
Congratulatory phrases for teacher's day. How to congratulate teachers on Teacher's Day at school. How to congratulate subject teachers in an original way


Among the large number of professional holidays, the Teacher's Day can be distinguished. This is a holiday for all employees who work in the field of education. Every year since 1994, on October 5, many countries have celebrated World Teachers' Day. To express my gratitude to the representatives of this difficult profession, I present to your attention a selection of congratulations to employees of the educational sphere.

One of the main October professional holidays is Teacher's Day. On this day, students and parents want to congratulate their teachers. To express your gratitude for the efforts that teachers put into the learning process, you can use such congratulations in prose.

Another option for congratulations:

Our dear, dear teachers! Congratulations on Teacher's Day! Our gratitude to you for the openness of your hearts, unlimited patience, generosity, understanding, dedication to your profession, love for not always obedient students. Being a teacher is not an easy task. This is hard work. We wish you health, success, achievements, good spirits. Let the students appreciate, respect, love you. Pleasant surprises, unexpected turns towards success!

You can also prepare congratulations for the teacher in a more cheerful manner:

Dear teachers, educators! Here again a holiday is knocking on your door - Teacher's Day!
Our wishes to you: May it be cramped in your house today beautiful flowers, bright gifts! We wish that even the most intractable pupils today answered in the lessons with one five. Have a lot more banknotes than unchecked notebooks on your desk!

Parents of schoolchildren also give their warm words to teachers

Congratulations on the teacher's day in verse

Congratulations in verses always sound sweet, beautiful, interesting. If you have a talent for writing, you can independently come up with a few lines in order to heartily congratulate the teacher on his holiday.

If there is no such ability for rhyming, and you want to congratulate with poems, then you can use the selection of poems presented below.
Happy Teachers Day

Separately, I would like to highlight congratulations for the class teacher, who is not just a teacher for students, but also a friend, an assistant.

Separately presented short congratulations teachers, which can be used in the event that you do not have the opportunity to personally congratulate your favorite teacher. A few short lines will help show that you remember your mentor even when you are far away.

Congratulations to the teacher on the day of knowledge:

Knowledge Day is a holiday from which the active school life of students and teachers begins. This day marks the start of a new school year. This is a holiday for first-graders who first came to the walls of the school, this is memorable holiday and for schoolchildren who will spend the last school year within the school walls. And for teachers - this is the second professional holiday.

in your own words

To congratulate the teacher on the Day of Knowledge, you should not learn large poems. You can just say a few wonderful words from the heart that will really delight the teacher. After all, congratulations in your own words are sincere words that open the congratulator's attitude, his emotional mood.

Sometimes expressing your emotions in words is also difficult for a person who has good oratory skills. In this case, it is possible to use small congratulation templates, which can be supplemented, altered to your taste.
To the teacher in your own words, Happy Knowledge Day

Dear teachers! We wish you a Happy Knowledge Day for you today. From the bottom of our hearts we wish you incredible strength, original, non-standard ideas, exciting, creative activities. Be strong, healthy, successful, happy. Let your plans come true, with you there will be good luck and success.

Dear teachers, teachers! Knowledge Day is a special holiday for everyone. It evokes warm emotions and memories. This day begins a new school year, which will be accompanied by interesting impressions, findings, discoveries! May every day be fruitful, filled with positive results, and a wonderful mood. Patience to you, vigor, confidence in a new day, well-being, health.

Our dear teachers! Congratulations on the Day of Knowledge. Our life would not be so interesting and exciting without you. Every day we learn new things, learn, make mistakes. and how good it is that you are there - our mentors. You share your experience with us, help us gain new knowledge, and avoid mistakes. We wish you inexhaustible energy, steel patience, prudence, wisdom. Optimism, confidence, strong immunity, strength to conquer new heights.

in verse

Poetic lines will always help poetic, beautiful congratulations on the holiday. Touching, beautiful poems for teachers for the Day of Knowledge

To congratulate the teacher on the holiday, on behalf of the students, you can pick up such congratulations

Teachers can best be understood only by a fellow educator. Cheerful words of congratulations to the teacher, colleague on the Day of Knowledge

Parents of schoolchildren also congratulate teachers on the holiday

Congratulations on the teacher's day from the students

For teachers, all of whose activities are aimed at teaching the young generation, it is very important to hear words of gratitude from students. It is difficult to overestimate the contribution, the forces that teachers put into the development of schoolchildren. For his students, a good teacher is both a friend and a mentor.

Beautiful, touching words from pupils is an expression of appreciation for the teacher's work. And Teacher's Day is a great moment to express your feelings and congratulate your beloved teacher.

Acknowledgments for Teachers in Prose

Teacher's Day! Accept our warm congratulations on this day! From the bottom of our hearts we thank you for your honorable, respected, sometimes very difficult work. Thanks for the knowledge we have received. Thanks to the knowledge gained, success and achievements await us. We remember your instructions, words, and your kindness always remains in our hearts.

Warm congratulations in verse

Congratulations from graduating school students sound especially touching. Yesterday's children have turned into young boys and girls who are on the verge of choice and new achievements. And during this period they begin to understand how much effort the teachers put into them.

Congratulations from the alumni

Teacher's Day is primarily a holiday, so you can give a cheerful mood if you prepare a funny congratulation

Teacher's Day congratulations to the woman teacher, poems

A teacher is an educator who contributes to the development of the student's personality. It so happens that women predominate among teachers.

To congratulate your beloved teacher on the holiday, it is worth choosing sincere words in which you can express your gratitude.

If you do not have the opportunity to congratulate the teacher in person, you can send a short message by phone or email.

Teacher's Day congratulations to the man teacher, poems

Although not often, you can also find men among teachers. You can choose congratulations for male teachers from the options presented.

Congratulations on teacher's day with beautiful sincere words

A beautiful congratulation is not only a congratulation with beautiful verses. You can prepare beautiful sincere words yourself to congratulate the teacher on the holiday. and such a congratulation will be individual, original. You can be sure that the teacher has never heard such a congratulation. In addition, congratulations on your own behalf, prepared on your own, will best reflect your attitude, your emotions, feelings.

To prepare such congratulations, you can use small tips in which you can change the words at your discretion, add new fragments.

Dear (oh) NAME! Each lesson that you have taught is a small journey, always informative, interesting, unusual. Therefore, the lesson with you passes very quickly, in the same breath. On this warm autumn day, we wish you to always feel the love of your students. May your students, their parents, and guidance appreciate you.

On this holiday, I want to thank you for your creative, hard work. You are a tall specialist with infinite patience with others, who persists in achieving the goal. Your noble goal is to educate a progressive, intelligent, creative, worthy generation. And I am sure that you can be proud of the results of labor, invested mental and physical strength. Let fate bring joyful days, pleasant gifts, funny moments.

Some more examples that you can use for congratulations

Congratulations on Teacher's Day to colleagues:

On this holiday, teachers hear congratulations not only from schoolchildren, their parents. On this day, teachers also congratulate colleagues at work. After all, only the same employee can best understand the problems of a teacher. Teachers know the nuances of work, so they understand and know what to wish a colleague at work.


Dear colleagues. This is our day - Teacher's Day. Please accept my congratulations from the bottom of my heart. I wish all of us good health, stability, patience, loyal strength and optimism. May good luck be near to help us fulfill our goals. Respect from children, perseverance to overcome barriers. Great mood, creative approach to work. As well as mutual understanding, well-being, happiness in the family.

My dear colleagues. I would like to congratulate you on our professional holiday. I wish all of us tolerance, strong strength, endurance, inspiration, health. I would like our students not only to respect us, but also to understand us. May there be success in work, prosperity in the family. May there be more room in life for the smiles of loved ones. I wish you colleagues bright days, good moments, pride in their work.


Congratulations on the teacher's day to the primary school teacher:

A child takes his first, important steps in school with the help of the first teacher. The teacher who first meets children at school is a special person for all children. It is the first teacher who introduces young schoolchildren to the school, helps to make the first achievements, and creates the foundation for further learning. In addition, the first teacher is the second mother, who will listen, support, and help. Therefore, congratulations to the first teacher are always saturated with special warmth and sincerity.

in your own words

Dear (oh) NAME! You patiently, skillfully find an approach to each little student, help to master the basics of the most important sciences. All this you do with sincerity, patience, kindness, understanding. We thank you for your invaluable professionalism, creative approach, humanity, and tolerance. Happy Teacher's Day! Let joyful moments and pleasures prevail in your life!

Dear NAME! Each of us has an image of the first teacher stored in our memory. This is the man who took us to a new school world full of unknown secrets. The first teacher is not just a mentor, he is a friend, a cool mother ... Today is your holiday. We sincerely congratulate you. I wish you good health and outstanding success in your creative endeavors. Let there be more inquisitive, obedient students in the lessons, and in life - more reasons for joy!


Teacher's day congratulations from the student

By their natural nature, girls are more communicative, sociable, so it is easier for them to choose words of congratulations for their teachers. Small tips will come to the rescue, which can be used as a basis for congratulating the teacher on the holiday.
An example of congratulations from a student

Dear (NAME of the teacher). You are a real mentor for me! Thanks to your support and attention, I understood a lot, learned a lot! Thank you: for your kindness, professionalism, understanding, competence, support, sincerity, gentleness. I wish you great success in your work, grateful students, and happiness. You are always attentive, courteous towards your students. Let the schoolchildren treat you just as well. Remain the same creative, wonderful teacher, wonderful person.

