
Publication of the teacher on the topic Autumn tree. Application on the theme of autumn: photos, ideas and master classes Application on the theme "Trees" for children of the preparatory group: instructions and useful tips



 generate interest in creating teamwork"Autumn tree";  to teach children to make a collective composition from colored torn paper) on the basis of a unifying image (trunk, crown of a tree);  develop skills: carefully cut a sheet along the contour, glue the part;  to cultivate the skills of cooperation in collective creativity.
Vocabulary Enrichment:
decoration, color, crown, leaf fall.
Preliminary work.
Excursion to the autumn park to observe changes in nature, collecting leaves for the herbarium. Reading works of art about the "golden" autumn. Examination of paintings by I. I. Levitan, I. I. Shishkin depicting autumn.
Materials and tools.
 herbarium of colorful leaves, different in shape, size and color;  paintings by Levitan I.I. depicting autumn trees;  a picture of a tree;  colored paper;  scissors;  glue and brush for glue;  a rag. 
Lesson content.
Stage 1. Dry leaves are on the table various shapes and colors. The children are looking at them carefully. The teacher reads Yu. Kasparova's poem "Autumn Leaves": The leaves are dancing, the leaves are spinning And they lie under my feet like a bright carpet. As if they are terribly busy, Green, red and gold ... Maple leaves, oak leaves,
Purple, scarlet, even burgundy ... I throw leaves up at random - I can also arrange leaf fall! - The leaves of which trees are mentioned in the poem (maple, oak). What tree leaves do you see in front of you? (children list). - How beautiful nature is in our area in the autumn season. Tell me, please, what happens to the leaves in autumn? (change color, fall off). - What colors and shades of leaves can be seen in autumn? (children call). - Right. Variety of colors, play sun rays and shadows like fireworks, gives us nature in autumn days. See how the artists sang the beauty of autumn in their paintings. (demonstration of Levitan's painting). Autumn dressed up the trees in luxurious decorations. Such a variety of colors pleases the eye! Stage 2. Display a picture of a tree. - Who knows what word they call all the foliage of a tree? (crown). - Right. And today in the lesson we will make a wonderful autumn tree, and in order to create the crown of our tree, you will need colored paper, scissors, glue. It is the cut out paper maple leaves that will decorate our tree. To do this:  we cut colored paper into pieces;  then glue these pieces along the contour;  then cut out the leaf along the contour and glue it on the tree. I turn on a calm melody to which the children do their work. Summary of the lesson: Together with the children we admire maple tree with multi-colored leaves, note what color they are.

Municipal state preschool educational institution
Kindergarten №3 "Rainbow".

Project in preschool

the bell group.

"Colored Autumn"


With. Don,

November 2015

Type and type of project: creative, group, short-term.

Project participants: teacher, children, parents.

Children's age : 5-6 years.

Duration: 2 weeks.

Relevance :

Development of creativity, imagination, development fine motor skills in preschoolers it contributes to the formation of the prerequisites for learning activities.


To form an aesthetic perception of the world around and contribute to the creative and speech development of children.

Project objectives:

1. Expand and systematize children's knowledge about autumn, teach them to see and highlight individual objects of autumn nature.

2. Improve visual skills and abilities.

3. Activate the speech of children.

4. To cultivate sensitivity to the artistic word, love and respect for nature.

5. To form the activity and interest of parents in the pedagogical process.

Expected results of the project on educational areas:

cognitive development: expanding knowledge about seasonal changes in nature, about their causes; improve knowledge about the types of fine arts; continue to acquaint with the artists of the Stavropol Territory.

Speech development: activation and enrichment of the vocabulary of children on the topic of the project, the formation of the ability to correctly formulate sentences, compose stories based on the proposed material; knowledge of poems about autumn.

Social and communicative development: the formation in children of a responsible attitude to nature as the basis of environmental conditions of life;

Artistic and aesthetic development: achieving a positive emotional response in children when they get acquainted with works of painting, poetry and music, reflecting their emotions in their own visual activity;

Physical development: increasing the emotional, psychological, physical well-being of children.

Stages of project implementation.

