
Calendar plan senior group theme easter. Easter project for preschool group. Presentation on theme: "What is Easter?"


Ludmila Abramenko
Comprehensive thematic planning in the middle group from April 25–29 on the topic "Easter"

Goals:. The formation of elementary ideas among preschoolers about the Orthodox folk holiday of the Light Easter.

Educational areas Team work adult and children environments for independent activities of children Interaction with parents

Socio-communicative development Conversation "What's happened Easter

S/r game "House" (on clean Thursday we prepare the house for the holiday Easter)

fun games "Egg rolling", « Easter nest»

Game - dramatization "Ryaba Hen", "Kolobok"

C\r game "Daughters-Mothers"- preparing for the arrival of guests

round dance game "You go around in a circle, find yourself a friend"

dramatization "We bake cakes".

Conversation - discussion of safety in the manufacture of crafts. Organize an exhibition of souvenirs Easter eggs

easter theme

Didactic games "Collect a picture" (Easter stories)

Organize an exhibition of souvenirs Easter eggs

Pick up postcards, illustrations, reproductions on easter theme

Contribute egg patterns for decoration

Tiaras for dramatization of a fairy tale "Kolobok"

Table theater based on a fairy tale "Ryaba Hen"

Didactic games "Collect a picture" (Easter stories,

"Pick by color",

"Big small",

"Find differences"


How they celebrate Easter in different parts of the world"

Consultation « original ways coloring Easter eggs»

Cognitive development Examination of willow branches.

Considering options for decorating eggs for the holiday (drapanka, krashenka, pysanka).

Conversation: Easter traditions. Why on easter dye and bless the eggs?”

Examining and discussing pictures of family Easter traditions: ball rolling, children "clink glasses" eggs,

experimenting with eggs (properties of raw and boiled eggs)

Viewing a presentation « Easter week» , « Easter»

Conversations on the topic "Why do we dye eggs?" "What's happened Easter How in the old days people prepared for the holiday Easter

Speech development Reading and discussing the story "Most best gift» M. Terentyeva

Conversation How do we celebrate Easter at home»

Memorizing a poem by E Shalomonova "The willow branches fluffed up" Reading easter tale"Little Red Riding Hood" in processing

L. Zilov ;

Reading r. n. With. "Golden Spindle", "The Cockerel and the Beanstalk"

Making up stories How we celebrated at home Easter

Artistic and aesthetic development Reading "The Legend of Christ's Lark"

modeling Easter eggs.

Fairy tale dramatization "Ryaba Hen"

Reading A. Block "Verbochki", A. Pleshcheev "Christ is risen!"

Making a collage « Easter eggs»

Listening to music fragments: - Phonogram "bell ringing"

"Oh you birch" (Russian folk melody)

Prettification Easter drawings

Non-traditional finger painting "Let's decorate Easter egg»

consideration Easter cards , pictures

Physical Development P/ and: "Find a Pair", "Homeless Bunny", "Hares and the wolf".

Gymnastics complex №14

Jumping forward.

P\u003e « sun bunnies» "Carousel", "Golden Gate"

Low mobility game “The chicken went out for a walk ...”.

morning exercises "Sun",

Final event: Exhibition design "Postcard for easter» . entertainment" Easter Red”

Related publications:

Comprehensive thematic planning of psychological and pedagogical activities with children of senior preschool age on the topic "My small homeland".

Dear colleagues. I am glad to welcome YOU on my page. I bring to your attention the planning of one thematic.

Cognition To form children's ideas about the holiday New Year, to acquaint with the traditions of celebrating the New Year, the customs of meeting the New Year.

(middle group, March, 1st week) Purpose: the formation of a respectful attitude and a sense of belonging to one's family (mother, grandmother), etc.

Detailed complex-thematic planning

Thematic action on the topic:"Bright Easter"

v middle group No. 1 "Bells"

Relevance of the topic : preschool age- a favorable period for introducing children to the origins of Russian folk culture, capable of reviving the continuity of generations, conveying moral principles, spiritual and artistic values.


    create a festive mood in children;

    attach preschoolers to the origins of Russian folk culture through the organization various kinds children's activities;

    develop Creative skills children.


    familiarization of children with the traditions of the national holiday of Easter, features of the celebration;

    vosnutrition of artistic taste;

    education of love for Russian folk culture.

    involvement of parents in active co-creation with children at home;

    enjoy co-creation.