Congratulations from the student in verse

Short congratulations from the student, which can be sent to the teacher by SMS by phone

Teachers day congratulations from the student

Sometimes they say that it is harder for men, guys to find words to express their gratitude. In such cases, in order to congratulate the teacher on the holiday, you can use these options.

For the class teacher, you can prepare such a congratulation from the student

Beautiful verse congratulations on teacher's day

It is a pleasure to hear sincere words of gratitude for any person. But such words are especially important for the teacher, because for him the congratulations from the students are confirmation that his work and efforts did not go just like that.

Teachers day official greetings

Teachers' Day is celebrated in October in more than 150 countries around the world. On this day, teachers hear a lot of congratulations. It's nice to feel that their merits are recognized not only by schoolchildren, parents, but also at the official level. On Teacher's Day, representatives of city administrations try to congratulate all education workers.

Examples of official greetings

Happy holiday, dear teachers! I wish you capable, creative, gifted students, real victories, and prestigious awards. Let everything that you are fighting for, everything that you strive for, must appear in your life. I wish you health, blessings, cheerful ingenuity, well-being, comfort in the house, respect, support in the team, in the life of happiness, in the soul of satisfaction from your work.

Teachers day congratulations to the director

When congratulating native teachers, do not forget that there is another personality at school, on whom much depends in the learning process. This is a school director who supports, motivates teachers, helps to unleash the potential of each employee. In addition, the director is a position, and the vocation of the director, like any other teacher, is training, the development of the student's personality.
Therefore, on Teacher's Day, it is necessary to prepare a beautiful congratulation for the "captain" of the whole school ship - the director.

When choosing congratulations for your teacher, remember that these can be small, short verses, just spoken words. The main thing is that these wishes come from the heart, and not just another banal congratulation.

In a few days, a wonderful holiday will come - Teacher's Day. On this page you will find large selection beautiful congratulations on Teacher's Day in verse. I picked up the most touching, beautiful congratulations from parents, students and colleagues, class teacher, teacher primary grades, a teacher of mathematics, physical education, Russian language and literature, which will not leave indifferent any teacher.

Our teachers have a responsible job, because they not only pass on a huge baggage of knowledge to our children, but they are also their friend, advisor, mentor, sometimes even a second parent, because children spend a lot at school, next to the teacher. On this beautiful day, let's not forget to thank the teachers for their hard work and give them beautiful congratulations on Teacher's Day in verse

Happy October holiday
Autumn leaves always golden
School celebrates Teacher's Day,
May joy inspire you with goodness!

Happy Teacher's Day, I congratulate you!
I wish you a lot of bliss.
Let life shine with bright colors
And the morning always begins with a smile.

Personal happiness, love, understanding,
Have a great rest, and attention in the classroom.
Positive discoveries and bright ideas,
More income and significant days.

Thank you, separately, for the special approach,
For the teachings of strength, for the mighty knowledge of flight.
Let the skill develop boldly,
And luck will support any important matter.

No moms and no dads, no kindergarten toys
You and I stepped onto the school threshold,
And everyone was happy and scary,
When the first bell rang for us.

And after - notebooks oblique rulers
And the first letters are oblique at first,
And you gave us sweets, stickers
And the warmest words in the world.

For moms and dads, you saved up moments
Of our tricks - funny, funny,
And they straightened our fasteners and ribbons,
They loved the healthy, loved the sick.

We got older, we got smarter -
You taught us to read and write,
Now we love you for a year stronger
And we want to tell you this today!

Read also:

Anyone can learn
Teaching is a gift!
It's very important to be able to do this.
Turn the spark into fire.

Hear gratitude more often
Be in harmony with the kids.
So that your dreams come true,
So that the enthusiasm does not go out in the eyes!

On an October autumn day
Patience, wisdom, luck
And the smartest children for you!
Day of the teacher the whole world
Today he celebrates in unison.
And with this great holiday
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts!
And the knowledge will be excellent.
Let the schoolboy please call

We congratulate you on Teacher's Day!
It's a humble autumn day
But how the heart responded with joy,
Remembering our school bell

We wish you strength and patience,
And capable students
And salaries are always increasing.
Thanks for your work, honor!

Our teacher, teacher, mentor,
We wish you respect, kindness.
And let it be in our beautiful world
You will always be honored and praised!

Today is Teacher's Day!
All of us, our friendly class,
We want to say emphatically:
"We congratulate you!"

Let it be casual sometimes
We do something
But we know, of course,
Your job is difficult.

We are all so different
And you need to teach us
To be as beautiful as you
We are experts to be.

We appreciate and love you,
And know: it will be useful
And we will not forget
Your no lesson!

Our personal desires
Today the meaning is this:
We wish you great
You only have students!

World teachers day
Today we celebrate
And all the teachers
Congratulations with love.

We wish you health,
Forces, in the work of inspiration,
So that every day is successful
And most importantly - patience!

Strict and affectionate
Wise and sensitive

Teaches in work to achieve victories, to everyone,
to whom a proud name is a teacher,

Congratulations today,
On this bright, clear day
Our best and most beautiful
Dear teachers!

We wish you success
A lot of happiness and kindness
So that life is all yours
Only full of joy!

Hard work - teaching children
And give yourself in full
To open the path of knowledge for them,
Find all the right words.

And on Teacher's Day from us
Please accept gratitude,
She is honest, not for show
So let it bring joy.

There is such a calling - to teach,
Give your soul piece by piece
And to love children selflessly,
Even those who, alas, are disobedient.

And lead the children
Despite the difficulties of everyday life.
Congratulations to the teachers -
Their road is covered with thorns.

We wish teachers
Consolations for nerves and shakes.
Peace and joy to their bright houses,
As a reward for sensitivity and affection.

Adequate working conditions
And a normal, decent salary.
Let them always contact you
Curious childish looks.

Congratulations, teachers!
Happy Teacher's Day to all teachers!
Our Earth is famous for you,
And your profession is from God.

How important, how much significant
They told us, they told us.
Let's say boldly - there is no better teacher,
We will always be grateful to you.
How many books have already been read
How many tasks have been solved.
We are confident - better than a teacher
Never find anyway!

Your patient, necessary work
Worthy of admiration
By adding inspiration.

Teacher, wise and beautiful,
So many qualities have gathered in you:
You are honest, incorruptible, clear ...
We wish everything to come true!

So that life boils and boils,
Harmony lived in my soul
So that the heart sings with good luck.
Always honor and praise you!

Happy teacher's day today
Someone has already finished school,
Someone goes to the first class.
You will find an approach to all,
Teach everyone with a soul
Write a dictation beautifully,
Unleash a great example.

How to be friends and be brave
Run, jump above everyone else
Make a paper plane
Get success in business.

Be happy, healthy,
Inspirational every day
For smiles to have a reason
And the work was not lazy!

Poems for teachers day

We congratulate you on Teacher's Day!
On this beautiful autumn day
We wish you success in your work,
So that you would be happy to come to our lesson!

Let everything turn out fine in life,
And let the mood be at "five".
We wish you not to know what a "sick leave" is,
And meet every morning with a smile!

Teacher, educator, mentor,
Your work will warm you with the warmth of your soul.
And on Teacher's Day we praise

We are grateful to you without measure
We wish you good and faith,
And let adversity all go away!

The teacher is forever
After all, that work is not easy -
Always teach, everyone everywhere,
And even on weekends!

It is so important to give knowledge
To the one who needs
Raise good people
For the good of the whole country!

May they congratulate you on a holiday
Colleagues and friends!
Children will pleasantly surprise
And the day will not be in vain!

Which carries the teachings of the light!
Because you always know the answer to everything!
We love you, although sometimes we are naughty.
We thank you for everything, for everything,

Salary of high, creative ideas


The teacher knows more firmly than anyone:
Great success awaits us in life.
He believes in us and believes in us.
Praise and honor to the teachers!

Teacher loves us and waits
When the new day comes
There will be noise and din again in the school.
Praise and honor to the teachers!
Today is teachers day!
We hasten to congratulate them soon.
With a smile, let's say to you in unison:
"Praise and honor to the teachers!"

Thank you for choosing a profession,
Which carries the teachings of the light!
And for interesting lessons,
For knowing the answer to everything!

We love you, albeit sometimes we are naughty,
Please forgive us for this!
We thank you for everything, for everything,
And there is no better teacher in the world!

Strict and affectionate
Wise and sensitive
To those who have gray hair on their temples,
To those who are recently from the walls of the institute,
Those who are considered to be in the middle years.
To those who told us the secrets of discoveries,
Teaches us to achieve victories in work,
To everyone whose proud name is a teacher,
Low bow and warm greetings!

We wish you diligent students,
Salary of high, creative ideas!
And only successful days at work,
To make you proud of your profession!

There are many good words
To read you now,
Frank wishes
Kind, extraordinary ...
Let the soul sing with happiness
Bad weather is running away from you,
And a wonderful, kind laugh
May it bring you success!

May everything be smooth for you,
So that your life is sweet and sweet.
We love you, we respect you
Congratulations again!
Always take to work
You are humor, knowledge, love,
And inspiration, and severity,
For encouragement - kind words.
Capable of arousing curiosity
A keen interest in knowledge,
And increase motivation,
And funnel stress away.

And on Teacher's Day worldwide
You will accept a bouquet from us
From the wishes of the warmest
Love, health, beauty.

Let everything that you want to happen
Work brings results
After all, your business is very necessary -
To reveal talent in kids.

