, ordered online, or made on your own. Busyboards are very popular among parents and are very popular with children. And this is no accident.

The benefits of developing boards

Why are bodyboards becoming more and more popular? By purchasing such a “smart” board, parents realize several tasks at once:

  • developing;
  • educational;
  • educational

All according to the laws of pedagogy! And why? Yes, because the inspirer of this invention is the teacher and methodologist, the creator of the world-famous education system Maria Montessori.

Montessori Method

Who Maria Montessori is, for sure, every mother knows, who, while still waiting for the crumbs, re-read a mountain of literature, preparing to create an ideal environment for education at home. Montessori is the first Italian woman to become a doctor. For a long time she worked in a boarding school for mentally retarded children. There, her famous pedagogical theory was born, which very soon became a program adapted for classes with healthy children.
What is the essence of the Montessori method?
The child is here the best educator for yourself. The pace of development of each child is individual. The task of an adult is not learning per se, but following the rule “help me do it on my own”.

The development of motor skills and sensory skills, attention and thinking - this is what Montessori education methods are aimed at.

“Knowledge and skills obtained independently penetrate deeper into the consciousness and turn a person into a truly free person. By preventing children from performing the physical activities available to them, it is very easy to harm the growing people. Over-protection and over-help can interfere with the natural development of children's powers,” Montessori said.

According to the Montessori method for early development The child needs a special learning environment. The class (room) is divided into zones - practical, motor, educational and sensory - filled with thematic material. Household and household items are the best aids for understanding the world and reality. It is these benefits that make up the bodyboard as a whole.

Development of fine motor skills

Huge attention in classes with children of the nursery and preschool age should be given to the development of fine motor skills. Through the nerve endings at the fingertips, sensations are transmitted to the brain of the child. Children with developed motor skills speak earlier and are generally ahead of their peers in intellectual development.

How will a business board help kids?

Properly made, well thought out even at the “designing” stage, the business board has many small details that you can not only feel, but also perform certain actions with them: flip the switch, plug the plug into the outlet, press the buttons, latch the latch and so on. All this trains little fingers, and also teaches how to handle real analogues of these items in everyday life.

History of occurrence

How did the first development boards for children appear?

It is known that the prototype of the modern business board was made back in 1907 by Maria Montessori herself. The methodologist suggested placing on the training stand all sorts of improvised household items that the child will sooner or later encounter in practice.

Such stands were present in all classes where classes were held according to the known method. Today, this idea has been adopted by manufacturers of educational children's toys, and the industrial production of business boards is well established. On average, such a "smart" board can be bought in a store from 2000 rubles. The more complex the toy, the more devices it has and the brighter and more colorful - the higher its price.

At what age is a business board suitable for children

If you decide to give a business board to a child of 2-3 years old, then you will do right choice! And, having decided to please with a toy with a bunch of “forbidden” little things, a very tiny one, who has just learned to crawl, but is already actively interested in the work of sockets and switches, you will do it even more correctly.

Svetlana, mother of aged sons, 2 and 1 years old: “Grandfather made a development board for his eldest son, fixed old clocks, switches, a bicycle bell and other unnecessary little things on it. A youngest child, having barely learned to sit, he already enthusiastically pulled his hands to the toy, clicked, rang, knocked and squealed with happiness!

How younger age a baby who is allowed to play with everything that is “not allowed” - the sooner the child realizes the principle of operation of these things, and the less risk that he decides to play with real objects.

Do-it-yourself businessboard

You can save several thousand rubles and clean the pantry from unnecessary things by making a business board yourself. It will take only a couple of hours to do this, and how much joy it will bring new toy baby! How to make a business board on your own?

Dimensions, materials

You need to decide on the size based on how much free space is in the room where it is supposed to place the business board. It is also worth considering the age of the baby: a baby who is only crawling needs a small board with a couple of items (kids cannot play more than 2-3 toys at once). An older child can build a real stand that can be mounted on the wall or left mobile.

On average, the dimensions of a business board, convenient for children from 6 months to a year old, are 300x300 mm - 500x700 mm. Children from a year old can be offered a larger toy, but of such a size that the child, without leaving his place, can easily reach the desired object (on average, up to 1 m²).

It is better to make a business board from a natural board or a piece of thick plywood. It is not necessary to paint the future stand, it is better to leave it without paint at all, to process it with sandpaper so that the child does not plant a splinter.

For fastening, you can use glue and screws.


How to fill the board - tell the parental fantasy. First of all, you can start from the one for whom the board is being prepared - for a boy or a girl. Everything that is interesting to the child and safe can be used (no sharp and cutting objects, toxic materials, small, loose objects).

Business board for boys and girls

How to choose the right business board for boys and girls, because the interests of children with early age differ according to gender. What attracts girls and what boys, and how to take all this into account when choosing a business board?

For boys

What is the ideal bodyboard for boys?

All boys love to unscrew and screw something, assemble and disassemble. Boyish details can be attached to the board: large nuts and bolts, springs, latches, chains and door hooks, sockets, switches. Will look good:

  • steering wheel from baby car;
  • compass;
  • dial and hands from the clock;
  • telephone disk;
  • real water faucet;
  • small household scales (steelyard), where instead of a hook, fix the ring.