"Journey to the land of games and toys"

1. Music

2. cognitive development Willow watching


1. Pin name of the spring months.

2. Reading fiction: "The Legend of Christ's Lark"

1. Coloring and drawing pictures with easter motifs.

2. Independent activity in activity centers.

Inform parents about the beginning of the action on the theme "Bright Easter", draw the attention of parents to the relevance of this topic.

Day of the theater, theatrical toy

1. Physical Education

2 . Speech development

Conversation on the topic " Talk about the great holiday of Easter.

Purpose: to introduce children to the traditions of the holiday "Easter";

Artistic material:


1 . Reading a poem E. Shalamova "fluffed willow branches"

2. Solving riddles on the holiday "Light

3. "Easter egg" performance by non-traditional techniques.

1. Independent creative activity of children with various types of puppets for theaters (finger, flat, BiBaBo).

2. Construction « Terem-teremok "

3. P / s "Don't get your feet wet", "From bump to bump"- exercise injumping.

Consultation "How Easter is celebrated in different parts of the world"

Day of outdoor games

1. Cognitive Development (FEMP) (consp. No. 30)

P / s "Cats and Mice"

Target: develop in children dexterity, ingenuity,

the ability to act on a signal. Exercise in fast running with dodging and in catching.

2. Physical education (3)

1. P \ and "Find a mate", "Traps", "Catch-ups" The teacher shows traffic lights, the children perform actions, red - stop, yellow - prepared, green - let's go, run, jump.

2. Conversation with children O courtesytogether, about mutual assistance, Ofriendly attitude towards each other.

1. C / r game " We welcome everyone to visit Easter»

Creating an album for children and their parents"Original recipes for Easter cakes and Easter"

Day of Russian folk games and toys

    Physical Education


Topic: « Pashhal postcard»

Purpose: to improve the ability of children to cut out geometric shapes (square, rectangle, triangle), lay out various patterns from them, and carefully stick them.

1. Conversation with children about respectful attitude to the elders

2. S/r game "Clean Thursday" -.

1. P / s “Across the brook”, “Geese - geese”, “Loaf”, “Grandma Malanya” - introduce Russian folk amusements, please children.

2. Examining the illustrations with Russian folk toys.

Consultation "Original ways of painting Easter eggs"

Day of role-playing games

1. Music


Topic: " The testicle is not simple, but painted "-coloring ready-made forms, talk about the difference between Easter eggs and Easter eggs)»

1. S/r game "Trip to the Toy Museum"

Purpose: to develop creativity; to form interest in joint games with peers; self-realization in the game; develop role-playing dialogue based on the plot.

2. Construction "Bus"

1. S/r game "Toys have a birthday!"

2. Presentation conversation: The children talk about their favorite toys and show each other their drawings.

Leisure in the family:

"Weekends for celebrating Easter in the family" (blessing of eggs, Easter cakes, visiting the temple)

Folklore holiday "Easter egg" with children

Outline of the lesson on the world around (middle group) on the topic:

Calendar plan for the project "Easter"

Topic : "We meet Easter, we invite everyone to visit!"

Project type : creative and informational.

Project duration: short-term, 04/09/12-04/16/12

Project participants: children middle group, educators, parents.

Relevance of the topic: preschool age is a favorable period for introducing children to the origins of Russian folk culture, capable of reviving the continuity of generations, conveying moral principles, spiritual and artistic values.

Target : introducing preschoolers to the origins of Russian folk culture through the organization of various types of children's activities

The main objectives of the project are: - acquaintance of children with the traditions of the national holiday of Easter, the peculiarities of the celebration; - education of artistic taste; - fostering love for Russian folk culture.

Outcome : folklore holiday "Easter egg with children, educators and parents.

Day of the week





Monday – 07.11


physical culture







Conversation "What is Easter"

morning exercises

Consultation "How Easter is celebrated in different parts of the world"




Talk about the great holiday of Easter.