They are beautiful in soul and very kind,
You are strong in talent and generous in heart.
All your ideas, dreams of beauty,
Lessons, ventures will not be in vain!
You managed to find the way to the children,
May successes await you on this path!

Teachers are the same angels
They just hid the wings behind the board.
They are harsh educators for children,
But with open, loving kindness.
All secrets, secrets are revealed to them,
They know the souls of students by heart.
And so they get angry
And sometimes sadness raises their hearts.

And on teacher's day we wish you heartily
A lot of health, the soul does not grow old.
Happiness, good luck, love of course
And heavenly good, so that it was not to be counted.
Our beloved and very dear ones,
Dear, kind teachers dear,
Happy holidays to you, happiness always,
Be loved by children through the years!
Thank you - for everything you teach us,
That you appreciate the school, our beloved class,
That you give us knowledge without sparing strength,
That teach us only in love and care.

Thank you for the faith that you gave us,
Thank you for teaching us a lot.
Great happiness and deep bow,
There are no better people for us in this life!

Congratulations to you heartily
On a holiday - Teacher's Day!
May the weather be clear
The sun is amazing!

We promise not to be lazy
To complete tasks,
Coming back from recess
On time, without delay!

May this holiday give
Fulfillment of hopes
And all kinds of dreams
A new frontier for mastery!
Let patience not leave
And the blues do not torment,
And fate will give success,
Happy Teacher's Day, hurray!
We wish, of course, a lot of patience,
From students - warmth, respect,
In notebooks - fewer blots, mistakes,
There are more broad smiles on their faces.
So that the lessons are always interesting,
So that everyone has "excellent" everywhere,
So that everyone comes to class on time
And so that subjects are taught, loved.

So that colleagues are colleagues for sure,
At the end of the sentences there were points
Everyone should have a form for physical education.
So that the rules, formulas know, figures.

So that flasks, beakers don't explode anywhere,
So that they only speak pleasantly about you.
And so that the work is like a movie:
Nice and paid at the same time!

Teacher is a heroic profession!
Don't believe me? Do you think this is fun?
Yes, it's harder than plowing, fighting
And build! Than blow up a bridge or rails!
How to deal with a mad lion in Africa!
How to deal with cracked ice in the Arctic!
We wish you a lot of patience, teacher!
And we will test it, no doubt.

Happy World Teachers Day,
We congratulate you,
Confessions, respect,
We sincerely wish you.
Let the children grow up
They always remember you.
Health does not fail
Let it be long years.
World teachers day
Celebrate the planet:
Exceptional skills
And the knowledge relay -
Here's a mission, assignment
Any teacher
Not an easy calling
Thorny road.

We wish you students
Over the books of the lingering
And without financial shackles
Live the real life!

Be proud of your choice
Profession, work,
We thank you for your work,
Patience and care!

Our class teacher,
You are like our guardian angel,
Always protect
And scold sometimes -
Exclusively for the cause!
You teach us skillfully!
Congratulations now,
This is your favorite class!

On this bright important holiday
I want to congratulate you
Wish you respect
In children's eyes to observe.
For successes, achievements
We will be grateful to you
And we will say "thank you" more than once
To all my teachers.

You are like a teacher, just a fairy tale,
We love, we are all your subject,
Difficult ones do not ask us homework,
Throwing light into our heads.
And today is teacher's day,
We congratulate you loudly,
I wish you to remain determined
And teach the generations of their descendants.

Short congratulations on teacher's day in verse

You are the nicest teacher in the world
You can teach everyone and everything,
All children adore you at school
For your ability to give joy!

We wish you only success, good
And many bright, fine days!
Let the lessons go with a bang!
We wish you capable students!

Let it be enough for you female forces
Continue a good deed
The rain of mistakes did not extinguish
Your fire that shines boldly.
Educate, teach,
Raise a young tribe
It is given to you, we will not lie,
It is a difficult burden.

Our beloved teachers,
We will tell you the words from the bottom of our hearts.
You are our mentors, our friends,
You are the second mothers, almost we are a family.

Thank you from a pure soul,
All of you are worthy of grateful words.
We adore you, it will always be so
Thank you for our school years.

We congratulate you all on Teacher's Day,
We wish you a lot of creative success.
After all, you give your wisdom and knowledge,
For which you are always honored and recognized.

Let the lessons go well,
Let everything be wonderful in personal life.
Good health to you, we wish you happiness
And once again, we heartily congratulate everyone!

May your every day begin with a smile,
And only warm words in the postcard will sparkle.
We wish you creative victories on Teacher's Day,
Let your authority grow stronger every day.

We wish you happiness on a great day without borders,
And in life - only bright and colorful pages.
May joy and good luck always accompany you.
Wealth, prosperity for many years!

Happy holiday, our dear teacher,
Knowledge and skills are our giver.
We respect you immeasurably,
We wish you happiness and patience.

Let on a long life path
Good luck will always find you.
Good health, inspiration,
Creativity, success and luck.

Teachers, today everything is for you:
Flowers, gifts, songs, congratulations.
You are the best, beloved with us,
You are a storehouse of knowledge, wisdom, patience!
So let your life choice carry you
Goodness, love, health, prosperity.
Harmony reigns in the soul, warmth,
And in families - peace, love and understanding!
Today is a holiday for all teachers
And we are in a hurry to congratulate you too.
We wish you health and love,
In the profession - the heights reached.
Let the students love your subject
And then they want to follow in the footsteps,
Graduates come to visit,
Ask advice, gain support.

We wish you more rest,
So that there are countless reasons for joy,
To visit all the resorts of the world,
Dreams and goals to realize to be in time.

Combines intelligence and clarity,
He knows about everything in the world
Knowledge of different lord -
This is our wise teacher.
We want to wish you patience
Wards - to the knowledge of zeal.
What more could you wish for?
So that everything is "five"!

Congratulations to teachers today
Happy Teachers' Day known in the world.
We wish you success and well-being,
Talented, capable children for you!
Let your faces shine with a smile
And let the holiday light up with good.
And a bird of happiness will fly to visit you,
Happy let him flap his wing!

We sincerely wish you achievements
And the highest achievements of the peaks.
Let there be less grief in life,
More reasons for your joy!

No profession is more important
There is no profession more needed
Than the teacher is the most
The best man in the world.
Congratulations dear,
You are close to us - relatives,
And we wish the mountain happiness
A whole ocean of love.

We wish you health,
To live without troubles - without knowing grief,
To make every day a fairy tale
And only pleasant worries!
Only those who go to teachers
Who is endowed with talent
From knowing nothing
Mint diamonds.
Those who are able to praise
And inspire heroic deeds
Not only excellent students,
But also solid scoundrels.

And therefore we wish you
Patience and strength
So that only Einsteins and Curies
They left the school.
You have chosen your path for a reason,
Your vocation is to be a teacher,
On this bright day of October
We want to pay attention to you!
Congratulations on this holiday,
We wish you great achievements,
May all children be capable
Let there be many bright moments
We wish you that your work
She always gave me the positive!
And let life be sweeter than honey
May good luck star shine on you!

Beautiful poems for teacher's day

The teacher is the door to magic worlds,
That will begin beyond the threshold
And wisdom are priceless gifts
Given to the child for every lesson,
And let, while the earth turns,
As long as the profession is honored with bows,
All teachers do not know grief,
And there will be bottomless craving for knowledge!

Thank you for your kindness.
You gave us not only knowledge -
You taught friendship to value us,
Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Today we want to wish you well,
Health, happiness, laughter, grace.
We all congratulate you on Teacher's Day.
We wish peaceful days, great luck!

Today our dear teachers
We would like to congratulate you on this holiday!
High salaries, bigger money,
Less nerves to spend in the classroom!

We wish you health, many years to come,
Great happiness and no reason for flowers,
Career ups, achievements and victories,
And grateful, smart students!

Thank you teachers
For sensitivity and patience,
For the knowledge that you give
And explain the skill.

Your labor is priceless and great,
Always in demand everywhere.
Every student loves you
And anxious and devoted.

May health be strong
The disciples are diligent.
You are like parents for us:
Both strict and gentle.

Bow to you low to the ground
For demanding skill.
We always respect you
And we value your opinion.

Autumn has generously stirred ocher in crimson,
Rowan scarlet blazes everywhere color.
And now the October wind, noisy, carries:
Know, ignorance is darkness, learning is light! "
For this light that you pour into the souls of many children,
For a million highways illuminated
For the shoots of new goodness on the whole planet
Hearts are pounding now: "Thank you, teacher!"

Thank you! Love, victories, in the work of accomplishments!
Take care of your health, because it is the most important thing!
Even if it is more common in the class of genius,
To easily learn at least one ...

Congratulations today,
On this bright, clear day
Our best and most beautiful
Dear teachers!

We wish you success
A lot of happiness and kindness
So that life is all yours
Only full of joy!

The profession of a teacher is the vocation of the soul.
This requires a special talent.
And on this day, as always, we are in a hurry
To congratulate you on the holiday.
Give your disciples your love,
Share your invaluable experience.
From them - cheerfulness, take optimism.
And let the work give inspiration!

Congratulations on this day
The whole planet and the whole world
After all, every student knows
That the teacher is a friend, an idol.

We wish you patience
Strength, health and goodness.
Let the nerves be steel
Peace, joy always!

Happy Teacher's Day!
Your labor is valuable - for centuries,
Noble and significant
The task is not easy though.