If desired, if dad is well versed in electrics, you can build in light bulbs, flashlights that will really turn on, receiving power from securely fastened batteries.

You can equip the board with opening doors that lock with real padlocks with keys or with a hook. You can keep a business board in a single theme, for example, in a marine one: a toy steering wheel, a bell, an anchor, a compass, pieces of ropes are suitable as filling. Or - in the car: fix the steering wheel, unnecessary speedometer, rear-view mirror, bolts, wrenches, etc.

The bodyboard must also match in color: it can be blue, cyan or a neutral color: natural wood, grey, green.

For girls

How to choose a business board for girls? The main colors that give out exactly a girl's toy are pink, light green, peach, pale lilac, golden; this can be the background itself or the predominant shade of the details.

How to equip a board for a girl? What she is interested in: beauty, needlework, household chores. Of course, sockets with plugs, locking mechanisms, watches, small abacus, a calculator keyboard are also suitable. And you can also attach all kinds of hooks, lacing, zippers, buttons, buttons, abacus. Surely every baby will be delighted with a paper doll that can be dressed and undressed. It’s only better to attach a doll made of thick cardboard or, even better, made of fiberboard. It will not be difficult to draw and carefully cut it out even for people who are far from artistic skill.

You can attach a real clothesline and hang a few clothespins; a small mirror will also come in handy; glued multi-colored envelopes for secrets, fake pigtails with hairpins and rubber bands, pendants and bells will look good. Girls can also be offered a business board in the style of a hairdresser: with mirrors, combs, tassels and brushes; or in the style of a store - with real small bills, a calculator, toy scales, etc.

Ideas for a business board

How to make a business board that will captivate a child for a long time? It is enough to show imagination - and it will turn out to create a real masterpiece.

You can experiment with the shape: instead of the usual rectangle - a circle, a polygon or a more refined shape - a house, a Christmas tree, a car. It will take a little more time to make a double-sided business board, which can be made in the manner of folding magnetic boards. The board with all kinds of doors, windows, photo frames looks unusual.

If you have artistic skills, you can paint a raw tree with different motifs, for example, turning it into a forest or a seabed, populating it with interesting inhabitants.

It will be interesting if you keep the business board in a single theme. For example, a retro business board with bills, a drum from a telephone, old switches and buttons.


There is no greater joy for a child than to play with objects that adults forbid him to touch for the sake of safety. But with a business board, saying “you can” instead of endless “you can’t” is easy. In addition, such a toy develops fine motor skills, sensory perception, logic and imagination of the baby.

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The older the child becomes, the more interesting it is for him to learn about the world around him. Constant curiosity, the desire to learn something new keeps parents in good shape, adding gray hair. The baby wants to explore everything: scissors, sharp objects and tools. In this case, a great solution for parents can be developing board, or business board, with your own hands do which is very simple. Our editors have prepared a special review for parents who dream of taking their baby useful toy and get at least half an hour of freedom.

V Lately many methods of raising children have been developed, and one of them belongs to Maria Montessori, an educator from Italy, a doctor of medical sciences. The principle of the theory is based on the independent activity of the baby, subject to complete freedom. All children begin the stage of growing up with the phrase “I myself”, this is what the wisest teacher took as a basis.

In her opinion, kids are able to learn everything on their own, for this they just need to organize the space. It is things, not people, that will help a child grow up. Within the framework of this theory, bodyboards were invented - developing boards for children, which we will talk about filling and making with our own hands in this article.

What is the benefit for the child, and at what age do you need a business board

Everything that surrounds the child and what he is so interested in can be fixed on the development board.

It is important! According to psychologists, it is necessary to develop a baby in game form, therefore, it is the business board that will perfectly cope with this task.

During the game, the child acquires the following skills:

  • develops fine motor skills during tactile contact;
  • patience develops, because it will not immediately turn out to open the latch or tie a shoelace. But since stubbornness is present in almost every child, they want to finish what they started and succeed;
  • logic - in order to light up, just press the switch;
  • learning new things - it is necessary to provide in the business board the ability to add.

The first do-it-yourself board for a boy can be made for 1 year, and as you grow older, upgrade the design.

This should be known! Parents should not interfere in the process according to the Montessori method, the child will independently learn to deal with objects.


What you need to pick up or buy to create a safe do-it-yourself board

You can, of course, buy a ready-made development board, but making it yourself is much more pleasant. And then only parents know what the child is interested in, and what subjects he will be interested in. The photo shows a step-by-step process for making a do-it-yourself business board for a boy.

To do this, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Prepare the base: a sheet of plywood or, their size depends on the age of the baby.
  2. If necessary, you need to sand the material well so that the child does not get hurt during the games.
  3. Next, cover the surface with varnish or water-based paint.

What tools and fasteners are needed

To create a do-it-yourself children's development board-board, you need to prepare the following tools:

  • drill;
  • or a set of screwdrivers;
  • wire cutters.


Ideas for making a do-it-yourself board for a girl

A girl's toy should be painted in the following shades:

  • pink;
  • peach;
  • pale lilac;
  • light green.

It is possible to perform the main background and some objects on the board in these shades. As a filling, we recommend using the following thematic instructions.