Reading "The Legend of Christ's Lark"

Artistic material;


Physical Education


P.206 No. 53. To consolidate the ability to perform a circular swing when throwing a large ball with two hands from the chest.

The presence of balls in the group.


Throwing snowballs at a target


Automation of the sound "Sh", pronunciation of tongue twisters ()

Game "house"

Attributes to the s/r game

Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

Interaction with parents/social partners




Educational activities in regime moments

Tuesday – 08.11


physical culture







reading x/l


Morning exercises;


Independent games;

Fixing direct counting () and reverse counting (.);


D / game "Yesterday, today, tomorrow" (travel along the "river of time")

Preparations for the exhibition "Easter Postcard"

Direct educational activities

Communication, cognition

“literacy education. P.79 "Sound (x) and letter X"

Necessary aids for familiarization with letters

Artistic creative



Artistic material;











Reading x/l,

Artistic creation,


Watching the willow, outdoor games according to the plan

Exercise: "Walk along the crooked path"

Fix the sequence of dressing and undressing;

Removal of inventory;


Throw material.


Air-water procedures;

Reading a poem by E. Shalamova “The willow branches fluffed up”

Free activity.

Working with coloring pages

Remind children to keep books and toys in order. Watch how children clean toys, put things in order in activity centers.

A selection of books;

Colour pencils;

felt-tip pens;

Wax crayons;


Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

Interaction with parents/social partners




Educational activities in regime moments

Wednesday - 09.11


physical culture








Morning exercises;


Watching indoor plants(determine which flowers need watering);

Interest games in activity centers.

To consolidate knowledge of indoor plants.

Situational conversation while washing about water "Benefit - harm"

Creation of the album "Original recipes for cooking Easter cakes and Easter"

Individual conversations and consultations at the request of parents.



Cognitive research activity: REMP

“Number and number 7. Repeat the composition of numbers. (Anya, Anton - the formation of numbers of the second ten)










Reading x/l,

Artistic creation,


Water observation (property, form, state);

P / games according to the plan, " Physical education in the air p.208.

Ex. “Don’t get your feet wet” “From bumps to bumps” - ex. Jumping ()

Remind children to be polite and helpful. Research activities: freezing, thawing water.

Ledyanki. Physical equipment Events


"Cosmonautics Day" - presentation. Free activity.

Ex. "Make a proposal according to the scheme" ()

Design of water transport. (Lego, Wooden constructor)

Schemes of sentences of illustrations constructors.


Independent play activity children on the site, games of choice. Remind them to be friendly to each other.

Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

Interaction with parents/social partners




Educational activities in regime moments

Thursday - 10.11


physical culture




labor, knowledge


reading x/l

artistic creative


Morning gymnastics.


D Game "Name the geometric shapes and forms"

situational conversation

Portraits of astronauts, spaceship,

Consultation "Original ways of coloring Easter eggs"

Direct educational activities

Communication / socialization

Development of speech p.94 “Sound culture of speech. Sound (u) and letter Щ.

Artistic creativity/knowledge. Communication, music

Musical activity.

Preparing attributes for entertainment










Reading x/l,

Artistic creation,


More mobile games according to the plan, observations of weather changes

Remind children to take care of their appearance, clean clothes, hair.


Productive activity: application. "Easter card"

Productive activity: application.

Talk about the upcoming holiday

Various cards dedicated to Easter


Summary of the day: role-playing game" House"

Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

Interaction with parents/social partners




Educational activities in regime moments

Friday - 11.11


physical culture




labor, knowledge



Morning exercises;


D / game: "River of time"

Leisure in the family:

"Weekends for celebrating Easter in the family" (blessing of eggs, Easter cakes, visiting the temple)

Direct educational activity

Cognition / communication, art. creation

Productive activity: drawing “the testicle is not simple, but painted” (coloring ready-made forms, talk about the difference between Easter eggs and Easter eggs)

Artistic material;


Phys. Culture, health

Motor activity: physical culture. 207 #54. Exercise in the ability to give the ball an accurate direction when thrown at a horizontal target.










