
The main problems of childhood in the Russian Federation. Modern problems of childhood. The main problems in the field of childhood


I Introduction

According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, children are entitled to special care and assistance. The Constitution of the Russian Federation guarantees state support for the family, motherhood and childhood. By signing the Convention on the Rights of the Child and other international acts in the field of ensuring the rights of children, the Russian Federation expressed its commitment to participating in the efforts of the world community to create an environment that is comfortable and friendly for children.

In the Russian Federation, the National Plan of Action for Children was adopted in 1995 and covers the period up to the year 2000. As part of the next stage of the country's socio-economic development, it is relevant to develop and adopt a new document - the National Strategy for Children for 2012-2017 (hereinafter - the National Strategy).

The main goal of the National Strategy is to determine the main directions and objectives of the state policy in the interests of children and the key mechanisms for its implementation, based on the generally recognized principles and norms of international law.

In the last decade, ensuring a safe and secure childhood has become one of Russia's main national priorities. In the messages of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the tasks were set to develop a modern and effective state policy in the field of childhood. The problems of childhood and ways to solve them are reflected in the Concept of the long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020, the Concept of the demographic policy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025.

Implementation of priority national projects "Health" and "Education", federal targeted programs. A number of important legislative acts have been adopted to prevent the most serious threats to the exercise of children's rights. New state and public institutions have been created: the position of the Commissioner for Children's Rights under the President of the Russian Federation has been established, the institution of the Commissioner for Children's Rights has been established in a number of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and the Fund for Supporting Children in Difficult Life Situations has been established. The amount of financing of social expenditures from the federal budget and the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation has increased, and new measures have been taken to provide social support to families with children. For the first time in Russia, a large-scale nationwide information campaign was carried out to combat child abuse, and a single helpline number was put into practice.

As a result of the measures taken, there have been positive trends in increasing the birth rate and reducing child mortality, improving the socio-economic situation of families with children, increasing the availability of education and medical care for children, and increasing the number of children placed in families without parental care.

At the same time, the problems associated with creating a comfortable and friendly environment for the life of children remain acute and are far from a final solution. The child population continues to decline, a significant part of preschool children and those studying in educational institutions various diseases and functional deviations are found.

According to the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation, the number of identified violations of children's rights is not decreasing. In 2011, more than 93,000 children became victims of crime. The number of disabled children, orphans and children left without parental care is decreasing at a slow pace. The problems of teenage alcoholism, drug addiction and substance abuse are acute: almost a quarter of crimes are committed by minors in a state of intoxication.

The development of high technologies, the country's openness to the world community have led to the vulnerability of children from illegal content in the information and telecommunications network "Internet" (hereinafter referred to as the "Internet"), exacerbated the problems associated with the sale of children, child pornography and prostitution. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the number of sites containing materials with child pornography has increased by almost a third, and the number of Internet materials themselves - by 25 times. A significant number of suicide sites are available to teenagers at any time.

According to Rosstat, in 2010 the share of low-income children under the age of 16 exceeded the average Russian level of poverty. In the most vulnerable position are children aged from one and a half to three years, children from large and single-parent families and children of unemployed parents.

The scale and severity of existing problems in the field of childhood, emerging new challenges, the interests of the future of the country and its security urgently require the state authorities of the Russian Federation, local governments, civil society to take urgent measures to improve the situation of children and protect them.

The main problems in the field of childhood

Insufficient effectiveness of existing mechanisms for ensuring and protecting the rights and interests of children, failure to comply with international standards in the field of children's rights.

High risk of poverty at the birth of children, especially in large and single-parent families.

Prevalence of family dysfunction, child abuse and all forms of violence against children.

Low efficiency of preventive work with disadvantaged families and children, prevalence of deprivation parental rights and social orphanhood.

Inequality between the subjects of the Russian Federation in terms of the volume and quality of available services for children and their families.

Social exclusion of vulnerable categories of children (orphans and children left without parental care, children with disabilities and children in social precarious position).

Growing new risks associated with the dissemination of information that poses a danger to children.

The absence of effective mechanisms to ensure the participation of children in public life, in resolving issues that directly affect them.

II. Family policy of child protection

Brief analysis of the situation

Despite the observed last years an increase in the birth rate, the number of children under the age of 17 decreased over 10 years from 31.6 million in 2002 to 25 million in 2011.

Large families and single-parent families are characterized by the maximum risk of poverty. The demand for affordable goods and services for children is not sufficiently satisfied.

The transformation of the family institution is accompanied by a high level of social distress in families, which is associated with drunkenness and alcoholism, drug addiction, degradation of family and social values, and social orphanhood. In cases of untimely detection and failure to provide effective preventive assistance to families with children at an early stage, the main measures to protect the rights of the child are the deprivation and restriction of parental rights (57.4 thousand parents in 2011).

Child abuse is unacceptably widespread, including physical, emotional, sexual abuse of children and neglect of their basic needs.

Main tasks

Reducing poverty among families with children and providing a minimum guaranteed income.

Improving the availability and quality of social services for families with children, based on international standards on the rights of the child and the Recommendations of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on children's rights and social services that are child and family friendly.

Providing for all children a safe and comfortable family environment, in which the rights of the child are respected and any form of abuse is excluded from him.

Ensuring the prevention of family troubles based on its early detection, individualized adequate assistance to a family in a difficult life situation, provided on an interdepartmental basis, the priority of raising a child in his own family.

Priority measures

Development and adoption of a federal law that defines the foundations of state family policy.

Development and approval of standards for minimum guarantees of access to income and social services, defining the main indicators of the quality of life of children, including a minimum guaranteed income, guaranteed social housing, family vacations and quality of food.

Monitoring the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of child protection, including clarifying and streamlining the legal content of the concepts "children in difficult life situations", "children and families in a socially dangerous situation", "children in need of state assistance", "children left without parental care", "child abuse".

Formation legislative framework to reform the organization of work of guardianship and guardianship bodies to protect the rights of children.

Improving legal mechanisms that ensure the participation of both parents in raising a child while living apart.

Optimization of the powers of state bodies to protect the rights of children, normative consolidation of the procedure for interdepartmental interaction to prevent family problems, social orphanhood, protect the rights and legitimate interests of children.

Assistance in the implementation of the global initiative of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) "Child Friendly Cities" in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Creation and dissemination of information on the rights of the child, adapted for children, parents, teachers, professionals working with children and in the interests of children, through the media, the Internet, organizations and institutions for children.

Modernization of state statistical monitoring in the field of family protection, motherhood and childhood.

Formation of a monitoring and statistical accounting system to assess the effectiveness of family and social policies in the field of motherhood and childhood.