1. Preparatory.

Selecting a project topic;

Definition of the purpose and objectives of the project;

Drawing up a work plan;

The study of methodological literature;

Preparation of equipment, materials;

Preliminary work with parents.

2. Practical stage.

Project Implementation Plan.

WITHcontent of educational activities areas:

cognitive development.

NOD "Autumn walk";

NOD "Gives autumn miracles";

cycle of observations “Studying the life of nature in autumn”;

excursion around the territory of the preschool educational institution;

experimental activity with autumn leaves;

d / and “Let's return the memory of autumn”, “From which tree a leaf”, “Who knows more will accept autumn? ".

Speech development.

A. S. Pushkin “Already the sky was breathing in autumn ...”;

I. A. Bunin “Forest, like a painted tower ...”;

K. Balmont "Autumn";

A. Maikov "Autumn Leaves";

E. Trutneva "Leaf fall", "Summer is flying away";

riddles, proverbs, sayings;

storytelling about autumn personal experience and from paintings and illustrations;

Didactic games “From what branch, kids?”, “What is superfluous?”, “What is autumn like? "," Guess the description ..

Socio-communicative development.

Role-playing games"On a walk in the autumn forest";

d / and “Guess what grows where? ”, “Autumn words”, “Find a tree according to the description”, “Find a couple”;

conversation "That which grows alive",

conversation “How many colors does autumn have? ".

Artistic and aesthetic development.

NOD "Trees in the forest". Drawing (monotopy).

NOD "Colorful forest" (stamping with leaves);

NOD "autumn carpet» ( collective application) ;

GCDLeaf Application.

d / and "Find the most beautiful leaf",

viewing reproductions of paintings:

I. S. Ostroukhov "Golden Autumn",

I. I. Levitan "Golden Autumn",

I. Shishkin "Autumn",

P. M. Grichishkin "Bridge in the forest",

"Lake in birches", "Autumn in Arkhyz".

Listening to music:

P. Tchaikovsky " Seasons»,

A. Vivaldi "Seasons",

Physical development.

Finger gymnast "It's raining for a walk", "Leaves";

physical education session “We are autumn leaves”, “Breeze”;

breathing exercises "Veterok";

round dance game "Autumn has come to us";

p / and “At the bear in the forest”, “Owl”, “Flight of birds”, “One, two, three, take the named leaf”;

relay race "Let's collect autumn bouquet».

Interaction with parents.

Collection natural material,

participation in the exhibition "Crafts from autumn leaves",

"Magic Leaves"

In the process of work, various methods and techniques were used: gaming, visual, verbal, observation, heuristic; technologies were used: health-saving, information and communication, research activities.

3. Final stage.

1. Summing up the project.

Project activity product:

Exhibition "Magic Leaves"

Exhibition "Crafts from autumn leaves",

Making a dressing room with the use of children's work.

2. Analysis of the results of the work.

During the implementation of the project, children:

Developed Creative skills,

Knowledge of nature has deepened, the idea of ​​the need for careful attitude to it has strengthened,

Improved ability to implement experimental activities to establish causal relationships in the world around,

Expanded and intensified vocabulary

Parents became interested in project activities, they took part in the design of the exhibition with pleasure.

Literature :

FROM BIRTH TO SCHOOL. The main general education program preschool education/ Ed. N. E. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. - M.: MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS, 2010. - 304 p.Pro...

Solomennikova, O. A.Environmental education in kindergarten. program and method, rerecommendation / O. A. Solomennikova. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2005.

Komarova T. S. Classes in fine arts in senior group kindergarten. - "Mosaic-synthesis", 2008

Lykova I.A. Visual activity in kindergarten: planning, class notes, guidelines. Preparatory for school. KARAPUZ-DIDACTICS2009
Kazakova R. G. “Drawing classes with preschoolers: Unconventional Techniques, planning, class notes. - M .: TC Sphere, 2009

Litvinova R.M. A preschooler in the space of Stavropol and the Stavropol Territory. Stavropol 2004.

Litvinova R.M. Regional culture: artists, writers, composers. Collection 1. Stavropol 2010.

Litvinova R.M. Pashchenko A.T. Regional culture: artists, writers, composers. Collection 2. Stavropol 2010.


Kindergarten №3 "Rainbow".