Let the world become more beautiful
Because of your diligence,
For everyone to live in harmony
With a teacher upbringing!

Receive on Teacher's Day
Flowers and congratulations!
You help a lot
Learn with passion!

Thank you for your responsiveness,
Great patience!
Health and joy to you,
Good luck and good luck!

I sincerely congratulate
Dear teachers!
On this holiday I wish
I have clear, warm days to you.
To be surrounded by attention
You are your students,
Honored, respected
One and all of them.

So that the work brings
Only joy to you always,
Well, what else to add
Happy holiday, teachers!

Happy to congratulate all teachers
And wish goodness and peace,
So that it is brighter in my soul,
The smile widened.

Let inspiration come
Among notebooks, diaries.
Let it be your achievement
High score of students.

You have a script of children's destinies in your hands,
You open the way for them to the world.
Let it always be held in high esteem
The profession of a teacher and educator.
There are many professions in the world,
But there is only one noblest of all.
On the pedestal is the Teacher of Law,
As a gift bringing knowledge of grain.
There is a lot of patience in the teacher,
There is also severity, so that every lesson
Invest in us knowledge, skill, skills,
To eradicate the harmful vice of laziness.

Wise Teacher, we wish you
Happiness and joy, many victories.
We sincerely congratulate you on the holiday,
Well-being and long years.
Congratulations to the teachers of the planet!
Thank you for your work and kindness.
We wish you great happiness
So that the heart radiates warmth.
Let love warm with itself
And your knowledge is always multiplying.
Let only joy surround
And grief never bothers.
Only once a year is so wonderful
There is such an important holiday
Congratulations on your bow,
The wishes of all are countless.

May the whole world smile at you
And he will shower happiness on you,
So that colleagues are kind,
And a seasoned friendly class!
Teacher, teach the students
So that there was someone to learn from later.
Here is a phrase and so much meaning in it,
That I want to bow to your belt.
We wish you sincerely well,
Patience and happiness in personal life.
And so that you always have in all matters
Everything went just fine.

Congratulations on Teacher's Day from the students: to the class teacher

Today the holiday is celebrated
Everyone who is a teacher by profession.
We congratulate you today,
Our cool teacher!
We wish you health and success,
Good disciples, not pranksters.
In life, to have more laughter,
And in work - only a holiday!
We are the homeroom teacher
Today we sincerely want
Congratulate teachers on this day,
And we tell you from the bottom of our hearts,
Thank you for your tact, patience,
We appreciate your kindness,
Let no doubt touch you
Let life give warmth.

Congratulations to the primary school teacher

Happy teachers day today
Gathered to congratulate you
And, of course, very amicably
Thank you for your work.
We are still only children
But they are always responsible.
Our first teacher, know:
All efforts are not in vain.
We promise not to be lazy
Increase knowledge,
So that they can be proud of us,
After school to remember.

When we are first graders
They came to study to you,
We are our second mother
It seemed to us that they had found it.
Sweet teacher Now we thank
So patient
And we give her flowers!

Congratulations to the teacher of Russian language and literature in verse

My Russian language!
Unusual, great
In you, so kind and eternal,
Simplicity, and sharpness, and chic merged,
Hope, love and carelessness!
Thank you teacher, because only you
His beauty was revealed to me
You sowed seeds of love in your heart,
A flair for the tongue was instilled in me.

Pushkin, Gogol, Dostoevsky
- You opened them for us,
We know prose and poems,
A story and a blank verse,
We love literature
We respect you very much,
Happy Teacher's Day from us!
We wish you a lot of happiness
Dreams come true
You gave us a lot
Warmth and kindness!

All punctuation marks
They stand at attention,
Today there is no error in the text,
So that it was not offensive.
Our dear teacher,
Congratulations heartily,
Health, happiness and love
We wish the whole class.

Happy Teachers Day from parents

To dear teachers From happy dads and moms:
What would we do with children?
If not given to you?
We are in half an hour that morning.
And three hours before the night
We all cry from lack of ability
To learn a son or a daughter.
How do you like all the days of the week
From eight to six
It turns out, in fact,
To graze our offspring?
To understand their quirks,
Their ignorance to endure ...
Don't let them fight
And die of boredom!

Hard work - teaching children
And give yourself in full
To open the path of knowledge for them,
Find all the words you want.
And on Teacher's Day from us
Please accept gratitude,
She is honest, not for show
So let it bring joy.
Your patient, necessary work
Worthy of admiration
May all the flowers bloom for you
By adding inspiration.

I want to tell you today
As a child, a true parent,
Earthly bows to teachers!
Be happy, teacher!
May the disciples please
Let knowledge be easy
May your days be easy
Let the beginnings work out!

Congratulations on Teacher's Day from colleagues

We have chosen one path in the profession:
Teaching children is our daily work.
And in the rain, and in the snow, and in warm weather
Desks, books and guys are waiting for us.
They do not allow us to grow old in soul.
And they do not allow to relax either.
And sometimes they confuse us,
Than for development we are given an incentive.
I wish you, colleagues, strength, health,
Patience and creative ideas,
Indifference to the subject, hobbies,
To inspire children to learn.
May gratitude for the lessons learned
Reads in shining eyes.
After all, we not only teach them the subject,
But we discover the best in our hearts.
I congratulate you on Teacher's Day, colleagues.
And finally I want to wish
I wish you success not only at work,
Have a happy and friendly family.

Dear teachers!
You give children a piece of soul
You are always ready to help them,
For you - the warmth of these joyful lines
And the sincerity of every word:
Let luck help in everything
Let life be warmed by the sun.
Kindness, inspiration to you day after day,
Harmony, creativity, light!

Today, colleagues, we can legally
Slightly "filonate", slightly "sack".
Let the wagons wait for us to work,
Why do we drown in business without a trace?
I want to wish you a warm sun,
Wonderful rest, quivering words.
Let joy burst into your homes in an instant,
May dream and love warm the heart.
Let your work be appreciated, let them say "thank you",
And the world will light up with happiness around.
So that you are always cheerful, beautiful!
Bow to you, family, for the sea of ​​merits!

Happy Teachers Day Poems For Math Teacher

We multiply "plus" by "minus"
And we will decompose everything into fractions,
Let's raise to the power again
And let's start congratulating you.
Teacher's Day! For you
We will solve a hundred problems now,
Let's say one hundred pleasant words,
Let's bring a bouquet of flowers.
To be friends with mathematics
- So that's right, smart to live.
Thank you for your work,
We value you very much!

Here formulas float in the office,
Farm and Euler argue in silence
More precisely, there is no science algebra,
For a mathematician, the calculation is in the price!
You give science a solid foundation,
Teacher, cube happiness
Let's give luck a powerful acceleration,
Happy holiday, cool hyperbole friend!

From "two-two" to complex equations
We have traveled a very interesting path.
To the present day from the ancient teachings
You brought this science to us.
Thank you for everything you have learned,
For the cargo conveyed to us of knowledge.
We wish you that in your life there were
All numbers are only with a plus sign.

Congratulations on the Day of the Teacher in verse to the teacher of physical education

Physical education is power!
Thank you for the item:
Indeed, in the sports field
There is no better teacher.
Let life pass in motion
A new day will give you happiness
- Congratulations with respect
Happy Teacher's Day, we are you!

Everyone knows - physical education
Pep promises
And good for the figure,
- This is how our teacher speaks.
And therefore we wish you good luck and health,
Congratulations to you today,
May you live with love.

The teacher - physical education instructor, not regretting, chased:
After all, running is good for health, he knew.
Jogging in winter is useful,
The teacher is a physical education teacher, we are proud of you.
Congratulations to you, the teacher is an athlete,
We wish you health for a thousand years.
It's too early for us to compete with you,
Make you run and push up.

Wishes Happy Teacher's Day in verse

Those who bring light to those who wish to learn,
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts today,
More enthusiasm for you, long years,
We sincerely wish you patience.

Let nothing in life bother you,
And let it be not for nothing that every day will be lived.
And if, suddenly a tear flashes in your eyes, perhaps
So only from joy will she come, like a shadow of happiness.

On an October autumn day
Patience, wisdom, luck
And the smartest children for you!

Day of the teacher the whole world
Today he celebrates in unison.
And with this great holiday
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts!

There is one wonderful holiday in autumn
With him, we hasten to congratulate you soon,
On this sunny, joyful, clear day
We congratulate all teachers!
We wish you more patience,
May the performance in the classroom grow
Happiness, health, luck, luck,
And of course, less worries.

May the lesson be in your joy
And the knowledge will be excellent.
And happiness will be in your personal life!

Happy holiday to all of you, teachers!
It's hard to appreciate your efforts -
Children are playing pranks more than ever
And in general, life has not become more beautiful.
But at the call of my heart every day
You go to work at school,
In hundreds of towns and villages
Work hard like bees
To superstition a terrible age
He did not return to us with the fires of the Inquisitions, -
That's why a person should
Think, develop and learn.
May your contribution be deserved
Will be appreciated and paid
Let the teacher be snapped up
Happy and rich - and not otherwise!
Teachers from all over the planet
Happy to congratulate on this day.
We wish them prosperity in business
And only changes are for the better.
Let their kind hearts
Life and time will spare
The disposition of the Creator
Let the sky reward them.

We sincerely want to congratulate
Happy Teacher's Day, we are you!
Thank you sincerely
What are you teaching us all.

You give us knowledge,
You always help.
We wish you health
Money, joy, kindness.