Expected results

Reducing the level of poverty, income deficit among families with children and the elimination of extreme forms of poverty.

Elimination of the shortage of services provided by preschool educational institutions.

Reducing the proportion of children who do not receive alimony in full.

Reducing the number of families in a socially dangerous situation.

Formation in society of the values ​​of the family, the child, responsible parenthood.

Improving the quality of services for families with children in difficult life situations.

Creation of effective mechanisms to reduce cases of deprivation of parental rights, identify families at risk, their social support and rehabilitation, and reduce the number of cases of child abuse in families.

Reducing the number of children left without parental care.

Brief analysis of the situation

The main problem of accessibility preschool education for all categories of children there is a shortage of places in preschool educational institutions. In order to increase the accessibility of preschool education for the population, it is necessary to develop all forms of preschool education, such as a family kindergarten, an early aid service, a lekoteka, child support game centers and others, as well as the development of the non-state sector.

The priority in this area is to improve the quality of preschool education in order to ensure equal starting opportunities for teaching children in primary school. At the stage of preschool education, it is very important to organize psychological and pedagogical support for the family and increase the competence of parents in the upbringing and development of the child.

Ensuring the rights of citizens and state guarantees to receive public and high-quality free general education is one of the main principles of state policy in the field of education. In order to implement the systemic tasks set within the framework of the national educational initiative "Our New School", the Government of the Russian Federation approved an action plan for the modernization of general education for 2011-2015. As part of the implementation of this initiative, special attention is paid to the issues of ensuring the quality of general education. A major update of the programs and methods of work of the school, the elimination of the artificial differentiation of schools in terms of the quality of education is coming. The new federal state educational standards should ensure that each high school student has access to several educational profiles that correspond to his inclinations and life plans.

The all-Russian system for assessing the quality of education is based on the principles of covering all levels of general education with procedures for assessing the quality of education, participation in the construction of this system (in terms of general education) of education authorities at all levels (federal, regional and municipal) and directly educational institutions.

Thus, the all-Russian education quality assessment system being created is designed to ensure the unity of requirements for the preparedness of graduates, the objectivity of assessing students' achievements, continuity between different levels of general education, and the possibility of using the results of quality assessment to make the necessary management decisions.

The conduct of the unified state exam continues to be improved, control over compliance with the established procedure for conducting exams is being strengthened, and the quality of public awareness of the organization and results of exams is increasing. First of all, this concerns the public surveillance system, which has been introduced on a legislative basis since 2011. Potential improvements are currently being explored existing models conducting a unified state exam through the development of information and communication technologies. Thus, in 2012 it is planned to introduce an electronic testing system for the exam in computer science and information and communication technologies, and for the exam in foreign language- the oral component, as provided for by the federal component of the state educational standard. At the same time, it is supposed to take into account the experience of testing similar forms of exams in these subjects during the experiment on the introduction of a unified state exam.

At the same time, problems continue to grow, due to the unresolved nature of which the rights and interests of children in the education system are largely not realized. These problems are:

shortage of places in preschool educational institutions, low quality level of preschool education;

differentiation in the access of certain categories of children to high-quality basic and additional education;

lagging behind the modern needs of society, the quality of education as an integral process of teaching and raising children, inefficient management of this process and poor quality control educational services;

inconsistency of the modern system of ensuring the information security of children with the new risks associated with the development of the Internet and information technologies, the growing illegal content.

The low level of ethical, civic-patriotic, cultural and aesthetic development of various categories of children leads to interethnic and interfaith tensions, xenophobia, discriminatory behavior of children and adolescents, aggressiveness, bullying of peers and other asocial manifestations in the adolescent environment.

Main tasks

Ensuring the availability of high-quality preschool education, expanding the variability of its forms.

Implementation of the rights of children of various categories to receive public and high-quality free general education based on the modernization of general education in full compliance with the requirements of federal state educational standards.

Protection of the educational rights of children belonging to national and ethnic groups living in extreme conditions of areas Far North and similar areas.

Creation of a nationwide system for assessing the quality of education, ensuring the unity of requirements for the readiness of graduates, objectivity in assessing the achievements of students and the quality of educational work of educational institutions, continuity between different levels of general education, the possibility of using the results of quality assessment to make the necessary management decisions.

Providing conditions for the identification and development of talented children and children with hidden talents, regardless of the sphere of giftedness, place of residence and social and property status of their families.

Formation of a new public-state system of raising children, ensuring their socialization, a high level of citizenship, patriotism, tolerance, law-abiding behavior.

Development of a system of additional educational services on a free basis, infrastructure creative development and upbringing of children.

State support for the development of children's libraries, literature, cinema and television for children.

Organization of the prevention of interethnic, interfaith and social and property tension in the educational environment in accordance with modern challenges.

Ensuring the information security of childhood through the implementation of a unified state policy in the field of protecting children from information that is harmful to their health and development.

3. Measures aimed at ensuring the accessibility and quality of education

Ensuring state support for the construction of new preschool educational institutions, as well as the development of all forms of preschool education, such as a family kindergarten, an early aid service, a lekoteka, child play support centers and others, including the non-state sector.

Ensuring the development of the abilities of each student of a mass school, the availability for each high school student of the choice of training profiles that correspond to his inclinations and life plans.

Legislative consolidation of legal mechanisms for the implementation of the right of children with disabilities and children with disabilities to be included in the existing educational environment at the level of preschool, general and vocational education (the right to inclusive education).

Ensuring the implementation of guarantees of access to quality education for orphans and children left without parental care, and their support at all levels of education.

Creation of conditions for the development of various regional variants of a multicultural model of preschool and general education, which ensures the formation of Russian civic identity.

Continued introduction of electronic, oral and other new forms of assessing the knowledge of students, as well as expanding the content of testing as part of the improvement of existing models for conducting a unified state exam and state final certification.

Implementation of modern control technologies, including public monitoring, of compliance with the established procedure for conducting exams and improving the quality of public awareness of the organization and results of exams using information and communication technologies.

Ensuring the provision of high-quality psychological and correctional-pedagogical assistance to children in educational institutions.

Ensuring the development of exemplary programs that define a single content basis for the training of educational psychologists, as well as a detailed legal regulation providing psychological assistance to children by educational psychologists.

Creation of a system of psychological and pedagogical support for the family and pedagogical competence parents, psychological support for the development of the child in a family and educational institution.

Expected results

Ensuring the universal accessibility of preschool education for all categories of children, increasing the flexibility and diversity of forms of providing preschool services through the implementation of existing (basic) and new (additional) forms of their financing and organization.

Organization of training and education of children studying in educational institutions in accordance with the requirements of new federal state educational standards; development of the material and technical base of educational institutions, including the use of modern information and computer technologies.