GCD for artistic and aesthetic development

"Applique from leaves",

in the preparatory school group "Bell".


highest qualification category

Romanenko Tatyana Alekseevna.

With. Donskoye, 2015

Priority educational activities:
"Artistic and aesthetic development".
Integration of educational areas:
"Cognitive development", "Speech development", "Physical development", "Social and communicative development".

Clarify knowledge of the genres of fine art,

To consolidate knowledge about the work of Russian poets and composers;

Continue to explore creativityPavel Moiseevich Grechishkin and

Solovtsev Anatoly Borisovich;
- to form interest in creating a bright work;
- develop in children creative thinking, fantasy, creativity and imagination when composing plot pictures from leaves, making a selection by color and shape.
- educate aesthetic emotions in the course of work;
- Cultivate accuracy.
Developing subject-spatial environment:
Presentation Colored cardboard, glue brush, glue, napkins.

The leaves of various shrubs, trees and flower petals are different in color and shape.

Musical recording from the cycle "The Seasons" by P. I. Tchaikovsky
Introductory part. Course progress.

Slide. Children enter. Leaves cut out of paper lay on the floor.

Sounds P. I. Tchaikovsky The seasons.

Ksyusha G.

Forest, like a painted tower,

Purple, gold, crimson,

Cheerful, colorful wall

It stands over a bright meadow.

Birches with yellow carving

Shine in blue azure,

Like towers, Christmas trees darken,

And between the maples they turn blue

Here and there in the foliage through

Clearances in the sky, that windows.

The forest smells of oak and pine,

During the summer it dried up from the sun,

And Autumn is a quiet widow

He enters his motley tower.

Guys, what is the name of the phenomenon when leaves fall from the trees? (Leaf fall).

The beauty of autumn foliage has been admired at all times, poets sang in their works.

Slide. Leaf fall.

A. S. Pushkin. "A dull time! Eyes of charm! .."

I. A. Bunin. Leaf fall.

A. K. Tolstoy. "Autumn. Our poor garden is sprinkled..."

Alexey Pleshcheev "Autumn has come."

Musical game "Leaves".

Breathing exercises"Breeze".

Didactic game"What branch are the kids from."

Have you named the tree species that grow in our village and in our kindergarten?

-Attention to the screen, who you see.

Slide. Portraits of Stavropol artists.

Artist of Stavropol

Pavel Moiseevich Grechishkin, painted landscapes.

Solovtsev Anatoly Borisovich, paints still lifes.

- Name the genres of fine arts.

Landscape, portrait, still life.

Slide. Didactic game "What is superfluous?".

On the screen. Landscape, still life, portrait.

Teacher: It is already cold outside, the trees are bare, and we have beautiful autumn leaves in our baskets. How can you save them?

Children's answers. Make a craft, stick an application.

Teacher: I suggest you go to the tables and paste a picture of autumn leaves.

finger game"One, two, three, four, five ... Let's count the leaves ..."

One, two, three, four, five (we bend our fingers)

We will collect leaves. (Squeeze and unclench fists)

Birch leaves, (bend fingers)

rowan leaves, poplar leaves,

Aspen leaves, we will collect oak leaves,

We'll take the autumn bouquet to mom.

The children are doing the app.

Outcome. game exercise"Tell me about your craft."

Didactic game "Name your profession"

The song "Autumn has knocked on us ...".

Children see a basket with leaves.

Guys, so that you are not sad, saying goodbye to autumn leaves, they have prepared a surprise for you. (In candy leaves).

Municipal state preschool educational institutionKindergarten №3 "Rainbow".

Card file of didactic and outdoor games on the theme "Autumn".

In the preparatory school group "Bell".


highest qualification category

Romanenko Tatyana Alekseevna.

With. Donskoye, 2015

Didactic game "Autumn signs" .

Tasks : consolidate knowledge about the signs of autumn, develop oral speech, observation,

attention, memory.

Attributes: cards with signs of autumn (8 pieces) and other seasons (5-6 pieces), game

a field divided into 8 cells.

Game progress: children (2 people) take turns taking a picture, calling what is drawn on it

determine when it happens. If in the fall, put the picture on the playing field. If

at other times of the year - removed to the side. Next, for each picture, make up

sentence using the keyword "autumn".