Subject Description
Beauty saloonFix pockets in which to put all the attributes of the salon: combs, hairpins, tassels, bright ones. You can also make a model of a pigtail with a bow or a soft doll, for which several wardrobes should be provided.
home cookMake a board in the form in which to place plates, cups, saucers, pans. Girls will surely be delighted with such filling.
LaundryFasten the rope with bright clothespins so that the girl can put the things of the dolls in order.
For the little onesYou can attach abacus, string lacing, toys with musical accompaniment, zippers, beautiful rattles.

It is interesting! A developing business board will look much more impressive if it is additionally decorated with drawings or applications.

bodyboard for girls

Ideas for making a do-it-yourself board for a boy

For a boy, a toy should be created with a focus on his age. From practice, it was noticed that the guys like forbidden items more. To make a business board with your own hands, you need to buy:

  • for boys, as well as for girls, it is desirable to create a thematic board, for example, in the form of a ship, a watchmaker's workshop or a car mechanic;
  • lock, bolts, switches - boys of any age like it;
  • they will be delighted with the opportunity to unscrew the nuts, rotate the disk from the old phone, play with the dial;
  • you can fix the steering wheel from the car and install a bicycle bell, the child will feel like a racer;
  • they like to open fixed locks;
  • you can complicate the design with doors that are locked with locks or latches;
  • of great interest will be a battery-operated flashlight, a compass, a speedometer, all kinds of hooks, locks, you can add a piece of rope.

bodyboard for boys

How to make a do-it-yourself business board for a child

You can make a business board with your own hands, it's not difficult at all, and fill it with those items that will really interest the baby.

Creating a bodyboard sketch

We offer step by step to make a do-it-yourself business board for a boy. First you need to decide what form the future design will have. If it is made for a baby, you can take a sheet of a small size. As a material, plywood with a thickness of at least 10 mm is suitable, which must first be sanded to a state of perfect smoothness, or a furniture board. At the stage of creating a sketch, you need to show a little imagination: the development can be made not only in the form of a rectangle or square, but also in the form of any geometric figure, as well as in the form of a car, ship, tree or robot.

Preparing the board and items for equipment

The board can be covered with two layers of varnish or bright water-based paint. Then, after drying, it is necessary to place all objects without fixing. If necessary, their location can be adjusted.

In our master class, an arrangement in the form of the palm of a hand was chosen, 6 fragments were installed around the perimeter, loops, as well as a socket, a switch, wheels and a handle, will be fixed on them. You can think of options with opening doors, for this, cut a square with a jigsaw, which is subsequently fixed to the hinges.

Surface decoration

You can leave the surface of a natural color, but the child is much more interested if the business board is brightly colored. Subsequently, it will be easier for the baby to remember the name of the shades, tying them to a specific subject.

The following items are suitable as filling:

  • lacing;
  • switches, sockets and plug for a socket;
  • zippers, fasteners, Velcro;
  • doors with locks;
  • hand massagers;
  • bike bell;
  • a jar with a twist-off lid;
  • locks, latches, handles;
  • roulettes, rollers, fishing reels.

And this is not a complete list of content. The main thing when choosing is, in no case should the child get injured in the game.

Fastening elements

We fasten the elements with a screwdriver and self-tapping screws:

Illustration Description

First you need to screw the loops to the blanks, then fix them on the sheet.

Mark the labyrinth, cut with a jigsaw and screw.

Screw all other elements.

After assembly, it is important to check the reliability of attachment and functionality of each item. This master class can be viewed in more detail on the video:

Do-it-yourself house-shaped board - manufacturing features

recommended for children over the age of one year, it develops logic and, with the help of tactile contact, fine motor skills in a baby:
  1. To create it, you need a board, which must be carefully prepared and fixed together in the form of a cube using bars and.
  2. Using a jigsaw, cut out windows, doors, which are subsequently fixed with hinges.
  3. Fasten different chains, locks, latches, ribbon - decor options depend only on the interests of the baby.

You can see the manufacturing process in more detail at the master class:

business board house

How to make a soft business board with your own hands from fabric and felt

For very young children who are just starting to explore the world, you can make a fabric board, the so-called soft version. Sew the first toy by analogy with a developmental rug. It can be like a book or made in the form of a carrier or pillow. We offer to make a do-it-yourself business board for girls from an ordinary sponge, step by step photo will help to correctly complete all the processes:

Illustration Description

It is necessary to prepare 4 sponges and various accessories: soft, ropes, ribbons, beads, rings, bells.

Glue 4 sponges together to make a cube 16 × 16 × 16 cm, if necessary, you can cut the top.

From different fabric to decorate the sidewalls, cut out 6 squares 18 × 18 cm.

On the 1st side, sew on a bell, bells with an elastic band, imitate a stalk with a leaf.

On the second side, make a sun with Velcro, a rainbow and a cloud from.

On the 3rd side of felt, sew on Piglet and Winnie the Pooh.

On the 4th square, sew a hedgehog made of felt and.

On the 5th square, sew a butterfly with only the body, insert foil into the wings to entice the baby with rustling.

The ladybug on the 6th square must be sewn with drop-down wings, inside which buttons should be fastened.

Sew the squares together, leaving one edge free, sew beads between them. After that, put the cube inside.