Expansion of educational opportunities for children with disabilities in general education institutions.

Expansion of the variability of programs designed for children with different levels, types and forms of manifestation of abilities, including individualized development programs (for children with special gifts).

The growth of satisfaction of students and their parents with the conditions of education, training and development of children in educational institutions.

Increasing the number of children and adolescents involved in various forms ah extracurricular activities.

Increasing the share of schoolchildren involved in the development of additional educational programs, including at least 60 percent - free of charge.

Universal accessibility for children various kinds socio-psychological, pedagogical assistance and support in a difficult life situation.

An increase in the number of children demonstrating an active life position, independence and creative initiative in creative activities, a responsible attitude to life, the environment, committed to positive moral and aesthetic values.

Reducing the number of children and adolescents with antisocial behavior.

Stimulation of children's interest in the historical and cultural heritage of Russia, the diversity of cultures of various nationalities and ethnic groups, religions.

Increasing the variability of additional education programs implemented by museums and cultural centers.

Growth of attendance of children's libraries, museums, cultural centers, theaters.

Creation of a reliable system for protecting children from illegal content in the educational environment of the school and at home.

Reducing the number of children affected by illegal content on the Internet.

Brief analysis of the situation

At the beginning of 2011, in 37 subjects of the Russian Federation, infant mortality rates were higher than the average for the Russian Federation, only 22 regions had perinatal centers. In a number of subjects of the Russian Federation, regional targeted programs in the field of protection and promotion of children's health are insufficiently financially provided; improperly organized medical and social assistance for pregnant and lactating mothers, medical examination and immunization of children; free medical services guaranteed by the state are illegally replaced by paid medical services; the provision of medicines and food in health care facilities is not properly established; the rights of students in educational institutions to the protection and promotion of health are not respected.

Adolescents between the ages of 10 and 18 often find themselves without sufficient attention from the state. The difficulties they face during this difficult age period sometimes lead to the most tragic consequences. In terms of the prevalence of suicides among adolescents, Russia occupies one of the leading places in the world, the mortality rate of children is much higher than in other European countries. The problems of teenage alcoholism, including "beer alcoholism", drug addiction and substance abuse, non-medical consumption of narcotic drugs, psychotropic and other toxic substances by children, especially of school age, require special attention.

Main tasks

Creating conditions for healthy development every child from birth, ensuring access for all categories of children to quality services and standards of the health care system, means of treating diseases and restoring health.

Development of adolescent medicine, clinics friendly to children and young people, stimulating the need for a healthy lifestyle.

Ensuring adequate comprehensive health care services and standards for children with special needs.

Formation modern model organization of recreation and health improvement of children on the principles of public-private partnership.

Formation of the need for healthy nutrition among children and adolescents and improvement of the system for providing quality nutrition to children in educational institutions, medical and treatment-and-prophylactic, sanatorium-resort and rehabilitation institutions.

Expected results

Reducing infant and child mortality rates.

Decrease in cases early pregnancy and abortions in underage girls.

Availability and timeliness for all categories of children of high-quality preventive and medical services, means of treating diseases and restoring health.

Obtaining comprehensive medical services for children with special needs, children in difficult life situations, children living in hard-to-reach areas.

Guaranteed provision of pediatric medicine with all necessary medicines and medical equipment.

An increase in the number of educational institutions that have introduced health-saving educational technologies, "health school" technologies, which are territories free from smoking, alcohol and drugs.

Reducing the number of children and adolescents who use tobacco and alcohol products, drugs, psychotropic and other toxic substances.

Reducing the number of children and adolescents with HIV infections, viral hepatitis B and C, tuberculosis, including those who received them in medical institutions.

Availability of an accessible and developed network of institutions, including helplines, online counseling, providing assistance to children and adolescents who find themselves in a difficult life situation.

Reducing the number of teenage suicides.

Availability of physical culture, sports, tourism infrastructure for all categories of children, taking into account their individual needs.

Increasing the proportion of children and adolescents systematically involved in physical culture and sports.

Availability of recreation and rehabilitation for all categories of children, taking into account their individual needs.

Providing children with high-quality and healthy nutrition both in the family and in educational, medical and recreational institutions.

Brief analysis of the situation

The category of children in need of special state care includes orphans and children left without parental care, children with disabilities, including children with disabilities and HIV-infected children. Ensuring equal opportunities for these groups of children is based on the principle of non-discrimination.

The number of orphans and children left without parental care in 2011 amounted to 654.4 thousand people (2.6 percent of the child population), of which 82 percent became social orphans due to the deprivation of parents of parental rights, parents abandoned every tenth child at birth.

An active state policy aimed at stimulating citizens to family placement of orphans and children left without parental care has led to a significant reduction in the number of children brought up in boarding schools (by 42 percent over the past five years; in 2011 - by 105, 7 thousand children). At the same time, the contingent of children in institutions for orphans and children left without parental care has changed significantly: about 70 percent are adolescents, 33 percent are children with disabilities, 40 percent are children with brothers and sisters. With the existing system of material and non-material incentives for citizens, it is difficult to transfer such children to families.

Along with economic losses as a result of children's stay in institutional conditions, society incurs huge social costs associated with the socialization of graduates of residential institutions, many of whom have difficulty adapting to society, are at high risk of social maladaptation and illegal behavior, with the reproduction of models of destructive behavior in subsequent years. generations.

At the beginning of 2011, 544.8 thousand children with disabilities were registered in Russia. At the same time, many children with disabilities and children with disabilities, in particular between the ages of one and a half to two years, do not have this status and, accordingly, the right to social support measures established by law, although they are in dire need of rehabilitation and assistance.

More than 80 percent of disabled children are brought up in single-parent families in financial distress, aggravated by the presence of various "disability barriers" and psychological isolation due to the indifferent or intolerant attitude of others towards disabled children, self-isolation of families. An acute shortage of basic types of assistance to such children leads to a violation of their rights to education, rehabilitation, to the dependence of the realization of these rights on the place of residence and the social status of the family. Often this is the reason for parents to abandon such children and the high level of social orphanhood among children in this category (more than 12 percent of them end up in boarding schools).

About 40 thousand children with disabilities are brought up in orphanages-boarding schools of the system social protection of the population that have systemic problems: outdated buildings, "overcrowding" of pupils, remoteness from cities and centers of rehabilitation and educational infrastructure, lack of specialists who own modern rehabilitation technologies, isolation of institutions from others, including volunteers, the impossibility of independent living for children after leaving boarding houses.

The situation of HIV-infected children (more than 5.6 thousand children) and children born to HIV-infected mothers (about 10 thousand children detected annually) is a complex problem: before the HIV status of such children is established, they are characterized by widespread discrimination in access to education, leisure and recreation, and in some cases - to medical care, as well as the almost complete absence of prospects for a family.