Note: the game can be individual.

Didactic game "Wonderful bag" .

Tasks: to improve the ability to touch to identify a fruit or vegetable by its shape,

correctly name its color, develop attention, memory, oral speech

Attributes : bag, models of vegetables and fruits.

Game progress: the teacher shows the bag and says:

I am a wonderful bag,

To all the guys, I'm a friend.

I really want to know

How do you like to play.

Children put models of vegetables and fruits in a bag. Then, in turn, take from

bag object, determine by touch what it is, call it, and then take it out.

After that, the children gather in the groups "Vegetables", "Fruits".

Didactic game "Whole and part" .

Tasks: to form the ability to select pairs of pictures with the image of a whole fruit and

its parts, develop oral speech, attention, memory.
pictures of whole fruits and their parts.

Game progress: 2 kids are playing. One has pictures of a whole fruit, the other has

pictures showing parts of it. One player posts his picture,

names what is depicted on it, and the other must select the appropriate one.


Didactic game "Two baskets" .

Tasks: improve the ability to distinguish between vegetables and fruits, learn to use in speech

generalizing words, develop oral speech, memory, attention.
Attributes: two baskets, object pictures of vegetables and fruits.
Game progress:
children take turns taking a picture, name what is shown on it, determine what

which group it belongs to and put in the appropriate basket.

Note: the game can be individual.

Didactic game "Stocks of animals" .

Tasks: improve the ability to select animals appropriate food,

develop attention, memory, observation.
Attributes: pictures of animals, pictures of plants and mushrooms.

Game progress: 2 kids are playing. Take turns taking a card with a picture of plants or

mushrooms, name what it is, and put it to the picture of a certain animal.

Note: the game can be individual.

Mobile game "Vegetables - fruits" .

Tasks: learn to distinguish fruits and vegetables by their appearance develop attention,


Attributes :subject pictures of vegetables and fruits

Game progress: in the center of the circle are pictures of vegetables and fruits. Children go in a circle with the words:

“One, two, three - take any object!” Children take any item and organize

groups "Vegetables", "Fruits".

Mobile game "Tops and Roots" .

Tasks: consolidate knowledge about the way vegetables grow, develop attention,

visual and auditory perception, memory.

Attributes: fake vegetables or natural vegetables.
Game progress: Option 1 : an adult shows a vegetable (dummy or natural), children call

they show it with movements, where it grows, if on the ground - they pull their hands

up, if underground - squat. Can act as an adult

a child who himself shows vegetables.

Option 2 : an adult only says the name of the vegetable, and the children show

movements where it grows.

Didactic game "What juice?" ("What jam?")

Tasks: improve the ability to distinguish and name fruits, learn to form

adjectives, develop oral speech, attention, memory.

Attributes: basket, fruit pictures

Game progress: children take turns taking a picture from a basket, calling the pictured fruit
and they say what the juice (or jam) from this fruit will be called. For instance:

"That apple is apple juice."

Mobile game "Find a Pair"

Tasks : learn to make pairs of leaves according to one sign indicated by an adult,

consolidate knowledge about shape, color and size, develop auditory and visual


Attributes : autumn leaves various sizes, colors and shapes.

Game progress : children stand in a circle, in the center are leaves (their number is according to the number of children and

leaves are selected so that pairs of leaves can be made). Children go

in a circle with the words: “One, two, three - take the sheet as soon as possible!” Everyone takes a leaf. The teacher says: "Find yourself a pair - a leaf of the same color." (Othertasks: make a pair of leaves from the same tree, or leaves that differsize: big and small, or leaves of the same size from one tree..)

Note : for this game you need to prepare additional leaves from a double-sidedsmaller colored paper compared to those that the children were coloring.

Didactic game "From which tree is the leaf?" » .

Tasks : improve the ability to differentiate trees by their trunks and leaves, develop attention, observation, memory, imagination.

Attributes : drawn on separate sheets trunks of three different trees, autumn leaves of these trees.

Game progress : loose leaves lie around the drawings of tree trunks. Children shouldspread the leaves on your tree.