More do-it-yourself master class for making a do-it-yourself board for girls can be viewed on the video:

There are a lot of manufacturing options, you can even adapt a sofa as a cognition.

soft business board

Photo of original ideas for creating a soft do-it-yourself board

A fascinating board will keep the kid busy for a long time, and if you think over the option of adding or moving objects, this will become a favorite game with which the child will explore the world. We have prepared a photo selection of interesting options for creating a do-it-yourself business board for children.

Ekaterina Morozova

Reading time: 12 minutes


Known today to many parents, the “busyboard” board was invented at the beginning of the 20th century by the Italian teacher and doctor Maria Montessori. In those days, there were only a few elements on the board that, according to the expert, were necessary - shoelaces, a chain with a latch, a switch and a classic socket with a plug.

Nowadays, the items on the “busyboard” have increased significantly, but the basic concept of this educational “toy” has not changed.

What is a business board - details and materials for the manufacture of a development board for girls and boys

What is a popular business board?

First of all, this is game panel with which you develop your baby.

The panel is a beautifully designed board with educational elements of various sizes, shapes and content placed on it. The business board can lie on the table, be attached to the wall, or stand on the floor with the help of a special support.

The main idea that Montessori was guided by when creating the board was the development of motor skills of the hands and the activation of the brain of the baby. Busyboards cope with this task with a bang.

Video: What is a business board?

What elements can be fixed on the board?

First of all, the most useful and necessary!

We are looking for the rest on the mezzanines and in the cabinets ...

  1. Latches, door latches and large chains.
  2. Lightning(learning to fasten and unfasten) and Velcro (as well as large buttons and buttons). Lightning can be designed as a smile of a fairy-tale character.
  3. Lacing(we draw shoes on the board and fix a real lace on it, learning how to tie it yourself is a long and complicated process). You can not draw shoes, but attach one of those that are already small.
  4. Bells, bells and horns from a bicycle, rattles and flashlights.
  5. "Barn" lock with a key (the key can be tied to a strong rope).
  6. Socket with plug.
  7. Ordinary switches (Sveta).
  8. "Telephone"(circle from rotary phone).
  9. Mini keyboard and calculator.
  10. doorbell (on batteries).
  11. Mini faucet with valves.
  12. wooden abacus (you can simply put plastic rings on the base of the cornice or string large beads in a few rows on a strong rope).

The main thing is to captivate the baby and move him to certain actions.

You can also do…

  • Holes of different geometric shapes, so that the baby learns to push objects of the corresponding shape into them.
  • Windows with cheerful bright pictures.

remember, that the most important thing when creating a board is safety.

Of course, the more items, the merrier.

But all of them must be securely fixed on the board, taking into account the fact that the little one will not only unfasten, fasten, open, ring and pull, but also try to tear off one or another object.

Video: Busyboard, do-it-yourself gaming development stand - part 1

The benefits of a business board - for what age of the child is the developmental module intended?

Parents begin to actively use the development board for 8-9 months already, but it will be interesting for a 5-year-old kid to play with it.

Differences in bodyboards for different ages- only in a set of items.

  • Definitely for the little ones it is better to choose soft objects - laces and Velcro, rubber "horns", ribbons, etc.
  • And older kids You can already please and usually forbidden plugs, switches and locks.

The sooner the baby realizes the principle of operation of each specific item, the lower the risk that he will be played with them in their natural form.

Video: Busyboard, do-it-yourself gaming development stand - part 2


With a business board, you can take a little one for a very long time. But remember that you should not leave the child alone with such a toy! An unreliably fixed part (or loose after an active game) may end up in the hands, and then in the baby's mouth. Be careful and fasten the parts as firmly and securely as possible.

What are the benefits of a smart board?

A modern business board, the creation of which parents (or manufacturers) approached wisely, solves several problems at the same time - educational, playing, teaching and developing.

The goal of the game with a business board- not the game itself, but learning through the game. And more precisely - help in the development of independence of the baby.

With the help of a "smart" board, development occurs ...

  • Fine and gross motor skills.
  • Attention and independence.
  • Thinking.
  • Sensors.
  • Creative potential.
  • Logic and memory.
  • Speech development (note - the development of speech and fine motor skills are closely related).
  • Skills (button a button, tie a shoelace, open a lock, etc.).

Scientists have repeatedly proven connection of the speech apparatus and fine motor skills. The influence of the movement of the fingers is significant in the formation and development of the speech functions of the little one.

The more actively you help your child develop the work of his hands and fingers, the faster he will learn to speak, think, observe, analyze, memorize, and so on correctly.

Video: Busyboard, do-it-yourself gaming development stand - part 3

How to make a business board for children - a master class in step-by-step tips and videos

Today, a business board can be purchased in a store or online.

But it is much more interesting to make it more independent for your little one.

Moreover, this will give you confidence in the reliable fastening of parts and, at the same time, save 2000-4000 rubles from the family budget.