May sorrow, sadness, adversity
You are bypassed.
Let all the best come
Hurry to your home.

The world is festive today:
Everyone honors the teacher.
The source of children's knowledge,
Guardian Sciences and Schools.
We love you dearly.
Your hard way is honorable.
We wish you to be happy
In the family and at work.
Your work will warm you with the warmth of your soul.
And on Teacher's Day we praise
All who give us light of knowledge
We are grateful to you without measure
For all the warmth, patience, work.
We wish you good and faith,
And let adversity all go away!
Happy teacher's day worldwide
Congratulations to the teachers,
You are given by fate to the world of knowledge
Leave the way for children.
We wish the world
You gave new Einsteins,
A new Pushkin has appeared,
Lomonosov or Heine.

We wish the lessons
Your endlessly lasted
And always students
So that you are proud of yours.
World Teachers Day has come
Please accept our congratulations today!
Teachers of all schools in the world,
Let the mood be radiant!
May your work always be honored,
May your experience and all efforts be appreciated,
Let the children go to school with joy
Accepting knowledge as an invaluable gift!

For affection, kindness, warmth,
What do you give us,
Thanks! After all, what we need
Only you know perfectly well.

We wish you from the bottom of our hearts
Unlimited health
And the mood is always
Merry, great.

Solemnly and joyfully
The bell rings for us:
Today is Teacher's Day!
We are in a hurry
Congratulate you teachers
Wish you success
So that there is a mood
You always have five,
Patience, strength to discern
Talents in tomboy
And light up with inspiration
Passion for knowledge in hearts.
You have chosen a wonderful profession:
Decent, humane, useful.
And made her their calling
Overcoming all difficulties with diligence!

For work, diligence and inspiration
Thank you, congratulations!
May all dreams, desires come true
You are applauded, you are admired!

You know a lot
And teach others
You give us knowledge
Now it is impossible without them.
The whole world is celebrating today
Your day, teachers -
Honorary Teacher's Day
Early October.

We wish you patience
Diligent disciples,
So that you do not know the excitement,
Smart, obligatory.

You have been respected for a long time,
They always set you as an example,
Selfless labor
You glorified your homeland.
World teachers day
At the beginning of October!
Pupils, parents -
Everyone honors you.
You are a favorite teacher.
We are in a hurry to congratulate
You, dear teacher.
We wish you from the bottom of our hearts

To make children happy
Teachers and moms
So that it is better than anyone else in the world
The teachers lived!

Congratulations on Teacher's Day in verse small

The work of a teacher is honorable, important and necessary,
All teachers of the planet, today we thank!
Day of the profession today, with the holiday of the teacher,
Colleagues, relatives and friends congratulate you!
So we congratulate you and want to wish you
Happiness, joy, health, never lose heart!

Today is a holiday for people
Whose work is so respected.
We are dear teachers

We wish you success
Both in life and in work.
We wish to be teachers
Always, everywhere held in high esteem.

Pupils, parents
They shout to you loudly: "Bravo!"
World Teachers Day!
Glory to all teachers!
Teacher, educator, mentor,
Your work will warm you with the warmth of your soul.
And on Teacher's Day we praise
All who give us light of knowledge.

We are grateful to you without measure
For all the warmth, patience, work.
We wish you good and faith,
And let adversity all go away!

It always sounds significant
And with a note of respect -
World Teachers Day,
Worldwide respect.

Congratulations without hesitation
You are smart, golden,
We wish horizons
Conquer once.
For a teacher, mentor
There is a special day of the year -
For patience and skills,
Loyalty to work and work.
All over the world Teacher's Day -
Praise to pedagogy!
May happy events
They start in the morning.

Let joy be in life
And the work will be a joy:
You will guess the meaning
What fate was given to you!
Teacher is a warm word
It smells of kindness
Although the teacher is different,
And kind, and so strict.
And all the wisdom of life
He will make us accept
Learn everything to line
And answer by heart.

I am always grateful to him
And I try to learn faster
And I want to congratulate today
All teachers in the world!
World teachers day
Today we meet
Teachers, mentors
We congratulate ours.
For the future you
You are responsible
Let your profession
Will always be held in high esteem.

We wish you success
Patience and strength
So that from year to year
You taught the children.
Trust teachers from God
It's not easy to meet
But life is a bright road
Gave me a chance to get to know you.
Today is your wonderful holiday -
World Teachers Day.
I wish you an interesting life
And only goodness in your fate!
We wish dear teachers
Put your potential into work,
I am proud of the result
And so that there is a decent salary
So that children understand perfectly
And only joy brought school,
So that the friendly team is close-knit
And every day gave you a positive!
Thanks - do not count,
Do not express in words;
For children, of course, an honor
Make friends with teachers!
Souls beautiful features
They serve as an example for children
And your necessary works
Most valuable in the world!

Love and knowledge
Always agree to share.
Good luck to you, teachers,
May life be wonderful!

Happy Teacher's Day, we congratulate you,
Dear teachers!
We declare to you without guile
That you are our big family!
Everyone is important, and everyone in her is dear,
We love you more and more!
You opened all those open spaces for us
What made us better, bolder.

And let it be every day, every hour,
Every moment is filled with light!
May the good always be for you,
And all my life - in a bright, sunny summer!
Solemnly, significantly
A holiday comes suddenly
World Teachers Day,
And you still have no time.
With fire in my eyes and in my heart
With a smile on my lips
You share your knowledge,
And the class freezes.

Let me wish you
Success and love,
And the torch of your knowledge
Let it burn brightest.
Congratulations, we are loved ones,
And native teachers
On this holiday you wish you
More bright - bright days.
With gratitude we wish
I wish you success and love,
And health and finance,
Well, happiness lies ahead.

So that loved ones are relatives,
Were there every day
And the worries are not easy
Disappeared like a shadow!
Thank you, teachers,
For your difficult work,
After all, you have chosen the path
What drives you in a wave.
There is no way to relax
And as if for the first time
Carrying your experience, knowledge,
You come into the classroom.

This excitement will not pass
But let there be enough strength
And every day is good,
And the whole world loves you.
Your profession is very important,
After all, without her the people would be stupid,
Therefore, let her bring
Very good, stable income!
We also wish you a lot of patience,
Obedient so that everyone is a student!
And so that your work brings pleasure,
We wish only "five" to be put in our diary!
We have been walking through these doors since the first class,
And the first hour an exciting ringing
We stand in anticipation, and with great impatience
Tell you: "Thank you!" and "Low bow!"
There is no ancient profession on the planet,
The teacher is a hero unrecognized by glory,
But kind, smart, honest children -
This is the highest measure of the award!
Today we congratulate everyone from the bottom of our hearts,
Those with gray hair at the temples at the blackboard,
And those who are just beginning their path,
Who gives their care and knowledge.

Who writes notes and reads books,
And those who plow the expanses of science,
Whoever is lazy, does not know fatigue at all,
All those who do great things.

Today we congratulate you, teacher,
We wish you success, patience, goodness,
So that the sea of ​​ideas always inspires you,
The work of the beloved and easy was!
The years run forward,
And we are again at the school desk.
Always be happy
And they are fabulously happy with life.
Let the guiding star
The road is brightly lit
And your kind soul
He never knows sorrow.

Cool congratulations to teachers

Happy Teacher's Day worldwide!
May your eyes always burn
Affectionate and wondrous light,
To delight the guys!

Kohl the teacher is good-natured
And I'm not used to swearing,
Will henceforth obey him
Every smart student!

Congratulations to teachers -
Strict and not very strict -
Everyone who teaches children:
Both girls and boys.
Without saying unnecessary words,
Teacher's Day! Hooray!

Today is Teacher's day,
Congratulations on him,
We wish you happiness and good luck,
Good health luggage.

You give knowledge to children,
And to adulthood cook them.
You don't take anything in return for this,
Protect them like family.
Teacher's Day! Happy most
Great people.
Only by your labors
The seas of ideas are born.
Let them give with renewed vigor
Heaven is your inspiration
So that patience does not cool down
And doubts did not touch!
World teachers day
Today they celebrate -
Day of the Keeper's Wisdom.
With him, I congratulate you!
Thank you for your knowledge,
What do you give so generously,
For faith, understanding,
For not scolding!

May the world smile at you
Be healthy you.
Let it be performed more often
Cherished dreams!
Today is a holiday for special people.
Teachers, we value your work very much.
We wish you sincerely good happy days,
Let the changes be joyful only.
Let everyday life be interesting and easy
And the mood is light and calm.
Let the students delight with success,
Let the salary be worthy of work!
October foliage let amber outside the windows
The breath of autumn timidly worries.
And on the table is your calendar
World Teachers' Day will usher in.
And the kids, running noisily into the classroom,
Eagerly, like a flock of sparrows,
They chirp: "We congratulate you!"
Having voiced all the wishes without hiding.

So let the rays of beautiful children's eyes
The road of your life is being illuminated!
And the seeds of goodness that you are sowing now
They admire their seedlings in the future!
On this October this autumn day
Patience, wisdom, luck
And the smartest children for you!
Day of the teacher the whole world
Today he celebrates in unison.
And with this great holiday
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts!

May the lesson be in joy to you,
And knowledge will be excellent.
Let the schoolboy pleases the bell
May happiness be in your personal life!