Note : the game can be played in group and individual form.

Didactic game "What leaf?" .

Tasks : improve knowledge to distinguish the leaves of three trees, learn to formadjectives, develop oral speech, attention, memory.

Attributes : basket, autumn leaves.

Game progress : Children sit in a circle and pass each other a basket. Take turns taking out a piece of paper and sayingfrom which tree it is and formadjective. For example: this is a birch leaf - a birch leaf.

Mobile game "Belkin's reserves" .

Tasks: improve the ability to act on the signal of an adult, develop attention, memory, oral speech.

Attributes : squirrel mask, mushroom dummies, walnut, berries, cones.

Game progress: a child is selected - a squirrel, he is put on a squirrel mask. In the center of the circle are objects - dummies of nuts, berries, mushrooms, cones. Children walk in a circle with the words: “One, two, three - take the object as soon as possible!” Take different items. Children with identical objects gather in a group. A child - a squirrel walks and chooses the group with the most children, and saysrit: “Today I will eat a nut(mushrooms, berries, cones). From this group is selected new baby- squirrel.

Didactic game "Paired pictures" .

Tasks: learn to correlate pairs of pictures according to the principle of “the whole and its part”, develop logical thinking, attention, observation, oral speech.

Attributes: set of paired pictures autumn theme, where in each pair of pictures on the whole image is drawn on one, and on the other its separate part in the form a separate object (for example: a bird on an autumn branch - an autumn branch).

Game progress: 2 children are playing, one has a set of pictures with a whole image, the second has pictures of individual items. One child takes any of his cards, and the other must pick up a steam room for her, explaining his choice. Then the second uploads his picture, and already the first child picks up a pair for her.
Note: the game can be individual.

Didactic game "Clap your hands"

Tasks: to consolidate the ability to perceive the names of vegetables and fruits by ear, find them in pictures, develop auditory attention,

Attributes: subject pictures on the topic

Game progress: a poem is read, children must remember and name the vegetables (or fruits, or berries, or mushrooms, depending on the topic) that were mentioned in the poem, and show or post pictures with their image. When the poem is read for the second time, the children clap their hands if they hear the name of a vegetable (fruit, berries, mushrooms).

In the garden

There you arecarrot
red head,

The tail is green.

There you areturnip

And a strong cucumber

Sun n gilded.

On the rankscabbage
Heads of cabbage huddle densely

In shaggy leaves,

Herepolka dots sweet,

The grains are ok

They sleep in mustachioed pods.

What delicious people

Inhabited our garden!

By mushrooms

All the animals on the edge

looking formilk mushrooms andwaves.

Squirrels jumped

mushrooms plucked.

Chanterelle fled
Chanterelles collected.

The hares jumped

Looking formushrooms.

The bear passed

fly agaric crushed..

Good autumn has come
She brought us gifts.

Apples fragrant,
Peaches fluffy,
Pears golden,
Autumn brought.
V. Volina

miracle garden

Atpeople wonder:
What is a miracle garden?
radish have andsalad,
Onion, parsley andspinach.
Tomatoes , cucumbers
They ripen together - well done!
potato , andcabbage
They grow densely in the beds.
And everyone says in unison:
"We grow up here for the kids.
For diligence and hard work
The harvest will be collected."

I will make a salad...

I will make a salad
Crush into a large bowl
cucumbers , leek, spinach,
Tomatoes andradish.

finely chopDill ,
And I'll top it all off with sour cream.
Vitamins for the future
I won't stop stocking up.

Vegetable counter:

In Yegor's garden

Pumpkin, turnip, tomatoes.

Ivan's garden

Zucchini andeggplant.

You will plantsquash,

Get out of the circle


Becamepumpkin ask us:

It's hot! Give us a drink! -

We got a watering can quickly

And watered the whole family:

To strengthen well done -

Zucchini andcucumbers ,

- Thank you, friends!

My family got drunk!


Like in a rabbit canteen

In the clearing - pine stump,

Lunch is on the stump

And what's not there

ANDcabbage ,andpotato ,

A slide of freshpeas.

ANDparsley a little.

And for the bunnies-children

Grass sweet mountain

Bycarrots one.