  1. Deciding on the size of the future business board taking into account the free space in the nursery and with its future place of "deployment" (portable, fixed on the wall or another option).
  2. Optimal dimensions: about 300 x 300 mm - for the smallest, from 300 x 300 mm to 500 x 500 mm (or even up to 1 m / sq.) - for older children. The most important thing in choosing the size: the baby should easily reach each item with his hand, without leaving his seat.
  3. We determine the assortment of parts, taking into account the age of the crumbs. For a crawling baby, a small business board with 2-3 soft elements is enough. For a two-year-old, you can make the stand bigger and more interesting.
  4. Bodyboard base. It is recommended to choose a natural board or thick plywood. Many parents adapt even the doors from old bedside tables, pieces of laminated chipboard and old doors left over from repairs for a business board. For younger children, you can upholster the board with foam rubber to avoid accidental injuries.
  5. Self-tapping screws, nails and glue can be used as means for fastening elements. Choose a board so thick that your nails and screws do not stick out from the back!
  6. It is recommended to paste over the edges of the board with a special sealant , or sanded and coated twice with a safe varnish. Perfect option- order a blank in a hardware store, the edges of which will be covered with planks (as on countertops).
  7. Consider the design of the bodyboard. You can, of course, just fix a dozen elements on the board, or you can get creative with the process. For example, fasten door chains on painted houses, fasten ribbons (for learning to weave braids) on a cartoon character’s painted head, arrange a zipper like a smile of a Cheshire cat or a crocodile, and so on.
  8. After marking and creating the main drawings, windows, gluing bright pictures or fabrics, we proceed to fixing the game elements. We fix them on the conscience - reliably and firmly, checking the risks right there, on the spot. We use exclusively non-toxic glue.
  9. We carefully check the board for reliability, splinters / burrs, flimsy parts, screws sticking out from the wrong side, etc.

Now you can fix your business board on the wall or supplement it with a powerful support so that it does not fall on the baby during the game.

Video: Busyboard, do-it-yourself gaming development stand - part 4

Do you have a boy or a girl?

In principle, the interests of toddlers aged 8-18 months roughly similar.

But older kids are already drawn to toys, according to their gender.

Parents, of course, know better what their child likes more, but you can also rely on the numerous reviews of moms and dads about bodyboards “by gender”.

  • "Smart" board for boys. As you know, almost all boys (from crumbs to adult boys aged 40 and above) love to assemble and disassemble, design, screw something, etc. Therefore, the bodyboard of the future man can be equipped with latches and large bolts, chains and hooks, springs, large nuts (with a wrench on a string), a water tap. You can also attach a “bearing bench” there (we hang a ring instead of a hook), sockets and switches, parts of a large designer (to use them to assemble figures directly on a business board), telephone disks, a mini-steering wheel from a children's car, battery-powered flashlights, etc. You can choose the theme of marine (pirate), automotive, space. For example, a mini-rynda, an anchor and a compass, cords, a steering wheel - for a marine business board; steering wheel, speedometer, bolts with wrenches - for a young car enthusiast.
  • "Smart" board for girls. It’s much easier to choose a theme - from a little princess’s business board to a young hostess, needlewoman, stylist, etc. We supply the board with elements according to the theme. Laces and zippers, buttons with hooks, abacus, locking mechanisms, baby doll that can be dressed and undressed, clothesline with clothespins, safety mirror, mini pockets with "secrets", bells, fake pigtails, calculator and mini scales, tassels with combs, drawing screen, etc.

This is important: what to consider when creating a bodyboard:

  • Choose a safe base! If you decide to paint it, then the paint should be non-toxic (as well as varnish, if you cover the edges and base with it). Carefully process the entire surface so that not a single drift or burr remains on the board.
  • Do not use too small items for the business board. When using keys for locks and other similar parts, make sure that they are as firmly fixed to the board as possible.
  • No sharp objects! Everything piercing and cutting, with sharp corners and the risk of “falling off” - into the box and back to the mezzanine.
  • Nuts, bolts and wrenches (large size!) You can choose plastic - there are enough of them today in all children's stores.
  • If you decide to fix small doors on the board, do not forget to fill the space under them with something. The child will quickly lose interest if there is only “nothing” under the doors. You can draw cartoon characters or make a niche in which the baby can put his small toys.
  • Having tasted the socket with a plug, the little one may want to use home sockets. Therefore, take care of its safety in advance and put on all open outlets in the house special plugs.
  • If the board is not fixed to the wall, but is installed on the floor, then use a strong frame , which will provide the bodyboard with maximum stability (so that even an adult cannot accidentally knock over the board).

There is no greater joy and delight for kids than to put their hands on the “forbidden”. Everything “impossible” in the apartment can be transferred to a business board and solve the problem at a time.

Of course, one business board is not enough for your entire childhood, but as the baby grows older, you can change the content of the smart board, according to age and emerging "Wishlist".

Have you had experience creating a business board for a child? Share with our readers the secrets of your creativity!

Reading time: 11 min

If you still do not know what a business board for children is, then this topic will be interesting for you. Parents will not need to be frightened, jump up when a nimble child climbs with wet hands to the switch, or tries to plug a plug into the socket.

All items that pose a danger will be on the business board. It's basically a fun toy. With its help, it is easier for the child to get acquainted with the outside world.

What is a business board and why is it needed

The intellectual board (busy board) is the developing stand, the module. It assumes the presence of fixed things: all kinds of buttons, latch, switches, hooks and other small dangerous things that kids show interest in, and it is forbidden to touch them.