As a result of the implementation of a set of measures to prevent the vertical transmission of HIV infection within the framework of the priority national project "Health", the frequency of its implementation has decreased to 6-8 percent, but this is not a satisfactory result.

The protection of born children from the vertical transmission of HIV infection is insufficiently ensured due to the incomplete coverage of HIV-infected mothers with appropriate drug care, and the transmission of the virus during the period breastfeeding child.

Main tasks

Ensuring the priority of family placement of orphans and children left without parental care.

Reforming the network and activities of institutions for orphans and children left without parental care, including for children with disabilities and children with disabilities.

Creation of a system of post-boarding support for graduates of institutions for orphans and children left without parental care, and persons from among them for their socialization in society.

Ensuring, in accordance with international standards, the rights of children with disabilities and children with disabilities to be brought up in families, fully participate in public life, receive quality education at all levels, qualified medical care, health care and rehabilitation, socialization, legal and social protection, professional training, accessible environment.

Creation of a system of early prevention of disability in children.

Comprehensive support for families raising children with disabilities and children with disabilities: creating a modern comprehensive infrastructure for rehabilitation and educational assistance to children with disabilities and children with disabilities, introducing such children into the environment of ordinary peers, ensuring their normal life arrangement in the future adulthood.

Expected results

Increasing the proportion of orphans and children left without parental care brought up in families of citizens of the Russian Federation, up to 90 percent.

An increase in the number of constituent entities of the Russian Federation free from institutional forms of raising orphans (orphanages and boarding schools).

Reducing cases of cancellation of decisions on the transfer of orphans and children left without parental care to be brought up in families of citizens of the Russian Federation.

Gradual reduction in the number of children placed for international adoption through the development of a system to encourage citizens of the Russian Federation to adopt, various forms of guardianship and guardianship, and the provision of social services to families of citizens of the Russian Federation who have adopted a child for upbringing.

Creation in institutions for orphans and children left without parental care, conditions for their full development and education.

Reducing the time spent by the child in conditions of institutionalization (in medical and educational institutions); introduction of a ban on the placement of children under the age of three in boarding schools.

An increase in the number of graduates of institutions for orphans and children left without parental care, provided with housing, employed in specialties that are in demand on the labor market.

Creation of a rehabilitation and educational infrastructure that provides the most complete rehabilitation and education of the majority of children with disabilities and children with disabilities.

Creation of effective program-target mechanisms that ensure the prevention of disability at an early and preschool age, support for vocational education, employment and further support for the life of children with disabilities and children with disabilities upon reaching the age of majority, as well as an increase in the number of children with disabilities and children with disabilities health opportunities under the age of three who received rehabilitation services.

Reducing the number of children with disabilities and children with disabilities left out of the education system for objective reasons, up to 20 percent.

The spread among the population of a benevolent, sympathetic attitude towards orphans and children left without parental care, children with disabilities and children with disabilities (according to sociological surveys).

Eradication of vertical transmission of HIV infection, emergence of generations born without HIV infection.

Brief analysis of the situation

  • Chapter 2. Key principles of the Regional Strategy
  • Section 2. Family policy of child protection
  • Chapter 3. Brief analysis of the situation
  • Chapter 4. Main objectives of the Regional Strategy
  • Chapter 5. Priority measures for the implementation of the Regional Strategy
  • Chapter 6. Measures aimed at reducing poverty among families with children
  • Chapter 7. Measures aimed at creating a safe and comfortable family environment for children
  • Chapter 8. Measures aimed at preventing the removal of a child from the family, social orphanhood
  • Chapter 9. Expected results of the implementation of the Regional Strategy
  • Section 3. Availability of quality education and upbringing, cultural development and information security of children
  • Chapter 10
  • Chapter 11. The main tasks of ensuring the accessibility and quality of education
  • Chapter 12. Measures aimed at ensuring the accessibility and quality of education
  • Chapter 13. Measures aimed at supporting talented children and youth
  • Chapter 14
  • Chapter 15
  • Chapter 16
  • Chapter 17
  • Section 4. Child-Friendly Health Care and Healthy Lifestyles
  • Chapter 18
  • Chapter 19
  • Chapter 20
  • Chapter 21
  • Chapter 22
  • Chapter 23
  • Chapter 24. Expected outcomes of child-friendly healthcare
  • Section 5. Equal Opportunities for Children in Need of Special State Care
  • Chapter 25
  • Chapter 26
  • Chapter 27. Measures aimed at protecting the rights and interests of orphans and children left without parental care
  • Chapter 28. Measures aimed at state support for children with disabilities and children with disabilities
  • Chapter 29. Expected results of ensuring equal opportunities for children in need of special state care
  • Section 6. Establishment of a system for protecting and ensuring the rights and interests of children and child-friendly justice
  • Chapter 30
  • Chapter 31
  • Chapter 32
  • Chapter 33
  • Chapter 34
  • Chapter 35
  • Chapter 36
  • Section 7. Children - participants in the implementation of the Regional Strategy
  • Chapter 37
  • Chapter 38
  • Chapter 39. Priority measures for the participation of children in the implementation of the Regional Strategy
  • Chapter 40. Expected results of children's participation in the implementation of the Regional Strategy
  • Section 8. Implementation Mechanism of the Regional Strategy
  • Chapter 1

    The main problems in the field of childhood are:

    1) insufficient effectiveness of the existing mechanisms for ensuring and protecting the rights and interests of children, failure to comply with international standards in the field of the rights of the child;

    2) a high risk of poverty at the birth of children, especially in large and single-parent families;

    3) prevalence of family problems, child abuse and all forms of violence against children;

    4) low efficiency of preventive work with dysfunctional families and children, widespread practice of deprivation of parental rights and social orphanhood;

    5) inequality between municipalities in terms of the volume and quality of available services for children and their families;

    6) social exclusion of vulnerable categories of children (orphans and children left without parental care, disabled children and children in a socially dangerous situation);

    7) the growth of new risks associated with the dissemination of information that is dangerous for children;

    8) the lack of effective mechanisms for ensuring the participation of children in public life, in resolving issues that directly affect them.