Teacher ... Much in this word:
First bell, lesson, primer.
We congratulate everyone today,
Who gives the world of great knowledge!
Let life flow like a bright river
On stable, rugged shores.
And may she be successful
And only joy in the eyes!
Happy Teacher's Day, we congratulate you,
Happiness in everything and everywhere, we wish
Success in work, always understanding,
From your schoolchildren - only efforts!
Be successful, strive for a career,
Together with the children you always learn,
Appreciate work and skill, of course
And the whole life, believe me, will be successful!

Poem for teachers day

World teachers day
Knocking on the school door.
Guardians of all wisdom
In cities and villages.
Teachers, mentors,
We hasten to congratulate you all,
Great profession
We were able to glorify with difficulty,
We wish you a long life
Disciples to love
And in their hearts for a long time
Extend self-love.

The laws of life and the basics of knowledge
You print on the board for us.
Teachers, you are the center of the universe
Everything in this world rests on you!

World Teachers' Day is your holiday,
Congratulations from us,
And a ray of sunshine, little prankster,
Shines in the classroom festively for you!
Happy World Teachers Day
You are the keepers of knowledge
Within the walls of the institution.
I wish you up to a hundred years
With proper patience
Bring goodness and light to the people
With a great mood!
Teachers, you are dear to us all
Thank you for all your efforts!
After all, you are like sunbeams,
Give us warmth and prosperity!
Let your every lesson bring
As much wisdom and knowledge as possible!
We wish you this festive day
Goodness and fulfillment of all desires!

A teacher is a difficult job,
Years and time will not erase
The knowledge that you give us,
And do not expect gratitude.

Happy world teachers day
We hasten to congratulate you today,
We wish you patience, strength,
So that God will reward you with health!

We wish you ardor in your work,
Always creative impulses
So that your work is always appreciated by everyone,
So that in life there are only successes!
Happy Teacher's Day, hurray!
Let the day begin with a smile
With inspiration and kindness,
The soul will sing like a violin.
Let the patience not go away
And it will be added a hundredfold,
And let the smile bloom
Making everyday life more pleasant.

In the sea of ​​the most important things
Let the waves carry you to success
Chalk trembles in sensitive fingers -
Exceptionally laughing!
I congratulate you with all my heart
Happy World Teachers Day
For an honest labor feat,
You are the keepers of knowledge.

May success await at work
And the team is great,
And warmth, kindness and laughter
They will stay in personal life!
I wish you do not get tired of work,
To understand everything, to be able to give a lot to children.
So that every day brings you joy.
There was enough wisdom, patience, strength for everything.
And in your personal life, so that there is harmony,
So that the cup of happiness is full to the top.
And everything was so exclusive
To always know - life is good.
And Happy Teacher's Day!
Thanks to all the teachers,
Patience and health to you,
There are no wiser people in the world.
I wish you many bright days
So that everyone brings happiness
And so as not to diminish in strength.
May work bring you joy,
And the children are waiting for a meeting with you.

Learning is not an easy job,
But always very important.
After all, no matter what you are,
You have been teaching us for many years.
And we wish you patience
Strong health and strength.
Salaries are about to rise
So that work brings you joy.

At home, love to reign
And with it, kindness.
The family surrounded with care,
And no trouble was terrible.

Touching poems to the teacher on Teacher's Day

Happy Teachers Day
We are in a hurry for you today.
You will be praised forever
Those you taught.
Your experience is dearer than gold.
May sadness not prevail
And a decent salary
Let him wait for all of you.

You have a special charisma.
If severity is good for.
Happiness, faith, optimism,
All the best to you, teachers!
Happy World Teachers Day
We would like to congratulate you.
Priceless work of reverence
We will not tire of praising yours!
You are in this school every day
You give us knowledge
As if there is no laziness
And you don't get tired.

We are grateful to you for everything:
For wisdom, for patience,
And also wish more
We want you inspiration.
You are the crown of patience,
For example, a sample.
Can you explain everything
And help me figure it out.
We are very proud of you -
All over the country by teachers.
You bring the light of science to the world,
You are always held in high esteem.

Let the disciples strive
To differ in knowledge.
We sincerely congratulate you!
We love you endlessly.
On this bright and good day
All words, flowers, congratulations
For beloved teachers,
The most, most in all generations.
The first syllable, like the first sound
And a textbook, a notebook, an assessment
And the bell that sounds for the lesson
Never forget, I guess.

God give you all the blessings of life
There is a lot of health and happiness.
So that a teacher's long experience
Brought only joy, success for years!
Happy World Teachers Day, we congratulate you!
And that's all, to wish what is accepted, we wish now.
But, most importantly, remember, let knowledge and work
They will give you happiness in life, they will save you from troubles.
The soul will be filled with warmth, and the heart - with kindness,
Fate will reward you with a gold medal.
And let the alloy of the medal be from these words of ours:
Good luck, great success to you and many colors.
We are proud of you, we respect you,
We strive for victories, we wish you health.
We want to congratulate you, say thank you,
We promise to teach, to pass everything with “excellent”.
And so that the head does not ache for us,
Life was not only full of work,
So that plans are written easily, without hesitation.
Less thorny paths in the sciences!
Longitude and latitude
Doesn't play a role
On this day of teachers
The whole world congratulates.
Congratulations, accept
You are my heart
You sow all over the planet
Kind and eternal.

I wish you from the bottom of my heart
I have strength and patience,
So that crops grow into growth
In the field of learning.
With great delight, inspiration,
Great mood
Came to congratulate you now,
At such a solemn hour!
Your whole life will be smooth
And delicious, sweet chocolate.
Let the lessons inspire you,
Protect evil from boredom!

Disciples you are only obedient,
Cheerful, kind, very friendly,
So that you can wish them all
Give only a grade of "five"!

And, of course, in a team
Only everyone can live in a positive way,
Always be friends with the director
And live very amicably, peacefully!

We hope that the teacher liked our selection of beautiful congratulations on Teacher's Day in verse. In order not to lose poems for teacher's day - add to bookmarks and share with friends using the buttons social networks

Teachers have a difficult and responsible job, because these people not only pass on knowledge and experience to students, but also try to be an advisor and a good friend. Children spend a lot of time at school, so teachers often become practically second parents: they worry, worry, worry and help their wards. Each student would like to congratulate their favorite teachers, and how to do this in an unusual and emotional way, we will tell you in this article.

The mentors do not wait for the holiday expensive gifts, it is much more important for them to feel respect, attention, care from the side of the wards. How can students congratulate teachers on Teacher's Day:

  1. The most popular gift is of course flowers. A woman is most often presented with beautiful bouquet, but on teacher's day, it is advisable to present flowers in an unusual way, so that the surprise will be remembered for a long time. For example, the whole class takes turns coming up to the class teacher and handing over one flower with wishes. At the end of the congratulations, the mentor will have a whole bouquet.
  2. Poems of your own composition as a gift are a pleasant surprise that the teacher will surely like. You can come up with humorous quatrains or, if you can't write a congratulation, use poems by other authors. The main thing is to read the words from the heart, with the most sincere wishes.
  3. Students can organize a small concert for the class teacher. You will have to rehearse the performances in advance, and on a holiday, please the teacher with interesting numbers: song, dance, theatrical scene, tricks.
  4. The original version of congratulations is a wall newspaper, in the design of which the whole class participates. You can write on large sheet Whatman paper beautiful congratulations in poetic form or prose, add photos from school life, decorate a gift for Teacher's Day with sweets, ribbons, bows.
  5. In the age of modern technology, children often use various gadgets to congratulate them on the holiday. This can be a edited film about teachers, an interview format where each student will congratulate the mentor on a holiday, a movie with a script in which students will be filmed instead of actors.

At the stage of preparation for the holiday, a number of issues need to be resolved:

  • will there be a collective congratulation from the whole class, or each student will prepare a surprise on their own;
  • to whom the congratulations are intended: the class teacher, teachers who teach specialized subjects, the director;
  • whether parents need to participate in the preparation;
  • which one

Any congratulation, regardless of the format chosen, will delight the mentor if it is done sincerely and from the heart.

Festive concert

If you decide to give a concert on Teacher's Day, you need to come up with a script in advance and carefully rehearse each number. Students will be able to show their talents: sing a song, dance, show a funny scene, arrange magic tricks. If it will be a mini-concert for a class teacher or several teachers, it can be shown after lessons. Usually there is a school-wide event on Teacher's Day, so you need to think in advance about the time so that the mentors are free.

Flash mob

If you want to surprise the teacher, organize a "live" greeting. For example, students from several grades are lined up in a certain order under the windows of a building in such a way as to get the letters that make up the word: "Congratulations!" All loudly call the mentor by name and patronymic, and when he looks out the window, the schoolchildren shout congratulatory words. At the same time, you can launch colorful balls into the sky to make the flash mob bright and colorful.

Wall newspaper

Teachers will be happy to receive a wall newspaper that the students have made themselves. There are many design options for a wall newspaper, for example, you can paint a sheet of Whatman paper with yellow and red autumn leaves, glue photos and write congratulatory verses. Such a surprise will look creative. White paper decorated with images of flowers and butterflies, then photos of students are glued, each of whom is holding a sheet of paper with a written word. When all the images are pasted, you will get an original greeting inscription, for example:

Ekaterina Alekseevna! We would like to sincerely congratulate you on Teacher's Day and wish you joy, health and happiness. May you always have a great mood, and we will try to please with grades and exemplary behavior.

How to congratulate a colleague?

On a professional holiday, mentors accept congratulations not only from the wards and their parents, but also from their own colleagues.