On the board, as additions, there may be objects and toys that are different in shape, color, texture. The kid is allowed to feel all this, switch, press.

Each item must be firmly fixed on the surface of the board. This is for the safety of the child so that the game does not turn into trouble.

A standard set of items that are attached to such an "intellectual board" has not been developed.

As a rule, this is the minimum option when materials that are different in texture are used. With their help, the child, tactilely, can get acquainted with certain objects. At the same time, the child also likes the fact that all things look beautiful and bright.

Boards of this type are sold in stores for children. You can buy online, or you can make your own.
Busyboard are considered a popular product. Both parents and children love them. There are reasons for this.

The method of the famous teacher Maria Montessori

The Italian scientist, an outstanding woman, Maria Montessori developed a unique technique. It is based on teaching children through the knowledge of the purpose of things. For example, why bring the baby to the door so that he understands how the heck works.

It is enough for him to pick it up and understand the functionality of this item himself. What needs to be distinguished: the actions of the crumbs and the danger to which he may be exposed, contributed to the development of new theories of learning for children of preschool age.

Montessori had an idea. It consisted in the fact that the devices with which the baby meets in everyday life were transferred to the cognitive stand.

It was supposed that in this way it would be easier for children to learn the work of each small object. Parents no longer have to worry about the lives of their little explorers. When the child moves: a chain from the door, a ring from the cornice, a lock - a “lightning”, he will develop fine motor skills of his fingers.

Along the way, he will get acquainted with the things that interested him. From the fingers of the crumbs, neural signals will come to the brain. So, the memory will be enriched with impressions. Such stimulation promotes intellectual and physical development child.

What is useful for the development of the baby

If we are talking about how a business board is useful, you should pay attention to these main points:

  1. The cognitive board, which is made in the most primitive way, already assumes that the child will feel it. This means that fine motor skills will develop. Babies do not have as well developed finger skills as adults. That's why their curiosity, associated with the desire to touch, arises from the simple need to stretch their fingers. This toy makes it all possible.
  2. The fact that the child receives different new sensations, of course, makes the brain work. He digests, organizes and remembers the information he received. From these simple exercises comes the beginning of the development of mental activity in a small person. Busyboard speeds up this process.
  3. If more complex structures are fixed on the board, for an older kid, this will also affect the development of logic in the child. Studying examples of simple mechanisms, such as heck and locks, he himself will guess: how this design, and similar ones, work.
  4. What usually ends children's curiosity? Things, as a result of "research", are broken. Worse still, health problems young researcher. For example, most parents are faced with the fact that children are trying to stick their fingers into the outlet! But the business board was invented for this! This - safe thing, at 100%! And the baby gets the opportunity to explore the world around him. Adults will not even make comments to him!

At what age does a child need a business board

There are no clear recommendations. It all depends on the degree of complexity of this design. According to child psychologists and educators, the most primitive models, if used, can help in the development of a 10-month-old baby.

The brain in children of this age is already developed to remember all the feelings from touch. It is even formed for simple conclusions. For children 2 years old, of course, the use of a business board will be useful. At this age, the baby has already memorized most of the useful information offered by the smart board.

Simple cartoons can be used as distractions, "manoeuvres" and the development of the child. It should be noted that many complex and interesting models have been created by specialists.

That is why child psychologists are convinced that it is not necessary to take away the cognitive board from the kids. Adults just have to wait until the owner gets tired of her, and he will no longer be interested in her.

What are bodyboards for children

Cognitive boards differ from each other according to the following criteria: type of fasteners, size, configuration. The main points that deserve attention when the toy modeling process is carried out are:

Place of use

A smart board for the development of a child is made independently to be played on the street, indoors, or used on a trip (to entertain the baby).

If it is a street board, it is usually made in a large size. She has legs, or she can be fixed on the wall, fence. In this case, metal objects are attached to the surface of the business board.

The baby can knock: with spoons, bowls, plates. As a rule, watering cans are needed. Children love to pour water. You also need tubes of different diameters so that balls roll along them, etc.

If you want to make your own child's business board, you can take big leaf plywood, or material 50x50.

Options for a street children's business board:

  • with legs;
  • moved to the wall;
  • portable.

All sorts of items are used on these toys. The easiest option is to use different locks. Complex is educational information. For example, numbers and hours.

It is not difficult to make a children's cognitive board for traveling with your own hands. It will look like an A-4 (or A-5) sheet plane, which the baby can transfer to the place where it is convenient to play. This board needs thin plywood. It is sheathed with cloth or foam rubber.

For the road board, objects that are light in weight are selected. They are necessary when sewing clothes. We are talking about: adhesive tape, buttons, buttons, eyelet with lacing, zippers. It is interesting for a child to study applications made like shoes (or other shoes) and a dress (or coat, blouse, etc.)

Baby's age

Do you want the board to arouse the interest of the baby, and not stand unnecessarily? So, it is necessary to take into account the age of the child when parents pick up a business board.

For example, a huge board, several times larger than the baby in size, equipped with numbers and clocks, can generally disappoint the baby.

It is necessary to choose those items that are suitable for age. Kids will not be interested in fiddling with details from designers. For children of this age, tactile sensations come first. Parents can use fabric (very different), pockets, buttons.