After allcarrot from the garden

Sweeter than chocolates!


There are many ridges in the garden
There are also
turnip , andsalad .

Here and withvekla ,andpeas

Apotato is it bad?

Our green garden

We will be fed for a whole year!

Summergarden - what a city!
It has a hundred thousand citizens:
tomato, peas, cabbage,
vegetable marrow andeggplant.

Our garden

Our beautiful autumn garden

In himplum have andgrape

On branches like toys

ANDapples ,andpears .

We will pick the fruits in the morning

And call all the neighbors.

And wave the sun

Thank you autumn! let's say.

W. Rashid

Summer garden
How good is he, the summer garden,
Fruit is always rich.
Cherries a whole series of slender
Ruby berries burn.
Near here grows andplum ,
Beautiful juicy fruits.
pear andapples aroma,
Everyone would be happy to eat one.

A bowl of fruit

The tall vase is on the table.

Beams play in blue crystal.

We will put fragrant in a vasebanana

A gift from distant tropical countries.

Let's addlemon , orange, tangerine.

And after dinner we will eat fruit!

T. Shorygin


In our garden

Notradishes more beautiful.

How juicy, red, round,

Don't look small.

turnip also succeeded

The yellow sun lit up.

Well, is the onion bad,

An old man in a hundred clothes?

N. Nishcheva

planted inkitchen garden ;
Tomatoes andpotato,
a littlecarrots , cucumbers .
For the tomboy brothers.
Tomato plucked Alyoshka
So the cat became full.
And Maxim eatscucumber.
Our boy is great.
He sits on the bed deftly
Here it is torncarrot.
Is eatingcarrot Cat Cat,
Who came to our garden.
All the boys are fed.
Vitamin is forced.

A. Maksakov


What grows in our garden

cucumbers , polka dots with sweet.

Tomatoes andDill

For seasoning and for testing.

There isradish andsalad,

Our garden is just a treasure.

But watermelons don't grow here.

If you listened carefully

Remembered for sure.

Answer in order.

What grows in our garden?

V. Korkin

Didactic game "Tell me a word."

Tasks : development of attention, memory, improvement of knowledge about vegetables and fruits.

Game progress : adult reads and children add words.

- It was empty here in the spring, in the summer it grew ... (cabbage).

- The sun shone to make it brighter green ... (dill).

- We collect a very large basket in a basket ... (potatoes).

- The earth got wet from the rain - get out, fatty ... (beets).

- From the ground - we pull a juicy cheat for a forelock ... (carrot).

- The grandson helps the grandfather - collects from the beds ... (onion).

- Grandfather Fedyushka asks: - collect more ... (parsley).

- Here is a green fat man - large, smooth ... (zucchini).

- And now let's go to the garden, there already ripened ... (grapes).

- Very juicy and beautiful grown on branches ... (plums).

- For Seryozha and Marina, we are recruiting ... (tangerines).

- For Vanyusha and Katyusha, we will collect in a basket ... (pears).

- Let's not forget for Alena very sour ... (lemons).

- For the filling in pies, we collect ... (apples).

That's all! Although we are tired, we have harvested the whole crop!


  • generate interest in creating teamwork " autumn tree»;
  • to teach children to make a collective composition of carved parts (palms) based on a unifying image (trunk, crown of a tree);
  • develop skills: carefully cut along the contour, glue the part;
  • to cultivate the skills of cooperation in collective creativity.

Integration with other areas:

  • communication;
  • knowledge;
  • reading fiction.

Vocabulary Enrichment: decoration, color, crown, leaf fall.

Preliminary work.

Excursion to the autumn park to observe changes in nature, collecting leaves for the herbarium. Reading works of art about the "golden" autumn. Examination of paintings by I. I. Levitan, I. I. Shishkin depicting autumn.

Materials and tools.

  • herbarium of colorful leaves, different in shape, size and color;
  • paintings by Levitan I. I. depicting autumn trees;
  • a picture of a tree;
  • colored paper;
  • simple pencil;
  • scissors;
  • glue and brush for glue;
  • cloth or paper towel.

Stage 1.