Congratulations from the director:

A teacher is not just a profession, but a vocation, a state of mind when you are happy to share your baggage of knowledge with children. Therefore, for each of us, it is so important to recognize the students, their true love, which does not disappear even after many years. I congratulate you, dear colleagues, and I wish to hear on this day many sincere, significant words of gratitude from your students. Teacher's Day!

Dear colleagues! Today is our holiday, and I want to say thank you very much for your daily work. The result of our work is not immediately visible: builders are building houses, drivers are transporting goods and passengers, lawyers appear in courts, doctors treat diseases. And we invest knowledge in our students, help the formation of personality, support in difficult situations, we are glad for their successes. Dear mentors, stay the same sunny, kind, sensitive, attentive, may luck always be near, and adversity bypass. Happy Holidays!

Congratulations on Teacher's Day do not have to be strict and formal. Delight your colleagues with funny poems or prose, so that the holiday will be held in a fun, relaxed atmosphere.

Congratulations from parents

Surely the mothers and fathers of the students will want to express their gratitude to the mentors who daily invest new knowledge in their children. Parents can get together after school, hand over a surprise with a bouquet of flowers to the teacher and give a touching speech.

Sincere congratulations on Teacher's Day can be not only in poetry, but also in prose:

Dear ______________ (name, patronymic of the mentor)! Let me sincerely congratulate you on a wonderful holiday - Teacher's Day. You do so much for our children, put a piece of your soul into them, give your heartfelt warmth, teach not only to read, write, count, but also to be good, responsible, kind people. For the students, you are a second mother (father), a close person who wishes only happiness to your child. Your work is truly invaluable, and we want to say a huge thank you for everything you do for our children. We wish you good health, happiness, good luck, only Have a good mood!

A teacher is a difficult profession that requires full dedication, because what you sow will germinate later. Let the hard life of a teacher be filled with happy children's laughter, good knowledge and grades, gratitude, kind words from the students. We hope that in years to come you will be proud of our children and their success. Happiness to you, prosperity, life benefits!

What can students do?

The teacher will accept any congratulations from the students with joy. You can congratulate your beloved teacher in poetic form, organize a small concert, arrange a flash mob, record a video message. You can think of original congratulations to surprise the mentor on teacher's day, for example, make a wish tree. Each student writes a wish on a green leaf-shaped sticker, and then the leaves are glued to the drawn trunk. It will be beautiful if the gift is arranged in the form of a picture in a wooden frame.

By the same principle, you can make a sea, a house, a flower meadow with wishes.

An example scenario of congratulations from students

Pick up musical excerpts from songs that will add up to a congratulation. To the music, the students take out a sign with wishes, which is handed to the mentor. After the musical number, the students congratulate the teacher on the holiday, present a gift and flowers.

Congratulations in verse

Cool verse from colleagues:

I congratulate you, colleagues, on this wonderful, warm day.
Let your eyes burn with happiness with a bright, fiery fire.
Our work is difficult and nervous at times,
How often we return home tired.
Pupils do not listen, it happens that they play pranks,
I wish you smart, affectionate guys in the class.
And if suddenly it happens that the children take you out,
Colleagues, I would like to wish you very strong nerves.
Well good conditions labor,
Decent, high salary.
The mood is always good
And evaluations of children as awards.

Congratulations from parents:

Please accept our gratitude on this wonderful autumn day
For what to explain, show, teach children is not too lazy.
For your kindness, love, sincere attention,
For giving the children all your knowledge.
We wish you creative success, joy and happiness,
To avoid troubles and bad weather.
Vitality, good health!
Thank you sincerely, with respect and love.

Poem from the students:

Thank you teachers
For the fact that you do not teach in vain,
Give knowledge to us the baggage,
Your experience is very important.
Always be happy
Let the trouble pass you by.
Your work is admirable,
We wish you joy, love, good luck, inspiration.

Congratulations on Teacher's Day in prose

Congratulatory words from the head teacher:

Dear teachers! Today we are celebrating our professional holiday. I would like to say thank you very much to everyone for the invaluable work, kindness, affection, care. I sincerely thank each of you for the work that you perform responsibly and with all your heart. It's so good that we have a friendly, cheerful team. I would like to wish everyone a good mood, strong nerves, understanding students. Reach your goals, rejoice, enjoy life!

Congratulations from a colleague-friend:

Dear friend, Happy Teacher's Day! You are a real treasure not only for loved ones, but also for students. As a second mother, you worry about each of them, you rejoice at success, you worry about how your future life will turn out. There are very few such sensitive mentors, so you are so appreciated and loved. I wish you personal happiness, beauty, tranquility, creative ups!

What parents can say on Teacher's Day:

A teacher is a vocation that the most courageous, wise, kind people proudly carry through their whole lives. Let difficult everyday life be filled with enthusiastic children's views, the best grades, grateful words. Let joy, happiness, understanding, respect reign in the family. Thank you for everything you do for our children. Low bow to you.

Congratulations from the students to the class teacher:

Dear _____________ (name, patronymic of the teacher)! Sometimes we behave noisily, we do not listen, we argue with you. But all the students in our class are happy that you are our class teacher. We wish you a peaceful sky above your head, warm sun, obedient students, and we, in turn, promise to study well and achieve a lot in life, so that you are proud of us. Teacher's Day!

If congratulatory words are written on a postcard, choose a concise text:

Dear _________ (name, patronymic of the mentor)! Thank you for everything that you are doing for us!

Happy Teacher's Day! We wish you health, good luck, happiness, obedient students!

Congratulations on social networks and SMS

How to congratulate teachers in an original way using mobile phones and social networks? Place a congratulatory poem on the teachers' social media pages or send an SMS to mobile phone.

Thank you teachers
That you are not trying in vain.
May work bring you joy,
And the children are waiting for a meeting with you.

You can arrange for the whole class to have each student send a short congratulatory message to the teacher on their mobile phone. The teacher will be pleasantly surprised when, on the holiday, the students "shower" him with pleasant words.


The teacher will be happy to receive a postcard from the class on a professional holiday. A ready-made copy can be bought, but hand-made things are of particular value. Make it to the teacher beautiful postcard using the scrapbooking, quilling technique, make an applique or draw a thematic picture: flowers, autumn leaves, school bell, globe. It remains to write congratulatory words and present a gift to your beloved teacher.

Several options for postcards for Teacher's Day:

Congratulations to the first teacher

Primary classes can read a touching poem for the teacher:

Happy Teacher's Day, we congratulate you,
We wish you happiness, joy, success.
Do not be upset, do not be sad,
The most the best teacher be.
When we came to first grade
You greeted us so joyfully.
Your eyes radiate kindness,
Therefore, children all adore you.

How to congratulate the homeroom teacher of middle and high school?

On your holiday, we want to say the following words -
When you scold us, it doesn't matter.
We have such wonderful you,
All your merits and do not count.
Thank you for your concern, for your understanding,
May all your wishes come true.

Happy holiday, we congratulate you,
We wish you happiness, joy, good luck.
More warm, bright days,
And we love you more and more!

You are our idol, our guiding star that leads us to a happy future. Every day you share with us not only knowledge and wisdom, but also give a piece of your soul that each of us will save for life in our hearts. Thank you for everything you are doing for us. We wish you happiness, creative ups and downs and success in all your endeavors.

Congratulations to teachers in various subjects

Wishes can emphasize professional activity each teacher. Teachers will be pleased to receive personal congratulations, rather than general words.

Teachers in English can be congratulated like this:

The language of the great Shakespeare, as well as the Internet
We have studied with you and thank you for that!
Respect from us, please accept,
The best, our beloved teacher!

Poems to the math teacher:

We are ready to learn math for many years,
So that there are many victories at the Olympiads.
Congratulations, our teacher! The whole class wishes you
Prove all theorems not once, but many times.

It is permissible to congratulate a dance teacher like this:

Magic fairy of rhythmic movements,
Today we will congratulate you.
Wonderful dances are full of inspiration
We love to dance very much.
Thank you for your efforts,
For patience and understanding.

How to congratulate a physical education teacher:

Now we can jump high
You have taught me how to run quickly and easily.
You are our favorite PE teacher,
God of agility, courage, perfect figure.
We wish you to always win in everything,
And we will pass all the standards at "five".

How to congratulate a physics teacher on Teacher's Day in your own words:

Physics is a difficult science, but you helped to understand, explained, taught, for which we want to say thank you. Now we know the laws of Newton and Ohm, what the speed of light and sound is, we will continue to study such an important and necessary subject with your help. We wish you good, good luck, happiness and obedient students.

Beautiful congratulations to the teacher-philologist on Teacher's Day:

Great, mighty Russian language,
You are pouring like wonderful music.
Each of us got used to you from childhood,
You remain beloved for us.
Thank you for what you did for us,
Our congratulations are exclusively for you!

Comic verse to a biology teacher:

Your study is like a museum
Here are herbariums and even in formalin the bodies of snakes.
And the skeleton in the closet, beloved for so many years, has been standing,
Granite helps us to gnaw science together with you.
If someone is scared, well, it doesn't matter,
We wish you to be cheerful, friendly always.

How to congratulate the director and the head teacher?

Today we all celebrate Teacher's Day,
And of course we don't forget about the head teacher.
Let everything work out
All dreams come true.
To keep everything in order
Like an excellent student in a notebook.