A soft version of the business board has been developed. This is not a board at all, as it has a fabric base. For 6-month-old children, it is advisable to use rustling shreds, bright beads on lacing, wheels.

For children who are 2 years old, you can use all kinds of locks. They will be interested in lightning and numbers.

What's for boys and what's for girls

If you figure it out like this, then the little ones, whose age is from 8 to 18 months, have the same interests. As for older children, they begin to show interest in those toys that characterize their gender.

Every mother knows what is interesting to her baby. Alternatively, why not summarize most of the parental comments about the smart board when it comes to gender differences?

  • cognitive toy for boys. Everyone knows that almost all boys (from babies to 50-year-old men) love to mess with "pieces of iron", taking apart mechanisms, screwing parts to something, etc. It is possible to equip a business board intended for a future man with various “male things”.

For example, bolts, large bolts, chains, hooks, springs, large nuts.

You can hang a wrench, a water tap on a rope. On the board fix the "steelyard". Only a ring is hung instead of a hook. They also attach: sockets and switches, figures, large designer elements, flashlights with batteries, phone disks, a steering wheel from a children's car, etc.

The topic can be different: about space, about the sea, about cars. For example, for a marine "smart" board, the use of a small rynda, cords is acceptable.

Do not forget about the anchor and compass. For a small car lover, it is advisable to use: bolts with wrenches, a steering wheel, a speedometer.

  • Busyboard for babies. The theme here is simple. From the board of a young princess to a little stylist, hostess and needlewoman. The board should be equipped with items that match the theme.

Permissible use:

  • buttons with hooks;
  • check;
  • zippers, laces
  • locking devices;
  • dolls (in order to be able to dress them up);
  • clothesline with clothespins;
  • safety mirror;
  • small pockets "with secrets";
  • brushes with combs;
  • artificial braids;
  • bells;
  • small weights;
  • calculators;
  • screen to draw, etc.

How to choose the right bodyboard

Acquisition " smart board is a responsible matter. Manufacturers of such products must consider various factors and a large number of nuances.

After all, the physical health of the child and his psyche will depend on this toy. Adults should be aware that not all manufacturers conscientiously take into account all points.

The main rule when buying a business board is to look at its 100% safety. When parents are considering a potential purchase, there are a few things to keep in mind.


Each detail (without exception) must be securely fixed, so that the baby (even with force) cannot remove it or unscrew it. You need to see how securely the toy will be attached to the wall.

Materials used

You need to look at what the toy is made of. Usually wood is used. There should be no impregnation with harmful components. The buyer needs to run his hand over the surface - there should be no roughness. If there are clues, the baby can drive a splinter.

No sharp corners!

Of course, some adults, in order to save money, have a desire to buy plastic, since it is cheaper. This option is not suitable. You don't have to choose it. Even at low loads, it can crack.


Not all parents pay attention to colors. But this is one of the main criteria by which a “smart board” should be evaluated. Only safe and non-toxic paints should be used in the manufacture of this item.

In addition, the paint should lie evenly. If it exfoliates or clings, you should not buy the product. The color scheme, it is desirable that it be bright.

Busyboard details

Parents should look at the games that are pinned on the smart board. It is necessary to give preference to those that correspond to the age of the child. It happens that a certain part of the toys is interesting only for children of a certain age. How more years child, the harder the tasks should be.

Each detail must be fixed evenly, in a logical sequence, so that the child's brain has time to process information. You can not buy a board if it has: thin threads, piercing or cutting objects that are considered dangerous.

If there are electrical things in the business board, you need to make sure that not a single wire is visible. If the light bulb is very hot, and the devices operate at high voltage, the product does not need to be bought. Glass (if included) must be organic and unbreakable.


A bodyboard refers to a type of product that is not necessarily certified by government agencies. If the manufacturer has a certificate for this product, this is a big plus, which means that the manufacturer adheres to all safety standards and regulations. It is advisable to take this into account preschool institutions education.

How to make a do-it-yourself business board for children

In stores you can buy business boards. Who wants - orders them on sites (on the Internet). And how interesting it is for your crumbs to make a “smart toy” with your own hands.

So, you yourself will be sure that the details are securely fixed. And you can save from 2000 to 4000 rubles of the family budget.

Soft touch board for the development of a one-year-old child

If the family has a one-year-old child, you can make a smart board for the development of motor skills from soft tissue. Make a toy to look like a book, rug or pillow. As elements for games of this model, it is permissible to use:

  • beautiful ribbons and bows, bright in color;
  • large beads and buttons;
  • soft hooks and loops;
  • Velcro;
  • lacing (various);
  • attention-grabbing rattles;
  • small soft toys(you can buy models - tweeters).

It will not be difficult to make a soft "smart board" at home.

  1. First of all, you need to choose the format and fabric that suits you the most. Many people opt for: poplin, silk, calico, satin.
  2. After that, the elements that are selected must be attached to the plywood. It is necessary to sew the details as tightly as possible so that the baby cannot tear them off.
  3. A Montessori board in a soft variation is attached to a sheet of plywood and placed against the wall for ease of play.