Dry leaves of various shapes and colors lie on the table. The children are looking at them carefully. The teacher reads Yu. Kasparova's poem "Autumn Leaves":

The leaves are dancing, the leaves are spinning

And they lie like a bright carpet under my feet.

Like they're terribly busy

Green, red and gold...

maple leaves, oak leaves,

Purple, scarlet, even burgundy ...

I throw leaves up at random -

I, too, can arrange a leaf fall!

Which tree leaves are mentioned in the poem? maple, oak).

What tree leaves do you see in front of you? ( children list).

How beautiful nature is in our area in the autumn season. Tell me, please, what happens to the leaves in autumn? ( change color, fall off).

What colors and shades of leaves can be seen in autumn? ( children call).

Right. A variety of colors, the play of sunlight and shadows, like a festive fireworks, nature endows us in autumn days. See how the artists sang the beauty of autumn in their paintings. ( demonstration of Levitan's painting). Autumn dressed up the trees in luxurious decorations. Such a variety of colors pleases the eye!

Stage 2.

Display a picture of a tree.

Who knows what word they call all the foliage of a tree? ( crown).

Right. And today in the lesson we will make a wonderful autumn tree, and in order to create the crown of our tree, you will need your palms, colored paper, a simple pencil, scissors, glue. It is the cut out paper palms that will be the leaves on our tree. For this:

  • we will first circle the palm with a simple pencil;
  • then cut along the contour;
  • then glue it on a background prepared in advance (the background was made by the children together with the teacher, gluing pieces of colored napkins).

Stage 3.

Children under the clear guidance of the teacher perform the work:

Stage 4.


Outline the palm

cut out


Summary of the lesson.

Discussion of the work done.

Autumn time inspired not only poets and artists. This time of the year has always been fertile ground for the development of a child's sense of beauty. Application on the theme of autumn is a clear confirmation of this. Kindergartens and schools have always used this theme in their work. The child is happy to make something beautiful with his own hands. This allows him to feel more mature, meaningful and listen to the praise of his parents. Applications of this kind are a competent pedagogical step to educate a child in a sense of the beauty of the surrounding world. And it is impossible to refuse such methods.

Autumn time inspired not only poets and artists

Application on the theme "Golden Autumn" in the preparatory group: a master class for the joy of children

The main task of educators in kindergartens has always been the same - to keep the child busy so that he does not sit idle. There is no need to waste time. If it can be spent on the education of the baby. Let the child make their own application on the theme of golden autumn. Outside the window - the most beautiful landscapes, which are a natural visual aid for any kind of crafts.

What will be required for the children of the preparatory group to complete the plan:

  • colored cardboard;
  • colored paper;
  • scissors;
  • glue.

The first step is to prepare the base. After that, tree trunks (trees) and leaves are cut out. After all the planned blanks are made, the process of gluing them onto the base begins.

  1. Tree trunks are first glued to a sheet of cardboard. What kind of trees it will be better to come up with in advance.
  2. Then comes the turn of the leaves. They need to be glued so that the crowns of the trees are saturated, thick and large. In the preparatory group, you can cut, for example, maple, oak and birch leaves.
  3. Glue should not be applied to the entire surface of the cut blank. It is enough to smear only the edges. This is done so that the glued parts do not deform after they dry.
  4. On one canvas of cardboard, you should not make more than two trees: it will be difficult for the child, he will simply get confused in this forest of blanks. One or two is enough.

Tell the children what can be improved, how to make it more beautiful: they are waiting for the advice of their elders, although they may not ask for them.

Dancing leaves: application on an autumn theme (video)

Gallery: application on the theme "Autumn" (25 photos)

Application on the theme "Autumn" in the younger group: to teach the child the beautiful

The simplest, but very interesting option for children junior group there will be an application of real autumn foliage. On a walk, invite your child to keep the autumn beauty as a keepsake. Let him collect different leaves. Help him select good, dry, not torn leaves. Try to collect foliage from different trees with the children.

Required materials to continue work:

  • glue, brush;
  • paper that will be the background - the basis for the leaves;
  • you can come up with some small decorative elements.

From the total mass of the collected autumn "gold" it is necessary to select the most beautiful, those that did not have time to rot. Arrange them in one row and dry quite a bit. It is not necessary to dry the leaves strongly - they will break when you start gluing them. Then you need to select the required number of sheets of colored background paper.