    Chapter 2. Key principles of the Regional Strategy

    The key principles of the Regional Strategy are:

    1) realization of the fundamental right of every child to live and be brought up in a family. In the Sverdlovsk Region, conditions should be created to ensure that the rights and legitimate interests of the child in the family are observed, their violations are detected in a timely manner and the organization of preventive assistance to the family and the child, the provision of targeted support to families in need of it with children in difficult life situations, and, if necessary, measures to arrange for children left without parental care to be brought up in families;

    2) protection of the rights of every child. In the Sverdlovsk region, a system should be formed to ensure a response to the violation of the rights of each child without any discrimination, including diagnosing the situation, planning and taking the necessary measures to ensure the observance of the rights of the child and the restoration of violated rights; legal education; providing rehabilitation assistance to every child who is a victim of abuse or criminal assault;

    3) maximum realization of the potential of each child. In the Sverdlovsk region, conditions should be developed for the formation of a decent life prospect for each child, his education, upbringing and socialization, the maximum possible self-realization in socially positive activities;

    4) saving the health of each child. In the Sverdlovsk region, measures should be taken to create a need for a healthy lifestyle among families and children, universal early prevention of morbidity, the introduction of health-saving technologies in all areas of a child’s life, and the provision of qualified medical care in all situations;

    5) assistance technologies focused on the development of the internal resources of the family, meeting the needs of the child and implemented with the support of the state. In the Sverdlovsk region, it is necessary to continue the introduction of effective social work technologies that rely on people's own activity, provide them with the opportunity to participate in solving their problems along with specialists, search for non-standard economic solutions;

    6) special attention to vulnerable categories of children. In the Sverdlovsk region, in all cases, special and sufficient attention should be paid to children belonging to vulnerable categories. It is necessary to continue to introduce forms of work with such children that allow them to overcome their social exclusion and promote rehabilitation and full integration into society;

    7) ensuring professionalism and high qualifications when working with each child and his family. In the Sverdlovsk region, the formation and implementation of a policy in the field of childhood should be based on the use of the latest achievements of science, modern technologies, including those in the social sphere. It is necessary to develop conditions for high-quality training and regular advanced training of personnel in all sectors, one way or another connected with working with children and their families;

    8) partnership in the name of the child. In the Sverdlovsk region, childhood policy should be based on social partnership technologies, public and professional expertise, implemented with the participation of the business community, by involving public organizations and international partners in solving urgent problems related to ensuring and protecting the rights and interests of children. It is necessary to take measures aimed at the formation of an open market of social services, the creation of a system of public control in the field of ensuring and protecting the rights of children.

    The regional strategy has been developed for the period up to 2017 and is designed to ensure the achievement of existing international standards in the field of children's rights, the formation of a unified approach of the state authorities of the Sverdlovsk region, local governments of municipalities in the Sverdlovsk region, civil society institutions and citizens to determine goals, objectives, directions activities and priority measures to address the most pressing problems of childhood.

    The regional strategy was developed taking into account the Strategy of the Council of Europe for the protection of the rights of the child for 2012-2015, approved on February 15, 2012 and includes the following main goals: promoting the emergence of child-friendly services and systems; elimination of all forms of violence against children; guaranteeing children's rights in situations where children are particularly vulnerable.

    The implementation of the Regional Strategy is planned to be carried out in the following main areas: family policy of child protection; availability of high-quality education and upbringing, cultural development and information security of children; child-friendly health care and a healthy lifestyle; equal opportunities for children in need of special state care; creation of a system for protecting and ensuring the rights and interests of children and child-friendly justice; children are participants in the implementation of the Regional Strategy.


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    The problem of childhood in the modern world

    Lutseva Irina Yurievna

    Taganrog Institute named after A.P. Chekhov (branch) "Rostov State Economic University (RINH)"


    childhood adult relationship gap

    This article reveals the problem of childhood, shows the attitude towards childhood in different historical periods of time and at the present stage of development of society. And also considered the current stage of building new forms of relationships between children and adults, the main indicator of which is the gap between the lives of children and adults.

    Key words: future, growing up., Childhood, innovations, childhood crisis, adult world, society

    Childhood is one of the most important periods in a person's life. During this period, the child goes through the greatest path in his individual development from a helpless being to a person adapted to nature and society, capable of taking responsibility.

    To date, there are many definitions of the concept of "childhood", as well as the delimitation of its time frame.

    So, from the point of view of sociology, childhood is nothing more than a permanent and naturally changing part of society that performs a number of specific functions, and also actively interacts with society and its individual elements. In physiology and psychology, childhood is a stage of the life cycle, during which the body begins and continues to develop, forming its most important functions. And in social pedagogy this period of life is considered as the initial stage of the socialization of the individual, including the assimilation of a certain system of knowledge, norms and values, the development of social roles that allow the child to develop and function in society.

    The problem of childhood and the patterns of mental and personal development the child was studied by such scientists as L.S. Vygotsky P.P. Blonsky, S.L. Rubinstein, A.F. Lazursky, A.N. Leontiev, L.I. Bozovic and others.

    The authors suggest a large number of concepts and principles of the psychophysical development of the child during this period of life, however, today there is no consensus and answer to the question of what kind of childhood should be and how the younger generation should be educated.

    The evolution of childhood status has been long and hard way. Even in the Middle Ages, receptivity to education was considered a positive feature of childhood. A prominent representative of that time, Philip of Navarre, noted that this period is the foundation for all future life, on which you can build a good and strong future. Later, a great contribution to the attitude towards childhood was made by the scientist Erasmus of Rotterdam, who determined that it was extremely important to take into account age and not allow that which could exceed the strength of the child in any kind of activity.

    From the point of view of science, the understanding of childhood as a special and peculiar phenomenon began to take shape in the second half of the 19th century, but only in the 20th century did interest arise in childhood as a special social phenomenon thanks to the efforts of M. Montessori, N.F. Pestalozzi and other reformers of pedagogy.

    The rapid development of the modern world has a huge impact on childhood. Today, the child is recognized as an independent subject of law and has a special social status. However, active technologization and the introduction of innovations in all spheres of life put forward an urgent need for the relationship of the world of children with the world of adults.

    On the one hand, the world of adults and the world of children have come closer, which is due to the fact that everything that was previously forbidden has become available to the child: he has almost unlimited access to information, more and more is allowed, this has given rise to a certain independence of children.

    On the other hand, adults have distanced themselves from children, and not only because the former have ceased to take care of children. V Lately children remain aloof from the activities of society in the discussion of various problems of adults.

    Today, more and more people talk about discrimination against children. The world of childhood is somehow deformed by the world of adults.

    The modern stage of building new forms of relationships between children and adults is designated by scientists as a crisis of childhood, the main indicator of which is the gap between the lives of children and adults.

    Scientists identify a number of characteristic features for this crisis.

    First, the relationship between adults and children is changing, in which adults act as teachers and educators, where their efforts are directed not at interacting with the child, but at influencing.

    Secondly, previously formed ideas about the development of the world as about growing up are destroyed, and a period of breaking the image of the adult world begins. If earlier children were impatient to enter the world of adults, today there is a certain fear of growing up.