Video: how to make a developmental rug for the little ones

Children's soft business board in the form of a book

How to make a smart board for boys. Step-by-step instruction

A child who is 1 year old is not yet aware of his gender. A clear awareness of “I am considered a boy”, “I am a girl” occurs in children who are about 3 years old. That's why you should not make a "girly" or "boyish" business board. The main thing is that it should be bright, actually developing and interesting.

In the case when parents want to make a board for their son, in addition to the above things for development, it is advisable to use:

  • cars, bicycles, airplanes;
  • steering wheel from a toy - cars;
  • compass
  • large bolts and nuts;
  • water valve;
  • different types computer inputs.

Worth taking note! A "smart toy" for boys should be made with an appropriate design: you need to choose the necessary palette of colors, decorate it with cars, airplanes, cartoon characters. Why not create an educational board that looks like a ship, a truck, a house, or a fantasy city?

You need to start by choosing the parameters of the board, and choosing a place in the nursery for it. Often, the board is made: 60 cm x 40 cm. You can make 50 cm x 30 cm. If the room is spacious, the board is made of an impressive size. It is fixed on the wall, the sides of the furniture. You can make a mobile model so that the baby can study it while sitting on a chair, or while on the bed.

Some parents attach wheels to the board.

  1. First you need to draw a diagram. Outline the location of the developing elements. Establish their relationship.
  2. The board for the manufacture of a children's business board must be adjusted in shape and the required size. The main thing is that it is well processed, the corners are blunted. All points must be tracked. So that the baby does not get hurt.
  3. Color the board, paint it or decorate it using decoupage technique.
  4. You can make secret places on the business board, in the form of doors. They should open after the child successfully completes the task. Then he will see his favorite character, or the delicious food that his parents hid.
  5. Each element must not pose a potential threat children's health. The object must be firmly fixed on the board so that the “researcher” cannot tear off and swallow some element, or press down on his hand so that it is not shocked, etc.
  6. It is not bad if there are such objects on the board, working with which the child will hear a sound or see a light.

Video: do-it-yourself business board for boys - step by step master class

Do-it-yourself business board for girls: diagram, dimensions

A business board for a baby should be cute and bright. After all, it is designed for a little lady! So, it needs to be decorated with pictures: with princesses, animals, butterflies, flowers, etc.

The role of developing elements can be:

  1. It is advisable to make a themed business board for the girl "Beauty Salon". To create it, pockets are attached to the board, in which combs, brushes, mirrors, hairpins, multi-colored hair ties are placed. Why not use a toy mirror? The main thing is that it does not beat. A toy pigtail with a bow will also come in handy. And what a beautiful doll carved from fiberboard can be! After two hours of imagining yourself as a fashion designer, you can create a wardrobe for her. It will be interesting for every baby to put on a doll beautiful dresses, skirts, blouses.
  2. Little housewives will be delighted with the painted house if it has a kitchen. And this room can be equipped using pots, spoons, plates, etc.
  3. Alternatively, why not hang a real clothesline on a children's business board and put clothespins on it?
  4. For very little girls, you can opt for abacus, clasps, lacing, toys with music, zippers and colored rattles.
  5. If you decorate a smart board with applications, it will look more stylish.

Things that can still be fixed on the "smart board"

A business board in a child should be of interest. That is why it is important to try to apply items that will develop the baby.
Parents may consider such items for board equipment:

  • knocker from the door;
  • telephone disk;
  • computer mini-keyboard;
  • lighting switches;
  • battery operated doorbells
  • a chain (or even several) from the doors;
  • functioning calculator;
  • mirrors made of plastic;
  • measuring tape;
  • compass;
  • different size watch;
  • apartment numbers.

It is also preferable to use:

  • lock with key;
  • bicycle bell;
  • reflectors (reflectors);
  • lock with a key, small in size;
  • tap, where there is a valve;
  • chair wheels;
  • check;
  • hand-made small hinged doors;
  • locks - "lightning" from the skirts of dresses;
  • various suction cups and Velcro;
  • chains in which the rings are large;
  • telephone cord (so that it is springy);
  • films with pimples;
  • door handles;
  • shoes, boots with laces;
  • bells;
  • magnifiers on string;
  • large sucker.

Important! When there are a lot of fixed things, then it will be interesting for children to work with business boards. Each item must have its own purpose. For example, if the baby feels the chain from the door, he will feel that it is sliding. When he presses the call button, he will hear a beautiful melody, etc.

What is forbidden to use when creating a business board

Of course, the use of dangerous things that can harm the child is prohibited.

  • We are talking about things made of glass, metal tape measures, mirrors, etc.
  • It is important how the board itself is attached. Fasteners must be 100% secure. Each thing must be “tightly” attached to the surface.
  • When they make a business board, they take into account that the baby can unscrew and swallow a small piece.
  • If self-tapping screws were used, their edges must not be felt on the other side.
  • When making a “smart board”, only materials that do not pose a threat to the health of the child should be used. This applies to: varnishes, glue, paints.

If the Montesori smart board is well thought out and made in compliance with all the rules, your child will be interested in it for a long time. The kid will learn to complete tasks for a certain period of time.

He will develop good coordination of movements. He will play, with pleasure, being active.

Children's business board: options with photos

Busyboard: double-sided compact

Soft business board for kids