How to congratulate the headmaster:

Not everyone is capable of working as a teacher, but being a school leader is a real talent that only a persistent, strong, courageous person can do. Our labor collective is happy to work under your leadership, because you always find the right solution in any situation. Accept my sincere congratulations, let every day be a discovery for something new, bring only joyful emotions, give smiles. Happy Teacher's Day, dear director!

Please mentors with sincere words of gratitude and warmest wishes. The working days of the teacher are difficult, full of various events, therefore, on Teacher's Day, it is so pleasant for each mentor to feel the attention and respect from the students, their parents, as well as colleagues and school leaders.

Beautiful cards and videos "Happy Teacher's Day!"

On Teacher's Day I want to wish you
Never lose heart in life.
Peace, creativity, compliments,
Respect, quivering moments,
Creative success, personal life,
In general, so that everything was excellent.

I wish you wisdom and strength
Iron nerves and patience,
God has awarded you with talent
Raise the younger generation!

I wish you many years of work,
For you - honor, respect.
Your image is forever in my soul,
You are the best teacher, and there is no doubt about that!

Teacher is a proud title that only the most honored and worthy carry in life! So let the hard work of the teacher bring only joy and be fruitful. Let the students be diligent, diligent - something to be proud of. And let happiness and comfort reign in the family. Health, love, prosperity and all the blessings of life!

I want to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
For the fact that you live by profession.
For having gone through a lot with us
And you devote your life to work.

It is not easy to find an approach to each
And don't accidentally offend anyone.
To instill confidence, to go forward,
To be able to see the good in everything.

The teacher is the first person
Who sets an example and inspires,
We wish you happiness for a whole century,
Let your eyes shine with joy.

May your house be a full cup,
And everything will be all right at work
So that you sit at the table less often
Sleepless nights at a notebook.

So that there is everything: prosperity and comfort,
So that your noble work is respected.
And let the fireworks sound in your honor.
You deserve much and the best.

Thank you for choosing a profession,
Which carries the teachings of the light!
And for interesting lessons,
Because you always know the answer to everything!

We love you, although sometimes we are naughty.
Please forgive us for this!
We thank you for everything, for everything,
And there is no better teacher in the world!

We wish you diligent students,
Salary of high, creative ideas
And only successful days at work,
To make you proud of your profession!

There is such a calling - to teach,
Give your soul piece by piece
And to love children selflessly,
Even those who, alas, are disobedient.

And lead the children
Despite the difficulties of everyday life.
Congratulations to the teachers -
Their road is covered with thorns.

We wish teachers
Consolations for nerves and shakes.
Peace and joy to their bright houses,
As a reward for sensitivity and affection.

Adequate working conditions
And a normal, decent salary.
Let them always contact you
Curious childish looks.

Congratulations, teachers!
Happy Teacher's Day to all teachers!
Our Earth is famous for you,
And your profession is from God.

Happy Teacher's Day, I congratulate you!
I wish you good emotions
Great happiness for many years
And I wish good weather to your house.

Steel health, finance, prosperity,
In the school routine of comfort, order.
Children you obedient and easy days,
Let great love warm your heart.

The teacher is a man from God.
There is no more valuable labor in the world.
It is for the sake of knowledge, free of charge
Skip breakfast and lunch
Make a plan, come tired
Will begin to teach the kids
So that inept, stupid little ones
She did not offend life.
Once upon a time at the institute
I pored over the book for us.
Now, checking errors,
I completely forgot about the rest.
So let it be rewarded according to merit -
Luck, happiness and goodness!
For helping hundreds of different destinies
May the sun always shine on you
Luck walks side by side
Success in all matters reigns.
We congratulate you on Teacher's Day.
Comfort, joy, love!

Thank you teachers
For sensitivity and patience,
For the knowledge that you give
And explain the skill.

Your labor is priceless and great,
Always in demand everywhere.
Every student loves you
And anxious and devoted.

May health be strong
The disciples are diligent.
You are like parents for us:
Both strict and gentle.

Bow to you low to the ground
For demanding skill.
We always respect you
And we value your opinion.

We want to say thank you
For your kindness and knowledge.
Children are not easy to teach
Teachers' work is very important.

We wish you on Teacher's Day
Great inspiration,
We sincerely congratulate you
Have a good mood!

Teaching kids is not an easy job.
I wish you to forget about worries on your holiday.
Let any problems be solved
Good news knocks on the door
Success in work, inspiration, patience,
Let nothing spoil the mood.

In our lives, each of us returned to school at least two times - first as a student, and then as a strict parent. Therefore, the question of how to congratulate the teacher on Teacher's Day is always relevant!

Although to be able to find unusual options is a whole art that requires exquisite taste, knowledge of psychology. Some go the standard ways and fill up the teacher with bouquets. Of course, it is always pleasant to receive flowers, but the memories of them disappear almost immediately as soon as the buds wither.

We offer several original ideas what to give the teacher. With minimal financial costs, they will allow you to get maximum pleasure and memory for a lifetime. Show your own imagination, use the talent of your children and make fantastic projects easy and simple!

1. Dreams in the sky.
The idea for a great Teacher's Day gift just flew in the air! Bright and a budget option that everyone will love. Every child in the class should come with a helium balloon of whatever color they like. Before lessons, children will tie them by ribbons to their desks or chairs so that they do not interfere during lessons. In this way, you will decorate the classroom, and your favorite teacher will lead the class in a beautiful environment. Ask her to write down her most cherished desires on a piece of paper, and after lessons, attaching them to the balls, launch all together a multi-colored bouquet into the sky. A parent can take pictures throughout the day to really add to the school album. interesting photos"With history".

2. Airy decor.
Order decoration with balloons - foil letters folded into congratulatory inscriptions, a figurine of a teacher, pupils from balloons will pleasantly delight the teachers.

3. Theatrical performance in the form of a skits.
Children in poetry, prose, based on a popular hit can write small congratulations to her class teacher, taking as a basis the school subject that she teaches. Great physicists or writers, historical figures, pioneers, sports stars, composers, who will be portrayed by the students themselves, will be the main characters. To make the characters recognizable, you can make some elements of the costumes yourself or rent them.

4. Sweet presentations are always popular!
But come up with an original presentation - instead of a box of chocolates, order unusual figures laid out from them. And an unusual cake will surprise you not only with its taste, but also appearance... In the staff room, such a surprise will not go unnoticed!

5. Photo printing.
Clocks, calendars with photos, cups are not only beautiful, but also practical. You can choose beautiful pictures for each month or post one general photo with congratulations.

6. Collage "Whirlpool of desires".
An interesting gift for the teacher on Teacher's Day. Each child will write his wishes on A4 paper with bright felt-tip pens and pens and take a picture with him. And then one of the parents will collect all this into a single picture, adding beautiful pictures, landscapes. Decorate all this in a beautiful frame and present to the touched teacher. We are sure that this "canvas" will take its rightful place in her house and will invariably evoke warm feelings.

7. Congratulations and surprise!
This is how you can describe the "live" congratulations. In each class there are active guys who are engaged in singing and dancing. Organize a flash mob right at recess. The whole school will come running to see such a bright and unforgettable performance! An incendiary dance or potpourri from the favorite songs of the "cool mother" will move her to the depths of her soul, and she will be even more proud of her talented students.

Poems for Teacher's Day: congratulations and wishes

On the day when the professional holiday of people of one of the intelligent professions is celebrated, I would like to congratulate them with special words. Poems for Teacher's Day, congratulations and wishes can be said orally, written on a chalkboard or postcard. The main thing is that you do it sincerely and with all your heart.

  1. Teacher is a proud title that only the most honored and worthy carry in life! So let the hard work of the teacher bring only joy and be fruitful. Let the students be diligent, diligent - something to be proud of. And let happiness and comfort reign in the family. Health, love, prosperity and all the blessings of life!
  2. Dear teachers, we sincerely congratulate you on World Teachers Day! Your profession is the ability to give the warmth of your heart to the younger generation, to lead children up the steps to the top of knowledge. Be always healthy and happy, respected and loved by your pupils.
  3. Teacher's Day is the most exciting holiday for each of us. Since we all went to school once, our children and grandchildren go to school. And it depends on the teacher what the person will be like. After all, you give us all your love, all the affection and care. Thank you, dear ones, for that. I wish you not to know any troubles or disappointments. Let only the most nice days will begin to appear in your life. Know that everyone will be grateful to you and always. After all, you deserve not only admiration, but also respect from all of us. Happy Teacher's Day!
  4. October gives us a great opportunity to congratulate our teachers and thank them for their hard, but such important work. Dear director of our best school, please accept your sincere wishes. Let your life be as pure as spring water, let only a white streak of good luck be in it. Good health, good friends and always great mood... May your experience, your wisdom always be good example for us. May fate be supportive and generous to you

1. Congratulations on Teacher's Day,
We adore and value!

Our parents respect you,
We thank you for your knowledge!

May everything turn out great
In this new academic year!

We promise to study hard
And catch everything on the fly!

2. Not just a teacher, but a school mother
In elementary classes for all the kids,
The kindest, the wisest the most
Reason teaches our children!

Sweetheart, happy holiday to you, Happy Teacher's Day,
Congratulations to you all and flowers
From kids, grateful parents!

Happiness, health and kindness to you!

3. On the October holiday, cheerful
Autumn leaves always golden
School celebrates teacher's day
May joy inspire you with goodness!

4. Thank you for loving us,
Although they were strict with us at times,
For the fact that you taught us to think,
For everything, for everything that you did for us!