Observation of the sky, clouds;

p / games according to the plan

Ex. "Fly my ball" - the ability to throw and catch the ball with two hands.

Talk to children about respect for elders.


Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

Interaction with parents/social partners




Educational activities in regime moments

Monday – 07.11


physical culture







Conversation "How I Celebrated Easter"

morning exercises

Independent activity in activity centers

The game "Collect the picture" (cut pictures.

Fill your book corner with literature about Jesus Christ

Participation in the festive entertainment "Easter Egg"

Organization of a tea party

Direct educational activities




Entertainment "Easter egg"

Artistic material;


Physical Education



Physical culture, communication, safety, knowledge

Watching seasonal changes, outdoor games.

Throwing snowballs at a target

Fix the name of the spring months

Strengthen the ability to dress quickly and neatly


reading thematic poems (conversation)

Automation of the sound "z", pronunciation of tongue twisters ()

Game "house"

Attributes to the s/r game

Oksana Solodkova

Target: Formation of children's ideas about the folk ritual holiday - Svetlaya



1. Continue introducing children to the holiday - « Holy Easter» , its traditions,

customs, to introduce the meaning of new words.

2. Continue to teach children to show their imagination and imagination in inventing

pattern and applying it to the silhouette of the egg.

3. To educate children in respect for the traditions of the Russian people, interest in

Orthodox holidays; develop emotional sphere, feeling

participation in national holidays.

4. Develop artistic taste, aesthetic feelings, develop creative


5. To cultivate the desire to see the final result of the work, diligence, diligence, joy from the resulting product.

6. Develop fine motor skills hands

7. To consolidate the skills and abilities of working with scissors, paper and cardboard,

templates, cut out parts of the round and oval shape; consolidate the skill

carefully stick the details of the application, create from individual elements

harmonious composition; learn how to make crafts from waste


1. Motor activity:

A physical education session is being held

(children perform movements according to the text)

The naughty chicken lived (Tilt head back and forth)

Head spinning all day: (Turn head)

Turned left, turned right (Turn head left, right)

Bent left leg (Bend and raise left leg)

Then he raised his right (Bend and raise right leg)

And he got back on both. (stand on two legs)

Started flapping wings:

(raise and lower)

Up, down, up, down! (Raise and lower hands)

Turned left, right (Turn the body to the left, to the right)

Good in the world, right! (raise two hands up)

And then went for a walk

I found a worm!

(walking in place)

2. Dynamic pause:

I will name you various holiday traditions and when you hear Easter, clap your hands once.


1. Christmas tree decoration

2. Inflating balloons

3. Making curd Easter

4. Singing a song "Loaf"

5. Blowing out the candles on the cake

6. Egg dyeing

7. Consecration of Easter cakes in the church

3. "Egg Games"

1. Rolling eggs from a hill.

2. Bring an egg in a spoon.

4. Joint activities with the family

Leisure in the family: "Weekend celebrations Easter in the family» (consecration of eggs, Easter cakes, visiting the temple)

Preparing for the exhibition: « HOLY EASTER»

5. Cognitive and research activities

Conversation « Orthodox holiday Easter»

Conversation holiday traditions Easter»

Compilation of descriptive stories based on pictures about Easter.

Examination of pictures on the topic. Reading educational literature.

6. Play activity

Didactic game "Color easter egg»

7. Productive activity

Painting:« Easter card»

modeling: « Easter chick»

Application: Teamwork"Cock and Hen"

8. Reading fiction

Reading the verses of the initiates Easter. Acquaintance with proverbs, sayings and signs on Easter. Reading "The Legend of the Christ Lark" Zilov L. "First Red Egg" Levkodimova G. E.

Examining illustrations. "Testicle" Wagner N.

9. Development of speech

The development of speech. "Composing stories about Easter. ZKR - sound [s] "

10. Exhibition design: « HOLY EASTER»

The Easter holiday lasts a whole week and the teacher, working according to the program edited by N.E. Veraksa "From birth to school" plans a variety of activities, during which preschoolers will get acquainted with the history of the holiday, folk traditions, ways to decorate eggs, Easter games, etc. The result of the week is the musical and literary holiday "Bright Easter". Description of conversations, festive outdoor games, poems for the holiday you will find in the annex to the plan " Theme week"Bright Easter".