    Thirdly, children were completely outside the scope of socially significant matters. Today, the trend of removing the world of adults from the world of children is becoming more popular. However, in this there are several aspects of considering such a feature of the crisis of childhood. On the one hand, children are provided with all the benefits, but at the same time, adults do not let them into their world, as a result of which the former resort to extreme measures to defend their rights to stay in the world of adults - alcohol, smoking, drugs, etc. On the other hand, they are completely excluded from real socially significant activities, more often indulge in their parents and stay under their care longer, but all this leads to no less unpleasant consequences. Children become unable to do anything, which in turn leads to prolonged infantilism.

    Also, there is a disintegration of specific types of children's activities - "pseudo-school" forms of education are crowding out the game from the life of children. Distribution in adolescence activities specific to a younger student leads to an aggravation of the adolescent crisis, its protracted and destructive nature. The game and children's revels have undergone tremendous changes due to the active informatization and computerization of society, especially in recent decades.

    All this is happening under the powerful onslaught of innovations in the modern world. The media, television and the uncontrolled flow of information from our computer monitors are replacing traditional forms of children's activities and communication with adults, which leads to a distortion of the worldview of children and their life values, and cases of violation of mental health child.

    All this suggests that the child joins adult life much faster than a few years ago, even at preschool age he begins to actively get acquainted with modern technology, and at school he completely becomes its confident user. Parents are increasingly demanding discipline and obedience from the child, limiting the right to choose and the opportunity to be themselves. All this entails irreversible consequences: the weakening of physical and mental health, the loss of active communication skills, the distortion of moral ideas, the shallowing of the inner world.

    According to D.B. Elkonin, childhood occurs precisely when the child cannot be included in the system of social production because he is not able to fully master the tools of labor due to their complexity, as a result of which the natural inclusion of children in productive labor is postponed. However, this idea was relevant a couple of decades ago, and today we see a completely opposite picture.

    Despite a lot of pedagogical research and statistical data indicating that in the modern world the growth of such children's problems as social orphanhood, deviance in the children's sphere, the problem of health, social adaptation and freedom of choice has increased, the activity of state policy in the field of childhood has increased.

    Today, it is the child who is at the center of numerous discussions and debates, it is in relation to childhood that new laws and by-laws are being developed on such a large scale. All this indicates that childhood is of great importance for the state, and therefore for the future.

    Each of us was once a child, and today, having the opportunity to consider the problem of childhood through a scientific prism, we can realize how difficult it is to be a child and how great the task of pedagogy is in this difficult time in the life of every person. Today, the main task of each of us is to help the younger generation, because their future and the future of our country will depend on us. And if today a child is just a tiny birth of a new life in the womb, then tomorrow he will become a new arbiter of history, a person capable of opening new horizons.

    Bibliographic list

    Borovikova L.V. The world of adults and the world of childhood: trends in the development of relationships // Academic Bulletin of the Institute for Adult Education of the Russian Academy of Education// Man and Education No. 1 (26) 2011, St. Petersburg [Electronic resource] - Access mode:

    Gaysina G.I. The World of Childhood as a Social and Pedagogical Problem //Psychological and Pedagogical Problems of Education// Pedagogical Education in Russia.2011.No.5 [Electronic resource] - Access mode:

    Kodzhaspirova G.M. Pedagogical anthropology: textbook. allowance for students. universities. - M.: Gardariki, 2005. - 287 p.

    Mukhina V.S. Developmental psychology: developmental phenomenology, childhood, adolescence: A textbook for students. universities. - 7th edition., stereotype. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2003. - 456 p.

    Elkonin D. B. Child psychology: textbook. allowance for students. higher textbook institutions - 4th ed., Sr. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2007. - 384 p.

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    The ways to solve the problem are to ensure the state policy in the field of maternity protection and increase the responsibility of all government structures for its implementation:

    • - introduction into medical practice of modern technologies for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of women and children;
    • - social support for motherhood and childhood, creation of conditions for the protection of maternal health and the birth of healthy children;
    • - advanced training of specialists working in the service of childhood and obstetrics;
    • - strengthening the material and technical base of children's and obstetric institutions;
    • - health education on women's and children's health, "responsible parenthood", healthy lifestyles;
    • - interaction with public organizations, foundations to support maternal and child health care.

    Currently, the vast majority of children with disabilities are brought up in families, one third are in specialized children's institutions. The work of these institutions needs to be reformed in order to strengthen its rehabilitation orientation.

    The main task of the state in solving the problems of families that raise children with disabilities is to support these families, to help parents carry out the process of rehabilitation of the child.

    Disability in children means a significant limitation of life, it contributes to social maladaptation, which is caused by developmental disorders, difficulties in self-care, communication, learning, mastering professional skills in the future. One of the main problems of families where there is a child with disabilities, a disabled child, is that the children are in an almost isolated state, their family closes in their own space, focusing on their trouble. The child is deprived of active social development, and this, in turn, leads to a violation of its adaptation in society.

    To solve this problem, state institutions are being created - territorial centers of social assistance to families and children, which include departments for the rehabilitation of minors with limited physical and mental capabilities.

    Benefits and benefits established by the legislation of the Russian Federation for children with disabilities: monthly cash payment at the expense of pension fund Russian Federation; a set of social services, including the following social services: additional free health care, incl. providing for the provision of necessary medicines according to doctor's prescriptions; providing, if there are medical indications, a voucher for sanatorium treatment, as well as travel by intercity transport to the place of treatment and back; free travel on suburban rail transport; a discount of at least 50% of the payment for housing and utilities; provision of residential premises and land plots for individual housing construction, maintenance of subsidiary and summer cottages and gardening (taking into account benefits) - as a matter of priority.

    Other benefits for families with disabled children are established by the subject of the Federation.

    In order to prevent neglect and juvenile delinquency in the Russian Federation, the Federal Law "On the Fundamentals of the Prevention of Neglect and Juvenile Delinquency" has been adopted and is in force, which determines the main areas of activity of the bodies and institutions of the system for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency.

    The implementation of measures to prevent neglect and delinquency of minors should be based on the principles of respect for the rights and legitimate interests of minors; legality; humane treatment of minors; individual approach to the education of minors; responsibility of officials and citizens for violation of the rights and legitimate interests of minors; interaction with the family in the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency; publicity in the activities of institutions and bodies of the system for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency; individual approach and confidentiality at various stages of social rehabilitation; state support for the activities of non-governmental organizations engaged in the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency.