Apply glue to each leaf with a brush and glue the foliage to the paper. It is better to do it chaotically, without observing any symmetry - so the application on the theme of autumn gold will be more natural. It is necessary to try so that on a sheet of paper there are leaves of not one type of tree, but different ones. After the sheet is filled, you need to put it, for example, closer to the battery so that the glue dries quickly.

Alternatively, on a piece of paper that serves as a background for a future application, you need to draw a tree - just a bare trunk. And already glue the collected leaves on it. Such a combined application will look even more interesting than from single leaves.

Application on the theme "Trees" for children of the preparatory group: instructions and useful tips

It is quite possible for children of the preparatory group to make an application on the theme “Trees” not only from paper, but also from plasticine. But first things first.

First, let's see how to make an application from colored paper:

  1. To do this, take a piece of paper Brown. If it is not monophonic, but with small third-party inclusions, it's okay. A tree is drawn on the selected sheet. Can be used ready-made templates, if they are. But still, if a child draws a tree on his own, it is much more useful.
  2. Next, the drawn tree should be carefully cut with scissors.
  3. The approximate height of the tree will be 20 cm from an A4 sheet. Then we prepare the preparation of the leaves: you need to cut the squares different color about 3 cm x 3 cm. after the leaves, a blank for the grass is made - a green rectangle 2 cm x 28 cm. the squares must be folded like an accordion, starting from the corner. Fold the grass harvesting also with an accordion, but in width.
  4. When the blanks for the tree itself are ready, you need to make a small mound on which the tree grows. To do this, fold the green rectangle 9cm x 4cm in half. Cut along the curve with scissors. Expand - you get the correct semicircle. Now you need to complete the formation of foliage. The accordion, which turned out from the colored squares, bent in half and glued in the middle. To the center of the bottom edge of a sheet of cardboard of blue color glue the cut mound. In the center of the mound, step back from the bottom of the cardboard sheet 1.5 cm. Glue the wood blank. Stretch the accordion of grass along the entire length of the bottom edge of the cardboard. The grass should cover the "roots" of the tree.
  5. Now the formation of the crown of the tree begins. It is necessary to glue the leaves, trying so that the colors do not go in a row. More leaves - more magnificent crown. You can stick a couple of leaves that are not attached to anything, creating the effect of leaves plucked by the wind and floating in the air. It remains to make the sky. The sky itself, in fact, already exists - the cardboard is blue, there is no need to highlight the sky on it. But the clouds will need to be done. For this, blue paper is taken. You can cut out the clouds, you can just tear the paper into small pieces. It remains only to glue them to the top of the cardboard without any order.

The tree against the background of the autumn sky is ready, mind you, without any effort. But, if you want to complicate the drawing, it all depends on who makes the application. There would be a desire. The figures below show several options that are also made quite simply.

Ideas for autumn applications for kids: turn on the imagination

How less baby the more demanding it is. With the youngest part of humanity it is always more difficult than with the rest. Here, fantasy and all sorts of little tricks come to the aid of parents. For example, make fun autumn application possible in just a few minutes. In this case, the child will laugh with joy.

A simple option, easier than which is already difficult to find. Take just one yellow leaf from those that were blown onto the balcony by the wind (or take yellow paper for application in extreme cases).

The leaflet should look like the one in the picture:

Flip it wide side down. Glue a sheet of cardboard. Draw legs and handles to it, one of which will contain an umbrella. Glue a couple of more buttons on the leaf itself. And on them - a couple of smaller diameters. Draw raindrops and a smile on the resulting sly face. Everything. Cheerful yellow autumn man - the leaf is ready.

It took 15 minutes. The child laughs with happiness. Parents breathe a sigh of relief.

Beautiful leaf crafts (video)

Of course, there are a great many ideas on the theme “Golden Autumn”. And everyone sees autumn, trees and everything else differently. Here are the most simple techniques and application options. If fantasy treacherously does not want to help, you can purchase books on this subject. A lot of interesting literature on this kind of topics has now appeared in stores. Read and create something special with your child so that he is proud of his joint project with his parents.