Social and communicative development

Preschoolers learn to compliment each other, control their emotions, behave correctly in dangerous situations. The thematic week "Bright Easter" contributes to the social and communicative development, as it is planned to talk about the Easter holiday, about courage and courage, as well as planting trees in the garden and filling out the calendar of good deeds.

cognitive development

In the area of cognitive development the following events are planned: a conversation “What does a worm sniff”, experimental activity“Do plants have respiratory organs?”, measuring the temperature of liquids, examining and comparing tree roots, and much more. The theme week "Bright Easter" will expand children's knowledge about nature in spring, the behavior of birds and insects.

Speech development

In the games "Chain of words", "Change according to the model" occurs speech development children. Preschoolers continue to work with the dictionary, find out the meaning of the word "pysanka", learn poems for the holiday. Children repeat the massage exercises of the palms with objects, compose stories "How we celebrate Easter at home."

Artistic and aesthetic development

In the field of artistic and aesthetic development, the teacher plans to color and decorate eggs different ways, application using eggshell, repetition of round dance games and construction easter bunny from paper.

Physical development

Work continues on the formation of healthy lifestyle habits in children. Preschoolers remember which vitamins are in them, reflect on heroic strength and get acquainted with folk Easter games, which contributes to physical development future first graders.

Check out the theme week snippet


OOcognitive developmentSpeech developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Compliment game. Purpose: to promote a positive climate in the group.Talk to children about Easter. Purpose: to expand knowledge about folk holidays and traditions.Di. "Make a word." Purpose: to practice compounding compound words.Application « Easter cake". Purpose: to improve the skills of working with scissors, to develop a sense of composition.Easter game "For two hares". Purpose: to introduce the game.
S.r. game "Getting ready for the holiday." Purpose: to teach to combine several plots in the game, to distribute roles independently.Rowan watching. Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about mountain ash, develop the ability to observe, establish cause-and-effect relationships.The game "Describe, I will guess" (composing riddles about eggs). Purpose: to consolidate the names of decorative patterns in speech, to activate speech.TRIZ game “What would happen if…”. Purpose: to promote the development of analytical thinking, to develop the ability to calculate options for events.P.i. "The ball to the driver." Purpose: to improve auditory attention and response to the signal. P.i. "Needle, thread, knot." Purpose: to fix the rules of the game. Easter outdoor games "Rolling eggs to each other", "Relay race with eggs". Purpose: to improve physical skills.
2 p.d.Heuristic conversation "The ability to control yourself." Purpose: to promote the development of self-control.Examining willow branches with a magnifying glass. Purpose: to expand knowledge about nature, about the structure of the kidney.Reading a poem by A. Pleshcheev "Christ is Risen". Purpose: to introduce the work.Easter tree decor. Purpose: to involve children in the design of the group, to develop design skills.Conversation "Where did the heroes come from." Purpose: to continue the formation of ideas about healthy way life.


OOSocial and communicative developmentcognitive developmentSpeech developmentArtistic and aesthetic developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Problem situation "You met a stranger." Purpose: to form the basis of safe behavior.Games with Kuisener's sticks. Purpose: to expand mathematical representations.Di. "Change according to the pattern." Purpose: to improve the ability of children to change words (on the topic of the week).Hearing the bells ring. Purpose: to develop an ear for music, to consider various bells, to find out the dependence of sound on the size of the bell.Conversation "What are the benefits of eggs." Purpose: to talk about vitamins and useful substances in eggs, expand children's knowledge about egg dishes.
Tree planting. Purpose: to arouse the desire to plant and grow trees.Examination of tree seedlings. Purpose: to find out the features of the root system of different trees.Di. "Chain of words". Purpose: to improve the ability to highlight the first and last sound in a word.Independent theatrical games. Purpose: to create conditions for the manifestation of creativity, initiative.P.i. "Swipe". Purpose: to exercise in landing on toes with half-bent legs. P.i. "Trap with ribbons." Purpose: to complicate the game by introducing a second trap. Relay races at the choice of children.