    Social support for families experiencing difficulties in the implementation of their basic functions is the most important task of preventing family problems. In practice, this area of ​​primary prevention is associated with the provision of medical advisory and, in some cases, psychocorrectional assistance to parents. Thanks to this area of ​​preventive care in the family, real social and legal protection of children is provided, primarily in families where parents are drugged, children are deprived of parental supervision, they learn antisocial attitudes and an antisocial lifestyle. Patronage of socially disadvantaged families is carried out in order to determine the necessary assistance for the provision of social and psychological consultations by specialists.

    Modern statistics show an increase in the number of neglected and homeless children - children who are abandoned by their parents. However, not only children living on the street, in an orphanage or an orphanage can be abandoned. These are not always the children of alcoholics, drug addicts, people behind bars. Often abandoned are children from very, it would seem, prosperous families, children of successful, socially successful parents. Of course, in such families we are not talking about the lack of physical care and dissatisfaction with the vital and material needs of the child, as in the case of street children. These children are abandoned in a psychological sense. But just like children from socially disadvantaged families, they do not feel parental love, they are not given attention as individuals, their needs for affection and emotional contact are ignored.

    Parents lack money and responsibility, and abandoned children have no future. A child left without parents passes through a number of government institutions: a hospital, a baby house, Orphanage, boarding school, etc. Deprived of his home, parental affection, he regularly experiences additional psychological trauma when he is forced to change the environment, the team. It strengthens the feeling of fragility and optionality of the surrounding world, its laws. Graduates of orphanages, as a rule, turn out to be unprepared for adult life due to the fact that they are used to the fact that educators do and decide everything for them, and they are lost when it is necessary to show independence. Naturally, what earlier child, left without parental care, will be "settled" in this tragic, completely unfamiliar life situation, the more successful his future fate will be in all respects. For example, in the United States there is a law according to which a child who finds himself without parental care, after no more than one day, must be provided with a form of placement that, to the maximum extent possible, would "compensate" for the loss of his natural parents.

    Solving the social problems of childhood requires not only adequate action by the state and specialists, but also a decisive change in the attitude of society as a whole towards orphans, especially social orphans. In the public mind, erroneous stereotypes have formed that prevent the return of difficult children to normal life. Many believe that the majority of orphans are the children of degraded parents, mentally and intellectually handicapped, "socially dangerous" and incorrigible.

    Mass media can be of great help in changing the existing views in society on this problem.

    In order to improve state support for the family, motherhood and childhood, the course work offers the following program:

    • 1. Regularly carry out a systematic external assessment of the effectiveness of state support for the family, motherhood and childhood, using methods: population surveys, financial and administrative monitoring of state and municipal social programs.
    • 2. Develop a system of a targeted approach to providing families that really need assistance through the creation of a database on the situation of specific families, determining their status based on a set of criteria, and not just on indicators of family income.
    • 3. To develop and adopt the Law on Large Families, which includes families with three minor children in the category of large families, following the example of neighboring republics.
    • 4. In order to provide assistance to families with children and improve the demographic situation in the region, it is advisable to expand the network of non-state preschool institutions using traditional and new forms of preschool education.
    • 5. Free provision of land plots for individual development, loans for building materials, construction of social housing.
    • 6. Propose to social service institutions for families with children to expand the range of services provided to families with different levels of income, in order to direct income to the development of children from low-income families.
    • 7. Significant assistance in accounting for state forms of support for families with minor children will be provided by the introduction of information technologies into the system of targeted social protection of the population with the integration into a single information space of the database of various ministries and departments of the republic and the introduction of modern service technologies on the principle of "single window".

    So, in conclusion of the second chapter, I would like to note the following points:

    • - in recent years, the interest of state structures in demographic and social problems has significantly increased, which, in turn, was reflected in the direction of state policy in the direction of supporting motherhood and childhood;
    • - government authorities have adopted state programs aimed at stabilizing and improving the demographic situation and supporting children;
    • - at present, Russia has developed and implemented a mechanism for financing targeted programs to support motherhood and childhood.

    State educational institution additional professional education (advanced training) for specialists of the Moscow region Pedagogical Academy of Postgraduate Education
    Department of General and Pedagogical Psychology

    Independent work No. 2 on the topic "Features of modern childhood"

    performed by the listener
    cathedral variable module
    "Psychological and pedagogical competence of the teacher"
    chemistry and technology teacher
    MOU SOSH pos. MIS Podolsk region
    Sokova T.V.
    Head: Ph.D., Pavlenko T.A.
    Moscow 2012

    Modern children are called differently and all definitions have a basis.

    For example: "Children of the new millennium" - young creatures with unusual mental abilities;

    "Children of the Light" - the worldview of children differs from the usual; "Gifted Children" - the level of development is above average (not to be confused with school grades); in France, unusual children, the current generation are called "Teflon Children", because. generally accepted stereotypes of behavior do not stick to them; in America - "Indigo Children".

    There are quite a lot of attempts to define modern children, although there is no official term.

    All children are born innocent and kind, each child is special. The main task of adults is to help children grow, to reveal their natural talent.

    The opinion of modern parents, why there are more and more difficult children:

    1. Negative changes in society (advertising, violence on TV);
    2. Permissiveness out of guilt in front of children, that little time is devoted to education;
    3. It's about outdated methods of education in kindergarten, school, etc.

    Children's problems begin at home and can be solved there, parents must understand that it depends only on them how their children will grow up.

    The world is changing and so are children. Old methods of upbringing, such as intimidation, shouting or slapping, do not help to establish control over modern children, but kill the child's desire to obey and cooperate, encourage modern children to rebel. Close adults are becoming a problem for today's children. hinder their development. In working with modern children, it is necessary to abandon punishment. Modern child learns everything by imitation, not fear. If a child sees violence or is subjected to it, he will do the same with others. Violence teaches a child in an incomprehensible, difficult situation for him to achieve his goal by violence. Abused children either hate themselves or the world: boys become hyperactive, with attention deficit disorder; girls - self-destructive tendencies, low appetite, low self-esteem.

    New means of education: cooperation, motivation, control. Modern children need help, but for growth, difficulties are no less necessary, problems from which cannot be protected, but it is necessary to help overcome them.

    According to John Gray:

    1. A child cannot learn to forgive if he has no one to forgive.
    2. A child will not develop patience or the ability to wait for the fulfillment of his desires if you always immediately give him everything he wants.
    3. A child will not learn to accept his shortcomings if everyone around him is perfect.
    4. A child will not learn to cooperate if everything always goes the way he wants.
    5. A child will not develop creative talent if everyone else does it for him.
    6. A child will not learn empathy and respect if he does not see that others are hurting and failing.
    7. A child will not develop courage and optimism unless he has to face adversity.
    8. A child will not develop perseverance and strength if everything comes easy.
    9. A child will not learn to correct his mistakes if he does not know difficulties, failures and mistakes.
    10. A child will not develop self-esteem and healthy pride if he does not overcome obstacles and achieve something himself.
    11. A child will not develop a sense of self-sufficiency if he does not experience feelings of isolation and rejection.
    12. A child will not develop a sense of purpose if he does not have the opportunity to resist authority and achieve what he wants.

    Difficulties help the child become stronger. When children misbehave, they do not want to obey the will and desires of adults. In order to regain control over the child, he needs to be given a time-out, time to think (4 years - 4 minutes, 15 years - 15 minutes). This is a short-term restriction of freedom, after which the child returns to the desire and the basic setting that was originally laid down in the child - to bring joy to parents and adults. The old ways of parenting based on fear awaken in today's children a tendency to self-destruction. Children retaliate for violence with academic failure; enslaved children take revenge by inhibition (ZPR, autism), they slow down everything around, block, freeze - this is the reaction of slaves and prisoners. Children should feel that strong, experienced, patient adults are ready to help them at any moment.

    From the age of three, systematic education should begin. Naturally, one should start with what is closer to the child, and one must understand that it is not cows and horses that are close to the modern child, which he does not see in his life, but cars, buses, planes. It seems to us that we are showing something very close to him and nature, but in fact for a child this is not at all close, he does not have this, he sees completely different images on the street. We draw this approach to children from past centuries, when they lived on the edge of the forest, there was a house, and everything was in front of the child: flowers, and the sun, and a meadow, and, naturally, all kinds of plants and animals. He was shown a normal living environment. Now what can you show him? Our modern education not yet adapted to the modern way of life, to where the child is born and grows. The child needs to be shown what he sees in his world, this is where to start. We must change our philosophy, our methodology, our approach to the child. And if we show him animals, then these must be such animals that they really surround him at least a little, so that at least part of his life passes among them. It is not enough to take him to the zoo on a Sunday, this will remain incomprehensible to him.

    A degree is a must. From the age of three, a child should begin to understand letters, the alphabet. By the age of four, he should be able to read. From the same age, he must begin to teach the elements of arithmetic. In order to overcome the reluctance to learn, it is necessary to include the element of the game, the element of jealousy, the element of envy, the element of influence. environment. But the most effective tool of education is an example. Moreover, the example set by the father and mother, and not just the peers around him, when a child sees that he is doing the same as adults. And adults should deliberately show that they are engaged in subjects, activities that are very close to what he does.

    From all of the above, we can draw the following conclusion: children come into this world with their own intentions and talents, which are clearly manifested from the moment of birth. They can soak up knowledge like a sponge, especially if they enjoy a subject that brings them to a higher level of development in their area of ​​interest. Gaining life experience helps them learn better, so they themselves decide in which area they need to be recruited in order to solve pressing problems or replenish their knowledge. They respond best if you treat them like respectable adults.

    With the help of their intuition, they not only perfectly recognize the hidden intentions and motives of other people, but with no less skill can switch the attention of their authors to something else. Often used by them method of psychological "button pressure" leads to the fact that they are considered non-conformists. If they notice an ulterior motive in your attempts to get them to do something, they will resist stubbornly and yet feel they are doing the right thing. From their point of view, if you are not doing your part in maintaining relationships, they have every right to challenge you.

    Children are great push buttons: they work with us adults to help us learn how we manipulate our partners. Therefore, if you constantly encounter resistance from children, check yourself first. Perhaps they are holding a mirror in front of you, or in their unapologetic manner asking you to help them set new boundaries, reveal their hidden talents and abilities, or rise to a new level of development.

    And so, we can distinguish 10 main features of modern children and their childhood:

    1. They are less independent. They do not know how to make decisions, make choices and conclusions without the help of adults, they believe that there is no need for this.
    2. Now in the development of children, the emphasis is on the development of memory, and not on verbal-logical and abstract thinking. This is partly due to the preparation for passing the tests. They do not calculate well in their minds, because there are many other devices that will do it for them. A modern child does not even know his neighborhood well, and this affects the development of spatial thinking that they develop at the computer, so they are poorly oriented.
    3. The children are very educated. They know more than their parents, and there is a huge difference between them. They easily and quickly perceive information, they have a faster reaction, better developed attentiveness. But writing a school essay is a problem, because you need to collect information, systematize and come up with a plot. Informationally, they mature earlier, and socially - much later. Many graduates are completely dependent.
    4. They communicate little, they talk, it is difficult to make contact. If a child is stuck on a computer, then he has big problems with communication, but this does not mean that he will not learn to communicate. He will do this, but a little later or when it is vital.
    5. They have a conflict resolution problem. After all, in the yard he had a fight with a friend, and he had to go and put up. On the Internet, you do not need to do this, you can simply not answer, go to another site. And in the end, you don’t know how to put up, or compromise, or cooperate, or talk, or explain yourself.
    6. They are shy. The computer does not teach to overcome this complex, only personal communication.
    7. They have problems with emotionality, it is not enough. Many do not understand what is bad, painful, very scary. What we experienced at 6-9 years old, modern children experience at 10-12 and more traumatically.
    8. These children are less romantic and more pragmatic. Their world is filled with material values.
    9. They rarely make independent decisions; their parents decide everything for them.
    10. These kids are more talented. They have more opportunities to develop their abilities, starting from schools early development. They can find any information at any time. Modern world- this is a world of individuality, and these children have everything for its development that children of past generations could only dream of.

    The principles of raising modern children can be as follows:

    1. While setting boundaries for children to behave, be creative in parenting.

    • Let's release their excessive physical energy. Consider this need in any situation.
    • Let your child set their own boundaries, not the other way around. Even ask your child about it. You will be surprised when you find out what your child is capable of.

    2. Treat children as adults and equals, but do not impose adult responsibilities on them.

    • Give children detailed explanations, and also give them the right to express their opinion when making decisions on various issues, and moreover, give them several options to choose from!
    • Don't talk down to them.
    • Hear them! They are truly wise and know things that you do not know.
    • Show them just as much respect as you would your parents or a close, dearly loved friend.

    3. If you tell your kids you love them but treat them with disrespect, they won't believe you.

    • They won't believe you love them if you treat them disrespectfully. No words in the world can replace the manifestations of sincere love.
    • Your lifestyle and your behavior in the family will help clearly answer the child's question, do you love him or not!

    4. Communicating with a child is both hard work and a privilege.

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    2. Campbell R. How to really love children - M., 1990
    3. Rean A.A. Psychology of childhood. From birth to 11 years old. - St. Petersburg, 2006
    4. Shargunov A. Answers of the Archpriest. // Russian house. 2004.p.46-47

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